kikkieabby · 6 years
Ahsoka journey to the Dark side: Chapter 5- Who are you?
I don't want to do this...
Standing over a man with both his hands up, begging for his life. A farmer with a family that sells food to his village that is barely standing on its legs. How did I end up like this, with my saber to his neck? With my hands trembling? With blaster pointing at the back of my head and my life on the line. Where did I go wrong?
(Hour's ago)
"Nice threads." Anakin tells me as one of the medic droids helps me into my new clothes. My hand that was somewhat mutilated was currently in a bowl of something. My fingers felt tingly and...like mucky mud that sticks to your fingers. I had to keep my hand in that bowl for about ten minutes before removing it. When it was time to remove it, I pulled it up and saw goo-like suspense falling into the bowl. I wiggle my fingers a pit to have it all fall into the bowl. It takes a while, and a little bit of cleaning, but my new liquidized fingers were finally on.
Moving my hand to my chest, I looked down to see my new skin somewhat glowing. The liquid matches my skin, but the feeling...it was strange. I felt everything like my skin wasn't removed. The tingling feeling, I felt it go up my spine for a second before disappearing. What is this stuff?
"Enjoying your new skin?" Anakin asked me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the big dark monster himself hovering over me. I wonder, did he get a growth spurt when he went to the dark side. Now that I think about it, all sith are extremely tall.
"It's strange." I tell him, looking back at my hand. I heard the leather move around his body, becoming louder and louder. Then, once close, the sound stopped, and my body was introduced to a sudden cold. Pulling me back, I looked up to find his lips pressing against mine. Slowly sliding his tongue into my mouth, playing tag with my tongue. His tongue is so big, explains why he was such a cocky ass-hole when I was training.
When he removed his lips, I felt a sudden warmness fading away. Why did I like it?
"Once dressed, the droids will escort you to the docking bay. Try not to do anything stupid." Anakin...no, Vader said to me. I felt so ashamed of myself. Years of training with the Jedi, only to fall into the hands of what used to be my master.
Once I was cleaned up and dressed. The two droids escort me to the docking bay. One with a gun to my back while the other led me. Clones...walking past me. I once called these guys my friends, now, these new clones, I don't know what they are. Rex...I wonder what you would think of your new younger brothers. He'd probably laugh in their faces. I know I would. I don't like these new clones, I don't feel like they deserve to be even called clones.
Clones...that's all there were to the empire. To the Republic, they were nothing but breeding stock soldiers that they could pop out through a machine. We lost 100, they would pop out a 1,000. It amazes me now that I think about it. Even though they were clones, they were still creatures, life's, living things that are part of the force. But in reality, they were slaves, living creatures put in chains the second they were born...is that why they betrayed us? I know they had those chips in their brains...but...
"Were here!" The droid shouted, making me scan the large area. Possibly the biggest docking bay I ever have seen, silver colors blinded me for a while. My eyes did adjust though to the settings. Especially when the droids pushed me into a huge black cruiser that had Vader written all over it. That, and I could also sense him on the ship, waiting for me. Once inside, I was escorted into a room that was designed for the fancy. Velvet flooring, big fluffy bed, huge window view with a blackout option to keep people from looking at you. It even had a kitchen and a bar, very luxurious!
"Lord Vader will be in shortly." The droid that escorted me said as he removed my cuffs. Once off, I begin to move my hands, getting the blood flowing again.
"Don't do anything stupid maggot." The droid with the gun said before he heads to the door. Once close, I use the force and pushed him into the wall, making him fall. I will be damned if a droid talks down to me. Once the doors closed, I walked over to the bar, only to stop to see myself in a mirror the room had near the window. My clothes, they didn't say Ashoka to me.
A long black skirt that wrapped around my waist. Thick eyeliner that made my eyes look evil, along with dark burgundy color lipstick. My top was...unpleasing for me. A dark burgundy top that had an opening cut that exposed 70% of my breast. It was weird since I never showed off cleavage before. Vader must want me to wear something for him to easily remove.
"Why am I thinking that way?" I thought to myself. Looking out the window, I wave a bit, but no one seemed to notice me. Were they ignoring me, or couldn't see me? Whatever the case, I think its best I stayed away from the Window. Looking over at the bar, I could feel the back of my throat watering for a drink. Not of thirst, but for something that would knock me out and make me sleep for hours. I know Vader will do something to me, I don't want to be fully here when it happens. At the same time, I don't want to drink, I act stupid when I drink. Oh forget it! I need a drink!
Then, the ship started to move. We were departing somewhere! Shit, I felt so skittish and scared! Where is he taking me, and what will I do. Will he take me to a facility to be tortured? Or will he finally kill me? I was so scared. Pouring the random liquids into a cup, I gently press the cup to my lips. Allowing the liquids into my throat. A strong burning feeling made the hairs on my back rise up in a frenzy. And this stuff was very strong, I guess Anakin liked it strong.
"Ahsoka." A voice called to me. But it wasn't in the room...
"Yes?" I asked.
"Why are you so blue, my darling?" The voice asked me...it was then I remembered where I heard it from. When my hand was being cut, this was one of the two voices in my head!
"I'm on a ship that is leading me to the unknown. And who are you?" I asked, this voice was new to me. I have never heard before in my life, let alone since last night. But it did sound very familiar! Like maybe I met it in a past life.
"I am someone close to you, but also far. I have been watching you, studying you. And although you never see me, I am with you." The voice said...it was a hissing like voice. Very rugish but...machine-like. Like Plo-Koon's mask.
"I am not Plo-Koon." The voice said.
"Then who are you?" I asked.
"I am what lies in your heart. The very thing you denied for years to survive. The thing you ignored in order to be accepted. " The voice spoke.
"I don't understand." I said.
"Awww, you will soon. What you denied all your life...the truth. And Anakin know's it as well." The voice said, I accidentally dropped the glass in my hand. A strong surge of pain went through my body. Then a bright white, stiletto of a female appeared before me. Then faded in a flash right before my eyes.
"Nrgh!" I growled. Even though the pain was gone, I still felt an aftermath. Ugh, is this a new thing now. I guess, because this pain was making the voice chuckle:
"There you go. I want you to remember what you are, and realize why Anakin spared you." The voice spoke. "And remember, I am always watching you."
"Go fuck yourself..." I growled as I opened my eyes. In front of me...well I guess you can guess for yourself.
(Back present)
"KILL HIM!" Vader shouted at me. The man was at my feet, crying as he grips my boot. In all honesty, I don't even remember coming here. All I remember was looking up to a dark figure. Then...a boot. Yea, I think he might have kicked me in the face, not the best way to get to point A then point B. Now here I am, in a smelly
"Please...I don't want to die." He begged me. Vader's anger was growing, poking at the sides of my neck. He was going to kill me, He was going to kill me if I didn't kill him.
"Kill him..." He growls to me, only this time he was louder. Tears falling down my cheeks as my heart races to find a common ground. I can't kill an innocent, I can't do it like this. I am a Jedi. My hand slowly lower it's self as my body prepares to die. I can't do this, I couldn't do this, I won't do this.
"I'm sorry Vader." I muttered as I dropped the saber. Closing my eye, I prepared for the worse. Maybe he will do it quick, shot me in the head, or swipe it off with his saber. Hehe, funny, I imagine my head roll down the ground like a ball. Sadly, he didn't do that What he did though was yank me to the ground my head, pinning me to the floor with his boot.
"Why do you defy me!? Why do you keep upsetting me Ahsoka!?" He shouted. It was funny, I could have sworn I heard old Anakin for a second there. Maybe it was all this pressure to my brain that's make me hallucinate. His boot was pressing hard against my chest, pushing against my heart.
"I don't want to do this." I said whimpered. "Just kill me please."
"Killing you wouldn't bring me the pleasure I will get tonight! Or maybe I should perform a small snip on your brain. You know, rendering you thoughtless." Anakin growled at me...he was joking, right? He wouldn't do that to me...right?
"Anakin..." I moaned, only to have a strong thrust to my chest. Making both my hands fly to his foot, gripping the leather that wrapped around his feet and legs.
"Don't. Say. That. NAME!" He growled at me before removing his boot. He then leans forward, gripping one of lekke's with that big black leather hand of his, then hoisted me up to my feet. He then lifts my lightsaber to his hand, before forcing it into mine. Making me grip the metal object before pushing me forwards towards the weeping man.
"Kill him or I will destroy you myself. And when I am finally done, you won't even remember your own name..." An...no, Vader growled to me. His voice was sharp and harsh, like a blade slowly sinking into your backside. It made my body tremble with fear. I know he won't kill me...I know he wouldn't waste the time...but what would he do to me if I don't kill this man?
"You know what he will do." The said, it returned!
"You!" I shouted in my head.
"You know what he can do. What sort of power he has. Do you really want to see it?" The voice asked.
"No..." I whimpered. My lips were trying their best not to form a frown, but they did...I found myself making a frown as my vision becomes blurry.
"Then kill the man, please Vader." The voice tells me.
"But I don't want to kill him...I am not that kind of person." I cried. Tears rolling down my eyes as my legs become weak. My index finger was twitching, debating whether or not to press the button to summon my saber.
"Tik-Tok Ahsoka." Vader growled at me.
"No..." I thought.
"Listen to me Ahsoka." The voice whispered. It sounded like it was right next to my ear, I could even feel a warm moist air blowing at the little fuzz on the top of my earlobe. "He will destroy you...but if you play your cards right...you can destroy him."
"What?" I asked.
"Vader doesn't want to kill you. He finds you valuable. Use it to destroy him and save the galaxy."
"I don't want to kill."
"In order to win, you must make sacrifices. In order to survive, you must make choices that will only benefit you! You know these rules! You know the art of survival! Show that bastard you are not to trophies with!"
"You will perish in a pit of torture and despair until you wouldn't recognize yourself in a mirror! Do you really want that!?" The voice asked me...those words hit me very hard. And at the moment...I felt like a child again. Because when I was a child...it was the first time I was scared, confused and lonely. The feeling of those three combined into one can make anyone question a lot of things. A lot of things...
"Okay." I spoke before summoning my saber. Raising it to the man's head, I watched his eyes widen a bit as his cries became louder.
Bring Vader down would be a victory. At the time I thought. To be able to save trillions of lifes, while still being me. I wanted it. And somehow the voice convinced me of doing it. I don't know if my body was tired, or I was just becoming mentally weak. But I just...I wanted a small piece of peace. I wanted to be at ease, even if it was for a while. And getting to Vader's good side, was that goal. The voice was right, I survive. And I have survived worse than this. Even before I was a Jedi.
The man screamed before I made his head fall from his body. Like a ball that just been lightly kicked into a wall. Little drips of red here and there, but nothing too serious. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Vader staring at me. I wonder what he was thinking at the time. Possibly ways to torture me, or new ways to train me. I wish I knew, but that was something I could not get.
After a minute of silence, he walks over to me and gently places a hand over my head. While his other hand was placed on my right hip. Slowly, pulling me close to his body, he makes the hand on my head pushing my head onto his chest. Forcing me against the cold dark leather of his uniform. Why is hugging me like this? Why is he hugging me at all? And where is the voice? I don't sense it anymore...and why do I only hear one of the two.
"Let's go Ahsoka, I want to go home."
(Later that day)
After a long and quiet trip home, I found myself in his bathroom. Only this time, I wasn't crawling through his vents. I was in his tube, soaking and absorbing the green liquids he prepared just for me. Some sort of healing medicine for my aching and tortured bones. It was funny to me, this morning I wanted to rip his head off, now I feel so relaxed.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" A voice shouted. Forcing me to look at the door of the bathroom. I heard a female scream just now, what's going on?
"THAT BITCH!" Another voice shouted. Suddenly, I started to sense a disturbance in the force. A strong aura of rage and harmonies...oh crap, and it was towards me. Standing up from the tub, I nearly slipped when my feet touched the floor. Luckily I was able to grab the edge of the tub before fall. Once on my feet, I walked over to the side of the bathroom and grabbed a towel. Wrapping my body a bit, I walked over to the door. Once I opened it, I walked straight to the wall that blocked the view of the bathroom from the bed. Leaning against it, I listen closely to the voices in the room.
"Vader no longer needs your services. He says he wants you out." A clone says. What did you mean by services? Are the concubines getting fired?
"But...I gave Vader my virginity! He's the only one for me!" A girl shouted...I couldn't tell her age because I couldn't see her.
"He says you will all be put in Aria for your services." The clone said. Aria was known as the paradise planet. Fresh fruit, clean water, entertainment up to the ying-yang, best place to live. Sadly, you couldn't just move there unless you were rich or born there.
"Its because of that bitch isn't it! That fucking Jedi!" Another girl shouted.
"Classified. Vader just wants you out." The clone said. I could hear his footsteps as he leaves. Then, the door closing. A second later, the bickering sounds of the females cursing my name.
"Ugh! I knew that slut would replace us! After everything I had given him!" A female voice shouted. Seconds later I hear the door opening, making all the girls go silent. And the aura of anger vanished into thin air. Looking over the corner, I saw Anakin. Not Vader, just Anakin in those Jedi rip off design clothes. He was walking into the room, remaining silent as he proceeded to walk towards his dresser drawer. Once there, he opens a drawer door and begins to rummage through some stuff.
"Why are you still here?" Anakin asked the females. Some of them pouted at his words as other just made weird grunt sounds.
"We are being replaced!? By that slut!?" One shouted.
"Yes, you did your job and I am rewarding you to live in a paradise. Go before I change my mind." Anakin growled before closing the drawer. He then walks over to his close, opening the doors, he pushes random threads that hung to the side. What was he looking for?
"But you're my everything..." One said, this made Anakin stop what he was doing. He turns his attention to the females in the room and growled:
"GET OUT! I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE!" He shouted. Then like flies to vinegar, they ran away out the room. Oh force...don't tell me Anakin and I are going to-"HA!"
His voice shouted, making me look over at him again. In his hand was a bright blue tube. Its funny, at that moment, I didn't realize how much trouble that one tube would give me in the future days.
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justynadraws-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Famous trio in action!
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princessroxcie · 7 years
The only thing that can make my eyes roll back into my head harder than Anakin apologists is the AnakinxAhsoka ship. Seriously, she's a minor who is best friends with his wife and oh did I mention SHE IS A MINOR I want to tear my eyes out, thanks dashboard
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anisokatrash · 9 years
Star Wars: A Twist of Fate
Chapter 5
Ahsoka woke up the next morning noting that the main Jedi had left. Confused she entered the kitchen where Shmi was cooking breakfast.
"Ah, Ahsoka thank goodness you are awake, I set up the race pod for sale like you said and a Twi'Lek just accepted the offer." Shmi excitedly and happy bounce to her steps. She really didn't want Ahsoka nor Anakin participating in that race, thankfully Qui Gon had insisted they leave as fast as they could which had lead to Ahsoka selling the Pod Racers instead.
"That's great, that should be enough to buy Kitster and his sister Temin. But wait what happened to Qui Gon?" Ahsoka asked.
"Anakin gave him the parts and he left with Padme and the Gungan to load it up and to install it." Shmi said innocently. And was startled Ahsoka slapped herself on the forehead. Something she only did when extremely frustrated.
"You let them take the piece, and let all four of them go? " Ahsoka raised her hands in exclamation. Shmi cringed as she realized how bad it sounded, before shaking her head.
"Now, now Ahsoka he was a jedi and the Jedi keep their promises." She seemed to be trying to convince her self-more than Ahsoka.
Ahsoka sighed. "I hope your right Shmi I'd really hate to go back to Jabba and ask him for a job again."
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Anakin had returned with the money, Ahsoka then took that money and took out her savings and went to speak with Kitster and Tami's owner. With as much a persuasion as she could (she used a bit of her Jedi trick) she managed to buy them at a much cheaper price.
Ahsoka watched their eyes filled with tears as she told them what she had done. They rushed at her hugging her and crying all over her.
Tami was older than Ahsoka by three years she tall and very beautiful. Her beauty had been attracting attention. The wrong kind. Which was why Ahsoka had made sure to make her and Kitster their first priority when it came to the small list of friend she had to free.
Ahsoka then lead the two still crying children to her house. The plan was for them to reenter society. They would have a job and a place to live. Working at the shop they would get experience working with machinery, and mechanics, and maintaining a store. Once they had enough money they could choose to go into a different business move out of the planet or whatever they wanted to do. Whatever the store made it would be saved, to free more people.
As they neared the house she noticed Qui Gon standing outside of the house with Anakin, who was seated next to two bags. The moment Anakin noticed them, he stood up and ran to his to his friends. Once again Kitster and Tami started crying as the group hugged each other.
It wasn't until the Jedi cleared his throat that the group separated.
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"Master Qui Gon says you two will be departing soon." Shmi announced as they entered the house. The way she phrased cause Ahsoka to look sharply at her.
"You're going too aren't you?" Ahsoka asked.
"I'm staying here to watch the store, and to help Kitster and his sister adjust." Shmi answered calmly
Ahsoka felt conflicted she wanted to get angry and insist that she went with them. But the fact was someone needed to stay to teach Kitster about the store. Teach them to be free.
Most freed slaves tended to sufferer extreme poverty due to the fact that they never learned to be anything else but a slave. That was why Ahsoka had opened the shop, it was supposed to be for Anakin and Shmi, as a place to stay, a place to earn money, a starting point to their new lives.
When Ahsoka had come to Tatooine she had been lucky to have saved Sy Snootles, Sy had been her starting point, weather she knew it or not. Now Ahsoka wanted to be that starting point for others.
So she knew that Shmi staying was a necessity. But still she pouted and looked down to her feet.
Ahsoka sensed that Anakin was pouting too. So obviously Shmi could see it.
She knelt before them and hugged them.
"You two have a calling, a dream, and that is to see the universe. I believe, I have found mine, thanks to you Ahsoka. You know how I have always said, that the biggest problem in the universe is that no one helps each other. I believe this, staying here, is my calling."
"Will we ever see you again?" Anakin asked quietly. Ahsoka looked up her eyes widen as she too looked at Shmi for her answer.
"Ani, Soka, the galaxy may be big and strange and dangerous, but should either of you two need me I will rush to either of your sides. Nothing will hold me back, as I know you two would do for me."
Anakin and Ahsoka where too choked up in tears as they rushed to hug Shmi who returned their hug back.
"Don't worry I'll make sure to visit you two soon." Shmi said as she kissed each of their fore heads.
"Ahsoka, Anakin, before we leave, let me ask you two once again. Training to become a Jedi is not an easy challenge. And even if you two succeed it's a hard life."
Ahsoka looked to Anakin who looked to her. They knew that as long as the other was with them they would be okay. They then turned to Shmi one more time, Anakin kissed her right cheek and Ahsoka her left.
"By Mom were off to be the greatest Jedi ever!" Anakin yelled at the same time that Ahsoka said "By Shmi were off to be the greatest Jedi ever!"
She matched their grin as she gently petted their hair.
"Are you two ready?" Qui Gon Jinn asked as they nodded.
"You watch out for them Jedi Qui Gon Jinn." Shmi said as she stood watching Anakin and Ahsoka each hoist their bags.
"You have my word madam." Qui Gon said as his place a hand on her shoulder.
3P0 came out of the house bustling "Master Anakin, Mistress Ahsoka, You two are my makers and I wish you to well. Do not worry over a thing, thanks to my latest program updates I now know how to properly price machinery and the like. I shall make sure that mistress Shmi does not get into trouble."
"3P0, your mission is to help Shmi and Kitstar around the house and shop. We are counting on you." Ahsoka said seriously, but couldn't help but grin as C3P0 seemed to grow taller in pride.
"I will not fail you mistress, I assure you. The shop will grow bigger and Mistress Shmi will be fit and healthy. I will not fail you-"on and on 3P0 went.
Outside the house Ahsoka and Anakin where being hugged by Kitster, his sister Tami and Shmi.
With farewells and good fortune wishes they parted. Shmi, Tami, Kitster, and C3P0 waving good bye to the group.
For a moment they both felt a great sadness as they realized exactly what they were leaving. Neither knew who went for whose hand but both felt a sort of relief to the loneliness. They turned slightly to wave back to their friends and family as they followed the Jedi to their destinies.
Although Shmi was trying to be strong she felt traitorous tears fall. She knew in her heart that she would see them again. That thought kept her from running after them.
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Unknown to them A man of red and black had landed on Tatooine his Spybot returning with the information he needed. He mounted his speeder and headed to the coordinates the bot had given him.
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Even Ahsoka who was more physically fit than Anakin was tired and hot, but still she didn't stop or protested. She felt a darkness for a while getting close and closer. Even Anakin who had not explored the Force in the same way Ahsoka had sensed it.
Qui Gon suddenly turned "You two drop."
Ahsoka and Anakin both immediately fell. Ahsoka sensed the darkness ride over her. One more second standing and they would have been run over.
She watched as the rider jumped away from the speeder and drew a red lightsaber at the same time as Master Qui Gon drew his suddenly they swords of light where clashing.
"Go! Tell them to take off." He said as he defended and attacked the black robe figure. Anakin helped pull Ahsoka up. And they both ran to the reflective ship. Not once having let go.
Ahsoka could feel her blood pumping and for a moment she feared losing control. She wasn't sure if it was because she was holding Anakin's hand or that the black robe figure wasn't directly attacking her but the darkness never resurfaced.
They both got to the ramp and ran up and into the ship. The continuing clashes of lightsabers could still be heard as Padme and an officer approached them.
"Qui Gon said to take off." Padme lead and the officer lead them to the ships cockpit.
As soon as the door opened Ahsoka sensed the Jedi in the room, a quick flash of recognition like from her dream, before it was gone.
"Qui Gon is in trouble."
The Jed got closer to the pilot and said. "Take off, "he pointed and said "Over there fly low."
From the window they could see the two fighter still going at the ship took off still keeping close to the ground it moved to the two fighters. They didn't get to see the moment Qui Gon jumped unto the ship, but suddenly the loading ramp was closed and the ship took off.
Ahsoka sensed the other had made it on board. As she sensed the dark Jedi below become farther and farther.
The Jedi with them then turned and ran out of the cock pit and Ahsoka and Anakin quickly followed.
From the floor Qui Gon sat up slowly as they rushed to him.
"Are you alright?" Anakin asked.
"I think so." Qui Gon responded. The youngling, and his Padawan all knelt around him
"What was it?" his young Padawan asked.
"I'm not sure," Qui Gon responded tired and almost out of breath. "But it was well trained in the Jedi arts."
R2 beeped in the back ground
"My guess is it was after the Queen." He started to feel his breath catch up to him.
"What are we going to do about it?" Ahsoka asked for the first time speaking. Qui Gon looked at her and he saw in her eyes that she had sensed the darkness similar to hers. He took a deep breath and let it out.
"We shall be patient." Changing the subject he introduced them. "Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."
Anakin. Before taking Ahsoka's and shaking it too.
"Hi," stretched his hand to him and Obi-Wan shook it, Anakin then said almost surprised "you're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you!"
Obi Wan smiled at the wonder in the young boy's eyes, as he turned to the youngling Togruta who also shook his hand smiling softly at him. "Nice to meet you."
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The ship finally left the atmosphere of the planet and entered deep space.
The Gungan was fast asleep his feet on the table Anakin and Ahsoka where huddled from the cold.
But Ahsoka was trembling from much more than just cold. Unwanted memories kept cropping up. The darkness kept at bay from the fact that she wasn't alone like last time. The fact that she had not been sold away, that she had chosen this path. That she was very much loved by her sort of mother.
It was much easier to remember when she was warm, which was why Ahsoka liked to sleep near a window.
She felt Anakin give a big shiver involuntarily. Ahsoka knew this was much colder to Anakin. Who had grown up with two sun's. She gently rubbed his cold fingers to warm them up.
She watched as Padme activated a transmission, she watched as the person announced that many were starving and dying. Padme's aurora exuberated kindness and compassion. Ahsoka sensed a deep sadness, and impatience and need to help.
Ahsoka watched her turn to look at them.
"Are you two all right?" Padme asked them, a need in her eyes to help at least them since she couldn't help her own people.
"It's very cold." Anakin responded as both he and Ahsoka shivered at the same time. Causing them to laugh lightly.
Ahsoka watched as Padme grabbed a blanket from a chair and walked over to them ignoring the snoring Gungan mutterings.
"You two come from a warm planet." She opened the blanket and tucked in around them. "A little too warm for my taste."
"You get used to it after a while." Ahsoka responded. "Makes one forget how cold space really is."
Padme finished tucking them in and both Ahsoka and Anakin say thank you. She left then and soon Anakin fell asleep.
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Ahsoka stayed awake unwilling to fall asleep. After a while she got thirsty she stood up and tucked the blanket around Anakin.
She might have turned the wrong corner because she found Padme her arms around her legs her head tucked between her knees her should shaking slightly.
The scent of tears hang heavy in the air. Ahsoka quietly moved towards her and sat next to her. Startling her. She looked up and for a moment her red eyes and red nose where in full view before she ran her long sleeve to wide them.
Thinking she looked better she gave a slight smile, her bottom lip trembling.
"Sorry, you shouldn't have seen that." Padme said.
"You know Shmi used to get angry when I would hide to cry." Padme looked at her. "She told me that it was okay to cry, but sometimes in order to truly grow stronger afterwards you have to share the burden."
Padme looked at her, and for a moment Ahsoka thought she was going to seal off and walk away.
But her eyes filled with tears her lips continued to tremble.
Ahsoka then realized just how young she was. Although her aurora made seem to be older stronger, she was still a 14 year old girl.
She hugged Ahsoka and began to cry.
"I'm worried, my people are suffering, dying. I must convince the senate to intervene, or…" she cried softly, "I-I'm not sure what'll happen."
She continued to cry and Ahsoka kept patting her back. She didn't say anything. Just let Padme say everything she wanted to get off her chest. It was a while after that she calmed down.
Ahsoka stood up and held out a hand for her. Padme took the hand with a slight hiccup. Ahsoka found the restroom she had been looking for. Grabbing a cloth she wet it with cold water and handed it to Padme.
"Place that on your eyes to reduce the swelling." Ahsoka said, and watched as Padme complied.
"Many things will change when we reach the capital, Soka…" Padme began and Ahsoka was surprised that she had used her nickname. "But I want us to be friends."
Padme reached out to Ahsoka, and Ahsoka grabbed her hand, Padme squeezed it. "I can't carelessly befriend people, I am the Queen and I have expectations placed upon me. But I feel that with you I can be both the queen and Padme, so please Soka be my friend."
Ahsoka gripped her hand a bit tighter. "I don't easily make friends, I would be happy to be yours."
"Thank you Ahsoka." Pad me pulled her in for a hug.
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Ahsoka and Padme parted ways and Ahsoka went back to Anakin he was still fast sleep she tucked herself into the blanket and moved closer to Anakin. She fell asleep almost instantly.
Ahsoka didn't know how long she slept but something seemed to wake her up. Anakin wasn't beside her so she followed his aurora to the cockpit of the ship. More to keep him out of trouble rather than out of worry.
The door opened and there was Anakin watching the pilot fly the ship. Anakin had always been fascinated by ships and driving, and although they both could race and fix ships, Ahsoka wasn't as driving enthusiast like Anakin, but the draw of learning how to pilot a ship instead of a racer drew her to stand close to Anakin and looked back at her with a excited smile.
Apparently she had just arrived as Coruscant became visible.
She watched as the ship neared a dark planet filled with lights. Ships where constantly leaving and arriving. It was beautiful, it took her breath away, and she felt Anakin's excitement rise up.
They got closer all they could see was tall buildings and ships flying around, most buildings where the color of sand. But the windows of the buildings glinted like stars in the day.
"Coruscant. The entire planet is one big city." The pilot said to them. "There's Chancellor Valorum's shuttle. And look over there Senator Palpatine is waiting for us"
The man referred to as Senator Palpatine was so small no feature where discernible. A large group of more dark dressed individuals entered the platform.
They both felt the ship land, and almost immediately rushed over to the where they knew the loading ramp would open.
They barely made it as Qui Gon and Obi Wan signal them to follow them. Anakin and Ahsoka where right behind them and beside them was the Gungan Jar Jar. Imitating their actions Ahsoka and Anakin bowed at the old man.
Padme's stand in Queen walked out in front of them dressed in black her headdress of black feathers. Although she looked beautiful and elegant. It also looked cumbersome and restricting. Something Ahsoka very much would not like to wear.
The old man then began to speak
"It is a great gift to see alive, you majesty." He said, Ahsoka and Anakin moved closer to Qui Gon who guided them to stand in front of them. Ahsoka watched as the decoy queen listened to the old man speak not saying anything. Padme stood beside the Deco queen turned to look at Ahsoka and gave her a slight wink and smile.
Her eyes looked better and her aurora looked much more relaxed. Ahsoka was glad she had been able to help her even if it had been a little.
Finally the decoy responded by thanking the other man that had come in with what Ahsoka now realized where guards. As the queen began to move Ahsoka and Anakin automatically seemed to follow.
They didn't realized that they stood between the maids and Qui Gon. They continued following them so entranced by the moving cars and the tall skyscrapers. Ahsoka suddenly sensed the distance and pulled Anakin to a stop. They both turned back around. The noise from the ship didn't let her hear what Master Qui Gon said.
Anakin and Ahsoka hesitated as to what to do. Did they follow Padme or stay with Qui Gon.
"Soka, Ani, come on." She waved them to her walking towards her almost automatically Anakin pointed that he would follow her and Qui Gon waved him off. They were getting into a ship Anakin and Ahsoka wanting to have a better view sat up front with the Gungan.
"The queen's a bein' grossly nice, mesa tinks." Jar Jar said as he settled himself between the driver and Anakin, Ahsoka being on Ani's other side. "Pitty hot."
And just like that the transportation ship moved away from the platform and the Jedi's standing upon it.
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kikkieabby · 6 years
Ahsoka journey to the Dark side: Chapter 4- Torture and Voice’s
Kikkie: P.S there is some graphic shit in this chapter. Don’t know thw rules of Tumblr yet, but if your not into torturing, don’t read. Alright, enjoy!
I didn't sleep that night
How can one sleep after what I just experienced, especially with someone I use to consider a friend. The room was dark for a couple of hours, then brighten when we passed a shining planet. It reminded me of the moons that surrounded Naboo when I was a teenager. Those were soft bed, and the rooms always smelled of fruit. Anakin and I would spend many nights there, and I knew why too. Doesn't take that long to figure certain things out. I didn't mind, when I was at Naboo, I was treated like a princess on Satine's word. Servants would give me games to play, silks to wear to help me blend into the crowd. I remember one time I went to what they called a beach. I went there and talked to kids my age, hanging out with them, played with them, I even kissed a boy. It was fun, so I didn't mind pretending to play dumb for Anakin's sake.
I wonder if he was like this with Padme? No, she's seven years older than him...wasn't she? Anakin said he knew her since his beginning of his years in the Temple. So, when did their relationship start? I wonder if she's the one who caused all this. Padme was a bit of a spoiled brat in my personal opinion. She was given so much, yet demanded more. Used her charm to make Anakin do certain things. Make me do certain things...I shouldn't look to the past, she's dead now. And I am stuck in Anakin's embrace.
"Anakin?" I spoke. But no answer. Looking over my shoulder, I saw a thin line of saliva seeping from the side of his mouth. He was in a deep sleep, one that would normally take three alarms and eight cups of coffee to wake up and stay awake from. Gently, I moved his hand from my waist, allowing it to slide to another area of the bed. Slowly, I slide over the edge of his bed, his room wasn't that cold so I didn't mind walking around naked.
Tip-toeing, I slowly made my way to the window, gazing upon the planet we were passing. As we did, I started to think of Ezra and Sabine. Were they alive? And if so, were they trying to find me? I hope not, because I think I know where I am. From the vast sense of life, I believe I am on the death star...I could be wrong though. Then again, this place does have a luxury room just for Anakin.
"Ahsoka." Anakin spoke. I almost gasped when I saw those eye's staring at me. Those piercing blue eye's looked as they were glowing against the planet reflection.
"Yes?" I responded, didn't really know how to answer him.
"Come back to bed, I am getting cold." He tells me. I didn't know what to do...I didn't want to obey...but I didn't want to get hurt either. A person can suffer so much before wanting to break. I am not close to that bar yet, but I am tired. I turn around and made my way to the bed. Only to stop and walk over to the other side of the room. He had a couch on the other side of his bedroom. So I took a seat there while staring at the ground. It didn't take long for the sounds of scoffs and ruffling of his blankets to fill the room. Then, his footsteps, then the sense of death standing in front of me. Looking up, in all his glory and everything, I found him glaring daggers down at me.
"I rather sleep here tonight." I told him. He raises his hand to me, that creepy metal hand he was always ashamed of. Especially with the veins popping out where the metal part is attached to the skin. He presses this hand to my forehead, making me feel sleepy. I hate it when he did this, he did this to me when the Jedi temple exists. When I was nervous or too startled after a mission, he would do this to me to go to sleep.
"No..." I moaned. But that didn't stop my world from going black. When I came around, I didn't like where I found myself. I was still in his bed, but my hands and feet were chained to his bedpost, spread out like an animal about to be skinned alive. My eyes widen in fear as I try to break free from the chains, but stopped when a surge of pain went through my body. Starting from the neck, the pain went down my spine then spread all over my body. It accord to me that someone, highly thought to be Anakin, put an electric collar on me. One's used to keeping criminals under control when transporting them.
"No..." I moaned. Trying to break free from the chains that held me to this bed. It took a while, but I soon realised that my efforts were useless.
"Struggling is useless." Anakin said. I turned my head to the side to see him in the room with a tray of something in his hand. How long was he there?
"Anakin release me!" I growled, only to get a chuckle from him as he walks towards me.
"My lord doesn't like wild animal's running around the ship." He chuckled. When he was close to me, he sets the tray down on his nightstand. He then sits next to me, placing a hand on one of my lekke's, examining them. The tray had various objects that were used to cut things, with a bowl of water and wipes. Oh force...what is he planning.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't respond to me, instead, he grips one of my lekke's in his hand. I tried to pull back, but the electricity collar shocks me into submission as Anakin pulls my head towards him.
"You know Ahsoka..." Anakin started as he begins to rub water onto my lekkes. "My life here is boring, dull, and dark. Every day I am either choking someone, or killing another. I have done it so many times that I can't tell the difference anymore."
He tells me before setting the wet clothes down on the tray. He then picks up a took with a moving saw. I immediately try to move again, only for the collar to shock me, making me weak. I felt like peeing the bed, but honestly, I was scared of what he would do to me if I did that. Turning the machine on, he slowly reaches towards my Lekkes. Let me explain something to you, my lekkes are one of the few things on my body that allows me to connect with the force. We Togruta also use it for mating, feeling and even motion sensing, so it's basically a small fracture of our brain. Losing one of the three would not only throw a togruta off, but it would slowly make them rot on the inside because...we basically lost a part of our brain!
"NO! STOP!" I shouted to him, making him pull my head back by my lekkes, looking at me.
"Oh?" He asked.
"What do you want?" I growled at him, trying my best not to make him upset.
"I want you to calm the fuck down. I want you to listen to me and obey!" He growled at me, giving my lekke a tug in the process. I couldn't help but chuckle at his words.
"Obey? You tortured and raped me! How the hell do think I can obey you after you've done that to me!?" I asked him, his resting anger face didn't disappear, instead, his eyes moved to the ground. Removing his hand from my lekke, he sets the tool down to the tray. When I think he was about to leave, he grabs my hand, bending it down, he grabs a small knife tool and slowly begins to stick it in my hand. I found myself screaming and moving violently. I didn't know what hurt more, what Anakin was doing to my hand, or the electric shocks...I think the shocks, because I found myself peeing the bed, soaking the area I layed. My cheeks turned red at the sight of his white sheets turning yellow. This is the most degrading thing in my life.
"Done." Anakin chuckled at me. Looking up at my hand, I wanted to cry and scream. In his hand was...was my skin, my actual skin that remained on my hand. Turning my attention to my actual hand, I saw red flesh that when moved, it stung in a painful way. The pain didn't start fully until I actually moved my hand. It felt like someone set it on fire, I just moved my index finger an inch and I felt that it was burning.
"Oh, force..." I moaned as tears form in my eyes. Anakin was taking pleasure in this, he throws my skin to the ground like it was trash before dipping a cloth into that bowl. He then moves it above my hand and squeezes it, making the liquids fall onto it. I never wanted to black out so badly before in my life. Let only, hear my thoughts have an argument against each other. Multiple voices in my head, screaming and shouting at one another, demanding...fighting...two voice...none of them are mine.
"Just give in!"
"He will destroy us!"
I hate pain!"
"You're weak!"
"But just give in! He'll make the pain stop!"
"But to betray who we are!"
"The Jedi are dead!"
"What about the rebels!?"
"Their nothing but a dream of what we wanted!"
"How can you say that!?"
"Because what we are is gone!? This man killed everyone!"
"You are weak!"
"I survive!"
"Is survival worth your pride!?"
"STOP! STOP IT!" I shouted into the room, making Anakin stop his torture. I was screaming at the voices, but it's best he didn't know that. Turning my head to him, he looks over at me with a confused expression.
"What?" He asked.
"I am sorry! I am so sorry! Please stop! Please just stop!" I cried, pressing my head against his pillow, pushing my lower body upwards in into somewhat break free. I wanted it to end so bad, so badly...
"Glad you learned your lesson snips." He tells me. Adjusting his body, he bends over and lays a kiss on my lips. It was soft and short-lived, but nothing too bad. When he raised his body up, he walks over to the other side of the room.
"Where are you going?" I whimpered, actually feeling scared of him not being around me.
"To get the liquid skin from the medic bay. Once that is done, you and I are going to start your training." He tells me.
"Training?" I asked.
"Oh yes, I don't intend to keep you on a leash forever."
Kikkie: I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, share, comment and ect! Thank you!
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kikkieabby · 6 years
Ahsoka journey to the Dark side: Chapter 1-The beginning!
Kikkie: I think Anakin and Ahsoka are an awesome pairing of the Star Wars series! Or at least the fan-based. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this dark tale of Ashoka slowly decending into the darkness. See how hard she tries to keep her sanity and loyality to herself and the rebels, while trying to please the man who use to be her master.
Rated M for dark theme! Not NSFW, but this shit is dark. Enjoy!
In a black painted room lies a woman sitting at a wooden desk. In her hand was a tape recorder. She presses the red button that its ON button, she then puts it on the desk then started to speak.
"This is my fault, I did this to myself when I let that man bite me and inject the darkness of the world into me. Even if it was a small douse it grew inside me until it became part of my soul, my force then my mind. I tried so hard to keep it out but as time went on it just became stronger and stronger till I just gave in. And now I stand here before you, the man who has been with me since the very beginning. But I am not the same girl you met that day. I'm different and I'm what you call…oh, I don't know evil! Well, a long story short I am no longer a Jedi or a rebel but a comrade amongst on the dark side and let me tell you, it feels good! At first, I was scared of joining the dark side but now I feel that it's the best choice I ever made. And the best part is I am pregnant! Who is the father you asked? No other than Darth Vader of course! And it is an honor to have his children, twins! I am 4 months pregnant and their power is strong in me. But I am going too far into the story. I should start from the beginning. After all, this is my recorded Dairy. So where do I begin, you all know how I left the Jedi and how I became a rebel…Hmm…"
The woman runs her fingertips on the wood of the desk and started to think. Then it hit her.
"Oh yes, first off my name is Ashoka Tano, although it may be known as Ashoka Skywalker I was known as Tano at the beginning of my story so stay with me. After spending at least, I don't know more than 10 years with the rebellions. One day I received a called to meet with a group that has been showing a lot of improvement in their jobs that succeed that of the trained rebel so I decided to go meet them. they were a nice group of people and they seem to be able to care for themselves. I'd stayed with them for a couple of weeks. I got to know them well, even became friends with this youngling named Ezra. He wants to become a Jedi so badly that I agreed to help him. On the third week I was with them, something happened. One night, out of blue and darkness of space, Vader was on the ship and when we realized he was close, it was too late. Almost everyone was either unconscious or near death when we fought him. I held my own pretty well, but, it wasn't enough.
"Ezra Bridger!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I watched the man in black use the dark force almost chop Ezra head off with his own Lightsaber. The kid was trying his hardest to keep the blade away from his neck but his efforts seem useless. I looked around the room and saw everyone on the ground, I didn't know if they were dead or was knocked out but I did know one thing, I had to stop Vader before he killed Ezra. So I threw my body at the man to land a strike but it was useless for he just pushed me to the ground. I hit the ground with my head first, the pain made me drop my lightsaber. When I got my baring, I could see Vader looking straight at me. He stops his control on Ezra's hand but throws his body to the ground. His small body slides over to me. He tries to get back on his feet but his body wouldn't allow it. As the man I use to call master walks towards us, Ezra eye's widen in fear as he tries his damndest to stand up. Only to fall to the ground hard.
Have you ever…no, here's a better way to describe this. Have you ever gotten in trouble as a child to the point your parents are staring down at you? And you can't tell if their mad or what they were going to do? But you knew it was something bad, and the fear of not knowing just made you even more scared? That's how I felt when Vader was staring down at us. An inch away from our bodies, glaring down at us with those red eyes that hid my master.
"Master don't do this!" I begged the man who used to be my master when we were in the Jedi order. Vader stared at me for a few seconds before raising his hand, pressing it against my head, he moves me aside so that he could get to Ezra but I stood my ground.
"NO!" I shouted at him. The hand that was used to move me slapped me across my face, making me fall to the ground. He then walks over me to get to Ezra. I could see the young boy stare at the man with fear in his eyes. I gathered all my strength and ran over to Ezra and then tackled the boy into a hug like a shield so that I could shield the boy from him. Vader stops walking towards us when he saw me protecting the boy. For a second, I could have heard him curse something before grabbing my shoulder. Yanking me from Ezra body, making me slide across the room with the help of the blood on the ground. I could hear him gripping Ezra by the neck in hopes of choking him. When my head gently taps the wall, I sat up and shouted:
"Please, Anakin I'm begging you don't hurt him. I'll do anything you want just please leave him be." I begged him and I think my words got to him because I saw him looking at me while still holding Ezra by the neck. Dropping the boy, both his hands move to his helmet, steam like gas comes out of it revealing his face. Everything looked the same except for his right eye that seemed to have another scar to match his other eye, besides that everything looked okay. He didn't look too happy though, in fact, he looked as pissed as that time he though Obi-wan was killed.
"Ahsoka…"He growled at me before approaching me. I got up to my knees then slowly backed away from him until I was up against a wall. Which wasn't that far since I slide to it. When he was in front of me, he takes a knee in front of me. Extending his hand, he gently strokes my already bruised cheek I got from fighting empire clones. Even though his gloves, I could feel soft skin touching me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling until I felt his lips press against my ear. Making me open my eyes to see his black armor an inch away from my face.
"I want you," Anakin told me. I could feel my face turn red as his hand makes it way down to my pants than try to pull them down. I stopped him with both of my hands, forcing that large hand of his to stop.
"W-W-What are you doing!?" I shouted at him.
"What, you said you would do anything for me," Anakin whispered into my ear. He then removes himself and stares at me with a smirk on his face. I missed that smile, but I didn't want to see it like this.
"I didn't expect this," I told him, a weird response I know. But I didn't have anything else to say.
"Oh don't tell me you're still a virgin?" Anakin asked me in a joking manner. I looked away blushing but I could hear him laughing a little at me. I then felt my pants (or tights) get ripped off my legs then my top, leaving only my panties on. Both of my arms went to my breast and covered them. Anakin hands force them down to my hips, he then pulls me to the ground to my knees. My eyes were still closed because I knew what he was going to do to me and worse I knew Ezra was staring at me. My eye was shut closed till I heard a zipping noise, this made me open my eyes to see a monster in front of my face.
"Uhh…" I stutter, this was the first time I saw a penis, or what looked to be a toddler's arm! I had no idea what I was looking at, 8-9 inches long and 3 sizes too big! Anakin gently grabs one of my Lukkes then pulls my face closer to his manhood to the point it was rubbing against my lips.
"Suck it Ashoka or watch your little friend choke to death," Anakin orders me. My eyes move over to Ezra, who was still watching me but looked like he needed medical attention quickly and so did everyone else. I had no choice, I did what he wanted me to do. I opened mouth then slowly took his manhood into it. I could feel his veins start to twitch in my mouth. At that point I didn't know what to do, the only thing that clicked in my mind was to try to lick where his pulse was twitching and so I did. Anakin sigh as he watches me try my hardest to blow him but was doing terrible, so he took his manhood out my mouth, only for him to then grabbed my headtail. He hoists my body up so that his and my face were on the same level. He smirks at me.
"So, are you ready for the big end?" Anakin asked me. I gulped but didn't answer.
"A…sho…ka…sto..plea…" Ezra muttered my name through the pain he was feeling. I looked over at him and saw blood coming out the end tips of his mouth, he was bleeding on the inside. I need to get him help quickly. I looked back at Anakin than nod my head. Anakin smiles before he threw my body against the wall then pulled my panties down below my knees. I pressed my head against the wall then closed my eyes and waited for something painful to enter me. I could feel his fingertips on my lips as he spreads them apart, showing off my hole. The place all that I never thought to show anyone in my life.
"Just do it already…" I begged him but my words fell on deaf ears. Instead of feeling his manhood enter me I felt his tongue touch my clit instead.
"Wha-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted at him and again it fell on deaf ear. His tongue felt wet and warm against my clit and for some weird reason I couldn't help but moan when he taste my pussy for the first time.
"Mmmm Master…" I moaned, a few seconds I realized what had come out of my mouth. Both of my eyes had widened from fear.
"What the hell did I just say?" I thought. "Am I really enjoying this?"
"Yes, you are," Anakin whispered into my ear. I looked over my shoulders and saw his face so close up to mine I could feel his breath on my lips. He gently leans is lips onto mine, pressing them against mine, kissing me. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, it was so long, wet and practically licking every part of the inside of my mouth. When we separated I could feel his manhood pressing up against my womanhood. Beckoning to enter me, my force he's a beast!
"Master…Anakin…please stop." I moaned but he did not listen to me, instead, he puts it in. making me lose a breath of air. It was long and hard and it was just swarming inside me till it was fully in me, the feeling intense. My walls begin to twitch as he moves in and out of me without any mercy, I knew he was enjoying this, taking my virginity away slowly. Making my friend watch from the sidelines. I press my head against the wall and was taking deep breathes, hoping I could lose air in my head and faint but it didn't work because he grabbed my chin and forcefully kissed me and possibly blew air into my lungs. When we separated I begin to beg:
"Please stop, you had enough!" I shouted at him, but I think I made him mad because he begins to move his hips faster making his length hitting a certain spot inside me that made my head feel funny and my legs feel like jelly. The friction of his hips kept moving to the point my hips started to move with his. His gloves were piercing my skin and my eyes were almost in the back of my head.
"Can you feel it, Ashoka!?" He moaned loudly into my ear. My mind was slowly descending into an unknown world I couldn't even comprehend. A world I didn't know that would one day eat me alive. A world that I would allow to take over me and completely destroy me. But for now, I was just visiting that world as I listen to his voice whispering poison in my ear.
"I'm close Ashoka! I'm going to cum!" He whispered. It was poison, I knew what was going to happen if he came. To carry his child! Wait, can a human and togruta have kids? No…yes…maybe? No, I didn't want to know! Please! Force protect me, please protect me!
"NO!" I begged but that didn't stop him, he kept thrusting and thrust until he came deep inside me. His cum was warm and it was seeping into my womb, I could feel his seeds swimming inside of me. Searching for an egg to fertilize and create life inside me.
It was weird, out of all the battles I fought in my life, this must have been the toughest. Sadly it might have been the easiest on my journey to the dark side.
My body slides down to the ground as my head pressed against the metal frame of the wall. With little strength, I looked over my shoulder and saw Ezra crying. I never felt so horrible then I did at that very second. To make him watch, to make him suffer and to feel weak. I wanted to cry myself, but I didn't. I needed to be strong for him. Sadly, the pain didn't stop.
"Come snips, we're going home," Anakin spoke as he offers a hand to me. I turn my attention to him, I saw that hand reaching to me, offering the same comfort he did as I was younger. I turned my head to the side and started to cry, only to have that hand latch on my shoulder and dragged my limp body across the floor. I was too weak to fight him at this point, all I did was allow him to drag me away.
Kikkie: Hope you enjoyed this! Chapter 2 will be up soon!
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kikkieabby · 6 years
Ahsoka journey to the Dark side: Chapter 2-The Darkness
Ever wondered how you get to certain places of your life? I do every sec, minute, hour and even day. I wonder, what my life would have been if I wasn't found by Plo-Koon? If Anakin wasn't my master? If I wasn't part of the war, let alone join the rebels. I wonder…
"YOU!" A voice shouted to me, making me open my eyes to a bright room that was piercing my skull. I don't remember much from earlier, all I remember was Anakin…no…Vader throwing me into this room with a package filled with clothes. Not something I would wear commonly either. He brought me fabrics of expensive silks and threads. Now my body was covered in white silks and gold chains that held everything together. Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw two clones standing in the doorway of my prison.
"What?" I growled, I was in no mood to fight a couple of clones. These weren't my friends, they were…copies of them.
"Lord Vader wants you in his quarters, move it!" The clone said. Pressing both my hands to my face, I gently rub the crust from them before standing up from the bed. Jumping down, I walked towards the door with one of the clones pointing their blaster at me. Again, I didn't feel like fighting at this point, so I let them escort me to Vader. As I walked through the halls of the new and improved separatist, I begin to think.
Was all of my youth fighting against the sith a waste of time? Their leader was rumored to be part of the Empire, before it went crazy. We were fighting an enemy that was right next to us, hiding as our ally. Yet no one knew or even figured it out. I guess he was an evil genius, not only did he bring two forces of the world together, but also played everyone who helped him like a toy. Even me I guess, but this is just rumors I have heard. True or not, I am still upset.
"Stop." The clone ordered me, for which I did. Standing in front of a large door that had a strong dark aura coming from it. Why was I sensing more than one life form in there? Turning my head back to the clone, I watched him press in a couple of numbers into a panel on the side of the door. Then the door in front of me opens, revealing a string scent of…harmonies?
"Hehehehe…" The clones chuckled before pushing me in. The door slides close before I could ask what they were laughing at? Am I going to die? Be public humiliated? What did Vader have in store for me?
A voice calls to me in the dark. Beckoning me to go towards them. And like an idiot I did. I walked over to the area, turning a corner, my eyes widen at the sight before me. Vader, bare skin laying with multiple females of different races. All of them kissing and playing with both him and each other. His piercing blue eyes move from the two girls playing with his member to me. Moving his right hand from one of their heads to point at me, he moves up hand around and beckons me to come with his index finger.
My heart…I don't know what happened at that second. But force…something inside me showed me something that…I had a vision. I saw myself walking towards him, being forced to join him, our tongues entwining as one, my clothes begin stripped, multiple smiling faces, my body moving against the bed as multiple hands grasp and touch me. No, I didn't want it! I didn't want it!
"No…" I spoke as I backed up, only for my body to hit a wall. My legs were trembling and my heart was pounding faster than the thoughts running through my mind. My eye's, they started to look around the room, searching for an escape route. And Anakin notice.
"Snips?" He asked me as he removed the girls from his body.
"Don't come near me…" I spoke as he rose to his feet. Dear force, I hate to say it but his body was amazing! Still tight and shining from the dim lighting in the room. I have to say, if I wasn't terrified I would have gone another round. But my common sense kicked in and told me to run. So I did, I ran back to the door, only for it to not even try to open for me. No manner how many times I pressed the open button. So instead, I ran to the thing that was opened…the bathroom.
"Oh force…" I thought to myself as I closed the door behind me. Anakin wasn't that far from me when I closed the door. Dear force, please help me.
"SNIPS!" He shouted as he bangs his fist against the door. My eyes widen in fear, I could sense his anger!
"Go away!" I shouted as I frantically looked for a way out. There had to be a way out! I needed to get out and escape to the nearest planet.
"Ahsoka this is your last chance! Come out here right now!"
"I don't want to be your whore!" I shouted…then…nothing. His force, I don't know how but it just disappeared. Like he left the room and calmed down or something. Am I in the clear?
The sound of a lightsaber being turned on. I quickly removed my body from the door and stared at it. Seconds later, I saw a red saber slowly piercing through the door. Oh force, he's coming in! My eye's move all around the area, there had to be a way out…and I found it. The vents! I almost cried when I looked at the small square of hope. Jumping up, I made my fingers gripped the metal. Wasn't hard to yank it down, my weight was enough to pull it to the floor. Once down, I jumped up again and begin to crawl inside the metal area. It was small and dusty, I felt little specs of dirty going into my nose as I crawled. By the time I was halfway to another vent, I heard a loud thunk sound. It must have been the metal Anakin was cutting. He must have seen the cover I left on the floor.
He shouted for me, yea, he knew I was gone! Quickly, I moved my body through the vents. I couldn't sense Anakin, which terrified me. Did he learn how to hide his force? Is that possible? Or did he just lower it to the point it was not recognizable from another creator? I didn't care at this point, I just wanted to get out of here. By the second vent, I removed the metal cover and jumped down to what appeared to be a room.
An empty room that looked to belong to an important member. A big bed, a closet filled with clothes made for a high-ranking fighter, a dresser with a desk covered in jewels. The room was very pretty, but I needed to leave. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a dark burgundy dress. Throwing it on, it fit well against my skin, and it matches my skin color perfectly.
"No time." I thought to myself as I made my way to the door. Those three steps…in those three steps…I felt safe. I didn't know, or how but I felt safe. Like I was going to make it out of this place, where ever it may be. I was so happy…and I didn't even know why. Maybe its because I thought that I had outsmarted the most powerful man in the galaxy…or so I thought.
His spoke from the other side of the door of the room. My body almost went limp from fear at what I heard. My mind even thought for a second that I imagine it, only to feel his force rise in anger. He gently knocks on the door.
"I know you're in there. I can sense you, I feel your fear." He spoke, I don't know why, but I could see him with a cocky expression on his face. He didn't open the door…why?
"Go away…" I begged him. I didn't have a saber, I was so scared that I couldn't use the force and my body was weak. I wanted nothing to do with him right now, nothing but to go home.
"Ahsoka…if you don't open this door by the time I count to ten…" He whispered.
"No…" I whimpered.
"I am going to open it. Then I am going to ravish you to the point you won't be able to walk…1…" He started.
"No! Anakin stop!" I shouted like a scared child. I found myself again looking around for an escape route. Turning my body around, I head back to where the vents were, only to gasp when I saw that they were closed. Oh force, was this his plan?
"2…3…4…" He counted. My head moves side to side frantically, search to find an exit. There was no escape! No hope or even a window to pierce so that I could choke on no oxygen! There was nothing for me to do but hide. But he would find me…and then what?
"5…6…7…" He counted. My eyes closed as my body turns around…
I opened the door with my head to the floor. I didn't even want to watch how this will end. I just hope he makes it quick so I could be one with the force.
"Good snips." He tells me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the intense pain that was his saber. I stood there…but nothing happened. Instead, he grips my chin in his hand, forcing me to look up at him. He licked his lips as his other hand wraps around my waist. Pulling me to his body, pressing my bust against his rock-hard chest.
"Such a naughty girl you are, running away from me like that." He purred in a low husky voice. I didn't really know what to say to him. Honestly, I didn't want to say anything to him.
"Aren't you going to apologise to me?" He asked me. To this, I shook my head no to his words. Both of my hands moved to his chest, trying to push him off me. Only to find that his hand was a metal grip that held onto me like a magnet to metal.
"I want to go home…"
"You are home."
"No I am not!" I growled.
"Yes you are." He tells me.
"Please let me go…" I begged as tears formed in my eyes. I was so scared right now and I just wanted to run away. I feel horrible at this point in my life, me, a skilled fighter reduced to a whimpering child. I felt like puking my guts to the ground and crying.
"No." He tells me. I wanted to so badly punch him, and so I did. With what little strength I had, my hand moves across his face. Leaving a red mark on his left cheek and turning his eye's red. Oh force, what have I done?
"Anakin?" I asked as his grip loosens around me. I wanted to scream and tell him I am sorry. But I couldn't…instead I stood there as he thinks. Didn't take long before he opened his mouth to say:
"Fine." He tells me. My eyes widen at his words. Did he really mean it!? Was he setting me free? Or was he going to destroy me the second I turned my back? Sadly it was neither, for he pushed me into the room. Standing in the doorway, he gives me a sly smirk before saying:
"Why don't you sit in here for a while, think about your actions. I will be back."
Anakin said. And like that, the door closed…leaving me in pitch darkness.
Kikkie: Thank you for reading!
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anisokatrash · 9 years
Star Wars: A Twist of Fate
Chapter 3
A beautiful Angel dressed like a queen, beautiful and fragile her words can heal and destroy. She shines kindly to those in need and are worthy. She burns those who are cruel and spread injustice. She battles with words, her sword a mighty pen.
A brown haired man fatherly and kind wise he guides to the path one must take. His weapons is his mind and the knowledge he carries.
An orange/ red haired man guides us on that path. Brotherly fiercely protective the stars surround them a planet of green below.
A grey ship appears, and begins to grow bigger as the figure before her disappear it get bigger and bigger red and green lights appear around them, the ship swallows them and its inside are made of trees and sunlight resting among the flowers and sunshine her grandmother her eyes are closed and she is not breathing, but she speaks without moving her lips.
"A lake too pure cannot care for life."
Pain spreads she looks down and she feels the blood crawl up to her she can't move and slowly she is growing cold.
"A contaminated lake too cannot care for life. You must find Balance."
Her grandmother's voice echoed around her.
Everything faded the pain receded.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) Ahsoka (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
She opened her eyes expecting to be next to Anakin, why else would she be so relaxed. But she hears the lullaby and she knows it Shmi. Ahsoka feels her hand slide on her middle back Lekku. Making her relaxed.
Her dreams blurring before her eyes, people of light a path a pen, but a message carved into her mind.
The Darkness that seemed to try to consume her would disappear and a path of light will be before her. She doesn't remember much else but that her dream already starting to fade. But she knew that the moment it was necessary she would remember. For now she feelt calm and at peace something that her blood related mother had not been able to make her feel.
Ahsoka has a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something… she tried hard not to think about it instead she relaxes deeper into her the warmth, Shmi and Anakin where like suns of Tatooine warm and constant, brought light and warmth to her. It was why even though Tatooine was dusty and the sand was gritty and coarse and it got everywhere the two sun's and three moons made it all better.
She felt Shmi breath in and out she felt her hear beating, the niggling feeling came back. She was forgetting something….
Where was Anakin? Why was Shmi here? Where was here? She struggled to look around and she felt Shmi tense. She felt her heart rate pick up.
Just like that, that change of emotion brought a fear and a sudden realization of what she had done, What Shmi had seen her do.
She killed that man, she felt his heart beat, thundering in panic under her bare feet, suddenly stop as she broke that man with her teeth.
Ahsoka panic the warmth once soothing felt like it would burn her, she tried to get away and in her struggle she realized she could hurt Shmi, like she had hurt the man. She realized just how much of a monster she was how easily she could hurt those she loved. She was afraid that in her anger she may kill Anakin or Shmi.
She felt Shmi hugged her tighter, unable to help herself she began to cry again, the fear of doing to them what she had done to the man, consuming her with nothing else she could do she cried.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) Shmi (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Shmi held on to Ahsoka as she cried this was the third time she had woken u. In all three times Ahsoka had struggled in her attempt to escape but had stopped in fear of hurting her.
Shmi was afraid that if she allowed Ahsoka to leave, it would be the last she would see her.
Ahsoka was like a daughter to her, she had grown very fond of her. She had the ability to make Anakin smile and laugh out loud. Something she had not seen often before Ahsoka.
Ahsoka began to calm down, and Shmi thinking she had fallen asleep, settled down and was ready to wait for her to wake up again. It surprised her when Ahsoka spoke.
"Don't hate me, please Shmi," she felt Ahsoka grip her shirt in fear of being pushed away her face hidden from her view. "I'm so sorry please, please don't leave, and don't leave me alone, please stay with me."
"Shh, Its ok Ahsoka, I'm not going anywhere we are not going anywhere. " Shmi said trying to calm her.
Watching her fight a man three times her height and probably five times her weight, had scare Shmi. And although Ahsoka won the fight, she could have gotten seriously injured or died.
Shmi had known there had been more to her story about how she came to be in Tatooine. Her bloodied clothes gave her an idea how she avoided slavery. Considering that she didn't have a single injury on herself, Shmi had concluded that the blood belonged to another.
Shmi had not feared Ahsoka then, and she would certainly not fear her now. If she was given the opportunity to do what Ahsoka did, Shmi would have done it if only for Anakin to be born free.
"Why did you stay?" Ahsoka asked silently, having calmed down with her words.
"Because I love you like a daughter, and when one of my children is sad I need to comfort them as a mother should." Shmi said and she felt Ahsoka relaxed. Not completely but enough. Feeling more confident Shmi asked the question that had been plaguing her since the fight.
"Why did you do it?" Shmi asked not accusingly but in a confused tone.
Ahsoka stayed silent for a long time. Before she spoke.
"I place a bet on myself as the victor, I'm going to use the money to free you and Anakin." Ahsoka answered in a tone as if she had been reading it from a book. She felt Shmi take a deep breath in shock.
"You place your life in danger for this? Ahsoka you could have died! Do you know what that would have done to Anakin and me?" Shmi reprimanded Ahsoka mostly out of reflex. Before stopping herself, as she felt Ahsoka try to make herself smaller.
She decided to stop the reprimanding she would have a serious talk with Ahsoka about putting herself in bodily harm. She instead began to pet the back leku gently. She felt Ahsoka relax under her ministrations.
Although in her heart she wanted to fully embrace Ahsoka as part of her family the fact that she was slave, shmi had to ask Watto for permission, and he had denied it under the grounds that "Not my slave, not my responsibility, not my problem."
Luckily Ahsoka had been wondering the town while Shmi had been talking to Watto, and had rescued Sy Snootles a youngling working for Jabba from captors, entranced with her beauty.
With Sy Snootles endorsement Jabba allowed her to work for him as a cleaning lady for having rescued one of his pride jewels.
When Shmi found out, she was happy for Ahsoka but sad thinking that this would be the last moment she would see her again. Since she was not a slave she would not want to been seen with them.
Much to her surprise she came over to her house every day talking to Anakin building droids, and finally working on the Pod Racer.
Ahsoka was pretty much living there without actually living there. She had her own utensil and plates and cup.
Shmi constantly finding her sleeping in Anakin's room. She would always managed to predict when a sand storm would hit and would coincidentally be at her house right before.
Ahsoka began to make house hold chores into a completion, one Anakin would be able to refuse. How many dishes could she wash than Anakin? Who could clean a certain place a faster. By the time Shmi would get home the house would be neat and Anakin and Ahsoka tired.
Shmi had begun to notice Anakin laughing louder and smiling lounger, she had also notice the same effect on herself, since Ahsoka had entered their lives.
Ahsoka next words snapped her out of her memories.
"Don't tell Ani, please I don't want to hurt him I don't want him to hate me or be afraid of me." Ahsoka said her body relaxed, her eyes closed as a stray tear fell.
"Soka you and Anakin are best friends, someday you will have to tell him, he may resent that you didn't tell him before." Shmi said seriously.
"I'll let future me deal with that." Ahsoka said with a slight smile. Making Shmi laugh and shake her head.
"Oh fine Snips I won tell him, how are you going to explain the sudden influx in money?"
"Simple, I'll tell him the truth, which is: I placed a bet and I won." Ahsoka responded sleepily.
As happy as Shmi was that she and Anakin where going to get their freedom she couldn't help but think what the real price would be, how the darkness she had seen in Ahsoka would manifest itself should she place in a similar or worse situation.
She only hoped that whatever would come in the future Ahsoka would always have both her and Anakin to rely on.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) Ahsoka (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Shmi left shortly, having to go home and make sure Anakin hadn't gotten into trouble. Ahsoka had been awake since then, feeling her injury heal, she still felt nauseous whenever she thought about what she had done, but was able to push it down. Ahsoka wasn't sure if she could ever look into Anakin's eyes after what she had done.
Ahsoka didn't have long to contemplate those thoughts before she heard the telling noise of heels that let her know Snootles was making her way in the hall way.
Sy Snootles opened her door and walked in. Making sure that Shmi had left, she walked over to Ahsoka's bed and sat on the end.
"Jabba is pleased by his earnings." She said. Sy snootles was not affectionate, at least not to anybody but her target. Although she was older now from the first time Ahsoka had met her at the age of 14 the following three years of their acquaintance she had recently gotten popular due to her voice.
Jabba had her trained in the "Night Arts", whatever that was, and liked to use her as a weapon of seduction, whenever someone had something planned.
One of the few things she had learned from being so close to the Hutt's was that they weren't as stupid as people thought, how could they with the way they avoided falling under the Republic, and how big their crime empire was.
Sy Snootles was Ahsoka closest friend, aside from Anakin, and she used the term friend on her loosely. She liked doing what she had been trained to do, saying it gave her pleasure to see men fall putty unto her hands.
"The Great Jabba the Hut has a proposition for you, he wishes to negotiate a new deal, and give you a sponsorship."
"I'll hear him out" Ahsoka said as she stood up.
Snootles then place a box on the bed next to Ahsoka, "This is a gift from me. It'll make you look presentable before Jabba."
She then stood up and walked out of the room.
Snootles, and Ahsoka's "friendship" was a mutual benefit one, the more recognition and fame Ahsoka got the higher Snootles rank rose.
If Jabba was looking to sponsor Ahsoka that would mean a higher position for Snootles as well.
Opening the box Ahsoka peeked at the contents, a simple but backless dress, and thighs with squares on the side, red boots and a pair of gloves.
Snootles knew that Jabba only took you seriously if one looked good, to keep the attention on yourself.
Ahsooka quickly changed before making her way to Jabbas palace.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) Ahsoka (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
"An Assassin? Me?" Ahsoka asked incredulously, she was barely 9 years old.
"Who would suspect a child for an assassin?" Jabba asked her Huttese.
"Well I would guess your guest that just saw me kill that human!" Ahsoka responded, as an idea came to mind. "Look Mighty Jabba what if perhaps I become not an assassin but a body guard?"
"Your guest have seen my skills but they don't understand it. As a Togruta I can see without actually seeing, by using my montrals. You must have assassins trying to kill you. What if I were able to see sense their attacks/intentions before they actually attacked?"
Ahsoka counter offered.
"And why would I not just find a much older Togruta that can do the same?" Jabba asked
She knew it was dangerous to do so but she also knew that it was one of her only few cards she could play.
"I have something those Togrutas don't, I have 3 years of experience and loyalty, I come recommended by Snootles, and if you release the people who I call family you will have my eternal gratitude."
"The slaves owned by the toydorian name Watto I presume?" he asked. Before nodding slowly, "you carry truth in those words, but what is to ensure that you won't betray me, run off with them?"
That gave Ahsoka pause as she thought it out. It was then that Jabba made and offer that had those in the chamber literally let mouth drop open in shock.
"I know that to Togruta kind family is everything, once a Togruta considers someone a family member it is near impossible for them to betray them. It goes against instinct. Instead of a sponsorship I will adopt you, but you not will inherit a thing, and this way will ensure any of my children will become a brother and you cannot betray a brother. I shall never treat you as my child, but you will be bonded to my family, secretly. You will become a unofficial Daughter, under the guise of sponsorship."
"W-what?" before shaking her head in an effort to clear it. She felt a pull of her instincts telling her to think. The Hutt name held power, even if she didn't stand to inherit or even truly acknowledge as a full Hutt, The name alone would act as a shield of protection. "I am willing to agree but I would like to add something else to that offer."
"It will not be required to change my last name, and I wish for the rest of my family to be liberated from the chains of slavery." Ahsoka finished.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) JABBA (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Jabba wasn't a fool He knew what Ahsoka was, she was a Jedi, and even better she was a Togruta Jedi. Having one adopted into his family, would ensure that any of his children would be protected by her in the future.
Whether she was trained to be a Jedi, and become a medium between them, or not trained, if he played his cards right he knew he held a great weapon, he could mold.
He wasn't willing to easily slip from his hands which is why he fully intended to adopt her into his family.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Watto parted with Anakin and Shmi angrily and unwillingly, unable to much but accept less than what he would have sold them for.
Having extra money meant that she could invest that money into a business. She bought a small two story shop. And converted the second floor into a small house for the three of them.
Anakin knowledge of mechanics and parts combined with C3P0'S extensive languages, they would be able to handle the shop, Shmi assisting and supervising whenever possible and Ahsoka taking over, when she got back from work and Shmi would go to prepared dinner.
Ahsoka plan was to use the excess of money to start buying out their friends from slavery.
Ahsoka often times would be so tired that she couldn't spend a lot of time with Anakin, but she was also avoiding him afraid that he would be able to sense or smell the blood of the men she had killed…
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) ANAKIN (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Anakin was at his wit's end. Ever since Ahsoka announced his freedom, and her sudden adoption into the Hutt's family, that apparently needed to be a secret, she had stopped coming at night to his bed, she had stopped grabbing his hand. Often times she couldn't even look at him in the eyes. She had even stopped talking to him, except to say good morning and goodnight.
He was worried that something bad had happened to her, he was angry that she wasn't telling him.
Frankly after a month of that Anakin had had enough. As Ahsoka came back to the house after her work Anakin took her by surprise and grabbed her hand and pulled her into his room closing the door behind him
Anakin stared at her, seeing her warily look at him before looking away trying to pull her hand away. Only for Anakin to grip it tighter. He saw dark circles around her eyes from exhaustion.
"I'm not letting you out until you tell me what I did wrong." He said quietly, he watched her face turn to look at him her eyes widen and her mouth opened in shock.
"You didn't do anything," she said her hand that he wasn't holding, moving to touch him but she pulled it back.
"Then why are you acting so strange?" his voice got louder her eyes going back to where he was gripping her hand.
"Just tired." She said silently, suddenly sensed his anger and sadness spike causing her to once again look up. He had tears on his eyes his eyebrows furrowed, she saw his shoulder tremble and his hand begin to shake.
"Soka, your my best friend, if your hurt… if something happened-"he couldn't finish. Feeling is tears sliding down his cheeks. Being a slave he had seen how the prettiest girls once so friendly and happy began to change the lights in their eyes begin to fade, eventually they would disappear. He didn't know what exactly happened to them, his mother only said that beauty was a curse for people like them. He didn't want Ahsoka to disappear…
Almost as if reading his thoughts Ahsoka pull him into a hug. "I'm fine really just tired from using my montrals for long periods of time. It makes me cranky." Ahsoka said as Anakin returned the hug
"Don't avoid me Soka that makes me sad, and I feel lonely.
"I'm sorry Ani."
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) 1 WEEK BEFORE THE BONTHA CLASSIC EVE (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
The following two months since their talk Ahsoka adjusted to a new pattern consisting of sneaking into Anakin's Bed early in the morning waking up in the early in the afternoon and going to the shop spending time with Anakin fixing and building droids, and sometimes even working on their Pod Racer..
It was 1 week before the Bontha Classic Eve, Jabba had given her the week off so that Ahsoka could prepare for the race.
As Ahsoka had made her way back home. Early in the morning. Ahsoka climbed the stairs to the second floor where she saw Shmi and Anakin had fallen asleep on the couch.
The sun barely rising illuminating them, they looked like angels. So peaceful and warm, Ahsoka couldn't help herself.
Smiling Ahsoka rushed to her room found a nice blanket, she covered them and snuggled on to Shmi opposite of Anakin. Instantly she was enveloped by their scent and she felt warmth spread, after having walk early in the morning in the cold dessert.
She felt Shmi move her hand and felt it slide against her middle back lekku. She was slightly awake having heard Ahsoka come in.
"Welcome home Ahsoka." She murmured sleepily. Ahsoka closed her eyes feeling comfortable, feeling peaceful surrounded by the people she loved, heart lighten for what seemed to be the first time since that fight. She fell asleep, her dreams filled with, an angel in trouble escaping a world of green and blue.
two men with swords of light, the protectors of the angel, who would guide her and Anakin to their destinies.
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anisokatrash · 9 years
Star Wars: A Twist of Fate
Chapter 2
Anakin woke up nice and early, so used to having to go to the shop, he forgot Watto had given him the day off due to the upcoming fight. Although he had the day off his mother didn't she was to go with Watto to fetch him drinks and food.
Soon after breakfast his mother departed and he went to the back where he had his and Soka's Pod Race. Given a few more months and he was sure they would finish it before the Boonta Eve Classic.
Anakin's friend Kitster approached him first looking around before getting nearer.
"Don't worry Kitster, Ahsoka isn't here." Anakin said to his friend.
"She's been glaring at me since last year. " he responded sitting next to the tools to hand them Anakin.
"It wasn't you fault that my pod exploded, it was the Sebulba's for cheating." Anakin said not taking his eyes off what he was doing.
"Yeah but I was supposes to keep an eye on him." Kitster responded sadly."
"He is a tricky one I don't think you could have done much." Anakin responded only for Kitster to shrug his shoulders. Thay continued working silently, only occasionally breaking the silence to request a tool. Their minds on the past and what could have been prevented.
That day Anakin was in the lead until right before the second run of the course, right as he was crossing the finish line to continue on to the third, Anakin stopped the pod jumped out bolting away from the ship reached where Ahsoka was just as the pod racer exploded.
Ahsoka had managed to somehow twist them midair and had gotten a small piece of metal to pierce her arm. Anakin knew that had Ahsoka not moved him that metal shard would had hit him in the back. Although he was grateful that she had saved him. He was also angry that she had place herself in danger.
After the first night that Ahsoka had sneaked into his room crying and scared, Anakin had sworn he would protect her. But somehow or the other she always ended up protecting him.
Ahsoka was bleeding heavily, but Anakin noticed that she wasn't crying. She was baring her teeth out of pain but not one tear was falling. Soon the medics picked her off of him. Taking her away to the medic tent to get the shard removed.
She still had the scar from that day. Since then Anakin swore to himself he would not allow her to be hurt again.
Unfortunately he did not know that in a few hours she would be fighting for her life.
"Do you think she'll forgive me soon" Kitster asked.
"It wasn't your fault, and Ahsoka isn't even angry anymore, she just doesn't know how to restart a friendship." Anakin responded knowing full well that it was true.
It was few hours later that Anakin began to have a bad feeling about something, he wasn't sure why or what was causing it. He just felt like something was wrong.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
Ahsoka had bought specific clothes for the fight. Tatooine being a dessert planet with two suns, meant that you needed to cover your skin or else be burned. She had to get used to wearing shoes to avoid her feet burning on the sand as well.
It cut off her connection to the planet, and for the first few months Ahsoka had been very clumsy falling over her own feet or others.
She got used to them over time and tended to be shoe less with Anakin or in her room.
For the fight she decided to be shoe less, since it would be and indoor she would be more in tuned to her opponents and her instincts. Being a newbie fighter she would need everything she could use.
The rest was a simple mid drift tube top, finger less gloves, a skirt with tights that went under the foot, but still left the heel and the sole and toes exposed.
The fight wasn't set to start until a couple of hours more, so Ahsoka sat down on her bed closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind. Letting metaphorical energy go in and out.
It was something her grandmother had thought her, when she had been a child. She said it would help her focus, that she needed a clear mind, and that patience was necessary when hunting.
And so Ahsoka, meditated just like how her grandmother had thought her. During her meditation her mind conjured up memories from her pas. First it was nice memories.
Anakin and her fixing a pod racer, Anakin and her helping Shmi with the chores so that her job would be finished sooner and they could all eat tighter. Shmi, Anakin, and her sitting outside looking at the stars. Falling asleep and waking up in Anakin's bed. Sensing sleepily Shmi entering Anakin's room and covering them both with the blanket. Having Shmi comfort her as she cried from having a metal shard being remove from her shoulder.
Slowly those memories began to get darker, seeing a vision of Anakin being pierced by a metal shard that would leave him unable to walk. Seeing Anakin and Shmi being sold off. Never seeing Shmi or Anakin again. Shmi dying, Anakin using the dark instincts. Anakin dying.
The feeling of tears and a knock to her door broke her concentration.
"You're on in thirty minutes darling." She heard the young Twi'lek Sy Snootles.
"I'm ready." Ahsoka said making sure her voice didn't break.
"I'll inform them." She walked away. Her tiny heels clicking with each step.
Ahsoka gave herself a once over before taking a deep breath and walking out and made her way to where she could hear the crowd.
(-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-) (-0-)
She step unto the ring, to the laughter and jeers from the crowd. Ahsoka ignored it and got to the center.
Her opponent was a large human male, he looked feral. His beard unkempt and dirty like his hair. He had scars all over his body. He was a season fighter, and from his stance and from his scent Ahsoka could tell he was underestimating her.
The rules of the fight was simple give up or die. From the look of the male before her, Ahsoka knew there was no way he would give up. Well unless he was in extreme pain.
A metal cage dropped around Ahsoka and her opponent. The man didn't bother getting into a position, cockily walking towards her looking at the crowd cockily.
Ahsoka ran, quickly getting behind him and kicking the back of his knees making him in surprise fall on his knee. At the perfect height he began turning to punch in reflex but Ahsoka beat him to the punch, literly punching him in the face first. Making him fall forward.
The crowd went wild yelling and howling those close to the cage began banging against it. The man began to get up trying to shake it off but Ahsoka was faster using her all her strength she kicked him in the ribs. She heard a crack and the man began to moan.
"Give up." Ahsoka the man instead grabbed her by the leg and squeezed, Ahsoka yelled and fisting her hand she punched the man where a purple bruise began to show. The man didn't release her so she punched him again she sense something happen inside the man.
As he coughed up blood, Ahsoka began to feel that scary instinct she hadn't felt in so long, a darkness begin to rise.
Baring her clenched teeth she growled out.
"Give up"
The man turned on his back in pain looking at Ahsoka in fear. A part of her seemed to purr at the look her prey had, she took a step closer. The pain in her leg forgotten, the crowd faded from her view point, it was just her, the hunter and it, the pray.
And a hunter did not show weakness to the prey.
But even submerged in her instincts a small part of her managed to growl one last time.
"Give up or die."
The man's eyes widen his breathing coming out erratically Ahsoka could feel the liquid quickly filling his lungs.
"I- I give up." He managed to say as the crowd booed, and jeered at the man.
The crowd began to complain that the fight hadn't lasted as long as they wanted, they wanted to see a long drawn out fight or/to the death. So Jabba waived his hand and the protocol droid translated his words.
"The great Mighty Jabba announces a change of the rules. Only one may get out of the cage alive." The droid announcement was met with cheers.
The man looked at Ahsoka fear filling his eyes as he began to move away from her. The movement causing to cough up more blood. Ahsoka hoped over to the man as he tried to escape.
She bare her teeth and crouched into position. The man turned back onto his stomach in his haste to escape.
A Pure chasing and hunting instinct took over for Ahsoka, as she watched her prey try to escape. She leapt into the air landed on his back her sharpened canine teeth into the his neck piercing him right over Cervical Vertebrae piecing him right in between the bones and snapping them apart. Killing him instantly.
She let out a victorious howl, as if to announcing that she had taken down her foe.
She raised her fist in the air as the crowd gave a thunderous cheer. Ahsoka looked at the crowd and cheers, and then suddenly she saw someone she didn't want her to see her like that.
Shmi was looking at her in horror, and that was what pulled straight back unto reality.
Suddenly she felt the blood still dripping down her chin. And she felt the weight of what she had done as she looked down at her prey.
But he wasn't some animal, he was human. Like Anakin, like Shmi. The darkness disappeared and all she felt was revulsion at her actions, the pain from her leg flared up now that the adrenaline was passing and she felt to her knees.
The cage lifted. But Ahsoka couldn't bring herself to look up. A medical droid walked over lifted her up and took her to the medical room.
The doctor took one look at her before handing her a bucket, to which she promptly threw up in. She felt a hand on her back rubbing it as she continued to throw up even when there was nothing left.
She killed a man, her hands where trembling and she felt the hot tears even as she vomited unto the bucket. The same soothing hand on her back, attempting to make her feel better.
Shmi had seen her kill that man, Ahsoka was sure that she would keep Anakin away from her, that she would stop her from ever going near her and Anakin again.
Ahsoka began to hyperventilate the pain her leg long forgotten and insignificant when compared to the pain in her heart. Once again she felt the pull off darkness, A large flare suddenly engulfing her blocking out her common senses and filling her with an awful idea: she could buy them from watto but not give them their freedom, they would belong to her and that they would have no other option but to let her stay with them. they would never be able to leave her they would be her for ever...
Just as suddenly as those thoughts came to her mind did she vomit again that small distraction was enough to pull her from the darkness and making her realize that Anakin would hate her that Shmi would hate her as well. Another growing voice reminded Ahsoka that she hadn't done that to gain their favor, but to repay it.
Then she heard another voice.
"It's alright Ahsoka you're ok, everything is alright. I'm here." The voice belonged to Shmi, and Ahsoka realized that the hand on her back also belonged to Shmi. That Shmi was actually holding her this whole time.
Her awareness to her surrounding flared up. Shmi's heart was steady her feelings where concerned and sadness, there was no fear, and for the first time in a long time, the darkness released her.
Ahsoka began to cry as she clung unto Shmi. Shmi just rocked her back and forth humming a lullaby that Ahsoka would often hear her sing to Anakin and herself whenever Ahsoka had found herself in their home during a bad sandstorm.
Although Ahsoka refused to fall unconscious to go to sleep, terrified of seeing the man she had just kill as he joined the other two that tended to torture her dreams, soon fell asleep in Shmi's arms.
The droid doctor approached her and Shmi as she setteled the sleeping Ahsoka down onto the bed she tried to step away but her grip on her shirt didn't let her, the droid waived it off.
"You can stay close I will just be giving her a once over to see if there is any more damage, aside from her leg."
"Thank you" Shmi said as she looked at the little girl who for some insane reason was forced to fight today.
Shmi didn't fear Ahsoka, living in such a commercial planet she had met different species, including a Togruta female who had just been passing by. Shmi had noticed that she what been carnivorous. And quickly realized that species like that tended to be hunters.
Although The togruta traveler had been a huntress she was extremely gentle when she had pick up Anakin. Who had been very fussy, she had managed to calm him down singing a lullaby, the very same lullaby that Shmi had just sang to Ahsoka.
"Hmm her knuckles have small fractures and her leg is not broken but will be badly bruised." The droid announced as it pulled out a two hypospray injector and injected it to Ahsoka.
"Pain medicine and," He inject another, "and Bacta pump, to increase healing rate. I shall now inform the Great Jabba the Hutt about her condition."
It left leaving Shmi behind with Ahsoka. And her questions running through her mind the most prominent one, what possessed Ahsoka to join one of the most dangerous activities in Tatooine?
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anisokatrash · 9 years
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Trying to make myself happy since i watched that season 2 midseason trailer...
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anisokatrash · 9 years
Star Wars: A Twist of Fate
Summary: Takes place in the phantom Menace. Ahsoka is six months younger than Anakin, she isn't discovered by Master Plo Koon, but by Master Qui Gon Jinn right alongside Anakin. The story changes but most of the plots remain. Except no Padme x Anakin. sorry…this is a Anisoka future pairing (in sequel) Don’t worry no character bashing or anything.
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker, Jabba The Hutt.
Chapter 1
A Togruta youngling named Ahsoka had a dark orange complexion which contrasted beautifully with her white marks on her face, her Leku and montrals where white with blue stripes. She was rather on the skinny side, but that might have been due to her poor nutritional meals.
Among the Togrutas she had been extremely different, which was bad, even among the tribe she had been an outcast. She didn't eat rare meat, she refused to participate in hunting's, she seemed to know when tragedy was about to occur, she prefer to silently contemplate a flower than participate in social circles.
She had been given off to the Tribe leader to be raised but even he found her too strange, and soon returned her to her family. Who in turn, the first chance that they had. Sold her off to slave traders.
The men place her in a cage and soon she felt the ship depart. She wasn't sure how it happened. One moment she had been in a cage among other rarities, the next she felt a rush of darkness over take her, and before she realized the pilot was dead.
She had a metallic tasted in her mouth, as the ship began to descend rapidly the copilot had been standing above her, with a gun on his hands The moment the ship crashed he flew back thru the windshield, Ahsoka flew into the bottom of the controls, and lost consciousness.
She remembered her dream vividly that darkness that surrounded her, when out of nowhere a human who shine so brightly appeared before her in the darkness extended his hand to her with a smile. But Ahsoka didn't take his hand she couldn't see her hand from all the sticky red stuff that somehow blended with the darkness. He didn't seemed bothered as he waved at her to follow him. She took one step forward, only to have consciousness rushed to her.
Her eyes opened suddenly as she realized where she was. Her whole body ached, her head hurt so badly and she was cold and sticky. Her mouth tasted horrible but she couldn't spit because it was so dry. She tried to sit up but cried out in pain. She lay there for a while pushing back her tears.
It was dark and she couldn't see a thing. At first she believed she was blind but the moon was shining just slightly for her to see the interior of the ship. The events from her black out came to her as she laid there unable to move.
She had acted on instinct, and that instinct was cold and dark, she was angry and scared, she was just five years old and she held such hatred for the parents that abandoned her. Something made the bars in her cage bend enough for her to go thru. Something led her to where the men were piloting the ship, something made her crouch and hiss to draw their attention, when both of the men turned around towards her yell, and something had her jump at the pilot open her mouth and take a large chunk off his neck.
The other man grabbed her and threw her against the wall as he went to help his friend, but the same thing guided her body into avoiding injury, and making her land on her feet. She remember turning to look to the man, she remember the living man looking at her in fear, as she tilted her head sideways and liked her fingers that had still fresh blood.
She watched the man pull a blaster from his side his hands shaking as he looked at her in fear. Something within her seemed to love that, and that was what shocked her out of that darkness as the ship crashed into the sand the man flew out of the cockpits window, and Ahsoka who was close to the ground was slammed under the controls.
Her memories retuning made her breathing to accelerate making her side hurt, she was scared and alone, that night she tried to avoid sleep, she didn't want to sleep afraid of what she might see. As she was filled with fear, at herself and her surroundings.
Many hours later the sun began to rise, she watched as the light slowly filtered from the window and slowly made its way across the floor, it hurt to move, but slowly she got out from the controls. She laid on the open floor struggling to breath, she was hungry and thirsty and so tired, she couldn't move.
She collapsed into sleep tired and sunburned, and thirsty. She one again dreaming about a boy who shine so brightly she was afraid to touch and infect him with her darkness.
But this time instead of waving at her to follow him, as he had done previously, he reached out to her into the darkness and touched her hand lightly with just his digits as if afraid to hurt her. Ahsoka tried to move away but her body was frozen.
His fingers then moved and as if feeling for her hand, he found her hand and gripped it tightly. The boy smiled in victory, as her darkness began to disappear.
The boy smiled as she was slowly reveled from the darkness. Her body stopped feeling stiff and suddenly she could move her arms. The boy began to step away still holding her hand he pulled her along and as she took her first step, once again she felt herself slip back into consciousness
She woke up again, this time she stayed still, marveling from her vantage point of view the stars billions of stars before her, from the broken cockpit window. She stayed still as she watched the sky slowly shift as the sun began to rise. She didn't move a muscle too terrified of the pain.
She was still hungry and thirsty, and she knew she needed to leave the ship and find food soon or she would die. Slowly she braced herself as the sun continued to turn the sky into morning, she began to move to a sitting position, only to not feel any pain.
She slowly stood up not feeling any of the pain from before, and except for hungry and thirsty she was feeling better. The light was stronger allowing to see around her she saw the pilot slumped on the controls.
The cockpit had sand all over. She made her way out of there. She needed to eat something she let her instinct guide her to a kitchen. She made her way to the fridge and opened it. Looking at the food she quickly opened them and began to eat straight from the container.
She then drained one of the waters and took one for the road. She finally wondered out unto the dessert. Soon her water was gone and she was hot and thirsty and definitely lost.
She didn't know when but she collapsed onto the ground. That's how Shmi had found her, she and Anakin who had been heading home carried her to their place and nursed her back to health.
From the moment Ahsoka opened her eyes all her instincts were telling her that she was safe. At first thinking she was dreaming as the golden boy was holding her hand. He smelled of sunshine and oil. She closed her eyes but opened then once again when a woman who smelled related to the boy walked in.
The boy introduced himself as Anakin, and his mother as Shmi. They then talked a bit as he asked how she came to be on the dessert. His mother changed the dried towel and petted her head as she left.
She began to sing a song quietly and soon Ahsoka found herself falling asleep again.
They never pushed for more information, when she said she wasn't chipped they believed it because Togruta children where almost never abandoned and it was unheard of for them to be sold. That was why they fetched a high price while they were young, especially the age of Ahsoka.
When she asked where they were Anakin told her about Tatooine the planet that was in control of the Crime Hutt Family. He told her that it was said that all the scumbags of the galaxy had been on Tatooine the sandy planet at one point in their lives. He also explained that while the republic had banned slavery, Tatooine had not. And in fact Tatooine was the place to sell to, if you wanted to get money fast.
Anakin and his mother Shmi were slaves owned by a Toydarian called Watto. They had been won in a bet by him.
That's how her life in Tatooine began, she couldn't stay with them because their owner Watto, refused to feed a mouth that didn't belong to him.
Ahsoka managed to get a job with Jabba the Hut who was fond of rarity in species, parties, and violent fights. Being an abandoned Togruta female child which was rarity of itself he allowed her to work for him cleaning after the fights and parties, low pay but with a small room, which she accepted.
She worked early mornings and late nights, she tended to spend her evenings with Anakin who was six months older than her.
They were thick as thieves Anakin teaching her about building ships Ahsoka telling him about her home planet and all the trees and grass, how she climb the trees and swing from vines, and he would listen with wrap attention. Sometimes other children would approach to hear her stories.
Anakin was a smart boy although he was only six month older than her, he was and inventor, his current creation was a droid named C-3P0, he was not fully completed but he could translate for them any language.
Ahsoka wished to free the Skywalker family and all the money she got that was not used on meals she saved in order to buy them out.
She soon realized that the fastest way to win money was fighting. As she saw the contestant of the fight earn a large amount of money. For the following year Ahsoka watched their fighting styles teaching the movements she tended to practice alone not wanting to tell Anakin of what she had planned.
She wasn't sure if it was her instinct or just her natural acrobatic hunting nature but she could jump higher, move faster than Anakin, and if she concentrated she could break hard solid objects.
She knew her opponent would lower their defenses when they fought her. Being a child and she had every intention of exploiting it.
She also had a trump card, the darkness sometimes came to her although it only came when she pushed herself too far mentally.
The first fight happened by accident she had been ordered to serve drinks at one of the Hutts family parties, when one of the perverted guest decided to get handy with her. At six years old Ahsoka got sacred no one helped her as he began lead her out of the party her panic disappeared only for the darkness she hadn't felt since the ship had crashed rose from within her.
The humanoid male soon found himself face down as Ahsoka grabbed his hand twisted behind his back dislocating his arm making him yell out in pain. She was standing on his back while he lied on the floor moaning.
Instead of getting angry the partiers all laughed at the male before continuing their party. Jabba ordered the servants to bring him Ahsoka. She had expected to be reprimanded and fired or worse. But instead He laughed telling her that in his palace the only one to be protected was him and his, he expect everyone else to fend for themselves.
It was three years later that she approached Jabba about allowing her to enter the fight, he had denied her request saying it would be a waste to ruined such a good specimen.
Ahsoka then asked to allow to show her skill. Interested he agreed, he had one of his guards test her out, telling him to hurt her but not enough to stop her from working.
The man made to rush at her, but Ahsoka side swept him jumped and kicked him on his back making him slam his face unto the floor. Nose bleeding the man turned angry.
Her low stature prevent him from using his fist so he began to try to kick her. But she kept avoiding each of his move. It was when he made his fifth low spinning sweep kick that she jumped land on his knee swiftly raising her own she kneed his face using all her strength. She felt something crunch as the man flew back.
Jabba clapped exited certain that she would attract a large crowd knowing that even if she lost he would get a lot of money.
He agreed to reward her handsomely whether she won or lost. He gave her one week off to prepare.
She didn't tell Shmi or Anakin, she had seen the fighters, she had had to clean after them. If she died she didn't want them to blame themselves.
During that week she spent most of her time with Anakin, when he was busy she would work on the pod until he returned.
Although he asked why she wasn't at her job she told him she had a week off. He didn't ask anymore just happy to be able to spend so much time with his best friend.
The night before her fight Ahsoka sneaked into Anakin's room. It wasn't unusual. The first time she had sneaked into his room she had been crying, he couldn't get her to tell her why she was crying and eventually gave up and had comforted her to the best of his ability that day they fell asleep holding hands on his bed.
Ever since every time she was afraid she would sneak into his room. He wouldn't ask her questions but would pat her back until she fell asleep, holding her hand.
This time it was different as Ahsoka laid down on his bed he opened his eyes expecting to see her crying. But instead Ahsoka was smiling.
"Hey Ani." She said.
"Hi Soka." He murmur sleepily.
"Tomorrow I'm going to do a very big job." She said quietly. She watched him sleepily nod at her.
"Know Jabbs big fight." He slurred slightly still between sleep and awake.
"Yeah," her smile dimmed, Anakin noticed and sleepily put his arm around her waist. And watched as her smile returned. He shut his eyes, feeling the pull unconsciousness. "Hey Ani what are you dreaming of?"
"My mom and me are free, and were on planet with a lot of grass and where having a picnic surround by angels." Anakin smiled. He didn't open his eyes, so he didn't see her sad smile. But he did feel her hand go over his waist as she moved closer their foreheads touching.
"I'm going to very busy tomorrow, so stop by my house the next day, alright. I'll have a present for you."
Anakin nodded already falling into sleep smiling rubbing his forehead with hers.
They fell asleep dreming of the hope for their possible futures.
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anisokatrash · 9 years
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So i think they would name their son after Obi Wan. i also like to imagine he fights like his mother.
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