#About Anhe
archerygun · 6 months
It’s always so heartbreaking to me that every time we see Owen display how he really feels about Luke in canon (the books, and Kenobi) Luke is never there to hear it.
When Owen faces down the inquisitor and declares that Luke IS his son, Luke is already way out of earshot (even though I do sort of consider the Kenobi show non-canon). When Owen talks to Beru after the argument with Luke on the day they die, telling her he feels bad about having to squash Luke’s dreams and wanting to find some way to make it up to him, he never hears it.
Owen’s relationship with Luke WAS complex, and it was rocky sometimes. I’ve always read this as Owen having difficulty being emotionally open, at least as far as the ANH novel and Kenobi show have shown. Owen loves Luke DEEPLY, right to his core. But he doesn’t know how to put that into words. He’s an awkward man! He’s been raised on nightmare hell planet where becoming too attached to someone might end up in them being killed or sold into slavery and you being miserable! Look at what happened to both of his mothers!
When someone you love dies, you look at all their actions with a new light and deeper introspection. Can you imagine the absolute world-shattering thoughts Luke must have had after Owen and Beru died?
Realising he was more deeply loved than he could have ever realised, even if Owen had a harder time showing it.
And Owen’s parental anxiety is shown in Kenobi! Owen Lars, one of the most dedicated fathers in the galaxy, probably died wondering if his son would ever know how much he really loved him.
Owen probably died with so, so many regrets. Owen probably died wondering if he deserved to raise Luke (which he DID) and if he had done enough to prepare his son for the world (HE DID).
Owen Lars has always been a heartbreaking character for me.
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
Novel A New Hope Vader is my favourite Vader (so far) because he Is Anakin, he is everything Anakin is set up to be. He is intimidating, he is overwhelming, standing next to him feels like standing next to a black hole, he is-
The biggest little shit in the entire galaxy.
You canNOT convince me that he didn’t say half his lines with a shit-eating smirk. He is awful to be around, he is the worst person to ever exist, he is SO annoying.
And Novel Vader is so Anakin because the book can give us details the movie can’t. The book gives us the author’s choice of wording, the way the author intended the scenes to be, and Vader is such a little shit almost constantly but my FAVOURITE will always be when Tagge talks back to him about the Force, saying it isn’t as powerful or scary as he makes it out to be and Vader just-
“I find,” Vader ventured mildly, “this lack of faith to be disturbing.”
-the WORD CHOICE. The fucking WORDS chosen.
“Ventured”??? “Mildly”??? He is CHOKING this man!!! This man is DYING!! He is being such a little shit right now, this is it. This is the Him, this is Anakin Skywalker right here. He is using unnecessary force and being a bitch about it and there will never be anything that so perfectly encapsulates Anakin Skywalker than this fucking scene in this fucking novel.
On the topic and as a brief aside, the novel is what makes me think that Leia was planned to be Vader’s kid, or at least a narrative mirror to Vader, right from the start. She is also such an Anakin.
“Darth Vader… I should have known. Only you would be so bold— and so stupid.”
She just… also. Encapsulates Anakin. Like. Yeah. Yeah, this is what he could have been. He could have been a terrifying figure that people rallied behind. He is loyal to the death, as is Leia. She spits on Darth Vader while he’s having her dragged away. She mocks him to his face. This is the character that the Anakin Skywalker of future movies mimics. Her passion, her anger, her being a little shit and insisting throughout everything that it WAS a diplomatic vessel and they WERE on a diplomatic mission.
Leia is the first character to face down Vader in this novel and not show fear. She is the first character who refuses to submit in the face of the scariest guy in the galaxy. She continues to refuse to submit. She’s just. A great fucking liar.
Leia puts all her trust, her very life and the sake of the entire rebellion she’s fighting for, in a droid. An astromech droid. She begs for them to take the droid further, not for them to find her. She’s willing to die, and she trusts her death will not be in vain because she trusts a droid.
And that, if nothing else, is all the proof needed that Leia is what Anakin could have been.
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swedenis-h · 9 months
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Phoenix Tatooine day trip Goes Wrong™️ (X)
This is a little idea where Luke needs something (don’t ask me what) that he can only get on tatooine, so dinluke adventure ensues. The plan is to get there and leave ASAP, but then nostalgia hits and he needs to hit every shop and place he used to as a kid. But you know, “college kids comes back to hometown” syndrome hits and he realizes he’s changed too much. Think of how the holiday season doesn’t feel the same anymore now that you’re an adult, same feeling. AND YES ITS ALSO DUNLUKE BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KISS AND TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND ALSO KISS.
Heres some extras 🫡
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un-pearable · 4 months
has any character even come close to the sheer power of boba fett. fundamentally shaping an entire corner of a fictional universe because you were just that badass. inspiring entire cultures and millions of derivative characters from your thirty minutes of screen time. and you got eaten by a desert pit. incredible
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
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Happy anniversary to Star Wars! (And coincidentally Return of the Jedi).
This Barbie Movie image reminds me of what happened back on the Millennium Falcon. I think I'll draw them like this.
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tennessoui · 17 days
#a new hope is a world war 2 movie and rogue one is the only one to understand that ANH was Lucas' response to the Vietnam War, actually.
huh, I've always thought later movies had more in common with the Vietnam war, like the battle scenes in return of the jedi are very very reminiscent of the vietnam war. though absolutely I don't think the symbolism or connections can't mix movie to movie
but in my opinion, a new hope is a very clear-cut homage to world war II and specifically the air battles and dog fights of that specific war - there are several moments in the run on the death star where we learn the pilot's name and feel a connection/bond to this character, only for them to go down a few moments later, which matches how air artillery pilots were revered during wwii in a way that i don't think carried through to the vietnam war--people knew their names and a few reached celebrity status. and i think i read somewhere that lucas actually watched real dog fight footage from wwii while filming anh which i think is really cool! (i just did a quick google, and this is true)
it also makes sense that anh takes a lot of influence from wwii, given that there were a lot of world war two movies released in the 70s (though I suppose there's been a lot of world war two movies that have been released every decade since the end of wwii!) - i guess to capitalize on the fact that there was a new audience raring for wwii stories who weren't directly in the fight? or because of the vietnam war, many people wanted to watch a war movie that felt more like their parents'a and grandparents' war experiences where it was good vs evil instead of...you know. the vietnam war.
but all together, it's really the emphasis on dogfights and individual heroes for me that makes anh feel more wwii than vietnam war, and i'm sure there are a thousand people who can say this in a much more moving and eloquent fashion, but i stand by my tag! rogue one is the only movie made later (after the first 3) that really understands the roots of anh
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nocturnalazure · 1 month
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soranatus · 2 years
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Above & Below Luke Skywalker by kiyomeji (x).
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mavibonghostexpress · 4 months
if art request are still open, Oliver and Douglas but holding hands
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They're actually pretty adorable ngl
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peachviz · 5 months
Happy May the Fourth ✨
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sticks-and-souls · 1 year
I genuinely do not understand the dismissal of the Plaizir-15 storyline as “bad writing” when every single aspect of it was intentional absurdity designed to be comedy for us because we know we’re watching star wars.
If the too-happy jingle as bo katan lost control of her ship didn’t make you feel like you were entering a weird star wars dystopia, then Dark™ C-3PO and R2-D2 greeting them should have made you realize that it was deliberate. I commented to my partner that the Star Trek vibe was making it feel so weird well before we got to Christopher Lloyd wearing a fucking Star Trek uniform.
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The fact that every single human character was an outrageous cameo was on purpose—probably to take their behavior from being interpreted as cheesy (not ideal), and into the territory of being absurdist. On top of being silly characters, (which we experience through Bo Katan’s spot-on “is this really happening”performance), there’s an extra joke for us that our main characters aren’t in on, which is that it’s freaking Jack Black and Lizzo. The director is winking at us. This is absurd!
Same thing when grogu got “knighted”. A silly, cute moment, that we once again experience through Bo’s barely held in smile. But the background music was the same music as the season 2 finale when he went to be a Jedi knight with Luke Skywalker. That was an extra joke just for us! It was hilarious!
Because our main characters experienced the ridiculousness of what was happening to them in a way that was true to their characters and there was a plausible plot reason for them to go along with it (i.e., complete quest in order to go see the other mandalorians), then it was still reasonable to transition back to the main season arc by the end of the episode.
I guess my point is that, just because it may not have been your brand of humor or you didn’t catch some of them, doesn’t make it bad storytelling or sloppy writing. It was deliberate and we still got to see our main characters work as a team in ways we haven’t seen before in a fun romp of an episode.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Rory! I need your help finding an author! And if you don't know who it is maybe your followers could help me out?
So, this author writes mainly fat femme readers, I think mostly paired up with Price? I know that's not much to go on, but the most unique thing about them is how they manage to kill off König in every single story. Now, I don't personally have anything against him, but it still made me crack up every time it happened.
I was an idiot and didn't bookmark any of the fics and now I'm facing the repercussions.
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p.s. wow I can finally send gifs with my asks!
Hmmmm 🤔 I'm not sure?? I haven't read any like that.
Followers assemble!!
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tenderjock · 9 days
i do think an important aspect of obi-wan's character is that he lies to people a lot. like a LOT lot. white lies and fibs and misdirections and mistruths and big, deep, dark, heartrending lies. he lies to people because he's trying to manipulate them, and he's trying to manipulate himself, and because he loves them and wants to protect them, and because he despises them and finds them repulsive. he lies for fun and for profit. he lies because he thinks its kinder. he lies to survive and he lies so the people he cares about, the ideals he cares about, survive. he's a lying liar who lies, and eventually that person loses track of what the truth is, even within his own head.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
Sequel trilogy undoes the heroes work in the ot (I personally disagree, but whatever)
Fans: we will never stop harping on this
Ahsoka has Sabine throw away Ezra's work to defeat thrawn, basically gift wrapping a way to return and wreck havoc on the galaxy for the blue space fascist
Fans: omg she loves Ezra so much! Isn't it great to have Ezra back!
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limnsaber · 10 months
In the 1981 Star Wars Radio Drama, Luke Skywalker and his best friend Biggs Darklighter reunite on Tatooine for one last trip through Beggar's Canyon.
Biggs: Well, they're right about one thing, Luke. The rebellion against the Empire is a long way from here. You know, I doubt the Imperials would bother with this system.
Luke: But I could've sworn I saw-
Biggs: Hey, c'mon, I'll tell you what, let's take a spin in that landspeeder of yours, huh? I'd like to take one last look at Beggar's Canyon, y'know, for old times' sake?
Luke: Sure Biggs. Boy, you should've been there the other day when we ran the canyon. Fixer started bragging about how 'he could do anything that Biggs could do,' you know, so I said 'hey if you're so smart why don't you try...'
Luke: ...yeah, and Fixer just pretended it never happened. Course, my Skyhopper's busted up pretty bad.
Biggs: Oh, I'm sure that made your uncle happy.
Luke: You have no idea. I'm grounded for the rest of the season.
Biggs: Nah, nah, you oughtta take it a little easier, Luke. I mean even if you are the hottest gully jumper this side of Mos Eisley, you keep it up buddy and one day, whammo, you'll be nothing but a dark smear on a canyon wall.
Luke: Hey, why'd you want me to come out to Beggar's Canyon anyway?
Biggs: Like I said, old times' sake. I mean, who knows when I'll be back this way, right?
Luke: I guess. Well, there it is, the old stone needle. You know, you can see practically the whole canyon from this part of the rim.
Biggs: Yeah. Hah, I don't know how I lived through all the crazy stunts we pulled down here.
Luke: I remember some of those. Boy, if we had the 'hopper now we could give those womp rats a surprise.
Biggs: Oh sorry, I am now valuable property. Keeping in mind the expense of cadet training, all graduates shall refrain from unnecessary risk-taking.
Luke: You? They happen to know how many stabilizer veins you bent up on the back stretch down there? Or how about the time you almost wiped out the stone needle?
Biggs: I figured it was better not to mention those to my piloting instructors.
Luke: Boy, it hasn't been the same since you left Biggs. It's been so... quiet.
Biggs: Hah, I'll bet.
Luke: Yeah, you were always number one around here, Biggs. You were the one who made things happen.
Biggs: Well it's a big galaxy, Luke. At the Academy, everybody was number one back where they came from. All of a sudden I was just a face in the crowd.
Luke: Yeah, but you made it, Biggs. You're going to see all those places we used to talk about.
Biggs: Yeah. Luke, did you ever wonder why we're friends?
Luke: Huh?
Biggs: The rest of them, back at Anchorhead, they'll never leave Tatooine. Maybe never get as far as Mos Eisley. Have you ever thought about that?
Luke: Well, not exactly like that I haven't.
Biggs: Fixer's just smart enough to know he's better off being a big noise in a small room. Camie's dumb enough to think she's made the prize catch hereabouts, and Windy's nothing but a follower and Deak's the follower of a follower.
Luke: But- what are you saying, Biggs?
Biggs: You will make it off Tatooine, Luke. And they know it. That's why they won't accept you.
Luke: Huh. Well, they're not so bad, I don't really mind them.
Biggs: Then how come you work so hard at being the hottest pilot around, huh? Hey-- did you see that? Off in the far side of the canyon.
Luke: What, where-- Sand People!
Biggs: You got your macros?
Luke: Yeah, right here.
Biggs: Yep, three banthas and it looks like five Tusken Raiders.
Luke: Yeah?
Biggs: They're moving out towards... the wastes.
Luke: Hey I'm supposed to keep a watch out for them at the farm, my uncle said that there have been some sightings around here, I should get back.
Biggs: I don't think its anything to worry about.
Luke: Well, that's a little excitement for your visit.
Biggs: You only think this planet's boring because you've never been anywhere else, Luke. Luke, I didn't-- I didn't come home just for a visit. If I don't come back, I wanted somebody to know.
Luke: What? Honestly, Biggs, will you stop being so secretive.
Biggs: Luke, I made some friends at the Academy. And one of them will be on the Rand Ecliptic with me. At our first port of call in the inner systems, we're going to jump ship and join the Rebel Alliance!
Luke: But that's crazy! You could wander around forever trying to find them-- look, the Empire can't even find them.
Biggs: Well if we don't find the rebels then we're going to do what we can on our own! I'm not hanging around to get drafted into the Imperial Starfleet. The rebellion's spreading, Luke, and I want to be on the side I believe in!
Luke: Yeah, and I'm stuck here.
Biggs: What? I thought you were going to the Academy next year.
Luke: I had to cancel my application. You know, the Sand People acting up again.
Biggs: C'mon, Luke! Your uncle could hold off a whole Tusken raiding party with one blaster. One of these days, buddy, you gotta separate what seems important from what is!
Luke: But the farm's just about to start paying off. Look, Uncle Owen needs me one more season. Biggs, I can't just run out on him and Aunt Beru now.
Biggs: Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, first it was Sand People and now it's the crop. Meanwhile, your application's been cancelled, Luke! Cancelled! Luke, listen to me. Your uncle uses that 'I fed you and brought you up' line to keep you here, can't you see that?
Luke: Biggs! My aunt and uncle the only family I've got, they're all I've got! And I don't care what you or anybody else thinks about me, I can't let anything happen to those two.
Biggs: Luke, I didn't mean-
Luke: Oh go on, find your rebellion! You don't think I'd like to leave? You think I like staying behind?
Biggs: I never thought that, Luke.
Luke: Well, that's how it sounded.
Luke: Here, I'll let you off by the power station.
Biggs: Thanks for the ride, Luke.
Luke: Yeah. Sure.
Biggs: Luke. Luke, I had a friend at the Academy. He used to help me through, the way I-- the way I used to help you. Just before graduation, I heard he got picked up during a round of Rebel suspects, and they said he died in interrogation.
Luke: You've changed, Biggs. You've changed a lot.
Biggs: I have been doing some thinking, Luke. But, uh-- but you're the same as ever. Hey, tell me, are you still keeping a lookout for that dream girl you used to talk about?
Luke: Hah, I'll know her if she passes by. Biggs, I'm sorry about what I said back there.
Biggs: Yeah me too. Hey, just, let's forget it.
Luke: Yeah. Will you be around long?
Biggs: No, I'm leaving on the morning shuttle.
Luke: Looks like there's a wind kicking up.
Biggs: Hm. Wind's rising all over the Empire, Luke. Even Tatooine will feel it. Sooner or later.
Luke: I guess... I won't be seeing you for a while.
Biggs: Oh, maybe someday. I'll be watching for you.
Luke: Listen, next season, I'm going to be going to the Academy for sure! No, I am, I am! Take care of yourself.
Biggs: So long, Luke.
Luke: Biggs?
Biggs: Yeah?
Luke: Do you really think those ships out there were just freighters?
Biggs: Well, not if you say they were firing, hotshot.
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As much as I hate verlaine, I have to admit that the man suffering in the trenches of depression after Rimbaud's death is perfect for my rimlaine.
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