#André Murillo
lissaxoxsworld · 13 days
thing you do a dance tutorial featuring Dre it's giving favorite hip-hop dance teacher🤣🤣😍😍
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cmatain · 5 months
Ignacio D. Arellano-Torres, asociado del GRISO, obtiene el premio «Luis Andrés Murillo» (2022) de la Cervantes Society of America
Ignacio D. Arellano-Torres, profesor de Adelphi University (Garden City, Nueva York) y miembro asociado del Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO) de la Universidad de Navarra, ha sido galardonado recientemente con el premio «Luis Andrés Murillo» de la Cervantes Society of America, correspondiente al mejor artículo publicado en el año 2022. Se trata, en concreto, de su trabajo «Paisaje…
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boomgers · 6 months
Estará dispuesto a todo para mantener la paz… “Sierra Madre: Prohibido Pasar”
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La historia se desarrolla en San Pedro Garza García, un municipio que forma parte del área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León, en donde las familias que forman parte de él, gozan de un estilo de vida único y repleto de bienestar. Mediante la perspectiva de los Parra, una familia de alto abolengo, se mostrará que no todo es lo que parece, mientras hacen todo lo posible por mantener la aparente tranquilidad en su paraíso.
Estreno: 21 de abril de 2024 por HBO y en Max.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Miguel Rodarte, Arturo Barba, Martín Saracho, Juan Carlos Remolina, Roberto Cázares, Andrés Delgado, Fernando Garzafox, Daniela Salinas, Tessa Ía, Lumi Cavazos, Natalia Plascencia, Mayra Hermosillo, Julieta Egurrola, entre otros.
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armagnac-army · 6 months
OOC: The Napoleonic Askblog/Roleplay Scene Directory
Here's an Out Of Character post listing the blogs I'm aware of in the Napoleonic RPF Roleplay Scene! It's OOC because Lannes would want to make sarcastic remarks with typos.
If you want (or don't want) your blog on this list, message me and whether you want a main/other blog associated with your name or whether you want to be anonymised! Also happy to include non-Frenchmen and Frev folks.
Doubles or multiple versions of people are welcome, this is a varied afterlife. We all have our different ideas for what this afterlife is like as well.
Feel free to reblog or link to this!
And now we have a OOC discord server to chat about all of this! Feel free to join if you'd like!
The Marshalate
armagnac-army - Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello - played by cadmusfly
murillo-enthusiast - Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, and ADCs - played by cadmusfly
@le-brave-des-braves - Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskva, Duke of Elchingen, and ADCs - played by @neylo
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat, King of Naples - played by @phatburd
@chicksncash - André Masséna, Prince of Essling, Duke of Rivoli, and others - played by @chickenmadam also playing as his ADC, with appearances from Marshal Augereau, the Cuirassier Generals d'Hautpoul and Nansouty, and the Horse Grenadier General Lepic
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram - played by @chickenmadam, as above
@perdicinae-observer - Louis-Nicolas Davout, Prince of Eckmühl, Duke of Auerstaedt - played by @mbenguin
@bow-and-talon - Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Marquis of Gouvion-Saint-Cyr
@france-hater - Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, or Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, played by @deathzgf also includes the Duke of Wellington and Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
@simple-giant-ed - Édouard Mortier, Duke of Treviso, played by @isa-ko
@bayard-de-la-garde - Jean-Baptiste Bessières, Duke of Istria
@le-bayard-polonaise - Prince Józef Poniatowski of Poland
@oudinot-still-alive - Nicolas Charles Oudinot duc de Reggio, played by @spaceravioli2
@beausoleil-de-bellune - Claude-Victor Perrin, Duke of Belluno
@commandant-des-traitres - Auguste de Marmont, Duke of Ragusa
The Grande Armée
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes - played by @promises-of-paradise
@askgeraudduroc - Géraud Duroc, Duke of Frioul, Grand-Marshal of the Palace - played by @sillybumblebeegirl, also with cameos from Marshal Bessières shared with your-dandy-king
@trauma-and-truffles - Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, Surgeon to Napoleon and the Imperial Guard - played by @hoppityhopster23 who also plays his modern assistant
@generaldesaix - Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux, most likely would have been a marshal if he lived - played by @usergreenpixel
@messenger-of-the-battlefield - Marcellin Marbot, aide-de-camp of maréchal Lannes - played by @a-system-of-nerds (Inactive)
@le-dieu-mars - Jean-Baptiste Kleber, General - played by @chickenmadam
@puddinglesablonniere, Charles-Étienne César Gudin de La Sablonnière, Gemeral of Davout's Corps
@francoislejeunes, Baron Louis-François Lejeune, ADC to Berthier, Artist and Engineer
@troboi1806, Jacques de Trobriand, ADC to Marshal Davout
@cynics-and-cynology, Captain Elzéar Blaze
@thehussargeneral, General Antoine-Charles-Louis, Comte de Lasalle
@pondicherry-pie, Charles-Rene Magon de Medine, Rear Admiral of the Combined Fleet at Trafalgar
The Bonaparte Family
@carolinemurat - Caroline Murat née Buonaparte, Queen of Naples - played by @usergreenpixel
@alexanderfanboy - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Big Cheese
@frencheaglet - Napoleon II, also known as Franz, Duke of Reichstadt, played by @usergreenpixel
@rosie-of-beauharnais - Rose Beauharnais, also known as Josephine Bonaparte, once Empress of the French
@le-fils - Eugène Beauharnais, Prince of the Empire, Bonaparte's stepson, played by @josefavomjaaga
@jbonapartes - Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, Prince of Montfort
@napoleon-bonapartee - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Head Honcho
Other Notable Personages
@askjackiedavid - Jacques Louis David, neoclassical painter - played by @sillybumblebeegirl
@lazarecarnot - Lazare Carnot, mathematician, military officer, politician and a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety
Not French
@the-blessed-emperor - Tsar Alexander I (Inactive)
@loyal-without-flattery - General Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev, who runs His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery (Inactive)
@misha-wants-to-go-home - Count Mikhail Andreyevich Miloradovich, played by @spaceravioli2
@catherinesucks - Tsar Paul I of Russia, father of Alexander I
@ask-tsaralexander - Tsar Alexander I, played by @goddammitjosef
@the1ronduke - Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, played by @spaceravioli2
@banasstre - Banastre Tarleton, Major-General
@pakenham-kitty - Catherine Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington
@headlessgenius - Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Painter and proud Spaniard
Original Characters and Friends
@the-adventures-of-lydia-brown - Lydia Brown, a jack of all trades and problem solver finding herself in this strange realm with all these dead Frenchmen
Hopster, trauma-and-truffles's modern time travelling assistant
Madam DuQuay, ADC who takes no nonsense, helping out chicksncash, your-staff-wizard and le-dieu-mars
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definetelynotmario · 6 months
well, claro que me vestí de verde hoy duh
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Sherk exhibit by costa rican artist Andrés Murillo. San José 2024.
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le-brave-des-braves · 7 months
you have reached my communication channel. I shall read through the letters as soon as one of my ADCs brings them to me, which might depend on the situation in the field.
You are welcome to submit any question, please be brief and go straight to the point. The love letters will be rejected.
If anyone has seen my family, please let me know.
Prince de la Moskowa, Duc d’Elchingen, Maréchal d’Empire
The marshal is a busy man, and some inquiries might be answered by us, his staff:
General Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini, chief of staff of Marshal Ney and the strategy expert. and a traitor who should not even be here Author of multiple best-selling books on the matter.
Captain Octave Levavasseur, the most heroic aide-de-camp of Marshal Ney and author of the bestselling book of simping about Ney Memoir!
Colonel Pierre-Agathe Heymes, the adult one
Les proclamations du Maréchal: announcements and official letter responses
Communication personnelle du Maréchal: Private communication
Les portraits du Maréchal: related art done either by @neylo or associates
Meine Adjutanten sind Idioten: The Aides-de-camp are responsible and upstanding officers except for the time when they aren’t
Disclaimer: This is rp/ask blog created for fun by @neylo. Please note that I am no Napoleonic historian and my only qualification might be that I also happen to be a redhead disaster with no concept of patience.
Didn't you have enough? Time to get to know the rest of the dead French squad!
@armagnac-army - Jean Lannes (he still didn't learn to spell)
@askgeneralduroc - Geraud Duroc and family (although he might be very busy since he is apparently a proud dad now)
@murillo-enthusiast - Jean de Dieu Soult (That loser who thinks he should be the king of Portugal. He should not.)
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat (and his terrible taste) - the KING OF ITALY
@chicksncash - André Masséna (you might miss your wallet after the conversation)
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot (not even a marshal. He needs a therapist)
@trauma-and-truffles - Dominique Jean Larrey - Medical attention (More like amputation station)
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier - The Prince of Paperwork
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your-dandy-king · 7 months
Updated 30 April 2024
Greetings my loyal subjects and, ahem, others!
It is I, your Dandy King, Joachim Murat! I have finally decided to make -- what is this called again -- a blog for myself. Isn't it lovely? Lannes seemed to be having so much fun, I just couldn't sit by. Even Soult is enjoying this far more than he lets on. I think you call it FOMO, these days, right?
Anyhow, I've decided to change my mind and opened my inbox for your questions and queries. I was, I admit, a little uncertain of this place when I first arrived but, by the by, but I shall deal with it as it comes! Please drop your questions into "The Royal Inbox." I cannot guarantee I can or will answer everything, but I will try.
I will be making my appearances on the blogs of my friends and colleagues as well, so I shall be seeing you around. Ta!
Here's a handy guide to some of those friends, colleagues, and more.
@armagnac-army: Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello, my buddy Gascon, the Greatest Gascon, that sheep guy
@askgeraudduroc: Geraud Christophe Michel Duroc, Grand Marshal of the Palace, beloved, Duke of Frioul, and Jean-Baptiste Bessières, also beloved, Duke of Istria, hunnybunkins
@le-brave-des-braves: Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, that ginger cannonball, do not taunt happy fun Ney
@murillo-enthusiast: Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, don't call him Nicolas, master of baked goods, has nothing to do with spotted dogs
@general-junot: Jean Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes, unhinged homewrecker
@chicksncash: André Masséna, Duke of Rivoli, Dear Child of Five-Fingered Discounts
@your-staff-wizard: Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel, eternity's paper pusher
@trauma-and-truffles: Dominique-Jean Larrey, who knew that a doctor is still useful when you're dead
@askjackiedavid: Jacques Louis David, painter, mostly harmless
@carolinemurat: Caroline Murat, loving wife and beloved partner, the Queen of Naples
@generaldesaix: Louis Desaix, the prankster of the Grand Armée
@messenger-of-the-battlefield: Marceillin Marbot, one of Lannes' ADCs with uh, interesting perspectives
@perdicinae-observer: Louis-Nicolas Davout, Duke of Auerstadt, the Iron Marshal
@frencheaglet: Napoleon II, the boy!
@alexanderfanboy: 🤨
Jean-Baptiste Bessières occasionally wanders over from @askgeraudduroc, and his text will appear in green. Like this!
This is a joke RP account run by @phatburd for one of Napoleon's marshals and brother-in-law, Joachim Murat. He's not the only Murat out there in Tumblr RP land, and (I think) he peacefully co-exists with them all. All of them are simply facets and mirrors of Joachim Murat, and he loves nothing better to have more of himself around. We are all Murat.
This blog should be considered a 0% source of historical accuracy.
OOC Ramble 30 April 2024: On our Discord server @askgeraudduroc brought up voice claims for our RPs of various Napoleonic figures. Tiny Media's take on Murat earwormed me awhile back, probably due to having grown up in the American South. So in my head, Murat's been speaking with a Texan drawl this whole time.
Historically, Bessières had the same accent as Murat, just not quite as thick, so I've been hearing Bessie in my head with a not-as-thick Texas accent. 👀
I don't like writing in dialect, however, and I've been avoiding it due to not wanting to break immersion but with @askgeraudduroc's blessing, I'm going to drop in a few more Texan-isms into their dialogue. And "Hunnybunnkins." That's my Murat's pet name for Bessie. Is he going to Calle Bessie "Hunnybunnkins"? You betcha!
User icon art by @cadmusfly: Murat striking a Barbie pose on his trusty horse!
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nightlocktime · 2 days
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A bit late but couldn't forget about them, our Paralympics delegation. They absolutely killed it. Every single one of them giving it all and making us proud.
Thank you to all of our 78 participants, 28 medalists, and 44 diplomas.
Alex Enrique Martínez Guevara, Ana Lucía Pinto Ochoa, Andrés Felipe Mosquera Neira, Angie Lizeth Pabón Mamian, Aura Cristina Poblador Granados, Bertha Cecilia Fernández Arango, Brayan Mauricio Triana Herrera, Buinder Brainer Bermúdez Villar, Carlos Andrés Vargas Villanueva, Carlos Daniel Serrano Zárate, Daniel Giraldo Correa, Daniela Carolina Munévar Flórez, Darian Faisury Jiménez Sánchez, David Felipe Rendón Acosta, Diego Fernando Meneses Medina, Edilson Chica Chica, Edwin Fabián Matiz Ruiz, Eglain Antonio Mena Lemus, Erica María Castaño Salazar, Euclides Grisales Diaz, Fabio Torres Silva, Francy Esther Osorio Calderón, Fredy Duvian López Morales, Gabriela Oviedo Rueda, Giovanny Andrés Malambo Rachez, Gisell Natalia Prada Pachón, Héctor Julio Ramírez Murcia, Ionis Dayana salcedo rodríguez, Jesús Alberto López, Jesús Augusto Romero Montoya, Jhohan Darío Ardila Cárdenas, Jhon Alexander Hernández García, Jhon Eider González Hernández, Jhon Fredy Gómez Giraldo, Jhon Sebastián Obando Asprilla, José Gregorio Lemos Rivas, Juan Alejandro Campas Sánchez, Juan David Pérez Quintero, Juan Esteban García Sánchez, Juan Esteban Patiño Giraldo, Juan José Betancourt Quiroga, Julián Andrés Jaramillo Téllez, Karen Tatiana Palomeque Moreno, Kevin Alfonso Moreno Gualaco, Laura Carolina González Rodríguez, Leider Albeiro Lemus Rojas, Leidy Johanna Chica Chica, Lino Nicolás Coca Castro, Luis dahir Arizala Ocoró, Luis Fernando Lara Rodallega, Luis Fernando Lucumí Villegas, Luis Francisco Sanclemente, María Alejandra Murillo Benítez, María Angélica Bernal Villalobos, María Mónica Daza Guzmán, María Paula Barrera Zapata, María Salomé Henao Sánchez, María Teresa Restrepo Rojas, Mariana Guerrero Martínez, Mauricio Andrés Valencia Campo, Mayerli Buitrago Ariza, Miguel Ángel Rincón Narváez, Nelson Crispín Corzo, Niver Rangel palmera, Paula Andrea Ossa Veloza, Reynel Romero Montoya, Santiago Solis Torres, Sara del Pilar Vargas Blanco, William Jair higuera Ocampo, Xiomara Saldarriaga Hernández, Yamil David Acosta Manjarrez, Yasiris Blandón Escobar, Yeferson Suárez Cardona, Yeniffer Paredes Muriel, Yesenia María Restrepo Muñoz, Yesica Paola Muñoz Nieto, Zharith Alejandra Rodríguez Silva, Zuleiny Rodríguez Trujillo
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dormarunt · 1 month
What things are worth (42856 words) by DorMarunt Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: La casa de papel | Money Heist (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote Characters: Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Lisbon | Raquel Murillo Fuentes, Original Characters Additional Tags: other minor La Banda characters, Alternate Universe - College/University, With a pronounced hint of canon, poor rich kids, TW: the 2000s, no beta we die like berlin, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating will change, Daddy Issues, Dream Fuckery, mentions of depression, super healthy family dynamics (tm), Recreational Drug Use, technically there was only one bed, Nippple piercing (past tense), Cemeteries, Martin "yes but NOT LIKE THAT" Berrote, Two Truths and A Lie, bisexual king Andres, not the only bisexual around
Summary: Martin earned himself a fresh new start as a university student and he tries to decide what he wants to do with his life now that he's finally free of his father's influence (…he is, isn't he?) And on the very first day of school, during the first class, he meets someone who may just end up helping him figure it all out. Or, university-age Berlermo meet, and everything is exactly as it seems!
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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O martirio de santo André, de Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
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ao3feed-berlermo · 2 years
A tender wish
A tender wish https://archiveofourown.org/works/43797672 by Betta_96 (@belollo)
As a child Martín never celebrated Christmas: there was no money, no presents, the closest thing to a family was a stray cat who came to visit him every evening to eat. Then Andrés arrived and every day became a party. As a child Andrés rarely celebrated Christmas: money was used to eat, gifts weren't contemplated, something that really meant "family" he met when he discovered he had a brother. Then Martín arrived and every day he felt like he was in the family. - Hi! Even if it's a bit late ahahah I hope that you like the gift-fic! Happy Christmas! 🎄 Prompt: Berlermo last minute Christmas shopping
Words: 9247, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Palermo | Martín Berrote, Professor | Sergio Marquina, Lisbon | Raquel Murillo Fuentes, Paula Vicuña Murillo, Helsinki | Mirko Dragic, Nairobi | Ágata Jiménez, Marseille | Jakov (La casa de papel), Tokyo | Silene Oliveira, Rio | Aníbal Cortés
Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote
Additional Tags: Berlermo Secret Santa, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Falling In Love, Shopping, Gift Fic
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lissaxoxsworld · 13 days
bridge over troubled water in Anaheim also Dre being supportive hubby 💙🥲😘
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LOVERDE.COMMUNITY GARDEN PROJECT. Palacio de San Andrés de Cornellana, Gijón. 2024 on going from vlopez_PACA artprojects on Vimeo.
Lo verde. Un jardín amateur para El Palacio, es un proyecto de naturaleza comunitaria de la artista Virginia López que se ha encaminado hacia una acción concreta: generar una comunidad jardinera responsable del diseño, plantación y cuidados de mantenimiento de un jardín para/en el palacio barroco de san Andrés (palacio destinado desde el 2024 a usos culturales y gestionado por la Fundación Municipal de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Gijón). De cara a la intervención y creación de este jardín comunitario LOVERDE, Virginia ha generado durante 6 meses (entre enero y junio 2024) un proceso de creación y de aprendizaje conjunto a través de encuentros, charlas y talleres abiertos (lo verde abstracto, lo verde histórico, lo verde tierra, lo verde pictórico, lo verde cultivado y las meditaciones de Palomar…) en los que se entrecruzan algunos de los múltiples conocimientos que se dan cita en un jardín, conviviendo cultura, arte y naturaleza.
El jardín se ha inaugurado durante las Puertas Abiertas del Palacio 8 y 9 de junio 2024.
El jardín LoVerde es ya una realidad, en constante evolución.
La Comunidad Jardinera que se ha creado durante los meses inciales del proyecto, está abierta y, como el jardín, en constante evolución. Si quieres ajardinarte y formar parte, contáctanos. tel. +34 636068914 / [email protected]
Comunidad Jardinera (2024): Alejandro Suárez, Carmen Cantón, Catalina del Riego, Covadonga Hevia, Gloria Pintueles, Graciela María Roces, Irina Martínez, Josefa Morales(Pepa), Jorge Marcos Pérez (Keko), Lucía Valiente, Marisa García, Paz Alonso, Maria Antonia Suárez (Toín), Sergio Santurio, Violeta Murillo, Virginia López, Yolanda Carreño. Se incorporan en el verano 2024: Marina y Estíbaliz.
Colabora en el proyecto: Luis F. Martínez Zahonero de Viveros La Resqueta,un vivero de plantas vivaces en Grao (Asturias). Lo Verde se realiza gracias al apoyo de la Fundación Muncipal de Cultura, Educación y Universidad Popular del Ayuntamiento de Gijón
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acapulcopress · 8 days
La vida vale más que10 millones
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No es una oferta mercantil para llamar al universo de mercenarios qué seguramente estarán "alisando" su equipo para la búsqueda de tesoros...de este supuesto tesoro qué está definitivamente muy lejos de serlo. Es en todo caso un hecho convertido en la búsqueda perpetua de la certidumbre del encuentro de La Paz y la concordia con nosotros mismos, los guerrerenses. Ese es en el fondo, el llamado de la gobernadora Evelyn Cesia Salgado Pineda, ante los padres de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos de la Escuela Normal Rural, Raúl Isidro Burgos, de Tixtla desaparecidos la noche del 26 y 27 de septiembre de haceaaq 10 años. El llamado y la oferta de la gobernadora que puede verse como una respuesta al incumplimiento, al fracaso de la "promesa" del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, quién literalmente "tiró la toalla", para cumplir con dicho compromiso. Teniendo cómo antecedente de ello el retiro de Alejandro Encinas, Comisionado Especial para el caso, atravesando el puente para unirse al gobierno de la presidenta electa, Claudia Sheinbaum. No lo dijo pero sin duda estaba tan cansado por la presión, como el mismo Murillo Karam, al dar a conocer la Verdad Histórica, y expresar, "Estoy muy Cansado". No cabe duda que el compromiso dado hacia los padres de los 43 estudiantes, fue solamente un compromiso político. La demanda de los padres de esos estudiantes profundo desde el dolor mismo, sin politiqueros, con los cuerpos cansados y su espíritu imbatible por la verdad. Aquí es dónde por ese requisito de la búsqueda y desesperación la gobernadora de Guerrero, ha logrado establecer más qué un contacto, un sólido y humano acercamiento, más allá del "yo también soy madre" que tuvo una firme resonancia en unos espíritus desesperados, que buscaban una mano firme y creíble, después de 10 años de manipulaciones, simulaciones y falta de cumplimientos oficiales a promesas no cumplidas. Quién o quiénes se van a aventurar por la búsqueda del oro, por llamarlo llamado coloquialmente, búsqueda en terrenos totalmente minados. Quiénes, quiénes? 10 millones de pesos atraerán al más santo, la región se llenará de "gambusinos", la codicia hará "salivar" al más prudente, como son los propios padres de familia de los 43. Como en el Viejo Oeste, se convertirá la región tierra de oportunidades. En tanto de lo qué sí estamos seguros de esta quimera, es en la luz de esperanza que ha sembrado la gobernadora Evelyn, la democracia vale más qué eso. Cómo responderán los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa ante esto? Es difícil decirlo. www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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ocombatente · 2 months
Golpe de Estado: Militares da Bolívia tomam a praça Murillo, na tarde desta quarta-feira, ao vivo veja
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Zúñiga diz que um novo Gabinete será formado e que Luis Arce é presidente “por enquanto” O comandante do Exército da Bolívia, Andrés Zúñiga, disse nesta quarta-feira que as FFAAs tomaram a praça Murillo em La Paz por “incômodo” e afirmou que um novo gabinete de ministros será formado. Ele disse que Luis Arce é presidente da Bolívia “por enquanto”. “Certamente em breve ele vai ver um novo Gabinete”, disse ele à imprensa do centro do poder político em La Paz. “Vai haver um novo Gabinete. Vai mudar de ministros, mas o nosso Estado não pode continuar assim, fazendo o que quiser. Estamos mostrando nossa irritante, é dever, obrigação que suas FFAAs recuperem novamente esta pátria, chega de empobrecer a pátria e humilhar o Exército”, disse Zúñiga. Comandante do Exército, Juan José Zúñiga “Há os três comandantes das forças. Viemos para manifestar o nosso aborrecimento”, disse ele. “Vamos tomar” a Casa Grande afirmou. “Não pode ser que a lealdade dos comandantes seja paga com deslealdade”, disse ele. Ela indicou que “nunca com o povo, não vamos enfrentar”. Ele disse que coordenaram a tomada com unidades policiais. Consultado se reconhece a autoridade do presidente Luis Arce, disse “por enquanto”. Mais informações a qualquer momento. Com agencias. Read the full article
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leblogdemacky · 3 months
SILENCIO (2024) - Trailer from Jonathan Ospina on Vimeo.
2024 | 59' | digital | color | 5.1 sound
A hybrid film that narrates the story of a sound recorder from a big city in Colombia who goes to the jungles in the pacific coast, in search of the sounds from a past that is still haunting the present. A personal journey of listening where she meets local activists of different generations engaged with the preservation of memory, and where music and oral traditions enact as liminal spaces in which mourning invokes and shakes the ghosts of a colonial heritage before the promises of the future.
written and directed by Jonathan Ospina cinematography : Alvaro Kreyden edit : Jonathan Ospina
 editing assistant : Nina Wolf sound: Daniela Cano, Andrés Rangel director assistant : Felipe Perea line producer : Ludis Zuñiga García sound design and mix : Oscar van Hoogevest mix assistant : Mara Micciche color grading : Dominik Zietlow producer : Mark Olexa - Dok Mobile production assistants in Colombia: Irma Sanchez Tejada, Juan Carlos Murillo music: Cumbavi, Tambacum
project tutor : Verena Paravel
production Master cinéma HES-SO ECAL/HEAD and DOK Mobile
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