#Admin Adelheid
mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Reborn, Gokudera and Xanxus being overprotective of Tsuna's wife , who has somehow warmed into their heart
~I remember writing something for a prompt that sounded almost a LITTLE bit too much like this… Aw what the heck, just have fun reading~! XD
-admin Adelheid
The hitman sighed in relief when he saw you sitting on abench in a quiet part of the park you were passing by from after your littleshopping spree from the nearby mall. You looked so peaceful. As though you werejust a normal person without a care in the world.
Too bad you weren’t anymore, thanks to his idiot of a formerstudent falling in love with you.
As was evidenced by the bunch of dead bodies currentlylaying around his feet. And the lone man sweating bullets in front of him asthey both stared at you from a distance. Well… Reborn was watching you, atleast; the man who had been previouslywatching you was now currently eyeing the barrel of the hitman’s silencer withmore than just a little panic.
“Listen,” Reborn told the only remaining survivor in theteam who were obviously planning to kidnap you. “I’m gonna let you go for onereason and one reason only and that’s only because I want you to give your Bossa message for me.”
“U- uh- uh…”
Reborn smirked into the man’s ear with a darkness borderingon seductive before continuing. “Tell him I know who he is and that if he valueshis life and the existence of his family and Famiglia… He will not drag the Vongola Decimo’s consortinto his pathetic little plans to get the upper hand. I’m not saying he try tobe diplomatic because I’m sure Tsunayoshi will just spit in his face again but…Well try to be a man about getting back at him is all I’m saying. You hear me,punk?”
“Y-yes, sir!”
“Good. Now sleep.”
Reborn knocked the man down and watched him fall unconsciouson the ground along with the others. He then fixed his cuffs and suit thenfirmly fixed his fedora before walking out of the darkened alley to appear byyour side with a cat’s tread.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to go prancingaround without any body guards?”
Reborn watched in amusement as you practically jumped rightout of your skin and then winced when you saw the stern look on his face as he glaredat you from underneath his fedora.
“O-oh…! Hi, Reborn! Out for a walk?” you greeted himawkwardly. You didn’t think you’ll ever get used to having the hitman sneak upon you like that.
Reborn sighed in exasperation. “I was passing by the mansion when they told me no one could find you so I knew you snuck out again. You gave Lambo the slip, didn’t you? The poor kid’s probably in a panic right about now. I shouldreally have a talk with that idiot.”
You frowned at that and deflated. “Lambo didn’t want to goout today, he was too tired from the last mission Tsuna sent him out to do. Ididn’t want to bother him.”
“You could have waited until he’d had some sleep.”
“But I needed it today!”
“What in the world was so important that you had to buywhatever it was you needed today, anyway?”
Your bright, sweet smile almost blinded him as you reachedinto the shopping bag and handed the hitman a small box from your own pocket.Curious, Reborn opened it up and his brows rose up at the sight of a pair ofopal cufflinks set in gold.
“Happy birthday, Reborn. And thank you. For everything.”
Hayato exchanged discreet nods with Takeshi as he left thetable set for the Vongola Decimo along with Tsuna leaving you in the bomber’scare. No one will harm you under the Storm user’s watch. He made it his duty towatch over you during these gatherings, seeing as how ignorant you weresometimes when it came to danger.
“Tell me why I’m here again?” you sighed as you watched yourhusband go around exchanging banalities with every high ranking person in theroom.
“Because you were stupid enough to fall in love with a MafiaBoss, that’s why.” Was Hayato’s gruff reply; his eyes still busy keeping a waryeye on everything that breathed within a five feet radius away from you.
“Oh yeah,” you answered as though just realizing it and thensmiling up at the bomber. “Thanks, Hayato. What would I do without you?”
“Tch.” Hayato replied, turning his face away in annoyance tohide his embarrassment.
As he did so a waiter came over and set down a tall glass ofapple martini in front of you and bowed before he left.
“Oh how, thoughtful!” you exclaimed as you reached out forthe drink. “I was getting thirst― Oh!Hayato! What are you doing?!”
Hayato ignored the accusing look you threw him when heslapped your hand away from the glass. He then reached out and traced an indexfinger around the rim of the wine glass before rubbing it together with histhumb. He felt the very faint and familiar traces of something powdery andsticky. A quick sniff confirmed his suspicions and made his face darken in away that even made you stop and freeze.
With a wave of that same index finger he called asubordinate over and whispered his orders in his ear.
“…I want that waiter singing like a bird by the end of thenight, do you hear me?” he finished with such murderous finality the man he wastalking to paled in response.
“Y- yes, sir.”
“Hayato?” you asked in concern as you watched hissubordinate rush off and call three other men who all walked off into thekitchen. “Did something happen?”
“It’s nothing.” The bomber replied even as he discreetlypoured the contaminated wine into a nearby potted plant and wrapped the taintedglass in his handkerchief before pocketing the evidence out of your sight. “Don’ttake drinks from strangers from now on.”
“Do as I say.”
“…How can you be so sure that drink would have hurt me?”
Hayato spared you a glance before looking forward, pretendingnothing had happened. “Let’s just say you don’t get to have a poison’s expertfor a sister and not know what poison feels like.”
You shook all over as you watched the last of yourbodyguards go down in a hail of bullets.
The enemy had cornered you and your escorts into an emptywarehouse and every single one of the three black SUVs which had driven youfrom the airport were emptied. Right now, you were the only one left standing.And you were horrified by the sight before you.
“STOP!” you screamed in tears, running towards one of yourclosest guards. The older man had treated you with fatherly affection since youbecame a part of Tsuna’s household. “PLEASE STOP!”
“Shut up!” the leader snapped as he back handed you withenough force to throw you back and slam into the SUV you’ve been forced out of.
Your cheek hurt and you can feel blood dripping from yourcut lip. That was going to bruise. You dreaded Tsuna’s expression if he foundout about it. You were only grateful he’s out of the country now and not withyou when the ambush happened.
The enemy leader scowled darkly back at you as he pointedhis rifle at you face, ready to shoot. “The Vongola is nothing. This will showthem that they can’t protect anything from us.”
You bared your teeth at them in defiance. “You’re the ones who are nothing! You can’teven keep women and children off of your wars! You can kill me… BUT YOU CANNEVER KILL THE VONGOLA!!!”
The enemies pulled the triggers and you waited for deathwith eyes wide open in fury. And because of that you saw the sight of a redeyed Liger come between you and the bullets which all deteriorated before theycould even reach it.
Before you could even register what was happening, you feltyourself getting lifted up by the collar of your blouse. You look up and saw Xanxus staring atyour face in cold irritation, eyeing the bruise and the blood with a dark, darkfrown.
“Oi. Who did that to you?” his gruff voice asked, hisdisapproval apparent.
“I did.” The enemy leader answered bravely before you couldeven comply. “Got a problem with that? Just who the hell are you?!”
Xanxus’ crimson eyes turned towards the enemy and a bloodthirsty smirk spread across his lips as he threw you away and into Squalo’s waitingarms as though throwing out a pillow across the room.
“W-what the hell is he doing?!”you sputtered in Squalo’s arms as the Rain user set you upright again.
“Don’t worry, he’s just having a little fun,” Squalo sighedas he eyed his Boss with exasperation while shielding you with his body. “Ourshitty Boss has always disliked that Famiglia but your stupid husband kepttelling us to lay off until the negotiations pull or fall through. It’s a good thing wewere keeping track of you on the way from the airport. We knew if they wanted totake you down it would be the best opportunity they’ll ever have.”
“What, you were tracking me? Wait a minute do you guys have a tracker on me?!”
“Voi! What are you yelling at me for, it was the Shitty Boss’ idea!”
“Okay, fine, but is he going to be alright?!”
“Who, the Boss?” Squalo asked with a raised brow inconfusion. As though in response an explosion and the shrill screams of itsvictims shot through the air with Xanxus walking over corpses to repeatedlykick the man who had slapped you over and over until the stranger was a bloody pulp. “Yeah,he’ll be okay. He’s never been very good at holding back when someone hurts someone from the Family.”
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katekyohrscenarios · 8 years
just fuck and have overly powerful children already
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also i so ship them so hard right now, someone draw some art for these two please.  like just look at hibari’s face, that’s the face of a man that just found his future baby mama
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aph-divinity-au · 6 years
Admin Name: Obsidian/Obfu
Age: (can state either 18+ or younger than 18) Under 18 oof
Other blogs you run if applicable: (Please have at least one blog as a point of contact) @ask-highschool-nyosk and @ask-floral-switzerland would be my most active atm, but If you know me from anywhere it’d probably be @ask-colourkingdom-nyosk
Muse Name: Nyo! Switzerland/AdelHeid (Heidi) Zwingli
God: Neutrality
Alliance: Good, lmao jk Neutral
Appearance: Two long blonde braids, and Two green eyes. She has a sort of wing shaped ear guard things made of silver(this’ll all make way more sense when I draw it out hecc). She wears a loose plainly coloured skirt and blouse, often of neutral greens and shades of gray. She wears a necklace of gold with a single pendant and clasps of two interlocking snakes.
Personality: Somewhat stingy, but when it comes down to it, she would still refuse to take sides. Despite rarely taking sides and expressing her opinions, if you come to her asking for advice, she won’t beat around the bush and will always give advice. She gives of the appearance of being grumpy but really she’s just stressed as she often helps settle arguments and has to deal with that constant screaming and anger.
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admins-of-mbt · 8 years
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Sneak peek at a prompt that sparked a conversation between Admins Enma and Adelheid that more or less went out of hand 😂😂😂
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
A scenario where Tsuna, Xanxus, and Bya's s/o got them pawned, er owned? In an argument or something. S/o gave an answer that it literally slapped them in the face and could not think of any comeback. (this is embarassing.. XD) ah thanks!
~ All I have to say is… Xanxus deserved that. XD
admin Adelheid
“Oh grow up.”
Tsuna turned towards you, caught in the act of rearrangingthe seats for the dinner party you were in charge of hosting next week.
He winced at the accusing look on your face but tried to beserious. His sanity was at stake here, after all. “Dear, you were seatingLussuria across from me again!”
“So?” you asked as you looked up at him, your arms crossedover your chest.
“It’s a very narrow table.”
“It’s not narrow,it’s round and it’s supposed to be a party where everyone can act without rankand just have a good time!” you replied irritably. “You told me, it’s been awhile since the lot of you managed to party like you were when you were kidsand you agreed to this!”
“Reborn wanted it for a theme!” he exclaimed.
“…What’s your point?”
Tsuna’s frown twitched but he managed a stiff face. “Lussuriacan be a bit… grabby when he gets drunk. I can’t really hurt him and risk goingto war with Xanxus again over something so simple.”
You sighed, exhausted and merely walked passed him to puteverything right back in place again. You fixed the seating like this for areason and Tsuna was not going to getin the way. Lussuria was a friend and a your partner in giving Reborn hissurprise. Your plan won’t work without the colorful Varia officer and Tsuna wasjust going to have to live with that.
So you put your foot down with vindictive finality. “Well,Tsuna, you can always avoid a fight with Xanxus if you just admitted you’reafraid of Lussuria’s imaginary cervix. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
Xanxus smirked as he watched the giggling womanwho had been leaning over his table for the past fifteen minutes giving him anample view of her rather generous breasts practically spilling out of hernot-so-very conservative dress and staring back and forth from his crotch to his face.
“I’m sure Boss Xanxus is very… gifted.” She tittered.
Beside Xanxus you rolled your eyes and kept drinking yourchampagne contemplating things other than your significant others’ increasinglysmug pride.
“You think so?” you heard Xanxus slur out; enjoying theflattery for everything its worth. “I bet you wanna give it a go, huh?”
The woman licked her lips predatorily and with an unmistakablemeaning, pointedly ignoring your existence beside your husband. You almostsighed at how often this usually happens. “You should put a label on it. I bet it’sa choking hazard.”
“Oh yeah,” Xanxus replied with amused satisfaction. You feltyour mood getting darker. You knew he needed some of this sort of thing to keephis ego stroked but this was seriously getting wrong and stupid. “You’re right aboutthat.”
“Then maybe…” the woman winked slyly at the Varia Boss asshe begun to sashay away in a most provocative manner. “I should check it out sometime.”
Xanxus watched the woman walk away before turning towardsyou. “Now that’s a woman who knows agood thing when she sees it.”
Your scowl turned darker when the smirk failed to drop themoment he finally turned towards you. You knew he was only teasing but he alwaysknows just what kind of buttons to push when he wants you jealous enough to tear his hair out later when he got you to bed.
You couldn’t have stopped yourself from your snarky reply even if you had wanted to. “You should becareful what kind of label she gives any part of your body.”
“Eh?” he swayed as he leaned closer to you, confused.From the look on his face he was about to resort to crudeness and you knew you’dbetter put a stop to it before he embarrasses himself himself in the middle ofthe party. “Whaddya mean? She called mine a choking hazard! You’ve never calledit a choking hazard even when you actually choke on it!”
“That’s because labels like that are usually reserved forsmall objects, my love.”
“Please excuse me.”
You looked up at the butler as you were carefully tending tothe orchids. Byakuran followed suit, looking up from the newspaper before hisfinished breakfast. The two of you always took breakfast in the mansion’sgreenhouse during sunny mornings like these.
“What is it?” Byakuran asked, his pale brows moving uptowards his hairline.
“It’s an invitation to dinner from Don Vongola on Friday,sir.”
“Really?” Byakuran asked, putting his paper down and smilinghis ever cunning smile. “Give it here then.”
“I’m afraid the invitation is addressed to the mistress,sir.”
“Oh?” you asked with an absent smile as you went back toinspecting another orchid while holding out a hand for the invitation. “Give ithere then.”
Byakuran gaped as the butler handed you the invitation, strugglinghis disbelief. “Wait! So he’s only inviting you?!”
You laugh as you put down your gardening things and openedthe invitation. “Oh, don’t be silly. See? He says I can take you with me.”
Byakuran pouted as he watched you read the invitation with afond smile on your face and crossed his arms across his chest. “I don’t get it.Why does Tsunayoshi always send the invitationsto you?! We’re the ones in an alliance! It’s not like you have any politicalclout in the Famiglia! Is he trying to insult me?!”
“No, of course he’s not.” You casually tried to calm himdown.
“So why does he make me look like your tag along whenever heinvites us for non Familgia parties?!”
Used to his grumblings you merely dropped a kiss on his headwith a loving smile and a gentle caress to his chin before you walked away toget things ready. “Probably because I didn’t try to take over the world bykilling him the last time I decided humanity was outdated, darling.”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
continuation to the falling in love with someone they treated badly please?
admin aldeheid’s http://mafiabosstsuna.tumblr.com/post/156152224991/tsuna-mukuro-and-dino-falling-in-love-with
admin Adelheid
~Oh wow… And here I thought that ask was done. Oh well, I hope you guys enjoy how they all ended up.
Tsuna would never be able to describe just how relieved hewas the moment you opened your eyes again. It had been three weeks and everyonethought he had lost his mind.
Reflexively he had been prepared to yell at you. Ridiculeyou. Degrade you even as his hands refused to let go of your hand. His stubbornpride and his disgust with his former self reared the self-loathing that hadchased him all through his childhood. The reminder of his helplessness andapathy scorching what he has now become. What he cannot afford to be.
But as soon as you saw his face he was frozen by your kind,relieved smile and the first words out of your lips.
“Boss…? You’re alright…” you closed your eyes and Tsuna’sheart stopped, afraid he won’t see them open again. “Thank goodness…”
Tsuna felt all his limbs go weak.
He slumped into his chair and allowed himself to breathe andsuck in the lump in his throat that was threatening to choke him. He wasgrateful he had sent his men out of the room. He was relieved his Guardians werenot here to fuss over him.
He surprised you by reaching out and putting his arms aroundyou in a desperate embrace, burying his face against the crook of your neck andinhaling. You gasped when you felt his lips at the pulse of your throat feelingas though he was sending a kiss to every beat of your heart.
“Idiot!” Tsunamanaged to finally shout hoarsely, his voice muffled by your skin. “What wereyou thinking?! You could’ve died! Moron!”
“B-Boss…?!” he felt you flinch. That alone should have madehim let go but he couldn’t. He needed you to be this close. He needed you totouch him. Your uncertainty was a stab in the gut but he ignored the pain, hedeserved it. He had given you no reason to trust his embrace. All he could dowas hold on and assure himself he has not lost you. “We’re you worried aboutme?”
Tsuna started but he didn’t know what to say. What could hesay? What could he do? We’re you going to tell him to let go?
Please don’t… Don’tmake me let go…
“You shouldn’t,” he heard you speak again, you voice gentleas was the touch of your hand that had suddenly found its way into his hair ina soothing caress. “I’m not someone you should be worrying about. I am nothingbut you are everything. I am with the Vongola; and the Vongola is nothingwithout you and… it makes me happy to see your joy…”
“You idiot!” he yelled when he pulled away from you,furiously looking into your startled eyes. “Look at me! I’m a man, dammit! I’ma person! I am not your God! Stoptreating me like one and want me!”
Your startled face was enough for Tsuna lose all sense ofreason and his lips fell down to take yours with a passion and a need thatcompeted with the loathing he had once treated you with.
He didn’t care how long it took. He didn’t care if you neversaw him as a person. If you looked at him this way then there would be no wayyou could refuse him, right? Right?You’d do everything he told you to do. Say whatever he wanted you to say and hewould make you repeat it over and over again until you believed it.
There would be no way you would say no if he suddenlydeclared he wanted to marry you…
One day Mukuro found himself hurrying over to your room witha big, bright smile on his face.
He bore news, oh such wonderfulnews!
News that Sawada Tsunayoshi was going to get married. To the mousy little secretaryhe had used to treat like dirt. And from the sheer obsession he had seen in theDecimo’s eyes whenever he gazed at his fiance the don would not be looking at another person with salacious eyes any longer.
Now― surely― you would give up this stupid little crush ofyours on him, right? Right? He thought as hisfeet sped up as fast as his heart did at the thought of you. Surely you would endthese foolish feelings for someone like Sawada Tsunayoshi… Right?!
The hinges of your door practically flew off when he slammedit open in his rush to get to you, calling out your name. But he froze when hiseyes found you. You were crying and he caught you red handed.
“Mukuro,” you called out to him, hurriedly wiping at yourtears, pretending that everything was fine. “Sorry, is there something you needed?”
The illusionist’s surprise melted into fury at the sight ofyour despair and he reached you in three steps, taking a hold of your shoulderto force you to face him. “What’s wrong? Did anyone hurt you?!”
“No, I’m fine―”
“Tell me!” his eyes reflected his blood lust. The thought ofanyone making you shed tears made him itch to send that person to hell. “There’s no use lying, you know Ican find out who it is!”
“I said it was nothing!” you protested, ripping yourshoulder from his bruising grip. “Really, let it go, Mukuro!”
But Mukuro was having none of it. He gripped your shoulderswith both hands and screamed. “YOU AREN’T ALLOWEDTO KEEP ANY SECRETS FROM ME!”
He knew he must be frightening you but he couldn’t help it.The need to know everything you knew― the wantto get inside your skin, be the center of your thoughts and be wrapped around your very essence was too strong.He could barely keep himself from possessing your mind to make sure he was onit. The only thing holding him back was…
“What’s wrong? Why are you acting this way?” you asked inconcern as you reached out to lay your palm against his cheek. You smiledsoftly, comfortingly as you tried to soothe him. You knew of his pains, of hisfaults and the fine balance he kept between sanity and madness. You touch him like this sometimes in an attempt to share those horrible nightmares you knew would never fade from his mind because the same ones in yours were the same way. Because you were both pricked by the same needle of fate that cruelly severed both your childhoods… “I’m fine,can’t you see?”
Mukuro reveled in the warmth of your hand, the mad manhidden behind his calm standing down at your touch and becoming sane at the thoughtof your approval. His wild demands for answers now quieting into a whine in the presence of your essence. “Thenwhy are you crying?”
He watched your smile falter and the tears peek out againbut you blinked them away and forced up a smile as she took her touch away. “Ijust heard… Tsuna is going to get married. I just…”
Embarrassed, you turn away. And Mukuro was left to stare atyour back aching at the realization.
“Sorry,” you sighed as you wiped at your tears again. “Iknew it was impossible from the start but I just… He was just so kind that I―”
“Make him the last.”
You blinked and turned back towards him. “Wha―”
You took an involuntary step back at the dark look on theMist user’s face. The last time you had seen him don on such a face was when hestill viewed you as an enemy.
And before you could even make sense of what his yell meantyou were pulled into his embrace and his lips crushed yours in a desperate kissthat grew needier as it continued. And when he finally let you up for air youcouldn’t help but stare at him with shocked eyes.
“I thought…” your bruised lips trembled as his thumbdelicately touched the bottom, closing in for another kiss. “I thought youhated me… That I remind you of the Estraneo… That’s why I never even thought ofbeing with you…”
“Yes, well,” Mukuro replied breathlessly as he urged yourlips open with his thumb for another kiss. “You thought wrong…”
Dino had a great big smile on his face as he opened the doorto his room.
In his hand he was holding an invitation to Tsuna’s upcomingwedding and he was wanted to tell you that he was planning to have you escort him to the event andincidentally declare you officially his to the alliance and have everyone acknowledge his claim. He was happy for hisli’l bro, he deserved all the happiness in the world; it would please Tsuna toknow he was happy too.
But when he opened his doors you weren’t in there. It wasstrange seeing as you had taken to confining yourself here in an effort to keepaway from everyone else. The memory made Dino frown. Even though you had been here almosta year your resolve to keep your heart locked away from him or anything to dowith him remained seemingly unbreakable.
It didn’t matter, though, he kept telling himself. He hadkept making love to you every night and ensured your pleasure at every turn, forcing himself onto your emotions even as he claimed your body.Last night he had been surprised at how you had surrendered to his feelings and reached out for him willingly; takingpleasure in him with as much enjoyment as he was taking in you and it made hoperise in Dino’s chest. Hope that maybe― just maybe―you were developing feelings for him now.
It didn’t matter that you had locked yourself in the bathroom until morning afterwards. He’ll take whatever he could get until you gave into him. The thought made him smile wider and his steps becamelighter.
It didn’t matter if your father was a scumbag. You belong tohim and he was going to keep you.
Deciding you might be in the bathroom he grinned. Maybe youwere taking a shower? Perhaps he’ll join you for a bit of fun…
Tugging his tie off he proceeded to open the bathroom door…Only to find it locked. He frowned and froze. And then he heard the sounds of a soft sob. It made his instincts panic.
“Hey! Hey, are you in there? What’s going? Open up!”
He heard you gasp and then clear your throat beforeanswering. “I- I’m fine! I’m- I’m busy! Go away!”
Something cold and sharp raced down Dino’s spine when heheard your muffled voice and, giving in to instinct he kicked the door down.What he saw inside made his blood go cold.
Blood… It littered the bathroom floor dripping from yourwrist. The bathtub was filled with warm water and you were about to step intoit. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were stained with tears.
And you were looking back at him as if he were a monster.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!”In what seemed like a split second he had you pinned against the bathroom walland your wounded wrist became cradled in his hand. His eyes filled with horror as he stared atall the blood you were still losing. “ROMARIO?ROMARIO!!!”
“Stop it!” you begged, trying to struggle against him. “Juststop it! Let me die!”
You were outright sobbing now. Hopelessness and despair andshame finally taking its toll. “I know you’ll never let me go no matter howmuch I beg! There’s gotta be an end to this torture! You have to let me leavebefore I lose my mind!”
“You’re losing too much blood,” Dino trembled as he took thetie he was taking off earlier and tied it around your forearm in an attempt toslow down your bleeding, disregarding the fine, expensive silk it was made of. “We need to take you to a doctor!”
You stare at him incredulously before the emotion turned into anger.Anger that made you lash out and slap him in the face with all the strength left in you. “STOP IGNORING ME! DIDN’TYOU HEAR ME?! SET ME FREE OR LET ME DIE!”
“You’re going to be alright.” Dino hugged you close and youreyes widened at the way his whole body was shaking, ignoring the fact that youjust hit him.
It was as though he was blind and deaf to your protests. Asthough he were in another world where you and him were just an ordinary couple… And you cried harder because you were not.
“What’s going­― OH MY GOD!”Romario exclaimed in horror at the sight. “I’m calling for a Sun user, hold on!”
Dino lifted you up in his lap and cradled you close. Hislips buried in your hair and your form caged in his arms. 
You could feel his fear for you, you weren’t dense. And thathurt more than any cut because you can’t love him the way you wanted to. Because it would only hurt… Because being abandoned and thrown away by this man would be worse than dying…
“It’s okay… You’re gonna be okay…Romario’s going to call a doctor so there’s nothing to be afraid of. You’regoing to be okay…!”
You could barely hold back a sob. Just who was he trying toconvince with his words? You or himself?
“Just how cruel are you…?” you finally whispered hoarsely,all strength melting at the warmth of his embrace. At the love in thereassuring whispers and the hopelessness your heart was swimming in because it couldn’t be true. He was just toying with you, taking revenge on the sins of your father… “Isn’t itenough that you’ve had my body…? Why do you want to shame me further?”
“What do you mean?” he hissed, trying to keep himself from crushing you in his arms.
“I know my father did you wrong but it’s been long enough…”you begged and sobbed tiredly in his embrace as he stared at your sufferingface. “But haven’t I paid you back yet…? You should be tired of me by now… WHY WON’T YOU LET ME GO?!!!”
Dino’s eyes turned cold and he pulled your hair back so youcould look him directly in the eye. “Never. It’s not nearly enough. Your father’ssins of greed and cowardice are unforgivable and nothing in this world willever make up for what he’s done. And as his daughter you are his accomplice.”
Your heart fell and you closed your eyes while biting intoyour bottom lip. So this was how you were going to spend the rest of your life…Loving a man who will always hate you for a sin you did not even commit.A man whose hate was so strong he would stop you from dying only to prolongyour suffering further…
The situation… really washopeless from the start…
“But while there’s nothing your father could ever do to makeme forgive him there’s something you cando to redeem yourself in my eyes.”
You looked up at him with renewed hope in your gaze. Wouldhe set you free? The thought should have made you happy but the only thing youcould feel was… pain. Pain at the thought of being away from him… Pain that youwould never be loved by this good,good man. Compared to being thrown away from his side… dying was so mucheasier.
“Marry me.”
Your eyes widened at the words. Was he saying that out ofmalice? Was this more torture, designed to drive you insane? But you saw thepain in his eyes and the feelings that mirrored yours as he stared back at youand you cried as you sobbed into his shirtfront at the realization.
He loved you too…
“Yes…” you cried out, your voice muffled into his chest. “Yes,I will…!”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
A rival family has attacked and hospitalized Dino’s S/O while he was out of the country doing business in Japan. Dino finds out only a few days after the attack because a subordinate who is romantically interested in him withheld the information, hoping the S/O would die in the hospital from their wounds.
~admin Adelheid
Dino kissed you lingeringly as the both of you stood at the Vongola’s private airstrip and you could barely hold yourself back from crushing the lapels of his jacket as you clung to him.
He knew it was difficult for you with him leaving like this on Family business all the time. You never say anything but he knew he would never really put to rest all your worries and trepidations. You were brought up in a civilian family, after all. And the only thing keeping you from begging him not to go was the love you have your husband’s men had earned from you. You knew quickly that everything Dino did was for the good of the Famiglia.
“Sorry.” Dino apologized for probably the hundredth time as he leaned his forehead against yours; true regret showing in his golden eyes. “If this weren’t so important I would―”
“I know…” You replied in a whisper with an understanding smile. “I know.”
Dino clutched you to him tighter, burying his face in your hair. “Tell me again how I got so lucky?”
You laughed and Dino stored the sound in his mind, hoping to keep himself sane for the next few days while he was away from you.
“Call me when you get there?” you whispered in his ear, reveling in his warmth. Storing his scent in your memory to keep you company until he returned to your side.
“As soon as I’m alone,” he promised in a sigh. “The Family Boss I’m dealing with said he’ll be sending out his son to meet me at the airport so I might not be able to talk immediately.”
“I’ll miss you, Jackass.” You replied and teased in understanding.
Dino laughed and clutched you tighter to himself. God he really didn’t want to let you go. Before he had met you he didn’t mind being away from home so much but since he found you… he could never really come home fast enough. But this was a special favor for Tsuna and it would further strengthen their hold on Southeast Asia in general. If he seals this deal not only would they be stable in Japan for several generations but also the entirety of Southeast Asia would be at the Alliances’ feet. He cannot let his little bro down.
“I love you.” He whispered to you again in a hoarse voice.
You swallowed hard and blinked back your tears as you breathed out your reply. “I love you too.”
You forced each other to let go and Dino could see behind the brave smile you were putting on. He couldn’t help but allow his heart to swell with pride and yet it broke his heart a little that you had to put on such a brave face. He had promised he would protect you and yet here he was adding to your burdens at every turn. What he wouldn’t do to save you from suffering… What he wouldn’t do to be your knight in shining armor…
“Boss, we need to go.”
Dino didn’t even spare the woman behind him a glance. Instead it was you who gave the female subordinate an apologetic nod as you let Dino go. “Sorry, Laura, we didn’t mean to make you wait.”
Neither of your noticed the jealous sneer on Laura’s face since Dino decided it was a good time to bury his face in the crook of your neck. You rolled your eyes at him and struggled to laughingly push him away. “Idiot, you need to go.”
“I don’t wanna~!” he whined.
“Tsuna will be very disappointed if you don’t go,” you told him fondly as you ran your fingers through his golden hair affectionately. “And if that happens then he might consider telling Reborn and then―”
“He wouldn’t!” Dino sprang up straight in wide eyed terror, his eyes darting around like a frightened rabbit. “Honey, I told you, don’t say his name or he’ll appear!”
You shot him a flat glare. “He’s not the devil.”
“I beg to differ.”
The dead serious way he said that made you laugh and push at him harder. “Go!”
Dino pulled you in for another long, lingering kiss before reluctantly pulling away leaving you breathless.
“Romario,” Dino called his right hand man, his eyes never leaving yours. “Take care of my greatest treasure will you?”
Romario bowed low. “No need to worry about that, Boss.”
Dino walked backwards still staring at your face, understanding what Romario meant. You will be protected by the best the Cavallone and the Vongola had to offer. Tsuna had promised to send someone who will keep watch over the Cavallone household while he was away and they would meet with them at the Cavallone mansion as soon as they got home.
You asked to go shopping on the way home and got Dino a watch with an engraved message on the back.
Romario read the message over your shoulder with a laugh. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, let’s go.”
“I assume this little trinket is for the Boss?”
You hugged the gift close to your chest and nodded as the car began moving along main street. “Just to help remind him what time it is. So you won’t always scold him about being late.”
Romario laughed. “That would help me a lot.”
You both shared a laugh inside the car.
Then the SUV following behind yours exploded.
And all hell broke loose…
“Hello? Laura! Where’s the Boss?!”
“Romario?” Laura replied coolly as she took a peek at her watch. A habit she had developed when she was feeling disturbed. And Romario’s sobbing voice disturbed her greatly. “What is it? Boss is in a meeting.”
“Laura, listen to me! You need to tell the Boss that his wife’s been attacked! We’re in the hospital right now! The doctor said she’s in critical condition!”
“What?!” Laura’s eyes widened before glancing at the Dino who was now approaching her. She couldn’t believe it. This was her chance! The air-headed fool could die and then with that slut out of the way then… then she would finally have a chance with the Boss! “Right; I’ll tell him.”
Dino reached her as soon as she ended the call. “Problems, Laura?”
Laura smiled beautifully. “None, sir. Nothing at all.”
Dino knew something was wrong. He didn’t know what it was but he knew it for certain.
He had tried to call home several times but Laura had kept him busy. Before he knew it it had been three days.
“Laura…” he asked, tired to the bone and practically asleep on his desk in his hotel room. “Aren’t we done here yet? I wanna go home~!”
“Now, now, Boss,” his secretary and bodyguard crooned as she came behind him and started massaging his shoulders. “Just a little bit longer.”
Dino groaned in misery before standing up, forcing her to let go. He didn’t like that that Laura’s being too touchy these past few days. “Who’s next?”
“You are to meet with the head of the yakuza Family currently in power in Shinjuku.” She replied, reluctantly stepping back.
“Alright; better get to it. The sooner we get this done the sooner we go home.” He replied as he began walking out of the room.
Laura started to chase after him. “But, sir, if you’re feeling tired you can just rest; I’m sure we can reschedule―”
“No; I’ve had enough of this.” Dino replied coldly, his eyes blazing with resolve at his decision. “It’s either they want an alliance with the Vongola or they don’t. Whatever their decision is they’re making it today.”
“B-but, sir―”
Dino ignored Laura for the rest of the trip and arrived at the restaurant the yakuza Family owned. But as soon as he opened the doors he stopped and blinked at the sight before him.
Because right there in the middle of the restaurant, standing among the unconscious and bloody forms of the yakuza gang he was about to meet was Hibari Kyoya, still clutching at the yakuza Boss’ shirt collar, his bloody tonfas in his other grip.
Dino smirked and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. “I see we’re up to our old hobbies, eh, Kyouya?”
“Ah!” Kusakabe hurried to Kyoya’s side, his eyes on Dino’s. “Cavallone-sama! What are you doing here?”
“I was supposed to be meeting with those guys you just beat up.” Dino jerked his chin towards the Boss held in Kyoya’s bloody clutches. “So what did they do to irritate you?”
“This herbivorous fool thought it would be interesting to ambush and kill the Vongola representative they are coming to meet today. I was not aware that representative was going to be you.” The Vongola Cloud Guardian threw the enemy Boss at Dino’s feet, completely ignoring Laura who was bowing from behind Dino respectfully. “More importantly, why are you still here?”
“What?” Dino asked with a laugh. “Didn’t I just tell you?”
“I would have thought you would have gone running the moment you heard your wife has been critically injured after an enemy attack.” Kyoya replied, throwing his victim down carelessly. “Perhaps I was wrong.”
Dino felt light headed all of a sudden. As though things had turned white and all noise had turned into white fuzz. “What…?”
Kyoya stopped and stared at his former teacher even as Laura paled behind the blonde. “How could you not know? It happened a few hours after you left Italy.”
Dino stumbled. He didn’t even know he was moving. His stomach was cold and he felt like heaving.
“Boss!” Laura called out in alarm, running and reaching out to him but he shook her off.
With sheer determination Dino turned around and grabbed for his phone still inside Laura’s handbag and started dialing. “Hello? Romario?”
The voice on the other line could not have chilled him more than if it had been the devil himself who had answered. “Romario’s sleeping; I taught you how to figure time zone differences, didn’t I?”
“So you finally called.” Reborn glanced at your sleeping form, your heart monitor beeping slightly in the dim, quiet room. “Don’t worry, she’s in a coma. She doesn’t know you cared so little for her that you couldn’t even phone in to check on her when she got shot.”
“I’m coming home!” Dino snapped into the phone, his feet already moving. “I’m coming home right now!”
“Boss Dino, wait, please calm down―”
Dino pinned Laura with blazing, agonized eyes, his whole body trembling and Laura felt as though she had been pinned on the spot. “How can you possibly tell me to calm down?! My wife could be dying! How did nobody tell me about this?! Now book me the next available flight back to Italy!”
“Don Cavallone,” Kusakabe stepped forward and bowed in deference to the raging stallion. “If it’s transportation then let the Foundation help.”
Reborn and Romario were in your room when Dino arrived. Both of them watched the devastated expression on the Cavallone don’s face as he caught a glimpse of your broken form.
“It was a good thing Tsuna asked me to come over and give your wife some extra security or they would have taken her body with them as a souvenir.” Reborn said, pulling his fedora down over his face, hiding the expression on it as he observed his former student. “Sorry I couldn’t get to her in time to keep her unharmed though.”
Dino could have heaved out his insides at the thought of you in those bastard’s hands. What more could they have done to you had you been their prisoner. “Yes…”
“It’s not good, Dino,” Reborn frowned, now noticing the paling woman who had followed you into the room. “The doctors said that if she doesn’t wake up soon there might be no hope for her.”
Dino felt like the ground had fallen underneath him. He had to hold onto the back of the chair placed by your bedside to keep himself steady.
“About the Famiglia who had done this,” Romario, also bandaged from head to foot and leaning on a crutch, piped in. “They have already had a taste of the Vongola Decimo’s rage. The only reason why he has not taken out their Boss yet was because he thought you might want to take care of it yourself.”
“He’s right,” Dino replied woodenly as he stepped into the room, his eyes never leaving your form. “Tell my little bro thanks, will you?”
“Yes, sir.” Romario hesitated but then took a small, scorched box out of his pocket and handed it over to his Boss. “She… she bought this for you on our way home that day, Boss. Please take it.”
Dino did. As soon as he opened the box the sight of a broken, expensive watch peeked right out of it. He lifted it out of its cradle and turned it in his hand, his mind already imagining the expression on your face had you been awake to hand it to him personally. When he read the message you left for him at the back it took everything he had not to break down and cry right then there.
~I give you my Time. My Forever is yours. I love you, Dino.
“Romario,” the older man took a step back as his Boss’ enraged eyes pinned his right hand man in place. “Why did no one tell me about what happened to my wife?”
“What? I- I did call you! I called you the moment we got to the hospital! You weren’t able to answer the phone but I left Laura the message to let you know how she was doing every day.”
Dino blinked. The woman had been acting unusually almost as soon as they arrived in Japan. She had been too touchy, too intimate. And if he put two and two together…
“I-I’m sorry, Boss!” Laura cried out, reaching out to Dino with supplicating hands. She could still get out of this, she just knew she could! Dino was a kind Boss who would never lay a finger on a woman. Wasn’t the reason why she fell in love with you?! “I just thought it would be best not to give you any distractions while you were in those important meetings! I was only thinking about the Family!”
“You can stop acting, this isn’t my first experience with lying, deceitful women,” Dino replied, not even turning to look at his secretary. “The fact that you had failed to report something this important to me after three days and had kept me from completing my appointments as early as possible already proves you had a hidden agenda.”
Laura felt something cold skitter down her spine at his words. “B- Boss…?”
“It really doesn’t matter if she dies, Laura,” Dino turned towards the woman with a sad smirk on his face and his eyes looking like frozen gold in the morning light. “I still would never love you.”
Laura fell on the floor on weakened knees, realizing this was the end for her. She scrambled out of the room hoping for escape.
“Yes, Boss.”
“She knows too much of our affairs to let her go. Dispose of her accordingly and send her parents our condolences after her funeral. I don’t want to be dealing with her any longer.”
“…Yes, Boss.”
Reborn nodded, pleased at the way the blonde had managed to tie all ends of the matter. He decided to make sure his former student’s plans all fell through. “Don’t bother, Romario. I’ll take care of her myself. Just make sure your disposal unit’s ready.”
“Ah? Yes, thank you, Reborn!” Romario replied with a bow and followed the hitman out of the room.
Dino practically broke at the sight of you unconscious on the bed, your whole body bandaged up. His hand trembled as he reached for your hand but he couldn’t bring himself to. He felt unworthy to be touching you. Instead he sat on the chair he had been holding onto and buried his face in hands that were grasping each other as his elbows rested on your bed.
He had never felt this scared in his life. Was this what it meant to love? To fear more for someone else’s well-being than his own? Was it always meant to make him feel this week? To feel as though that he was this much of a failure?
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” he whispered into your hand as he closed his eyes and prayed. “I should have been here… I should have been from the start. I’m so, so sorry…”
Suddenly the familiar feeling of fingers running lightly through his hair made him stop mid sob. Half afraid that he was dreaming he looked up to see your tired but smiling face looking back at him.
“Crybaby… What are you crying about…?” you whispered as your hand lovingly touched his cheek. “Everything… is going to be alright…”
Dino let his tears fall as he pressed your hand harder against his cheek and stared at your face.
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Separate scenarios for Xanxus and Squalo where they end up engaged to the daughter of a boss of a much smaller family. She can't imagine why they're engaged and is honestly a little wary around them - turns out, she was one of the few people who was actually kind to him when he was younger - like before the Varia younger. Also turns out that the guy's the one hwo made sure that this was set up because he remembered that. Thanks!
Admin Adelheid
- Ummm… I think I enjoyed the Boss cameos a biiiittt too much XD.
“Really now, Xanxus. Just when are you going to get your acttogether and give me a grandchild?”
Xanxus grunted in irritation and favored the Ninth a pointedsilence by gulping down another serving of brandy.
Timoteo sighed. “I’m not getting any younger, you know?”
The Varia Boss sighed in irritation, still refusing to movefrom his reclining position in the chair beside his father, his chin resting onone hand. “What are you hounding mefor, old man? I’m not you fucking Decimo. If you’re going to pester anyone togive you brats then pester Sawada.”
“Now, now, Xanxus. It’s true that I’ve chosen Tsunayoshi asmy heir. But you are my son. It wouldbe nice to see you have a family before I die.”
“Shut the fuck up, old man; you’ll live forever.” Xanxusgrowled back getting tired of the conversation quickly. It was a good thingCoyote caught the old man’s attention or Xanxus would have probably begunshooting people at random. He caught Tsunayoshi’s coolly amused smirk from besidehim and glared at the stupid brat. “Shut your face, mother fucking asshat.”
Of course Tsuna won’t be Tsuna if he cowered over the VariaBoss’ mild exasperation. Ten years in the Mafia had unfortunately hardened thestupid brat and his smirk only turned even moreinsufferable as he looked over at the man from his seat at the head of thetable. “It’s just baby making, Xanxus. How hard can it be?”
God he missed the times when the kid still cowered in hispresence. “Why don’t you take your own advice and go fuck yourself?”
“Unfortunately, doing that and reproducing just isn’tpossible.” The brat replied with an amused laugh that was shadowed by thefamiliar shadow of sadness lurking beneath those golden eyes. “Besides. I haveyet to find a woman who can survive the life we’re living.”
“You’re still worried about that?” Xanxus snorted, knowingfull well what the Vongola Boss meant. Living by the Cosa Nostra was not easy.Having another person inducted into it would be akin to sentencing them todeath. Being his consort will constantly put that person in harm’s way. Anddespite being hardened by the Mafia life for so many years Tsuna was not one towish such a harsh life on anyone else. “Tch. Give it up. You’ll have tosacrifice somebody for the sake ofthe Vongola’s line sooner or later.”
“Perhaps Xan-chan just isn’t interested because he alreadyhas someone else in mind~?” Byakuran purred at the Varia Boss like a maliciouscat, carefully averting the discussion from dangerous paths.
Xanxus shot him a deadly glare, his temper tiptoeing theedge of his tolerance as usual where Byakuran was concerned.
“Vongola Decimo!”
“Oh God he’s here again.”
Xanxus raised an eyebrow at Tsuna’s annoyed face as theVongola Boss hid his frown behind a wine glass before gracing the man who hadcalled out to him from outside the circle of their security a short butgraceful nod and then ignoring him. “The hell was that about?”
“It’s just that annoying person over there.” Tsuna mumbled.
Xanxus glanced over towards the little commotion blocked offby the presence of all their right hand men effectively staving off theapproach of random people to their table and saw one of the minor Mafia Bosseswho have just recently been accepted into the Famiglia. He narrowed his eyes ashe recognized the man and took another long drink to disguise it.
“This one’s been very persistent.” Dino elaborated,snickering behind his own wine glass. “Ever since his Famiglia’s been acceptedinto the alliance he’s been in every party the Vongola’s ever hosted, paradinghis daughters and sons in front of Tsuna.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time another Boss offers their kinas barter in an attempt to get more power within the Family.” Enma repliedsolemnly, swirling the brandy in his glass broodingly as he stared at thecontents with almandine shaded eyes. “It’s fairly offensive that they would tryto even get involved in the Vongola’s politics this early.”
“Are those his children behind him batting their lashes thisway?” Byakuran smiled impishly as he peered over at the direction of the minorMafia Boss in question who was still struggling to approach their table. Around number placed in a wide alcove partially covered by drapes of darkchampagne. “Dear me is that his wife? Don’t tell me he got everything startedby marrying into money because I seriously think he didn’t marry her for her looks.”
“His operation is fairly small, we used his Family beforefor transporting some goods through his territory,” Yuni said blinking wide atthe minor Mafia Boss in question who was still trying to get Tsuna’s attentionfrom beyond their circle of bodyguards, his smile betraying his desperation indoing so. “I heard someone is trying to take over his acquired assets and he’slosing them faster than he could blink.”
“Oh?” Enma looked up with raised brows, intrigued. “Eventhough he’s already allied with the Vongola?”
“Even the Vongola’s name won’t help him with a group likethat,” Yuni answered as she calmly transferred another colorful macaroon on herplate, carefully not looking at anyone else at the table. “It seems this groupis kind of… mysterious. They appeared overnight challenging everyone in thatterritory.”
“He can’t even handle that much?” Dino shook his head insurprise. “That’s just so… pathetic. But I understand why he wants your helpnow, Tsuna.”
“It’s not that I’m withholding my help,” Tsuna sighed inannoyance. “But the man’s a fool, proud and greedy. He doesn’t just want myhelp. He wants me to marry one of his daughters too. Apparently agreeing tohelp him would be viewed by his Family as a proposal of marriage. I could gaveignored it but he was stupid enough to spread the rumor around extensively.”
“It’s true,” Yuni nodded. “He’s doing it on purpose and it’sso widespread now that other minor Mafia Bosses are starting to swear minoralliances with him thinking he’s going to become the Vongola Decimo’s futurefather-in-law.”
“I see,” Enma nodded slowly before his eyes glowed inamusement. “He must have started it off as a bluff but it probably got so outof hand that now he’s bound by pride to make it true.”
“Pffft ha ha ha, what an idiot!” Dino laughed.
“This is ridiculous.” Xanxus sighed in a snarl and stood upfrom the table; fed up from the stupidity of it all. He had no more reason tostay now that their meeting was over.
“Xanxus, going already?” Timoteo pouted in disappointment.It wasn’t often that he got to see his son anymore. “We’re not done talking. Iwas about to introduce you to Coyote’s granddaughter.”
“Tell him to fuck off.” Xanxus snarled as he began to walkoff, headed for the space Squalo had vacated in preparation of following him.“I’m not interested.”
As he removed himself from the safety of the Boss’ circleand again entered the mass of guests from the smaller Famiglia he passed by theman who had been calling out to Tsuna earlier. The eager look on the man’s facewas a little nauseating and was easily ignored. It also didn’t help that hissons, daughters and his wife were wearing the same eager, desperate faces.
He walked close enough to whisper in the man’s ear as hepassed him by.
“Scum.” Xanxus as he stopped beside the man for a second. “Iheard you had a daughter for sale.”
The Varia Boss smirked as he saw the man pale and sweat likea pig from the corner of his eye.
“Bring her to me― the one you sired from your mistress― andI’ll make your problems go away.”
As he left Xanxus was conscious of the stare from the manthat followed him as he made his way through the crowd that had parted for himreadily.
“Heh,” Squalo laughed and smirked as he followed after hisBoss, his senses already spread around them as his body prepared to keep theman safe. “So you’re finally ready?”
“I’ve been ready for a long time, Shitty Shark.” Xanxusreplied. “Make sure Mammon gets the papers ready.”
“Yes, Boss.” Squalo smirked knowingly. “Now what?”
“Now we wait.” The Varia Boss replied. “I doubt we’ll haveto wait long, though.”
It came as a shocking surprise when your father came to youwith the proposition. Crying and in despair and begging on his knees even asyour stepmother and step siblings looked on hatefully. You asked for a few daysto think about it before you gave your consent. A moot point since you knew youwould have no choice anyway.
You couldn’t believe this was happening despite your requestthat he allow you to live peacefully as a civilian. You’ve been the apple ofyour father’s eye since you were his child by a woman he had actually loved.Your mother who been killed when you were seven and even though no one talkedabout it you knew she had been killed under your stepmother’s orders.
You had half a mind to escape and run away but…
“Miss, you have a visitor. He says he’s your… fiancé.” The maidwas shaking and wary as she said so. “Do you want me to call your father?”
“Is he wearing something like this on his body?” you askedas you showed the maid the pendant you were wearing. The Varia’s insigniaseemingly a black hole between your fingers. A present your father had beentold to give you as a sign of favor from your new fiancé.
“Y-yes, miss.”
“Then let him in.” you ordered, trying to subdue thetrembling in your body. “And get him some drinks. The ones we reserve for Papawhen he visits.”
“Yes, Miss.”
You waited for him to come to you in the parlor, stillingyour trembling hands and knees and fighting against the uncertainty and fear forthe future you had thought you would be able to control. The moment he steppedinto your sight your heart stopped and froze for a second the moment you lookedinto his eyes. His sheer presence swept into the room and surrounded you in apossessive embrace.
This… was going to be your husband…?
He was staring at you so hard. It almost made you step backand shrink into yourself in an attempt to escape such an intense gaze…
But you were a Mafia don’s daughter. Illegitimate or not youwere still Mafia-born.
“Please sit down,” you nodded to him gracefully, invitinghim to sit, determined to be a proper hostess. Only now noticing that his armswere laden with packages. “My maid should be bringing drinks. Is your menoutside? You can invite them in.”
“I came alone.” he replied gruffly, still staring at yourface.
That stopped and surprised her. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
“I heard you needed to think about the engagement?” he gotright to the point.
“I…” you were taken aback by the fierceness in that onesingle question.
“You can’t refuse.”
“I… Excuse me?”
“I will not allow you to refuse!” Xanxus knew he sounded strangebut he couldn’t stop himself. As soon as he heard from your father that youmight refuse him he couldn’t pull back.
He’d waited too long. Planned too hard. Wanted too much… Thelackeys he had dispensed to harass your father’s territory. The effort he tookto circulate those rumors just to make sure they would all end up echoing on his side of society confident that yourfather would never take you to the Mafia gatherings to introduce you to the Bossesas a bargaining chip. He was notgoing let you screw things up by refusing him! Not when all he’d wanted… All he’dneeded was you.
He dumped all the packages he was holding at your feet andsome of the contents spilled out. Your eyes widened at the sight of jewelry,expensive shawls and handkerchiefs… Even the finest wine…
“What… What is all this?” What does this all mean?
He ignored her question. “You understand what kind ofsituation your father is in, don’t you?”
You looked up in surprise only to see him still focused onyour face. It was as though he were trying to burn your face with his eyes.
Xanxus took a step closer when you looked away wanting to holdyou. Cage you. He could barely holdhimself back. He’d been waiting so long… He was not going to let you slipthrough his fingers when he was thisclose to having you.
“I know I was only fooling myself when I thought I had achoice. I knew when I told my father that I was thinking about the proposalthat I was just delaying the inevitable. But before I give my formal consentlet me ask you one thing.” you met his eyes head on. Resolve and curiositymixing in a gaze Xanxus had only been able to dream about all these years. “Whyme?”
Xanxus’ scowl trembled a little as his mind went back tothat winter after he turned eight. When hunger had driven him to desperationand despair. When he dove into hell and stole food expecting to be ripped apartby demons but instead met an angel…
“Stop! I said stophitting him!”
“But, Young Miss! Hestole your food!”
“No! I gave it to him!Leave him alone! See? He even forgot the rest of it because you chased himaway! Now leave him alone!”
“You could have your pick of any of the other heiresses in theMafia that belong to much more influential and powerful Families.” You continuedpouring out your confusion, wanting to make sense of it all so you could atleast stop being afraid, effectively pulling him out of his reminiscences. Grounding him back to his long awaited reality. “Even my sisters are all good choices. At least theyare all my father’s legitimate heirs. I’m nothing but the daughter of amistress. I’m not even allowed to attend Mafia gatherings. So why me? Why me whenI have nothing to offer you but myself?”
Xanxus gritted his teeth against the words. There’s no wayhe could tell you that he was the same street rat who stole your paninni when youwere seven. The same street brat you had saved from a royal beating and thengiven all your food to.
No. He had worked hard to be worthy of you after all thistime. He’ll never be able to bear it if you started looking down on him too.
“Tch, who knows?” Xanxus looked away, attempting to gatherhis composure once more. “I don’t haveto have a reason.”
Your eyes widened at the bashfulness he was trying to coverup. Despite his gruff behavior and dangerous aura. You looked at the things onthe floor and understood them for what they are.
“Fine. I’ll accept these. But promise me,” you whispered and Xanxus looked back at youand was surprised at the same smile that had saved him so many years before. “Thatyou’ll tell me someday?”
That was not fair. How could he possibly refuse you when you start looking at him like that?
“Tch. Fine. Someday.”
Squalo stripped his shirt off as he entered his bedroom,dropping the bloody piece on the marble floor carelessly as he went straightfor the bathroom to look at his new wound in the mirror.
“Tsk.” He glared at the blood he was losing, not even payingattention to the pain in his shoulder.
It wasn’t really the pain that rankled so much as the factthat he had been acting so goddamned carelessly tonight. All because he wantedto forget the wary look on your face every time he was around. Son of a fuckingbitch. Xanxus was going to beat him up if he comes back to headquarters lookinglike this.
But it was worth it. He had risen to this level of greatness to make sure your father would come to him for help the moment he was cornered. He had dropped those hints throughout the years to the bastard that he was welcome to seek out his help when things got rough. He had done all that while finding ways to catch even a glimpse of you…
And then a few weeks ago his time had finally come. Your father came to him asking help to get rid of some nasty competition taking over his territory. A much larger Famiglia trying to expand. And since your father did not have much money he conveniently offered you to Squalo.
And he could barely rein in his eager acceptance.
You were the only person who didn’t laugh when he declared he would become the Sword Emperor someday. You didn’t know him from squat and didn’t even move in the same circles he did but… you had gone to school with him back in Mafia Academy. The deal was sealed when he found out you were the one resupplying his first aid kit back in school because you’ve noticed how he always came back injured from training. The only reason he found out was because fucking Xanxus caught you doing it once.
So when he asked Xanxus for a temporary leave from Varia to lend his sword to your father his shitty Boss only rolled his goddamn eyes and kicked him out of the fortress snarling something about not coming back without you.
Fucking bastard knew too much.
“…That looks nasty.”
Squalo didn’t have to turn around to see that you hadentered his room and was looking at him through the bathroom door. And despitewhat he had told himself he couldn’t bring himself to look away from the sweetconcern in your eyes and longing made him swallow hard.
Were you staring at the scars on his missing hand? What did you think ofit? Did he disgust you? Did you think he was ugly? Oh why the fuck was hethinking like some idiot teenager?!
“Why are you still up?” he asked instead. His tone sharp and gruff. His honor telling him it was wrong to speak to you alone like this. Not when you were being forced to be with him. “Did your father sendyou?”
You said nothing and he looked up again. Your eyes made something twist in his chest and he resisted the urge to rub at it. Even after all these years just the sight of you made him feel pathetic.
And then he almost jumped when he felt your hesitant touch on his hair.
“I… It would be easier to fix your wounds if your hair was out of the way…” you muttered as you took off the band that held up your hair and tied his hair with it. Squalo didn’t think this day would come. It felt like a goddamn dream to stand this close to you. A dream he had been chasing all this time. “There. Sorry for intruding. Let me just―”
He didn’t know how but his control snapped and Squalo found himself pinning you against the bathroom door. He didn’t care that his blood was staining your nightgown. He didn’t care if you were looking up at him with such wide, frightened eyes…
All he could think about was finally being able to hold you. Finally. His dream had come true.
“Do I scare you?” he whispered. His voice hoarse. His silvery blue eyes tracing the soft curve of your cheek. Pressing his hard body against your softness and feeling dizzy at the pleasure of it all.
You swallowed hard, feeling as though your mouth had been stuffed with cotton. This man was strong. He had a reputation for ruthlessness and brutality that was infamous in the world you were born in. You were afraid but… those eyes… They made it hard to refuse him…
“I guess it doesn’t matter,” he muttered, lightly touching his lips to yours and closing his eyes at the sheer pleasure of it. “You will want me. I won’t let you have another choice…”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Tsuna’s s/o being left in the dark about Tsuna’s “other life”. This leads to the s/o being suspicious of him all the time, causing a rift between them. In a relationship without trust, will they recover?
~admin Adelheid
“I’m home.”
You walked out of the kitchen and saw Tsuna walk in, tiredly pulling at the maroon tie you had given him as a Christmas gift last year and your heart ached. For the hundredth time you wonder if you’re doing the right thing. But as you picked up the suit jacket he discarded on the couch and you caught the scent of perfume and wine your resolve hardened into certainty.
You’ve had enough.
“Hey,” he walked over and leaned down to drop a kiss on your cheek but you surprised him by walking away. His brow furrowed at your actions. “Something wrong?”
You pursed your lips and swallowed hard. If you don’t say anything now then you’ll be living like this for the rest of your life. And that was not what you wanted.
“I’ve noticed that…” you began haltingly. “You’re always taking trips. You hardly ever call or write or…”
Tsuna sighed. He had known this would come up eventually. When he married you he had promised himself he would keep you firmly away from the Mafia and allow you to live the life you had always wanted.
A nice house. A big garden. White picket fences. Giant willow trees in the backyard where the two of you could put up a swing for your future children to enjoy in the future… All the things that you had always confessed to wanting while the two of you were dating.
Your ignorance made him forget the mire of darkness and sin he had doused himself in by accepting his role as Vongola Decimo. It was one of the reasons why he preferred marrying a civilian. So he could hold on to that one moment of sanity he had left in his soul and remind him what he was fighting for…
But he should have known it wouldn’t last long.
“Is it another woman?”
Your quiet question made Tsuna’s eyes widen and snapped him out of his tired contemplations.
“NO!” he vehemently denied. “No of course not, how could you think that of me?!”
You held his jacket up with a sad smile as though holding up a flag of surrender. “You come home with women’s perfume all over you all the time.”
Shit, Tsuna thought. Goddamn Mafia wives and their expensive perfume catching onto his clothes just by being in the same room as him. “It’s not what you think.”
Your lips trembled and you hugged his suit jacket close, your eyes already on the verge of tears. “Where do you go every time Hayato and Takeshi call you? What do you do that makes your eyes haunted every time you come home?”
“It’s not something for you to be concerned about―”
Tsuna’s response was cut off when he heard his phone ring. Reluctantly he pulled out of his pocket, shooting you agitated glances. “Hello? Sorry, Hayato, this isn’t a good time. What?! …Fine, I’ll be there.”
You stare at him expectantly, pleading with him silently to trust you. To let you in. To be yours the way you were all his.
But he looked away as he grabbed his jacket back from your hands and started for the door again. He stopped at the threshold and looked back. “I’m sorry. Just… trust me, okay? I love you. No matter what I am; what I do… That truth will never change.”
As soon as the door closed behind him you stumble over towards the side table in tears and opened a drawer. Inside you took out the divorce papers and the pen you were going to use to sign it.
“You look like someone stepped on your dog and ate it.”
Tsuna didn’t even bother looking over at Reborn as the hitman sat in the chair opposite his with that godforsaken smirk on his face. All he did was down another glass of brandy and stare at the divorce papers you had mailed to him that morning.
“I did tell you lying to her would only mean trouble,” Reborn continued, his dark eyes sifting through the papers on the table. “Have you learned nothing from your father?”
“I guess nothing beats being as blindly in love as my mother was with my father,” Tsuna replied sullenly, his voice hoarse from all the alcohol he had been imbibing since he received the papers. “Maybe she just doesn’t love me that much.”
“Now hold on, that’s not fair to her,” Reborn raised his brows at the Vongola Boss. “You were the one who didn’t cover your tracks well enough. At least Iemitsu tried no matter how ridiculous his excuses were. You just up and leave whenever someone from the Family calls you without even as much as a by your leave. Frankly I’m surprised she even lasted this long.”
Tsuna scowled and poured himself and Reborn another glass of brandy. “I’m not signing it. I’ll never let her leave. She’s insane if she thinks she could leave me.”
“That’s a given,” Reborn smiled in amusement as he reached for his student’s offered liquor. “But you will learn that it’s a lot more pleasant to live with women who actually want to stay.”
Tsuna was about to take another gulp of brandy in response when the doors to his office were thrown open and Hayato came rushing in.
“Jyudaime! We have a problem!”
Tsuna’s brow furrowed but he sighed and put his brandy down. “What is it, Hayato?”
“That Family we put under probation! The one we can’t put a sentence on?”
“Yes?” Tsuna rubbed at his temples. This particular dilemma had been a headache for a long time now.
A Mafia Family accused of killing an ally Boss’ sister. Of course there was no proof so Tsuna had the Boss of the Family watched to see if they could either clear him and find the guilty party or take them down to serve the wronged Famiglia justice.
“We just received confirmation from Chrome that they’re guilty.” Hayato announced, holding up a folder.”
“Good, then what are we waiting for? Wipe them out and serve their Boss for the other Famiglia to take care of.” Tsuna told him with a wave of his hand.
“That’s just it,” Hayato replied, pale as a ghost. “When I had a squad raid his mansion there was no one there. But they had this pinned to their wall.”
Hayato placed the picture on top of the divorce papers and it was Tsuna’s turn to turn pale.
Because the picture was of you puttering around in the garden. A red X marked over your face.
You have yet to receive contact from Tsuna regarding the divorce papers but you guessed it didn’t matter since you were leaving tonight anyway. Your bags were packed and you’ve already made arrangements with a hotel downtown where you can live in until you find an apartment for yourself.
You looked around the living room with sad eyes. You had spent the entire day just roaming every part of it, committing it to memory as much as you could. You wanted to absorb all the happiness it gave you no matter how much that happiness converted into pain whenever you remembered Tsuna’s refusal to be honest with you. That night when he left again right after coming home and still refusing to answer you despite your pleas was the last straw.
How could he expect you to trust him after that?
You were standing up and heading for your bags already waiting for you at the front foyer when you heard a noise.
Was that the back door? But you were positive you locked it?
Before you could wonder any more about it, men in black suits came in pointing guns at you; the man who looked to be their leader wearing a smirk you absolutely did not like.
“So this is his woman,” he said as he leered at you. “Fucking work of art. At least he knows how to pick ‘em.”
You tried not to show your fear and glared right back at the man despite your confusion. You could smell his evil right down to your bones. “Who are you? You’re trespassing! I demand you leave immediately!”
“Ohoh! She’s got balls too!” the man laughed along with the others. “Let’s see just how brave she is when she’s on her back with her legs open wide under me, eh?”
Before you could move or say anything else the front door exploded and you put up an arm in an attempt to shield your eyes. When the dust cleared and you managed to make out the figures that walked through the hole the explosion created you could hardly believe your eyes.
It was all your husband’s closest friends. Hayato, Takeshi, Ryohei, Kyoya, Lambo, Mukuro and Chrome… And walking right in front of them with blazing orange eyes, wearing an unusual pair of gloves and a black mantle that made him look like royalty was…
“Tsuna…” you breathed out.
He caught your eyes for a second before nodding at Chrome who casually stood in front of you and set up an indigo barrier. And then you watched as your husband and his friends massacred the men who had intruded into your home.
Right then and there you bore witness to a different side of your husband. Not the kind, sweet one who always looked so tired and haunted when he got home. No, this man was power incarnate.
This man was not meant to be viewed as mortal.
This man was… dark.
Blood sprayed against Tsuna’s clothes and cheeks as he tore off the enemy Boss’ limb. He allowed the man to drop to the floor howling in agony as he met your gaze.
“North sector is clear, Boss.” Hayato reported as he rushed to Tsuna’s side.
“East sector clear!” Ryohei replied as he walked in, still fixing the cuffs of his suit.
“West sector is clean!” Lambo called out to them even as he made his way to the kitchen to get something to eat.
“Hn.” Hibari said as he walked in from the Southern part of the house, shaking the blood off his tonfas.
“I really wish you could build an attic up in the ceiling,” Mukuro sighed as he climbed down from the stairs dragging two men wearing the same suits in his wake. “I think it would make a perfect room for unwanted guests.”
“Boss…?” you asked aloud and Chrome gave you a shy smile before retreating behind you and dissipating the barrier she had set up.
“Round up the ones who are still alive and send them to our ally’s. They’ll see to it that they’re punished accordingly for the crimes they’ve committed,” Tsuna told his friends, his eyes never leaving yours. “Tell them… I want these scum to suffer for as long as possible.”
Replies of assent and bows surrounded them even as men were dragged out of the house until you two were the only ones left. You and the silence.
A silence that Tsuna hesitantly broke. “I’m not the man you think I am.”
Still trembling, you struggle to keep your voice steady as you look him in the eye. “How could I know? You never even told me who you really are.”
He scowled and looked away before taking a deep breath and finally giving up. “I’m a Mafia Boss.”
You stared at him speechless for a long time and Tsuna began to fidget before you laughed and tears fell down from your cheeks.
“Was that all?” you asked as you choked on your tears and amusement. “Idiot. You could have told me that sooner.”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
admin enma’s prompt for admin adelheid:
Headcannons for Byakuran being unable to find in this universe his S/O he was happily married to in an alternate universe
Thank you for the prompt, Enma; I had loads of fun. I was so excited to work on this. It was a challenge and I am grateful XD.
~ admin Adelheid
Byakuran’s descent to evil and his desire to put the Trinisette under control was not something he decided on right off the bat when his powers awakened. His madness was borne out of a particular sort of despair. And that despair was borne from the fact that he could never have you.
When his powers started manifesting it was like living the life of a million different people all at the same time. Hearing through the same ears, seeing through the same eyes, but unable to feel through the same skin and having to hear thoughts other than his own. It had felt like living another life through a looking glass.
He had seen his other parallel selves living lives completely different from his own. Himself living as a king or a conqueror or even considered as one with the divine. But through all his parallel selves there was one version of him that had come to be his favorite.
This version of himself was a mere doctor of no particular wealth or consequence. A kind, caring man who was at best average in wealth, lineage and skills. He lived in a small cottage of a quiet, mediocre village treating farmhands and servants as well as their children and was completely content about it. The most unambitious version of himself that he had ever seen across all universes. It was the only version of him that Byakuran did not speak to fearing he would disrupt this one’s life.
But there was one thing about his parallel self that the others did not have. The reason why the life of this particular parallel version of him held Byakuran in thrall.
This version of him… had you.
While some of his other selves were married to queens or princesses or goddesses this parallel version of him was married to a simple person. The other lives of himself he had seen had married women who either feared him, despised him or were dangerously obsessed with him; but you were different. You looked at him and loved him and saw him as― not a god to worship or a king to obey or a conqueror to please― just a man you loved deeply despite all his flaws and inconsistencies...
Byakuran only had to look at you and he would lose his train of thought. The sight of your fingers tucking your hair behind your ear made his knees grow weak. You were the kind of wife who welcomed him home with a warm smile and an even warmer embrace. A wife who was patient and loving and, at times, mischievous. The kind of wife who can convey love with just a look. A wife he loved with every beat of his heart.
Curiosity called him back; want made him stay. Byakuran had watched it all with growing envy through his other self’s eyes. It had grown to the point where his feelings had become unacceptable.
It had taken him to the point where he would press himself against that looking glass wanting a chance to feel the glide of your fingers across his own skin. It had taken him to the point where he dreamed of feeling your smile against his lips.
It even made him resent and hate his parallel self for being the recipient of your affections. Of being able to know what you smelled like. What you felt like. How warm would you be if he could hold you in his own arms instead of watching it all from the eyes of his other self? He couldn’t wait to close his eyes at night. At night his parallel self would come home to you and Byakuran clawed at the barrier of space and time that prevented him from making love to you at night instead of his other self.
Byakuran could barely hold onto his reason, he knew if he continued to do this to himself he would go mad. He decided he would find your parallel version in his own universe and stop obsessing over your other self but how to do that? It would be akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.
And then the Mare Rings were brought to him. The Trinisette was explained and then he figured it out. If he wanted to find you he would need power. So, gathering his third of the Trinisette, he created the Gesso. He amassed more than enough power and influence using his abilities; enough power to rival even that of the Vongola…
But your presence eluded him. No matter how many years passed no matter how much power he amassed it was as though you haven’t even been born in this universe. And he constantly returned to being a filthy voyeur who could only love you through his other self’s eyes… Loving your other self desperately through the looking glass of space and time drove his descent into madness.
He wanted to be with you. Now. This minute. He can’t wait any longer. Every single day without you by his own side was pure, unadulterated torture. A suffering that can only be comforted by the closing of his eyes and seeing through the gaze of his parallel self. Burning the image of your face and your smile and already imagining already being with you.
Being with you… That’s right. Why not? He could do it; he was powerful enough. Especially now that he had the Mare rings and the amassed power of all his parallel selves he could pull his parallel version out of your world and switch it with himself. That’s right. He could do it!
The madness that overwhelmed him consumed the rest of his sanity.
He executed his plan to extract his parallel self from that universe without giving it a second thought, intending to take his place… But it wasn’t meant to be.
To Byakuran’s horror the process was rejected by all laws of nature and destroyed the world you were in taking you with it. He had watched in numb shock through his parallel self’s eyes how you screamed and cried out his name as you tried to reach out towards his other self who was crying out your name as well, trying to get his parallel self back before that universe crumbled and collapsed.
Byakuran was thrown back to his own universe empty handed. Waking up to see that his other self had come through space and time with him and merely taking on the form of Dying Will Flames made him crazy with fury at his own failure to achieve the one goal he desired.
Byakuran called his other self Ghost… He made it wear the Lightning Mare ring and ruthlessly saw him as a mindless plaything. He hated his parallel self so much that he wanted it to live as long as possible. Suffer for as long as it could. He would never allow it to find its final resting place and risk it’s soul finding its way back into your arms.
The guilt and horror of having killed you left his mind in tatters. Ravaged. His heart broken and bleeding. Now, even if he closed his eyes, he could no longer find you… He was left with a world bereft of even traces of your existence...
And that was when he decided… that he wanted to destroy the world…
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
admin chrome’s prompt for admin adelheid:
Byakuran & Xanxus finally finding their first love after years of being apart. Thing is, their first love doesn’t love them anymore. What happens? Scenarios or Headcanons. 
-Sorry, Chrome, I think I could have done better but inspiration for this has sort of run dry for me.
~admin Adelheid
You almost had a heart attack when someone kicked your bedroom door open violently and you had stood up, gun in hand ready to protect yourself when you a familiar pair of blood red eyes meet yours. Deep in your heart you knew this was only going to be a matter of time. Xanxus was never a truly forgiving man. He either cared or he didn’t. And your rejection to his advances was clearly something he cared about if he’s here in person.
“Xanxus?” you called out in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
Instead of answering the Varia Boss stared at you with a scowl. He had not seen you in eighteen years. Not since he had been encased in ice for his betrayal of the Ninth. You were the last person who he said goodbye to before he went off to embark on the greatest crime of his life. He remembered how you had tried to stop him. He remembered the tears in your kisses and the desperation in the way you called his name. But he ignored all that. And never saw you again.
“You need to go.” You told him firmly. And no matter how Xanxus searched your face there was just no trace of the love and desperation he had seen in your eyes that night when he bid you farewell. “My fiancé will be here any minute now.”
The words made his scowl even more dark and you had to take a step back at the way his eyes glowed murderously red. “Fiance? Maybe you meant ‘Dead Man Walking’.”
You swallowed hard in terror. “You’re joking. Don’t you touch him!”
His fists tightened at the protectiveness welling in your face at the thought of your fiancé. It made him want to destroy the other man more. How dare you care like that about any other person other than him?!
“He’s fucking dead is what he is.” He growled back at you, cornering you against your dresser, the small of your back hitting the edge of the expensive wooden furniture. “He’s dead for the crime of being loved by you.”
You looked up at him hopelessly confused. “Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?”
“I want what’s mine back!” he snarled in your face, breathing in your scent and taking in the softness of your skin as he pulled you against him. “Eighteen years… Eighteen years and you never even sought me out. Squalo told me you fucking disappeared after they put me in ice!”
“So what?! Doesn’t that mean I abandoned you?! Who could blame me?!” desperately, foolishly, you thought of a lie. Perhaps… perhaps if he thought you were unworthy he would leave you alone. Sucking in your guilt you spoke to him harshly. “I abandoned you because I found out you would never be Vongola Decimo! What point is there being with you if you weren’t even going to be the Ninth’s heir!”
His response was punching the mirror behind your back, his eyes flashing more fiercely and furiously than before. And before you even had any time to flinch you were arrested by the next words that came out of his mouth. “Fucking idiot. The old man already told me how you negotiated for my sentence to be shortened to eight years instead of forever. Squalo told me you hid yourself away because you didn’t want Ottavio to use you into controlling the Varia more completely! You love me―”
“I used to love you!” you countered, barely holding back your trembling even as his intoxicating scent and warmth enveloped your senses and threatened to bury you under. “I used to love you but that was a long time ago. We were children. I made that deal because all I wanted was to make you happy. Now isn’t it time for you to leave me alone and find my own happiness?!”
It was as though something had snapped in his eyes and you felt all hope falling. He tore your clothes apart and threw you on the bed before taking his clothes off as he followed you there.
“I’ll never let anyone else have you…” you trembled as he caught your ankles in his hands and pulled them apart even as his lips descended to your stomach to begin its sensual trek towards your chest. “You belong to me. You always have and you always will. If you think I’m giving you up without a fucking fight then you are dead, dead wrong.”
Walking home from work was not an unusual thing for you. You done it several times and had never before feared for your safety. Besides your fiancé was at home making you the best dinner the way he always did during weekends when he was free.
So imagine your shock when you were grabbed from behind and unceremoniously shoved into a black SUV and suddenly becoming trapped in an iron like grip. And then the feeling of a face being buried in your hair from behind.
“We’ll be at the airport in ten minutes, Boss.” The driver said as he revved up the engine.
“Make it five.” The voice in your hair replied. A voice that made you freeze in recognition.
“No!” you struggled out of his grasp like a trapped bird but his grip was like iron. A great contrast to the gentle way he was inhaling the scent of your hair as though you were a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You had received several emails from him. You weren’t exactly sure why but he was acting as though he had never left you back in college after those two pink haired women gave him that strange box. “Byakuran, no!”
“I missed you…” he kept whispering in your ear as he hugged you to himself even tighter. “God I missed you…”
“Liar!” you cried out as you tried to claw at his forearms. “You left me all of a sudden! You can’t just come back into my life like nothing happened! I have a life now, Byakuran! A good life with a good man. Please… Leave me alone.”
“I can explain everything, don’t you worry,” he promised. There was no usual smile in his voice and you stopped struggling when the only thing you could feel in his words was a dark, despairing sincerity. “As for your boyfriend… Well he knows not to look for you; if he knows what’s good for him…”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
admin aldeheid’s prompt 1:
Ricardo in love with an S/O time traveller.
Whew that was harder than I thought. I hope everyone enjoys it though XD.
~ admin Adelheid
Having you transported four hundred years into the past was a mistake. You should not have been there while the Bovino was experimenting on the ten year bazooka paired with the black hole they had asked Chrome to imitate casting from their battles with Daemon Spade ten years ago.
It was a stupid accident. You should not have walked in unprepared but you were too excited. The Bovino claimed to have had in their keeping a diary from Lampo that had information about the Vongola’s first generation from the First Lightning Guardian’s point of view. Naturally, as the Famiglia’s record keeper you cannot allow such an opportunity to pass you by so you immediately intruded on them.
You didn’t know exactly what happened next. All you knew was that when you opened your eyes the first generation had found you on Bovino property and had taken you under their protection after seeing you were nothing but a lost and harmless stranger.
For some reason Giotto had taken a liking to you. Despite Alaude and Daemon’s disapproval he welcomed you to Vongola’s new mansion and treated you as one of the Family. You had thought something good would happen and that time would put you in your correct place after a day or so but you were wrong.
Your heart was almost dying with homesickness by the time you met Ricardo.
The melodic sound of piano music took hold of Ricardo’s feet and led him to one of the salons. He knew that Daemon had gotten Elena a piano recently but he didn’t know she already knew how to play.
Like Giotto, he was born and raised a peasant. Their village was poor, music and art were crude and more than usually related to religion. When they had begun the quest to form Vongola and had their first tastes of the beautiful music and art that rich people were so addicted to they could not help but be drawn to it themselves.
And so here he was gawking as you played a melody on the piano that he had never heard before (insert: Reminiscence from Suikoden 2). He didn’t know how he could understand it but he could hear it. The fear… the pain… the longing… the hope… It was all in every single note that was produced by your fingertips.
And as the last few notes were gently played on the piano’s keyboard he couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the sight of a lone tear falling down your cheek. You made such a heartbreaking picture that he didn’t even know he had taken a step forward towards you.
His step was what made you look up in surprise and met his wine colored eyes…
You remembered your history lessons about him. The man that had made the Vongola what it was for the next eight generations after taking over. Cruel, ruthless… a man without mercy… You had always viewed him as some kind of demon back then but now… why can’t your heart stop beating as you look into his eyes? Why weren’t his eyes emitting the same demonic glow you see in Xanxus on a good day? Instead this man’s eyes were clear and dark. Turbulent but… human.
He listened to you gasp and for a split second he thought he saw a hint of recognition enter your gaze as you jumped to your feet. But it had gone by the time you bowed in respect and your feet moved to leave.
His soft, gruff command made your feet freeze where they were and turn back towards him in surprise. He couldn’t stop himself from staring at your face and your heart wouldn’t stop beating like a hare escaping from hunting dogs.
You look away in an attempt to hide your face. It was foolish but it was all you could do. It wouldn’t do to accidentally change anything now and alter the future…
“Who are you…?” Ricardo asked wonderingly before noting that he was acting like a bewitched fool. An inappropriate way for a high ranking capo to act. With a move of his hand he took out a gun and glared you down with it. “Talk. Are you some sort of spy?”
“Ricardo, is that you?”
Ricardo didn’t even bother to look at his cousin as Giotto came up beside him. He was much too afraid to pull his eyes away from you. He didn’t know why but he had an awful feeling in his gut that if he closed his eyes for just one moment… you might disappear.
Giotto took one look at the situation before smiling benignly. “Ricardo, I see you’ve met my guest. Hey, this is Ricardo, my cousin. His father married my mother’s sister in case you’re wondering about the difference in coloring. It’s alright, don’t be afraid. He might look scary but he’s actually a pretty decent guy.”
Ricardo withdrew his gun in favor of glaring at his cousin. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Giotto laughed lightly even as he held up his hands trying fend off the imaginary waves of anger from his taller cousin. “Nothing! I just thought it’s easy for people to think you’re a bad guy since you look… well… mean.”
“Hold still.”
“So I can shoot that stupid head of yours.”
“See? This is the reason why girls just don’t take to you.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
They stopped at the sound of your laughter. Soft and sweet and genuine. It made Ricardo forget to breathe, his heart was beating way too fast. All he could do was stare at you in wonder.
“You finally laughed.” Giotto commented, smiling in what you could only figure was relief. “I was getting worried. Ricardo, stay for dinner, won’t you?”
Ricardo couldn’t stop himself from being haunted by you from then on. Even as he left the Vongola mansion to tend to his own property his mind would eventually follow the path towards his memories of you. The melody you had played the first time he saw you stuck in his head like a leech and he found himself humming it at odd times whether or not he was alone. He was not even aware that people were starting to look at him strangely because of it.
He normally did not have to go to Giotto’s to get his dinner but he found himself drawn there night after night just to catch glimpses of you. After dinner it had become normal for the Family to ask you to play the piano and he would normally stick to the shadowy corners of the room with Alaude staring at your face as you bent down on the instrument and played it with your magnificent fingers.
He had never thought he would be so fascinated with another person that he would actually find excuses to approach you whenever he was in your immediate vicinity.
Joining you for walks in the garden. Grocery shopping. Even the smallest errands. Despite Giotto’s remarks he was thrilled that you weren’t afraid of him. He enjoyed your presence greatly and so much that he gave you strict instructions to call for him whenever you had to run an errand outside the mansion.
But you knew getting closer to him than this would only spell tragedy for the both of you. What goes up must come down and you did not know how long you would be stranded here in this time for. For all you knew the Decimo was already pressuring the Bovino to find ways to get you back since he was such good friends with your father. So you kept the future Secondo at arm’s length. Even though every beat of your heart wanted to see more of him. Wanted to have him near…
Your obvious rejection upset Ricardo more than he had wanted to admit and one night, as you walked to your room after your nightly performance on the piano, he stepped out and pulled you into the shadows he had been hiding in; kissing you in drunken desperation.
“Ricardo!” you pulled away from his devastating kiss of wine and longing only to have his lips pursue yours again, defying your protests. His arms trapping you in a wanting embrace, never wanting to let go. “Please, stop!”
“Why?” he groaned in despair as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling every bit off essence he could get from your skin. “Why are you pushing me away? Aren’t I good enough?!”
“Please don’t―”
“Can’t you see you’re driving me mad?!” he half yelled, half moaned as he ground himself tighter against you. “No. I don’t care if you’re in love with Giotto. You’re mine. I love my cousin but you’re the one thing I can’t give him!”
“Ricardo, you don’t understand,” you tried to explain. Your heart feeling as though shards of glass were stuck in it. Wanting to hold him close but your reasons won’t let you. “I’m not in love with Giotto but―”
He fished something in his pocket and all of a sudden your eyes widened at the feel of something cold and heavy being slipped onto your left ring finger. You stared in wide eyed shock at the glistening gold band decorated by a large opal and small diamonds now marking your hand. The sight of it made your heart ache even more with despair.
“I can’t take this―”
“Don’t take it off.” Ricardo ordered. His words hard as granite and as resolute as the steel in his eyes. His gaze reflecting a resolve that you had only read about in books. And it was now being centered on you. “I don’t care what you say. You are going to be my wife.”
And he proved that. For days after that he made sure you wore his ring. Whenever he found that you had not done so he would march you right into your room to fetch it and personally put it back onto your finger. It happened so many times that you eventually got tired of it and just wore the ring to make him stop dragging you around. But you never mentioned accepting his proposal. Sadly Ricardo took your silence as permission.
The wedding was already being planned when the mansion was attacked by an enemy Famiglia. Elena was shot right before your eyes and even as you tried to help her a familiar black hole appeared at your back and sucked you out of harm’s way. You returned to your own time in tears; your heart broken in more ways than one. No matter what anyone did no one could stem your sorrow and refused to answer any of their questions. No one even dared ask about the ring on your finger.
When you had enough strength to stop crying and looked into the Vongola record books again you turned back to the entry about the Vongola’s first generation. Nothing had been changed in the records; everything had stayed the same.
The Bovino, in an act of remorse, sent Lampo’s diary over to you. Along with a music box made of lacquer and tortoiseshell with a note attached saying the music box came with the diary. Listlessly you opened the diary first and read the treasures of history that had been your whole life before the incident happened.
What you discovered there made you break out in a fresh slew of tears.
Lampo’s entry had crushed her soul.
“--Ricardo had loved Giotto with all of his heart. I had always believed there was nothing that could have ever destroyed their bond as a family. But after what happened that night… That night when Elena died and Ricardo’s fiancé disappeared… Ricardo was never the same again.
It was as though he had gone mad. He couldn’t stop blaming Giotto for what happened. Giotto himself was not surprised when Ricardo organized the coup and took over the Vongola. That man… That Ricardo… He changed into an angry, bitter man… The only form of sentimentality left to him was a music box he would constantly listen to whenever he was alone. I stole it thinking I should protect it from Tierzo who had hated Ricardo and would destroy all of the Secondo’s things given the chance. This music box... Ricardo had kept listening to it… until the day he died…”
Blinded by tears and with trembling fingers your hand opened the music box that came with the diary… and heard the song you had played the first time he met you…
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
admin aldeheid’s prompt 2:
Ryohei gets drugged on a mission and unintentionally falls in love with the partner who takes care of him during his high.
Dear Ryohei needs more love, don’t you guys think?
~admin Adelheid
Ryohei curled in on himself as his whole body felt as though it had been lit on fire knowing full well he had no one else to blame about his suffering but himself.
You had tried to stop him from acting so rashly but true to his nature he still tried to protect you with his body and punched through the oncoming projectile that had threatened you the moment your presence was discovered on the enemy’s territory. He was not going to let his partner get hurt; not on his watch. But instead of the explosion and fire he was expecting from the projectile shot he attacked like a dog chasing a frisbee the boxer found himself enveloped in a sort of blue gel-like thing.
The both of you had succeeded in destroying that hidden laboratory that Foundation had said was some sort of secret drug factory operating on Vongola’s territory and then went back to the hotel. The both of you had barely ridden the elevator to the penthouse suite before you had to help him walk; putting his arm over your shoulder for support and practically dropping him on his bed.
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Ryohei could hear the worry in your voice as you asked him questions; trying to look for a way to help him. He stilled when he felt the softness of your hand on his bare forehead. “Please, talk to me, Ryohei... I don’t know what to do.”
But the boxer couldn’t speak. Not with the horrifying realization of exactly just what kind of drug was being developed in that laboratory now that he had first-hand knowledge of it. Because, to Ryohei’s horror, he felt his entire being becoming overly sensitized. As though his entire body was scraped bare and now every single touch felt unbearably sensual. Even as you ran your fingers over his temple he had to bite back the groan in his throat that was itching to be release at the arousal your slightest touch was giving him.
Trying to save face and save you from his twisted, drug influenced desires the Vongola Sun Guardian knocked your hand away and practically crawled to the bathroom. Shutting the door he hurriedly turned on the shower at its most chilling temperature, unbuckled his belt and began stroking himself almost violently; trying desperately to muffle his groans by biting into his fist as he did so.
But no matter how many times he came it seemed as though it was never enough. His arousal just would not go down.
“What…” he groaned as he continued to seek release through the stroking of his hand. “What is going on?! What’s happening to me…?!”
You were puzzled by Ryohei’s reaction and the rudeness he had just displayed. All throughout your mission together he had been nothing but a complete gentleman. He was loud but he was always nice. It was as though no matter what happened nothing dark could touch him and make his light wane. His compassion worried you, though. It made it too easy to manipulate him.
Deciding to read the paperwork that had been your main objective when you got to the lab to begin writing your report you opened up your laptop and started reading off the data for the drug that was being developed in the place you had both just destroyed. What you read made your jaw drop to the ground and further learning more about it made you look towards the bathroom in horror.
Ryohei had not been out since he went in there.
You bit your nails weighing your options. You can call someone from HQ and have them send a doctor immediately but… you doubted Ryohei would appreciate the audience. Besides, it may take too long for them to send someone who was qualified. But if you didn’t do that the only other choice would be…
Ryohei was already feeling faint and in pain when he heard you knock on the bathroom door.
“Ryohei…? Can I come in?”
“GO AWAY!” his yell made you flinch. “DON’T COME IN HERE!”
But even though he was yelling instinctively he was already half out of his mind with lust. There was no telling what he would do to you if you touched him now.
However, despite the danger, you used your guest key to open the bathroom door... And you were treated to the sight of Ryohei already half naked and touching himself like man desperate for some relief. A sight that was guaranteed to make you blush and go away. But you shocked the silver haired man by calmly walking in and taking off your clothes.
“Sit down.” You ordered him as you disrobed.
“W-what are you doing?!” he stuttered as he watched you come closer.
You looked him dead in the eye and even from his feverish state of mind he could see you were serious. “Listen to me. You were doused by an experimental date rape drug. Unless you… unless you do the deed with an actual person who has not touched the drug yet then the effects will drive you insane and eventually it will only cause you pain. Trying to climax by yourself will be pointless; your sweat carries the drug so touching yourself won’t make the... pain go away. You need to let me take care of you.”
“N-no…!” he tried to resist. With all his will, all his honor, he tried to spare you this darkness that had touched him. “I-I won’t! G-go away!”
You pursed your lips and caught his free fist in yours. “Look at yourself! You’re practically half insane! Don’t worry. After you’re better again we can forget this ever happened.”
And then you knelt at his feet, removed his hand from his arousal and slid him in your mouth.
“A-aughhh!!!” Ryohei couldn’t stop himself.
He held onto the back of your head and moved his hips against your mouth, desperate for relief and you tried your best to keep up. When he came in your throat you were choking but you were relieved that the haze of pain you had seen in his eyes earlier was no longer so apparent.
Ryohei had no more energy to resist as you sat him down on bathroom floor and climbed over him. He thrust his hips up and entered you even as you came down to engulf him in your warmth…
The rest of the night felt like a ride through a storm as you allowed him to take you over and over again with such passion and eagerness you forgot you were doing this to save him life in the first place.
The morning after he woke up on the bed with a horrible headache. But his attention was caught by the calming scent of coffee and the clink of china being placed on the nightstand beside his head.
“Good morning.” You greeted him quietly, not looking him in the eye and left the coffee there before turning away and sitting at your laptop. “You should drink that. According to the information on the drug caffeine should help with the headache. I had breakfast delivered so you can just take whatever you want from the trolley.”
Ryohei couldn’t stop staring at you as he obediently sipped at his coffee. You were fully dressed and were acting as though nothing had happened. It was true that he had been lust crazed by the drug but he had been conscious enough to know that last night was… He had never thought you would be the kind to be so passionate in bed. You had always been so professional and polite in your dealings with him whenever you were set to be partners so he never really saw you as a sexual person but…
He could still hear your moans in his ear… Feel your skin in his hands… He remembered how your hips moved over his as you lost control over your own desire…
To be crude it was the best sex he’d ever had.
“Is there something wrong?” Ryohei was startled out of his own musings at your question and he blinked at the worry in your eyes as you continued to watch him. You then stood up and came to him, touching his forehead and looking into his eyes searchingly. The boxer tried to find the sensual animal that had been with him last night in your eyes but the only thing he could see there was polite concern. Did he just dream it all then? “You look okay but it would be best if you had a doctor look at you.”
Ryohei tried to respond that he was alright but he caught sight of the marks he had left on your collarbone the night before, half hidden beneath your blouse and his heart started beating far too fast. Your scent was driving him insane. The strength of his want for you despite your casual and respectful display of concern shamed him making him feel as though he had taken advantage of you.
“Don’t.” you said firmly, making the boxer look up at you in surprise. “You saved my life and I just saved yours. As far as I’m concerned, we’re even. We forget about this. It never happened.”
The words should have relieved him... but it just made him feel empty as he fought off his disappointment at your declaration.
When the mission was over the Vongola Sun Guardian tried to see other people and work off his restless desire that made him relentlessly think of you. He had thought it was a leftover of the drug’s after effects so the doctor told him that if that were the case then he should just fuck other women until the thing was out of his system for good.
But whenever he tried to even strike a conversation with someone he would normally sleep with his mind would keep going back to you. It made him wonder what you were doing all the damn time. His dreams would be riddled by your scent and the sounds you made as he thrust inside you. At random times he would be beset by your smile and the concern you always showed him making sure he ate enough and that he wasn’t taking on too much of the work despite what he said about being able to do anything and everything.
Now that he thought about it you were quite unlike other people he had been partnered with. Whenever he was partnered with a lower ranking Family member they would always leave everything up to Ryohei, trusting that his status as Guardian was enough of a guarantee for a successful mission. But you had always done your part. You never allowed him to do more than what he could. He realized missions were easier whenever he was partnered with you.
How could he have been so blind when there was treasure right in front of him?! Sometimes he really hated being so dense.
Ryohei was struggling about what to do about his newfound realizations when he ran across you one day as he made his way through the mansion from a meeting with the other Guardians. Thrilled beyond his wildest imagination he was about to call out a greeting when he saw another guy come over and share a laugh with you. You looked up at this man with a tenderness that he did not like at all.
Something twisted in his chest. Have you ever laughed like that with him?
Suddenly, fear and need seemed to explode in his gut. Fear that he might be too late and that you might already have someone else and the need to be near you again. Even if it’s just to inhale the scent of your hair. Even if it’s just to feel the warmth of your skin.
He caught your wrist and dragged you in an unoccupied room, ignoring the other man who was with you. Throwing you on a desk he buried his face against your chest even as he fit himself between your legs, ignoring your protests and questions and surprise.
“You know I think…” he felt dizzy as all his senses took you in. He felt like a thirsty man finally given a well of fresh clear water to drink from. He didn’t think he had ever felt this calm in a long, long while. It was now or never and all he could do was pray you will not refuse him. “I think we need to talk…”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Scene for Tsuna leaving his s/o and said s/o retaliated back by marrying another mafia boss and they've become enemies - they attacked vongola hq later and s/o was killed by one of the enemies. Haha. *rolls away* - Anon Onigiri
- To Anon Onigiri
You sure know how to rip us admins apart, don’t ya?
-Admin Adelheid
“Good evening, Don Vongola,” the enemy don purred, thepromise of triumph making the light in his eyes manic. “Sorry for barging inlike this.”
Outside, gunshots and shouts could be heard around the IronFort, ruining a quiet and peaceful evening. And even as the Vongola Boss sat there, resting calmly in his chair infront of the window seemingly without a care in world, the helipad sitting onthe roof right across from his office was blown to bits by a rocket launcher; lighting thenight even more brightly by fire and metal and the pungent smell of gasoline and preventing any hope of escape. Theexplosions reflecting fire and destruction on his hair seemingly swaying alongwith the chaos around him making look like a man riding calmly through atempest from the eye of a storm.
But only Tsuna knew the picture he presented was merely aruse.
The sight of the man who had intruded on his privacyreminded Tsuna of the nausea he felt when he received the invitation to yourwedding. Even now he could taste the bile climbing up his throat. Even now hischest heart at the very thought of you chained to this man. He could stillremember the repulsion he felt whenever he was reminded that this was the manwho had you every night since. Whispered sweet nothings in your ear and paradedyou in his arm public.
How many times had he contemplated on having the manassassinated? How many times had he considered having the man executed? In hisdreams he had killed this man over and over again in various and different ways…
And yet he held back because he wanted you happy. Even nowhe held back still even though memories of your short time together had barely kepthim sane.
Tsuna moved to look at the enemy don from the corner of hiseye with deceptive disinterest and again he wondered. Did you truly love thisman? He had to wonder. Even without the Hyper Intuition he could not find ashred of anything decent in this person you called a husband. “So it’s you,after all.”
“What? You’ve suspected?” the enemy don replied, smirkingsheepishly as he shrugged. “I was pretty sure my acting was convincing. Lookslike I was wrong.”
Tsuna sent him an amused half smile. “It really doesn’tmatter how much cologne you swim in. A rat’s a rat no matter how you smelled.It’s evident by the way you’ve chosen to attack me the moment you heard thatnone of my Guardians will be here tonight.”
“What, are you bitter about me knowing about that?!” theenemy don laughed out loudly. “You didn’t think you had everyone tied aroundyour little finger, didn’t you? Tch. I’m notthe only one who thinks it isn’t fair for Vongola to hold so much power. Evenpeople from your inner circle thinks you don’t deserve to be on the throne youhad inherited from the Ninth. And who can blame them? Just look at you! Pathetic. You disgust me.”
The mention of the inner circle did not faze Tsuna. Even nowhe could not win all of them over. How could he? Each and every one was amember of an old set of Mafia who thought Italy belonged only to the Italians.They did not care one bit if he had Italian blood.
“I see.” Tsuna nodded calmly, though. He had suspected thatsome of the Vongola’s inner circle may still be bitter about a foreignerinheriting the title he never wanted. Curiously he felt no betrayal aboutfinding out about this. If anything he felt hollow. It was just how it is. Apart of the cesspool he was living in. “Still, this is a bit showy, don’t youthink? Surely attacking like this means you’re declaring war against each andevery member of the Alliance closest to me. They will not keep quiet aboutthis. Your Family may be big in the Middle East but we hold Europe in ourhands. This will not go unnoticed.”
“Pft, we have a minor Family ready to frame up when thingsgo south side. It took me years toplan all this! Why did you think I had my father get close to you before Ikilled him to take over the Family? We’ll make it look like we came here to tryand help you but arrive too late. Then we’ll make our way into the otherFamiglias and win their trust before we destroy them all from the inside one byone. Starting with that goddamn Xanxus.”
“I can’t say I blame you for wanting to start with Xanxus,”Tsuna sighed a little before smiling an unnervingly fond smile. “The Varia wouldchase after you rather than wait like me. But then again there is something I wanted to know. And Iguess I just found the answer.”
“What?” the enemy don asked in confusion, cocking his headto the side over the gun he still held towards the Vongola don.
“You have my thanks.” Tsuna lifted his face up, his smilemelting off and stared at the enemy with eyes glowing golden in the dark filledwith such power they all had to take a step back as fear suddenly gripped themin the chest.
And when Tsuna started to stand up that fear was multipliesby a hundred times over as the room was overcome by the rumored terror emittedby the sheer presence of the Vongola Decimo.
“Y-you…” the enemy don whimpered and backed away until hecouldn’t take the pressure of Tsuna’s approaching presence anymore and startedto shoot blindly. “YOU DON’T SCARE ME, MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!”
Tsuna’s eyes widened as you ran into the room, witnessingthe scene only to be shot by your husband’s random bullets. Distracted, he ranto catch you in his arms as you fell to the floor, blood already spilling onthe marble beneath you.
The enemy don was momentarily shocked at the sight of youbut the moment he saw Tsuna go after your falling body he thought to take theopportunity and aim his gun at the Vongola Boss again.
Only to be knocked out cold by a steel tonfa wielded by avery pissed off Cloud user.
“This is the reason why you used CEDEF to gather informationinstead of the Foundation?” Kyoya snarled as he looked down coldly on the manwho had dared attack his Boss. “Of all the foolish, reckless, irresponsible thi―”
“Kyoya!” the sudden urgency plea in his Boss’ voice cut theCloud Guardian’s outburst short and make his eyes turn towards his Sky. Hefrowned as he watched Tsunayoshi hold you tightly against his chest. It was asthough he hoped to save you just by holding onto you. “Where’s Ryohei? CallRyohei here!”
Kyoya frowned but pulled out his cellphone. He knew theirSun was nowhere near at that point but surely a Sun user should be nearby. Fromwhat he had learned Tsunayoshi had made sure all his Guardians were out of themansion to provoke this enemy don to attack him. The Vongola Boss had beensuspecting treachery from the man for a long time now and must have tired ofthis game of cat and mouse. But as he looked at the pale, broken face of theman he called his Boss Kyoya couldn’t help but wonder if that had been all.
He nodded at Kusakabe to carry the unconscious enemy don outthe room before glancing own at the Sky user once more, allowing himself tofeel pity for the man whose destiny seemed to always watch his sacrifices beworth nothing when it came to the people he cared for the most and then steppedoutside the room himself.
The price for Sawada Tsunayoshi’s power was steep indeed.
“Tsuna…” he looked down at your tired face when youwhispered to him. His heart ached at the sound of your voice calling out hisname. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know… I wanted to stop… him…”
“Shhh!” he pleaded, still cradling you close, trying to pullout what meager Sun Flames he had control over to try and help heal you. “Whatwere you thinking?! You shouldn’t be here!”
You turned your head to bury your nose in his suit andbreathed in the scent of him. The scent of him that had made you dizzy andgiddy and happy all those years ago. You smiled even as it brought tears toyour eyes. “I hated you so much when you left me. Looking down on me like that.I married him so I can show you… I can be a Mafia Boss’ wife. So I can show you…I could be the one you’re looking for…”
“Idiot. Did you think it didn’t break me when I told you itwas over?” Tsuna hissed at you with gritted teeth as he buried his face in yourhair, making his head dizzy at the scent of you and his chest ache when hismind registered that that scent was tainted by the scent of your blood. “I leftyou because I didn’t want you to live this kind of life! Do you see what kindof world I’m living in? It’s not a world you deserve! Didn’t you realize yet? I left you because I loved you!”
But you could barely hear him. Your sight was alreadydimming and the blood felt as though it were rushing from your head. And evenas your senses left you, you smiled at the feel of his warmth as he held youclose. You were happy at the sight of his face so near as you lost your sightas you sighed your last words. The same words you uttered when you watched himwalk away all those years ago. “Tsuna… Take me… with you…”
Tsuna muffled an agonized groan in your hair as he felt youbreathe your last. As you died with your eyes wide open. He cried like awounded animal on the very edge of dying. He cried like a man who had lost bothlegs. Through his repeated growls of pain his tears mingled with yours and as hefelt your body turn cold there was only one thing he could whisper in hishoarse, abused voice.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I can’t save you…”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
fav thing about mafia? old school arranged marriage and status issues x100 pick any 3 bosses who didn't want to marry the girl they love due to her lower status but then they find out someone is tryin to arrange marriage her and completely lose it and just take her for themselves
admin adelheid
Byakuran knew for a fact that society isnot kind. By all rights and purposes he could take his pick marrying anyone hewanted, including you. But your parents would never agree.
As law abiding citizen your parents havethreatened to kill themselves if you married a Mafia man so he forced himselfto keep his distance.
He longed for you, though. You were theonly person who had ever seen him as a human being. Not as a God or the Devil.
Your treatment stung his pride but gave himfreedom in a strange but pleasant way.
When he hears about the engagement he wouldbe furious as hell. The cold smile on his face would give his Funeral Wreathsnightmares for endless days to come.
He would order the man’s family investigated.No stone will be left unturned.
Of course he’ll learn your fiancé belongsto a prosperous clan. Your parents would never have agreed to marry you off tosomeone less.
Byakuran will then systematically takesteps in breaking down your fiance’s family fortune until he and his family isleft penniless.
He then meet with the man and gives him anoffer he can’t refuse.
You are then surprised when you learn your fiancéhas backed out of the engagement much to the fury of your parents.
Byakuran then steps in to save the day andproposes to save your dignity by marrying you.
Your parents were so ashamed and furiousabout your fiancé jilting you they had no choice but agree.
He loved. Had always loved you since youwere children. But you were the maid’s child and he was his father’s only sonexpected to marry well. He could not disappoint his don.
When he heard someone had offered youmarriage his whole world fell apart around him.
Married? How are you getting married? Surelythey were joking, right. That’s right; the world was joking and it wascurrently playing a dangerous prank at him.
Dino had to sit heavily in his chair andlean into the backrest to stop his head from spinning. Over and over the words ‘Thiscannot be right.’ Spinning around and around his head.
Ignoring everything else he couldn’t stophimself from sneaking into your rooms that night to find you getting ready forbed.
He would confront you about it and demandto know if you loved this man.
Since you knew how far apart your stationsin life were since the very start you had no choice but to say yes.
He would go insane despite himself. Insanewith jealousy and envy and so much anger at the way things were he almost forcedhimself on you then and there.
If only your mother did not knock on yourdoor.
That night Dino would approach his fatherand drunkenly open up to him about his feelings for you. About how much heloved you; how much he loved you.
The elder Don Cavallone loved his son. HisDino. He never knew he was making the boy suffer this much all this time suppressinghis feelings.
The next morning your parents are surprisedwhen they received a formal marriage proposal from the elder Don Cavallone.
He was asking for your hand in marriage onbehalf of his only son.
Your original fiancé was so scared he leftwithout a word.
Dino couldn’t get a ring on your fingerfast enough.
All his life he had pledged and raisedhimself to be the perfect son. A worthy heir for the Vongola’s throne. That waswhy he made himself blind when it came to you the moment he realized you were athreat to his feelings.
He treated you like you were not there but healways noted your every move from the corner of his eyes. As his personal maidit was hard not to.
Over time he became your silent protector.Threats to you were removed before they were even conceived.
His obsession for you was eclipsed only byhis obsession for the Vongola throne and everyone in the Varia knew it. For hissake they all pitched in to protect you in their own ways.
So when he heard you were sent home becauseof the arranged marriage your parents had set you up with he had first wentweak in the knees before his Wrath burst forth and he went berserk.
The staff didn’t even deemed it fit to tellhim you were going home that day and instead already set him up with areplacement. A replacement he had nearly killed in his rage.
The thought of you in another man’s armswas unacceptable. The thought of anyone doing things to you that he hadever only done to you in his dreams and fantasies was too much to bear.
He didn’t care if his Varia were followinghim. Mammon had already obtained the address of the country inn where you wouldbe meeting your fiancé for the first time and Xanxus quickly made his waythere.
He found you and the man taking a pleasantnight time stroll in the inn’s gardens while both your parents wereentertaining each other inside.
Xanxus couldn’t help himself. He steppedout of the shadows and put a gun to your fiancé’s head terrifying the man intowetting himself.
You beg him to spare your fiancé and Xanxusagreed only if you kissed him.
Blushing you agreed and as you did hisobsession was realized as held you to him with all the need he had kept insidehim all these years.
Secreted away as his mistress, you werenever seen again.
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
HEY GUYS!! How about some Hibari, Alaude and Xanxus with a very fiesty s/o that gets really shy when someone flirts with them? (they are not used to their boyfriend treating them so nicely so they just clam up and blush)
admin Adelheid
“OBJECTION! Your Honor, it is quite obviousthe prosecution is merely grasping at straws at this point. I move you give usa verdict if the prosecutor’s panel fails to provide any new evidence that will pointtowards my client as the murderer in this crime!”
“He’s guilty and we both know it!” the prosecutor screamed at you.
“No we don’t,” you shot back looking him directly in the eye. “If we did then we wouldn’t be holding this trial. Your Honor, I move to pass down the verdict.”
The judge sighed and the prosecutor slammedhis fists into his table but at the end the gavel struck the wood and the verdictwas declared.
“Not Guilty.”
You held back your sigh of relief beforereceiving your client’s thanks, gathered your files and left, declining your client’s offer to celebrate. You steadilyignored the glares the prosecutor’s desk was stabbing your back with. You sighwhen you saw the time. It looks like you were about to do battle with rush hourtraffic again today. What a pain. You were tired and sore and it’s been a monthsince you’d had a proper meal because of this case. And now the day wasn’t evenover.
You blinked when an unfamiliar man blockedyour way to the parking lot but you relaxed when you noticed the all toofamiliar pompadour he was sporting.
“Excuse me,” he bowed to you respectfully. “Willyou follow me to the rooftop?”
What the hell was Kyouya thinking? But thenagain you were curious so you followed his obvious subordinate to thecourthouse roof. You gaped at the helicopter waiting for you there, ready totake off.
“I’ll take care of your car so pleasegive me the keys. Your ride is waiting.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” you mumble asyou were toward it. Seeing Kyouya waiting inside made the whole thing evenmore surreal. “Kyouya…? What’s all this about?”
He gave you a slight smirk as he pulled youinside, keeping you close as he whispered in your ear. “You’ve been knee deepin this case for a month, I knew you’d be closing the case today. I thought it would be nice if you didn’t have to tireyourself out in the middle of rush hour. Besides… I missed you.”
Your blush exploded in a rush from yourneck up at his words and you push him away with a flustered hand. Your mouthopened and closed as you try to find the words to throw back at him and hemerely smirked as he kissed you on the cheek. Your courtroom eloquence deserted you at the sight of his genuine amusement.
Not that you don’t appreciate it, though.It was exactly what you needed, after all. You hid your smile all the way toKyouya’s mansion.
You wipe at your stinging cheek as youwatched your mother leave the room angrily. You frowned rebelliously at thehappenings of this evening’s escapades. All you did was save the manor’sdaughter from drowning when she accidentally fell in the pool ball gown andall. None of the gentlemen in the place seemed interested in diving after her so you dove in yourself. You’ve saved a life so… what was so wrongwith that?
“You look like a drowned rat.”
You looked up in surprise to see a familiarhead of blonde hair leaning against the wall near the door wearing his usual cold facade.
“How long have you been standing there?”you demanded as you gracefully got back to your feet, dusting it as you did so asto hide the reddening mark on your face.
He ignored your question, a habit that hadalways irritated you about him. “Your mother was right, you know. It’s not goodto bend convention just for your convenience.”
The gentle words made your face hot and youglare at Alaude hatefully. “Just because they engaged me to you in a desperateattempt to get rid of me does not mean you get to tell me whatever you like! Istill don’t trust you, and I will fight this engagement with everything I have!”
He merely stepped closer to you and youbacked away. Never stopping until he had you backed against a wall with hislips practically touching yours. Your face exploded in red at his closeness. “Hn.Your eyes always glow with fire every time you are mad. I wish I could punish your mother for laying hands on what’s mine but… I suppose that will have to wait after the wedding.”
“There will be no wedding!”
He laughed. Short and genuine and it transformed his likeness into something… You actually found attractive. It robbed you both of breath and of speech and made your whole body fall into tingling fire.
“So spirited. You’re so unlike all the others,” His hand moved and you felt him slip somethingin your hair before he stepped away and gave you a smile that made your heartskip a beat for a moment. “But then again that’s the reason why I’m marryingyou.”
As he walked away you reached up to yourhair to figure out what he had pinned there. It felt soft and cool. Lookinginto a mirror you discover it was a single red rose in full bloom.
“Stay still!”
Xanxus almost smirked at your annoyance asyou continue to put some bandages around his torso. He had always loved thatpout on your face whenever you got especially irritated.
“Honestly!” you scolded him even though hecould feel the gentleness of your touch. “What is wrong with you, Xanxus?! I mean walking into a building rigged toblow up? It’s a miracle you’re not dead yet! What were you thinking?!”
He could see how worried you were despitehow much you were scolding him and it warmed his heart that you cared so much. “Quitnagging, I already told you I’m okay.”
“Seriously, why don’t you just die nexttime and save us all the trouble?!” you snarl at his annoying smirk as youtightened the bandages around him painfully. He couldn’t miss how your lower lip trembled even as you spat out your harsh words, however.
“Heh,” Xanxus laughed after his grunt ofpain. Grabbing your hand and pulling you to him despite his injuries. “If Idid that then how else am I gonna see you all worried about me like this?”
Your blush spread across your face even asyou stare at him motionless in awe. It was so rare to see him laugh with pure happiness instead of the bitterness he had always been so well known for that you forgot your annoyance with him. This was a side of him he only ever showed you.
“Well you look so fucking delicious I can’t help myself.” He continued with another lowrumbly laugh as he pushed you down on the infirmary’s bed. “Let me show youjust how okay I am so you’d stop worrying already.”
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