#About ready to try bedtime myself xD
secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 6: Full Moon
More lee tommy because I am predicatable XD I like to think that things like this would have happened a lot when Tommy was younger, where it was them being playful and stuff with each other.
“Shut up! You’re lying. I’ll tell Phil that-” Tommy whined, looking fearfully up to the moon that had started to peek out from behind the clouds. Wilbur had to be lying, there was no such thing as full moon monsters, Tommy’s sure he would have heard of one if there were, it’s not like having a full moon was a rare thing after all.
Wilbur remained adamant though, “I’m not, go ahead and ask him when he gets home then. He’s not going to be back for at least another few days though, so that isn’t going to help you tonight when they come out.” Tommy glared at the older boy, but Wilbur didn’t seem to feel any of the pain and hatred he was channeling into the stare. “Honestly, I can’t believe you haven’t heard them before. It’s getting late though, so unless you want to come face to face with a full moon monster you better get off to bed.”
Now, Tommy was grown, he was already eleven, and he wasn’t going to be afraid of some made-up monster. It was decided then, “No.”
“No? What do you mean, no?”
Tommy folded his arms across his chest and stuck his chin out. “I’m staying up, and I’ll fight this so-called ‘full moon monster’, that is if it’s real, which it isn’t!” He said in his big man voice he’d been practicing. “And then you’ll have to admit you were lying.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes at the younger blonde. “Alright then, you’ll see here in about another thirty minutes then. They only come out after the sun’s fully set.”
Tommy shifted to look back through the glass, eyes rolling over the open fields and through the sparse trees. He knew Wilbur had to be lying, but he also was expecting Wilbur to put up more of a fight against it. Thirty minutes was a long time to wait.
He turned when he heard Wilbur shuffling around, getting up and walking to the hallway where both of their bedrooms were. “Where are you going?” He asked, voice definitely not sounding more afraid. There was nothing to be afraid of, but if Wilbur was leaving Tommy out to wait by himself then-
“I’m just getting ready for bed. I’ll be back out in a minute, wouldn’t want the monsters to actually get you. Phil’d be pretty cross with me if I let that happen.” He said over his shoulder, not bothering to turn towards Tommy or stop on his way down the hall. “Be back out in a few minutes.”
And so Tommy waited with bated breath, though he wasn’t sacred. No, of course he wasn’t. And then ten minutes went by, and the sun sunk lower. And after twenty there was only a sliver of light left, and Wilbur stumbled back into the room dressed in his pajamas, trying to convince Tommy one more time to go to bed. “You can do this next full moon if you want, but I really just want to sleep, Toms. Come on, it’s already past your usual bedtime.” But Tommy shook his head, eyes flickering to the glowing circle in the sky. “‘M not even tired yet Wilby. You can go to bed, I’ll wait for the monsters by myself.”
Wilbur huffed, sitting down so that he and Tommy were both twisted to look through the window. “I can’t let you do that all by yourself. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
And so they waited for the sun to disappear entirely, Tommy starting to lean ever so slightly into Wilbur’s side, and for the first time in months not putting up a fight when the older wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Then the only light source in the house were the lanterns dangling from the ceiling.
There was quiet, the only sounds left were the wildlife buzzing gently outside, and Tommy’s own breathing which fogged up the glass which separated them.
“Did you hear that?” Wilbur’s voice whispered suddenly in his ear. Tommy jumped, half turning to look at his brother’s eyes.
Anxiety churned in his stomach. “What? I didn’t hear anything?” He said, trying to sound braver than he felt.
“They’re here Tommy. I-I think there might be one in the house.”
Tommy whipped around fully, shifting so his back was against the wall and his legs half tangled over Wilbur’s lap. “What do you mean? I didn’t even hear anything, and how would they have gotten in? It’s only just gotten dark, and the doors are locked, we checked.”
“Oh, there’s one in here for sure, Tommy,” Wilbur repeated, grabbing Tommy’s hands tightly. “And he’s ready for his victim.”
Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed, looking around the room distrustfully. “Wilby, wha- Ah! H-hehey, nohoho”
Wilbur moved both of Tommy’s hands into one of his own, using his free to squeeze at his side. Tommy couldn’t even feel anything but relief for a moment, realizing that Wilbur just thought he was funnier than he really was. “Nohot fair! Wihilbehey, stohop it.”
Tommy tried to squirm away from the offending hand, but couldn’t get far in the cramped window space. “Wilby? Who’s Wilby? I’m the full moon monster, coming to tickle little boys who don’t believe and try to stay up past their bedtimes. Hmm, now here’s the perfect boy in need of a reminder not to be a nuisance, do you want to know what full moon monsters do?”
Tommy couldn’t believe what he was hearing, well, he could, but he didn’t want to. “Ihi’m not a nuhusahance! Shuhut up, you’re nohot fuhunehey Wihill.”
Will carried on as if Tommy didn’t say anything, moving from squeezing his side to spidering across his stomach and sneaking under his shirt when he could. “Monsters like myself, we feed off of laughter and smiles, which means that ticklish gremlins such as yourself make the perfect candidate for a feast. Now, where is going to get the best reaction? Your belly here seems like a good spot, doesn’t it?”
Tommy kicked out when the scribbling feelings that made tingles shoot through his veins switched to a familiar and deadly claw digging into the soft squishy parts of his middle. Much to Wilburs amusement, he couldn’t seem to control his reactions, letting a high-pitched squeal slip past.
“IHEHE- Wihilbehey! Nahat there! Ihit tihickles,” Tommy managed through his cackly laughter. Wilbur just shook his head though.
“Good, it’s meant to tickle! I knew this would be a good spot too, look at that reaction. You can barely talk at all. If you don’t want me to tickle here though, I guess you could tell me where you want me to move.” He teased, chuckling along with Tommy, though straightening up after a second to get back in character. “Any spot in mind then?’
Tommy’s felt his cheeks heating up, shaking his head and trying to lean over the edge of the window seat, though Wilbur was doing a pretty good job at keeping him in place. His entire body felt like a limp noodle, he couldn’t pull or push Wil away at all.
His breath caught in his throat, and even though Wilbur was enjoying the slight bullying he slowed down to let Tommy recover, keeping his fingers fluttering around his neck just enough to keep him giggling and soft.
“Does the boy have a spot in mind then, or is he ready to listen to his older brother and get ready for bed now that the moon is so high in the sky?”
Tommy leaned into Wilburs hand slightly, not quite able to force the complacent smile off his face. “Yohou’re an idiot.”
Throwing Tommy an unamused look Wilbur reached down to vibrate his hand into Tommy’s ribs, sending the preteen jolting forward and collapsing into his chest. It wasn’t long before Tommy’s laughter had gotten to be a bit more on the wheezier side, and he finally gave in.
“Ihi’ll go toho behed! Stahap, stahapihit! Plehe- Wihilbuhur! Yohou win!”
Wilbur brought his palm flat against Tommy’s ribs, rubbing out the feeling and finally letting go of his wrist in favor of combing his fingers through his blonde curls. “Alright then, that wasn’t that difficult now was it.”
Tommy groaned into his collarbone, not bothering to give a proper response.
“Fine, fine. Let’s just get you to your room then, at least this way you’ll be worn out enough to sleep all night.”
Tommy thought he probably was right, his whole brain felt a bit fuzzy now, and Wilbur had to practically guide him into his bed. The older tucked him in, reaching over and switching his lamp off. “Good night, Tommy. I’ll see you in the morning, alright.”
“Mhm,” Tommy hummed into his pillow, curling himself up into a comfy little ball. “Night, see you t’morrow.”
Wilbur clicked the door shut behind him, and Tommy was once again alone. He peeked his eyes open blearily, rubbing away the ghost memories of fingers on his stomach when he found the moon staring back at him through his bedroom window. “Stupid full moon, stupid monsters.” He mumbled, before letting himself sink into the warmth of his bed, closing his eyes to get away from the offending ball in the sky.
He wouldn’t be able to get away for long though, because his dreams were filled with adventures of moon monsters chasing him all around the house.
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
Home [Harry Potter]
Requests closed! Based on this request by nonnie : id like to request a harry x gryffindor reader. its the yule ball and harry wants to ask y/n. but the other boys are all over her and he barely gets a chance. so basically y/n is cho but she says yes XD
Summary: Harry recalls a time when he wanted to ask y/n to the ball but couldn't gather the courage to ask her out.
Pairing: dad!Harry Potter x female reader
A/n: I think this is my favourite Harry fic I've written! Im a sucker for dad!Harry, basically any Harry. I just love that man.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Word count: 1.9k words
Memories are in italics
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It was bedtime on a snowy January night in the Potter household as Harry Potter tucked his oldest into bed. James, only eight years old, was an energetic young boy. He wasn't ready to sleep yet and he was determined to stay up. The only way he could do so was if his father told him a bedtime story.
"Daddy," he started pulling his dad's sleeve, "tell me a bedtime story."
Harry looked down at his son who was trying to look as innocent as possible. "James, it's time for bed."
"Please daddy!" He gave his best puppy dog expression, his eyes the same as the woman harry loved most, and Harry melted. Both mother and son knew how to use their eyes to their advantage.
"Alright fine, call Albus and Lily and I will tell you a bedtime story."
James excitedly jumped out of bed and brought his siblings into his bedroom.
"Alright kids, what bedtime story do you want to hear?" Harry sat down on the bed beside the three children. "Tell us about the first time you had a date with mummy!" Albus said and lily and James nodded in enthusiasm.
"Alright then. So the first time we went on a date was when we were in our fourth year in Hogwarts. Remember the time I told you about the wizard tournament I was in?..."
The triwizard tournament, a disaster for Harry. He had unwillingly got thrown into a game he wanted no part of. He managed to complete the first task but the hardest part was yet to start. He needed to find a date for the Yule ball. In his opinion fighting a dragon was easier than asking a girl out.
He knew who he wanted to take but he was yet to gather the guts to ask her. He saw her multiple times over the week but everytime there was a distraction. Whether it was her friends pulling her away or a teacher snapping at him to pay attention. Harry was unable to get to her.
Ron too was struggling, unable to find a date. "Mate, you fought a dragon if you can't get a date nobody can." He told him as they walked through the courtyard of Hogwarts. "Right now, I think I'd take the dragon." Harry sighed. Ron patted his back. Harry's eyes drifted toward the crowd of students, his gaze stopping on her. Y/n l/n, she was the nicest girl in Hogwarts and everyone was her friend. She and Harry were acquaintances, they weren't close per se. Harry had been crushing on her since the end of third year when she helped him in potions.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting on a table doing potions work while everyone around them were talking about their dates to the ball. A boy sitting to Harry's right was whispering to his friend. Harry tried not to listen but potions was boring and he heard y/n's name and his ears perked up.
"Have you heard? David Arden asked y/n to the ball. She turned him down , do you think I have a chance?" He asked hopefully. The boy beside him, the friend he was talking to, scoffed. "She turned down David Arden, he's literally every girl's crush. What makes you think you have a chance? Besides she's turned down all the 5 guys who asked her out this week."
Harry returned to his work. 5 guys asked her out and she turned all of them down? What chance do I have now. He thought to himself. "Ron, do you think y/n will go with me to the ball?" He shook his best friend's shoulder. "You're the boy who lived mate, she'd definitely agree."
"She's turned down 5 boys this week ron! What if she turns me down too." Harry sighed. "You will never know if you don't try." Ron shrugged.
Harry made up his mind he was going to ask her out that evening.
"Did you do it daddy? Did you ask her to the ball?" Little Lily asked excitedly. Albus shushed his sister. "Let daddy finish!" Harry chuckled and continued. "As I was saying..."
Harry kept avoiding the fact that he had to ask y/n to the ball. He made excuses to do it later but the more he delayed it the higher the chance of him not getting to go with her higher.
As he returned from the great hall after dinner, he ran into y/n. The person he wanted to speak to. "Im so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." She apologized. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't looking either." Harry chuckled awkwardly.
"I'll be going then." She smiled, but hesitated a bit. "Hey Harry-" "y/n-" they started at the same time. They laughed. "You go first." She said.
"Uh sure, I uh wanted to ask you if you uh wanted to um gototheballwithme." He stuttered.
"Im sorry, what did you say?"
"Do you want to go to the ball with me?" He said, slowly this time.
"What did she say?? Did she say yes daddy? Did she??" Albus asked this time. "Ofcourse she said yes dummy, they're married!" James said to his brother.
Y/n bit back a smile. "Yes, I'd love to."
Harry felt a blush creep up his neck. "Uh great, that's amazing. Uh what did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me but I guess you beat me to it." She smiled shyly. "I'll be going then, see you soon Harry." She kissed his cheek and walked to her common room.
Harry stood glued to the spot with his hand on his cheek a smile on his face. "You good mate?" Rons voice startled him, snapping him out of his trance. "Im brilliant, never better. I asked y/n to the ball and she said yes! Ron she said yes!" "Good job man, I knew you could do it!" Ron pat his best friend's back.
That night Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face.
"How was the ball dad? Did you have fun?" James asked curiously.
"Oh yes, we had the time of our life."
The day of the ball couldn't come faster. Harry's excitement was uncontrollable. He kept practicing his dance steps and talked to himself in the mirror causing Ron to shake his head and pass comments about Harry being 'whipped'. He didn't mind though, he was whipped.
Finally the day was here. Harry stood at the bottom of the staircase and waited for his date to arrive. He looked around the hall, it was decorated with Christmas decor, snow was charmed to fall, there were icicles on the ceiling and everyone was dressed up in beautiful attire.
As Harry was looking around, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hello Harry." It was y/n. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress. Harry forgot how to speak.
"Did you actually forgot how to speak daddy?" Giggled Lily. "It's a saying lils." James explained to his sister.
"You look beautiful." He finally got out. "Thankyou haz, you look dashing yourself." She poked his chest playfully. Harry blushed at the nickname.
"Potter! There you are. We are waiting for the champions. You dance first." Professor McGonagall said. "Wh-what?" Harry stuttered.
"Yes! Now go on we don't have all night." She hurried both the teens.
"I really can't dance, I'm going to make a fool of myself." Harry whispered to y/n. "It's alright, just follow my lead." Harry nodded in relief.
As the champions entered the hall, Harry's grip on y/n:s hand tightened. She squeezed back to comfort him. Everyone's eyes were on them and Harry was feeling self conscious. They stood on stage and Harry placed his hands on y/n's waist and she on his shoulders. "It'll be fine." She mouthed. Harry nodded. His hands were getting clammy and his mouth dried.
The music started playing and all the champions started to waltz to the sweet melody. Both if them swayed to the music and Harry spun her around. He was starting to enjoy it. At last the dance floor was open to all. The attention was off Harry and he felt much better.
Y/n pulled Harry's hands to a more open space on the dance floor and started dancing to the upbeat song. "Dance with me!" She laughed. Harry looked at her and smiled. They both danced badly at the songs, having the time of their life.
Soon they left the dance floor to go and have some refreshments. "You know, I thought you'd turn me down." Harry said sheepishly. "Why would you think that?" Y/n asked curiously. "Because I heard you turned down 5 boys in the same week and I thought you'd turn me down too." "I turned down the other boys because I wanted to go with you." She placed a hand on his cheek.
"I really like you y/n. Im glad we came together." Harry whispered, his face moving closer to hers, staring into her eyes. "I really like you too haz. Alot." She closed the gap between them.
It was blissful. Harry didn't feel the butterflies that others say happen on your first kiss, it felt like coming home, it felt right. It was perfect. When they pulled away Harry realised that he had found the one he wanted to be with forever.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Harry asked her. "Definitely." Y/n said kissing him once again.
"Ewww." Gagged all the children when Harry mentioned that they kissed. "Daddy has the cooties." Albus said in disgust. "I think it's cute." James said proudly. Harry laughed and ruffled his hair.
"What's going on here?" Y/n entered the room. "Daddy was telling us about the Yule ball!" Lily exclaimed. "Was he now?" Y/n said smiling at her family. "It truly was a great experience. Maybe when you go to Hogwarts you'll have one too!"
"Alright it's time for bed now. Let's get you tucked in." Harry clapped his hands. James settled himself on the bed and Harry kissed his forehead and shit the door. He tucked Albus while y/n tucked lily.
Shutting the door, Harry pulled his wife toward him. "I love you. You've given me three lovely children and the best life I could ever imagine. You stood by md through everything. I don't deserve you." He kissed her forehead.
"Oh haz, you have gone through so much you deserve everything and more and you make me the happiest woman alive. I love you so much." She kissed his lips.
Just like the day of the yule ball, this kiss felt right. Harry was home and he never wanted to leave.
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
I shop at Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, or Aerospatiale.
I am/was a cheerleader.
I'm pretty ditzy.
I wear pink 24/7.
My looks are very important to me.
I can't live without my cell phone.
My hair is always straight.
I say 'like' and 'omigod' a lot.
I laugh 24/7.
I have a million friends.
I always hang at the mall or movies.
I'll only date popular guys.
I listen to rap & pop music.
I have at least one designer bag.
My myspace pics are of me making a kissy face or are mirror pics
It takes me at least an hour to get ready for school in the mornings.
Uggs + Miniskirts = Love
I don't have a job
I wear lots of makeup. (wouldn’t call it lots, though)
I can be stuck up or snobby sometimes.
I flirt with any guy, as long as he's cute.
Total = 5
I cry a lot.
I go to local shows.
I wear black everyday (typically I always have something black on)
I write sad poetry.
I play an acoustic guitar.
My favorite bands include: Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or Panic! at the Disco.
I think about suicide or death often.
People have told me to cheer up.
I cry when I see dead animals.
My myspace/Facebook pics are black or white or angled.
I wear many band shirts.
No one understands me.
I don't talk too often.
I look down when I walk.
I wear black eyeliner.
I have an ex I still cry over.
My hair is black
My hair covers one of my eyes.
I always say 'life sucks'.
Total: 4
I have straight A's.
I wear glasses.
I always do my homework and study.
Lord of the Rings was a massive achievement.
Computer games.
I'm 'teachers pet'.
I've never had a real boyfriend/girlfriend.
I have a bedtime.
I use an asthma inhaler.
I carry a calculator with me.
I bring my lunch to school.
I always follow the rules.
I'm shy around the opposite sex.
I'm always on the computer.
I've never had beer or cigarettes.
I always answer every question in class right.
I correct people's grammar.
I read a lot.
School is very important to me.
I always stump people.
Total: 8
I always speak my mind.
I have 0% of school spirit.
F*ck you, I won't do what you tell me!
I stand up for what I think is right.
On spirit days at school, I wear the rival's colors.
Whenever people are doing something, I do the complete opposite.
I won't listen to authority figures.
I always break the rules.
I refuse to compromise.
I'm always arguing with people.
I love debate.
I always do what's unexpected of me.
I don't give a sh*t what people think of me.
If I watch a cruddy movie in theaters, right after it's over, I'll say 'that sucked'.
I'm not afraid to contradict others.
I only respect my own beliefs.
If I don't want to do something, I won't do it, no matter what.
I laugh at compromising people.
I cheer on the rival's sport team to stand out.
Rules were meant to be broken.
Total: 1
I'm on one or more sport teams.
I always wear my varsity jacket.
I've won awards for my athletic ability.
I will only date popular girls/guys.
School Spirit
I'm going to a college for sports
I watch sports on TV all the time
I'm muscular.
I play sports or exercise at least 3 hours a day.
Go Team!
I'm a chick/dude magnet.
I eat a lot.
I'm egotistical.
I'm too focused on sports to make really good grades.
I sit at the jock lunch table.
All I talk about with my friends is sports.
I go to lots of sports games.
I'm very athletic
I wear sport inspired clothing.
play at least 3 different sports.
Total: 4
I'm funny.
I'm always making jokes.
I interrupt class by making people laugh.
I like to entertain people.
I worship Kevin Smith.
I watch comedies more than anything.
I also watch SNL and Mad TV a lot
I'm sarcastic.
I've been told I'm hilarious.
I always imitate people.
I pull lots of pranks.
I always make sarcastic remarks after everything.
I have to prove myself by being funny.
People expect me to make jokes, always.
I have a lot of pressure to make everyone laugh.
If I don't make jokes, people ask me what's wrong.
Jim Carrey is my idol.
I mostly get along with everybody.
At pep rallies, I'm the one acting crazy and silly.
My teachers or parents tell me I need to focus more on work and less on joking around.
Total: 3
I don't have a lot of friends.
I don't talk too much.
It's not that I'm snobby, I just get nervous when talking to people.
When people say my name, others say 'who?'
I'm pretty sure mostly no one knows who I am.
People have told me I need to talk more.
I only talk when other people talk to me first
I look down when I walk.
I avoid social gatherings, such as games, dances, or parties.
People have tried to help me be more outgoing, but it never works.
I always plan to talk to more people, but I never do.
I sit in the back of the classroom.
I never participate in class discussions.
I hide behind people to avoid being seen sometimes.
I could never be a cashier, talking to strangers.
I talk quietly.
People have called me shy or quiet.
I usually let others decide for me.
If someone is talking about my favorite book or movie in front of me, I don't join in the conversation.
Total: 12
I wear black.
I don't like to be seen.
I'm very, very pale.
I only listen to metal or emo-ish music. (neither of these is goth, mallgoths XD)
I love creepy, weird movies.
I love gothic cartoons and drawings.
I don't like people.
I only go out during the night.
I have black fingernails.
I wear a long black coat.
I also wear big black boots.
'The Crow' is one of my favorite movies.
I only date other Goths.
I love black humor.
I love pain.
People think I'm crazy.
I don't talk to anyone who isn't as deep as me.
I love to scare people
I laugh at teenyboppers.
People are scared of me.
Total: 3
I talk to myself.
I say really random things all the time/have to say it out loud.
I fidget a lot.
I still use a wheeled backpack.
People laugh at me.
I walk really funny.
I have a very different sense of style.
I talk in a robot voice often.
I'll stop whatever I'm doing, and break out in a crazy dance if the mood strikes.
I debate stuff with myself.
I hear voices.
I'm obsessed with aliens and the other planets.
I have a fascination with robots and machinery.
I use really big words no one understands, and they give me weird looks.
I say random lines of babbling that make sense to no one but me.
I dart my eyes from side to side.
I always pretend I'm a robot or other weird non-human thing.
People have no idea why I think the way I do.
I have some very unusual, extraordinary talents.
When people ask me if I like something that's trendy, I pretend to be scared or confused.
Total: 3
I hate/dislike most people.
I prefer to be alone.
When people talk to me, I just give them a death glare.
Actually, most people don't talk to me.
People are freaking idiots and I wish they'd all die.
I live in my room, writing in my diary. On the computer...
I go out my way to avoid everyone.
I never greet anyone.
I despise people who talk too loudly.
I want people to think I'm a freak.
I never talk.
I can't wait to get off this earth.
I always sit by myself at lunch or anywhere else.
I listen to music on full blast on my ipod/mp4 player/headphones to block out the world.
I don't know why I am the way I am.
People have said I'm antisocial.
I use drugs or alcohol to escape the loneliness.
Why bother when people don't like you anyways?
I occupy myself so it won't look like I'm a loner.
I just don't get along with anyone.
Total: 1
I skateboard to everywhere.
If I'm not skateboarding, I carry it with me.
I shop at Pacsun.
I'm obsessed with Tony Hawk.
Oh yeah, and Bam Margera.
I always play skateboarding video games.
I have shaggy hair.
I wear baggy pants.
I wear only skater shoes.
I always wear hoodies. (well, much of the time)
I hang at skate parks 24/7.
I'm always learning new board tricks.
Forget school, I want to be a professional skateboarder.
I've been skateboarding for over 4 years.
I hang with other skaters.
I've been hurt while skateboarding.
I've been in a skateboarding competition.
I wear vans.
Tony Hawks games win.
I've met some of my closest friends at skate parks.
Total: 0
I say 'yo'.
I also say 'fo shizzle'.
I wear extremely baggy pants.
Mah chainz hang low.
I hang with my homies, biotches, and Hoe's
I'm a thug.
I only listen to rap music.
50 Cent is my idol.
I don't give a frick about school.
I steal/have stolen before (as a child lol)
I freestyle.
I breakdance.
Gold chainz is tha way to go, biotch.
I'm white but I act black.
All my heroes are dead rappers.
Tupac is still alive.
I party with all my nigs.
I wear a sideways baseball cap.
I wear hoodies.
I wear converse with the tongue flipped out.
Total: 2
I always steal people's lunch money.
Geeks are afraid of me.
I get in trouble all the time.
I steal people's stuff to be an a**hole.
People have called me a bully.
I have beat someone up before.
I'm always looking for a fight.
I pick on people smaller than me.
I push people out of the way when I'm walking.
I've never been in a relationship before.
People are afraid of me.
People know not to mess with me.
I'm taller than most people my age.
I pick on people for the fun of it.
I make fun of everything anyone else likes.
If anyone crosses my path, they're dead.
People know not to try and stick up for themselves when I'm around.
I'm one of the strongest kids in school.
Even some authority figures are afraid of me.
People get out of my way when I'm walking.
Total: 0
I own at least 2 different video game consoles.
I love Final Fantasy.
DDR & Guitar Hero
I've missed school before because I was trying to beat a video game.
I'm always trying to beat high scores on games.
I even play a lot of computer games.
I play at least 3 hours of video games a day.
My thumbs are sore often.
I spend all my money on new video games.
My boyfriend/girlfriend has to be into video games.
All I talk about is video games.
I've been in a video game competition before
I pay over 30$ a month in online games.
I have bought more than 5 accessories for my console
I know about more than 10 cheats and mods in the game I play most.
I have played at least a complete week in the game I like most.
I wouldn't know what to do in an afternoon without electricity.
My parents often tell the internet is broken or simply disconnect it so I don't spend whole weekends and holidays playing.
I have more than one online account on the same game.
Total: 2
I have long hair.
I wear make up every day.
I carry a purse.
I have to get someone else to come kill a spider.
I paint my nails.
I use perfume.
I keep my nails clean/shaped
I shower regularly
I used to or still do Dance, Gymnastics, or Cheer/Pom
I like to accessorize
I like flowers.
I don't like to be outdoors.
I'm more like my mother than my father.
I like hanging out with girls than boys.
I like going to the mall/shopping.
I watch my weight/ count calories.
I plan outfits ahead of time
People say I have a soft/sweet voice.
I dream about and am already planning my wedding day
I watch dramatic shows on tv, soap operas, reality TV, etc.
Total: 9
I have short hair.
I hate doing laundry.
I like war type video games.
I like playing or watching sports.
People say I have a deep voice.
I'm more like my dad than my mom.
I beat up or tease my younger siblings or friends.
I act tough, it doesn't matter what's going on inside me.
There's only two emotions.
I shower only when I start to notice I stink
I think about the opposite sex a lot.
My room isn't neat.
I bite my nails instead of using scissors/clippers.
My clothes don't match sometimes, but I don't notice or care
I like to play rough with dogs.
I like the movies 300, Transformers, The Dark Knight.
The best way to get the opposite sex to like you is to act like a jerk.
I don't read
I don't ask for help even if I need it.
Total: 3
scored highest on: Shy lmao
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
Valtor and Griffin as a single parent AU! (quarantine has been killing me😭)
Aww, I’m so sorry, hon! And I feel you. I’ve barely been outside for the past 8 days and I’m starting to get antsy myself. I got some things done today that I’ve been putting off for literal months and I felt a bit better but idk how long that will last. Which is why burying ourselves in AUs seems like the best solution. XD
I actually do have an AU (my fashion designer AU) in which Griffin is a single parent to Darcy so I’ll just set these in there when Valtor needs to interact with the 9-year-old girl because of his joined work with her mom.
1. Valtor isn’t charmed when his work with Griffin is interrupted by a little girl running into Griffin’s office. But then he’s shocked when he learns that’s her daughter. He didn’t know she had a daughter. Griffin is a hell beast when it comes to her privacy and she does everything to make sure her daughter’s face, name or even existence won’t end up in all the tabloids. She’s mostly managed to keep the girl away from the media and not everyone in her circles knows that she has a daughter. It is definitely a surprise to Valtor. Even more so when he’s met with a frown and gets stared down by the little girl. Darcy is super protective of her mama because she’s scared of losing her and she does her best to make Valtor leave before Griffin tells her that they have urgent work they need to get done. Darcy only relents when Griffin allows her to stay with them which is about the worst news for Valtor in the situation but she is surprisingly quiet and disciplined and he even forgets she’s there until she compliments him on how well he draws. Valtor can’t quite return the compliment and needs to bite his tongue when he sees her drawing so as to not call it ugly. Griffin notices, of course, and looks grateful that he managed to hold back and not offend her daughter. (there’s more going on in this scene but I’ll keep some surprises for the actual AU (if I can ever get to writing it) since I also haven’t thought it all out yet).
2. Griffin calls Valtor to cancel a work meeting because Darcy isn’t feeling well and she needs to stay home with her. Valtor offers to go to her house and work there and Griffin accepts, not because she’s too comfortable with him but because they really need to work to meet their deadline. Darcy seems rather happy to see Valtor considering her behavior the last time. It turns out it is because she drew him a present and she wanted to give it to him. Valtor expects the same unrefined figures as last time but instead he finds the intricate pattern of the vest he wore last time almost perfectly replicated. Griffin smirks at his stunned expression and he has to admit that Darcy has an eye for details. The kid lights up at that and Griffin has to bribe her with promises of pancakes in the morning to make her go to bed since it’s late and she doesn’t feel well anyway. She shouldn’t have been up at all but she was excited Valtor was coming because she’d wanted to give him the present in person for ages now. Valtor feels oddly flattered before this deep sadness takes over him when Griffin promises she’ll be back as soon as she reads Darcy a bedtime story. He tries not to think about the fact that the only bedtime stories he ever got were those his own imagination would come up with. He might have gotten the inspiration for some of his models from there so he’s glad he had them. Griffin does come back down but she can’t seem to focus when she’s worried for her child and also tired and Valtor tells her to go get some rest and that he’ll work on the dress and they can discuss his progress some of the following days. Griffin thanks him so heatedly that he even starts feeling uncomfortable but he’s still glad he managed to make her feel a bit better (they started out really disliking each other) as it looks like she has enough on her mind already and he has to admit he admires her for always having everything under control when she has so many things to think about.
3. Griffin and Valtor are working at Griffin’s office when Ediltrude calls and starts talking, not even giving Griffin the opportunity to tell her she’s on speaker and Valtor is there. It is Valtor himself who interrupts her but not before he hears that she wants to tell Griffin about some man she’s found who’ll go out with her despite the fact that she’s a single mother to a small child. Ediltrude says she’ll call later to give details and Griffin ends the call after telling her she can keep her details. Valtor isn’t surprised by the poor history of Griffin’s dating life now that she has Darcy - he was more surprised by the fact that Griffin didn’t immediately try to switch the topic and opted to share instead - but it still hit hard to learn that the fact that she’s a mother pushes people away (and he might feel a little guilty because that would have been him, too, if he’d been dating Griffin instead of working with her). Not that she gives him a lot of time to feel sorry for her. She tells him that it’s better that way because her daughter is the most important person to her in the whole world and she’d gladly trade any man she could date for her daughter’s happiness. That also seems to hit Valtor hard when he realizes that he could easily trade all of the people he’s ever been with, too, but he doesn’t have anybody to do that for. He’s all alone. The atmosphere gets heavy and he is more than grateful for Darcy barging in on them again. He’s definitely surprised when Darcy starts begging Griffin to have him over for dinner but he still agrees to go. Even more so when Griffin decides to set the dinner on the day Ediltrude was trying to set up a date for her. And Darcy doesn’t miss to tell him that it’s his turn to bring her a present, making Griffin chastise her for that but he’s actually amused and promises he’ll bring one.
4. Valtor does bring her a present when he comes to visit. It’s a painting of a big purple dragon protecting its little dragon and Darcy doesn’t falter even for a moment before dubbing the mother Griffin and the little dragon Darcy making Valtor laugh and say that that’s exactly what had given him the idea for the painting since Darcy already seems to be fierce just like her mother. Griffin rolls her eyes but still thanks him for the painting and says she’ll hang it in Darcy’s room. They have pizza since Darcy insisted even though Griffin had set out to cook but even Valtor has already learned that when Darcy wants something, she knows how to get it. Griffin did make cookies, though, which Darcy convinces Valtor to try since she was scandalized when she learned he doesn’t eat sweets. He joked that he couldn’t tell if it tasted that good because he couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten something sweet or because Griffin was a miracle in the kitchen and the only reason Darcy didn’t throw a cookie in his face was because she didn’t want to waste the delicious treats on him (and also because Griffin threatened to ground her if she did before she also scolded Valtor for prompting her daughter to start a food fight). Valtor also had some chocolate milk with the cookies per Darcy’s insistence and he could swear he was feeling the sugar poisoning starting to take hold but he still got the cookies Griffin offered to pack him for home. He didn’t think he’d eaten home cooked anything before and they were delicious, after all. He had another shock when Darcy asked him to braid her hair while Griffin was doing the dishes. He didn’t know how so Darcy made them switch so that she was braiding his hair that was long enough for that. Griffin was definitely fighting a laugh when she saw the end result but Darcy was glowing so he did his best not to grumble too much. He had to admit he had a fun and very fresh evening that was very different from anything else he’d done before. And Griffin was saved from the blind date disaster so it was a win for all.
5. Valtor was more than surprised when Darcy showed up in his office one day when she was supposed to be at school. She told him she’d ran away because she needed to ask him something. He called Griffin to let her know Darcy was with him which he was assured was the right thing when he heard how worried she was and how she calmed down when she learned where her daughter was. Darcy did tell him what she’d come for, though, before Griffin came to get her. Griffin apologized for the inconvenience and ushered Darcy out of his office before he managed to tell her it wasn’t a problem. He did get to work on what Darcy wanted, though, and a few weeks later when it was ready, he and Darcy showed it to Griffin. It was a dress that was Darcy’s idea and Valtor’s design and was for the event Griffin and Valtor were working together for. It had flame motifs in indigo that burned into the black fabric littered with gems above them that looked like small stars and the cut on the back made it look like small dragon wings were attached to it. Griffin was absolutely touched and kicked them out to gather herself before officially accepting the dress that she wore proudly at the event, of course. And Valtor felt some of her happiness seep into him and make him feel proud of his work for the first time in years.
Okay, that got long again. I can’t seem to be able to keep these under control. Hope you liked it!
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ahiddenpath · 5 years
Therapy Talk
This is about as trite as it gets, but so far, therapy really has been a journey, and I guess I wanted to share my thoughts?  Sooooo read on if you’re interested in hearing about cognitive behavior therapy.
 The short version, because I’m sure some of you have read it before, is that all kinds of tough stuff has happened to me since 2017.  The job I started in January 2017 is demanding and stressful.  I was injured and more or less immobile for 10 weeks, there was a string of deaths in my family, I was a victim of credit fraud, it’s just been crappy.  When my grandmother passed in summer 2018, whatever was holding me together through everything else... snapped.
I stopped doing the things I enjoy and was perpetually exhausted.  My short term memory began to suffer, until I found myself throwing out dilutions and solutions I made at work over and over, because I couldn’t remember if I had added something to the mix just seconds before.  
There was no single event that pushed me to consider therapy.  A dear friend has been suggesting it for years because of my anxiety and my difficult childhood.  I thought it sounded like a good idea... but who has the time, right?  I wasn’t putting off therapy because of pride or money.  It just... didn’t seem important enough to warrant 90 minutes of my life with travel every other week.
I’d say that, so far, therapy has been a string of personal epiphanies.  The first was that I was finally ready to fight for a chance to start feeling better.  I think that, deep down, people who have the insurance/financial means for therapy aren’t avoiding it because of the time commitment.  I think people avoid it because they are aware that it will be difficult, and sometimes unpleasant.  Humans often deal with difficult memories and behaviors by ignoring or compartmentalizing them, and therapy shines a spotlight on our problems.  And once we’re aware of our damaging behaviors, we have to learn to correct them, which is about as fun as it sounds.
What I’m trying to say is that starting therapy and committing to doing the work my therapist suggested was a huge step.
The next thing I learned was that I have far more control over my emotions than I realized.  I’ve always thought of emotions as something that... just happen to you.  You choose what to do with them, but the emotion itself is beyond your control.  It turns out that this is only half true!  Basically, you can’t control that certain behaviors and situations elicit an emotional response from you, but you can control how long the emotional response lasts.
For example, let’s say that a coworker does something that causes me to feel anxiety and anger.  Before therapy, my brain would be... almost held hostage by those emotions.  I would lose focus and motivation at work, and then I would go home miserable, carrying those negative feelings with me.  I wouldn’t lash out or do anything destructive, but I’d carry those awful emotions for hours, souring entire days.
Through cognitive behavior therapy, I’ve learned to manage these situations.  In a scenario where a coworker upsets me, I’ll think: I’m feeling a strong emotion.  What is it?  Why am I feeling it?  What should I do with it?  Usually, the answer is to focus on my work and let it go.  I’ve also learned that, while we’re told to leave our home lives at home (ie, don’t snap at your coworkers because you fought with your spouse that morning), we’re rarely told to leave your work life at work (ie, don’t mope around the house because a coworker upset you).  Anyone who has learned to do the former can learn to do the latter, myself included.
Once you understand that you’re responsible for how long you hold on to your emotions and allow them to influence your behavior, the improvements start quickly.  I’m doing so much better with this, so I’m happier overall than I was before therapy.  The problem I’m having now is that continuously monitoring every strong emotion is exhausting.  My therapist keeps telling me that I have to pursue my hobbies- writing, reading, video games, singing, guitar, drawing, painting, playing with my cats, exercising.  She calls them my coping skills, the things that maintain my sanity and sense of self in the storm of work and all the crappy life stuff.
I won’t lie, I always thought that I was able to do those things because I’m hard working and diligent.  I didn’t think they were improving my mental health; I saw them as extra credit, things I managed to do despite having a full time job and social obligations.  But when life starting wringing me dry, I stopped engaging in them, and the mental stress started piling up.
The reason I’m writing this is because I’m starting to reach my third little epiphany.  Now that I’ve agreed to 1.) make myself vulnerable and do the work and 2.) manage my emotions, I’m ready to reclaim my coping skills.  I’m ready to stop allowing excuses like “I’m tired,” and “It’s been a long day.”  Exercise is the first thing I’ve tried to reclaim.  I’m also paying more attention to what I eat and cutting back on sugar.  After all, I can’t recover my energy if I don’t care for my body.  Sleep is another huge factor- late nights will kill your oomph the next day.  However, I’m the type that passes out if I try to stay up, so I’ve mostly been moving bedtime up half an hour XD
I started reading and editing the next two chapters of After August.  It hasn’t been much, but it’s a lot more than I have been doing.
What I really want to say with all of this is...  If you’ve spent years considering therapy and have the means to go...  Well, I haven’t been doing it long, and I already see improvement.  It’s not magic- you have to do a lot of difficult, uncomfortable work- and it’s not instantaneous.  But at this point, about three months in, I’m... optimistic that things will continue to improve.
And that, I think, is worth the time and the work.
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aspia-leif · 6 years
Because I'm completely unoriginal, I'm gonna ask you the same questions you asked me XD Lunar mist, bird of paradise, marmalade skies, lavender dream, heliotrope, creams and sky, tulip, angel's face, caramel kisses, queen anne's lace, sunflower, lilly and finally blazing star.
Really?! Damn. Alright… soooooooo
Lunar mist: Do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jacket?Well… I would like to… But I am fatter than my friends and my last gf so… However, I share some clothes with my mom 🤔
Bird of paradise: What was the best thing that happened to you this month?Hard to say… I’ve had a bad month… I think the best thing was that even if was really depressed, I didnt need to go to the hospital again. I survive by myself.
Marmalade skies: Do you plan your outfits?Absolutely not. Not even for parties like christmas and everything… doesnt mean I dont dress well enough in those occasions… just, I dont plan them until I have to get dressed.
Lavender dream: turn ons/offs? -> Ons: respect, humor, sweetness, when someone cares about me, when someone plays with my hair, respect (yes twice), not a lot of makeup (for both man and woman) and some originality. -> Offs: Bad smell, being mean, being shallow, being bigot/intolerant, poor hygiene.
Heliotrope: Have you ever been in a castle?Yes, but I was too young to really remember… maybe being exposed at ghosts so soon in my life explain why I can feel/see/comunicate with them 🤔
Creams and sky: Whats the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?I’ve done 2. When I was 9, I’ve dance with a snake around my neck, a female boaconstrictor… really big! And when I was 14, I’ve hold a baby lion in my arms for several minutes. Best memories ever.
Tulip: name 5 facts about yourself.1) I have 3 piercings around my mouth2) I am 5 foots 7 tall (170cm)3) I have a huge library in my bedroom and 2 others in my living room4) I am an asperger asexual lesbian5) I am obssessed by cats
Angel’s face: What was your favorite bedtime story as a child?My mom never read for me… I learn to read at 3 years old so… I used to read Mr Men (Monsieur Madame in french) before falling asleep… and I was in love with Ariel (not the character, but the idea of becoming a mermaid) so I used to read it a lot too.
Caramel kisses: Would you want to live forever? Why/Why not?Hard question… a part of me would to live forever! To see everything, to travel the world, to see the evolution… But a part of me wouldnt… being alive forever? Alone? In marge of the society by default? Idk… seems… sad. Tempting but sad
Queen anne’s lace: Who do you trust the most?No one. Not even myself.
Sunflower: Share a favorite quote.Oh boi. I have so many!! 🤔🤔🤔 here is my top ten (and only from one fandom):1) I dont care! I dont care! Giles! I’m only sixteen years old… I dont wanna die… -Buffy Summers, who just learn that a prophecy predict her death in 2 days. 2) Passion…it lies in all of us. Sleeping. Waiting. And though unwanted, unbidden…It will stir…Open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love…the clarity of hatred…and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we’d know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms: shuttered and dank. Without passion…we’d be truly dead. -Angelus, after killing the soulmate of Giles, Buffy’s protector.3) I don’t understand. I don’t understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she’s… there’s just a body! And I don’t understand why she can’t just get back in it and not be dead any more. It’s stupid. It’s mortal and stupid, and, and Xander’s crying and not talking, and I was having fruit punch and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever. And she’ll never have eggs, or yawn, or brush her hair, not ever and no one will explain to me why! -Anya after Joyce’s death, Buffy’s mom.4) Dawn, listen to me, listen. I love you. I will always love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles…tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I’m okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world… is to live in it. Be brave. Live…for me. -Buffy Summers, sacrifing her life for her sister.5) Tara: Things fall apart. They fall apart so hard.Willow: Tara?Tara: You can’t ever put ‘em back the way they were.Willow: Are you okay?Tara: I’m sorry, it’s just…You know, it takes time. You can’t just have coffee and expect…Willow: I know.Tara: There’s just so much to work through. Trust has to be built again on both sides. You have to learn if… if we’re even the same people we were. If you can fit in each others lives. It’s a long and important process, and can we just skip it? C-Can you just be kissing me now? -Tara Maclay, after a coffee with her ex Willow, 2 days before her death.6) The first day of kindergarten, you cried because you broke the yellow crayon and you were too afraid to tell anyone. You’ve come pretty far. Ending the world — not a terrific notion…But the thing is…yeah, I love you. I love crayon-breaky Willow and I love scary, veiny Willow. So if I’m goin’ out, it’s here. If you wanna kill the world, well, then start with me. I’ve earned that. -Xander Harris, to Willow, after the death of Tara.7) Why does a man do what he mustn’t? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev— To be a kind of man. And she shall look on him with forgiveness and everybody will forgive and love…and he will be loved. So everything’s okay, right? Can we rest now? Buffy, can we rest? -Spike, after getting his soul back by love. 8) They’ll never know how tough it is, Dawnie. To be the one who isn’t chosen. To live so near to the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. I see more than anybody realizes because nobody’s watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You’re not special. You’re extraordinary. -Xander Harris, after Dawn realise that she wasnt a slayer like her sister.9) So here’s the part where you make a choice: What if you could have that power…now? In every generation, one slayer is born…because a bunch of men who died thousands of years ago made up that rule. They were powerful men. This woman is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rule. I say my power…should be our power. Tomorrow, Willow will use the essence of the scythe to change our destiny. From now on, every girl in the world who might be a slayer…will be a slayer. Every girl who could have the power…will have the power…can stand up, will stand up. …every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong? -Buffy Summers, who chooses to give to women the power than the men stole from them centuries ago.10) I’ve been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I’ve seen things you couldn’t imagine, and done things I’d prefer you didn’t. I don’t exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn’t exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there’s only one thing I’ve ever been sure of. You. Look at me. I’m not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it’s not because I want you, or because I can’t have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try…I’ve seen your kindness, and your strength, I’ve seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You’re a hell of a woman. You’re the one, Buffy. -Spike, after Buffy was betrayed by her friends.
Lilly: What’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?Oh boi. Do I have to?? 😖😖 I love vampire diaries (tv shows and books). Its so bad its good!
Blazing star: share a secret.🤔🤔🤔🤔 a secret…. hmmm… do I have one?! 🤔🤔🤔 My IQ is 135/100 (100 is the average) but I am clearly stupid 😆😅
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thepalegoldmoon · 7 years
All the luxury asks~! C:
Woot!~ alright haha. Here ya go fam.
🌹luxury asks🌹
bubble bath: do you have any routines before bedtime? like skin care, etc. what are they?
Uhm kinda if I decide to actually do one, I usually will play on my ps4, draw, or use the computer, I’ll get ready for bed. Maybe wash my face and drink some tea. Send a “goodnight” to the people I’ve recently talked to and then kinda just let my mind wander till I fall asleep.
((If I wash my face, I run warm water, then wet my face, scrub with ocean salt from lush, wash it with aquamarina, use the rosy checks face mask. I then rinse and check my pimples then dry my face and go to bed haha ;u;))
When I take a bath I usually run the bath, throw in a chunk of bath bomb or bubble bar set up some candles and chill for a bit after doing my face routine. Then I get out dry off and bed. XD
champagne: what topic could you talk about for hours?Yikes, depends there’s a few topics. Hahah mostly views on the world, certain fandoms, religious/ spiritual beliefs, and just life in general?? It’s pretty much everything tbh. Especially if ya get me with the right people.
crushed velvet: have you ever used your charm to get something you want?Um when I was a kid I used to try and act really cute to get toys or candy I wanted but I don’t know if I have a “charm” I kinda have a way with words?? It depends on the day cause half the time I can’t fucking speak proper English to save my life haha.
diamonds: how do you feel about excessively spending money?Ummm ouch. I grew up with a tighter budget than most so I like getting presents but I won’t blow my budget hahah. I think about it but I never go through with it I just like putting together or making things to show my creativity and it helps me show my affections in some way I feel haha. Uhm over all it depends on prices and what I’m buying tbh.
faux fur: describe your wardrobe.Ahhhhahahaha uhmI have alot of fandom/ band shirts and plain shirts. Black pantsI have a couple different pairs of shoes I tend to wear. They’re either red or black. I usually wear a sweater, hoodie, or a flannel. And occasionally a snap back.Overall my style is like a 90’s artist, a 90’s fuck boi, tumbler and hot topic threw up on me hahah.
glitter: describe someone special to you.Fucking amazing, and entire universe. Stars in his eyes, he holds planets in his hands, he’s fucking amazing tbh ;u;. Free spirit, acts like a dumb ass but he’s really fucking intelligent. Cheesy as fuck and I love it. He’s just ahhhh perfect and amazing tbh. He’s diverse, and fun and amazing. There’s never a boring day with him tbh. It’s always an adventure or learning experience. Overall it’s exciting and fun in so many ways. I could go on for pages but I can’t cause theres other question but hahah yeah that’s a very brief description.
gold: describe what you would call the most perfect meal.Yikes I love all food tbh so I can’t really say man.
jazz: name a song that resonates with you and your emotions. explain the reason why.Ah god it always changes cause it depends on my mood man. An idk how describe mine rn cause I’m just chilling.
lace: what is something in your life completely different from last year?My social life and views of things in my social life. Or my school life in general haha.
lingerie: do you consider yourself a promiscuous person?Hmmm hell fucking no. I loyal to the person I love romantically. And honestly giving something like that over is the biggest act of affection I could ever give someone and it takes me a bit of time to build up to that I guess cause I’m awkward as fuck and idk I need to be in a relationship with someone to give them something like that. That’s physical proof I’m giving over everything tbh. In my opinion. Like y'all enjoy what you wanna enjoy but I’m just saying that’s me. ;u;
lipstick: do you enjoy talking to strangers?kinda??
pearls: what’s something about your personality that surprises others?I honestly wouldn’t know hahah. But I always tend to find something someone’s never done before, like a first time being called something or, oh that’s something a bit new. Idk just small things that are a first or not done alot between me and the person I guess haha. It’s a little odd. But idk if there’s anything else.
penthouse: what would you consider your dream home? describe it.Oh yikes hahah ummm I know I wanna start out in a studio apartment so just art supplies and easels around and just aesthetically pleasing kinda shit hahah but idk how to describe it all. Just look down my aesthetic house tag in a few weeks you’ll see.
perfume: if you could make your own signature fragrance, what would it smell like?Probably sweet, maybe something from my childhood. Or something more tougher and that would remind you of fireplaces or a cozy winter or cozy fall night in front of a fireplace???
robe: how do you prepare for an evening alone with a loved one/date?Uhhmmm depends on the partner I have cute romantic date ideas like going to the movies or going places they’d enjoy. Usually it all depends on likes of my partner and something I’d also enjoy as well haha.
roses: If it had to be winter, autumn, spring or summer for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Autumn because the cooler weather, changing leaves, and Halloween spooky vibes tbh.
satin: what is your most favorite article of clothing?Probably my junkets t-shirt I just got, my pronouns sweater (it’s comfy as fuck), my flannels, or my kigus.
sheet mask: what’s your favorite lazy activity?Playing games or drawing/ painting, while Netflix or Hulu plays in the background.
silk: do you have more inner or outer beauty?I wanna say more inner beauty but I have a little bit of outer beauty on good days haha.
silver: do you have any obscure hobbies? what are they?Taxidermy, and special fx makeup ((I actually wanna ask my good friend to be my model cause he’d be A👌 Fucking 👌 Mazing 👌tbh 💯🔥 and I need a model for fx because I suck ass doing it on myself haha)) (I also wanna make masks)
sparkling water: what are your top three songs for the summer?Idfk cause I don’t really pick out songs for seasons but I might as well start right?? Haha idk songs that always reminds me of summer are -fashionably late by falling in reverse, -forever stuck in our youth by set it off.
wine: what kind of drunk are you (happy/affectionate, angry, sad, fun/wild)? if you don’t drink, what kind do you think you WOULD be? I’ve never been drunk. Tbh I feel like I’d either be all of them OR. A happy, fun/ wild, and affectionate kind of drunk. My filter and my walls would probably get destroyed to the ground so I’d be a wreck.
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