#AnD aT lAsT i SeE tHe LiGhTsSsSs~
peoplepersonoaktree · 8 months
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I read something like 30 mins ago that said that some mushrooms glow in the dark. And then I stole it and made this.
And it's kind of giving tangled vibes tbh
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 10
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: The reader wakes up.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of hospital care.
“So, I’m gonna make it really clear, you’re going to have your work cut out with her. She’s stubborn, a know it all, unfortunately because she does know it all, photographic memory and all that, the situations she sometimes gets herself in aren’t always great but she always and I mean always has a way out. She doesn’t eat right. Her sleep pattern is worse than a teething toddler and believe me I know” He said looking down at Nathanial in his arms, “but she is fiercely loyal, if you call her for anything, she could be having tea with a royal and she’d drop everything to save your ass or in Laura’s case so you can have a shower without a screaming child and take a nap in peace. She’ll hold you through your nightmares, be your biggest supporter and snap a guys neck if they’ve hurt you. She feels all her emotions at ten times the level we do. Sometimes that’s great, sometimes it’s really not. Now, I’m gonna ask you, don’t pursue this unless you’re sure. Please.”
“She’s our soulmate Clint, there’s no way we aren’t pursuing this.” Replied Steve.
“I know she’s your soulmate but….”
“But what?” Asked Bucky.
“She sometimes, well it’s not my place to say.”
Steve and Bucky both huffed in response. They’d been sick of those words over the last few days. When you’d gripped the bed rail and bent it right in front of them it was clear you were different in some way. Match that with carrying Pietro like you did, Steve and Bucky were sure you were like them. A super soldier.
When Helen Cho entered the room after you’d been sedated, and spoke quietly to Bruce as they set up the cradle, they didn’t miss Bruce’s whispered “accelerated healing” or the mention of having to possibly rebreak some of your bones as they’d have already have set wrong. When they asked Bruce the response was “it’s not my place to say”. The same words were uttered when Steve asked Natasha why her and Clint were her emergency contacts and next of kin.
“You know I’m sick of hearing those words.” Steve told Clint.
“You know what fine, fuck it, yes I know language in front of the baby. He’s heard worse. Natasha and Y/N are his godmothers, he probably knows the f bomb in six different languages already. Look she struggles with the whole soul mate thing.”
Bucky’s head snapped up.
“How so?” Asked Steve.
Before Clint had chance to answer you groaned from the bed, causing the three men to jump to their feet, Nathanial jostling in Clint’s arms.
“Lightsssss, bright light, bright light.” You groaned, squeezing your eyes tightly.
“Shit, I forgot, F.R.I.D.A.Y dim the lights.” Clint instructed. “Good morning you little gremlin.”
“Gremlin?” Steve asked. “Sweetheart can you hear us?”
“It’s from a movie.” Bucky answered “Don’t put it on your damn list, it’s awful. Babydoll?”
“It is not. It’s a cult piece.” Clint replied.
“Whatever. Doll, can you hear us?”
You groaned again and muttered Clint’s name. He pushed past Steve and handed him a wiggling Nathanial, squeezing your hand and stroking your face affectionately. Bucky wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
“Hey kid, I’m here, open your eyes, you’ve had us all worried. Laura’s even started knitting again, you know how she hates it, only does it to keep herself busy, and don’t get me started on Natasha. I thought we’d have to sedate her at one point.”
“Natty.” You replied as your eyes started to flicker open.
“She’s upstairs, probably already on her way down.”
Bucky huffed. He didn’t want everyone in here. He wanted to speak to you, hold you, take care of you, figure out how the hell you were here. You started to look around, still squinting, jumping when you saw you were in the Med Bay.
“Easy kid. You’re in the compound Med Bay. You've been out for three days.”
You started to fidget in the bed.
“Y/N, listen.” and he gently cupped your jaw, moving your face to look at him. “You’re gonna be OK kid, you scared the shit out of us all, but you’ll be OK. You’re in the compound. Only Banner and Cho have looked at you. OK?”
You nodded in reply, your eyes full of tears. Clint kissed your forehead.
“Pietro? Did he? Is he?”
“He’s alive. See?” Clint stood upright and pointed to the next room in the bay. You followed his pointing to see you were separated by a glass wall but sure enough there was Pietro. Wanda and Vision at his bedside. He waved weakly at you and you attempted to wave back.
“Careful sweetheart.” You glanced up at the voice, meeting Steve’s eyes. “Hi honey.”
Spotting baby Nathanial in his arms, you reached out and made a gesture for Steve to pass him to you.
“Y/N,” Clint said as he perched on the bed “really?”
“Baby, gimme please.” You looked up at Steve with puppy eyes, who realised he immediately had no defence against your sad face and he turned to Clint, not knowing what to do. You pushed out your bottom lip for added effect and looked back at Clint.
“Fine, but you’re gonna need to sit up a little. Clint replied, before gathering up some pillows.
You tried to push yourself up as much as possible and Bucky silently tried to help. Why were you ignoring them? Clint moved around to the side of the bed Bucky was at and placed a pillow under your arm, saying something about it being the best side as your drip was gone, before whispering to you.
“Maybe stop being a brat and acknowledge your soulmates.”
You shifted uneasily and glanced at Clint as he gave you a knowing look, before he gestured at Steve to come around with Nathanial.
“Hello.” You said quietly, not making eye contact.
“Babydoll” “Sweetheart.”
Bucky placed a kiss on your head as you side eyed him.
“Is this a good idea?” Steve asked as Nathanial wiggled in his arms some more. “You said yourself how unsettled he is.”
“Just watch.” Clint laid Nathanial in the crook of your arm, making sure the pillow took most the weight. Nathanial snuggled into you, taking out his pacifier to give you a drool filled grin.
“Hi baby.” You said softly. Nathanial snuggled down more and closed his eyes, gripping on to the blanket Clint had placed over him.
The three watched you fondly as Nathanial drifted off to sleep, as you stroked his face affectionately. Bucky and Steve both felt a lump form in their throat as they watched. Thoughts of what could have been and what could be filling their heads. White picket fences seemed so far away now but there was something about you, their soulmate, with a baby in her arms.
Clint slipped back discreetly from between the two and moved to the other side of the bed. Spotting Natasha and Bruce hurrying down the corridor he gestured for them to slow down and wait, nodding back at Steve and Bucky. Steve slipped his arm around Bucky’s shoulder and Bucky mirrored his actions in return.
“We got her back bud.”
Bucky went to speak but let out a sob instead, as tears began to run down his face. Steve pulled him into a hug. You side eyed them not really knowing what to do. Clint noticed your uncomfortableness and squeezed your hand affectionately as tears formed in your eyes. You leaned back into the pillows, shaking your head.
“It doesn’t make any sense.” You almost whispered. “I can’t be their soulmate.”
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@abaker74 @animegirlgeeky @calwitch @slowlyshycomputer @paasrin @cjand10 @otterlycanadian
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fufupng · 11 months
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I feel like touching on how pom and swiss explore together :)
For the most part pom is (mostly) in charge of clearing day exploration while swiss is usually in charge of night expeditions. They'll usually go together as a result of finding a new area/clearing everything in the previous area.
Bunch of notes in the keep reading!!
Before anything i wanna touch on the lightsssss ugh love them. Each member of the rescue corps technically has a custom light to go with them when exploring in a group of two or more. Pom n swiss happen to take the sun n moon. So occasionally you may see dingo n shepherd roll out for some explorations, (shep totally has a dog charm on her light). These charms are basically the labels to their stats back at the ship ooo ANYWAYS
Swiss taking care of clearing any obstacles mainly to get the lay of the land for night expeditions. The sooner she can scope things out the faster she can get to getting the glow sap they need. Also just both of them being out at the same time makes things go sm faster LMAO
theres a note on swiss's page that mentions her taking caves for materials sometimes, there are bosses down there and she is the first one to leave it for later, or to take w/ Pom as she has indeed learned her lesson. If they can take it on at the same time its best! Pom is in charge of taking care of anything more hefty mainly because this bitch has no fear whatsoever and will send her pikmin out for murder- making her really efficient in taking care of larger enemies. Comparing that to Swiss who is much more careful with her pikmin but backfires in terms of larger enemies, she takes too long trying to be careful and in turn somehow comes out with a higher death count :skull:
If day exploration isnt complete after night expeditions are theyll go out again as a pair! Caves are usually the last part of exploration for these two
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