aller-geez · 1 year
Get to know: Alistar Satanos
(owned by @thekinkyleopard )
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2000 (20) // Male He/Him // Pansexual // Anti-Christ Dragon Shifter
Full name: Abaddon Alistar Satanos
Nickname: Al
Date Of Birth: August 6th
Big Three: Leo 🌞 Leo 🌝 Scorpio ↗️
Physical Appearance —
Age: 2000 looks 25
Eye Color: Ruby
Hair Color: Crimson
Weight: 143
Height: 6’3
Race: Anti-Christ
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: he has a leviathan cross under one eye and 666 under the other, he has short elvish ears, snake bites and a septum. He also has a blacked out neck, and hands with flames coming up his wrists, and despite being advised against it, wears his horns out. Tells humans they’re implants.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: His Charm and Charisma
Greatest Weakness: Lacks impulse control
Soft Spot: Kanai
Mannerisms: Calculated, he often makes intense eye contact and stands too close, he doesn’t understand personal space.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Alistar has other siblings, but they are all so serious, he hates that. There’s always been a jokester that lives inside him. He would often skip familial bonding and go hang out with Kanai. Together they’d get into mischief, and all around chaos. The more time he spent with Kanai he realized it was so much nicer to be around another being that allowed him to be exactly as he is. While his father wanted to control him, and his siblings wanted to change him, Kanai just wanted to have a good time with him.
Alistar hates humans. He thinks often, they’re disgusting and weren’t worth the war between his father and grandfather. Trivial to waste energy on such pointless creatures. He’s prejudice you could say, and often will use his charm and manipulation to furtherly prove his point. Humans are impressionable meat sacks that’ll always bend to the will of greed and selflessness, over the good of all. He does not share this sentiment for human hybrids though.
Alistar was born to a human woman, and thought was raised to believe she was nothing more than a vessel that brought him here, can’t help but feel curious. Though disgusted he shares a point of being human, maybe that’s where his internal disdain comes from. Truthfully, he believes he deserved a regular life, with a regular family, as a regular little boy. Yet, he would never have that. For his father is Satan, and nothing can change the evil that pumps in his DNA.
Sneeze Content —
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Alistar lucked out and received a human vessel that does not experience allergies. He can however, induce.
How severe are they?
Do they get sick often?
Alistar can’t get sick easily, but he CAN contract someone else’s cold if he tries really hard. Exposed enough, he can fall ill. Though it only lasts upwards to 3 days.
How bad is it usually?
When he gets sick, it’s…weird. He’s overtly sexualizing himself, and his caretakers. He /likes/ being sick. Loves it actually. Despite how terrible it makes him feel, Al is a masochist. Also a sadist. So often times he will try to bring anyone and everyone down with him so he can relish in a symphony of sick and sneeze.
Do they stifle?
Nope. When Alistar actually sneezes it’s outward, proud and confident. There’s no hesitation in it
How loud are their sneezes?
Not obnoxious loud, but they can vary in volume.
What do they sneeze into?
Anything. Mostly sneezes outright, but his real pleasure is to sneeze onto others.
How often do they sneeze?
Almost never unless induced or he succeeds in catching a cold.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
2-3 It’s hard to get them out of him but he tries
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Both. It depends on how he’s induced.
Do they sneeze in public?
Yes, he finds it extremely erotic, arousing and entertaining.
Some examples of their sneezes?
Backstory —
Alistar Satanos, named Abaddon Alistar Satanos by his father, was born in the human world to his mortal mother, Malia, who was murdered when the demons came to collect him and bring him to hell for his father, Satan. Satan went about impregnating easily impressionable women (he can possess people who are willing, and then get mortal women pregnant so long as the bodies are fertile but will still be Satan’s seed, however when possessing, holds no other ability to use his powers on earth) to create a coven of anti-Christ children that he would personally train and send out on Earth, to do what he cannot, due to being physically banished. After arriving in Hell as an infant, he started to progressively grow and age at a much faster rate. Reaching full maturity (20 in human years) in just 10 years. Thus began his training and conditioning. During his off time in hell, when he wasn’t a servant to his father’s master plan, he’d hang out at the gates of hell to kick the shit with Kanai, Cerberus’s son. Quickly realizing there was an intelligence gap between the two, Al used that to his advantage somedays to bring forth entertainment for himself. May that be pranking fellow demons or souls, creating traps or gags. Though Kanai often seemed obtuse to Al, he knew who the demon was. And despite their differences, Alistar didn’t treat him with disrespect. They both found solidarity in their respect for one another, taking the other as they came. For 2000 years his life was simple. However, the time came to go out into the field as he was destined to do. Being sent to earth, Alistar finally felt a sense of freedom, finally a life away from his obnoxious father. Seeing as his dad can only send him to earth and not back to hell, he was almost free to do what he pleased, so long as dad never finds out he’s not following protocol and send the guardians after him. Thus began Al’s downward spiral into humanity. Though he hated them relentlessly (their existence created his existence and he hates that for himself) he was just like them. Impulsively doing drugs, partying, controlling the minds of weak mortals and making them dance for him. The bright side to being besties with the guardians of hell’s gates is that every time he was killed off, he could simply be brought back without his father’s knowledge using a simple stone, all hell hounds get one. He borrows Kanai’s regularly. He was supposed to go to his father everytime he died, but could not face him in failure, and neither could he explain himself. However, upon resurrection he was back to his old tricks. He especially found a much more fun, but cruel way to get his kicks. He likes to give hope and promise to unsuspecting down and out addicts, only to crush it and make them feel their only way out is a deal. With HIM. Selling weakened souls, typically homeless and addicted, under his name. He was going to go toe to toe with his father in the soul department. Yet, when he happens about a down and out young trans woman, he finds himself almost awakening. Al meets Connie during a terribly traumatizing moment in her life. Truly rock bottom. Something about her was different, her perseverance in life despite what is thrown at her, draws inspiration within the demon. He brings her home, gets her clean and then promptly starts providing for her. Though his time living with her proved that Al could be capable of kindness, empathy and compassion, it was too much and he wound up getting her a studio in downtown NYC, paying for all her bills and necessities. Allowing her to grow and feel safe, but truly to keep himself safe from possibly caring too closely about someone from this plane. Yet, he couldn’t be freed with that. Knowing she was alone. So he found out she had family he could reunite her with them, and that’s what he will do in order to get back to living selfishly.
Reference Sheet —
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