#And thanks to my home life I've never learned how to enjoy a hobby and am having a hard time trying to teach myself because I'd try it for
Felix x Rime x MC Polycule Domestic Headcannons
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif/Nix Hydra/Dorian) Characters: Felix, Rime, Gender neutral MC Prompt: hcs ab how would domestic life be for Felix and Rime and MC polycule Requested by: @mossmosis Warnings: Brief stabbing mention (Rime is in this, so-)
Last Legacy content, in this day and age?! It's more likely than you think! I've gotten a bit distracted with other fandoms, but I've been meaning to return to my beloved Fictif fandoms. I suppose now's the time!
Also, thank the dice gods for bringing you this particular treat! I had motivation to write, but no idea what to do, so I rolled some dice and this was the result!
Requests are open, as always, so if you'd like to see more, send me an ask!
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For starters, there is no shortage of sarcasm and snarky commentary in this relationship. It's practically one of your love languages at this point! Rime and Felix are both prone to making smart remarks, and when they're both in the mood for banter, things can get mildly out of hand... you've had to calm Anisa down after she witnessed one such moment, assuring her that the two of them were not, in fact, in a terrible mood and taking it out on each other. You've come to enjoy their banter, regardless whether you join in or simply sit back and watch the show.
Both of them enjoy teasing you and each other, though there are some stylistic differences. Felix tends to be a little softer and kinder with his teasing - don't get me wrong, there's often a little bite behind his words, that cute little smirk and playful sparkle in his eyes that makes your heart flutter. He teases you about lighter subjects, and though he often speaks without thinking, he never means any harm by it.
Rime, on the other hand, doesn't hold back in the slightest. It's not that he means to hurt your feelings, he isn't doing it out of malice - he simply doesn't know when to back off sometimes. If you call him on it, he'll scoff and roll his eyes, likely making some little comment about you not being able to take a joke - but he won't tease you about that again, and he'll do something nice for you in the near future as an unspoken apology.
Speaking of gifts, both of them will absolutely shower you and each other with small gifts for absolutely no reason. Felix is prone to bringing something home for you both anytime he visits the market - it's very rare that he forgets, though sometimes he'll return empty-handed and visibly frustrated that he couldn't find anything suitable. He sometimes gifts you and Rime jewelry, and has surprisingly impeccable taste, always giving you something you'll love. Books are another of his frequent gifts, of course - you can expect any new books to go missing shortly afterwards as he borrows them to read them himself before quietly returning them a few days later. You've also received a few trinkets that match his gothic mage aesthetic, too, because it wouldn't be Felix if he didn't share his love of vaguely creepy things with you!
Rime tends to focus less on physical gifts and more on actions. He spends time with you both, learns about your interests, stabs your enemies, and does small things to help you out. He prefers to be a little more subtle with his affections, almost pretending like he doesn't care, when in reality he cares very much. It's not that he's hiding it, he just... isn't very open with his emotions yet. When he does bring you gifts, though, it's usually something pretty simple, like some random trinket he saw and thought of one or both of you. I could also see him taking up woodcarving as a hobby to help him relax and unwind, so you'll occasionally find a new gift from him sitting on your desk, carved from wood or, sometimes, from his shed antlers. He likes bringing you food, too, and memorizes both of your tastes and favorite treats so he can choose the best treats.
Getting all three of you in bed at the same time can be difficult, but when it is achieved, you have a delightful time cuddling with each other. On the somewhat rare occasion that you all turn in together, you take turns being the one in the middle unless one of you has had a particularly bad day and needs double the snuggles. Most of the time, though, whoever goes to bed first ends up in the middle, with the other two crawling in wherever there's space when they're finally tired enough to get some sleep.
Mornings are always interesting, too. You or Rime are always up first - it's almost never Felix. Whoever is up first starts making the coffee and/or tea, and you try to take turns making breakfast. Rime might complain if you miss your turn, but you know he doesn't really mean it. He won't admit it easily, but he actually enjoys cooking, especially for his partners. Once breakfast is ready and one of you drags Felix out of bed, you all sit down for a nice meal together. Depending on how busy you three are, sometimes breakfast is the only meal you can all have together, so you make the most of it!
When you do have time off from your busy schedules, you almost always spend it together. Most of the time you're in the study/library at Fathom, doing more casual research projects together or reading books in a comfortable silence. Sometimes, though, you go out to get some fresh air and a change of scenery! Wandering around Porriman markets is often a good way to spend an afternoon, sampling various treats and buying interesting things for one another.
Something else you three often do together is stargazing. Felix obviously loves it, especially when he gets to share it with his loves, and though Rime might comment that it's boring just to be a bit of a brat, once he gets comfortable he'll become far more relaxed. Often times these nights consist of you and Rime gazing quietly at the stars, listening contentedly to Felix's soft voice as he rambles on and on about them. He'll inevitably get a bit flustered when he realizes just how long he's been talking, but it's nothing a few kisses can't fix~
Honestly this entire relationship would just be so soft and so chaotic at the same time. You all love each other so much and care deeply for one another, but there's rarely a dull moment!
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aceofwhump · 2 months
Hi Ace! Any advice for this newfound adult? (18)
ALSO ALSO I love your page so much its literally one of the bestEST!!! In my eyes you're like a whump celebrity! 😀🔥
Asdfghjkl omg thank you so much!!! You're too kind! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! And hello! Welcome to the adult world! It sucks! lol sorry. I'm not the best at adulting at all but sure I can share some advice. Some things I've learned since turning 18:
Other adults are just as dumb as you feel. We're all drowning and have no idea what we're doing so it's okay to feel like you have nothing down and don't know what you're doing. Cause we all feel like that. We're all just kids trying to make our way in the world.
Work should not be the center of your world. Work is supposed to be the place you go to make money so you can live your life. Don't let it take over your life. Don't let the frustrations of work destroy your mental health. No job is worth that. If it gets to be too much and it's affecting your health, it's time to find another job.
Maintaining friendships can be harder as you reach adulthood because schedules get crazy and people move and such but it's so worth the work. It won't be as easy as it was in high school because you're not gonna see people every day. You have to work hard to make time to see people and remember to text your friends every now and then even if it's just a "hey I'm thinking about you" or sending them a funny gif or video. Make the effort. Reach out to people you care about. Tell them you care about them.
Now I don't know your home life but as someone who still lives with their parents and has never moved out, THAT'S OKAY TO DO. You are not required to move out as soon as possible just to say your an adult. Life is hard and expensive and sometimes it's nice to have people to come home to.
Don't worry about what others think of you. Wear what you want, enjoy your hobbies whatever they may be, eat what you want, live you life for yourself. Not for others. You'll be happier. Trust me.
Go out there and try things!! You're young! Do things! You never know what you might find until you look.
Learn how to budget but remember that it's okay to spend money on "stupid stuff" that makes you happy. Go ahead and buy that stuffed animal or toy you've wanted since you were a kid.
Lists are very helpful for keeping track of important dates, chores to do, bills to pay. Makes lists. Keep them up on the fridge or a bulletin board above your computer.
Take care of your health. Brush your teeth, try to eat healthy, go outside for a walk, etc.
The best advice I got concerning credit cards was this: use one for big purchases but only use it when you have the money in your bank account to pay for the item. So like, go buy a chair with your credit card and then as soon as you can, pay the credit card bill with the money you should have in the bank. That way you don't end up going into massive credit card debt because you're spending money you don't have.
Be patient.
Be open to new things and meeting new people.
Be kind but take no shit. You never know what the other person is going through and we all handle stress and fear in different ways. It never hurts to just be kind when you can. When you can't be kind? Take no shit. Don't let someone walk over. Stand up for yourself.
Wear sunscreen!!!
Find a hobby. And I mean something you do just for yourself that has nothing to do with making any money. Create something. Learn to crochet or knit or make things with wood or draw or build legos or sew or cosplay or write or make movies or photography. SOMETHING that lets you use your hands and that you do just for yourself because it makes you happy. It's also a great way to meet people. Most of my friends I've met through my hobbies. Hobbies are great for your mental health
Put the phone down sometimes and just be in the moment. Just enjoy life for a bit without thinking about taking photos for social media.
Work hard but don't kill yourself. It's good to work hard and have a good work ethic but remember to take a break and don't push yourself beyond your limits.
GO THRIFTING!!! I can't say that one enough. People tend to look down on places like Good Will, Savers, and thrift stores but I can buy a brand new couch for like 30 dollars at these places. I have bought an entire wardrobe for next to nothing. Go thrifting. You'll find some really great things for cheap.
Ask for help when you need it. It's not shameful to ask for help. And that's for everything. Don't understand something at work? Ask a coworker or manager. Not sure how to cook something? Ask a friend or family member if they know how. Struggling with your mental health? Ask for help from a friend or family member. ASK FOR HELP
And finally, there is no deadline or boxes you need to mark off to be considered an "adult". You don't have to get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. to be successful at adulting. Live your life how you want to live your life.
Good luck nonny!!!!
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soulfarer23 · 13 days
Yapping about shifting even tho I should just shut it lol
First Tumblr post. No clue WTF I am doing. Just bear with me or don't. Random brain puke.
Please don't hate me, I am just letting my intrusive thoughts flow lmao. Not intending to undermine any opinions, just having strong opinions myself XD
Ok firstly, I feel like I am the biggest try hard on this version of Earth when it comes to shifting. Not the process of shifting, but the goddam SCRIPTING.
There is no way in hell I could ever just shift without a script. I mean, of course I COULD, but I don't want to.
I like to think that I am grasping the true vastness of infinity quite well for a human. And then I often realize I don't, and I really don't want to. It's the single-handedly greatest yet most horrific fact about reality.
You gonna tell me that every horror movie and every nightmare, every single horrific thought I ever had exists in infinite variations at all times? Yea thanks, I don't wanna grasp that. I don't wanna know that there is a version of me and my school class going through the fucking 'Midsommar' movie, and that's probably just the very tip of the iceberg.
But you know what, it's fine. As long as I convince myself that only those realities that I decide to be aware of are relevant, everything is fine. To be honest, I had those phases of wanting to have a horrific backstory to get all that main character pity. I am glad I stopped that before shifting. You can do that if you want, but I am done with that... mostly... ok I might do it once or twice just to have experienced it...
ok ok ok... back to the scripting.
I want you to know, firstly, that I've been deep into the 'Worldbuilding' hobby for about 10 years now. I love creating new worlds, I love finding solutions to potential problems, I love overthinking everything, I love DETAILS, I love perfection, I love both being absurdly creative or just steal shit I fell in love with.
This doesn't come into play a lot with those movie/anime etc. DRs because I actually like to keep those mostly in their 'original' form, just making changes to things that irk me.
I am very invested in scripting myself a Home Reality which I will declare my true 'original' reality, where I also will go If I were to 'die' in any other reality.
I like going for a cozy, magic, fairy tale, utopian theme. I've heard a lot of people say that perfection is boring, but then again, how would they even know? I don't believe that a utopian world would be boring, nor do I think I could ever get bored with existing (It's actually part of my script that I can never get sick of life)
I am planning to genuinely exist for all eternity, well we are all eternal, but I mean as in staying the same person with the same knowledge and past.
I feel like very little people take shifting as far as I do, not just living through the 'fictional' works of other people of this reality, but really 'creating' your own, in-depth reality.
Hell, I literally have a MICROCOSMOS section in my script. I literally made up microorganisms called Nova Protozoa and Opal Archaea.
I've learned so much about earth and nature just so I can remake it for my Home Reality.
So, well, right now I am really just affirming and persisting for the Void-State, so I am really just on here to expose myself to the internet until I am gone.
Comment whatever you want, but be warned, I don't argue, I just block lol.
I am just going to start posting random shit about my shifting brain or my DR/DR's.
I don't know if this is motivating or demotivating, or if anyone is ever going to actually read this. But none of that matters, just enjoying my last days of being aware of this shithole reality.
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twig-tea · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
Tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @infinitelyprecious and @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle! Thank you friends 💕
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope! My folks just liked the name they chose for me. They did the thing where they tried to choose a name that they thought would be unique and ended up with one of the most common names in the year, for both me and my brother.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Watching the What Did You Eat Yesterday S2 finale.
3. do you have kids?
Nope! Never wanted any, so I'm happy with the status quo.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
HA. Here we go. In elementary school I was on a neighbourhood softball team and was terrible; in the end of year tournament, we were two outs and I was at bat and struck out for us to lose, which soured me on this game permanently. I also took neighbourhood tennis lessons and sucked at that too though I really did try. In middle school I was on the basketball team because I was tall and the coach was convinced I could learn hand/eye coordination....she was wrong. I am a decent defense player because height lets me block but I cannot land a foul shot to save my life (or my team's). For fun during lunch l I played [American] football with other enthusiasts. We would play tackle in all weather and on pavement, and we had a great time (I wasn't good but I enjoyed it). By high school I had finally convinced everyone around me I have no hand/eye coordination or physical skill and stopped all sports activities. PHEW. These days I do no sports though I will go to my company slo-pitch games and heckle like heckling's a sport.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Absolutely, but I try not to use it in that mean way in which people try to make someone feel bad about themselves.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Body language, how they hold themselves and move.
7. what’s your eye color?
Close to slate grey/blue.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I don't respect this false dichotomy.
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9. any talents?
My superpower is the ability to sing along to any song whether or not I've heard it before, and whether or not I know the language. Other than that, I'm pretty good at understanding what people are trying to say and not just what they actually said, which comes in handy in show analysis as well as interpersonal communication and work. And I am good at modifying/adapting recipes to use what I've got/what I like on the fly. Those are my core talents!
10. where were you born?
Toronto, Canada
11. what are your hobbies?
Other than watching All The BL/GL/QL? I am crafty, I like playing with mixed media stuff, lap weaving, and bookmaking/bookbinding. I haven't had the energy for it the last few years, and that's been mildly devastating. But I made holiday cards for the first time in years this year, which was very fun! I also have been known to puzzle, and I garden when I can. And I hike on occasion!
12. do you have any pets?
Nope! I'm allergic to most pets (fur and feathers; I tried keeping fish but was allergic to the algae on the tank, so I gave up). The dog in my avatar is my parents' rescue dog they got after I left home, and I see her when I visit them! She's a "hypoallergenic" breed mix but that's actually meaningless and I'm still allergic lol
13. how tall are you?
180cm; and the kicker is I've been this tall since elementary school so I went from being the tallest person in the room by a LOT to half the boys in the room shooting up to my height or higher, which was a weird experience!
14. favorite subject in school?
Tie between English, Biology, and Chemistry. I loved science and words and analysis in both subjects. I ran the bio and chem clubs in high school!
15. dream job?
University textbook editor, which I did for ~7 years! And it was everything I wanted it to be, but I eventually outgrew it. I love what I do now too (essentially I'm in management), and I know I'm lucky that I've had jobs I love for most of my working life.
I won't tag anyone because I've been absent for days, but if you see this, this is permission to do this tag game, and tag me so I see your post 💕
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zorkayaplus · 1 year
I want to talk about several things happening to me because it's something I do care about and would like to address personally.
In the last couple of weeks I have been... very distant, very easily annoyed, and I've been not engaging that much with any of my friends which caused my to spiral even more. I tried to fix it in different ways, but it only forced me to hide back into my shell and become miserable because of how I tried to fix things... that most of them were out of my control, which means they were not fixable.
Tumblr is a hobby and I know it, but what I care about immensely are my friends here. The people behind each blog. I want to be honest that I just got hit with too many bad things on the week of Zarina's birthday and then the whole shadowban thing just fully destroyed me. I lost the wish to talk, to be happy, to enjoy my time speaking with anyone. Now I have issues with real life things that I cannot fix while not being in the US.
I just... lost so, so much passion that traveled into my perception of my behavior and view of the internet, made me dive into games, and be very frustrated with myself. I got stupidly jealous and envious about stupid things and I stepped away further into myself and it just happened. I suck at handling too much stress and I sometimes dig myself into a ditch for more than a month before I blow up. And, well, I did. At home. Not the best time.
But because I didn't speak to anyone, I just want to tell everyone that I don't know how long this state will continue. I'm trying to get my passion for writing and for ZARINA back because I do NOT want to lose her as a muse, as a character, as a story. I hope that you all won't thnk that I'm ignoring or stopped being interested, etc. I know many of you understand, but it's also helping my anxiety for me to establish that. I simply.. cannot beam with energy. I don't have it in me. But I want you all to know that I lurk, I love seeing you all on my dash, I love reading everything.
Special love goes to @avaere, @thornicidxs, @bitterseadrop , @etherealguard , @sunlessea , @londonfallen for just being awesome always. please send these people so, so much love because they are fantastic and they are talented, loving, and absolutely fucking amazing. I'll be honest that I mostly respond to a very specific number of people so... yeah. Just wanted to thank for being awesome.
On this note, I'm gonna try to pick myself back up but gently and carefully now without trying to push myself. It's what I do to myself and never fucking learn, but learning curve... Bit by bit. Games be my saviors these days. Maybe my laptop will handle Baldur's Gate 3 after I... pay off my brother's bills with my parents and also do 1 more thing I promised to do... But anyways! Stay awesome and stay safe. :)
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jayflrt · 4 months
akka!!! your (new) cats are totally rocking their fits. damn, they look cute 😍 i was actually on level 33 but i forgot the password to my old google account so i couldn't login. i just created a new gmail for my uni soo, i'm currently in level 2
btw akka! i'm in first year of uni, you call them freshman or freshmen ??? and i need tips to rock my first year so please tell me a few tips 😆 and my uni doesnt start till aug so i'm currently at home and my mom nags at me every day 🤣 and i find it funny lol.
its like I'm unemployed and i have to wait a few more months, huhu. and till then i have plans to do in these few months actually. i want to discover myself, take care of myself and learn a skill and practise my communication skills.
i have many things to do + i got the syllabus for all the semesters starting from my 1st year to the last year 🥲 i want to plan out everything on notion but i dont know how to use.
and mostly, i have been doing good these day but i got my periods today and i feel awful. i hate periods and i dont know i feel motivated to write these days but i cant find words to write. i am so sad.
anyways, hope you have a great day/night akka <33 lots of love to you and hope work will not be stressful to you ^^ take care
— 🦔
THANK YOU :')) it made me realize how i've seriously neglected my other cats omg i need to clothe so many 🤧 but the new event is sooo cute !! literally making a jennie cat just for the event clothes 🥰 OMG NOOO :( no cloud save?? but honestly it must be so fun to start new so i hope it goes well!
also congrats on your first year of uni!! hope you're liking college so far <33 yes ! we call them freshmen (referring to a group, and freshman is singular hahah) but hmm i don't know how similar our university systems are but as a general tip, i recommend using a planner to write stuff you need to get done down (i personally use a physical planner but i know lots of people who use digital ones) and make use of your professor's office hours!! AHHAH enjoy the summer between high school and college, it's so fun !! 😩 but yes! hope you discover new hobbies and such, lmk how it goes!!
notion has templates so you can just use a preset one and insert what you need to put in through there! i recommend downloading the notion desktop app ♡
omg noo i hope you're feeling better now :(( i always get that way the week before my period starts, my hormones are allll over the place 🤧 periods are so under researched honestly because i never knew this stuff was a common experience until i talked to my friends about it!
i hope you're doing well too 🦔 anon!! and i hope life's been treating you well and you have a great day/night <33
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avrablake · 1 year
15 Questions Tag: Iris
Thanks for tag @nopoodles
I've also answered this for Ryu, Kaori, Nix, and Nolan if you want to see their responses.
I'm having her answer these just before she meets Nolan. Her life definitely doesn't end up taking the direction she thought it would.
1 - Are you named after anyone?
I don't know. I don't remember very much about my birth family but I do remember that my mother had a flower garden. I guess she named me Iris because she liked flowers.
2 - When was the last time you cried?
*Her face turns red and she laughs an embarrassed laugh*
Turns out I cry pretty easily. I cry when I'm mad, which I hate, and when I'm embarrassed, and when I'm sad, and even sometimes when I'm happy. I don't really keep track of it.
3 - Do you have any kids?
I'm definitely too young for that. I do have about 20 little brothers and sisters though.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Not really. Miss Margaret doesn't like it. The younger kids are always getting scolded for being sarcastic, especially Gram. I don't disagree with her either. It seems sarcasm is meant to be hurtful more than it's meant to be funny.
5 - What's the first think you notice about people?
Hmmm. I can usually tell when someone is trying to hide something. Or when they aren't being genuine. I guess I notice their body language? I've never really thought about it.
6 - What is your eye color?
*she points at her eyes with both index fingers and grins*
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings for sure, but I do think scary movies can be fun as long as they aren't too scary. I like the old ones with no special effects and I think jump scares can be fun. But I don't like the really gruesome ones.
8 - Any special talents?
The kids all like when I tell stories, so I guess I'm pretty good at that.
9 - Where were you born?
*her smile slips and she blinks rapidly. She clears her throat before answering*
Uh, I was born in one of the farming villages near the city. But I've been at the orphanage since I was about six. To me that's home.
10 - What are your hobbies?
*her eyes light up and she wipes them before answering*
I like telling stories to the younger kids at the orphanage. I like to read so sometimes I just retell them stories from books I've read. But there aren't that many books at the orphanage. When some of the kids started getting tired of those I started making up my own. Sometimes I take the kids outside at night and we look for pictures in the sky together. Sometimes I make up a story about what they say they see.
I also like gardening. I grow a small vegetable garden at the orphanage. I grow a few flowers too though there isn't very much room.
11 - Do you have any pets?
Do Gram and Aly count? Sometimes I think those two are more like a couple of wild animals than children.
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
Unfortunately I've never really been able to play any sports or games. I've never had very much stamina and I get sick a lot. Miss Margaret always made me stay on the sidelines when the other kids were playing.
13 - How tall are you?
Around 5'2" I think?
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Miss Margaret is very insistent that we all are well educated. She teaches us herself but that doesn't mean our education is worse than anyone else's. She even made us learn things like etiquette and dancing. I can't imagine any of us ever mingling with those wealthy people from the city, aside from Dr. Avery. Dancing was really fun though.
I guess my favorite has always been reading though. I also enjoyed gardening and learning about different kinds of plants.
15 - Dream job?
Wow that seems like too big of a question to have a simple answer. Like if I could do anything? I suppose Dr. Avery's work is interesting. I help him sometimes when he comes here, but I'm not sure I would want to be a doctor. I don't know. I've never really thought about doing anything except helping Miss Margaret here at the orphanage. I really love working with all the kids.
leaving an Open Tag and also tagging (no pressure) @thegreatobsesso @eccaiia and @shellyscribbles to answer this for one of your OCs or for yourself
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weavewithin · 10 months
NAME : Yeti
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : Tumblr DMs. I haven't seen a lot of people preferring it over Discord, but. I like to have the communication relating to this blog contained in one space, if that makes sense. I've gone the Discord route before, and that has usually resulted in getting a lot of contacts that I only briefly talk to, then forget who it was after a year or two. It's been amazing for the few people I actually befriended, though. So, I could say I prefer Discord after becoming friends first.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Taliyah. 🤎 I'm considering opening a multimuse with Nunu & Willump, Fiddlesticks and Hwei.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : 12 years. I started out as a lowly OC ask blog enjoyer, then got to some writing in animated movie fandoms. I started sort of seriously RPing in big fandoms like Yuri on Ice, Voltron and BNHA. That's... an awful list. But it was a lot of fun and, against all odds, I improved as a writer and RPer.
BEST  EXPERIENCE : Really clicking with some people I've met through this hobby. Those people gifted me with incredible story moments, happiness and excitement, and awesome friendship. I met one of them in real life, and with another we basically created our own RPC with our multimuses.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : I prefer novella style. If there's a lot less than multiple paragraphs, it gets difficult to work with. It's not necessarily a deal breaker though, unless the reply is a few sentences when I wrote five paragraphs.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : I'd say angst. I think mild angst always adds depth that I enjoy, even in seemingly fluffy scenarios. For Taliyah, the themes of yearning, mourning and melancholy are always present, alongside her devotion, adventurous spirit and joy for living. In general, I enjoy a mix of moods and going too deep in one direction gets a little overwhelming for me. I don't write smut.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES : Plots, although memes are a nice lighter option when time is limited, and to build around the dynamic forming in threads. I really enjoy unplotted/very loosely plotted scenarios because I get to be surprised and enjoy my writing partner's creativity.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : I'm a long entries enjoyer for sure. More story and characterization!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever I have free time and excess creativity, which can be whenever. Before/after work, while commuting, at night if sleep isn't happening.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : I really relate to Taliyah, because I moved abroad five years ago. Trading home for adventure and learning is something I understand deeply. Dealing with homesickness, being an outsider, but also adapting, learning about new lifestyles and different experiences, and enjoying the never fading adventurous feeling.
➤ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 [ : ] @ferinehuntress - Thank you! ➤ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 [ : ] anyone who feels like it!
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thewriteflame · 1 year
15 Questions
Thank you @druidx for tagging me!
Open tag but also tagging: @emelkae @rayewritesfantasy @moonscribbler @moonandris
Here is the one I did for Jayme, today I will do his roommate, Takashti Clayson. Again I will basing the answers from around the start of And They Were Roommates.
After my interview with Jayme I decided to interview his roommate. He was far more difficult to get in touch with but after several attempts of talking with him and a plea from Jayme I found myself sitting in the same empty classroom, this time facing the infamous Whovian artist who had showed up before our scheduled time.
His light honey eyes seem to be in a perpetual state of annoyance, which does little to detract from a handsome face partially framed by a few strands of stray medium brown hair that has escaped his ponytail.
"Well, let's just get this over with." He tells me, gesturing to my recorder and notebook.
Are you named after anyone? 
Takashti looks taken back for a moment before recovering. "Uh, I don't know. My aunt never told me anything about how I got my name."
When was the last time you cried? 
He laughs. "Why would anyone want to know that about someone?"
Do you have kids? 
"Recently I feel I've had one thrust on me by the school system but I'm managing." He responds, jokingly. At least I think it's a joke.
Do you use sarcasm? 
"Only about a hundred times a day."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"Huh," Takashti thinks for a few moments. "Honestly, I don't really give it much thought beyond if they annoy me or not."
What’s your eye color?
"Brown," He says, gesturing as if it was the dumbest question ever asked.
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I'm fine with scary movies. I don't really care how it ends as long as the story is good." He suddenly sits forward a little as if to share a secret. "Actually, I have a soft spot for scary media, especially if it has weeping angels. Plus I've realized that they keep tha- uh, Jayme away so I can get some peace and quiet for once."
Any special talents?
"Mostly drawing, painting, and sarcasm. I have yet to master the art of getting out of social obligations."
Where were you born?
Again Takashti is taken back. "Uh, I'm not sure. Somewhere in California, I think." He mutters under his breath, "I could have been born on Mars and no one would bother to tell me."
What are your hobbies?
"Art- namely drawing and painting, reading, watching sci-fi shows, you know." He points to his bag at his feet that has a TARDIS and little robot dog painted on the flap. The rest of it has various muted- and dare I say ugly- colored stripes, making it seem to have come out of the 70s. "I've made and sold several custom bags based on the different Doctors. I made this one based on the Fourth."
Have you any pets?
He chuckles before answering, "Jayme is a little like a dog that followed me home and won't leave."
What sports do you play/have played?
"Archery is fun and I was third in the school fencing team." He shrugs. "I could have been higher but I really only took it to keep Anna from annoying me with her insistence that I join some clubs and have an actual social life." "Anna? Is she your aunt?" I ask him. "Uh, no... she sort of adopted me." He avoids looking in my direction as he answers as if expecting each word to trigger an anvil to fall on him so I decide to move on.
How tall are you?
"Six foot, two inches, that's 185cm for every non-American." He responds, his relief to be on a different topic evident as his body relaxes a little.
Favorite subject in school?
"This probably won't be a surprise but science, especially physics. I also enjoy English, world history, and- of course- all the art classes. Math isn't too bad, either, now that I'm thinking about it." He pauses for a second, his ears reddening as he sheepishly smile. "I guess I'm just a school junkie."
Dream job?
Takashti squints as he thinks. "I'm not entirely sure." He shrugs. "I like learning and painting so anything that lets me do both."
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littlelasagne · 1 year
Hi!!! I was curious about your editor job. When did you get into it? Did you do other kinds of work before it? What do you do every day in terms of tasks? What about fulfillment? Is it mentally stimulating? Do you think you get compensated fairly? How’d you develop your skills throughout the years, like were you always good at the tasks associated with being an editor? And maybe work-life balance? These are just example questions, literally anything you wanna say about it sounds perfect! From the way you talk about it in answers, it seems like you enjoy it quite a bit, and I wanted to learn more about it! I find hearing about this kind of stuff really interesting. Coming from a stressed 2nd year uni student who doesn’t know what to do with their life and likes hearing from people that have been post-grad for a while already :,)
Long answer below 🤓
I know how you feel, I was totally lost and clueless during my 2nd year. All I knew is that I didn't want to go into teaching. 😅 I got into publishing about a year after I finished my masters in English literature. After I finished at uni, I was volunteering and working in the charity sector with refugees/asylum seekers and was happy pursuing that. On the side, I worked as a freelance editor using the skills I gained during uni. A entry level editorial job came up at a local kids' publisher writing and editing and I managed to get the job! Since then I've worked in two other kids' publishers.
It's a lottttt of work but it's a lot of genuine fun. There are times when I think, wow I get to read this cool story and suggest all these edits, and other times when I hate my life. I love working in children's books - I get to work with different genres as opposed to working at say, an adult publisher that does solely fantasy. In my current role, I work on structural and line edits of middle grade and YA books. In previous jobs I also did copy editing and proofreading.
I have to read A LOT. Constant submissions from authors and agents. While it is fun and I'm so happy to do this for a living, it is mentally taxing like any job. It's one of those jobs that turns a hobby into work 😭. A lot of reading has to happen at home too, my current job has a bit of a poor work-life balance. But it is sadly part of an editor's life and expected from time to time.
Working with authors is a highly fulfilling job. Editors don't get a lot of credit or recognition, but every book you buy has had an editor behind it. Some books may require a ton of rewriting and reworking, all thanks to an editor helping the author and guiding them. It's so satisfying to have a book you edited published - seeing it go from a word doc to a printed book on a shelf. I will say, it's not a high paying industry 😅 but I can't see myself leaving it in the near future.
It's hard to say how I developed my skills for it. Editing can be subjective, and can depend on experience. I've not had any formal editing training, just my degrees in English and a handful of years experience. Reading widely and being able to understand plotting and logical thinking/problem solving is really useful. My manager has been editing for 25 years, and she instantly knows what needs fixing in a first draft. It takes me some time to think things through 😅 I still have a tonne to learn but I'm getting there!
Are you interested in publishing? I don't know what you're studying or where you live, but deffo make use of your uni's career services if you haven't already!! Or even just talking to your tutors for advice. I did, and managed to get interviews to various jobs and advice on grad schemes (even tho I didn't want to do them) that helped me feel a semblance of control lol. There's so many options out there that you may not know about, and you may end up somewhere you never dreamed of, like I did. 😊 You'll be fine!!!
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rei-caldombra · 1 year
My Start with Anime- Looking Back
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The first anime I believe I ever saw was Pokemon on TV. 
But that was before I properly understood how anime was different. As a kid everything that wasn't real people was just “cartoons”. It wasn’t until I came across anime on Youtube some years later that I started to recognize anime as its own area of animation. Before Youtube I didn't happy any perception of anime and would have just came across whatever was playing on the popular kids channels like Disney and Cartoon Network. I didn't watch many shows other people around my actual age did when they were younger, such as Dragon Ball, Naruto etc. And my family didn't have any interest in Japanese pop culture outside of a strong love for Godzilla. I can really only remember Kirby Right Back at Ya!, Sonic X and Pokemon as ones I significantly liked.
Most of the anime I initially watched were mid 2000s shows. The first ones I remember getting super into were Lucky Star, Ouran HSHC, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, and Clannad. This was when I properly became an anime fan. These early shows were definitely influential on Slice of Life becoming my favorite genre. I still like all of these shows and Clannad remains one of my absolute favorites. Once I got hooked on anime, I never really stopped.
Now that I have said the above, I must confess that the actual first anime I watched on Youtube was Girls Bravo. It's true quite a few of the earlier shows I saw were lewd in nature, like To Love Ru and Macademi Wasshoi. But these were not the important and influential ones, I promise!
Back then being an anime fan was a lot harder than now. It wasn't quite as bad as people a bit older than me, but you still didn't really want to talk about it casually. It was weird and different, so even if you didn't get harshly bullied over it, it still felt natural to hide what wasn't truly mainstream (which was very few). I remember slamming my laptop shut when I heard someone walk by my room at home and being ready to lock my phone at a moment's notice when someone walked by me in school. Thankfully nowadays anime is much more mainstream and more widely accepted.
Anime has been a significant part of my life- it has inspired me and has had a big impact on my way of thinking, it fostered a strong appreciation for the art process and artists, it got me interested in cosplay (I still need to make a cosplay of Dark Flame Master, he is the first character I genuinely planned to cosplay), and was a common interest that helped me make many friends over the years. It's tough to resist pressure to conform and not hide your passions that don't fit the mainstream, but I will always say to be proud of your interests. Don't let people stop you from liking a harmless hobby. There are other people out there who also like it that you'll be able to connect with. That was very important for me. The internet has its positives and negatives, but at least now finding good people who share in your passion is much easier than it was when I was younger. Making friends who liked anime and joining anime clubs had a big impact on me. If anyone is reading this and needs anime friends, I recommend giving your local anime club a shot. It can be scary to enter a new place and the thought of being seen as part of an anime club can be scary too, but you may very well find your safe space and make lifelong friends. I'm very thankful I did.
Now after more than a decade of watching anime, I still love it. I've been following the seasonals consistently for many years now and have a completed list on MAL of a bit over 400 lol. I may not watch as many each season as I used to, but I don't plan on stopping!
Thank you for reading my first proper post! I hope you enjoyed learning about my anime journey!
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byliever · 2 years
Maple, Harvest, Amber, Maize, Quilt for the autumn asks!
Maple - Is there a hobby/skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano. It might have been something I picked up from my dad because he always wanted to learn too.
Harvest -What fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Mike Wheeler. A lot of the things he struggles with in his life, from coming to terms with his sexuality, to his familial conflicts, to wanting to avoid adulthood and stay a child forever, are all things that made me identify with him deeply. Combine that with the fact that we share many ascribed status characteristics (white, male, middle child, middle class, overworked mother, emotionally distant/neglectful father, etc.) We have a lot of similarities.
Amber-Share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
I believe that, in order for Stranger Things to have proper stakes and get the audience emotionally invested, the writers need to have the balls to kill characters that we know and love.
Barb, Bob, Alexi, and Eddie. With the exception of Barb, all of these characters were lovable newbies, people introduced and then killed in the same season. The writers' problem is that they've fallen in love with the characters they've created and they're scared to kill any of them off, lest they risk upsetting the audience.
It's stupid. If you constantly put people through the wringer, but the audience knows that nobody except the group newbie is actually at risk of dying, there's no reason to get emotionally invested.
What's the one scene we all remember from Season 4, the first one that pops into your head? Max under Vecna's spell, right? At the end of Episode 4? Why? Because it's an intense, emotional scene because it's Max. It's someone we've grown to love over 2 seasons. It's why everyone's hearts were pounding when we saw Nancy running through the Upside Down away from Vecna because it's Nancy. We know Nancy. We love Nancy. We've followed her journey since Season 1.
If the writers want people to get emotional, they need to go after the people we love. I'm not saying Bob Newby or Eddie Munson's deaths weren't sad or that we didn't love them. It's just that at this point, it's a pattern. You know a new character has a high chance of dying before the season is finished the second they appear on the screen.
Maize-Share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
Probably not the weirdest encounter but it's the first I thought of. I was finishing up class this past Wednesday and about to start my walk home when I realized I was kind of thirsty. I knew there was a vending machine nearby so I figured, "why not?" and spent about a minute in front of the machine trying to decide what to purchase. I make my decision (a Pepsi) and swing my backpack off my shoulder so I can access my money pouch. Suddenly, there's an older guy, a professor probably, walking by. He notices what I'm doing and asks if I'm buying something. I say yes and he plunges his hand into his pocket, takes out a huge handful of coins, takes my hand, and puts the coins in my hand, telling me I can use these and that he doesn't like the sound the coins make when they rub together in his pocket and that's why he hates carrying them. I ask him if he's sure and he just nods, smiles, and goes off down the hall.
I did end up using the coins to make my purchase.
Quilt-How do you take your tea (or coffee)?
With coffee, I tend to add plain whole milk and sugar. I don't enjoy the bland taste of plain black coffee, but I don't like the creamer my mom purchases, so milk and sugar are a good compromise.
With tea, it depends on the flavor. For example, I'm currently drinking a cinnamon-flavored black tea that's so good, I don't need to add anything. With plain black tea, which is what I usually drink, I typically just add a bit of sugar.
Green tea is another story since it's disgusting.
Thanks for the asks, TJ! Hope you're doing well!
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steamishot · 7 months
pottery week 2/6
i was still a bit nervous going into pottery class today, but the experience overall was much better. it helped a lot watching youtube videos, reading some library books, and also reminding myself to just chill out and have fun. today, we focused on trimming the foot of the cups. i went in there last friday to practice throwing. it's nice to have these coworker-esque people around me. going into pottery class really does feel like i'm commuting to work. it's a ~30 min commute to ktown. it forces me to go to manhattan more often and gives me a purpose to be outside of the home. i was definitely less socially anxious today and even said hi to two people.
yoga: i signed up for the initial month of unlimited membership, which is $99 (normal price is $225) and plan to cancel after the first month. considering that each class is about $15-20 using classpass, it would be worth it as long as i take 7+ classes this month. i'm aiming to do at least 4-5 classes a week haha.
painting: i've been periodically checking to see if registration at a local brooklyn art studio has opened up, and it did on friday! i registered for the painting the photograph acrylics class, which will have 4 classes total. with a discount, it cost about $255. this class starts exactly one day after my wheel throwing class ends and will recur on monday evenings. hopefully i'm not too stressed out by needing to sneak out of work during that time.
piano: so this was a bit on a whim, but i decided to purchase a yamaha ez300 61 key keyboard. i fell for the aesthetics of it, and it doesn't hurt that it's been reviewed well. i think it'll be the perfect addition to the apartment.
overall, i recently feel very motivated to pursue the hobbies that i had interest in as a child/teen but lacked the resources and money for. i've been complaining about feeling socially isolated and caged in with my WFH set up for like the last year. due to social obligations (5 weddings) in 2023, i was back and forth between LA and NYC. i had always connected LA to where my social base was, but couldn't figure out how to integrate myself more here (and also, i wasn't trying to because i was constantly fixated on going back).
i thought that having a hybrid work schedule would solve a lot of things. which it may have. however, going into pottery class has opened up a whole new world for me. growing up pretty financially unprivileged meant that my parents weren't able to afford extracurricular classes for me. i never participated in any sports or activities in school, besides things that are related to academics. this carried into my adulthood. in my 20s, i never paid for studio classes (outside of the occasional groupon), only took yoga classes that were free or donation based, and didn't pursue any hobbies that cost much money. i enjoyed hiking and occasionally running, both of which can be pretty low cost.
in my family, splurges would be on food, travel, some clothes, designer bags, jewelry, family/friends and some electronics. by influence, i always felt like i "should" get a designer bag when i had money, but i realize that i really don't care for them. i'm all for splurging on food and travels, but i think i've experienced enough of that in the last few years. my current channel is splurging on hobbies - which is a foreign concept to my family and i.
this is all to say, because i didn't grow up with this idea, i didn't think it was possible for me. who knew that i could fulfill my social needs by paying for some kind of class or membership. i'm considering getting a membership at a pottery studio (here or back in LA, wherever life takes us), so i can continuing practicing after my class ends. it's also not a super crazy idea to me anymore to pay $200+/mo for yoga membership. there are also other interests i've always had: learning piano, how to swim, culinary arts, dance (much more out of my comfort zone) that i'm excited to pursue in the future.
this note is to thank my younger self for overall being quite frugal and responsible with money, so that my 30s self can enjoy the financial stability and afford to make my dreams come true. also, another thanks to the boo matt for working super hard the last 5 years (more like whole life) for his career that allows us easier access to financial freedom.
other life events:
my SIL's paternal grandmother passed away during a trip to cambodia. she had joined us at the hearst castle family trip a while ago, along with other family functions since. she was shy of 80 and had heart disease. it's sad, it seems like every month i'm hearing about someone passing. RIP
R turned 30 today! we will be doing a surprise bday celebration for her next sunday.
filed my taxes and got about $300 in refunds
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Welcome to my Blog
I wanted to start by saying I have never truly stuck through with something in my life. I'm easily bored. It's a nightmare being like this, usually just as soon as I get used to a hobby, I'm on to the next thing. I really hope I stick with this, and possibly gain somewhat of a following.
I need a way to express myself, and writing has always interested me. Forgive me, ahead of time for poor grammar and awful spelling. Unfortunately I did not pay attention in school whatsoever, so I probably have the IQ of a ant.
Let me introduce myself- My name is Hannah. I am 23 years old and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children. Yes, you read that right I said 4 children. But in this economy??! Haha, look- things happen okay. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Who knows where I would be if it wasn't for my babies. I'm currently unemployed, my significant other and I decided it would be better that way. Plus, who can afford the childcare?? Being a stay at home parent is a true blessing, don't get me wrong. Although, I do suffer from severe clinical depression and loneliness. As do many - and there are those who have it way worse then I do. Sadly enough, my mind wants me to believe the best option is to *self delete* sigh.
My worse enemy is myself. I am not afraid to admit my flaws-and ooooof. I have tons. Not to be too self deprecating; but I am definitely not a saint. I've dabbled in alot of things; drugs, meaningless sex, partying- you name it. Alot of people ask me "Hannah, why are you like this?" Truth is, I just want to feel something. Most of the time I feel like a empty shell. Like a robot just moving through the motions. Dangerous or promiscuous activities give me a boost of adrenaline. For that moment I feel alive. It's short lived though, and I'm soon back to being numb.
Now you are probably like "woah, didn't she just say she was a mom?" Yes, yes I did. I'm home 99.9% of the time. When I do get time away from them, I admit that I tend to get a little too wild. I know, I know. Shame. Me, a women of 23 years old going out and about? How dare she! She must be a slave to her children at all times. I think most people forget that even though someone has kids, we still have feelings. After all we are human. My kids are everything to me, I have given them my life since I was 17. So, when the opportunity presents itself, I do enjoy my 0.01% of what I call "adult time"
As I mentioned in a previous paragraph; I have a tendency to get bored easily with hobbies. I recognize that switching between so many things is sort of unhealthy. Definitely can agree it is a nuisance, but my my my. I have learned a lot. Well, a lot of useless information hahaha. There is one thing I always come back to, nevermind. Make that two things. Reading tarot, and writing. For as long as I can remember I have done both. Way back, in elementary school I used to sneak divination books from the library. When it comes to tarot, I guess I could say it is a passion. Is that even possible?
Writing, writing is my love. I always said that I would write a book of sorts, and from that I would become famous. Now the onlook is different, but I still continue to write small stories. Maybe one day, I will write a book . So I can at least say I kept a promise to the child I once was. Who knows? I may use this blog as grounds for a book. My life can be eventful-not always in a positive manner-but eventful nevertheless.
We all have our trauma, our backstory. I've had my fair share-and then some- of messed up things happening. More so when I was a young child, I plan on getting more detailed about that much later in my posts. As for now, just know things were not easy for me growing up. Not easy at all.
So, I think I covered the basics of my introduction. It's scattered around a bit but it's there. As time goes on I plan on getting more detailed about things, with specific stories and what not. Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and was able to make sense of the scattered tid bits of information. Please feel free to follow me, and together we can go through this journey of me-discovering myself along with developing my writing skills.
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duskpinelydearyou · 2 years
Artist Dates
Hello again Tumblr, I've got more to share with you!
I loved my second time at Full Sail University. From the start, I knew I had made the right choice in going back to the place where it all began, but I knew it'd be bittersweet as I was quickly coming to the end of my chapter in college and moving forward with the rest of my life. Though I learned a lot from this, I remember one thing that always stuck with me. My third month of twelve, a quarter of the way done with my program, I picked up on something in my scriptwriting class that had me thinking about enjoying something so nice for myself. And it all has to do with thanks from a self-help book by an author named Julia Cameron.
As you can guess by the title of this, I did what was called an artist date. But what is an artist date, you're probably wondering. For me, it was a time I devoted myself to creatively getting out of my comfort zone to find inspiration in the world around me. Though the actual definition is close, it's what I saw my artist dates for the month of October. How did it help me? It freshened me up for a change as I had been so focused on just schoolwork and the like that I never took the opportunity to get out of my shell. Like a turtle, I finally got out of my shell and started going out to have fun, whether it just be around my apartment complex I was staying at, or actively going around the Winter Park community. So to add a little bit of fun and excitement to my blog here, I would like to convey the dates I went on, how I saw the world around me, and how it helped inspire me moving forward with my final venture through college.
We all have to start somewhere, and that start for me was on September 29th with a Hydrodipping even that was done in my apartment complex. What made it fun? Well, we got to design our own cups into unique and colorful patterns similar to how they do the wraps on cars to get those crazy unique styles. I challenged myself to be creative, to think outside the box with what wacky design I could come up with, and settled on it. It also happened during a time where I was working on my first script for the class, a one-page script that I had issues trying to write for as I had been so focused on writing stuff for a full short film.
The second event was exploring Winter Park in and of itself, and was among one of the more expensive dates I went on. Where did I go? Well, I went to Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite craft stores! I think that's something I share between myself and my family as we all love Hobby Lobby, and I was so happy that one was in the town I was living in for the year! My haul wasn't too big as there wasn't much to pick from, especially with it being close to Halloween at the time (October 6th is close in my book, don't @ me). I did manage to grab a couple of books though, mostly on how to draw anime and chibi (a subtle middle finger to my drawing teachers and instructors who tore me down when I was younger) and went home with my haul. Brought the books with me every day for the rest of the month just to chill out and draw something in my notebooks that I brought with me. What I got out of this was just turning my brain into off mode and focusing on something else. It was refreshing to just explore and not have to worry about any assignments for the day.
My next artist date after was just something so very simple: getting a haircut. Why was it considered an artist date? Well, sometimes an artist needs to look their best before a big project, and usually that can just be a change in their own self-appearance, which was what I wanted to do. I wasn't dealing with class that day, so I figured it was a good opportunity to put my controller down and just go for a haircut. I wasn't going to hermit myself in when it was such a beautiful day outside! I even made a video of it that has me doing my favorite video cut: the fingersnap cut.
October 17th was a day at the beach, just having time to enjoy myself and celebrate an incredibly big achievement. I had finished the rough draft of my five-page script and the pitch for this script. My family was also visiting at this time and it gave me a chance to just relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor now completed. A reprieve from the hard world of school, the reward being the gentle lapping of waves on the sand and music in my ears. This was also my last artist date for the end of the month, but there was more to be had as I enjoyed the concept of going out and enjoying myself as a treat for completing something, or getting out of my own head.
Those were just the first four of many I did. Fun experiences to be had all around, and it was just the start of many more wonderful experiences I had. From kayaking, to movie watching, to even enjoying a game I've not had the privilege of playing in years, my artist dates varied, and they continued to vary as such over the next year. I have more experiences to enjoy, much more to go out and see, and I plan on doing it all when I have the stability for it. Hope my next big artist date takes me across the country, or even the world for that matter. I'd love to see another culture and garner inspiration from it seeing as there is more to it than just seeing it on a computer screen. To a future of exploration and enjoying every moment!
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bluethedream · 3 years
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what if I just drop out of school. and quit both my jobs. and leave the society to live by the sea. hm? what if. what then.
#rant ahead so scroll past pls I just need to get it out#that moment when you realize every single decision in your life is dictated by money#Recently I've realized thay every second I'm thinking of money. And not even how to make more no Just whether what I have will be enough#for the quiet minimal life I want. I don't want luxury. I don't want anything that costs anything. Just the basics. A bit pretty.#But it's never fucking enough#No matter how hard I work and how much I work it'll never be enough. I never thought I'd be working two jobs at twenty n I'm not even able#to pay full rent. I can't do anything with what I earn. I blink and it's all gone.#And then I'm worried of how to make at least as much the next month because I'm payed by the hour and both my jobs are flexible#I hate the second half of the month because I have to walk on eggshells and not want anything at all#I love both my jobs. But the fact that I have to keep doing more and more of them more than is required of me and more than I can just to#make a living is making me hate everything I absolutely loathe everything right now#and amidst all that I have to go to uni too? Pay for commute? Pay for food? Pay for books? Use up energy to study? Oh god whatam I a robot?#And thanks to my home life I've never learned how to enjoy a hobby and am having a hard time trying to teach myself because I'd try it for#two days and next thing I know I'm asking myself how I can make money out of it and that if I can't then I'm utterly wasting my time doing#sth that gains me nothing and then I feel guilty and then I stop doing it and I lose something I liked#I can't enjoy anything because my brian's all 'you're not on the clock you're not earning anything how r u gonna make it this month how#will u buy that thing u liked how will u'#I just wanna live. Today I had poetry analysis class and then I had to look at some 19th century paintings of couples later and#all I wanted to do was pull my hair out and scream and cry because this is what I wanna be doing enjoying and discussing art - tho free of#the confines of academia - but I don't have the fkn time. cuz I have to work.#when will I be a human then? when will I have the time to indulge my senses?eat my fill and gaze at art and the sky and listen to melodies?#just. what even is this life. is this all there is?#it can't be. it can't.#It's already not worth much#what makes all this worse is how I'm not good enough at anything I do#so it's a constant feedback loop of 'ok i'll do it right and I'll feel good - I didn't do good enough - I'm shit at this - I hate myself#and everything else - let's just give up'#and i just don't know hoe much longer I can go on like this without dissolving into an unmanageable mess#if you've read all this. I'm sorry. I'll be alright.#sabi's words
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