#Also reading back through my fics for references so I don't fuck continuity up
Hm so I guess my writing muse is fueled by angst. Thank you @miasmaghoul for feeding it so well, I somehow slapped down probably 1.5-2k words across 2 wips last night/this morning.
Also ended up on on a Wikipedia tangent about US superfund sites, because I needed to look up a quick note about flint rocks and then cinnabar and well that's how it goes, yeah? At least I didn't end up on reading about welding at 2am again.
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Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: "Can I read your diary?" "No." "Please." "I said no." "Pretty please?" "Ellie." "P l e a s e?" "No."
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, writer!reader, slice of life, mom and dad problems, some meta references, me being corny, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: This can be read like a p2, or within the same universe at least, of this fic but also as a stand alone whatever you want babe Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx
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"Ohemgee look!" Ellie calls, running through rubble and debris, making her way off to the rack of magazines with both ripped and dilapidating issues, and ones still very much intact and still in plastic wrapping.
She grins and begins to rummage the rack, "what was the magazine you used to write for again?"
I follow after her, tilting my head at the selection, "I've written for them all actually."
Ellie turns to me, cocking her head out, "whaaaaaaat? Seriously?!"
I shrug, "I was a freelancer."
"That's so fucking cool man!"
I roll my eyes, "yeah, cool, up until you had to pay rent," I turn over my shoulder as Joel walks over to us, then goes down the other aisle, continuing to survey the shelves.
I point, "there's some bleach over there."
Joel looks at it then back to me, "do you want it?"
I shrug.
Joel rolls his eyes and grabs it.
Ellie rips through the pages of one magazine and turns to me, "do you know who Tom Holland is?"
I walk over to her, looking through the available magazines, "actor. He was Spiderman at one point."
"What does that even mean?" Ellie shakes her head.
"It means he played Spiderman in films for a period of time."
"Oh," Ellie turns back to the page, "you in this issue?"
"Honey, I have no idea what date it is today," I reply as I examine other magazine covers. I recognize one of them and take it. Ellie immediately loses interest in the magazine she had, dropping it to the floor, coming close to me, pressing her cheek onto my shoulder as I flip through the pages of the magazine.
The telltale smell of the ink and paper makes me smile. I bring the object close to me and smell it. I chuckle, moving it to Ellie, "smell?"
She gives it a sniff then looks at me.
"Smells nice, right?" I smile.
Ellie gives me a weird look, "... I guess?"
Joel, from afar, comments, "signs of a druggie. Watch closely, Ellie."
I snort. Ellie looks over her shoulder and chuckles, turning back to me. She leans in as I flip the pages, breathing in deeply. I bring the magazine close to her again. She pulls back, sighs, and looks back at me, "I don't get it."
I laugh under my breath, "maybe I am a druggie," I give her a look. She mimics my wacky expression. I then survey the crumbling supermarket and sigh, "or maybe... it's really just not the same."
Ellie watches me as I go through the magazine.
She perks when I make a sound. I scan the pages and begin to laugh as I point to the corner, "and behold."
"HOLY SHIT!" Ellie gapes. She takes the magazine from me and begins to eagerly read the work upon seeing my name on the side. Ellie's jaws are parted as she goes through the text.
I laugh, brushing her hair back amorously.
"JOEL, SHE'S FAMOUS!" she shouts as I begin to walk off to the said man.
Joel grunts, "congratulations."
I chuckle as reach Joel and his push cart full of whatever he deemed important enough to take. He mumbles to me once I'm close enough, "sold your soul to the devil for shit."
I grab the box of thumbtacks on the shelf and place it in the cart, "I was told it was actually just a minor demon."
"WHO'S PEDRO PASCAL?" Ellie calls.
"Actor," I turn over my shoulder and call back. I then turn back to Joel, "was he the one in that Marvel film?"
"I don't give a fuck," Joel shakes his head as we continue going down the aisle.
"I honestly don't remember babe!" I reply to her.
"IS THIS HIM?!" she shouts and begins to run over.
Ellie pants as makes her way to us with a bunch of magazines in her arms. She rips one of them open once she is next to me, throwing the rest in the cart. Joel eyes Ellie after doing this.
She then points to a stylishly suited man with mustache and a debonair smile. The image of him instantly jogs my memory. I gasp and pull the magazine closer to me, "no wait, I remember. I did have such a big crush on him. He was so sweet and he made me laugh the whole interview."
"OHEMGEE!" Ellie giggles, "that's so cheesy of you!"
Joel grunts as he pushes his cart over a rocky part.
I grin at the sight of magazine Pedro Pascal. Ellie then begins to look between the magazine and Joel. She tilts her head then suddenly points, "oh my gosh, Joel looks like him."
"That's why you like him," Ellie grins, "he looks like your actor crush!"
I give her a look, "Joel looks nothing like him, Ellie."
"What do you mean?! The mustache, the eyes, everything! That's Joel."
"Maybe if you showed me a pic of Joel in his heyday, I'd pretend to believe you. But that would honestly be such an insult to Pedrito."
"Pedrito," Joel scoffs under his breath, "Ellie take those magazines out of the cart. We are not taking them."
I steal a look at Joel as hold back a laugh. I shake my head, "rip the page of my article out. I'm feeling sentimental."
Later that day, on our stopover, I was curled up, sitting at the roof our car, looking between my notebook and the ripped page of my magazine laughing to myself. It was an amazing feat to find this in the middle of everything.
"Can I read your diary?"
I look down to my side, smile dampening slightly, "no."
"I said no."
"Pretty please?"
"P l e a s e?"
"No," I raise my brows at her. I motion to Joel who was going through some of the abandoned cars, "go help Joel."
"He told me to wait in the car because I'm a nuisance."
I scoff out a chuckle, "you're not a nuisance, baby."
"I know," she reaches out to me, "but if you feel bad, let me read your diary."
I roll my eyes, "why do you want to read my diary so bad?"
"Why do you write to much?"
"If I didn't, one of us would be dead," I said.
She gasps, "I get killing Joel, but me? You could never, you love me!"
I don't get to reply as Joel comes back and orders me to get off the roof.
Later that night, Ellie wakes up to the sound of arguing. We were camped in the middle of the woods and promised no one else would be camping. She shoots up from her sleeping bag and sees two people arguing from afar. She panics, turning to see the two sleeping bags by her side were empty, then she realizes that they were the ones fighting.
She pretends to go to sleep.
The sound of bickering intensifies.
Ellie gathers from the hushed growls there had been an accident.
In the morning, Ellie would find out whatever happened last night got the adults to non-speaking terms. She does not have the guts to ask, even through the silence of the long drive.
"Go left," I coldly dictate.
Joel turns left.
Ellie nibbles on her lower lip as she leans forward between the two front seats. She looks over to me. She looks over to Joel.
"So..." she says.
No one responds to her.
She notices how I lift my leg up when we pass a hump. Ellie points to my foot, "what happened to your ankle?"
"Accident," I turn to her with a soft smile.
Ellie looks worried, "is it broken?"
"Sprained," I retort.
"Twisted," Joel cuts.
I turn to Joel, "I've had worse sprains from running before."
"Oh, I'm sure you did!" He turns to me, "then you went back to your apartment-"
I turn away from him.
"-and put fucking ice and hot compress on it."
I sigh as I look out the window.
"I mean I'm sure you can do that now-- oh wait," Joel turns back front, "you cant!"
Ellie leans back into her seat, thinking of something to say to change the subject. She leans onto the window, eyes widening, "ohemgee, look, it's a family of-"
"I wouldn't have gotten in an accident had you not snuck off at-"
"I didn't sneak off!"
"Oh yeah," I turn back to him, "you made it a point not to wake me."
"You're a heavy sleep-"
"I'm really not, Joel!" I bark, "you wanted to do some heroic shit by doing a run all by your-"
"SHUT UP!" Ellie rips through the verbal abuse, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! Shut up!"
Joel and I look turn away from each other, heaving in anger.
The tensions worsened once he had to go on foot.
"Ellie," I say, turning to the girl, "you have a choice. Do you want to go with me, or do you want to go with Joel?"
"We're sl-" Ellie panics, "we're splitting up?!"
Joel says something under his breath that I wholeheartedly ignore.
I release a breath and motion vaguely, "we're getting two different things," I point to the left, "one is in the tunnels, which stinks worse than shit," I point to Joel on the right, "and one is up in building, but you have to climb, like, a hundred levels."
"49," Joel grunts.
I shrug, not bothering to look at him, "your pick, El."
Ellie looks between me and Joel. She begins to overthink what was happening. Before I could tell her it wasn't a big deal, she blurts out, "can you walk by yourself?"
I purse my lips, feeling somehow defeated by the fact her question meant she was choosing Joel. I nod once, "I told you, I've had worse."
Joel scoffs.
"My ankle is fine," I speak sternly.
Ellie nods, "okay. I want to wait in the car."
Joel and I turn to each other when she says this. I quickly turn back to her and furrow my brows, "you sure?"
She nods, "I'm kind of tired actually... we woke up... pretty early."
I nod slowly and ask, not looking at who I was talking to though, "you good with that?"
Ellie turns to Joel. She looks back where his sights were, watching me stretch my neck. Joel nods once, "don't go outside the car."
Ellie turns to Joel and nods back, "I wont."
Ellie burns time by going through some of the pages from magazines she had ripped out for herself. Once she was bored of that, she began to count the windows on all the buildings she could see. Once she was bored of that, she began looking for something else to read.
And then it struck her. The diary. It was here, fresh for the pickings.
Ellie wastes no more time. She opens a random page.
Day ~98 with Joel & Ellie
I didn't write for two days because we nearly died, Suzie.
Who's Suzie?
I'm glad we didn't. I'm glad you're still here. If you were a real person, you would have wanted to die after what we went through, considering the state of you, pages falling off and all. Ellie would have roasted you for your appearance.
Ok... Suzie's the diary?
I would have loved to have been her teacher in literature. She's got an amazing mind. She uses fuck as a punctuation though.
Fuck yeah!
Joel would have been her substitute math teacher who actually taught PE. He'd be really good at math though actually, he'll teach you how to compute rates and interest. He's good at that. He's practical. He's safe. I love him Suzie. I love them both.
Cute, she thinks. Ellie skims the page and tries to part the others that were stuck together. She gives up on that and decides to read something else.
Joel gave me a hicky-
Joel nearly broke my back af-
Ellie squints at the furious handwriting, unable to read parts of the passage.
Ellie tilts her head at the next words she reads.
She ponders on what the text she read meant cause- well... Joel's not afraid of anything. She reads something else.
I look at your face and I feel like the noise doesn't have a sound. I feel your calloused hand touch me like I'm the most precious thing, even when they hurt me so bad. Don't push me away. I love you so much. We can do things together. We should do things together. I can stay up late sometimes. I can stay up late with you. Why don't you trust me? You're strong and capable. I love you. I am not. I am nothing to you. I am nothing. I am weak and timid. But with you I am everything. Why won't you believe me? Why won't you trust me? I love you. Joel. Ellie. I cant take care of you. I can take care of her. I love you. please believe me.
Later that night. We've set up camp by the woods.
"You want this?" I ask Ellie as I give her the other half of my food. She reaches out for it, but pulls her hand back when Joel barks, "don't take that."
I shoot him a look, "I'm not hungry any-"
"Like hell you are!" Joel snaps, "you didn't eat anything in the afternoon."
"I wasn't hungry then either."
"So what?" he chews exaggeratedly, "you're going through something? Or you're doing this to get back at me?'
I scoff and shake my head. I walk off.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Joel screams as he watches me walk off.
"I'm going to take a PISS by the fucking LAKE!"
Ellie watches Joel as he watches me.
Ellie looks at the fire in the middle of them. Joel mutters under his breath. She licks her lips, "you know... it's... okay."
Joel turns to Ellie, giving her an incredibly annoyed look, "what?!"
"... you don't have to always be the strong one," Ellie mumbles as she looks off to the distance, "she's really strong too."
"You mean bullheaded," Joel grunts as he finishes the last of his food.
Ellie turns back to Joel, finding that he was looking at the same direction she had been. She brushes crumbs off her, "you worry about her. She worries about you-"
Joel turns to Ellie.
"I'm worried about my eardrums..." she trails off, looking to the dark sky, "but strangely enough, I'd rather go deaf with all your screaming than never be able to see you fight again."
Ellie pauses. She scrunches her face up and looks down at Joel. She raises a finger, "I was trying to be sentimental but I feel like that just makes no sense."
His nostrils flare, "you should leave the sentimentalities to-"
Joel shoots up from his spot and looks out to the source of the scream. Ellie shoots up as well, tense as she looks between Joel and the dark unknown, "should we-"
"Wait here," Joel says, grabbing a gun as he quickly makes his way deep into the woods.
Ellie watches as she uneasily fidgets on her spot.
Joel listens intently to the sounds around him. He slows then continues after hearing what he did, gun up and ready.
"Joel?" I call out as I walk. I repeat his name as I continue through the forest. I grunt when I step on a rock with my bad ankle. I lean against tree as I wince in pain. I try to stretch my injured ankle. It's a bad idea. I hiss.
I hear my name get called out. Before I can even look, there is a hand on my arm.
I turn and see Joel looking at me with a concerned expression. I whimper as he takes my cheek in his palm and shift to face him. He quickly asks, "are you okay? What happened? Is someone here? Did you fall? I-"
I silence him by placing my hand on his cheek, "Joel."
Joel's brows tense.
I sigh and shake my head, "I was... I was spooked by a racoon that brushed against me while I was peeing."
He lets out a breath. His shoulders relax and he lowers his gun. He then puts his weapon away and wipes his face. I chew my lower lip and grip on his bicep.
Joel turns to me as I give him a look. I gulp, "I also... stepped on a rock, and... my ankle hurts... like... really ba-"
I am cut off when Joel bends down and picks me up in his arms. I squeak and grip tightly on him. He grunts when he begins to walk off. I begin to feel agitated as he strains, "Joel-"
"Shut up," he blurts, "I can fling you into the sun if I want."
I lick my lips as I adjust my arms around his shoulders, "but what about your back?"
"What about my back?" he mumbles, "you haven't been eating and it shows. I would run a lap with you in my arms."
"You have to stop skipping meals."
"... I'm not hun-"
"I didn't ask if you were."
"I don't like it when we fight."
Joel scoffs out a chuckle.
"I'm sorry."
He sighs as he continues walking back to our camp. I caress his cheek. He looks down at me, blinking slowly, "I'm sorry too."
Joel looks back up and I begin to fiddle with his collar. A smile plays on my lips, "you know when you say 'too', it's like you're just agree-"
"I'm sorry," he blurts.
I hold back my chuckle, "well now it really feels like you're just agreeing with me."
"Do you want me to drop you?" he rolls his eyes as he gives me a quick look.
"I don't mind," I smile, brushing his hair back, "I like it like this. When I'm injured," I stroke his jaw, "you always do what I ask you to."
Joel clenches his jaw as he eyes me darkly.
I chuckle softly, rubbing the line between his brows, "hey."
"What?" he quips, no longer looking at me.
"I love you."
He purses his lips. His chest releases a deep breath of air. Joel spots Ellie from afar, and she very evidently spots us as she calls out. She runs over to us, "holy fuck, what the fuck happened?!"
I turn to Ellie and smile, "I'm being dramatic," I call back.
I reach out to her and caress her cheek, explaining my incident with the racoon.
At this point, we all had our sleeping bags set up and were getting ready to go tot be.
I give Joel a kiss on the cheek before he pulls away after helping me in my spot.
Ellie catches this then places a hand on her chest, "oh thank fuck you guys made up."
I turn to Ellie as she brings her sleeping bag close to mine. She says, "it was because of me right?"
I watch as Ellie looks out to Joel, who does nothing but set up his own bag close to mine.
Ellie begins to ramble, "I took a page from your book and got really sentimental with Joel."
I snicker, "did you, now?"
"Yeah," she raises a hand, "I talked about... going deaf and not being able to... hear you fight or something-- honestly, it was really cringy."
I give her a look, "are you indirectly calling me cringy."
"Absolutely," Ellie speaks without missing a beat as she nods her head.
I scoff, "you're so mean."
"No," she shakes her head and beings pointing, "he's the mean one, I'm the funny one, you're the sentimental one."
I laugh and shake my head at her words, "okay, sweetheart. Whatever you say."
The three of us are now cozied up in our bags.
"Good night mom and dad," Ellie says.
"Night, my love," I mutter, brushing her cheek, "I love you."
"Love you, mommy," she says softly then a little louder, "Love you, Joel!"
I grin and turn to Joel, "I love you, Joel."
Joel rolls on his side, facing away from us.
I curl up in my blanket and release a breath.
"I love you... I love you."
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mypearlsareclutched · 1 month
It's So Surreal
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High By The Beach | Chapter Five
Modern!Aegon II x Original Female Character, Modern!Aemond x Original Female Character
Running away together, Aegon and Mila traverse their newfound friendship. Two ex-addicts with unresolved tension, in a beach front summer house, all alone... oh, the possibilities....
Yuh let's get into it!! Finally we're at the beach, I've been edging y'all with the title but nOW IT MAKES SENSE! x
Song inspiration | High By The Beach, Lana Del Rey
CW//TW: Sexual Content (MDNI, 18+), oral (f receiving), drinking, smoking fags and also the devil's lettuce, Aegon being the best sponsor, Aemond returns to the fic, beach vibes, song references
Word count | 4.1k
previous chapter // next chapter
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When Aegon said he knew a place they could go, he was of course referring to the Hightower's disused beach house on the coast of Old Town.
As they drove towards the edge of Kings Landing, Aegon talked softly about the beach house. While a lot of Alicent and Otto's side of the family lived in the main city of Old Town, Aegon's uncle Gwayne had been a bit of a player in his youth, using the family's beach house as his bachelor pad. He continued to live there into adulthood, and raised Daeron there when Alicent begged him to care for her youngest.
Gwayne had since gotten into a serious relationship with a woman from the Iron Islands, and had moved to live with her once Daeron moved out and went to university. The beach house had been empty ever since.
The perfect escape, Aegon said.
Mila fell asleep listening to him talk, her head leaning against the window, Aegon's soft voice her lullaby, accompanied by the ancient radio playing 'Cherry-Coloured Funk' by the Cocteau Twins.
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Jace sits on one of Dragonstone's many balconies, legs swinging childishly as he takes a hit from a spliff. The early morning wind ruffles his hair, seagulls chattering excitedly.
Laenor had left for a business trip, and after seeing him off, the Velaryon family had went off to their own corners of the estate to go about their own tasks. Since he didn't need to be in Kings Landing till next monday, Jace was happy to self-medicate and stare longingly off into the distance, imagining he's Tom Cruise in Top Gunn.
A smooth engine hums nearby, and Jace squints down at the road leading to Dragonstone. An expensive car drives through the porte-cochère, parking haphazardly. Jace's eyes widen as a tall, blonde man exits it, his eye patch sharply contrasting his otherwise pale and vampiric appearece.
"Ah fuck..." Jace sighs, swinging his legs over the railing to rush back inside.
He runs through the long and winding corridors of his family home, making a beeline for his mother's office. Rhaenyra barely looks up when her eldest son crashes through the double doors, her reading glasses perched on her nose as she looks over piles of documents
"Mum-!" Jace exclaims, rushing to his mother's desk.
"That better not be a joint in your hand." Rhaenyra says as she looks up at him from over the rim of her reading glasses.
"What? Oh." Jace tentatively places the smoking spliff on top of Rhaenyra's desk, "Aemond's here."
The office doors burst open, and Aemond Targaryen charges forward with the rage of an oncoming storm. Rhaenyra narrows her eyes, already unnerved.
"Where is she?" Aemond demands as he reaches Rhaenyra's desk, his voice cold and his stare even colder.
"I don't know what you are talking about, dear brother." Rhaenyra sighs, taking off her glasses and glaring at Aemond.
"My mother said you walked her out of the hospital. She hasn't returned home, she's not answering my calls, no-one has seen her. Where. Is. She?" Aemond's voice grows icier as he goes on, his chest rising and falling with barely contained anger as his lone eye pierces into Rhaenyra's, as if he could see her thoughts if he looked hard enough.
"She's somewhere safe." Rhaenyra states, "That is all you need to know-"
Aemond slams his hand atop the table, sending various pens clattering onto the floor. Jace flinches before regaining his composure, trying to seem as relaxed as his mother.
"You better check yourself, one-eye-" He starts, as Aemond whirls around and points a finger at him.
"Bite your fucking tongue, runt!" The blonde bites.
"Now how about we all just calm down..." Rhaenyra states, walking around her desk to stand in between the two.
"I deserve to know where she is. She's my fucking girlfriend!" Aemond yells, voice echoing around the office.
"Not anymore, she's not." Rhaenyra spits.
Aemond's face drops, and he stiffens. He stares down at his half-sister, who holds his glare with a steely one of her own. Jace stands awkwardly, looking between them with furrowed brows.
With a roll of his eyes and a twitch of his nose, Aemond breaks the staring contest first.
"This isn't over." He sneers, turning on his heel and storming back out of the office, like a tornado heading towards the next city to demolish.
Rhaenyra exhales, walking back around her desk and falling into her chair.
"It's nine in the morning, can our family at least wait until midday to create a civil war."
"Clearly not." Jace sighs and sits atop the desk, watching the door in case Aemond decides on a round two. His phone rings loudly, causing both Jace and Rhaenyra to jump. Pulling out the offending device, Jace frowns at the name on screen.
"Cregan? What's wrong?" Jace listens to his friends frantic voice, lips pressing into a thin line before pulling the phone from his ear, "Mila's gone missing."
"Seven hells." Rhaenyra picks up Jace's abandoned joint, taking a hit.
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Mila startles awake as the car swerves violently, a car honks and Aegon tells them to stick their car horn where the sun doesn't shine. Seeing Mila wake up, Aegon winces.
"Sorry, sorry!" Aegon laughs, "Haven't driven in a while."
Humming, Mila stretches, looking around at the world outside their care. Their crossing over a bridge, a wide lake beneath them.
"Where are we?" She asks, looking at the water with a small smile.
"We just passed Highgarden, heading over to Brightwater."
"I've never been here before." Mila sighs, opening the window to let the air into the car, "Furthest I've been west is Silverhill."
"What the hells were you doing in Silverhill?" Aegon laughs.
"Same thing I've always been doing." Mila smiles bitterly, "Partying, drinking, snorting stuff."
"A girl after my own heart." The Targaryen smirks, but his face falls as he sees Mila's saddened eyes, "I'm guessing these aren't fond memories?"
"None of them really are." She comments, fiddling with a loose piece of thread from Aegon's coat.
The car is silent for a moment, the wind whistles from the open window, a seagull caws from the distance. Mila keeps her lips pressed together, but Aegon clears his throat.
"Keep talking." Aegon says softly, and Mila looks over at him with a raised eyebrow, "I mean it. I like listening to you speak. And you've got a lot to get off your chest."
"You don't want to hear me complain about my sorry life, Aegon."
"Well it's a hell of a lot better than listening to this one Cocteau Twins CV this car has got." Aegon groans, "Seriously, this car is so old all we can listen to is CD's... I've listened to Heaven or Last Vegas about fifty times today."
"Okay, okay..." Mila laughs, sticking her hand out the car window to feel the breeze, "Where should I start?"
"The beginning is always a good place."
"Yeah, I'm sure it is..." She chuckles, "Okay. So..."
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Aegon was a good listener.
Mila told him all about her past. From the months after her parents passed, to her friendships with his cousins, to her crazy years of partying and drinking and sniffing and snorting. She even told him all about how she met Aemond, leaving out their rendezvous in the bathroom. Aegon barely said a word, and Mila had to check him occasionally to make sure he had not fallen asleep at the wheel. He had never been so quiet before.
The bridge and river turned into forests into fields into the city of Old Town, and Mila realised she hadn't felt so calm in years. Well, calm while being sober, at least.
On multiple occasions, mostly when they had to stop at a red light, Mila noticed Aegon watching her. He rested his head against the headrest, looking at her through his long lashes, a small smile on his lips.
"And then I found out that Cregan and Rhaena were seeing each other. I got so upset, because what nineteen year old wants their brother dating their best friend? Like, oh great, when we go out, my brother's going to be coming too? We had this massive argument... What are you staring at?" Mila laughs, giving Aegon a look as he stares at her. He gives her a dopey grin, shrugging before looking back at the road ahead, "Weirdo."
"Shush, I'm driving."
"Fine, I'll shush."
"No, keep talking." Aegon insists, "So did you and Rhaena fight? Like, fistacuffs? Did you invite her for a duel?"
"Yeah, we fenced." Mila nudges him, and he laughs.
"Hey, we need to stop and fill the car up. And you should probably get some clothes that don't make you look like a hooker who charges five quid for a blowjob."
"You're such a charmer."
The service station they stopped at was surprisingly huge, and Aegon was surprisingly excited to stop and look around. The man was practically giddy when he pulled up, because 'they have a gift shop'.
Capitalism wins again.
A man pumping petrol into his car gives them a strange look. Mila realised they probably looked a right pair, with her skimpy dress and big coat and his pyjamas and neon crocs.
"Should we get this?" Aegon says as he looks around a techno section. He points to a pay-as-you-go, retro looking flip phone. Drug dealer chic. Mila gives him a look.
"A pay as you go?" She chuckles, "Are we on the run from the government?"
"Hells, I might be on some kind of watchlist." Aegon muses, looking down at the phone with furrowed brows, "I'm definitely not allowed in any universities, or any pubs on the Iron Islands. Or the Vale."
"Where in the Vale?"
"The Vale. All of it." Aegon grimaces.
Mila shakes her head, looking to the tiny clothes shop next to a Waterstones, "I'm going to go grab some simple clothes and change."
"Alright. I'll be in the at the claw machine."
"Are you twelve?"
"Inches, yeah." Aegon winks and saunters off.
Inside the clothes shop, Mila found a soft, mens hoodie which was too big for her, a white tank top and a black maxi skirt. Flinging them on, she went off in search of Aegon. She saw him in the gift shop, trying on a pair of novelty sunglasses. The shape of a bikini clad rack, classy.
Mila rolled her eyes affectionately, looking around the various keychains and knick knacks that ranged from silhouettes of tall towers to sea views, all having puns in regards to the Reach. 'Highgarden says 'Hi'' 'You're older than Oldtown'. 'I went to Tumbleton and all I got was this lousy keychain'. Mila ran her fingers through them, the metal jingles as they crash together.
"Hey." Aegon greets, walking over with two pairs of sunglasses, "Do you prefer the tits or the alien eyes? You look nice by the way."
"Alien eyes. If you wear the tits to the beach you'll be put on another register." Mila jokes, "And thanks, this is part two of my 'walk of shame' collection."
"Would it be crazy if I said I prefer this one?"
"You really are reformed." Mila smiles, and he offers her his elbow as they head over to purchase Aegon's alien sunglasses.
They get back into the car as it begins to rain again. Mila sighs, wrapping Aegon's coat around herself before she looks over at the man and gasps, "Aegon I still have your coat!"
"...Yeah?" He laughs, unlocking the car.
"Well, it's raining. You're in a sleeping gown! You should have this back."
"Absolutely not." Aegon rolls his eyes, a smile on his lips, "It looks better on you anyway." As he gets in the car without another word, Mila wraps the coat around herself happily.
Wrapped up in the warm coat, with the Cocteau Twins playing softly, Mila falls asleep immediately.
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Aemond was lucky Rhaena had a terrible poker face. When he stormed into their recording studio, he internally breathed a sigh of relief at only finding Rhaena and not her sister.
The younger woman stared at him with wide eyes from her perch atop a leather seat, eyebrows raised as her fingers pause playing her guitar.
"Mila." Aemond asks simply, an eyebrow raised, "Where is she? Now."
"I have no idea." Rhaena lies, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights.
"Yes you do."
"Yes I do." She sighs, putting her guitar down and standing from her seat.
"Where is she?" Demands Aemond, taking a dangerous step towards her. Rhaena's eyes widen, and she takes a step back.
"Look, you really can't go and see her. She's not doing well and the place she's in won't allow people who aren't family to go and visit, and you'll really mess up her treatment if you go-"
"So she's at rehab?"
"...Shit!" Rhaena bites her lip, pressing a finger to it, shaking her head, "No, no she's not. Why would you think that? She's somewhere else."
"Which facility is she at?" Aemond asks with another menacing footstep.
"None! I swear she's nowhere." Rhaena insists with another step back.
"Nowhere! Like, nowhere at all. Like, honestly." Rhaena gnaws her lip, face contorting as she tries to think of a lie. "You haven't gone to see your brother lately, have you?"
Aemond's eyebrows furrow, "Why?"
"Wait, no reason! Actually you should never visit your brother, like ever again. Please don't."
Aemond growls, turning on his heel and rushing back out, ignoring Rhaena's calls to stop. He was a man on a mission, and that mission was getting his girlfriend from that damned facility that has done nothing for his delinquent brother.
Weirwood was a strange looking building. Surrounded by strange trees, housing strange people.
Aemond grimaced as he looked up at it briefly, fragments of memories appearing before his eye. Dragging Aegon by the scruff of his neck like a kitten up the stairs, practically tossing him at the woman at the front desk, storming back out with Aegon's deranged giggles following him.
And now, his Mila is here.
And all because of you, a voice whispers to him inside his head. It sounds like Otto, his own guilt manifested like Jiminy fucking Cricket. Gods you really are a screw up. You should be in here, instead of her. For your addiction to messing things up.
The doors burst open as Aemond storms through them, earning a few confused look from various staff and patients. He's too focused to care.
The woman at the front desk glares as he approaches, practically snarling, but his eyes are focused on a blonde woman standing next to her.
"Halaena?" Aemond asks.
His sister looks up, giving her brother a microscopic smile, "Hey Aem."
The woman at the front desk, Nettles, gives him a glare, rolling her dark eyes before turning her attention back to his sister.
"...so like I said, I went in to check on her last night. The bedroom window was broken, and when I looked around the building, they were both gone." Nettles continues to Halaena.
"Oh no..." She murmurs, playing with one of her curls anxiously.
"What's going on?" Aemond demands, hands twitching as his sides, "Halaena why are you here?"
Halaena's eyes widen, "I came to visit..."
"Aegon? Why are you visiting Aegon, I thought Otto said not to visit him anymore. What's wrong with him?"
"He's vanished again." Nettles interrupts, clicking her tongue, "Shame. He was doing so well."
"Good riddance." Aemond growls, "As far away as he can be from Mila, the better."
Silence follows. Halaena and Nettles stare at him awkwardly, sharing a look before cringing. Aemond's body deflates.
"...Tell me she's here." He practically pleads, the fight slowly leaving his body.
"...She's here?" Halaena says weakly.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
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Mila wakes up with a shudder.
Her body is surrounded by soft fabric, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and comforters. Lay on a sofa in a cozy living room with large open windows, she blinks at the sunsetting in the horizon.
Music blasts from another room, unmistakably Back To Life by Soul II Soul, and someone was singing along. Nowhere close to on-key.
Mila yawns, climbing from her nest, walking on weak, Bambi legs across the birchwood floors, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
Walking into the kitchen, Mila halts as she sees Aegon at the stove, dancing in place as he cooks something. He sings along to Back To Life, messing up the words occasionally, and Mila holds back a laugh as she watches him in the doorway.
As Aegon spins in place, he helps when he sees her
"The seventies called, it wants its shirt back." Mila laughs, nodding to his bright blue, Hawaiian shirt.
"Yeah, and the nineties emailed and requested their insults back." Aegon rolls his eyes.
Grabbing a spatula and scraping off slightly overdone eggs, he places them and lays down the meal with a flourish.
"Omelette!" Aegon says proudly. Mila laughs, clapping his efforts. He bows dramatically, humbly accepting the praise for his hunter gatherer skills.
"No plates?"
"Are you kidding? My uncle Gwayne and Daeron lived here, left to their own devices no less. We're lucky I found forks."
The two of them sit on the porch of the house, watching the waves crashing as they eat their omelettes. They don't speak, choosing instead to listen to the ambience of the beach instead. Peaceful sleep envelops them, only occasionally interrupted by the sound of Aegon yelling at a seagull to keep away.
Mila takes the plates inside, before returning and finding Aegon patting the pockets of his joggers, making an 'ah!' noise before pulling out a rather crumpled joint.
"No fucking way." Mila beams, picking it out of the Targaryens hands with a massive grin.
"Should you be partaking?" Aegon says with narrowed eyes, though he holds out the lighter for him to take.
"Try to stop me!" Mila says as she runs off, heading towards the beach waves as she cradles the spliff.
"I'm the worst sponsor ever." Aegon sighs, jogging to catch up with her.
Mila collapses onto the sand, putting the spliff to her lips. The crackling of the lighter makes her happy as she lights it, and she takes a deep breath. The taste is bitter, it burns her throat and lungs, and it makes her head loll back. Perfection.
"Alright, Snoop Dogg, hand it over." Aegon chuckles as he leans over her to pinch the joint.
"Gods this is amazing." Mila sighs happily as she looks over at the tide, feeling the breeze in her hair and
"So did you sleep well?" He asks, leaning back on his elbows.
"Best sleep I've had in years." Mila laughs, "Did you carry me from the car?"
Aegon shrugs, "Well it was either that or I leave you there, you were not waking up." They share a chuckle, the distant seagulls harmonising with them.
"Didn't think I was dead?" Mila asks as she takes off her trainers and socks, burying her toes in the sand.
"Hoped not. Can't find a pulse for shit so don't ask me to do that in the future."
"How are you still alive?"
"Spite." Aegon comments as he golds out the spliff for Mila to take.
Mila laughs, taking another hit from the offered spliff from Aegon's hands. Just like she did from Aemond a year ago. She tries not to dwell on it as she holds the weed in her lungs, avoiding Aegon's eyes.
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The spliff has been smoked. The sun is now merely peeking over the horizon, bleeding the sky orange and pink.
Aegon lies back, practically collapsing onto the sand with a contented sigh. Mila giggles as she joins him, their shoulders bumping slightly. They burst out into childish giggles, the sand below them getting into their hair.
"I'm glad we came here." Mila whispers.
"Me too."
Aegon leans on his elbows, watching Mila's profile. She turns and gives him a dopey smile, looking over his face.
"You're tense." She states.
"So are you." Aegon counters.
Mila lifts her hand up, carting her fingers through his choppy waves, his hair surprisingly soft to the touch. Aegon's eyes flutter closed, his head tilting to let her continue.
"Mila..." He whispers, breathlessly.
She doesn't know what to say. Finally, her mind is quiet. All she knows is that she's here, in this moment, with Aegon Targaryen. And she's happy.
Aegon watches her face, his hand reaching up to cup her cheek lightly, before is caresses down her jaw, her neck, her bare shoulder. Mila's breath hitches slightly, his touch electrifying. Taking notice of this, Aegon continues, his warm palm travelling down her arm, then over the soft fabric covering her waist.
Mila lays back down, licking her lip as she focuses on the feel of Aegon's hand as it traverses her form.
He lifts her legs over her shoulders, his eyes moving up to hers to look for discomfort. She lets out a shuddered breath, body craving and her mind too foggy to think rationally.
Aegon's talented fingers push her skirts up, bunching them at her hips as he sucks in a harsh breath at the sight of her panties.
Mila is sure she's soaked through them, her arousal impossible to dispute.
"Fuck..." Aegon groans, surging forward and living her through the material.
Letting out a throaty moan, Mila arches. His tongue is thick and skilled as it explores her through her panties, finding her clit easily and pressing his lips to it to suck on it. Her legs open further, allowing further access.
Aegon pulls her panties down, leaving them hanging from her ankle as he dives back in, devouring her immediately.
Mila can merely grip onto his blonde hair, tugging on it gently as he feasts on her, licking her swollen folds and sucking on her clit gently. He uses his hands to hold her trembling thighs open, not hard enough to stop her if she wanted to prevent him, but enough so his head does not get crushed. His tongue invades her opening, making Mila arch up.
"Taste's so fucking good." Aegon praises, talking directly into her cunt due to his inability to separate from her sweet wetness.
"Don't stop, don't stop, please..." Mila begs, pushing Aegon even closer as he feasts deliriously. He moans into her, the vibrations making her even wetter and her pleasure build.
Aegon wraps his arms around her thigh, keeping her close to him as he fucks his tongue into her, his nose rubbing against her clit. Mila squirms beneath him, pushing herself against his mouth eagerly as her orgasm gets closer and closer.
"Feels so good..." She moans, tugging on Aegon's hair tighter which makes a pleased grunt leave his mouth, his blue eyes looking up at her with desire.
"Are you gonna cum, pretty girl?" Aegon groans, sensing her growing pleasure by her movements and her moans, "Come on, cum on my tongue, wanna taste you..."
"Oh gods!" Mila squeals, feeling herself gush harder onto Aegon's face as her orgasm soars through her. Aegon laps it up like a drunk man downing their last of the night, his tongue unrelenting in its need to drink her up.
She collapses against the sand, completely boneless. Aegon gently lays her legs back down, before laying down next to her. Mila looks over at him, noting his closed eyes and deep breaths. His face is contented, his mouth and chin covered in her slick. Mila lets out a deep exhale, looking back at the orange sky.
She's too high to care about what this will mean...
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AN//Living for the headcanon that Modern!Aegon eats meow meow like a man STARVED. Finally had a bit of Aegon and Mila action, after like four chapters of slow burn (i couldn't wait any longer), and Aemond's trying to find her... let's see how this plays out ;)
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American Wasteland
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Note: Part three. I realised I never specified an exact timeframe so I'm clarifying that this is the last few year/months of him being undercover, about '94 Rust. I'm an ao3 girl so I'm figuring out how to lay fics out on Tumblr. Deeply appreciate everyone who's reading
Warnings: Drugs, drinking, swearing, smut insinuations and references to past violence but it is a True Detective fic, so
'Do you think we can ever truly talk about God?' Cassandra pipes up, as she's smearing herself in her pre-work lather of coco butter. When the sheen of the grease hits the light, it emphasises the taught expanse of her stomach and the tendons in her calfs. An amalgamation of divinity and delicate mortality; the pathetic fragility of the flesh, blood, skin and bones all knotted together, craving cosmic importance. 'Our soul, if there even exists such a thing,' Rust thinks, 'is just a ghost in a machine.'
Rust glances over to where she is standing in a matching lace, navy set, leg elegantly poised on the counter as she continues smoothing the ointment onto herself. He's lying on the mattress, still fully clothed, as he pinches his cigarette and stares back up to the ceiling. The events of the past few days, a visit to a meth lab in Galveston with Ginger followed by a drug and booze binge, have fucked his cognitive workings into a scramble of old memories and new sounds: the smell of gunpowder on his biker jacket, Cassandra's absent minded humming of an old Willie Nelson song, the brown sludge in his nail beds from when he was draining his Harley's oil, the black grease mixing with the residue of the red, Texan dust. He wills himself to give her a semi-coherent answer,
'I don't believe there's anyone there to talk to,' he drawls.
'I said about, not to.'
'What's your point, Cass? I ain't got the fuckin' will, tonight.' Rust thinks he can feel the chemical reactions behind his eyes; his enzymes breaking down proteins, the Speed throbbing through his neurotransmitters.
She rolls her eyes at him as she swaps leg, 'Chill out, I'm only wondering what you think. You know I value your opinion.'
He stiffens at that. 'Don't do this, baby,' he thinks 'It ain't worth whatever you think it is.' She's been doing this more often, letting that docility seep through the crevices of her impassible constitution. She hates herself for it, he can hear it in the acerbic tinge of her words, when she says shit like that to him. Sometimes, when he really concentrates at the expression in those dark pools of her eyes, he knows she believes she has deserved every horrific thing that has ever happened to her.
'I ain't really got an opinion on this matter, yet,' he says through an exhale of smoke, 'Why don't you tell me yours?'
'I know why, like, logistically we talk about God in modern languages, that's self explanatory. But it feels wrong, like we're corrupting the actual concept of a god.'
Rust doesn't look at her but says, 'Go on.'
'I think speaking about God in a dead language preserves him. Dead languages are frozen in time: absolute. They don't allow the transmutation or fucking corruption that modern languages do which are always evolving with dialects and younger generations,' she pauses, slipping her leg down from the counter as she slides her loose Budweiser t-shirt over her body, much to Rust's dismay. She continues,
'Also, on a more personal, aesthetic note, I think worship sounds a lot more metal in a language that isn't the one I use to order at fuckin' Waffle House.'
Rust snorts at that. He hears the slight smile in her voice as she replies,
'I know it sounds dumb when I condense it like that but that's literally my entire point. Worship is so often so dependent on the words we use and we venerate God in the same language that the televangelists or politicians use to con people on TV, the one that the girls at work use to sweet talk a customer into a lap dance? Seems fucked and incoherent to me.'
'I'm sure you can do that shit in a dead language too.'
'Nah, they existed before us. Whatever we try to imbue them with means fuckall, they don't participate in the reality of our information anymore.'
That gets him to sit up, the conversation staring to sober him up, 'Reality of information, huh? You've been stealing my books again, Cass?' a trace of a smirk on his lips. She huffs at him, stood in the middle of trailer,
'You were gone for three days and class is off for Spring Break, what the hell else was I supposed to do?'
'Buy some decent nightwear?' he remarks dryly. The reference to another one of her seduction tactics gets a mischievous smile from Cassandra . The past couple of weeks, she has been going to bed in some very short and, sometimes, very sheer nightdresses. Despite having made the chivalrous choice of sleeping on the floor of the trailer, chivalry being a virtue Rust is largely unacquainted with these days, his isn't unaffected by the sight of her sprawled out, almost beside him. Especially, when the nightdress naturally rides up during the night; a factor that has forced him to take too many a late night smokes outside.
'Nah, not when I know you enjoy it so much.'
'Cassandra,' Rust warns.
'Shit, full name?' she teases, 'You know, you're the only person who I let call me Cass.' She walks towards him, crawling onto the mattress and lying down next to him to look up at the ceiling. Rust doesn't move, not a goddamn inch. 'She'll know,' he thinks, 'Fuck, she probably already does.' Girls like Cassandra, girls too sexy and too tough for their age, always know. They have to. Growing up in a trailers, apartments and halfway houses, knowing that their tips which become their meals are based on how long they'll allow a drunk patron to stare at their tits or pat their asses as they serve them. They can smell male attraction from a mile off, tongues running over canines in mouths addled with whiskey and cigarettes. Oh yeah, they can tell and they know exactly how to play that game.
Rust wonders if he should feel some resentment towards her for it. He doesn't.
'Oh yeah?' he mutters, unimpressed.
'Lucky me.'
'You are. You know how many of your brothers would kill to give me a nickname?'
'Sounds to me like they already do,' his tone being harsher than he intended.
She goes silent and Rust hates himself more now than he did the other day, when he smashed a meth cook's head into a sink 14 times for screwing the Iron Crusaders' supply. The fragments of teeth and filaments of saliva mixed with blood that were left in the sink have nothing on the current look in Cassandra's eye.
'Don't be an asshole, Crash. You know I don't enjoy any of it,' her voice hoarse.
For the first time this evening, he looks her in the eye. 'I know,' tone steady but with a trace of true acknowledgment. Cassandra picks up on it, nodding her head. In these two innocuous actions, both have apologised and are forgiven. She stands up and grabs her duffel bag,
'You gonna swing by, tonight?'
He fucking wants to. Badly. He'd stomach the neon lights fucking with his Synesthesia, the lurid couches and the other Crusaders betting on how well each girl would 'take it'. He'd endure the fucking mire just to have Cassandra looking at him when she's on stage, the lights making her white smile a cool lilac.
'Nah. Can't tonight. Something at the clubhouse.'
'Oh, ok.'
'Poor kid. Like a kicked puppy,' he thinks. For the second time tonight, he can't stand that look in her eyes. He offers,
'You want a ride to work, baby? I'm headed in that direction, anyway.'
Something shifts slightly in her eye. The ball is back in her court. She savours it, rolls it over her tongue as victory coats it in something sweet and tart. Never one to show mercy, Cassandra toys with him,
'You'd give me a ride even if you weren't headed anywhere.'
Rust scoffs, fixing her with a look of chagrin; gleam of affection ,almost, trepidation in his eyes,
'I know, baby. I know.'
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girl yeeeesssss spill the fucking tea 😫 don't go hiding that drama in the tags
Okay, so originally I wasn’t going to say anything because I did not have the energy or desire to rehash all of this to a community that I hardly interact with besides post-dumping every ~4 months. But then, ironically, two people DM’d me about this this week and now I’m feeling spiteful again, so let me regale you with the cringe tales of the Tumblr g/t community and why it gives me a headache to think about. And you know what? This bitch is being a pinned post, too, because I’m not going to let it be swept under the rug anymore. I’m rocking the boat, I’m naming names, I’ll be a little goblin starting dumpster fires.
Now, I will say there are definitely further issues in the community that I can’t personally speak on – rampant racism, transphobia, etc. That’s not to say these things aren’t happening or aren’t important to bring attention to, but I am not someone who witnessed it firsthand or experienced it. In my handful of years being active in this community, they are topics that have been brought up a fair few times, which is enough of a sign that it’s an ongoing issue. However, I also have not looked at any g/t related tags in almost a year, so whether or not these discussions are still happening or have been relatively resolved, I don’t know. It’s not my place to talk about them in depth when I would have no idea what I’m talking about or what to reference, in which case I implore others who have unfortunately dealt with this to please speak out about it. There’s other drama I am able to talk about because I went through it myself or by proxy, and so that’s only what I’m going to be relaying in this post. 
I feel like the most infamous implosion was the GTMS/Chamomile-g-tea debacle from half a year or so back, but at the same time based on the messages and DM’s I’ve received, it seems like…a lot of people have forgotten about that, or at least weren’t around/invested enough to know what happened. The quick recap is that @unicornofgt created a written series about giant mech suits that were actually powered by giant humans in a post-apocalyptic setting, inspired by a post made by our shared friend bolshoycorvid about Pacific Rim. It grew into a fairly well known series in the community, and while I had only read the first chapter, I still at least recognized it from my mutuals and some of the tags. 
And then Cham found it and became utterly obsessed with it, pumping out fanart left and right and opening the floodgates for its popularity. And that’s so cool! That’s great that such a talented artist with a large following genuinely enjoys someone else’s work that much, and is introducing it further to the fanbase for people to read! It’s amazing to get that kind of feedback to know people want to make art of your handcrafted characters because they adore them that much, it’s one of the best compliments a writer can get!
Except Cham really started getting into it. Like, helping-create-two-Discord-servers-without-permission, kind of into it. Like, posting-fanart-on-multiple-platforms-without-source-credit, kind of into it. Like, repeatedly-responding-to-messages-about-the-characters-without-consulting, kind of into it. And when I tell you her art for the main characters were everywhere, I mean they were everywhere, not just in the Tumblr g/t community. Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, they were posted, and they were never credited back to unicornofgt. I had friends send me her animatics of it, gushing about how amazing it was, totally unaware that it was a storyboard to the first chapter of GTMS (which I recognized and told them, at least).
And was unicornofgt mentioned in any of these posts, was their fic linked, was it even noted that these weren’t her original creations she was spamming to every platform? Nope. Not a word. They actually had to repeatedly ask Cham to credit them as she continued to drop the ball, and even so it was too little too late, finally coming in the few weeks before unicornofgt put a stop to it altogether. Some platforms would only allow an additional note to be added via comment, which was often missed or drowned out by the sea of other messages. Other places like Tumblr could allow a full body edit, however that did nothing for the hundreds of reblogs that were already circulating without a link back to unicornofgt, and are still out there, even if unicornofgt had Cham delete her GTMS posts. 
And naturally, if you’re not in the already niche Tumblr community, and even if you’re new to said community, you would have no idea! You would see her post these characters, answer questions about details for these characters, maybe even be invited by Cham to one or both of the two Discord servers for these characters (of which unicornofgt was a member of, but more often than not still not addressed for their story as Cham would take over and talk about GTMS when they were not online to agree/disagree) – Of course you’d naturally assume these are her characters and her story, and even if you knew different, you might become one of the many people swept up in the fandom environment created by Cham, which treated her as the forefront of it.
And please, don’t think I’m taking this out of context. Understand that unicornofgt DM’d me about all of this before they eventually abandoned their Tumblr a while ago due to this situation and the rampant bigotry in the community , and you can read their farewell post here. They told me about the growing anxiety and morphing disdain they felt when it came to their series, because it felt like that creative freedom had been robbed, pressured to morph their original vision to appease Cham, even  at the expense of their own passion for GTMS. They felt unheard, ignored, and pushed aside while Cham got to reap the benefits of their own hard work to bring it into existence in the first place. No matter how much they spoke about it in private with Cham or openly on the two Discord servers (they had never wanted in the first place), it didn’t matter. 
They told me about the instances in which they had multiple talks with Cham about this crossing boundaries, but ultimately not feeling  they could enforce them because as a meager content creator, they should feel grateful that someone so popular was giving their work as much attention as it was getting. Friends and followers agreed with that sentiment because more and more people were becoming unaware who the true creator was, and it seemed on the surface unicornofgt consented. They told me about how Cham had to be repeatedly told to stop and redirect any questions relating to GTMS to unicornofgt, instead of taking it upon herself to answer them, as a majority of the time whatever she said was at best a bad rehashing of unicornofgt’s own explainations that watered down unicornofgt’s characters to “silly stupid little incompenant man” and “big badass woman who loves him sooo much”, and completely ignored bolshoycorvid’s characters altogether. Sure, to Cham’s benefit, she would back down…for a little while, and then start those habits all over again and ignore what was previously requested, especially during the mini internet breaks unicornofgt would have to take since the pressure  gave them further fatigue, contributing to their pre-existing chronic health problems.
 Let’s not forget the free for all fandom that was created as well. Anyone with questions/comments/concerns all went straight to Cham and rarely to unicornofgt. Art requests, ideas or what-ifs, AUs – all to Cham. Her friends and mutuals straight up telling bolshoycorvid that they’ve never read their GTMS fics despite them being a fair chunk of the overarching universe, simply because they were hardly acknowledged in Cham’s art and frequent posting. The influx of underaged users coming in to join the fun and the Discord servers, which unicornofgt had already said they were uncomfortable with and had wanted the main server to at least be 18+ (a request that was, once again, ignored by Cham, who irresposibily never checked the ages of new users to the point any and all of her mod privileges were revoked and all invites were turned off). So many problems came from having those kids in an 18+ space, essentially taken over by Cham, that unicornofgt decided to pull the plug on the entire server and cut finally Cham off a week later.
From my understanding, this fandom behavior was even worse on Twitter to the point the GTMS characters were selected to be used in a roleplay tournament. The host reached out to Cham for her opinion of character authenticity during the rounds, while others were asking if they could use her art/comics for voice acting. Meanwhile Cham sent all of these to unicornogft because she thought it was funny, but  didn’t reiterate to any of these people that these were NOT her characters and if they wanted permission from the creator, they needed to reach out to unicornofgt. Even when unicornofgt tried to pass on this message, it was ignored by Cham’s little fandom, who continued to view her as the creative authority. 
But even worse than Twitter was the Tiktok, where many of Cham’s GTMS videos went semi-viral, still leaving her sitting pretty at 18k followers while neither unicornofgt or bolshoycorvid saw any of it. Hundreds of comments gushed about the art, meanwhile both the true creators were lost in it. Eventually Cham didn’t even ask permission before posting, not bothering to check if it was true to the characters, but why stop to think when those videos are getting views up to 250k, with all the comments telling you they adore you and your work? It is your work, right? 
What’s so insane to me is that you would think for such a talented artist, she would know the value of being properly credited for your work, especially fanwork across multiple platforms. But no, it had to be explained to her the importance of crediting the real creators of these characters in her posts, and the highly contrasting way people consume art, quick and easy to appreciate, vs writing, which takes more time to consume and appreciate. This isn’t some multi-billion dollar international franchise that’s universally recognized at a glance like DC/Marvel. This was a fun little series created between friends and shared with a small community as something new to enjoy for a little while. It’s not a licensed IP, it’s someone’s personal pet project that they enjoy. It’s completely unreasonable to assume a rando on Twitter is going to look at a badass pose of a giant woman and know that it at least came from an obscure series from an obscure fandom by a single person who was just trying to have fun on the internet. Hell, even 4chan users on the hentai board ask for sources all the time, to know who created these characters they’re jacking off to so that they can go check out their other work!! 
Instead, you try to get the source for a GTMS fanart, you likely get Cham, and from Cham you get…no one. Because she failed over and over to  make reference that it belonged to anyone else, via tags or in the text body, until long after it was too late with an edit. And there’s no sense in trying to beat around the bush, that’s borderline art theft. You took a character word for word, design for design, setting for setting, and sold it off as your own. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t your intention, that you were ignorant of the consequences – it’s what happened and it needs to be owned up to. This isn’t a petty squabble between two teens on fanfic.net about a demonsona OC for Sonic Underground, this is an adult making a conscious decision to post content of something that doesn’t belong to her and not give an ounce of credit. Not only that, it just furthers the divide between artists and writers in a creative space, with the latter hardly ever getting their dues for putting in their effort for a written piece that an artist can doodle in 15 min.
 It was like creating a spectacle out of smoke, a flimsy foundation that was bearing its full weight down on the mental and emotional health of the person who actually created it. In a matter of months unicornofgt had gone from a simple writer of funny size difference things to being forced to watch their vision be watered down for the sake of uwu soft giantess wholesomeness, none of it being done by their hand.
And I think the worst part about all of this, after this whole mess finally came to light thanks to unicornofgt finally finding the courage to put their foot down and cut Cham off completely (both as a friend and for having permission to make anything GTMS related in the future), is that it was unicornofgt who had to leave this platform. It was bolshoycorvid who had to leave, in part for other reasons, but because they were also snuffed during this fiasco as well as both a co-creator and someone who had their own canon OCs/fics in the GTMS world. It was other friends and mutuals who left because they couldn’t stand the toxicity of this fandom anymore, the hypocrisy, the sheer lack of critical thinking and the inability to hold people accountable for their actions. GTMS was essentially abandoned after the dumpster fire was put out and that was it. The series that everyone seemed to fawn over and adore was forgotten at the drop of a hat. 
Why? Because it wasn’t the written fics or unicornofgt that everyone was attached to; it was Cham’s art and her version of an OOC story she was pushing they loved. And once she stopped posting it, that was it. Dead in the water. Absolutely tainted. Can you blame unicornofgt for not wanting to touch their own creation that they had made from the ground up and put so much thought and energy into, all because it had been essentially stolen and ruined by someone with a much larger following? A following that hit over 20K during Cham’s GTMS reign across multiple platforms , might I add, while unicornofgt was lucky to see a fraction of that for the same concept. 
I also want to note again that these are retellings told directly to me from the persons involved, including unicornofgt prior to their leaving, former fans, and Discord members, that I am airing with their permission. I’m also not someone who has a lot of social media or who followed GTMS at all, this is almost entirely coming from the creator (the REAL creator) in the time before they left, their experience dealing with the fallout, and the sentiment that even still they don’t hate Cham, but just wish there was even a single legitimate consequence on Cham’s part (and that non stop self bashing at the rescue of yes-men does not count). And it hurts to see a fellow g/t content creator be so scarred from this, to lose all interest in the things they cared about most and only wanted to share with their friends, due to one person’s inability to stop and think about their actions. And sure, maybe this is old drama, maybe it’s small and petty to still bring up, but it doesn’t seem like anyone else is going to pull back the rug that this was swept under, so it might as well be the local menace to the community to make a long ass post about it. Chamomile-g-tea killed an entire series and drove the creator, the co-creator, several fans and several more friends who also made g/t content off of an entire website because she couldn’t be bothered to not feel entitled to other people’s toys.
I lost a lot of good friends as a result of this, and the g/t community lost a lot of good content creators as well, to the point this really was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me to say fuck it. To sit here and watch my mutuals abandon their Tumblr’s and all their works in favor of avoiding Cham and her followers who keep pretending  she did nothing wrong, acting like her excitement justified her “promotion” of the story, never holding her accountable and accepting at face value her claims  that she had no idea the distress she was creating, letting her act as if she’s the victim of this whole ordeal – nah, chief. It didn’t matter if it was on purpose or not, it still happened, and she was allowed to get away with it scot-free, so I will continually throw this in everyone’s face so that the g/t community never forgets its track record . 
Because I really don’t understand how this entire community can go through the same run around of “is fearplay/petplay morally wrong to create in a place full of minors” (which is another debate I am NOT getting into right now) and cause several blogs to abandon ship over the backlash they received…but a well known artist forces a popular series to be discontinued and runs off the original creator and their friends after she stole their concept, and everyone is just like “damn, that sucks, she just got too excited /:” and pretends it’s nothing? There have been plenty of former blogs that were called out for less and were forced to be accountable for whatever fuckery they were doing. Besides, I thought we were supposed to be thinking about the poor children here, the sweet minors, which was what her wholesome SFW blog catered to. Last I heard from one of her followers she started posting softcore GTS (I wouldn’t know, I have literally 0 desire to scout her blog), which sure, go ham bestie with your titties and light crushing, we all know I’m an 18+ blog. 
But then she continues to interact and mass reblog from minors and bring them into her inner circle, sooo…which is it? Are we worried about corrupting the kids or not? Do minors have the ability to use critical thinking about what concepts are right or wrong, or not? Are people accountable for what they post or is it the responsibility of the viewers who need to heed the tags? Y’all don’t get to have it both ways. Not to mention, I will reiterate again, she never verified anyone’s ages and let them in freely to what was intended to be an 18+ space on the GTMS servers, which created PROBLEMS to the point the servers had to be shut down.
Everyone else can sit around thinking she got off scot-free and never needing to address the fact she destroyed an entire series beyond a meaningless sorry, but I’m not going to forget, even if I’m still the only one left from that era and friend group to be able to tell this side of the story. That hurt my friends just as much as it hurt the community to lose such incredible writers and their beloved content, and that’s inexcusable to me. Writers in general are already treated awful, especially in the g/t community, to the point people have the audacity to complain there’s no new content to enjoy after all the good writers got fed up with the lack of recognition. Art and writing are two different mediums and they both require an insane amount of talent to pull off beautifully – just because you can enjoy a pretty picture in 15 seconds versus a plot-rich fic in twenty-five minutes does not make one superior to the other. But if those fics are continually pushed aside, then why would any creator waste their hours and days and weeks and months making a story for no one to see? 
Writing out concepts and ideas are a labor of love that are graciously shared to YOU to also enjoy. Trust me, I have no problem keeping an idea to myself or to be tossed back and forth to my friends for fun, it’s far less effort to still ‘see’ whatever story I would have jotted down for 20K words. If the community is going to continue treating writers like shit, as demonstrated through this hot mess, then of course no one is going to stick around to deal with it. A talented writer lost the world they built, the characters they developed, the story they were trying to tell, to one single artist, yet they were the one who had to pack it up and call it quits after getting hit with hate, while the other gets to roll in the second hand clout from un-credited posts across various platforms to further their own artistic career.
And frankly, I don’t really care about what kind of reception this post has; if it’s only seen by 5 people or if it’s seen by Cham herself, if people agree or disagree vehemently with it. This blog is also more or less dead aside from the few times a year I drop a new fic or art, so feel free to scream into its void as much as you want lmao
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Hi again Bee.
Thank you for lending an ear to listen even if I just kinda showed up. I really appreciate it. I've actually been reading through some of your other stories and they're very good (I adore the fae works!).
When it comes to Wilbur, I'm just. Very disappointed and upset. Of course I support Shubble and am glad she spoke out, it's very important and I'm glad that it's encouraged others to come forward with their own stories of abuse at the hands of large creators. At the same time though part of me wishes she hadn't said anything, so I could have continued as I was, in blissful ignorance, even if I feel really guilty for thinking like that.
It just saddens me that someone I looked up to so much ended up being this horrible person. It makes me worried that I too am bad, that somehow he has imprinted his awfulness unto me. I used to be horrible too. I like to think I've grown as a person, I was only a kid, but have I? Or was being drawn to Wilbur a sign? Like attracting like?
Y'know, I used to say that my hair style goals were how Wilbur's hair is, and recently I got a haircut. When I took a shower earlier it ended up floofing up in a similar way to his. I don't know how to feel about that. Maybe I should style it differently, even though I like the floof. I don't want to be even a little reminiscent of an abuser.
I am reminiscent of him though, in ways I can't change. I used to feel so seen by him, we're both song writers, and hypochondriacs, and I wanted to be him so badly I would cry. I would cry because he was everything I desperately craved to be as an insecure transmasc, an attractive guy with a beautiful voice and an amazing life. And now he's horrible, and probably always has been, and all of my memories of him are tainted.
I hate that I can't listen to Lovejoy anymore. It feels unfair to the other band members. It isn't their fault Wilbur is awful, and yet I'm taking away a source of their income. I know I'm taking away from Wilbur too, but he's only one person out of the group. Maybe that's just me giving an excuse so that I won't have to stop enjoying their music. It doesn't matter, I can't stomach listening to them anymore anyways.
I keep getting songs from YCGMA stuck in my head. It's like now that I can't listen to it anymore my brain has decided to fuck with me by making me listen to it anyways. I can't even justify listening to that album, that's just Wilbur's music. I was going to cover a song from that album for fun. Now I can't.
Is it bad I still find comfort in Wilbur as a character? C!Tommy is my favorite, but C!Wilbur is almost always a huge part of any C!Tommy story and I love C!Wilbur stories too. I know C! ≠ CC! but I just. It's complicated.
Idek why I'm this upset. I haven't been an avid watcher of anyone in the DSMP in at least over a year. If anything this whole thing has brought me back into the fandom more than I have been in ages. I feel bad about that, but also this situation has introduced me to people like Aimsey, whose content I'm seeing more of and I find myself enjoying.
I've also found more great DSMP fics lately in my quest to binge read them before the mass deletions start. Is it bad to find good things in a bad situation?
I'm sorry for the lack of put togetherness and the length of this ask. I promise I'm usually more coherent and to the point.
-Tech (just call me Tech like a name, "tech anon" feels weird heh)
hey tech, sorry for a bit of a late reply I've been busy the past few days
(sorry about the 'tech anon' thing, it's just a habit since that's how I refer to most of my anons. I'm going to still tag your ask as tech anon though just for my tagging system if that's okay)
I'm so glad you like the fae stories!! I'm still so proud of both of those looking back on them
anyway, yeah, I get that. I get the guilty wish that none of this had ever come out so you could just continue to go on in blissful ignorance. when someone learns something very upsetting, it's only natural to feel like you wish you never learned that. you don't need to feel guilty for that. you're not a bad person for your emotional reactions to things. your actions are what matters.
also, you are in no way a bad person because you were drawn to wilbur's content. the persona wilbur put on for the internet was not representative of who he actually was. you were drawn to the facade. an illusion of the person wilbur could've been, if he actually practiced the things he preached. you said you used to be a bad person, but you've changed. the fact that you are worried at all that you might still be bad shows a level of self-awareness and concern that wilbur apparently did not have. because wilbur was aware he was a bad person and treated the people around him terribly, but he didn't care to try and be better. as long as you're trying to be better, you're already leagues ahead of him.
also, regarding the hair, the floofy fringe is an incredibly common haircut. that is not exclusive to wilbur soot. you do not look like him if your hair does the floof similarly to his, it just makes you look like thousands of other dudes with fluffy fringe.
the day after shelby first streamed I had an MSR song stuck in my head and I hated it so much. it really sucks. you just have to try and drown it out with other music
it's not hypocritical at all to still find comfort in c!wilbur. I know it's complicated, and there's so much discussion I could get into as to why it's so complicated, but we can all separate the guy and the character in our heads. there's no reason to feel guilty about that. and there's also nothing bad about finding good in this situation. I think it's really sweet that you've found so many great fics in this time and I'm so glad you've been getting comfort from them. you're appreciating the authors hard work and that's a good thing! you don't need to feel bad about that
I hope you're doing okay tech
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jplupine · 11 months
Day 20: Sosuke Aizen ~ Enemies
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Pairing: Sosuke Aizen x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~3k Date Published: October 20, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Dom!Aizen, Exophilia, Size Difference, Blood/Injury, Choking, Power Play, Degradation, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Biting, Hate Sex, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Creampie, Dub/Non-Con Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Aizen also uses term likes '(little) rabbit', 'dirty little thing', and 'feral little twerp' to refer to Wynter. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: What's a little hate fucking between enemies?
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  I'd gotten in way over my head.
  I knew that for certain when I was slammed against the wall, my cheek and chest pressed against the cold surface, and my sword clattering across the floor somewhere behind me. Warm breath hit my cheek as I snarled and struggled to free my arms currently being pinned behind my back. My bottom lip was throbbing and bleeding, and I could already feel the ache of several bruises forming.
  I'd made the stupid mistake of coming inside this building after seeing glimpses of what I thought had been a monster. And, indeed it had been a monster, just not the kind I had been thinking of.
  "Don't worry. I won't kill you now. That would be such a waste." He muttered while smiling with fake pleasantry. "But you did find me sooner than expected."
  "The fuck are you talking about?"
  "Oh, I know who you are....Wynter." How he said my name made my skin crawl. His pale eyes sitting in pools of black seemed to look right through me as he leaned in a few inches closer. "I've had my eye on you for some time. A real up-and-comer, you are. You see, your growth has been of interest to me."
  He was close enough now that I reared my head back to headbutt him. However, he'd seen it coming and caught my head before I could hit him. His hand fisted in my hair and slammed my head back against the wall.
  I groaned from the throbbing pain, and he held my head there as I cringed.
  "I know you're not stupid enough to think you'll win here." His tone went flat. "And I'm not stupid enough to let you loose so easily."
  "The fuck do you want, Aizen?"
  "Oh? Know my name, do you? I'm flattered." He then softly sighed and tapped a finger against my head. "What I want is for you to continue growing. You'll accomplish great things, Wynter. For me especially."
  "Fuck you. I'd never do anything for you."
  "Not yet. You'll come to see things my way eventually."
  "In your dreams." I threw back my hips to ram into him, and he grunted from the heavy impact. He loosened his grip enough for me to slip free, and when I twisted around, I saw the only reason that had worked was due to the fact that I'd ended up hitting his dick in the process.
  Aizen was hunched over while clenching his jaw and holding himself. When he looked up at me, he was pissed and didn't hide it. I took my chance, grabbed a steel bar laying out from construction, and swung it.
  The bar landed heavily against Aizen's cheek, causing his head to snap to the side. Aiming it for his glowing chest next, he caught the bar and snarled. His other hand shot out and caught me around the throat.
  The bar clattered when he threw it to the side. Aizen lifted me off the ground as I clung to his wrist and kicked my feet. He held me out far enough that my kicks didn't reach.
  "I didn't think you'd go for such a low blow." All three of his eyes were narrowed at me, and I scoffed.
  "If fighting dirty means I get out alive, I'll fucking do it." His hand squeezed, and I snarled while trying to pry off his fingers. My back hit one of the tables littered with scraps and supplies hard enough that I grunted.
  Aizen's free hand reached toward my face, and I turned away as much as I could. He roughly grabbed my jaw to swipe his finger over my chin. His hand pulled away, and I saw the blood on the tip of his finger.
  I watched as he then proceeded to lick the blood off his finger, smearing red across his tongue as he smirked.
  "I said I wasn't going to kill you, Wynter. I said nothing about hurting you. And, my, don't you taste divine?" Aizen purred while giving me a condescending look. And I knew I should be more concerned with figuring a way out of this, but his handsome face and tone made something stir in my gut. When he licked his lips didn't help, either.
  I raised my leg to kick him, but him grabbing the back of my knee killed all the power behind the kick. Aizen's smirk fell as he looked down at me.
  "You're powerless, and yet you keep trying." He squeezed his hand around my throat for emphasis, and I coughed. His head then tilted as his gaze wandered over me. "Hm. I can see why he calls you a little rabbit." My brows furrowed with confusion. "One of my subordinates that I have keeping an eye on you. The nickname he's given you is quite fitting; So small, kicking about, and even how your heart races. All so much like a caught rabbit. I guess that would make these your floppy ears." Aizen leaned forward to catch my leg on his hip so that he could grab one of my pigtails without getting kicked.
  He seemed amused now as my hair slipped through his fingers.
  "What a soft little rabbit." He was enjoying toying with me and flaunting his power. I grabbed his wrist to push his hand away, and he only twisted his arm to switch the hold. My hand was now pinned to the table, and he leaned down with his long hair spilling over his shoulder.
  Aizen licked the blood off my chin before looking at me through half-opened eyes. The corner of his mouth curled up in a small, cruel smile.
  "How interesting."
  "What? That you're a fucking weirdo?" I snapped, and he squeezed his hand around my throat to cut off all airflow.
  "I'm the weirdo?" He mused with a hum. "I'll let you in on something, Wynter. Since fusing with the Hogyoku, I've reached heights you could not fathom. And that includes my senses." His tone lowered as he brought his hips closer to mine, making me feel his half-hard cock. My eyes widened as heat flooded my cheeks, and his grip loosened enough to let me breathe again. "I can smell your arousal, little rabbit." He then licked the cut on my lip, making me wince from the sting of pain.
  "Oh, we both know it's true. You reek of hatred and arousal." Aizen spoke low as his lips were only centimeters from mine. He ground his hips into mine, and I jolted while taking in a sharp breath. "Such a dirty little thing, you are."
  "Fuck you!" I snarled, and he chuckled.
  "Very well." He let go of my wrist and undid the button of my jeans. He felt me moving to attack him, but he squeezed my throat again until I couldn't breathe. "Come now, rabbit. You've already been caught. In more ways than one, might I add." Aizen smirked while yanking my jeans down.
  With my pants now at my knees, he leaned against the taut material to force my legs up, essentially trapping them against his sides. I punched him across the cheek, but the position I was in didn't allow for a full-force blow. Aizen only laughed while pressing his fingers between my thighs.
  "You truly are multifaceted, Wynter." He didn't have to strike back because his fingers feeling the wetness of my underwear was enough to make me feel as if I'd been slapped. Internally yelling at myself to stop lusting for the hot bad guy never worked.
  I could only guess my body's response was like an anger boner. It wouldn't be the first time I felt the urge to fuck someone I hated, but the other time hadn't included a literal fight with a mortal enemy. It also pissed me off how much Aizen was enjoying this purely for the power dynamic.
  It was clear that I was weaker than him in every way, especially since I couldn't keep my rage boner in check. Maybe if I masturbated more, I wouldn't have ended up like this.
  Aizen ran his fingers over the wet fabric of my underwear before ripping them off. I grunted from the harsh tug against my hips before the seams tore.
  "My, my. It's like you're begging for me." Aizen cooed while looking down between my thighs. His fingers slid between my lips and pulled away with clear fluid stretching between his fingers and my pussy. "Perhaps I should tell my subordinate of this. He might be interested in playing with you as well."
  "Tell anyone, and I'll kill you." I snarled while digging my fingers into his wrist.
  "You should watch how you speak to me, Wynter. I could just as easily change my mind about keeping you alive." Aizen lightly squeezed my throat for emphasis before his fingers pushed deep inside me.
  Clenching my jaw as my head fell back, I could feel my nipples hardening from his thick fingers stretching me open. He hummed to himself while slowly stroking as he watched me. Aizen curled his fingers, and I took in a sharp breath.
  Each curl got him closer to the perfect spot until he finally found it, and my back arched off the table as I muffled a moan through clenched teeth. He pressed against that spot each time now just to make me writhe while trying so hard not to give him the satisfaction of knowing it felt good. But no matter how many moans I swallowed or bit back, he still knew from how I twitched and squirmed beneath him.
  Aizen's face appeared over mine when he finally pulled his fingers free, and I was shocked when he kissed me. His lips were soft and warm, but I was stubborn. I bit his bottom lip as hard as I could and tasted blood.
  "Ah!" Aizen pulled away as he bled, and his nose twitched up into a snarl. His tongue ran over his already healing lip before he snapped his hips forward and roughly sank his cock balls deep. I cried out from the suddenness, then looked at Aizen with a heated glare full of hatred.
  He'd somehow rid of his clothes while I was distracted, so I now saw the expanse of his smooth skin and muscles with the Hogyoku glowing in the center of his chest.
  "What an intoxicating scent." Aizen cruelly smirked. "All that anger....frustration....lust.... And how you took it all on the first try." He chuckled while rutting his hips for emphasis.
  "I hate you!" I hissed through clenched teeth.
  "I don't doubt it." His hips rocked back before slamming into me hard enough to rattle the table. Aizen struck deep, shaking me to the core as his hand on my throat made it feel even better.
  The scattered items on the table jolted with each heavy thrust of Aizen's hips. He didn't care about being gentle since this had no niceties tied to it. We weren't lovers in any meaning of the word, we were enemies through and through with the intention to harm.
  My pussy just couldn't get its act together and stupidly continued to leak with arousal while every strike of his cock sent shocks of pleasure through my nerves. I hated it. I hated him. But it felt so good.
  "You're a disgrace, Wynter. Look at you. Pinned, legs spread, and getting fucked by me." Aizen was grinning as he looked down at me in more ways than one. "And you like it."
  "Go fuck yourself." I panted as my brows deeply furrowed from trying so hard to contain myself.
  "Well-" He leaned forward to shit talk more, but he was cut off by a heavy-handed slap across his face. The sound of it echoed, and Aizen angrily flipped me onto my stomach with one arm pinned against my back before he thrust inside again. The new angle and pressure against my lower stomach made it too much, and I moaned.
  Fingers curled around my already aching throat and squeezed as hot breath hit my ear. His hips smacked against my bare ass as slick smeared across my thighs.
  "You're such a fucking brat." He growled into my ear. "Although....now I know you'll be harder to break than I expected."
  "What's wrong, Aizen? Can't take a hit from a mere mortal?"
  "Your attempts to fight back are only amusing for so long. I also don't enjoy being struck in the face repeatedly." Aizen fucked me harder as if to retaliate against me hitting him, and I felt my knees weakening as the table held up my weight.
  "I-It's what you deserve." I grunted as my hands balled into fists.
  "You're dripping wet and have the audacity to continue acting this way?" Aizen snarled.
  "The fuck were you expecting?" I panted while struggling to move since the position he had me in limited my range of motion. "For me to squeal and beg for mercy? As if."
  "Mmm. I still might get you to squeal." His tone dropped before he let my throat go to fist his hand in my hair. He pulled to jerk my head to the side, and I felt his lips on the side of my neck. Aizen kissed and bit, adding intermittent stings to mix in with the pleasure.
  The table continued to rock as his dick pistoned and rammed my hips into the edge of the table, making the corner dig into my skin over and over again. I could feel more bruises forming, and I tried even harder than before to not moan. I bit my lip until it was bleeding again from the scab ripping.
  Aizen licked up the side of my neck as a shiver went up my spine. He then pulled away while keeping me pinned against the table. His grip in my hair tightened before he tilted his hips and slammed into a spot that made me see stars.
  I was moaning before I even realized it, and Aizen chuckled.
  "There it is." He cooed and struck the same spot repeatedly. The sick, slick sounds filling the half-constructed room mixing with my own moans echoed back to me and only pissed me off more.
  Aizen let go of my arm only to bring his hand down harshly on my ass. The smack made me jolt, and the sting told me it was already turning red.
  "One for each offense sounds adequate, don't you think?" He questioned before spanking me again. I cried out and flipped him off from over my shoulder as my nails dug into the table. Aizen clicked his tongue at me in a disapproving manner. "That'll be another one." Another smack, and I clenched my jaw.
  My ass was hot and stinging with each hit and no relief. My traitorous pussy didn't care and just kept taking the entirety of his cock while dripping with arousal. And to make matters worse, my neglected clit was throbbing.
  "You're shaking so much, little rabbit. Are you getting close?"
  "No!" I tried to sound as vicious as possible, but my voice cracking ruined it. Aizen chuckled in amusement and squeezed my aching ass in his palm. I grunted with my hands balled into tight fists with my knuckles turning white. "And don't f-fucking call me that!"
  "What? Little rabbbit? But it suits you so well." I could hear the smile in Aizen's voice. His hand released my hair to grab my throat once more, and he pulled me back against his chest. My fingers tried to pry his hand away from my neck to no avail. "Relax. It'll be over soon, you feral little twerp." Aizen reached around with his other hand, and his fingers slid between my thighs. My body clenched when he rubbed my clit, and it was then that I heard him grunt right into my ear.
  Looking up at him, I saw that his eyes were closed as his mouth hung slightly open from his panting. He may hold most of the power in this situation, but not all of it.
  I reached back with one hand and grabbed his ass, causing him to jolt and buck his hips. I pulled him closer with each thrust as my nails dug into his skin enough to make him hiss through his teeth. Aizen squeezed his hand around my throat again, but this time it wasn't to cut off air.
  He added more pressure with his fingers, and pleasure was exploding through my body as I shuddered and moaned. My nails dug deeper into his flesh while he continued to fuck me without mercy. He muttered such hateful words in my ear between grunts, feeding into the rage-filled lust and his own ego.
  I felt the knot in my gut yank loose as I moaned and shivered. My orgasm was a relaxing heat flooding my veins while Aizen kept thrusting until he couldn't take much more himself. My body clenching and shuddering around him was the last straw.
  His cock spilled cum deep inside as he twitched and groaned low near my ear. Aizen gave a few shallow thrusts before pulling out and shoving me onto the table again. Panting, I barely caught myself as a mix of bodily fluids were leaking down my thighs.
  "I'll be seeing you again soon, Wynter." Aizen's smooth voice came from over me as he dug his fingers into the aching red marks on my ass. I hissed in pain and swung my fist around only to see the bastard was already gone.
  Spitting blood onto the floor, I had to lean against the table from how weak my knees were. Heavily sighing, I laid back on the table to catch my breath. My entire body ached in different ways, but I couldn't fully relax as some of the things Aizen said still lingered in my mind.
  Even if he was now gone....I now knew he had someone watching me this whole time. Was that subordinate watching now? Fuck, that would be humiliating even more.
  Wiping a hand over my face that was covered in a thin layer of sweat, I swallowed. I wasn't sure if Aizen's parting words were warning of another fight to come, or him planning another session of hate-fucking. Either way, I didn't plan on having a repeat of what happened today no matter how good it felt.
  I was going to kick his fucking ass.
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avatarrecom · 1 year
Take another little pizza my heart, baby
Custody AU (Original story by @ao3gobi17)
Word count: 1486
A/N: Spider's personality in this fic is based on Sloane Tavish, a character from The Naturals book series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. This series is definitely recommended if you like series like Criminal Minds!
There are two references of some of my favorite works of fiction, one from 'Inception' (the film) and one from 'The Maze Runner' (the books). If you recognize the references, I love you. (And please let me know what they are, I want to know if people actually get it right haha)
Spider wasn't like his other peers. He doesn't like parties, gaming or meeting friends. To be honest, Leo is his only friend.
Spider likes to throw out random facts regardless of whether they apply to the circumstance he is in. He is better with numbers and statistics than with people. Spider knows this for sure, just as he knows he usually says the wrong thing (this often leads to hilarious situations). He constantly analyzes people and situations, usually without even meaning to.
Under no circumstances give him coffee. Unless you have to bribe him. Also good to know, he is a kleptomaniac. He can't do anything about it, it just happens.
Is that enough extra information about Spider? Okay, then let's move on to his current situation.
So, here's what we know. Spider's mother was murdered when he was seven, his (step)father was arrested for her murder and went to prison for the rest of his life. Nine years later, his father has escaped from prison and, along with his idiotic henchmen, kidnapped his only friend, using him to convince Spider to allow himself to be kidnapped. And now he's sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table in a cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere. And worst of all, despite his attempts to persuade his captors, they don't give him any coffee.
"Do you have any blank paper and a pencil?" he asks no one specifically. "Why? Are you planning to leave a secret message?" Lyle asks, roaring with laughter. Spider shakes his head. "No, I once came up with a game, and you need blank paper and a pencil for it." he explains. He looks around in surprise as his father's accomplices continue to stare at him. "What?" he asks, confused.
"And what kind of game might that be?" Walker asks with a roll of her eyes and a tone as if he should have been able to read her mind. “Oh, you have to design a maze that takes two minutes to draw and one minute to solve.” he explains impatiently.
Everyone looks at him strangely. Prager shrugs, stands up and walks to a bookcase. He grabs a large stack of papers, some pencils in different colors, an eraser and a pencil sharpener. He walks towards Spider with a soft smile and places the supplies on the coffee table. "Have fun, kid," he says, before walking back to the dining table where Spider's father and the others are sitting. The adults look at Prager strangely, and he shrugs. "Better this than him trying to escape again, right?" Spider hears him say.
Spider turns his attention to his task and begins his first maze design. After about thirty minutes he has drawn and solved about fifteen rectangular mazes. Each maze is drawn in two minutes and solved in one. The layout is sketched in standard graphite pencils, and the maze is solved in red pencil.
On a few occasions, his captors look through his various mazes to make sure Spider isn't doing something he's not supposed to do. None of them realize that on some papers there is a gray pencil line in each upper right corner, in exactly the same place on every paper. And on another stack of papers there is a similar red line in each lower left corner. They thought nothing of Spider writing his name on every piece of paper, assuming it was a habit he picked up from school.
And no one notices that some of the gray layout lines are thicker than the others, as if Spider pressed harder with his pencil and sketched over the same line several times.
If they had realized this, and if they had been smarter, they might have remembered to hold the papers in front of the window, in the sunlight, or in front of a lamp. If they had done that, they might have realized that Lyle was right, Spider had indeed created a secret message.
You see, if you stack the different papers on top of each other, making sure the gray lines line up in the top right corner and another stack with the red lines in the bottom left corner, you'll see Spider's secret message in the bold outlined layout:
Miles Quaritch (duh, you should know that) Lyle Wainfleet Kevin Mansk Alicia Zdinarsik Sean Fike Andrew Prager Johnny Alexander Kim Zhang Victor Lopez Maria Walker Steve Brown Garrett Warren
That was Spider's secret message. He has secretly learned everyone's full names and incorporated them into the secret message, hoping that the people who find his outlined mazes will discover the way to read his secret message and know who his father's accomplices are.
Spider sighs as his father pulls him away from his secret task and says they are sitting down for dinner. Spider reluctantly stands up and Lyle grabs his shoulder and pushes him into the chair to the right of the head of the table, where Quaritch is sitting, before sitting down in the chair next to Spider. Lyle looks at him again with a creepy grin. Spider looks away uncomfortably and focuses his attention on the pan being placed on the table. Tonight's dish, Ravioli, is one of Spider's favorites, his brain automatically remembers the corresponding facts. 'Ravioli is a type of pasta consisting of a filling covered with thin pasta dough. Usually served in broth or with a sauce, they originated as a traditional dish in Italian cuisine. Ravioli are usually square, although other shapes are used, including round and semi-circular.'
Spider is abruptly taken out of his thoughts when Lopez starts cursing colorfully. "What's wrong again?" Mansk asks irritably, raising an eyebrow over his sunglasses. “I lost my fucking wedding ring,” Lopez curses. “Oh shit, I'll help you look,” say Fike and Brown. Everyone stands up and starts looking for the ring. It is a beautiful ring, made of gold, the outside is smooth, but on the inside a date and two names are engraved. Spider knows this because the missing ring is currently in Spider's pocket. He couldn't help it, he saw the ring on the counter this morning at breakfast and before anyone knew it, the ring was in his pocket. Spider is surprised that it took almost a whole day for Lopez to realize it.
"Wait a minute, my watch is gone," Mansk realizes. 'Yeah, duh,' Spider thinks. 'It's in the drawer of my bedside table.' “What's going on here?" Lyle asks, irritated. "Yeah, what's going on here?" Fike adds. "That's what I just said, dipshit," Lyle sighs. "No, I mean that," Fike points to Brown. “What?” the latter asks, confused. “Where is your cap and since when do you have curls?”
"WHAT!" Brown exclaims, his hands flying to his head. “Damn Brown, what kind of conditioner are you using?” Z-dog asks with a grin. “Yeah man, your curls look so soft, you really need to tell me your hair care routine,” Walker adds with a laugh.
"That's enough, eat first, before it gets cold," orders Quaritch, "after dinner you can run around like headless chickens." "Yes, dad," Lyle snorts sarcastically.
Everyone sits down at the table and starts eating. Spider can't stand the silence and blurts out, "Did you know that farting is good for high blood pressure?" Spider thought he was being stared at strangely before, but now everyone is staring at him like he has an extra eye. "What?" Zhang chokes out. "Nothing," Spider mumbles, embarrassed. "Right," he gets in response, after which everyone focuses back on their food.
"Did you know that Anatidaephobia is real? It's the fear of a duck staring at you." Spider blurts out again. He gets the same strange looks again and he cowers in shame. "Okay?" Warren replied confused. And once again everyone turns their attention back to their food, but this time they keep giving him strange looks.
Spider can cry because he feels alone and ridiculed and at the same time scream that he feels uncomfortable.
Once again he tries to start a conversation. "People and bananas have 50% the same DNA." he states. He does not dare to look up from his plate, for fear of the reactions of his captors and that they will see the tears in his eyes.
“For God's sake, be social, join in conversations,” Quaritch snaps angrily. Spider's tears roll down his cheeks as he hears his father's angry voice directed at him. He risks a look through his curls and sees everyone looking at him. 'Sure,' he thinks to himself, 'they probably enjoy seeing the boss' annoying child get snubbed.' Spider starts to get up to run upstairs so no one sees his tears, when Lyle's hand lands on his shoulder, more tender than he's ever seen Lyle. Lyle pushes him back into his chair.
"Are you trying to tell me I'm a banana?!" he asks, offended.
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unholyverse · 1 year
travis is doing what now???
congrats. or not. you made it to part 2 of my explanation/summary of that. you can find part 1 here.
cw: some (not too graphic but still present) smut written by a guy who is friends with the people in this fic + discussion of religion in a very general metaphor way
this is the part i'm warning you about the smut and general nightmare feeling: chapter 4: brainwashed
in his author's note, travis wishes readers happy pride (if this is pride, i feel wrath) and starts questioning whether he should be continuing the fic (should've questioned that a long time ago) and then admitting he wrote 30 FUCKING PAGES for this chapter.
this chapter takes place over the course of a week, starting with awsten and geoff on a date where they start getting to know each other. geoff starts saying how he's working on a project in this place where he's interviewing people about their relationship to the in universe equivalent to christianity or some abrahamic religion if you add the pokémon knockoffs to them. so they get into a conversation about theology that was like reading the glup shitto post but religious bc seriously i don't know or care about these stupid fantasy names.
so then after all this they go to geoff's apartment to have fade to black sex that's only implied in the second day section.
unfortunately some of the smut is not fade to black from this point forward.
awstens horny wants more dick and geoff's just trying to get breakfast for them which prompts this scene.
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is this a good time to remind you that travis is writing this about the friends he has in real life. he knows these people. personally.
thank you travis for restoring my faith in my smut writing abilities 🙏 because now i know at least i'm not writing scenes like these about my irls.
ok back to the fic they have SHOWER SEX after that and we also have to read that for some reason.
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so after that they watch some old show together and awsten asks if geoff has any pets and this is the part where i find out there’s normal animals and pokémon ripoffs in this universe which is weird.
geoff summons a recreation of his dog for a bit (that’s a thing i forgot to mention that mostly bc i do not care) and the day ends with him musing on that saying he misses his dog.
the third day section is a literal paragraph about them having fade to black sex. that’s it for that.
the fourth day section finds awsten going home for an hour to pick up new clothes to stay at geoff’s more and after that him and geoff go on a date outside.
it’s this point when geoff asks awsten if he can interview him for his project about people’s relationships with religion. awsten says yes, but pretty reluctantly.
so they get on with the interview which gradually gets awsten more uncomfortable with the personal questions.
this entire part is travis’ heavy handed way of approaching religious themes that are supposed to be in the album and my god does the allegory feel as heavy handed as the sparse religious references in intellectual property. considering this is a universe where travis tends to ignore things he’s not comfortable with writing for whatever reason (cough cough otto), i think considering this is a universe where all his friends are gay and yknow. the general relationship between gay people and religious can be pretty complex it just makes me wonder the implications of leaving that out too. if the topic got too real.
awsten cuts off the interview and geoff starts opening up about his life which just means travis airs out the shit geoff has been going through for the past couple years minus the polycule.
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is this a good time to note that geoff’s dog irl is named eevee (renamed here for obvious reasons) and said dog is still actually with his ex and kid. travis why are you airing this out and at what point in writing this chapter did it dawn upon you that this was a bad idea.
this section just ends in awsten wondering what else he doesn’t know about and then they make out.
the fifth day section starts with geoff trying to cook them food after the umpteenth time of them fucking. geoff makes a light joke that his cooking is only world famous to his daughter which makes the lines after that 10x worse
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everything about this is actually terrible. the fact that geoff was trying to cook naked. “giving Geoff’s penis a light tap”. MANHOOD????
so anyways they cook a grilled cheese together and they talk and geoff ends up dropping that he’s seeing a pokemon knockoff tournament with a guy named pulo, another travis oc. geoff says they’re not exclusive or anything but awsten still feels like shit bc he probably thought him and geoff were at least. ouch.
the sixth day section is awsten musing about the new geoff revelations but then ending up having fade to black sex with him anyways.
the final section (of this chapter but. god that was long) is awsten finally leaving geoff’s apartment after a week there. meaning they make out for a long time at the door before awsten has to leave.
i can’t believe someone who knows both of them wrote this entire thing about them and posted it online. it genuinely baffles me how travis didn’t cancel writing the fic here before he could post it. but if you know what happened before next chapter posted, you’d know why he went on with this.
so travis lives in austin, texas (it’s the only way he can say he’s in awsten and it’s true). and so for the austin show, him, jawn, and zakk all got onstage for war crimes wearing something awsten had and travis was reveling this especially towards the end when he was hugging awsten and taking his damn time presumably whiffing him as much as he could under his mask.
and then this happens.
travis just gets to shake awstens ass in front of this audience twice 😭😭😭 might i remind you this is a show that rivers cuomo attended without anyone knowing until the day after.
so yeah that happens and then travis gets brought up again for awsten to hold him like a doll while he plays cherry red for travis to horribly sing.
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so after this, i was like travis is either going to go home and jack off to this or he’s going to write the next fic chapter and i was definitely right about one of those things but still probably right about the other.
so now we’re here to the most recent part of this which is chapter 5: 2 best friends.
awstens all bummed about geoff hanging out with pulo so he goes out with travis and jawn to take his mind off things. the entire chapter is essentially travis being a very ooc party boy drunk (bc i think travis realizes how lame and nerdy his actual personality is) while him, awsten, and jawn all hang out and do dumb shit.
ok with that out of the way lemme just say it does not feel like i’m reading three different characters it just feels like i’m reading travis, travis, and drunk travis.
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so anyways they all do shit but it doesn’t keep awsten from thinking about geoff in the end.
oh but that’s not everything nope not at all bc the ending is awsten and jawn. HOOKING UP.
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oh my god. considering how awsten has slept with most of the male population in this fic except travis, i feel like travis writing this is just fueling some cuck fetish of his bc WHAT THE HELL IS ANY OF THIS SERIOUSLY.
anyways that’s all i have :) this fandom and the people involved with parx are actually insane on so many different levels i didn’t know were possible. i just want to interrogate travis for everything about this fic (with a knife in my hand)
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leejenowrld · 5 months
i just wanted to say i love in your eyes so much. you brought together all the heart-wrenching and love elements of writing into play, and created something so beautiful.
i love the way you wrote jeno. you convey heartbreak so well. the cycle of love, heartbreak, and the impulsive decisions you make. this was so realistic, my heart clenched when i read it. not to mention, the fact that the choices he make are influenced by his past experiences and heartbreak. how he dealt with his emotions was so realistic and i'm glad it was. you showed the REAL art of love and how it affects people.
i listened to "waiting room" by pheobe bridgers when i was reading, for the reason that the lyric "know it's for the better" really resonated with me during this, especially during the part where jeno stands her up. i felt like i was a highschooler all over again, experiencing my first love, the all too familiar feeling of love, which heartbreak slowly follows— making you scared to give love another shot. i felt my heart breaking with each word i read. i felt my heart being ripped out my chest, just for jeno to pick it up and heal it for me.
not to mention, you made a reference to my first and last! that was sososo smart, and to be honest, when i first discovered it, it was around 200 likes. i'm so happy, on that day, i stumbled across your account and followed you. i unexpectedly ended up being a fan of yours, and look where we are now. despite having finished the fic, my heart does nothing but yearn.
also, when you made y/n try to hook up with sunwoo, it just shows us as humans when we spiral, we tend to go back to our old habits that we're so used to. why? because we find comfort in them, we don't know how to do anything else but go back to who we were. but y/n found comfort in something else. jeno, and how he never gave up on her. even throughout their indifferences and tragedy, he didn't give up.
they found their way back to eachother— just like how soulmates do. no matter what happens, soulmates will always be tied back to eachother. you may have differences and things that separate you, but that doesn't change the fact fate has tied your souls together.
when i was reading, i thought of the word "jung/jeong" in korean. in english, jung is like a soul tie. it's like an attachment, no matter what happens, your souls are tied together. even if you guys aren't meant to be together (which y/n and jeno are!), your souls are still eternally connected. it's a connection which can never be severed, even through hate. it's a deep emotional attachment. it's hard to explain, but i think this describes y/n and jeno perfectly.
even when y/n hated jeno for standing him up, she's still naturally drawn to them. their connection goes beyond emotions, but to their souls being connected in itself, eventually making them find home in eachother.
i'm sorry this was long.
thank you for writing this, you have my full support, continue writing and i'll always be a reader. so much love for you!
this review. this review is the reason i started writing and it’s just making me feel so warm and appreciated 🥹🥹honestly i’ve been waiting for a review and ask like this ever since i uploaded ‘in your eyes’
you’re honestly so sweet 🥹🥹 thank you so much. that means so much wow, i really did try to make in your eyes as beautiful and coming of age and realistic as i could’ve, painful but sweet, blissful and breathtaking. i just think love is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world so i wanted to showcase that in my writing <33
thank you so much for the song!! i will listen to it <33 if you have any more songs that remind you of in your eyes then please send them over as i’m actually in the midst of putting together an ‘in your eyes’ playlist and i am struggling for songs that would fit the fic and the vibe!! so please let me know if you have any ideas.
and that is so fucking beautiful and makes me feel so proud that the fic hit hard enough to remind you of your first love and kinda transport you back in time 🥹🥹 that is the beauty of writing and i hope i can continue writing and impressing with my world building and the way i portray feelings and settings, my writing style is very emotional and descriptive (only as much as necessary) and i would go far to say that it’s a form of art, i live for making readers really feel something deep and take anything from the fic
thank you for picking out the reference <3 my first and last is always gonna be my baby, so i had to. you’ll be surprised to know that it was completely unintentional!! i just thought the line and meaning was so fucking beautiful and meaningful and it also happened to be one of my other special fics 🫶🫶
you’re a og reader and follower 🥹🥹 we’ve come so far just in 6 months. i uploaded mfal sometime in january and 6 months later it has around 2.5k notes, has been received well from readers and has its own special universe 🫶🫶
yes yes!!! you get it. yn finds familiarity and comfort in sunwoo. but then she grew a bond so strong with jeno that she finds that same bond, only stronger and actual love, with jeno <33 they are soulmates. and i really wanna show how much they love each other fr, so if you wanna know any extra facts about them or have any questions about their relationship and future (or actual questions for them) then lmk and send an ask <3
that word is so beautiful 🥹🫶 this is what i mean when i say my aim is for my fics to convey a deeper message and pull on heart strings
don’t be sorry !!!! i live for asks like this and i do wish i recieved more, as i said, reviews and words like this are so touching to me and i will always remember this. this is why i started writing
i really really loved talking to you so please join my discord server <3 i wanna talk to you more and also add me on discord — @jenosoph
my discord server — here
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
I've finally hit the point where I have to write the first fic for a fandom. I'm crying. There's nothing on Ao3 and I didn't bother checking FFN since I don't know how they tag CNs. Heroic Death System is so good, though. Maybe that's the problem. Its so good that no one ever wanted to add on. Or CNs just aren't popular. T-T All I wanted to do was read about Shang Ke BSing a reason for the change in behavior. But there's nothing at all. So now I'm going to have to write all the fics for it. I'll start with Arc 2 Redux since that Arc eats at me the most.
BTW, Heroic Death System is a Quick Transmigration story where Shang Ke has to have a Heroic Death as ordered by the System to fix the plotline that went badly thanks to the OG body. (Quick Transmigration refers to the Host being tasked with a mission and once its completed, taken to another world to continue on. Sometimes its to fix the plotholes, sometimes to "keep the plot on track". Usually in the case of the later, the Host accidentally gets the MC or target character to fall in love which derails the plot entirely. Whether or not there's penalties or workarounds depends on the System. Most of the QT novels I've read, in the case of romance, have the partner reincarnating across the worlds as well, so its still one partner. Usually it means there are Past Life Shenanigans in the background.) SK has a great internal thought process, its always funny. In the earlier Arcs he's a bit oblivious but he catches on partway through Arc 2. Also, it's a bit spicy in the later Arcs. SK ends up eagerly welcoming his lover's advances in the later lives even if he has to hold off for a while to stay in character. Each Arc is a great mini-story in its own right, if you like tragedy, with all but 2 Arcs having a repeat where SK can return and live a happy life with his partner. If SK gets a good score on his life, he can earn Rebirth cards that let him live with his lover's different incarnations. Also, there's Past Life Drama that comes up and makes it so there's suddenly Plot! in the later Arcs. It was pretty interesting. Good Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Time Travel (in some characters PoV), MPreg (in some lives), some Torture not explicitly described, Illnesses/Disabilities, Shapeshifters, Beastpeople, Sentinel&Guide, Fantasy, Cultivation, AlphaxAlpha, God AU and Ghost AU are the main things SK lives through. Also, his partner is very ... forceful isn't quite right. He loses SK every life in traumatic circumstances so his subconscious wants him to make the most of every moment, which leads to quick romance and ... OK, honestly, he's kinda yandere in some lives from past life trauma. He's very much the domineering CEO type in this, blended with yandere moments. SK is ok with this since he can get back together with his partner quickly in the new life and because his partner chills out in his redos since he stays with him. I'm trying not to give out spoilers for anyone who wants to read this later. Each Arc, not counting his redos, are about 10 or so chapters each, so they're good for bitesized reading. There's 275 chapters altogether, fully translated on snowycodex . com.
Anyways, I love the redo lives and I just keep imagining how SK explains his differences/BSing a reason for the change from OG body's actions. My Heart Beats For You (CW: brain tumors, heart diseases, car accident, kinda suicidal behavior(which occurs throughout the novel, i.e. the title)) has me in a death grip that randomly visits me a lot so I have high hopes I can write something good for it. I'm planning on having SK be "drunk" and whitewash his past to his lover and his friends. I have so much of the story he'd tell plotted out by now but I'm just going to have to figure out how to space it out and add in interruptions from the other characters.
(*/▽\*) I want to share it with you if I can finish it. I'm a huge fan. I'd love to see what you think.
Fuck yes babe this sounds fantastic. Link me when you get it done and I'll check it out!
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
soooo i'm thinking of writing an au
just gonna throw that out there so yall won't be surprised if i randomly throw a fic or seven in your faces <3
FOR REFERENCE: this is gonna be a long post of me talking about shit i wanna write, it's mostly for my future self to look back and so i have all my thoughts in one place (i'm unorganized ok) and im publishing it so it's easier to find, but this is really mostly for my personal benefit in the future but if you all find it interesting yay thats great :)
if i /do/ write an au, and that's a big if as my irl friends know about this acc and the teasing i could endure would be /endless/, it would be:
empires s1, with maybe some traffic characters thrown in- i don't feel like wc meshes very well with empires (else i would add it), unless the witchcraft witches were like at gem's academy or s2 shubble's witch school (OOOH that's an idea in and of itself lol
probably flower husbands based, or maybe mean gills, as they're slowly clawing up my mcyt ship tierlist... i'll have to think a bit on that one, but scott will most likely be the main character, cuz he was my very very first exposure to the wonderful world of empires and mcyt in general (found him through lauren, watched ep 1 of empires s2 and was hooked)
only very loosely based on canon events, i'd more be wanting to play around with the characters. therefore, out of the 3 ideas i have (more on that in a bit) i'd be more inclined to pick the more modern-day ones- though there would be fantasy elements of course like babe its empires
i have 3 main ideas that i feel like i could use- i'll put em in a poll if yall wanna vote, more info on each of them underneath
so yeah the first two are awfully similar- the main difference being that in the first option, the characters would be teachers, and in the second, students. imma go through all these a lil more in-depth, as i have ideas for all of them and i wanna see which one you all would rather read and i shall weigh that in on which one i'll (possibly) (ALLEGEDLY) write
teachers: scott is a teacher/the headmaster (i'll decide which later) at empires university (PLACEHOLDER NAME i swear i will come up with a better one) (probably) and jimmy is a new teacher who's just come onto the scene. he continually messes things up and scott is fed up with him and so they have a CHAT but obviously scott is traumatized by something in his past probably xornoth related or relating to one of the death games (life series) and jimmy is just CUTE but scott doesn't realize it and scott goes on being dumb about it and there is ANGST and such
students: basically the same general plot, but scott lives with horrible parents and jimmy becomes a reprieve and they become like best friends but they both have a secret crush on eachother (like in trust au omdsfksjdlkf go read it right now stop reading this rambling post and go read trust au SO GOOD SLDKFJ its by @/thetomorrowshow) and eventually scott is living at jimmy's house full time (jimmy has a cod tank in his room bc ofc) and then stuff happens heehhehehe no spoilers but again: ANGST
the main deal with these is there's ANGST (but also fluff because the two go hand in hand)
war: this is the main different one sooo it's set in the original empires world, but the cod empire and rivendell have been at war for decades and scott and jimmy hate each other but THEN they like meet one day and neither realizes who the other is until too late because they've never seen each other in real life and it's blasphemy and they like each other and all that yadayadayada ANGST
ummmmm anyway that's my fucking long rambling post done good graciousness this is the longest post i've ever done- anyway let me know (or don't, again, for my personal benefit) which one you would rather read and if any of them sound engaging at all- personally, i'm leaning towards students or war over teachers, i was full-in students but now i have so many great ideas for the war one- god i'm so messed up
that will be all
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promisinininining · 1 year
hello :3c all questions with the number 3 ( :3c ) in them, my good friend mis! :3c
Admittedlty, I started this. I shall accept my punishment with grace (💖).
Disclaimer here that there will be references to nsfw under the cut because I peddle smut. There's also a brief mention of vomit in a snippet I share.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic I write on my phone mainly, and I like to be curled up in a nest of some kind and comfy when I open up my Big Doc of Ideas and start typing. if it gets long enough (~1k words) I move it into its own doc. I reread constantly when I write, and often times I just sit and stare at a sentence until my brain clicks on. It also helps to bounce ideas off friends as I'm working, if I feel my steam running low. Otherwise I get into Da Zone and everything else disappear.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow? Ah. Hm. I don't actually know many "common" tips. I find a lot of them not very useful, like "write every day" just leads to burnout. I suppose there's this: sometimes, when you write yourself into a corner and don't know how to continue, go back a little bit further and try a new direction. Still Stuck? When I don't want to write a scene I simply don't and move on. Sometimes you never have to go back. It's fine. It wasn't that important anyway.
23. Best writing advice for other writers? ARE THE TIPS NOT GOOD ENOUGH? Okay Fine. Write what you want. Write weird shit, write horny shit, write stuff that disgusts and uncomfortablises people. Write the stuff that interests you rather than what you think other people would like. I made a promise to myself when I stepped back into fandom, and that was that I wouldn't be ashamed of anything that I liked anymore, and it's been an absolute blast. (Coming back up here after a few questions) WAIT- When you don't know what to do, ask yourself, what would be sexiest? and go with that. Never fails.
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? I'm happy sharing rough drafts. I tend to edit as I go so the top of my docs always end up pretty polished as opposed to the endings... shhh. I don't tend to share much of rough drafts in public, though, some friends get basically the entire thing through screenshots, lol. I can't resist okay! I'm excited about what I'm writing! I can't keep it all inside!
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing? Characters, definitely. Most of my stories are character-driven, and plot tends to happen around them, even aus are usually 'well what if they were brought up in THIS environment?' and whatever happens to them grows around what the consequences of their actions. I'm not very good at longfic and a lot of my fics are oneshot character studies so :Va Not that I'm saying I'm bad at what I do, plot is just not my priority! I Find characters, their relationships, and their personalities more fun to explore! (<- was raised on the Tales Of games)
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers. Fuck, okay. Well it probably doesn't surprise you that I make friends thru fanfic so I have a lot of writer friends and I don't LIKE to pick favs, simply because I don't think of them that way. That would be weird. Additionally, I only really read stuff my friends write nowadays ;w; I'll name the people who I've reached out to over completely losing my shit over their fics instead, in order of meeting them: Elcie/BurningLio, Bee/println0/slothencholy, Mango/MalevolentMango (and here, an honourary mention of Ailem for appearing alongside Mango though I hadn't read any of its fics until after we had become friends).
33. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer? Sure. I don't see myself stopping any time soon.
34. Do you want to be published some day? (yes I swapped 33 and 34 by accident so sue me) Eeehhhh, as someone who writes mostly erotica I don't reaaaally see any of my stuff being published by any mainstream publishing houses. I certainly WANTED to when I was younger, and it would certainly be cool, but it's not something I am persuing or even have an interest in persuing.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?  They gotta be as hot as possible.
36. How do you write kissing scenes? Okay so disclaimer, I've been writing fanfic for a VERY long time. I was on the internet before I should have been. My parents didn't speak english very well, and stuff like google translate didn't even exist (rather, it did, but it wasn't very good). I was ten, and I asked Google sensei how to write kisses, and the first result took me to a yahoo questions page where the answer was something like, describe how they feel instead of the kiss itself. I then deleted my history because I was not a stupid child. I remember that advice to this day.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter? I uh. Write oneshots. I end it where the story ends. Hope this helps :)
38. Would you ever write commissions? Yes but nothing too long. I've been meaning to open up writing commissions for literal years but I KEEP getting too sick to be able to dedicate the time it deserves to run commissions.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP Huff okay. This should be shiny and new for even you, Mango.
"Akechi-" "I'm fine," Akechi grits, spitting more acid onto the ground before he finally straightens and wipes a sleeve over his face. Akira doesn't even try to hide his expression when Akechi deigns to face them again. He states the fact plainly. "You're not fine." "Don't try to tell me what I am or not," Akechi sneers in return. He's clutching at his stomach despite his nonchalance, and a grimace clings to the edges of his pissed off expression. Akira rolls his eyes. There's no point arguing with Akechi on a good day, never mind when he's defensive and scared of being benched. They don't exactly have a choice to keep Akechi in combat as there are only three of them, and Kasumi is completely new to this kind of palace exploration. He may not be Futaba, but he has the most experience in the Metaverse by far; he's observant, meticulous, and his ability to memorise the attributes of new shadows is impressive. Akechi really had been holding back on them in Sae's Casino, and Akira isn't stupid enough to let that kind of usefulness go to waste.
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person? lmao. do i even need to answer this?
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? I'm primarily a writer. I used to read a lot but I have a hard time reading anything nowadays. I need to be doing something or else I'll EXPLODE. KABOOM. No more mis. splat like watermelon.
63. Something you hate to see in smut. I hate it when the author takes their time to write 'btw this is pure good non fetishistic sex' through the characters. It's ridiculous. I'm here for a good time not to get lectured on what safe sex is. If the reader needs to be told what consent is, I'd argue that they aren't old enough to be reading it.
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? Brother I do not know. I kind of fly by the seat of my pants. Lich Rally Just Vibin.
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jinxed-ninjago · 1 year
Fuck it, I'm explaining the end of the fic I posted last night lmao
Alright for anyone who hasn't read it, here's the link to the promo post (which has additional important information in it). I JUST WANT TO DUMP HEADCANONS LOL.
If you don't care about being spoiled, basically at the end of the fic I decided to imply that Fungus has a habit of "blaming Plundar for being a victim of circumstances as a teenager," which stems from a headcanon I have regarding Plundar's kleptomania and how I headcanon his past. I've discussed Plundar's kleptomania a few times before, but basically, the show implies that Plundar's a kleptomaniac, which in medical terms means he impulsively steals things that have little to no value to him or that he would be able to afford. Essentially kleptomania is an impulse control disorder that results in theft.
This initially stemmed from Plundar's line of "Sorry, force of habit" when Fungus tells him to give Cole his weapon back in Dungeon Party. The phrasing from Plundar -- specifically, Plundar using the term "force of habit" -- implies that he's committed theft often enough that it's become an impulse he no longer has control over. This would mean that at some point in the past, he got to a point where he committed enough thefts to end up losing his impulse control related to theft.
When it comes to shit like theft, using "force of habit" to explain why you did something implies you have an impulse control disorder. I'd say the same thing about my skin picking, as I have a habit of picking at the skin around my nails to the point that, yeah, saying I do it by force of habit wouldn't be entirely inaccurate.
Now that the filler is out of the way, let's get into the nitty-gritty of why I wrote Plundar telling off Fungus for blaming him for being a victim of circumstances.
Before I continue, I personally like to think that Plundar was on his own for a while before he met Fungus, at which point he was around 16 or 17. I elaborated on it some more in this post so if you want some more context for how I headcanon Plundar's past, go to that post.
Because of everything I imagine happened in Plundar's past, I would be surprised if he didn't resort to petty thievery to make himself feel better. This would be the most likely culprit for his kleptomania; he made a habit out of stealing and eventually that stealing spiraled out of control and he lost his ability to control the impulse to steal in the first place. It's made abundantly clear in the dialogue and animation that Fungus doesn't approve of Plundar's thievery; hell, look at his expression when he tells Plundar to give Cole his throwing star back!
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I also brought this up a few days ago, but the Upply's dynamic is fascinating when it comes to their interactions with each other.
Plundar pretty consistently interacts in a more friendly manner with Korgran than he does with Fungus, and it seems to be mutual on Fungus's side (by which I mean Fungus also acts in a more friendly manner with Korgran when you compare his interactions with Plundar to his interactions with Korgran). Plundar and Fungus seem to find each other mutually irritating, and considering Plundar's entire character (being a thief) seems to go against Fungus's morals, I'm not surprised in the slightest.
Plundar telling Fungus off for blaming him for being a victim of circumstances he was in as a teenager in Ain't It Fun was referring to this headcanon of Plundar resorting to theft for his emotional wellbeing and eventually survival as a teenager that eventually spiraled into a total lack of impulse control; Fungus being irritated by Plundar's complete lack of ability to stop himself from stealing would come off as victim blaming with that in mind.
One of the things I actively tried to show in Ain't It Fun was Plundar being nervous to get help, and not specifically because he was committing crimes, but also because getting help is fucking hard (something I additionally tried to show through Cole's behavior and attitude towards Plundar's coping mechanisms). Sometimes it takes a near death experience to realize you need help, and even when you realize you need help and accept the help that's been offered to you, shit happens. If I decide to continue Ain't It Fun, Plundar's interaction with Fungus is gonna be incredibly limited because in his position, having Fungus around isn't gonna help him.
The reason I had Plundar effectively cut Fungus off at the end of Ain't It Fun wasn't for angst points; it was because in Plundar's position, having Fungus around is only going to do more harm. Fungus is canonically irritated by what is fundamentally an impulse control disorder that Plundar has.
I fucking love the Upply, but I genuinely don't think Plundar and Fungus have a healthy dynamic. Even if Plundar wasn't a victim as a teenager I'd argue he's a victim of Fungus. Plundar's implied to have an impulse control issue, and Fungus's attitude towards Plundar's lack of impulse control is ableist frankly. They've known each other for years, and Fungus still acts like Plundar having an impulse control disorder says fucking anything about his morals.
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kyriemrmister · 2 years
tw time prison fic but
the po honda civic post was on my dash and even though there's So Much Wrong with the time prison fic there's also some lines and moments that live in my head rent-free because i love to torment myself with continuing to read it
(elw*nn j*mes my beloathed, tw for mentions of genitalia, daddy kink, slurs, madness combat mentions, sex jokes, five nights at freddy's mentions, pee jokes, poop jokes, sexualization of minors in a smutless manner, mention of drugs and drug trips, and the fact this is a long post about a very cursed crossover fic that i can describe as 'loud house revamped meets tails gets trolled' quite easily. don't click the read more if you can't handle/have triggers towards these things, just scroll past and don't barge into my askbox about it. curate your experience or perish.)
socks getting drunk on vanilla extract (like the meme) and hallucinating that ghosts stole his balls, and the narration reiterating that since he's transmasc he wasn't born with them
oc catgirl fursona tells him that. which only convinces socks that ghosts timetravelled back in time, went into his mother's womb, stole his balls and made him trans
scooby-doo parody in the reboot that involves socks, seiya, shiryu and hyoga trying to bust a ghost in a manner like ghostbusters that somehow shoves a half life full life consequences ("zombie goasts leave this place") AND a the exorcist ("the power of christ compels you") reference one after the other in the dialogue (hyoga says both) and when that doesn't work seiya just tries to intimidate the ghost by flirting/screaming at it
said sequence also involves seiya calling shiryu an 'egirl son of a bitch' (??? i guess shiryu's daphne?) and the ghost isn't even a ghost, it's davy jones in the onion armor from the dark souls memes and davy is just delivering catnip to oc catgirl fursona
seiya is punished for there not being any actual ghost and is forced to clean clearly self-insert mike nesmith's fireplace in a sexy catgirl maid outfit
ikki in this fic works for peppino's pizza as a delivery person and his first delivery is to snick's house, who transforms into, not snick.exe but a 'sanic'-ified version of himself and chases ikki while the sanic meme music plays, bassboosted low quality and all
oc madness combat employer makes mike nesmith x reader fics and they are accidentally printed on the group's printer and this somehow leads to the fic's version of mike porking her
peppino gets a giant purple pizza cutter with angelic runes that translate to the 'pizza pasta put it in a box' ditty, and when they're read out loud the person that read the runes gets attacked by a horde of ghost rats
micky asking if davy needs anything at the store. davy says she wants to fuck. micky's response is, verbatim: "they don't have that."
the peppino weed trip sequence that is set to running in the 90s, features peppino getting beat up by a plethora of cameos, including jd knudson from loud house revamped, cecil from nightvale, and the fish from sharktale
also it ends with him getting jumpscared by freddy fazbear, and then "you have hurt peppino" in the dark souls font with that "game over yeeeeaaaah" soundclip playing over it
messing with the storyline of head (1968) somehow by having the setting's gods trap the victor mature character in the traptanium from fuckign skylanders. this traptanium powers a city in the arctic btw
one bit that takes place in peppino's has the noise breaking through the wall, t-posing, in a sexy catgirl maid outfit (when one of these is involved in the story its always a joke btw) and the fuckibg nyan cat song plays at full volume
peppino's response is um, this: "You sonnuva rotten lasagna! I'm gonna beat-a the mcfuckin' shit outta you and your tiny little dick!"
he doesn't get to. ikki just uses the phoenix cloth and 'omae wa mou shindeiru's him while saying that line verbatim
seiya and hyoga argument that involves the lines 'fuck your stupid baka life' and 'if it pisses like a duck it shits like one too'
mike breaks up the argument and seiya calls him 'daddy'. mike slaps him and kinkshames him because he's not part of the harem and therefore cannot call him daddy
also the time prison bit originates from an actual plot development that never gets mentioned again where the guy who gets thrown there and talks about it is kyle carrozza of funny music project and mighty magiswords fame
luke ski gets tossed into the sea of japan and becomes, basically, monica from ddlc and gets so clingy and attached to kyle he erases his GODDAMN IRL WIFE from existence
the ending of the original fic involves mike killing valo by using an attack so powerful it just destroys the entirety of reality (previously established to be everything fictional, including fanfiction, as well as our reality) and everyone and everything in it and it breaks everything so bad reality as a whole has to be rebooted
i wouldn't recommend it.
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kermitkrqb · 2 years
Hiii! I just wanted to say that I loooove ur fics about Hunter :) Love ur writing!! And I love that you write gn reader, so everyone can read your amazing fics 😊 Also, I see that u are an Intp... Me too!! :D Anyways, I was wondering if I could request something... So, (male) reader is a drummer and is friends with the guys and Emily. He wants to learn "Machinery Of Torment" on the drums, so he asks Kevin. Even though, Hunter knows the reader plays drums, he gets jealous that the reader didn't ask him to teach him the song on the guitar. In the end, Hunter ends up confessing his love for the reader.
Thank you and keep up the good wooork :)
Boyfriend or boy-friend? || Hunter Sylvester x reader
A/N: Intp's unite >:D @suckitcunt Also, I finally finished the important thing I had so I can get back to everyone's requests!
What to expect: Male reader :), jealous Hunter (we love that), friends to lovers!
You weren't apart of Skullflower but, you were always more than welcome to sit through their band rehearsals. Close friends with Kevin, Emily, and Hunter, you found yourself dragged into the world of metal. It was the average Saturday, and that meant Skullflower would be practising at Hunter's house. They had just finished playing 'Machinery of Torment', and as a fellow musician yourself- you were definitely curious as to how it was played. Being the drummer you were, naturally you asked Kevin for advice. As your friend, he was more than happy to help but, that didn't mean everyone was exactly enthused.
Hunter watched from afar, his jaw clenched as Kevin's hands guided yours around the drum kit. Why couldn't you go to him instead? He wanted you to choose him. The metal-head wasn't exactly sure if he was referring to teaching you the song anymore. You're just a friend after all. A boy-friend that he wanted to be his boyfriend. He found himself getting more and more pissed off between the close proximity between you and Kevin until he finally snapped. "You're not a part of this band y'know? And we have practice to do. You're not exactly helping by distracting my drummer."
Your cheeks tint red in embarrassment, "Oh. I'm sorry, I thought that you guys had finished practicing?" You moved pass Kevin and away from the drums but, Hunter's temper got the best of him. "Well, you thought wrong," he turned to Kevin and Emily, "C'mon let's go back to the start." The tension suddenly became thick, Kevin and Emily eyeing each other in confusion. What's got him so pissed off? Nonetheless, they started to awkwardly play, Hunter avoiding eye contact as you stared at him in disbelief. You didn't exactly feel welcome anymore, so you made your way upstairs and away from Hunter.
As soon as you left, Emily immediately paused from her cello, "The fuck was that? You completely just pushed him out!" Indifferent, Hunter shrugged, continuing to strum his guitar pushing his feelings aside. As soon as the song finally ended, Emily gathered her equipment and quickly left. Leaving Kevin and Hunter alone together. Knowingly, Kevin asked, "Why don't you tell Y/n how you really feel? 'Cause I'm pretty sure he'd drop fucking everything just for you. It's obvious." Hunter said nothing, and that was Kevin's que to leave. Leaving Hunter alone with his thoughts.
Of course Hunter felt guilty, and also stupid. What are the chances of you and him getting together now? He's pretty sure he's fucked it all up. But, that didn't stop him from walking all the way to your house. You, on the other hand, were extremely pissed off, confused, and embarassed. You thought Hunter liked having you around; and you even thought you guys actually had a chance together. Your thoughts were interrupted when Hunter started calling. Your thumb hovered over the answer button but, you decided against it. Like hell, were you gonna let him apologise over the phone.
Hunter looked at his screen, you had declined his call. But, he had to make things right. Walking over the side of your house he picked up small and tiny rocks. One by one he started to lightly throw them at your window. It wasn't long before you heard the insistent tapping and decided to finally open up, peeking your head outside to find the green eyed boy looking up at you. You huffed, "What do you want?" He peered up at you, seemingly apologetic, "I'm sorry. You deserve way better of a friend. Earlier, I was-" You cut him off, "Being an absolute dickhead? You humiliated me in front of Kevin and Emily, how did I ever even think that you like-" Hunter gulped, "Jealous," the words died in your mouth as he confessed, "I was jealous. Ok? And I know that's no excuse but, I really fucking like you and I have for a while. And when I saw you and Kevin together it made me jealous."
It was silent for a moment. You were doing your best to process this information before you replied, "I really fucking like you too." A smile broke out across Hunter's face before he tilted his head, "Forgive me?" You smirked, "Why don't you come up here and find out?"
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