astrelle · 7 years
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A baby gremlin with his older gremlin brother who thinks he’s cool
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failedintsave · 3 years
20 34 or 42 skwistok for kiss asks
[50 Types of Kisses prompts]
I managed to work in 2/3, the other one is really cute too so I may come back and attempt it as well, just couldn't quite get it to work here.
34. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips.
42. Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
Demos were due in a few days, and that meant one thing: Toki was bored out of his mind.
Which was why he was currently sprawled out across the emperor-size bed with only a strategically placed cushion obscuring his nudity. For the entire week, all Skwisgaar had done was eat, sleep, play guitar, and neglect Toki. It was unfair, so Toki had come up with his own nefarious scheme to ensnare the Swede by offering himself up like a Yule ribbe. It was only a matter of choosing his pose. Propped alluringly on his elbow? Or better yet, reclined with his hands behind his head, ready to show off his biceps as soon as the object of his affection arrived. There was zero possibility of Skwisgaar resisting such a provocative invitation, and soon Toki would be exactly where he'd wanted to be for the last seventy-two hours. Wrapped up in his lover's arms, smothered in his amorous attentions.
Unless the other man never came to bed.
His own open-mouthed snoring startled him awake, alone and with the lights still on, his modesty pillow toppled to the floor. Toki groped around on the polar bear hide bedspread for his phone to check the time, frowning when the first digit was a two. He'd been asleep for several hours and Skwisgaar still hadn't shown up. He grumbled and swung his feet over the edge of the mattress. If Skwisgaar had passed out in the booth again...
"Gots ta do everything myself." Toki muttered, stepping into his pajama pants and trudging off to collect the absentee blonde.
Fortunately, he hadn't yet worked himself to exhaustion by the time Toki arrived. Skwisgaar sat at the mixing panel, his Explorer cradled in his lap and plugged directly into the soundboard, oversized studio headphones covering his ears and muffling the already quiet patter of Toki's bare footsteps. He didn't react at all when Toki slipped through the door and, feeling mischievous, Toki crept up behind him, silent as a spectre. He covered Skwisgaar's eyes and ducked his head, lavishing a wet kiss against the side of his neck, finishing with a light graze of teeth. His plan to lure Skwisgaar in visually may have been foiled, but there were other methods that worked just as well.
Skwisgaar's hands stilled on his guitar and he sat up straighter in the chair. "Nat'ans?"
"Auhh!" Toki dropped his hands to the chair back and spun the Swede around. Skwisgaar was laughing and Toki glared down at him. "Dats not funny."
"No? I t'oughts it was pretty funnies." He slipped the headset from his ears and let it slide to his shoulders, his hair looping over the band so that it resembled a shiny straw-colored toadstool.
"What are you doing? It's almost three in de mornings."
"What does it look like I ams doink?" Skwisgaar leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms.
Toki mirrored his posture, feeling sulky after Skwisgaar's teasing. This was not how he'd envisioned his evening at all. "I don't knows…"
"Ja dat figures, I bets you wouldn't reczognike works if it bites you on de nose." Swiveling back to the control panel, Skwisgaar touched a button and shrugged one shoulder up to press the headphones close to his ear. He began picking out a series of gallops, chewing the inside of his cheek as he composed. "If only I didn't has to writes and records t'ree different guitars parts, maybe I could gets out of dis room eventchkuallies."
"You sound stressed."
"Huh. Wonder why dat ams?"
"We should gets you somewhere more relaxins. Like into you's bed. Wif me."
From this angle, Toki couldn't see the eye roll, but he knew it must have been a big one. He could practically feel the ground tremor in its wake. Still Skwisgaar continued picking out potential harmonies to accompany the track looping on his headset. Toki was going to have to double down if he wanted to crack through that single-minded focus before it crystallized into an impenetrable wall of perfectionist obsession. They were just demos, that kind of effort could wait for the actual record. Skwisgaar stopped to change tracks and Toki seized his moment.
"Play with meeeee." he keened, draping himself over Skwisgaar like a cape. He tried nibbling at his neck again, normally one his most effective techniques. Skwisgaar's breathing fluttered but he otherwise didn't acknowledge Toki's efforts.
"You don't seems to has brought your guitar." The blonde deadpanned, still fiddling with the levels.
"No but I gots a different instrument for yous right he—"
Skwisgaar still didn't look at him, but Toki could see the apples of his cheeks rise as a smile cracked his previously tired expression. Bingo.
Toki snatched up his fret hand before Skwisgaar could begin playing again and pressed each fingertip to his lips individually. He kissed his palm and the delta of veins at his wrist, making his way up Skwisgaar's arm and pausing to tickle the inside of his elbow with the tip of his tongue. Toki continued trailing higher with a line of soft, sweet caresses until he reached the curve of Skwisgaar's shoulder. He planted his chin there and batted his eyelashes at Skwisgaar's profile.
"It ams late, yous done for tonight."
Skwisgaar let his head rest against the back of the chair and looked at the ceiling, finally closing his eyes in concession.
"Fine." He turned to look at Toki, their noses nearly touching. "Just lets me back up dis session."
"I gots it." Toki pecked him on the mouth and slapped his hand blindly over the panel, his middle finger landing on a big red button amongst the smaller, less-likely widgets.
"Toki, no! Don't—"
The red button depressed, a computerized voice announcing 'session deleted' through the headphones still looped around Skwisgaar's neck.
Skwisgaar's nostrils flared, his eyes narrowing into flinty ice chips. Toki gulped and gave him a sheepish grin.
"Uhhh...so dat offer still stands?"
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