#And I’m so awkward with summer clothes because I want to show off but showing too much skin makes me feel watched.
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Hi guys!
This new chapter is a little bit more angsty but also very sweet 😇
Please enjoy!
TW : Injury, nightmares, mention of bad past, angst.
You didn’t give Alessia all the reasons for your nightmares, not because you don’t trust her, but because you don’t want to put her in front of the darkness of some people. When you see her the next morning for breakfast, Leah singing in the shower, it was without daring to look at her that you spoke.
Lost in her thoughts until now, the blonde looked up at you. You are leaning against the island of your kitchen while Alessia is seated at the table. You are never very in talking much in the morning, both needing time to wake up.
"You know, for last night…"
"You don’t have to explain anything to me" Alessia kindly assured you with a smile. "It’s okay"
"I know" you answered with a slight smile back. "It’s just that sometimes my dreams are a little too realistic. Things have happened in my past, but… well, you know."
It’s a very awkward explanation, but the blonde didn’t seem to want to hold it against you.
"And thank you, for staying and being there for me" you mutter shyly.
"You would have done the same for me"
The calm, safe tone that Alessia used made you look up at her. She’s not wrong, obviously.
"Yeah. I know you already have your share of best friends, but I’m happy with the place you’re taking in my life. You’re more like a sister to me than a simple friend"
Alessia’s chair rattles on the floor when she gets up, something that would have made you moan in everyday life. But since it’s to offer you one of her biggest teddy bear hugs, you don’t take the time to scold her, choosing to hug her back.
"I love you too" she whispers affectionately, rubbing your back.
Even if it’s not exactly what you told her, you understand the message and you hug her back even harder. That’s when Leah showed up in the kitchen, ready for today’s game.
"Molesting my girlfriend again, Russo?"
You and Leah are in the restaurant face to face when you talk about the subject that has been bothering you for a few days. It’s not a huge stress, but you’re wondering how to approach it, fearing a negative response from Leah.
The evening is going well, you have already come twice to this restaurant and each time you liked it very much. The choices are not multiple, but there is enough to satisfy your cravings for culinary discoveries and the list of foods rather restraint tolerated by Leah. The blonde is breathtaking in her outfit, once again, and you are happy to see that she made this clothing effort just for you.
It’s at dessert that you finally broach the subject, swinging nervously on your chair.
"Besides, I was wondering… do you have any plans while I’m away?"
You are called to training camps for the national team, Norway having to pass the play-offs to qualify for the next competition. With England already being on, Leah is kind of on vacation next week.
"No, not really. Probably spending time with my family, seeing Alex… that kind of things. Why?"
Leah looks at you curiously over her ice cream and you play mechanically with your spoon and a piece of cake.
"Would you like to come with me?"
"In Norway?"
You nod at her, without daring to look at her. The only time you offered it to Alina, she laughed and asked what the hell she would do there. You may not have chosen the best time since it was in summer and most people prefer to fly somewhere warm, but still.
"I thought I could show you some places I like and grew up in. And my parents have really wanted to meet you, since I’ve been talking to them about you. You can say no, if you don’t want to. There is no pressure and I will understand."
Leah’s hand gently settles on yours, making you look up at it immediately and stop your rambling.
"I'll come with pleasure Honey."
The simple answer makes you feel so relieved that you feel like your anxiety is deflating like a balloon.
"Of course"
You can’t mask your smile, which makes Leah laugh softly. Her hand gets loose from yours when she starts eating her ice cream again, but you don’t take it personally. You have neither confirmed nor denied the rumors of relationship between you, preferring to live your story day by day. Plus, who are you against a mint chocolate chips ice cream?
Leah asks you what kind of clothes she needs to take and you laugh when she pouts when she learns the temperature differences between London, Oslo and your hometown. You have already spoken to her several times about your parents and she doesn’t seem otherwise stressed at the idea of meeting them. She’s right, you know your parents are going to love her very much. You’ve been working on it for a long time now anyway.
"Oh and there will surely be Mapi with Ingrid too" you inform Leah with a little amused smile.
"Excuse me?"
A few days later, you are on the plane to Norway, with some of your compatriots but especially Leah. You have another flight of a few hours to reach Tromsø, where you lived and grew up until you were stupid enough to want to run away with your first girlfriend to a bigger city. Having met her on the Internet, you have no memories with her in this city, which pleased Leah rather well. It’s not exactly the same for Oslo, but we’ll talk about it later.
Your parents, delighted to have their only child for a few days, have both picked you up at the airport. If Leah hasn’t been stressed in the last few days, she seems to have skyrocketed in the last half hour and the blonde didn’t stop talking for a single second. It made you laugh, but remembering how stressed you were when you officially met Leah’s relatives, you patiently answered each of her questions.
"It’s going to be ok Babe" you smile when you see her playing nervously with the tag of her suitcase while waiting to pass the security.
Since you are behind her, you step forward to put a kiss just behind her ear and you smile as you feel her letting her go against you. In recent days, it was rather her role to reassure you, the blonde fearing that your nightmares came back constantly. That hasn’t been the case, but Leah’s increased attention to you hasn’t been unpleasant. Especially because it means you get even more hugs and kisses than usual.
You have one of the biggest hug from both of your parents at the same time, before detaching from them to turn to Leah and make the introductions. As you might have guessed, the first contact is more than successful. Your parents speak English very well, which is lucky. Leah speaks a few words of Norwegian that you taught her, but she might not be able to have an ongoing conversation in that language.
On the way home, your parents ask you about the trip and your level of fatigue. If you slept during the first flight, the second not. They also inquire about what you are planning to show Leah over the next few days, also informing you that they are planning a dinner with some of your family members. Your cousin will come to see you play in Oslo too, this will allow Leah to meet her before finding herself with her in the stands of the football stadium. Your parents will be there too.
Dinner goes well (you made sure to give your mother the list of things Leah eats) and the kindness of your parents seem to help Leah relax quickly. You show her the house of your childhood, finding your bedroom that you had at the time.
It's a fairly simple room whose only large window overlooks your garden. Your double bed is glued against the back wall in the middle of the wall with your collection of stuffed animals. Your black carpet on which you have spilled paint hundreds of times above is at the feet of it, giving in your opinion an artistic touch to the latter. There are old trophies you won with your football teams on a shelf, a desk full of memories and useless things in its drawers and dozens of photos hanging on the wall.
"Is that you?" laughs Leah as she approaches the photos on one of your bedroom walls, picturing you behind your first birthday cake.
"No, that's the neighbor" you answer with a grin.
Leah laughs again and you let her discover your room quietly, taking the opportunity to join the bathroom adjoining your room to change and refresh a little. You see Leah entering the bathroom too from the mirror, which allows you not to jump when she sticks to you to put kisses on your cheek.
"How are you feeling?" you ask the pretty blonde.
"Good. Your parents are adorable, but it’s not surprising when you see their daughter" Leah says maliciously.
You roll your eyes and close the water tape, then turn in her arms to put your arms around her neck. That’s all Leah needed to put her head on your neck and put some kisses in it.
"What about you?" she asks between two of her kisses.
"I’m glad you’re here" you smile.
The next two days were spent in Leah discovering your hometown, your favorite places and different members of your family. As you would expect, Leah are doing perfectly well in the setting, getting along wonderfully with everyone. Despite the difficulty of the language sometimes, but you gladly play the interpreters between the two different worlds. Only the cold seems to be a bit of a problem for Leah, but you are in the very north of Norway, even further north than if you were in Iceland.
One day before the day set by the Norwegian federation, you fly back to Oslo. You managed to get a room for Leah in the same hotel where your team is staying and you’re counting on your family to keep Leah busy during practice. You don’t know yet whether you’ll be able to slip into her room at night, but you’ll see. For the moment you share the hotel room with Leah and it suits you very well like that.
While waiting for the gathering, you show Oslo to Leah and you have an appointment for lunch with Ingrid and Mapi. The idea that the two blondes meet makes you laugh a lot and you know that it’s the same thing for Ingrid.
"Does she speak English?" asks Leah as you join the restaurant where you are supposed to meet.
"She understands it very well but answers Ingrid in Spanish. But I'm talking English with her, even if she speaks great Norwegian. Anyway, I never had any problems communicating with her."
Leah drops a little grunt as a simple answer and you roll your eyes. You managed to get from Leah that this tension would have been born since the elimination of Spain during the Euro, which is in your opinion a little futile.
"You’d better pass over. Ona and Lucy don’t seem to have this problem" you noted with amusement.
"Don’t count on me to coo with Maria Leon" grumbled at Leah.
"I don’t ask that much" you laughed before changing the subject.
You are the first arrivals and you inform Ingrid of your presence once seated at the table. Leah asks you some more questions about the city, which you answer with pleasure, happy to see your girlfriend take so much interest in your native country.
A few minutes later Ingrid and Mapi arrive, and you get up to greet them, imitated by Leah.
(The words in italics are in Norwegian but for the good of all I have not translated them)
"It’s good to see you" Ingrid smiles, hugging you before looking at you. "You look good."
"It’s fresh Norwegian air" you joke, before resuming in English. "Ingrid, this is Leah. Leah, this is Ingrid."
You let your best friend greet Leah, knowing your girlfriend is in good hands when you hear Ingrid greet Leah in a joyful tone. You turn towards Mapi, to whom you also give a hug. You then turn to Leah to redo the presentations, between Mapi and her this time. The exchange is a little more tense than with Ingrid and you roll your eyes when you see them shaking hands, but it’s already that.
The conversations finally go very well, even if Ingrid and you are very often the ones who link things. Leah’s hand settled right at the beginning of the meal naturally on your knee and you didn’t hesitate to interlace your fingers.
After the meal, you decide to take advantage of the mild weather (the term makes Mapi snorts) to go for a walk a little more. You know you’ll see Ingrid again in the next few days, but if your respective girlfriends can get along well and discover commonalities, why not.
"Hot chocolate?" offers Ingrid when you walk past a hot drink stand to take away.
"I’m coming to help you" you tell Ingrid, dropping Leah’s hand to follow her to the booth.
"I like her" immediately announces Ingrid in line to get your drinks. "You did well about listen to yourself"
You smile softly, your chaotic beginnings being far behind you now. Well, only a few months but a lot has already happened between you and you feel so good with the blonde that you have the impression that all this is far behind you.
"She’s great, really" you answer always smiling.
"And you look so happy" Ingrid adds without leaving your face with her eyes.
"I am" you confirm sincerely.
You have no trouble supporting Ingrid’s inquisitive gaze, which nods with her smile. You don’t have to add anything to convince her, but she will tell you a little later that she already was just by hearing you on the phone.
"Look at them" you laugh softly pointing at your two blondes.
Ingrid follows your gaze on Leah and Mapi, both talking from the tip of their lips at eachother as if they were afraid of being seen by someone. The scene seems to amuse Ingrid as much as you since she also laughs before it’s your turn to order.
Your return is greeted with a big smile on both sides and if Leah isn't begged to recover her hot chocoalt, she also doesn’t hesitate to put her arm around your waist. There are fewer people on the streets of Oslo than in London, but if Leah is spotted in the stands of your next match, people will probably quickly draw the right conclusions.
It’s finally in the late afternoon that you say goodbye to the couple who must join Ingrid’s family for dinner. You propose to Leah to show her the citadel, the nightfall offering you magnificent colors. Leah graciously accepts when you ask her to take pictures together before you return to the hotel.
It’s on the way back that your eyes are hung by a shop front that you know rather well. Your glance is noticed very quickly by Leah, who slows down a little. She understands very quickly.
"Do you mind if we say hello?" you ask Leah.
She seems to hesitate a little and you gently tighten her fingers in yours, trying to make her understand that you will respect her answer regardless of her nature.
"I guess" she finally answers, shrugging her shoulders.
You drag her to the tattoo shop, the doorbell ringing when you open it. It hasn’t changed much since the last time you came, except that other drawings were added to the wall. Leah quickly spots your signed football shirt on the wall.
Leah’s eyes follow the sound of the voice to fall on a young woman of your age, whom she hadn’t seen. The girl gets up from the desk behind which she was half hiding, resting the pencil she had in her hand to come to you. Well, right up to you because she’s hugging you for a warm embrace. What annoys Leah a little, she was often talked about Spanish and their tactile side but she was never warned that in Norway we also went without stopping touching her girlfriend.
"I didn’t expect to see you! How are you?"
"I’m fine" you answer with a smile, casually getting out of her arms to introduce Leah.
You slide an arm in the hollow of her back to advance her to your height, resuming in English.
"Nora, this is Leah. My girlfriend."
If the blonde couldn’t help but feel a touch of jealousy, she can only smile when seeing the smile and the pride with which you designate her. Finally the ball is put back in the center quickly, she thinks, before extending her hand to the tattooist to greet her.
"I don’t speak good English" Nora apologizes to Leah.
After your blonde assured her that it was fine like this, Nora’s attention turns to you and you exchange your latest news. You didn’t lie to Leah, you didn’t have any recent contacts, the jersey she hung on her living room wall was from the last international game you played before moving to Manchester. Leah quickly notices this by paying more attention to the frame. She also realizes that a photo of you and your tattoo are displayed just below, under your jersey.
What she doesn’t appreciate is the affectionate tone with which Nora seems to talk to you. Leah therefore takes care not to let go of your hand for a single second during your exchange.
"Does she know about us?" asks curiously Nora after a few minutes.
As if she had understood that you were talking about her, Leah looks away from the photos of tattoos displayed on the wall to report her attention on you two. You smile at her before you answer Nora.
"Yes. I don’t think there’s much she doesn’t know about me" you answer honestly and shrug your shoulders.
You are interrupted by another couple of clients entering the establishment and Nora apologizes for taking care of them, letting you drag Leah a little back from the entrance.
"If you tell me that it’s on her tattoo table that you did your disgusting business, I’ll burn the store" whispers Leah from the corner of her lips.
You laugh softly as you hear her, glancing at her in astonishment. You did notice Leah’s touch of jealousy at first, but there was nothing special about the rest of your conversation.
"This isn't where we did our disgusting business, likeyou say" you smile and roll your eyes. "You can calm your inflammatory tendencies. Plus, I have done way more disgusting things with you, Williamson."
"Not if she keeps looking at you like she does" the blonde grumbled, ignoring the second part of your sentence.
"Don’t be jealous" you say while tiptoeing to put a kiss on her cheek.
"You slept with her"
"It was a long time ago. I find the best one since"
You roll your eyes one more time and you cross her eyes without letting go of your smile. Leah ends up not being able to hold her smile and you deposit a new kiss, on the corner of her lips this time.
A few hours later, in your hotel room, you find yourself awake very early in the morning. Which is surprising since usually Leah almost have to push you out of bed. When you look at the time on your phone, you realize it’s barely 5:00 in the morning. And no matter how hard you try to go back to sleep, you can’t. Your mind flies over the different places in Oslo that you visited with Leah.
And the part that you’ve carefully avoided, afraid of running into Helena. You don’t know if she still lives here, you don’t know what happened to her either. But you could still find the house in which she lives (lived?) very easily. Without giving yourself too much time to think, you end up getting out of bed by taking all the precautions to not wake Leah. You dress quickly and before looking for what drives you to do this, you find yourself in the streets of Oslo in the direction of Helena’s house.
As you expected, you quickly find the way to this place that you hate more than anything. The lights are on upstairs and you take care not to being visible from where you are. With the day beginning to rise, you can observe the garden and see that it is still poorly maintained. The walls are even more decrepit than before and when a silhouette passes in front of the window without curtains you suddenly freeze.
It’s her.
But, unlike the last times you saw her, you didn’t feel the terror that inhabited you in her presence. Which is intriguing and difficult for you to understand. Then, finally, you realize that you don’t care. You can’t say that you don’t feel any negative emotions when you think about her, but you don’t care what she’s become.
On the other hand, thinking about the panic that Leah could feel if she wakes up without seeing you by her side makes you retrace your steps.
Leah is still asleep when you find your hotel room, but she quickly starts moving as soon as you get rid of your shoes and coat. You get back on the bed and put a hand in her hair, only now realizing your body temperature difference.
"Your hands are freezing" Leah complains, shivering, trying to stick against you probably to regain a little warmth.
"I'm sorry" you mumble while laying a kiss on the top of her head.
It only takes a few seconds for Leah to realize that you are no longer wearing your pajamas, stepping back to better observe you. Her eyebrows are frowned when she looks at your clothes and her eyes are uncertain when she rises on yours.
"Where did you go?"
"I went to Helena’s"
You didn’t hesitate a second to tell her the truth, but you flinch when you see Leah's face drops.
"Why? What happened?"
"Nothing. It’s okay Babe"
But Leah doesn’t seem convinced and even seems to have trouble understanding what pushed you to go there. And honestly, you wouldn’t be able to explain why either. Actually, you recognize a little of panic in her eyes and in her voice when she talks again.
"Did you talk to her?"
"No" you answer by shaking your head, taking her hand in yours to play with her fingers. "I didn’t see her either, just out the window. Nothing changed there, it’s still creepy and poorly maintained."
"Why didn’t you ask me to come with you? If something had happened to you, I wouldn’t have even known where to get you Y/N, you’re completely unconscious"
"Leah stop, I’m fine"
Leah looks at you with a skeptical air before suddenly drawing you against her by mumbling things far too quickly and too low for you to understand something. But you let her do it, pressing your face on her chest and letting your hands slide on her arms.
"Never do that again. Never leave without telling me where you're going."
"Promise" you sigh softly, lulled by the beating of her heart and her arms around you.
"No sleeping now" Leah grumble while tickling your ribs.
"Leah" you moan, wriggling on her to avoid her fingers.
"I’m serious Y/N. If anything happened to you…"
You quickly understand that under her grumpy air, there is also a great deal of concern. So you hurry up to look at her. It will be necessary to quickly clarify your ideas to try to make her understand what you have done.
"Nothing will happen to me, Babe. I think I just needed to see this place again to realize where I am now. To realize how far I’ve come since. And to realize how lucky I am, too."
"It has nothing to do with luck. You’ve worked a lot to get where you are" Leah says, finally relaxing a bit.
"I wasn’t just talking about football" you point out with a smirk. "But the beautiful blonde in my bed, too."
Leah laughs while hearing you and you take advantage of her change of mood to deposit several kisses on her face, in the hollow of her neck and about every square centimeter of her skin that you can reach.
The match being important, the training camps were rather harsh and severe. You get up early in the morning to have breakfast with the team before going to train until lunch. A short walk through Oslo follows to relax before resuming training for the afternoon. In the late afternoon you have either physical strengthening or other activities such as swimming pool or other things that are supposed to increase your chances of winning.
Needless to say, when you return to your room at night, you are exhausted. Luckily Leah continues to discover Norway with your parents or cousin, or all three, which doesn’t make you feel too guilty for bringing her here without being able to take full care of her. The team is staying in the same hotel, three floors below Leah’s room. You managed to sneak into Leah’s room several times during the stay, regaining the comfort and benefits of her arms.
The massages and baths she offers you are much more pleasant than the care provided by the team caregivers, we will not lie.
The day of the game comes quickly and you learn that you will be part of the eleven players of the beginning of the game. You play against Italy, a team that you don’t know too well but that has shown its qualities many times. You are not extremely confident, but as you have nothing to lose it’s with some form of conviction that you join the field.
The stadium is pretty full and when you listen to the Italian national anthem, you look for Leah in the family area. You can’t help but smile when you see her, even if you quickly realize that she put on a Norway team jersey over her jacket. When she realizes that you are looking at her, she turns around before pointing to the back of the jersey. If you can’t read the name from where you are, you have no problem recognizing the number. And it’s yours.
"If that’s not dedication" mumbles Guro next to you with an amused smile.
You give her a quick look in turn, before greeting the Italian players who parade in front of you. You spotted Mapi a few rows above Leah and your family in the bleachers, all also dressed in a Norwegian jersey.
As you might have guessed, the game is physical and tactfully hard. Italy play in a rather rough way, each time flirting with the limit of the yellow card. So you find yourself quite often on the ground and it starts hitting on your nerves from the middle of the first half. You swear in Norwegian when the referee whistles after another tackle against you, accepting Ingrid’s hand to help you get up.
"Don’t let them get in your head, that’s exactly what they want. Stay focus." Ingrid tells you before joining the players standing close to the goal to try and get the free kick to the bottom of the net.
In Arsenal, it’s Katie who shoots the free kicks, but in the Norway team, it’s you who does it. You have been watching her a lot over the last few months, her kick and the precision she shows have always given you a lot of admiration. Even when you played her in Manchester City. Trying to remember the advices she gave you over time, you exhale before you step out of the ball to hit it.
You have the impression that it flies in slow motion, before finding the head of Vilde Bøe Risa and finishing at the bottom of the nets. The shouts of the crowd suddenly resound and you quickly join the rest of your teammates to celebrate the goal. You smile when you feel a few of them tapping on the head to congratulate yourself, returning to your place to allow the match to resume. When you look towards Leah, you can only smile when she raises her thumb in your direction.
It’s only with a small advantage on the counter that you find the changing rooms, but as your coach says, it’s better than nothing. You take advantage of the warmth of the changing rooms to warm up a little, accompanied by a hot tea. When you find the ground fifteen minutes later, the cold is still present but it seems to you less unpleasant.
Italy manages to equalize at the sixtieth minute, but thanks to a good pass from Ingrid you manage to allow Norway to regain the advantage about ten minutes later. The tension is palpable as the minutes pass the contacts become even more brutal than before.
And what was to happen happened.
It’s in the eighty-eighth minutes that you are again launched towards the goal.
You know that if you manage to score, it will definitely qualify your team. So you try to ignore your painful muscles and the different bruises that will definitely mark your body in a few hours to move away at full speed towards the opposing goalkeeper.
You only have one opponent to eliminate to get there, but she seems determined not to let you pass. The tackle you undergo is far from clean, your leg gripped in pincers between her two, emiting a sinister crack when you fall back on the ground.
The pain is immediate and so intense that you cannot hold back a real cry of pain. With your face leaning against the grass, you try to grab your leg to try to reduce the pain but you release it quickly when you understand your mistake. You’re in such pain that you can’t figure out exactly where you’re hurt.
Above you, an argument quickly broke out between several of your teammates and the player responsible for the tackle. The medical team is quickly at your side and you can’t help but push their hands when they start examining your leg.
"Don’t touch me" you beg by turning on your back.
Mixed up in the argument, Ingrid ends up shifting her attention to you by hearing the talking you have with the doctors. When she kneels beside you, one of the doctors quickly asks her to hold your hands to let them work. Ingrid obeys, letting you grab her hands as hard as you can.
Your best friend looks up at the family stands in front of you. She can therefore see that Leah has left her seat and moved as close to the field as possible, seeking to see as best as possible what is happening. Her face is twisted by worry, but what surprises Ingrid above all is to see that Mapi joined her and put a hand probably supposed to be comforting on Leah’s shoulder.
At their side, your parents and your cousin don’t seem to be particularly comfortable either.
Her eyes then rest on you when you are given morphine, before transferring to a stretcher. You leave the field under applause, but the pain and fear of the reality of your injury don’t allow you to appreciate them. Stretcher movements give you intense pain and you have to bite your hands so you don’t scream again. It’s a real relief when morphine finally takes effect some minutes after.
On the field, the end of the game is quickly whistled after the incident. When Ingrid joins her family and yours, she hugs Mapi while being having to answer hundred questions from your parents.
"Is it her ACL?" is the only question Leah asks.
"I don’t know" sighs Ingrid shaking her head, always in Mapi's arms. "She was... She wasn't able to say where exactly her pain was. I can try to get you into the locker room and infirmary if she hasn’t already left for the hospital. But maybe not everyone."
"Go ahead, Leah" your mother replies almost immediately, tapping on the blonde’s shoulder.
Leah hesitates for a split second, not wanting to interfere with the needs and desires of her in-laws. But one look at your father is enough to convince her and she skillfully jumps over the fence.
Ingrid trains her more or less discreetly towards the tunnel to reach the inside of the stadium, exchanging only a few words with your national coach in Norwegian. Obviously Leah doesn't understand a word of it, she only has in mind to be able to find you and know what you have.
Only a few dozen minutes have passed since the shock and your injury, but it seems to you that it's rather long hours. Despite the morphine, you continue to feel spikes of pain. You have never felt such intense pain and you find yourself having to focus on the painting of the ceiling to not lose consciousness.
After three knocks against the door, it opens slowly, letting your best friend and girlfriend pass.
"Leah" you manage to croak and she rushes towards you.
One of her hand squeezes your hand and the other gently caresses your hair while her eyes search for yours.
"What did they say?" Leah asks
"Nothing" you admit pitifully "They were waiting for morphine to take effect, it was hurting to much until now"
Speaking of which, you see two doctors come back inside the room and Ingrid slips away without having laid a kiss on your forehead. And after getting Leah’s promise to keep her informed.
Some new swearing in Norwegian escapes from your lips when they start auscultating you, Leah mentally promises herself to ask you about it in a few days. But right now she’s too busy sympathizing with your pain and looking for a way to turn you away from what’s happening.
"Did we win at least?"
"Yeah. 2-1. You were amazing by the way, we’re gonna have to fight to keep you at Arsenal if you keep playing that well."
You roll your eyes but you are quickly brought to the heart of the matter by the main doctor. He speaks Norwegian, so you have to translate it to Leah.
"What did he say?"
"He thinks it’s a fracture. They’ll transfer me to the hospital."
"At least it’s not your ACL" Leah sighs of relief.
You grimace before addressing the doctor again, asking if it's possible that someone could bring the things you left in the locker room.
Ingrid brings them to you, already changed and showered when she appears. Your parents, your cousin and Mapi follow her. All these people are not allowed to follow you to the hospital, but you reassure them as much as possible. You promise once again to keep them informed and you kiss them before going to the ambulance. Quickly realizing that it's impossible to put your foot on the ground or even hop while holding on to Leah, you are pushed on a bed to the vehicle.
Arriving at the hospital, you enjoy being able to wash yourself, with the precious help of Leah. You sigh with despair when you have to put on one of these hospital gowns, but this gives you the right to have access to a room and it's always more pleasant than the ambient noise of the reception of the emergency.
You leave Leah for a few moments to go for the scanner and she's eating the vanilla pudding of your meal tray when you come back.
"You hate vanilla" she exclaims for an excuse with an innocent face when you look at her with an half amused-half severe smile.
It also turns out that this is the only food that the blonde likes on what is offered on this set. You eat without much conviction under the insistence of Leah, the blonde certifying that she promised your mother to take care of you and that it begins by ensuring that you eat properly.
You both doze off when the doctors come back with your test results, you on your bed and Leah in a chair next to you. The blonde stubbornly refused to lie next to you despite your insistence, being too afraid to hurt you.
Leah’s frustration is at its height when you are given information in your native language, not understanding any of the words spoken. There is no similarity between these two languages and she wonders how you learned to speak English so well under these conditions.
"So?" she asks barely a second after the doctor has finished talking.
"Tibial tray fracture" you mumble
"Do you need surgery?"
You shake your head negatively, a little stunned by all this. You are interrupted by the doctor who tells you a few more words before leaving the room, shaking your hand then Leah's.
The night at the hospital was complicated for you, apart from the pain that kept you awake for many hours, you had to be taken away so that they put a cast that you will have to keep for a few weeks, before changing it for a splint. The only time you got your smile back was when you could choose the color of your blast.
"Red" you answered without hesitation.
"Red?" Leah asked when she saw the nurses preparing the mixture.
"If I have to stay stuck in the bleachers for a few weeks, I might as well match the colors of Arsenal"
You shrugged, trying to hide your sadness from this idea. Leah went through a lot more difficult than that and you don’t want to impose your moods on her. But she seems to have perfected her ability to read your thoughts since she immediately raised your face gently for you to look at her.
"Oh no, not that. You have the right to be sad, you have the right to be angry and you have the right to blame the whole world. But you don’t have the right to shut yourself up and not talk about how you feel. You don’t have to tell me if you’d rather confide to Less or someone else, but don’t shut yourself. Please."
Throat knotted, you couldn’t say anything, so you just nodded. That was enough for Leah who laid a tender kiss on your cheek.
"And you can count on me to be there every step of the way"
"I know" you smiled softly
With you and Leah not leaving until two days later, you mostly stayed in your hotel room after leaving the hospital. You have been busy for a long time with the various calls and messages you have received from many of your relatives. Instead of calling you once a week, your mother called you every day. And of course you got calls from Ingrid, Leila, Laia, Alessia (who in the meantime changed her name in your phone by Sis ✨), Katie and finally almost all of Arsenal.
"Nice free kick" told you Katie when she called you via FaceTime "I will have competition to take it at Arsenal, it’s good."
When you flew back to London and you’ve never been happier living in an elevator building. All that remains is to hope that it doesn’t break down for the next six weeks, when you can apparently start walking again without having the leg immobilized.
Leah will keep her promise to not to leave you alone for the slightest minute as she will establish a whole program with the club’s doctors so that your rehabilitation and the strengthening exercises you have to do will be planned at exactly the same times as the workouts of the others. When you’re not at Arsenal facilities, you are at home with her.
And on game days, you watch them play. The next match is against Aston Villa and you regret a little not participating in the game alongside Leah. Being able to beat the team in which your two exes evolve is a little too interesting idea for you, but it will wait next time. Meanwhile, you just follow Leah with your eyes, carefully studying Jordan’s behavior towards her.
Arsenal wins hands down and even if you are disappointed not to play with your team, you are very proud of your teammates. At the end of the match, you follow Lia who was replaced towards the end of the match on the field with your crutches, struggling a little because of the slippery ground. But you quickly reach the height of Alessia that you take in your arms to congratulate her on the goal she scored.
You’re having a hard time finding Leah in the crowd of players and you can’t help but get a little nervous about Jordan getting her before you. It’s however Katie who turns you away from this idea when she suddenly arrives behind you to lift you and begin to carry you like a bride.
"Let go of me, you maniac" you laugh when you see her starting a lap without letting you go.
"Why? Show everyone your cast!"
During one of the lunch breaks, her and Leah worked hard to reproduce the Arsenal logo on your cast and they are both very proud of their work. Your cast also has the names of all your teammates, a cat drawning made by Viv supposed to represent Raven, flowers made by Alessia and an Australian flag made by Kyra.
You roll your eyes, your arms around Katie's neck to stabilize you.
"Uh, the other way please" you mumble realizing that Lia is now exchanging a few words with Alina, right in the direction that Katie is going.
The Irish changes direction, only so that you find yourself facing Leah who looks at you both with fun.
"Can you give me back my girlfriend now please?"
"Dunno. I like her" Katie tease Leah as she tighten you up against her.
"I’m here too, by the way"
You see Caitlin waving her arm with a big smile a few meters from you, making the three of you laugh. When Katie finally puts you down, Leah beckons you to climb on her back, making you frown.
"People are gonna think this is weird, no?"
"Leah was in the stands of your last game with a jersey named after you. What would be weird is that they haven’t figured it out yet" Manu, who joined you, says.
"She’s right" Leah shrugged. "And at worst, we don’t care?"
Since the blonde doesn’t seem to see the slightest inconvenience, you don’t make yourself pray any longer. Leaning on her shoulders, you jump on her back, Leah passing her arms under your thighs so she can carry you properly. You greet the crowd from time to time when you hear your name, talking about everything and nothing with Leah and your teammates.
"So, we don't care right?" You ask Leah after a few minutes.
"Yes, why?"
You’re not answering her question. Instead, you lean over her and kiss her cheek, then the corner of her lips when she turns her head towards you. She grins and you grin back at her.
"Hard launch" Caitlin sings, her arm around Katie's waist.
"Yeah, you're the one to talk" Leah laughs while looking at them.
You didn’t see Jordan after the game and when you ask Alessia a little after, she will tell you that she actually went back to the locker room almost right after the whistle. It probably means to you that seeing you with Leah is difficult for her, probably confirming your theory. But the photos you see on social media a little later, while you are peacefully lying in Leah’s arms in your bed, could alone confirm that the blonde has indeed moved on.
The way she looks at you on those pictures gives you butterflies in your stomach and a wave of affection for her. Leah will only have two seconds to understand what happens to her when you drop your phone on the mattress to go up for her lips and kiss her passionately. She’s yours.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 months
yellowjackets + summer themed dates (headcanons)
how the adult yellowjackets would take you on summer themed dates, gender neutral reader/no pronouns used
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forget a date she’s taking the two of you on vacation
callie’s left home for college, jeff is out of the picture, and she needs to RELAX with you
i can see her being a florida girl, she would take you to a beach with a nice hotel with a SPA!! shauna sadecki spa addict
she spends an unreasonable amount of money on those fancy little mixed drinks that are called random shit like Mermaid Soup Kitchen Bra Clasp On The Lazy River yk what I’m talking about
overall tho sugar mommy shauna gets so extra in the summer
buying you things just because she can , jewelry , clothes , whatever you want
also you have so many pics to post on instagram and she wants to be in EVERY SINGLE ONE of them to show off that she can take you places and no one else can, it’s also a great way to get back at jeff after she leaves him for you lolololol
lottie’s summer dates,,,,,again she might take you on vacation bc she’s rich and she can if you want her to but honestly i think she would prefer to stay at the wellness center sorry girls
she would try to convert you to her weird lottie religion through dates but not in an invasive way in a “let’s go meditate in the woods 🥹” sort of way
dates where you have lunch in the woods! lisa making all your food obviously bc rich girl lottie cannot cook and she doesn’t want you doing everything yourself because it’s HER date she’s taking you on
its like she’s taking inspo from twilight like come on girl see me sparkle in the woods
she shows you her beehives too and that sounds dirty but I don’t mean it like that
she just has lots of fun facts about bees
she would be such a picnic girl I just have to say it again okay that’s her aspiration is to have a nice quiet spiritual picnic alone with you
alone with you …… 😇😁🥴
oh ALSO farmers markets w lottie how could i forget
if you live close to a beach (we’re pretending you live close to a beach) she loooooves going on beach dates
an excuse to see you in a swimsuit??? she will take it !
she cooks you dinner and then you eat by the water, OR sometimes you take sammy together during the daytime and it becomes a family outing. you make sandcastles with him and taissa gets really intense about making sure they’re “structurally sound”
the two of you take sammy out for ice cream too on hot days debate her fav flavor in the comments
anyway taissa would probably propose to you on a beach too trying to be like in the movies but it’s way more awkward
not in a bad way tho in a cute way bc she has no idea what the fuck she’s doing
but she is TRYING and you can see it
van is one of those people that celebrates summerween and christmas in july and she will absolutely rope you into it
you have movie marathons i say this in every headcanon post i do for dates with van but the autism is so strong all you do in a relationship with her is watch movies ok accept it
she would enjoy eating outside at restaurants especially new restaurants, i can see her taking you for a tour of whatever cafes or restaurants have opened recently and you eat in the outdoor dining areas if there’s some available
GOING THRIFTING TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!! going thrifting with van. making her try on summer clothes bc she needs a new summer wardrobe
outdoor movie nights are also a must
can also see her going hiking with you
big 80s lesbian aesthetic from van in the summer
honestly as soon as summer came and it got hot out she would just lock herself inside
however that doesn’t stop fun date nights
who doesn’t love breaking into the motel vending machine in a heatwave and then going inside and binge watching true crime shows
you order delivery from your fav restaurant and then laugh when the delivery guy has to go out in the heat to give you your food
you might be able to get her to go to lotties farmers market shit but she will not enjoy it she’s only doing it for you , she would much rather be inside
you could get high w her tho!
would take you on a date to one of those farms where you pick a bunch of strawberries and blueberries and shit yk what i mean idk I’ve never been to one but ??
would love going to the zoo with you and she would take a bunch of pictures for caligula and get him something from the gift shop
you’d have to convince her not to steal any of the animals bc yes misty you love polar bears but we CANT HAVE ONE IN THE BASEMENT!!
she would be such a nut for botanical gardens, aquariums, anything wildlife in the summer again the autism is strong in this one
would be so sweet to you the whole time and she would learn a bunch of fun facts about wherever you’re going beforehand and sharing them with you would be her love language
if you don’t listen she gets really sad and quiet
would also love to plant a garden with you if you like that sort of thing
haaaappy summer thank u for reading :) I’m coming back with fics soon but I’ve been on my period and I’m in pain lmao
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 1 Initial Reactions
I didn't get to post these reactions so I'm posting them late as I needed time to edit all my 3am typos (cry) from Thursday.
Bless Francesca for being the funniest lowkey Bridgerton with that piano playing scene.
I swear I paused the Colin glow up reveal scene to analyze everyone's reaction. My top choices are Anthony and Kate and Bennedict.
ABC reunion + Gregory being adorable. I love when they show the sibling interactions.
Backs up, did I just see ASL from a debutant! That is so cool!
Queen Charlotte is having none of these people lmfao
Not Eloise getting dragged by Colin by her fashion choices (peak brother-sister vibes)
Stop- Francesca: “y'all are chaotic yappers the lord cannot present me a harder challenge”
Featherington's! I almost forgot both of Pen's sisters were married here! I keep remembering the book (romancing Mr. Bridgerton) and that the show has arranged things differently.
Prudence's man (I cannot/ do not remember his name) is giving such strong Kenergy.
Would it be the Featherington household without financial drama?
Eloise - Pen meet up, omg the heart break in their eyes!!
Cressida, when I get you!! It has been 0.5 seconds since this girl got to this garden party and she's already bullying Pen. Girl breathe.
Cressida-Eloise is intriguing as a dynamic I’m afraid. Also, Pen’s sad little face (cry)
I'm a bit confused with Francesca's interest in the marriage mart right now as she seems to prefer being around small groups of people and does not have much interest in being around guys. It feels as if this is a chore she must fulfil.
Kate -Violet solidarity is so cute to see after the angst of last season
Lady Danbury in the white ensemble with the top hat is looking magnificent I want her to poke someone with her cane!!
I'm liking the make up on Kate much more this season??? She seems a lot more glowy and rosy, maybe it's the lighting or something but her make up looks different.
I'm so sorry but Colin getting all this attention after having a literal hot girl summer is vv funny. Like he's in his early 20s lmao, but he is not giving confidence he is giving slightly awkward line reading with no chemistry. In the books him being more rakish was believable because it was set 10 years later.
Colin meeting and talking to Pen, side eye my boy. I'm loving the costuming choices to visibly show they are both uncomfortable/ do not fit their clothes well and it’s so starkly done. Poor Pen in this yellow dress makes her look a lot more juvenile (which isn't bad but it is unflattering). And Colin with what I am assuming are Anthony hand me downs since that jacket looks frumpy. The parallels!
Omg "Go home and get to work" Mrs.Featherington is so unserious
One sentence horror story "I take comfort in knowing you will always be there to take care of me". Get out miss Penelope runnn
Colin had one slutty slutty summer and the fact they keep trying to frame it as mostly intellectual is sending me.
Eloise reading Jane Austen! Is this character development?
Every scene so far where Pen and Eloise see each other gives the vibe of two exes meeting after the most devastating break up, I appreciate this framing so much because losing your childhood girl best friend is one of the most painful types of breakups.
ABC hang out?? Bennedict responsibility arc?
"She is colder now I am afraid" is a wild way to say someone is dead.
Damn! We're getting steamy af scenes already in the first episode! Anthony needing to go down on his wife to start off the day is certainly something I can get behind.
OOh this outfit reveal! Yessssss bb Pen eat them up! Penelope having a *debut* moment.
Aww the Featherinton spouses are sweet.
I see you Colin with that side eye
Omg Penelope being a bombshell and being socially awkward is so cute. You’ll figure it out soon bb don’t give up, they’re just jelous!
Ooh these girls are not liking Eloise they're sus
I'm a little uninterested in the queen charlotte diamond drama atm
Francesca: Live Laugh Love the piano forte
These guys are being so rude to Fran like let the poor girl speak! You’re traumatizing her.
Kanthony dancing and Kate's dress to reference the Bridgerton blue?? Oh the costume department has served.
Aww walflower solidarity with Francesca and Penelope. They're both the more reserved of their family, it's sweet moment between the two and the encouragement!
I know we won't love lord Debling but he's looking so sweetly at Pen and being so welcoming compared to everyone else.
CRESSIDA they can never make me like you, you little brat.
Yes, Pen eat him up give it to him tell him!!! "You miss me but you would never court me". GET HIS ASSS!!
 I fear our girl will be writing some scathing lady Whistledown.
This man threatening the Featheringtons is a gremlin, and I am getting bad vibes.
This conversation about the pitting of women against each other is valid social commentary but I cannot focus on it as it appears Cressida has murdered a flock of flamingoes to make her outfit.
Self-awareness, Cressida, does not free you from your crimes!
Kanthony is serving this episode. I appreciate this blissfully married life on them! Also Kate’s outfits are so intricate and beautiful. She has come so far.
Francesca so far feels like an external character, and it was similar in the novels until we got to her book. I really hope we get more context for her outlook soon.
Colin, what are YOU doing here. The way that Luke N is serving this season, whew. I really can buy his clueless innocence at his friendship with Pen, but finally the plot is plotting!
I'm very confused by this Baron Kent plot line and its introduction in the first episode.
OOH the drama for Colin's Whistledown dress down.
She really said he ain't shit, it's a facade, a ruse, he's a sad little attention whore
Colin: FUCK lady whistle down all my homies hate lady whistle down.
I'll keep it short. It was simply exhilarating. I love being back it's like slipping into a comfy worn hoodie. It's good to be back!
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ᴘʀɪᴅᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅᴇ
Pairing: Sambucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes) 
Summary: Bucky and Sam’s first pride parade together.
Bingo Fill: ‘Pride Parade’ on my ‘Vacation’ card for @sambuckylibrary’s sambucky summer bingo!
Warnings: none!
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Bucky dropped a gray shopping bag at Sam’s feet. 
“What’s this?” Sam glanced up at him, looking at what’s in the bag. A white tank top, and a white t-shirt. Plus…fabric paint?
“Stuff. For the parade.” Bucky said, vague as always. 
Sam pulls the stuff out of the bag. “You are so cheesy.” 
“Shuddup.” Bucky huffed, pulling all the stuff onto the carpeted floor, before sitting down in front of it all. Sam shook his head, a small grin on his face as he sat down across from Bucky, both of their legs crossed.
“You’re really gonna do this over carpet?” Sam raised a brow.
“It’s my apartment. Besides, I’m careful. Maybe you should put some newspaper under yours.” Bucky taunted. 
Sam rubbed at his brows. “Man, landlords must hate you.” 
Bucky grumbled something before opening a bright pink paint. Sam watched as he took a large foam brush and started slathering it onto his shirt. Sam had previously realized that of course Bucky had wanted him to show off his muscled arms. 
“Y’know, I forgot that’s your favorite color.” Sam murmured as he painted some sky blue onto his tank top. 
Bucky shot him a look. “Leave me alone,” he grumbled, but Sam knew there was no bite to it.
“It’s a nice color on you.” He continued. “I..think I’m just gonna make a rainbow in a sky on mine. Maybe a yellow circle on the shoulder for a sun.” 
“You should do that.” Bucky said, still focusing on his..pink monstrosity.
Sam was impressed. Bucky had genuinely smeared several shades of pink on the shirt. 
“You wanna call Yelena and Kate and see if they wanna come with us?” Sam gives the option.
“We can.” Bucky agrees. “I don’t know if Yelena will go for it, though.” 
“I’m sure Kate’ll drag her into it.” Sam chuckled. 
Bucky smirked softly, his weird and awkward smile making Sam swoon. 
“…We really should’ve put newspaper down, huh?” Sam realizes after a moment. 
“Yeah.” Bucky sighs. 
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Bucky smiled, walking hand in hand with his boyfriend. This was his first ever pride parade—and he was thoroughly enjoying it.
Not even his internalized homophobia—as Dr. Raynor and Sam had called it—could stop him from enjoying this. 
He enjoyed seeing other people’s outfits, seeing all of the bright colors and flashy statement pieces and skimpy clothing that he could never wear comfortably. 
Sam, God bless him, had opted out of doing more public stuff with the other Avengers in favor of just walking with everybody else—most likely because of Bucky’s introvert ass.
Sam was good at it all—talking to people, sharing experiences with people, and the like. Bucky loved it about him.
“This is..nice. I like this.” Bucky murmured. 
Sam just smiled, the gap in his teeth making Bucky want to kiss him right then and there. 
So he did.
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Sam chuckled, handing Kate his phone and whispering at her to get a picture. He was driving, the younger woman in the passenger seat. Bucky and Yelena were in the backseat, dozing. Yelena leaned on him, and he rested his head against hers, the two of them decked out in pins and fun hats and little flags. They both had glitter on their faces, and in Bucky’s right hand was a handheld electric fan, which ran on batteries neither Sam nor Bucky likely had at home.
Sam focused back on the road. He had no idea what it was like being queer in the 1940s, but he sure as hoped it was all worth living through if it meant getting to live like this in the future. 
Glancing in the mirror at his boyfriend, at the flecks of rainbow glitter on his cheeks, and a part of him was sure that Bucky believed it was.
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a/n: the picture was based off of this lovely piece of art by @betterthanworse
[bingo masterlist]
happy pride!
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hrmitena · 1 year
I love your writing sm! Can i please leo/need where their s/o accidentally falling asleep in their room while they were hanging out?
; dreaming of you.
a/n ; thank you so much!! i hope you enjoy <3. (p.s the honami bit may be a little self indulgent… apologies)
when their s/o accidentally falls asleep ; ichika, saki, honami, and shiho.
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# ichika.
you two were having a sleepover, it became a thing between you both. ichika was watering her cactus while you were laying on her bed, when she put the water sprayer down; “[name], i’m gonna go get a snack, do you want anything?” you look at her, smiling. “no thank you.”
she’s gone and back again within a few minutes, entering her room with a tray of snacks and a smile plastered on her face. “i brought more than i anticipated, but more for us— ..oh.” she’s cut off by the sight of your sleeping figure, placing the tray on her desk, she giggles softly and makes her way over to you.
she calmly moves your body under the covers, careful to not wake you. she then enters the bed herself, holding you close and kissing your forehead; “good night, [name]. sleep well.”
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# saki.
you were in saki’s room, eating a random snack you got from the kitchen while she wrote down ideas for a new song to perform with leo/need. she turned to you, showing you the paper. “[name], read this! and give your honest, honest answer!”
you took the paper from her, and blinked a few times before realizing you were awake enough to read what she had written. you handed the paper back to her after a minute, smiling. “sounds good, though you should probably send it to shiho and the others for confirmation.” she smirked proudly, setting the paper down and standing up; “i’m gonna go get a water, i’ll be back!” and she was off. her bed was so comfortable… maybe resting your eyes until she returned wasn’t such a bad idea…
until the time she returned. “i’m back! i didn’t know if you were thirsty or not so i brought you your own drink to save you the troubl— ah…” her bright smile turned into a soft one, giggling softly at the sight of you sleeping. “you could’ve just said you were tired, silly.” she says to herself. covering you with her bedsheets and kissing the top of your head, she sat back down at her table, continuing her writing.
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# honami.
honami was over at your house, finishing cleaning the area of your room covered with clothes — it wasn’t the best of days for you, you felt..sad. and you called the one and only person you knew who would make you feel better. “you didn’t have to clean for me, honami. i’m not one of your clients.” she turned to you, kissing your cheek while grinning softly; “don’t worry about it, dear. i’m gonna prepare a meal for you — how does that sound?” “that’d be great, thank you.” was your reply, and her soft smile before she left was a good enough “you’re welcome”.
you found yourself becoming a bit sleepy while waiting, you hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before… so, maybe a small nap before she finished would be good. you didn’t bother covering yourself with the blankets, far too hot on a summer day to be under a bunch of sheets.
upon her return, honami opened the door as gently as ever. “i’m back, and i made your favourite— oh.” she noticed your figure, sleeping… in a certainly awkward position. you were half on, half off the bed, sheets blankets and even pillows slipping from the mattress as you moved around. she giggles to herself, setting the tray down before moving to fix your bed and your position. she then sat beside you, hand in yours; “sleep well, you deserve it.”
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# shiho.
you had gone to her house to hang out, which she didn’t deny from happening. shiho was tuning her bass while you laid sprawled on her bed, shifting positions ever so often. “shihoo… you pay attention to that bass more than your own partner!” you whined, “well, maybe i like it better.” she joked, and you could feel the divorce papers materializing in your hands.
“don’t be sad when i divorce you because of your love for that bass.” you replied, teasing her. the mix of laughter coming from her and you faded as she heard the sound of a door unlocking; “that must be shizuku. i’ll be back.” she set her bass down and exited her room, leaving you alone with said object that you accuse your girlfriend of loving more than you.
when she returned, she held a bag of food in her hand; “she said she bought food for us on the way home, that’s… hm..?” her voice faded as she noticed you asleep, smiling gently. placing the food down, she entered her bed—pulling you close. “you’re cute…sleep well.”
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veronicaphoenix · 11 months
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"Was that... okay?" Noah inquired, breaking the silence, swallowing hard. "I don't know," Lia replied, her voice quiet, uncertain. She couldn’t look away, and she didn’t want to move her lips too much in fear of losing the memory of how it felt to have Noah’s pressed against hers. “We should try again, then,” Noah suggested, his eyes jumping back and forth from her mouth to her eyes. Lia met his gaze deeper, her pupils wide. “Do you want to?” “I don’t mind. Do you?” “No. We can try again.”
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Chapter tags: best friends, kids growing up, first kiss, promises, slight angst, fluff. | Word count: 3.2k | Cross posted on AO3. | Series masterpost. ✧.*
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Lia is 13. Noah is 14.
It was nice in the lake that day; one of the last ones that summer.
The sun hung high in the sky and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the distant hum of cicadas added a peaceful soundtrack to Noah and Lia’s day. 
It was still pretty hot, but the water was so refreshing.
Lia laid in her soft blue bathing suit on her towel, which was spread on the deck. Noah was sat at the end of the wooden planks, with his legs hanging from the edge, not far from her. He had collected a pile of stones and was throwing them in the water, seeing them bouncing once, twice, before they sank to the bottom.
A while ago, when they reached the lake and they took off their clothes, Noah felt Lia’s stare on his body. He was aware of the awkward changes going on in his body, and Lia definitely couldn’t help but notice the subtle transformations in her best friend. The boy she had known for so long was transforming into a young man at a faster pace than she was turning into a young woman.
“What are you looking at?” Noah questioned, tying the laces from his swimming shorts.
Lia blushed slightly, caught off guard by his question. She moved her eyes from his hands to his eyes. She took off the hair tie she kept on her wrist and tied her long hair in a ponytail.
“You’ve grown a lot this summer.”
It was true. Hana had been mentioning it to him nearly every week, and in the last few months, Noah had grown almost three inches, and now he had to bend a little to look Lia in the eyes.
“So have you,” he replied, and his eyebrows moved as his eyes slid down to Lia’s chest.
With a furrowed brow and feigned anger, Lia hugged herself, covering her chest from Noah, who was now smirking.
“Shut up. I’m still small.”
She said that because she believed so. She had been paying attention to how the other girls in her class looked. It seemed that all the girls were growing faster than her and were taking pride on it. Lia was slightly taller than last year, but her pace seemed to be very slow. Her breasts had indeed started to… show, but she was still very petite, and short, and she had insecurities.
Noah shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know what to say to her about that. All that he knew was that he didn’t care. If anything, he would use his bigger build to protect Lia from whatever, whoever, although in time he would learn that, despite his good intentions, Lia would have to learn to protect herself, and that she would also have to fight for privileges that he just had for simply being a man.
Ten years later, Noah would be about eleven inches taller than Lia, and when he had her in front of him, she would have to look up and he would have to tilt his head down towards her, and later on, when she wanted to kiss him, she would have to stand on her tiptoes and put her hand on the back of Noah’s neck to pull him into her mouth.
It wouldn’t matter to either of them. Lia would rejoice in the fact that Noah was so tall, and she would constantly be flooded by a strange feminine urge to be enveloped by that body that was much larger than hers. And Noah, in turn, would love to be able to wrap her up in his arms and hold her as if she were a doll.
Thirteen-year-old Lia, standing on the deck in her bathing suit under the sun, thought that her best friend would be a very handsome man one day. She was not so sure about herself.
“What if there’s something wrong with me?”
“What do you mean?” Noah asked, brows furrowed. He looked at her from over his shoulder.
“What if I’ll stay this way forever?”
“That’s not gonna happen. We’re growing,” he answered with certainty. The same way Lia had been paying attention to the changes on his body, Noah had been very well noticing the changes in Lia’s as well.
“I mean… What if there’s something wrong with my life? What if I’ll stay like this, in this place, with my mom, forever?”
“Lia, we’ve talked about that. It’s just a nightmare. Nightmares don’t come true.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Then, what do you want me to tell you?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted, looking away. “I feel like… screaming.”
Noah contemplated her words for a moment before he started nodding, as if something had just crossed his mind.
“I’ll tell you something,” he announced. “It might help. Jump in the water, and when you’re deep down, scream.”
She looked at him, unconvinced.
“Do it,” he insisted, a glint appearing in his eyes. “I started doing it last year after, you know… that day.”
Yeah, that day. Lia stayed the night in Noah’s house, in his bedroom, sleeping on the pull-out bed while his grandparents traveled to the neighbor state because their daughter had been found nearly overdose on the street and was now hospitalized. Noah didn’t get to see his mom in that condition, but the sole knowledge had been enough to tip him over the edge. He had spent an entire week sad and angry, and he hadn’t known how to manage those feelings.
“Okay,” Lia ceded.
Lia walked to the edge of the deck and examined the water down below. It was still, as still as her heartbeat when she was with Noah. She took a deep breath, her chest rising, and then she leaped into the water, breaking the surface with a splash.
Noah waited outside, watching the ripples slowly fade away. The lake embraced Lia, and in that underwater world, she released a scream, a cathartic expression of the uncertainties that were haunting her.
As Lia resurfaced from the lake a few seconds later, she was overcome with an exhilarating mix of release and freedom. She felt... better. However, Noah was not paying attention to that. He wasn’t even concerned for a moment. He could only see the droplets of water cascading down Lia’s face, her skin sun-kissed and gleaming, the sunlight also dancing on her wet hair. He felt a sense of awe. The sun, a fiery ball on the horizon, painted Lia in a warm, golden glow.
"You’re beautiful," he blurted out, the words escaping before he could stop himself.
Lia, who hadn’t been expecting those words at all, froze for a second, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Noah, catching a glimpse of the effect his words had on her, couldn't help but smirk, his initial boldness giving way to a nervous happy fluttering in his stomach.
From the water, Lia splashed water towards him, flustered, and in no time, she had him by her side, coming up from under the water in the same spot to where he had jumped. He was smiling from ear to ear.
If he found her beautiful, when Lia saw him coming out of the water with the hair falling on his face and sticking to his forehead, his eyelashes holding tiny drops of water, she thought she had never seen anyone so breathtaking.
The lake took care of their worries while they were there, swallowing them all in, taking them to the deepest depths.  
Hana had told Noah once that the lake knew how to listen, and it did.
The playful escapade turned into a quiet moment an hour later when they sat on the deck to get dry and eat something. Noah had eaten an apple after drying himself with a towel, and Lia had opted for just taking a sip of water from her bottle. She wasn’t hungry yet.
 The gentle lapping of the water against the wooden supports provided a soothing soundtrack to their thoughts. In that tranquil silence, Lia laid on her towel with her eyes closed and Noah sat down on the edge, playing with a bunch of stones he had picked up from the path that led to the embarkment.
The serene interlude suddenly turned into awareness when Noah peered over his shoulder to look at Lia. He knew he didn’t have much time left. He had been thinking about it the whole week, and he had to tell her, ask her now, otherwise he would lose the courage and back off.
Lia was still laying down, unaware of Noah’s internal struggle, when his sudden words made her open her eyes wide open.
“Lia, I need to kiss you.”
Startled, Lia sat up like a robot, looking at him in shock. Noah was still sat with his back towards her. He wasn’t looking at her.
He turned his head then. He looked anguished.
“You know I’ve invited Adrienne to the school dance, and I think I’m supposed to kiss her at the end of the party, and I haven’t kissed anyone in my life.”
Lia, still processing his words, responded with a nonchalant, “Me neither,” not fully getting his point.
“That’s why I need you. You’re the only person to whom I can ask this. And besides, it’s a win-win situation. We can practice with each other.”
His attempt at rationalizing his idea didn’t work very well with Lia.
“Noah, that’s just… Weird,” she said, making a face. “I don’t know…”
“I brushed my teeth before leaving the house.”
That comment made Lia furrow her brows even more. Underneath her, the towel still was damp from her wet bathing suit.
“Is that…?”
“Can you come here?” Noah asked her, hoping to salvage the situation.
Lia, however, didn’t budge, and Noah, feeling embarrassed and regretful, turned around, facing away from her. He chastised himself internally for even suggesting it.  
“Look, okay, forget it. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you this.”
When he glanced back over his shoulder again, he saw Lia grabbing her t-shirt from her bag and putting it on—an indication that she was getting ready to leave. Fuck.
“Okay,” Lia said.
“I said okay. We can try.”
It took him a moment to process it. Relieved yet still uncertain, Noah sought confirmation before he let a wave of relief slide down his chest. “Are you sure?”
“If I don’t do it with you, I’ll probably end up doing it with some idiot from school.”
“Ok,” Noah took a deep breath. “Come here,” he motioned for her to join him on the edge of the deck.
Hesitant, Lia approached him, her hand gripping the wooden planks tightly as she sat down by his side. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they both waited for the next move, a shared moment that could either complicate their friendship or redefine its boundaries.
“How… should we do it?” She was first to ask.
Noah shrugged.
"I don’t think there’s any instructions. I’ll just…” He was looking at her, and his eyes fell to her lips.
Noah sensed Lia's deep breath as he leaned in slightly, a subtle anticipation hanging in the air. He looked at her once more just for confirmation. She closed her eyes, her lashes casting shadows under the summer sun, her lips a bright pink hue. Noah, mirroring her anticipation, licked his lips before closing his eyes and removing the distance.
The first kiss was a tender meeting of teenage lips—soft, shy, and innocent.
Under the warm summer sun, their lips pressed gently against each other, a fleeting yet profound moment etching itself into the fabric of their shared history. Two seconds passed, leaving Lia and Noah with a small taste of each other's skin, an indelible imprint of the first kiss.
As they separated, a shared realization dawned upon them: both had been holding their breath, and their flushed faces betrayed the intensity of the moment. Lia's eyelashes fluttered, her gaze fixed on Noah as if it was the first time she was seeing him.
"Was that... okay?" Noah inquired, breaking the silence, swallowing hard.
"I don't know," Lia replied, her voice quiet, uncertain. She couldn’t look away, and she didn’t want to move her lips too much in fear of losing the memory of how it felt to have Noah’s pressed against hers.
“We should try again, then,” Noah suggested, his eyes jumping back and forth from her mouth to her eyes.
Lia met his gaze deeper, her pupils wide. “Do you want to?”
“I don’t mind. Do you?”
“No. We can try again.”
With a shared agreement, they leaned in for a second attempt, a willingness to explore this uncharted territory together.
Noah's lips parted as Lia's eyes closed shut again. She leaned to him, tilting her chin a bit up to reach him. He pressed his mouth against Lia's upper lip, and when hers closed around his, she swore she could taste the apple he had been eating minutes prior. Noah slowly intensified the press of his lips against her, hardening the grip, and he felt Lia following to his innocent demands.
The kiss turned into two, and then into three. Slow touches, noses brushing, the beginning of an exploration of another human's anatomy, a shy journey through the pleasure of providing physical comfort beyond boundaries to someone you trust.  
When they separated one more time and pulled away, it was just to seek for that trust that they provided each other. Words weren’t needed. When they looked at each other, they understood, and silently, they leaned into each other again, more confident this time, content to keep trying, unaware of the fire growing inside of themselves, of the fact that they were two teenagers on the verge of leaving behind all innocence. When Lia felt Noah’s fingers grace the skin of her bare knee, she felt an electrifying current shoot throughout her body. They were traversing the delicate realms of intimacy for the first time with a growing assurance, oblivious to the consequences of their actions. When she was able to react, her hand found Noah's cheek, and she touched him with slow, quiet fingers as Noah's lips moved against her own in a beautiful, uncoordinated, pure dance.
They learned how to kiss that day, and they would get much better in time, as they would when it came to sex, too.
Noah didn’t kiss Adrienne in that school dance party. He fell sick a couple of days before the event, and he had to stay home for three days, drinking ginger tea, wearing warm clothes, and listening to his grandparents reminding him that swimming in the lake as October approached hadn’t perhaps been the wisest decision. As he lay in bed, he didn’t care, honestly. All he could think was one thing, and before falling asleep, all he could see was Lia all flustered as she moved a bit away from him as they decided to finish their practice lesson.
“That wasn’t so bad, no?” He asked her, licking his lips unconsciously, swallowing Lia’s taste.
“I think I liked it,” she admitted, keeping a straight face because she was worried that it would scare Noah away if she showed how much she had enjoyed it. “Are you going to kiss Adrienne like that?”
Suddenly, as she asked the question, Lia realized she didn’t want Noah to kiss Adrienne, or any other girl for that matter.
“I don’t know,” was his short answer. His eyes darted away from her for a while.
There was silence for a while. Lia turned to fully face the lake again, and extended her legs as much as she could until the water touched her toes. She trailed her toes through the ripples, played for a while, letting the feelings traveling through her veins and to her heart sink deep inside of her.
Time felt suspended in time, as it did many times when they were together. She wasn’t aware that there was no turning back now. Maybe there had never been since the moment Noah and her had locked eyes that morning years ago in the street.
“We shouldn’t do it again,” she concluded, the words hanging in the air like a delicate thing. The movement of her legs swinging and gracing the lake’s surface stopped.
“No, we shouldn’t,” Noah agreed, his voice carrying an understanding that hid his reluctance.
There was a whisper in the air that was gracing Lia and Noah’s skin. A whisper that said that the simplicity they once knew would turn into a complex dance of emotions from now on.
Neither of them wanted it.  
“Promise nothing will change?” When she finally dared to look back at him, she had that worried look on her face that Noah had been trying to erase ever since he met her. Her words trembled a bit. “And that we will never fall in love with each other? Because if we do, I don’t think it will go well. Look at our mothers. What if I become like them, and you become like our fathers? What if you disappear?”
Noah didn’t think that he would disappear, and he didn’t think that Lia would be like Eve or Cristina, but at the same time, her words injected a note of caution into his brain. He couldn’t think much about how an adult’s life was. If he pictured the image of him and Lia together, he could only see them as they were now, maybe in his room playing music, writing songs, or in the garden, taking her of Hana’s flowers and him listening to Lia telling him all the curiosities she knew about the different flowers she had planted.
“You have a point,” he admitted. Their future would be full of promises and perils, and that, neither of them could deny it.
“Should we make a blood pact or…?”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” he replied with a judging look. He understood Lia’s concerns. Of course he did, for he shared the same ones. But a blood pact? “What if we drop it in the water and there are piranhas?”
“There are no piranhas in this lake, Noah.”
“Alright. No blood pact then, anyway,” he said, a small smile playing on his lips.
“But seriously,” she insisted. “Promise that we won’t ever change, that we will always be best friends, that things won’t get complicated between us.”
Noah nodded. “I promise. We’ll keep things simple, just like now.”
They sat there for a while, the sun casting a warm glow over the lake. The tranquility of the moment enveloped them, and Lia couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was a delicate balance, this newfound connection, and both she and Noah hoped they could maintain it.
As they continued to talk, Noah shared more about his dreams of music, about his plans. Lia listened intently,sharing her ideas, her excitement growing at the prospect of better things awaiting for them in the near future.
The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and they found themselves laughing and leaving behind the initial awkwardness after the kiss.
Lia returned to her towel after a while, wanting to soak in the sun a bit more. When a few minutes passed, Noah took another glance at her, and when he saw her smiling, lost in her thoughts, he couldn’t contain his smile either. His devotion for her wasn’t bound by blood, but it was a force that fueled his resolve to be a constant in her life.
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deityoftherain · 3 months
her beloved mortal - Katherine/Lizzie Empires S1 Fanfic
Rating: General Audiences
Relationship: F/F
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Status: Completed Oneshot
Word Count: 2,081
Summary: Katherine, being the seamstress that created the brides' dresses and a dear friend of the wives-to-be, was attending a wedding. Her social battery was running low and she had pulled a few all-nighters to get the dresses done in time. She was about ready to go home when this beautiful goddess of a woman called for her attention...
This was written for @belovedgamers through the @mcyt-summer-of-yuri exchange! Click on the AO3 link above or look under the cut to read it ^^
If you like it, please consider reblogging, kudosing/liking, and/or commenting :D
Katherine sang a tune to herself as softly as she could, sitting at a corner table as she sipped her drink. She had a wonderful time at Gem and Pearl’s wedding so far, but the reception seemed to drag on for far too long. 
Realistically, when taking a peek at the clock, it had only been thirty minutes since the reception itself started. She was simply running low on energy, which was to be expected after she pulled several all-nighters to craft the brides’ dresses.
Katherine was a seamstress and a rather talented one at that, or so she’s been told. She could make just about anything with some time and enough fabric, making her work quite sought after. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her work, and it paid extremely well, but it could also wear her down if she didn’t practice adequate self-care.
She was grateful that her hands and back weren’t cramping as much as they were earlier, at the very least. The ointment she rubbed in helped a lot; she should see if she could find more. While her comfort was important, she was more concerned with the result that came from her aching hands. Luckily (though there wasn’t much luck to it), the outfits had turned out perfectly!
Katherine was relieved that Gem and Pearl loved their custom wedding dresses and that they’ve held up throughout the ceremony. Those weren’t true concerns for Katherine. She had known Gem and Pearl for quite a long time now (meaning she knew what they liked and she’d made clothing for them before), and she knew her work was quality.
“Are you a siren? Because your voice draws me in,” the unsolicited pick-up line pulled Katherine out of her thoughts. Her head tilted up slightly, shifting her gaze from her drink to the speaker’s eyes. 
The man standing in front of her was objectively easy on the eyes, sure, but she had no interest. Katherine had been aware of her extreme preference for girls since before she hit puberty. She never even had to explicitly tell her dad and renny that information; when she was dating her ex, they seemed unsurprised and as if they already knew. Katherine wouldn’t be surprised if they had known because she never attempted to hide her attraction.
Katherine didn’t want to waste his time or hers so she decided to let him off as friendly as she could muster. Katherine gave him a polite smile as she ran her fingers through her long black hair. “I’m not interested, but thank you.” The man’s flirty expression morphed into one of annoyance. “Come on! You didn’t even give me a chance. I promise I can show you a good time.” Katherine resisted the urge to scrunch her nose in disgust at his suggestion, finding it wildly unappealing. She hovered a hand over her mouth as she gave him an awkward, airy laugh. “No, no, I’m not-” “Give me a chance, beautiful,” the man pleaded, reaching forward to grab her wrist. “I can make it worth your-”
Before he could touch her, someone else stepped in, grabbing his wrist to stop him from moving any further. “She said she’s not interested.”
Katherine found her attention being captured by her savior. Those thoughts were a bit dramatic, sure, but her savior was practically a goddess walking among mortals. She was stunning and almost ethereal, walking with utter confidence and grace.
The woman had light yet still vibrant pink locks with the bangs pulled back into braids while the rest of her hair laid elegantly against her back. Her ears presented more like fins than the pointed ears Katherine was more used to. The blue fins had a purplish undertone and it all complimented her pink hair well. Blue scales generously peppered the skin exposed by her sleeveless dress. The dress itself was a dark navy, so dark of a blue that it was almost black, and the skirt part of the dress shimmered like stars in the night sky. 
The man furrowed his eyebrows, tugging away from her grip harshly. “And who are you? Her girlfriend?” “Yes, actually,” the beautiful stranger wrapped her arm around Katherine, hand comfortably resting on Katherine’s hip. Katherine blushed, though she wasn’t sure if it was the sudden proximity or if it was the fact that she claimed they were girlfriends. While there was no way for the woman’s claim to be true (they hadn’t met before that moment), Katherine couldn’t imagine protesting it. “Now do yourself a favor and leave before you embarrass yourself any further.” 
The man took the hint, grumbling and cursing as he left. Once he was gone, the stranger let out a sigh and, much to Katherine’s delight, kept her hold on Katherine. “Thank the ocean he left! That could have gone horribly wrong. Are you alright?” “Yes, thank you,” Katherine responded gratefully. Her social battery had been dying, but it seemed to recharge with the arrival of her personal goddess. Katherine found herself wanting to stay by her side and not wanting her to leave.
Neither of them moved, the finfolk’s arm still around her. Her hold was comfortable and safe; Katherine didn’t dare move from it. In fact, she even leaned into her hold. Katherine didn’t know what came over her, but denying herself the touch was out of the question.
“My name is Katherine, by the way,” she murmured softly, hoping offering her name would give an acceptable opening for the other to offer hers.
The finfolk blinked down at her, ear fins twitching slightly. She then smiled, features softening to a point of almost bittersweetness. “I’m Lizzie.”
“Thank you, Lizzie.” Katherine loved the way Lizzie’s name buzzed on her tongue. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”
“Well, I couldn’t just leave the damsel in distress, now could I?” Lizzie joked with her 
sky blue eyes gleaming with humor. “Especially not one as adorable and talented as you. I know you made the brides’ dresses, but did you make your own as well? You did a fantastic job.”
“I did. Thank you. Again.” Katherine dipped her head, partly to accept the compliment and partly to hide her blush. It should be somewhat successful for Lizzie was taller than Katherine was. She offered her free hand to Lizzie, glancing up at her through her eyelashes. “Would you care to dance? I would love to get to know my ‘girlfriend’ better.”
“How could I say no to my gorgeous girlfriend?” Lizzie accepted her offer, taking her hand in hers before leading her to the dance floor. They were close now, so close that Katherine could smell the distinct scent of ocean water and bubblegum. Those scents were muddled together, creating what was so obviously Lizzie, her Lizzie. 
My Lizzie? Where did that possessiveness come from? Katherine wondered, confused at her own thoughts. She dismissed them, quickly distracted by Lizzie’s guiding movements and the sound of the music around them.
As they danced, Lizzie exuded a sort of energy that was far too joyful than one would expect from a pair of strangers spinning around for hours. Katherine didn’t mind it though, finding it endearing. They didn’t know each other, but Katherine felt very cherished, desired, and valued with the finfolk nearby.
Katherine fed off of Lizzie’s enthusiasm and attention for the remainder of the event, hours flying by within minutes. By the time people started to clear out, Katherine’s throat was scratchy and sore from talking, and her limbs weren’t too much better off. Despite the uncomfortable exhaustion, her primary emotions were bliss and adrenaline.
“I had the most wonderful time,” Katherine breathed out in a giggly rasp. She twisted her hips to twirl the skirt of her dress, both hands in Lizzie’s. Her dress was separated into two parts, more like a blouse and a skirt than a dress. The blouse was snow white with puffy, off the shoulder sleeves. It was short enough to expose a small part of her midriff. The skirt section was high-waisted, seated up high to cover most of the area her top neglected, and it was a pastel purple with white flowers. To tie everything together, she had a white choker and a pastel purple ribbon in her hair.
“Me too.” Lizzie gently tugged on Katherine’s hands, guiding them to her hips. When they were there, Lizzie let go of her hands and went to rest her arms on Katherine's shoulders. “I have missed you, my beloved. I love you.” Katherine furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but she didn’t pull away. She continued to keep her hands on Lizzie’s hips. Katherine knew that comment must be weird, but, from Lizzie’s lips, she couldn’t find it abnormal. “I… I think I love you too. You didn’t spell me did you?” She hoped there was a different explanation than that because she never felt so fulfilled than she did now. It was like a piece of her soul had been returned to her, snapping in place and fitting perfectly. Katherine hadn’t realized that slot had existed until her eyes landed on the finfolk woman.
Lizzie snorted at that idea, highly amused. “Spell you? No, no, love, I assure you it isn’t that. I can answer any questions you have, but kissing you first will make it easier.”
“Why does that make sense?” Katherine’s gaze fell to Lizzie’s lips, fully trusting her. It didn’t feel like magic influencing her actions and thoughts. If anything, it was more like a gut feeling that came with personal experience and knowledge.
Before either of them truly knew it, their lips met together, fitting perfectly in place as if they were made for each other. The kisses were soft yet passionate, almost electric as life sparked within Katherine. Each kiss brought with it a flash of a memory from a past life, the memories both foreign and familiar.
Instead of scaring Katherine off, the memories from her past selves only confirmed all that she already accepted as fact. The memories she received didn’t overwhelm her, simply slotting in place like they were always meant to be there. She didn’t remember every single detail of her past lives for that would be far too much, but she knew enough. 
Her previous thoughts of Lizzie being a goddess were true. She and Katherine fell in love, their love so strong that their souls became entangled with one another. They were a goddess and a mortal destined to reunite time and time again for the rest of time. Every time Katherine died, she was reborn and, twenty or so years after her death, Lizzie would return to the mortal realm to find her once again.
Katherine deepened the kisses, pulling Lizzie toward her until their bodies were flushed together. It had been far too long since they were able to be this close; their souls were finally returned to each other. Flower petals were eagerly embraced by the ocean’s waves, water consuming the petals but never harming their fragile nature. Their love outlasted countless lifetimes, not even death being able to separate them.
At last, their kiss broke. Katherine breathed quick and deep, trying to get air back in her lungs. Lizzie didn’t seem to have the same problem, giving her an apologetic smile and murmuring sweet nothings as she coached Katherine’s breaths.
Once Katherine recovered, she asked, “What now?”
“Whatever you want, my beloved.” Lizzie brushed some of Katherine’s hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. It wasn’t much, but the gesture felt extremely intimate and familiar. “I have all the time in the world for you.” “Would you like to come back to my place?” Katherine let her gaze fall as a blush heated her face. Her sleep deprivation and energy she spent that night were catching up to her, but she didn’t want to leave Lizzie’s side just yet. “I am quite fatigued. We could cuddle?”
“Sounds perfect,” Lizzie agreed. She swept Katherine up with ease, taking care not to pull harshly on Katherine’s dress. Katherine squeaked in surprise, but allowed Lizzie to keep her hold. She buried her face against Lizzie’s chest, her limbs relieved to no longer have to hold her own weight. Sleep was quickly coming to her, but she felt safe with Lizzie and trusted her to take care of her, so she welcomed it. Katherine fell asleep in her lover’s arms, feeling appreciated, cared for, and content. If you want more, I have an alternate ending/deleted scene for this:
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peace-coast-island · 4 months
Diary of a Junebug
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Golden petals floating on the Dandelion Pond like stars in the night sky
There’s something about dandelions that feel whimsical and carefree. Maybe it’s because of the whole making a wish and blowing the petals away thing most of us did as kids. When the breeze hits just right, the sight of the seeds flying away looks almost magical. Simple things like that often leave an impression on a child’s imagination that sticks with us for a long time.
Even though I’m no longer a child, I still like to believe that wishing on a dandelion can help make things a little better. Wishful thinking does help in some cases, and maybe that’s what helps you get through a hurdle, or at least puts you in the mindset to be able to give you that mental push you need to move forward. Sort of like planting a seed in hopes that it’ll take root - at least, that’s how I see it.
We’re out on a retreat in a nice little place called Dandelion Pond with some friends. The place was recommended by Tianna, a friend of Mindy, Marlo, and Cheyenne from their college days. Isabelle had her eye on that place for a while after hearing good things about it from Leif, so it’s been on our list of places to visit. The only problem is the timing as the place tends to get booked quickly because everyone wants to enjoy the dandelions, and off season isn’t an option because it’s closed. Finally, after about three years of waiting, we finally have an opportunity to visit thanks to Tianna and Mindy.
The Dandelion Pond is obviously the centerpiece, though the charming little cabins shouldn’t be overlooked either. They give such a cozy cottagecore vibe, which is totally my thing, adding to the whimsy the dandelions bring. I’ve taken so many pics of the dandelions and architecture for journaling inspiration, especially anything with a lovely floral design that I can easily replicate by drawing.
I think I could easily spend an entire day looking at nothing but dandelions without getting bored. Seriously, I’ve never seen so many in one place! It looks so soft and peaceful that I wanted to lie down in the fields - though it would be awkward with all the dandelion seeds in the air. They look magical floating in the sky, not so much when they’re stuck all over your hair and clothes.
Along with just having a chill time, this get together also serves as a long overdue reunion for Mindy, Marlo, Cheyenne, Tianna, and Art, Tianna’s childhood friend. Turns out this is the first time the four of them met up together since graduation, so they have a lot of catching up to do. Kinda fitting for a reunion to take place in a dandelion field.
Mindy’s doing well now that she’s settled into a routine and just living life again. Her daughter’s enjoying school and making a lot of new friends - Mindy says she’s quite the social butterfly. Now that she’s on summer break, her schedule’s a bit more free, though not for long as she’s starting a new job next month, which she’s looking forward to. I remember her saying that she was a bit hesitant to go back into the fashion business, which was why she decided to go back to school to expand her opportunities in case she wanted a change, so her new job is sort of like testing the waters as it’s related to fashion design, though more of a freelance thing instead of a corporate one.
Cheyenne and Tianna just finished a show that ran for three weeks, so instead of heading back home right away, they decided to hang around the area and do some sightseeing. Then Tianna got a message from Art saying that he was in the area, saw her performance, and wanted to meet up since they haven’t seen each other in years. They both grew up in the same city, left for college, and never returned, though they keep in touch often. As for how long since they last saw each other in person, Tianna said Art was roughly the same height as her and now he’s over half a foot taller, which is still throwing her off because she used to babysit this guy.
Tianna’s got an interesting upbringing, which led to her having mixed feelings regarding her hometown as her father’s kinda famous over there. It’s not really a secret or scandal like some journalists make it out to be, more like a combination of many factors as to why he never acknowledged her to the public. The first reason is obviously privacy as he’s sort of a celebrity - the rags to riches entrepreneur type - while her mother didn’t want that kind of life for herself or their daughter. Second is that while he is her father, he’s not much of a parent in the sense that he’s still like a kid himself. Tianna and her mother long accepted that, so it’s not a big deal as some people make it out to be. She sees him as more of a fun uncle, someone who can be a blast to hang out with once in a while, but that’s about it.
The city Tianna and Art grew up in is Ravenstad, which is home for many successful entrepreneurs behind super fancy luxury brands. Tianna’s father is known as The Whimsical Chocolatier, and according to her and Art, he really is like a fairy tale character. Along with being known for his chocolate that’s bound to leave you spellbound, he is also a legit warlock with a flair for the dramatic. In other words, his stage persona and true self are one and the same, which is why Tianna considers him a big child who will never grow up. Fun to be around, but also static, unchanging, and superficial.
As for how the whole thing became public, it was thanks to one of her father’s business rivals, who happens to be her grandfather in an unexpected turn of events, which then resulted in another media storm - but that’s another story, one that Tianna doesn’t really care for. Basically, before coming to Ravenstad, her parents met in Marchweg, which used to be the center of the chocolatier world decades ago. Her father came there with big dreams, except things didn’t pan out the way he expected over there, especially when a certain businessman was threatened by his presence. Then he met Tianna’s mother, who was later revealed to be the rival’s illegitimate daughter he refused to acknowledge, and he swept her off her feet.
So they were young and in love, with nothing but dreams to carry them away. However, Tianna’s mother was more of a realist, so while she did initally get carried away with her lover’s idealism, she also knew when it was time to wake up and face the music. That wake up call happened when she became pregnant just went his dream was really starting to take off. As much as she loved him, she also knew that their relationship wasn’t gonna hold up, especially since his family would inevitably come last in his priorities. Tianna says her mother made the right decision to step away from his spotlight. And in the long run, she believes the distance between them is the reason why she has a fairly good relationship with her father without resentment.
In fact, one common thread between Tianna and Art - and Cheyenne and Mindy too - is having a parent who ultimately prioritizes themselves over their own kids. It sucks, but some people just aren’t meant to be parents in the same way some people refuse to grow up and learn from their mistakes.
In Art’s case, it’s his father who’s the problem, which is why they haven’t spoken to each other since he left Ravenstad. To sum it up, his father’s the type who throws temper tantrums when things don’t go his way, often taking it out on his son. As a result, he applied to schools overseas to get as far away from him as possible, to which his father made a rude remark about him becoming a foreigner. While he’s open to a reconciliation, he knows it’ll never happen. Besides, after Tianna and her mother left, he has no reason to stick around, not in a home where he always felt unwelcome in. No use dwelling over shit he can’t control nor was even his responsibility in the first place.
Art ended up getting a generous scholarship in Sunyong where he’s now studying for his master’s. As for why he’s here in Brightstable, it’s for a research project that just wrapped up. Along with that research project, he’s been so busy with classes and moving to a new place, so now with all that out of the way, he has his first break in months. And what better way to spend that free time than to reunite with an old friend?
If they hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known that this was the first time they’ve seen each other in over a decade. There’s something special about those kinds of friendships where you can almost pick up where you left off, even when decades have passed. Now that they know that they live a couple hours away from each other, they’re making plans to visit and hopefully hang out more regularly.
Seeing Tianna and Art has made Mindy nostalgic for simpler times when she was with her two best friends. I’ve heard many stories of their escapades and shenanigans they would get into, usually because of Mindy’s psychic powers. Like most childhood friends, they all drifted away to the point where they’re now basically strangers. Last she heard, though it’s been years since then, Lise’s running a farm and raising a family while Eddie’s somewhere in the music industry.
As much as she sometimes wishes to go back to those days when life was less complicated, she knows that they’re long gone and the only way to go is forward. She’s had it rough with an unhappy marriage, an unfulfilling job, and deteriorating relationships with parents - really, what kept her going was her daughter. Like with Tianna and her father, Mindy came to accept that her parents are not the kind of people she could always rely on when the going gets tough.
She doesn’t think they’re bad people, though she finds them frustrating, especially as she got older and realized that life isn’t as black and white. At least her dad’s willing to work things out, though Mindy complains that he can be unserious at times. She doesn’t think he’s being intentionally insensitive, more like he just doesn’t like dealing with the hard stuff, so he just simply ignores it. The fact that he has the luxury to do that without consequences makes it even more infuriating. Carefree, but in a really superficial way - the toxic positivity type. Yeah, not the most reliable to turn to when you need a shoulder to lean on.
Her mother is another story, and all Mindy will say is that communication’s a two way street, not that meme of that guy talking to a brick wall. She wants to work things out with her, but she can’t do that until her mom’s willing to sit down and listen, which is apparently a tall order for her.
I think most of us have times when we wish we could go back to when things were a lot simpler, when we had less clutter taking up our minds. I don’t necessarily mean childhood or adolescence, more like times when life was generally uncomplicated and you weren’t as bogged down by as many burdens or responsibilities. Maybe ignorance can be bliss in certain situations where we’re too young or naive to fully realize the ramifications of something. But in my experience, those kinds of people who prefer to live in blissful ignorance have basically stunted themselves, holding on to that foolish idea that as long as they don’t grow and change, life will stay simple and uncomplicated for them.
Instead of being a flat, one dimensional person, I’d rather be like a dandelion scattering its seeds to the wind. To set myself free and allow myself to grow and change for the better. To learn from my mistakes and experiences and impart my wisdom to those who need some guidance. Never underestimate the effect of making a wish on a dandelion - it won’t solve all your problems, but it can make you feel a little lighter.
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sourweather-fics · 1 year
It’s hot in this room. It’s a Louisiana Summer, it’s hot everywhere for miles in every direction. Will is shivering. The spell over him breaks when he starts moving again. Hannibal, for all of his sway on Will’s soul, can only keep him calm tonight for so long. He’s awkward as he undresses, kicking and shoving his way out of his clothes like he’s never had to take them off before. Hannibal seems to find it endearing enough, though Will doesn’t find much relief in that fact. Luckily, it becomes increasingly difficult to feel self-conscious. Or to think about anything at all, really. His brain stops behaving like a brain the second that Hannibal touches him. ‘Sorry,’ is the first thing that he thinks to say, because he can’t shake the feeling that it needs saying. There’s no follow-up, though. What can he say? ‘I’ve never done this before?’ They both know that. And either way it’s a rotten excuse. It’s Hannibal’s first time, too, and he’s nowhere near as hopeless as Will. ‘I… have no idea what I’m doing.’ Hannibal just sighs. Pulls him closer. Kisses his mouth, his throat, his collarbone. He takes Will’s hand, guides it to touch him in return. “Relax,” he says, but Will’s hand shakes against heated skin. “It’s just me.” And some delirious, lovesick part of him wants to scoff at that. To say ‘There is no “just you,” not to me’. But it’s true, at the same time. He’s never needed to second guess himself with Hannibal. He’s safe here. It’s okay, this time, to be a little bit clueless.
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Hi!! I would like a match up if there still open. Take your time with this and all the other rq those :33
I have like chest length blonde hair, green eyes, and extremely pale skin. Also I stand around 5'4. Clothing wiseI don't really have a style I just wear alot of flannels, ty die, and band t shirt with jeans and cargo pants. I also tend to wear alot of jewelry, usually rings, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.
My personality type is INFJ, and I'm a ambivert. My friends / family often describe me as quiet before you get to know me where I'm more loud, funny, and overall act more like myself, (I mask my true personality around new people so they won't judge me .. social anxiety lol). I do have a habit of spending alot of time alone though and I usally spend my weekends writing, reading, drawing, or playing video games. When I'm not alone though I'm always spending my time with family and friends. School wise I have good grades and quite enjoy studying. I'm not very popular but I have alot of friends and nobody really bothers me lol.
My hobies include writing, music (I can play the ukulele and piano), sculpture, drawing, painting, and playing video games. In the summer I often participate in more physical hobies as I go hiking every week and do fencing over the summer.
More about me is that I collect vinyl records and have around 60 or 70 of them. I listen to music ever day since I stand being everything being quiet. My biggest fear is being alone. And when I grow up I want to be a either a lawyer or a paralegal. And I really like comedy, coming of age, and horror movies / TV shows.
I hope that's enjoy :) take your time and thank you
Thanks for saying to take my time because I had a really rough day today and I really appreciate you making me not feel guilty for not being able to complete it right away seriously means a lot.. you didn’t say which found him he wanted so I’m just assuming that you want me to pick fandoms for you, never mind I looked at your profile and saw that you were with the outsiders. But next time just let me know whenever you want and outsiders request specifically because otherwise I would’ve just paired you with a random fandom unless that’s what you want in the first place and I misread you.
Your Fandom Ship: Darry Curtis
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Explanation: starting officer appearance I think that he would be very attracted to you from your height which he loves. He can just easily spin you around or pick you up to your pale skin and green eyes that he thinks are beautiful in contrast so well with your light complexion. You guys dress pretty similarly and I think you guys both have the ideology of throwing on whatever is clean and a somewhat professional/cute format. as soon as he notices that you wear a lot of jewelry and how much you love wearing it I think he would save up and work a lot of shifts so that he could get you some really nice or really pretty jewelry and I think it would just light up his entire world if you smiled and we’re very thankful for the gift and because of how much money he makes he can’t often get you what he wants to get you or as much as he wants to get you, but I think that he does really well with his limited resources. As for your personality, I think that you starting off as quiet would be perfect for him as he is pretty serious and then once you get to know him more, he becomes less serious and a little more funny, which I think you guys would go perfect for each other because you’re more shy and he’s more serious the beginning and I think by the time you guys get past that awkward phase you would be in love with each other’s personalities. I think he would respect your time alone and understand your social anxiety. I think that he has social anxiety too. It’s just less obvious. You remind him a lot of pony boy with your creative activities, and I think even though he’s not that much of an artist himself, and would prefer to go outside and play sports he would support you in whatever you would do and definitely always make sure to give you a compliment on your art. He would love listening to music and studying with you and having chill dates like that or I think he would love going on hikes. I see him as a pretty outdoorsy person who would just love to go camping go on hikes, go mountain, biking, anything like that I think Darry would be into it. I think he would also buy you vinyl records if he saved up enough money and I think that he would totally love a movie night date with you. I think you guys would be a pretty good healthy and uplifting couple for each other and you both love doing outdoorsy things together and I think that his music taste is pretty bland and you could definitely widen his variety quite a bit because I feel like he’s the type of guy the only really like you know what kind of popular, and not really pay that much attention to music in general but I feel like it would make it a bigger part of his life, and he would be forever grateful for that. 💚💚💚
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suckitsurveys · 8 months
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? Yes, which is so dumb.
What’s your favorite season of the year? Summer.
Do you have pop-tarts in your house right now? Nope.
Is anyone’s birthday coming up? One of my cousin’s birthdays is this month.
Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? Yup.
Do you remember who you liked in grade eight? No one, really.
When was the last time you burned any part of your body? My mouth earlier today because I can never wait to drink my tea.
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? Probably.
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? Of course! I really wanna be Tonya from The White Lotus.
Have you ever called somebody dollface? Maybe as a joke.
If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on? Lunch.
Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? Nope.
What are you most excited about right now? My family and I are going on a lil mini vacation to an indoor waterpark at the end of the month and we’re going WITHOUT my brother in law and I’m so GOD DAMN happy.
Does / did either of your parents serve in the military? They never did.
Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? To a fault.
Do you like sour candy? Yes.
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? We never really went on a honeymoon but I’d love to go somewhere tropical.
Do you have Verizon? No.
What do you do to stay awake when you’re tired? Coffee.
Are all nighters something you have grown used to? I wouldn’t say I’m “used” to them, no. It’s not something I do often because I don’t really have any reasons to stay awake like that anymore.
Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? Yes. Prescription sunglasses have been a game changer.
Do you wear your shoes around the house? Nope.
Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? Yeah, when it’s really hot outside.
What clothes are you most comfortable in? Hoodies and leggings/jeans or big tees and bike shorts. Or hoodies and bike shorts or big tees and leggings/jeans.
Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? My husband and my best friend Sarah.
What has changed most about you in the past year? I’m getting better at setting boundaries not only for my mental health but also my physical health.
Are you good at painting nails? Eh. I haven’t painted my own nails in a really long time.
Smoothies or slushies? Smoothies.
Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? Sometimes, sure.
Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? No.
Elaborate on a way you have volunteered? I used to belong to a group in high school that did a lot of volunteering. We went to animal shelters or helped kids or cleaned up trash mostly. I’ve also done stuff for school and helped my sister with various things too.
Do you use a full length mirror daily? Yeah. I mean, I walk passed one every morning at least.
Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? Nope.
Any TV shows you sit down weekly to watch? The only thing currently airing on a regular basis that I watch is SNL. Otherwise, I basically just binge watch stuff.
Does anybody know about your sex life other than your partners? I mean, I don’t talk about it often with anyone. Not that I wouldn’t, it just doesn’t come up usually.
Even if you don’t like politics, do you still have opinions on the issues? Of course.
Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? No, if I am going to the movies, I want movie theater popcorn and that’s it.
Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? If I know them, yeah.
Do you ever actually make your bed? I don’t because there’s usually a cat or a husband sleeping in it still before I leave for the day. Sometimes Mark will make it but I don’t really see the point unless we had company or something and they can see into our room.
Do you make an effort to eat healthy? I have been lately. Just mainly getting better at moderation and curbing my cravings for sweet stuff by making smoothies instead.
How are things between the person you like / love / are with? Amazing! I love him more and more every day.
Where did you sleep last night? In my bed.
The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? Black.
What kind of booze did you last take shots of? Tequila at my friend’s birthday/engagement party back in November.
What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? I don’t have any set plans to go to a mall anytime soon.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yes.
If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? I’d love to be front row at Lana Del Rey or Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo, even though I’ve already seen Lana and Billie live twice and I’m going to see Olivia next month!
If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? The money, no question. Fuck a regret.
Are you taller than your mom? I was by an inch by the time she passed.
Have you ever been around someone who was high? Several times, including myself.
Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? Night.
Think back to June. Were you in a relationship? Yup.
What’s so special about what you’re wearing? Nothing really.
Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? Nope.
Could you handle living with a male roommate? I mean, I live with my husband.
What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? This actually. And working. I keep going back and forth.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? I actually am.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I know they do.
What do you miss the most about your past? Blah.
When is the next time you will kiss someone? When I get home later.
Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yes.
Plan on getting drunk or high tonight? Nah.
In the past week, have you cried hysterically? Yup..
Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody? I am.
Are you on birth control? Nope, I don’t need to be.
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Kinda, Mark and I were talking a little bit.
Last time you were really happy? I mean, I am okay right now.
Do you tend to fall for players? Nope.
Why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex? Because I am not.
Have you ever asked a boy for advice? Yes..
Are you wrapped in a blanket? Nope.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Lol good one.
Have you spoken to your mother today? Father? Neither yet. Well, I mean, I won’t talk to my mom, because she’s dead, but I will see my father later when I stop by before I go to the gym.
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Fic Titles That Start With P Masterlist
Paint Me In Your Sunshine (ao3) - mukeclemmings michael/ashton, minor luke/calum M, 26k
Summary: Ashton is smiling and it grows when he turns to look at Michael. Dimples, is all Michael can think and then he notices the bit of blond coloring in his hair and oh my god, is he going to be in this class everyday? Because Michael knows he won’t be able to focus on anything else with Ashton right here.
(Michael is an awkward, freshman art major who really wants to kiss the dimples of the upperclassman who sits beside him in painting class.)
Paper Hearts (ao3) - pseudolixinho luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: “If my heart was paper, I’d fold it / Throw it to the wind and just hope it ends up with you / I’d sign it with love from me to you / I’d try to be cool, but my feelings, they don’t allow me to / And all that I ask, is that at least you write me back / I’m waiting / Here’s my paper heart, won’t you hold it?”
It’s been over a year since Ashton last saw Luke and he hasn’t been able to move on ever since. He writes Luke a letter in an attempt to say all the things he’s wanted to say to him for over a year now. He can only hope Luke gives him what he needs to move on.
paper valentines (ao3) - dafeedil michael/ashton M, 30k
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Michael and Ashton have erased each other from their respective memories, along with the entirety of the last two years they’ve spent together.
However, sometimes erasing past mistakes only means you’re ultimately doomed to make the same ones all over again.
passport control (ao3) - nothingliketherain (39_killer_queen) michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Michael reunites with the boys after the passport mishap of 2014. Hugs happen. One hug in particular surprises Michael.
Pepper (ao3) - 1loulu5 calum/ashton T, 4k
Summary: There’s whining from the other side of their backyard fence. Scratching sounds that sound like nails on a chalkboard. Scolding from an aged voice.
permanent jet lag (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: Meanwhile, Luke had tried sitting in practically every position he could in his cramped airplane seat and, as far as Michael knew, had yet to drift off for more than a couple minutes at a time. Michael glanced over to see Luke burrowing his face into Ashton’s shoulder. His neck was bent at an awkward angle and he was more hunched over than Quasimodo. To put it simply: he looked like crap.
Perplexity (ao3) - mattymerlotte (orphan_account) michael/luke M, 53k
Summary: I, Michael Clifford, only have twenty days or so left of my freshman year in college. My experience so far is the definition of mediocre. Until one Friday night when Calum decided to go out partying that I chose to do laundry and while patiently waiting for my clothes in walked a tall blonde boy with shimmering blue eyes. Immediately caught off guard I somehow speak fluent English and talk to him. Mumbling and muttering every word I’m stumbling with each sentence I let out. He tells me his name is Luke.
Pika Pika (ao3) - Ravenclaw_WolfPrincess luke/ashton N/R, 605
Summary: 5 Seconds Of Summer are in Japan and Micheal is excited for all the Pokèmon and anime there is.
Pills (ao3) - coolbabyblue T, 4k
Summry: Luke had hated everything about Calum. Had, very specifically in the past tense. You see he learnt to love him when the brunette showed him how to be himself, but now, he’s just lost. – Luke wasn’t thinking straight. Not at all. He got like this often. Suppressing his feelings and fears with alcohol and drugs, why did it have to be so easy for everyone else to be normal?
Playing With Chemistry (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 17k
Summary: It’s the busiest week of the year at the escape room Ashton manages, and it’s hard enough without Michael Clifford tempting him at every turn.
Point of View (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Ashton’s been attacked by a werewolf. Calum shows up to the hospital to see how he is.
Popstar (ao3) - L4sht0n luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 54k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He had some problems, every celebrity had some problems. Drug, sex and alcohol was Luke’s getaway, but there was nothing wrong with it. A bit problematic yes, but he did nothing wrong. Luke was losing fans because of his bad behaviour, and he was kind of an asshole. Luke could admit this. But he didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He didn’t need Ashton Irwin to play his fake boyfriend and clean up his mess. If Luke’s management wanted to clean up Luke so badly they should just hire a cleaning lady. Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend, didn’t want it. Then why did the fake relationship feel so real?
Potato Salad (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/ashton, luke/calum, past michael/omc T, 21k
Summary: “Can I have that?” asks the stranger.
Michael hums in his throat, confused. He looks at the stranger, but the stranger isn’t looking at him. His gaze is locked on the potato salad spilled out on the sidewalk. There is a pink flush to his cheeks, but it is different this time. It isn’t modesty. It’s embarrassment.
“If you’re just going to throw it away, can I have it instead?”
(In which Ashton is a homeless stranger who is starving, and Michael has a kitchen full of food.)
Presents (ao3) - koogolplex luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Lukey loves presents, especially when they’re from daddy.
Or, Ashton hasn’t let Luke cum in over 4 days and his boy is so, so desperate. So, Ashton comes home with a butt plug for his princess.
Princes Among Peasents (ao3) - magicalmadhatter michael/luke, luke/calum, calum/ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: Five years ago Michael escaped his kingdom in the cover of darkness with his friend and advisor Ashton. The pair of them have made a life for themselves in the lower city of the castle in the neighboring kingdom. But what if the past they thought they left behind wasn’t so far behind them? Especially after they are uprooted from the life they have made and thrown into the hustle and bustle of what their past life was.
Prove It (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke M, 8k
Summary: “A stretch of silence follows and Luke can feel his cheeks begin to heat up again. Because…Michael is telling him he can stay. And hang out. With him. Luke was leaving and Michael stopped him. His heart speeds up again and a smile starts tugging at his lips.
God, he really better not fuck this up.”
Michael’s day to himself gets interrupted when a very nervous Luke Hemmings shows up on his doorstep, acoustic guitar and bright blue eyes awaiting him.
Protector (ao3) - starstruk97 luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: There are certain rules that come with being the eldest of your group of friends, the number one rule being: Always protect your younger friends.
“ From then on, Luke joined the group, and I had someone to protect and look after. Someone to teach and guide. A baby ‘brother’. And it was my favourite thing in the world. Still is. I don’t care how many fist fights, detentions, suspensions and groundings I have received for standing up for him, I don’t and never will regret any of them because each one of them saved my little bro some kind of pain. ”
Puppies, Pastries, and Other Sweet Things (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) luke/ashton G, 16k
Summary: When Ashton heard someone scratching on his front door in the middle of the night, he expected it to be a burglar, maybe even extraterrestrial beings who planned to take him to another planet. However, the last thing that he expected to find was a lost puppy who simply wanted shelter from the rain.
Puppy Pile (ao3) - BabyBaby3 ot4 T, 2k
Summary: Michael works at an animal shelter to put himself through school and make a little side cash. He ends up finding perhaps the best emotional support dog possible.
- aka -
The boys just can’t say no to not one but two sets of puppy dog eyes
Puzzle with a Missing Piece (ao3) - littleluke luke/ashton, michael/ashton M, 2k
Summary: Ashton Irwin has just been granted an academic scholarship to Sydney’s most illustrious boarding school - Concordia. He wasn’t expecting it to be easy, trying to fit in with a bunch of stuck up rich kids when he’s the complete opposite. But after being roomed with Luke Hemmings, the school’s biggest homophobic jerk, he realises just how much of an understatement “it won’t be easy” is.
Or, the one where Luke and Ashton are polar opposites, or so they assume.
0 notes
Jali Pt.1
Johnny: Why’s Ronan fixing your [bike issue they both know she can easily fix herself]?
Ali: [After you have walked away-ay-ay from that awkward and then angry making conversation, obviously, because it didn’t take long]
Ali: Oh, an excuse to come at me with some bullshit I didn’t wanna hear
Johnny: And you’ve left it here for all that, what’s your plan, to walk off home?
Ali: Maybe
Ali: Don’t act like you’ve never had to walk away from something before you turned it into a bigger something
Johnny: Wait there and I’ll bring it you, nothing he’s said nor done needs to mean taking all night for you to get yourself back
Ali: Rude to reckon I’m that slow but
Johnny: It’s that far, girl, you know it is
Ali: You can have it, I can’t bring myself to tell you you might’ve been right about any of the rest
Johnny: What else was I right about?
Ali: Hey, you heard, boy
Johnny: Come on, I’m after hearing that more
Ali: Of course you are but I’ll inevitably have to take it back when I’m not so mad and then you’ll be mad at me instead
Johnny: Then I’ll fix [the thing we’re saying Ronan did wrong and we’re doing right atm whether he did or not, just cos] and be there with your bike
Ali: Thanks, I shouldn’t have abandoned it, or come here today, clearly
Johnny: You’re not dressed to walk on any given day
Ali: What’s wrong with what I’m wearing today? 
Ali: couldn’t keep your clothes on, sadly
Johnny: You could’ve put proper ones of your own on though, summer’s been and gone
Ali: I don’t know if I own what you’d call proper clothes, you’ll have to go through my wardrobe sometime
Johnny: Being mad at him’ll only keep you warm the 1st ½ mile, maybe
Johnny: you’re lucky I’m here
Ali: I didn’t know you were, you’re old enough to get served at the pub unlike him
Johnny: I’ve a job on later he’s not old enough to know about, so
Ali: We’re not friends no more, not that I’d grass anyway
Ali: Is Mosey going too?
Johnny: Good, I’ve been saying you weren’t to be for ages now
Johnny: He might, what’s it matter to you where he is?
Ali: I just want to know who’s going to be keeping you safe
Johnny: I will myself
Ali: Yeah, that’s why I didn’t ask like that, I know you will
Johnny: [Come ride this bike to her, however far she has gotten, after your quick repair of Ronan’s repair lol, looking hilarious because it is a girl’s bike and too small for you sir]
Ali: [I’m sure you felt like you covered more ground than you did because you were stomping about not running lol, and this will cheer you, to see him just full stop but also because it is an amusing visual, grinning big at him as he pulls up, walking up to the handlebars and stopping him by holding them, next to where his hands are on them ‘thanks’ again but you can hear the sincerity you can’t over text because really you don’t want these feral children wrecking/stealing your bike which is what would happen so you know it was a foolish move but you did not care]
Johnny: [sitting on this bike hilariously, grinning back at her for a sec before he hops off, leaving the bike literally in her hands still, name drop whichever child or children had their eye on it because of course they did, like I HAD TO bring it and you didn’t just cos you wanna see her, once he’s off this bike doing his usual LINGERING once over LOOK of whatever she’s wearing today]
Ali: [just shaking your head affectionately because can’t blame them, watching him with an intensity you do not need to like truly following him with your eyes before making a big show of actually putting this bike on its kickstand rather than throwing it at the floor how we did before and usually do, like, see how appreciative I am of your repairing and bringing it to me; blushing slightly at this LOOK because always but also because you weren’t coming to serve today, you did think you were only chilling with Carly, sure you still look amazing but you’re usually seeing him when you have a v specific look on so far, still, got to give your own appreciative LOOK up and down back because incapable of not ‘Should’ve gone to school’ like you had the right idea doing what you’re meant to do]
Johnny: [waiting until this bike is safely stood, because I imagine he did some bonus repairs to it that are nothing to do with what Ronan did too like pumping up a tire that was slightly flat or something like that etc etc, just little maintenance jobs this girlie hadn’t gotten around to because they weren’t in any way urgent, and letting her appraise him in his work clothes I assume he’s still wearing because only just got back, before he’s pulling her towards him via whatever top she is wearing ‘I’ll take you tomorrow’ in a to make sure you actually get there and there is no drama and you don’t also again potentially freeze to death kind of tone]
Ali: [the kind of noise you make when you’re shooketh but happy about it at this move, doing another more !! one at what he’s just said because you can’t deal with the daddy energy of that statement and now you’re even redder, rubbing your face into his chest like you’re shaking your head no but you gotta hide/inhale him right now ‘I’ll miss you too much’]
Johnny: [wrapping his arms around her so that his hands, whether they are actually that cold or not, are like clasped around the back of her neck because however much or little he can see of her blush with how buried she is, he obvs knows it’s there, before he’s then holding her face after she’s spoken, pulling her head up to look at him ‘you didn’t miss me today?’ like oh okay, but he’s amused, giving it raised eyebrows and a smirk like excuse you]
Ali: [shivering regardless, we all know it, just like you can see the OTT headshake coming too but we’ve gotta, doing a pout at the accusation like how could you ever believe that of me lol ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day’ holding his face and tracing the line of his smirk ‘non-stop’ added on like you’re fully blaming him for that]
Johnny: [STARING at her pout like he’s never seen her lips before, we all know that too, doing the biggest ever stroke of her hair when she says she’s been thinking about him all day because that’s the right answer and she’s a good girl for it, then pulling her even closer by it, gently but v intensely, like his fingers are so buried in her hair rn but he’s not pulling it hard to erase what little gap there was, doing a lil noise of his own at her how he do because their faces are that close now]
Ali: [your own fingers reflexively digging into his shoulders, holding onto him and lifting yourself taller so you can be even closer, the breathing you’re doing directly onto his skin, into his mouth, almost starting a kiss but so barely that it is pure torture ‘Johnny?’]
Johnny: [likewise barely kissing her back because he knows that they aren’t actually far enough away from site and he shouldn’t be doing even as much as this, saying so ‘You’ve not walked far enough’ but the way it sounds is how it would when he doesn’t care and he’s gonna relent any second anyway because he can’t not]
Ali: [when looking away is just an excuse to press your bodies closer together because you’re looking over his shoulder like you’re checking if anyone is around, making another sound through gritted teeth about said contact ‘I wanted you to ask me back’ with the same tone]
Johnny: [pressing his body so shamelessly into her in response to the sound she’s making through gritted teeth there and how into it he is ‘I could carry you back’ when it’s meant to be a pisstake of like that’s how few steps you actually took away from here but again, his tone, we all know he’s saying it like a hot move he’s about to actually do]
Ali: [moaning into the crook where his ear lobe meets his neck, intending to be whispering in said ear but now you have to go to town on this lobe for a minute to deal with any of this tension remotely ‘like you’ll have to carry me into school?’ clinging to him harder like I don’t want to leave you, neediest vibes]
Johnny: [picking her up while she’s doing those earlobe antics as if either of them currently needed a reminder of how easy it is for him and how small and light this gal is, playing with the key as per because so confident he isn’t and could never drop this girl ‘like I’ll have to carry you away’ the way I just know he didn’t mean to say that and again blatantly elude to running away but he has]
Ali: [‘I was trying, I swear’ when you truly were, you didn’t message him all day and you tried to focus on other areas of your life but you’re here again and you want nothing more, kissing down his neck and along his collarbone ‘I only want you- need’ correcting yourself with a lovebite, tangling your fingers in his hair at the same time]
Johnny: [‘you’ve behaved’ with SUCH good girl and I’m proud of you daddy energy as she’s kissing him, a nod at her next words that’s more !! going into the lovebite to make it more dramatic, PULLING on this key as dramatically not even as any kind of deliberate move or anything he’s really aware of doing just we need to be holding it hard enough for it to hurt him too rn clearly]
Ali: [gasping so genuinely, not quite able to properly catch your breath and clearly into it with the way you’re moving in his hands right now ‘my body doesn’t understand why I can’t be with you all the time’ like you know but you also cannot accept it because of how badly you want it]
Johnny: [‘it only knows it’s not yours no more’ moving her to deliberately demonstrate that her body belongs to him now, making her just fully wrap herself around him as much as is physically possible despite however much she already was, when her legs couldn’t be around him any tighter and he knows she’s not gonna slip, a hand going from wherever he was holding onto her to under her top to touch her chest like he can force her to breathe how he wants too and catch her breath]
Ali: [‘you take better care, know what I need, love it how you should’ could not be doing more dramatic breaths now, as if you weren’t already dying, the way you’re having to SQUEEZE your legs around him is making your heart race as fast as your ragged breathing, taking his finger to trace where you know his name is on your chest, even if it isn’t that raised a mark]
Johnny: [this boy could not be PRESSING harder into where he knows his name is, as if he can re-bruise each letter into her skin rn immediately with his touch, just going over and over it so many times it’s hypnotic and he’s entirely forgotten where they are or anything else, literally just sitting down on this roadside or wherever they are with no fucks given so she’s coming down with him and sitting on him and finally kissing her like his life depends on it]
Ali: [when you barely get your head back up in time to kiss him because you’re looking down watching him as entranced, getting yourself in a bigger and bigger state with every loop somehow, despite the fact it started feeling impossible and only continued to get moreso, hence the way you’re kissing him back is BEYOND the passion it already would’ve been base level and it’s surprising you two are staying seated and she’s not flooring you with it but as we’re still hugging you into us with our legs, this keeps us upright and !! ‘God, I missed you’]
Johnny: [this boy loves nothing more than knowing y’all have almost fully hit the deck with the !! of this, but it would also be keeping her upright how he’s GRABBING where his name is with his entire hand once this kiss starts and throughout it, oh the insane bruises she’s gonna have, fully covering it so letting go only to immediately do the same thing again like he’s stuck in another loop ‘I need it’ coming out indecently therefore not elaborating if he needs her to miss him this hard or he needs her to keep doing what she’s doing or both, we know it’s both though]
Ali: [when you have to pull the collar of his top down to see your name immediately right now, as if you won’t be able to believe that it exists the other way ‘round still if you don’t, don’t rip it in your !! gal; we’re here making out hard enough to bruise as well so y’all are going to be a mess, does either of you care, not at all, hence the ‘It’s yours’ in full encouragement of however he means this because just how it is]
Johnny: [he’s here immediately pulling his top over his head and off even if he also has to shrug his way out of a jacket or whatever first, leaving that all on the cold hard ground next to y’all as if it isn’t now the beginning of november in ireland, hasn’t stopped kissing her either so it’s truly carnage lol but gotta be this extra ‘you’re mine’]
Ali: [is shamelessly buzzing about you taking these clothes off for us and has to show immediate appreciation by being the most extra with how we’re running our hands all over your body and only hyper fixating on our name on your chest once we have, neither of y’all is going to be getting cold any time soon, it’s all good lol ‘yours’ because 0 lies detected]
Johnny: [me like, sir it is too early in the PM for everything your body is doing nevermind how far you are or aren’t away from site, like maybe it’s dark as it’s winter idk that’s not at all the point, any one of your other fam could be coming back or heading off to the pub or whatever and see y’all here dryhumping on a roadside yet again but this boy is totally oblivious to any of that, catch him instead lying down about this and getting even more blatant, pressing his chest against hers so hard it would knock the air out of her]
Ali: [by november it is pretty dark at this sort of o’clock but not so dark that a car with its headlights isn’t instantly clocking y’all on the roadside, I’d like to think maybe you were starting to have some kind of thought about going back to the abandoned ‘van stealthily or biking off to somewhere you at least aren’t being seen, even if it’s still just the great outdoors but when he lies on you like that, even if you had the ability to speak up, you just aren’t because you’re too distracted now]
Johnny: [mhmm, you’re lucky jemily is running the show and don’t want you to get caught yet like that because y’all so so easily could and he is not having a single thought about it, unlike Alison who at least tried, just kissing her again like that’ll give her some air back into her lungs instead of making her have even less]
Ali: [it tracks that you would as you’re the one that is going to be ghosted should you be caught, we know that by now, does that stop us forgetting routinely once in the moment? Obviously not lol but you really did have intentions, god bless, just dying almost literally from the lack of oxygen but also the memories this is bringing back from when you were in the ‘van on halloween, squeezing the back of his neck, pushing your faces together almost painfully but you have no control at this point and just want him closer to impossible degrees]
Johnny: [MOANING about how painful this is even though it’ll be almost entirely swallowed up by her face because of how close they are, gripping her hips and moving them into his with the same kind of out of control squeezing gesture while his body is trying to push her as hard into the ground, no notes, just feral behaviour]
Ali: [TORN between complying because it is what you both want so obviously and fighting against it because you both also love this painful energy, your natural instinct is gonna win out and you’re going to match the feral way he is going at this shamelessly but you can at least really bite his lip about it, catching it on his MOAN]
Johnny: [we can’t even call what he does in response a shiver we’ve gotta call it a shudder cos it’s so !! entirely involuntarily reacting so dramatically to her lip bite because it’s the mood he’s in, everything feels that heightened even though it’s only been a day of work that separated y’all because you had days together during your roadtrip ‘you’re hurting me’ when you don’t at all mean your lip your 10000000% mean how much you want her rn and REALLY letting her feel that with how he’s moving and the way each of those movements is making him breathe insanely, the EYE CONTACT though is the real killer] 
Ali: [for real, the way we are acting and reacting as if it’s been a lifetime because we’ve never spent that long with you, just you, ever, obviously; truly cannot be overstated, GRIPPING his face harder than you have EVER because of all the feelings in every way right now ‘hurt me back’ saying it as if you are in any way sorry for the hurt he’s feeling over this and don’t NEED him to be in this with you]
Johnny: [I love how they always go from 100 to 1000000 can’t even say they start at 0 ever lol, pulling her hair the hardest he has ever pulled it to crash their faces back together, biting her lip and her tongue with this kiss, then holding the side of her face hard enough to bruise while he mirrors what she did with his earlobe earlier but does it so much harder, doing a lovebite where she gave him one but again way more forcefully]
Ali: [why wouldn’t y’all want this when everything else is stressing you out or making you feel otherwise shitty atm, could not be more viscerally living our best life here and now within like 5 minutes of this boy showing up, one thing about being outside does mean your reactions can be entirely feral because you’re already here doing this, if you’re gonna get caught, you may as well get caught doing the most you can, hence every noise and movement we make is encouraging this boy so hard]
Johnny: [it’s too true, both your lives are so stressful atm and we’ve talked before about this being seriously the only real release from said stress this boy has, hence I can’t cockblock this from fully turning into a hookup right here and right now because he just would, however many clothes he has to pull down off her out of his way to make it happen, that’s just part of the roughness y’all are already up to, GRABBING her arse so hard with both hands when he finally manages to instigate this and get inside her, doing the most unhinged sound from the frustration turning to relief and how good this immediately feels]
Ali: [you would be EMBARRASSED by the way that ‘YES’ is coming out of you the second he is inside of you but you are far too in this and focused on nothing but the sensation and how you both feel to give a single fuck about acting like this is anything but exactly what you need, the EYE CONTACT has never hit harder, everything in you would be saying look away but you cannot because its killing you even more]
Johnny: [thank god he’s as OTT because it cannot be overstated how immediately and consistently feral this is, not only is he going at this hard enough that the way his body is slamming into hers and slamming her likewise against the ground so rough and loud but he’d be being the loudest he has been in any of their hookups so far with all the sounds he is making, it would embarrassing for him too if he was that sort of bear, especially because of how intensely the eye contact is also being held the entire time]
Ali: [just here telling him ‘I can’t take it’ despite the fact you are and are doing everything to further this hookup, fully removing some item of clothing that was only partially gone, spreading your legs in, again, a way that should be entirely humiliating but you aren’t even thinking about because y’all need this so no fucks given]
Johnny: [‘you have to’ giving when he said it has to be me, the same energy, holding her throat in that kind of same frantic way of just needing this and her not even trying to do a hot move, digging his fingers in and squeezing a lil bit when she spreads her legs because purely involuntarily !! about it as is the way he’s going at this somehow more dramatically, soz that you’ll be hitting the back of your head hard enough to feel later gal]
Ali: [the smile you are doing at him, despite the fact you can barely focus your eyes at this point, let alone breathe anywhere close to normally, leaning forward and thus pushing his hand harder into your windpipe, kissing him with the unhinged nature that comes with being physically held back from him like this ‘don’t stop’ in the hoarsest voice of all time, taking you a lifetime to say here not at all casually, grabbing his arse with very similar energy to how he did yours, to slam him into you as if any help is needed]
Johnny: [‘I can’t’ no notes, I just like that for once he is saying this in a nice way because he can’t stop not telling himself or her that they can’t do something they very much could do, the progress is nice, however long it’ll last, cos lord knows it won’t forever, repeating this + her name before and after it a few times til it devolves into MOANS because he isn’t stopping he’s continuing to do the absolute most]
Ali: [we love to see the parallel and the progress, truly, we meaning jemily and this girl because it isn’t lost on you that this is the first time you’ve heard those words in this context, however far gone you are, simply volleying back his name whenever you can and aren’t just straight up dying in every single way]
Johnny: [he’s dying too which I as the only person who remotely cares about y’all being caught am glad about because you simply can’t stay here all night being this feral, you’re gonna have to sneak to the abandoned caravan or her attic or wherever if y’all intend to keep this up, god bless the fact that right to the end he’s being SO loud and extra, love to see that, gonna do y’all both the favour of saying he pulls out though, so that’s something, though I’m sure he’ll do it at her in some way to keep these feral vibes going, probably down her throat as we were going for a choking vibe for a lot of this hookup]
Ali: [my boo says hurry up and she is not wrong, I am sure with how absolutely insane y’all have been that it hasn’t been as forever as it feels so we’ll let you get away with this one but then you gotta put your clothes back on and consider what you’re doing next lmao; it is very much the vibe of this hookup and thus we are once again being the most about it like we have never wanted anything more]
Johnny: [yeah I’m sure it’s been less than half an hour from when he showed up to when this hookup ended because of the absolute feral mood y’all are in the second you ever see each other in person, you are gonna need a minute to recover after that nevertheless though, wherever it is you end up going, which I assume will the caravan as it’s the nearest and their place]
Ali: [it would take a minute to get to yours, the caravan makes logical sense for y’all to run to and I trust you can do it without being seen because clearly isn’t near where Ronan and Carly’s are so excuse us, once we’ve vaguely got our clothes back on and without even speaking just heading in that direction, gotta leave your bike out of view though so find somewhere to hide that]
Johnny: [agreed because I said he’s doing some kind of sussy job later so if they go there she can wait for him and tidy the caravan some more/do repairs/make it more swag secretly until he gets back from however long this takes]
Ali: [that sounds like a solid plan, you just don’t want to leave him yet and aren’t thinking beyond that gal but will definitely be down to stay and wait for this boy]
Johnny: [I won’t make you leave too soon, boy, cos I’m evil I’ll wait til y’all are in the middle of more feral antics and then make him go hahaha]
Ali: [my boo is a lil goofy monster today and you will suffer the consequences huns, the way we are so unapologetically buzzing to be back in our spot, spinning this key ‘round this chain absentmindedly as we’re getting comfortable ‘have you eaten?’ as the first thing you are saying because lowkey was leaving at tea time so probably not]
Johnny: [he is as buzzing though, they love it here, be shedding some light on the situation whether that’s candles again or you’ve brought some kind of lights into this caravan, the point being you can actually see each other to be having this convo and when he shakes his head that no he has not, cos realistically got home and was being nosy immediately and then fixing her bike to come and meet her was very much the vibe, but with a shrug like meh it’s fine because cba to do anything about this]
Ali: [‘go grab something quick’ like you’re asking for yourself cheekily but you just want him to eat actually lmao ‘I’d make you something but-’ looking at the kitchen that is obviously out of action, even if you had any ingredients to hand, which you do not]
Johnny: [when you’re the sort of bear who does go to grab something but what you run and go grab isn’t food it’s tools and you just start trying to fix up this kitchen here and now like another little montage of when y’all fixed the shower despite knowing exactly what she meant and that it wasn’t that]
Ali: [when it is also the sort of bear you are because you never bloody stop so you are obviously allowing this, as well as it being your favourite thing when he lets you help, even if you have to kiss the back of his neck to distract him a little because ‘you work too hard’]
Johnny: [could not resist because this boy is already filthy from work + fixing her bike more than necessary + their roadside hookup and it isn’t just her who wants to swag up this caravan and make it an actual useable lil home for y’all to be in, even though in his heart he knows that once it’s fixed up he probably can’t keep it and will be trying to just keep these renovations as another secret for as long as possible alongside this relationship, but in the here and now, picking her up like she’s gotta reach something high up for him but really it’s just for that reminder of when he picked her up earlier ‘I’m letting you help’ like that means he can’t possibly be working too hard cos she’s doing some, but again, just reminder of the OG motorbike fixing and shower fixing and the time he said that]
Ali: [smiling down at him as you deal with whatever you’re not actually up here in his arms for right now but are still going to ‘I’m helping, you mean’ like I offered my help, you don’t simply allow it lol but we’re still smiling because we’re not actually that pedantic SJW energy, lowering yourself so you’re sat on this counter right now, just looking at him ‘I could be a hindrance instead, if you like’ tiptoe walking your feet up his stomach and chest like see what I’m like when I’m purposefully trying to be unhelpful and distracting, boy]
Johnny: [giving her such an oh you affectionate look and smile because he’s likewise in too good of a mood to be sexist atm, but obvs it’s turning into a LOOK as she sits on this counter, STARING at her and then watching her feet so intensely as they move, waiting to see if they’ll end up where her name is on his chest because y’all are both obsessed and always hyperfocused on it, taking his top off again as if he’s just doing it cos he’s working on this kitchen and hot and bothered and tying his hair back up from where it’s come loose in the same kind of way but it’s not at all casual because of how he’s still LOOKING at her and standing as close to her as he physically can ‘if I like-’ the shortest but most intense pause ‘you, maybe you could get away with some acting up’]
Ali: [of course you’re resting your feet there on his bare skin on your name, just the most possessive right now, likewise STARING about it and not breathing so uncasual it’s painful ‘and do you?’ in that quiet but so urgent it’s almost loud voice, like tell me NOW]
Johnny: [the way his body is involuntarily trying to make her foot melt into it answers that question for us all truly but still he’s giving it the energy that he’s really considering this ‘enough to let you distract me?’ such a deliberate and emphasised use of let me again there as he pulls her legs into a position so they are again wrapped round him af but carefully so he doesn’t fully pull her off this counter, the EYE CONTACT is INSANE again because his eyes are basically screaming rn how much he does ‘you mean?’ echoing her words from a second ago as he’s leaning in to kiss her but torturously stopping before he’s actually there, doing a sound basically into her mouth like hmmm? as if he’s still deciding this]
Ali: [when you have to move your legs from being wrapped ‘round his waist to being put over either shoulder, like you didn’t just make a !! noise at the contact y’all already had because we’re likewise screaming out with our everything for you to like us SO MUCH, nodding when he’s that close to you so your lips brush like it or not ‘please’ likewise into his mouth so desperately]
Johnny: [pressing his lips against his name on her chest instead, softly in comparison to how hard he was bruising it earlier but so open mouthed and extra, licking each letter so deliberately before we all know he’s then kissing down her stomach and ultimately progressing to eating her out here on this counter, it just has to be done, it’s the ultimate distraction and he’s taking so much time with it as if he’s writing his name across as much of her skin as possible with his tongue before he’s in a position to be fucking her with it]
Ali: [catch this girl here absolutely dying because forever and never getting over how you do like us enough to be SO into this and doing the most to make it last and tease with it, every part of it just killing you and you can’t be quiet about it, RIP to that ponytail you just put up again because cannot resist having our hands up in your hair ever]
Johnny: [meanwhile you reach up and put your hand over her mouth sir because it’s a mood and a moment firstly but also there isn’t a loud af party going on tonight so there is the smallest chance someone could hear y’all even if his caravan and this one are the furthest away it’s possible to be, cos clearly he doesn’t wanna stop doing the most here so, it’s a solution and a vibe rolled into one]
Ali: [you need the help because there’s no being silent about this when you’re losing it this hard, soz, you’re trying but that’ll only get you so far, thus SQUEEZING his wrist appreciatively and lowkey holding his hand whilst keeping it on your mouth tightly, just rocking your hips so needily against what he’s doing]
Johnny: [he LOVES everything she’s doing, especially that she’s holding his hand rn basically and letting her know that by absolutely pulling out all the stops to make her lose it even harder and scream against his hand here, not at all casually doing more than he’s ever done the last time he did this because growing in confidence and enthusiasm thanks to her reactions and his growing feelings for this gal]
Ali: [the way we’re gonna have to rely on this boy solely not to let us fall because feeling like our whole body has liquified and we’re literally melting into you, not only are we definitely screaming against you which will feel insane but we’re inadvertently pushing you so hard into our body with this loss of control and thus making what you’re doing hit even harder]
Johnny: [don’t actually let her fall cos y’all are doing this on a mini building site and she could actually get hurt or fall on a tool and nobody needs that trip to a&e tonight least of all jali whilst secretly dating, god bless, gotta keep going until neither of you can take it any more as is always the energy]
Ali: [lol we do not need that drama today, only die in the approved ways, I know you’re ending up on this floor anyhow but gotta get him from his knees to laying down so you can ride his face before you literally pass out and nearly kill him fr if you weren’t so tiny]
Johnny: [such feral escalation is always necessary and bound to happen between you two, you’re welcome I actually let y’all finish because a time does loom when he is gonna have to leave but I say not yet, not least because he’ll be so turned on by this he’ll be manoeuvring her tiny floppy body down so that he can fuck her until he also dies, consent entirely just being assumed here because he’s that sort of bear, soz, but we all know she’d give it, he’d be trying to be quiet for the same reason he was making her be before so the sounds that are coming out of him are UNHINGED and desperate for that holding back as is his breathing]
Ali: [can rest assured because when you come back ‘round and he is fucking you, you are immediately cumming all over again, the most overstimulated you have ever been, literally crying and doing the biggest lovebite where you dotted the i of your name so some of your own insane talk is muffled, though it’s quieter by nature of the way you’re whining at this point from being past dead and back ‘are you going to cum in me like I’m yours too?’]
Johnny: [literally dragging her face off his chest mid that giant lovebite which will only make it worse cos of her involuntarily fighting against that but he’s gotta because needs to kiss her ASAP so he can MOAN her name into her mouth cos can’t be doing that out loud as loud as he would be at the feel of her immediately cumming, it’s like a feral welcome back as well as the only appropriate response to the question she asked that isn’t just his body absolutely losing it and being so close to cumming himself as soon as she said it as if he’s gonna do it on command]
Ali: [the messiest makeout because cannot close your mouth when you have to be here breathing like you’re fighting for your life, so every sound we’re making is being swallowed up by this boy right now ‘me waking up full of your cum, that’s what you want, isn’t it daddy’ telling him at this point]
Johnny: [calling her a different secret lingo petname that essentially means baby and all the lovey things like that that he doesn’t know she recognises and knows, which I’m gonna say is the most intimate one cos for whatever reason it has the most meaning for him specifically and is the one he would actually use for like the fam bubs he cares about, you know what I mean, so it’s fully like an ILY without being one here, said like the biggest YES to her question ever in tone and how indecently he’s saying it, doing one of her very enthusiastic nods rn without even realising or intending to have stolen and mirrored her move]
Ali: [repeating the word really quietly, slowly, how you do when you’re just trying to work something out but you’re just SHOOKETH at the fact he just called you that really and are trying to hold on yet again, holding either side of his neck like you usually do his face but it’s even more !! and entirely necessary for you to keep him nodding his head like that ‘you know how badly I need it, need you to keep me like this’]
Johnny: [for me it’s this boy genuinely thinking she doesn’t know what any of these words mean, bitch you thought, it amuses me so much ‘There’s no enough of you, you know’ no notes, just an escalation of his earlier I can’t stop and in previous conversations when he was like enough and she was like it isn’t etc etc ‘and it’s more than distracting, it’s much more’ the more at the end there being beyond indecent obvs because we’re just !!]
Ali: [sneaky of us but we live, soz boy, doing our own nodding so sincerely because we know honey, WE KNOW ‘I want to stay here, with you’ casually like I never want to leave you nbd ‘it hurts’ when you’re talking about the day you’ve been apart but also right now is as applicable] 
Johnny: [this boy LAUNCHING himself at her as per but unlike usual he’s ending up kissing her the softest he ever has as if he can kiss it better and is trying to, a noise that’s like the masculine equivalent of a whine escaping after that nbd because of how on the edge he is and feels here]
Ali: [the unexpected softness is ruining you and you have to yet again be riding him so needily but with ALL the love right now, you can’t even cope, touching his body and of course ending up looping your name on his chest, being as soft as you can be with your trembling hands ‘you’re mine too, Johnny, show me’]
Johnny: [his hands could not be more buried in her hair meanwhile but he’s being as soft as he can be too because he’s in the same state, pressing his cheek to her cheek as he says ‘tell me how you feel’ which we all know means tell me you love me like it did that time before]
Ali: [making the closest eye contact you have ever by staying cheek to cheek as you look at him ‘I have never loved anyone like this, this much’ making sure he’s bottoming out inside you as you finish saying that, pressing him into the floor and pinning him in a kiss that is so gentle in comparison to how rough you’d have to be to show you’re serious about him not getting away from you right now]
Johnny: [RIP to this boy because all of that will kill him so hard it can’t not, to the point that he’s nearly silent with it because he’s so !! that no sound is properly coming out, it’s v dramatic and intense]
Ali: [not you watching this boy’s agonized reaction and cumming again yourself ‘til the point you’re physically unable to continue fucking him or move off him so he is just staying right there inside you, pinned to the ground whilst your body involuntarily spasms around him]
Johnny: [just breathlessly swearing about this over and over with all the feeling because it’s all he can do, they always somehow manage to crank the feels higher and higher every time and it’s unbelievable]
Ali: [for real, we’re so, so in love with him, we can’t even fathom what we were doing before you and before this, lazily kissing and sucking the skin on which you find your head resting, lacing his hair around your fingers with the same energy ‘you can’t leave’ said like he can’t move right now as a fact, not that he can’t invariably go on this job, which he must ‘right now you’re just for me’]
Johnny: [the breath he was trying to catch and recover shamelessly and obviously hitching and being !! like a GASP at this contact because of how overstimulated this boy feels, but he nevertheless can’t help moving his body more into it and encouraging her ‘I’m starving’ as another fact because he suddenly is in that omg way you get when it really hits ‘you’re to cook for me’ like she’s actually his wife and he’s giving her his orders ‘off you go to next door’ like she’s gonna pop into his caravan rn and do this]
Ali: [the way you MOAN at this and make yourself blush at how into that you blatantly were, peeping up at him behind your hair, biting your lip to stop any other sound escaping before you speak, of course you’re moving against him too but pretending you’re just sitting back up ‘you’ll let me help, will you?’ the genuine way we’re like will you let me take care of you and do this, whilst also simultaneously being so turned on at the prospect]
Johnny: [pushing her hair out of her face so she can’t hide behind it, once again pressing his cheek to hers so he can feel how hot hers is rn ‘it’s work you’re meant for, girl’ fully in her ear as he gets her earlobe in the same kind of lazy way she was kissing him a sec ago, knowing how much she’s into it ‘how am I to keep you from it?’]
Ali: [‘only for a man like you’ covering your own mouth once you’ve said this and he’s kissing on your ear, grinding into his lap painfully slowly because you’re still incapable of more but you cannot stay still either ‘you do need your strength for yours’ LOOKING at his body and where it connects to yours ‘what are you after?’]
Johnny: [putting his tongue in her ear and moving it around as slowly as she’s moving in his lap, breathing hard into her ear and against her skin about the fact she can’t stay still and how that feels before he’s following her GAZE, doing the kind of swallow you do when either your mouth is dry or you have too much spit ‘what are you capable of?’ clearly not just talking about your cooking skills here sis]
Ali: [automatically moving more, thrusting more and harder because you need him to give you more, the way this feels and it’s just your ear is sending you ‘you let me show you-’ FORCING eye contact as you unthinkingly mirror that swallow because you were watching it from his lips to his adam’s apple so intensely, such a dramatic pause casually by this point ‘you’ll be surprised at all I can do, again’ like I keep surprising you, hun, brag but true]
Johnny: [it is true because the way he answers with such a shamelessly turned on noise, there are no notes]
Ali: [‘dress me so’s I’m decent then’ because we’re not moving, you find what you want us to put on]
Johnny: [‘you don’t need to dress decent when it’s us home alone’ not this boy again acting like she’s his wife and his caravan is theirs along with the one they are currently in, it’s FINE]
Ali: [making a noise like oh, I see how it is, that doesn’t at all mask the fact you’re so turned on by this ‘is this how you like me best?’ running your own hands over your body slowly for the emphasis he doesn’t need]
Johnny: [‘maybe’ said the most indecently he’s ever said it because he’s WATCHING her do this but it’s actually an honest answer of not knowing how he likes her best because he likes her that much in every way]
Ali: [‘You have me every way’ still touching yourself, being more blatant about it although you can barely stand to touch yourself there, you’ve also GOT to and not just because he’s WATCHING ‘but if you want me bent over your kitchen sink, I better-’ teasing like you might finally ease up and let him live by getting up, of course before he is fully out of you, you’re immediately slamming your body back down, making you make the MOST indecent noise of all time]
Johnny: [when you were biting your lip already whilst WATCHING her but then she ups the antics so he’s biting his lip so hard that it’s gonna look like he’s been in a fight before he gets to this job, making his own NOISE at how that felt + how what she was doing did]
Ali: [when you’ve gotta suck his bitten lip into your mouth like you’re kissing it better but you really want it to be as swollen as possible and this is the only way you’re keeping your reaction quiet enough ‘come watch me cook for you and touch yourself’ into his mouth but we did not stutter]
Johnny: [the way he gets up and holds her in one hot move as if they are gonna go exactly like this with her still inside him is impressive but utterly impractical, I love to see it though, pushing her up against a wall or the nearest surface purely to be inside her more and really thrust into her about it]
Ali: [we are beyond heart eyes about it and trying to somehow melt further into this surface like he can be in us any harder ‘beyond distracting’ so seriously because there is no concentrating on the reality of having to put your clothes on and stop fucking when you can so easily live in the fantasy here and now]
Johnny: [mhmm, he’ll be here kissing her like it’s his mission in life to also have his tongue as far down her throat, there’s no way you’re getting fed, boy, you’re not even leaving this caravan until you literally must]
Ali: [if it’s any consolation, I’m sure we haven’t eaten either, you’ll both survive, this is just simply more important currently, can’t be denied, just like no attempt to deny these advances is being made, beyond the involuntarily sounds we’re making that’ll vibrate against your tongue, pushing his head into yours harder via a hair pull vibe]
Johnny: [could never be me huns I’m hungry but you’ve got different priorities obvs and his is currently throwing her around this caravan and its every available surface to do the most]
Ali: [my boo says sorry I’m built different baby, we understand, you’re young and insatiable and this boy can get himself takeout on the way back and go ham, we’re unable to spare a moment, no matter how into it we are in theory, in practice we literally can’t let you go]
Johnny: [ofc it won’t stop y’all being FERAL af when he’s got her up against the door of this caravan like you are really gonna go next door in a sec and cook, we love this fantasy]
Ali: [naturally, we are still running with this because you COULD and that’s the thrill of it all sis, like, who’s stopping you, no one but yourselves and you know how little control y’all have so, pop off]
Johnny: [me here like how evil should I be, do I literally force you to go rn and not even let y’all finish like an absolute menace for the pure frustration and pining that will cause? Like his phone going off and they are trying to ignore it for a minute but ultimately sir you cannot or someone will come and look for you]
Ali: [we must be evil and do this because it’s peak blue balling and thus the pining will be as extra and it’s vital to be this high key at all times lmao; also, you have both cum several times so like, not that evil but it will still feel the most to both of you now, I know]
Johnny: [mhmm, I was determined to cockblock somehow and when y’all are really starting to go at it against this door, him literally unlocking it like y’all are gonna step out despite the fact you’re fucking so hard you wouldn’t make it a single step is the perfect time soz not soz, he will be LIVID but it won’t stop him saying ‘it best be on the table when I’m back’ as he’s forcing himself to get in a semi respectable state of dress like she’s his wife and she will cook him tea and have it waiting or else hehe]
Ali: [catch us here trying to hide how fuming we are/recover somehow, simply nodding at first but obviously when we smirk at you we have to make brief eye contact too ‘go and make your money’ as a goodbye, finding your own clothes here from the cold hard ground]
Johnny: [not this boy dragging her back to him mid clothes search intending to give her a wifey style kiss on the cheek goodbye but obvs it’s actually an indecent cheek kiss that then moves to the corner of her mouth before he’s just fully kissing her on the mouth, trying to put everything he can’t say and they didn’t finish into it]
Ali: [when letting this kiss end is actually going to physically hurt and you could not have a poutier face about it ‘you don’t need to make sure I miss you’ because already would but now we’re really, really !! about it, smoothing his clothes out as an excuse for a last lingering touch]
Johnny: [‘You need telling how I feel’ because the safest way I can say that cos you’re not saying ILY rn sir thank you, as he strokes her hair big for his own last lingering touch ‘and I’ll not be gone long’ as he goes, like a to be continued style promise that they will pick up exactly where they left off or somewhere even better]
Ali: [tiptoe up to give him a true kiss on the cheek about it because feelings are through the roof and saying anything is risky at this point, resting his chain against your lips as you’re watching him leave like a sad child]
Johnny: [it’s him literally locking her in for me, I know she has her own key that she’s wearing rn but the absolute daddy energy of that like keeping her safe and the possessive vibes of making sure she knows you don’t want her to leave are incredible, the way they’d both feel as that key is turning in the lock, bye]
Ali: [me like so sorry you have to go be around people, even though you’re doing a sussy job so you’re clearly not socialising with it but still, at least you get to die in complete privacy, girl]
Johnny: [excuse this boy just shutting down and switching to become a different person like immediately whenever he is not around Alison, it’s totally fine]
Ali: [that’s why I’m like try not to message him as much because you clearly know this, on some level, even if you don’t know how deep it is yet, so you wanna let him just get on with it but you’re also like hey, love you miss you]
Johnny: [yeah he probably wouldn’t answer anyways til it’s done because that sort of bear but if you wanna leave me some messages like she’s sent them while she’s waiting you can]
Ali: [I’ll let you do a few, you’ve been good not messaging him in that 2 month interim, lbr lol]
Ali: Know you won’t look at your phone but when you do later, I just wanted you to know how long and hard I debated if you’d rather I go run for food for real or stay in here waiting
Ali: I picked keeping where you left me, you locked the door, I think I’m right
Johnny: [read these and then reply when you’re on your way back in the car however long it’s been, I’m sure longer than you implied you’d be but not ages and ages]
Johnny: You’re safe there, no matter what else goes on outside of it or even between me and you, it’s our place
Ali: It feels it, doesn’t it
Ali: like a different world, almost
Johnny: I’m coming back to it
Johnny: to you, now
Ali: Thank God
Ali: I have been going slightly crazy
Johnny: What’s only slightly look like?
Ali: [send him pictures that aren’t fully explicit but get the point across of all you’ve been able to think about fully]
Johnny: Yeah, I have too
Ali: Slightly sorry
Johnny: You’ll be sorrier to go to school but you’re going
Ali: But
Johnny: No
Ali: It’s a shame you’re so hot when you’re laying down the law, honestly
Johnny: I’d be ashamed of you if you wasn’t my good girl who knows how to behave herself, neither of us is after that being how it is
Ali: I did just what you wanted, didn’t I
Johnny: You’ve done well
Ali: Will you be proud
Johnny: I’ll show you, I am
Ali: 😍😍😍
Ali: You should bring food though, so’s we don’t waste away
Johnny: We’ve both to keep our strength up
Ali: Exactly
Johnny: I miss you
Ali: I miss you too, be here 
Johnny: What do you want to eat?
Ali: I’ll eat anything
Johnny: But what do you like?
Ali: [make him the list that I’m not going to that would include a bit of everything because you grew up poor, fussy wasn’t an option and you’re just that kind of gal]
Ali: Where’s the crossover then between us?
Johnny: Where do you reckon?
Ali: [make your guesses, throw in some wild cards with what you genuinely imagine]
Johnny: How’ve you got [one of these wild cards like lol]?
Ali: You surprise me too, like
Johnny: Do I? 
Johnny: feels you have knowing of what I’m about to do before I have loads of the time
Ali: It’s like
Ali: you prove me right for picking you, does that make sense?
Johnny: It does to me
Ali: You’re the only person it needs to
Johnny: ‘Cept for I picked you, weren’t you who picked me
Ali: I did so!
Ali: it’s just another letting me help situation, why you’re misremembering 
Johnny: I’m remembering I fucking like you
Johnny: more than all other things
Ali: You’re my favourite person now
Johnny: You’re hurting me again, Ali
Ali: I think it might be becoming a habit
Johnny: I can’t be sat here no longer without you on my lap
Ali: I would kill for that, don’t feel like I’m being dramatic or anything
Johnny: Who would you kill to be with me?
Ali: Anyone who got in our way
Johnny: Tell me why again, I need to hear it
Ali: Because I love you and I want to be with you
Johnny: And there’s nothing you’d not do
Ali: Anything, everything
Johnny: Because you’re mine
Ali: If anyone could know, everyone would
Ali: that’s how blatant it is, how I feel
Johnny: If you touched yourself I’d hear you from this far
Ali: You’d feel it, it’s yours
Johnny: I’d put a lock on there too if I weren’t this impatient
Ali: I’m already too far away from you when I’m not in our ‘van waiting
Johnny: When I’m not in you
Ali: Still pure raging at this job for you having to get out of us, true
Johnny: We’ve that in common
Ali: But it all went according to plan
Ali: so you can be inside me until you’re sending me off to school in the morning, apparently 
Johnny: Yeah
Ali: It did, right?
Ali: you’d have said if not, or not be replying now
Johnny: The less you’re told about how it went
Johnny: don’t be asking me
Ali: I wasn’t
Johnny: It’s done with, that’s all you need to know
Ali: Good, s’lonely now
Johnny: You can have your own turn of locking me in
Ali: long as you don’t imagine I want to be the other side of that locked door
Johnny: Where you’re after being is where I want you
Ali: On your lap, I remember
Johnny: You’ll be less lonely for thinking about it
Ali: Just can’t stop being considerate, like, boy
Johnny: There’s loads I can’t stop doing
Johnny: or thinking myself
Ali: That’s very mutual
Ali: do you hate it?
Johnny: Hate’s not a word I can put near you, not now
Ali: Would break my heart, yeah
Johnny: I’ve said I don’t want to hurt you more times than I can remember
Ali: and you know I trust you
Johnny: You know you probably shouldn’t
Ali: Oh well, too late now
Johnny: More or less
Ali: If it stops being what I want then I’ll stop but right now
Johnny: There you go again, girl, saying it like it’s your choice when it’s mine
Ali: Not though
Ali: you’ve got no control over if I trust you or not, beyond making it hard or easy
Johnny: I’ve the control over when this does or don’t stop
Ali: For yourself, sure
Johnny: For the both of us
Ali: What do you want me to say?
Johnny: What’s to be said? It’s just how it is
Ali: Okay 
Johnny: You made your point with too late, like
Ali: I know what I said and what I meant
Johnny: Why are we talking about this?
Ali: You who’s dead keen on it, I have no idea
Johnny: You would say that when you started it
Ali: Shh
Johnny: Who do you think you’re shhing? 
Johnny: brave little girl now, is it?
Ali: Don’t act like you’re surprised
Ali: you know I’m not scared
Johnny: You’re not the 1 who’s to be scared of me
Johnny: it’s whoever’s trying to get between us
Ali: No one is going to tonight, you’ve done what you’ve got to do
Ali: no one knows where I am
Johnny: Right
Johnny: I have and you’re waiting, safe but lonely
Ali: I need you here, then everything will be right
Johnny: I need to feed us, but I’m on my way
Ali: 🏹🎣 okay hunter-gatherer, I already think you’re the hottest
Johnny: I would’ve had the kitchen fixed up if you wasn’t as hot as you are
Ali: I did manage to do a bit more, whilst being stupidly distracted by you still
Johnny: Go on, what’ve you done?
Ali: [send him pics/explanations when it isn’t visibly obvious what you have done, not saying it’s completely finished because clearly you need to hook up the gas and you do that outside the van/need a gas can but we know you could do a fair bit regardless]
Johnny: [Nerd out giving her specific praise for the specific things she’s done well because genuinely are impressed and also give her legit non patronising tips for another little job she could do while she’s waiting, that kind of thing, I love that he’s getting animated after being cold and distant because can’t resist this]
Ali: [you love to see it, nerd out lads and do do this other little job clearly, we are about it and about making this ‘van inhabitable whilst we have it and for whoever it sadly goes to next]
Ali: 🤖💘
Johnny: Maybe I should keep you off school to finish this work for us
Ali: I think that’d be a much better use of my time
Johnny: Alright, as you’re not going to be able to tell nobody how much I let you help
Ali: It’s just for us, all of it
Johnny: I trust you not to have me regretting putting my faith where I shouldn’t of
Ali: I won’t start decorating all 🎀💖🌷
Johnny: I’d have to give it to [name drop whichever of your sisters is the right age and aesthetic for that lol]
Johnny: proper break your heart
Ali: I know you’ll have to eventually
Ali: we are nowhere near done, that’s no lie
Johnny: Everybody else has forgot it’s sat about there
Johnny: I could give it you when it’s done and they’d not see I had for ages, if any of ‘em saw at all
Ali: You notice things, you did today when I was storming off
Johnny: You, you’re a thing that belongs to me, ‘course I would
Ali: Are you trying to distract me?
Johnny: You gave me what I wanted, storming off from him
Ali: Well, he deserved it but you’re welcome for it
Johnny: It wouldn’t have gone how it did if not for you, the mood I’m in ‘cause of you
Ali: Really?
Johnny: You’ve helped me, more than you know
Ali: That makes me really happy
Johnny: I didn’t expect to have no time with you today, it was winding me up that I’d not get none
Ali: I can’t not see you ‘til weekends, I don’t even reckon I can go a day anymore, now I got [however long exactly y’all were away on your roadtrip]
Johnny: I’d have needed to drive over yours when I’d come back from this and I can’t keep on doing that, it’s what our place is for, not being caught out by nobody and having somewhere only ours
Ali: You never made it into my hiding spot but it isn’t as safe as here
Ali: we don’t need anywhere else, even if it means you never go down on me on my stairs again 💔
Johnny: I’ll do it at school somewhere to get you to go in, there’s a idea
Ali: more like hundreds of ideas all hitting me at once 😳
Johnny: It’s important for yous in your culture and I need to help you same as you’re helping me
Ali: I like you so bloody much
Johnny: You’ll like me more in a minute
Ali: ⏱
Ali: fair, liking you more might be fatal 
Johnny: Might isn’t enough
Ali: You know I can’t kill me alone
Johnny: [show up like okay then and LAUNCH yourself at this girl to kiss her with all the !! he was not showing in this chat until literally the kitchen DIY bit]
Ali: [me here like the food, what about the food lmao but that is no one else’s concern because we need to literally throw ourself into his arms like he’s been to war]
Johnny: [same though, I’m here like I hope you brought the kind of takeout back that can survive getting dropped on the floor without exploding/you didn’t just chuck it down because the fucks this boy does not give but lads you are eventually gonna have to eat it]
Ali: [y’all will be eating it whatever state it’s in but we have once again forgotten we are hungry for the moment because you know we need to be making out in our newly fancy kitchen lol, please don’t rebreak anything huns]
Johnny: [y’all won’t care if you do though, it’ll be a mood having to fix it again and knowing why, and for that reason I lowkey hope you do, but it’s honestly realistic because he’s kissing her so ferally rn literally until ‘wait-’ whilst still kissing her, putting her on a counter, definitely the same one as earlier, continuing to kiss her absolutely frantically, and not stopping as he’s fishing in his pocket for the wad of cash he just got paid to hand her more money than this gal has ever been randomly given as if she’s his wife again, entirely serious about wanting her to have a share of this, only finally stopping the makeout sesh to give it to her]
Ali: [my boo says bitch I hope the fuck you do, and she’s so right for that, it’s easily done, especially the way y’all behave at all times; the way you’d be truly SHOOKETH is sending me, like simply the last thing you expected but also you know what he’s saying with this so you’re doubly shook ‘you don’t have to give me any’ still hanging onto the back of his neck but having moved away enough you aren’t saying this directly into a makeout]
Johnny: [‘buy yourself proper clothes’ for the bants but also sounding like such a husband rn ‘or [something she’d actually want whether that’s like bike related or something for this caravan or what, the point is something genuine and not bants]’]
Ali: [laugh at this suggestion with a smirky I might kind of face but you’re too sincerely emosh about him saying you helped him to be fully bants right now, not to mention 😳 about this money and how he’s acting like you’re a married couple, better kiss him again so you don’t say anything extra as hell, being as passionate but slower with it]
Johnny: [agreed, have another makeout sesh because boy could not not have put more cards on the table here or been more blatant you love her than this so kindly stfu for a second]
Ali: [we couldn’t be being clearer it’s mutual so at least that’s the tea and you damn well know it, just not at all casually (but taking more time than usual here) taking his clothes off for him and messing up his hair like you’re home now vibes, get comfy]
Johnny: [could not be more into it because whatever that sussy job was this boy was STRESSED so it’s the start of actually beginning to relax which she would see and be able to feel in his entire posture and being also not at all casually, pulling her off this counter and back into his arms about it]
Ali: [giving you heart eyes and holding your face about it right now ‘you want a shower?’ almost as a reminder that y’all fixed that and he can now ‘or food first?’ looking down at wherever this food was dropped like whoops hehe, cuddling into his chest and giving him kisses all over it]
Johnny: [following her gaze to this food like we should eat first because y’all should, we all know how distracted you’d get by the opportunity for shower antics together again, though I obvs vote he does have one after for that reason, carrying her over to wherever he dropped this food, lowkey in the doorway I’m sure which will remind you both of going at it in said doorway earlier before we blue balled you, picking the bag up without putting her down and just feeding her something out of it there and then like an absolute heathen]
Ali: [try not to get turned on challenge, failed instantly, thankfully the noise you make is dampened by the food shoved in your mouth because there’s no denying it but at least it wasn’t as dramatic as it could be; OBVIOUSLY you have to get something from this bag and feed it to him too, got to be mutual taking care of each other]
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toadallytickles · 3 years
Hey Jess! Pretty personal question, but I really valued your breakdown of your sexuality, and so I was hoping you might be open to sharing your experience with your gender identity? I’ve read descriptions and explanations, but it’s all very clinical and detached. Was hoping you’d be willing to share! If not, that’s okay, and thanks for reading!
Hey there, anon! I’m very okay with personal questions like this! Also it's perfect for Pride Month! 🌈 I’m really happy to hear you enjoyed my sexuality posts! That means a lot! I like being open and talking about these personal experiences and feelings because it may help someone else! :)
I’m a little worried that I may not answer this the way you want, or be able to break it down like my sexuality post as I actually have been questioning and unsure of myself for months now. I’m honestly not the most up-to-date or knowledgeable on a lot of genders and terms either! I’m currently learning and discovering my gender, and honestly it's at a point it's a little frustrating.
I’ll still share my gender experience though! :)
I definitely was a tomboy growing up; I liked catching frogs and snakes, getting dirty in the marshes or just in the backyard, I like playing boy characters, and preferred hanging out with the boys, preferred boy-marketed toys! But I was bullied a lot, throughout elementary school and a bit through high school. And that made me feel like an ugly girl, an undesirable girl. Along with that, I hated puberty- haha! I hated having a period, and having to shave my legs. And all this made me wish I was a boy, and want to be a boy! Like maybe I would be better liked by my peers as a boy, maybe I would be accepted. I can remember asking my mum if I could have a sex change four times in the past! She said no, of course. It wasn’t even because I felt like a boy deep down, I was just so sick of being a girl and having to do “female-assigned things.”
This is embarrassing for me to share, though when I was in grade 8 (I’m 13 years old) my sister wanted to see Justin Bieber’s Never Say Never documentary in theatres- I had the choice of seeing that, or Gnomeo and Juliet. I wasn’t interested in celebrities or had crushes then, but I was a little curious about Justin’s story. Welp, that documentary turned me into a huge Belieber. I practically fell in love with him, and felt like the most beautiful girl listening to his songs, and my room was decked out with posters! But I look back now on my love for him and laugh, because it definitely wasn’t just a romantic crush.. I did want to be him, or a cute boy like him. This part gets awakened when Justin Bieber guest starred on CSI: Las Vegas as a character named Jason McCann… and I have no idea why, but I was obsessed with the character he played. This is when I started wearing plaids, dressing masculine, and wanted to cut my hair short. I was so in love with this fictional kid that on a birthday cake when I was turning 18, the name written on it was “Jessica McCann”, I made a Build-A-Bear based on Jason, and when my moms went to Vegas, they brought me back a CSI: Las Vegas t-shirt, and I never even watched the show! Only the episodes Justin Bieber was in, which was just two I think. Oh, also I was Justin Bieber for Halloween once! This really was a bad case of, “do I like him, or do I want to be him?” And don’t worry- I’m no longer a Belieber, my crushes are entirely gone, and I actually don’t pay mind to celebrities these days! Though I still sing along to younger Bieber songs~
The desire to cut my hair short was for years, though it was in high school when the desire was strong and I was always talking about it and researching it. I had horrible self-esteem and social anxiety back then too; I was constantly reading articles on what men thought about women with short hair, because I always put others’ opinions before mine and craved acceptance. And these readings were conflicting because some were empowering, and some were just.. straight up mean! I didn’t want to be even more ugly and undesirable than I already was! Come grade 11 (I’m 16), I met a girl with curly short hair that I admired so much. I loved her hair and how it worked for her. I was so enamoured by her hair, there was this day in Parenting, it was 11am on a Friday, I stared at her a little too long that a crush on her grew on me.. Like I literally felt the crush start seeping into me. And I liked her for 2 whole years; it followed me into college. And we went to different schools! Anyway, because of her, I got my shoulder-length hair cut into a Bieber-esque pixie cut four days before entering grade 12 (I’m 17)! And that was literally one of the best days of my life. Even though I was still super insecure about myself, I was so happy I got my hair cut. It was life changing, it gave me a confidence boost. I really started to feel like me. Like I was meant to have short hair.
Everyone was super surprised by it! And loved it! I got a lot of “It suits you!” but a few “So when are you gonna grow it back?” which was so frustrating! Even though my haircut made me so happy, I was still scared of how boys would view me. I had fears that no one would ever like me or find me pretty. I forced feminine appearances (clothes-wise) to still be attractive to boys even though I was uncomfortable. The summer of 2015 (I’m 18), Orange is the New Black’s Season 3 premieres, and they introduce a new character named Stella Carlin played by Ruby Rose.. and the internet went crazy for her. I did too. When I saw her in the trailer, something immediately awoke in me. I had no idea women could look like that and be loved and accepted and wanted! Looking her up I learned of the words “Androgynous” and “Genderfluid.” I read Ruby Rose’s story and related a lot of what she shared. Androgynous stuck with me. Finally a word to describe how I want to appear! I liked the term Genderfluid, but I dismissed it as I didn’t feel “boy enough” to be able to take the label. Some days I just wished I was a boy and wanted to look like one. I get my first chest binder in 2016 (I’m 19), and wearing it validated something in me. I really liked having a flat chest and appearing masculine, and sometimes being mistaken for a boy! I wore it from time to time, just whenever I felt boyish. Though oddly I haven’t worn it for about a year now. These days I am a lot more comfortable with how my body looks!
I much preferred to be called “Jess” by good friends. My family always called me “Jess,” I didn’t grow up with a nickname, I was just “Jess,” while all my other siblings got nicknames. I was just “Jess,” that when they called me “Jessica,” it was foreign sounding- I wouldn’t recognize it as me. Teachers could call me “Jessica,” but it was weird when friends called me that. I started introducing myself as “Jess” in 2019. I liked that it was unisex. Now I don’t register myself as “Jessica” when it's called.
Androgynous is more used to define gender expression (how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender by behaviour and appearance), though earlier this year I accepted it as my gender identity (how a person feels and experiences their gender) too as I have started to feel some genderfluidity, and its all over the spectrum. Androgynous just feels so comfortable on me. It fits perfectly. Back when I cut my hair, I did identify as a CIS girl, I just liked being masculine. Though over the lockdown, I did a lot of research and self-analyzing. I always knew there was more to me, but I’ll admit that I haven’t been allowing myself to question my gender. Unfortunately I had this phobia that I would come off as annoying or too much for wanting to try pronouns or identifying differently, which I know is so wrong. But I was holding back, and I still kind of do hold back. I know it’s so bad sorry!
I love being a woman and I love womanhood, but frequently I don’t feel like any gender, and sometimes I’m boyish/masculine-feeling, or I wish I were a boy. There’s the random day I fantasize about having a penis! I’ve been doing some research over the pandemic, though nothing is really clicking for me yet! I’m not really sure what labels I’m able to use. And it's tough too because I don’t personally like having a lot of labels for myself! So yeah.. the pandemic has been tough on me mentally too where I just don’t even feel like myself and I’m just floating here. Like I don’t know who I am anymore. It’s been really frustrating honestly.
I have a hard time reading and researching too! It can feel clinical and detached! I always feel like I’m not understanding all the way, or I’m going to choose the wrong labels. I think what you’re doing, asking questions and checking out people you know or understand a little will help you out! There are a ton of YouTubers who educate on gender and sexuality, and talk about their experiences with them! I only started using Androgynous as a gender identity and expression because of a YouTuber I stumbled upon said they used Androgynous for their gender identity and expression! There are also a lot of Tumblrs that educate gender too and accept asks! Or if there’s a label or term you’re curious about, you can reach out to a member who identifies that way and ask what their experience is or how they feel! If they’re open to that. You’re right, this can be a personal question!
At the end of the day, you can’t be wrong with your gender and pronouns. You’re allowed to experiment! If you like how a label, term, or pronoun sounds with you, you’re allowed to take it. And you don’t owe anyone an explanation on why you define yourself that way. Just like with your sexuality! This is about you! And making yourself comfortable! You don’t have to strictly stick to a definition! You can give it a twist and define it for yourself!
This is a lot! And I hope it’s helpful to you! And I hope I didn’t say anything wrong! I know it’s really messy! Please feel free to ask more questions, if you’d like! I love these kinds of questions! It’s okay to be discovering yourself! It can be frustrating and hard, your feelings are always valid, and we constantly grow and discover ourselves! Be patient and kind yourself! Treat yourself how you’d treat a friend! 🌈
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chrisbahngz · 2 years
Cherry Contact || J.JH
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Author's Note: this is kind of based off a spicy asmr i listened to the other day. but this is the first thing i've written in a long time so pls be nice :)
Warnings: use of daddy, implied drinking, oral (m/f receiving), fingering, hair pulling, slapping, biting, vaginal penetration. Mistakes are my own. MINORS DNI
Word Count: 3.7k
Do not post elsewhere without permission. Do not plagiarize.
You were out at a lingerie shop going through racks upon racks not finding anything you like. a dark blue bra caught your eye. Grabbing it you wanted to find matching panties. You backed up when you ran into someone. Annoyed you were about to open your mouth to cuss at them when the other person turned his body slightly toward you.
“Mr. Jung!” Your best friend’s dad was standing in front of you. In a lingerie shop. Your cheeks start to heat up.
“Hi, y/n,” he says cooly. “Fancy you meeting you here.” You want the ground to open up and swallow you. Not only was this embarrassing as hell, you thought it was hot. Mr. Jung was a very attractive man; soft hair that went through phases, fit (too fit. You remember the days of watching him be shirtless during the summer. His broad shoulders and abs were almost offensive ), kind eyes, a beautiful smile and a personality that is caring, generous, and mature. You might have been in love with at some point. You were certain he was attracted to you as well because he’s been touchy and has become very flirty in recent years. Both of you couldn’t express your feelings for each other so you let it be until recently when you were spending time with your best friend at their house. The two of you were in the backyard sunbathing next to the pool when Mr. Jung stuck his head out. You both made eye contact and he made it no secret that he was checking you out. His eyes met yours again and he winked and that was the end of that. “I’m gonna be honest here, this is fucking weird,” you blurt. Mr. Jung laughs making you heart flutter. “I’m going to go before it gets even more awkward.” You begin to maneuver your way around him. He grabs your elbow to stop you. “You don’t have to do that. We’re both adults here. You deserve to feel sexy. I won’t tell anyone; it’ll be our little secret.” “I know but -“ “But nothing. You like secrets don’t you?” A nod. Mr. Jung’s lip curve up in a sinister way before he continues, “Good. Now, show me what you’ve got.” You show him the bra on the hanger and he shakes his head. “No. Follow me. I’m going to take you to where the good stuff is. It rarely makes the clearance rack.” Gasping, you forgot that you were in the clearance section. You didn’t come from money but you lived almost comfortably. You also liked to find cheap options. Mr. Jung, on the other hand, did. His mother was the CEO of a successful company in Korea which expanded worldwide. Now that she had retired, Mr. Jung took over as CEO. Throughout your childhood and teenage years you went on expensive and lavish vacations and received gifts you wouldn’t have dreamed of. Now in your mid 20s, you work as an elementary school counselor. You and Mr. Jung arrived to the racks of clothing when he flipped through a couple of items. “Here, try this.” He hands you a pink lacy bra with a matching thong. “And this too.” A one piece periwinkle set was presented to you. “Mr. Jung, I can’t.” You see his body stiffen a little. He then bends his head slightly and grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls hard. “Listen to me. You would look sexy as fuck in these. Those bras would make your tits look fantastic in them.” His voice becomes lower so only you can hear. He feels your embarrassment and pulls your hair again. “Don’t be embarrassed. Just because I’m your best friend’s dad doesn’t mean we can’t help each other.” You suddenly feel dehydrated after being affected by his sudden change in demeanor. “Yes, Mr. Jung.” He smiles and releases you from his grip. The air around you is thick and you don’t know whether to run or stay. “If you don’t like them, you can choose whatever you like. I’ll pay for it.” “You really don’t have to,” you insist, “I can pay for these.” “Stop.” Mr. Jung says it sharply enough to where every inch of your body is tingling. We’re you scared? Aroused? Irritated? You didn’t know but you wished he would use that tone of voice again. “You know it’s not a problem, y/n. I want you to feel and look sexy. Now, go. I’ll be waiting.” You remained standing in your spot. Mr. Jung eyed you before asking you to try them on again. With a racing heart you stood up straighter and told him with an even voice, “No.” Jaehyun chuckled quietly, raising his brows at your defiance. “You know, I always knew you were a fucking brat. Don’t piss me off. I always have better things to do besides dealing with your attitudes.” “What if I like pissing you off? It turns me on.” Never in your life have you spoken to anyone like that. It surprised you but
Mr. Jung affected you in ways you couldn’t describe. Plus, after years of attraction, it had to be dealt with one way or another. You were manifesting a scenario like this for years and it excited you. Sure boyfriends were fun but they didn’t have a dominate side to them. Mr. Jung did but you can’t pinpoint to why you know that. He opens his mouth to say something but you scurry off to the dressing room, you change into the periwinkle one piece. Mr. Jung scrunched his nose which told you he didn’t like it. You were glad because you didn’t either. Next you put on the pink bra and panty set. Coming out of the dressing room, Mr. Jung’s eyes immediately widen as he bites his red lower lip. “Goddamn, you look so fucking good.” The praise makes you smile. You thank him. He gets up and asks you to turn around. You turn slowly as he admires how you look. He tells you to turn around. You do, showing off the set. Then he asks you to put your hands on the wall and to arch your back. Complying, your ass is to where he can smack it if he wanted. Instead he comes up behind you and grabs your hips and begins to grind himself on you. Before you had a chance to figure out what was happening, you grinded back against him and felt something hard poke you. No way was your best friend’s dad’s hard cock was on your ass. You knew it was wrong but the idea of making him hard and potentially fucking him was so insanely sexy it made you dizzy. You and Mr. Jung continued to grind against each other for another moment before he pulled away. “Fuck, okay. Grab whatever you want.” He pulls out his Black Card to shut you up. “Good girl. Go back and change and then I want to set some rules.” Following his directions, you’re back in front of Mr. Jung with the items he picked out as well as a couple of other items. He’s sitting spread eagle typing on his phone. He finally notices your presence and quickly tucks his phone away and then clears his throat. “Hi,” you say. Your heart is about come out of your chest. You hope he says something before that happens which it does. He pats his lap inviting you to sit. You oblige. “You’re so good at following directions. Shit, okay, rules. Rule 1, stop calling me Mr. Jung. You will call me Jaehyun, Daddy, or sir. Rule 2, do not text or call me on my personal phone. I will give you another phone number. Rule 3, come over to my house tomorrow night. I’ll have my chef cook something and we can watch a couple movies.” He didn’t have to add on to the sentence because you knew what he meant. “Rule 4, don’t tell anyone. That includes my daughter.” You feel apprehensive which makes Jaehyun sigh. He grabs your jaw and continues. “Don’t worry about my wife either. She’ll never suspect a thing, especially from you. You act so innocent but you’re not.” You feel almost dizzy with arousal. Jaehyun’s grip tightens on your jaw. “You know you want this.” His free hand roams up your torso and flicks your nipples through your shirt. He chuckles and does it again. You gasp rolling your hips on his lap. “Yes daddy, I do want this,” you sigh. Jaehyun releases your jaw seemingly satisfied with your answer. “Baby girl,” he groans softly. “You follow directions so well. Come here.” Your lips attach to his. Your body is screaming with excitement and relief; you’ve wanted to kiss Jaehyun for years and now you are. His lips feel like what you’ve imagined - soft and pillowy. His kisses were short but it was enough to make you wet. “Let’s go pay.” You and Jaehyun part ways. When you get home your phone buzzes with a new message. Unknown [7:49 pm]: Hi baby girl You [7:51 pm]: Hi Jae Daddy Jae🥰💚 [7:52]: Jae? What did I say earlier? You [7:52 pm]: Hi Jaehyun 🙄 Daddy Jae🥰💚 [7:53 pm]: Good girl. You’re still coming over tomorrow right? You [7:53 pm]: Of course, why wouldn’t I? Daddy Jae🥰💚 [7:58 pm]: I don’t know. Maybe because I want to fuck the shit out of my daughters friend? You [8:00 pm]: you what?! 😱 Daddy Jae🥰💚 [8:00 pm]: don’t play dumb baby girl. We both know we want each other. Some of us more than others. Your eyebrows
fly up as your mouth drops slightly open. You weren’t that obvious were you? You were positive that your crush on Jaehyun wasn’t noticeable. You were absolutely certain that him becoming more flirtatious was a coincidence when you graduated university and came back to live in your hometown as an older and mature adult. You might have flirted back but was never serious about it. Now you were faced with a challenge: either you could stop this immediately and pretend it never happened or you could throw caution into the wind and continue. With shaky fingers you type out a message. You [8:05 pm]: you want to fuck me. I wish I could say I’m surprised but when you look at me like I’m your prey how can I resist falling into your trap? You [8:06 pm]: I wish you could’ve felt me earlier. I was wet as fuck after we kissed. Too bad you didn’t bend me over right there and have everyone in the store hear us Daddy Jae🥰💚 [8:07 pm]: you are a fucking tease! You [8:07 pm]: I’m sorry Daddy :( You [8:09 pm]: attachment: 1 Daddy Jae🥰💚 [8:14 pm]: baby girl, you’re treading dangerous waters You [8:16 pm]: I know ;) Daddy Jae🥰💚 [8:16 pm]: don’t be late coming over tomorrow night. Wear that pretty pink set for me. You [8:17 pm]: yes daddy *** The next evening, you were sitting in your car in front of your best friend’s house. Your nerves were so bad that you almost texted Jaehyun that you changed your mind, it was a bad idea. You also spent the day pacing bath and forth and muttering to yourself. Eventually the time came and you got ready. You messaged Jaehyun to let him know that you arrived. You see the front door open and he hops on a golf cart to reach you. “Hey,” he says. “Hi,” you answer. You feel him checking you out despite you wearing the most baggiest and comfiest clothes ever; it was kind of unsexy really but you didn’t care. He leans in to kiss your cheek but you turn your head and meet his lips with yours. Surprised at first Jaehyun relaxes and finally slides his tongue in your mouth. You’re absolutely blown away at how good Jaehyun tastes and he uses his tongue. The wet sounds of your kiss is enough for you to squeeze your thighs together. Jaehyun pulls away with red lips. “You know, if you’re that good at kissing,” he says, “I wonder if you’re amazing at sucking cock.” (You were but that was for you to know and for him to find out.) Riding up to the front door, jaehyun brings his finger to his lips. “We’ve gotta be quiet. My wife is home.” You smack his arm. He yelpe and asks you what your problem is. “We’re not fucking in the same house as your wife!” comes your sharp whisper. Jaehyun turns and gently pushes you against the wall. He takes a hand and wraps it around your throat and squeezes lightly. “You’re right, baby girl. But you need to shut that pretty mouth of yours. I don’t want to get caught railing our daughter’s friend over the couch.” Your breathing picks up. “We’re going to the guest house.” Jaehyun releases you and leads you through the dark house and into the backyard where another golf cart was. Hopping on the both of you drive to the guest house. There, Jaehyun opens the door and leads you inside. After a while, you lay on the couch happily after eating and drinking. Although you knew Jaehyun, getting to know him on an intimate level was amazing and thrilling. He pours you another drink. Coming over to the couch, he sits down next to you. “You know, I never thought I would be in this situation.” You say. He quirks an eyebrow waiting for you to elaborate. “I mean, I’ve been in love with you for years, Jaehyun. I couldn’t act on my feelings because it’s morally wrong to be in love with your best friend’s dad! I don’t know what changed but I hope we never go back to what we had before.” Jaehyun says nothing. It makes you nervous because you’ve never been so open about your feelings. The silence grows louder and longer. You wonder if you had made a mistake by talking. “I’m glad you picked up on what I’ve been doing,” he finally says. “You’re a smart girl with goals and ambitions.” He lists off
what he loves about your personality. “Not to mention you’re beautiful as hell.” You blush slightly at the compliment. You don’t know when or how he got into your space but you’re rubbing the tips of your noses together. You look into his dark eyes and see them twinkling with lust and admiration. You close the space between you both and kiss him. It’s a mess of lips and spit and teasing but damn if it didn’t turn you on. He pulls you into his lap and begins to play with your tits through your shirt. He asks if you’re wearing the pink set. Without saying a word, you guide his hands under your shirt where he makes contact with the lacy material. He takes your shirt off and sucks on them. Grabbing the couch from behind him, you rock your hips against his crotch. Jaehyun grunts lowly which makes you roll your hips again. Now grabbing the back of his head, you pet his hair as he sucks on your nipple before taking it between his teeth and pulls. You gasp, accidentally pulling his hair. He groans and bites your other nipple. Pulling his hair again he releases your nipple from his mouth to slap your tits hard. His hands go further to your jaw. He squeezes it hard before slapping one cheek. “God, fuck!” you whine. Jaehyun grins and slaps you two more times before he asks you to get off of him. “Pretty girl likes being slapped like a slut?” He reaches down to squeeze his cock through his pants. You follow his movements which makes your panties even more damp. “Come here and make me feel good. I want to feel that pretty mouth of yours.” You kneel in front of him as he undresses himself. His cock was nice; a little above average with veins going every which way. It’s also slightly curved. Take it into your hand you stroke jaehyun a couple times. He watches you take the head into your mouth and suck gently. “Good girl,” he whispers. You start to suck jaehyun off increasing the speed. Using your spit as lubricant, you stroke him while sucking him. The double sensation has jaehyun muttering and cursing to whatever higher power is out there. He tries his damnedest to not shove his cock down your throat; you surprise him instead by Going down, down, down. He moans so loudly that you’re afraid someone will hear. “Don’t worry,” your best friend said. “My parents had this soundproofed for whenever there’s parties happening and people decide they want to have a little extra fun without disturbing others.” You come up for air. Jaehyun’s panting, eyes wild. You deep throat him again while massaging his balls. It’s enough to make jaehyun cum hard and he’s barely gotten started. “Stop, stop!” he says. “Stand up and take off those pants for me.” You do. “God, you’re so sexy. Fuck. Look at me.” Raising your eyes to meet his. He’s so turned on that his eyes have gone from brown to almost black. He get up from the couch and now standing in front of you. “Don’t look away.” His hands caress your thigh before his fingers meet the seat of your panties. He smiles. “Wet, baby?” You don’t say anything. He repeats his question. No answer again. He raises his hand to slap you. You’re met with 5 slaps alternating each cheek before you answer. “I’m so wet for you daddy.” That’s all Jaehyun needs to hear before he moves the panties to the slide and runs his index finger between your folds. He slides his finger in you, moaning. He pumps it in and out of you making you gasp and groan quietly. His thumb meets your clit and you almost collapse but you don’t as Jaehyun is holding you up by your back. With double stimulation happening, your body becomes alight with desire. You begin to call for him to eat your pussy. “Daddy, I need my pussy eaten. I haven’t gotten eaten out in a long time. Please, let me ride your face and get it wet with my cum.” At that Jaehyun whines. “You sound so fucking pathetic, baby girl. Do you deserve you sit on my face?” “Yes daddy. I need a real man to eat my pussy.” “Aw, did those silly fuck boys not treat your cunt well?” You shake your head. They barely found your clit. Everything was about their pleasure and theirs only.
Very rarely did you get off as well. Slipping his finger out of you Jaehyun squats, draping one leg over his shoulder. He wastes no time diving into your pussy, tongue darting in and out quickly. His tongue reaches tour clit. Alternating between sucking and licking and fingering you, your hips began to thrust forward. Jaehyun puts the tip of his tongue on your clit as you ride his face. With each stroke you feel closer to cumming. Suddenly he takes your clit back in his mouth and sucks until you cum. He tries to pull away but you hold him against your cunt. When you calm down he finally pulls away, mouth wet and a satisfied smile. “Wow.” And that’s all you have to say. Jaehyun wipes his mouth and kisses you softly as he guides you back to the couch. “Baby girl, you have no idea how turned on I am right now. I want to fuck you. I need to fuck you. I want to ride my cock. Fuck, let me just have you all night. Can I? Can I have you?” “Who sounds pathetic now?” you say opening your legs. Jaehyun takes that as an invitation. Grabbing a condom, he slides it on his sensitive cock. Jaehyun’s frame is now over you as he teases the head of his cock against your clit. “Jaehyun if you don’t fuck me this instant I-“ you’re cut off by him sliding into you. He groans loudly, chest rising fast. “You’re so wet,” he comments. “I bet my dick can stretch you better than anyone.” “You sound so confident, daddy. I don’t think so, all my other guys were bigger than you. And they made me squirt. A lie, but you liked seeing Jaehyun jealous. Frowning at that, he pulls out and slams back in. He repeats this several times until he has you a moaning mess. He picks up the pace and fucks into you harder until it’s skin slapping against skin. “Right there, daddy, don’t stop, please don’t stop!” His cock keeps sliding against something inside you. You’re not sure what it is but it’s making your orgasm come faster. Jaehyun smiles as he continues fucking into you. “Baby girl loves my cock doesn’t she? She seems like she can’t get enough.” You whine as you claw at his arms. “I feel you fluttering around me, shit. Shit stop doing that.” You squeeze around him one more time before he fucks you even harder, his hips going impossibly fast as he chases his own orgasm. He adjusts himself one more time - your clit brushed against his pelvis and you cum. Hard. Whining and moaning you claw at jaehyun still squeezing and releasing him. He moans loudly again and gives three more thrusts before he cums. You feel his cock throbbing inside you as he still thrusts. Finally he collapses on top of you littering your neck with kisses. You don’t want to make it awkward but you just had sex with someone you’ve known since childhood. This is new territory and you’re not sure how to approach it. “So…” “So.” “What do we do now?” Jaehyun slides out of you and throws away the condom in the nearby trash. You admire him as he cleans up. “I’m not going to leave you.” You almost cry. No man has ever done after care with you. You always felt like a cum bucket every time you had sex with random men, hell, even your boyfriends. “Okay.” Jaehyun calls for you to follow him to the bedroom and you do. Both climbing into bed, he pulls you close to him. His eyes tell a story but you can’t figure it out. And you’re okay with that. “Listen,” he starts off. “I do want this to continue but we have to still keep it low key.” You nod and yawn. “We’ll talk about this more later. Sleep well baby girl.” He finishes his sentence saying he loves you in his native Korean.
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
hey there! could we get that classic summer cliche, the infamous popsicle? 😂 blue raspberry happens to be my favorite flavor, so i think the Prime universe will do well for this;
maybe June or Reader brought popsicles on base for the kids to cool off, but those things get drippy real fast in the Jasper heat so they’re pretty likely to make a mess of whoever has one. can we get some flustered reactions (from any of your favorite bots) to their human S/O lappin up a blue one? i’m always a sucker for suggestive summer
I’m not saying that I love the grumpy medic, all I’m saying is that he’s a cutie and I would pinch his cheeks if I could. AKA everyone wants me to pick my own bots and it’s just the same bots over and over LOL
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Implied Sexual Content, Bots Getting Flustered, Robot x Human Relationship
Optimus Prime:
Optimus is enjoying how excited the kids get at the prospect of popsicles. It reminds him of when Cybertron had more than just basic energon and there were treats to go around. He knows that Nevada is hot but he assumed the base was cool enough that they wouldn’t melt immediately.
He should be offering to grab napkins but the words die in his vocalizer as the blue drips down your throat. You’re making muffled sounds of protest so you try to prevent the spill from getting worse but it’s no use. It’s all over your hands, clothing and face.
Optimus tries to be respectful. He sees humans as complex beings with just as much autonomy as his kind. None of his thoughts are respectful as your tongue darts out (dyed bright blue) to lick the trail curling down your wrist. It doesn’t stop the thought that you would look good covered in his transfluid and if you would lick it up as eagerly as you did the popsicle.
His fans kick on but no one hears because the kids are shrieking and Ratchet is scolding everyone to clean up. He quickly excuses himself to grab something to clean up the mess, needing to leave the room as quickly as possible. He pointedly ignores the look at June gives him, the nurse smirking as Optimus tries his best to push the dirty thoughts out of his head.
Ratchet has been trying all summer to get the kids to increase their water intake. No one is going to be dehydrated on his watch and it takes a little while for June to convince him to let them bring in sweets. As much as he grumbles about it, he’s more than willing to see the kids happy. It’s the sugar rush that he’s less excited about.
He warns them that the popsicles will make a mess but is promptly ignored. He’s grumbling as he turns back to the computers, seeing you struggle out of the corner of his optics. You’re enjoying your treat but it’s getting out of hand, moving down your hand and throat. Ratchet isn’t surprised to admit that he finds you attractive and the way that you respond to his flirting tells him that you’re interested too.
Ratchet doesn’t feel ashamed that he’s enjoying your struggling. You swear lightly as it breaks in half, catching it before it falls to the ground and just getting blue everywhere. Your lips and tongue are stained and Ratchet smirks as you start whimpering and dripping on the floor.
You must have heard him because you turn to face him, tongue ticking out of your mouth to lick the blue going down your wrist. Ratchet just raises an optic ridge, making a point of looking between your mouth and the rest of you. He senses when your heartbeat speeds up, quickly looking away and going to grab some napkins. He feels more than sees Arcee glare a look into the back of his helm. He’s going to have to follow up with you later then, preferably when the kids are gone and the two of you are alone.
Miko had been complaining all day about the heat and Bulk had to agree, it was getting to be a pain. He had been letting her hang out in his cab and blast the AC, perking up when June and you showed up. The nurse was quick to distribute popsicles to the kids, Bulk transforming to greet you. You gave a smile and asked about his day, both of you keeping half an eye on the kids.
He always enjoyed chatting with you; you were kind and always willing to talk to him. You never made him feel stupid and it was refreshing to have conversations with someone besides the other bots. Bulkhead loved his crew but they fell into old habits. It was refreshing to talk to someone new. And you were cute and smart and – ok maybe he had a crush. Maybe he had a big crush.
June interrupts your talk to hand you a popsicle and gives Bulkhead a wink before going to grab her own. Ok maybe he has a huge, giant, obvious crush but it’s fine because you haven’t noticed and he’d never ever tell you and Primus you’re making a mess everywhere. Bulk is frozen as you start struggling in front of him, treat already half melted and all over your hands. You’re a good sport about it, laughing and joking as you try to prevent dripping everywhere.
Please call back later, Bulkhead is not available at the moment. His processor has shorted out and he can’t look away from your face and hands. He’s not a completely obvious mech and this is too much for him. He should be able to pull himself together but he’s never going to be able to get this imagine out of his head. It takes Bee shaking his arm to bring him back to the room where everyone is staring at him and he’s immediately embarrassed. He makes a hasty retreat, Ratchet laughing to himself and Arcee smirking. June looks proud of herself and you’re just confused, asking if he’s ok. Bulk isn’t going to be able to talk to you for a week.
Ultra Magnus:
Magnus blames Ratchet for his impure thoughts. He had just finished getting the ‘Human Sexuality 101’ lecture from the doctor, something he didn’t think was completely necessary. There was no way they were going to stay long enough on Earth to have those kinds of relations, even if Ratchet gave him a knowing look.
He respects you. You’re a valuable part of the team and you add a level head that’s needed with the kids around. You don’t find it awkward to talk to him and go out of your way to make him feel welcomed. Ultra Magnus might find you… aesthetically pleasing as well but that’s only because he’s been learning about human art and culture.
He has nothing to excuse his thoughts now. He had tried to corral the kids into one spot to minimize the mess but it hadn’t worked. He’s in the middle to grabbing something to clean up with when he turns to see you struggling. Magnus feels like his processor is having issues rebooting. You’re trying to lick the popsicle as quickly as possible and then you wrap your lips around the bottom and suck. The sound makes him flinch and his fans turn on with a loud clang.
Now he’s a big mech. He’s an old mech. Magnus has, contrary to most bots beliefs, been in relationships and knows how to identify his own attraction. It’s been a long time since he’s felt these things and it’s a mix of exciting and terrifying. His ignores the confused voices behind him as he turns smartly on his heels and leaves the room. No one sees him for the rest of the day but it’s better that way; he needs to think about this and now.
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