#AU Nerd_Jock
mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 13)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 13
(Tankhun POV)
"I can't believe it, soon I will meet with all the BSFC's players... The.Whole.Team!" hollered Kim from the back seat of Chan's Range Rover. "It's like a dream~ Cap, thank you for letting me come along."
"You're welcome, Kim. I should be the one thanking you, that you were willing to help me pack up my things," Chan replied, smiling at Kim through the rear-view mirror.
Tankhun snorted in annoyance. He was still pretty upset with Chan.
"Just so you know, I hate you," stated Tankhun.
"What now?"
"You're deliberately giving me the impression that today it's just the two of us doing the labor, aren't you? You deliberately didn't provide me with complete information, it turns out that your teammates will also help us. You enjoyed seeing me exasperated, didn't you? Admit it!"
"Did you give me a chance to explain more about today's plans? As soon as you heard about it, you protested and then before I knew it, you three brothers got into a quarrel," Chan reasoned and Tankhun had to admit there was some truth in what he said, but he was positive Chan deliberately annoyed him. His guts told him that and Tankhun Theerapanyakun was almost always right.
"On behalf of my brothers, I'm really sorry, Cap," Kim suddenly interrupted them.
Tankhun immediately looked back at Kim, and silenced him with a sadistic look he called his 'Asian Tiger Mom's Stare'. This was his ultimate anti-fail weapon, for Kim shut his mouth in an instant.
"Look, if you feel I did it on purpose I'm sorry, but seriously, I'm not trying to hide anything from you," pleaded Chan, and because he sounded so sincere, Tankhun decided not to prolong the matter.
"Fine," replied Tankhun, although deep down inside, he was still a bit skeptical.
Chan then turned his head slightly towards the side window of the car, acting like he was trying to hide something. Sure enough, from out of the corner of his eye, Tankhun could see Chan grinning meaningfully.
Why, you...
"You're smirking, you jerk!" yelled Tankhun. "Ugh, still refuse to admit it!?"
If it weren't for Chan driving at the time and doing so would be a danger to all of them, Tankhun would have hit Chan. So, instead he hit the car dashboard quite hard.
"Okay, okay~" confessed Chan as he snickered. "Forgive me, Doctor, I admit I might be trying to tease you a bit."
"I knew it. My guts are never wrong! Hah!" stated Tankhun proudly, his chin up high in the air.
Chan glanced at him for a moment before smiling amusedly. That smile would drive him mad someday. Not today though... not today.
"We are almost there," said Chan. "You guys see the tall white building up ahead? I live there."
"Oh my God~" Kim shouted in panic out of the blue.
"What's wrong, Kim?" asked Tankhun in surprise. "I thought you'd be super excited?"
"Of course, I'm excited, P'! How could I not?" answered Kim. "But, I already thought hard about this all the way here, but still, I can't think of the right words. P'~~ what am I gonna say to all of them?"
"P'~~~ YOU'RE NOT HELPING~~~" cried Kim dramatically.
Tankhun smiled cheekily while Chan softly chuckled beside him. Sometimes, his youngest brother can be so adorable.
(Chan POV)
Chan had given his spare Penthouse keys to Pete yesterday, after BSFC's final practice of the week before the International break was finished. Chan also asked the help of his teammates to pack up his things and then move them to the new house. Therefore, when Chan, Tankhun, and Kim stepped out of the private elevator -- that brought them from the parking lot in the basement of the condominium complex straight to the top floor, all the BSFC boys were already there. Chan was also hired a moving service firm to carry the heavy items. He and the boys, as well as Tankhun and Kim, just needed to pack and wrap all his belongings neatly before being picked up by the moving service personnel.
"Boys... thanks for coming," Chan greeted his teammates before introducing Tankhun and Kim to them. "This is my friend, Tankhun, and his younger brother, Kim. Kim is a captain on his varsity football team and also a big fan. They will help us pack today."
"Hello everybody, nice to meet you all," said Tankhun confidently, while Kim who was standing next to him was still stunned, his mouth muttering something non-stop in a very low voice -- Chan was not able to hear him clearly. He must be overwhelmed to face all the players from his favorite football team at the same time. Poor boy.
"Hi..." Kim finally said, and Tankhun, who stood beside him, shook violently holding back his laughter. Chan, who immediately remembered their conversation in the car, also softly chuckled. The glint in Tankhun's eyes when their gazes met was very mischievous, Chan only dared to raise his right eyebrow slightly to acknowledge a private joke between them. Not gonna lie, it felt so damn good.
"Hi there..."
"Nice to meet you too."
Pete, Big, and Ken, who were closest to the three of them, greeted Tankhun and Kim back, while the rest of the BSFC gang only waved their hands. Chan could see from the expressions on the boys' faces, they were thinking and speculating hard about his relationship with Tankhun, especially Pol and Arm. Chan was pretty sure their fanfiction writers' instinct must be tingling at the moment (god damn it!). All of them of course knew (who didn't?) about his scandal at the Hattrick Coffee Shop, but they didn't know anything about Tankhun or about their pact that was the result of the incident. So, it must be very confusing for them why he brought Tankhun and his younger brother to his private residence.
Chan just realized about the consequences of his decision, this very second. Moreover, he hadn't prepared a proper answer, if the boys later on asked him about Tankhun. Oh boy, he was too excited to prank the Doctor, he forgot to think about the possibilities this might bring, or the awkwardness which was created by the presence of two strangers between teammates. All the boys were, after all, public figures, and they each had a reputation to protect. Chan couldn't blame his young teammates really, if they chose to keep their distance or keep on guard around Tankhun and Kim. Evidently by what happened to him last month, shit happened.
But everything had already happened, he couldn't back down now. Chan decided to play it by ear, though honestly, he had absolutely no clue what he should do to break the ice.
"Cap, do you have a list of things that need to be packed today? And how many hours do we have?" asked Pete, distracting Chan from his current thoughts.
"I do, I'll give the list to you guys in a moment. I asked the personnel from the moving service firm that I hired to come after lunch around 1.30 PM," answered Chan, who didn't even notice when his co-captain approached him, for Pete was standing right in front of his face now.
"So we have approximately 4 hours to wrap things out," affirmed Pete.
"Yes," confirmed Chan.
After that, silence... like-you-can-hear-a-pin-drop type of silence, literally. His boys, who were usually so loud and wild, kept their mouths shut very tightly.
Oh God... what have I done?
"Oka~y, since everyone's suddenly quiet, then I will do the talking, and I say... we need some confession here," blurted Tankhun out, shocking everybody in Chan's big living room.
"Tankhun..." said Chan, trying to do... what? What exactly did he try to do anyway? At least, at the moment Tankhun's words caught their attention. So he let him be.
"I got this, Chan," reassured Tankhun, as he winked at him.
10 Minutes Later
Laughter echoed in the previously silent living room. Chan looked at Tankhun who was still chattering animatedly about the sequence of events that led him to Chan's penthouse today, in amazement. Tankhun Theerapanyakul was indeed something else.
"So, after 18 days of no news, my hopes are soaring, has the BSFC captain forgotten his revenge?"
"Oh, come on! It's not revenge," Chan argued. "After everything you've caused to my reputation, three tasks are nothing."
"Sttt... I'm talking here, mister!" said Tankhun cheekily to Chan, as he placed one hand on his hip.
The laughter in the room grew louder, Chan could only shake his head, and laughed along with the boys.
"But, of course he's not forgetting, for he is a mean guy," Tankhun told the boys, which was met with another barrage of laughter.
"Yes, I agree. Cap can be so mean~" cried Pol.
Oh, you lil shit!
The captain threw the tall footballer's head with a pack of tissue and... bullseye! Pol just grimaced while stroking his head that was hit.
"See for yourself~ the proof!" yelled Arm, defending Pol's honor, while the rest of the gang were still laughing non-stop.
"True! Look, he even has the heart to trapped me here to help him packing. So, here I am with my little brother. Hopefully, you guys go easy on me," pleaded Tankhun prettily. Chan subconsciously clenched his fists. Tankhun needed to stop charming his teammates or half of them would fall for him before the day was over. But, the Doctor was still on fire.
"Not Kim though, please use his strength to the max," added Tankhun cheekily.
"P'~ what's that supposed to mean? This is supposed to be your task!" hollered Kim to his oldest brother.
"I totally agree with Kim! We need to make this second task of yours count," said Chan, challenging Tankhun, and then fist bumping his brother. "Boys, let's get start to work!"
"Aye, aye, Cap!"
As the BSFC players dispersed to do their respective tasks according to the list created by Chan, Tankhun smiled at him with satisfaction. Chan smiled back and mouthed 'thank you' to Tankhun.
"Doctor T, don't worry, okay? We're gonna protect you from Cap's cruelty."
"Pete! How could you say that? Betrayed by my own co-captain!" yelled Chan playfully as he turned his body to face the said co-captain.
"Oh, you are Pete?" asked Tankhun excitedly, he immediately stepped forward from his original position to stand beside Chan.
"And which one is Vegas?" asked him again, curiosity peaking.
Oh God...
"I'm Vegas, Doctor T," replied Vegas, who happened to be standing close by Pete at the time, as he raised his hand.
"Oh my God, so freaking cute~" cried Tankhun as he put his hand to his chest, eyes shining like a puppy.
"Oh, wow, I don't know what to say, Doctor T," responded Vegas, clearly surprised by Tankhun's reaction but at the same time, without his knowledge, misunderstanding the Doctor's meaning. Chan shouldn't tell him about Arm and Pol's fanfiction. Now, everything was messed up.
"Oh, no, no, you misunderstood me, Vegas. I mean, you're a cute boy, but the two of you together look super cute. Kyaaa~~"
Correction... super messed up.
Pete and Vegas, who was standing across from him and Tankhun, look shocked to the core, while Arm and Pol, whom Chan was sure were standing behind them, watching what was happening closely, giggled in delight.
Chan needed to act, and he had to move fast. The first thing he had to do was keep Tankhun away from Arm and Pol, while they hadn't had time to interact yet. Chan was lucky that most of the BSFC's players had already split up to do their tasks and weren't around them when this happened.
"Since you're the fashionista here, I think the best job for you is to sort out and pack my clothes," said Chan to Tankhun quickly. After this he would ask Arm and Pol to do some packing in the furthest room from the main bedroom.
"Aren't you afraid I'll throw all your clothes away? Just so you know, my standards in fashion are very high," expressed Tankhun brazenly.
"I'm not worried in the slightest. So far, you have commented on my coffee, my cocktails, my diet, but never on my clothes. Do I dare to think that I passed the test?" replied Chan cockily.
"We'll see about that," replied Tankhun as he lifted his chin high and looked at Chan with the corner of his eye. "Show me the walk-in closet."
"This way, Honeybun."
"Don't make me tape your mouth instead of the boxes, Mister! It's Doctor."
"My bad, Doctor."
They played this game so many times, yet, Chan still hasn't had enough.
(Tankhun POV)
"Look at them and tell me you see what I see?" whispered the tall lanky guy to his friend -- who was wearing reading glasses. He immediately turned his head in the direction that was indicated by his friend.
Reflexively, Tankhun looked in the same direction as that guy, and in front of them clearly displayed a moment that would be the dream of every fanfiction writer. The oblivious Kim had somehow parked himself between Vegas and Pete.
Unfortunately, they were standing too far away from their object of observation, to hear what they were talking about. However, Tankhun knew his younger brother very well, and judging by the way his hands were moving non-stop as he spoke, it must be something football related. However, the interesting thing that Tankhun caught from said moment -- he was pretty sure that was also the vibes those two amateur writers captured -- has nothing to do with football. Whenever Kim focuses his attention on Vegas, Pete looks a little displeased, and vice versa.
Oh, my... it seems that this is not just a delusion from two footballers. Interesting...
"Of course. After all, since when did we have a disagreement on something, especially about VP," confirmed the player who was wearing glasses. "Ah, jealousy, jealousy..."
"Yes! This is the x factor that we need to make VP reach the next step."
Tankhun couldn't help but step into their conversation. He had just finished sorting out and packing up Chan's clothes. He was tired and this was his reward.
"You two are Arm and Pol, right?"
For a moment, the bodies of the two footballers in front of him tense up, until they finally realized who had asked them that question.
"Doctor T, hi . . . I'm Pol," replied the tall football player.
Ah~ so Arm is the one who wore glasses.
"I'm Arm."
Tankhun held out both of his hands, to shake hands with Arm and Pol.
"Sorry to interrupt, boys, but I couldn't stop myself from getting into your conversation. I think using jealousy as an X factor to take VP relationship to the next level makes a lot of sense."
"I know, right?" wailed Pol keenly.
"Oh, yeah... I already feel the jealousy vibe coming between the two of them, even though I just met them today."
"Oh my God, Doctor T, thank you so much for your input," said Arm to Tankhun. "External input is so invaluable for us. Sometimes, we both feel like we're the only ones who delusional. But if you can feel it too, then I think VP is rio!"
"Kyaaaa~~~" screamed Pol inaudibly, whilst Tankhun and Arm giggled together.
"Is there something funny?" asked Chan who suddenly appeared. Arm and Pol immediately stuttered, and looked for an excuse to escape from Chan.
"Umn... Cap... looks like Big needs our help with the coffee table," mumbled Pol to Chan. He grabbed Arm's hand and then got out of Chan's presence as fast as they could.
"Should you spoil their fun?"
"Please, don't encourage them, Tankhun."
"Why? Now that I've seen Vegas and Pete with my own eyes, I'm pretty sure there really is something between them."
"Oh God, not you too!" pleaded Chan. "You want me to beg?"
"Oh, please... stop being so dramatic, old man," responded Tankhun. "I tell you what, let's make a bet on it."
"Stop it, Tankhun. I refuse," declined  Chan.
"Hear me out first," requested Tankhun.
"I must be losing my mind," said Chan. "But go on, tell me."
"If Vegas and Pete are not together together in two months, you can ask me to do one more task for you. This time I promise, no protest whatsoever."
"And if you're right, what do you want me to do?"
"I get to ask you to fulfill one task for me, no protest either."
"Hmm... Deal," affirmed Chan confidently.
"Alright~ you just wait for my sweet revenge, Chan. It will hurt for sure."
"You need to win first."
"I'm always right and you know that."
Chan grunted and rolled his eyes at Tankhun. 
(Chan POV)
After almost 4 hours, all the items that had to be packed and wrapped, according to the list, were done. There were only small items left and one small suitcase filled with clothes that were left on purpose, because Chan was only able to move into his new house after practice, next Wednesday. The captain will spend the next two days unpacking items from the penthouse and then finding a suitable place for them in the new place. After that, on Wednesday afternoon, Chan would pack up all the remaining of his belongings and leave the keys to the penthouse, which he had lived in for many years, to the real estate agent, who had found the perfect tenants, who would occupy his old place.
Chan was very lucky his agent was able to find a tenant in such a short time, just as he had hoped. Because even though this luxury condo held so many sweet memories for him, there were also many bitter things and bad experiences that happened here, which Chan wanted to wipe out from his mind. If the new tenants could occupy his penthouse next week, then it means Chan didn't have to set foot here anymore. Just as his career as a footballer will end at the end of this season, Chan will also end his life story in this place. It was time to make a new story, in a new place.
"Boys," said Tankhun as he clapped his hands to draw attention from everybody in the room to him. "Lunch will be here soon, my treats. I also have discussed it beforehand with your Cap that all of you deserve to be rewarded after today's hard work, and he agreed to make today a cheat day for everyone!"
What the Fuck?
Chan had not had time to protest, his teammates were already busy cheering.
"What did you order for lunch, Doctor T?" asked Tem sweetly.
"Oh, just extra meat, extra veggies, and extra cheese pizza, and of course beers," replied Tankhun, to which the BSFC boys responded with louder cheers than before.
"Doctor T, you read our minds!" yelled Jom. "Thank you!"
"Yeah, thanks, Doctor T!"
"You're welcome, boys!"
Chan could only watch the behavior that showed by Tankhun and his BSFC boys with resignation. But Tankhun was right, they all deserved a reward. Everybody could add extra 20 in their exercise next Monday to shed the calories.
"Doctor T, I love you!" screamed Tem abruptly, as he flashed a big smile at Tankhun, who stunned for a second before smiling back at him.
"Let's not get carried away, Tem," Chan responded right away, with a tone of voice that a little too sharp, even to his own ears. Shit! He needed to control his emotions better.
"Yes, Cap!" uttered Tem awkwardly, before turning his head to facing Tankhun. "I'm so sorry, Doctor T."
"Ck, just forget it, okay? There's nothing to forgive, Chan just being meanie."
The sound of the house phone ringing distracted everyone, Chan immediately moved toward the phone to receive the call.
"Yes, just tell them to come up, Jimmy," instructed Chan to the condominium complex concierge. "Thank you."
"Lunch is here."
The cheers erupted again.
(Tankhun POV)
"Kim will be okay riding with them, right?" asked Tankhun, who was still a little worried about his brother, who decided to go to Chan's new house with the BSFC team, instead of waiting for him and his favorite Captain. "Your teammates will take good care of him, right?"
"Tankhun, come on... Kim is already 20 years old, he can take care of himself," replied Chan, who at the moment was locking the penthouse door, while trying to calm Tankhun down. "Besides, the boys knew for sure that if they dared to trick Kim, I'd have their hide."
"Good, that's all that I need to hear," said Tankhun, sounding so relieved.
"Thank God, I caught you just in time. I heard you moving out."
Suddenly, a shrill feminine voice came from behind the two of them. Tankhun, who was surprised, reflexively wanted to turn around, but before he could do so, he saw Chan's body suddenly tense up. He decided to gently touched Chan's muscular arm instead.
"What's wrong?" whispered Tankhun.
"Hello, darling... Aren't you going to turn around and look at me? Am I not worthy of a mere greeting?"
The change in Chan's facial expression really made Tankhun startled. He thought he knew what Chan's angry face looked like, but after today he definitely knew . Because the face before him didn't look like Chan's at all. His eyes were cold and merciless. His tense jaw was shaking from holding so much emotion. His lips were stiff and thin without the slightest hint of smile. Tankhun actually felt a chill down his spine.
"No," answered Chan, icy cold. "You really aren't."
Even the tone of his voice didn't sound like Chan at all.
Who the fuck is this person?
Tankhun was one hundred percent aware that today, he had been a pain in the ass for Chan the whole day. However, Chan had never, not once, not even when they met for the first time after the viral video scandal exploded, treated him like he treated her. Whatever mistake this woman ever made to Chan must be huge... and very very personal.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 11)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 11 
(Chan POV) 
The Next Day 
Chan got up from his bed slowly and in pain. It had been a long time since the last time he had had to compress his thighs and calves with ice like this, and it truly makes Chan feel his age, all 36 of it. But BSFC's victory over Bangkok United in yesterday's match was really sweet and Chan wouldn’t have it any other way. Moreover, not many professional athletes in his age could continue to compete at the top level like this, most of them had to give up their careers because their skills have drastically decreased, or some even had to retire early due to injuries. Chan realized he was one of the luckiest, and for that he was very grateful. So, no complaint whatsoever from him.
Chan was just about to consume a huge portion of vegetables-fruits-protein powder smoothie that had just been blended, when his cell phone rang. It was Don.
“How are your thigh and calf muscles? I hope you've iced them.” 
“Already did, Coach,” answered Chan while shaking his head in wonder. “I guess, nothing escaped your scrutiny.” 
“Chan, I’ve been training you for almost 14 years, of course I’m aware of your condition. Just like I’m aware that you drained all your energy to guard that United midfielder, ” stated Don. "If it weren't for the fact that I knew yesterday's derby meant a lot to you, I would have stopped you.” 
“Thank you, Coach.”
“Overstraining your leg muscles at your age is not a wise choice, especially when you intend to play in all the games this season.” 
“Understood, Sir.”
“It's a good thing that next weekend there will be no match because of International Friendly, so you can rest more.” 
“Yes, Coach,” responded Chan. “What can I do for you, Sir?” 
“Ah yes. Saturday morning, people from management came to the training ground to give you a notice, but you weren't there yet, so they gave it to me. Since that day we were all so focused on the derby match, I forgot to pass on their message to you.” 
“Oh, what message?” 
“The National Football Federation has decided to give you a special award to honor your outstanding professional football career.” 
Chan was stunned for a moment, he knew he had a good career as a footballer, but never expected the National Federation would want to award him with such a high honor. He felt very flattered and grateful at the same time.
“Chan? Are you there?”
“I’m here, Coach. It’s just that… I don’t really know what to say…”
“You deserved it. When I told you, you’re my pride and glory, it wasn’t lip service, you know that, right?” Again, Chan was stunned. Don is more than just a coach for him, he’s like a father figure, a mentor.
“Coach, I…”
“I’m sure Mr. Krisda already told you about the BSFC offer.”
“Wait, I'm not done talking... I’m also aware that you want a long break from football. The point is, once you're ready, BSFC is also ready to accept you as part of my coaching team. I'm waiting.”
“Hn,” responded Chan curtly because he knew if he spoke any more than this his voice would crack. Even now, he was having a hard time holding back his emotions.
“Okay, I better leave you and your super healthy smoothie.”
Chan chuckled.
“Coach, if I didn't know better, I'd think you had planted a secret camera here to spy on me.”
“What makes you sure I don't plant one? Good day, Chan!”
“Have a good Sunday, Coach.”
Chan was still filled with disbelief as he finished the smoothie. Usually after breakfast, he would do light exercise and cardio, but he decided to skip it today. He will allow his muscles to rest for the next 24 hours. As he was contemplating what he was going to do to spend his Sunday, the notification on his cellphone rang again. It was a message from the architect firm, asking his permission to call him. Chan decided to just give them a call right away. 
(Tankhun POV)  
Three Days Later
New Message from Caramello
Tankhun's eyebrows rose in response to seeing a new message notification from Chan, the first in eighteen days, but who's counting, right? Tankhun ignored the voice in his heart that suspiciously laughed at him just now and immediately opened the message from the footballer.
Ready for ur second task?
Tankhun let out a grunt although inside he was very curious. Before he could reply though, a new message from Chan appeared again.
Still giving me the silent treatment?
[Tankhun T]
Please ... you’re not that important for me to give you the silent treatment. I'm just busy.
Tankhun smiled.
I'll pick you up Saturday at 7.50 AM. Be ready!
7.50 AM!? Is he mad?
[Tankhun T]
Not so fast, mister. You'd better have a good reason for ruining my weekend, and you should tell me clearly what task I have to do. Do you even know my home address?
I’m Chan “Daddy” Knight, the Captain of BSFC. I have my own way. 😉  
Did he seriously just throw my own words at me? Damn this man!  
Again, before Chan could type a reply, a new message from that... that old man appeared.
There will be many activities that require physical exertion. So, I recommend wearing something that is comfortable and not designer clothes.
Tankhun gasped.
How dare he? Why, you…
Tankhun never typed as fast as he did at that moment.
[Tankhun T]
One, I never let anyone tell me how to dress myself. Two, I let you know that I can do anything in my designer clothes!!!  
If you're not afraid they'll tear or dirty, be my guest, Pumpkin. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.  
[Tankhun T]
It’s Doctor! And what’s that supposed to mean!?  
No reply. 
[Tankhun T] 
Still no reply.  
[Tankhun T]
I hate you!  
See U Saturday~ 😊 
(Tankhun POV)
Next Saturday 07:30 AM  
As soon as Tankhun saw Kinn and Porsche having breakfast with Pa in the dining room, he's 100% sure that his suspicions last Wednesday – regarding who had informed Chan their home address, confirmed. 
Nosy bastards.
“Good morning… looks like someone still hasn't given up on meddling in my business,” jibed Tankhun, face full of accusation.  
“Good morning, son.” 
“Good morning, Tankhun.” 
“What do you mean, P'? We missed you, Pa, and Kim, so we decided to have breakfast here today,” Porsche replied, his face guilt-free, his lips curled into a wide beaming smile, his eyes as mischievous as an imp.
Ugh, this lil shit.
“Tankhun, come, Kinn and Porsche bring your favorite fried dough stick to eat with the porridge,” requested Pa, as he patted the seat on his right side. “Let’s eat while it’s still hot.”
“Yes, Pa,” answered Tankhun, obeying his Pa’s request. “Where’s Kim?”
“Still sleeping, I guess, but I’m about to wake him up now,” said Kinn. “We haven’t had breakfast together like this for a while.”
Kinn left the dining table to go upstairs to wake their youngest brother.
The mischievous look in Porsche's eyes grew even more intense, and suddenly Tankhun realized the real reason for his brother and brother-in-law's visit to the house early in the morning. Tankhun couldn't help himself not to feel amusement, his pouting had turned into a smile, while continuing to enjoy his favorite fried dough sticks.
"It's going to be spectacular, P'," promised Porsche. “You look great, by the way. Special occasion?”
“Shut up,” replied Tankhun, chuckling at the thought of what would happen soon. His brothers were his weakness, he could never be angry with them for long.
"It's the weekend, and I don't have practice today, why do I have to eat breakfast so early?" Kim grumbled as he entered the dining room and took a seat next to Tankhun. His fairly long hair was tangled, and Tankhun reflexively straightened and combed it with his fingers.
"You haven't washed your face, have you?" asked Tankhun.
"This is your punishment for waking me up so early, please enjoy my face that is still full of drool," replied Kim, still feeling annoyed. "Good morning, Pa." 
“Morning, Kim.” 
Kinn had just returned to his seat next to Porsche when the doorbell rang.
“Ah, right on time,” said Porsche, looking meaningfully at Tankhun.
"Kim, would you please be a sweetheart and open the door?" asked Tankhun sweetly.
“But whyyyy~ I haven’t even had a drop of water,” wailed the youngest Theerapanyakun boys.
“Pretty please?” pleaded Tankhun again, puppy eyes in full force.
“Sometimes I really hate being the youngest, you all take advantage of me,” Kim protested as he got up from his seat and walked towards the door.
Tankhun, Kinn, and Porsche were following Kim slowly, trying hard to keep him from noticing that they were trailing behind him.  
“Good morning, is this the Theerapanyakul residence?”
“Holy Shit!” Kim shouted as he slammed the door loudly.
“Umm, Kim… you do realize you just slammed the door in your favorite captain's face, right?” asked Porsche, desperately holding back his laughter seeing Kim's shocked face.  
“HOLY SHIT!!!”   
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 10)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 10  
(Chan POV) 
Derby Match – (3 rd Match of the Season)  
"How do you feel?" Chan asked Vegas, who was getting quieter by the minutes. The young midfielder is indeed not a talkative person, but his silence this time has nothing to do with his character. As a one-club footballer, Chan will never be able to fathom Vegas’s feeling at having to go to the stadium he once considered his home, and having to compete with people who used to be his team-mates. Not to mention, if you factor his ex-fans into the equation. Because of the decades of rivalry, United fans have never been kind to BSFC players and vice versa, but surely, they will be more hostile toward Vegas, who in their eyes considered a traitor, even though his move to BSFC was not his own wish, but the wish of Bangkok United's management who couldn't wait for him to develop to his full potential, and opted to transfer a more  senior and experienced attacking midfielder.
"I'll be fine, Cap, just a little nervous," Vegas replied.
Chan put his hand on Vegas's left shoulder, squeezing it a little to give him encouragement, before continuing his pep talk.
“I'm not going to pretend that I understand how you feel, I never played against any old team, because I only ever play for one team, but this isn't your first derby, so you more or less know how the fans will treat you."
"Like the BSFC fans treated me last season?" asked Vegas with a faint smile.
"Exactly, but they might be a bit more aggressive today, because they'll definitely call you a traitor or various variations of that word or maybe trying to throw things at you,” specified Chan bluntly.
Vegas grimaced.
“You don't need me to spell out to you the best way to silence them, do you?”  
“No, Cap.”
“Good. I'm sure you'll be just fine, Vegas, and YOU will make them very sorry for letting you go,” stated Chan confidently.  “Yes, Cap!”  
After finishing his talk with Vegas, Chan got up from the bench inside the visitor dressing room of the United Stadium, turned his body to face his teammates and shouted loudly, "Ready to take revenge for last season's draw at BOC Stadium, boys? I want a victory, you hear me? This is the last time I'm competing in this stadium, let's make them unable to forget my face. Ever !"
“YES, CAP!!!”
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun came back from his shopping spree in a much better mood, for there is no better medicine than retail therapy. Although to be honest, the reason why his mood was so sour lately was a bit unclear, but he was very satisfied with the items he bought.
Just as his feet stepped into the house through the main door, he was greeted by a cursing that came from the living room, where the 60-inch smart TV was placed.
"FUCK! What kind of tackle is that? Ref, are you blind!? That should be a free kick for our side!" Kim shouted, pointing at the TV with the remote control in his hand.
Kim is always emotional when watching BSFC matches, but this time he sounded even more emotional than usual. Tankhun decided to approach Kim to find out what was so special about this match.
"Yes, Cap! Tell him! Stupid referee! UGH!" he shouted again.
"Why are they wearing white? Isn't the color of the BSFC uniform black?" asked Tankhun as soon as he saw the white uniform that was worn by Chan, who was seen on the TV screen still protesting to the referee. The sweat-drenched uniform clung to Chan's body, mapping all the curves of his chest and abs muscles. The effect of the black uniform was quite severe, but the white one? Damn, there was nothing left to the imagination, it's borderline indecent. Tankhun suddenly felt his face hot and his mouth dry. 
“Oh, hi, P’!” greeted Kim. "This is their second uniform, for the away game. I'm surprised that you even know the color of the BSFC uniform.”
Tankhun heard Kim's explanation, he really did, though only faintly, because his eyes were still glued to the TV screen, that damn uniform now clings to the captain's back muscles.
 “P’! Did you even hear what I say?” asked Kim… well yelled to be exact.  
As usual, Tankhun's instinct to always look cool in front of his youngest brother kicked in in an instant, even though his brain was still stuck on that damn white jersey, Tankhun replied casually, “Du~h, Kim. I’ve seen poster in your room so many times and I’m the one who bought you your first BSFC’s jersey.”
“Oooh, it's starting again! Come on, P', sit here and watch the game with me,” said Kim as he tapped on the sofa.   
Tankhun hesitated a bit, could he trust himself not to blurt out the truth about Chan to Kim, especially regarding Porsche and Kinn – because it was not his story to tell, but seeing how focused Kim was on this derby, Tankhun felt like it's pretty safe now. So, he decided to join Kim sitting on the big black leather sofa.
“You’re not going to regret it, P’. Derby matches are the best. Nerve-wracking for sure, but fucking awesome .” 
"No free-kicks for BSFC, even though the captain tried hard to reason with the referee. Ball for United."
“Ugh, not only stupid but blind. BOO~~~” cried Kim, jumping on his feet and once again pointing at the screen with the remote.
Looks like Kim would chime in with whatever the commentators on TV say, so Tankhun intended to just sit back and enjoy his baby antics. Well, he was the one who raised him since he was 5 years old, so Kim was and always will be his baby.
"Ten minutes before half time and it's still nil-nil here at the United Stadium. It's been a fantastic match, full of excitement! So far, we've seen two superb saves from each goal keeper; wonderful, wonderful attempts of goals and countless individual skill displays. You don't want to take your eyes off this match, not even for a second!"
“COME ON, GUYS!!!!”  
"Wonderful passing from Big to Daddy Chan who slightly moved forward from his position as a center back. Looks like this time it’s the captain who is going to orchestra the attack. Daddy is still dribbling the ball, what a beautiful skill… Vegas is on his right side and Pete is moving backward to take the defensive position. Lovely through ball from the captain to Tay, the BSFC left winger, who crossed! There’s Vegas there… ah superb control of the ball from the young player, is he going to shoot? Looks like he's going to do it…  but it's NOT!!! It’s a feign! Clever moves from the newest player of BSFC who is also the ex-player of the home team… the goalie was tricked and misstep, and of course Daddy Chan is already waiting in front of goal... GOAL FOR DADDY~~~~ 1-0 for the visitor! Woohoo~~~~
Kim screamed so loud, Tankhun's eardrum actually hurt. Then, he jumped on his feet to run in front of the TV and started to chant, “CHAN! CHAN! CHAN!”
(Chan POV)
The booing sounds that came from the United Stadium stands were like music to Chan’s ear. He punched into the air with his right hand and shouted, "YEAAAAAH!"
Vegas, Tay, Pete, Tem, and Ken, came rushing towards him. They screamed and yelled and tried to hug him at the same time, so in the end all of them fell and rolled on the grass in one big pile. The sound of their laughter that sounded like madman must have been heard all the way to the stands, because the booing sound from United fans was getting louder and louder.
The sound of the referee's whistle awakened them from their euphoria, all BSFC players rose to their feet immediately to return to their positions. As a goal scorer, Chan of course received the angriest shouts and ridicule from United fans, but Chan just put on his super annoying face and then put his right hand behind his ear, provoking the United fans to be even more emotional and livid.
Afterward, he pulled the BSFC badge that pasted on the left side of his jersey to his lips and kissed it. The booing was getting worse and Chan just smirked at them with pleasure.
Ah~ I love derby.
(Tankhun POV)
“Hahahaaaaa~ I love it when he’s being a bastard!” hollered Kim who’s still jumping in the living room like a maniac.
Tankhun looked at Chan's face on the huge TV screen, with the most annoying smirk on his lips… and he couldn't help himself not to smile.
Yup, he’s a bastard… a very sexy one… FUCK!
"Three minutes before halftime, the score is still 0-1 for the visitor. A quick kick off… Time, the midfielder that was acquired  by United to replace Vegas, kicks the ball to Game who passes it right back to Time… He moves forward along the left wing… Vegas tries to confront him… lovely inside hook from Time… he still got the ball… he managed to move past Daddy too, this guy has an amazing dribbling skill… Ping, the left fullback of Bangkok United, overlapping from behind… Time finally let go of the ball… Ping took it and passed it to Tawan but Pol already covered him… Tawan then kicks the ball back with his right heel… Time gets the ball again… Big who guarded Time moved a second too late, Time managed to release the ball to Tawan who was sliding on the ground… OH! AND HE SCORED! What a beauty! One-one."
“NOOOOOOO!!!” screamed Kim as he covered his face.
(Chan POV)
“Boys, this is not over yet! We can still win this!” shouted Coach in the dressing room at half-time break. “I have a good feeling about this!”
“Vegas, I just want to say, good feign move there, thanks for the assist,” said Chan to Vegas before addressing his other teammates, “I think we all can see that the new midfielder is having a mad dribbling skill, and he’s their attacking general. Every single attack is starting from him, and Coach, I think you agree with me if I say we can take advantage of this fact.”
“Definitely!” affirmed Coach. “Now, who wants to help Chan to guard this Time guy? We need to disable this player’s movement.”
“Coach, I’ll do it,” replied Pete right away.
“But, Pete…” said Vegas, which Pete immediately cut off.
“No, Vegas, this is your old team, you know best about their defense. You’re the one who’s going to arrange the BSFC attack in the second half, I will take the bottom position."
Call him paranoid, but as soon as he heard the word bottom, Chan suddenly looked at Pol and Arm. If they dared to speak or smile meaningfully, Chan vowed to hit them hard on the head, this very second. Luckily, they didn't act stupid and looked very serious. Yeah, the derby match indeed made everyone extra.
“Yes, Cap!”
“Since my position is going to be a little more forward than usual, that means you will be the last defense before the goalie.” 
“Understood, Cap!” 
“Good, I know I can count on you,” said Chan. “Jom, Arm, Pol!” 
“Yes, Cap!”  
“Jom, you’re the goalie, talk to them three about the best arrangement. Pete and I will make sure Time can't pass as freely as the first-half, I leave the defense in the hands of the four of you.” 
“Let’s finish this with style, boys!!!” 
(Tankhun POV)  
When Kim said this match was nerve-wracking, he wasn't kidding. Tankhun had never felt so involved in a football match before. When United attacked, he actually held his breath, and vice versa, when BSFC attacked he screamed along with Kim. This was madness.
“It's been 40 minutes since the kick-off of the second half, and the score is still tied at 1-1. There’s only 5 minutes left on the clock, and neither team is willing to give up, and accept a draw. United of course want to maintain their dignity as the home team, and BSFC want to avenge the draw result in their home ground last season. May the best team win.”
”Come on… come on…” muttered Tankhun under his breath, he couldn't explain what happened to him, but Tankhun really wanted BSFC to win this match. Was it because of Chan's determined face throughout the match, or because of Kim who miraculously didn't lose his voice, considering he’s screaming non-stop? 
"Do you understand now, P'? How beautiful is this sport? I can't believe it took you this long to realize it," Kim said, with a face full of hope. When Kim's round puppy eyes stared at him like that, Tankhun was helpless.
"Yes, Kim. I do."
(Chan POV) 
There wasn't much time left, and Chan was starting to feel that his desire for a victory in his last match at the United Stadium seemed very unlikely, especially now that the ball was in United possession.
“Cap, we got this!” yelled Pete. “Look, it’s Time again, and he looked as tired as us. We can do this, Cap!”  
Chan had to admit that United's newest attacking midfielder is indeed a top-class player, his dribbling almost perfect, it's almost impossible to take the ball from him without touching his legs, and Chan couldn’t afford to make another foul this moment. Not when there was only so little time left to carry out the final attack. He and Pete, both of them, have been yellow carded, but they must be able to get the ball from Time, and do it with clean tackles.
Again, Time dribbled the ball trying to get past Pete and Chan, and after many times throughout this match they fought head-to-head, Chan was starting to be able to read Time's movement, and if his guess was right, Time would do a step-over after this, and he did exactly that.
The key to winning the ball when the opposing player was doing a step-over is perfect timing, the problem was, Time's step over is very fast, so it’s very difficult to get the ball without committing a foul. But it looks like what Pete said earlier was true, Time was as tired as them and his step over wasn't as fast as usual. Chan wasn't voted as the best defender for five years in a row if he didn't have perfect timing, so in the end he managed to steal the ball from Time with a clean tackle.
Look at that, boy, this old man still got it!
The remaining time was probably less than a minute, so they only had one chance to attack. Chan quickly passed the ball to Pete, who then screamed loudly at Vegas.
The next sequence was like a dream, Vegas sprinted forward while maintaining his on-side position, and Pete launched a long ball forward, which fell right in the middle of the opponent's penalty box. How he did it, Chan couldn’t answer, but adrenaline always makes players do things beyond reason. Because the ball was too high, Vegas had no choice but to volley it straight into the opponent's goal with his left foot, and he did it! The ball shot straight into the top left corner of Bangkok United’s goal, silencing the whole stadium.
He did it! He fucking did it! He silenced the whole fucking stadium!
Chan fell to his knees; he had been drained. He raised both his hands into the air and shouted using his remaining energy, "AAARGHHH!!!"
Afterward he lifted his head to look at his young teammates, Vegas was standing tall in front of the stands behind United's goal. Just like Chan, he also raised his hands into the air and shouted as loudly as possible to the ex-fans who used to cheer him on but were so hostile to him throughout this match.
"FUCK YEAH~~~!!!"
Yes, boy, make them sorry to let you go!
Pete, followed by Tay, Ken, Big, Tem, even Jom, sprint towards Vegas. Pete, who was running in the front, jumped onto Vegas' back or tried , because at the last second Vegas turned his body around. So, instead of Pete climbing onto Vegas's back, he landed on his chest. Since Vegas didn't know the intentions of his teammates, he wasn't at all ready to catch Pete's body, so he ended up falling on his back with Pete falling on top of him. Seconds later Tay, Ken, Big, Tem, dan Jom, also piled on top of Vegas and Pete.  
“Kyaaaa~~~ they're hugging while lying down!” cried Pol, a scream worthy of any fanboy, which was met with a squeal from Arm with the same intensity.
“OMG! KYAAAA~~~!!!”  
Chan couldn't help but chuckle, after all this, how could he have the energy or desire to be angry at any of them? He demanded victory from them and his boys gave it to him.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 3)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 3
(Chan’s POV)
Two weeks later…
“Where are they? WHERE ARE THEY!?” Coach shouted furiously as soon as he entered the locker room, slammed the ball that he was holding to the floor, and kicked one of the calf guards that was lying at his feet. “Maledetti stupidi testoni!" 
Chan had expected this to happen. Coach would no longer be able to control his anger, not after their practice match ended in a draw today, against a mediocre team that they should have completely crushed. Moreover, this was the last day of their pre-season training, before the new season started in three days. So, he can imagine how furious he was at the moment.
Vegas and Pete, who were standing only half-step in front of him, who were the focus of Coach's anger, trembled on their feet. Chan tried to give them some encouragement by putting each of his hands on those boys' shoulders. But Chan had to admit that Coach's anger towards the two of them was justified. From the beginning of the pre-season training until the last day, they still didn’t want to lower their egos, and instead of working together to bring down the opponent, they were fighting over each other's balls.
"What have I told you two since day one, huh!?" asked the Coach. "Answer me!"
“Yes, Coach!” Pete responded first.
“What are you waiting for? TELL ME!” screamed Coach, his face absolutely red all over, he was livid.
“Coach…,” Chan tried to lower the tension, but before he had time to express his opinion, Don immediately cut him off.
“You stay out of this!”  
“Who wants to open their mouth first? Hm?” whispered Coach this time, but strangely, it was even scarier than his yells. 
“We need to learn to work together,” answered Pete. 
“And you, Vegas? Have any of my words over the past two weeks entered your head?" 
“Yes, Coach!” replied Vegas quickly. "We have to communicate well with each other."  
“And why’s that?” asked Coach again, still in an eerily low voice. “Go on…”
“Because midfield is our responsibility.”
“Well done! Bravo! Molto bene!” jeered Coach as he clapped his hands. “At least you remembered! I should have taken this as a win! HAHAHA!”
That was the most fake laugh Chan had ever heard come out of Don's mouth, and he had been Chan's mentor for 13 years.
“Coach, I’m so sorry, I… I mean, we… should have-”
“Yes, you should. Both of you,” Coach cut off Pete’s words. “Now you two listens, because I'm just going to say this one last time, and hopefully this time it's not only memorized but acted on. Understood?”
“Yes, Coach!” Vegas and Pete answered at the same time.
Ah~ look at that! In harmony for the first time and hell not freezing.
“As I have said many times, I will not decide which one of you will be the attacking midfielder and who will be the defending midfielder. WHY IS THAT? Because we can use this as a deadly weapon. If only you can communicate well and be flexible... YOU TWO can switch your role during the whole match. And THAT will be very confusing for the opponent.”
Chan felt like he heard giggling from behind him, where two BSFC's wing backs – Arm and Pol, were standing. But they were really looking for trouble if they dared to laugh or play around when Coach was in such a bad mood.
“When one is attacking then the other one is defending and vice versa. Talk to each other so you can move as one. The point is, if one of you takes the top position, then the other one takes the bottom position.”
Again, a barrage of soft giggling was heard from behind him and now Chan was 100% sure he was not imagining it, because he also heard Pol (Must be him!) whisper to Arm (Who else? Those two are two peas in a pod).
“I’m so~ writing this fan fiction. They’re like my new OTP.”
“Good idea, Pol. ETL trope is one of my favs,” Arm whispered back before he was giggling some more.  
Fanfiction? OTP? ETL? What the hell is that?  
Chan glanced to his right side, where Big, the other center back, was standing. He kept on signaling Arm and Pol to shut their mouths.
“What's that all about, Big?” asked Chan to Big in a super low voice.  
“Cap, trust me, you don’t want to know.”  
Coach still hasn't finished with Vegas and Pete, "If in the opening match, you two still don't listen to my instructions, I will not hesitate to change the formation of this team and only play with THREE midfielders! One of you can warm the bench for the whole FUCKING season for all I care. Just try me!"
Hey, another one~ there’s still hope for these two.
“For the rest of you, rest well, eat well, I’ll see you in our stadium in three days,” finally Coach addressed the whole team.
“YES, COACH!” hollered all the players in the dressing room
“CHAN! Don’t you dare try another ridiculous thing!”
Ugh~ Did he really need to do that~?
“No, Coach!” answered Chan, his face slightly pink.
“Now, gather up, let’s win this season for your Captain, boys!”
The whole BSFC players suddenly moved in unison and put their right hands together and placed them on top of Coach's right hand.  
“In three… One… Two… Three… BSFC!!!” 
Chan was one of the few players who left the locker room last. Because today was the last day of training, for sure the number of fans waiting for them outside the stadium was more than usual, and Chan still didn't want to be surrounded by too many fans, the events that happened two weeks ago were still very much etched in his mind. Besides, earlier after shower, he had had a brief exchange with Pete about his issue with Vegas. At first, Chan suggested the three of them sit down together to discuss this, maybe with him as the buffer, the tension between them wouldn't be too high, but his co-captain assured him that they could handle the matter themselves. And Chan was willing to give those two boys his trust.
When he finally reached the exit door at the back of the stadium facing the parking lot that was reserved for BSFC players, there were only a handful of fans left waiting for him. Chan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately finished his 'duty' to sign on posters, jerseys, or whatever they wanted. After all, this would be his last season, and he will be closing this phase of his life very soon. There was no harm in making his fans happy, right? As long as it was not in an excessive portion like the last incident. Ah~ that little scandal still bothered him very much.
Chan saw a pair of long legs wrapped in black straight-cut pants first – he’s always been a leggy man, before he realized who it was exactly leaning against the side of his beloved Range Rover, while holding two cups of coffee in his hands.
“Hi~ Yes, it’s me,” answered that guy candidly, his pink (Yes, PINK!) sunglasses perched on his straight nose perfectly. “It’s good to know you still remember me.”
Again, CC, thanks for the translation!
“Maledetti stupidi testoni!"
"Stubborn little shits!"
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 2)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 2
(Chan POV)
Chan, who slightly out-of-breath sat on a bench which was located between two rows of lockers inside the dressing room. His hair, skin, jersey, shorts, down to his underpants were all wet with sweat. Coach really meant it when he said he was going to teach him a lesson.  
As soon as their first pre-season practice ended, his young teammates went straight to the shower stalls but Chan truly had no strength to get up. He wasn’t even sure if he had the will, not after he found out that someone had recorded the incident at the café this morning, in HD no less, then uploaded and spread the video on all social media.  
Chan had watched the 48-seconds video that has gone viral five times, over and over again. The more times he watched, the worse he felt. Right until this very second, he still couldn't believe something like this could happen to him.
Don’t get him wrong, Chan never considered himself perfect. Like any normal human being on Earth, he had many flaws, but Chan always tried to do his best, and the rigorous training he received throughout his 20 plus years career as a professional footballer, had shaped him into a very disciplined individual. While other football players were caught in various scandals, be it prostitution, drugs, alcohol, DUI, infidelity, or nasty divorce, etc, Chan has never involved in any of those things.
Usually, when his name entered the hot search, mostly they are related to his actions on the pitch or in the world of football. Like when he debuted for the BSFC senior team when he was only a 16 years old boy. The young center back who graduated from BSFC Football Academy, managed to create one goal and help to keep a clean sheet for his team in that match. The senior goalkeeper who witnessed his debut praised him: ‘He made my job 50% easier, he just won’t let the enemy pass him.’ Or when he was named one of the youngest captains in BSFC history, at the age of 23, and shortly thereafter received a call-up to be part of the national team for the first time. 
Career-wise, Chan has never encountered any significant obstacles. The worst injury he had ever experienced was when he and the forward from the opposing team collided in midair. Their heads banging violently against each other, both of them had to be carried off the field on stretchers and could not continue playing. Chan received 5 stitches on the left side of his head and got a two weeks break to prevent concussion. Other than that, there has never been another severe injury that made him unable to play.
When he was 27 years old, Chan was trusted to be the captain of the National Team, it was the proudest and happiest moment of his life for he felt like the whole country cheered for him. It was also this very moment which cemented his nickname that has stuck with him until now. The events that related to it were arguably a bit bizarre and unbelievable. A female idol who’s known to be a football maniac and one of Chan's biggest fans, was interviewed the day after Chan's appointment as National Team Captain. When the host asked her opinion on the matter, the idol candidly said on National Television, "What do you want me to say? He got the skills, he got the looks, he 100% deserves this position. Now everybody answers me~ Who's your Daddy, huh? Damn right, it's Daddy Chan!" Ever since that day, whether you football fanatics or not, everybody who recognized him will call him Daddy Chan or simply Daddy. The only exception would be his teammates who called him Cap and of course his Coach.
As far as Chan can remember, it was the only hot search about him that isn't 100% related to football, but still, things that surrounded the moment were quite funny. Whereas today...
Chan frowned for a moment before once again unlocking his cellphone and searching for the video. For the sake of getting clicks, people gave it bombastic titles, such as:  'Naughty Daddy caught red-handed by Coach’; 'Daddy’s Sweet Tooth Brings Havoc’; 'Don the Man Rescue Super Captain from Fans’ Attack’; 'Give me 20, Daddy!' and many many more. Chan clicked one of the links to open the video and started to watch again.
Chan truly didn’t know what motivation had made him watch the cursed clip for the 6th time, the content of the video not going to change from the first time he saw it.
The video still starts with Coach shouting, 'Dio Mio! Chan!' to which he responded with a request for help. He’s 185 cm tall and weighs 95 kg of pure muscle, but still, he needed the help of his Coach to get him out of the crowd. With his loud, booming voice, the Italian coach ordered the fans to get out of his way so he could get to where Chan was standing, and like magic, the chaos stopped. The captain didn't know exactly what Coach was shouting at that time, but he was pretty sure they were not exactly nice, because as usual, when Coach emotions were running high, he would mix up English and swear words in Italian. From the speaker of his cellphone, the word ‘Cazzo’ could be heard clearly several times. Chan and his teammates don't speak Italian, but for that one particular word, all the players who have ever been coached by Don understand its meaning. 
‘I can understand if young players are doing ridiculous things like this, but you? YOU!? Maccheccazzo!  You are my pride and glory, Chan, and you know it! Are you trying to break this old heart of mine? Well, it’s already broken! Porca puttana!!’
‘Yes, Coach.’
'I can't let this go unpunished, you are the captain of this team and you have to set a good example. As soon as we get to the pitch, You. Will. Give. Me. 20!!!'
‘Yes, Coach!’
‘Now, move!’
‘Yes, Coach!’  
Chan pressed pause to take a deep breath for a moment, the humiliation he suffered from being yelled at by his coach in front of fans and cafe regulars like a child – when he was already 36 years old, certainly a hard pill to swallow. As if he didn’t suffer enough, Chan pressed play to continue watching.
Before Coach followed him and walked towards the exit of the cafe, he took the time to grab Chan's coffee from the bar. This time, a string of Italian words flew out of his mouth at high speed, and Chan didn't understand them one bit. But if he had to make a guess, then it must have something to do with coffee.
‘Che roba è? Che cazzo di robaccia è questa? Solo un coglione rovinerebbe un buon caffè con caramello e panna! I miei nonni si rivolterebbero nella tomba e si strapperebbero i capelli se vedessero questo cazzo di scempio!’
That was the end of the clip, and exactly like the last time Chan finished watching the doomed video, he felt even worse.  
“Cap, are you okay?”  
Chan heard Pete's soft voice first before he felt the touch of his hand gently squeezing his right shoulder. His co-captain was such a good boy, but Chan needed to confirm something with him.
"Pete, you're the only person I talked to about my plans today, how did Coach find out about this?"
“It’s Vegas,” said Pete in a venomous tone. Lips that usually put on a smile 24/7, now disappeared without a trace as soon as that particular name left his mouth.
Ah, shit~  
Because of the incident this morning, this crucial matter involving these two young footballers didn’t even cross his mind, and as the team captain, Chan felt so embarrassed. Since it concerned their team’s unity and teamwork, this matter is way more important than his injured pride. Moreover, this season would be his last season, and he wanted to leave a solid and good team for the boys who he already considered as his brothers, every single one of them. As an only child and an orphan – both of his parents already passed away, Chan is a lone-wolf in this world. His teammates are his family. Chan must be able to find the right solution so that this new boy – Vegas, can become part of the family as soon as possible.  
Vegas Kornwit, the newest addition to the BSFC team this season, is a talented young footballer with huge potential. Nobody ever thought that the owners of BSFC would bring him here on the last day of the transfer window, for two big reasons: One, Vegas’s old team, Bangkok United, was BSFC's arch-enemy. We were talking about a rivalry that had been ingrained for decades here. Two, Vegas and Pete happened to play in the same position, the attacking midfielder.
Chan had already discussed this issue, the overlapping positions of these two young footballers, with Don, but Coach assured him that he already had a brilliant idea for this matter. All Chan needed to do as the team captain was to get these two people willing to work together. However, hearing Pete's completely unfriendly tone just now, Chan couldn't help but think, whether this problem can be solved easily or not.  
“What about him?“ Chan questioned his co-captain.  
“Vegas younger brother works as a barista at the Hattrick Coffee Shop. He updated his IG about making coffee for his favorite captain this morning,” explained Pete.  
Chan covered his face with his hands and asked, “And why do you think this matter has anything to do with Coach finding out I was at the cafe?” 
Before Pete got a chance to answer this question, Chan already shot him with the following question, “Did he tell on me?”
Pete was about to open his mouth to answer, but once again he didn't get a chance, because Vegas, who had already finished his shower, suddenly appeared in the dressing room.  
“No, Cap, I didn’t,” answered Vegas. “I was checking on my IG this morning and saw Macau’s post about you. I didn’t realize that Coach Vadim was standing behind me.” 
“But he won’t know about that IG post if you don’t shout Cap’s name in that way, am I right?” argued Pete.  
Chan took a deep breath to calm himself before he asked for further explanation from Vegas, “What exactly did you say that caught Coach Vadim interest?”  
“Uhm… ” 
“Oh, Daddy Chan, uhm…” 
“You tell him right now or I’m the one who is going to tell him!” shouted Pete, getting super emotional.  
“Pete, let him speak,” warned Chan to Pete.
 “Sorry, Cap!” 
“Vegas, tell me.” 
“Oh, Daddy Chan, naughty naughty,” answered Vegas with a small voice, his cheeks flushed red.   
“He was saying it with such an annoying tone, Cap!” Pete shouted again.  
“Cap, I’m sorry. Truly. I have no intention whatsoever to get you into trouble.”
Pete snorted, clearly very much in doubt about Vegas' intention.  
Ooh, boy~ I need to find a way to make these two get along.  
Chan got up from his seat slowly, not gonna lie, the extra 20 laps that he got as punishment made him feel extra tired. After all, he’s not in his 20s anymore.
"Alright enough, this conversation ends here. There’s nothing else that we can do anyway, it’s already happened and done with."
“Vegas, let’s just forget it, okay? I know you didn't mean to.”
"Thank you, Cap.”
“And since this is your first day of training with us, welcome to BSFC,” said Chan as he walked carefully to the shower stall.
Fuck, this back-pain is killing me!
(Tankhun POV) 
“Doctor T, your brother is here to see you,” informed the Research Center receptionist. 
“Just tell him to come in, Sunny. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, Doctor T.” 
Before Tankhun could even put the phone in the correct position, there was already a knock on his door. If Kim was in such a hurry, it seemed like whatever it is that made him come here, must be urgent, and Tankhun couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Because, even though Kim studied at the same University where Tankhun worked, during the 3 years he was a student here, he had only visited Tankhun in his office twice. The last time he did was because Kim needed his help to find him a tutor for Chemistry Class. If he didn't get at least B- in that class, he would be suspended from the University Football Team, something that he cannot afford at that time, for he was running to become the team captain. He wondered what kind of trouble his youngest brother had this time.
"Come in.”
“P’, what really happened?” asked Kim breathlessly, sweat rolling down from his forehead to his red-pink cheeks.
“Oh my God! Kim, did you just run here?” Tankhun asked his brother back as he stood from his chair, starting to feel worry for real. No greeting, no cue, Kim just immediately questioned him as soon as he walked into Tankhun's office, which, like any other offices in the facility, was painted white with black furniture. But of course, the stationery and file folders that piled on his desk, full of colors. Please... no boring black stationary for Tankhun Theerapanyakul.  
“Not important,” answered his brother curtly as he took out his cell phone from his backpack, and handed it over to Tankhun. "Here, see for yourself." 
Tankhun hit play and watched the video that shows exactly what happened to the great Bangkok Super FC’s Captain after Tankhun left the Hattrick. The longer he watched the video, the more guilt that he had felt this morning returned. Although, when he got to the part where the Coach cursed Chan's behavior of destroying good coffee with caramel, Tankhun wanted to cheer for the coach so badly.  
As soon as the 48 seconds clip was finished playing, Tankhun slowly sat back down and returned the cellphone that he held to its owner. Afterward, he braced himself for the storm that was about to come. He was 80% sure about that, because you see, Chan is very precious to his brother. 
“Now, could you please tell me what exactly happened this morning at the café?” Kim asked again, with way more urgency from earlier.   
"What makes you so sure that I have something to do with this?" Tankhun couldn't help but get defensive. Surely, he has the right to defend himself, right?
“I never said you have anything to-” Kim stopped talking abruptly and then looked at him suspiciously.  
OH, FUCK!    
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, P’!!! Why did you say that!?” Kim's voice got sharper now, he looks like a bloodhound on a mission.  
“Say what?” asked Tankhun, trying his hardest to look innocent.  
Oh, he knew that he had been caught red-handed, but Tankhun was still so stubborn to give up. Yet, he couldn’t even look at his brother's eyes anymore.   
“OMG, P’!” screamed Kim.  
“Kim, lower your voice down! We’re not at home.”  
“P’, what have you done?”  Kim sounded so down now and once again, Tankhun’s guilt surged to the surface. But there was one thing that piqued his curiosity, and Tankhun needed to ask about it first before he came clean to his brother.  
“Why are you asking me about this in the first place? You know I never have any interest in football.”  
“I also know about your habit, P’ and every morning at 7.30 sharp you always go to that café to get your coffee. So, it’s impossible if you didn’t know what happened this morning,” explained Kim.
“Yes, OH,” mocked Kim. “P', what exactly did you do? He was so humiliated. And just so you know, he never gets into a hot search for things like this.”  
“I ask him to sign my notebook. For YOU.” 
“Yes, OH,” said Tankhun in an identical tone like Kim. “But it turns out that my voice is not as low as I thought, because the barista at the café, who is also Chan's big fan, heard me. And then, he proudly announced, in a super loud voice, how he has made a Caramel Frappuccino with Double Whipped Cream and Chocolate Chips on top for his favorite Captain.” 
Kim's shocked face when he heard about his fav footballer's coffee order matched with Tankhun's imagination and prediction, and he's not gonna lie, it felt So.Damn.Good. Tankhun Theerapanyakul always settles the score.
“H-he… really drink his coffee like… that?”
“I know, right?” confirmed Tankhun. “It’s shocking… and borderline scandalous, if you ask me.”  
Kim winced and silenced for a while. He must be still digesting the information he just received.
“Not intentionally trying to cut short our conversation here, brother. But my schedule is crazy tight today, so if you don't have anything else to ask me…”  
“I do!” said Kim right away.  
Tankhun raised his eyebrows as a response.
“You need to apologize to him, P’.”
“What? NO!” Tankhun quickly rejected Kim’s request.
“You have ruined his reputation!” Kim insisted.
“I did not, it’s the barista's fault!” yelled Tankhun, refusing to stand down. He was being stubborn and he’s very much aware.
“P’, if you didn’t expose him by asking him to sign your notebook, the barista wouldn’t know.”
“Don't you feel guilty? At least a bit?” pleaded his youngest brother who has always been his favorite sibling – sorry Kinn, but you already have a super-hot husband.  
“Of course, I am!”  
“P’, this is his last year before retirement. Once this season is over, I will no longer be able to see him playing football. I just want his last year to be a good year, he deserves all the best. You know how important he is to me!”
Kim's teary eyes will always be his weakness, Tankhun folded.  
“I will apologize to him. I promise.”
“Thank you, P’,” said Kim as he gave him a little smile before leaving the Research Center.  
Thank you, CC, for helping me with the Italian translation. Luv u, bb <3
The Translation:
‘Che roba è? Che cazzo di robaccia è questa? Solo un coglione rovinerebbe un buon caffè con caramello e panna! I miei nonni si rivolterebbero nella tomba e si strapperebbero i capelli se vedessero questo cazzo di scempio!’
(What is this? What the fuck is this? Only a lunatic capable of destroying good coffee with caramel! My poor ancestors will weep and roll in their grave if they see this abomination!)
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 9)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 9 
(Chan’s POV)
Next Week – 2nd Match of the Season
"Though all of you almost made my heart stop in the last minutes of injury times, but overall great job! So far, we had two wins out of two matches, six perfect points, and on top of the table… What more could I ask for, huh? Well done, boys!" said the Coach as he clapped his hands enthusiastically which was then hailed with boisterous shouts from all the players.
“We’re going to win this season's championship for you, Cap!” cried Ken, the MVP for today’s match – he scored twice, which once again was hailed with cheers from the other players and Coach. 
"I don't want to discourage everyone, but it's too early to talk about winning, for there are still 36 games left. But I believe, IF we can keep our level of play like this for the whole season or manage to perform better than this, then we can win this championship, and I will retire in style," stated Chan as he staring intently into his teammates' eyes one after another, before grinning and shouted, "Please, send me into retirement with glory, boys!"
Coach raised his left hand as a sign for the team to be quiet, looks like Coach will talk about next week's match, which is so crucial.
"I don't think I need to tell you about this, I'm sure you all understand that next week's match is our first big obstacle in our fight to win this season," reminded Coach, before continuing, "United also had two wins out of two and six points, exactly like us. The only thing that made us on top of the table while they’re in second place is, we have a slightly better goal difference than them. Remember, this is an away match at the United Home Ground, so next Saturday please come to the stadium early and don't be late, the bus leaves exactly at 14:00. Put on your black suit."
“Pete, Vegas… we need to talk about next week's strategy,” said Don to the duo midfielders, giving them a sign to follow him into his office, which was located next to the players’ lounge.
“Coach, should I join you?” asked Chan.
“No, Chan, I’ve got this,” answered Coach. “I’m going to tell you all about it on Monday at the training ground before practice. You just tell the boys to take a shower and go home. Remind them to rest and eat well.”  
“Yes, Coach.”
“Oh, don’t forget to ask them to increase their protein intake, we are going to war next week.” 
“Yes, Sir!” replied Chan while cackling at Coach’s words, but he always loved derby matches. The rivalry, fighting spirit and skill level of the match are out of this world. Next week's game would be the first from the remaining two derby matches and Chan definitely will enjoy this match to his heart's content. Moreover, Chan still had a score to settle, because last season United managed to hold BSFC at their own stadium. Draw result at home ground was infuriating, and the captain was determined to make United taste their own medicine. If BSFC can steal a win in their home ground, that would be fucking amazing, the perfect revenge. After all, this would be the last time Chan stepped on the United Home Ground, and he would make them unable to forget him. 
“Boys, take a shower and go straight home. Rest well, eat well… and please increase your protein intake, because next week we’ll go to war!”  
“YES, CAP!” 
After finishing his captain's duties, instead of following the boys to shower stalls, Chan rushed to the locker to check on his cell phone. He’s got several new messages, including from the architects and construction firm that were building Chan's dream house for the last six months. Yet, no messages from the person that he was expecting.
Damn… it’s not working.  
Chan was deliberately putting on his super cocky face today to evoke Tankhun's curiosity, but it seems the Doctor is still very much annoyed with him, as there hasn't been a message or anything from him all week. Chan was so close to giving Porsche or Kinn a call to inquire about Tankhun, only pride held him back from doing so. Besides, Chan still didn't know exactly how he felt about Tankhun, but one thing for sure he made him laugh and amused him with all his whims. Chan really enjoyed their time in the Moonlight, with all their bantering and even that eye-opening fanfiction crash course. It was madness but Chan hadn't had as much fun as that night in a very long time. If he didn't want to lose it, at least not now , surely, it was understandable, right?
Chan had to find a second task for Tankhun as soon as possible, as that seemed to be the only way for the scientists to want to interact with him again.
But, what task? 
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun checked his cell phone once again for new messages, but the results he got were the same as the last time he checked… about 5 minutes ago. Duh~ what did he expect anyway? The Great BSFC Captain sent a new message apologizing to him for his super annoying behavior the last time they talked on the phone?
Hah! Not a chance.
Judging from his smug face during the whole match earlier – Tankhun still couldn't believe he had watched the football game for two weeks in a row, he must have gone crazy – Tankhun was certain Chan didn't feel guilty at all or felt the little friction between them last week was important.
He began to wonder why it should be considered important to him too? He had indeed promised to fulfill three tasks from Chan as an apology, but he wasn't the one trying to run away from responsibility. It was precisely because Tankhun wanted to get this thing over with quickly, they had an argument. To this day, Tankhun still doesn’t understand what made Chan suddenly snap at him. What a weirdo! If it weren't for him making a promise to Kim, to apologize, he wouldn't have bothered at all.
Now, a week had passed without any news, Tankhun was really at a loss as to what to do. He really wanted this problem to be over quickly. He has a lot to do at the research center, which is far more important than apologizing to a maddening footballer. Could it be that he was expecting Tankhun to call him to beg for a task?
Dream on!  
And to think Kinn and Porsche were trying to be a matchmaker for the two of them just because of their fascinating interactions at the Moonlight that night – to quote Porsche's words – Tankhun couldn't believe his ears when he heard them talk to him about it.
“I think it’s about time, don’t you think?”  
"For what?”
“Kim will graduate next year.”  
“So? Kinn, speak clearly, please…”  
“P', I think what Kinn is trying to say is… it's time for you to date seriously.”
“With Chan?”
“If you want. He’s a very decent guy, you know, Porsche knew him for a long time.”
“You two realize that we've only met twice, and aren't really on good terms. I literally owe him two tasks so he can forgive me for my mistakes.”
“I met Porsche when I was on a date with another guy.”
“Ugh, I hate that guy.”
“Look, if you ask me whether I find him attractive or not, of course the answer is yes, he's freaking hot. And honestly, I wouldn't mind, if at the end of whatever this is, we hooked up. I've never been able to find anyone who can lift and fuck me against the wall. His biceps look pretty strong."
“For God’s sake, Tankhun!”
“What? You can meddle in my personal affairs but I can't talk vulgarly?”
“I’m sorry if I make you feel that way, but…”
“But what?”
“P’, please…”
“Fine. Go on then…”
“When Ma died, I know that you sacrificed a lot for the three of us. Kim was only 5  and I was 12. You literally raised us alone, because Pa never really returned to his old self.”
“I understand when Kim was little, you always put your feelings aside, always pulled away once the relationship got serious.”
“But he's 20 years old now and I'm married. Don’t you think it’s time?"
“We just ask you to open your heart, P’, whoever the person is doesn't really matter. Although I must say the interaction between the two of you is… fascinating.”  
“I’ll try.”   
Tankhun loved all his brothers, but sometimes they can be very nosy.
A very decent guy, my ass!
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 4)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 4
(Chan’s POV) 
“Hi~ Yes, it’s me,��� answered that guy candidly, his pink (Yes, PINK!) sunglasses perched on his straight nose perfectly. “It’s good to know you still remember me.”
“Yeah, like it’s possible to forget you!” stated Chan, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Indeed, I take that as a compliment, by the way. Thank you~” replied the guy sweetly as he smiled. SMILED! 
The nerve of this guy. Ugh!
“It’s not,” barked Chan curtly, as he pressed the remote to unlock his car. Then, he moved quickly to open the rear trunk of his SUV to put in his duffel bag, ball bag, football boots, and other belongings, to the car. “O~h boy, trust me, it’s definitely not.”
“I come in peace…” declared the guy – still smiling, before stretching out his right hand toward Chan. “…and a sincere apology. So here we go, Caramel Frappuccino with Double Whipped Cream and Chocolate Chips on top.”
“No, thank you,” Chan replied coldly, trying hard to keep his face expressionless, even though deep down he wanted to smack this person in front of him.
“But I got your coffee order right! Exactly like two-”
“How do you get into this parking area? No one can enter here except BSFC players and staff.”
Chan cut off the words of the person he considered as the bane of his existence fast as lightning, he didn't want to remember the most embarrassing incident of his life ever again.
Finally, the smile wiped out from the person's face. It seemed like only a very few people, or perhaps nobody, ever dared to interrupt his speech. Because the expression on his face immediately changed 180 degrees. He retracted the hand which he had extended earlier, lifting his chin slightly before opening his mouth.
"I'm Tankhun Theerapanyakul, I have my own way."
“That’s not answering my question at all and I need to report this to the stadium management if there’s a breach in their secu-”
“Oh, please~ so overreacting.”
Did he… just cut me off? AND rolling his eyes at me!?
Chan was so ready to scold this Tan… Tan... whatever his name was, but he was too late.
“Look, mister, I know I've wronged you, but I didn't do it on purpose. And I had absolutely no intention of embarrassing you or destroying your reputation or whatever malice intent you think I’m capable of. I really thought that no one would hear my request at that time, but in the end, it was that kid who announced your presence at the cafe, right?”
Of course, what he said was all true, but to think that this person didn't get any bad consequences whatsoever from that incident was really hard to accept.
“But still, you are the one who started it. That kid wouldn’t know it was me, if it wasn’t for you.”
“You are the one who showed up at the café. Stupid thing to do when you knew that place full of your fans, right, Daddy Chan?”
“I was in disguise!”
“I still recognized you, didn’t I?”
“Then, you should keep your mouth SHUT!!!” shouted Chan at the top of his lungs. So loud that the man in front of him took a step back.
Chan was completely shocked at himself, he had never been this rude with anyone before, but this tall, slender human being with an attitude in front of him, had completely made him lose control.
“I apologize for being rude, this matter ends here, okay? I'm out," said Chan, his hand was already on the handle of his car.
“Wait, you can’t do this to me,” yelled this Tan something guy. “Unless, this is your intention all along.”
“And what is that?” asked Chan as he turned his body to face him.
“Making me feel like I'm the bad guy… making me feel guilty.”
“I am not, okay?” reassured Chan.
“Then, could you just please take this for me?” asked Tan, once again stretching out his right hand to him.
He took a deep breath before answering Chan, “Do you have any idea how painful it is for me to order this atrocious drink?”
Ah, there he is.
Chan was actually glad he didn't break this guy's spirit with his rude behavior just now. He had to admit that this Tan person was quite interesting.  “Fine, give me that.”  
Suddenly from behind this person, appeared Coach Vadim. Chan thanked all the deities in this world that he hadn't touched the Frappuccino at all, instead he quickly grabbed the coffee that was in Tan's left hand.
“Hey, it’s-”
“COACH!” shouted Chan louder than necessary, but for his sake he needed Tan to help him out of this situation. He just couldn’t take another 20, not anymore.
“Chan!” greeted Coach Vadim, looking suspiciously at his drink. “Nothing super sweet inside that cup, hopefully?”
“Nope, Coach, just black coffee,” stated Chan as he suddenly grabs Tan's shoulder and turns him around to face Coach Vadim. “You can ask my friend, Tan, he’s the one who brought me coffee.”
“Hi, Coach. Nice to meet you, I’m Tankhun.”
Oh, it’s Tankhun.
Coach Vadim just nodded his head to respond to Tankhun’s greeting.
“Quite a festive drink you got there, young man, better watch the sugar.”
Tankhun let out a super awkward laugh but thank God he was still following up with the charade.  
“I’m in the process of cutting back, Coach, just once a week now.” 
“Today must be a special day, and I won’t stop you from enjoying your drink any longer. So please…” 
Fuck, why this old guy is so fucking nosy? He was so doomed. There’s no way Tankhun will drink that.  
When he heard the slurping sound that came from Tankhun's direction he could hardly believe his ears, even more so when he heard Tankhun's words.
“Ah~~~ that’s good.”  
“I’ll leave you two alone, then. Chan, I’ll see you in three days.” 
“Yes, Coach.”  
Chan was literally counting the seconds until Tankhun exploded, and he didn't blame him at all if he did.
“Is he gone?” whispered Tankhun.  
“FUCK, THAT’S VILE!” screamed Tankhun out loud. “YUCK!”
“C’mon, it’s not that bad,” chimed Chan.
The offended look that Tankhun threw at him just now, was out of this world. 
“I don't mean to bring up bad memories or anything, but I 100% agree with your Coach’s words in that video.”
Instead of being annoyed because Tankhun mentioned the hellish video, Chan laughed like mad. This is the first time since the incident that he can laugh like this, and it felt glorious.
“What did he say anyway?”
“You’re a lunatic who ruined good coffee by adding caramel to it.”
Chan laughed again.
“He also said his ancestors will weep and roll in their graves if they find out about it.”
… and laughed some more.
“Wait, you speak Italian?”
“More passive than active really. My listening comprehension is higher than my speaking ability.”
“May I ask the reason?” asked Chan. “I mean, I have more compelling reasons to learn Italian than you because our Head Coach is an Italian man. But I never did.” 
Chan could feel Tankhun was a little hesitant to answer, and suddenly he felt bad.
“Please don’t answer me if it’s too personal.”
“Stop with that face, nothing personal,” explained Tankhun. “To be honest, the reason is a bit ridiculous, but I’m proud of my decision no matter what.”  
“I’m crazy in love with The Godfather Trilogy, so I took a lesson for a whole year.”  
“Godfather, the mafia movie?”  
“Yes,” answered Tankhun, chin gloriously up in the air, daring Chan to tease him.  
“I love the trilogy too.”  
“Thank God, at least now I know your taste in movies is not as bad as your taste in coffee.”
This time, it was Tankhun who was laughing, and it sounds nice. Very nice indeed.
“I think we can all agree that we're even now. I helped you out of a tricky situation with your coach and drank the most disgusting coffee I've ever tasted to cover for you.”
Chan knew that once he said yes, this matter would be closed and both of them could peacefully go back to their own lives. No need to bother each other anymore. But somehow, the Captain felt so reluctant to end all of this. 
As if it had a thought of his own, his mouth then spit out words that shocked even himself.  
“I’m so sorry, Tankhun, but I don’t agree. We are actually trapped in a tricky situation just now because you have brought the coffee that you call vile here. In fact, I think your debt has increased.”
“Just think, if only you come here empty-handed…”
Chan, what the fuck are you doing!?
“But that coffee is the peace offering!” protested Tankhun.
“I know you have good intentions, but it almost ended up disastrous for me, again.”
As soon as Tankhun's shoulders dropped, Chan became aware that this madness – which he himself still didn't know the exact reason for, had worked.
“Just tell me what I should do,” requested Tankhun in a defeated tone.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 1)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
1. This fan fiction is a tribute to Chan the Man aka Daddy Chan, the coolest and the most badass bodyguard of the Theerapanyakul main family and Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakul, the most fashionable and fabulous character that I love so~ much.
2. English is not my first language and my grammar is atrocious. Sorry in advance for any mistakes. This fanfic is un-beta’d, you’ve been warned.
3. I’m not native Thai and have never been to Bangkok before. I know nothing about the city or about the Thailand Football League. Everything in my fanfic comes from my imagination. I’m trying my hardest not to be offensive, but if I did, please correct me and please do it gently. Once again, please forgive me if I make any mistake.
4. This is a Rom-Com crack fanfic AU Nerd-Jock, I’ve had enough angst (><).
5. I’m using almost the whole gang of KPTS characters in this fan fiction. I’m just borrowing them to play around.
6. In this story Vegas and Macau are not related to the Theerapanyakun boys.
7. I would say everybody is going to be slightly OOC, especially for Vegas and Kim, because they’re growing up in a loving family.
8. This is my first fan fiction in this fandom, and the main pairing is so rare, so I don’t even know if people are willing to give it a try or not. But if you do, I hope you enjoy it.
9. I’m using the last name of the actor (Peter Knight) that acted as Chan in this story and Vegas' middle name (Kornwit) as his family name.
Chapter 1
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun Theeparanyakul was not an ordinary person, he has always been and will always be extraordinary. In high school, he was the best student. Some people call him a nerd but he was not just any geek. He's a super fabulous nerd with an unparalleled sense of fashion. The only reason why he is now dressed modestly is that the University Research Center where he worked as a senior researcher had a very strict dress code. But still, nobody can rock white long lab coat, black safety boots, and lab goggles like Tankhun. He added tasteful little ornaments here and there that are his trademark, like colorful goggles straps that always matchy-matchy with his socks, and nobody allowed to protest, including his boss, the super cool Miss Erica, who happened to adore him very much. And why shouldn’t she? He was after all the Tankhun Theerapanyakul, who’s goddamn fierce and of course fa~bulous with a capital F.
Born as the eldest of three children (all boys), Tankhun was naturally expected by his father to take over the supermarket chain which has been their family business for five generations. But Tankhun, who has been infatuated with science since childhood, firmly refused his father's request. Fortunately, his younger brother, Kinn – blessed his soul, the second child of the Theerapanyakul family, had a very high business instinct, and was able to prove to their father that he was the better choice to manage their family business. Meanwhile, Kim, the youngest, just like Tankhun, was not interested at all in business. He was a football maniac, who lives and breathes sports. He currently served as the football captain of the University team where he studied, learning Sports Science.
This morning, like the previous mornings in the last 5 years, Tankhun went to the Hattrick Coffee Shop to get his hot Americano that he has crowned as the best Americano. Well, at least from 16 coffee shops that are located in a 2 KM radius from the University Research Center. Tankhun could support his statement earlier scientifically, because he took things into his own hands by diligently taking the data samples from all 16 cafes to make the comparison at the laboratory. In case anyone wants to refute his claims, he still keeps the results of his 2 weeks intensive research in his desk drawer at the office.
At exactly 7.30 AM, Tankhun was already standing in the queue in front of the cashier. Unlike last week, no… not that long… even compared to the queue line two days ago, today’s line was longer than usual. Tankhun glanced at the watch on his left wrist to confirm today’s date. He had been so busy at the lab lately; he sometimes forgot the date. The experiment he was currently working on has occupied his mind and really kicks his butt.
Ah... July is almost ended. No wonder… Sigh…
If there's one thing Tankhun didn't like about the Hattrick Coffee Shop, this cafe is located right next to the stadium used by Bangkok Super FC as a training ground. When the season ends, the Hattrick is only visited by regulars, but once the new season starts, this cafe will be crowded by BSFC fanatic fans. And looking at the long queue today, it looks like the pre-season training for the most loved Bangkok football club has commenced. Tankhun was very grateful that no BSFC players had ever stopped by this small cafe, he couldn't imagine the chaos that would arise if they came here. Luckily, those fanatics only treated the Hattrick like a hang out place to wait for their idols to finish training, before they chase after their autographs or selfies.
But it seems like Tankhun spoke too quickly, because the figure standing right in front of him in the queue, was almost certainly, Tankhun 95% sure, a football player. The reason why he was so sure about it is because his younger brother is an athlete and a footballer. Although Kim is not a professional footballer, most football players have the same body shape and manner of movement as the result of their training. That’s why, even though this man tried to cover his tall, muscular, very well-trained body, not to mention, bubble butt, by wearing loose track pants and an oversized hoodie, he couldn’t really hide, at least not from Tankhun’s sharp eyes.
He stared at the shapely back in front of him intensely, and maybe that is the reason why the footballer – allegedly – out of the blue turned his body half-way to steal a quick look at him. Tankhun gasped and couldn't believe his eyes. Of all the BSFC players who possibly stopped by this cafe, how could it be that it’s the captain himself, Chan "Daddy" Knight? Who’s none other than Kim’s favorite footballer! Daddy Chan could try to hide his face behind the biggest and darkest sunglasses ever, but Tankhun never misses recognizing people, especially someone that important to his youngest brother.
Tankhun opened his black LV messenger bag, and slowly reached inside to take out his notebook and pen. He was still thinking about the best way to ask for Chan's autograph without attracting the attention of the other café regulars or God-forbid the football fanatics, when a voice heard from the bar.
“Next customer!”
Tankhun must have been so focused on this small matter that he didn't even notice that he was almost at the front of the line. In fact, it was Chan's turn to order his coffee. The researcher put-off his intention to ask for Chan's autograph right now and chose to wait until the footballer placed his order first. After all, you never stop someone from getting their first cup of coffee of the day.
He’s a professional athlete, and the pre-season training has just begun. His coffee order can't be complicated, right?
Tankhun felt that he had found a good opening to break the ice before he started his mission. If Chan ordered a hot Americano like himself, then he would give him a compliment of his great taste in coffee before begging for his autograph.
I’ve got this in the bag!
“Caramel Frappuccino with double whipped cream and chocolate chips on top.”    
The scientist raised his head quickly, and gaped for a moment. The word shock cannot begin to describe how he felt at the moment, when he heard the coffee order from the great Captain of Bangkok Super FC. Tankhun was so close to open his mouth to ask the man himself, ‘Are you fucking serious!?’
“Do you want extra caramel on top?” asked the barista.
Tankhun actually held his breath waiting for Chan’s answer.
“No, just chocolate chips.”
“Do you want anything else? A muffin maybe?”
“Okay, total 85 Bath.”
Tankhun still didn’t budge from where he was standing and still couldn't believe what had just happened in front of his eyes. Suddenly, he pictured his youngest brother's shocked face, and just like that, he started giggling. Oh, he tried… truly he tried to stop himself but he just couldn’t. Kim really adores his favorite captain, and has always looked up to Chan as an example. Since he was 14 years old, Kim has been very careful about his diet and very disciplined with his exercise regime. He would say something like, ‘I need to watch my diet like Cap to maximize my muscle mass.’ or something like, ‘I need to be like Cap and cut-off my sugar intake to attain a perfect body like him.’
If only you knew, ‘lil brother, if only you knew~
Tankhun was still giggling when the barista called him.
“Sir? Sir, your usual?” asked the boy.
“Yes! Ehm… yes, please,” Tankhun answered as he gave the boy 50 and then put 5 Bath in the tip jar.
“Thank you, Sir.”
Tankhun moved to the side to wait for his coffee and found out that Chan was also still waiting for his complicated order. Thinking about that sweet concoction, to be honest, he wanted to laugh again, but this was a golden opportunity to ask for an autograph, because Chan was standing alone and there was no one really close around them. So, Tankhun tried his hardest to hold back his laughter and he succeeded, before moving closer to the captain.
“Do you mind signing this for my brother, Daddy Chan?” asked Tankhun in a super low voice as he pushed the notebook and pen that he had previously placed on the long table, towards Chan. For a moment, Tankhun felt like he heard a soft cheering sound from behind the big coffee machine, but then he ignored it, because he was pretty sure his voice wasn't loud enough to be heard.
“You must be mistaken for other people,” Chan responded in his deep voice while looking left and right. It was clearly shown that he was worried other people would hear their conversation.
“Uhm, I don’t think so, because you see… I’m rarely wrong,” whispered Tankhun, who then pushed the notebook and pen toward Chan even closer.
Chan chuckled. “Oh, wow… such arrogance.”
“Just stated the truth. Besides, I don’t think I will miss recognizing a face that I’ve seen everyday for the past 12 years pasted on the wall of my brother’s room. He’s your biggest fan.”
Chan looked a little hesitant, and once again looked to his left and right timidly, before finally picking up the notebook and pen that was lying on the table right beside his right elbow. Just as the captain was about to sign his autograph on Tankhun's notebook, the barista who prepared his Americano to perfection every day, walked up to Chan and shouted, "We're from the Hattrick Coffee Shop are very proud to present this Caramel Frappuccino with Double Whipped Cream and Chocolate chips on top for the best Captain in the country, Chan "Daddy" Knight!"
Fuck! Stupid lil shit!
It only took seconds and then chaos ensued.
“Daddy Chan?”
“Where? In here?”
“OMG! He’s here! He’s really here!”
Like magic, all the football fanatics who were in the cafe, immediately stood up and ran towards Chan, holding their cellphones to take picture after picture while shouting and screaming, some of them even starting to sing the BSFC’s chants.
In under 60 seconds, fans managed to surround Chan. Requests for autographs and selfies poured in immediately.
“Cap! Please sign my jersey!”
“And mine too, please~~~”
“Daddy~~~ please take a selfie with me!”
“Daddy Chan, please smile and look at the camera!”
As the person who stood closest to the captain, Tankhun of course got caught up in the crowd. It was a miracle that he managed to retrieve his notebook, it was a LV too, thank you very much. At first, Tankhun decided to forget about his coffee and just leave immediately, but he went to this cafe every single day to get his caffeine intake and he refused to leave the Hattrick without his Americano.
“Hey, boy, my coffee!” yelled Tankhun to the barista who couldn't do anything but stare at the chaos before his eyes. Luckily, the other barista had finished making his order. He quickly grabbed his Americano and carefully escaped from the crowd.  
Seconds before walking towards the exit, Tankhun turned around to see Chan’s condition, and it wasn't very good. The sunglasses he had worn earlier were gone, and the hoodie cap no longer covered his head. Tankhun winced.
And yes, of course, Tankhun felt a bit guilty, he’s not heartless, but what could he do? After all, his schedule was very tight today and there was a very important experiment in the lab that needed his expertise. So, he can’t be late.
As Tankhun was leaving the Hattrick, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a tall foreign man who was wearing a tracksuit, enter the café. Not long after that, a super loud shout was heard from inside the cafe. 
Tankhun walked toward the University faster, so fast he’s literally running.  
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 8)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 8 
(Chan’s POV)
Three Days Later – First Match of the Season
Chan was ready.  
He had already imagined several times about this, what would he feel when the moment came, the final season of his professional career as a footballer. Now that the moment had come, Chan can say with his head held high that he feels happy and proud, that he doesn't regret one bit of his entire career in this sport, that he has always considered it as the most beautiful sport on the planet.  
This was the first of his last 38 matches, and Chan was determined to play the full game in all the matches. He was doing this not only for personal satisfaction, but also to honor the club that has made his name. Like his idol, Paolo Maldini of AC Milan, Chan was a one-club footballer. This football club was his home since he was 11 years old, when he first entered the BSFC academy, until he retired at the age of 36, as the BSFC captain, at the end of this season.
Chan walked slowly out of the dressing room, through the corridor, raised his hand and smiled  at all the staff who had taken care of them, the BSFC players. After crossing the corridor, Chan began to approach the tunnel, where the two teams were already lined up, waiting for the referee's signal, so they could come out onto the pitch.
Chan strode to the front of the BSFC line of players, to touch his teammates' shoulders one by one, giving words of encouragement, advice, suggestions, warnings, carrying out his duties as captain. This is the first of his last 38 matches.
When he stepped on the pitch, the screams of the BSFC fans filled the stadium, calling his name, screaming his name, chanting his name.
Who’s the strongest defender?
Who’s the unmatched footballer?
Who’s the greatest captain?
When Chan bends down to touch the grass on the pitch, where he had competed for nearly 21 years, with both of his hands – part of his ritual; accompanied by the screams of BSFC fanatical supporters, the captain's eyes are slightly filled with tears. This was the first of his last 38 matches, and he was determined to enjoy every second of it. Later on, when he reached the 38th of his last 38 matches, he will walk this pitch one last time as a footballer to say goodbye. He will surely miss all the football maniacs who scream non-stop in the stands of BOC Stadium, the home ground of BSFC. But nothing lasts forever, and everything must come to an end.
Chan was ready. 
Let’s do this!  
(Tankhun’s POV) 
Tankhun was enjoying his favorite tea, white peony, in his study upstairs, when he faintly heard Kim's voice from the living room downstairs, it seemed like he was chanting non-stop, getting louder and louder by the minute.
His curiosity suddenly arose and he decided to find out. Tankhun just opened his study room door slightly, and Kim's voice already sounded even louder. His youngest brother truly was chanting like a maniac. Wait, did he chant Chan's name?
As Tankhun walked closer towards the stairs, suddenly he heard Pa's voice from the balcony.
“Today is the league's opening match, and BSFC is playing."
Oh, no wonder his younger brother was super excited.
"Pa, why didn't you tell me you were drinking tea on the balcony? I could accompany you," asked Tankhun. He was actually surprised but at the same time pleased to see his Pa come out of his bedroom today.
Even though Ma had died 15 years ago, Pa still had not managed to overcome the loss, half of his soul seemed to be taken away when she was gone. And as a result, Pa is getting out of his room less and less, especially now that he's decided to retire completely from the company.
"The garden looked very beautiful today when I peeked out of my bedroom window, so I decided to have tea here,” explained Pa.  
“I’m glad.”   
“Are you going to join Kim watching the football match downstairs?” asked Pa.  
At first, he did have the intention to do that. But he was afraid he couldn't cover his guilty face when he saw how happy his youngest brother was, watching his favorite captain play football on TV, while he had the person's phone number on his cell phone.
I need to do something big for Kim.
“No, Pa, I think I’ll just let Kim have his fun. I won’t disturb him.” 
After confirming once again that Pa didn't want company, Tankhun then decided to watch the match in his own bedroom. Something that he rarely did, as he was never really interested in football, even though he was the one who always took Kim to practice ever since he was 8 years old.
As soon as the TV was turned on, the first thing that Tankhun saw was the back of Chan's head, who was standing with his back to the camera. He and his teammates were lining themselves up in one long line, as were the players from the opposing team. They were getting ready to hear their national anthem play.
When the national anthem fill the air, one by one the faces of the Bangkok Super Football Club’s players were shown on television. Chan, as the captain of BSFC, was standing on the far left, next to the referee, shown last. And Tankhun had to admit that Chan looked so damn good in BSFC black uniform.
His broad chest beautifully filled the tight jersey, tight enough that Tankhun could see the hints of the captain's six pack abs. The lower part of his thigh muscles that stick out under the football uniform shorts were also beautifully shaped, as well as the calf muscles that were still visible even though they were covered in knee-length socks. For a footballer in his 36 years old, Chan's body is no different from that of his team-mates, some of whom were 10 years younger or even more, than Chan.
However, there was one other thing, aside from Chan's good looks that caught Tankhun's attention at that time.
O~h someone is being naughty...
(Chan’s POV)
It seemed his conversation with Pond Krisda, the owner of BSFC, was longer than Chan anticipated. But it’s understandable since the topic of conversation that they raised was quite serious. As usual Mr. Krisda, generous as he is, once again offered him a spot in BSFC management. And if Chan wants to join the coaching team, the FC will support him 100% and help him get his license. Of course, he was very grateful for Mr. Krisda's attention and offer, but after retiring, all Chan ever wanted was a total rest, at least for a year, before he decided what he wanted to do next. Maybe he could travel the world and really enjoy culinary freedom, something that he really wanted.  
When he reached the big silver door of the BOC Stadium dressing room, he couldn’t hear any sound from inside. And silence was not something you connected with players’ locker rooms, especially after a victory in an opener match like today. It appears that his assumption earlier was right, his conversation with the owner of BSFC did take quite a long time. He didn't even hear Coach's loud voice. I guess everybody has gone home already.
But it turned out that he was wrong, because when the Captain opened the door, he was greeted with one of the oddest sights he had ever seen happening in a dressing room, in his entire career as a footballer, and he saw a lot. Arm and Pol, the running back duo of BSFC, pressed their backs and left-side of their faces against the dividing wall between the players' lounge and the locker room. Both of them look like Spiderman in casual clothes.
Before Chan could say anything, Arm and Pol had already noticed his presence – did they have Spidey’s sense too?, and immediately signaled him to not make any sound. Not only that, they also made Chan press his back and his face against the wall too, exactly like their position earlier. So now instead of two, there were three fake Spiderman.
“Boys, what…”
“Shh~ Cap, quiet, please~” whispered Pol. “We need info for our update.”
Update? Fuck, if these two boys do what he thinks they do... they're so dead.
“Okay, this is get- ungh ”
“Sorry, Cap, but we really need your cooperation, please … this information is crucial for the next plot,” whispered Arm, pleading with puppy eyes as his hand still covered Chan’s mouth.
Chan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, these crazy boys actually held him hostage here and even dared to keep his mouth shut, just for the sake of fanfiction plots?
The captain was so ready to rip Arm's hand that is covering his mouth and scolding the hell out of them, when he heard Pete's voice from behind the wall.
“Have you seen the match fixture?” asked Pete.
“I have,” answered Vegas. “Just my luck, I guess.”
"We knew this match was coming, we just didn't expect it to come so soon," stated Pete.
Ah yes, the game fixture.  
At the start of every season, each time they got a new match fixture from the League, the first thing the team did was to check when they met their arch enemy, Bangkok United – Vegas’s old team. Chan actually hoped that they would meet in the 11th or 12th match, and preferably starting with a home game. But it turns out that luck wasn’t on their side in this matter as Vegas stated just now. Their first away game of this season was against Bangkok United, and if that wasn't enough, it was the 3rd game in the fixture.
“Do you think we’re ready? We still misunderstood each other. I still cannot read your movement perfectly,” said Vegas.
“Ready or not, we have to be ready, there is no other choice. Personally, I think our performance today wasn't bad," Pete replied. "Good goal by the way, congrats on your first BSFC’s goal."
"Thanks... and thank you for the assist, it was a superb pass.”
“I know.”
Chan chuckled lightly at Pete's smug tone and at the same time felt very relieved. He had no idea what Pete had said to Vegas on the last day of their super-chaotic pre-season training, but whatever it was, it worked. Chan felt very proud of his co-captain. He will make a very good captain.
“Aaaaw,” whispered Pol to Arm. “My heart…”
“They’re starting to get sweeter with each other…”  
Listening to Arm and Pol chatters, Chan's smile immediately disappeared from his face. He couldn’t even imagine what shape or color his face looked like at the time. If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want Vegas and Pete to know they had been eavesdropping on their private conversation, Chan would have hit these two crazy boys in the head. Especially when he thought about them intentionally trapping and involving him in gathering info for their fanfiction. Ugh!
“You think we need to work on some signal?” asked Vegas.
“What kind of signal?”
“Some kind of secret sign, so we won't misread each other's intentions,” explained Vegas. “I think we need to do this before we really get used to reading each other's gestures.”
Chan has a hunch Pol will make a new chirps or innuendo that will irritate him, so before that happens, Chan pulls Pol's ear close to his and whispers in a chilling voice, "Say one word, and I swear at the next training session I'll give you twenty ."
Pol nodded his head in acknowledgment of his order.
“I think we can work on that, Vegas,” confirmed Pete. “Good idea!”
“Shall we go and discuss it some more?”
As soon as the sound of Vegas and Pete's footsteps drifted away, Chan planned to catch Arm and Pol, he'd have them do 100 push-ups for him. Unfortunately, they read him too well and already make their escape faster than Chan.
"Bye, Cap!"
“Till Monday, Cap!”
“Prepare for hell, boys!” shouted Chan.
After finishing taking a shower, Chan found out that he was the only person left in the dressing room, not even one single BSFC kit staff left. Since he had no other plans after this but to go home and sleep, Chan walked unhurriedly to his personal locker to get a change of clothes and his duffel bag. As soon as he opened the door, something caught his attention, the notification light on his cell phone flashing. Chan decided to check it right away, just in case it was something important, because the last time he checked his message was an hour before kick-off.  
New Message from It's Doctor!  
Chan chuckled lightly at the name he chose to save Tankhun's phone number on his cell phone. He was determined to call the doctor – the next time they met, with all the endearing names he could think of. He found the look on Tankhun's face and the way he responded each time he heard Chan call him that was so funny. He kinda liked it. 
The Captain quickly dispelled whatever thoughts that were flashing in his head earlier. But still, instead of wearing some clothes, he chose to sit on the bench in front of his locker, with only a towel wrapped around his waist to read the message from Tankhun. 
[It's Doctor!]
You did something naughty or should I say 'rebellious' last night, didn’t you? Spill! 
The first thing Chan did was burst out laughing, then murmured under his breath, "Fuck me! How the hell did he know!?" 
Objection, Your Honor! Baseless accusation!  
[It's Doctor!]
I would like to disclose the first evidence, Your Honor.
That message was quickly followed by a new message. This time with an attachment, which was a pic of Chan's face when he was standing in line with his teammates on the pitch while the national anthem was being sung. Below the photo there was a caption: that is one hell of a smug face, mister!  
Chan hesitated for a moment but decided to just give Tankhun a call. His fingers couldn't type fast enough, so messaging definitely was not his style.
Tankhun picked up on the third ring, and immediately charged him, "Are you ready to plead guilty, sir?"
“Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” answered Chan, deciding to be honest.
“HAH!” yelled Tankhun, then added excitedly, “So? Spill!”
“I ate a caramel mini cupcake.”
“You and your caramel! How many?”
God damn it! He’s reading me like a book!
“What do you mean?”
“Please … like one tiny cake would be enough for you.”
Chan could just imagine Tankhun rolling his eyes at him.
“WHOA! Exceed my expectations for sure. Can you still run, old man?” teased Tankhun.
“You tell me, you watch the game, right?” Chan teased him right back.
You’re not the only one who can play this game, my dear!
“From the evidence previously disclosed, Your Honor, it is clear that you took a pic of me from the television screen.”
“Okay, fine, I only watched half the match tho.”
Chan laughed joyfully.
Gotcha, little liar!
“So, what can I do for you, Doctor?”
“Please let me know my second and third task already, this waiting game is tiring,” pleaded Tankhun.
“What’s the hurry? I can assure you that you will definitely get those tasks.”
"First, I'm busy. Second, I think the sooner this matter is done the better, so we can move on with our own life. Don’t you agree?"
Chan didn't know what was going on, whether he was being sensitive or what, but Tankhun's words just now stung.
“Well, I haven't found the perfect assignment for you, so you just have to wait,” snapped Chan, with all the intention to bite back.
“That is SO not fair!”
“That’s life, Sugar.”
“Ugh, I really hate you right now and it’s DOCTOR!” Tankhun shouted at him before disconnected the call.
Now that he had annoyed Tankhun, Chan wasn't feeling any better either, in fact he was feeling worse.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 7)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
In this story, Gun is NOT related to Vegas and Macau
Chapter 7 
(Tankhun POV)  
"NOOOO~” shouted Chan, with a look of disbelief, Tankhun had lost count of the number of times the captain had yelled since the fanfiction crash course began. He could only look at him with pity and amusement.  
“I’m sorry, P’ Chan, but what P' said is true, your wing backs, both of them, are really shipping Vegas and Pete like that ,” restated Porsche, he really took his job as a teaching assistant in "this class" seriously.
“Do I even want to know about that last term, the ETL trope? What does ETL stand for, anyway?” asked Chan, he’s drinking his second Cosmo now.  
“Enemy to Lovers,” answered Tankhun calmly.  
“Ah yes, of course , why not inject half-truth into the combo, right? GOD!!!” replied Chan as he covered his eyes with tips of his fingers.  
Tankhun was about to open his mouth to react to Chan’s statement, but someone was ahead of him, someone he didn’t expect at all.  
“Now that I think about it, since Vegas is a former BSFC’s arch-enemy player, Arm and Pol really have a good plot for their fanfiction.”
“Ei, Kinn~” squealed Porsche as he snickered. “Now that you know about fanfiction and all, you suddenly became an expert?”
“Just an observation,” said Kinn happily, his big smile filled half of his face and it made Tankhun feel very content. He will never stop being grateful for Porsche’s presence in his younger brother's life. Otherwise, the big smile that had been missing since their Ma died 15 years ago, would never appear again. Ever since he took over the company 100% from their Pa, Kinn is getting quieter, colder, just so immersed in business, the highest level workaholic. Thank God, he met Porsche.  
“Kinn! Not you too~” hollered Chan, making all three of them burst into laughter. “I know this must be very funny to you guys, but I'll be the one dealing with the four of them. How can I be sure my face doesn't change the next time I see Pol and Arm, or Vegas and Pete?”
“You know what people say, if you can't fight it, then join it,” stated Tankhun with a straight face, though deep down inside he almost died holding back his giggles, particularly after seeing the face of the mighty captain turning pale.
“I think of all of them as my younger brothers, every one of them. Who the hell is capable thinking of their little brother like that? Please, I beg you, let's end this conversation here.”
“Yes, Sir!” said Porsche. “Another Cosmo, P'?”
“No, just water, Porsche. I still have to drive, and a new season is just around the corner.”
“And here I thought, this mighty Captain aka the rebel , is going to max out my credit card tonight.”
Again Chan gave him an amused look, and honestly, those looks started to exasperate him.  Tankhun wanted to annoy Chan not to charm him. And if he kept this up Tankhun could start thinking of things he didn't think of before.
“We can always count this as half-a-task, so you have to take me drink one more time before-”
“In your dream, old man!” cried Tankhun, cutting off whatever words Chan wanted to say as he stuck out his tongue at him.  
For the love of God, stop giving me that look!
"First of all, P’Chan, I'm sorry for bringing up this topic again, but this matter continues to pique my curiosity," said Kinn suddenly. “I can't believe there isn't anyone who writes fanfiction about you, considering you're one of the most famous footballers in the country.” 
OMG Kinn~ what are you doing?
Tankhun tried to steal glances at Porsche because he needed an ally to handle this, but the little shit was already hiding behind Kinn's wide upper body.
”Tankhun? Nobody writes about me, right?” questioned Chan, his eyes actually begging Tankhun to give him the answer that he wants.  
Should I lie?
No one said anything for almost two minutes and things started to feel awkward…
“Maybe I should just show you’,” said Tankhun, eyes sparkling with mischief.  
“P’, don’t…” warned Porsche, still hiding.   
“Wait, wait, are people truly writing about me? Are you serious?”
“Ah, shit~ I should keep my mouth shut,” stated Kinn, now feeling a bit uneasy.  
“Let me see,” requested Chan, even though looking slightly worried.  
Tankhun hesitated for a while, but in the end he handed his cellphone to Chan.
One… Two… Three…
“T-there… are… hundreds of stories about me here,” whispered Chan, his eyes were wide open.
Tankhun really thought Chan’s response this time would be exactly like his response earlier this evening – when he finds out the meaning of those terms. He would be shocked as hell, then yelling in disbelief, and in the end they would have a good laugh. Yet, it must have been really bizarre to read someone's imaginary story about yourself.
“ETL trope, P'Chan, remember?” Porsche reminded Chan about the lesson.  
“He’s like the nastiest sleaziest motherfucker!”
“Yeah~, he’s the worst,” acknowledged Porsche, finally emerging from his hiding place.
“We HATE each other!”
“But, hate sex kinda hot though,” blurted Tankhun, waiting for Chan to wail, but the wailing never came.  
Chan must have been really shaken up at the time, because he just quietly sat there on the stool, not making any sound, not even a pip. At that moment, Tankhun realized that he might have crossed the line. Sometimes he really hated his smart mouth.  
“Chan,” called Tankhun softly, “I’m sorry.”
Chan was still sitting in silence, his body didn't move an inch.
“Hey, Chan,” called Tankhun once again, this time he gently put his hand on Chan’s arm. “I shouldn’t have shown that to you.”
“I’m sorry, P', I shouldn’t bring that up again,” added Kinn.
“No, no, you guys misunderstood, I’m not mad about the fanfiction,” responded Chan. “Well, it was shocking but what can you do, right? I guess everybody has their hobby.”
“But, P’, you look-”
“It’s Gun,” stated Chan as he cut Porsche off. “I never tell anyone else about this but your Pa, Porsche. Remember the old Captain of BSFC?”
“Of course, P’, you’re his co-captain then.”
“Yes. Gun is the one who tackled him illicitly and ended his career. At that time, the referee was too far away so didn't see what happened. Gun didn't get any punishment, not even a lousy yellow card when he should be suspended! My captain decided not to prolong the matter. He said it was time for him to retire and I was ready to replace him.” 
Tankhun winced. “I’m sorry again for my potty mouth, it looks like I'm endlessly apologizing to you tonight.”
“Just forget it, Doctor, nothing to forgive,” replied Chan, his amused smile back in place. “At least now I won't be clueless anymore if those boys throw unknown terms at me.” 
“Good to know.” 
Chan sighed, a very long one.
“You know what sucks, though? I don't even know who to blame for those stories,” said Chan.
“Blame yourself for being too hot.”  
Choking sounds attacked Tankhun from two different directions and he didn't even need to lift his head to know that the giggling sound belonged to Porsche. However, Tankhun Theerapanyakul needed to get the situation under control immediately.
"Why are you guys so shocked? I'm a scientist, we only stated the truth and nothing more," said Tankhun casually, while deep down, it was a totally different story. "He is a good looking man." 
Fuck, Tankhun, you and your stupid mouth!  
“Why, thank you, Doctor,” replied Chan sweetly as he got up from the stool where he was sitting and walked closer to Tankhun. “Are you ready to go?”  
“No, you go ahead. I still have something that I need to talk to them, Kinn and Porsche will take me home."
"Oh, I almost forgot," said Chan. He took out his cell phone from the right pocket of his black jeans, unlocked the screen and gave it to Tankhun. "Since you still owe me two tasks, I need your number, honey."
Before Tankhun could protest, Chan had corrected himself, "My bad, Doctor. Your number, please?"
Tankhun took Chan’s cellphone, entered his phone number and then gave it back to the captain.
“Good night, boys.”
“Good night.”
“Drive safely, P’!”
“It’s Doctor!”
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 5)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 5
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun glanced at the clock on the laboratory wall, it was almost 6 pm. If he wanted to get to the lobby of the University Research Center on time, he'd better clean up now. Moreover, he still had to change his outfit and styled his hair, because no way in hell he allowed himself to be seen wearing super boring work clothes – white-shirt-black-pants, in a bar.
It's a good thing that Tankhun has developed this habit – carrying a change of clothes in his bag, ever since he was 12 years old. However, there is no such thing as casual preparation for Tankhun Theerapanyakul. Everything must match the accessories he wore that day. For example, today, he was wearing baby pink Burberry socks and sunglasses, so the change of clothes he brought with him was the Lanvin color-block sweater. Because in his world, baby pink goes well with any color.
As he watched his reflection on the mirror inside the Research Center locker room – FYI he looked pretty damn good – Tankhun’s mind drifted back to what happened 5 hours ago in the stadium parking lot. He had consciously given his word to the BSFC Captain to fulfill three tasks given to him as an apology.  
“Fulfill three tasks for me then we're even.”
“Yes, three.”
“We've only met twice! How can I be in your debt 3 times? It is mathematically and scientifically impossible.”  
"I think the incident at the cafe alone deserves two tasks.”  
“Have you ever seen what they said about me for the last two weeks? Have you ever bothered to check? I'm being generous here.”  
“Fine! But I bought coffee for you today, so that counts as one. I only need to fulfill two more tasks.”  
“Do you see me drinking any Frappuccino today? You were the one who drank it, sweetheart.”  
“Oh, don’t you dare sweetheart me, mister! It’s Doctor.”  
“My bad, Doctor, forgive me.”  
"And I don’t need a reminder about drinking that… THAT!”  
“Have a drink with me tonight.”  
“Or should I say… treat me to a drink tonight as your first task?”  
“First Frappuccino and now this? My brother swears on his life that you are the most disciplined footballer in the whole planet. Guess you never know.”  
“So? Do we have a deal?”  
“Do I have a choice?”  
At exactly 6.20 pm, Chan's Black Range Rover stopped right in front of Tankhun, who was already waiting in the lobby of the Research Center. He had offered Chan to just meet him at the bar, but he refused and insisted on picking up Tankhun. It's a matter of manners, he said.
“Very punctual,” commented Tankhun as he got into the car.  
“It’s been ingrained in me since I was a little,” replied Chan.  
“Of course.”
“Don't mean to be pretentious or anything but you haven't had dinner yet, have you? Because I'm hungry and my motto always is, never drink on an empty stomach,” explained Chan, who – Tankhun just stated a fact here, looked very dashing in black cashmere pullover and black jeans.  
“You know what? I think that’s a great idea. I’m starving.”
“Good, I’m craving some deep fried. I know a place that sells the greasiest and to die for fish and chips.”
And again, the captain violated the dietary restrictions.
What is the matter with him?
This time, Tankhun decided not to let out his opinion on this matter, because at the end of the day, it was none of his business. But it looked like his poker face was failing.
“Oooh, that’s one hell of a judgy face there,” teased Chan.
“What a judgy face? This is what I called ‘my bitchy resting face’,” stated Tankhun, his chin up high in the air.
Without a warning, Chan burst out a hearty laugh and that laugh was contagious, because not long after, Tankhun also chuckled beside him.
Hm, maybe I can take advantage of his good mood.
"What do you say if I paid for dinner and we count it as the second task, so I only need to fulfill the last one?” asked Tankhun sweetly, exuding his charm to the max.
“Umh… NO. Nice try though.”
“Alright, there’s no harm in trying.”
Chan smiled at him, looking so amused. But the thing is Tankhun was not amused at all, unexplained things bothered him, like A LOT.
“Look, I know you will think of me as a nosy person but I can’t take this anymore. Everything just doesn't make any sense. I need some explanation,” begged Tankhun.
“But why? It’s not like my career or fitness have anything to do with you,” said Chan, too calm for his liking.
“The scientist in me just hates things that not make any sense, and the other reason is my youngest brother.”
“What about him?”
“I told you he’s your biggest fan,” answered Tankhun. “He’s the captain of the University Football Team. He admires you very much, follows all your training, your diet, playing style. He spends hours watching your videos about improving footwork. No offense, but if he ever finds out that all of these are just a facade, he'll be so heartbroken and I don’t want that.” 
“We’re here,” said Chan as he parked his SUV on the side of the road near the food truck. “They only sell fish and chips here, and then there’s two options for chips: regular or extra.”  
“Definitely extra.” 
“Good choice.” 
“Aren’t you going to order for us?” asked Tankhun, when he saw Chan still hasn’t moved from his seat.  
Tankhun could sense that Chan wanted to ask him to do something but hesitated to say, then he saw the long line and crowd in front of the food truck, and everything became clear.
“Give me your wallet, I’ll do it,” offered Tankhun.
“I think 200 Baths would be enough,” replied Chan as he put the money in Tankhun’s hand.
“Damn! I was so close to being able to steal the great Captain’s platinum credit card,” said Tankhun cheekily. “Be right back!”
Again, with an amused smile, it seemed like Chan was in a really good mood tonight. But of course, he was happy… he got the rare opportunity to order Tankhun Theerapanyakul around. Du~h!
Thank God, the owner and staff of the food truck were very efficient, less than 10 minutes and Tankhun was already back in the car, with two portions of fish and extra chips in his hand, the smell was divine.
Tankhun handed a pack to Chan, who immediately took one of the plump chips and put it in his mouth. "Ah, so good~"
Tankhun did the same and the chips were really good as promised. For a while no other sound was heard in the car except the sound of them munching their food.
“It’s not a facade,” said Chan out of the blue. “I’ve been very strict with myself ever since I was 12 years old.”
“So, what is this, then?” asked Tankhun, happily chewing his chips. “This is so damn good, by the way.”
“I told you so.”
“Go on.”
“Let’s just say, this is me being rebellious?”
“At 36!? Where were you when you were 17?”  
“Being the perfect youngest center back of the BSFC team,” stated Chan, looking straight at Tankhun’s eyes.
“What I don’t understand is you can eat anything during the off-season, right? Because Kim also loosened his strict diet once the season ended. But the new season is about to start and you doing all of this is very strange to me.” 
“Can it be called a rebellion if I do this when I’m allowed to do it?” 
“Ah, good point.” 
Chan gave him a little smile before continuing, “I just want to know how it feels, you know? My teammates in the youth team did it all the time, and I never allowed myself to follow in their footsteps. I wonder what the big secret is that makes them look so cocky and smug the next day after they do their thing.”
“And the first time you tried to do it, I screwed it up.”
“There, you said it.”
Tankhun had never felt so guilty towards Chan as he did now. "For what it’s worth, I'm truly sorry. Later on, at the bar, I will let you be as rebellious as you want. I'll zip my mouth shut and pay for everything."
“Let’s go then!”
(Tankhun POV)
As they got closer to their destination – that’s the logic, right – Tankhun felt the road they were driving through for the past 15 minutes was very familiar. When Chan turned right after the last traffic light, Tankhun was 98% sure he knew where they were going.
“Are we heading to the Moonlight?” inquired Tankhun, he needed confirmation.  
“Yes,” answered Chan, he sounded so excited. “I’m surprised you know about it, not many people know about this small jazz club.”
“Oh my God~ from all the places in Bangkok…” said Tankhun, still couldn’t believe the odds.
“What’s wrong? You don’t like the place?” asked Chan, slightly worried.
“No, no, I love that place. It’s just that Porsche is my brother-in-law.”
“You’re Kinn's older brother!?” shouted the captain.
It was so obvious that Chan was in shock, his mouth forming a perfect O.
“YUP!” said Tankhun, laughing at Chan’s shocked expression. “We have the same last name, don't you notice?”
“I never knew Kinn’s last name, we have always been on a first name basis,” explained Chan. “Oh God, what a small world.”
Suddenly, Tankhun sat up straight, as if he had just realized something and yelled, "OH, those two little bastards!!"
“What?” asked Chan. “What now? Don’t scare me.”
“Nothing,” answered Tankhun.
“Ah, we’re here!” said Tankhun quickly, avoiding the question. “You’ll soon find out.”
As soon as Chan parked his car, Tankhun impatiently jumped out of the car and half ran toward the entrance. The atmosphere inside this lovely small jazz club, which was very friendly and inviting, couldn't stop Tankhun from rushing straight to the bar. He didn't even know whether Chan was still behind him or not.
"You two are so~~ DEAD!"
"Good evening, Porsche... Kinn..."
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