#Anderson Mill Pub
bluenews · 3 months
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1ST  - 7TH JULY 2024.
Rumors of a brand new seafood restaurant have been milling about town for months, but it seems like there’s truth to this particular piece of gossip! Oyster & Pearl has recently taken up a vacant unit in Laurel Village, overlooking the harbor, the slot using the panoramic views to their advantage with outdoor seating. Though not much is known by the minds behind the eatery, it is reported that the owner has run a Michelin star restaurant back in Los Angeles. It is reported to open Tuesday 2nd July, and is accepting seat bookings now — just in time to watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July!
It has been reported that IntegraTech Civil Solutions, a large engineering firm responsible for multiple skyscrapers, malls and resort builds across the world, has recently attained an abandoned warehouse in Weaver Ridge. Previously a factory that specialized in paper and wood manufacturing, the site lay dormant for over forty years. Though IntegraTech haven’t revealed the exact nature of what will be on the former site, they do promise it’ll “change the landscape of Blue Harbor as the people know it”.
A mix of wet and dry this week, with consistent temperatures but inconsistent sun and rain. Things are looking up this Independence Day continuing on Friday with forecasted bright sunshine to last all day before it dips at the weekend.
Monday — 78°F / 57°F — sunny with clouds
Tuesday — 88°F / 72°F — sunny with clouds
Wednesday — 86°F / 70°F — scattered showers
Thursday — 88°F / 70°F — bright sunshine
Friday — 89°F / 72°F — bright sunshine
Saturday — 82°F / 64°F — sunny with clouds
Sunday — 80°F / 70°F — scattered showers
Happy Fourth of July! Many of our local businesses are feeling especially patriotic this week, and are celebrating all things Red, White and Blue (Harbor)!
The annual firework show will be kicking off at 7pm, Thursday July 4th at the harborside in Laurel Village. The event is free, and guests are encouraged to bring their own seating and food for the night!
Lakeside Lodge is offering a 40% discount on all rooms for the holiday weekend! Book directly via their website!
Dreamland Market is having a Summer Sale on BBQ foods, fireworks, and all Independence Day needs!
And, of course, popular chain stores around town will be offering their own deals! Keep your eye out on their socials and in-store advertisements!
The following open starters could use a little love!
Dahlia Young @ Crystal Clear
Dante Kidd @ The Pride Festival
Daniel Choi @ The Pride Festival
Damian Escobedo @ O’Shea’s Irish Pub
Rory Anderson @ Happy Tails
Ruby Morrisey @ Honey Bee Tea
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skyzito · 7 years
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Very Excited about this New Project! 
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johnputignano · 3 years
Big Jim’s Big Secret (Short Story)
When Big Jim Anderson finally uttered his final breath, well, King’s Creek had lost a true legend. That son of a bitch was renowned for his ability to drink anybody under the bar. No shit. And when Big Jim started tossing back cold brew, there was no way of knowing whether you would get the friendly old man or the cocksucker who loved to tease. Regardless, it was all in good fun.
I swear to god, there had been this one occasion when these degenerate punk rockers rolling on through. Apparently, they had a show that night in the valley, their name was “The Shit Kickers” but they pulled into town and made a short pit stop off at Mitch’s Pub to wet their palate. Clarissa had been tending the bar when the Mohawk weirdo began making a ruckus.
These punk rockers just love to get under the skin of working-class folk in the Bible Belt, and so there he was, spouting off obscenities and blasphemy for shock value. The spectacle was nothing more than the run of the mill asinine, juvenile behavior.
Big Jim heard the whole thing but felt that this wast his battle. So he ignored the punkers the best he could, but throughout the night they continued to get louder, drunker and more obnoxious. Enough was enough.
“I’m going to ask you boys to bring it down a notch or I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Clarissa spoke loud and clear so that there was no mistaking anything.
“Fuck you, redneck slut.” the one with four lips rings responded before pouring his beer all over the floor. “You better clean that up less you want a lawsuit.”
This made Big Jim get all crazy. That big fucker rose from his barstool, picked it up in a calloused mitt and began to bash one of those jokers in the back of the dome. The Punker went down like a sack of horse shit, I mean knocked out cold. Another pulled out a switchblade.
“Oh, so you want to play games.”
Big Jim retrieved his large sheathed blade. The sight of this menacing bastard was sufficient enough to make a Civil War veteran shit his knickers and piss all over himself. That fellow knew full well that he was fucked. Luckily so did Dennis Lee, who quietly got up and bolted shut the bar entrance, ominously flipping the sign around, letting patrons know that they were closed.
“Big Jim, carve this fucker up real nice.”
And he did, ramming that mean steel blade right into the city boy’s esophagus. He was deceased before he knew it. Big Jim then made his way over to the unconscious man, yanked his head up by his hair and slashed him ear to ear. That night Clarissa, Dennis, and Big Jim would haul those bodies to Robert Turner’s farm to get rid of them.
Yeah, Big Jim was no joke and when he passed from a heart attack, well it just brought every eye in town to tears. The funeral was held at his house. Understandably, the better part of the town showed up to pay their respect and all were in the bark yard where the service was being held. That is, except for Big Jim’s grandson Waylon. That’s because he had snuck off to the basement.
Big Jim had a heart, and he was an open book, more or less, that is except for his private room in the basement. This room is where he spent a considerable amount of time and when he was in the basement, the old man was not to be disturbed.
The mystery of that room captivated the young boy’s mind. What was in that room? All sorts of scenarios went through the kid’s head. Hell, at one time he thought that his grandpa had a space alien locked up in there. I’m serious, that’s how secretive he was about how he spent his time.
Waylon knew that the room was fastened by a simple padlock and luckily for him he knew just where to get a pair of bolt cutters, which he snuck over there and hid in the bushes close by. As he stood in front of that ominous door all sorts of shit went through Waylon’s twelve-year-old head but he knew that this was his only chance he’d get.
The bolt cutters worked like expected, but Waylon froze for a moment. What if something so awful was being imprisoned behind this door that his grandfather took it upon himself to shield his family from it? And what if, by opening this door, that evil were to escape and wreak havoc? There was no point of contemplating at this point. The lock was busted and his hand was already on the door knob.
Now, before we proceed any further with this story, there is something we should address about Big Jim. His wife was Bridgette and in her day she was hell on wheels. As Big Jim told the story, he fell in love one night way back when they were both in their early twenties. Brigette was a Tom Boy and boy did she love to fight men. I mean, she was ruthless, and she had a particular distaste for pedophiles and rapists. That year Frank Reed had been arrested for molesting a sixteen-year-old girl, but since we all know that the court system is a joke, he got off on a technicality. Now Brigette never would admit to it for obvious reasons, but it is presumed to be true that she went to Frank’s house one night in the summer and cut his dick off. Frank lived, but she took the dick with her and fed it to her dog. The police never could get an answer out of that man as to who done it but when Big Jim caught wind of what Brigette had done he knew that this was the woman for him.
Brigette saw Big Jim as a wildcard with a heart, and that appealed to her. So when he announced that he was going to have a secret space for himself many years ago, she asked no questions. She trusted her husband was doing nothing more than blowing off steam, probably drinking beers and tinkering with the model cars he was obsessed with making.
Despite all the young Waylon’s planning, he did not anticipate Brigette’s keen sense of awareness. So when she saw her son’s kid sneak back into the house, she knew damn well what he was about to do. For fuck’s sake, everyone in town knew about his secret room and we all wondered what was in it. Brigette didn’t care that her husband was dead, she intended to keep the promise she made to him years earlier, to never step foot in that room. She’d be damned if she was going to let some snot-nosed brat disrespect her deceased husband.
By the time she found an opportunity to slip away unnoticed, she took it. Once in the house she moved quickly to the basement but when she got there, it was too late. The door was open, and the boy had disrespected a dead man’s wishes.
“Now you really did it Waylon.”
He seemed unfazed by her voice. The boy wasn’t even startled by the unexpected company, he was too focused on what he saw. As Brigette descended the stairs her anger turned to curiosity. What was in that room to steal her grandson’s attention so much that he couldn’t even hear the ass whooping he was going to get when she told his father? When she saw the tears in his eyes her curiosity turned to concern.
“Waylon?” she called out. He turned his head toward her and she saw trauma. It was that same look Frank had on him when she sliced off his willy.
“Grandma, I’m sorry, but I had to know.”
“Well, you went on and opened it. So what’s in there that has you so upset?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Boy, you better tell me.” Anger was returning, but when she got to the doorframe she too froze. “Holy shit.”
Big Jim’s secret room was a secret no more, and what the two of them saw was nothing short of disturbings. The room contained a shrine of sorts. Every inch of wall space was covered in Polaroid pictures, and in those pictures were children. In some pictures she could see parts of Big Jim which she identified by his chest tattoo, which was of a confederate flag. In all the pictures, the kids are naked, some crying. As horrifying as these were, they didn’t compare to the ones of her husband performing various sexual acts. Big Jim was a pedophile.
How does one recover from such revelations? She knew that Waylon couldn’t be trusted to keep his mouth shut and once word go out that she was married to a kid diddler, well, she couldn’t bear the embarrassment.
“Waylon. I want you to go back to the funeral. Say nothing.”
The poor kid was so shocked that he obeyed without so much as a whimper, making his way back like a soldier suffering from shell shock. Once alone Brigette dropped the touch act and began sobbing. Her entire life with Big Jim was a disgusting lie. She slept in the same bed with this filthy monster. There was no stopping this. Word was sure to spread but what she can do is make certain that nobody ever sees the contents of that room.
After getting back her composure, Brigette made her way to the garage where she retrieved two cans of gasoline. With a broken heart, she poured it all over that room. Every inch was dripping with gasoline. Once both cans were empty, she grabbed a box of matches from the kitchen. Without hesitation, she struck a match and tossed it into the room.
Brigette stood there, watching the room burn with all its contents until she no longer could stand the heat. As she made her way back to the funeral, the flames began to spread to the rest of the house.
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bigjimbigsecret · 3 years
Big Jim’s Big Secret
When Big Jim Anderson finally uttered his final breath, well, King’s Creek had lost a true legend. That son of a bitch was renowned for his ability to drink anybody under the bar. No shit. And when Big Jim started tossing back cold brew, there was no way of knowing whether you would get the friendly old man or the cocksucker who loved to tease. Regardless, it was all in good fun.
I swear to god, there had been this one occasion when these degenerate punk rockers rolling on through. Apparently, they had a show that night in the valley, their name was “The Shit Kickers” but they pulled into town and made a short pit stop off at Mitch’s Pub to wet their palate. Clarissa had been tending the bar when the Mohawk weirdo began making a ruckus.
These punk rockers just love to get under the skin of working-class folk in the Bible Belt, and so there he was, spouting off obscenities and blasphemy for shock value. The spectacle was nothing more than the run of the mill asinine, juvenile behavior.
Big Jim heard the whole thing but felt that this wast his battle. So he ignored the punkers the best he could, but throughout the night they continued to get louder, drunker and more obnoxious. Enough was enough.
“I’m going to ask you boys to bring it down a notch or I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Clarissa spoke loud and clear so that there was no mistaking anything.
“Fuck you, redneck slut.” the one with four lips rings responded before pouring his beer all over the floor. “You better clean that up less you want a lawsuit.”
This made Big Jim get all crazy. That big fucker rose from his barstool, picked it up in a calloused mitt and began to bash one of those jokers in the back of the dome. The Punker went down like a sack of horse shit, I mean knocked out cold. Another pulled out a switchblade.
“Oh, so you want to play games.”
Big Jim retrieved his large sheathed blade. The sight of this menacing bastard was sufficient enough to make a Civil War veteran shit his knickers and piss all over himself. That fellow knew full well that he was fucked. Luckily so did Dennis Lee, who quietly got up and bolted shut the bar entrance, ominously flipping the sign around, letting patrons know that they were closed.
“Big Jim, carve this fucker up real nice.”
And he did, ramming that mean steel blade right into the city boy’s esophagus. He was deceased before he knew it. Big Jim then made his way over to the unconscious man, yanked his head up by his hair and slashed him ear to ear. That night Clarissa, Dennis, and Big Jim would haul those bodies to Robert Turner’s farm to get rid of them.
Yeah, Big Jim was no joke and when he passed from a heart attack, well it just brought every eye in town to tears. The funeral was held at his house. Understandably, the better part of the town showed up to pay their respect and all were in the bark yard where the service was being held. That is, except for Big Jim’s grandson Waylon. That’s because he had snuck off to the basement.
Big Jim had a heart, and he was an open book, more or less, that is except for his private room in the basement. This room is where he spent a considerable amount of time and when he was in the basement, the old man was not to be disturbed.
The mystery of that room captivated the young boy’s mind. What was in that room? All sorts of scenarios went through the kid’s head. Hell, at one time he thought that his grandpa had a space alien locked up in there. I’m serious, that’s how secretive he was about how he spent his time.
Waylon knew that the room was fastened by a simple padlock and luckily for him he knew just where to get a pair of bolt cutters, which he snuck over there and hid in the bushes close by. As he stood in front of that ominous door all sorts of shit went through Waylon’s twelve-year-old head but he knew that this was his only chance he’d get.
The bolt cutters worked like expected, but Waylon froze for a moment. What if something so awful was being imprisoned behind this door that his grandfather took it upon himself to shield his family from it? And what if, by opening this door, that evil were to escape and wreak havoc? There was no point of contemplating at this point. The lock was busted and his hand was already on the door knob.
Now, before we proceed any further with this story, there is something we should address about Big Jim. His wife was Bridgette and in her day she was hell on wheels. As Big Jim told the story, he fell in love one night way back when they were both in their early twenties. Brigette was a Tom Boy and boy did she love to fight men. I mean, she was ruthless, and she had a particular distaste for pedophiles and rapists. That year Frank Reed had been arrested for molesting a sixteen-year-old girl, but since we all know that the court system is a joke, he got off on a technicality. Now Brigette never would admit to it for obvious reasons, but it is presumed to be true that she went to Frank’s house one night in the summer and cut his dick off. Frank lived, but she took the dick with her and fed it to her dog. The police never could get an answer out of that man as to who done it but when Big Jim caught wind of what Brigette had done he knew that this was the woman for him.
Brigette saw Big Jim as a wildcard with a heart, and that appealed to her. So when he announced that he was going to have a secret space for himself many years ago, she asked no questions. She trusted her husband was doing nothing more than blowing off steam, probably drinking beers and tinkering with the model cars he was obsessed with making.
Despite all the young Waylon’s planning, he did not anticipate Brigette’s keen sense of awareness. So when she saw her son’s kid sneak back into the house, she knew damn well what he was about to do. For fuck’s sake, everyone in town knew about his secret room and we all wondered what was in it. Brigette didn’t care that her husband was dead, she intended to keep the promise she made to him years earlier, to never step foot in that room. She’d be damned if she was going to let some snot-nosed brat disrespect her deceased husband.
By the time she found an opportunity to slip away unnoticed, she took it. Once in the house she moved quickly to the basement but when she got there, it was too late. The door was open, and the boy had disrespected a dead man’s wishes.
“Now you really did it Waylon.”
He seemed unfazed by her voice. The boy wasn’t even startled by the unexpected company, he was too focused on what he saw. As Brigette descended the stairs her anger turned to curiosity. What was in that room to steal her grandson’s attention so much that he couldn’t even hear the ass whooping he was going to get when she told his father? When she saw the tears in his eyes her curiosity turned to concern.
“Waylon?” she called out. He turned his head toward her and she saw trauma. It was that same look Frank had on him when she sliced off his willy.
“Grandma, I’m sorry, but I had to know.”
“Well, you went on and opened it. So what’s in there that has you so upset?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Boy, you better tell me.” Anger was returning, but when she got to the doorframe she too froze. “Holy shit.”
Big Jim’s secret room was a secret no more, and what the two of them saw was nothing short of disturbings. The room contained a shrine of sorts. Every inch of wall space was covered in Polaroid pictures, and in those pictures were children. In some pictures she could see parts of Big Jim which she identified by his chest tattoo, which was of a confederate flag. In all the pictures, the kids are naked, some crying. As horrifying as these were, they didn’t compare to the ones of her husband performing various sexual acts. Big Jim was a pedophile.
How does one recover from such revelations? She knew that Waylon couldn’t be trusted to keep his mouth shut and once word go out that she was married to a kid diddler, well, she couldn’t bear the embarrassment.
“Waylon. I want you to go back to the funeral. Say nothing.”
The poor kid was so shocked that he obeyed without so much as a whimper, making his way back like a soldier suffering from shell shock. Once alone Brigette dropped the touch act and began sobbing. Her entire life with Big Jim was a disgusting lie. She slept in the same bed with this filthy monster. There was no stopping this. Word was sure to spread but what she can do is make certain that nobody ever sees the contents of that room.
After getting back her composure, Brigette made her way to the garage where she retrieved two cans of gasoline. With a broken heart, she poured it all over that room. Every inch was dripping with gasoline. Once both cans were empty, she grabbed a box of matches from the kitchen. Without hesitation, she struck a match and tossed it into the room.
Brigette stood there, watching the room burn with all its contents until she no longer could stand the heat. As she made her way back to the funeral, the flames began to spread to the rest of the house.
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eeraygun · 4 years
Top 246 Sonic Releases of 2020
001. Perfume Genius - Set My Heart On Fire Immediately 002. Splash Pattern - Sentinel 003. Pontiac Streator - Triz 004. gayphextwin & Pépe - gayphextwin / Pépe EP 005. Various Artists - SLINK Volume 1 006. Echium - Disruptions of Form 007. Henry Greenleaf - Caught 008. Sega Bodega - Reestablishing Connection 009. Summer Walker - Life on Earth 010. Charli XCX - how i'm feeling now 011. Various Artists - Physically Sick 3 012. Autechre - Sign 013. Off The Meds - Off The Meds 014. Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World 015. Luis Pestana - Rosa Pano 016. Reinartz - Ravecoil 017. pent - - 018. Mark Leckey - In This Lingering Twilight Sparkle 019. Various Artists - Sharpen, Moving 020. Vanessa Worm - Vanessa 77 021. Aho Ssan - Simulacrum 022. Lyra Pramuk - Fountain 023. PJ Harvey - Dry Demos 024. Felicia Atkinson - Echo 025. Arca - KiCK i 026. Space Afrika - hybtwibt 027. Ambien Baby - Mindkiss 028. The Gasman - Voyage 029. Inigo Kennedy - Arcadian Falls 030. Raft of Trash - Likeness on the Edge of Town 031. OL - Wildlife Processing 032. Fyu-Jon - Furrow 033. Desire Marea - Desire 034. Octo Octa - Love Hypnosis Vol. 1 035. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher 036. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Left My Brain @ Can Paixano (La Xampanyeria) OST 037. Various Artists - She's More Wild 038. Various Artists - Days Of Future Past [White Material] 039. Foul Play - Origins 040. Late Night Approach - The Naus Investigation 041. Amazondotcom & Siete Catorce - Vague Currency 042. Davis Galvin - Ntih / Icia 043. Patiño - Actually Laughing Out Loud 044. Various Artists - 2nd Anniversary Compilation [All Centre] 045. St-Antoine, Feu - L'eau Par La Soif 046. Xozgk - skllpt 047. Various Artists - The Sun is Setting on the World 048. DJ Python - Mas Amable 049. Peter Van Hoesen - Chapter for the Agnostic 050. Tracing Xircles - Air Lock 051. Ben & Jerry - Formant Fry 052. still house plants - Fast Edit 053. D-Leria - Still Standing 054. Florian T M Zeisig - Coatcheck 055. Hanne Lippard - Work 056. Shedbug & Rudolf C - Honey Mushrooms II 057. Carl Stone - Stolen Car 058. Ruth Anderson - Here 059. Sid Quirk - Ginnel Talk 060. Various Artists - Fluo I [Kindergarten Records] 061. Pump Media Unlimited - Change 062. VC-118A - Crunch / Plonk 063. Beatriz Ferreyra - Echos+ 064. Bearer - Precincts 065. PARSA - PAƬCHƜȜRKZ 1 066. Holly Childs & Gediminas Žygus - Hydrangea 067. Cosmin TRG - Remote 068. Obsequies - Carcass 069. Jake Muir - the hum of your veiled voice 070. No Moon - Set Phasers to Stun 071. Olli Aarni - Mustikoita ja kissankelloja 072. E-Unity - Duo Road EP 073. Benedek - Mr. Goods 074. Extinction Room - Extinction Stories 075. Hodge - Shadows In Blue 076. Various Artists - Tiny Planet Vol. 2 077. Floco Floco - On m'a dit 078. Breather - Ceremonies Of Aporia 079. Unknown Mobile - Leafy Edits Vol. 2 080. Wetman & Sword of Thorns - Apt E Vol 2 081. Borderlandstate_ the Best Kisser in L.A. - Hello Mainframe 082. Kiera Mulhern - De ossibus 20 083. Mads Kjeldgaard - Hold Time 084. Тпсб - Whities 031 EP 085. Network Glass - Twitch 086. a2a - A2A¹ EP 087. Wata Igarashi - Traveling 088. Joey G II - Pub Talk 089. Atom™ - <3 090. Valentina Magaletti & Marlene Ribeiro - Due Matte 091. Ewan Jansen - Island Diary 092. HOOVER1 - HOOVER1-4 093. Nazar - Guerrilla 094. Paradise Cinema - Paradise Cinema 095. Daisies - Daisies in the Studio with DJ Rap Class 096. Alloy Sea - Petrichor 097. Flørist - Intermedia 1 EP 098. Nandele - FF 099. Pro.tone - Zero Day Attack 100. Michael J. Blood - Introducing Michael J Blood 101. Various Artists - RV Trax, Vol. 5 102. DJ Plead - Going for It EP 103. Strategy - The Babbling Brook 104. Various Artists - surf000 105. Deft - Burna 106. Various Artists - WorldWideWindow 107. Lucy Liyou - Welfare 108. O-Wells - Ebecs 109. Special Request - Spectral Frequency EP 110. Anunaku - Stargate 111. Scott Young - Ket City 112. Various Artists - Stir Crazy Vol.1 113. Syz - Bunzunkunzun 114. Oozy Zoo - Sabertooth 115. Vanessa Amara - Poses 116. Carl Finlow - Apparatus 117. Al Wootton - Snake Dance EP 118. Oi Les Ox - Crooner qui coule sous les clous 119. aircode - Effortless 120. Tristan Arp - Slip 121. Andrea - Ritorno 122. Russell Ellington Langston Butler - Emotional Bangers Only 123. The Lone Flanger - The Photon's Path 124. SHelley Parker & Peder Mannerfelt - Decouple ]( Series 125. Esplendor Geometrica - Cinética 126. Casey MQ - babycasey 127. Gacha Bakradze - Western Arrogance 128. Fatherhood - Big Boy 129. Blawan - Make A Goose 130. Roza Terenzi, Roza - Modern Bliss 131. AceMo - SYSTEM OVERRIDE 132. Meitei - Kofū 133. Penelope Trappes - Eel Drip 134. Adult Fantasies - Towers of Silence 135. Plush Managements Inc. - Magic Plush 136. Further Reductions - array 137. Ben Bondy & Exael - Aphelion Lash 138. Pugilist - Blue Planet EP 139. Dylan Henner - The Invention of the Human 140. Cindy - I'm Cindy 141. Ulla - Tumbling Towards a Wall 142. EMMA DJ - PZSÅRIASISZSZ TAPE 143. BufoBufo - Potholing 144. Model Home - Live 5-12-20 145. Low Budget Aliens - Junk DNA 146. Paranoid London - PLEDITS#2 147. Emra Grid - A System A Platform A Voiid 148. J. Albert - Pre Formal Audio 149. Dawl - Break It Down 150. Oall Hates - Tranceporter 151. Mystic Letter K - Cosmic Clearance [MLK4, 2020] 152. Coco Bryce - Lost City Archives Vol 2 153. Hagan - Waves 154. Various Artists - ON+ON+ON 155. INVT - EXTREMA 156. C Powers - Redirections Vol. 1 157. Significant Other - Club Aura 158. Client_03 - Thought disposal 159. Ghost Phone - LOCKDOWN BODY EDITS 160. Two Shell - N35 161. Rhyw - Loom High 162. EAMS - Demode 163. Various Artists - Woozy001 164. Society Of Silence – Réalisme Viscéral 165. HVL - Alignment 166. Alan Johnson - Material World 167. Matthew D Gantt - Diagnostics 168. DJ Detox - RM12009 169. Critical Amnesia - Critical Amnesia 170. Neinzer - Whities 025 EP 171. Despina & Ma Sha Ru - Polychronia 172. Divide - Computer Music 173. URA - Blue [NAFF008, 2020] 174. Forest Drive West - Terminus EP 175. Glacci - Alzarin _ Lavvender Rush 176. Fergus Sweetland - Fergus Sweetland 177. Various Artists - C12 - Social Distancing 1.1 178. A-Sim - The Puppet Master 179. Chlär - Power to the Soul 180. Will Hofbauer - Where Did All The Hay Go 181. Protect-U - In Harmony Of An Interior World 182. Instinct & 0113 - Instinct 11 183. Ribbon Stage - My Favorite Shrine 184. Zenker Brothers - Mad System 185. 2Lanes - Baby's Born To Fish... - Impish Desires 186. Nebulo - Parallaxes 187. Martyn Bootyspoon - Lickety Split 188. Erik Griswold - All's Grist That Comes To The Mill 189. Alex Falk - Movefast 190. DJ SWISHA & Kanyon - Club Simulator EP 191. Happa - Ls14 Battler _ 36Th Chamberlain (Remixes) 192. Svreca - FRUE 193. Anz - Loos In Twos (NRG) 194. James King - rinsed - installed 195. Catartsis & Ōtone - Mechanical Gesture 196. Daniel J. Gregory - Life Is A Bin 197. Desert Sound Colony - Pulled Through The Wormhole EP 198. Floral Resources - TS00000? 199. Alex R - Last Attempt 200. Notzing - The Abuse Of Hypnosis In Dance Environments 201. Brain Rays & Quiet - Butter [SR081A, 2020] 202. Benjamin Damage - Deep Space Transit 203. BROSHUDA - Contemplative Figuration 204. Various Artists - Radiant Love IWD Comp 205. Paradise 3001 - Low Sun Archives 206. 011668 & S280F - Os 207. Kubota, Kazuma - Mind 208. HATENA - HANDZ 209. Leonce - Seconds & Fifths EP 210. Furtive - Sympathies IV 211. French II - Time / Tracker 212. qwizzz - slag ep 213. Gag Reflex - The Fae 214. Luca Lozano & Mr. Ho - Homeboys 215. CONCEPTUAL - Introspective Research 216. Xyla - Ways 217. Minor Science - Second Language 218. Fana - Karantina 219. Current Obsession - XXX 220. K. Frimpong & Super Complex Sounds - Ahyewa 221. Ali Berger - The Stew 222. Sleep D - Smoke Haze 223. Nick León - MAZE 224. DJ Delish - Khadijah Vol. 6 225. Sputnik One - Kerosene 226. OOBE - SFTCR 2 227. Burrell Connection - Breaks That Strung the Camel Back 228. Wayne Phoenix - Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story The Earth 229. D.Dan - Mutant Future 230. Distance Dancer - Distance Dancer 231. Nikki Nair - Number One Slugger 232. Vinicius Honorio - Metamorphosis 233. Tracey - Microdancer EP 234. Ntu - Perfect Blue 235. Bliss Inc. - Hacking The Planet 236. JLTZ - Tools From Another Mother 237. Omnipony - GHOST1 238. WTCHCRFT - ACID EP vol. 2 239. Mike - Weight Of The World 240. Hypnaton - Hypnaton 241. Granary 12 - High 1987 242. Elisa Bee - Orbit EP 243. Stones Taro - Pump EP 244. Alexis - Refractions 245. Ntel - The Dilution Effect 246. X.WILSON - YUK
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@end3band tonight at Anderson Mill Pub, see you there! 🤘🤘 . . . #amp #andersonmillpub #end3band #localmusic #livemusic #music #austin #austinmusic #drums #bass #guitar #rock #rocknroll https://www.instagram.com/p/B14WzqqBR_B/?igshid=zx3kh7mgvu3r
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airsafariblog-blog · 6 years
Gold Rush Legacy & A Small Airplane, Summer 2017, Part I
It was not love at first sight. She was standing on the short cut grass in front of a one-story building and you could tell that she had been wandering the wild of the Canadian North for a very long time. I did not find much enthusiasm in her look at me either. And yet, toward the end of our two week romance, I called her Princess with all the passion of my heart. 
She was a Cessna 172, born in 1975. The paint was peeling off at places I did not even know existed on an airplane. But, as many bush pilots would be quick to point out-paint is only an added weight that keeps you from pushing more useful stuff, like fuel, food or game, to the inside (or sometimes on the outside of, for that matter) of an airplane.  What was lacking on the exterior was surely not made up for in the interior of the plane. To say her cabin was “ragged” would do a gross injustice to the term. Yet, what is vital for flying machine in the Canadian wilderness? The way it flies. And fly she did! Her aerial performance was impeccable. The propeller was squeaky clean, not even the tiniest chip, her climbing was fervent, mightily sucking on the air and, as I was later to find out, she was exceptionally humble when it came to drinking gasoline and oil. Princess was simply a marvel to fly and care for. 
Before I was given a chance to explore her fine features, I had to get past Eric, her proud owner and devour guardian (hence the name of Eric’s flying outfit - Guardian Angel). I arrived exhausted in Prince George, where Eric’s office was located, after some thirty hours of travel, shortly before midnight. The trip from Europe reminded me a lot of the famous opening scene of the Dead Man motion picture by Jim Jarmusch. 
Johnny Depp is heading West while observing in amazement how the nature of his fellow travelers transforms the further West he gets.
The flight from Munich to Toronto was filled with travelers carrying their flawless four-wheeled carry-ons, bags full of ethereal souvenirs, stunning fragrances and fashionable spirits, chatting delightfully on the board of a jazzy jet Boeing 777-300ER. People on the board of the less flashy Airbus A321 from Toronto to Vancouver seemed to be more down to Earth. The last leg from Vancouver to Prince George was to be flown over the jagged Pacific Coast Mountains by an eager turboprop Bombardier Q400. Climbing onboard I was bewildered by the composure and dignity that beamed through the coarseness of my new journey fellows. 
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Our approach to Prince George began with a gentle dive into the clouds just as the sun began to sink beyond the horizon - an amazing sight. Before that, I had a nice chat with a girl sitting next to me. It was all about bears, wildlife, First Nation, the sparse yet sufficient pub landscape in Prince George, rising homelessness and drug abuse and we were both taken aback by the beauty of the sunset. 
Alas, my mind was not really there. It was deeply immersed in the thoughts about the undertaking that I had been dreaming about for the past three years and that seemed even more impossible now when it was about to begin. My original fancy was to rent a small airplane and to fly through Alaska. After quite some time it proved to be a no go. No one in Alaska was willing to let their precious machines being flown over some of the least hospitable and unforgiving places in the world, especially by some flat-landed European with zero mountain flying experience. It was nothing short of a miracle when we found our Guardian Angel, Eric’s flight school, operating out of Vanderhoof and Prince George (British Columbia) who actually considered lending us a Cessna, albeit “only” for flying in the Canadian, not the Alaskan, great wild.
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In the months leading up to July 2017, I read all possible bush-flying and mountain-flying material I could find. I spent hours, days really, watching training videos and searching for the right articles. All these efforts helped me realize that mountain flying might be extremely rewarding, but you better stay away from it unless you have a lot of experience under your belt, which I did not. 
Let us hear an expert here. Fletcher Anderson wrote one of the most comprehensive books on the subject (Flying the Mountains, McGraw-Hill Education): “Even on the very best of days, it involves considerably more than just normal flying over exceptionally scenic terrain. The aircraft’s engine develops only a fraction of its rated horsepower at high altitude...because the air is thinner, the wing needs greater true airspeed to develop adequate lift. The pilot may also suffer from lack of available oxygen at altitudes lower than required to clear the mountains. Steep and high terrain is hard to fly over. Weather conditions, which exceeded the operating capabilities of most small aircrafts are frequent, normal occurrences, and weather can change dramatically in minutes. In addition to mountains, Alaska has the obvious extremes of vast distances and poor weather from the nearby oceans and no roads (therefore, a small airplane is 40 per cent more likely to crash in the mountains than anywhere else). According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the aviation death rate in mountain states is twice that of the nation as a whole”. 
What a chipper fellow.
Upon landing in Prince George, the cabin was filled with the smell of smoke from the distance wildfires across British Columbia - an eerie feeling. The city itself is a legacy of the sparse web of centuries-old trading posts of the North-West Company throughout the big northern void. Originally inhabited by First National people, proudly calling themselves “people of the confluence of two rivers” (Fraser and Nechako rivers, to be exact), Prince George of today is more of a confluence of roads connecting South British Columbia with North, Yukon and Alaska. Lonely Planet’s account of the city is not overwhelming flattering: “The downtown, no beauty-contest winner, is compact and has some good restaurants”. You also might want to know that there is a large paper mill that generates a very particular smell, which gives Prince George away for miles and miles. The smell is a neat aviation navigation beacon, as I was to learn the following year when flying through the dense wildfire smoke. I fell in love with the city instantly nevertheless. 
Eric greeted me at the small and tasteful terminal building of Prince George airport. I thought I might simply go to bed as it was close to midnight and I just flew halfway around the world. Well, I was wrong. Eric was in full swing and after being done with my car rental we headed to his office at the airport to do the proper paperwork before mountain flying training and rental checkout procedures could start the next morning. 
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After I finally arrived at the Downtown Motel it was almost two in the morning. The motel did not try to conceal the fact that it is an affordable place to stay at. There was still quite a number of people hanging and wandering around the neighborhood with no apparent purpose, direction or place to stay. This was yet another signature feature of Prince George. In the next morning the next day, I got myself a large cup of cheap coffee at a gas station and was ready to get back to the airport. 
At Eric’s office, we started a very thorough ground training just as two helicopters lifted off from a helipad nearby. “It’s all over the radio. There is a small plane missing, that is what they are after”, uttered Eric laconically. Those books on mountain flying were not lying, apparently. You can get into trouble around here. 
No wonder my learning attention - which is usually not the strongest of my skills, whatever they may be - was laser-focused on every single word Eric shared with me. 
How to cross the mountain range safely, how to turn in a tight canyon, how to do an emergency landed where there is no emergency landing spot available, how to read wind direction from the aspen trees and lakes, how the eagle never dodges in the air for it is you who needs to make the move, how to avoid prop strike on soft and gravel airstrips or how the weather changes in ways you can never predict. 
In the afternoon, we took to the skies with one of Eric’s instructors. The first checkout flight was a rather serene affair - slow flights, steep turns, stalls, the usual stuff. 
Later that same day I was assigned another instructor - Alex, a cheerful character and a splendid pilot. We started working on my navigation skills and emergency landing procedures. I truly was not at my peak, owing this slightly to the jetlag and to the fact that I was flying in a completely foreign environment, but I muddled through. Over Fraser Lake, we had a conversation about the First Nation people in Canada, specifically around Prince George, which was when I first gave a deeper thought to their touching fate. Not that I had much time for these contemplations because Alex made me start training spins. 
 A spin is essentially a stall that results in a downward autorotation of the airplane usually when a pilot does not heed attention to the aircraft speed or bank angle (or, usually, both). 
To be able to recover from a spin is a crucial skill, even though one usually occurs during the initial or final phase of the flight when the airplane is slow and low and there is only limited, if any, space and time for a successful recovery. 
With Alex, we were flying high above the lake and our Cessna just refused to spin, so good an aerodynamic little airplane it is. Or, let me put it more correctly - I was unable to spine her. Thus, Alex took the helm and pitched her high, banked a hard right and kicked in enough of the left rudder and with an excited exclamation “spin, bitch, spin”, she reluctantly did what was asked of her. After that, I was also able to make her spin and recover, and with the jetlag still hanging around, I started to feel a bit dizzy. 
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Yet, the training was far from over. Here comes the “graveyard spiral” part. Its name does not imply anything friendly - and it is not. A graveyard spiral is a dive that happens usually in bad visibility or at night when the pilot becomes disoriented and cannot see the horizon. Sadly, plenty of graveyard spirals are concluded with the airplane hitting the ground at a very high-speed with a very fatal outcome. What happens is that without the outside horizontal reference the pilot does not realize the airplane is banking and descending at the same time and pulls on the yoke in order to arrest the descent which only tightens the turn and, subsequently, the descent. We do not have to go into the details here, suffice to stay that the lesson is - always trust your instruments, not your gut feeling about your attitude and - more importantly - don’t ever get into a position that you have to deal with meteorological or visibility conditions that are beyond your abilities, training or rating. A year later, not too far from the very same spot we had trained to recover from the “graveyard spiral” I was to learn both of these points the hard way in the middle of choking and deliberating wildfire smoke. But we will get to that much, much later. 
What to look for in Part II?
Eric makes me turn in a tight canyon without looking outside the airplane. How to land on a logging trail in the wild. My crew arrives - how to stuff three adults and tons of equipment into a small airplane and still expect it to fly? First night in the North - Dease Lake, sea-plane trip at Atlin Lake. The madness of the Gold Rush. 
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worldgreatestfan · 4 years
Double Trouble
Taylor, they say that everyone has a double.  However, that would be identical twins. They still don’t have the same genetics and the DNA would be different between the two. One reason I don’t believe Murphy’s Law.  Murphy’s pub in Phoenix is the gay bar because they kicked me out of there once and the bar tender lied and said I swore at her and I didn’t about homosexuals.  You know that Ellen has COVID-19.  Notre Dam would always have the hunchback which I called Dr. McIntyre.  The beast who is Curt Paul Montag and the False Prophet who is Sara Lee Montag will be shot on Mill Avenue in Tempe, AZ and Ray Anderson and Dr. McIntyre will be shot on Main Street in Mesa.  I already know this and told them this before.  Now it would happen.  Sorry Joe Biden you’ll never figure out who I am in scriptures.  Obama is a spy and is worse than Richard Nixon ever was.  Both were worried about their popularity.
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crushkillrecs · 5 years
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Another year, another FREE [unofficial] sxsw show with a damn good lineup. Unfortunately I can’t afford to make the trip this year, but I would highly suggest attending and telling a friend if you’re in the area! All the important people will still be there, including Kathy. Thursday, March 19th. Anderson Mill Pub. Austin, TX. Fb event: https://tinyurl.com/Crushkillsxsw2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B84d9tWnV8l/?igshid=10l58mugicoaw
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minnygonagall · 7 years
prompt: domestic Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan end up with a baby
Muggles go to inexplicable lengths to explain away magic. Even when they see magic before their eyes, they often don’t believe it. Many even go as far as dropping off blanket-wrapped newborns on the porches of orphanages without so much as a note or a name.
Maggie Anderson had discovered the child when she’d heard the cries throughout the orphanage. What kind of monsters left a child outside in early February in the snow? Despite the one blanket, the muggle woman had been surprised to find that the child wasn’t cold in the slightest. The tan skin was warm and bright brown eyes looked up at her, the child silent now that it was in her arms.
It couldn’t be more than a month old, and a quick peek showed that the child was female.
Despite the surprising warmth of the child, Maggie grabbed extra blankets to swaddle the child with while preparing a bottle. She didn’t know how long the baby had been outside or when she was last fed; perhaps that was why she had been crying. She’d placed the bottle on the counter and turned for an instant to grab the blanket that’d fallen to the floor when she saw the bottle flying straight into the baby’s arms.
She’d nearly dropped the child just from the shock. Maggie Anderson was acquainted with magic, but she hadn’t been expecting the child to be a wizard—or would it be a witch? —and simply stared with wide eyes as the baby grasped the bottle and started to drink.
After that, Maggie kept her eyes on the little girl in her arms. She’d run this orphanage for quite a few years now, rebuilding it into a nice home for orphaned children, rather than dingy and horribly depressing place she’d found it, but never had a magical child come through those doors—save her own son, who didn’t count.
With the baby now asleep and the sun started to set, she’d put the child in her own crib in the nursery where a few other children were sleeping soundly. The worker there gave Mrs. Anderson a wave and continued her path through the cribs.
Maggie ran towards the front desk, dialing her son’s phone number from memory.
“Finnigan-Thomas residence, Seamus here,” a distinct Irish accent greeted her.
“Ah, Seamus, is Dean there?”
“No, mam, he’s down at the pub. Left a box at the flat and went to grab it. Do you need something, Maggie?”
There was no reason to keep anything from her son-in-law, but something stopped her from shouting, “There’s a magical baby in my orphanage,” while other workers and children were milling around.
“He should be back soon. I can have him call you back. You at home?”
“No, I’m at the orphanage, but it’s probably best if I don’t explain it over the phone. Could I drop by? I should be leaving soon anyway.”
“Course!” Seamus beamed on the other end of the phone, looking around nervously at the absolute mess of a house they’d just moved into. “Dean’ll be back soon, sure he’d love to see you.”
They both said goodbyes, and Seamus had his wand out before he was even off the line, flicking his wand at the boxes, sending things one box at a time into their proper locations. Or at least close enough. They’d been in their new place for a week, and the only rooms that were unpacked were the kitchen and the bedroom. Every other room was either completely empty or half unpacked from necessity.
Seamus suddenly stopped the frames flying toward the mantelpiece as he saw the flames turning emerald green, followed a moment later by Dean emerging from the flames. He paused for a moment, assessing the situation. Absolute chaos was the situation. Cushions and book were whizzing past him and up the stairs. The pictures moved around his figure and settled on the mantelpiece and the bookshelves on either side. The rug nudged him out of the way as it unrolled in front of the fire.
“Is there any reason you’re doing all of this now, Seamus?” His box opened and clothes lifted themselves out and to the bedroom at the end of the hall.
“Welcome home present?”
“I was gone for ten minutes,” Dean smirked, setting the self-emptying box near the others and walking towards his husband. “Who’s coming over?”
“Your mam. Didn’t really say why. Sounded a wee bit nervous on the phone, tho. Not really sure,” Seamus said, side-stepping the tea kettle that was headed into the kitchen. “Nothin’ to worry ‘bout, I’m sure.”
The last objects moved into place, and Seamus vanished the boxes with a single flick of his wand. He kissed his husband briefly and sat on the couch, watching him rearrange the art supplies that had found a place on one of the bookshelves, muttering that there was absolutely no organization to this at all and a soft, “Are you sure you did the spell right, Seamus?”
“Nothing blew up, so yea. Went alright.” Dean chuckled, shaking his head.
“You said it was only a few months?” Dean was instantly concerned about the girl. He’d never heard of a witch or wizard exhibiting signs of magic that early.
“Maybe it was out of necessity,” Seamus chimed in, knowing where Dean’s head was going. “Y’know, magic appears when kids need it most. Who knows how long she’d been out in the cold.”
The tea kettle screamed from the other room. “I’ll get it,” Dean and Seamus said at the same time, standing immediately. They each glanced at the other, inviting the other to sit, but instead, both of them walked into the kitchen.
Dean was pouring water into mugs as Seamus was putting teabags into each. “What’re you thinking?” Dean asked the question first because he knew exactly what he was thinking; he just didn’t want to scare Seamus with the idea.
The shorter, stockier of the two played with the string from the mug closest to him. He slowly strung out sentences, thinking and speaking carefully, “She doesn’t even have a name. She . . . wouldn’t have anyone in that place that-that understands her or is even like her. The other kids could take advantage of her or, well, y’know how cruel kids are, Dean.”
He lifted his green eyes to Dean, eyeing his husband, trying to weigh or guess what his response would be.
“We should adopt her.”
Well, he hadn’t been expecting that.
“Look, I know, now probably isn’t the best time. Finnigan’s is really taking off, Curse Breaker’s has been busy as ever, but think about it, Seamus,” Dean moved his hand over Seamus’s, stilling the anxious movement of the string, “Harry and Ginny’s boy is, what, a year now? And she’s pregnant again. Hermione and Ron just had their girl a few months ago. We have friends that could help us. My mum and step-dad will help us too if we need it.”
Seamus intertwined their hands and bit his lower lip thinking it over. They’d talked about it, adopting a child, but how did one adopt a magical child? Most magical children came from magical families. They’d briefly talked about adopting a muggle child, but the idea was quickly thrown out.
It was a chance that neither of them was sure would ever come up again.
“We should do it.”
Dean squeezed the hand in his and smiled, grabbing two mugs in his other hand.
“This is bloody terrifying.”
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/travel/36-hours-36-hours-in-mendocino-county/
36 Hours: 36 Hours in Mendocino County
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Ninety miles north of San Francisco, Mendocino County is just far enough away to have narrowly escaped the Bay Area’s radical transformation during the tech boom years. In contrast to other formerly quiet Northern California backwaters, Mendocino maintains its rural identity and eccentricities, including its longstanding status as one of the country’s major marijuana-producing regions. Where there is big news, it’s largely culinary. The 30-year-old chef at Elk’s Harbor House Inn was recently named a James Beard award semifinalist for Best Chef in the West. Besides the Harbor House’s eight- to 12-course, $150 per person prix fixe dinners, there are cheesemakers, upstart breweries, exceptional farm stands — notably Fort Bragg’s Nye Ranch and Caspar’s Fortunate Farm — and farm-inspired restaurants, like the long-awaited, soon-to-open Fog Eater Cafe, which began as a farm pop-up, and will serve “California cuisine with a Southern twang.” After years of population stagnation, young people are moving in, or coming home, and committing themselves to Mendocino’s fertile soil and sea. It’s a second wave back-to-the-land movement and a welcome reprieve from the Bay Area’s buzz.
1) 3:30 p.m. Tall trees
Take Highway 128 through the Anderson Valley, to Hendy Woods State Park, where you can stretch your legs beneath the awe-inspiring giant redwoods or take a dip in the Navarro River. Then, backtrack to Boonville’s Pennyroyal Farm, the sister farmstead to one of Mendocino’s most beloved wineries, Navarro Vineyards. Sample rich goat and sheep milk cheeses, fresh and aged, exceptional pinot noir, and farm-made pickles and preserves. Sit out back, beside a gurgling fountain, and watch sheep meander beneath the vines. In the spring, a farm tour (11 a.m. daily) offers the overwhelming cuteness of nursing lambs and kids.
2) 6 p.m. Supper stop
For dinner, reserve a table at the Boonville Hotel, a former roadhouse that’s now a beautiful, family-owned inn with a wide porch, flickering fireplaces when the weather’s cool, and a seductive patio garden for outdoor dining during the warm months. The restaurant’s new chef, Perry Hoffman, is from Sonoma’s James Beard award-winning SHED and, before that, Napa’s Michelin-starred Étoile. Here, his prix-fixe menus (starting at $58) include lively dishes and unexpected flavor combinations. Imagine mussels with charred cabbage, grapefruit, fennel and seaweed or a whole stuffed quail with artichokes, shiitake mushrooms, bolting kale and brown rice vinegar.
3) 9 p.m. Change is brewing
After winding through the redwoods and along the coast, head for the former logging town of Fort Bragg, for some small town night life. The 135-year-old Golden West is a dive bar that was bought in 2015 by a couple who grew up locally and returned after living in Los Angeles. The bar has maintained its vintage character (neon signs, shuffleboard and pool tables, faded black-and-white photos of logging scenes) while upgrading its extensive liquor cabinet and serving excellent cocktails, and has occasional but unexpectedly good live music, as well as a Sunday Bloody Mary bar. Or, for a family-friendly pub in a tucked-away location, seek out Mendocino’s newest brewery, Overtime Brewery, which teams with Nye Ranch in making its exotic seasonal beers, like the “Thistle Dew” artichoke ale or Nye Ranch Cucumber Batch. Take a couple of crowlers — a 32-ounce can filled from the tap and sealed on site — of your favorite beer to go.
4) 8 a.m. Super bloom
Tucked into a strip mall, Cafe Jaavy — the younger sister of the longtime local favorite, Los Gallitos — has colorful oilcloth tablecloths, a salsa bar and a breakfast menu that includes savory Mexican breakfasts like chilaquiles (tortilla chips simmered in a flavorful, mildly spicy sauce, served with beans and eggs, $9.50) and standout huevos rancheros with chorizo ($9.50), plus sweeter offerings like banana and berry crepes ($8.99) and generous smoothies ($4.50) made with fresh fruit. The Tropical, with mango, apple, pineapple, melon, chili and lime is particularly tasty. Then, head for the 47-acre Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, where 124 species of rhododendrons put on a spectacular show in April and May.
5) 11 a.m. Sweet soak
Drive south to Mendocino village to walk its photogenic streets and gawk at the immaculately preserved Victorians. Pop into Frankie’s for a scoop of locally made Cowlick’s ice cream. Among the cafe’s 16 rotating flavors are chai, Campari grapefruit sorbet, yellow cake batter and mushroom. Then, take a restorative soak in Sweetwater Spa’s communal — and clothing optional — eight-person redwood tub, sweat in the cedarwood sauna, or indulge in a massage (starting at $110 for 50 minutes). There are also private tubs ($25 per hour), which are enclosed but open to the sky; if a starry soak is your thing, Sweetwater is open until 9 p.m.
6) 12:30 p.m. Pizza pit stop
Next door, Cafe Beaujolais’s weekend-only takeout window, the Brickery, serves pizza ($13) with big, perfectly charred air pockets and daring toppings, like Moroccan-spiced rabbit and garlicky New Haven-style white clam pizza. On sunny days, the backyard garden is idyllic for sharing a pie and savoring a glass of rosé or a craft cider.
7) 2 p.m. Glass for the masses
Fort Bragg’s signature attraction, a former town dump that was transformed by time into a beach of gleaming sea glass, has been badly picked over and is no longer the dazzling sight it once was. For a glimpse of its former glory, head to the odd little International Sea Glass Museum south of town, where Captain Cass sells bags of so-called Seed Glass ($4.95) to replenish the beach’s supply. Across Highway 1, the Glass Fire Gallery displays fantastic blown-glass creations in the form of jellyfish chandeliers and mushroom-shaped table lamps. While in the area, go for a stroll along the newly opened Noyo Headlands Coastal Trail. After more than a century of the headlands being occupied by a sprawling mill site, the town now has access to its coastal bluffs, where California poppies blaze orange in the spring, when it’s also possible to spot migrating whales spouting offshore.
8) 3:30 p.m. Local treasure
For a dose of Mendocino’s wonderful eccentricity, visit The Larry Spring Museum of Common Sense Physics, a tiny two-room storefront museum that celebrates the life and work of the local inventor, lay scientist and World War II transport pilot, Larry Spring. In the same small building, Lost Coast Found has a charming selection of vintage home goods: midcentury stereos, cheery 1970s-era coffee cups, along with used books, postcards and miscellanea.
9) 5:30 p.m. Fresh caught
Have an early, California-style dinner by the water in Noyo Harbor, where you have a difficult choice of dining options. For fresh, crispy fish and chips, bundle up and sit on the riverside deck at Sea Pal Cove, where dinner guests include sea gulls, there are $5 pints of high-end craft beer, and views of passing fishing — and, in season, whale-watching — boats. A few doors down, Princess Seafood Market & Deli is a woman-owned and -run fishing operation with its own boat and seafood restaurant. Princess serves reasonably priced, locally caught seafood, including whole Dungeness crab ($27.95), barbecued Royal Miyagi oysters ($12.95 for a half dozen, and a grilled prawn po boy ($15.95). During chilly coastal evenings, the deli’s tented seating area provides heat lamps and freshly laundered blankets. Then, pick up a Coast Packet and take a gamble on a local performance. One of the joys of small town cultural life is the unexpectedness of what’s available from week to week, whether it’s the wonderful independent Flynn Creek Circus or a riotous political play at the Mendocino Theatre Company.
10) 9 a.m. The Greenwood Good Life
On your way through Mendocino, grab a takeout breakfast — an organic housemade bagel with lox and “all the veggies” ($12.50) or “market-inspired” quiche ($8) — at Mendocino’s Good Life Cafe. Sip your coffee to-go as you drive a breathtaking stretch of Highway 1 to the village of Elk, population 200. Tote your breakfast down to Greenwood State Beach to sit on a piece of driftwood, look out over the volatile Pacific and take a long breath of sea air. Then, visit Elk Greenwood Museum and Visitor Center — originally the town’s post office — to learn some Greenwood lore from the center’s knowledgeable docents.
11) 11 a.m. Wine Down
Take Philo-Greenwood Road back to Anderson Valley and taste your way out of town. The options can be overwhelming, but the redwood tasting room at Toulouse Vineyards and Winery is especially beautiful and its wines are excellent renditions of classic local varietals: Alsatian whites and pinot noirs. For three wineries in one Spanish-style plaza, stop at The Madrones complex, where Drew Family Cellars, Smith-Story Winery and the newly opened Long Meadow Ranch, which has estate-grown Burgundian varietals, share a plaza.
12) 12:30 p.m. History lesson
Cut east over Route 253 — a spectacular 16-mile drive across hilltops of moss-draped California live oaks — to Ukiah, Mendocino’s 16,000-person county seat. Dedicated to an extraordinary, but largely forgotten painter, the Grace Hudson Museum and Sun House displays Hudson’s striking and distinctly empathetic portraits of native peoples and immigrants, exhibits the work of local artists, and offers tours of Hudson’s Arts and Crafts home, which she called Sun House.
13) 2 p.m. Buddhist brunch
Head south to the City of 10,000 Buddhas, a former California State Mental Hospital that is now a Buddhist community and monastery. The campus’s distinctive arched entrance is undergoing renovation, but its roaming peacocks, evocative institutional architecture and Jyun Kang Vegetarian Restaurant, which serves tasty vegetarian dishes to a mostly local crowd, remain. Or hop down the 101 to Hopland, where Rock Seas serves an ever-changing menu that riffs on brunch classics — like coconut French Toast with star anise, coconut, brown sugar and mango ($12).
In the last two years, two long-awaited new hotels have opened on the Mendocino coast. The Harbor House Inn, in Elk, is a 1916 redwood home which was originally built by the local logging company and designed to showcase the beauty of the region’s lumber. After an eight-year renovation, the inn reopened in May of 2018 with 10 rooms (starting at $355, breakfast included) and a destination restaurant.
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marianajacqueline45 · 7 years
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Hoy cumple años Malcolm McDowell 74 años es un actor de televisión y cine británico. Es más conocido por su papeles en las películas If...., La naranja mecánica y Calígula. A lo largo de una trayectoria de más de cincuenta años, McDowell ha desempeñado variados papeles en el cine a través de diferentes géneros como un actor de carácter. En 2012 recibió una estrella en el paseo de la fama de Hollywood. Comenzó su vida profesional sirviendo bebidas en el pub de sus padres, y después como vendedor de café (este último trabajo sirvió de inspiración para la película O Lucky Man!). Las clases de actuación constituían un refugio para su humilde condición, hasta que finalmente consiguió trabajo estable como extra en la Royal Shakespeare Company. Debutó en la pantalla grande en la película Poor Cow (1967), If... (1968) del director británico Lindsay Anderson seguido por The Raging Moon (1970), y Figures in a Landscape (1970). Sus actuaciones llamaron la atención de Stanley Kubrick, que lo eligió como el protagonista de su película La naranja mecánica, que tuvo gran repercusión internacional. A pesar de ganarse la aclamación (fue postulado como Mejor actor por el Círculo de críticos de cine de Nueva York) por su papel como el líder de una cuadrilla de vándalos con un fin de crítica hacia la sociedad, McDowell creó una caracterización tan inolvidable, que el público tardó un largo tiempo en separar el actor del personaje. Volvió a trabajar con Lindsay Anderson en O Lucky Man! (1973) y Britannia Hospital (1982), y protagonizó Royal Flash (1975). Figuró también con regularidad en producciones de la televisión británica a principios de la década de 1970, en adaptaciones de clásicos teatrales. Co-protagonizó Voyage of the Damned (1976), y debutó bien en Hollywood como H. G. Wells en la película Time After Time (1979). En esta popular película conoció a Mary Steenburgen, con quien se casó en 1980, y de quien se divorció diez años después. Realizó papeles de villano a finales de la década de 1970 y durante la década de 1980, aunque ninguno de ellos tan notorio como el de personaje principal en la controvertida película Calígula (1979). Colaboró en la película de acción Blue Thunder (1983) como F.E. Cochrane, y en el remake de 1982, de Cat People. También es conocido en el mundo de Star Trek como "el hombre que mató al Capitán James T. Kirk" en la película Star Trek VII: La próxima generación, en la que hizo el papel del científico loco Dr. Tolian Soran. Es tío en la vida real de Alexander Siddig, miembro del reparto de Star Trek: Espacio Profundo Nueve. McDowell hizo de sí mismo en la película de Robert Altman The Player, haciendo un cameo en el que regaña al protagonista Griffin Mill (Tim Robbins) por hablar mal de él a sus espaldas. Tuvo un papel en los videojuegos Wing Commander III y Wing Commander IV como Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn, co-protagonizando con Mark Hamill. Apareció en la comedia Pearl, con Rhea Perlman, y en la película Tank Girl (1995). También hizo el papel de Mr. Roarke (anteriormente hecho por Ricardo Montalbán) en el remake de Fantasy Island. En 2000 aparece en la serie de dibujos animados South Park en el capítulo Pip. McDowell narra el cuento "Grandes Esperanzas" de Charles Dickens. En los créditos de dicho capítulo solo lo mencionan como "una persona británica". En 2005, prestó su voz al álbum Back Against the Wall, grabado por varios artistas, como tributo al álbum The Wall, del grupo británico Pink Floyd. En 2006 fue un invitado especial en Law & Order: Criminal Intent como el magnate de radio Jonas Slaughter, que admite haber matado a uno de sus hijos y manipula al otro para confesar mientras muere, y así salvar su vida. También apareció en la teleserie Monk, como un diseñador de moda arrogante que asesina a sangre fría. En 2007 interpretó al mafioso y filántropo Linderman en la serie de televisión Héroes. En 2009 sale en el video de Slipknot Snuff. En 2010 y, de nuevo en 2012, participó en la serie The Mentalist interpretando al carismático a la vez que siniestro pastor Bret Stiles. También participó en la película muda The Artist (Michel Hazanavicius, 2011). Entre 2011 y 2012 caracterizó a Stanton Infeld en la serie Franklin & Bash, un multimillonario abogado que contrata a los protagonistas para que trabajen en su despacho multinacional. En este papel no se recurre tanto a su habilidad para interpretar personajes siniestros, si bien lo sustituye por la obsesión por la cultura oriental y una parsimonia que no encaja con un despacho de abogados "tiburones". En 2014 colaboró con el productor y DJ israelí Borgore poniendo voz al tema #NEWGOREORDER, el cual hace una crítica a la sociedad y propone un mundo más perfecto. Además, participó en la película Silent Hill: Revelation, como Leonard Wolf, así como en la cuarta temporada de la serie estadounidense de comedia Community.
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thereapersblade · 8 years
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The show at Anderson Mill Pub was legit. #wholeandahalf #punk #punkrock #pub #atx #atxmusic #atxpunk #beards #dudeswithbeards #bcrich #espguitars
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nwbeerguide · 7 years
Breweries announced for this year's Oregon Brewers Festival.
PORTLAND, Ore. ... More than 70,000 beer lovers are expected to travel from around the world to attend the 31st annual Oregon Brewers Festival (OBF) this summer. Considered one of the nation's longest-running and best-loved craft beer events, the outdoor festival will take place July 26 through July 29 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park on the west bank of the Willamette River. Gates open at 11:30am daily, and taps are open from Noon to 9pm Thursday through Saturday, and Noon to 7pm Sunday.
The OBF will serve 80 craft beers from small, traditional, and independent craft breweries located in 10 different states, as well as The Netherlands, and Baja, California. The northwestern Mexican state of Baja has defined itself as the country’s largest contingent for “cerveza artesanal,” and the festival is excited to present five breweries from that region.
The complete list of participating breweries includes 54-40, Agua Mala, Anderson Valley, Backwoods, Baerlic, Bayern, Belching Beaver, Boneyard, Boulder, Boundary Bay, Breakside, Buoy, Caldera, Cascade, Coin Toss, Crooked Stave, Depoe Bay, Deschutes, Double Mountain, Ecliptic, Everybody's, Fauna, Fort George, Fortside, Freebridge, Fremont, Gigantic, Golden Valley, GoodLife, Great Divide, Great Northern, Great Notion, Heathen, Heretic, Hopworks, Insurgente, Iron Horse, Kells, Laurelwood, Lompoc, MadTree, Maui, McMenamins, Melvin, Migration, Monkless, Natian, New Holland, Ninkasi, Old Town, Oproer, Oregon City, Pelican, Perennial, pFriem, Portland, RiverBend, Rogue, Royale, Rusty Truck, Sasquatch, Scout, Silver Falls, Silver Moon, StormBreaker, Sunriver, Terminal Gravity, Three Creeks, Three Mugs, Thunder Island, Transpeninsular, Upright, Uptown Market, Vertigo, Von Ebert, Wendlandt, Widmer, Wild Ride, Wolf Tree, and Zoiglhaus.
The festival will present more than two dozen different beer styles ranging from Berliner Weisse to Belgians, IPAs to IPLs, pales to Pilsners, and sours to stouts. For the first time ever, the OBF will also offer two ciders – one from Cider Riot! and the other from Reverend Nat’s – as well as one red and one white wine.
The vibrant festival will also feature live music all four days with no cover charge, six food booths, a number of beer related vendors, souvenir sales, and homebrew demonstrations.
The OBF is not a ticketed event; it is free to enter the festival grounds. In order to taste beer, the purchase of a souvenir tasting mug from the current year is required, which costs $7. Beer is purchased with wooden tokens, which cost $1 apiece. Patrons pay four tokens for a full mug of beer, or one token for a taste. The purchase of mugs and tokens is made on-site. The event is cash-only, with eight ATMs located on-premise.
The festival encourages responsible drinking and urges patrons to take Tri-Met; the MAX Light Rail has a station one block from the main festival entrance. Alternately, attendees who ride their bikes can park them for free in the Hopworks Urban Brewery secure bike corral. For those who bring a designated driver, the Crater Lake Soda Garden provides complimentary handcrafted soda (no mug purchase required). Minors, who are allowed into the event all hours when accompanied by a parent, also receive free Crater Lake Soda.
In celebration of their impact on Oregon brewing history, the McMenamins family has been chosen as this year’s ceremonial Grand Marshals to lead the parade and tap the official opening ceremony first keg. Soon after McMenamins opened Portland’s Barley Mill Pub on S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. 35 years ago, Brian and Mike McMenamin, along with other craft brewing pioneers, successfully lobbied their elected representatives to pass an Oregon bill allowing people to make and sell their beer onsite. The “brewpub” concept was born and McMenamins opened Oregon’s first post-Prohibition brewpub, the Hillsdale Brewery & Public House in S.W. Portland. Today, McMenamins remains a family run company and offers hundreds of varieties of handcrafted beers.
The Oregon Brewers Festival was founded in 1988 as an opportunity to expose the public to microbrews at a time when the craft brewing industry was just getting off the ground. Today, that industry has flourished, with more than 5,300 craft breweries in America, according to the Brewer’s Association. The economic impact of the Oregon Brewers Festival on the local economy is annually more than $20 million. For more information visit OregonBrewFest.com or follow @OregonBrewfest on social media, using hashtag #OBF18.
# # #
from News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2p4sEU9
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c64 · 8 years
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The Ultimate C64 Games List Have you ever wondered about the amazing Commodore 64 game list? Yes, we have too - there were loads of them. Problem is that is was a while ago now. This list was compiled to jog the memories:
Operation Wolf
roger frames buys budjiit games
fox fightsback
ace & ace II combo
bubble bobble
tantric mouse wars
home office
salsa con artist
commando ninjas
world flee
blood sparse
ruby of thermogington
jettison railway
ice band
spiderman vs magoo
caravan madness
hulk vs hogan
hunk attack
jet set billy
monkey tennis
score me
addis abbaba karate international +
balloon wars
cloud paste
live at budokan
boris yeltsin vodka challenge
banjo time constructor
emelyn hughes ‘super’ soccer
opium fright
shoot em up penelope
lagoon of carabon harbungo
open heart burglary
frost bandage
diamonds are for women
car spike wheel burst adventure
crazy communists
square man runs up ladder III
treasure island kittens
barrell falls down IV
spoke damage
princess kidnapped 8
undercarriage catastrophe
reminder PRO
Jazz North
Pub Golf
Avalon - Land of the Rust
Pregnant Gymnastics
Womb Cook-up
Animal Olympics
NASA Pinball Fantasy
Jed saves christmas
Horace goes Knifing
Time Orifice
Axe-wielding Comedians
Karate Blister
Ornament Erector
Building Smoke Out
Q Bert the Revenge
Trellis Abundance
Titchmarsh v Oddie - Greenkeeper Challenge 88
Co-op Warriors
Sand Veterans
Grass feathers
Morose Wind
Scube Whackey
Escape from Liverpool
Puppy Smoker The Outburst
Roll yer Own Challenge
Hackney Masterblaster
Connect One
Purple Chins
Cotton Developer
Haircut Zest Fair
Trophy Masser
Race Kings Alive
Hazel Irvine’s Whirlwind Badminton
Jazz Rasta VI
Jensen Buttons Nipple Dash
Maze Bomber 909
Speed Chess
Curling Avenger
Rope Twisting Example
Scourge of Daxus
Roy Castle’s Record Breakers
Organ Flexology
Cliff Richard’s Ambiguous Soccer
Revenge of the Feminists
Wax cluedo
Tennis Trumpeteer II
Maximise the Point
Sheep Monopoly
Weight Gain Olympics
Travel Guise
Roger Mellie’s Ice Darts
The Legend of Les Dawson
Blanket Snitch
Tales of the Underformed
Grave Digger 6
Onion Pro 2
Moon Ship
Turbo Trousers
Turbo Walking
Welcome back to the Island of Penny Farthing
Breathing Challenge
Run for President [Ukraine Edition]
F1 Parcel
Awning Inventor
Cello Beat
Super Accelerator Fridge
Crazy Ambulance
Burst Kidney Mopup
Save China
Chemistry Ninja Teacher
Boat Painter Design
Dogs of Fury
Furry Dog*
Beyond the Forbidden Biscuit
The Handlebars of Hashani
Bird Mother
Audio Frenzy Piano Lessons
Short’s Lair
Chun King Farm Life
Jimmy White Teaches Typing
Cif Blaster
Defenders of the Fish
Sandal Behaviour
Alien Food
Thatcher goes to School
Bob Dillons Boxing Farce
Gorbachev plays Chicken
Wayne Gretsky’s Ice Wallet Charity Challenge
Armalyte III - Springburn
Popcorn Death
Vast Salt EU
Virtual Drudgery
Chain of Accordions
Runner Cities
Yellow Bist
Lost Sandals
Train Slow
Sherlock Holmes in The Year 2047
Lost and Profound: Darkness Shop
Dust Police
Borrowed Money
Internet Maze
Slipstream Cowboys
Guns of Dryness
Alpha Scabs
Crusty The Friendly Chimp
Rice Inflator (Super Pack)
Archie McPherson’s Weetabix Head
Denis Law’s Accent Challenge
Dougie Donnelly Dune of Hair
Graeme Souness Must Be Barking
Boon - The Game
Taggart Teens
Emmerdale Goes to Pitlochry
Coping with Eastenders for the under 5’s
Death in the Family Joke
Coloured Fights
Outdoor Darts
Wrist Truffle
White Water Snooker
Sea Quest Powder Seeker
Copious Spandex Run
Mr Motivators’ Taxi Challenge
David Dimbleby's Amazon Adventure 12
Frost on Sunday
TV:AM The Early Years
Moira Stuart’s Music Creator
Upside Down Ice Cream Revolt
Vat of Galt Toys
Fist of Fireflies
Tunnel Browner
Stocking Ladder Bless
Lingerie Tycoon
Up & Down with Freddy Mercury
Guitar Slayer
Drum Shake Friends
Wacky Traffic Lights
Oreo Frisbee Games
Hedgehog Relax
Bent Angler
Super Horses
Fishing for Tims
Ketamine Kraziness
Shout Appeal
Daz Crime Alert
Tension Ramble
Monitor Crossbones
Stookey Chase
Cardinal Hippos
Marigold Mincers IV
Shane Ritchie’s Up For Everest
War Kind
Question Slime
Bishop Sailor
Grudge Chess
Shoplifter 6
Bed trapper
Saloon Swingers 5
Yells of Tallmouth
Athletic Trombones
Wheel Smicer
Trends of Fashion-hope
Wacky Prostate
Bag A Cow
Pronunciation Fun
with Jackie bird
Landlord Dodge
Stuart Tipney’s Bread Throw Out
Date Checker
Gary Glitter’s Subliminal Message
Frozen Bibs of Babylon
Bricklaying Challenge
Wall Tidy
Reverse a Unicycle
Pick Pocket Champion 1983
Glorified Yungs
Hungry Hungry Hernias
Marble vest
Ship To Shore
What’s My Rake
View My Braces
Burp: Deluxes
Romeo and Juliet Bravo
North vs South 2 : west vs East
Corner of Flatland
Spherical Eye Bless
Under the Oceans of Armpit Forest
Outrun Birmingham (Spaghetti Junction Edition)
Sweat like a bahookey
Developer Roundabout: Salt Lake Boredom Factor
Wig Breathe
Telecoms Tycoon
Window Sparkler
Martian Crotchet
Bin Race: Baghdad to Bucks
Limpet Picker 4
Bout of Gout
Fist of Starfish Cave
Revenge of The Ponchoed Ponces
Peruvian Mountain Rally
Pyramid Scheme
Wheelchair Rollers
Disabled Relay
Plastic Bellamy
Escape From The Care Home
Quest Far There
Sigmund Freud’s Phallic Challenge
Location Location Location
Pharmaceutical Births
Fun Run
The Shat Cat Strikes Back
Poo Displease
Oxymoron - School Clown Dress
Nuns on The Run
Rub a Dug
Girl Demander
Tiny Fire Use
Spell Cracker
Horse and Cabbage
Bug Wrestler
Elmer Fudd’s Bugle Fun
Sesame Street for Mute
Vaccine Madness
Virgin Wedding
Carry Me Right
Existential Spam
Professor Caressor
Blind Spot
Dowary 4
Backwards Todel
Austrian Summer Fun
Think Game
Mum’s Gone To Iceland
Dad Ravage
Record Deal Blunderer
Vinyl Earth
Pork Love
Candid Carrots
Testament of God
Jasper Carrot’s Comedy Puke
Slug Slugger
Javelin Jackson
Action Babes 7
Deniable Door Whizz
What’s My Remainder
Shave Me Doris
Ferrari Shaving Adventure
Fire Ski
Trowel Turmoil
Soap Detector
Permit Chief
Wander Beyonder - Galaxy of Hands
Foot Small
Failed Janine Nurse Player
Bonnie Langford’s Dive of DEath
Cheesy Cheeks 9
Teryaki Throw Throw
Organised Library
Chrome Crunch
Defeat The Dragon XII
Sleeve Beast
Snorkel of Skeleton Mask
Bilge Crusader
Derivative Nonsense
Chip Shop Challenge
Fallopian Tube Gatherer
Short Sharp Shock
Public Pool 2
The Remorse of King Tooth Prize
Mobile Shop Catch
Dentist Revival
Return of the Shoulder
Attack of the Maharajah
Farm Variety
Ring Sting VI
Pokey Barracus O
Pyromania [Schools Edition]
Canteen Calamity
Scratch My Scurvy
A Team of Guys
Commercial Insertion
Alien Bold
Walk to Run
Talk Show Live
Tickle Me Hazel
Get to Doctor Green Helmet Arrival
Kirsty Gallacher’s Pony Tail
Bube Tube
Stu’s News
Finger By Jove
SPinach Wars
TrolleyDash IV
Coco Bianco
Can Lift Channel 4: The Game
Spider and Kite
Really Big, Really Small Advent of Tetrapak
Drainblock: Plumber Hero Chronicles
Clammy Elbow
Rinse, Spin and Wash-o-matic
Virtual Carving
Aqua Fridge 4
Milk Charge: None Today Edition
Dose of Lactose
Fruit for Fuel
World Cup Baking
Trauma Recentness
Void of Linda
Calculate My Room
Slow Slow Slow, Now Fast
Myrtle’s Spongy Threat
Round the Town: Hull
KLIX Vending Machine Panic
Suitable Suit
Trinidad vs Tobago
Coma Dream Alert
Lose Your Tail
Sudden Trump
Castle of Rugs
Dreadful Quincy
Murder You Write
Salt n Pepa: My First Lyrics
Ferry to the Island of Bins
Up to Maximum
Thanks Goth: Black It Out Decision for Survival
Thorax and King: Temple of 10 Thumbs
Shave or Swim
Spar - Double Time Price Wars
Wooden Office
Windbush: the Quest for Haribo
Thing Commander
Gusset Sweeper II
Military Cocktails: An Interactive Guide
Spillers Winalot
Gus Hiddink: Ladies-Man
Spinal Injury 4
Dungrudder II
Alan Titchmarsh’s International Samba Karaoke
Gluehead 2 - Back to the Bag
Virtual Biscuit Pro Edition
Future Boots
Horace gets an enema
Goth v Ned - The Reckoning
Roy Hudd’s hut folding 3
fondant wheelbarrow challenge
squat thrusting in high denmark with Mr. T
git that skateboard oot ma bed
2 fast and furious - the angry diet
skeptics ranch 4
whippet trigger
cod’s extreme bass fishing
Meatloaf’s leotard attack
smashing gantry with len ganley
cornish nuisance III
janitor pleaser
janitor pleaser II
janitor pleaser III
interactive janitor pleaser 3D
belgian ring stretch 4
heather mills dance off
sulk or bulk
extreme rabbit riding 9
tony roper’s pope trophy
ship shape and bristol fashion (twin pack)
dan hipgrave’s hip grave
catarrh hero 2
Joseph Holt’s cow safari
barking cats 3
Debbie Gebbie
Rally through Tesco
Piano Catcher
Harold Bishop’s Hutch Touching Compendium
Cardboard Harbour
Guess What’s in the Baxterbox
Extreme Welsh Dentistry
10 Disciples Tickly Bits [denmark edition]
Zebra Dancing 2
Tractor Painting 3
Cindy Crawford’s Virtual Cooperage Pro
Anderson Shelter Designer International
Ambulance Neglecting
Pigeon Surprise!
Chilly B’s Cartography Masterclass
Paralympic Legends 1985
Angry Sue’s Penthouse Disaster
Amazing Mace
Grimsby Love-In
Trilby Mechanic
Karl Lewis’s 6 Meter Dash Pro
Smoker 8
Collateral Ramage
Horse Drawn Prawn
Firebomb Kirkcudbright
Space Huff
Star Wars: Jedi High Street
Ooft Ooft 2
Nadeem the Hamster
Bucky Bash II
Schnitzel Wars
Derrick Organ’s Calamity Chinfest
Malky Malky II: The Chib
Venison Crayola
Peter Shilton’s Saucey Canary
French Letter of the Law
Penguin Squeezing
Sodastream Challenge
Arthur C Clarke’s Mysteries of Dunfermline
Skin Complaint 2
Felicity Kendal’s Migratory Kennel
Thigh Trouble III
Pebbledash Apprentice
Thrush Reduction School
Alan Randy Tanner Shows You How
Sim 9 O’clock News
Adult Colostomy
Ray Mears’ Survival Chimney
Brunch Arranger
Pro Pencil Throw
The Continuing Adventures of Nice ‘n’ Soapy
Lunchy Munchy
Snack bar etiquette
arm harm 4
saucy haulage 9
swimming with trousers on
Thora The Exploder
High Jinks on Highway
Wrist Exposure
Looking After God’s Neck 6
Frog Polishing
Harrison Ford Harrassment
Shampooing Buffalo with Betty Murchie
Unravelling Scobie’s Quotient
Alistair’s Wheels
High Speed Loaf Assembly - Knead For Speed 2
Detolionia - A World of Disinfectant
Coal Punishment
Table with Bilston Glen
Who Is Douglas Bader?
Sharpen Your Trowel with Baden Powell
Bambi Leg Stabilisation
Pimp My Sideboard
Crematorium Capers
The Burning Coupon
Fireplace Customiser featuring Annette Benning
Force 8 Golfing Atrocity Pro-Am
Trout Swiping (Mexican Edition)
Village Idiot Racing 2
Fridge Racer 4
Parrot Force 7
Amish Disease Aversion
Pro-Am Celebrity Road Kill 3
Major James Hewitt’s Blew It Game
Advanced German For Industrial Foundries with Keith Chegwin
I’m A Celebrity, Shave My Arms 8
Mortar Mixing With Fiona Bruce
Self Harm with Hartley’s Jam Jam, Arm, Harm, Barn (Farm Edition)
Deadly Riddles with Bo Diddley, Nicolas Ridley, Ken Dodd, Dodi al Fayed and the Cast of Grease
Not Poodles but Pot Noodles 2
Shed Holder vs. Vijay Singh Sing-a-long a Hitler Hillman Hunter 2
Hearing Aid
Beige Chevette 5
Ian Botham’s County Balls
PramFace: The Revenge
Nebulous Nockers
Hot Knifin’
Anton Rogan’s Potato Scone
Monotonous Madness
Sally Magnuson’s Nicotine Buzz
Doncaster Moose Pulling
Beer Goggle Challenge- Ultimate Edition
Pebble Mill - The Platform Game
Davro Goes West
Jelly Fish Juggling with Jilly Cooper
Ballroom Thighs - A Game For All The Family
Dog Plop Monopoly
Frank Tibbs’ Unanimous Cave  
Tripping Over Thimbles 4
Pebble Mill Pebble Dash
Humourous Toilet Noises 3
Carry On Corduroy 5
Drain Savage 2
Radio 4 Hoar Sampler
Binman Challenge
Boris Becker’s Jazz Complaint
Callcentre Supervisor Pro
Timpsons Manager 1986
Volcano Cheese
The Lemon Vampires of Dudley
Pablo Balloon’s Hernia Diagnosis
Virtua Social Carer
Eric Gluttony
Trouser Press Sabbatical
Alarm! Run! Knit!
Whitly Bay Mesh Collector
Martini Hinge Challenge
Vole Puncher 3
Tropical Slavery 3
Slattery Battery Chat
The Ambivolent Miner’s Chin Problem
Dog Warmer 9
Piano Stroker 2
Brian Hater
Brian Massacre
The Eyes of Salamine
Ruthless Removal of Wind
Egg Rugby 5
International Spine Swapping
Grand Prix - Live from Borehamwood
Farmed Nicaraguan Debris - Collector’s Edition
Spongy Marmite
Fun N Games in Chernobyl with Cheryl Baker
Fun N Games in Chernobyl II without Cheryl Baker
Semi-Pro Badger Excuses 5
Face Biter III
Eric Clapton’s Dead Shoes
Stop! Or my Mom will Shoot Ike
Kate Stits
Dawn French’s Fantasy Football
Giant Priority
Extendable Alien Hairdriers
A Masterclass with Ruud Hullit
Greggs Tycoon
Nail Filing with Stefan Edberg
Aardvark Juggling
Any Swedgers?
Civil Engineering Attack Force
Bible Edit III
Cactus Comparing with Terry Waite
Gunther’s Tasty Leather
Health Challenge
Catastrophe Pants
Superhero Draughts
SimJanitor 8: Smooth Moperator
Breath Club
Biting and Chewing
The Goose 3
Sangsters 2
Extreme Chinese
Ned Poultry Farmer
Diabolical Gran Odour 6
Camp Action Man
Topless Skateboard Nun 2
Solving Simultaneous Equations Under Water (Bridlington Edition)
Hake Take with Less Than Jake (Celebrity Edition)
The Paul Anka Diaries
Makeover : Wallpapering Your Face 5
Blackhead Removal with Scaffolding Poles 8
High School Musical Shoot Out
Bad Air Hockey (Rotten Egg Edition)
Failed Airport Terrorism Attempt 2
International Banana Terrorist 3
Conventional Bra Wearing
Terrapin 2
split pea glee
gaseous monkey
Cheddarfest revival
moonfaced lung toucher 4
attack of the angry jam ballast
relentless margarine 3
clutter game
wasp wing clasp assembly
futurismysticalismism presented by Kenny Leveritt
pork chop aftermath
strict rector workings 5
detected vim spillage 2
Gale Force
Pike Gardening
Ribble Valley Larvae Attraction
Marmite Spite
Sarah Brightman’s Secret Pro-Am Celebrity Tench Cremation
High Speed Paralympic Disasters 5
Savoury Tights 4
Advanced Scone Vandalism with Ruth Maddock
Workplace Victimisation Art 2
Egg Poaching with Prince Charles
Varnishing with Confidence Iggy Pop versus Eggy Pope (Slovenian Edition)
Sloth Pinching with Ewan McGregor
Shoot Deirdre Off Coronation Street As Many Times As You Like
Polished Ginger Bison Falling Over 3
Lego Smashing
Snorting-A-Surgically-Removed-Spaghetti Line Back Through Your Nose Championships with Keith Floyd
Slippery Cats Finger Sizery
Vernacular Spectacular - Regional Heats - Norway Vs Newcastle
Register Maniacs 4
Disabled Horse Fury 5
Turtle Hurlers
Des Lynam’s Mum
Horse v Dolphin: Requiem
rentokil bill 2
rat boy 9
cardboard harbour 9
vote for a wine side dish
Ministry of Justice: Writing the Constitution Sim Local Councilor
Puggy Paradise
Pan-London Kid Chase
Pirates on the Pond
Junior Project Manager III
Decide to Read Again
Nokia vs Motorola: Find the Phone Charger
Feed the Kids Coal (Bono Demo)
Tom Clancy’s Splintered Bell
Jellied babies
Shave the Llama
Jew Harp Hero (Harp not included)
Mum Trashers 4
Square Peg Round Hole Challenge
Blockman vs DragonThing
Menopausal Madness
Ringbinder II
Equine Manouevers
The Mysteries of Michael Elphick’s Port in a Storm
Haberdasherie Heat
Half a Cider And You’re Laughing
Humourless Hags Return to Castle Frottage
Hungry Hungarian Housewives
Fake Tan Dylan
Super Who Did That Thunder in Tannadice
Swollen River Wheelchair Uh-Oh
Ruby Murray’s Curry from Anything
How Clean is your Mouth
Cilit Bangers
Why’s Dad in the Furnace: HD
R Kelly’s Gotham City
Gerard Kelly’s Diet City
Kendal Misery
Buff Women Crush
Supermarket Nuts
Dry Off - You’re Wet Too!
Xenophobic Elderly Home
Easy Rider: Trikes and Quads
Rise Up and Get Back To Bedford
Alan Sugar’s Finger Fiasco
Private Investigator: Carbon Footprints
Snakes on a Phone
Phone a Snake
Phoney Snake
Children In Need: One Can Survive
The Canterbury Compendium Featuring: Sinister Minister
The Godies ft. Hymn Brooke Taylor
Virtual Nun
Cheeses Of Nazareth
Nun Surfing: Birds of Pray
Dogs drink wine
nacho panic
ostrich borstal
bombscare in sacred cities of spain
spiral binding awards
biro spinning awards
spiro binning awards
Thora Hird’s Extreme Stairlift
Gammy Dodger 2
Hell Monger 5
Tag Nutter 8
Mayonnaise Babies 2
Kissing With Incontinence
Dances With Wolverines
Come Dancing 3D
Dumb Dating 4D
Interactive Pylon Climbing
Fundamental Dish Cloth Equations
Haulage Wars 1 - Norbert Dentressangle vs. Eddie Stobbart
Haulage Wars 2 - David Heeps vs. C. Hinds Potato Merchants
White Van Driver Fashion Show
Greasy Dinosaurs Almanac
Terrible Tearing Sounds
Baste The Family
B&Q BBQ Standoff
May’s Rotary Chuckling
Spontaneous Fury
Induced Tap Dancing with Andy May
Your Lip’s Burst 2
Attack of the 40 foot Gingerbread Postman
The Dalgleish Index Escalator
Arthur Askey’s Crop Spraying
Alsatian Alien
Cow Painter 5
Impossible Cornering Technique with Ayrton Senna
Ann Frank 3D
Chop: Stand: Force: Interactive Cumnock Gala Day with Obie Trice
Dougie Donnelly’s Battenberg Cake Jumper Confusion Game
Mince Rinsing with Peter Alice
Wife Swab 3
Knife Swap 4
Gnome Drool Collecting for Beginners
Anger Manager IV
Uncle Tony’s Special Cupboard
Spilt Milk
Virtual RAC Guy Challenge
Michael Ballack’s Ludo Madness
Archie McPherson’s Apron of Chance
Gulls of Fury
Monty Don’s Embroidery Masterclass
Spammy the Dog
Windows C64 edition
Mr. Minit’s Key Cutting Japes
Saved By The Bell End 3
Asp The Family - Snakecharmer Edition
Snoop Doggy Dog’s Dance Studio Workout
Taming The Shrew with Lena Zavaroni
Sectarian Dolphin 4
Fly Phishing by J.R. “Hacker” Hartley
The Goth Temple of Gloom
The Hannible Lectures
simBiscuit (bourbon special)
Evostick Party
Bri-Nylon Guy 3
Skinflat Survival
Eaglesham Startrek
Bees In The Loft
Sandra Sandra
Justin and Colin’s Guide To Deep Sea Pipe Welding
Wayne Rooney Loony Toon Room for Kids
Pheasant Milkfloat Run
Late Ex in Latex 6
Dick Advocaat’s guide to coctkail mixing
To The Manor Braun
Tandoori Roti 3
Murder She Roti
Silence of The Prams
Emlyn Hugh’s Omelette Challenge
Josh Wink’s Tiddleywinks
Elvanfoot Butterfly Massacre
Monster Metros
Fuzzy-Felt Masterclass with Yuri Gagarin
Predator Paint
Eel Chair Regatta
Big Pants Comedy Skydiving
Bang! Bang! Bang! Oops…
Swindlin’ Yokels with Roman Abramovich
Outrun Bolton
Tony Blair’s Prole Crusher
Heather The Weather’s Fishnet Frenzy
Nick Drake’s Morose Warblings
Ape Attack!: Wishaw
Patrick Moore’s Tedium Personified
Chicken Gun
Barry Robson’s Beguiling Napper
C5 Grand Prix
Roll Me A Fat One and Get They Dishes Done
Brahim Hemdani’s Unremarkable Competence
Virtual Soup of the Day
The Rancid Horns of Leith
Ask Me A Graham
Undercarriage Return
Steve Ovette’s Erratic Frog
Tennis Stuart
Bomb Acrobat
Girth Alarm 3
Alan Hanson’s Amatuer Granny Revival
Pickpocket Pro
Chinchilla Wrestling
Crouching Greyhound Hidden Danger
Poodle Judo with Judith Chalmers
Hedge Availability
Overwhelmed Whelk Farmer 2
Cupboard of Lentils 7
Sloth Borstal 2
Pro-Am Prawn Wrestling
Custard, Mustard and Other Rhyming Condiments
Cat Litter Lego
Jimmy Nail’s Book Corner
Navigating Cumbernauld Whilst Aggrevated
Hanah Barbera’s Meat Collective
Tensile Strengthometer
Betty Boothroyd’s Hooverathon
Attack of The Four Lipped Maneater
The Wizard’s Sleeve
J-Lo’s Bum Shelf Warm
Salad Dressing with Trinny and the Bigger One
Keith Floyd’s Damp Side of the Moon
Soviet TicTacs: Taste of War
World Cup Eczema
Mum vs Dad: Grab a Plate
Upside of Death VI
Ulti-Mugger: Wallet and Watch, Ta
Soft and Gentle 3: Roll On
MC Hammer’s World of Pantaloons
Restore Pet Cemetary
Audible Charm: Legend of the Gentle Trump
That’s Not My FInger!
Zoo of ham-fed Gibbons
Wake Up! You’re Not Dead Yet
Wake Up! I’m Limbless and There’s a Fire
Drifting Away: Grandad’s Final Slumber Party
Pyjamas.. At School?
Neil Buchanan’s Antler Attack
Cash In the Attic, Now In My Attic
Get Pregnant 5 - Civilised Scamming
Soda Stream: Hunt for the Gas Canister
Soda Stream II: But It Says Cola Flavoured!?
Invest in Me, I’m a Maniac
London Tube Track Scraper
Armitage Shanks
Virtual Log
Death Row Buckaroo
Labour Backbench Cage Fighting
Floaty The Finless Waterbeast
Vauxhall Advert Creator
Dragged 150 Yards: Bradford Joyride
Old Spice: She’s Yours
Unicycling for Pensioners
Unmentionable Chalky Taste 6
Island Pancake Mixing with Seb Blatter
Filthy Ventriloquist Stories
Eddie Vedder’s World Of Shreddies
Camp Ramp
Tobogganing with Wogan
Annie Mack’s Caramac Slacks
Irene Maiden 10
Sausage Jockey 3
Cured Ham and Other Medical Miracles
Mud Wrestling with Thora Hird
Sim Haulage
Sim Heelage
Sim Cabbage
Sim Charles Babbage
Sim Gym
Liquor & Poker - Rude Casino Edition
Pass The Dutchy of Cornwall From The Left Hand Side
High Heel Teeterage 3
Esther Rantzen’s Root Vegetable and Tuber Hilarity Fest
Nun Paintball 4
Arm Wrestling Dentist 9
Julie Andrew’s Liver Salts 3
Sanitary Owl Radio 4
Bus in a Leotard
World’s Strongest Nan
Hector Sylvester’s Turquoise Noise
Ambulance Chaser 2
Foam Party at The Foam Centre
Press and Mend
Touch the Hutch
Mastic Badger
Surname Challenge ft. Yvonne Goolagong vs. Peter Oosterhouse
Mast Blast Bomb Scare 3
Going Through At The Back 3
Pinball Lizard 5
Dancing With Oxygen
The Dimbleby Conundrum
Virtua Council Gritter
Rampant Carpark
Icarus Manifold’s Welsh Poster Collection
Religious Gardening with Moses and his Hoses
Air Rifle Chooser with Bishop Desmond’s .22
Ballet Dancing with Bishop Desmond’s TuTu
Slurry Avoidance ft. Alvin Stardust
Celebrity Quinine
Abatoir Jubilee Beef
Geek Orthodox
Fudge Assembly
Relax, Prance, Peel
Paul Ince’s “What’s in the Fridge?”
Super Kennel Admin
Attack, Sleep, Trapeze!
Verify My Post
Saral Ping’s Finch Adjuster
Intermediate Curve Basting
Combustable Constable 5
Fancy Cheese 3
Hazel Butters 2
Lloyd Cole’s Motion Commotion
Vermin Descriptor 2
Tray Balance in Ballantray
Fluid Choppery with Glen Blantyre
Predatory Tory Trap
Inflatable Vatican
Marzipan Tarzan
That’s Barry, Eh?
Marmite Termite
Octogenerian Hair Piece 5
Caustic Frog 3
Fridge Racer
Flouride Jockey
Algae Mechanic
The Baghdad Irritation
Crazy Meerkat Forklift Racing
Zak Marvel’s Gaseous Print Revival
Easter Toolbox
Winkle Picker II
Virtua Morrisons
Face Camp
Holy Moly - the unluckiest Mole in the Field
Kays - Catalogue of Errors
Look Out! Too Late.
Pleasant Pheasant
Mike Tyson’s Rapid Wrestling
Reservoir Logs
An Audience With Kirk Broadfoot
Salami Origami
Who’s in the Pot?
Deep-Sea Monopoly
Frank Lampard’s Mousetrap Masterclass
Aztec Leg
Kitchen Thespian
Scaffolding Terror
Somalian Pirates
Take Guernsey
Treacle or Turnip?
Olympic Jail
Sweat on Me and I’ll Vomit
Dubious Quality Controller 5
Quiff Aligner
Re-pot That Geranium, You Fool
Soft Furnishing Spectacular
Dad! You’re My Brother!
Peter Kincaid. Now you Try
12lbs of Something
Vosene - The Forgotten Chemical
Viv Lumsden’s Pit of Terror
Halfords: Den Of Incompetence
Rubber Stamp Misery
The Beechgrove Garden Presents: High Tedium
Monks On A Bus
Gordon The Gopher’s Amsterdam Exploits
Imaginary Futures: President Trump
DIY Watercolor: Pylons of Tyneside
Paradise Lumbago
Post Office Manager: Bungled or Burgled
Crass Bandicoot 
Chequered Flag F1 Racist Challenge
Err, That’s Not Shampoo
BANG! Search For The Dirt, Limescale & Rust
These are all available to buy on Ebay, apart from 619 which they actually forgot to produce. 
37 notes · View notes
iamspymc · 8 years
Here... #reyep #eyedea #paradise #austin #texas #theworldhasnoeyedea #andersonmillpub #slopmusket #toneheadz #hiphop (at Anderson Mill Pub)
2 notes · View notes