#7yo me was so very annoyed
torrentide-a · 2 years
sits here in my feelings and thinks Very Loudly abt ajax childe tartaglia singing songs to his younger siblings
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i've been working in a school for almost a year now and it makes me so angry to notice how girls and boys are socialized since the very beginning of their life, how boys are taught to be violent and strong and assertive and loud and how girls are taught to be calm and sweet and silent and to do what boys want to do, how boys are terribly mean and violent to other boys but especially to girls, how girls are always told to "stop running, just sit there and be nice while i am talking" when boys scream and run and play without anyone telling them to stop, how boys are always the ones to decide the game they're gonna play in their sport class today, how girls are punished and yelled at as soon as they are a bit loud or they cry or they get up from their chairs or do this sort of things that it's normal for kids to do when boys do these things and even more all the time without getting yelled at or punished or even looked at, how girls are punished for things boys are allowed to do, how girls are told to be silent when boys can be as loud as they want, how girls' boundaries are never respected because they're told to "be nice" and "let him do, it's okay" when they complain about boys doing things that annoy them, how boys are literally told to cross these boundaries because "she's being mean, ignore her and do what you want, she can't stop you", how most of the school's space is taken by boys, leaving a small corner for girls to play, how all boys have to do for teachers to congratulate them and give them compliments is to answer a question out of ten correctly when girls can be so smart and answer everything right all the time without never seeing a smile or hearing a "good job" from their teacher, how these same girls get yelled at when they make a single mistake in their homework when teachers are way more patient with boys and try not to upset them, how boys can annoy and even hit girls without being told anything very often when girls get punished for fighting back or telling them to leave them alone, how girls are told that they have to be nice and calm and mature to be an example for boys, how boys spend their time hitting and making fun of each other and of girls even more and everyone seems to think it's normal, how teachers try their best not to upset boys but don't care about basic girls' feelings, how girls are always the ones to help us cleaning and storing equipment and toys when boys are having fun, how girls are prevented from doing a lot of things because they have to stay clean and "pretty" and "ladylike", how girls are taught to take care of boys, how girls are taught to prioritize boys' feelings, how girls are told they're being dramatic when they cry.... i could give so many examples. i work with kids between 3 and 12yo and i can't believe how obvious their socialization already is. 3yo boys trying to force 3yo girls to kiss them. 5yo girl getting punished for crying. 7yo boys hitting a 7yo girl. 11yo boys watching porn. violence, sexism, bullying, mocking. you can't escape the socialization. it touches all of us. depending on our biological sex. male and female socialization. i hate it.
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I am really struggling with the relentlessness of my kids right now. I have one barnacle baby and one late night owl, which means I have Joe clinging to me at all times and Alice staying awake until like 10pm (or later!) every night. So like, they get up around 7 or 715 to go to school. Our morning routine is great, very smooth, no problems. The problem is then I go to work. I come home, Adam is there, wants to talk to me bc he likes and loves me, and then he goes to get the kids. I then get about 20 minutes alone, but I have to spend that time making dinnner. They come home and they're starving, I'm frantically trying to get dinner done, we eat and it's a fight (a literal fight between a 3yo and a 7yo, not a battle to get them to eat. They just antagonize each other.) Then we're done with dinner, I'm usually sad bc I'm a slow eater and everyone has abandoned me, adn the real terror begins.
I'm not an evening person and I've been on all day and the kids are SO SO SO NEEDY. They will walk past adam 10000 times to ask me the fucking stupidest questions. They will walk past him to come FIND ME IN THE FUCKING SHOWER to ask if they can have a yogurt. Bedtime is a fight. the only part they will let Adam help with is stories, so he gets to do the fun part while I battle them to put on pajamas and wash faces and brush teeth and get in bed and stay in fucking bed. Then I get to watch my own stupid shows, but they come out all the fucking time. Alice ASKS TO GO TO THE BATHROOM. SHE IS SEVEN!!! I get maybe 15 minutes at a time to be quiet and alone. Again, they will not talk to adam when they come out. It was just alice coming out at first, but we put joe in a fucking big boy bed so now he's coming out too.
And I just need some time alone!! I went into my room to read my book for 10 min the other day after dinner bc I was so frazzled and I locked the door and they stood outside it MEOWING LIKE CATS.
To get ANY alone time I have to wake up at 530!! That's awful! I'm a morning person but my alone time is so precarious! And it's when I'm already fresh, not when I need a recovery!!
Sorry this is a very depths of winter post I'm just very annoyed with all of this right now. There is no fix, there is only through. And YES I can go other places, and I do, that's fine, but sometimes I just want to be fucking lazy in my own house!! I just want to be alone in my house without anyone saying mom!! JUST DONT SAY MOM JUST DONT SAY IT!!!
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read (11-17Jul)
To Remember by Grey_Kenaz Regulus tries to tell the Aurors about the Horcrux but gets shipped straight to Azkaban where he proceeds to lose his sanity. After several months Sirius manages to get him free and take him home. Can Regulus recover enough to remember life beyond his nightmares and help end the war?
Regulus Rising by DogStar234 Regulus dies, and Regulus wakes up in a dead muggle's body (with his memories and magic intact). What's a 60s kid to do in the 90s? Hunt Horcruxes, Attend Hogwarts and get himself a boyfriend of course!
Black Lion by Johnnyfer Post-cave Regulus finds and adopts Harry (not that he'd ever admit to ever liking the 7yo son of his school annoyance). Prideful Regulus my beloveds
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted I am in love with this one, one of few Gryffindor Regulus fics that hit me just right
Rise like a phoenix by pearlAngel Regulus reincarnates as Harry
Haunting Horcruxes by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus reincarnated as Draco finds the Diary at the Manor
Diptych by pansysnarkinson 15yo Regulus is gifted the Diary by Malfoy, very LotR vibes
when you were mine by battlehamster Jegulus getting back together, modern no magic
Shift Change by elder_millennial_trash for fuckboyregulus HOckey au James is annoying and Regulus is annoyed but secretly they really like each other
Black flies by AllLivesMatter This. Is. So. Good. Before and after the cave and the Black brothers through the years
A World of Remarkability by green_tea43 I'm really really curious where this goes, Peter Pettigrew is a foster kid who figured out he's magical, and bumped into little REgulus BLack on a playground one time
Of Second Chances and Unfamiliar Paths by Mozaik Regulus gets yeeted to is first year very good but discontinued for now
Auror Academy - the class of 1979 by Regulus_Potter I'm still not over little Regulus trailing after Alastor Moody and taking the "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" nad "Trust no-one!" advices to hearrt ♥♥
It was rare, I was there, I remember it by im_still_tryin_to_find_it 25yo Regulus had a potion accident and thinks he's 16. kinda inconvenient when he's married to James Potter and they have a kid together
find a heart and break it by Keysie ayo Sirius' POV on one of the worst fights in the "Regulus and Remus are little shits and horcrux hunting" story
The Missing Link by Keysie the marauders are trying to somehow deal in the aftermath of Peter's betrayal
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona ace emma vanity with an eyepatch my beloved it has nothing to do with the plot (which is aces!) but it's the only thing I can think of the last couple chapters
Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs be gay do crime!
A Little Bit of Everything by Frenchroast99 Regulus adopts Harry, the Black family becomes a Family again
The Marauders and the Prisoner of Azkaban by SilverShadow1 the marauders and regulus and lily are reading the poa i expect angst
For Shits and Giggles by silverfield after sirius run away regulus suddenly developed every digestive disorder ever. His body can't kill him if he kills himself first is not his thought process but it's not far off. His friends and brother have a different idea
Gentle hands by Bunny17 D/s universe gentle dom Remus doms Sirius and James and also Regulus once
Perfect Places by wtfmylove REgulus and James are forced to work together. It's fuck or fight everyone
Missing by mean_whale big sad, Remus/regulus
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pangzi · 4 years
hey i am watching your highness class monitor (im around ep 15) for the exact same reason you are and it is fucking hilarious
like the exceptional three are the embodiment of all the bros meme, they literally do everything together, they go to the bathroom together AT THE SAME TIME and the scene where they put the desks in a triangle to look at each other during study hours??? nian nian calls zhao ming yuan and they all answer bc they are 3 in 1?? and they look so proud of themselves!! they plan those unnecessarily complicated little schemes together to get out of mildly annoying school related situations?? adorable!! and the fact that the boss is a 6ft 30yo grown ass man acting like a 7yo child in elementary school, that's surrealist comedy right there
i also am a sucker for the softie inside tough guy that has a bad family life but strive for the better, and i particularly enjoyed the bi panic where he realizes he was in love with one of the bros but not really cause in reality he's a girl, that's mulan and shang all over again
also i think wang yizhou is the ceo of the death stare, i literally have a collection of those stares both from untamed and class monitor, it's fucking great
stop i love the three dumbdumbs of QYU so much!! they’re so funny and lovely ahh... peak three men one shared braincell!! the best part of that entire damn drama! i’m a sucker for good friendships like that ahh!! wang yizhou as a uni student is very unbelievable but that’s what makes it so great... bi king zhao mingyuan rights!! his bi panic is probably my favourite part, it’s difficuly my dude i know i love and support u!! 
wyz is king of death stare but also king of pouting... get u a man who can do both!! 
i’m so happy you’re enjoying this drama and you came to talk to me about it ahh ♥ 
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caloriesannoyme · 4 years
Tonight, I talked with my little brother. He is seven years old and tonight was the first time that our dad wouldn't be home at night. (He is a nurse and worked extra hours at night.)
Baby bro was so stressed he couldn't sleep. At about 9:30pm, he opened his door shyly and asked for my name. I asked him if he wanted to come cuddle on the couch for a little while. He accepted and came for a hug before he sat next to me.
This little guy is usually a monster. He screams a lot and has so much energy that he is sometimes unbearable. I truly feel so annoyed most times he behaves like that.
But tonight, I understood something about this 7yo baby. He is a stressed out little ball. We talked a lot. It was a very calm moment like I had never had with him. I tried to make him laugh, give him some meditation tips to try to tone down his stress.
We talked for almost an hour, we talked about storms, pets, hormones, colours, sleeping, stress, the dishwasher, my teeth and the list goes on. I had him listening to piano, I had him telling me his worries.
I told him he had to believe that he could fall asleep to fall asleep. I told him he shouldn't start doing anything thinking negatively. And I hope he understood my words.
At one moment, he said, I think I'll to go sleep and I told him to go. I wished him a good night. And I kept thinking about his little face and cute high pitched voice. He is such a nice and intelligent kid.
I understood a thing when I thought back of what he said about being scared that our dad would be mad at him if he knew he stayed up so late. Children need love.
And now the only thing I regret is not telling him how much I loved him before he disappeared in his room. I love him so much.
I promise to take better care of my little baby from now on. He is an angel and deserves listening, comprehension and, above all that, the most copious amount of love.
I want him to grow up feeling like he can put his trust in people. Feeling like he has to live his emotions and has all rights to talk them out loud. Feeling like his day was beautiful. Feeling no stress when going to bed.
He needs comfort and love. And I will give it to him. No matter how annoyig he might get when he screams.
I will give him the person I wish I had when I was his age.
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snaamagica · 4 years
15, 9, 3
@malignmuffin sent an ask from the pmmm / magireco part 2 ask meme
15:  how would you have reacted to finding out about the truth of soul gems and witches?
this question gets kind of a two-part answer, because i’m always of two minds about questions like this. do i answer from the perspective of the teenaged me, the one who would have been approached by kyuubey? or do i answer from the perspective of the current me?
... i don’t think the teenaged me would have handled it very well. specifically, in regards to witches — i don’t know if the soul gem thing would have rocked me as much, which is very interesting and probably says a lot about how connected i’ve always felt to my body. dissociation, babey!
but, witches: i was very idealistic then, and really wanted to define myself by certain things, such as how well i checked off all the boxes on the tropes i thought i should be the most like. if you’d say that doesn’t sound very healthy... well. you’d have a point! while i don’t think i was really a “for justice!” type like sayaka, her mindset there, about how there’s a right way to live and holding herself to those standards to the point of hurting herself, really resonates with who i was at that time. i was also a bit like mami, in that part of my self-definition was based on how useful i was to others and how much i could take care of them, but underneath it all, i was a hot mess. i don’t think i would have self-destruct the way mami did, though. it would probably be more like sayaka, sliding down, down, down into self-doubt and recrimination, until i finally became a witch
the current me, though...? the soul gem answer stays the same. i don’t know whether that’s healthy or not, ahaha, but i’ve struggled with dissociation for so long at this point that the idea of my soul not actually being “in” my body wouldn’t throw me too bad. witches...?
... honestly — i think i’d be able to process it. i have the life experience under my belt to look at things very differently. i think i’d be the most upset at the idea that if i hit a low point, and it’s too low, then i won’t come back from it. that’s one of the most unfair things about the magical girl system to me, and i’ll go into it more when i eventually write about the “growing up” theme in the series. but i think i’d end up even more paranoid about when my mental health starts to slide than i already am, ahahaha
9:  what do you think of the uwasa?
i think they are fascinating. i love that they managed to pull off introducing a new enemy, a whole new shtick, while keeping it feeling like it genuinely belongs in the setting. sakurako’s event really spoke to my interests specifically, because i’m a HUGE SUCKER for anything sentient with “programming.” robots, clones, AI, whatever — and the uwasa count. i feel like there’s a lot more there that’d be fun to explore! but there’s probably not much room for it in the main story, so it’d have to be in more “side story” style content... or fic
3:  who do you think deserved more screen time or better writing?
this question is hard, because there are just too many. (so i’ll probably answer this every time i get it, just with a different girl, lol)
for now, though... i’m gonna stand on my hill and scream CHITOSE YUMA! in magireco, specifically. the entire cast of oriko magica deserves more attention, but yuma, especially, got de-fanged, it feels like. which... is a very strange thing to say about an 11yo who looks like a 7yo
but in the manga, yuma is a legitimate foil for both oriko and kyoko. she wants to be a good girl, because being a good girl means she’ll be loved and taken care of, she has a protective instinct despite being so young and so small, but she’s also a precocious little shit who will throw down with anyone who looks down on her. or annoys her
and she already comes to grips with suicidal ideation vs fear of death. despite being behind in her physical development (and maybe her verbal, too, i don’t really know enough japanese to be able to say, but there’s a distinct difference between how yuma talks versus how riko talks), she’s ahead of her age in mental development. it’s probably the trauma! so it’s probably not a good thing! 
but yuma, like felicia, really hits me hard in the “young traumatized person” feels, and she’s written very realistically in the manga. but in magireco, she’s... very one-note. much like how kirika and oriko are written in the game, imo. they stripped out the best parts of this feisty little kid, and it KILLS me
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falconfate · 4 years
Hello my dear fam, you dont have to do this but ayyy its fun lmaoo 👇 Hello! When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
asdfghjkl this took awhile there’s like 2 things that i really like about myself the rest is kind of nebulous but HERE WE GO:
1. My hair, I love my hair, I maintain it and I work hard to keep it healthy. I have NEVER had bad helmet hair after a ride, so much so that I sometimes hate getting showers after I ride bc even tho I’m smelly my hair looks good lmao. If I could get pro photographers to get candids of my post-ride hair…
2. My writing. Even when, in the moment, I’m losing momentum and getting annoyed at myself, I love coming back to things a few days (or a few years) after I’ve written them. Like, I found this piece from back when I was ELEVEN which I distinctly remember losing all confidence in, and then I reread it and I was like “holy shit what was I THINKING” and I know there’s an entire document, one of my very first big (5000+ words) writing projects, that I DELETED and I’ve never forgiven myself. Anyway, yeah, I love my writing once I’ve taken a step back from it.
3. My curiosity, especially about food. When I was little I made it a goal to always try new foods, which led to my first love: anything that comes from the sea, I’ll eat it. There’s a picture in the family scrapbook of 7yo me with a squid tentacle looking very excited. When I travel internationally one day, one of the main things I want to do is try ALL THE FOOD. no matter its reputation or white society’s interpretation of it.
4. My connection with horses. I’ve befriended so many grumpy chestnut geldings that everyone else is afraid of it’s kind of hilarious! Ask me about them, please, I love to talk about them they’re so good even though everyone’s afraid of them. Gentle giants. Babeys. I have alllll the cute pictures.
5. I’m running out of things, but like. There’s something that’s like adaptability combined with logic? The ability to figure things out? When I make an effort to socialize in a new environment or try a new game or puzzle or something, I’m pretty good at learning new cues and picking up knowledge, and I love puzzle-solving. Although it is strange because in new social situations, if I HAVEN’T figured out the unspoken rules yet, I refuse to do anything until I’ve figured out at least one—idk. I’m stubborn I guess. Maybe it’s finding platforms to figure things out? I guess what I’m trying to say is I like that I like puzzles.
But hey thanks for the ask!
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anonymous-ivplay · 5 years
Favorite Cyberchase episodes from when I was a kid (WARNING this list is long):
“Lost My Marbles” — I always have loved me some good ol’ worldbuilding, even back when I was 6
“The Poddleville Case” — quickly stood out to my kindergarten brain as “different,” which I later learned was because it was a pilot episode and the animation style wasn’t finalized yet. The characters were still figuring out their personalities/interactions as well as what kind of world Cyberspace was, and the resulting zaniness intrigued and endeared me. Plus the For Real in this episode was the only one without Harry or Bianca; I wish that guy had shown up in more episodes tbh
“Secrets of Symmetria” — Jackie speculates what could happen if Hacker ever made it into the Real World and this is neVER BROUGHT UP EVER AGAIN
(more under the cut!)
“Of All the Luck” — idk the way all the lucky charms are set free at the end would never fail to blow my little mind with how creative it seemed
“Cool It” — always have been a Motherboard stan, so any Motherboard-centered episode automatically stole my heart
“Codename: Icky” — who didn’t love secret codes as a kid?
“Less than Zero” — ASJGHFDLKDASGHLFVAUYDWKLMAF as you can see my love for this one transcends mere words
“Fortress of Attitude” — *pounds fists* SECRET AGENTS SECRET AGENTS SECRET AGENTS SECR
“Out of Sync” — Greek muse Calliope + Lesbian Rockstar Inez = ‘nuff said
“Hugs & Witches” — past!Me must’ve known I’d study computer programming one day? Regardless, I adored Lady Lovelace so much so that I referenced her poem in an Odd Squad fanfic but even moreso I adored the embarrassingly touching moment the main 3 shared at the end
“Totally Rad” — Inez saving the day because of her small size but mighty defiance was too relatable as a little kid. Plus the imagined cheerleader!Inez never failed to crack me up
“Harriet Hippo and the Mean Green” — literally just because of that one shot of Buzz and Delete’s feet walking right past Jackie and Inez
“Mother’s Day” — happened to be the first episode I ever remember watching, so of course it has a special place on this list. Not to mention it’s the only one where Widget doesn’t feel like a deus ex machina, though of course I didn’t know the word for that at the time
“The Eye of Rom” — MOAR SECRET AGENTS except with Bianca in the For Real 
“A Whale of a Tale” — *squeals at the love shown by Inez in her terror that Matt nearly got himself killed*
“The Guilty Party” — good ol’ whodunnit with Inez as its star, what’s not to love? (also have y’all figured out by now that I had a huge gay crush on Inez as a kid?)
“EcoHaven CSE” — eyyyy another whodunnit! Also this was the episode where I first figured out from her Spanish lullaby that Inez is Hispanic and that made me love her even more
“A Piece of the Action” — fun fact, I once had a fantasy of turning Cyberchase into a Broadway musical with 7yo nerdy me playing Inez of course and this was the episode I’d’ve wanted to do that with, no idea why
“The Creech Who Would Be Crowned” — YEEEEE AN EPISODE CENTERED COMPLETELY AROUND INEZ also she and Creech are lesbian girlfriends change my mind
“A Perfect Fit” — a race against the clock in a rundown temple, plus a math concept I’d never heard of before this episode and would never hear of again until like high school? Win
“Penguin Tears” — the phrase “angle in = angle out” became my unofficial life motto until I was like 13
“The Case of the Missing Memory” — ooh goody another whodunnit bUT THIS TIME WITH MOTHERBOARD YAAAAASSS
“A Broom of One’s Own” — had me annoying my parents into the grave with how often I’d parrot the word “chic”
“Jimaya Jam” and “Spheres of Fears” — I was never much into the new Flash animation part of the series but 9yo me made an exception for these two episodes
And after that my local PBS network stopped airing Cyberchase so I lost interest and stopped watching. Until very recently of course!
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 15 aka “Ace Attorney”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
Modmad I would like to open this chapter by saying thank you for my life on clicks design. It was already fun and good and now we get THIS bullshit. Just this creepypasta slenderman nonsense. A man with extend-o-arms which are also GUNS. You’d think you can handle Click by literally disarming him but NOPE, HIS FAKE-FACE IS ALSO A GUN
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Im so so glad they actually sound like horses running around the place
...so RGB refers to their escape as having turned into a steeplechase, which, yeah. that’s a form of obstacle course right? so i look it up and. its a fucking “they sound like horses” joke
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Oh no oh noooooooooo, CLICK LOOK WHAT YOU DID. The explosion knocked a character into the wall
So the Sea is, specifically, very concentrated Stuff. Interesting
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Click, done horsing around: GET FUCKED
… RGB rekted counter = 11
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I cannot believe that even shooting the telly man will not stop the puns
RGB: unfortunately, talking is how I Cope :)
for anyone else, using [-----] ammunition would probably be expensive as hell but Click working for Hate on this job just means “my supplier will give me as many bullets as it takes for you to SHUT UP”
Hero’s continued incoherence in trying to communicate to people what the hell Negative is continues to be honestly… very true of seven year olds
Click didn’t even shoot him in the lapel like he asked, what a rude man
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I just like this particular example of RGB playing with panel boundaries
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There’s a lot we could talk about here, like how RGB’s crotch is at Clicks eye-level right now. How RGB’s height means he’s actually already at eye-level with Click’s eyes. How probably the reason Click’s holding him so high when his “face” isn’t actually is his face is so that RGB can’t reach the ground, but… Click could probably get away with holding him lower and RGB still wouldn’t quite be able to touch the floor. What a shorty.
OH. I just realized why Click’s shoulder tassels are gone in the above image! Those are his hands. They rest on his shoulders as tassels when his arms need to be guns and attach to his guns when they need to be arms! Ha! I’ve spent the last two chapters being like “why are his fingers so noodly”
I love how... almost gentle Click is with Hero?? he throws RGB on the ground like a lump of garbage but deposits Hero so that she lands on her feet
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And... chapter title drop. Target audience, baby. Look alive RGB you’re on trial.
yeah wow i just love the composition of that panel. Click’s got RGB good n’ cornered
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Alright, interesting- the rose vines Negative left behind are still there, and more importantly, they’re stronk as hell?? The Idea hurts itself trying to chew one. This is a creature who’s entire business is chowing down on Stuff. The heck are these things made of, if not normal stuff?
Well, at least this means Dial still has time to “catch him later” like he promised
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Yooo that’s the door RGB and Hero came through. The chair’s right back at the beginning
Huh… Madras’ chair’s just become indelible.
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This is actually the first time we’ve seen RGB so nervous his boxes so all wonky like this. a box actually cracks when Hero questions him
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Y’know... considering how ABSOLUTELY SHADY of a character RGB is, we’ve only seen ONE Lie in this comic, and it didn’t even come from him! RGB’s a master at avoiding giving answers, and giving ones that are technically true but don’t, perhaps, answer the spirit of the inquiry
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YIKES DUDE that’s the sea wall. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place
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HONESTLY, this just highlights Clicks #1 mistake in this entire fiasco. Gather ‘round folks, you wanna deal with RGB? Take him on? Literally just don’t let him talk. RGB’s go-to is to talk his way out of things, it’s how he de-stresses, how he takes whatever control of things he can. His #1 strength is his silver tongue, take that away and the job gets so much easier. It at least gets less aggravating
Click, detaching his arm: oh this is gonna be so fucking good.
Click, watching Hero both REFUSE to shoot his nemesis and yeet his arm into the void: HEY-
buddy if you had wanted your arm back maybe you shouldn’t have given it to the 7yo and told her to shoot her dad 
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Unfortunate that RGB is on mute here. You KNOW this is what’s going through his head: NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH
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Magnus probably went to sleep last night thinking ‘wow, my ex has been in the market for at least half a day and has managed to not make a big mess out of literally everything to the point I have to rescue him from his own nonsense. That’s wonderful! But almost worryingly out of character’
And then he’s minding his own business the next morning when he suddenly hears his ex hollering at Top Volume, shortly followed by singing, gunshots, and explosions. He knows he should be annoyed probably but mostly he’s just feelin’ kinda warm and nostalgic as he floats off towards the epicenter of disaster
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Tfw the mob that gathered to watch you lynch your target lynches you instead
Just slingshots you directly into the void
next time on tpoh RGB is officially BANNED
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pinkbyte · 6 years
REEEAAAAAAALLYYYYYYY  looooooooooooooonggggg veeeeeeeeennnnnnttttttttt (it’s a damn essay)
idk i’m just kind of annoyed and i’m probably getting more emotional than what the situation warrants.
my nephews are visiting, and i love them dearly. the oldest one is 7yo, and his name is nick. his younger brother, jackson, is 5. kids often create nicknames, either out of being unable to pronounce a name or just out of affection or whatever. i wouldn’t think twice at jackson calling nick “nicky”. hell, it would be cute. but jackson calls nick “nicka”. pop quiz! guess what word that sounds like?!!
now it is worth noting that my beloved nephews are white. their parents, also white. i’m mixed black and white. and you best believe i get whiplash every time i hear this tiny white boy call for his brother. 
it is important i mention i am in no way accusing my five-year-old nephew of being racist. he’s five. he has no idea the n-word is a thing. 
my issue is that his parents haven’t corrected him.
on one hand, i see the opposing point. it’s not actually the n-word, right? it just sounds unfortunately a lot like it. it’s like the word niggardly, which does not share any etymological origins with the n-word, but goddamn it sounds like it. his parents (assuming they hear the similarity. they do hear that, right?) probably are overwhelmed with the concept of explaining why that word isn’t okay to a fucking five-year-old, so they opt to just not address it.
but now for a brief story about me. when i was a kid, i used to exclaim “what the --?!” quite often. in my kiddy brain, it was short for “what the heck” and i omitted “heck” because “heck” was a bad word. when my mom first heard that, she scolded me not to say it. she never explained why. but i stopped saying it, because i was a good kid who generally heeded her parents commands. only when i was older did i realize that it sounded like i was insinuating “what the fuck?”. i had never even heard of “the f-word” at that point.
so bearing that in mind, i don’t see why there would be an issue in telling him not to say that. he’s a child. you’re the parent. you don’t have to explain yourself, especially if the explanation isn’t five-year-old appropriate. 
SO WHY HAVEN’T THEY TOLD HIM NOT TO SAY THAT??? there’s even an easy replacement word to offer instead! nicky! as a parent, how is my brother not embarrassed at the fact that his adorable 5yo son runs around shouting a word that is a dead-ringer for the n-word???
i’ve only spent one day with him and i have gotten really annoyed at how many times i’ve felt my heart stop from hearing “nicka”. but my mom (who is black) hasn’t said anything to me about it at all. and that makes me feel like i’m being over-sensitive.
maybe she just hasn’t felt comfortable bringing it up?? maybe she actually doesn’t see a problem with it?? i can’t read her mind here. but now i feel hurt because i’m not in a position where i can bring this up to my family. my white family is often very condescending to people being “special snowflakes”, thinks minorities generally make up their race-based struggles as “excuses”, and thinks that people today are too sensitive and get “triggered” too easily. i know they’ll just clock me for trying to make a “problem out of nothing” just because i want to “demonize white people” or whatever. 
idk where i was going with this.
tl;dr: my nephew is calling his brother a nickname that sounds just like a racial slur and i’m in shock and awe that his parents haven’t told him not to do that and as a black woman i feel like that experience is a metaphor for the many frustrating social and political opinions of my white, republican family, and it has caused me to enter an introspective spiral of the “otherness” i have felt being a mixed black and white girl, which is making me feel lonely, invalid, and sad. 
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century-child · 7 years
I was tagged by @captnandycalavera​ What an honor!! (THANK YOU)
The rules are:
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write eleven questions of your own
Tag eleven people
Are you happy?
Literally yesterday I was thinking about what it means to answer this question with yes. Because there are periods in life when you’re on a high, whether you have something new, something to look forward to, you’re falling in love, etc. But I don’t think that high is sustainable, so happy in general has to be, at least for me, at peace. Accepting and enjoying one’s life, working for more but acknowledging what one has. I do like my life and I would answe that I am happy. There are always things missing, but dwelling on them will only make you ... not happy. 
Where are you from?
Bucharest, Romania
Any life goal?
It would be too cheesy now to say to be happy, but I will say to be content. That’s the word. To have enough security to not worry about tomorrow, to be able to treat oneself, to travel, to see shows. I used to, very egocentrically, think that a person’s worth and greatness is measured in achievements and people’s impression, in how strong their position is. Now I think that is so wrong. A person’s worth is mostly in the impact they have upon everything and everyone, and I want mine to be good. I wanna know I made a huge impact for the better in my friends’ lives, that I have done things worthy of admiration, that I haven’t purposefully hurt others for my gain, that I didn’t destroy the world.
Name one good thing that happened in 2017
I visited a lot of places. 15 countries. new record
Name one bad thing that happened in 2017
Every political thing. But on a personal level, maybe I haven’t grown as much as I could have.
Name one thing you want to achieve in 2018
Figure out my life. I finish my Master’s in June so I want to either apply to a PhD and move the figuring out 3 years in the future, which is unlikely, or try out jobs and see what I want to do.
What makes you different from other people?
I am all I know, so it’s hard to say. It could be strong will, fast thinking, creative spirit, being a great friend, and a collection of sarcasm and bad jokes. But that will still describe a lot of people
Any meaningful song for you in this moment?
Not really. Anything from Hamilton because I am going to see Hamilton thjis year!!
What your 7years old self would say about you now?
Probably like Meredith’s Mom in her lucid state saying that I am ordinary. I would have expected to run the world by now.
What would you say to your 7yo self?
Work better with others and make friends.
Wanna chat someday with me?
Of course!!!
Now, for my 11 questions...
If you could be friends with yourself, what would annoy you the most and what would you love the most?
What are some of your notable accomplishments? Whether it’s learning to walk/talk, having done something, seen somone or whatever, be creative and definitely not shy.
What are some things you could never do? Could be job, could be action, could be a trait.
How do you think you’d be as a parent? How about an aunt/uncle (in the broad sense, not just blood, but involved person in a kid’s life)
What worries you the most?
Name 5 things you are looking forward to in 2018.
What are the best gifts you have received? How about the most thoughtful ones that you have given?
Describe a person you are surprised to know and be friendly with.
What is a funny story from your high school?
What can you cook?
How would you describe me?
Tag: @bees-against-humanity @frog-son @hollowroots @aly126 @akasztofaviragpor @metalsweetheart @livgreta @carnival-of-rust  @coloursthatliebeneath @falling-inside-me @hauntedwhispers
 (sorry if I forget anyone. My memory is basically 0. and my tumblr use is basically just rnadom scrolling)
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arathergrimreaper · 7 years
I never really mean to yell at my mom. I usually have to talk louder because I "mumble", apparently, and she's HOH. Usually, by the time I realize it's too loud or aggressive, I'm getting annoyed because she's hovering and clingy when she has no fucking right to be.
Even when I'm calm and collected, she says I'm "grouchy" or "b*tchy" or "rude" or "not very nice". Like??? Maybe I'm fucking tired of being "nice" to people who only want me to be "nice" so they feel like they are in control of my every fucking action. It's never enough that I have to live with her or rely on her for basic shit like electricity, she wants me to be the little 7yo her and Dad constantly see me as.
I act as a child does because I was never taught how to be an adult. I've had to try and figure that shit out on my own.
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tessetc · 7 years
An asky thing
Tagged by @craniumdemon thanks!!
Are you named after anyone?
My extremely unusual first name is actually from my grandmother. We also shared a birthday. 
When was the last time you 😢?

I watched season one of Stranger Things last week and I got pretty upset about Will being missing and his mom looking for him. I can’t with kids being afraid or in danger. 
Do you like your handwriting?
It’s ok. It could be better. I try to practice it a lot.
What’s your favorite lunchmeat?

Ok, this is gross, but my favourite sandwich ever is bologna and a Kraft Single on white wonderbread. No mustard or any condoments. I gobble that shit up. So weird. (I usually do this in secret)
Do you have kids?
I have a 7yo and a 12yo
if you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
Well, on the one hand, I would have a lot of interests in common with me. But on the other hand, I am really fucking annoying IRL. I never shut up. 
Do you use sarcasm?
*eyeroll* as if
Do you still have your tonsils
I’m sure I left them somwhere.
Would you bungee jump?
No but it’s more because I hate the idea of spending $100 on like thirty seconds of fun.
What’s your favorite cereal?

I like plain cereal like Cheerios, Rice Krispies, etc. But I could eat a whole box of those off brand Golden Grahams that come in a bag. Too sugary for breakfast but yummy for dessert. Right out of the bag too. No milk. 
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Do you think you are a strong person?

No, I am not at all strong. 
What’s your favorite 🍨?

I can’t read this emoji. I think it might be ice cream? In which case, cookies and cream. 
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?

What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself?
I am rocking the mom-bod. But my least favourite is my knees which hurt a lot so I have a hard time doing anything about the mom-bod
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?

I am not wearing pants. I am wearing a purple sweater dress, tights, and my furry boots. 
What are you listening to right now?
The furnace. 
if you were a 🖍️, what color would you be?

I can’t read this emoji either. So let’s go with... blue. LOL. 
Favorite smell?

My 7yo’s head. 
Who was the last person you talked on the 📱 with?

Husband. He wanted me to email my friend and tell her he got wings and she needs to bring beer. 
Favorite sport to watch?
Ugh. None. Hockey I guess. 
Hair color?

People think it’s black but it is just really really dark brown. I think the term is sable. That sounds fancy, right? I have like... six grey ones for fun. 
Eye color?
Also very dark brown almost black. 
Do you wear contacts?

No. I wear my glasses all the time. Eyes too bad. Contacts too thick to be comfortable. 
Favorite food?

French Onion Soup
Scary movie or comedy?
It depends on the mood. Both genres are about 90% shit, but there are some real good gems out there. 
Last movie you 👀?
I feel like I saw something more recently at home but I can’t think what. Anyway, I went to Happy Death Day at the theatre a couple weeks ago. It sucks. Don’t go. 
What color 👕 are you wearing?
I’m not wearing a shirt either. LOL no pants, no shirt. I’m so smexy. 
Summer or winter?

Summer. I live in the northy bit of Alberta, it’s like -20C out and it’s not even officially winter yet. 
Hugs or kisses?
Neither? Can you just.... stay over there and wave at me? I guess I will hug you if I haven’t seen you in a while or something. I hug my kids though because they are my babies. 
📓 you’re currently reading?
I am not reading a book just now. I finished one the other day but haven’t started a new one right now. 
Who do you miss right now?
@syrenpan. Otherwise, I see everyone I care about pretty often. 
What’s on your 🐁 pad?
I don’t have one. I have a tablet but I almost never use it, just for netflix or whatever. It’s usually dead. 
What’s the last 📺 program you 👀?
Not telling. But before that I watched Outlander and before that, epsode 2 of Stranger things 2. I am planning to marathon the rest this weekend. I am also currently watching Star Trek Discovery
What’s the best sound? 
Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled?
I have been as far north as Yellowknife, east as Nova Scotia, West as Vancouver Island, and everywhere in between. I have never been outside of Canada though. 
Do you have a special talent?
people say i write good i guess. I actually knit too, and I am in the high end of that skill set. 
Where were you born?
Tagging.... @avaleahblog and @syrenpan and anyone else. I am lazy today. lol. 
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seahound1334-blog · 7 years
Silverware & Otherkin: an anedotical tale!
"You need to use tools to put food in your mouths". This was the information that killed any kind of hope I once had to understand humanity . How could I simulate this deep need for something I couldn't care less? I couldn't! So this is the story about how I gave up trying achieve "human passability" because of forks, knifes, spoons and chopsticks (yeah, I live in an various-origins-from-extreme-east neighborhood, so chopsticks are a thing!) First, an anthropological view: the society I was raised in gives a lot of importance to the capacity of a child to manage food-tools autonomously. It's a minor requirement of the great set of abilities you must detain to configure as a "so growned up already!" by your grandmother's opinion. After the initial joy, to use your recent-achieved ability becomes an obligation. You would be a total jerk if you refuse yourself to help your mama and keep using your hands to eat your peas is not tolerable anymore cause now you are 5yo and you're "already a grown up!" It's a very bad thing to try to test how much your mom's love for you resists in front of your continued refusal to use the appropriate tools to drive your food from your plate to your oral cavity. No, it doesn't matter if this dispensation should be done carrying little green balls with an almost-flat  surface. It doesn't concern anyone that the path of this noble delivery, when you're 5yo means,  literally, 20 cm. And don't even start with the "hygienic argument": food-tools are not hygienical by any point of view. In fact, there are so many tuberculosis's bacillus in any fork than are in my shoes. Or my hands. And a 5 yo child eating with a spoon doesn't make less of a mess in comparison with a child eating with its hands. Especially if the hypothetical child is left-handed. So, with no reason whatsoever, you humans use food-tools and get really angry at those who don't comprehend the need of this purely-social tacit agreement.  I knew I was otherkin since I was a little boy. In fact, the first time I was sent to a shrink and got pathologized by school-family-doctors (I was 7yo) it was because I growled to an annoying friend at school. But I only found myself free to eat with my bare hands at public spaces two months ago. Now I am 31. I was already tongue splitted and my eyes were already black colored. So I was living as an non-human beast for the parameters of the society I was living in, but still was difficult to abandon the use of food-tools. I was at an sushi and seafood restaurant with my girlfriend and I was too tired to afford the use of chopsticks. Then I gave myself a social liberation to attempt a meal without the absurd obligation of using food-tools.  First, as expected, I was ashamed of what would the humans around me think about my nasty behaviour. Then I realized they would probably think I was weird.  As They ALWAYS Do No Matter How I Behave Humans know we are not like them.  They are very poor verbalizing what they feel, but humans have esthesis. And they cannot explain why and how, but they know we are not like them. They feel this "something about" in our energetic signatures/soul/aura/whatever you call it. So, there's no reason to be so hard on ourselves trying to "pass by" among the humans. We won't pass. Because we are not humans. And that's okay! Just try not to exagerate and, I don't know, don't dig at your's mother-in-law rose bushes. It would be too much! But try to bark or hiss sometimes. It aliviates a little bit and you wouldn't be an exemple of normality anyway! And, please, try to eat without food-tools if you want to. Maybe it would be relieving to you like it was to me!
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greeksouvenirsbyaz · 7 years
thank you all who have left comments and likes on my new story.
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “first replies to Greek Souvenirs”
I still haven't gotten around to taking this story to bed, but I am looking forward to when that happens :)
And I am really looking forward to having your voice added to this story too! Thank you so much for being there!
gaiahypothesims replied to your photo “Yet, being the predator Andreas couldn’t simply give up. He felt...”
Beautiful indeed!!!
Thank you dear! It is a great compliment coming from the creator of Jonah and other hunks that often make me drool! :)
lifeasasim replied to your post “first replies to Greek Souvenirs”
I am no where near perfect ;_; but thank you... that's very sweet of you
You mentioned perfection first :) -- but just look at your Sims and scenes and the reception they get in Simblr... I wish I can reach your level someday!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “To let his soul pair up with his body, he paused. next >”
Is this a sim-self story in any way? Or a fantasy of a sim-self sort of thing I wonder? :D Excited to finally start this now :)
It is both, indeed. 
Pretty much like Laurent D’Allegro from The Last Canvas is my alter ego for the everyday situations, Andreas should be my alter ego for my traveler persona. But he will also often hold opinions contrary to mine (from the start, he dislikes Greece and its ruins, while I have always loved it, even before setting foot there), which only makes it more fun to write about.
Some things that will happen to him have happened to me, so in a way this story is confessional, but in other ways it will be a fantasy too -- and I shall not make it clear which is which, though I will always answer questions on that, I think ;)
And I am excited and thankful to have you here!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Car, train, subway, airplane, bus, boat. If souls indeed existed, his...”
What a fantastic description of travel.
It turned out nice, did it not? Thank you. There shall be several other comments on traveling or tourism along the story.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “A lot less anxious than usual, too. Otherwise, he would have already...”
Oh how wonderful, to be young like that with the world at his feet and the highest of hopes for the year ahead. I love him already :D
And he loves having you here already :)
This is pretty much my own state of mind when I first arrived in Greece in my twenties, on a sabbatical year just like Andreas ;)
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “With your back to the port where you’ll arrive, take the street on the...”
wonderful - i will permalink this page on my favorites to carry on from here. Sounds like anything could happen!!!
And many things will happen!!!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “21 years. It had taken him that long to return to Greece. And he never...”
I get the sense of self-exploration and a rich tide of ancient, anthropological enigmas is about to wash over me as Andreas opens up to us and we learn him. I love your writing.
Thank you for saying that! Sounds like you listened to the writer’s voice behind the character, for I am still deciding about Andreas’ intellectual depth... I wanted to make him, at least until this point in his life, very focused on his studies and career -- meaning he has been reading technical books and interested mostly in Law only. Quite boring, if you ask my opinion, but Andreas has led such a boring life until now... He is opening up like you say, though.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “From the portico of whitewashed arches drawing a series of gentle...”
Perhaps he is joyous at the thought of all that AZ just described: The promise of freedom and unburdened travel ahead. I am almost jealous of Andreas and his great opportunity before him :D
(That was answering @simblu lol
Yes, you read it perfectly -- that is exactly what he is feeling at the start of his sabbatical year -- and again, pretty much what I felt at the start of mine, too!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “He found himself nearly screaming in outrage, instead. Yet, he...”
This reminds me of the time I went to London with my German friend Karin who spoke very little English - a beggar approached us in the subway and she yelled "FUCK OFF" at him!!! I was so shocked but she said it didn't matter to her because it wasn't her language. . . I would normally ignore them too but I do give to people I see who are not begging and need it - like I saw a guy eating garbage - so I gave him every penny in my pockets lol x
not lol - but - you know what I mean
Thank you for sharing that story with me/us. It is indeed a problem when we are speaking a foreign language -- we are not really aware of the volume of our words and expressions, or how they are taken by locals and native speakers... I have had my own experiences with beggars, and it is always different since it is a person to person interaction after all. Andreas too will have different experiences and reactions.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “What right had the Greek beggar to invade his privacy, to interrupt...”
Oh Andreas, so naive and young. EVERY port has beggars my lad, don't let it bring it down, or affect the thoughts you had a moment ago x
Though closer to his 30s (7yo when he first went to Greece, returning 21 years later), Andreas is still young and naive, yes. It is also his first solo travel, like I said. All of a sudden he has to make his own decisions on spot, and have personal, unfiltered interactions, without mama and papa to mirror. Though Andreas is normally reserved, he is very open on a moment like this, when he has officially just arrived at the first destination of his sabbatical year, and therefore events affect him a little bit more intensely than they should...
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Do not listen to them. Mute their voices. Don’t let the sound of...”
Parents can really suck sometimes
Especially one’s own parents, right?
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Drachmas.  That’s the word the old man repeated in his babbling. In a...”
Interesting how he perceives Greek as sounding like bullets! What is his native tongue? Did I miss that?
I must say this is my own perception of Greek language that I express through Andreas. 
And I still haven’t mentioned what his native tongue is because I was not sure -- but it is German. I am just afraid of making yet another foreign character and making him sound improbable or even offend the German Simblr community :/
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Unfortunately, Andreas hadn’t exchanged much money, and had no coins...”
Oh!!! Brilliant! I Love the idea of it not being modern day!!! And I think this answered my question about his nationality? Now I can choose German, or American traveller! :D
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “The old man had extended a calloused hand of fingertips darkened by...”
So Andreas is German? Do I need to go back and re-read?
You see, one of my most intense vacations in Greece happened in the late 90s, so I wanted to bring that into this story... 
I pondered about making Andreas either Austrian, German or Swiss, but in the end I chose German, having visited the country a few times, having even lived there for some months, having had German friends and even frequent German guests over.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle – or should it be only mosaics in...”
Ugh! Just walk on and get your mood back boy!! COME ON!!!
No, Andreas insists on his right to stay where he is and enjoy the moment without being annoyed or invaded! Anyway, his bag is too heavy for him to carry it any further.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “When a boy porter swiftly turned around the corner, like some...”
What a great scene! I love the work you've put into this - it looks so authentic!!
I have adapted this set from an existing world, Simtorini. If you look at their pictures, I have removed the central lot with the temple/garden and replaced it with the arcade where Andreas stands and meets the scammers. It is a beautiful world (with glitches in it, I must say), originally @nilxis gorgeous Sa Pineda (which is flawless, of course). 
I want to make this story as authentic as possible, to really recall that wonderful feeling of vacationing in Greece! I’m glad you enjoy it!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Please, take my bag… And me… away from here!” Between imperative and...”
"NO HE WON'T!" Come on Andreas, speak up for yourself
I second that --  Come on Andreas, speak up for yourself! You no longer have mommy and daddy to speak for you!
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “No!” Andreas replied immediately, with a vehemence quite unlike...”
Foot-In-Mouth achievement unlocked!
Indeed. Haha, I had to Google Foot-In-Mouth  to understand what it meant! :D
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Having never traveled solo before, yet yearly with his parents until...”
He's quite a sensitive soul bless him x
Andreas has led such a protected life until this point, each step well planned before him... It is quite a personal challenge to go on a sabbatical year with only his first ten days secured -- but Andreas does want to change and open up! We’ll learn more about this process in his life.
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “I’ll give you double, if you take me.” Andreas baited. His plan was...”
He's gonna do a runner!!
That’s what Andreas wants from the boy -- but will he get it?
declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Andreas only realized how intensely and for how disrespectfully long...”
I could probably have left this image without text -- but I love describing what is not seen. 
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