#ALSO idk if i ever said this but i finally have a name 4 them.. the shifter twins
jitteryjive · 2 years
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they’re best friends. they wanna kill each other. they’re an iconic duo. no one has seen them together. i know who came to mind
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no-name-publishing · 11 months
Tiny Book? Tiny Book. Pt1.
Idk yall I just felt like writing a little how-to of how-I-do my tiny A9 books! So if you've ever been interested, I hope this will be helpful. This will be neither a beginner typesetting nor beginner bookbinding tutorial; as I go through my process I will only be showing my process and providing a few tips, assuming you already have the basics understood. We can worry about the rougher technical skills in another post.
Also keep in mind that this guide includes images of fic I've bound, and you're zooming into these fics at your own discretion. I am not responsible if you read something yucky. I know you have a lot of options out there but thank you for flying No-Name Publishing.
Tiny books part 2; Tiny books part 3
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Just like with regular ficbinding, there are layers, and they are:
1 - Typesetting and Imposing 2 - Printing 3 - Cutting, Folding, and Sewing 4 - Gluing, Rounding/Backing, Endbands 5 - Building the Case and casing in 6 - BOOK
In this part we will be focusing on steps 1 and 2. Please feel free to skip to the area you're interested in most.
1 - Typesetting and Imposing
Okay, so this area has some nuances that you don't have to consider so closely with typesetting for more traditionally sized books. To me, these tiny books are not about readability, they are about novelty. As such, I do not prioritize readability. Instead, I try to achieve something that is closer to scale. That said, neither do I want these illegible. But we'll begin from the top.
You want to make a tiny book, but you're wondering, what would be an appropriate word count for a tiny book? Tiny books are the perfect medium for the ficlettes, the shorties, the one-shots. They are also perfect for the mid-sized, 10-15-20k fics, in my opinion. Here we can see,
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On the left we have a fic that is exactly 12,771 words, typeset on a 1.5" x 2" (37 × 52 mm) document, with .3" margins, 6pt Garamond font, and 5pt line spacing. This book is only approaching 1/2" (13mm) wide, and only took 5 sheets of Letter paper to print. On the right we have a fic that is exactly 1,939 words, typeset to the same specifications. This book is only 4-5mm wide, and took only 1 sheet of Letter paper.
In my opinion this format of book begins getting unruly around the 300-page mark. However, making any combination of margins, fonts size, and line spacing will yield different page results for different word counts. For example:
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Like the above, in each of these examples I typeset in Garamond font @ 6pt size and 5pt line spacing. Typesetting on an A9 page, this is about as small as I felt comfortable sizing my font while still being legible. But notice the rivers between the words--the rivers of white space bisecting the lines, due to the Justified alignment battling the admittedly tiny work surface. At this scale, with the font at this size and alignment, those will be unavoidable. Over time I began disliking this in my own work, so I pursued a different method, which was typesetting on a quarter letter page (4.25" x 5.5" / 108mm x 140mm), and allowing my imposer to scale the PDF down.
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Have you ever seen anything sexier. THIS looks like a tiny book. Little to no rivers, still legible (hand-wobble), and preserves the novelty feel that I desire from a tiny book. This method of scaling down (specifically from quarter letter to A9) does change the final shape of the book, from A9 to A9-ish in this case. Specifically, from 1.5"X2" (37 × 52 mm) to 1.625"X2" (41.3mmX52mm). You're achieving something closer to a square shape, which is delightful to hold. All this to say, you have some freedom with word count, with font size, with page size. I've done as many pages as 376 and as few as 17. The fantastic thing about tiny books--their structure will not be load-bearing, meaning--the only thing stopping you are your tastes.
Quickly, some more examples of features in a regularly sized typeset and their tiny counterpart after the imposer has scaled them down. First, scaling half-letter down to A9, a little-over 4X shrinkage:
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And from B6 to B9, smaller by 3x:
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You notice the compression of every element, and too how entirely unparcable the text in the first example is, sometimes not horrible, sometimes very. Make your decisions dependent on your tastes!
You have decided on the fic you'd like to bind into a tiny book. I will be using my own fic as the typesetting example, and I will be using Word 365 for PC. I'm sure many of my pointers during this process might not apply 1-to-1 if you are using a different word processing software, but hopefully you can adapt the concepts to your program of your choosing.
Kay, next you will do your typesetting. Since this is not a typesetting guide I'm trusting that you have your preferred methods, but I will go through my key steps for setting up a tiny typeset:
First, for every typeset I delete each default Style, create mine own, and dictate the document size. For this example I will be doing my preferred quarter letter method, setting the custom page size to 4.25" wide and 5.5" tall, and .5" page margins all around (except Gutter; leave 0"). On the Multiple pages dropdown I will select Mirror margins (however, as all my margins are the same size, this is redundant, though may not be the case for you). My body text style will be Cardo font @ 11pt size and Exactly 15pt line spacing, with a .2" first line indent and Justified alignment.
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You can use whatever body font you like, I only encourage you to do many many test prints to refine your preferences. Your favorite font for half-letter books might not translate to tiny books. After ~30 tiny books I've found I like Cardo at this size and spacing. And if you're using A-paper sizes, consider doing quarter A4 instead of quarter letter, which is technically A6--4.1"X5.8", or 105mmX148mm. Follow your heart~~nyah 🐱♥
Now I will go to my fic and download the HTML file. I hugely prefer copying from the HTML file rather than the browser itself. It kind of standardizes any goofy formatting that might try to make its way over otherwise, while still preserving the italics and bolds, etc, and makes for an easier editing process. It was important I made my body Style in Word first, so that once I paste the text into my document that Style is automatically applied in one fell swoop (if not, you can change that in your Word settings. Advanced -> Cut, copy and paste -> Merge Formatting. It is a huge time saver.)
Now you've gone through your typesetting process, you have a liddle quarter letter Word document that you're happy with. Gets real close to you. Listen to me--listen, you're going to Export as PDF. Not Save As PDF. Not Print to PDF. Export. It's in--listen--it's in File, then Export, then Create PDF/XPS. You need to Export. Especially if you selected Bookfold instead of Mirror margins in your page settings because we need an unimposed PDF in order for this to work right and exporting to PDF is going to solve 99% of your pdf formatting woes with Word. Okay, I love you 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Now, your EXPORTED pdf should look something like mine. Straight, unimposed.
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Now what we're going to do is take this PDF back to my penthouse and freak it. Go to this link for the Renegade Bindery-created and -curated imposition tool. This has been will be is such an incredible FREE asset to you, maintained by a crew of intelligent, skilled Renegade Bindery members who understand the importance of community and accessibility. If you find someone hiding this link behind a paywall of any kind it is not with the creators' permission, so shame on them.
Anyway I will be assuming that you know what imposing your document means. If you've never used this site before, it's very straight forward, and here are my settings for making Tiny Books.
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1 - Upload your unimposed exported pdf. 2 - ignore 3 - Select the paper size you will be printing on. This is not the FINAL size of the book, this is what paper you are printing on. These instructions are for Letter sized paper. Don't change any of the other settings right now, I will explain more about the Single-sided vs Duplex option in a bit. 4 - Skip aaalllll the way down to Signature Format. Under Wacky Small Layouts, click on the bubble next to Little. You'll notice there are a lot of options here. I encourage you to play with these settings later on as well, there are so many things you can make with this tool.
Once that's done, scroll down to the very bottom. You'll see the Signature Info area, telling you the results of your imposition. In the case of using the Little option we've selected, 1 sheet of our paper will make 40 book pages. 3-signature-sets of 3/3/4 folio configuration. That's a lot of pages per page.
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Anyway for our document today it will cost us 2 sheets of Letter paper, and will make 6 signatures. Math says that's 80 pages. Now, you may be concerned because your typeset PDF is not formatted in a number equally divisible by 40. And why would it be. The imposer is doing that math for you in the background, organizing your pages regardless. In my case, my finished typeset is 62 pages, which means that from my second page, I will only be using my 3 folio segments, and discarding the 4 folio segment. This will make more sense later. Click the Generate button, and save the zipped folder wherever you want. Don't change the name of it.
Unzip that baby, and inside you'll notice 2 files--(filename).pdf_little_packed_backs, and .pdf_little_packed_fronts. Appropriately named as one file contains one side of the sheet that will be printed, and the other file the other side.
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And when you open them up, they will look like:
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2 - Printing
We are manually duplexing this bad boy, because working at this scale amplifies and compounds every millimeter of difference. Manual duplexing will keep printer skew to a minimum, as the printer will not have to perform gymnastics in order to print on the reverse side of your page. Here are some examples:
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Two auto-duplexing examples of skew, one horizontal and one vertical, dependent on which direction my paper was loaded into the feeder. There is significant skew. Not a horrible issue on full-sized books but these will matter much more on our tiny books, the key issue being that we do not have much to work with in the margins department. Trimming 5-6-7mm of margins of your half-letter sized textblocks might not be much of an issue; however, here, in order to remove all the trim lines during the cutting process, you will be significantly impacting the margins of your tiny textblock.
Now here is an example of the skew from manual duplexing:
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MUCH subtler. Your skew with manual duplexing will range from this--less than .5mm--to no skew at all, and you will have to cut off far less of each page to remove the trim lines, maintaining the consistency of appearance of your tiny, beautiful pages. This is why during step 3 of the imposing process we selected Single-sided (which is MANUAL duplexing), and not Duplex (which is AUTO duplexing) appropriately. This will result in you either getting two files for manual duplexing, or one auto duplexing file.
Your next consideration when it comes to printing your liddle book will be whether you want to use an inkjet printer or a laser printer. I've until recently only had a laser printer available to me. I can say after about 6 or 7 little books on an inkjet printer that I prefer the laser printing on tiny books. Here is an example of why:
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On the left you have a tiny book printed from an inkjet printer printed on the highest quality setting, and on the right is a tiny book printed from a laser printer. These were both printed at the same scaling, same font size, same line spacing, everything. The inkjet printer, printing at this scale, introduces pretty glaring feathering on the letters, whereas the laser printer is crisp as can be. I've said before that to me tiny books are more for novelty rather than readability, however I do still want to make out the word I'm looking at, you know what I mean? For this reason I prefer printing my tiny books from a laser printer. Use what you got though, you'll get a tiny book regardless. Make sure you're flipping on the short edge with these tiny books too, and double check to make sure your page numbers line up. And when you're done you got...
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Continue on to part duex.
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jade-kyo · 1 year
Non-Red vs Blue fans guess the fake fact: results!
Find the og post here
Alright time to finally review the results! Correct answer is at the bottom of this post for those not interested in all of the results and explanations!
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So the most highly voted option at 23% was Elijah Wood which I’m sorry to say is incorrect! Elijah Wood was a voice actor in the series. He played the role of Sigma! What this big name actor is doing in a random web series I have no idea but it’s still one of the wildest things to me.
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Now the aspirin overdose comes in with 17.3% and got mentioned a lot in the notes and it is also incorrect. However I will admit to some poor wording on my part because it was actually an allergic reaction not an overdose. That’s a genuine oopsies on my part 😅
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Florida sinking into the ocean gets a 10.1% and is also incorrect! The state of Florida does in fact sink into the ocean and it’s implied this was to cover up the disappearance of Agent Florida (who is also the guy who dies from the aspirin)
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The gay guy, who’s name is Donut btw, becoming Jesus comes in with 8.3% and is in fact very real. He even walks on water. It was wild and tbh I barely remember it cause it’s from a season I dislike but it was too wild not to include.
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With 7.2% I can say for sure that the giant killer robot is indeed dressed up in cute hats! Specifically a sombrero! Also the robots name is Freckles.
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CPR for a bullet wound in the head gets 6.7% and is in fact considered effective medical care. Now I will say this later gets retconned and it turns out the guy didn’t actually get shot in the head the bullet just grazed him and his armor locked up making them all think he was dying- hence the choice of word being considered. The characters fully believe it but the CPR did not actually save him cause he wasn’t even hurt to begin with.
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The crazy love triangle comes in with 4.7% and is also very canon and is exactly as it’s said. There’s literally just this insane love triangle for like two seasons- honestly the only love triangle plot I ever enjoyed.
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With a solid 4% I can say that there is in fact canon mpreg! Hurray? Idk man this one’s exactly as it sounds. Dude got knocked up by an alien.
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In last place with 2.5% of votes is the main character dying repeatedly. This is also incorrect. First off this guy is named Church which very funny on its own. Secondly it’s actually one of the first running jokes in the series how much this dude dies. Until it’s not a joke 🫠 also a few people pointed out RvB doesn’t have a main character and while I agree I felt it was simpler just to call Church the main character for this poll since it’s designed for people who haven’t seen RvB and I would argue that the majority of the narrative centers around Church even when he’s not there.
And now for the correct answer, coming in at third place with 16.1% is Caboose is god!
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Now I will fully confess to being sneaky with this one. This is actually a joke made within the series but it is not true at all. Caboose is not actually god and the platypus is just that fucked up. I knew nothing I could come up with would be able to match the absurdity of this series so I decided to twist a few words so that way everything seemed equally fucked up.
And that concludes the poll! I will now leave you off with a few honorable mentions that did not make the Final Cut:
They have a Spanish speaking robot. None of them speak Spanish.
He’s a ghost but not actually a ghost but actually a highly advanced computer program
Woman has mega beef with an AI copy of her dead mom
The highly advanced computer program can’t aim for shit
The first 5 seasons were revealed to actually be a prolonged torture session
Dude chases his dead gf through multiple iteration of the same memory
Woman developed a sibling like bond with an AI copy of her extremely neglectful father
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 3-4 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Ok ok ok we're going fast baby! need to catch up so i can start doing this weekly.
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Kanom krok! if any of ya'll ever coming to Thailand you better get this dessert. imo it's the best Thai street food. i'm not fond with the ones that has corn in them, but for real the green onions ones are heavenly.
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Best advice in bl ever grandma. yeah fuck them hoes whose only judged you for your past mistakes and social status.
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Tit-bit about thai nickname trend. people who only has two kids usually named their two kids to rhyme and/or in similar theme. for an example Nammon (holy water) Namhom (scented water.)
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This is a BL alright :)
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the three (generations) stooges. god i loved this family so much.
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This is the sexiest scene in all of the recent Thai BLs. fight me, this man brush work got me more work up than butt naked sex scenes. anyways i'm calling dibs on this man he's my future husband and non of you bitches can have him!
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Yeah as much it is ashamed for me to admit this but i can only count to ten in mandarin.
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Gramp you already had sex dreams about this boy. also the heaven don't give no shit about two men getting married. it's the dinosaurs that you have to be worry about.
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The OG Y girl Nu Wa striked agian.
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One bad choice and your life is ruined. i related to that.
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One class solidarity flashback and this man is ready down to clown, respect.
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I know this scene is suppose to be funny but like i'm trash so... berate me more Daddy!
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Dashing! so since the marriage equality bill passed i've been start thinking about my own hopefully one day will happen wedding. and yeahhhh i'm a basic bitch i probably going to wear black but after seeing this maybe red is not a bad choice. still need to find a man first tho.
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What did i said! our girl Nu Wa is the OG!
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Another bad choice to be make, that's life i guess.
And now to EP 4!
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I wish i have the audacity of this boy. it's very inspiring to be this shameless.
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Ok i love this homophobic grandpa. idk why but i don't feel bothered by a homophobic lead in this show contrast to other older Thai BLs.
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Noooo you hurts my baby old man! although bloody noise Tao is kinda turn me on.
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I don't care i support this boy very bad choice in saving his grandma. this baby and his grandma deserved the world.
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My heart! ahhhhhhh!!!!
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*incoherent noise* Gay love is indeed magical.
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I will kill you motherfucker. classist pig.
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+1 Point for show up for the wedding - 1 point for not beliving your friends outlandish BL nonsense.
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Hell yeah, this shit alway bothered me in vempire show.
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Danm this boy is jacked! i support (as long as they're not straving themselves) twink death for all BL actors.
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This show is bonker lol i loved it.
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Hi uncle Suchat.
Yesss finally some good god danm Thai BL. these two EPs is so good, i loved the silly bickering between our leads but also how the emotional stuff are very much not overshadowed by all of the sillyness. i'm very much invested in Wee's quest to save his grandma and the genuine budding romance that started to bubbly up cause of the mutual cares and empathy that the leads has for each other. i'm having a great time with this show and i can't wait for this week EPs.
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yellowjackingit · 17 days
Omegaverse yellowjackets personal headcanons and parings✨ nsfw
(don't like don't read, you know who you are ;)
Shauna -alpha she's my bi messy failgirl icon <3 she just has alpha energy to me (but idk I'm sure in some fics I'll have her beta) , and Jeff has omega energy to me idk why, vibes man. I feel like in an omegaverse society alpha women traditionally are expected to have big families and accomplish a lot, so when Jackie dies I'd imagine her mother's slights have to do with how Shauna is such a rare breed, an alpha female, only 5% of the population contains alpha females and yet she was somehow never as special as her lil jack jack
Jackie- omega Jackie just needs an alpha to hold her and tell her everything's gonna be ok, too bad they eat her lol. Also i wanna see Shauna pin her down what of it. She's totally a lesbian
Lottie- alpha The total it girl, she's got it all, she embodies the traditional femalpha standard, think barbie, but tbh most of that was learning at a young age she was different (gay) and got really good at hiding it. it was a no brainer when she became the first head alpha of the group as people usually do they fall under her leadership and guidance. Shes the kind of alpha that would have led rome or egypt. And yet. When she loses her omega she loses her way. Her power crumbles and so she hands the torch to the alpha she trusts most
Natalie- alpha as the runt of her litter of one and every class or group she's been apart of she was never the first picked alpha but when the group assigned her the leader everything changed for her. She was finally where she was born to be. Out in the woods she became the best version of her alpha. Also I just wanna see her go thru a rut and Lottie offer to help a bro out with it 👀 who said that
Laura lee- omega voted cutest omega of her year, always had a crush on Lottie and now that they're lost in the wilderness maybe she can show her some her holy moves? Idk I'm not Catholic anymore
Taissa - beta
Van - butch nonbinary beta
Taissa van beta4beta my beloved<3 taissa being resentful of her beta gender (transmasc taissa goes hard) and trying her hardest to become a beta representative "betas are 45% of the population and yet only have 4 seats on the Senate? What's that bull" but I can also see taissa being an alpha and van be an omega
Misty- omega also a runt, she looks up to Natalie a lot being a runt as well who actually earned the respect of the pack. So her and nat bond over it and eventually more 👀 imagine Misty's heat hitting round the spring, and in order to avoid pregnancies nat being the ever so gracious pack leader helps her through it with her massive dick
Travis- beta him and Shauna beta solidarity has good potential, I hope they talk about girls together, like imagine them coming out to each other? Grieving javi together, both being ppl who lost their own blood to these woods... Y'all pls understand my vision
Mari- beta when no immediate role is assigned to her she struggles and takes it out on jackie, it's ok babygirl thats not how u get the pretty omegas attention but u will learn
Coach ben- alpha his death is their first meal, and the death of the traditional alpha male patriarchy i guess lol
Crystal- omega to mirrors misty
Anyone feel free to add on! I wanted to headcanons the other girls too but I cant Google it rn, so if anyone wanna drop the background girls names I'll love u forever <3
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
Rosekiller band au microfic series part 5!!!!
link to first part
link to prev part
Ok so. This one’s short
like real short
bc I was honestly gonna put pt 4 and 5 together originally (pt4 was like a little over 700 words and this one is a little over 300 and normally the microfics in this series are about 1200 words or so) but then I thought they kind of work better separate
so anyway here’s a lil ending for u, Evan’s POV is back and im so happy with how this series turned out
taglistttt: @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @depressedtheatrekiddo @picklerab23 @lady-stardust-incarnate @lulublack90 @always-reading @no-names-work @mossycow @weirdtinkerbellversion @nikholascrow @y0url0verb0y @idk-what-to-put-here-123
“…so yeah when we got to the venue we were told to avoid ‘untoward behaviour’ and…well we all know what that means so instead we kissed. Fuck the homophobic rules honestly.”
Barty did air quotes as he said ‘untoward behaviour’, twisting his face like he was tasting something bad. The comments were mainly positive, agreeing with them. As usual there were mean ones popping up at the bottom of the live, for once though Evan didn’t care. At all. His head was still fuzzy with the rush of the kiss. They’d kissed. He’d kissed Barty. It had been fucking electric and he was still buzzing. They’d fit together perfectly, even with the clunky guitar in the way. Now they were curled together on Evan’s bed in the hotel.
Barty ended the live and turned to Evan with a grin.
“You know Rosier you’re not even a half bad kisser.”
Evan laughed.
“Back for seconds already Bee? You just wanna kiss me that badly I guess.”
He leaned in dangerously close with a smirk.
He’d expected Barty to snap back, another joke or something. Instead Barty just stuttered.
Barty’s eyes were wide and so dilated that the brown edges had nearly disappeared, swallowed up the black.
Evan reached a hand up, hovering it over Barty’s face questioningly.
Barty replied in a breathy whisper. Evan kissed him, didn’t hesitate. Barty sighed into it immediately, crawling close and wrapping his arms around Evan’s back as he straddled him. Evan responded by cupping his face in his hands. 
They broke apart panting softly. Barty immediately buried his face in the crook of Evan’s neck, arms tightening into a fierce hug. He seemed uncharacteristically small. 
“Can this…not be just once Ev? I don’t think I’d be able to go back and I- I don’t want to lose you but I don’t think I’d be able to ever go back to pretending I’m not like obsessed with you.”
“Barty. Hey, hey.”
Evan moved his head down and coaxed Barty out of the crook in his neck so he could look at him properly. 
“We’re never going back Bee. Ok? This- fuck I think this is it for me, you know?”
Evan nodded.
“I think you’re it for me too.”
And Evan kissed him again. 
Also I have added it to ao3 and the link is here if you want it
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milkhwi · 6 months
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Casino Nights - Gambler! Chenle
Summary: Gambling and more gambling, that’s all that mattered to Chenle. The probability of him winning was always high until one day you showed up and decided to change that and his life, too.
genre: gambler! chenle x  gambler! reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: illegal gambling & swearing probably not proof read enough
a/n: originally was supposed to be a bulleted scenario but honestly,, think this came out better idk anything about gambling dont do it kids- also it’s been in my draft since 2020 omg..4 years yeah last fic ever probably i’ve retired from my good old days. idk if anyone will read this but i’m proud :3 also my longest fic of my entire career who else cheered!
Dies being rolled, cards being shuffled, chips being placed, and bets being made. The casino was always full of gamblers- especially on a Saturday night. The casino was like a second home for Chenle. Every Saturday he would be there- gambling. Chenle, only being an eighteen year old, wasn’t allowed to enter a casino. Reason: age. Of course, it was no secret that gambling at that age was illegal. But Chenle was an exception. He knows how to gamble. In fact, he’s very good at it. The only reason he was allowed in the first place was because he’s rich. Being rich was an advantage to him. He put down exactly $10 million on the line- to which of course, anyone would accept if it was that amount of money. To make things worse, he was going to gamble against one of the best known gamblers. “If I win, I’ll be allowed to gamble and get twice the amount I’m betting. Alright?” Chenle said, with no tone in his voice.
Chenle’s opponent chuckled and smirked at him, “Alright kid, it’s a bet.”
Not long after, the best gambler out there was not only dethroned by an eighteen year old, but exactly 20 million in debt. Chenle chuckled slightly, “You were really that confident, huh?” His opponent gulped, he knew this was something so embarrassing that it would even haunt him in his dreams, “You cheated, didn’t you? Let’s go again, I’ll prove you wrong.” Chenle pretended to think about it, then nodded, betting down $30 million this time.
“Watch me close if you really think I’m cheating.” Everyone watching the game taking place was already sweating. Not long after, they were neck to neck- this made Chenle’s opponent laugh, relieved about the fact that he had a higher chance of winning, but since misfortune was on his side, Chenle won.
50 million in debt.
Suddenly his opponent stood up to say something, but immediately fell to his feet. Shaking at the realization. Chenle leaned towards him- towering him, “Wanna go again? Want to try proving me wrong again?” He said as his eyes darkened.
Everyone was shocked. How could someone so young be so deadly?
From that day on, Chenle became the youngest gambler. No one really opposed the idea of him becoming a gambler- especially at the gambling den and if they did, Chenle would ask them to play a few games.
Chenle did gambling as a hobby. For fun. No one really knew how he was so good at gambling. “He’s rich so he was probably taught in order to bring money to the house” or “What do you expect? It probably runs in the fucking family.”
The truth is, the first time Chenle gambled, he was at stake of losing everything. He wasn’t driven by money. He only gambled because he wanted to see how easy it was to see someone else defeated. He didn’t use his emotions- he used logic. After that, surprisingly- he didn’t get addicted to gambling like many do. Luckily, his parents weren’t aware of what he did in his spare time and they didn’t really care, either. 
His parents only cared that when he finally turned 21, he would take over the company- or when his dad retired and handed him the company. Chenle was completely fine with that but wanted to have a hobby that was amusing to the eye.
Once he got home back from gambling at an ungodly hour, he headed to his room. There was a golden envelope with his name written in calligraphy. He turned his head slightly, murmuring a slight “huh?” and opened the envelope. His eyes turned wide at the contents of the letter. He was invited to go to the most important event of the year, held once a year, the talk of the year- NCT, something anyone would die to attend. The only thing that went through his head was how much money he would make if he would gamble with the rich people attending the event.
“You’re gonna have to attend, alright?” His mother said, taking another sip from her coffee.
“I know. It’s next week, right?”
“Yes, so after your meetings and lunch go and get your suit tailored.” She smiled, and grabbed her bag heading out the door.
Chenle sighed, at the sight of the empty house and how alone he was in the morning. Once he finished his breakfast he headed out to his meetings.
The day finally arrived and his mood was going downhill. ‘It had to be on a saturday, didn’t it?’ Chenle rolled his eyes, knowing he won’t be able to go to the casino. He silently sat in the dining room waiting for his father to finish going through documents inside his office. “Your father is ready to see you.” His mother said, opening the door to the office, making Chenle stand up and head inside.
His father glanced at him and then back at his computer and continued typing. Chenle walked over to his father’s desk, causing him to stop typing and clasped his hands, “I heard your friends are also going to the event.” Chenle noded, a barely audible ‘yes’ coming out of his mouth.
“Well, besides that, put out some good words for the company and try to get us as many new customers you can.”
“Yes, father.”
Chenle’s head swayed back and forth, making his eyes flutter shut at the soft jazz music playing in the background while people talked amongst themselves. As his head was about to fall to the table, Jisung smacks the back of his head, causing him to jolt awake. Jisung laughs and says, “At this rate, you might as well go home.” 
Chenle looks at his watch and sighs, “It hasn’t even been an hour.” 
Jeno sits next to him and says, “Did your father tell you to promote his company?” 
“Yeah- like always.” 
Suddenly, two plates of food were placed in front of him, “While you’re at it, you should eat lots of food!” Jaemin grabbed one plate and started digging in. 
“He’s not wrong. We’re all probably gonna be stuck here for the rest of the night.” Renjun said, trying to grab food out of Jaemin’s plate. 
Chenle checks his watch again, realizing only two minutes have passed, sighing. He looked around trying to come up with a plan on how to leave without anyone noticing in order to go to the casino. He stands up waving slightly, “Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later.” 
“Where are you going?” Donghyuck says, his mouth stuffed with food.
“It’s a saturday.” 
All of them collectively sigh at Chenle- knowing he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to do, but allowed him to do it anyways since they were all friends.
Chenle wandered around aimlessly around the building. Trying to find an exit that was not the front door seemed harder than he thought. At times he got distracted at how many people he had to greet or how the lights oozed an unexplainable aura. He goes up the flight of stairs trying to see if there was a way out. As he looks around, he stops and gazes at you- because of how dark it is, he doesn’t recognize who you are.  But all he knows is, he has never seen you before at these past parties. Even though a lot of people attend, he knows everyone by memory. He continues going up the stairs trying to get a closer look at you, trying not to lose sight of you either. He shakes his head, thinking about how he should find an exit instead. 
About two hours later, he enters the gambling den and a familiar smell lingers around causing him to smile. It has only been a week but he already missed the sounds of the slots and the ambient music playing in the background. As he was walking to the furthest part of the den, he noticed how many people were causing a commotion around a table of blackjack. There you were. Betting with some random old rich man. Chenle shook his head lightly, sighing at the fact that you most likely have lost- if not thousands by now. He signals towards a dealer near your table and shifts his eyes towards you, asking what you were doing here. 
“They’ve been here for an hour. And they’ve won all their games already.”
His ears perked up to that new piece of information. All games won? Chenle loves a challenge. As he walks towards your table, watching you win. He reaches his hand out, “Let’s play a simple game of poker, shall we? I heard you’re pretty good for the hour you’ve already been here.”
“You’re not afraid to lose?” You say scanning Chenle’s face.
“Absolutely not, I have faith in myself.” 
You were in his territory after all, why would he be afraid? Especially if he’s never seen you around. So he put all his chips to bet. 
“Already? But it’s just the first game” You furrowed your eyebrows debating whether to believe if he was really good at this game. 
“One game is all I need.” Chenle said, as he sat down. 
You smirked, realizing how confident he sounded, you placed all your chips down, too. 
And so, the game began with the dealer handing both of you 7 cards. People were already gathering around the both of you. Watching and waiting for this weird tension to be cut. With your poker faces on, the game began, rotating from one another. 
“Raise” You said, causing Chenle to look up from his cards again. Although Chenle looked unaffected from the outside, he was confused, why would you raise again? Was your hand actually that much better than his? Or were you just bluffing? His hand wasn’t all that good, but he needed to win. He always wins. But this game seemed to feel like it was taking too long. 
“Raise, too” Not wanting to back down, Chenle was determined to win. He never felt like he was going to lose against you. Maybe you had a one hour win streak, but he was about to break it. 
Full house. A tie. Everyone started murmuring around the table. A tie? Against the infamous Chenle? Even Chenle looked slightly upset at this. But even this had a solution, he had the highest kind of a full house, automatically winning. 
“Congrats, I’m Y/n by the way. New to the area, heard the rumors, and I guess they were true! Let’s do this again next time, shall we?” Before Chenle could speak, you were heading out, and he was too stunned at the fact that he almost lost a game to some newbie.
“The Zhong Chenle.. almost lost?” Haechan said, bursting out in laughter. Jisung and Jaemin seemed to hold in their laughter in order to not hurt his ego, but hearing Heachans contagious laugh, they couldn’t hold it in.
“Guys stop laughing, this should come off as surprising instead. I mean, a newbie? And a tie at that?” Mark said, while also trying not to laugh. Jeno shook his head, looking at the ground, not wanting to add fuel to the fire.
“I lost my mind that night. I don’t know what to feel.” Chenle sighed, still astonished by what happened almost a week ago.
“Are you gonna go tonight?” Jeno asked, out of curiosity.
“Take us with you this time! I wanna see you get your ass kicked!” Renjun hit Chenle’s shoulder playfully.
He sighed and nodded, “Fine, just don’t say anything stupid.”
Night fall came, which meant gambling night! Chenle brought the boys and was looking around to see if you would show up again. And so, you did.
You walked up to Chenle, tapping him on his soldier, innocently smiling, “Hi! I sure hope you weren’t too hung up on last week’s match” To that remark, Chenle felt his neck burn up, out of embarrassment. The boys looked at him, their jaws almost dropping. They didn’t expect that to be the way the night was starting, but it was probably going to go downhill from that. 
After a few games, that Chenle obviously won. Your interest in him peaked, you were the same age as him after all, and wanted to know what made him more special than the rest. But your ultimate goal was to win a game against him in less than 5 months. This caused you to show up to the den even on the days Chenle never showed up for. But of course, he found out a week after, so he started showing up more, just to see what you were up to. It was strange, really. Both of you were gamblers, but the fact that he felt a connection with you since he tied a game with you was what kept him wondering. The fact that you kept coming and blowing up thousands of dollars just to play with him was also strange. You were a good gambler, keeping Chenle invested in your games. And so, you would meet outside of the gambling den, during the daytime to eat lunch or even dinner. He learned your hobbies, besides gambling all your money away and learned you were an exchange student with rich parents in the other side of the earth that would send you pocket money every weekend to treat yourself. Of course, they didn’t know you were blowing it off to some games every weekend, as long as you kept it hidden and kept a low profile, everything would be fine. 
Chenle felt like the closest person you’ve met in your life. You cherished your friendship with him, but after realizing it’s been 4 months since you’ve known him, you felt a strange sensation of wanting to be even closer to him. And you didn’t know if he felt the same. You didn’t want to risk it anyways. The fact that you managed to figure out how to beat him after 8 weeks of gambling with him and keeping up an act to let him win was something you didn’t wanna tell him. But you were going home for the summer soon and wanted to know if you were even coming back. So you decided to wait 2 more weeks and win against him officially. 
“I can’t believe you’re leaving soon.” Chenle said, sitting down at your usual table. 
“And I’m spending my last days at the casino, how funny is it?” You smiled feeling a sense of competitiveness rush up. “By the way, can I pick the game?”
Chenle nodded realizing they haven’t played a few certain games in a while. And one of them was poker.  “Poker it is.” 
As always, people were dying to see Chenle play against anyone, knowing he would win. But this time you weren’t gonna hesitate. As the dealer handed you  cards, you realized you had to win no matter what.
A straight flush. Everyone cheered around you. Chenle seemed to have gotten the second highest hand out of the deck, and there was no way your bluff was going to work against him. So, you showed your cards. A royal flush. The highest hand. Everyone stood quiet. Even Chenle couldn’t believe his eyes. He clapped, slowly causing everyone around you to cheer, “I knew you could do it, I always believed you.” 
As if it was the adrenaline or the amount of people around you, you suddenly spoke and said “Chenle, I like you”
People took this as a cue and fled to different directions, not wanting to know what was going to happen next. Chenle’s eyes widened slightly and chuckled lightly, “I like you too, so come back as soon as you can”
That summer, Chenle would finally take over the company, which meant he would stop gambling if he didn’t wanna risk the future of the company. And you were working under your parent’s company but managed to land a sweet deal with Chenle’s company while his father still ran it and was allowed to work back with Chenle. 
Taking trips to Sin City was something you adored with Chenle. The faces of other gamblers were priceless when you or him managed to win flawlessly, and with no “record” of ever gambling before. You hardly ever lost any money, so it was only ever done for fun. 
“Chenle, I want to tell you something..” 
“Go on”
“I figured out how to beat you and let you win multiple times afterwards.”
“Oh, it clicked to me the first time we met, I think I got lucky the first time we met.” 
“Wait- really?”
“Yeah, but I was also really lucky that we met that night, I mean what were the odds?” Chenle says, planting a kiss on your lips gently, causing both of you to reminisce about the first time you met.  
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poppykreslina · 3 months
Robert Hawkins info Post :
He was a big music fan, here’s a list of artists Rob liked.
1. MushroomHead
2. HIM band
3. BlackStreet
4. Misfits
5. Dr Dre
6. DMX
7. Lil wyte
8. Judas Priest
9. Dope
Anything besides country music
His close Friend he was living with at the time told me about the time when he seen Rob return to school after being sent away. He said “ So a couple years go by and l'm in computer class and he's just like heyyyy what's up man and I go holy shit Robby what's up like where have you been. And I remember him telling me he was like man I got sent away like I tried to kill my step mom because she was being a bitch I sprayed raid on her food. And to me at the time I was like kind of laughing like are you serious and just it sounded so stupid it was kind of funny and l'm just like wth hell but we started talking again just immediately picked up right where we left off we were laughing like hyenas never laughed so hard in my life”
“ We would tell jokes and stories and make fun of people and this time it was like we were best friends I'd see him in the halls and say hi but we never hung out out side of class”
His friend also told me about Kaci. The girl he cheated on like twice
“ I knew Kaci and we were talking and they met then rob asked me if Kaci could come over and yeah they hooked up in my basement lol
I could hear it and it was the funniest thing ever”
“ I remember when he got her too like I was jealous because I had a crush on her for the longest and she was hot she liked me but as soon as she met Rob she was just like omg he's the sexiest person I ever seen and I'm like who rob and you look at him and he's all feeble and like ohhh h-h-heyyyy”
“ My friends were there too and yeah... He put the work in on that poor girl
She was screaming his name and you just heard this smacking noise we were like damn rob”
The girl Rob threatened
“ So the girl that he threatened or whatever was his ex girlfriend and I don't know what they were arguing about but I think it was because he wanted to go back to his girlfriend Kaci he cheated on her with that girl and then he apologized to Kacie said he loved her and didn't want to be with the other girl and she flipped out or something and he just said like leave me alone or l'm gonna k*ll you
About Robs mom Molly
“ That's what really pissed him off too is his mom didn't want anything to do with him at all until she found out he was living with us and he even told me like man my mom's being all nice I think his mom was just jealous or she thought we had money or something but she tricked him into letting her back in his life and she let him borrow that jeep and he was so happy he's like man I finally got wheels my mom is talking to me then she did what she always did she turned in him told him how pathetic he was and that she wanted all her stuff back and that what did it. He couldn't handle it anymore and he snapped
Idk what that lady's problem is but shes evil”
Friend telling me what it was like when living with him
“ I just remembered like sitting down at the dinner table with him and my parents and we would be eating steak like regularly my dad always got good beef and grilled all the time he would always say how good everything was
And he like our dogs was always petting them”
Fake Fight Scene Vids
“We did like fake fight scenes and off roading four-wheeling we go to gun range film us shooting stuff we made a manikin and threw at people from inside the woods
I had this crappy purple truck but I cut the exhaust off it and put mud tires on it and we like tricked it out we put big huge stereo speakers in the back and black lights“
1. He was 5’7 (I asked a family member so don’t question it 😐)
2. He taught his sisters how to do the “blood” sign
3. His friends grandma made him a blanket and Rob said it was the best thing ever given to him. When the grandma passed away he even cried.
4. He had a stonery type voice lol
5. He would smoke a pack of cigarettes in one day
6. He worked at McDonald’s and Runza
7. Day before the shooting his friend tested out his gun while Rob was at work because he thought they were going to the shooting range the next day . When Rob found out about it he was furious telling his friend “you’re not supposed to touch that” going off on him.
Concerts Rob Went to
MushroomHead (2004)
Kottonmouth (2006-7??) Rob and His friend got kicked out of the venue because they were both caught smoking pot
All info found out by me
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yongbokkk · 2 years
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pairings: lee know x m!reader
genre: diary fic(minho's pov!!), enemies to lovers(?), high school au
a/n; i kinda hate this idk bout u
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entry 1
there was a new student today, his name is y/n.
i already dislike him, he looks like he could annoy the shit out of me.
other than hearing his irritating voice, today was pretty much the usual
entry 2
it's like life decided to give up on me, instead of the opposite.
looks like my friends befriended the new student behind my back, and only now they inform me.
i wanted to wipe the grin off of his face so bad, what's he gotta smile for?
entry 3
i passed an exam, feeling good.
then all of a sudden y/n offers me to lunch, which i declined of course.
he had this joyful look on his face before i rejected him, it turned sad after i did.
i kind of felt bad i felt victory from finally wiping the smile off his face. anyways, dori is playing with my face, i got to go
entry 4
he's been stuck to me like a cat needing it's owner, it's so annoying. even if i try to avoid him, he keeps coming back.
i ranted to my friend, he said i should give y/n a chance, hell to the no. he also said i've been being mean to him for no reason, also bullshit.
oh yes, there's definitely a reason to why i hate him. he's just so im too lazy to think, so goodnight.
entry 5
i can't get the look on his face off my mind, no matter how hard i try to distract myself. i shouldn't have shouted at him like that, maybe i was being too harsh. it's his fault for being so annoying, he just had to keep pestering me everyday.
anyways, i have to go do my homework and sleep, im early tomorrow.
entry 6
i couldn't find him all day, there wasn't any sign of him, it felt unusual. where was he?
was it because of yesterday? have i upset him by raising my voice like that?
i have an upcoming exam, i shouldn't overthink the situation. goodbye.
entry 7
jisung really wanted to get in my nerves and decided to throw a water balloon at me, i got him back though.
y/n, he still hasn't shown up to class. is he really going to miss out on all the lessons like that.
im not worried, i have no business with that idiot. goodnight.
entry 8
i don't know what else to write for this day other than y/n being back.
he looked down, he didn't even talk to my friends or even anyone in school. he seemed like he didn't have the energy to do anything, he barely passed through class.
i'm starting to think back on what i did to him, it keeps me awake at night.
i'll try to sleep now, goodnight.
entry 9
i don't know what came over me, but i decided to buy him his favorite drink. i just felt bad, he looked pretty lonely these days. sure he had his friends sitting with him, but he barely joined a conversation and just kept eating.
i still hate him, he shouldn't have high hopes that i'll be nice to him after this. goodnight.
entry 10
me and felix got into an argument, but we worked it out so it's all good in the end.
for the past days, y/n's starting to get better, he doesn't look as miserable as before. there's a part of me that's glad, but then again, why should i care? i hate his guts, he's not important to me.
entry 11
felix's brownies are the best, he knows when and how to make them like a professional baker. we sat and ate, talking about things to feel the mood. then the topic was about y/n.
apparently, the reason why y/n was sad wasn't just because of me, he was also stood up on a supposed date. how can anyone ditch an angel like him? who ever y/n's date was, i'll serve a punch to his face. goodnight
entry 12
today was.. eventful. i figured out who stood up y/n, how could he fall for such playboy looking asshole. honestly, i'm more attractive.
i saw him today, and let's say, i gave him a piece of my mind. no there wasn't any violence, i just hit him in the face. it was light, i don't see why i made mark. it felt good, though.
i ate ice cream and played with my cats, now im off to bed. goodnight
entry 13
theres something wrong with me, i'll start off to where i just brang myself to sit next to y/n at lunch, then i helped him with his books because he was clumsy enough to trip and fall, all of a sudden i had this light feeling in my chest as i was speaking to him. i'm supposed to hate him, aren't i? he's always annoying me.
do i hate him?
entry 14
hi hi, its been like a month. you're probably wondering why the long absence. well, to my last entry, i took the time to figure out what i was feeling. and when i did, i couldn't believe myself.
as it was the end of school, students were free to go wherever they want outside the building.
minho wanted to walk home, but something was pulling his heart back from the gate.
it was telling him to wait for a certain someone, they were a bit late for exit today.
you, with your bag, finally walked out of the school building. minho's eyes had caught you as soon as you appeared on the corner of his eyes.
your h/c hair was still what you can call perfect, despite what the horrible school air can do.
minho panicked, not knowing what to do. it would be a month till the two of you saw each other again, and he wouldn't be able to wait any longer.
he shouted, "y/n!" making the called person stop his tracks, turning to face minho.
with a few stutters, minho said what he wanted to say, so that his heart and mind can finally rest, he had finally asked you out.
your face were mixed of emotions, one with shock and joy. you nodded enthusiatically, agreeing to go on a date with him.
all this time, i was too focused on being in denial to realize i fell inlove with him.
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lusi-raul · 1 year
My thoughts on JuanaFlippa’s return today:
(Warning: very long and delusional post)
Everyone is theorizing that Flippa is a binary code and I understand why. But I still hold on to my original theory that the eggs NEVER died. As long as the federation has no explanation for how the parents can say their final goodbyes to the “dead” eggs. I still stand by the theory that the original eggs are alive and kept by the federation. At the very least the federation has the capability to reanimate or clone the eggs but it’s more likely that they were revived because I think they have an infinite amount lives like the members, just a limited amount of lives where they can be left with their parents before they are taken away. No one really ever saw the eggs dead for the last time. All they saw was their egg being enclosed inside a wall. Only Bobby has a halo on his head but still, was he a ghost then?
Now, is the cracked Juanaflippa the same Juanaflippa we all know and loved? Improbable due multiple instances during their meeting
Didn’t backflip immediately when Slime asks if she’s been doing flips. The first thing Flippa would’ve done in that situation was do a flip.
Code-like writing style
Unusual cracks that are identical to Dapper’s
Oak signs instead of Birch signs
JuanaFlippa still being dead on the eggstatistics
Even with that egg being a code, there’s still a chance the real Flippa is alive and with the sweeping edge bug being known, this is a good potential lore arc to excuse the deaths of Flippa and Tilin and officially have them back. I also believe (since I’m delusional) that there’s a sliver of chance that this egg today can be the real Flippa. In the coming days maybe this egg can prove this by showing us things that only the real Flippa would’ve known. Flippa was a vegan, she loves backflips, she was originally named Frontflipo/JuanFlipo, her favorite color is blue. She is a witness to Slimariana’s misclick incident on Leo’s bed by faking her own drowning. Not many people know that, I think. The farm that the family of three made for Badboyhalo to atone for their sins and for an extra life for her. The first thing her parents ever taught her was to water bucket jump from a very high wall without armor. I’m very much delulu so even if one of these things Flippa remembers, i don’t care. She’s the real Flippa, the one and only.
The crack can be justified in my theory because if the eggs got cracked by the federation, what makes them stop doing whatever the hell they did on the alive eggs to the “dead” eggs that they already have? (According to my theory that eggs aren’t really dead at all). The eggs came back with memory loss. What if their memory from the kidnapping got wiped because they saw their supposed “dead” siblings there?
There’s also a weird theory I have with Flippa’s writing but bear in mind that I’m probably just losing it at this point but you know how maybe the federation has an advance surveillance system in place where Flippa just wants to avoid being detected and has to replace certain letters with symbols and numbers? On dapper’s book, the letter ‘a’ is replaced by the number ‘4’ but on Flippa’s it is replaced with an ‘@‘. The only numbers and symbols she used were 0,1,3, !,@. Idk how significant those specific symbols are but we do it too sometimes to avoid word detection and censorship. If she’s in hiding, and says it isn’t safe for her out there, maybe she did escape and is being so cautious with her words that she talks in a limited and cryptic fashion. If this is true it’s heartbreaking that the only thing she said over and over again was that she loves her dad and misses him. Like she has so many things to say, but she has to be cautious that all she can say are those.
Also it took the codes days of lurking around eggs with a camera in order to impersonate them. Where would the code have gotten information about Flippa when she doesn’t even have a proper bed grave.
I also think whoever led Charlie to Flippa isn’t with the Federation at all. The treasure hunt were white boxes on slime blocks. The chest with the book were on black blocks. It’s about time an anti-federation entity/organization on the same level of the federation reveals themselves.
All in all even if this egg is a code, the real one is very much alive in my heart. They just need to be given back by the federation. They never truly died. If it is revealed that this egg is just impersonating Flippa, then be it. At least we got to witness Slime being a dad again. But really if the qsmp team did this elaborate lore to excuse the death of Flippa and Tilin due to unfair death. Applause to them. I understand why they can’t just give their lives back. That incident happened too long ago but if they can make it happen but just needs to make it make sense lore-wise then I really hope they make it happen.
But really just seeing Flippa back like this, I’m satisfied already. The way the qsmp team had me on the edge of my seat today and had me looking forward to what’s gonna happen next: 👏 👏 👏
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
ppl give jaehaerys shit for the way he treats his daughters but imo he's overrated in general. He built roads which is good but that was it for his legacy.
Well, when the legacy of the other kings consists of:
Conquering most of a continent; building a Smelly City; causing mass destruction resulting in loss of a dragon because you couldn’t stand having other rulers in Westeros (Aegon I)
Being so bad at ruling that 4 rebellions broke out against you in the span of a season (Aenys)
Building an Evil Castle, then killing everybody involved in its construction; basically killing everybody who didn’t bend over backwards to appease you; getting shanked on your own throne (Maegor)
Inheriting the most prosperous realm ever, then leaving it on the brink of the bloodiest civil war due to crap family planning (Viserys I)
Being such a tyrannical ruler the people of the Smelly City chased you out in 6 months (Rhaenyra)
Being such a tyrannical ruler you allegedly got poisoned by your own men in 6 months (Aegon II)
Idk…being traumatized because you saw your mother eaten by a dragon, and also the dragons died (Aegon III)
Starting a bloody conquest war that ended in 60000 of your own men dead, that didn’t even stick (Daeron I)
Building a Women’s Prison in the Evil Castle so you can lock your sisters up for no good reason; building a Great Sept in the Smelly City named after yourself and moving your Rubber Stamp Popes (including an 8 year old and an illiterate stonemason) there (Baelor)
Idk…getting poisoned after a year? (Viserys II)
Raping women; trying to start unprovoked wars; unjust executions and land theft (Aegon IV)
Building a pleasure palace in a notorious war zone for your family; probably completing the Great Sept; being so bad at negotiating and family planning half the realm turned against you; harshly punishing even the children of those who turned against you (Daeron II)
Being so bad at ruling you’d rather read about prophecies, leaving a tyrant to preside over the worst humanitarian crises (drought and Great Spring Sickness) and yet more rebellions, thus creating an authoritarian police state (Aerys I)
Idk…keeping said tyrant as Hand despite him proving to be an incompetent ruler; also getting killed by a falling rock (Maekar)
Letting your kids marry “for love” causing rebellions; being unable to get your reforms for the peasants passed peacefully; resorting to trying to bring back dragons and getting yourself and half your family blown up at Pleasure Palace (Aegon V)
Idk…ordering the invasion of a sellsword kingdom on another continent due to generational paranoia; ruling for three years; demanding your kids wed because of a prophecy (Jaehaerys II)
Unjustly executing noblemen by burning them alive; calling for the executions of their families just for their blood relation, causing most of the realm to turn against you; planning to blow up the Smelly City before your teenage body guard shanked you, thus finally bringing your failure dynasty’s rulership to an end (Aerys II)
…measured against the other Targ kings, Jaehaerys’ legacy of building a six-kingdoms long road looks pretty good, considering most of the Targs’ own building projects were for themselves (Summerhall, Maegor’s Holdfast, the f—king Maidenvault) or localized in the Smelly City (Great Sept). Then Septon Barth and Alysanne had some good ideas about cleaning up the city water supply, helping fund the Night’s Watch, some laws allegedly protecting women, and then Florence Fossoway kept the kingdoms financially profitable, which I guess adds to J1’s prestige. Tbh I consider J1’s 2 wars against Dorne to also be a mark against him, and I’m annoyed that F&B added the detail that the Dornish allegedly mourned the guy who along with his sons burned hundreds of them alive on dragon back. Same with the Doctrine of Exceptionalism, and basically turning the High Septon into a rubber stamp when before the Faith had been a reliable anti-Targ faction that demonstrated some care for the smallfolk. In addition to mistreating his daughters, in a way that goes beyond politics and escalates into spite (though he’s hardly alone in that, with how Alysanne treated Viserra).
Really, I don’t see why GRRM can call Robert Baratheon “a terrible king”, when compared to the Targs he’s above average, and actually better than some of their best kings in some regards (when he pardoned those who rebelled against him with few exceptions).
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verseandrhyme · 27 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
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Thanks Neffi!
Name: Vivi
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday (no year): December 22nd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Canada, TOA Standard Time.
How long is your roleplay experience? I've been roleplaying on Tumblr specifically for about 9 years now, but on the internet as a whole since I was first let on here unsupervised so who knows. If I had friends to play with as a kid, probably a lot sooner irl too.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I think it was first through Gaia Online roleplay forums for Kingdom Hearts, then later I moved to Quizilla where I was actually kinda semi-popular.
How were you introduced to TOA? Ree showed up in my dms and said "quit modding FERP. Join my new server." and then later that month I was there.
Do you have any pets? No, but I have two cats back home with my parents.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall and early Spring, because most of my wardrobe is geared towards then.
What is your IRL occupation? Customer Support Specialist for a video game company, but I just transferred out of Quality Assurance.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Video games in general, musical theatre, mythology, fairy tales.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Persona, Planet Zoo/Zoo Tycoon, Eiyuden Chronicles, In Stars and Time, I can go on forever.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire and Vulpix.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!)
I trained in theatre and studied sword fighting/stage combat.
I'm allergic to peanuts.
The doctor told my mom to avoid all nuts as a result, and aside from the Nutella they made me eat during my latest test, I have yet to eat any nuts willingly.
I have multiple scars on my right knee.
My mom lost me on a cruise ship when I was 4.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was playing Awakening and would let me try it, but not let me make any save files, so I played the first few maps over and over until I was able to eventually get my own copy and make it past the first three chapters.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Tellius games, Awakening, Fates games, Shadows of Valentia, Warriors Games, Three Houses/Hopes, and Engage.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First: Awakening! Favorite: Fates!
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Setsuna, Mitama, Saber, Reyson, Yunaka.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Gaius! It was on sight I completely abandoned my plans to S-rank Frederick for him. It's the VA, he keeps getting me like this.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Crushes, no.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Gaius / probably still Gaius - Fates: Kaden/Laslow/Silas / Ryoma/Kaze/Setsuna - Three Houses: Ferdinand/Seteth/Sylvain(?)/Claude / idk probably the same - Engage: Pandreo / Still Pandreo but also Yunaka, Gregory, Diamant, Rafal, [...]
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Thief!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I want to be one of those incredibly stupid villager units that you have to keep alive but keep running towards the enemy.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Swords, Gauntlets. Bane: Heavy Armor, Flying.
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) uuuuh Firene.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters.
Current TOA muses: Mitama, Yunaka.
Past TOA muses? Bernadetta, Saber, Setsuna, Charlotte, Sylvain. I'm probably forgetting someone.
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Bernadetta! I think I'm satisfied with what I did with her, she can rest.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) People who say one thing but mean another and won't communicate their feelings clearly. This doesn't say anything about me as a person.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I want to try an antagonist at some point but I lack the emotional willpower to go up to three muses for long. I also don't think I could handle writing a lord or someone important, I like my guys who don't matter.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know how to explain this because it's v vibe base. I like when there's emotional tension. I like seeing interactions between other characters weave together. I like building towards something bigger. Scenes where someone breaks and finally talks about something they've been holding back.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want to force Yunaka to talk about her past with people I want that shit to get dragged out to the open I want that shell cracked open to the meat baby.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Happyland2024 was a lot of fun and I'm glad that was my first lore event back, I had a great time with everyone. Team Justice will always be dear to me, as that was the moment that really got me hooked on TOA. Getting Nat's Innes' name in babe hunt just to beat Lilly's Cynthia and Lilly's reaction always makes me laugh.
Present or past tense? Lately I've been doing present more but the thing about me is that if I stop thinking for two seconds I change tense without noticing.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal text, but lately I've just been matching whatever other people cook.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Saber quieted back down, sorry guys. I still think about trying Peri one day, and I would like to try and see if Setsuna vibes again because I miss her. I thought about Louis out of nowhere the other day, that was weird.
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vestian-dynasty · 1 month
I think it's really funny you think afab people have structural power over transfems as a whole when many transfems in many part of the world could, if they wanted to, forcibly impregnate an afab trans person and force them to both give birth and detransition.
This is fucking disgusting and wrong for so many reasons that I’ve been debating if I should even acknowledge it but I think this is a good example of how the struggles transfeminine people face daily are just Not Fucking Real To You People.
Trigger warning for Rape, relationship and sexual abuse, and idk what else.
When I was 17 I was only out to immediate family and they were still using my dead name and pronouns because I was terrified of social transition. The summer of my 18th birthday I was raped, there’s no two ways about this. The girl who did it was cisgender and manipulated my fear of people discovering that I was transgender to get me to do things I didn’t want to do, and when I finally said no she started crying as if I had done something wrong.
Before that, my senior year of high school, I was in a relationship with a trans man. He convinced me that, because I was a trans girl, he was the only person who could ever love me. He twisted my sense of self into a perfectly sexually and socially submissive pet for himself, and when I finally had enough and broke up with him(after going back 4 times) he and another ex (also a TME trans person) spread rumors that I had raped him, that I had abused him, and that I was a sexually perverse monster. Every single one of my friends believed him without even consulting me. A few months before graduation, I told my friend Ashley, one of the two people I had managed to win back over, that I was probably going to kill myself. It took me attempting suicide for anyone to do anything. She brought me to a counselor who knew my mother(a teacher in the same district) and it took that woman, my friend Ashley, and my fucking Mom to finally do something and all my ex partners got was a threat of suspension. No disciplinary action, no expulsion, nothing. This shoved me so far back into the closet that I didn’t start medical transition for another 4 years because I was terrified of how people would treat me if I were visibly a transgender woman.
My experience, even being from the imperial core, is far from unique, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a trans girl who didn’t have a similar experience at some point. If you sincerely think that just any trans girl could, consequence free, rape a TME trans person, force them to give birth, and detransition them, you are so far disconnected from reality that I consider you to be a genuine danger to any transgender woman within 10 miles of you.
You disgust me.
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aurcls · 6 months
i know i already yapped in the admin post but let me continue <3
1: when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined in 2015 as a high school freshman, jfc ! i don't think there was anything major going on, the rp was very much a rich kids rp so the drama was chill and petty; entertaining but not that deep. one thing that made me join ( aside from my obsession with royals ) was the fact that phoebe tonkin - THE most popular fc at the time - was up for grabs. i thought it was meant to be !
2: which characters have you written over the years ?
errrmmm... merjem/kalla, olivier, livia, florencio, alexander, anneli, lixun, nicole, maryam, blazej, definitely some other characters whose names and existence i cannot remember
3: what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think this is just nostalgia but i think olivier-viggo-armani-lykke-anton-etc era was my fave. artistically it's very hollow but i think the lightness of it all makes it my favourite. i also sort of view it as a testament of my own naivety and youth. i'm not saying i'm old now but i'm not 17 without a single worry. back then ( because i wasn't busy and i could sat in front of my computer for hours ) the plots moved quickly and the threads were really fun to follow. there weren't that many characters so everyone was, in a way, forced to write with each other so the plotlines were very interactive. i appreciate the organic way things evolved. ( i do have a soft spot for annexei but i think it's mainly bc i admire alexei's characterization so much and elisa's ability to depict depression )
4: what about other people's plotlines ?
i was insanely invested in the zulu conflict of 2020. it had so many moving parts and i think if it had only gotten a chance to evolve even further, it would have been on a whole new level <3
5: who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
i think nicole or olivier. nicole's plotline was so well defined that it was fun to write her. i loved her relationships and it was interesting to write someone older. i think she's a character i could write a book about but she wasn't the best for an rp setting ? getting a chance to be involved in the english drama was wonderful ! olivier on the other hand... i think he's just a fave because he lets me connect to the old days ? when rp was a top priority and everything was exciting and fun. i don't want this to sound like it isn't that anymore but times were different back then and i don't think it ever felt the same after maybe high school graduation ?
6: if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
i think the finale of the english plotline maybe ? or the insanity of the lawn chair thing. possibly the rise of olykke too <3 but honestly i would like to experience all of it again, as cliche as it sounds. i will very think of the nights i stayed up until 4 or 5 am just to write/read the dash. waiting for a reply was such an addictive feeling and idk where i'll find my replacement for it. it really breaks my heart and makes me feel very old to realize that i don't know if i'll experience the excitement again. those sleep-deprived nights were some of my best. i've said "it's just rp" a million times but honestly, rping itself is such an experience and i'm glad i've gotten to get the best version of it.
7: is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i think i'd improve the kalla era's germany. i didn't do much with it.
8: what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
i would have loved to finish aurel x araya story, i mean i can probably still accomplish that but nbskdgbjs there were big plans for the slovakians and it's a shame we never got to write it out on the dash. i think i would have enjoyed writing the inner struggle of blazej. he had a lot of potential but alas, it could not be !
9: what is your favourite ooc memory ?
i have two that stick out but my trip with serre ? we were on my sister's couch writing the stupid lawn chair saga and i think it was the first time in a long time that i had that much fun writing ! the second one would be me visiting evy because it was a surreal experience and i have to admit i was so socially awkward that evy's family probably thinks i'm weird nfgbkdsgbj i just think it's amazing that those two meetings could happen ? prior to hshq, i hadn't really believed in online friendships, everyone felt just too remote ! a special mention goes to this crackthread thing we wrote: link just a random memory though: i remember when we did those feedback surveys. we sorta forgot them but they were so important at that one point. other funny thing is our old adminooc blog. snapchat replaced it and then some years later discord replaced snapchat. we should bring the admin snapchat back btw @armanicatherina & @barbiebraganca
10: where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'll be on discord !!! you can find me on the hshq server ( which we aren't deleting if i can have a say ;) )
11: what else would you like to say ?
i said a lot in the admin post but i actually had to "keep it short" so here i will say so many things that you wish i had edited this. for me rping has been an amazing way to connect with other people, learn about people through writing and to experience emotions that i wouldn't otherwise. some of the words i've read here have managed to capture thoughts that i hadn't been able to put into words and it's been amazing to see how differently people think but also how alike some feelings among different people are. i often try to wrap my head around the fact that this group's been going for eight amazing years. i've gone through a lot in those eight years and the existence of this group has brought me a lot of joy. i am sad to let go of it and i guess i'm in a bit of denial because i keep thinking that 1x1 rping exists and y'know... even if a group doesn't exist, threads can still happen. when i think about hshq and the plotlines i've read and written, one thing really sticks out to me and it's the way we shifted from a p basic rich kids rp into something intricate and sophisticated ( yes, we had a drug related nye event and we've had a fair share of petty fights ). the range of emotions people have been able to write and the psychological work they've done to write a convincing and very realistic humans is something everyone can be proud of. i don't know if i look like a sadist but i was most impressed by the depictions of sadness, guilt and self-loathing. in my opinion it's not easy to write a piece of sad prose without it being a bit melodramatic. aside from hshq's longevity, the most amazing thing has to be everyone's willingness to get involved. the plot drops that i wrote wouldn't have happened without your input and when it got too tough for me to write them myself, y'all stepped up and continued the plotdrops with your newsposts. as an admin, it's been so so so so so awesome that we've been able to put some responsibilities on the members and have you guys perform better than well. i think we did something unique here and i'm so proud of us as a group!!!! i wish i could flex about this irl because hshq's history and way of working is something extraordinary. i really wish i could properly put my love for hshq into words. i don't know how to express its meaning and influence in my life. i feel like it has helped me to improve my writing but more importantly it has taught me a thing of two about empathy <3 i really hope we'll stay in touch and if anyone comes to europe, or more spesifically finland, don't be afraid to message me bc i'd love to meet up !
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oh-shtars · 5 months
Bonjour, good day, I come with more questions~
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
2. More Rani loreeee
3. Does Rani have star magic? Although feel free to skip this as it might spoil your ending with Sueño
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
6. What trope best fits Hopes & Dreams? What about the royal couple?
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
8. Are the other character’s wishes important to the story?
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
Oh wow-
I get so happy whenever you guys leave asks and stuff like this. Thanks so much! 🥺💖💖 LOVE YA BO!
If y’all ever send me an ask and I haven’t answered it yet, please know I’m not ignoring you. I either don’t know how to answer it yet or I’m too busy atm. (Especially with exams coming up. Ew.)
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(Looking at this, I feel more guilty the more they stay there. 😅 But hey! At least you can look forward to more content, right?)
Anyways, Onto the asks!
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
I remember doing this one post as a little fun game for everyone to share 3 characters that inspired their main characters. But since you asked for just one and it has to be a Disney character, guess I’ll do that.
You can visit the post if you want to see mine and other AUs’ participation.
Asha = Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Sueño = Aladdin
Magnifico = Hades (Hercules)
Amaya = Zarina (Tinkerbell: The Pirate Fairy)
Valentino = Younger Simba (The Lion King)
(I don’t have a solid personality for the 7 teens since they’re not going to have as big of a role. I do have their key traits in my notes so I can look back to it as a guide. But I’m just going to go with the flow when writing their scenes.)
2. More Rani Loreeeeee
I haven’t even finished a final outline for the main plot of the RFTS!story, so idk even for a sequel. Maybe I’ll do some random drawings of family bonding moments and just him being a precious little guy.
(Hypothetically speaking, IF both Asha and Sueño survive the tragedy I’ll inflict on them. I mean what- who said that?)
All I know for Rani is that he’s someone who’s not sure what is the one thing he’s passionate for. And in this kingdom where everyone is so sure what they want and striving to achieve it, he feels lost. Surely, people only have one passion, right? Why can’t he find and settle for one?
Whenever he finds something he could be passionate about, Rani feels icky at the thought of just permanently sticking to it from now on. But at the same time, he criticises himself for being ‘irresponsible and indecisive.’
He “longs” to know his place and know what he wishes to do exactly. Rani doesn’t like being told, “But you’re so talented!!” because he personally thinks it’s unhelpful. It doesn’t make his choice of picking one passion any easier.
He also doesn’t really like vague answers to his questions and gets frustrated with it. “Believe in yourself.” “You’ll get there.” “Keep going!” “You’ll know it when you feel it.” “I don’t know what you’re aspiring to do, but I bet you’ll do great.” Well guess what? He doesn’t know what he’s doing either. :D
Also: *G A S P*. Not a strong believer of Wishing stars nor looking to the sky for answers! 😱 Rani prefers to “see-it-to-believe-it.” A more down to earth person who wants real solutions, not just hoping for something to magically happen.
(Some stuff might change but here’s an overview of Rani just like you asked- :))
3. Does Rani have star magic?
Ehhhhh, I’ll say he has general knowledge in magic and just about anything he finds interesting and gets his hands on. Not really star magic, though he has the skill of a fast-learner when learning about regular magic. Again, Rani’s existence may or may not be hypothetical. 🤷
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
Sueño is not really one for pet names since he adores Asha just as she is, including her name. But in his head and through the sign language he eventually learns, he does sometimes call her: “Love or My Sky”
(I love “My Sky” so much because it FITS him. He loves the feeling of freedom and is claustrophobic. So he’s basically saying he feels so free and happy to be around her. Also, *coughs* Bo. “Sky”. My Sky. “Cielo”. Amirite? This was unintentional, I swear-)
For Asha, she calls Sueño: “Starlight, Mi Sueño (this is her fav one ofc), Sunny (though this is more general), Hon/Honey.”
For the last one, I have a silly headcanon that Sueño comes to have honey as one of his fav foods. It sort of rhymes with his other nickname, “Sunny,” and Asha thinks it’s hilarious to tease him with the “honey” nickname when he gets all sticky.
Idk why I even came up with this, but the thought that he’ll eat anything, even food he usually doesn’t like, that is dipped in honey on it is just funny, okay? And it connects to Hal too since I remember she’s meant to be a beekeeper. (This may also be a cute little reference with Winnie the Pooh if Sueño shapeshifts. Hehehe)
Btw, stars can taste but not go hungry. Like how they touch and feel stuff but not feel pain when inflicted or hit by something. If it’s dark magic, then that’s the only exception and they can feel pain.
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
Idk actually. I made Amnifico or ‘Grand Despair’ from scratch without referring or getting inspired by any couple I know. It’s mostly songs and vibes I’ve collected to create their dynamic. Same with Ashueño. The Rapunzel similarity was not intentional. 😅
(I think you should be worried because my RFTS!Spotify playlist has lots of angst- lol.)
Uhhhhhhh, maybe Grand Despair can be something akin to Charity and P.T Barnum from the Greatest Showman. But darker and eviler.
A guy who promises something for his beloved, gets carried away, and eventually forgetting what this was all for in the first place. :3
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6. What trope best fits Hopes and Dreams? What about the royal couple?
Hopes and Dreams:
“Soulmates/Fate” (I think we can all agree that these two are meant to be, either platonically or romantically, in any universe both AU and Canon.)
👏 SLOW 👏 BURN👏 (That pang of realisation always gets me)
Thinks she’s no one special x Treats her like royalty
Grand Despair:
Doomed Romance
Pissy x Only one who calms him down
”Us against the World”
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
Not anything that wouldn’t spoil some stuff for the plot. Sorry 😞
8. Are the other characters’ wishes important to the story?
Hmmmmm. I guess they influence the narrative and further establish the conflict of the story.
Like, the characters are used to just taking the easy way to achieve their dreams by waiting for the day Magnifico grants them one morning. They can make as much as they want. Unbeknownst to them, they’re stuck in this cycle of always wanting more but never satisfied.
They keep wishing and wishing, believing that they have no chance of reaching it on their own without their king’s help.
I’d like the main theme to be: not being afraid to dream big and “Reach for the Stars” but you shouldn’t expect grand things to just come to you instantly. You’ll need to take faith and work for it. Why? Because the whole journey getting there, regardless of the many struggles, is worth it and it sure is something to look back and be proud of.
It sure is what Walt Disney did, isn’t it? :)
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
It’s kind of difficult to pick from the Hazbin cast what each RFTS!character is like since one plot is based off of dreams and everything nice while the other is literally based in hell. 😂
But I’ll try:
Emily was the closest I could think of. (Since I literally couldn’t think of anyone else. Oof-) Not really referring to the happy, excited part of her. More like the “I believe these people deserve a lot better than this” and eventually finding her voice to stand up against authority for the people she cares about.
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No, not the aggressive and assertive side of Vaggie. Lol nope. More like getting attached to the MC that helped them get back onto their feet, warmly welcomed them in this strange new world, and now they would do anything to help them get their dreams come true whatever it takes.
(Also, a secret they’re keeping that’s eating them up inside with guilt and constantly worrying that the MC would hate their guts if they knew. Oops-)
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I’d say the fake-ass showmanship he puts out in public but in reality, he’s really done and exhausted with his audience. He’s still pretty charismatic when he wants to be but I can see him losing his cool quite easily, leading to outbursts.
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Idkkkk. The main cast of Hazbin don’t really fit RFTS!Amaya’s vibe so I just went with Lilith despite how we know nothing about her at the moment. (This is probs gonna age badly-)
She’s a parental figure to someone who trusts her a lot but in reality, her motivations might not be what they seem. She could be willing to sacrifice other people if it means she gets a benefit out of them.
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sinha-ri · 3 months
House of Leaves easter eggs I've found in Ch II by Zampano
1. "The labours of men are genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind"
the beginning quote is actually from Frankenstein (I can't tell if its by the guy himself or someone else) to finally let the reader know he will go through with his creation. Because as horrific as it might be, his research will do nothing but benefit mankind in the end. I haven't read enough to fully know how this fits in, but it can be a reference to how the House is the creation of Frankenstein here.
2. The 10th footnote, footnoting a guy criticizing Navidson for being a fraud and jeopardizing his career over this film. The publisher of said article has "Eddie Hapax Press"
Hapax, if searched up, is actually Hapax Legomenon. The definition is "a word/expression that occurs only once within a context" usually referring to language or text. Essentially a word only exists in one single text, used one time. Its unsure what this can be a reference to yet, but my leading theory is it could be the house itself. The only thing is house is consistently used throughout the text, but there only exists 1 House and the Navidson Record doesn't exist outside of Zampano's essay. Not even his references. Hence this is Zampano's Hapax, something that only occurs in his text (again, i could be wrong but this is my leading theory so far)
3. Footnote 16, footnoting what Navidson is trying to preserve of Karen through film and that he truly didn't mean to be mean, references an article titled "Omens & Signs" which is published by Taema Essay Publications"
Taema is actually a god figure used in Samoan mythology and folklore. Taema was originally a conjoint twin, but while swimming away from their birth home, they were split in two. They soon learned tattooing. When coming home, Taema stayed with tattooing while her sister became the god of war. However, Taema's name originally belonged to a god who was the Goddess of War instead and seen as an omen for war. While there's no war going on here, it's still important to see Taema's name was seen as an omen. Furthermore, the tale of them being conjoint twins that went their separate paths is interesting and can be seen as reflecting Karen and Navidson. They're married, joint together, yet they are so separate as people and paths.
4. Footnote 18, aka Traunt's long ass rant, on page 16 has a major reveal, but I'm here to talk about when he's breaking down talking about Birds of Paradise, stating, "I mean we'd all be so lucky to wind up a punching bag and still found our creates full of Birds of Paradise. No such luck with this crate."
While birds of paradise can be taken literally to the actual birds, it also references a flower titled Bird of Paradise. You've most likely seen them if you're american (idk about other countries lol). they're those orange flowers that look like the head of a bird.
The meaning behind this bird, is actually "Joy". While Traunt was most likely talking about exotic birds to make him rich, it's a double meaning to joy. He wishes to find joy, something he believes is luck or to come sooner or later. But it's a great admission he isn't doing well.
5. Footnote 22, referencing how Navidson puts himself in a bad light in his own film of life, is shown to be published by "Ascencion Gerson"
Gerson is actually the name of a french school (? its only in french but i assume so) while Ascension is a reference to a painting of Jesus ascending, this being one of the top results when you google Ascension Gerson
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It's almost comparing Navidson with Jesus, a humble person who doesn't belong in a negative light even if its of his own saying. Although this could be a stretch and complete coincidence LOL
There may have been more, but this all i found my first read through!! gonna be doing these for every chapter :3
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