the-moth-bot · 3 months
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Starting a durge save again (I promise I’ll actually be evil this time)
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trolliogolli · 7 months
Life is so unfair (waiting for a game to download) I just want some enjoyment (it’s going to take 5 hours) I don’t deserve this (I am very excited)
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geraskier · 5 months
deep gnome durge. his name is caprice and he's a bard :) i'm gonna focus on unarmed strikes and dual-wielding hand crossbows.
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keperaz · 10 months
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game of the year !
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my friend gently, lovingly gave me the objectivity i needed on the guy i'm still unfortunately into, and told me it's time to move on. the guy in question is looking elsewhere for relationships and i'm just a friend. just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.
i guess my emotions have a lot more control over my reality than i gave them credit for, despite how much i've been trying to keep them in check.
it's sad, but at the same time? there's been frustration over not being able to pursue, and from wanting to explore my sexuality with other queer people. he's just not my type, at least physically, which has caused lots of confusion for my poor poor heart.
mostly i'm just annoyed i let it get the better of me. again. i read too much into simple, friendly affection and i'm glad to know my instincts were right to hold me back. i can move on, i can find someone who will give me what i'm looking for.
i just.... there's just something niggling in the back of my brain that i'm not seeing the whole picture. but unless he comes to me and directly expresses interest, i can't do shit about it. guess i need someone i don't have to hold back with. tired of waiting.
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onlyancunin · 6 months
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Temptations Part 1: Enticing
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orangechickenpillow · 8 months
Halsin: I want to lay with you under the stars. I want to feel your skin against mine. But only if Astarion gives his blessing
Tav: yeah okay cool that seems reasonable
Tav: just..... do you mind-- one second
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rodatirhaalo · 10 months
I think my favorite little parallel between Ascended vs Spawn Astarion has to be this little, probably even unintentional, detail in the epilogue:
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Mr Vampire Ascendant, when confronted about freedom, asking the pc if they'd prefer sleeping in the dirt over "living" in his prescribed decadence.
Meanwhile, if left as a spawn Astarion is like
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*Passes several chairs, rugs, a pile of pillows, and two log benches to plant his pretty little ass in the dirt*
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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One last night together before everything changes :')
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
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ravennowithtea · 8 months
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you can reply here with fanart requests/ideas or drop stuff in my askbox ✌️
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simaraknows · 3 months
i see your "'does he want to lick my boots or chop off my hands' is a Nicki reference" and raise you "what if Armand's relationship with sex is so fucked that his two modi are total submission and 'don't touch me or I'll chop off your hands' and Louis is still clowning on his trauma" in this essay I will
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tiafrye · 7 months
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Soft boys are good for the soul 💛
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sas-afras · 7 months
i kinda don’t get people who characterize maccready as like… secretly generous, or having a heart of gold or anything. like don’t get me wrong i don’t think he’s downright malicious or anything, but the dude is absolutely a selfish jerk once you get past the charming facade. that’s the part that’s compelling!
like, he’s nice enough and open enough with the player once you get high enough affinity with him, but his reactions to player actions still point to him being a jerk overall. the sosu just happens to be in His Circle of people he can be vulnerable with. that includes you, his son, and maybe daisy. everyone else can kick rocks, the same way it was in little lamplight
he HAD to grow up with that kind of “us vs the world, every man for himself” mentality in the capitol wasteland. doing so otherwise gets you killed or taken advantage of, which is just protracted death anyways. having grown up in a place where slavers run rampant, people are all pushing each other further down just to boost themselves up and live one more day, and it’s literally impossible to make renewable food sources because the ground is so poisoned i genuinely don’t blame him for ending up a little tight fisted. the fact that he was the mayor of little lamplight just meant that he ended up being able to accept a few people as His To Protect instead of being a total lone wolf.
the way he reacts to the players open generosity isn’t just for show, he Actually Dislikes when you give stuff away without expecting anything in return. you might need that thing and now its just gone!! that person might see you as a sucker! you give an inch and they’ll take a mile! and it makes sense for his character to be like that considering everything. i don’t get why people want to change that into him just being kind of tsundere.
i understand that having your babygirl blorbo comfort character be a canonical asshole in ways that aren’t just kinda charming can be offputting, but like…. the way he treats the sosu is a very notable exception to the rest of his life & it’s a much more interesting dynamic imo. especially if you’re playing a goody two shoes martyr. but that’s just me
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leaves-and-inks · 1 month
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This was a funny line to get playing as my cowboy beast master ranger, Quinn. He may be a little idealistic at times and sure they should focus on the creché but these are important details!
[ID: Panel 1: Tav (named Quinn), Lae’zel, Astarion, and Shadowheart walk down the mountain pass towards the crèche. On the top left of the frame is a box with the text “somewhere in the mountain pass”. Quinn looks outward, enjoying the view and not fully focusing. Laezel scans her surroundings, carrying a couple of objects under each arm. Astarion looks tired and disinterested towards some bushes, and Shadowheart looks exhausted. A speech bubble from her mouth has her say “I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses…”
Panel 2: Quinn on a plain background. He looks ahead, towards where Shadowheart would be if more people were in frame. He has an interested, excited expression, and an exclamation point next to his head. Parts of his figure overlap the background and the white paper.
Panel 3: Quinn on the same background closes his eyes and smiles turning more towards where the companions would be. A speech bubble coming from him says: “Why, I’d almost say it's a shame that the mind-flared ship didn't also pick up my- “ A speech bubble with harsher lines comes from off-screen, cutting off Quinn's thought, reading: “Horses?!” Parts of his figure and the speech bubbles overlap the background and the white paper.
Panel 4: All four companions are back in frame in the mountain pass. Astarion is in the center of the frame with an indignant expression, eyes closed and head tilted slightly upward. Shadowheart looks over to him from the right of the frame with an annoyed expression. Lae’zel, still carrying the object over her shoulder, looks to Astarion in between the two, also annoyed but mildly more hostile. Quinn is further back to the left of the frame, and he has a shocked and wounded expression. Astarion has a jagged, harsh speech bubble that says: “Perish the thought! Those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.” Overlapping his speech bubble and next to Quinn is a heart breaking.
Panel 5: Quinn looking distraught on a plain background with a dark vignette around him. He looks down, pushing his hat up his face and lost in anxious thought. Two thought bubbles appear from his head, one on the left and right. The left thought bubble has an illustration of the horse standing on the beach with the text “MAN” above it, except the horse is replaced with Quinn’s pain horse, and Quinn is also standing on the beach. The right thought bubble, which splits in half between Quinn and Astarion, has Quinn excitedly holding the noses of a paint horse and a mule standing on either side of him. The other half shows a pleasant Astarion looking towards him. On the bottom left of the game is the text: “Hells, he doesn't like horses?” and on the bottom right are two speech bubbles showing the conversation continue. One speech hubble is rounder, and has the word “Well,” written in it before devolving to scribbles. The second speech bubble is harsher, and is full of scribbles.
Panel 6: Astarion on a plain background looking over his right shoulder, a confused and worried expression on his face. A question mark is next to him. Parts of his figure overlap the background and the white paper.
Panel 7: Astarion and Quinn on a plain background, parts of both of their figures overlapping the white paper. Astarion falls back, leaning back and towards Quinn with a wary and concerned expression. Quinn looks down at the ground sadly.
Panels 8-10: Three separate panels of Astarion and Quinn on plain background. Astarion is on the right in each frame, and Quinn on the left. In the first frame, Quinn continues to look down sadly, while Astarion turns towards him nervously with a wobbly speech bubble saying: “Are you alright darling? You look… not quite yourself.” In the second frame, Quinn looks up with his eyes closed, taking in a deep breath. the words “*Inhale*” are above his head. Astarion looks towards him, but not directly at him, frowning, concerned, and wary. In the final frame, Quinn looks at Astarion with the wettest, saddest eyes, a shaking speech bubble and small text coming from him saying: “You don't like horses?” Astarion looks towards him and down slightly, mildly annoyed and his hands in front of him in exasperation saying with a slightly jagged speech bubble: “We’re walking straight into a horrid death trap and you’re concerned I don't like horses?”./end ID]
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demiesop · 7 months
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tatatata you can feed on me tonight
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anders-hawke · 1 year
bloodweave getting sadder as i (after many years of putting it off) familiarize myself with dnd lore. bc like i think gale was mystra's chosen for a good while, like maybe two decades? and so he would've gotten used to the idea of immortality. and it's like only now that he no longer has eternity to live does he meet the love of his life who is cursed to live forever. :(
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