#Aikatsu sing
adeadlysong · 1 year
The Challenge: The Final Boss
@thighhighsandgoldeneyes from here!
Rafaele did his best to fend off all attacks - and he was doing a pretty good job of countering, from what Kamiizumi could tell. Every blow both men exchanged with their swords kept blocking the other’s from really hitting.
Zael’s sneak attack was enough to get Rafaele’s attention from Kamiizumi. Rafaele tried to slash at Zael in a wide arc, and Lana used the opportunity to fire an electric spell at him.
Rafaele teleported out of the way - just before the attack could hit. Lana hissed, before turning to punch Rafaele - who had reappeared right behind her! 
“All the freakin’ teleporting isn’t helping things.” Lana grumbled. She managed to get a hit on Rafaele’s jaw. Rafaele stumbled back before taking out a few knives, throwing them at her. Lana threw herself out of the way, but one of them tore at her sleeve, while another one managed to nick Kamiizumi in the right shoulder.
“Honestly, I’d be interested in gagging him. Might prevent him from taunting our ears off.” Kamiizumi muttered, glancing toward Dagran before moving in to try to get a hit at Rafaele again. Rafaele dodged, before using telekinesis to knock the sword out of Kamiizumi’s hand. The Swordmaster, however, used the opportunity to try to dive in at Rafaele and half-tackle him down. Rafaele barely dodged, but also tripped a bit. He didn’t fall, however, as he managed to regain balance. 
“Andddd looks like things are turning more toward close combat! Oooh!” Nuriel was commentating quite cheerily, a stark contrast to the current battle going on. “Let’s go, finalists!! It seems like Rafaele’s keeping up well with them, but who knows what will happen!?”
Lana fired another spell at Rafaele-  a frosty one - but Rafaele deflected it by summoning a magical shield. The spell went off flying toward Dagran instead but barely missed him, flying above his head.
“Sorry!” Lana was heard yelling, just before Rafaele let out a laugh.
“Is that all you got? Looks like I need to make things a bit more interesting, then!” As if on cue, music started up in the background, and the wind began to kick up harshly. The sound of clouds rumbling caught Lana’s attention, and she cursed as she felt it get harder to stay standing.
“Ah, fuck! He’s gonna sing!” 
Kamiizumi managed to retrieve his sword. “Brace yourselves...!” 
Rafaele’s eyes glowed briefly, before rain started pouring - just a little bit at first, but then it got heavier. Kamiizumi nor Lana could understand the language being sung, but it was singing, alright. Lana tried to fire a spell at Rafaele, but missed after she slipped on the now-soaked ground. Rafaele threw more knives - at Zael, at Dagran - before teleporting back toward the stage area as the rain kept on pouring. 
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prettyallfriends · 2 months
hold uppppp
"The following works are not included within the scope of permissible derivative works: “Aikatsu!”, “Aikatsu Stars!”, “Aikatsu Friends!”, “Aikatsu on Parade!”, “Aikatsu Planet!”, as well as any of the characters and various content from collaborations and tie-ups featured in “Aikatsu Academy!” and the aforementioned works."
WE'RE SOOOOO GETTING COLLABS.......... but also... :(
"The creation of highlight video clips from membership-exclusive videos, ticketed live performance videos, and other paid content" like........ okay live tickets i KIND OF understand but membership-exclusives???????????? bamco you will rue the day...................
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precure-stuff · 1 year
It's finally here!!!
A vocal analysis of our main three characters throughout Aikatsu and Photokatsu! Let me know your thoughts on the new series and comment your favourite song by them
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I've never felt more catered to in media than when Aikatsu Stars paired up my favorites (Rei and Mahiru) together for episodes /pos
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parfaitfever · 1 year
besides ssomega being my interest that has been rotting in my brain for months now theres also aikatsu doing the same and ya know at some point i thought about those two series having a crossover or something
and when i think about it its either girlies fighting against a greek god or boys in idol costumes
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
NOO I AM TOO I HAVE TOO MUCH TO SAY LOL it's been super fun chatting abt it!!!
Resellers are also insane like... the SH Figures costed about $40-50 dollars when they released, which is still a ton but htat's typidal for that brand of figures since they have all the artciulation and stuff, but yeah the prices now are insane!!!! any aikatsu stuff is like so impossible to get here 😭 I've had the angely bear plushie on my wishlist for ages
the cards are so funny because most of them are just printed from the arcade machine itself when you would win them by playing, people would sell one single PR set for like $100. for shiny cards that were so so easy to get for the cost of playing like 5 rounds lmao
Hmm I don't think that the games would help with learning dances though, shot for shot they're the same as the stages in the anime. But there are also a toooon of dance covers out there if you want something with a clearer angle!!
I wish they had done some of the photokatsu songs in Parade, but they did do one in one of the recent movies so maybe if they ever do more stuff someday they'll adapt more?? I want to see the dances!!!! Espescially kindan hide & seek!
I agree about Raki, I think it's fine that she wasn't that much of a character but literally what did they gain from just not having the wings later/transforming her jeweling dress from her own PR... I don't even know how it would cut costs much they just Did That
I occasionally still see the sh figures at 50 dollars, but they’re usually missing some pieces. It seems that the market for Aikatsu things is small but extremely expensive. The cards are so funny to me because it seems like they function in price almost exactly like Pokémon cards. Are they shiny in some way? More money! I’m seeing these girls pajama shorts on Mercari being sold for *checks listing* 66 DOLLARS? Dear god… they have the tag on them too for like 1500 yen you’ve got to be kidding
I have used some dance covers to help out with learning and filling in the gaps! The camera angles the stages use are very pretty, but also very confusing. The hardest part for me now is stamina. Singing and dancing at the same time like that is freaking exhausting (I am a singer but not a dancer) but I’ve nearly got Idol Activity perfect! I think I’m going to do Start Line next but that may be a very bad idea considering how impressive it is vocally on top of the dance.
I haven’t listened as much to Photokatsu due to lack of performances, but I’m just getting into it! Dramatic Girl my beloved. I hope they will add performances to those! That reminds me, do the songs without performances in Aikatsu get them in the game? Like Lovely Bomb was used as a background song, but is it featured in the arcade games? If it is I need to learn it immediately I’m obsessed with that song
As for Raki, I guess they saved on transformation animation…
Don’t worry I also have a whole fucking lot to say about this! We are just vibing
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jewlwpet · 2 months
I want to be excited about Aikatsu Academy, but I have some serious reservations.
The fact that they've acknowledged their international audience is... something... that I would normally be excited about, but the translation is clearly machine-generated and not proofread at all. One of the free cards has a sentence that's not even finished (the word "Aikatsu" is left out). I doubt the translations for the paid cards will be any better. The most glaring error is that Wao is described as a "suicide captain." Considering the level of control that Banda-Namco is trying to exercise over fans for the sake of Aikatsu Academy's image, the fact that they have that on their official website is rich.
That's the other thing. The level of control they're trying to exercise over fans is concerning. They want every piece of fanart to have a specific frame over it labeling it as fanart... which they have not yet made available to the fans. Essentially, they expect fans to not upload fanart at all until the unspecified time when they finally upload it onto their site. That is definitely not going to happen.
Even after that time comes, there are a number of restrictions that are concerning. For example, it's specified that you can upload your own covers of yourself singing the songs, but you cannot modify the lyrics. This means that if you upload a cover of an Aikatsu Academy song in a language other than Japanese, it could be taken down.
No "religious or political beliefs" is another rule. I wonder how far this extends. What if a Muslim fangirl wants to draw herself wearing an Aikatsu Academy uniform with a hijab? Would that count against the rules? It very well might.
Finally, there is the rule against "anything that goes against the public order and morals." This is vague enough to be very unsettling as it is impossible to tell what they think would qualify. If it's just NSFW stuff, I don't care. If the owners of a franchise aimed at children wants to crack down on sexualization of their underage characters, I personally am not going to complain about it. But we know that Bandai is a homophobic company. Their insistence that it's "a matter of interpretation" whether Suletta and Miorine got married when it's clearly stated in their anime (Gundam G-Witch) is proof of that. It's not at all unlikely that they could consider fanart of two girls kissing to be "against the public order and morals."
If that happens, I don't think I can remain a fan of Aikatsu Academy. And it's too soon to test it out, because until they release the official template for fanart, they're liable to try to remove any fanart at all. Only once it's released will it be possible to test what they will and won't tolerate.
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meruli · 20 days
Aikatsu Academy EP Review
Finally listening to it
Memories for Tomorrow: Decent for an instrumental beginning, but did they really have to name is that when there's a Prichan song of almost the same title?
Mankai! Eliont: It's good. Basically the kind of song you'd expect from whatever this is. Doesn't really have any bad points, but doesn't really "wow" me either.
Akogare Sky: Another trad idol song with basically the same themes. I don't like it as much as the last one, but it doesn't really have any bad points either.
Peek-A-Boo!!: Dear god, this is peak 2020s pop music. The light EDM, the use of the word "influencer", the rap break... Another song with no major flaws, but I'm just. So sick of this genre that I can't bring myself to actually Like like this song. Objectively speaking though, this is probably their strongest song, and I like the line "空の青だって毎日ちがうでしょ" (even the sky is a different shade of blue everyday, right?)
Overview: They've played extremely safe with their music up to this point. None of the songs are bad, but none of them are outstanding either. It's a decent attempt at slowly building up a fanbase. Vocal wise, none of the members' voices rearlly stand out to me, but none of them sound like the type of anime character whose voice actors are held at gun point to sing like their kidneys are being tortured either.
Strengths: Everything's well balanced. Nothing sounds out of place and the songs aren't bad either.
Weaknesses: Not enough experimenting. The songs aren't unique either. You can find stuff like this everywhere, nothing makes this EP special.
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yjyt85r98r · 1 month
Aikatsu song reviews: Summer Tears Diary
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The only Aikatsu song that made me cry.
To be honest, this song didn't make a huge impression on me the first time I listened to it. I thought it was pretty, and a bit intangible, but that was all. But then I listened to the full version and started crying a little bit.
When it comes to instrumentals, the stars are definitely the violin, piano and cymbals. The piano really helps set up the elegant, emotional atmosphere. This song makes much more usage of cymbals compared to most Aikatsu songs – I'm pretty sure I even heard a ride cymbal a few seconds before the chorus, which is rare indeed. And I was surprised that the violin is a synth one, because it sounds so expressive. The way it comes in subtly but then gets louder and louder, until it becomes an unignorable whine... it perfectly matches the lyrics, expressing a sadness that builds up until it overflows.
I think there are too many key changes, especially in the short version. It's 4 key changes in under 2 minutes, and it makes the song feel kind of confusing and hard to follow. But I do think they work well with how the lyrics jump through time. The intro/chorus is set in the present, the first verse is in the past, and the second verse is looking to the future. And the key keeps changing to show those transitions through time.
The bell at the end of the full version sounds jarring and sort of takes me out of the song's trance, but maybe that's the point. Maybe it's supposed to be a school bell marking the beginning of the new term and the end of the song. The moment school begins, the spell is broken and that summer is already behind them.
I really don't know what genre of song this is. (It sort of feels like light jazz, but it doesn't have saxophone or blue notes so it can't really be jazz.) But if this song had a smell, it would be one of those scents that disappears just as you think you understand it, so I'd keep sniffing it and never get enough.
Summer Tears Diary is not particularly powerful or catchy, and it didn't make a big impression on me at first. But when you really allow yourself to be swept up in this song, then it becomes one of the series' best.
Yozora and Mahiru sing this song so differently that the entire vibe changes depending on which version you're listening to. I think that a big reason the song didn't make an impact on me the first time but did the second time was because I first listened to the Yozora version, and then the duet. There's nothing wrong with Yozora's voice, but her vocals just have this sweet, light quality that doesn't carry the gravity of the lyrics. Whereas the Mahiru version... wow!! That's got to be some of Kana's best work in the whole series. I can't even describe it in words, it's just... so beautiful. So good.
One thing about the duet, though, is that the vocals don't feel quite as synced as usual. Miho and Kana are both known for their excellent harmonies, being able to sing in such perfect sync that it sounds almost like one person instead of two. But not here, not in this song. I wonder if the recording process was different for this one.
Aside from the vocals, I think the other reason I cried the second time I listened to this was because I watched a video that had the lyrics translated onscreen. The short version's lyrics are sad, but the full version's lyrics are heart-rending. They're almost too sad for the song's carefree, swingy vibe.
Last year, someone was talking about how they had a great summer with their best friend, but that friend would be going far away and they were going to miss them so much, and I was like, that's just like a song I know. In my case, I've never really had a wonderful summer (or any season) with someone I knew would be leaving, but some of the lyrics still hit really close, like the lyrics about knowing that their face will one day get blurred in your memories, not being able to tell them the things you wanted to say, and not wanting the pain to go away because you want to keep caring about them.
The lyrics are about a mundane tragedy, the tragedy of knowing that someone won't be in your life anymore. They won't die, nor will they hate you, but the paths you're taking in life are too different, and by the time you could meet again, it will already be too late.
I feel like the lyrics were being considered with every step of this song's creation, from the instrumentals to the choreography. There are lots of times where you can see or hear the things being described in the lyrics.
It does NOT fit the song... and I have no idea what it was going for. Mediocre popping and locking, random shimmying, the stereotypical "hula" move, all being done to a swingy classical/jazz type of song... It's hard to say what kind of dance would fit with the song, but I don't think it's this. I wonder if the vast amount of time the camera spends focusing on the sky is as much to show off the stage as it is to hide the dancing.
I do have to at least give it a bit of credit for matching the lyrics at times. The hand sweeping across the night sky, and the freezing during the lyrics about time stopping.
The choice of visuals is slightly odd when contrasted with the music, as the stage and outfits look very traditionally Asian whereas the song sounds more western. The word "anime" is the only thing that lets me mentally merge the two.
I really, really like the stage design. The flat look of the buildings works really well with this particular stage. The fireflies and the sky lanterns really help sell that summer night feeling.
The facial expressions really do not match the lyrics... they should not be smiling like that while singing about how sad they are.
The two auras together look like a mess.
Good points: Mahiru's vocals, sad yet beautiful lyrics Bad points: Too many key changes
Rating: 8.5/10 Personal rating: 8.5/10
(idk whether to give it 8.5 or 9... might change it later)
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul’s VA Tamaru Atsushi first became interested in voice acting while studying for university entrance exams, when he would listen to radio shows hosted by voice actors in order to relax. 
He enrolled in a voice actor training academy during his second year in university while majoring in electronics and IT. His thesis was on learning support tools for satellites; he studied at both schools simultaneously. After graduating he was accepted to his first agency through an open audition for aspiring voice actors. 
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In an interview Tamaru says that he was the only new actor they accepted who had yet to have a lead role in any project. He says his first job was not voice acting, but for study materials.
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I am not sure if this is the same project he mentioned in the interview but I was able to find a 2019 English conversation study guide, “Handsome English Conversation Phrases”, for people studying English as a second language.
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In a 2021 interview Tamaru said he can be a perfectionist and struggle if he doesn’t feel he'll be able to do something to perfection.
When he first started out he was very nervous in front of senpai VAs and would obsess over being polite and any bad feedback he received on set.
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His voice acting debut was 2009 anime “Kupu~!! Mamegoma!” at age 23. 
Tamaru voiced Kunimi Akira in Haikyuu!!, but actually auditioned for the role of Kageyama Tobio.
In a 2015 interview he said that his hobby is board games and that he enjoys Dominion and Settlers of Catan.
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When asked, “What kind of role would you like to try in the future?” in the same 2015 interview Tamaru responded, “It is something I’ve never done before, but I would love to play a villain. I don't think my voice is suited for a villainous role, but I think I might have a chance if it were a colder-looking villain.”
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He has had lead roles in 17 different anime series, 25 video games, over 30 drama cds including Jewelpet, Aikatsu!, Meganebu!, The Irregular at Magic High School, The Asterisk War, Seiren, A3!, Gundam Build Divers, I-Chu, Build Divide, Gakuen Heaven 2, Touken Ranbu and more.
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Both Tamaru and Floyd’s VA Okamoto voice characters in “Variable Barricade NS”, for the Nintendo Switch, while Tamaru and Jade’s VA Komada voice the lead characters in drama CD, “All Our Love and Youth”.
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An amazing person has put together a compilation of voice clips from 21 characters that Tamaru has voiced, viewable here.
A photoshoot of Tamaru modeling for Jade’s voice actor Komada Wataru (who is both a voice actor and professional photographer; he has done similar photoshoots with Crewel, Trey, Kalim and Rook’s voice actors)
More of Tamaru and Jade’s VA Komada Wataru, on an episode of Komada’s now completed “CanCamp” show.
Tamaru visiting the Twisted Wonderland exhibition and posing with Azul’s display:
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Prism Paradise Winter Live
Posing with Azul’s Glorious Masquerade banner in Shinjuku Station
On his twitter he posts pictures and information about the projects he appears in, as well as Twisted Wonderland rolls. Here he wishes Floyd and Jade Happy Birthday.
Tamaru with Jade’s Komada and Floyd’s Okamoto
Singing Tamaru in a promotion for the A3! Blooming Live Concert DVD
Tamaru has appeared on Episodes 9, 10 and 11 of Crewel’s VA Ito Kent’s monthly YouTube show “Good Boy”: Episode 9 ・ Episode 10 ・ Episode 11
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lolzitop · 1 year
Aikatsu Stars is cool but I have the hubris of a god and I think I can do better so I decided to rewrite everything about it lmao (this is for you @arabella-pink)
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Season 1
Main characters are Yume, Koharu, Rola, Mahiru, Ako, and Haruka Ruka (I can’t help it her wide eyes and cute character design has captured me) 
Pre-Season 1 Yume is someone who had a decent amount of fame as a child star and lost it (idk how I came up with all this a week ago and forgot) and now is doing everything she can to regain popularity again 
Yume and Koharu are still childhood friends they are a package deal and you cannot and will not separate them
Four Star Academy is a highly prestigious idol academy that’s super duper competitive- especially considering that you have to be the best of the best to be in S4 
Speaking of S4, in Season 1, S4 only consists of Yozora, Tsubasa, and Yuzu 
Before the school year in Season 1 started, Hime completely disappeared from the spotlight due to the pressure she has felt as the top idol (she’s the most favorited out of S4, every brand she promotes sells out in seconds, she is bigger than life itself, think of her as the Taylor Swift (popularity wise) of Aikatsu) 
Yozora, Tsubasa, and Yuzu are the only ones who know where she is, but refuse to disclose, to the point that Moroboshi almost disbands S4 because of it 
We find out where Hime is like,,, end of S1- beginning of S2 (Hime plays a bigger role in S2) 
Erasing the whole dress-make system that Aikatsu had because I am sick of idol designers I want regular designers back please
For a while, Yume had left her old star life before seeing S4 performs (and being hit with the classic Aikatsu moment™ where she realizes that this is what she wants)
The only problem is… Yume’s not very talented in the idol field… she struggles with dancing and singing and practically has two left feet
So imagine everyone’s surprise (including Yume) when she absolutely kills her debut performance (this is where the magic rainbow power comes in) 
The rainbow power is one of Aikatsu Stars’ biggest mysteries because??? What are you??? Where did you come from?? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS AND WHY DO YOU TARGET RANDOM IDOLS??
In the rewrite, the rainbow power is something that is a “gift” from the Aikatsu System (which idk I might make another post about with my ideas) in which it amplifies abilities of idols: gives them the most beautiful voices and powerful auras to the point it overrides any other auras nearby; however, it does have its cons: it causes the idol to lose their voice (like in canon), become more fragile, and forget their memories the more they use the power
Anyways, Yume’s feeling great and then the partner performance thing comes and she’s paired with Rola and does absolutely horrendous
Even then, her confidence is still high because she proclaims Rola as her rival (who agrees but doesn’t really take it seriously) 
Oh, I forgot to mention, Rola and Mahiru are prodigies from really rich families (*gasp* nepotism…) and have been child stars- they’re also rivals who are constantly at each other’s throats 
Rola doesn’t really think Yume’s a threat so most of the time she’s quite dismissive of Yume, but Mahiru respects Yume a lot after her debut performance 
Mahiru and Rola had planned to be in Flower Song Class together (and whoever won the selection would win their “little” rivalry) but Mahiru switches classes after seeing Yume’s performance (who has made it very clear that she’s going to go to Flower Song Class) 
Also Flower Song Class has a reputation of pushing out the biggest top idols of their age (ex. Hotaru Yukino, Hime) and is a highly competitive class 
Anyways, Yume and Rola make it to Flower Song (Yume’s power activates again), Mahiru and Koharu are in Moon Beauty, Ako is in Bird Theater, and Haruka Ruka is in Wind Dance 
Rola and Mahiru have a big fight about how Mahiru is a coward and is backing out of their rivalry, blah blah blah some sapphic fighting idk guys they just have a big fight 
Also Ako and Haruka Ruka are friends as well 
Ako became an idol similar to canon,, she liked a member of M4 and wanted to get close to him (except its Kanata she likes and not Subaru because I like Kanata more) 
She basically calculates and plans to trick him into liking her lmao (except it turns out Kanata knew the whole time and liked her for her true self) 
Guys I swear I’ll come up with more stuff for Ako and Haruka Ruka I WILL I PROMISE IT'S BEEN A BUSY WEEK
I may pull a Bandai and abandon M4 because I do not know how they could impact the plot they’re just,,, standing there and looking pretty (I only have stupid headcanons)
Back to Yume, she finds out more about her power somehow and instead of trying to get rid of it,,, she uses it more to her advantage 
Girl is DEAD set on being famous- she finds out a way to use the power frequently, which sets her at the top of her class and actually makes her popular with the general public (she probably got an album out i dunno) 
She’s been warned by Moroboshi, who has seen how this power has hurt his own sister. But won’t stop, she can’t stop, because she’s climbing up and up. She’s made a name for herself, she’s made new friends… and she’s losing them even quicker than she made them 
She can’t remember much about herself anymore: what songs she hums when she can’t sleep, the food her mother used to make for her when she was upset, the games that Koharu and Yume used to play when they were little. But it’s fine, it's perfectly fine because Yume is famous now. She has everything she wants. 
Yume’s been thriving in Four Star’s competitive environment. Koharu, on the other hand… hasn’t been doing the best. Koharu has always been more of a designer than an idol, and she’s always behind everyone else. She doesn’t have many friends outside of Yume, and even Yume has been too busy to hang out with Koharu. The pressure and stress is too much, and she decides to leave Four Star Academy to be better. (*Episode 30 flashbacks*) Yume comes back to their dorm with all of Koharu’s things gone, and only some candy and a note left for Yume. It’s only then that Yume realizes all that she’s lost, that in the search for fame, she’s lost who she was, her friends, her family, everything, just to get her name to the top. 
Yume struggles a lot with fame, where she barely gets an ounce of privacy, and the pressure is crumbling her (along with the guilt that this isn’t her, it’s the magic power). She’s been used by many people, who use her name to be more famous, and then immediately leave her. 
Yume realizes why Hime left. Hime had a midas touch, everything she would touch would turn gold. However, what good is a midas touch if all you wanted was to wear silver jewelry? And Yume thinks of how lucky Hime is, to have taken her dignity and left the idol world. 
A big part of Yume’s arc is how she isn’t idol-worthy. She doesn’t really have the star quality in her. Everyone around her is naturally talented and good at everything and Yume… isn’t. Everyone is sort of the chosen one… except Yume. Yume is a person who knows she isn’t special, but makes herself special. There will always be queens and princesses, but what about the girls without magic in their blood? They have to hold their heads high, as if they are the ones who are adorned with crowns (that’s a Six of Crows reference I love Six of Crows) 
I also had an idea where Yume actually stole the magic power from someone but I also have NO idea how she would do that… guys this is still a work in progress and I’m sorry its so messy its so late and I didn’t get much sleep 
Additional ideas I had that I didn’t know where to put
Koharu is basically a personification of Yume’s childhood and everything that makes Yume… well Yume, so her disappearing is just symbolism for how Yume has lost herself and her childhood 
Mahiru and Rola are gay and they like each other in the rewrite because I think their dynamic is cool (they’re also lacy by Olivia Rodrigo coded you guys should listen) 
FSA still puts an emphasis on individuality so students are encouraged to customize their uniforms as well as their school coords (so their Star Coords all have different silhouettes)
Hime is sort of someone who “haunts” the narrative in Season 1 
Ako gets her own brand (that isn’t FuwaFuwa Dream nor Shiny Smile but a secret third thing (I don’t know yet))
Haruka Ruka may have a Pop Brand with a decora concept called “DECO●LOUR MY WORLD” but I don’t know yet 
Koharu is also a cute type idol 
Anyways the Season 2 post (if I ever make one we’ll see) will have Hime getting an SPR and Yume NOT getting an SPR but she gets Koharu back so I think that’s a fair trade
Also some songs for the rewrite would be The Lucky One (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, making the bed by Olivia Rodrigo, You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift, and Castle’s Crumbling (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault) by Taylor Swift
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kuipernebula · 5 months
forget power scaling. which magical girl idols out-sing eachother.
i am on the fence if aikatsu and the pretty series count rather than being idol series that are magical, i'm willing to hear opinions how they fair against mermaid melody, full moon, creamy mami, etc.
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prettyallfriends · 2 months
interestingly, the aikatsu academy models arent all in the same style?? most notably their eyes are all quite different. also not to nitpick but the mouth animation seems quite choppy and inaccurate 😩😩 ummm yeah so the cards are also stupid. you get them either through the irl aikatsu store, through streams, or by paying 200en each. who is spending money on these⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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maki-matsurra · 1 year
Emergency Writing Commissions
Hello everyone! 
As of recent, things at my house has been pretty rough money wise, so because of how many people love my writing, I am deciding to start up writing commissions! 
The commission sheet is down below! 
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Paypal link: [email protected]
You can contact me either on Tumblr or my email ([email protected]) with details of your commission! 
These are EMERGENCY commissions, I have the right to deny any request! I prefer to be paid upfront. I have 5 slots available (this may or may not be subject to change)
OneShot #1
Oneshot #2  That's What It Takes To Be Infinite
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(Disclaimer: The completion times will vary depending on what you ask of me as well as my personal life) Prompts: $5
One shot: $20-40
Custom fanfic: $60
3-5 chapters: $70
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(Disclaimer: If you have an OC, I need a reference image of said OC so I may describe them properly)
1-3 characters: $5
4-5 characters: $10
6-10 characters- $20
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Slice of Life
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Adult x Minor Character
PWP (Porn without plot)
Incest (anything pro-ship related)
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(Disclaimer: If you want to request a fandom I don’t know, you can! Just be patient as I do my best to research it.)
 Sonic The Hedgehog (Including Movie-verse) 
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie-verse & Game-verse) 
 Uncharted (Including Movie-verse) 
 Red Dead Redemption 
 Kingdom Hearts 
 How to Train Your Dragon 
Rise of the Guardians 
 Love Live! (Including Sunshine, Nijigasaki, & Superstar) 
 Aikatsu Stars 
 Black Butler 
 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 
 South Park 
 Sly Cooper 
 Spies in Disguise 
Gravity Falls 
Disney Fairies 
 Detroit Become Human 
 Life is Strange (Only first game, Before the Storm & True Colors) 
 No Straight Roads 
 Team Fortress 2 
 Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
 Steven Universe Future 
Resident Evil (Only 2 & 4) 
 Looney Tunes 
 Ratchet & Clank 
 Sam & Max 
 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
Sing (The Movies) 
 Genshin Impact 
 Ever After High 
 Monster High 
 Criminal Minds 
 Over The Hedge 
 Epic Mickey 
 God of War Ragnarok 
 Peanuts (Charlie Brown Media) 
Honkai: Star Rail 
Good Omens
BBC Sherlock
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harufallinwonderland · 5 months
Aikatsu stars Spoilers up untill episode 36 (aka where I am at rn)
I swear Yume's character is fcking great at this point the way that her special aura is able to make her reconstruct the way she sees herself as A idol and how she relied on it making all her previous victory's over Laura her rival and one of the people she respects most and who she is constantly trying to 1 up feel pointless and the threat of losing her ability to sing makes her fear going up on stage and continue her dream despite her doing it without fear before and still wanting too AND HOW THIS POWER PREVENTED HER FROM GIVING A ACTUAL GOOD BYE TO HER BEST FRIEND ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO SHE LOVES THE MOST (platonic or romance I can go either way) and how it's just ruining her life as A idol OMG IT'S SO GOOD
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hikaru-hoshina · 2 months
upset vtuber stan sends you 3 asks in a row all with the exact same spelling mistake which makes it apparent it's the same person and then tops it off with a "i'm japanese btw" lmao classic tumblr never change.
anywayyy what's your favorite season of aikatsu and who is your fav character? 🥰
Didn't notice that but anyway my fav series is OG Aikatsu's Akari gen. but I also like the Ichigo gen. ofc, it's just that they made my girl Sakura dirty in the second season and I was really upset at the time (but I was really young when that happened and I need a rewatch tbh). Thankfully then Sakura had her time to shine in Akari gen. season 1! My favorite idol from the whole franchise is Hinaki (I cut my hair very short when I was 16 so I could look like her and Azuki Shibuya from the idol group Iris ahahah) but I also like Sakura if you couldn't tell. :3
I don't have a favorite from AiStars because I wasn't sold on it during the first season (I remember I didn't like all of the drama around Yume and the M4 interactions) but I enjoyed season 2 a lot so I always changed my favorite between Mahiru, Kirara and Aria. But in the end I think I like Kirara the most because she's a little dumb (affective) and she likes to paint like me. I feel like Aria didn't have enough time to shine since she was the very last idol to join and right after her debut the big climax happened. Need a rewatch so bad.
AiFriends (/AiParade) has my second favorite idol from the overall franchise which is Aine! I fell in love with her from episode 1. Wakaba is also cute because of the aesthetic and the lyrics of her song are something with which I could describe myself.
In AiPlanet I liked Hana the most, I love her singing voice and her swing type, but obviously I need to mention Ann for giving me inspiration on various things.
I think it't too soon for me to say which one of the Academy girls is my favorite since none of them left a particular impression on me but I like Parin actress's energy and voice and Meh's design.
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