#Adventure time his hero
maimoncat · 1 year
Spoilers for Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
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Finn: "I'll get you out of there, Billy!"
Bobby: "It's Bobby"
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BMO: "Jerry is cool, and tall, and makes funny jokes!"
I find it interesting how all the alternate versions of Billy are differently named. It suggests that the alternate worlds have more difference between each other than the direct effects of the wishes that created them.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 days
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Started a new book series, and has been a journey...an Odyssey, if you will.
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couch-house · 11 months
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I think sonic had a really good time not being playable for once and just being supporting cast for his friend shadow. i just know he was soooo excited to explain the controls and not worry about rings and cheer on his friend (and sometimes be a final boss :3)
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weepingtalecowboy · 30 days
Fanfic prompt: consider this
Tune and Mask had a horrendously serious sibling rivalry over War's affection
And despite Mask being raised by trickster spirits he just kept getting one upped by Tune constantly no matter what he did
Tune never initiated any prank wars but he was ready to commit War crimes against against humanity to win that battle
Ranging from tripping Mask up with tons of traps everywhere to using cuccos to kill somebody
And that is one of his clearest memories of the war he barely even remembers the others just Tune messing with him on every single aspect of his life during the entire conflict
And as an adult he still couldn’t let go off his immense grudge against Tune
So when linked universe happened Time was dead set on having a rivalry with Wind
He was an adult for only as long as he could keep himself from challenging Wind at every opportunity
Which was like 4 days out of a week
Warriors just decided to make friends with Wind to be in his good graces when he eventually gets involved in the War
Time was fully prepared to beef with a 12 year old who can’t even read yet
And only too late did he realize that by challenging a tiny version off his mortal enemy he inadvertently taught him everything he would need to beat him
From mentality too strategy
The Fairy way of screwing with people that only he knew till he taught everything to Wind
Wind knows every single Ace in his sleeves
He doomed himself with this one really badly
Baby Mask will have an even harder time now because he taught Little Tune extra well this time around
Man that is so not gonna be fun
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tinytengen · 2 months
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even more tiny dabihawks 💛💙✨
cuz i just love them dearly
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deus-and-the-machina · 9 months
I miss...giorno giovanna.
im thinking a lot about his complex role as a healer. his stand isn't meant to heal, he essentially brute forces it, which fits for the kind of person he is vs Josuke. furthermore, giorno is very self sacrificing in a very literal sense. he loses multiple body parts over the course of part 5 and just has to remake them. there's a ship of Theseus paradox here though I dont think THAT much of him was remade.
after the white album fight, mista tells him that their victory will be all of them surviving together as giorno once again tries to sacrifice himself. he takes this to heart, but soon afterwards its proven that this cannot always happen. His healing isn't enough. he can only give Bruno a little more time. and his reaction when bruno tells him this says everything.
Keeping everyone alive is his role, and he spends the early days of the part being given shit for being a newcomer, so having a solidified sense of usefulness only to have it swiped away so quickly when his stand cannot save his comrades is rough.
golden experience requiem is interesting in this context because its main purpose is protecting him from any and all harm. giorno has again, spent the entire part going through jojo typical levels of body horror, gore, etc, with the added benefit that he can remake limbs and chunks of flesh so they can do a lot worse to the part 5 cast and have them live. so in one sense, GER is a reward of sorts. he endured all that and his reward is never getting hurt again.
But at the same time, it's cruel irony that even with one of the most powerful stands in the world, its capabilities are on protecting him and no other. im sure that his enhanced capabilities make it easier of course, but the idea that he could still be too late will forever remain. whug.
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sleepylink · 3 months
The Dark World in A Link to the Past is just a Corrupted version of the Sacred Realm.
It was Corrupted because of Ganon being sealed in it in the Hero's Downfall timeline.
Which means, the Palace of the Four Sword was originally in the Sacred Realm, until the events that lead to the Downfall Timeline were it was Also Corrupted when everything was changed into the Dark Realm.
Meaning the Hero of the Four Sword wasn't Corrupted by an Item, but Corrupted along WITH the Sacred Realm. Meaning Ganon was the one who Corrupted Four!
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Nico di Angelo:
❌Sic a zombie on your enemies
✅Sic your personal traumas' personification/ inner demons on your enemies
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lace4forest · 2 months
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Did I design my own little cross over of Link's? Yes. Yes I did.
Here is my little Hero of Time, Probably gonna call him Truth or something.
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goldengrecha · 3 months
Sometimes I'm just existing and then think about Maxie and Archie
Because you know Pokemon is quite a lot about People And Pokemon And Connection. This coexistence. How People is glad to be with their Pokemon, and Pokemon glad to be with People. How this is base of whole concept. Without this connection we wouldn't have everything we have. That's the base. That's the thing that nobody touches.
And then we have Maxie and Archie. One of them loves pokemon, and doesn't like people. One of them loves people, but don't like pokemon. They're basically go against this Base of Pokemon. (They're stupid ok)
This is something hitting me so much like holy shit like aaughhh so much symbolism and how the true power lays in connection between Pokemon and people and how the best ending for Maxie and Archie is to connect again to try to understand each other and make Connection
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maeo-png · 1 year
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Simon Petrikov, Healing, Self-love, and a smidge more of Greek mythology if you really squint
“Ulysses” poem excerpt by Alfred Tennyson // Fionna and Cake Episode 10 “Cheers” // “Exitlude” by The Killers // “Cheers” // “Talk To Me” by cavetown // “a poem traveled down my arm” by Alice Walker // “Cheers” // “Ulysses” book by James Joyce
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seaglassdinosaur · 1 year
Eternally grateful that Cressida Cowell didn’t involve a romantic subplot in the How To Train Your Dragon series.
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weepingtalecowboy · 9 days
Hero tips from Legend
For Wild,Hyrule and Wind
Lesson No.1 how to get free rooms
Legend : “I can get us an Inn with three meals a day reasonably well maintained rooms and a bathroom all free of charge just follow my example all you need is to say you are my accomplices when talking to a guard”
Warriors: “Legend that is a FUCKING PRISON CELL?!?!?!”
Legend : “Only if you let it.”
“Prison’s just another option, really. You can always say no to it. If they don’t catch you, you’re good. It’s their problem, not yours.”
The young members of the chain(thoughtfully): “So, prison is only for those who get caught. I like that. It makes sense.”
The rest(horrified): “No, it does NOT make sense! If you break the law, they WILL come after you!”
Lesson 1.5 how to leave the hostel :
Legend: “If you get caught, don’t worry. Breaking out is half the fun. It’s like a puzzle in a dungeon . You just need to be smarter than the guards.”
Young Heroes (taking notes): “Right. Prison break—step one: outthink the guards.”
Seniors (in disbelief): “That’s not supposed to be part of your life! You’re supposed to avoid prison entirely!”
Legend(casually): “And if you get locked up, just stay calm. Bars can’t hold you forever. There’s always a weak point. Find it.”
Wind(confidently): “Every prison has a weak point. Got it.”
Warriors(sighing): “I can’t believe I have to say this, but…don’t go to prison in the first place!”
Lesson No.2 how to deal with the fame:
Legend(smirking): “You know, if they start putting your face on wanted posters, that means you’ve earned their respect. They want you that badly. They’re paying attention to you now.”
Youngest (genuinely listening along ): “I knew it! If you’re wanted, it’s basically like they’re giving you an award for being a problem!”
Senior links(exasperated): “That’s not respect—that’s desperation to catch you!”
Legend(pointing to his wanted poster): “Look at that. They took the time to draw me! That’s how you know you’ve made an impression.”
Juniors(awed): “How do we get one of those?”
Senior Links (panicking): “You don’t want one of those! That means they’re after you!”
Lesson no.3 How to get “treasures” :
Legend being a helpful role model : “Stealing’s only a problem if you get caught. If they don’t notice, it’s basically a free trade.”
Juniors : “So it’s like finding treasure? I like it!”
Warriors(horrified): “That’s stealing! It’s not ‘treasure’ if it belongs to someone else!”
Legend (mock whispering) : “Then make it yours...”
Until next time with the hero of Legend's personal life tips about heroism
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cactusnoir · 1 year
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Painted some shoes for my cousins birthday, the request was "lots of cats"
The cats are meant to be in the style of Neko Atsume (the cute kitty collecting mobile game) and the cats are a mix of real cats, covertly based on fictional cats and made up cats.
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