falinscloaca · 1 year
Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill.
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Soulmates? Preferably angst and then super fluffy, I love angst w/ a happy ending.
Not all of these are Super Angst then Profound Fluff, but the vast majority are all fluffy, I can tell you that lashdlfas
Me and You (is who the future belongs to)- melonbutterfly, T, No Warnings.Tony is in for quite a culture shock when he leaves for Jötunheimr to meet his soulmate for the first time, especially since what little he knows of the place is hearsay passed on through Æsir, who aren't exactly neutral on the subject. But he wouldn't be Tony Stark if he didn't roll with it.Loved it, amazing, 10/10.
Love the Enemy- JayBarou, G, No Warnings. Tony Stark was born with more than the fairytale, together-forever soul-mark, because he was a contrary bastard and probably allergic to normal.Normal was relative anyway.The perfect one-mark-soulmate was stuff for films, as far as Tony was concerned.Tony has multiple soulmarks and it’s amazing.
On Silent Paws- silver_drip, T, No Warnings. Loki throws Tony out the window of Stark Tower—Only to realize they're soulmates.Semi-repentant Loki and also Cat-Loki?? Amazing,
So The Fates Say- STARSdidathing, T, No Warnings.Tony had never expected or even wanted to have a Soulmate. Why complicate things? Why force someone to be stuck with him forever? It just seemed like a bad idea.I’m love, everything by STARSdidathing is amazing, I’m her biggest fan,
A constant reminder (series)- Skoll, E, No Warnings.In a world where there hasn't been a human soulmate pair in over a thousand years, Tony's born with a name at the small of his back, a magnetic pull at his spine that seems to lead to nowhere, and no soulmate that he can find on the face of the planet. Understandably, he isn't very pleased about this.Aaaaaaaaaa, angst and pain and also incomplete?? Kill me, except this is so good.
In Shadow and Starlight- rightsidethru, T, Graphic Violence/Major Character Death. Some souls were lucky enough to have an almost identical match--paralleled and entwined so closely with one another that they may as well have been birthed from the same source. Loki was lucky enough to be such a soul, and his twin was found in none other than Anthony Edward Stark.Angst, and lots of it.
Only When You’re Ready- Shi_Toyu, T, No Warnings.Some soulmates figured it out the moment they met, their first greetings to each other being the very same words that triggered the reaction. For others, it took longer. There were plenty of soulmate couples who didn't even figure it out at the same time. Jarvis, the human Jarvis, had once told Tony that his wife hadn't spoken her words to him until they had been married five years and he hadn't spoken his for seventeen past that, when she was on her deathbed. Tony had to admit that he had no idea when his parents had spoken their words to each other, or if they ever had. But if Loki was so certain that they were soulmates that meant Tony had already spoken his words to him.Hey, uh, this was great?
Love is Pain (darling, let’s hurt tonight)- ToAStranger, M, No Warnings.Tony had a mark. Now he doesn't. Either way, it doesn't really matter.I’ve recced this before, but it’ greeeeaaatt
Signum Amoris- Nightalp, T, No Warnings.Tony never had love marks.Cupid's arrows. Freya's kisses.Whatever.Also recced before but also absolutely wonderful
Loki’s Song- NotEvenCloseToStraight, M, Chose No Warnings.Loki has spent a thousand years searching for his soul mate.Tony knows Loki is his Soulmate, but just couldn't care less.After the Accords tear Tony's life apart, he runs, leaving everything behind to live alone. But when Loki lands in his living room, Tony is forced to suddenly deal with his Soulmate, deal with everything.Somehow, together, they discover love, and find the peace that only comes in the arms of your Soulmate.And at night Loki sings to Tony, the song of the traveler and his spirit light, whose bond was so strong not even death could keep them apart.Recced before, but I think this definitely aligns with what you want the most.
Taste the Rainbow- pprfaith, Not Rated, Chose No Warnings.In which Toni doesn't believe in soulmates, thanks a lot. It's bullshit.I’m a lesbian and I love femslash and I love this, this is amazing,
Everything We See or Seem- Like_a_Hurricane, Not Rated, Chose No Warnings.Some mages have the ability to soul-see naturally, some must cultivate it; Loki was a case of the former, but generally scorned it for the discomfort of seeing more than he wanted when some people touched him. Possession of the ability, however, can become troublesome when it locks onto the one soul it determines to be matched to its wielder, particularly if the wielder is Loki of Asgard, and he finds his match in Tony Stark the moment he seizes the inventor by the throat. Then the floodgates open, and the nightmares begin.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I loved this?
What You Don’t Know- Inkhit, M, Chose No Warnings.Loki is not terribly pleased when he finds out that his soul mate- and the key to his success in maintaining the throne of Asgard- is none other than the Man of Iron, Tony Stark. Violence and trickery ensue.Akjahsdklfj frankly, this was kinda funny? Just, putting that out there. 
All They Said We Wanted (They’re All Liars)- Runic, M, No Warnings.Tony knew what it meant when he was the only one who could smell Loki’s heat, he knew it signified that they were soul mates. That didn’t keep Tony from being in complete and utter denial about the whole situation.This was,, a good fic,,
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