kylo-skywalkerr · 1 year
Confession time im not really into Anidala. Yes, I like the angst! The love that made vader the cruel and broken man that he became! That's cool and all.
But idk I didn't really like the characterization of Padme in the prequels. She could hold her own a bit, but the writing was so. ??? She didn't give that much of a shit about Anakin slaughtering an entire race, including their women and children who didn't do anything wrong and was like. "Anakin wtf :( How are you evil? Why would you kill those younglings?? This isn't like you!" Girl, he did that a few years ago to the sand people! You just didn't view them as "human" enough to see it as a red flag! At that point, you deserve to die from something as stupid as being very sad! Bitch it wasnt even just the flag that was red, the whole house was, and that red was the blood of the innocents that Anakin had previously spilled pre-vader 😭 You knew about most of this!
And yes. You can die from a broken heart, but it isn't... like that. She could have died from intense stress instead and had a heart attack or something, but they gave her the weakest reason to die. A broken heart. Tbh, it would have been cooler if it actually was the injuries from Anakin that killed her. It would at least be less... victorian era woman cliché where women can't handle intense emotions without fainting or dying. Obi wan didn't die from sadness. Ahsoka didn't either. They all loved him far more than they should have, and platonic love absolutely does measure up with romantic love. They painted padme as strong and then threw it all away to give Vader a reason to be Vader.
Disclaimer, I think Padme's an okay character, just a bit bland and inconsistently written. I'm also biased since I'm not huge on the prequels, but I dont mind them either. It's more of an "eh" compared to my love of the OT and spiteful love of the ST. They tried to make Anidala a romeo and juliet tragedy, but it reads more like Musk and Grime's whole "This isn't your heart." stuff.
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
Ok, I'm rewatching The Clone Wars and this is so funny I had to bring it up, this is from "Rookies" (1x05) where Rex and Cody meet Fives, Echo, and Hevy, and this is when Rex and Cody don't report in...
Obi-wan: They should have checked in from the Rishi station hours ago. (To Anakin) It appears your captain follows orders as well as you do.
Anakin: Hmm. Perhaps Cody is boring Rex with standard procedures and protocol.
They have the minds of five year olds or popular teenage girls.
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Seeing Maul after All This Time
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"Maul?" Y/n asked looking at the hooded figure, Ezra besides him as he looked back at Y/n.
"Y/n you know him?" Ezra asked.
"Ezra come here." Ezra did as told, Y/n stepping infront of him protectively.
"Y/n. It has been some time." Maul spoke walking around with the cane.
Y/n ignited one of her two sabers, the red blade crackling as she kept Ezra behind her.
"Your a sith lord Y/n?!" Ezra shouted.
"No! Ezra- we'll talk about this later."
"A shame really," Maul spoke, "We were once-"
"We were once," Y/n told him, "We are no longer, I tried to help you! I wanted you back Maul! You think I wanted you to throw yourself away?"
"You threw me away!" He argued.
"I would never and you know that! We could have left! Both of us!" Y/n defended, "both of us! Like we planned!"
Maul only growled at her pushing forward as the battle began, light flashing back and forth as they fought one another. Maul still trying to reach for Ezra but was kicked back, Y/n igniting her second saber which was green in color.
"Ezra! Run!" Y/n demanded force pushing him back and out of Mauls reach once again, as Ezra got up.
"I'll get Ashoka! And Kanan!"
"Just run!" Y/n demanded, Y/n being back up into a wall as she kneeded Maul in the gut him stumbling back as she spit into the corner of the room.
"I can do this all day." Y/n spoke.
"You can't hope to beat me! Not again!" He shouted.
"I do not hope but know! I will win!" Y/n responded.
Maul kicked her across the room as she crashed into the stone wall dropping one of her Sabers.
Dodging his hit it scored the wall as she rolled off to the side, she grabbed his wrist twisting it back as the saber turned off and soon fell out his hand.
"Stop this Maul!" Y/n demanded, pushing him back into the stone wall, her hand up as she kept him pushed into the wall with the force.
"I loved you once!" Y/n argued, "We were one! Why would you betray me!"
"I betray you!?" Maul spoke, "I never did!"
"You killed my friends Maul! You just attacked me!" Y/n argued, "you killed the only think I had to a sister. You killed Satine! Why!"
He was silent, "I asked you why!" She demanded, "You knew she was all I had. You knew I loved her! But you couldn't just submit could you! You had to have power! Broken power! When you could have just come to me I would have helped you!"
Y/n glared at him as she gritted her teeth dropping him to the ground falling to his knees and over.
"I once loved you." Y/n told him, as he looked up at her, "after all you did I still came looking for you, and you were going to use a innocent soul. I stop worrying about you, and stop loving to you today Maul."
She turned away from him using the force to make her second saber come to her, walking away and down the hall.
"No..." Maul called, "No! Y/n! Y/n! Come back! I was foolish! Come back to me!"
Y/n kept quiet as she left the temple the others running to her aid.
"Y/n!" Ezra spoke looking at her hopefully.
"I am okay Young one." Y/n responded, feeling a sense of relief rush over Ezra.
She smiled softly at his relief, a hand holding his cheek.
"None of us belong here anymore." Y/n spoke.
It was silent the rest of the way, Y/n knew what Maul knew, what he wanted he got, Ezra confused that much to her. She wasnt angery but knew it'd be Maul's demise. So there Y/n sat, in the bunk with Ezra.
"Are. Are you alright?" Ezra asked.
"I haven't been alright in some times Ezra." Y/n responded sitting on the floor attempting to meditate.
"Can. I ask you some questions?" Ezra asked.
"Sit with me then."
Ezra did as told, sitting infront of her as she opened her eyes, she was tired, heart broken, missing.
"I...did...we're you a sith."
"No." Y/n responded.
"Then the red saber."
"It was a gift." Y/n told him, "I was considering to be a sith...long ago."
"Because of Maul?"
Y/n nodded softly, "It was long ago, I-"
Ezra listened, "Me and him were in love, we pulled each other towards both sides...I..."
"But why him?"
"It is easier to show you than tell. Come." Y/n spoke as Ezra scooted closer, Y/n placing her hands on each side of his head, covering his temples as Y/n closed her eyes, Ezra following:
"Commander! Its going to blow!" Jesse shouted at the Jedi besides him, "Commander Y/n is still in there!"
"We have to leave! Now! Get the transports out of here!"
"But Commander!"
Y/n was getting everyone out, force pushing them down carefully to the ground.
"I have to check if anyones inside!"
"Commander no!"
"Go! Now!"
Y/n rushed back inside only seconds later the explosion going off. Y/n the only one inside as the others took cover as quick as possible. With the rubble falling down, she did as well. Being left crushed under some rocks for dead, her head bleeding, her ribs crushed, her spine brusied, she was dying a slow and painful death.
She was left there, no one did come and find her, she wasnt expecting it anyways, until later that day, the night had taken over the sky and she was passed out, swimming in her thoughts deep in her head and her own blood. Rocks pushed aside and body being lifted up Maul had picked her up in his arms walking away from the scene.
Waking up suddenly and in pain she looked around.
"So you've awaken."
Maul walked over to her Y/n backing up slightly as she winced backing into the wall.
Maul stopped in his spot. Y/n looking up at him as she then looked away.
"You know. Don't you?" Y/n asked.
"Its not everyday you see a night sister with markings such as yours."
"Get it right! I am not a night sister! I am a human being!" Y/n shouted immediately grabbing her chest in pain, "your...night sisters that...mother- she used me..."
"Fair point."
"It seems me and you have more in common than you think." Maul spoke, slidding a cup over to her with his foot.
"It will give your chest relief-"
Without hesitation she drank it immediately, she pulled away from the cup choking she had downed it so fast.
"I save you, and you go and die by choking."
"Why save me?"
"Why do anything anymore?"
Y/n pulled away from Ezra, the teen opening his eyes, "he saved you? But why?"
"I cant even answer that." Y/n responded, "but I repayed him later on, but he always tried to one up me, soon enough I fell for him, and it seemed him for me..."
Y/n panted heavily the two sitting against the control panels of the star cruiser that had just crashed.
"Damn." Y/n spoke, "we have to stop meeting like this."
Maul only chuckled, "we do indeed."
"I suppose we're each other's gaurdian angels." Y/n responsed rubbing her temples with one hand as they're chlothes were full of cuts and stains of dirt and blood fresh or dried.
"The more we saved each other the more we fell in love."
The two looked towards each other, Maul took the turn away first, but Y/n pulled his head back to look at her after grabbing one of his horns, forcing him into a kiss, he only returned it, deepining the kiss by turning his head and running a hand through her hair. Y/n pulled away.
"I figured saving you is starting to become boring payment for you saving me." Y/n responded..
"And within time.' Y/n spoke, "we were begging the other for them to come with us."
"Maul! Take my hand!" Y/n begged, "Your master does not care about you! Come! With me!"
Taking a step closer to him she finally reached arms length turning his saber off for him she let him keep hold of it.
"Don't do this Maul. They may not care but I do." Y/n tried to convince, "come with me please!"
"No! Anakin don't!"
"And as I pulled at him, he pulled at me." Y/n told Ezra.
"Take my hand!" Maul begged, "Y/n! Take my hand!"
Obi-Wan and Anakin stood there sabers in hand.
" Come with me!" Maul argued.
"Y/n! If you join him theres no telling what would happen!" Obi-Wan tried to convince.
"You turned on me! Why?" Y/n demanded, "I love you both and you turn on me!"
"Y/n this wasnt our choice!" Anakin spoke, "Y/n. I love you."
"Y/n! He lies!" Maul argued, "they both do!"
"Don't act like you dont either Obi-Wan!"
Obi wan sighed, "Y/n please, we care about you. Come back. We both care about you dearly!"
"At the end of the line. I was betrayed no matter which side I turned too." Y/n told Ezra, "I've been betrayed by every one."
"I'd never betray you." Ezra said, causing her to smile.
"You'd be a first." She spoke.
It was silent for only a few moments.
"Would you have left the republic for him if he left the Sepertist?" Ezra asked.
"Yes." Y/n responded without hesitation, "but things changed after he killed Satine."
"The last Dutchess of Mandolore. She was like a sister."
"Im still confused. Your as angry as any other sith, but calm as a jedi. How are you doing it?"
"Im neither or." Y/n spoke, "i can't follow the Jedi code but I wont kill in anger."
Ezra was quiet, "Get some sleep young one." Y/n spoke.
Ezra did as told hoping up into his bunk as Y/n stayed on the floor meditating.
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ahsokabi-archive · 4 years
this post has been made like hundred of times probably but u cant compare THE anakin skywalker to kyle ron, like u just cant. they are different on so many levels i even doubt if there’s anything they share besides not being jedis and participating on an evil empire. one was born a slave, had to leave his mother behind to go with the jedis, who treated him badly and like he wasnt good enough. anakin watched his mother die bc the jedi council refused to let him go save her, then had visions of his wife dying while giving birth to his kids and when he tried to save her, he turned to the dark side and it eventually all came true. THEN he fought with his mentor and had all his limps cut by him and let to burn. meanwhile kylo was born to leia and han, who i assume were good parents, with luke as his jedi trainer. there’s nothing to disprove the fact that he had a good childhood and it wasnt until snoke/palpatine began “preying” on him that he had so much darkness in him that LUKE, out of all ppl, saw that he wasnt redeemable. finally, he burning lukes school/academy and killing all the ppl in it and then he joined the FO.
make no mistakes tho, im not justifying anakin nor do i think he was right but i do think his background and environment were a big part of the reason that he turned to the dark side. meanwhile, with the evidence provided by the movies, theres no reason to believe kylo has ever had any lack of support or trust from his environment/family. even in his last moments han trusted him and encouraged him to come to the light side, hell LEIA sacrificed herself for him. i just think that meanwhile yeah in the end both of them did unspeakable and despicable things, imo one did it bc of fear and a lack of idk, support? comprehensive emotional outlet? and the other just bc teehee my mom and dad love me and im emo.
idk but dont compare them one is sexy as hell and the other is a rat
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masterserris · 5 years
the rise of skywalker = good
spoilers under cut you were warned
we love sheev the movie
best movie? no. room for improvement? yes. a really good movie overall and the characters were good and made overall good/decently logical choices? absolutely.
 fin good. i love him. and the obvious hint he can use the force is 10/10 he did so much work in this movie. i like poe/fin or rey/fin. or all three together, fuck it, they all hugged in the end anyways
poe is good he’s a good boy him and finn are so good. poe gets a lot of development and care and we love that he struggles but loves his friends and wins in the end by believing in others to come. (he did think they lost but only for a second. he was proven right that people would come. thanks lando we appreciate you here.)
rey is amazing and her growth/struggle is great i love that she’s a palpatine that’s so metal. and she stays good oough yess. palpatine wins in the end? or at least A palpatine? the only survivor? no more sith OR jedi. just. rey palpatine and any other new force users like fin. FINALLLY, evil wins! kinda lmao hahhaahhaha
i like how technically the series stared with palpatine and ended with rey. 
it started with a slave child in the desert (anakin) who became dark, and ended with a child soldier in the dark who became light at the end (ben)
the sheev-ening. we love emperor step peppers. he’s so good in this. force storm ya’ll!! 
“hiS pLaN MakEs nO sEnSe!!1!”
shut tf up. either he possesses rey once she killed him, or he sucks the life outta her and restores himself once he found out about that bond power with ben or force healing whatever it was if she refused (like he did), or just kills her and sends his troops out to take everything over like. that’s not a bad plan bro. he wins either way. the only reason he lost is because the dummy killed himself with his own force lighting (AGAIN, DIDNT YOU LEARN FROM EPISODE 3 OLD MAN????). she did not strike him down, she defended. he killed himself, technically. she pulled a luke in that sense. it was not the jedi way. (though i guess by the end she is neither sith nor jedi)
plus he made an armada in secret the man was geared for success and had access to cloning tech too, as shown by snoke. if he couldnt have rey, he would have cloned himself or some shit. he has space voodoo, the man is scary and i love him for it. 
ben was. ok. kylo was much more intimidating and straight forward with his actions at least. and ben switching sides made sense. what i didnt like was his ending very much. why tf did he and rey kiss????? they were enemies for 2 and 3/4 movies. they didnt even speak until he showed up to help fight palpatine. 
there is a bit of tension but not romantic whatever, he just poofed once he resurrected rey anyways. rip all skywalkers 2019
she is an adopted skywalker and that’s nice.
side tangent bc i’ve been seeing some fans crying over ben’s death, which i get it if you are a big fan of him:
((i guess i was just way more invested into rey as a character than ben solo. he was. there. he was alright, i could see the struggle but the tone-shift from TLJ really threw things wack and i just ended up not caring too much when he died unforntuately. i wish i did more. i mean it was sad, it would have been neat if he lived, but i kinda saw it coming as soon as rey “died”
im like, oh, he’s gonna climb up bc of course he’s fine and then save her since he saw her use force healing, so he’s gonna try it. he’s resurrecting the dead so it’s either gonna kill him or really make him weak. we got the former so. yeah. it was anticipated kinda. leia dying was much more emotional for me i guess. the love between her and her son was way more impactful than ben and rey. 
like i said!! they were enemies for so long!! he tried to reach out, but he was a slimey dark side bitch who was trying to convert her and she knew it and wasnt down with that shit!! that aint romantic ya’ll!! christ! he was only good for 20 minutes before he died and they didnt even talk before he just showed up! if they had more time really getting into it and if he was good and reached out to her to talk, that would have been way better and more convincing is all im saying. 
sure they fought together on snoke’s ship and talked, but it was still very. scary for rey. and then he attacked her friends and rebellion again! bitch, why did she kiss him!?
nothing against reylo shippers, i really dont care, that’s your business, i personally enjoy fin/rey much more, im just saying it seems forced in this situation. they tried to kill each other so many times. that’s animosity, not love.))
WHERE WAS ANAKIN AND OBI FORCE GHOST UGH. at least we got all of the voices of the jedi past helping rey in the climax that was awesome (including jin, obi, yoda, anakin, luke, leia, ect)
yeah also rip leia. she should have died in the second movie but she was good in this and it really hit the feels since carrie is... dead for real.
luke was good in this!!!! helpful boy!!! nice boy!!! i liked the flash back to when he trained leia it was so sweet to see them young again, if only for a moment.
the han solo scene was good ough my heart. 
all of the character’s choices were overall good and made sense in the scheme of things, everything was streamlined bc it had to be.
it kinda felt like 2 movies crammed into 1 but it kinda worked and that makes sense bc of TLJ’s.... choices and changes in direction. 
i dont think this movie was a train wreck. it’d place it as my 3rd fav star wars movie. for now, i may shift things around but you get the idea.
my current rankings so far for main line live action sw movies 
(rogue one would be at 4 along with revenge of the sith and i didnt care enough to see solo.)
1. empire strikes back (obvious pick)
2. a new hope (luke is best boy)
3. rise of skywalker (as listed above)
4. revenge of the sith (clone wars show really got me to like older anakin. and obi is just. 10/10 in general. speaking of generals, i love grievous. and commander rex. rip all clones and jedi tho. F)
5/6. return of the jedi/force awakens (about even) 
[the thing about return of the jedi is that the ending whole section with the death star and vader and palpatine and the struggle against jabba were really good! it just a lot of other stuff is... meh in the film]
7. the last jedi (sorry had to do it to ya. also rip Phasma)
8/9. phantom menace/attack of the clones (ya’ll know why)
im so glad im rewatching the clone wars show it was so good and oughghghg so good. i love the clones so damn much and everyone so much
star wars good ya’ll
anyways, i already loved palpatine and im just wildin’ right now we love a emperor. a queen. a bad bitch you cant kill. just vibin. like damn, iconic. he said “do it” and everything. a meme legend and godsend
in sheev we trust. you belong with sheev. real sheev hours. the sheev-ening. palpatine-ception. you name it, we vibe with it
NOW I WANT A NICE AU WHERE THE CHARACTERS LIVE AND PALPATINE IS JUST A GRANDDAD. scary but nice granddad to rey or some shit. anakin is still around, they are all still around. just silly fun alright?
the reverse of TLJ and i can see why the stupid irony lmFAO
the “thank you rian johnson” tag trending on twitter is wack and it’s dumb. his movie was dumb ya’ll. that’s my take and im not alone. im not some crazy hardcore fan either nor do i care that much about the politics or what ever. the characters in TLJ made REALLY dumb decisions that got their butts kicked and people killed over and over and it was not fun to watch everyone being dumb and dying, alright? wack. bad vibes. 
i didn’t care for the “thank you jj abrams” tag either bc both tags ended up just being one taking pot-shots at the other and it was full of nasty vibes. just a lot of negative bullshit and only a few good comments just saying what they liked about those movies. i appreciate when people just say they like something. even if it’s something i PERSONALLY dont like, it’s neat to see. but when people bitch and moan, even if i agree personally, it isnt that fun. it’s annoying as hell, esp if it’s mostly unfounded or just repeated a million times.
like months later, or also about something from years ago, people still havent shut up about it. that’s when i get pissed off. like, sure, hate something. say you hate it, whatever. your blog your platform, go off queen, but then shut up please and dont drag it out forever. people dont like negativity so expect people to leave your ass behind if you keep at it. or get blocked or whatever. 
negative shit all the time just aint a good look is all im saying. just love what you love and show it. it’s nice. the good part about fandoms is sharing love for media.
but hey, it’s your life. you do whatever, who am i to say anything?
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