#80s springsteen was so dreamy
dulcevenganzaa · 7 months
apropos of nothing but bruce springsteen is sooo handsome
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lewisrises · 2 years
ok friend hopefully these hit like my book recs and idr ever discussing music w u so im gonna recommend a wide range of stuff!
yearbook by james ivy (wait until the outro !)
in blue by declan mckenna (its from the moomin soundtrack which is elite)
the boys of summer by don henley (kinda country… mostly like 80s soft rock)
chinatown by wild nothing (just very catchy)
two by got7 (did u stream their new album its GOOD)
napster by jean dawson (kinda weird but i like it)
and yes since you did say country: 21 summer by brothers osborne and springsteen by eric church (2 of the best of all time)
hi friend you are also getting an album review in return for this Very Delicious rec list
the lyrics were so sad and pretty and then the ending made me tear up like a fuckin BITCH lmao i hate you actually! a beautiful song
once again beautiful lyrics and just made me sad but in a therapeutic way yknow
i’m p sure i’ve heard this before and i love it! v groovy i feel like a brooding middle aged man
dreamy, pretty lyrics. yes i liked this v much actually
JAEBEOMS VOICE HE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL TO ME!!! can’t believe got7 haven’t disbanded actually aren’t they due for the army 🧐
not weird at ALL i loved it sm it sounds like smth off the lis soundtrack which is very personal to me
Such cute lyrics it made me feel southern and loved <3 possibly one of my faves
oh this was something. lowkey would’ve banged if they sang it in the pitch perfect 2 riff off actually
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samfenderdaily · 3 years
Super vague question but is there something you’re hoping for in this new album? I seriously don’t even know what to expect just super excited!!
Hey there and thanks for asking!!
I'll start off by saying that I Iove Hypersonic Missiles as an album and each track is special in its own way. That said, you can clearly tell that it's a debut album - and that the songs have been written in the span of 6 or 7 years - because there are a lot of different 'flavours': the newer songs are more introspective, the older ones focus on social issues in a more straightforward way, and that's just from a lyrical point of view. Musically, we're still in the indie rock genre but there's a stark contrast between his earlier stuff vs. songs like The Borders for example (which I think is a masterpiece both in terms of lyrics and music), where you can tell that there's a confidence, especially in the way he chose to structure the song (is there a chorus? is there a pre-chorus? I don't know, but there's a bridge), that wasn't there before. And personally, I just really fucking love how it sounds. It suits him. It's nostalgic and honest and it has such a full, rich sound, I don't know how else to put it. Brilliant production on that one, well done Bramwell Bronte.
So, to answer your question (I'm sorry about the long paragraph but I needed to say that to drive the point home) I hope the second album sounds more like The Borders. Which is also Sam's favourite song, the one he's most proud of and he also said his sophomore album is gonna have a similar sound. And if 17 Going Under is anything to go by then I think he's right and this record is gonna destroy me. @autumnalhaze and I have been calling 17 Going Under 'The Borders 2.0' because both thematically and musically it feels like a continuation of that song, possibly even more powerful and heartbreaking. And now that we know that it's going to be the first single (you can hear it in the background of the videos the fans took the other day, when he was filming the MV), we can only imagine what else he has in store for us.
17 Going Under is a pretty strong start and to be honest I was expecting something more radio-friendly for the first single (like Will We Talk) but I'm not complaining, quite the opposite actually! It's a heavy song, and it shows what kind of musician he wants to establish himself as. The second album is always tricky for artists, it's when the general public decides whether you should be taken seriously or you're just a one hit wonder. People have expectations now, so you have to charm them, or surprise them. Some fans won't probably like the new stuff as much because they grew attached to his older songs, his old sound. But I'm not worried one bit about Sam's success. As long as the album feels true to him and he's proud of it, he's already made it.
Late last year he also said that he originally wanted to release a concept album but he eventually gave up because it hindered his creativity, but I think it's safe to assume that he still wanted it to sound cohesive so it's gonna be different from the first one, that's for sure. Again, I love Hypersonic Missiles because it's so varied. But I don't want a replica of that, I'm excited to see him grow as an artist. He worked hard on this one, which to him feels like his first proper album, because it's not a collection of songs he wrote over the years that he doesn't relate to anymore. SF2 (that's what I'm gonna call it for now) will be full of surprises but mostly I'm excited to discover his real sound. We got a taste, now we want the whole thing.
So, in short, SF2 is gonna have loads of sax (think of Springsteen/The War On Drugs), possibly some sick guitar solos like the one in The Borders (but that's just wishful thinking, I could be wrong), some '80s dreamy synth vibes (but still keeping it rock), and the lyrics are gonna be more introspective, delving into his childhood and his experiences growing up and talking about the people that made him the person he is today.
I think I had more to say but I forgot and I've already annoyed you for long enough, but thank you again for the question! If you couldn't tell, I love talking about this stuff. So feel free to ask more questions xx
Also, even though you said you don't know what to expect, I'm curious about what you'd like to hear in SF2 (this question goes to everyone who wants to answer it, I wanna hear your opinions and I miss chatting about this stuff) 💙
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allthings-fantasy · 6 years
See You Again - Part One
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2900-ish
Warning: underaged drinking, minimal language, flirty teen!dean
Summary: From the second Dean Winchester walked into your life, he completely turned your world upside down. The love the two of you shared was fierce but left the two of you heartbroken. When he waltzes back into your life years later, it may just be to late for him to make amends. 
A/Ns: GUESS WHO’S BACK - this is loosely based off the song Springsteen by Eric Church --> Check out my bio for my MASTERLIST
August 25th, 2009 (Present Day) - Dean POV
Oklahoma was a success. It was an easy enough hunt, just a simple salt and burn. With all the shit going on in our lives right now, all we wanted was a guaranteed win. Now Sam thinks he may have found another one. “Where did you say this is again?”
“Uh..” Sam's eyebrows furrowed as he scrolled back to the top of the article on his laptop. “It's in Indiana. Fairfax, Indiana.” A sinking feeling settled in the center of my chest. This had to be some kind of sick joke. “Didn't we use to live there? Yeah! It was like… your senior year of high school when we moved there?”
And I haven't been back to that stupid hick town since ‘99. I don't know why I'm stressing out, she probably doesn't even live there anymore. She was always smart, no doubt she got outta that town as soon as possible. I don't think I'd be able to look her in the eyes even if she still did live there. Not after what I did to her.
Those voicemails she left me still replayed in the back of my head after I've had one too many. It's been ten years and one of my biggest regrets in life. “Dean? Are you even listening to me?” My head snapped in Sam's direction as his voice finally pulled me from my thoughts.
“Huh? Yeah, sorry I was just trying to think the last time we were there.” I cleared my throat and turned the engine over, Baby roaring to life. The music blared from the speakers, prompting Sam to stop talking about this dreaded down. I was finally doing something I should've done 10 years ago, I was coming back.
August 17th, 1997
The sound of your phone ringing pulled you from the pot of boiling pasta on the stove. Without looking at the caller id, you flipped open your phone and wedged it between your shoulder and ear. “Hello?”
Your ears were met with a squeal. “Are you excited for tonight?” Sarah’s voice sang through the line, you could practically see the smile on her face in your head. With a small chuckle you stirred the contents in the pot and shook your head. “Oh, c’mon Y/N! You know the Jones’ throw a big banger every year before the summer is over. This is the last hoorah before we start junior year!”
With a sigh, you turned off the burner and switched the phone to your other ear. “Of course I’m coming, it’s just the same thing every year. Someone gets in someone else’s face and drama starts, or there’s one too many noise complaints and we’re stuck running through the woods again.”
“Yeah, but you still have fun though?” Sarah was your best friend, sometimes incredibly annoying, but she was your best friend nonetheless. Every year she looked forward to this party and every year you got stuck holding her hair back over the toilet. “Plus, apparently there’s like this new kid in town. He’s going to be a senior and I think he has a younger brother going into 9th.”
New kids were something of a rarity, the small town usually had newcomers running towards the private school two towns over. “And how did you hear about this?”
Sarah paused for a second, “Jason and Tyler ran into him out by the park. I guess they started chatting him up and they invited him tonight. I don’t remember his name… something with a D, I think.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, “You know you don’t have to keep trying to convince me to go, I’m already coming. I’ll pick you up at 9, okay?”
She let out another squeal and agreed before saying her goodbyes. You weren’t sure why she was so excited over this new guy. He’d only be here for a year, plus why would he go for a junior when there are plenty of senior girls?
The next few hours went by quicker than you had anticipated. Before you knew it, you were standing in your bathroom putting finishing touches on your hair and glancing at the clock. You had five minutes before you had to go pick up Sarah. Slipping on your sandals and securing the buckle around the ankle, you made your way downstairs. “Hey, mom. I’m going to pick up Sarah okay?”
She turned and gave you a sweet smile. “Sure thing honey, I know you go to that party every year but be careful okay? And call if you need me to pick you up. Be safe!”
“Of course, mom.” You gave her a quick goodbye and grabbed your keys and wallet before heading out your front door. Luckily Sarah only lived right about around the corner from you and the party was only another twenty minutes down the road from that.
Sarah talked your ear off the entire drive over to the fields of the Jones’ property. You could see the silhouettes of your peers shining from the large bonfire. “Let’s go!” Sarah hopped out of your car with extra pep in her step.
Music flooded your eardrums as you hightailed it behind Sarah, she really was eager to get her eyes on the new guy. Beer and smoke filled your nose the closer you walked to the center of the party. You spotted Jason by the keg, refilling his solo cup. “C’mon, let’s go say hi to Jason. Maybe he can point you to your new mystery man.” The two of you fell into a fit of giggles before making your way over.
“Y/N! Well, if it isn’t my favorite girl.” Jason smirked at you, extending his arm to wrap around your shoulder. “I was getting a little worried you weren’t gonna come this year.” He put on his fake pout before sipping his drink. Jason was cute and has been your friends since fifth grade. Even when he became the star running back for your high school football team, he never treated you any different. His shaggy blonde hair and baby blue eyes had the freshmen girls falling at his feet.
Taking the cup from his hand, one of your eyebrows arched in his direction. “Me? Miss one of your parties? Jas, I would never.” You innocently batted your eyes at him before taking a sip of his beer. “Plus, Sarah is just dying to meet the new kid you invited.” You laughed as she nodded eagerly, no shame in the glint in her eyes.
Jason’s eyes widened before he nodded. “Ah, well I’ll introduce Sarah, but I’m not introducing you.” He gave you a pointed look before stealing his cup back.
Your nose wrinkled while you arched your neck to look up at him. “And why the hell not?”
He simply shrugged. “Because in the words of Tiffany he’s like so totally dreamy and I can’t have him sweeping my best friend off her feet.” Jason sent you a wink which caused you to roll your eyes.
“You know that will never happen.”
“Mhm…” He looked at you skeptically and handed you his cup. “This way, he’s over here.” Jason kept his grip on your shoulder as he directed you and Sarah over to the beer pong tables. You could tell which one was the new guy just from looking at the back of his head. No one around here wore leather jackets, plus it’s like 80 degrees. How is he not sweating? “Hey, Dean! Got someone I want you to meet.”
Dean turned his back on the girl he was currently talking to. She seemed upset as she turned and walked away, back towards the fire. So maybe Tiffany was right, he was kind of dreamy. Not that you would ever admit that to Jason. Dean’s lips twitched into a smile as he glanced across the three of you. You would be fixated on his mouth if his eyes weren’t so damn distracting.  
“Dude, this is Sarah.” Jason used his free arm to point to the strawberry blonde beside you.
She instantly perked up and held her hand out, which Dean eagerly shook. “Nice to meet you, Dean.”
He flashed his teeth in a drool worthy smile and quickly glanced across her face. “Trust me, pleasure’s all mine.” After he dropped her hand, Dean turned his attention back towards you. A question in his eyes as he looked at Jason’s arm wrapped around you. “This your girlfriend?” The question was aimed at Jason but he kept his eyes on you.
You cut Jason off before he had the chance to speak. “He wishes.” Taking a step closer to Dean, you allowed Jason’s hand to drop from your shoulder. “I’m Y/N.” You sent him a sweet smile while extending your hand.
Dean’s fingers wrapped around yours and gave your fingers a quick squeeze. “It’s… very nice to meet you.” He held your gaze longer than you thought he would. You shivered under his stare before dropping your hand.
Jason cleared his throat in an annoyed manner and you could feel him shifting behind you. “I’m just uh, gonna go get another drink. Y/N, find me later okay?” He gave your arm a quick squeeze and a glance before walking back towards the crowd.
You gave him a nod before turning your attention back to the guy in front of you. “So you guys go to Truman High?” He glanced between the two of you, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, we’re both going to be juniors this year.” Sarah crossed her arms over her chest, pushing a little extra cleavage out of her crop top. “What about you, Dean? I heard you’re going to be a senior.” She carefully chewed on her bottom lip and you had to resist the urge to snort at her attempt at flirting.
He smiled and nodded, a small blush coming across his cheeks. It was funny, you didn’t picture him as the type of guy who blushed. “You heard right. My family and I move around a lot, usually a couple times a year, but Dad said I can finish out my high school career here.” He shrugged and sent you another smile.
Before Sarah could say anything, Laura came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey girl, sorry but uh, Jamie said she needs to talk to you… She didn’t say what it was about but it seemed important.” Laura stole a glance at Dean and blushed. “She asked me to come get you.”
You almost felt bad because of how disappointed she looked. But Dean said it himself, he’ll be here all year. Sarah pouted and looked between you and Dean before nodding. “I’ll be back.”
“And then there were two…” Dean chuckled to himself and shifted his weight between his feet. “Uh, do you want to get another drink? I’m sure that beer in your cup is warm.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You smiled at him as he shifted one of his hands out of his pocket and onto your middle back.
“Lead the way, sweetheart.” His words shouldn’t have made you blush, but they did. And he saw it too, that damn smirk coming across his lips again.
You had to bite your lip to keep the grin off of your face as you lead Dean back towards the kegs. Along the way ignoring Jason’s questioning glances. “Here, I’ll get that for you.” Dean took your almost empty cup and threw it in the trash before grabbing you a fresh one.
“Such a gentleman, Dean.” You teased as he handed you your fresh cup before grabbing his own. “Making a great first impression.”
He chuckled and nodded his head. “I sure hope so, would hate for you to get the wrong impression of me.” Dean’s eyes flashed down to your lips before back to your eyes. “Why don’t we go sit on one of those hay bales over there? Getting tired of standing.”
Dean picked a bale a little further away from all the noise, making it easier to hear each other. More people were beginning to file in and you were grateful you found a place to sit. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, slowly sipping on his beer. Your eyes watched his lips form around the rim of the cup, to his jaw clenching when he swallowed. “You know, it’s not polite to stare.” He smirked and looked at you over his shoulder.
Your shoulders shrugged and you smiled, “You got a problem with it?”
“Not at all, sweetheart. Look all you want.” The boy practically oozed confidence, it was almost infectious. You let out a laugh and shifted in your seat, trying to keep the hay from irritating your thighs too much. Dean seemed to notice your shifting. “You alright?”
“Yeah, they hay just itches my legs a little.” You lifted your leg slightly to run your hand over the backs of your thigh.
His brows furrowed as he glanced down at your legs. “Stand up.” Before you could respond, he gently gripped your elbow and pushed you to stand. Dean shrugged off his leather jacket and laid it down where you were sitting. “There… you should’ve said something.”
You could feel your heart flutter in your chest and your cheeks become warm. “You didn’t have to do that.” As soon as you sat down your legs instantly thanked you for the soft material beneath you.
“All about making that first impression.” He winked and fiddled with the watch on his wrist.
“And what impression are you trying to make?” You hid your smile behind your cup, downing what was left in it.
Dean shrugged and leaned back on the palm of his one hand. “The type of impression where you realize I am ridiculously handsome, incredibly kind and charming, and you just can’t help yourself from falling in love with me.” His head turned to the side and he gently licked his bottom lip. “How am I doing so far?”
It was impossible not to laugh. Dean’s face screamed seriousness but you just had to laugh. This guy was completely out of his mind, but you couldn’t see yourself not talking to him. He was adorable, funny, and already nicer than 95% of the guys who lived in Fairfax. “As sweet as that laugh is, it’s kind of hurting my ego a little bit.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and took a deep breath to calm yourself down. “No, I’m sorry. You’re doing great so far.”
The two of you were interrupted by Sarah, carrying three shots in her hands. “Guys! Guess what Lucas brought.” Her singsong voice filled your ears as she passed two of them to you and Dean. You knew your best friend, she was trying to figure out just how cozy the two of you were getting.
She cleared her throat and held her glass up a little bit. “Cheers!” You mocked her glass lift and threw the amber liquid down your throat. A cringe ran through you as you felt the taste linger in your mouth, warmth flooding through your veins. “Aw, Dean. You didn’t take yours?”
Looking over at Dean, you noticed the little cup still in his hands. You weren’t one to judge someone on their choice of drink. Plus, he was new, he probably didn’t want to get wasted at his first party with these people.
Apparently, Sarah didn’t have the same thought process as you. She stepped closer to him until her knees were pressing against his legs. “C’mon D, it’s not thaat bad.” Sarah nudged at his elbow. From the slur in her voice you could tell that wasn’t her first shot of the night. Dean cleared his throat and shifted back slightly in his seat, looking a little uncomfortable.
“Sar, back off a little bit okay? He’s been drinking beer, he probably just doesn’t want to mix alcohol.” You shrugged and reached over to take Dean’s shot from his hand and downing it yourself. “See? Now it didn’t go to waste.”
Her eyes glared at you before setting her lips into a frown. Sarah grumbled something under her breath and turned on her heels, stalking away. “I’m sorry about her, she gets really forward when she drinks.”
Dean went back to his relaxing position. “It’s not that I don’t like liquor, I just have to drive home after this so… can’t really get plastered.” You nodded in understanding and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. “So uh, who’s your ride home?”
“Huh? Oh, uh I’m not sure. My mom will come pick me up if anything, she’s pretty laid back as long as she knows where I am.” You shrugged and moved back on the bale, crossing your legs. “Why’d you ask?”
“Well I can’t really let you drive home now, can’t have that pretty face getting into an accident…” He paused for a moment, as if debating on saying his next words. “I could always drive you home.”
You smiled at him, squinting your eyes slightly. “I don’t even know you.”
It was Dean's turn to laugh and you tried denying the butterflies you felt in your stomach at the sound of it. Blame the alcohol, yeah that's what it is, the alcohol. “Then get to know me, ask and you shall receive.”
“Who says I want to?”
He scoffed and nodded. “Oh you want to. I can see it in your eyes, sweetheart. You want to know me.”
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zijunnn · 2 years
Two Songs
Untitled 1
mother told me that love won’t work
if Jesus starts interrupting
I believe it’s unfair
that he is Becky with the good hair
and I’m sort of the yellowman, Springsteen claimed to kill
a hoarder warned me enough is enough
but what’s the point of stopping
am I a good lover?
should I do something more on Easter?
though I have neither been to a church nor to New Jersey
you use your holy grail, I believe in suffering
let’s sing an ode to the fire awaiting
should I ignore, and watch it dissolve
into a paddle of dreamy peace
will you ever help me see
there is nothing bad in me to pity for
[Verse 2]
the hidden amber light on this land
will manipulate my feelings
now i no longer care
Taiwan and Hong Kong belong to where
i just want you to stay with me facing all the thrills
my ignorance of the 80s annoys you all long
I hear sirens to all your favorite songs
should I let go, or fear the unknown
the great malaise shall never release
what we feel is crystal clear
a bleached out rainbow is beyond beautiful
a year ahead of the 21st century
I came to this world
on the edge of a legendary dragon
a curse to the afterworld
bound to Ancestors
just another betrayer
but things could be better
if my past-life chose closer
should I let go, or wait till I’m grown
you’re the first among them ever liked me
just tell me why can’t you see?
a bleached out rainbow is forever beautiful
Song 2
crying at home, glitter costume on
she came back from the dance studio
she’s been told, she looks like a whore
she’s so strong, they’ll never see
as if she’s the key
to find a man and benefit the family tree
but her mother thinks she’s ugly
I just don’t know how
to make her feel better now
she’s all alone
'cause her mind is locked
and her body is her fault
If there’s one thing I could do
I’d say I love her too
prove her they’re all wrong 'cause not all love is cruel
[verse 2]
she hides one thing
then she hides most of herself
eight babies and a chain is what hell’s all about
but it’s the plan
she needs a breakout
quiet rage is not enough, never powerful
I hate the way she’s forced to be beautiful
telling truth is so miserable
I just don’t know how
to make things all better now
I’m far from home
still her mind is locked
and her body is her fault
If there’s one thing I could do
I’d say I love her too
prove her they’re all wrong 'cause not all love is cruel
say I’m sorry too
for leaving her no clues
carrying her dreams so I could stay true
0 notes
thebandcampdiaries · 3 years
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J.O.B.E. ( John OBrien Experience) announces new release: STOP!!
March 2021 - J.O.B.E. is an artist with a focus on creating music that seamlessly blurs the lines between a wide range of genre definitions and creative ideas. His sound combines the energy of rock with the melodic edge of EDM, which sets the bar higher in terms of versatility and focus. His most recent release, STOP!!, has a sound that might remind the audience of artists as diverse as Bruce Springsteen, INXS, Sting, and Duran Duran. However, J.O.B.E. has a distinctive personality that is quite hard to categorize. STOP!! is definitely an outstanding example of his commitment to creating quality music that will connect with people, not only due to the integrity of the production value, but also due to J.O.B.E.’s signature approach to musical storytelling. If this release is any indication, this is going to be an exciting new year of creativity and success for this talented recording artist. This song has a cool melodic feel and a very energetic groove that reminds me of some of the best 80s pop-rock, but with a more contemporary feel when it comes to the production especially. The lush, dreamy sound of the synth pads suit the steady drums, and John’s vocals really hit the spot. The track tells the story of a lonely man who calls a lady of the night, and quickly realizes that he’s going to get so much more than what he bargained for: he would experience true addiction and lust for her, and even when he realizes that the lady wouldn’t be able to make him feel any less alone, he just struggles to stop! This is a sultry, sensual song that’s fun to listen and easy to relate to, diving deeper in the relationship between lust and loneliness, as well as the pursue of true love and happiness. The track ends with a resounding “STOP!!” playing on the title of the song, and adding even more emphasis to its meaning within the context of this track. This is a world-class listening experience, and it comes highly recommended.
Find out more about J.O.B.E.’s music, and do not miss out on STOP!!, which is going to be available on the web’s best digital musical streaming platform starting from the 9th of April, 2021
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obtusemedia · 5 years
The best songs of the 2010s: #75-51
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#75: “The Only Thing” by Sufjan Stevens (2015)
It was tough to pick a single song from Sufjan Stevens’ masterpiece, Carrie and Lowell, for this list. The album, about his dead mother, is consistently beautiful and tragic throughout.
But “The Only Thing” has the most devastating line of the whole album, and possibly the whole decade, delivered in a wobbly falsetto: “Should I tear my eyes out now?/Everything I see returns to you somehow.” Case closed. Now please excuse me while I cry for the rest of the day.
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#74: “Best Song Ever” by One Direction (2013)
If you can’t appreciate this slice of pop-rock perfection that shamelessly rips off The Who, I’m not sure we can be friends.
“Best Song Ever” still sounds as the pinnacle of One Direction’s career, with its fizzy arena-rock chorus and adorable lyrics about that one special night with a mysterious woman, never to be seen again. The Millennial Whoops are plentiful, and they are irresistible.
Yes, “Best Song Ever” is a corny boy band song. But A) it’s the best possible version of a corny boy band song. And B) boy bands are wonderful. Just embrace the cheese.
(Also, One Direction was the greatest boy band of all time. Don’t fight me on this.)
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#73: “Pray For Rain” by Pure Bathing Culture (2015)
Portland shoegaze duo Pure Bathing Culture delivered the closest approximation to a prime Cocteau Twins single since the early ‘90s.
It’s got the icy synths and shoegaze guitars to throw any listener into a hypnotic groove. The secret ingredient that makes “Pray For Rain” stand out, however, is the thumping, snare-heavy beat that invokes both military drum lines and trip-hop. It adds a propulsion to the otherwise dreamy track, creating a dissonant yet incredible experience.
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#72: “Not” by Big Thief (2019)
Unlike the hushed folksy whispers of Big Thief’s first 2019 album, “Not” is a furious, noisy firebomb of an indie rock jam. Lead singer Adrianne Lenker’s warble is pushed to its limits, as her vocals crack and strain while the song’s tension (and noise level) slowly ratchets up in the song’s first half. 
Then, the pent-up energy is finally released for an explosive, discordant two-and-a-half minute guitar solo. It’s pure chaos and anger distilled into one instrument, and the greatest moment so far of Big Thief’s promising career.
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#71: “Dog Years” by Maggie Rogers (2016)
The strength of Maryland indie-pop prodigy Maggie Rogers’ first few singles is how in tune with nature she sounded. I’ve dubbed it “REI-pop.”
And none of her songs are more reminiscent of a high-end outdoors store than “Dog Years” — and yes, that’s a compliment. “Dog Years” incorporates noises like wind chimes and owl hoots to its soulful synthpop production for a unique flavor. Rogers delivers on the vocal end with a stunning performance reminiscent of blue-eyed soul greats like Daryl Hall.
It’s a bummer that mainstream indie pop nowadays is going to mostly sound like Jeep ads. But “Dog Years” proves great art can still be created in that avenue.
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#70: “The House That Heaven Built” by Japandroids (2012)
With “The House That Heaven Built,” Vancouver, BC indie rockers Japandroids made a perfect road trip anthem. The chugging guitars shoot to the sky, the drumming is furious, and the fist-pumping “OH OH OHs” are plentiful.
“House” is like a Bruce Springsteen collaboration with The Replacements: righteous fury backed by raucous, bar-friendly punk-rock. When lead singer/guitarist Brian King informs the listener that if “Anything try to slow you down/Tell em all to go to hell,” it’s something anyone can feel in their bones.
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#69: “Adorn” by Miguel (2012)
“Adorn” is dangerously smooth. The chillwave-meets-80s-R&B production gets you halfway there, but Miguel’s buttery vocals are the main attraction here. From his endearing ad-libs (“whoap!”) to his effortless vocal runs on the gorgeous melody, he sounds like a seasoned pro.
I’m going to give y’all a hot take — “Adorn” is the Millennial “Sexual Healing.” It strikes that same nocturnal, sexy flair, and Miguel is working it just as hard as Marvin Gaye did. It’s too bad Miguel never was quite able to make something quite as impressive as “Adorn” again, but that single (and its accompanying, phenomenal Kaleidoscope Dream record) will cement him as a ‘10s R&B icon.
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#68: “The World’s Best American Band” by White Reaper (2017)
White Reaper never claimed to be the world’s best band. Nope — they want to be the world’s best American band. So it’s only fitting that Louisville’s finest dirtbags cooked up a warm slice of some of the greasiest, sleaziest and most proudly stupid capital-R RAWK in years.
This is the kind of music Van Halen would’ve made if they were a low-rent Millennial indie band. This is the kind of music Gardner Minshew probably listens to. And it’s glorious.
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#67: “I Just Had Sex” by The Lonely Island feat. Akon (2010)
This list isn’t really trying to measure importance or anything like that. It’s basically just the songs that made me the happiest this decade. And there are few songs that make me smile as much as The Lonely Island’s pathetically hilarious “I Just Had Sex.”
There’s so many golden moments here, from “I called my parents right after I was done!” to “The best 30 seconds of my life!” and “I think she might have been a racist?” The comedy trio was really on their A-game.
But what makes “I Just Had Sex” more than just a goof is that it’s also catchy as hell. That Akon chorus is legitimately one of the best pop hooks of the decade. What made The Lonely Island so brilliant in their turn-of-the-decade peak is their ability to make songs that often surpassed the actual pop hits they emulated, while not sacrificing hilarious lyrics.
(Also, shoutout to “Jack Sparrow” and the legitimately impressive baseball-themed “Let’s Bash,” both of which could’ve also snuck onto this list.)
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#66: “Oh My Darling Don’t Cry” by Run The Jewels (2014)
Sometimes, you turn to hip-hop for inspiring messages and thoughtful, provocative lyrics (something Run The Jewels has certainly delivered on with tracks like “Early”).
But sometimes you just want an aggro banger that makes you want to smash through a brick wall like the Kool-Aid Man. That’s what “Oh My Darling Don’t Cry” brings to the table, thanks to its heavy helping of fuck-everyone defiance and El-P’s trademark apocalyptic, frantic production.
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#65: “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski (2016)
In her signature song, “Your Best American Girl,” Mitski took the thrashing ‘90s guitars and epic chorus of Smashing Pumpkins’ “Today” and turned it into a conversation about race, insecurity and love.
Mitski, who is Japanese-American, vividly describes the angst of trying to fit the lily-white image of the “American Girl” for a boy. The song begins with insecurity — “Your mother wouldn’t approve of how my mother raised me/But I do, I think I do” — and then flips that statement into a proud stand for her roots: “But I do, I finally do.” It’s a powerful declaration, fitting of one of the decade’s most powerful rock anthems.
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#64: “A Real Hero” by College and Electric Youth (2010)
Consider this spot a placeholder for all the best songs from the 2010′s best soundtrack: “Drive.”
Out of that soundtrack’s three stand-out singles, “A Real Hero” is the best by a hair. College’s slick, pulsing production is a perfect contrast to Bronwyn Griffin’s whispered, ghostly vocals. It’s the perfect love theme for an aggressively hipster-y movie where Ryan Gosling plays a dude in a gold satin jacket, drives around L.A. silently, and crushes a guy’s head in an elevator.
But shout out to the other two classics on Drive, “Nightcall” and “Under Your Spell,” which are also musts while driving around at night feeling moody.
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#63: “Birthday Song” by 2 Chainz feat. Kanye West (2012)
“Birthday Song” is gloriously stupid. It’s the kind of song you laugh at the first time you hear it, but after a few more listens, you’re rapping along with 2 Chainz and Kanye.
And it’s hard not to rap along when there’s this many quotable lines: “SHE GOT A BIG BOOTY SO I CALL HER BIG BOOTY.” “I’M IN THE KITCHEN. YAMS EVERYWHERE!!” “Last birthday, she got you a new sweater/Put it on, give her a kiss, and tell her, ‘DO BETTER.’” And of course, the most iconic line of them all: “All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe.”
“Birthday Song” is so ridiculous that it’s only a couple jokes removed from a Lonely Island single. And that’s what makes it so fun.
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#62: “Every Day’s the Weekend” by Alex Lahey (2017)
Aussie indie rocker Alex Lahey made the best Blink-182 song of the decade with “Every Day’s the Weekend.” It’s got a soaring chorus with the all-important “WHOA OHs,” a chugging guitar riff, and it’s catchy as hell.
Just toss in a lackadaisical attitude and a “I Gotta Feeling”-style days-of-the-week chant and you’ve got a pop-punk classic.
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#61: “Take a Walk” by Passion Pit (2012)
While MGMT burned their cultural capital by making zoinked-out psych rock (which was pretty solid!), their peers Passion Pit doubled down on their signature synthpop sound in the early ‘10s. Their 2012 album, Gossamer, is one of the all-time great albums with a happy, bouncy sound but crushingly dark lyrics. So naturally, its first single is a perky pop tune about financial struggles!
“Take a Walk” is so catchy and uplifting musically — just try getting that iconic synth riff out of your head — that Michael Angelakos’ lyrics about the Great Recession seem out of place at first. But it gels anyways. The uplifting music just emphasizes the dire situation Angelakos and his then-wife found themselves in, and it makes the soaring synth riff read as more melancholy than optimistic.
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#60: “Gretel” by (Sandy) Alex G (2019)
"Gretel” is like an indie-folk song that went to the Upside Down. All the requisite parts are there — gently strummed guitar, lyrics with a man-of-the-people feel, humbly Middle American vocals — but it feels warped and twisted.
The easiest way to describe it is like if a typical folk-pop song CD was left in the sun for a solid week or so, allowing it to melt. And then you tried listening to it. It would sound positively spooky. Yet through the oddball production and eerie vibe, Alex G’s defiant chorus still shines through. A statement like “Good people gotta fight to exist” somehow sounds more powerful in a bizzaro song like this.
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#59: “Downtown” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Eric Nally, Grandmaster Kaz, Melle Mel and Kool Moe Dee (2015)
Macklemore might have been the 2010′s most unfairly hated artist. Yes, he’s corny. Yes, Kendrick should’ve won those Grammys instead. But the dude was fun, inventive and a unique voice in hip-hop at the time.
“Downtown” is a prime example of Mack’s talent. Or at least, his knack for assembling a fantastic supporting crew. Old-school rappers Grandmaster Kaz, Melle Mel and Kool Moe Dee deliver some forceful interludes, and Eric Nally and his wildman vocals give “Downtown” a killer, Queen-esque chorus. And of course, producer Ryan Lewis helps sell the song, with a constantly-switching beat that ranges from ‘70s funk to bombastic arena rock. Even Seattle legend Ken Griffey Jr. makes a cameo in the Spokane-filmed video!
In a late-’10s hip-hop scene filled with mopey sad white boys like Post Malone and NF, Macklemore’s goofy vibe and dad jokes are sorely missed.
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#58: “Flesh Without Blood” by Grimes (2015)
In a decade filled with wonderful alt-pop weirdos, Grimes might have been the weirdest. One of her standout songs, “Kill v. Maim,” is about Michael Corleone from The Godfather Pt. II, but if he was a time-traveling, gender-switching vampire (yes, really).
“Flesh Without Blood” is comparatively normcore, but it’s still Grimes’ best slice of bonkers pop magic. Written from the perspective of a fan angry that she sold out, the track rides a surf-rock guitar groove into the oblivion. Grimes’ squeaky vocals are almost taunting in tone, but the hooks are so massive and the production is so fresh that I doubt listeners mind.
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#57: “Slide” by Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean and Migos (2017)
Arguably the biggest name in cheeseball EDM took a shockingly sharp pivot into silky-smooth funk with “Slide.” And it worked! It worked weirdly well!
Of course, it helps that Calvin Harris has always had impeccable taste in guest vocalists, from Florence Welch to Haim. And by snagging once-in-a-generation talent Frank Ocean (and the fun, if not legendary, Migos) for “Slide,” he possibly pulled his greatest coup yet.
...well actually, no. His best song will always be the gloriously trashy and very British “Dance Wiv Me” with grime legend Dizzee Rascal. But the slick tropical grooves of “Slide” are a worthy contender.
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#56: “I Belong in Your Arms” by Chairlift (2012)
I could’ve sworn this was in an old John Hughes movie. The wintry synths and retro-chic vibe of “I Belong in Your Arms” certainly would’ve fit snugly into the Pretty In Pink soundtrack, but no — Chairlift’s best single came out this decade.
“I Belong in Your Arms” is stunning in its atmospheric beauty. Singer Caroline Polachek’s vocals are almost Elizabeth Fraser-esque, drifting over the waves of keyboards while still packing a heavy punch on the chorus. And the song’s burst of energy doesn’t feel like a temporary sugar rush — it feels like the real thing.
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#55: “Make Me Feel” by Janelle Monaé (2018)
“Make Me Feel” is unabashedly a Prince homage. And if anyone in modern music could successfully replicate the Purple One, it’s Janelle Monaé.
The genre-blurring, impossibly funky “Make Me Feel” immediately grabbed me upon release, with its sharp guitar edges, soft-loud-soft production and sticky hook. But Monaé’s vocal performance is what truly makes the track pop. She clearly had the time of her life here, switching on a dime from smooth and sultry to giddy yelps. If there’s a perfect Janelle Monaé song cooked up in a lab somewhere, it’s probably nearly identical to this.
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#54: “Some Nights” by fun. (2012)
Jack Antonoff has always excelled as the second-fiddle. Whether that’s in being the less-famous person in his former relationship with Lena Dunham or being the behind-the-scenes production wizard for megastars like Taylor Swift and Lorde, he works best in the shadows (despite his solo side band, Bleachers, being pretty damn good).
And of course, the project that first brought Antonoff into the mainstream was his band fun., in which he was the lead guitarist and a songwriter. At the time when the band hit their brief apex in 2012, it seemed like frontman Nate Ruess, with his vocal acrobatics and theatrical style, would be most primed for solo fame, but that fizzled.
Eight years later, “Some Nights” stands as a testament that Antonoff (and the other two guys in fun.) can write an incredible arena rock anthem just as easily as a synthpop banger. The song turns a quarter-life crisis into a soaring epic that sounds like a glorious U2-Queen hybrid, with a drumline added on top. Despite cribbing its chorus from Simon and Garfunkel, “Some Nights” still holds its power.
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#53: “The Less I Know The Better” by Tame Impala (2015)
There’s one thing that instantly hooks you into Tame Impala’s Instagram-filtered indie pop masterpiece: that bassline. It carries the whole song on its back.
Not to say the rest of “The Less I Know The Better” isn’t good — Kevin Parker’s jealousy-tinged lyrics are fairly relatable, the twinkling synths are nice, the melody is appropriately yearning. But that slap bass ropes all those elements together into a legitimately funky rock tune. If Tame Impala’s mediocre new singles had that bass, maybe they’d be less forgettable.
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#52: “Shake It Out” by Florence + The Machine (2011)
Florence Welch might be the decade’s most underrated vocalist. Her voice has the power of a Mack truck, yet she can still convey subtlety when needed.
“Shake It Out” is not one of those subtle moments. It is arena-pop filtered through gospel; a song that sounds like it was meant for a cathedral. Welch describes battling her personal demons like they were literal demons. Couple her wailing with layers upon layers of organs and massive drums imported from the “In The Air Tonight” solo, and you’ve got a song too big to fail.
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#51: “Young Blood” by The Naked and Famous (2010)
I really, really wanted to include more tunes from the golden era of radio-friendly indie pop, circa 2008-2012. But a lot of the best stuff — MGMT, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Phoenix — fell in the previous decade. And others are more nostalgic faves for me than actually great songs (sorry, Grouplove and Matt & Kim).
But The Naked and Famous absolutely still hold up. “Young Blood” still has the insanely high-pitched vocals and twinkly synths of that era, but the New Zealanders throw some distorted ‘90s guitars to create a unique sound. It’s like the Weezer writing a Passion Pit song (but way better than that would imply). Lead singer Alisa Xayalith’s piercing voice is an instrument all of its own, soaring across the synthesizers and guitars like a bolt of neon light.
“Young Blood” might be an early ‘10s time-capsule, but it has hooks for days and a somehow-still-fresh groove.
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ifjanetranit · 7 years
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I read a book, yo! And you thought I was kidding when I said I was going to read a mindless celebrity autobiography after The Handmaid’s Tale! 
I was a little bit in love with Rick Springfield when he played Dr. Noah Drake on my favorite daytime soap opera, General Hospital, back in the day. I was 12 years old, and I thought he was dreamy. I might be the only person who saw his 1984 cinematic debut and finale Hard to Hold. Rick went on to have several pop/rock hits in the 80′s (he’s got a half a dozen really good songs that are not “Jessie’s Girl”). I was sort of over him by that point, but still. 
One song that is never on his Greatest Hits list is “Bruce,” which was a minor hit when I was in high school. The song is about how people always confused him with Bruce Springsteen. I always thought it was laughable.
There's this kid walking carrying a guitar   You know I told him that I played   He asked me my name you know I told him   I said it plain as clear as day   Well he seemed really, clearly, sincerely impressed   And as he pulled a piece of paper for me to sign from his vest He said, "I thought Born To Run was one of your best"   Awww, wait a minute man, who do you think I am?   He answered, "Mr. Springsteen, you're a famous man." He called me Bruce, Bruce   I can hear him calling Bruce, Bruce   He called me Bruce, Bruce   I can hear him   My name is Richard gonna hitch it to you babe
Oddly enough I’m reading Bruce’s autobiography right now, and it’s just a wee bit better than Rick’s. Springfield had an interesting enough career, but he’s pretty flippant about his clinical depression and serial adultery, and he thinks he’s funnier than he is. But he’s still acting and playing gigs, so god bless him for hanging in there all these years.
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rustbeltjessie · 8 years
I was tagged by @nineteencigarettes.
1) A song that makes you want to fall in love New Order - “Temptation.” It’s not a traditional love song, but for me it perfectly encapsulates those first flutters of falling for someone. Oh you’ve got green eyes / oh you’ve got blue eyes / oh you’ve got gray eyes / and I’ve never seen anyone quite like you before / no I’ve never met anyone quite like you before. That’s what that falling feeling is, for me, feeling like I’ve never met anyone quite like them before. And the sound of the song, new wave and dreamy, sweet and sad. Once, a very many years ago (15), I was on the el train in Chicago, and sitting across the aisle from me I spotted this ridiculously cute punk boy. He had peroxided hair under a red bandana, I had red hair under a pink bandana; I was wearing my Ramones Mondo Bizarro shirt and he was wearing a Sex Pistols Let it Rock shirt; we were both wearing high-top Chucks. As I looked over at him and our eyes met, “Temptation” came on the tape I had in my Walkman, and it was so perfect and cinematic, and if I had been brave enough to talk to him it would have been that meet-cute moment from an ‘80s film. Sigh.
2) Your favourite pump up song I have a lot of them, but the one that immediately popped into my head when I saw this was Dillinger Four - “Doublewhiskeycokenoice.” So I’m reaching for the phone / I don’t want to be alone / I want to get some friends here tonight / I got a basement full of booze / and some blues to lose / I’ll ignore the whole world tonight / It will be alright. Alternately, “Cheat,” by The Clash. I get violent / when I’m fucked up / I get silent / when I’m drugged up / Want excitement, /  don’t get none, / I go wild.
3) Your favourite song to rock out to Anything by The Stooges, particularly “Search and Destroy,” “Loose,” or “TV Eye.” It’s difficult for me not to completely lose my shit when I hear one of those songs. Like, if I’m in my car I start driving too fast without even realizing it. If I’m out in public, I have to stop myself from doing strange writhing dances and yowling along. If I’m at home alone I let myself go wild. The Stooges have made me feel that way since I was 14, it’s almost like musically induced ataxia; I lose control of my bodily movements and start channeling Iggy Pop. It’s like that quote from Velvet Goldmine, about Curt Wild (a fictionalized version of Iggy) receiving electroshock as a child: “The doctors guaranteed the treatment would fry the fairy clean out of him. But all it did was make him bonkers every time he heard an electric guitar.”
4) A song that reminds you of summer Bruce Springsteen - “Born to Run.” As soon as I feel the first blush of summer, it’s time for that song/that whole album.
5) Your favourite cover of a song That’s so hard. There are so many covers I love. The best one I’ve heard recently is Calexico’s cover of “Guns of Brixton.”
6) A song you sing in the shower It really depends on my mood/what’s stuck in my head. Last time I showered, I sang “They Don’t Know Me” by Ballistic Biscuit, a super-obscure punk band from Door County, Wisconsin.
7) A song that reminds you of someone Uh, pretty much all my favorite songs remind me of someone, because I have a lot of someones to be reminded of. “Long Drive” by Molly and The Zombies reminds me of my best Ali, of how she was/we were back in the day. Last night / I remembered being 17 / I met a girl with a taste for the world / and whiskey and Rites of Spring / Spent every night / with cassettes that she liked / In a car that I borrowed a lot.
8) What you want your wedding song to be The song we sang at my wedding was “Rainbow Connection.” No, I’m not kidding. It was kind of awesome. The first dance at our reception was to Otis Redding’s “Cigarettes and Coffee,” and I was pretty adamant about that. However, if I had married someone else (a particular person, I mean, not just anyone else), I know that our wedding song would have been “Rainy Night in Soho” by The Pogues. If you’ll excuse me, now I have to go listen to that song and get very melancholy.
9) Your favourite 90′s/2000′s song This is way too broad a question. I mean, 1990-2010? That's two fucking decades worth of music. So I'll just pick a song that is both from the '90s and sums up my teen years: Superchunk - "Never Too Young To Smoke." Join our pit, / surf our crowd / Here's a pamphlet to show you how / Bad bands, / worse jokes / But you're never too young to smoke.
10) A song to heal a broken heart "Friend of the Friendless,” by The World/Inferno Friendship Society. I know you are lonely, / you'll not always be. / You are so many things you will not always be.
11) A song that makes you feel relaxed Jolie Holland - “Old Fashion Morphine.”
12) A song you know all the lyrics to There are hundreds of songs I know all the lyrics to. I even know all the words to some songs I never even liked that much and/or haven’t listened to in years, but just heard so often they got embedded in my brain. “Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind, for example.
13) Your favourite oldies rock song I’m a sucker for Elvis. “That’s Alright” is one of my all-time favorite songs.
14) A song by your favourite artist Which one? I have so many. I’ll go with Tom Waits - “Yesterday Is Here.”
15) A song that you like to fall asleep to I can’t really fall asleep to music. Non-music podcasts are what I’ve been falling asleep to, lately.
16) A song that makes you feel invincible Something by The Mountain Goats, probably. Either “This Year” or “Up The Wolves.”
17) Favourite song from a musical I am a musical theater nerd, so there are a lot of them. The first two that come to mind are “Maybe This Time” from Cabaret and “La Vie Boheme” from RENT.
18) A song that makes you cry Hahaha, pretty much any song can make me cry if I’m in the right (wrong?) mood, because I am a big crybaby. One that almost always gets me is “1952 Vincent Black Lightning” by Richard Thompson. Oh, and “Olga’s Birthday” by Rose Polenzani.
19) A song that is from a genre of music you don’t usually listen to
 I can’t think of a single genre of music I’ve heard that I don’t like at least some stuff from, so...
20) A song that reminds you of yourself So many songs remind me of myself. I’m one of those people who hears something I even remotely relate to and goes “this is about me,” or “this is the story of my goddamn life.” For this, I’ll choose “Dirty Business” by the Dresden Dolls. She’s the kind of girl / who gets her slings and arrows from the dumpster. / The kind who tells you she’s / bipolar just to make you trust her. / She’s the kind of girl / who leaves out condoms on the bedroom dresser, / Just to make you jealous / of the men she fucked before you met her. Yeah. I know.
I can never think of who to tag for these things. I’ll tag @antarcticabysea & @emchy, but don’t feel obligated. And if you’d like to do this and I didn’t tag you, consider yourself tagged--I just have a tendency to forget the usernames of all my mutuals when I’m doing things like this.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Getting To Know...
Lizzy & the Fanatics.
After playing in and around Montreal for the past three years, Lizzy & the Fanatic’s finally release Perfect World, a bilingual dreamy indie-pop EP.
The six songs on this EP explore escapism and the different ways we long for a better place either physically or mentally, in the past or in the future.
Lizzy’s intention with these lyrics, dreamy synth pads, and the Fanatic’s lush vocal harmonies is not to take us directly to her perfect world, but on a journey towards it. Perfect World dreams of a place where candor, pastel colors, pop-hooks, softness, and sincerity are prioritized.
We had a chat with Lizzy all about Perfect World, coping with life in quarantine, her influences and more. Read the Q&A below.
Hi Lizzy, how are you? How have you been coping with being in quarantine?
"Hi! I'm good. It's been okay for me. I am in a situation where I could use this time to work on music and creative projects. Creativity actually helps me stay positive and energised. Plus, I’ve become closer to my cat since I've spent so much time with her. I was concerned though for some friends and family that are in a tougher situation and for whom the virus causes more of a threat . It has been more difficult in that sense."
You're gearing up to release your debut EP Perfect World. What's the record about? What does it mean to you?
"Every song on Perfect World is about escapism and dreaming of a better place either physically, mentaly in the past or future. It wasn't a conscious decision to write about this. The idea of utopias and safe spaces is a topic I am interested in intellectually and I think it just sort expressed itself emotionally in my songwriting. Also I'm someone who daydreams a lot. I have ADHD and I have a hard time focusing on things. My mind wonders and goes to places and I've been writing songs about those places."
We love your dreamy, indie-pop sound. Who/what are your influences?
"I listen to a lot of 80s and 90s indie-pop and a lot of just straight up mainstream pop stuff. I think my music blends both of those worlds. It's always difficult to pin down direct influences but I would say some significant artists I listen to are The Primitives, Cocteau Twins, Kirsty MacColl, Bruce Springsteen, The Cars, Joan Armatrading,The Beach Boys, Prince and Carly Rae Jepsen just to name a few. Also I'm influenced by the idea of bedroom pop and DIY culture. Making pop music in one's bedroom with limited recording gear, instruments and technical knowledge inspires me. I love how nowadays this is done more and more."
Please tell us about your songwriting/creative process for Perfect World.
"I write, record and produce music in a small little corner of my apartment in Montreal. I am more or less of a trained musician, my process is very intuitive so that safe space allows me to feel comfortable to explore and create. The production on the EP draws influence from 80s and 90s synth driven indie-pop and dream-pop music and the topline melodies are more influenced by mainstream pop songs. Lyrically I like honest songwriting. I’m the least ironic person. I love country music and the saying ‘’three chords and the truth’’. That mentality describes my songwriting style quite well I think."
Finally, are you working on anything at the moment? what are your plans when we're all back to some sort of normality?
"I've been writing a lot and producing some songs during confinement. I've actually been writing a lot of songs in french as I have a very bilingual lifestyle. I have a few french songs to make a french EP or something, but for the summer I'm just going to focus on Perfect World. I have a few live stream shows lined up and I want to make lyric videos for some of the songs while it's nice out. Also, as we can gather now in small groups here in Montreal, I just want to spend some quality time enjoying the summer with friends and family."
Perfect World is out now.
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thebandcampdiaries · 5 years
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308 Ghost Train - Born In The Wild.
308 Ghost Train is a band with a passion for rock music. Their sound is vibrant and energetic, yet tastefully melodic, with a keen ear for timeless songwriting.
If you are a fan of artists like The Beatles, Bon Jovi, Matchbox Twenty, as well as Bruce Springsteen, you are definitely going to know what I am talking about! Recently, 308 Ghost Train released a brand new EP, “Born In The Wild.”
The first thing that you might notice is certainly the group’s remarkable capability to endow their work with personality and energy, and the flow of this release is absolutely groundbreaking
The songwriting on this record feels personal and relatable, and it is refreshingly far removed from the usual cliches of the genre. The sound of the instrumentals is also really great, with beats that are very sonically balanced, offering a unique portrait between next-level power and groundbreaking detail.
The release features 5 tracks, each blurring the lines between different influences. On “21 Guns and A Million Tears,” the band explores a sound that reminds me of the best 80s rock - Sort of a mix between Cheap Trick, Def Leppard, and Boston, with powerful hooks, creamy “brown sound” guitars and tasteful synth lines in the background. The vocals are driven and upfront, really driving the song seamlessly.
“Worn” is another poignant track on this EP. The song kicks in with a dreamy acoustic melody, and it is actually a quintessential ballad. I can almost close my eyes and see a crowd with their lighters on, creating a beautiful atmosphere as the band performs the tune. This track is a mellow, very musical moment on the EP, offering a nice range and complementing the heavier songs with something different. I am really enjoying the fact that the vocals allow the song to branch out into a full band track by the time the chorus kicks in. The second verse features a really delicate drum arrangement, allowing the dynamics of the song to truly unfold as the track moves along.
“Born In The Wild,” the title track of the EP, is a very sleazy and energetic rock number. This track makes me think of The Rolling Stones on steroid, with some really amazing guitar tones. There is a nice early hard rock influence here, with drums that keep a steady pace, and vocals that bring melody and depth to the mix in equal doses. I love the bluesy riffs adding colors to the guitar lines, and interacting with the vocals, almost as if it was some sort of musical conversation. I love the immediate simplicity of this track, making it one of my favorites from this release. Each line cuts through the mix, not only in terms of sound but also in terms of meaning and attitude.
“I’ll Unbreak Your Heart” is yet another stunning rock ballad, which makes me think of acts such as Bon Jovi. I really enjoy the simple, yet cinematic piano chords, and the way the vocals bring some grit to the mix. This is definitely one of the most heartfelt songs on the entire EP, and it really goes a long way in terms of emotional range. The verses are more melancholic, while the hooks are bright and colorful, almost in the vein of artists like Guns’N’Roses or even Bryan Adams, only to mention but a few.
“This Is My Home” is the last track on this EP, and it is particularly striking because it sort of bridges the gaps between the band’s calmer songs, and their edgier material. The verses are laid-back and a bit moody, but the choruses have some infectious guitar riffs, which really drives the rhythm. This is an instant classic, and I couldn’t think of a better closing track!
Ultimately, this EP is a joy to listen to, if you love melody, energy, and attitude. Any fan of timeless rock music should give this one a spin!
Find out more about “Born In The Wild” and do not miss out on this powerful EP:
We also had the opportunity to ask the band a few questions: keep reading to learn more!
I love how you manage to render your tracks so personal and organic. Does the melody come first, or do you focus on the beat the most?
Answer: The songs just happen. It’s a divine intervention in which I’m given an idea or  I wake up with a song in my head and quickly get to work on it. It's always idea, lyric, or melody driven we don’t focus on beats till the song is ready. Although I do hear the music and instrumentation in my head as I am putting a song together. (That’s The GHOST directing me).
Do you perform live? If so, do you feel more comfortable on a stage or within the walls of the recording studio?
Answer: Once I get on stage, I feel extremely comfortable. It's been said to me hundreds of times that as I’m Walking to and on stage, something unexplainable happens I go from a very calm and quiet state to an electrifying energy machine. I have a special connection with my audience and vice-versa I love to perform live, it completes me! I am also very attached to the studio, really I think I could live there and only surface to play shows.
If you could only pick one song to make a “first impression” on a new listener, which song would you pick and why?
Answer:  Worn would be that song which is set for Youtube premiere and iTunes pre-order June 4th, 2019. This song is really about where I am personally right now in my life and I believe I share this with millions of people worldwide. Its definitely the descriptive definition of me and I believe many others at this moment in time. Especially with the disenfranchisement, uncertainty, and division going on in the world
What does it take to be “innovative” in music?
Answer: Having something to say versus just saying something is crucial! Passion for your craft will only carry you to persevere. It takes a 7th sense with a direct connection to the divine hotline (I refer to The GHOST as my musical director and I “Train” am the vehicle to carry the message.
It also takes a very simple characteristic there are millions of talented singers and songwriters the difference between those that rise above and those that hang in the balance is this.  Those that hang in the balance generally get in their own way and that impedes their innovation and growth.
Any upcoming release or tour your way?
Answer: We will be releasing singles every 3 weeks to a month. 21 GUNS AND A MILLION TEARS was released Friday May 24th, 2019 on iTunes Spotify etc. We are gearing up for a US and European tour TBA in the Fall 2019.
Anywhere online where curious fans can listen to your music and find out more about you?
Answer:  www.308ghosttrain.com  on the front page you’ll find links to iTunes and Spotify also there is a SOUNDCLOUD 5 song promo with snippets of each song on the EP. You can sign up to receive info like tour dates and get pre-order info before anyone else.  We look forward to sharing our music and messages as we take people back in time to the future of this genre. Its also been said that many see 308 GHOST TRAIN’s music as the “Second Coming of Rock”
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