#And making a few short sad animatics
ancientdreamkdj · 3 months
Casually being gnawed by the ongoing desire to swear my love until my voice becomes small and weak and realizing "I love you" in this context comes more from a place of pleading "love me back" than the simple want to share a fact. But. I am normal
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anime-grimmy-art · 9 months
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It’s this time of the year again, folks. Time to wrap up the art Ive made in the last 12 months in another Year in Review! I’ve noticed that this is my fifth Year in Review in a row, so I’ll be making an extra post looking back on the progress in those last 5 years!
I've got a lot to say about this year, but purely art wise, I've gone all when it comes to comics, damn! I've kinda found a format that is messy, and therefore more time efficient, yet still looks good. I even made 2 animatics and lotsa shorts/reels! All that on top of opening coms twice, and, oh yeah, MAKING A WHOLE ASS 4MIN ANIMATION ON MY OWN.
How is my hand still alive.
2023 has been….interesting, to say the least. The first half year I was working on my thesis project, aka making an animated short all on my own (in the art department), which makes it honestly surprising how much I managed to churn out between animating. Trigun rly did have me in a choke hold.
Summer was a bit more spotty, esp. with me not being able to draw anything during August as I was writing my thesis (and doing commissions). And towards the end of the year, Kingdom Hearts tried to save me, but alas, Genshin Impact has finally sunk its teeth into me and dragged me to the bottom of the rabbit hole. It all started with me watching a story summary and lore videos while I was sick after my thesis and I was too intrigued to not dig deeper and well, first I fell in love with Kaeya and then the ships started dropping in left and right.
I’m not gonna lie, the last few months have been weird. I finished my masters in October, and have been on job hunt since, sadly without success so far. I’m existing in this weird limbo of still not grasping I’m not a student anymore after 18 years in education, not really being able to accept I’m an adult, yet desperately trying to find something so I can make a routine, cos rn Im too scared to build a rhythm as I know I’ll have a so much harder time readjusting again. It’s left me in a weird emotional state, where most of the time I feel fine, but when it counts, there’s just, nothing. No joy at getting my diploma, no anticipation to finally go to a convention again, neither any sadness hearing my grandfather died. It frustrates me that it extends to my art as well, there’s excitement over ideas and concepts, but no motivation to pick up the pencil, which makes me either not finish art at all or making so many shortcuts and just ending up with sth not satisfactory to me since it’s not the idea I sought after.
Tho, not everything is doom and gloom. I DID finish a whole ass short animation and got my masters degree, that IS sth to be proud of. Also, while Im struggling at drawing, I’ve also kinda started integrating my shortcuts into my style and some stuff I’ve thrown together actually turns out real good nowadays. Also, and this might be a bit of a weird one, I’m so fucking happy to know I can still enjoy gay ships. I’ve been a bit uncertain over the last few years because when I was around 16-18, I had a real big yaoi phase, which mostly came from the fact so much stuff came out that tickled my brain in the right way (Free, Haikyuu, etc.). But over the years, my enthusiasm died down, and I even started to resent some ships because it’s all some fandoms produced. I often found myself liking a hetero ship more than the popular gay ship, which really made me not wanna stick around because I did not care for most fanart and you can only go through a tag with art you don’t care about so long before you lose interest. I think in retrospect that it rly had nothing to do with the ships being gay ships but rather cos the fans just shoved it in your face when you didn’t care (and shipping culture nowadays also can get real scary). But I’m so happy to see I can still get obsessed with a ship and it’s all thanks to Haikaveh/Kavetham. It really just needed the right flavour for me to dig in again. And oh my god, I FINALLY like a ship with a SHIT TON of art and fanfictions, no more scrounging the crumbs from the bottom of the barrel. 
Anyways, enough lamenting. Here’s to hoping I can bite my tongue and get shit started properly in 2024, and that my brainrots may make me obsessed enough to churn out an obscene amount of fanart again.
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likesdoodling · 9 months
It has been a while since I started digital art,
Quite a while.
So here is a 'progress over the last two years' since I gained access to a drawing tablet.
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This is my first ever digitally illustrated piece- compared to my latest one-
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So, a little bit different.
I do think my art took quite a jump around June 2022, when I took a break from my Steve comic strip, (for obvious reasons- it was about Technoblade's polar bear so...) and decided to try practicing gesture drawing to see if it helped my general anatomy knowledge. This is before,
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And this next one is after.
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The most obvious change here is that I switched to using thinner lines. There is a gap of about two months between these.
This was when I realised that you could improve art by practicing it (mind-blowing I know), and then started to do just that. Some other notable jumps forward would be when I discovered the airbrush-
Well, discovered a new method of shading with it anyway.
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Then after that I had a few pictures that I actually still like, despite them being pretty old at this point, the one below is actually from September of 2022-
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I mean, the hands are a bit iffy, but the rest looks alright. This was when I was going through a bit of a melanie martinez phase-
This next one was from January of 2023, I'd only just gotten into bungou stray dogs via some random memes on pinterest about this weird brown haired guy who had lots of bandages and who had this running gag with wanting to die- I actually looked him up at one point, but that didn't really explain much. The main one that I remember was 'life is short, so make it shorter, shorter than chuuya~'
Which at the time was just kind of confusing,
Then I watched the show and it made perfect sense.
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I'd discovered ascendance of a bookworm in like, 2021, but I hadn't really been doing fanart of it since I was mainly doing dsmp related stuff and I kind of assumed nobody would know what on earth I was referencing. Turns out tumblr has a lot more bookworm fans than I orignally anticipated. Instagram still has no clue. I think maybe one person out of my followers on instagram knows what I'm on about-
Then we've got these two which I am still proud of btw-
The first one is from a dystopian/time travel fanfic called viridian.
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The second one was after I learned about rim lighting. It was inspired by a song actually, 'crash' by noevaii. (and yes I found that song from a sad-ist animatic, it was cool) The character isn't anyone in particular. They're both from February 2023.
Then there's probably my most liked picture on instagram, (not tumblr, since tumblr knows about bsd and bookworm, but y'know. This was even sadder than I originally intended since the last half of my comic strip was finished AFTER everything happened)
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Then the final conclusion of my Steve comic strip in May of 2023.
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I don't think my art really changed much in between those, but eh.
Then I switched to doing a bunch of ascendance of a bookworm stuff to see what would happen and turns out there are way more fellow fans out there than I anticipated-
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Then I guess my next breakthrough in tumblr popularity, (even if it might not have been a breakthrough in art skills necessarily) was when things went DOWN in the bsd fandom with chapter 109 and I did probably one of my most liked tumblr posts I have ever done-
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If you want to see the rest of that, feel free to scroll down on my tumblr page, the original's like eight pages long-
This was before anyone knew what was going to happen btw.
I still think it's hilarious that I put in chuuya having contacts. My reasoning being, they're on a film set,
It was a pretty interesting exercise in shading in monochrome.
Then I started a 30 day art challenge in October that I didn't get past day six of, but it was still pretty fun. This is the best one of those-
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After that I spent most of my time studying for the jlpt n5, so I didn't really do that much art related stuff,
This is one of the two non-commission related pictures that I finished over the two months after I kind of gave up on the art challenge. This one's from November,
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Then I finally finished an art commission I'd been working on for the three months prior, as well as studying. Here is an example of the type of pictures I was doing for that,
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Then I was occupied with christmas and birthday presents for my siblings, both my little sisters are into ascendance of a bookworm- (completely my fault I am proud to say) so I was able to do stuff related to that, here's a couple of snippets, but you guys don't get the colour version hehe
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And one of them has also read the entire fma manga just like I have so-
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Anyway, it's been quite a progression since I resolved to master digital art in 2021.
I reckon I've come a fair way since then. I mean. My art skills in general are way better than they used to be. The last two or three years have been pretty interesting.
Just had to include this one, I'm gonna do a more detailed version but still-
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I think it's funny so I'm posting it here. Even if it's not really related to art progression-
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newtafterdark · 10 months
I played "Lethal Company" with @syberfire117, @colorful-horses & a few other folks last night! Sad thing is that no one hears your funny solo bits if no one is close enough to hear them due to in-game proximity chat - and my personal fun bit was serenading the local hostile fauna with a song from the "Trolls - Band Together" OST. I just had to make a short sweet animatic of that specific moment!
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zarvasace · 9 months
Vidow Animatic Thoughts (pt 1)
I shall detail thought process etc. let’s go. It’s long. Under cut. Hit tumblr max image upload so this is three parts.
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Animatic can be found here
Program: procreate dreams (it’s clunky but it works). This whole video took me something like 8 hours? Over the course of uhhh three days? Pretty quick.
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This is my first ever animatic, so when I began, I wanted to keep it simple. I chose my favorite pencil brush and like three colors (I later added one for emphasis). I had a couple specific scenes in mind, and I knew how I wanted the progression to go, but I winged most of it, shot by shot. The song does a good job of building up with a sort of three-act structure, so.
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I referenced the castle from Breath of the Wild, but I didn’t stress too much about the details. The plan was to make it sketchy and quick. The beginning is mostly just things moving across the screen. I think that works, though, setting up the angsty mood and giving me room to expand later on. The first shot with Vio’s face is sort of meant to be a fake-out: you’re looking at him, but no he’s looking at a mirror, which is obvious when it cracks. Not sure if that came across but the cracks are very cool anyway.
This is also the first time you see white, which sort of represents change/time through the whole thing.
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And then we see the first of Shadow, and he has his own color: black. He's a real drawing here (rather than black smoke or something) mostly to establish that black=Shadow.
Not much to say about the next bit, with the door and stuff dropping, I just wanted to make it clear that we’re in Vio’s bedroom at the end of a day.
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And then he’s being dramatic about getting in bed. Mostly just to show that he’s tired and Haunted. Also I think it does work in establishing that this isn’t really Shadow’s doing. Whether or not he’s actually there doesn’t matter, because it’s Vio who thinks he does, and we’re seeing this from Vio’s perspective. He’s the one who can’t let Shadow go, so whether Shadow is actually haunting him like a ghost doesn’t matter.
Verse 1
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SO first off, Vio is sad and has bad dreams. Well, good dreams. They're good, but they make him sad. Shadow shows up in black again, definitely part of the dream (further blurring the line between reality and delusion). Vio's in white in his dream, which doesn't happen anywhere else. If white represents change, then this is Past Vio, or the Vio That Vio Wishes He Was But Isn't. It's definitely memories of some kind, though, because white Vio's hair is short, where normal Vio has a long braid throughout.
We only see Shadow as more than an influence (by that I mean a shadow, a flash, a feeling) a few times, and this is the first. His presence is stronger in dreams and weaker in the reality that Vio lives in.
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But the sun comes up and Vio is actually alone. White is the sun/light a lot here, meaning that time is passing. Vio's still brooding. (I really like that little "in the heat of the day" shot, the glint is in Vio's lower eyes which may hint at tears, but it's definitely not obvious yet.) I don't particularly LOVE that drawing of Vio braiding his hair, but it gets the point across. He can't stop thinking about Shadow, even as he goes about his day.
Chorus 1
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This part hammers that in: Vio CAN'T stop thinking about Shadow and wallowing in his memories, it's driving him to distraction and failure. He's not moving on. It's right there in the lyrics: "I can never let you go." There's a reference to evil root beer as he's eating, distracted from Red (hi Red!) right beside him. He feels guilty, and can't shoot arrows without imagining himself hurting Shadow more. He still half-expects Shadow to be there for his discoveries. He feels watched, like Shadow should be there all the time, even when he isn't doing anything. He's brooding. Broody boy.
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Broody boy continues. Important: when he's walking to his room/the library/wherever books are, he's going right to left. I studied a couple videos of walk cycles to get those feet right, and they still aren't right, but I'm still impressed with myself! Also, apparently I now have a mental library of Gothic Windows. I thought that was a fun shot. Vio sure sighs a lot.
Verse 2
This verse is ramping things up and preparing for the turn.
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"Nothing ever changes, so I've learned." I feel like this is quite a Vio statement to make. I don't think it's perfectly applicable—in this post-canon-adjacent AU, clearly the four of them are still separate people, which would be quite a change, but for Vio? I think it means that he's maybe a little upset that nobody else is grieving to the point of distraction. People are going about their lives, but every single step Vio takes is shadowed. (ba dum tish.)
The flower was a spur-of-the-moment decision, since I wanted something in the spot where the book was and didn't really want to just draw vague smoke again. But it ended up being thematic and calling back to a later moment in the video. And maybe it hints that Shadow might be showing his approval that Vio is at least trying to do what he loves (that is, reading books.)
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And Vio's back in his room, surrounded by books. He's tried so hard to forget. He doesn't look particularly interested in what he's reading, and we know why. I tried to frame that "to forget" shot in a way that looks like he might be drowning in his own ambition, like he has all these books and he's just desperate that one of them will distract him or be a replacement for Shadow's influence in his life, which is quickly growing to dangerous levels...
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Did Vio actually see Shadow here? Well, once again, it doesn't matter, because Vio thinks he did, thinks so hard that he throws himself to the ground. It doesn't injure him, but it doesn't take a fortune-teller to imagine that he might do something truly reckless if this keeps going. And Vio sees that, I think, here. He realizes that what he sees might not be real. He's in the "dark night of the soul" here, and actually cries, which is a big deal for his character. It's just two tears—white, if you'll notice—but it represents his hitting rock-bottom.
"And you've never loved me once" is maybe not the right line for this, I considered changing it to "you only loved me once" but I eventually decided to keep the line as it is in the song so there's minimal dissonance for the viewer. The song's story isn't quite the same as the one I'm pulling out here, but this line is the turning point in the song's story and in mine.
(continued in part 2!)
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hiveswap · 2 years
How do you get into mcyt?? I’ve tried a couple times and I can’t really figure out where everyone’s finding lore? Any tips?
Oh hi. i dont even know where to begin, i've been really out of the loop. But i have recommendations. This is going to be long
Well, the dsmp has gone to shit for many reasons.
But if you do get into dsmp, blueberrytv on youtube is your best friend, they cut streams down to more digestible episodes so you can follow the story along. Yes it's long. Dear god it's long. Also @relaxxattack has a carrd that updated until fairly recently, i also recommended it many times.
The story was (i never thought i'd have to speak in past tense about it, the fucker seemed to drag through for decades in just 2 years) told through livestreams, quite a few of are lost forever because twitch deletes vods after 2 weeks and no one bothered to back them up. Also ignore everything after the disc war finale except quackity (and tales of the smp)
You can test the waters by watching Wilbur's L'manburg war video to see if you like the vibes. I usually recommend this, though it's not the earliest point in the story. (that would be tommy's disc war, which is also VERY important, but people tend to find him annoying at first, esp. 2020 tommy like jesus christ he was a different beast. Definietly watch it after the L'manburg independence, things will click.)
Sad-ist's animatics are classics that helped shape the story as it was being written. Watch them as you progress through.
Hermitcraft + Adjacent*
*as far as fandom/content creator overlap goes
1. Hermitcraft is more gameplay heavy. If you don't enjoy minecraft you're not gonna like it, but it's pretty straight forward. You find a youtuber and follow their series on youtube. People usually recommend Grian, GoodTimesWithScar, and Mumbo for beginners, (they are the most popular ones) and then you can branch out from there. Hermitcraft recap is a godsent if you want to know what's going on everywhere.
I personally loved season 8, it's also the shortest and the most lore-heavy. Really gives you a taste of what the series is like at its best.
2. The life series! (Third life, Last Life, Double life, Limited Life) again, find any participant want, then branch out if you want to. Lore is easy to find here, people were under pressure to make up stuff quickly because the series is short, and the result is funny, creative, and so so tragic.
3. People watch EvoSMP for grian, pearl and martyn lore but it really doesn't matter to anything that's going on right now. It's a good series, but Watcher (basically evil angel Grian) headcanons are far detached from it nowdays despite originating from it.
4. Yandere highschool! Do not watch Yandere highschool. No detail is worth it. Use adblock if you force yourself through it, no money for the creator he's an asshat and the other members apparently no longer talk to him.
Since the last post, Quackity started the QSMP, in which spanish and english speaking youtubers play on the same server. It has roleplay but it's looser and less grimdark than the dsmp thankfully. They are on an island and they adopted little eggs that walk around and act all cute. It's streamed on twitch. Pick a person and look up their vods, if you're interested. Slimecicle is recommended to start with, and some spanish creators use english subtitles/translation mods. There aren't comprehensive sources to find every vod/video yet, since the server isn't that old.
Start from participants' youtube channels, can't tall you more. I never got into it, not my thing. However, a lot of people left guides in the notes!
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huntershowl · 1 month
——— BASICS ! ♡
NICKNAME : raine
PRONOUNS : she/her
ZODIAC SIGN : gemini
went to college for game design, with a focus on writing/narrative and 2D art!
i love cooking and baking — currently work as a chef and i arrange a mean charcuterie board :) fav recipe of mine is probably either banana bread or white chocolate lemon scones.
very into tabletop games, but cursed to hate playing over call. in person, i am known to make detailed irl props, animatics, cover songs and shit like that because immersion is my favorite thing to foster in any sort of roleplaying experience!
too much. too much. tumblr since 2012, but online rp in general forrrrr. 15?? yrs? since i was in third grade and rped with my bff via emails. kjdshfjkshf ive been through the shit. ask me about horror stories and i'll have a fuckin Tale for you (FROM THE LAST FEW MONTHS EVEN. but also earlier. ive seen things. to the extent that i've been actually considering writing an unofficial dissertation on rp from a queer anthropology lens )
for muses i prefer to write? ALWAYS sad characters. always. if a bitch isnt a little bit sad i lose interest fast. dsjfhkjshdf more specifically, angry femmes, hard-edged bitchy men with hearts of gold. usually has endured some sort of abuse. a bit unlikable, has a long way to go before they're comfortable with vulnerability. occasionally i have an off-type muse pick though (a couple of love-embodiment rays of sunshine, or get.o jj.k for example, but they're still ALWAYS SAD)
for muses i write against? for seph, i prefer characters with some sort of mean streak/bitchiness/hard edge to them. she doesn't do super well with outwardly soft and gentle characters — her muse avoids them and i tend to lose insp fast, even if i love the character ooc.
in a general sense, i'm drawn to characters who are also angsty in some way, but more than that, i'm drawn to conflict. if a dynamic isn't rough in some way, if there's no conflict between them, then it's less my vibe personally! no shade to those who like harmonious/fluffy character relationships of course — i just. yk. my brain likes to cause problems.
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT ! ♡
FLUFF : small doses, short threads! i like fluff a lot, but only occasionally
ANGST : honestly like 90% of my content. eve my fluff threads turn sad. i love putting characters through the meat grinder — not only seph either, just say the word and i will HAPPILY inflict my villains on your blorbo! ask any of my writing partners and they will be able to confirm how much angst is on this fuckin blog JKSDKJDSH
SMUT : on discord yes! on dash, i'll ride the line and get a little spicy, but nothing like super explicit. ALTHOUGH this is a wiggly rule — i might try to explore it with trusted partners at some point if i get less shy
PLOT / MEMES : BOTH. plotting is very very helpful for me because i'm a chatterbox and tend to enjoy dynamics where we can also yell about em ooc. also having spicy plot points and conflicts to work towards makes it easier for me to write multiple threads haha <3 but memes are amazing ways to start interacting, as long as i have some sort of direction going in. so both!
tagged by: stoled from @tewwor
tagging: YOU!
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itsdefinitely · 2 years
i don't have the energy to force myself to create new fanart, which makes me sad that i can't contribute to this show's sendoff, but i can at least write something down.
i remember discovering beetlejuice in the beginning of summer 2022, i listened to a few songs (namely: girl scout, say my name, and the whole being dead thing) and that was it. good music. nice animatics. later in that same summer, in august probably, i rediscovered it. i listened to the whole album, watched a ton of animatics, and indulged myself on the performances uploaded to the beetlejuice youtube channel. i think that's where the start of my love for beetlejuice began, it snapped me out of a really deppresive time and i couldn’t get enough of it. there wasn't enough content, so i dusted off the unfinished Say My Name animatic and got to work. the animatic gave me something to do, and probably singlehandedly held my mental health up; i never once got tired of the song. when my mom said she was taking me to see beetlejuice for my birthday i started crying. (the show was amazing, by the way) joining tumblr and looking at all the fellow beetlejuice fanatics really cheered me up and jumpstarted my will to create, and while my brain isn't soley fixated on beetlejuice right now, the artists and just generally everyone inspire me so much to continue doing things. not just create, to continue waking up each morning, to continue living.
i'm going to have to cut this short because it's getting long and sort of deppresing and too personal, but my point is: beetlejuice the musical is my all-time favorite musical with one of the best communities i've seen. i love the show more than i can describe and they didn’t deserve to be kicked off so soon.
here's a collection of some of my favorite beetlejuice fanart i've made:
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mirrorshards · 2 years
4, 8? I’m a little shy, uh, 11? <:3
4. Favourite things to draw?
the expected answer: little gay scenarios or gestures. BL or GL, sometimes even het. I love dealing with intimacy and relationship dynamic even if that intimacy is just about eyes following or physical proximity
the unexpected answer: when i'm out of ideas my go-to is always girls. love drawing girls. happy or sad or somewhere in between.. girls are the best
8. What do you like most about your own work?
I've been pretty proud of my character-analysis abilities, and recently I've gotten more self confident seeing I can carry little self "projects" to the end- which were animatics or my roommate stenny comic, a short original comic I just did and a few years ago also my webtoon contest entry. with every little project I finish I feel more "invincible" with regards to my art and my abilities and it gives me confidence and pride!
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever recieved on your work?
okay not to be gay but my absolute favorite commentator is @basu-shokikita. whenever I show her one of my comics and it moves her I'm satisfied my point had gotten across and managed to touch something and I wasn't just my inner-brain cringe. or when she gives me feedback it always serves to make my comics/drawings better so I love those too.
other than that, I love when people tell me in their comments what they loved about it, or get into the story of what I drew and maybe ask questions or wonder where it might go etc. I'm always so happy to get positive comments (even the crying tags on my sadder things make me smile), but my favorite is when someone makes me talk with them somehow, if that makes sense? I want my art to be engaging and i want people to have something to say about it, that makes me feel that it was a success
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yagurlhere · 1 year
So, pretty sure first part about it was like, People coming up to my house and me and my family letting them stay in so they could hide from Momo, (pretty sure you've heard of her,) and I was, like, making sure everything was shut.
Next part was, like, Rayman Origins centered. Apparently, two Toad-like dudes were like, trying to pressure Globox into something, so he slapped them. (Proud of him.) I think the next parts had to do with evacuating or the Nymphs or something...?
Next it was about how in the Super Marios Bros. movie Kirby actually appeared in it along with King Dedede and Meta Knight and they were like, supporting characters, especially Kirby, and I was re-writing it cause the movie didn't do too well with them.
Next part (and one of the most intriguing) I think was, like, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon centered. So, apparently, I think this maybe Human-turned-Pokemon got separated and was trying to find this Group of Pokemon they were with, along with I think four, three, or two more Pokemon who also got separated from the Group, and I think they were like, his Partners, or something, and he found them all in like, a doctor/hospital rooms setting. Anyways, they ended up on a beach and I think they found the Group, who was like, relaxing, but the leader, who I think was actually CLAWROLINE and they treated "Clawroline" like a Pokemon species, so yeah, anyways, THREATENED the main character, and now the Group, (well, I think mainly her,) were after the main characters and his Partners, and I think his Partners helped him up, cause the leader, like, pinned him, and now they're on the run and trying to find a way to stop the Pokemon Group leader.
And the final part (which I found possibly the most intriguing) was I was on YouTube and one of the recommended settings (you know, like, along with things you enjoy, and they recommend, like music or Pokemon,) was MURFY, cause, I was like, looking at videos of the little Greenbottle. So, I tapped on "Murfy" and there was actually VIDEOS/SHORTS CENTERED AROUND HIM. Like, small crapposts or something, and one of them even drew him with like, hair, like, the "cool" hairstyle, or something, IDK how to describe it. And there were quite a few that was like, crossovers. One of them was I think an sad animatic about him getting upset with I think Lucy from Fairy Tail, running away, her finding him, and he's, like, dying, so he spends his final moments with her. And there was more of these crossovers with Fairy Tail that was mainly centered around him and Lucy. Like, it was weird. I think one of them was even about bath or Lucy once again being naked again cause like in the anime they keep on showing her naked!? Yeah, it was weird. I think I remember Murfy looking all awkward. I...I'm half convinced one of them was NSFW. The dream gave me that vibe. I'm pretty sure there WAS a part like that. Perhaps maybe the one where I think they showed Lucy naked for some reason. WTF.
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eternalglitch · 2 years
Have you ever felt pressured to change small parts of the plot so it matches what people think will happen? I'm not sure if you ever said that Leo would use a scarf to hide his scars, but people kind of just assumed that would happen (i did too jsjs). I'm not asking for spoilers but, for example, have you felt the need to add a scarf so you won't "disappoint" your readers? (Also you won't disappoint no one! Your writing is amazing and disappointment is basically impossible with your work).
Haha! A very valid question.
Fanfiction is often written in live time, unless you are one of those writers that prewrites the whole thing before posting (my major respect but I could NEVER.) And often it is still just you and your work and a few nice comments and that is it. I would say that smaller fic will still inevitably be influenced by the fandom and what the author consumes in that fandom, but it's usually not very direct.
And then once in a while you have a fic such as Like Father Like Son, which is an entirely different monster. I have people writing theories and essays about it. (One I saw recently where ohhhh they are on to me. I won't tip my hand at all as to who or what it was, but I sent it very excited to a few beta readers like look!! My foreshadowing is working! Not even anyone in my server guessed this one yet!)
The short answer is yes. It has changed thanks to the readers. Some of the more major changes came to be because one of my friends (all met through writing this fic) hopped into my dms with art, or a thought, or a theory. And I liked it so much I asked to use it. April alone in Draxum's lab was thanks to @aoshimaonwards and a future Mikey line of dialogue is thanks to @jinbugs. I slipped in the phrase "all eyes on him" as a nod towards @soldrawss and her animatic in another chapter, and yeah, the scarves didn't even occur to me until all the fanart suddenly had it and I went "wait, yeah, that IS a great idea. How can I expand on that in a way that works?" If I don't like it, I just ignore it. Simple as that.
Having readers influence you is not something to be afraid of in your own work, so long as you don't steal ideas and ensure everyone participating is having fun (including yourself!). My friends tend to be the most influential, of course, but sometimes a comment or something will lead my brain down a rabbit hole and allows me to improve lfls in a way I wouldn't have spotted on my own.
It's not sad that this fic would be different if I had written it in isolation or before anyone knew about it and had a chance to influence me. It just has the fingerprints of people that also love this fic just as much as I do added next to mine.
THAT BEING SAID. The worst thing an author can do is 100% listen to their audience when they know it doesn't make sense for their own thing. I know and trust my calls on how things should go, and I stick with them, because that is what drew so many people to my work in the first place. I very clearly remember after the Battle Nexus arc a few people wrote me essays about how I was wrong, Leo should have been saved there, I was dragging the story out and ruining everything. Considering the arcs I had for Raph and Donnie that required the Weapon arc, plus all of the other aspects of it I had planned, I could clearly see how it was an important part of Like Father Like Son and just kept on going.
As the author, I already have hindsight of how the arcs and character development will go; the readers do not. That's where you do need the strength to trust yourself, and your writing, because if people are reading it and talking about it you are doing something right already.
You won't ever be able to please everyone. Some people might be disappointed with what I do down the line in Like Father Like Son. At this point, it's almost inevitable because I have so many of you reading it that there are a hundred different opinions on how it should go and only a single route I can choose. But I showed the people whose opinions I trust as highly as my own my plans and they were all so excited so if I'm wrong, and they're wrong, then I guess I'll just be wrong on my story's ending. This was a fanfic started for just me, and at the end of the day that's who I want to reread it and love every second of it (plus now all of my friends that helped support my silly little endeavors).
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supernaturalist1234 · 3 years
so I’ve seen discussions about the new Sanders Sides updates. and, since I am physically unable to keep thoughts to myself, I’m going to make a post about it.
half the fandom has been really excited, and the other half has been skeptical, and almost afraid. with a varying range between of course. because all these promises have been made before. and it’s been a year with little more than silly updates, some short side content. most of which has been on patreon.
what’s been mentioned a few times in posts I’ll bring here too, is that this year has sucked. I certainly haven’t created much of the content I wanted to. keeping up a sizeable fandom and making regular content would destroy me, no questions asked.
Thomas has been dealing with a lot, and that’s just what we’re aware. I’ve seen some people say “he owes an explanation”, or at least to stop promising, and to that I can say I 100% disagree. content creators are called content creators instead of “businesses” or “shows” or even “influencers” (though some also fall under that umbrella) or anything like that for a reason. we don’t know what’s going on. if there even is anything going on. and that is fine. he deserves that space.
and I think if it were just this year, people might be a bit more lenient, the way I am phrasing it. or at least feel better about staying in a fandom that may very well be dying. but it’s not. there have been plenty of content droughts since the start. this fandom lives almost purely on fanon content, and that is a fact. anyone who says that no one would work if we didn’t pay them has clearly never been in fandom before. and that’s part of why it’s so hard.
anytime I think about the time Thomas takes to make content, to take breaks, I have a thought at the back of my reminding me that I haven’t. and neither have most others. when the new episode came out I drew Sanders Sides fanart almost everyday single day for a week straight. I have made designs and comics and even animations and animatics almost consistently from Nov-July. I took palette requests for free and gave completely finished pieces for it. have I been great the whole time? no, of course not. but I’m not getting paid. not even as a fan content creator. and there are so. many. others. who do twice as much as I do. and i’m exhausted.
and having content dangled like this constantly, having promises made and broken, having a lot of the content we do have put behind a pay wall. it makes you want to quit. and, to avoid sounding like a therapist, it’s important to have space for that too.
but it’s also not really fair. from my point of view. I’m here because I love it. because my thoughts were nothing but the sides and all that can be done with that world. and Thomas might… not. that’s not to say he doesn’t love the content! or Sanders Sides or doing youtube or anything like that. but I’m saying that even when I am absolutely in love with a project, even when it consumed all the rent free brain space it could, even some it couldn’t… I get bored. and I have felt that if I posted a different project, that if I worked on something else, that if I didn’t dedicate everything to this project. then I was betraying someone. myself, namely. some of the followers who like that content. and this has included TS works. forcing myself to work on it goes to burn-out.
maybe it’s also unfair to discuss myself in the context of Thomas. I’m a different person, I’m doing this for free, I haven’t been making content for that long, certainly not original content. I don’t have a fandom waiting on this content. not mine specifically, anyways.
if Thomas chose to move all his projects entirely to patreon, I would be disappointed. I would be sad, because then I really would move on from this fandom. he won’t, of course, but if he did I don’t think I would blame him either. because choosing so you get consistently payed for all of your work, on a regular basis, and having one-on-sort-of-one interactions with fans that you can stress about less, that sounds fantastic.
maybe it’s because I’ve already moved on, in a sense. not fully, of course. but I exist within a space where I will be happy to make content, when I have time again. but I also have other things to do in my life. other fandoms, other things to move on to. that’s pretty rare, in these circumstances.
so, final thoughts? it’s nuanced. Thomas deserves this space, we deserve that space. content is promised, content is deserved. support is asked for, support is. not necessarily deserved. that’s freely given. content possibly unpaid for, not deserved. explanations beyond what’s given, deserved if only in the context of promises broken.
I’m not leaving Sanders Sides fandom quite yet. I might make a little sketch once a year, might like and reblog old content constantly, might write little one-shots every few months. but I’ll still be here. even if I’m also elsewhere. and I can make that promise, because I know not many will be disappointed if I can’t hold to it. if any.
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cheesy-cryptid · 2 years
Thanks @kpopgalaxy28 for tagging me here!! 🌷🌷🌷
fandom tag game credit --> @dances-and-dolly-dresses ^^
Were you an Austin, Baz or Elvis fan before seeing the movie? How about after?
- Total Baz Luhrmann fan. When I was younger, I was so drawn to Romeo + Juliet and The Great Gatsby movies because I loved the creative direction of the films. Those two movies really left an impact on me because I hardly ever see movies portrayed that way and until now I still rewatch those movies as comfort films.( I never really researched who were behind those films because I was afraid of being disheartened that these kinds of films would be few and far between ) After I watched the Elvis movie, I fell in love with it -- and then I figured out Baz was also involved in Great Gatsby & Romeo + Juliet. Instant comfort film. 
What is/are your favorite look(s) that Austin sports in the film?
- Hehehe I love his classic Pink outfit and the Blue jumpsuit he wore during the Las Vegas performances. AND AND the black button down outfit while he was at the carnival. 
Most memorable scene or line?
 (OH TO PICK ONE) Definitely that firework scene in his car after the Trouble performance. It was that part in the trailer that got me hooked--and I waited for that very scene to come up in the film (AAAAAAAA). 
 Also the opening when he sang the “Glory Glory Hallelujah” part--Like.. I had little to no knowledge about Elvis (besides his classic songs) before coming to watch this film and like I didnt really explore much of his discography. But something oddly magical happened when I heard him belt out that part in “An American Trilogy” for the first time (Note that Ive never heard of this song before)-- I was quietly mouthing the words because that opening sounded so glorious it kinda (delightfully) startled me how the movie was starting off so strong ASDFGHJK. 
What are your top 3 favorite songs on the soundtrack?
Suspicious Minds
 If I can dream
Vegas Rehearsal/That’s all right 
How many times have you seen the film in theaters?
- ONCE. I watched it with my family-- and deadass I cant afford to watch it again in theatres because movie tickets are so expensive now where I live 
What kind of fan content do you like to create/consume? (fics, gifs, ect)
- Fanart all the way. Although I wish I could branch out doing fanfics/drabbles because I have so many cool ideas but Im not really good in creative writing (sad lmao). If I do have a big story idea, I just end up making a comic or an animatic on it instead. 
Wherabouts in the world are you from? (be as general or as specific as you're comfortable with)
- I live in the Philippines 
Are you active in other fandoms? If so, which one(s)?
- Yes. Im very active in the Encanto and LOTR fandom. I sometimes make fanart for videogames 
List 3 fun facts about yourself/your interests.
 I love creating illustrations for short stories made by other authors. Sometimes I collaborate with them to produce an art series.
I sometimes read Tarot and Oracle cards 
If I had a nickel for everytime I became a student of a national artist from the Philippines without knowing they’re big time national artists--id have two nickels..which is not a lot but its weird that it happened twice
//Im tagging @dragonanddirewolf @x-earthangel @artsynellyyy to join in if they like! Feel free to ignore if you were already tagged ^^ //
[Feel free to tag others or just jump in and participate. Just copy, paste and reblog. Let’s get to know some of the awesome Austin/Elvis fans and creators here on Tumblr]
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finnified · 3 years
a list of things i absolutely love about / kind of analysis on hog hunt, compiled as i watch it for the second time:
(under the cut cos this got really long)
right near the beginning when they’re raising the anvil, she does this really cool transition from the light on the anvil to the light on the curtain in tubbo’s first few frames. it’s incredibly smooth and it works rlly well. the pattern is also continued to the shine on tubbo’s axe when he twists it to see his face in it which is also rlly neat.
i’ll probably point this out several times, but the use of perspective in this animatic is amazing. we first see it from phil standing on his balcony looking at the raised anvil, but the use of perspective is absolutely INCREDIBLE all throughout this animatic.
we see it right after this, actually, with the trees and the crow flying over it. not only is the perspective so cool here, but the motion with the feathers is also amazing.
i also love how whenever ghostbur shows up, the screen gets a little glitchy. i’m not sure what i like about it but it’s just kinda fitting with his static-y eyes and such.
THE TRANSITION SCENE FROM TUBBO WALKING DOWN THE HALL OF THE WHITE HOUSE TO HIM PULLING OUT THE AXE AND SUDDENLY THE BUTCHER ARMY IS ALL THERE. that was so absolutely satisfying, with the sound effect of quackity’s torch and all. also ranboo is there which is <3
the transitions in this animatic really might be my favorite part. we get the bit with techno suiting up with his cape and his crown and then the really cool fog that allows him to appear outside with the butcher army, and we can see someone level their axe in front of them and BOOM techno appears out of the smoke, pulling the axe back and swinging. it’s AMAZING.
the swinging motion from that last scene allows a little bit of a still waving transition into the butcher army room, which is STUNNING by the way (and also ranboo) which then flawlessly pulls into phil and then the scene in phil’s house with the shattered glass visual and audio combination it’s AMAZING. the frame with phil’s chest in white on the black background with the only color being ghostbur’s blue is also really neat here as well.
i absolutely ADORE the frames where tubbo finds the compass, because you can hear and see the smirk in his voice and i love how the compass drops down on the little string and it’s just. so poggers. love that. the part directly after that where it zooms in on phil and you get the opportunity to see the weight of the situation from his perspective is AMAZING.
and the collection of frames after that that go in the flashes of light? quackity with his back to the screen, techno reading the letter (TECHNOGLASSES POG) phil’s compass slowly pointing forward to the viewer? the flash of phil standing on his balcony, and then the butcher army which gets cut off of view by one of phil’s crows, with the feathers in the background that morph into his wings? this sequence is so powerful, for a reason i can’t quite place, but i absolutely adore it.
THEN WE GET THAT PHIL SCENE THAT EVERYONE’S FAWNING OVER, AND RIGHTFULLY SO. the camera slowly pans down to phil’s face, and then his hat tips forward so the shadow can grow on his face, and then we get that really cool glitch effect where he turns all black with the white eyes and such. it’s so cool.
then we get the ‘i choose blood’ scene, which in all honesty i had to replay several times to properly get my thoughts down on. this whole bit is so incredibly smooth and flows so well, with techno’s cape and the butcher army readying their axes and then techno pulling the potions from seemingly nowhere and then the colored smoke again from earlier- which i quite literally can’t get enough of, sad-ist do your shoes need shinin ma’am, and then the whole sequence where tubbo is pinned by techno and screaming at quackity to do something, which transitions FLAWLESSLY into big q and carl. you can see techno’s shock even before he realizes quackity actually has carl, and i applaud sad-ist for being able to convey that much emotion even without techno’s eyes.
the spinning from the camera being right next to techno to right behind quackity is also amazing. i think the color of the background shifts slightly? which i think might represent something, but it sort of just stood out to me in the moment. the perspective when quack is talking and holding carl’s reigns is amazing, because it’s slightly below quack’s eye level, which gives us the impression of looking up at him, and also really allows us to see how much danger carl is actually in.
once again i applaud sad-ist for her ability to convey so much emotion in techno even with half of his face covered. his resignation of his own safety for carl’s is aggressively clear as he drops the cape and the crown away.
and then we get the phil sneaking out sequence, which i had to slow down to properly appreciate, but it’s REALLY cool. the blue handprint on the tree? the entire skull motif? (which my friend mysso pointed out) it ties back into The phil scene from this animatic earlier and i really love it.
then we have literally what might be my favorite scene in this animatic!! which is stupid maybe because it’s one of the less important scenes, but i love it nonetheless. it’s the scene where they’re walking techno into lmanburg and phil is on his balcony and says “you actually got him” which transitions into tubbo reminding him that he’s on house arrest and then techno running forward with the chains (which have their own noise, which i think is such a poggers detail) and demanding to know what they did to phil. i love absolutely everything about this scene, from (once again) the extreme amount of expression that techno has even with the mask to the fact that it takes both quackity and fundy to restrain him once he’s pissed off to once again the absolutely FLAWLESS motion in that bit. you can see the struggle happening perfectly with techno’s flailing and quackity reaching forward to grab his arm and all, and i love it.
the little short scene we get with techno shifting slightly side to side to imply walking slowly in time with the music is also really cool. detail in sad-ist’s animatics my beloved.
THEN WE HAVE THE PUNZ SCENE!!! i absolutely love this one because of the use of perspective as well. it flips from tubbo doing his speech to the rooftop with punz and dream, and dream slowly raises his hand and punz flips the ender pearl and then APPEARS on the ground, sheds the cape in a single movement (might honestly be my favorite singular motion in this animatic) tosses the potions, we see the beloved colored smoke again, and when it clears punz and ranboo are going at it. you get the amazing panic in tubbo’s voice with him screaming at big q to pull the lever, and techno’s iconic little ‘heh??’ and then-
anvil drops. here comes the best scene in this animatic.
we get a few seconds of techno staring up at the anvil in shock, holding the totem, and it’s super cool actually because at the very end of that you see the bottom of the anvil come into super sharp detail in the reflection of techno’s eye. it flashes to ghostbur on the outside, watching the anvil fall, and when the sound of impact comes the totem explodes. that frame on its own is amazing and i might make that my background just because of how dynamic it is, with the light exploding and everything, and THEN. THEN WE GET TECHNO’S ABSOLUTELY STUNNING REANIMATION SEQUENCE with the flesh wrapping back around him, being stitched together it’s the green totem threads, his skull underneath and the blood, it’s amazing. he jumps through the bars of the cage with the chains mostly broken except for one on his hand, and he runs off after dream who has carl. WHILE THIS IS HAPPENING, (and someone on tumblr just pointed it out,) techno is still actually reforming. one of his legs is only fully solid once he’s outside the cage and one of his arms is still reforming when he swings it through the bars- thats why he’s able to get out so easily, and that’s why it’s bleeding in the next few scenes.
dream in this animatic is terrifying, by the way. he’s the most inhuman we’ve ever seen him, with the hood always up and the shadow covering half the mask so there’s no way to see under it. i know a few people on tumblr have pointed out sad-ist’s design progression with dream (from very very human with the mask on the side to the mask on to the mask and the cape) but it’s so wonderful that i felt the need to say it again.
and then dream is gone and quackity is here. time for the most banger fight scene to ever be animated in the history of animated fight scenes!
the motion in this fight scene is amazing. techno never stops moving. he’s darting under quackity’s legs, twirling the pickaxe (he’s fighting with a pickaxe!) JUMPING OVER QUACKITY’S HEAD AND YANKING HIS AXE OUT FROM HIS GRASP WHICH IS HONESTLY THE COOLES THING, and that motion continues smoothly when you see the axe get imbedded in the wall, and then you get the ‘put it through your teeth’ which is AMAZING.
and then it slowly fades back to techno’s cabin, and then TOMMY!! he looks so soft in these few seconds when he’s here, and i love that for him, mostly because it shows how much he’s changed. the sound effects when the wither wall is dropping are flawless as well, and i know everyone is saying this as well but i literally cannot, CANNOT get over how techno does the spreading-his-arms-curling-his-fists thing in front of the wither vault like he did in the dawn of the sixteenth animatic in the revolutionary’s vault. we get those two frames- one with techno suddenly splashed in blood, and then the one where that blood turns green and we’re left with only the blood, techno’s eyes and tusks, and the very barest outline of the wither vault, all in the same bright green. techno’s laughter also draws out even through the closing scene, which is another nice touch.
overall? absolutely amazing animatic, so many things to point out and pick apart, and i am definitely going to watch it like eight hundred more times.
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ratcandy · 3 years
Tell me about this AU please I wanna cry tonight
PLEASE . It's not. Hskjdhg. As I said it's not largely interesting or even well thought out, it's just one short idea I had that I keep having angsty Brain Animatics to. But uh! I'll give a summary of it, sure!
I swear the AU itself doesn't have much going on but I explain things in overly-complicated ways. So. Long.
T/W: Child death, genocide. mb just being generally fucked up and evil
Since this came about due to me thinking about Goofy Mafia a lot, it's mostly centered around him. The question I was rotating in my brain that spawned this whole mess was "what exactly was the dynamic between him and the Mafia Boss?" seeing as he's. Unique? Clearly? In some way? So he's gotta be important to SOME degree
The concept I had was that he's a somewhat second-in-command to MB. The two are also pretty good friends!! Just a couple'a guys being dudes GM's deeper feelings might be a LITTLE more . Intricate. Than that, but I haven't put toooo much thought in that direction other than some "heehehoeehooo hoo... heehoo what if for extra spicy pain." So take that idea with a grain of salt!
Anyway general gist of the whole au though is that the Mafia Boss is actually competent. And. Properly threatening and malicious. Because I like making pure asshole villains doing atrocious horrible things with no regard for anyone. (also after forcing myself to come up with a redemption arc I was getting frustrated and decided NO. I'm going to make him WORSE.) Plot happens as normal for a while. The Mafia have some sorta Workers' Rebellion and decide to fuck off overseas with MB leading them, they find the island, and. The takeover is as brutal and horrible and devastating as you can IMAGINE.
Because GFB left it up to interpretation and this is a scenario where I'm making things worse. So. It's a very hostile conquering and a lot of people die!
And MB is just like "SAD. well there are other civilians"
Goofy Mafia, however, has morals! So he's at least mildly horrified at what MB is doing, lightly attempting to talk him down from this power high. Yknow,, try and convince him that this amount of destruction and death is not totally necessary.
but we know GM's not the most confident man alive, so. this proves nigh impossible for him. Especially since MB is the complete opposite in that he's OVERLY confident
Ultimately GM gives up trying to persuade him, falling into a severe case of the bystander effect as he stands idle by his friend/leader while said friend/leader condemns anyone that defies him with death (yknow. like Mu does at the end of the game. Hahaha parallels. Crazy). GM feels awful but keeps trying to tell himself that it'll be fine eventually, this'll all blow over and they'll all be fine. It's totally okay this is totally cool.
And eventually, it does calm down. If only because all the original island folk are either dead or hiding. And then the Mafia begin life there as they do in game.
meanwhile MB goes off the shits: Speedrun!! Pure ego asshole with ONE (1) goal of complete power over everyone and also All Your God Damn Cash. He's generally nice to his Mafia, and still treats GM with a weird amount of jovialness and respect, but. Still a very corrupted and horrible and dangerous guy to be around
This gets a thousand times worse when the timepieces begin falling and he gets his hands on one.
MB goes off the shits: part two. Because corrupting an already incredibly corrupted individual? Girl! You better believe his aggression spikes like mad and suddenly he's... not approachable. By anyone.
after a few days of MB being actually dangerous to stand near for more than two minutes, GM flees the Mafia Headquarters for a bit. Not to leave forever, just to get some fresh air. While he's out and about in the much serener town (which... seeing how Mafia Town is, this should tell you a lot about the state of the HQ right now), he hears children's voices.
Children??!??!? Here?!? Alive??
Turns out, a certain Hatted child fell with the timepieces. and has made friends with the local Red Hooded Hooligan. The latter of which is much more scuffed and bruised in this au than in canon!!
Said hatted child is also collecting the weird hourglass things that are falling out of the sky. Hmm. MB got a lot worse when he got his hands on one of those... maybe if they were back with who is presumably their owner, he'll go back to normal?... Which. Normal him wasn't fantastic either, but. At least you could hold a conversation with him without him looking like he'll slit your throat
He was a bit wary of approaching - what appeared to be - a child with any requests for help,,, until he witnessed her beat the hell out of several Mafia. Then he went "ok maybe she'd be fine?" but still. a little hesitant. so he came up with his own plan
He approaches HK, explaining that his boss has gone insane (more than he already was) and he thinks it's the timepiece's fault. He offers to bring the timepiece to her since she seems to own them and know what to do with them. He knoWs MB will not be happy about that, but reasons that "I'm his friend he PROBABLY won't kill me for stealing it"
But Mu, who is also present during this conversation, and reasonably distrusting of any Mafia (including GM), is like "NO we're gonna KILL AND MAIM the Mafia Boss. TOGETHER" To which GM anxiously protests that MB is very dangerous!! And while he believes MB would never hurt a child, he's not... willing to test that theory! So just let HIM get the Timepiece. And don't put yourself in danger, terrifying alien . because you are still quite obviously a Child
Hat Kid, being the way that she is, doesn't really say whether she'll be following that plan. I haven't decided if this is due to her also distrusting the Mafia (seeing as all the others thus far have been... less than ideal in how they handle timepieces), stubbornness (in-character), or some more heroic deal due to Mu's nonsense - in which she believes she can END this terribly Villainy and free the people of Mafia Town forever!!
one of the three at least sdhgKSJDGH
anyway long story short Hat Kid is conflicted on who she wants to believe here and ultimately decides to go to the Mafia HQ herself. She runs into GM there, who is like "CHILD NO. LEAVE" but Hat Kid just <3 I Can Totally Handle This Don't Worry! and does the usual shenaniganry she has to do so to get to MB (minus Mu. Seeing as GM is a doormat, he ends up helping HK in this situation so she doesn't get killed,, rather than trying to get her out of there. he takes Mu's role as the "distraction" so HK doesn't get caught shdgkjsh).
When confronting MB, the same kinda spiel happens (with notably a lot more aggression), and then the boss battle seems to happen as normally. Just without Mu. also when I say it happens as normally I am emphasizing the crowd of mafia watching this .
GM is watching from the doors of the theatre, absolutely NOT happy about this situation, but,,, Hat Kid seems to be holding her own pretty well, so maybe it'll turn out okay?,, and then it Doesn't. And MB kills Hat Kid
which is bad enough right? but oh no, turns out Mu found out Hat Kid showed up here without her and is TOTALLY mad that her new best bud just BETRAYED her!! Gonna go off on her for leaving her alone to do this herself when Mu TOTALLY could've helped. Move outta the way you big lug with the weird glasses I'm gonna stomp right up onto that stage and
oh .
The Mafia are cheering, MB is super stoked with his accomplishments in child murder, and GM is positively mortified After the initial shock wears off, Mu shrieks in OUTRAGE and nearly goes barreling in to inevitably get HERself killed before GM just goes "nO", grabs the child, and Books It
(and MB totally saw that happen which doesn't look great for GM that's for certain)
what happens after all that???
I don't Know . That's as far as I got. All I know is that GM and Mu are freshly traumatized and are now in an unlikely alliance; as the latter is a distressed child that just lost her only friend in a very brutal fashion (after also losing her family similarly) and the former is the friend of the now child-murderer and the full weight of everything is dawning on him as he realizes .
this is kind of fucked up
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yoruzumy0 · 3 years
Rating and talking about my phases from oldest to newest:
My first interaction with internet people got me in it.
Lasted the longest, around 2-3 years.
Initially liked the horror elements then i decided to look ut up on wattpad.
Jane was my gay awakening
Started reading fics and getting interested in people's ocs and attempted to write a horror fic myself. Failed but people liked it???? Idk??
Also my first oc was made for this one.
Met some of my current friends through WhatsApp groups based on the cp subject :D
Got me into psychology for real. Now i know a bunch of weird stuff about mental illnesses and got a new hobby of debunking bad movies to my friends.
I'd give it a 8/10.
-1 p for the unexpected lemons that traumatized me
-1 p my cringe
The promised neverland:
Had an internet pause for a few years between those two.
Not much to say tbh it was short and uninteresting.
I was big on theories and fics about it tho.
I was a Ray kinnie.
My mental health was in shambles at the time.
Lasted like a few months.
Rating: 6/10 uninteresting and sad
Uuu go rap boy
Very cool
Got me into musicals
The animatics bro
Watched the musical when it was released on Disney+ of a friend and i was fulfilled.
Got me into history and historical dress making on youtube
10/10 very clean
Twisted wonderland:
Ah my arrival on tumblr.
Met some really cool people through this one too.(me being too embarrassed to talk to them again now cause i left for a month or so)
Got into making ocs again.
Also drama~
Decent fandom arguments.
Genuinely funny.
Cool stuff.
Buncha talented people in this fandom ngl.
Lasted like 5 months ?? I think? Around that.
Hypnosis Mic
Short-lived affff
Cool music
Nice people too, also talented.
Just kinda short
Genshin Impact
Current phase
Very gay
First actual game i am really into besides minecraft
The story bro 👌
Cannot rate for i have not yet finished this level.
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