#Ambar Sir
submission4 · 2 years
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Welcoming Committee
The self congratulatory party of eight well dressed Australian men entered the large hotel conference room. They had just completed the last pieces of paperwork that would transfer millions of rupiah from the State energy company into the venture capital outfit they controlled, via accounts in Zurich and the Cayman Islands. The fact that the transaction had involved wholesale bribes to civil servants and the use of organised crime to help the deal along, was just the way business was conducted in this part of the world, the men reflected.
Unfortunately, the welcoming committee of selected shareholders they had expected to greet them, looked rather different from the Armani and Pravda clad crowd they had invited. Instead the crooked businessmen were faced by a group of five seated and uniformed Indonesian policewomen, all smiling indulgently. “Welcome, gentlemen,” said Chief Sergeant Ambar Batubara, sitting jauntily on a raised stool, resplendent in blue, in the centre of her cohort of female officers, “you are all under arrest for corruption, extortion and theft of government assets. Please remain standing and place your hands behind your backs.” The Australians looked at each other and then at the policewomen. “You have no proof…” began Ed Sawyer, leader of the cartel. “I am afraid the CEO and CFO of Indonesia Power are co-operating with our enquiries, sir.” beamed Ambar in reply. “Now get them handcuffed, girls!” she added turning to her team. As the tightly skirted women leapt down from their stools and made their way towards the baffled men, giggling excitedly, handcuffs clinking in their hands, Ambar continued: “When you run out of cuffs, tie the rest of them up with your spare pairs of tights,” the sergeant suggested, “just like we used our extra pantyhose to tie and gag those two useless security guards these losers placed at the door.” As Sawyer glared bitterly back at Ambar as one of her khaki clad women handcuffed him securely behind his back, he heard an unmistakable “mmmphing” sound emanating from the closet door on the far wall…
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jey-chan · 1 year
Mew has a litle trouble.
That litle touble was a 5 years old kid thar somehow had found her secret base on thw Palet forest, and thar currenrtly could understand her wihout psychic powers.
But... that was not the thing thar had her wktj her litle eyes on an awesomed scowl.
It was the fact that the kids eyes were turning her shade of pink, and that she coild see someting of her on his litle soul.
Someting that she could only give away as a blesinf and or a curse.
But... it couldnt be...
She have not curse a soul in milenials and the last human she blesed had not her power, she had blesed sir aron wirh the knowldment of aura, not an eternal yung spirit, and this boy here was not him and the fact that his eyes were constantly changinf between ambar, baby blue and her kind of pink was enougth mater to ask for help.
Now the o ly one that could help... would be the tree itself... or rather herself. So with a litle gigle both kid and kit were on the macnificence of the Tre of Begining.
"Is beter be worth it" was the fristh thing that the floating spirit of the Tree said aftee woking up.
_It BeTeR bE wOrthit- parroted the cat before puting a very confused 5 years old kid in the glas palace.
"Oh. It should be! You just awoked mee for my cenury nap anf i was just starting to sl-... Mew. What in my name did you do to this child"
-thas the thing... i just found him. And i have done nothing to him, so .... could you do yoir magic genetic yada bada aural py thing?-
The tree sporitual avatar noded before closing her eyes snd started to chek the litle kantonian littl-
"Mew... call Arceus, Gitatina, Celebi, Azlef, Ho-oh, suicune, zerora, soleagon, victini, darkay, latias and... raquaza"
This kid. Is a fated one. No one blesed and cursed him other that fate itself. And he is conected to all, but more to those i asked for.
Oh and it would be better if you reanimat the Guardian Kight...."
Mew cpuld only see the little kid with wonder and pity eyes.
This little kid would not know what normal and mundane is, will not know what jist beguin a kid would be... and more important. Je would not have the chanse to grow up...
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lucy-shining-star · 1 year
Oh Amanda good you’re here. You probably think the same. 
I see Amanda didn’t cover windows. ...Or Sharon uncovered when strom started?
Actually she was too nice and freaked Luna out. Well and her apperance and storm
Now that’s good thinking Jazmin
...Oh Ambar considered telling Valentes truth?
And now Amanda will be literally alone. Guess that’s better in that case
Jazmin doesn’t skate in competition can’t she and others who do not go to swim?
Well something happened after they were fired
Yep Sharon’s game plan wasn’t good.
...Won’t that interviews be on Internet before contest? How Emilia and Ambar planned to surprise Jam&Roller in the finale by Ambar being in Los Sliders if Ambar would do that interview?
‘I have a lot to do! Good luck!’ rhymed
Well yeah she is planning bad surprise
Luna again at ‘Don’t be sad focus on my dream’
I don’t think she missed smell of food. I think she missed food
‘He didn’t tell what he meant cause we got disconnected’ rhymed
That’s funny I just watched something in which character actually escaped from something by making hole in wall with spoon. But that was in medieval times sorry sir that’s not gonna work here
Yep Sharon’s game plan sucked
...Why Amanda thinks Cato is joking?
Well Cato you said yourself you need to tell her
Oh now Monica and Miguel know
So if supernatural au Ambar is officialy a vampire now
Well bad surprise is ruined
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my-bipolar-journal · 1 year
21 april 2023
so i had my interview today. i fucked up. they asked me finance minister n i hoped onto google so they know that i cheated coz sir said it out loud. christ i am sry
i talked to harup all day today. vc n all. my crocs arrived i love them.
i got really sexy pics clicked in my bralette lol.
punit is getting back to normal. he went on a guilt trip after our call
kaleka jateshwar is boring. i am bored already.
i love harry and ambar's relation
trisha n samaira kept me entertained today.
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Angsty angsty sadness Poseidon/Thor ;D
Birth death.
Welcome to a how much can I mess this characters emotionality, today, there is going to be the pregnant reader, but with a change, everything is ok and she wakes up (until birth tho)
You had woken up on the same week your day of giving birth was scheduled for
" Apollo? What are you doing here?"
"Reader! You already woke up. I have to notify Poseidon"
"Poseidon! What happened?"
" It doesn't matter now that you are well"
You were quite weak but still healthy enough for no one to worry about
" Reader are you ok?"
"Yes yes, I only got out of breath"
"Ok, just don't force it"
Everything went normal, you were trying to walk around and be active
" Let's go swimming! It is so sunny!'
" I will wait for you on the shore. Don't go too deep into the sea
Until the day of giving birth.
" I think I went into labor"
"I am in labor!"
" I'm calling Artemis"
Things went too bad too quickly
" Apollo! Come here!"
"I'm going I'm going"
"I need Tranexamic acid! Fast"
" Poseidon, please go out"
The bleeding wouldn't stop no matter what they trying using
" Did you use enough Tranexamic acid? Maybe the dose wasn't enough?"
"I gave her the maximum dose!"
" Reader is burning in fever!"
"How high?"
"Give her acetaminophen! That should help her out"
At the point where you finished giving birth you already died.
" Reader, wake up, reader you finished giving birth. Please reader, wake up.
Poseidon was devastated by your death.
" She died, she's gone"
" Poseidon where are you going!? Your children are here!"
" Apollo, no"
He started employing painters to make portraits of you in any way where you seemed alive, like dancing in a meadow, swimming in the sea.
" I finished the commission, where do I put it"
" Eh!? Another one?, Put it in that corner, we will find a wall to put that portrait on"
"That is the fifth this week, isn't it?"
He wouldn't care for your children. Having servants at that duty
" Athy, you are in charge of apolline today? Yesterday we did a play date with Apo and Eire and accidentally she took her shark plushie"
" Tomorrow I'm in charge of Apo, but I can tell ambar to go fetch it from eirene"
" Thank you, you are a lifesaver!"
He couldn't stand the thought of caring for what killed you
Until one night, charmian wouldn't stop crying all night. At his last straw, he went to her crib to shut her up
" Is someone going to shut this mutt up or will I have to do it"
"What? What are you crying for?'
But when Poseidon looked in her eyes he saw a you in her.
'You look just like the person you killed, like your mother" sighs " she changed my life, she made my life worthwhile."holds baby" I really wanted for you to be quiet, but now… I wouldn't mind hearing your mindless coos. You even sound a little like your mother."
" Pray tell, are your siblings as similar to your mother as you?"
Poseidon saw a little piece of you in every one of your children
Charmian was your carbon copy
Eirene had your eyes
Halcyone had your personality
Apolline, had your face
Asafes had your hair
Even if he lost the first moments of their lives he didn't plan on missing more
" How is little miss charmian doin- mister Poseidon?!"
Poseidon was seated in the rocking chair with the baby in his chest. The only thing that Poseidon did was to put a finger in his lips to show her to stay quiet
" I'm returning in one second sir"
That day Poseidon visited all of his children after all, they were the last gift you gave him
Loki was right, after 5 years you woke up perfectly, or almost perfectly, you were significantly more weak.
" I told ya, she would wake up in 5 years, but nooo, you didn't believe me. I believe you owe me an apology"
" Shut up"
But no one paid attention to it, after all, they had to check more important things.
"Lately I have been out of breath"
"Maybe do a little exercise? Or maybe rest?
Everything went overall ok. You got shortness of breath more easily but they thought it was mostly because of the twins
"Ow, sweetie, don't worry, it's normal to get out of breath in pregnancies"
"Sure, miss frigg?"
The winter came, harsh cold and a perfect environment for viruses and bacteria.
You got pneumonia, and that is when things started getting worse. Your breathing got even worse, leaving you out of breath even if you did nothing. While you were trying to fight the illness the Æsir were all wishing for you to get better or your birth to be far away.
"Give her some antibiotics, and keep her away from water!"
" I will eir"
But wishing does nothing against fate, your birth fell not even the same day you cured from pneumonia, but when you were still ill.
No one thought you were going to survive, it was a struggle to be breathing doing nothing, the birth of twins would be anything but easy.
" Get some wet towels!"
"And some antibiotics!"
Loki thought that he dodged a bullet when you woke up. He went on a journey the day you started giving birth, he didn't want to face Thor's wrath if you died.
"Where are you going Loki?"
"Anywhere away from Thor"
Thor was by your side the whole time grabbing your hand and brushing hair out of your face.
" You can do it. Do you want to grab my hand, you can squeeze it if it makes you feel better. I know you can make it, I believe in you"
You survived the birth and had some time with your twins.
"They don't have anything of mine, they have your golden eyes and your red hair"
" they got your nose and your eye shape"
But you didn't survive the night
"Reader, do you want me to change that diaper?"
" …"
"Reader? Please answer, are you asleep? No, it must be another thing. Reader please, stop it it isn't funny anymore"
Thor wouldn't let anyone touch the twins. Not his mother, nor his father, Loki or servants
"Can I grab my niece and nephew?" Asked Loki already hovering over the babies
"No. You are the reason they don't have a mother"
"Aww! Let those cuties meet their grandma. Thor! Don't move them! I want to hold them"
"You are part of why they don't have a mother too"
" … "
" No"
"Mister Thor, let me care for the twins , I have some experience with babies"
" Get a step closer and you aren't walking well out of this"
" O-oh sorry, they are calling me, I have to go!"
If Thor was close to the twins in the comma reader, they are closer if the reader died
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enchantedtherose · 4 years
Soy Luna 1x69
Btw I’m taking a pretty hard class rn so it if there’s a break between posts it’s not because I stopped watching the show i’m just busy lol
Did they just break up :((
Aww he looks so sad don’t do this noo
We really got like three happy canon Lumon moments and now it’s over already
Oh my god Gaston are you serious
If i were Nina I would be so sad that he doesn’t even consider her as an option for Felicity
At least he’s still super friendly with her
Mora and Ricardo have to admit their feelings for each other or something already because this plotline has been going on for so long
Okay he’s lowkey asking her out thank you
Rey without his suit jacket on 👀
Luna you gotta give him a day to be okay with this you can’t just talk to him right after practice as if nothing happened omg
My dad just walked in and was shocked I’m watching a novela because I never watch Spanish tv with him lmao
Why does Ricardo look like he’s falling asleep
Why did it feel like Ana was scolding me she sounded so upset
The poor boy just got his heart broken don’t make it worse by bringing up Matteo now
Nico is really just going along with her jealousy plot. Is he mocking her or getting softer?
I know Mariano does get away with it but like... why does he think he can just take people away from the Roller and get away with it??
I can never tell when Ambar is being sincere or not. I know she cares about Sharon but she always sounds like she’s plotting something lmao
Luna’s already fawning over Matteo and I’m still not over the Lumon break up I feel like we spent zero time on that
Are there no beaches in Argentina?
I mean doesn’t Sharon have business affairs in Mexico? Just because someone called form there doesn’t mean they’re going
Someone make Ramiro stop beatboxing for no reason I’m begging
Mariano with the manipulation again
The fact I got spoiled and already knew Ramiro ends up leaving I TRUSTED YOU
“Entrenar con los mejores” sir you only have one member
Remembering when I used to ship Jim and Ramiro lmao now I’m a Yamiro stan for life
Nina’s outfit is so cute I want that top
Gastina is adorable get together already
I should be studying as hard as Luna right now, if only I had her motivation
Since when is grass “pasto” does no one else say grama??
My episode cut off before I could replay what he said but is Gaston gonna ask Nina out ???
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trackunknownblog · 5 years
Last Month In Review_0919
Lana Del Rey - Norman fucking Rockwell
Metronomy - Salted Caramel Ice Cream
Robyn - Beach2k20 (Yaeji Remix)
Gus Dapperton - Give It To Me Straight
A$AP Rocky - Babushka Boi
LION BABE - Western World (omniboi remix)
Francis and the Lights, Bon Iver, Kanye West - Take Me to the Light
Kindness - Softness As A Weapon
Rome Fortune - Ethan Hawke
Danny Brown - Best Life
NEIL FRANCES - Shallow End
Kito, Empress Of - Wild Girl
Blue Hawaii - All The Things
Biig Piig - Sunny
Sampa the Great - Freedom
Perfume Genius - Eye in the Wall
Wild Nothing - Partners in Motion (Live from Brooklyn Steel)
Tei Shi Feat. Blood Orange - Even If It Hurts 
Pavo Pavo - Mystery Hour
Broadcast - The Book Lovers
Angel Olsen - Lark
David Bowie - Conversation Piece (2019 Mix)
Johnny Payne - All Messed Up
Holy Hive - If I Could See You Now
Brittany Howard - History Repeats
The Big Moon - Your Light
The Growlers - Try Hard Fool
BRONCHO - Keep It in Line (Yeasayer Remix)
Temples - Context
Allah-Las - Prazer Em Te Conhecer
Van Houten - Moon
Part Time - Everyone's Got a Gun
Dad Bod - You Never Say Hi
sir Was - The Sun Will Shine
Shura - religion (u can lay your hands on me)
Gemini Rising, Tensnake, Fiora - After the Rain
Death and the Maiden - Wisteria
Bat For Lashes - Vampires
Twin Shadow - Crushed
lophiile, Col3trane, Amber Mark - No Bus
FKA twigs, Future - holy terrain
Grimes, i_o - Violence
Boys Noize, Francis and the Lights - Why Not?
Free Nationals, JID, Kadhja Bonet, MIKNNA - On Sight
Roosevelt - Yr Love (Midnight Version)
King Princess, Mark Ronson - Happy Together
Claud - Easy
Userdeleted_95, Ava Trilling - Honest.
Lily Moore, Maverick Sabre - In-between
Oh He Dead - Lonely Sometimes
The Harmaleighs - Sorry, I'm busy
Lucy Dacus - Dancing In The Dark
Samia - Ode to Artifice
beabadoobee - She Plays Bass
Y La Bamba - Entre Los Dos
Vacationer - Autofocus
Automatic - Calling It
Triptides - Call of Creation
Gillet - Said It
GRMLN - Osaka
Blonder - I.C.U.
Twin Peaks - Laid in Gold
The Black Keys - Walk Across The Water *0919 @ The Wiltern
Alex Cameron - Far From Born Again
Pond - Don't Look At The Sun (Or You'll Go Blind) (Live) *09/20 @ The Fonda
Sturgill Simpson - Mercury In Retrograde
Cold War Kids - Waiting For Your Love
The Shelters - Down the Line
Heaven the Dude, Fat Tony, Dent May - Waiting For A Check
OJR - Song for Stephen H
Connan Mockasin - Con Conn Was Impatient (Live At Rough Trade)
Amen Dunes - L.A. (Remix feat. Westerman)
Andrew Combs - Ideal Man
Whitney - Rhododendron
Cigarettes After Sex - Heavenly
North Downs - Dad's Old Tapes
Bombay Bicycle Club - Eat, Sleep, Wake (Nothing But You)
Hot Chip - Spell (Superorganism Remix)
Underworld - Tree And Two Chairs (Film Edit)
Discovery - Can You Discover? *09/15 Booksmart @ Rooftop Cinema NeueHouse
Charli XCX, Kim Petras, Tommy Cash - Click
Deaton Chris Anthony, Clairo, Coco & Clair Clair - RACECAR
Seb Wildblood, Buddy Love - ghostie
Toro y Moi - New House *09/20 @ The Palladium
H.E.R., YG - Slide
Ambar Lucid - Mar de Llanto
Wallows - Trust Fall
Wasuremono - Are You OK?
Monster Rally - Shell Snake
Wilco - Everyone Hides
Jim James, Teddy Abrams, Louisville Orchestra - Back To The End Of The World
Jenny Hval - Ashes to Ashes
Jeff Goldblum & The Mildred Snitzer Orchestra, Sharon Van Etten - Let's Face The Music And Dance
Franz Waxman - Juke Box # 6 (From "Rear Window") *01/10 Rear Window @ Alamo Drafthouse
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dennislabs · 5 years
Trigonometry -1 | Maths with Ambar Sir | SSC | RRB | 2019| Top Coaching
In this video, we are going to learn a very usefully Trigonometry (part-1) Tricks. We have designed this video in the way where you will first understand the reality/logic behind the LCM & HCF and then we will proceed towards the question. (Learn LCM & HCF Tricks & Rules on Top Coaching) with your family and friends and do support us. 
What we have covered:-   
1. Concept
2. Logic behind Trigonometry 
3. Basic Questions to understand how it works 
4. High-level Questions to get mastery   
Subscribe our Youtube channel “Top Coaching”:
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
The Legend of Kuzon Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Teamwork
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Korra or Kirby!)
Kuzon and I were heading to King Dedede’s castle.
Him being an expert on spirits, I was sure he could tell what this spirit was.
“Poyo poyo."
"Seems like he’s grown accustomed to our world,” Kuzon said.
“I just can’t wait to learn what kind of spirit Kirby is,” I said.
Kuzon stopped.
“Kirby? What’s Kirby?”
“That's….. what I decided to call him,"
I knocked on the door and the king’s servant, Escargoon opened the door.
"Let me guess, you left something in the castle again?” He asked annoyed.
“Not quite. But we have something the king is gonna wanna see.”
We were in the room explaining the situation.
“And so we were wondering if you know what Kirby was."
"What’s a Kirby?”
“Not a Kirby, Kirby,” Kuzon said.
“Ok show him what you got,”.
Kirby opened his mouth and inhaled a chocolate bar.
“Wow, he’s got vacuum power?"
"Yes Uncle Dedede, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
I allowed Kirby to inhale me and then spit me out.
He had a hairstyle similar to mine and could blow gusts of wind.
“Incredible. Do me, do me!”
“What?!” Asked Escargoon, “Absolutely not!”
Kirby inhaled the King’s hammer and gave it back.
He now had a hammer on his own.
“Looks like we got 2 Uncle Dededes now,”
“Let’s see what else he can eat."
He threw a bunch of food at Kirby and he ate it all.
He could even eat some inedible objects.
"Let’s try this,” Escargoon said grabbing a coffee machine.
“NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE!” Kuzon and I said in unison.
“Well, based on his ability to copy other abilities,” King Dedede begun, “I think it would be best to dub him as… an Echo Fighter.”
“What was wrong with my idea?” Asked Escargoon.
“Its not a bad idea, but….. Siamese warrior?"
Kuzon and Kirby laughed.
"Saria, I need you to call the guys and tell them to meet at this location,” he said giving me a piece of paper.
“Why’s that?”
“You’ll see,"
We were an abandoned park in Republic City that used to be a training ground for elements.
"So your father was part of the Knight of Cydonia?” I asked.
“That’s right,” said Kuzon, “He was a well known hero and leader of the group.”
“So where do we come in?” Asked Anana.
“Well, you all have bending abilities,” said Kuzon.
“Basically he wants to carry on Dad’s legacy,” said Zoe, “Which is why I upgraded Kuzon’s suit.”
She showed them a hologram of other suits she created.
“I realize I can’t take on this Tokuga guy on my own, which is why I think you guys would make good teammates.”
“I have also done the same for you all to upgrade your abilities based on your element,” said Zoe.
“Whoa, why is my costume that heinous color orange?"
"You don’t like it?” Asked Zoe.
“Do you want me to look like a geek? Change it!”
“Do your thing,” Zoe said giving her the hologram.
I changed it to green.
“Now that’s more like it,”
Later we were telling each other about our bending abilities.
“We need some code names,” said Kanji.
“That might work. I’m gonna go by Fish Hooks.”
“Why that name?” Asked Kuzon.
“Well, this,” she answered.
Her water bending resembled a hook.
“Nice,” said Zoe.
“Thanks,” said Anana.
Saria stepped forward.
“Of course you guys know I can airbend,” I said, “But I also have a hidden talent.”
I casted to gusts of strong wind and they were sharp enough to put cuts on the statue.
“Shit,” said Kuzon.
“That’s not all,” said Zoe, “Kuzon I need you to be a test subject for something.”
“What is it?” Asked Kuzon.
I had a cape on her costume.
“This cape has a hidden ability as well,” said Zoe, “So try striking her.”
“Ok,” said Kuzon.
He charged up a punch and threw it at me.
I quickly dodged it.
“Not that hard dumbass!” Said Zoe.
“Hey, you said to strike her not how hard to strike her,” said Kuzon.
“Ok, try again,” said Zoe holding a camera.
“Any reason why you’re recording?” Kuzon asked.
“Research,” said Zoe.
Kuzon charged up another punch and threw it.
I swung my cape and it went straight back at Kuzon knocking him into something.
Zoe was laughing.
“Get rid of that footage!” Said Kuzon.
“I’m gonna go with… Ambar,” said Saria.
They all turned to Kanji.
“So what about you man, what’s your hidden power?” Anana asked.
“I’m not…. I can’t do it in here.”
“Well just do it out there."
"I don’t know,"
"Come on! Kanji! Kanji! Kanji! Kanji!”
Everyone else chanted with me until Kanji gave in.
“Alright,” said Kuzon stepping outside near the statue.
“There’s our guy,"
"Get down when I say,” Kanji said getting ready.
“Get down when I say,” Kuzon said mocking him.
“Get back,"
We stepped back some then came back out.
"Get back!”
We stayed there.
“Whatever,” said Kanji.
He started running then his body was starting to cover up in stone.
His whole body was stone and he ran straight to the statue crushing it.
“Whoa!” Said Kuzon.
We started to clap.
“Now that was amazing,”
The next day, Zhu Li was helping people with certain situations.
Korra was welcomed back by many of her friends while Zoe was working with Asami on some blueprints.
“I have to say, the people of Republic City owe it to Zhu li for her impressive leadership skills,” Tenzin said, “Meanwhile Raiko is busy with the reelection to talk to his people about their problems.”
“I’ll say. At this rate even a flying lemur could run against him.”
“Why not Pokey!” Meelo said.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” I asked.
“Perhaps an audience with the avatar can lift their spirits up,"
"Go get ‘em Korra,”
When she stepped out people started to crowd her.
“I’m sorry about what happened, but believe me I’ll do whatever it takes to help. Me and a group of allies I met over the last few days.”
“Allies?” Kanji asked, “Looks like she’s found some other assistance.”
“She’s talking about us,"
The people had a bunch of requests.
"I got an idea,"
He stepped out gathering everyone’s attention.
"I understand you’re all tired, frustrated, and all of the above, but a great man once told me that change can be good or bad depending on your point of view. So I think it would be best to take this as a new beginning.”
“Kuzon…” Korra said smiling.
“I’m sure that whatever comes our way, all of us, benders, non benders, can face these challenges together, and live in balance with one another,” said Kuzon, “And evolving into our best selves becoming who we truly are! For the Future!”
“FOR THE FUTURE!” Said everyone.
Kuzon and Korra secretly held hands.
“That was a great speech Kuzon, thanks for helping me out there.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said.
Asami had some housing plans.
“Now we just need to show these to him,” Asami said.
“I’ll tag along,” I said.
Uncle Wenyan was showing Raiko a poster for his reelection.
“This seems a bit misleading as Korra was the one who was responsible for saving Republic City from whatever the Yellow Devil was,” he said.
“Mr. President!” I said, “Can I speak with you for a moment.”
“Saria, don’t you see the president is having an important conversation?” Asked Uncle Wenyan.
“Please, I’m not too busy to speak with someone,” Raiko said.
Asami handed him some blueprints for housing.
“These people need some homes really fast,” I said, “Asami has been working on some plans.”
He took a look at them.
“These seem interesting,” he said.
Uncle Wenyan was looking at them and then came up with a scheme.
“If I use these, I can give Raiko the credit and turn the others against the avatar,” he said to himself.
“Asami finish up drawing these plans and we will carry out immediately,” said President Raiko.
“Thank you sir,” Asami said.
“Kuzon, if I can speak with you for a moment,” President Raiko said.
“Yes sir?” He asked.
“What did this rat do now?” Uncle Wenyan asked, “Did he violate another statue?”
“This is a private matter,” Raiko said.
He brought Kuzon to another room.
“Keep a sharp eye on this Knuckle Joe character,” said President Raiko, “I know he is doing his best to help us and the Avatar protect Republic City.”
“Finally, something we agree on,” said Kuzon.
“And if you see anything suspicious, you or Saria let me know about it,” he finished, “I don’t think I want to continue being the mayor anymore, and we will need someone else to run against me.”
Kuzon had some ideas.
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fhimechan · 6 years
#Accidental Sex: Hannigraham version; Monthly update
Greetings, fannibals! (◕ ﺮ ◕✿) It’s time to update you all on the sexy initiative we accidentally found ourselves into. Let’s delve in...
May struck us twice, first with a heat wave, then with a steamy, hot piece by @kobayashihatori:
#AccidentalSex17: “Haha that thing they do in movies/porn/online is so corny like no way that’s actually hot haha oops it is” sex Care To Joint Me? by @kobayashihatori: “… Will shakes the ashes of the joint on an ashtray next to the forgotten cups of coffee. -If you want, I can blow the smoke into your mouth- Hannibal looks him in the eye, brows slightly knitted together -Wouldn’t that be inappropriate? Teen agers movies always show that activity as a preamble for osculation. -Will giggles a little -You mean make out? Of course not. It’s so corny that only morons find it hot. Do you watch teen movies!?.- …”
This sexy story is only the last addition to our ever increasing list of amazing, accidentally sensuous prompts. Let’s take a moment to appreciate all of them... 
#AccidentalSex1:  L’amour vainqueur et la vie opportune @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon #AccidentalSex7: And I’ll Follow @thenecronon #AccidentalSex8: Idiots in Love @allionne #AccidentalSex10: Told you so @mephistox #AccidentalSex11: Indulgent Restraint @purplesocrates #AccidentalSex12: Teetering on the edge @fhimechan; art by @le-wendigogo #AccidentalSex14: Kindling @gleamingandwholeanddeadly #AccidentalSex15: Bad Connections @tiggymalvern #AccidentalSex18: Dexterity @mazephoenix #AccidentalSex20: The Perfect Prescription @hannibalsimago; art by @trashbambi #AccidentalSex21: Nothing For It… @phenobarbitalfiction #AccidentalSex22: Anything They Can Do, I Can Do Better @saralecter77#AccidentalSex24: Stuck inside these walls @cinnamaldeide #AccidentalSex26: Catch @slashyrogue
And yes, there is some art to go with the stories! (〃 ω 〃) @le-wendigogo and @trashbambi kindly provided two pieces for respectively the prompts 12 and 20. Spare a moment to appreciate those wonderful contributions! Spoiler: they are filthy and gorgeous.  If this list of prompts inspire you to draw anything, or if you partecipated by drawing an illustration for an existing story, we’ll be delighted to welcome your contribution into our challenge.  ♡( ◡‿◡ )
Speaking of welcome, we want to thank once again everybody who helped us spreading the word. We wouldn’t have achieved anything without all of you! So thank you @whimsy-by-joja, @tigsmulii,  @ishipthemsogoddamnhard @moonaqurian, @xpeachdreamsx, @yes-yeah-yesh, @doyouacheforhim, @snakesnlace, @blankza, @raura, @exclamatoryword, @blueeyednightwing, @krey-9-jorce, @a-hannibal-mess, @ambar-gris, @h4nnibalism, @oh-goodness-loki, @guccilecter, @erodingthebluff, @psycholover01, @diemetzgermeisterin, @ilovekingt, @crisisoninfintefandoms, @bloodyilaria, @maxaminkle, @andiemerizein, @evolvingmydesign, @fragile-teacup, @wiith-my-hands, @avegetariancannibal, @jadegreenworks, @eonblueinmay, @hanfangrahamk, @fleeingdawn-blog1, @hunter-and-star-chaser, @ayden5956, @janespetticoat, @hannibalatemyheart. Thank you for your constant support! ♥
And we couldn’t do anything without the writers that took up the challenge. We are very excited to announce our new partecipants! @zigzag-wanderer, @xzombiexkittenx, @active-imagination and @scissorsheep (who I can’t tag >_>) are pledging their talents to the fulfillment of the list! Are @cinnamaldeide and @fhimechan giddy with anticipation?  ...guys, you have no idea (ᅌᴗᅌ✿) 
We feel as closer as ever to our goal, but we still need some help to complete the list! Seven prompts are abandoned and lonely and in need of a friendly creator to push them to their full potential...
#AccidentalSex2: “You played a prank on me and now I’m going to play one on you except oops this accidentally got hot” sex #AccidentalSex3: “You made an inaccurate assumption about *insert sexual or sexuality misnomer here* and I’m going to teach you the truth” sex #AccidentalSex4: “You think you’re so smart so I’m going to teach you a lesson” sex #AccidentalSex9: “You were joking about something and I took you seriously” sex #AccidentalSex13: “I didn’t know you were a dom and when I called you Sir/Ma'am you almost jumped me” sex #AccidentalSex16: “I noticed the way you were watching me eat this popsicle so I purposely started making it an inuendo and now we’re both hot and bothered” sex #AccidentalSex23: “You said you don’t like __ but I bet the people you were with just don’t know how to do it, I, however, have experience and bet I could make you like it” sex 
If any of these prompts inspires you, if you can see in vivid details our Murder Husbands get carried away, if you too are blown away buy the unlimited potential of that collection of scenes, we’ll be delighted to welcome you aboard!  (✧ω✧)
The updated prompt list, complete with bookings and contributions, can be found in our master post, while more details on how to participate are written into a separated FAQ section. We’re always available for any remaining questions or clarifications ;)
We bet Will and Hannibal are hot and bothered in the summer heat; but thankfully Hannibal will always be serviceable and offer his cold surgeon hands to make it worse relieve Will of his burden. And if his light touch will lead to purposeful groping and escalated in more sweaty and steamy effusions, well, they won’t complain. ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ )
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hide-in-imagination · 6 years
Disney always makes Simon a dumbass like boy its obvious Benicio planned tht shit and u still dont listen to Ambar and believe her he always says oh i trust u i believe u but when something happens he dont believe or trust her so why lie
The script writing is just… so obviously stretching things that it’s annoying. Because my baby may be a little naive but he’s not blind nor stupid, I hate that they make him look that way.
Now they’re trying to pass it as if he didn’t trust her because he thought that the thing she said she couldn’t tell him was about Benicio and like… 🤦🏻‍♀️ 
Like, sure, it’d make sense if they had developed that suspicion BEFORE everything happened, like, show Simón looking at her sideways, like wondering what she’s hiding, I dont know, something like that. But just saying now that he had been conjuring conspiracy theories in his head, totally out of the blue, and expecting us to believe it??? Nah uh, sir. I’m not buying it. 
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criminalslist-blog1 · 6 years
Sachin Sangal runs a fraud institute name is Neptune Institute of Management and Technology (NIMT) head office is in Delhi and branches Goa, Himachal, Sikkim and Hyderabad.If anyone need a education certificate they can contact Sachin Sangal he sale all types of certificates, candidate get certificate without writing examination for previous year or present year and kept fixed rates for all types of certificates.
He says that he is educated person and son of ex-IAS officer “Arun Sangal” if so then how he is doing all this fraud work.
He can give you any type of educational certificate SSC, Inter, Diploma, Degree, D. Pharma, B. Pharma, B. Ed, B. Tech as a regular student without any examination, as per my knowledge I saw with my own eyes he gave through a University name (Sunrise University, Alwar) candidate name Polanki Papa Rao paid amount and he got certificate of Diploma in Electrical from Sunrise University. I worked in Neptune Institute of Management and Technology, Hyderabad branch, worked for 5 to 8 months and I got salary only Rs. 15,000/- never pay salaries in time or else no salary at all, I had worked for 8 months and got salary for only one month, if I ask salary he say that GST problem, no students I wont give you salary, bring students then salary, when I gave students worked hard for so many months but result no salary. I ask so many times to Amit sir and Tulasi akka they only telling me talk with Sachin and let you know, they are big chamchas of Sachin Sangal, one more big and permanent chamcha Apurva from Goa, there are other two employees (Bhargavi) and (Renukama) any one can ask them about Sachin Sangal, how they suffer for salary, if we ask he only say that have to speak with head office with R S Kedian later informs us that Kedian said no salary. Sachin Sangal go in flight and come in flight but at the time of salary he say no money. Sachin Sangal told that he can place any candidate in pharma company and I gave him candidates ( Ambar singh, ayyappa, Shankar, polaraju, sai teja, devi, jayasree) they paid money to Amit sir, he sent money to Sachin Sangal and he played games used their money for 6 months and I fight about this then he gave money back, he is a big fraud and lier every time false commitment.
My friend from Aurobindo pharmacy he telling me a breaking news about Sachin Sangal’s certificate, one student name (G Shiva Kumar) who buyed certificate from Sachin, gone for interview and he got caught by one of the HR (Mr. Ramesh Rudraraju), G Shiva Kumar tell everything that he had buyed this certificate from Sachin Sangal’s Shadnagar branch, after this issue Neptune Institute of Management and Technology certificates are not accepting by any pharma companies at Jadcherla .
DON’T BELIEVE SACHIN SANGAL his phone number is 9971276262
My request to police and court to take action on Sachin sangal because he is fraud and spoiled the education system.
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enchantedtherose · 3 years
Soy Luna 1x77
This is gonna be the third episode i watch this week look at me go
Okay Ambar didn’t rat her out
Ambar saying she doesn’t like lies 💀
Ana took that worse than I thought she would
Glad we all agree Mariano is a manipulator
And now he’s manipulating them into thinking they can’t even trust their own friends GET HIM OUT OF HERE
This episode is all about lies huh
Luna lied to her dad, Mariano’s lying to Jim and Ramiro, Mora and Ricardo lied to Ana, and Ambar (kinda) lied to Nina
Watch Nico and Jim get back together in this ep considering all he talks about is how much he hates lies
Gaston and Matteo are down bad
I’m not as good as Luna if I accidentally lied to my parents I wouldn’t own up to it unless I had to
They were overreacting before but I feel like now keeping her from competing is kinda justified
Sharon preparing to search the world for Sol when she’s literally in your mansion
Day #253736 of telling Sharon to get an office
And now Sharon is lying to Ambar
I swear no past episodes have had such a clear theme lol
Mora getting scared by Ana lmao
You’re making it worse just abort mission
I didn’t think Yam would actually join the team
I miss their trio :(
Literally everyone is telling Nina to just talk to Gaston honey TALK TO HIM
That was nice of Matteo to stop Luna from saying what she feels about him so that he wouldn’t eavesdrop
I know he’s a good guy and I’ll eventually like them together you just gotta give me a minute
It’s kinda funny watching Sharon be so confident yet so completely off track in her search for Sol
I hate Ambar and Jazmin in this moment I really do
The way Simon always gets all soft around Luna 🥺🥺
Not Mariano fighting with a child sir are you okay??
Why is the text on Tamara’s shirt printed backwards
Sappy scenes like this lowkey give me secondhand embarrassment but the fact ramiro got soft at thinking about how much he’s grown was cute
Seems like a lot is gonna go down next episode 😳
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nijjhar · 4 years
Punjabi - You cannot be a Chaudhry so far the Chaudhry of the House fath... Punjabi - You cannot be a Chaudhry so far the Chaudhry of the House father or grandfather is still alive. Punjabi - Jatton kaa Naeta Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt ZINDA BAAD Kae naehre lagao. Let the clever Lalas put black armbands as they did at the times of our Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt.    CHAUDHAR MEANS THE HEADSHIP, MUKHI, OF THE FAMILY HOME OR OF THE VILLAGE, ORGANISATION, SABHAH, ETC. AND THE PERSON WHO IS THE HEAD IS GIVEN THE COURTESY TITLE “CHAUDHRY”. IN A FAMILY OR KABEELA, THERE IS ONE, HEAD OF THE FAMILY “CHAUDHRY” AND SO FAR, HE IS ALIVE NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED TO CALL HIMSELF “CHAUDHRY”. IN INDIA, MOST OF THE FARMING LAND IS OWNED BY THE PEOPLE OF “JAT QOM”, SO JATTS HAVE BEEN THE HEADS OF THE VILLAGES AND THIS COURTESY TITLE “CHAUDHRY” GOT ASSIGNED TO THE PEOPLE OF JATT QOM ONLY. THE OTHER QOMS ALSO HAVE THE COURTESY TITLES BASED MOSTLY ON THE SERVICES THEY RENDER TO SOCIETY. FOR EXAMPLE, THE BARBER CALLED NAEE VISITS MOST OF THE HOUSES AND HE KNOWS EVERY FAMILY’S SECRETS LIKE A KING KNOWS HIS SUBJECT, “RIYAATT”. SO HE IS GIVEN THE COURTESY TITLE “RAJAH” SO THAT HE LOOKS AFTER THE VILLAGE FAMILIES LIKE A KING LOOKS AFTER HIS SUBJECT. NAEE IS ALSO THE ONE WHO TALKS TO THE NAEES OF THE OTHER VILLAGES TO ARRANGE MARRIAGES AS WELL. IT IS WORTH MENTIONING THAT THE PEOPLE OF PATHAN AND AFGHAN TRIBES USE THE COURTESY TITLE “KHAN” AND SOME OF OUR JATTS WHO ARE RICH HAVE ALSO ADOPTED THIS COURTESY TITLE TO BOOST THEIR “EGO”, WHICH IS NOT RIGHT. ANY SUGGESTIONS THAT I SHOULD ADD TO THIS? CHAUDHRY RAJINDER NIJJHAR JATT, M.Sc. Hi Ambar Rana Jatt, I have made a correction and she is RIGHT. Ask your mother to tell us more about our customs. Our forefathers were addressing themselves as Chaudhry but Khatri shopkeepers to boost our ego address us “Sardar” or super donkeys – NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR; JAE BINN GUNN GHARBH KARANT. Sardars are head of the forces, family clan, etc. JAEHNOON KAHIYAE SARDAR; OHDAE NAAL NAA KARIYAE TAKRAR. Royal King Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji also created Niara Khalsa Sardar by giving the courtesy title Sardar because they are solitary NIAARE. Ambar Rana Ambar Rana 7 hours ago Sir, I am a 17-year-old Jatt boy from Haryana and your admirer, I just wanted to confirm that can I use Chaudhary title? As my grandmother told me that Chaudhary title should only be used by the oldest man in our family (Jatt family). Is she correct factually? Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt Yes. She is correct. When your father dies, then you have the Chaudhar of your family, the eldest son in a joint family. We should write Ambar Rana Jatt only. All Jatts should write their Gotra and Jatt at the end of their names.   Punjabi - You cannot be a Chaudhry so far the Chaudhry of the House father or grandfather is alive. For the rest of the description, please visit my website:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm I need IT Graphic help to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.htm and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pbook.htm  - Font DRChatrik Banned by Facebook Videos:- John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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lifesruiner · 7 years
No tengo miedo de apostarte, perderte si me da pavor.
Simon and Luna are stepbrothers and just arrived from Mexico to Argentina, they inmediatly friend Nina, but the power trio of the school gets really interested in this new squad.  
Chapter 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 
He rang on her door filled with doubts, but decided, she couldn’t keep avoiding him, and less when he wasn’t even a part on that whole bet mess. He was expecting for her to open the door, but was her dad who saw him first. 
-Hey... hmm. Gonzalo? -Ricardo asked trying to remember his name 
-Gastón sir, is Nina around? I would like to talk to her -He asked praying that she was
-Yes, she is, I’ll call her -Ricardo said and Gastón imagined he would go to look for her, but instead shoutted from that place -Hey Nina, Gustavo is here 
-It’s...it’s Gastón sir -Gastón tried to correct him but Ricardo was already gone inside his houuse focusing back on his videogames 
-Gustavo? -Nina asked for herself trying to remember someone called Gustavo, but when she got to the door her expression changed it completely from confussion to shock, she tried to reach and close the door but Gastón stoped  her putting his hands on the door 
-We need to talk, for real Nina, you can’t keep avoiding me like that -He said serious 
-Yes, I can, watch me -Nina said pushing the door again 
-Wait!!! I didn’t have anything to do with the bet, can you listen to me at least? -He shouted giving up on insisting, and Nina let go the door to in that moment
-How can I know that you didn’t? That I am not a part of a bet? -She said lowing her sight shyly 
-By talking to me, by getting to know me better -Gastón said approching towards her and placing his hands on her arms for reassurance 
-But... Its just that... why would you want to date me?-Nina asked placing her hands over his, to hug herself, but to feel better his touch too, because she always wanted more of his touch and she has been missing it so much those last couple of days
-What? What do you mean? -Gastón said with a smile of disbelief
-I mean that you are one of the most popular guys in school, one of the best looking, and suddenly you want to date me, the bookworm, the invisible girl... the loser -She said lowring her tone with each word 
-Hey, hey, no, first of all, you are not invisible, you like to hide from people, the moment I saw you I knew you were something special, I saw  you a second and I was already hooked up on you, second of all I am a boorworm too -He said joking and Nina couldn’t help but let a little giggle out -And you are everything but a looser, you are one of the cutest -Gastón said placing a kiss on her forehead -most intelligent -kissed one of her cheeks - interesting -kissed the other cheek -girl I’ve ever known -He said and closed the space between their lips, and sudenly Nina’s insecurities disapeared the instant his lips touched hers, that was the only reassurance she needed 
-I am sorry for doubt about you, I should went to you and talk to you first -She said shyly when they pulled appart 
-Yes you should, but also, you had every right to think the wrong way, both Ambar and Matteo were in the mess -Gastón caressing one of her cheeks -I can’t believe they did that, its... so not them -There was a palpable dissapointment tone in his voice
-Yeah, I can’t believe someone doing that neither -Nina said looking down -Luna and Simon are devastated 
-Damn, I feel bad for them, also... there’s one thing I don’t understand at all
-What is it? .Nina asked and she pointed to a sofa on her living, they walked towards it and sat down 
-Why they did it if they have such strong feelings towards Luna and Simon -Gastón said with clear confussion on his face 
-They do? -She asked shocked 
-They do, Matteo hasn’t been himself lately, I haven’t seen him look at other girls, haven’t heard him sing, and trust me, he sings for everything, and his energy, is just off, and Ambar, she... she hasn’t go to school lately, she has called sick and when I tried to see her in her house she was sleeping, at afternoon -Gastón said that like it was the weirdest thing in the world, but Nina didn’t get what was the big deal -You don’t get it, Ambar never sleeps during day, she says only idler people sleeps during day,and gets really mad when sees someone sleeping during daytime, it’s been depressing even to stay around them 
-But, I thought they did it because they didn’t feel anything for my friends, they think the same -Nina said confused 
-Nah, I’ve never seen Matteo so into someone, and I’ve never seen someone affecting Ambar this way, I think they did more hurt to themselves that they thought it would 
-This is a mess -Nina said playing with her fingers 
-Yes it is -Gastón said and realized Nina was getting sad -But hey, at least we got our things straight, they are going to get theirs too 
-Do you think that? -She asked unsure
-I really hope that, I really do -Gastón said thinking mostly in his friends, he never saw them like that, it was like someone took all the joy in his friends, there wasn’t teasing and laughs between the three anymore, there was just him with two other bodies that seemed to have no soul
He was standing in from of her door, he didn’t know what to do, he didn’t even know when he got there, but now he was just staring blank at it not knowing if he should knock with the risk of her answering the door, he needed to have a talk but being there was just a risk way too big, so when he decided to have the talk the next day at school, the door opened showing the figure he was expecting to see.
-Matteo? -He asked with an unreadable expression that made Matteo feel the need to explain himself fast 
-Don’t hit me again, I am here in peace -He said lifting his hands and Simon couldn’t help but laugh, even thought he felt bad for hitting him
-Hey, easy I won’t hit you, actually, I shouldn’t done it, I am sorry for that -He said pointing to his black eye 
-All good, I deserved it thought -Matteo said lifting one shoulder 
-Yes, you did, but violence is not an excuse for anything, so I apologyze for that 
-Yeah, apologyze accepted -Matteo said and both of them nodded, then a silence fell for a couple of seconds making all the situation awkward for both 
-But I don’t think you should see Luna yet, I don’t think she is ready. for you know... -Simon was saying but Matteo interrupted him 
-Yeah, yeah sure, I was actually here, to talk to you -He said nodding effusively -About Ambar -He explained carefully after watching Simon confussion of his desire of talk
-Hey look, I just don’t... -Simon started to say, he was still hurt about that, and even when he hasn’t seen Ambar in a couple of days, he had this pain in the chest everytime he thought about her
-No, wait, I know you are hurt, I get that because we screwed up, big time, like the biggest time ever, and I deserve the punch, and that you and Luna get mad at me, and of course Ambar has her part in all this, but she is having an awful, awful time -Matteo said with clear worry in his eyes that made Simon worried for her too -Maybe this started as a bet, but since day one I knew she was hooked with you, and this was just an excuse I used to get her close to you and she could realize her feeling, and she did, and she cares about you so much, I never saw her this way towards a guy before, and now she thinks you hate her 
-I don’t... I don’t HATE her -Simon said accentuanting the hate word-I am just mad 
-But she thinks that, and is so depressed, she isn’t going at school and is sleeping all day, and you don’t know how much she hates to sleep during day
-I know, once she ranted at me because I told her I napped the whole afternoon -Simón said with a smile remembering that, she was telling him how much lost of time that was, and he just teased her telling her more about his naps 
-Well, then you get me? I know you are mad, with all the right, but be mad at me okay? talk to her, she really has strong and real feelings for you, and I know trust will be hard to build up again, but give her a chance, because I think you are suffering and she is suffering too, and I don’t think this mess worths it -Matteo said tired, Simon could saw how he meant every word, and he was right, he was sufffering not knowing about her, and now that he knew about her again and is nothing good he was just suffering more, and he would be the biggest liar if he didn’t say that he was dying to see her, talk to her, hug her and just be with her, tease her during classes, damn how he missed her
-I’ll talk to her -Simon said nodding and Matteo nodded back to him 
-Thank you, really, I’ll give you the adress of her home because I don’t think she will go back to school soon 
-Sure, thank you -Simon said and Matteo just nodded again in answer, he could noticed how Matteo’s eyes kept going to the second floor with the hope of seeing someone there, and Simon knew who he was expecting -You are a good friend Matteo, and you did a mistake like every teen does, don’t be so harsh to yourself -Simon said and Matteo felt how a knot in his throat was formed
-Why.. hmm why do you tell me that? -He said clearing his throath trying to hide his sadness
-Because you told me to blame it all for you, and I won’t, and you shouldn’t neither, Luna is mad, but she wants an explination too, and she will look for it when she is ready, don’t worry -Simon said palming Matteo’s shoulder softly 
-Do you think so? -He asked looking for the reassurance he was needing 
-I know it, trust me -Simon reassured him with a smile
-Thank you really, but tell her I am sorry and I will explain everything whenever she is ready -Matteo asked to Simon and he nodded letting him know that he would do it -See you tomorrow at school?
-Yes, see you tomorrow, and put some ice on that eye -Simon said joking and Matteo just laughed, it was good knowing after all that time someone wasn’t judging him, neither blaming him, and he didn’t know how much he needed that, they both shaked their hands and said goodbye to each other.
Simon entered to his house and Luna was still locked in her room listening to every heartbreak song Matisse have ever made, and they have a lot, seconds later his phone buzzed showing a messege of Matteo with an adress, he will go the next day just after the blake, he was missing her so much, he never thought it was possible to miss someone that much. 
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recetas-peruanas · 5 years
Día del Mojito: festeja con estas 3 deliciosas bebidas
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El 11 de julio de cada año se celebra el Día del Mojito, un cóctel fresco y sabroso que se ha posicionado como uno de los favoritos en los bares y restaurantes del Perú y del mundo. Sin embargo, pocos conocen el origen pintoresco de este trago. Se dice que fue realizado por el pirata Sir Francis Drake, quien solía preparar una bebida en base a aguardiente, azúcar, limón y menta.
Esta primera versión del trago solía ser utilizada como medicina para tratar el escorbuto y la disentería en las islas caribeñas. Posteriormente, la receta fue modernizada con el uso del ron en la mezcla, para pasar a ser uno de los tragos más populares en Cuba gracias al escritor Ernest Hemingway, quien solía decir que su vida en la Habana se complementaba cuando bebía “su mojito en La Bodeguita y su daiquirí en La Floridita”.
En ese sentido, los expertos de Diageo, la empresa líder mundial en bebidas espirituosas, ofrecen tres recetas junto a su ron Zacapa, el cual es una mezcla maestra producida con jugo concentrado del primer prensado de la caña de azúcar llamado “miel de caña virgen”, añejado a la perfección a 2,300 metros sobre el nivel del mar, en las alturas de Quetzaltenango en Guatemala.
“Al hacerlo con Zacapa Ambar, el sabor cambia ligeramente y se siente más presencia del licor, ya que esta marca mezcla rones que van desde 4 a 12 años. Le aporta ciertos toques amaderados que van muy bien con este toque picante y herbáceo de la hierbabuena”, recomienda Joel Chirinos, Reserve Brand Ambassador de Diageo.
1. Zacapa Mojito
45ml de ron Zacapa Ambar
20ml de jugo de limón amarillo
2 cdas de azúcar mascabado
10 hojas de hierbabuena
Contiene 15 gramos de alcohol
Preparación: En un vaso poner las hojas de hierbabuena con el azúcar mascabado y macerar. Agregar el resto de los ingredientes, hielo hasta el borde y revolver.
2. Mojito de Sandia
30ml de ron Zacapa Ambar
750 ml de jugo de sandia
1 manojo de hojas de menta
1 cda. de azúcar
1 lima cortada en cuñas
Contiene 10 gramos de alcohol
Preparación: Mezclar en un recipiente las hojas de menta, el azúcar y la lima, incorporar el zumo de sandía junto con el ron. Llenar un vaso con hielo y verter la mezcla.
3. Zacapa mojito Martini
50ml Ron Zacapa 23
25ml Zumo de lima
15ml jarabe de goma
8 hojas de hierbabuena
Contiene 16 gramos de alcohol
Preparación: Añadir todos los ingredientes a la coctelera con hielo. Agitar energéticamente. Realizar un doble colado sobre una copa Martini. Decorar con hoja de menta.
Desde Peru.com https://peru.com/estilo-de-vida/gastronomia/dia-mojito-festeja-estas-3-deliciosas-bebidas-noticia-612211
de Día del Mojito: festeja con estas 3 deliciosas bebidas
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