#77°F apparently
liebelesbe · 1 year
me, covered in a blanket: it's so cold can we please close the windows? :(
my family: ??? it's still over 25°C in here
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meanderfall · 1 year
me: damn is it hot or is it just me?
thermostat: 25 C
me: ah
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fuck-customers · 5 months
today, mar 25 2024, a woman came into my red hardware store and dumped her bag of returns on my counter. she said "i have a fucking return. it's all coming the fuck back. i don't need any of this fucking stuff" and i was instantly on edge because she's being loud and every other word was another f-bomb. and i GET IT i get swearing, i get being angry, but why the hell are you upset with me lol i looked at the pile of stuff and was like "oh did you buy this yesterday?" because i recognized the pile of items as things that i had personally rung up at some point. it's a bunch of electrical stuff like outlet covers and some solenoids or wtv. but god i shouldn't've said anything. because she snaps "No what the fuck. i bought this fucking weeks ago. and i dont fucking need it. so i'm returning it"
and i'm like.. damn ok, fine. she's digging for receipts. and has a huge stack of Orange Hardware store receipts. and i'm watching her flip through them and she snaps "go ahead and grab yours if you recognize it!" and i'm like 'uh.. ok i'm pretty sure that my store's receipt is this one' and i pointed at one (idk if its just the font but i recognized my store's receipt and yoinked it out.
so i start processing her return. she's like "ugh i need to go get my card from the car!" and i'm like ok, that's fine. she doesn't really need it for the return but 1) i want her to get away from me because i'm gonna call a manager she's being such an asshole. 2) her friend was looking for other stuff to buy.
she comes back in with her card. i'm like scanning and returning the items. 3 items i KNOW are NOT ours are on the pile. im like.. i don't want to deal with her trying to insist that they belong to our store. but i scan one. it beeps 'item not found' i go 'oh well these items aren't from our store, sorry i can't return them"
and she's like "i dont see how that's fucking possible! everything in that bag is from this fucking store!" and she's just absolutely shrieking. and i don't understand why she's mad, like i don't get it. the manager came up and was like 'we don't sell this product. sorry we can't do a return on it.'
she screams some more but accepts that they must be Orange Hardware and not Red Hardware. She goes out to "make a call while her friend shops"
and i swear to god that she was screaming at someone on the phone for next fourteen minutes and everyone inside the store could hear her from the parking lot. every other word out of this woman's mouth was "fuck" and it was setting my nerves on edge.
her friend finally came up to buy his shit. and it totals $77. she's standing at the door handing him her visa and she is PISSED that the total is $77. she says she doesn't understand how it could add up to that much. and im like uhmmmm.. they're plumping parts.. and the stupid toys you're buying for your grandkids pushed the total to $77 after tax.. either buy it or leave. i don't care
she ended up buying it but you could still hear her swearing up and down the parking lot as she was screaming on the phone with her mother (apparently) saying that she was going to need to be reimbursed for the shit she was buying
and i'm just like... goddamn, i dont care how awful your day is. don't take it out on employees or customers you asshat.
the only funny part about this is the fact that her name was actually Karen. which just made me laugh. but all the other staff had come up to the front to make sure i was okay while she was yelling. and she did get intimidated by some of the men and slink out while her friend paid for the stuff. but still.. a big yikes.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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pluto-00 · 9 months
Rainy Day
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gojo x black fem reader!
warnings: fluff, slight angst if you squint, gojo and reader are in their mid 20’s, gojo is a sorcerer, reader is also a sorcerer, over-worked gojo, gojo being a little clingy, black fem reader, very short.
a/n: gojo brainrot. I just miss him a lot ngl.
The rain ran against the roof and windowsill as you slept. While the rain outside was harsh, making the inside of the apartment was cozy. Soon condensation would start to build up on the windows but for now, rain droplets remained in their place. It was getting colder outside; so you kept the temperature around 77°F (25°C), making the house relatively warm inside.
Prompting you to turn over in your sleep, feeling the hard contrast between the warmth of your body and the cold side where Gojo usually slept. You opened your eyes for a moment, but only a moment as you closed them again.
‘Right, Satoru had a mission last minute.’ You reminded yourself as you flipped back to your original spot. Your eyes fluttered back open again,“He should’ve been back by now..” You mumbled tiredly, while mindlessly reaching out for your phone and sliding up to see the time.
‘7:04 am’ A sigh left your two-toned lips as you read the time, before putting the phone back on the stand and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. The heavy rain made itself very apparent as you looked out the window. The rain in the street was almost reaching the side walk.
‘It’s still early..I should go back to bed.”
And with that, you fixed your bonnet properly over your head and laid your head back on the pillow to calm your worries.
It was still raining as he tracked his aching feet into the house. He slipped off his wet shoes, and fixed them by the door. He was exhausted, in-dire need of a warm bath and some sleep. He peeked into the shared bedroom, checking if you were up yet.
You were fast asleep in bed, at least that’s what it looked like to Satoru when he opened the door. A soft smile played on his pale pink lipslooked at your sleeping figure, before closing the door and heading to the shower.
He absolutely adored you when as you slept. The way the light from the lamp shined on your brown skin, the way you looked so peaceful compared to your blunt nature.
He left the bedroom, hobbling over to the bathroom. Leaning on the wall as he lifted up his shirt, seeing some bruises he got while fighting. “Thought it would be worse..” He thought to himself, as he let his legs sink into the bath tub. He leaned back against the tub, trying to relax and think of something better.
With the constant pressure from higher-ups, the dangerous missions he goes on, and task constantly being shoved to him left and right? He was more than happy to come home to you at the end of the day.
He stepped out the tub, the steam leaving the bathroom and pouring out into the bedroom. Your eyes opened a bit, the door creaking open to see Gojo standing in the doorway. “Hey,” You mumbled happily, seeing him return home safely.
His head turned to you. “Hey-I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked softly, as he held a towel between his waist, and walked over to his dresser to get changed. “No..m’ just glad your home.”
He stifled a groan as he slid himself into the bed, grabbing at your waist to pull himself in.
“Hey.. are you alright?” She asked, as her eyes now noticing the fresh injuries on his chest and abdomen.
Yawning, you moved a bit openly, allowing the white haired man to bury his face closer into your neck.“Yeah, it took longer than expected. No major injuries.. I could just ask Shoko to heal me, but I doubt I’ll need it.” He murmured against your neck. He just missed you, never wanting to let you go. His head picked up, his eyes further ingering on your face.
Her fingers traced at his scars from past missions and fights. “I wish you didn’t have all this pressure on your shoulders, my love.” His hand grabbed yours, intertwining them; lifting it up to kiss it.
“I know you’re going to worry, but you shouldn’t. I came home today didn’t I?”
”As long as you’re okay, i’m fine.” Your voice was considerate, as a hand crept up to the top of his face to brush a few strands covering his face.
“Anyway are you hungry?”
“Maybe.. but i’m exhausted.”
“I would get up, but the bed feels comfy.”
“Good, stay with me longer.”
You let out a laugh, it was clear both of you guys were exhausted from Sorcerer work. Last night was the only real time you guys had together, and yet Yaga had to cut it short with a sprung on mission for Satoru. Which to say the least you weren’t happy, but you’re partner assured you he’d be back in the morning. And here he was, sticking to his words.
You weren’t going to sugarcoat it, the situation was annoying. But, he’s safe, and really that’s all that mattered to you.
“Actually.. I might be hungry now.” He got up with a grin. As you heard a light growl come from his stomach, your lips pursed in amusement. “Really toru’? Well you gon have to wait cuz’ I just got comfy.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good, now cmere closer baby.”
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silmkinkmeme · 9 months
Happy 2024 from Silmkinkmeme
Happy 2024! I hope it will be great year for all of you. 2023 was pretty great for the kinkmeme thanks to all the wonderful authors and prompters.
We end the year with 240 prompts and 117 works. Our Prompt Post 1 has also seen it's fair share of activity․
And now, because it's New Year, I'm going to reveal a stat that only I can see. We have 171 UNPOSTED CLAIMS on Ao3! Of course, some of these claims won't become fics, but so many people are interested in the prompts.
Thank you all for your participation and here's to a more fruitful year.
Just for fun, I'm going to compare the kinkmeme Ao3 trends with the general Silm fandom under the cut.
Right off the bat, the kinkmeme differs from the general fandom. We have 77 explicit works, followed by mature (17), teen (15) and gen (8), while gen works are the biggest part of the larger fandom, followed by teen, explicit and mature.
As for the warnings, the first two places align - No Archive Warnings and Chose Not to Use Warnings. But after these, it's violence, rape and death in the kinkmeme in that order and death, violence and rape in the larger fandom. The kinkmeme doesn't have any fics tagged Underage, and that tag is in the last place in the general fandom.
The kinkmeme's biggest category is M/M with 56 fics. I would call it unsurprising if the larger fandom's biggest category wasn't Gen. M/M is in the second place in the fandom, while Gen is in the fourth place in the kinkmeme. F/M is in the second place in the kinkmeme and in the third place in the fandom. F/F is in the fourth place in the kinkmeme and in the fifth place in the fandom.
Now for the most interesting tags. Maedhros unsurprisingly dominates the character tag both in the kinkmeme and the larger fandom. Maglor is in the second place in both. Interestingly, Elrond who is third in the fandom doesn't even feature in the top ten character tags in the kinkmeme. In the third place, we have Fingon who is fourth in the larger fandom. Notably absent from the top ten of the kinkmeme are Sauron, Celegorm, Celebrimbor, Glorfindel and Morgoth who are all in the top ten for the fandom. Instead, we have Finrod and Curufin. The kinkmeme also has four ladies in the top ten - Aredhel, Nerdanel, Idril and Lúthien - while the fandom has none.
It gets even more interesting in the relationship section. Fingon/Maedhros is of course the most shipped pairing on Ao3, but the first place in the kinkmeme goes to Maedhros/Maglor with Russingon falling behind them. Maemags isn't even in the top ten relationships for the general fandom, which apparently prefers Maedhros & Maglor (fourth most popular relationship in the fandom and outside the top ten in the kinkmeme). Fandom straple Angbang is absent from kinkmeme's top ten and so is Silvergifting, while the former is in the second place and the latter is in the sixth place in the larger fandom. Celebrian/Elrond, Fëanor/Fingolfin, Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrond & Maglor, Fingon & Maedhros, which are all top ten relationships in the fandom didn't make it to the kinkmeme's top ten. Instead, we have five Aegnor/Andreth, four Aredhel/Maedhros and Galadriel/Lúthien, three Celebrimbor/Maeglin, Fingon/Maedhros/Maglor and minor relationships.
The only overlap between the kinkmeme and the general fandom in the additional tags are Angst (third in the kinkmeme, first in the fandom) and Hurt/Comfort (sixth in the kinkmeme, fourth in the fandom). The remaining kinkmeme tags are almost all sexual in nature - starting with PWP and Anal Sex (first and second respectively) and ending with Cunnilingus. There are no sex-related tags in the fandom's top ten additional tags.
That's all, folks. Thank you if you've read it all. Let's see how the trends change in a year.
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londonhalcyon · 1 month
Fic Writer Interview (20 Questions)
This tag game passed by twice, once in January (because apparently this post has been sitting in my drafts that long) and again several months later, so forgive me for not remembering who to tag! These questions seem fun, so if anyone wants to join, feel free to say I tagged you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20 at the moment, with plenty more WIPs.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
480,895 words and counting.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not counting TMW bonus content, the top 5 are:
The Mad Witch (758 kudos)
"The Scarlett Cauldron" (77 kudos)
"Fear Itself" (76 kudos)
"The Most Powerful Witch" (72 kudos)
"Piper's Best Worst Day" (57 kudos)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I love engaging with my readers and other members of the fandom. Every comment always makes my whole day. Life gets busy sometimes, so I don't always have the time to respond to every single one, but I definitely see and appreciate all of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Usually my fics have fairly hopeful endings, but "3 Years Ago," a pre-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect fic might fit the bill. Sometime in the future, it has the potential to be topped by "Will of the People," a Fallout 4 WIP that revolves around the Diamond City anti-ghoul riots.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
My Secret Santa fics, "It's Not the Fall" and "Flawed Phials," definitely have the fluffiest endings!
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I get rude or condescending comments on occasion from people who don't know how to hit the back button and/or are unfamiliar with fandom etiquette, though nothing actively malicious. The one time I received a transphobic/homophobic message in response to TMW it was private (if it was public, I would have deleted it; I don't give a platform to that kind of thing at all), and honestly I hope that person is in a better place now because they really didn't seem okay at the time. I'm fortunate that the vast majority of my readers and mutuals are such wonderfully amazing and kind people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, BUT, before you get too excited, not in The Mad Witch. Smut is by definition graphic, and TMW has a Teen rating that shall remain unchanged.
The smut scenes I've drafted so far (F/F and F/M) are for my Rosemary Reaper series (post-canon Fallout 4 WIP). Those fics will all be rated Mature, so while not overly explicit, they'll definitely be spicier than TMW. Maybe I'll share a snippet sometime if there's any demand for it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?? I have long since deleted my Wattpad account, so my fics should only be on AO3. If anyone ever finds one of my fics elsewhere in the wild, please let me know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, which is probably for the best. I would like to make some heavy edits to the beginning of TMW when I'm done with it.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a fic, though I have co-written a short fantasy story with a friend, with him writing for one POV character and me for another. We agreed on major actions and story beats, but we each kept a major secret that we didn't reveal until after we had written our individual parts. It was a lot of fun (though we were both painfully unskilled at the time).
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't know if I really have one. I have ships I enjoy and characters I like to pair with OCs, though nothing I feel properly obsessive over. This might be a consequence of primarily writing for video game fandoms. But I do have my default game romances: Merula in HPHM, Piper in Fallout 4, Marcurio in Skyrim, etc. I'm also a sucker for unrequited love interests, like Serana in Skyrim and Aveline in Dragon Age 2. The ANGST.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I never want to say never because I'm currently 83,435 words into the last fic I said I would never write. But there are two fics that I'm almost certain I will never finish, which I'm kind of sad about: my post-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect longfic, A Certain Darkness, and my RWBY OC team longfic, DSRT.
I made it just shy of 200,000 words into A Certain Darkness before I had to drop it. My writing skills ended up surpassing the progress I had made, and by the time I realized how many characters, relationships, and plot points were just straight up bad, I had written myself into a corner. I do love Joy and Angel so much, a medium/ghost duo with way more homoerotic tension than my closeted teenage self ever intended. Maybe one day I'll gut the story, drop the characters into a different setting, and make it something original. One day.
DSRT ran into a similar problem, though fortunately I only ever wrote the first few chapters. I could probably reattempt it if I really wanted, but with the overwhelming number of WIPs I already have, it's hard to imagine finding the time. I do miss my team of teenage idiots: Dustin, Saul, Rosemary, and Talos. It was supposed to have a really tragic ending too, which I don't often get to write.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I often receive compliments on how human I make my characters feel, which is the highest honor anyone could give. I've been told my dialogue frequently flows smoothly too.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Conciseness. Why is this post so long omg.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Do it carefully and with necessity. Maybe a character is bilingual and blends languages, so it's part of their characterization. Maybe a password or spell needs to be said in another language because it's old or pretentious. It can work, but it can also be easy to mess up. I personally avoid writing dialogue in languages I don't have a good grasp of, or I try to consult other people if I do (not Google Translate, which sucks).
There's also the matter of if the POV character even understands the language being spoken. If they don't, then I don't write the language out (unless it's a phrase the character is going to learn later on). In these instances, it makes more sense to write something like, "The man muttered a phrase in a language she didn't recognize," or "She fired off something in Spanish, the words too quick to catch."
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars the Clone Wars, baby! I was like ten or eleven. Never published, but my worldbuilding for that longfic (a saga, more like) was insanely elaborate. Alas, another story for the WIP graveyard.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Eventually, I want to get back to my Skyrim WIP, which includes a main Dragonborn/Marcurio ship. Maybe even with a little Dragonborn/Serana infidelity on the side (which Marcurio absolutely does not deserve, the poor guy).
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I mean, I have to say The Mad Witch, don't I? That fic is where my community is, where every time I post a chapter I have a ton of people who get excited about it with me. It is the story I think about constantly, that I have spent literal years writing and daydreaming about. No matter what I've written before or will write since, this will be the defining fic in my journey as a writer.
That, and I have a special fondness for "Case by Case." I just think it's neat.
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tieflingkisser · 1 month
Cello-playing climate activist arrested at New York Citibank protest as crackdown escalates
Second activist also arrested during ‘summer of heat’ protest against second largest financier of fossil fuels
John Mark Rozendaal, an adjunct music instructor at Princeton university and Alec Connon, director of the climate nonprofit group Stop the Money Pipeline, were arrested for criminal contempt in the public park at the bank’s global headquarters as the crackdown against nonviolent climate protesters escalates. Rozendaal was handcuffed and led away to the police vehicle singing “we are not afraid, we are not afraid, we will sing for liberation because we know why we were made”. The crowd of protesters chanted “let him play” and “ shame on you Citibank”. Thirteen other climate activists, who had linked arms in a circle around Rozendaal to protect him as he played Bach’s suites for cello, were detained for alleged obstruction of governmental administration, a misdemeanor criminal charge. “People are dying … today is my birthday,” said Mike Bucci, 77, teary eyed as the police in riot gear broke up the protest. Since 10 June, climate activists have been peacefully protesting against Citibank’s record financial support for new fossil fuel projects as part of the Summer of Heat on Wall Street campaign. At least 3,700 people have participated in the nonviolent civil disobedience, repeatedly blockading the entrance to its global headquarters. More than 475 people including faith leaders, scientists and elders have been arrested while calling on Citi to stop bankrolling new coal, oil and gas.
In a separate incident on 21 July, videographer and summer of heat organizer Teddy Ogborn was arrested and held in a cell for more than eight hours, days after he filmed an alleged Citi employee apparently inciting violence against climate protesters blocking the entrance. “Just punch him in the f–king head! Punch him in the f–king head,” shouted the woman, identified by protesters as the executive assistant to Citi’s co-head of Global Financial Strategy, which Ogborn caught on camera. “Get a machine gun and f–king kill them all,” she added.
“We have made the bank synonymous with environmental destruction, violence and fossil fuels, and I have been capturing moments that are damaging for Citi,” said Ogborn, cofounder of Planet over Profits. “The escalation against organizers is targeted, and attempts to use bogus charges to harass and intimidate protesters.”
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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By Charlotte Hodgman | Published 12 May 2022
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“1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure... it has turned out to be an ‘Annus Horribilis’,” said the Queen, now famously, in a speech marking her 40th year on the throne. Indeed, 1992 had proved difficult for the royal family, with the breakdown of Prince Charles’ and Prince Andrew’s marriages, Princess Anne’s divorce, and a fire at Windsor Castle high on the list of unfortunate events.
B is for... BIRTHDAYS
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Thanks to the unpredictability of the British weather, the Queen celebrates two birthdays every year: the day she was born (21 April) and the second Saturday in June. The two-birthday tradition began with George II in 1748 – his November birthday was deemed to be too cold for al fresco celebrations, so he decided to attach his birthday celebrations to the Trooping the Colour ceremonial parade held in the summer.
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‘Poulet Reine Elizabeth’ – better known as coronation chicken – was dreamt up in 1953 by florist Constance Spry and cordon bleu chef Rosemary Hume. The dish is said to have been inspired by the ‘Jubilee Chicken’ recipe that was created in 1935 for George V’s Silver Jubilee, but, in an era of postwar rationing, coronation chicken is unlikely to have been on the menu of many street parties in 1953.
D is for... DOGS
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The Queen’s love of dogs, specifically the corgi breed, is well-known; she has owned more than 30 corgis since her accession. Perhaps her closest canine friend, though, was Susan, the Pembroke Welsh corgi who was given to the-then Princess Elizabeth on her 18th birthday. The pup even took part in her wedding to Prince Philip – riding in the state coach (hidden under a blanket) and travelling with the royal couple on their honeymoon.
E is for... EMAIL
In March 1976, the Queen made history when she became the author of the first royal email. Distributed using ARPANET – a forerunner of the internet – from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern, Worcestershire, the message announced the development of a new programming language. It was sent from the Queen’s – rather predictably named – personal email account: HME2.
F is for... FATHER
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When Princess Elizabeth was born in 1926, her father was still Prince Albert, Duke of York, but in 1936, life changed dramatically when Albert took the throne as George VI, meaning that Elizabeth was now heir apparent. Elizabeth’s preparation for queenship began almost immediately and father and daughter developed a close bond as he trained his eldest child for her future role as monarch.
G is for... GIFTS
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Queen Elizabeth II has received countless gifts throughout her reign – some precious, others... more unusual. Several live animals have been presented to the Queen, including a young Nile crocodile from the People of Berending on the Gambia River and two Aldabra giant tortoises from the Government and People of the Seychelles.
H is for... HATS
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The Queen is known for her vibrantly coloured coats with matching headgear, but just how many hats does the royal wardrobe contain? While the exact number is not confirmed, Her Majesty is rumoured to have donned more than 5,000 hats over the duration of her reign.
I is for... INTRUDER
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Several intruders have been apprehended in the grounds of royal residences over the years, but none have made it as far as Michael Fagan, who, in 1982, broke into Buckingham Palace and found his way to the Queen’s bedroom. Since trespass was then a civil offence, Fagan was only tried for burglary (having helped himself to half a bottle of wine), and spent several months at a psychiatric hospital.
J is for... JUBILEE
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This year, the Queen marks her Platinum Jubilee, becoming the first British monarch to celebrate 70 years on the throne. She will follow in the footsteps of other famous monarchs who have celebrated milestones in their reigns, including Edward III (r1327–77), who is said to have celebrated his Golden Jubilee with a magnificent procession from the Tower of London.
K is for... KENYA
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It was during a stay at Treetops Hotel in Nyeri, Kenya, on 6 February 1952, that Princess Elizabeth learned that her father, George VI, had died. She and Prince Philip had been enjoying a short break in the African country during the first leg of a Commonwealth tour, but flew home immediately, landing in London the next day.
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Fourteen US presidents have come and gone over the past 70 years, but only one failed to meet the Queen face to face. Despite corresponding by letter between March 1964 and July 1967, neither Queen Elizabeth II nor President Lyndon B Johnson issued invitations for the other to visit.
M is for... MOTHERHOOD
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Assuming the throne with two small children – Prince Charles (3) and Princess Anne (18 months) – meant juggling monarchy with motherhood from the off, and long periods of time away from family while touring. Two more children (Prince Andrew and Prince Edward) followed in 1960 and 1964 respectively, ensuring the continuity of the Windsor line.
N is for... NICKNAMES
Despite her dignified demeanour, the Queen is said to have a number of nicknames within the royal family, including ‘Gary’ (bestowed by a young Prince William who had confused the word with ‘Granny’). Princess Charlotte is said to use ‘Gan-Gan’, while the late Prince Philip often called his wife ‘Cabbage’ – perhaps from the French term of endearment, mon petit chou (my little cabbage).
O is for... OBEY
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When the future Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten in 1947, eyebrows were raised over the choice of wedding vows. The word ‘obey’ had been removed from the Church of England service in 1928, two years after women were permitted to own property on the same terms as men, but Princess Elizabeth chose to include the word in her vows, promising to “love, cherish, and to obey” her new husband.
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The Queen and Prince Philip enjoyed a 73-year marriage before his death in April 2021. The pair were introduced in 1934, and met again five years later at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth when Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18. It was here, reportedly, that Elizabeth fell in love with her future husband, a man she described on their golden wedding anniversary as being her “strength and stay”.
Conventional schooling is a fairly recent choice for the British royal family, with Prince Charles the first heir to the throne to have received a formal education and attain a university degree. Both the Queen and her younger sister, Princess Margaret, were home-schooled by a governess, with the young Elizabeth also receiving lessons in constitutional history after she became heir to the throne.
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The future Queen made her first public address on 13 October 1940, aged 14. Joined by Princess Margaret, the speech was broadcast at the start of Children’s Hour on the BBC World Service, and was aimed at children who had been evacuated from Britain to America, Canada and elsewhere.
You can listen to the recording via the BBC Archive: bbc.co.uk/archive/childrens-hour--princess-elizabeth/z7wm92p
S is for... SWANS
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The Crown has claimed ownership of mute swans (a particular species of swan) since the 12th century, when monarchs liked to tuck into the white waterbird at feasts. A ‘Swan Upping’ ceremony, led by the Queen’s Swan Marker, takes place in the third week of July each year on a particular stretch of the River Thames, and any swans found are checked over – for health reasons, rather than as a potential meal.
T is for... TOURS
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During her long reign, Elizabeth II has travelled more than a million miles (1,032,513 to be precise) and visited 117 different countries, despite never owning a passport. In 2015, having flown the equivalent of 42 times around the globe since her accession, the Queen finally hung up her boarding pass and retired from overseas travel, making a trip to Malta her last foreign tour.
U is for... UNCLE EDWARD
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At her birth in 1926, baby Elizabeth was third in line to the throne, behind her uncle Edward (later Edward VIII) and her father (later George VI), and seemingly destined to be pushed down the line of succession by the births of brothers and male cousins. But on Edward VIII’s abdication in 1936 her future took a new direction and her path to queenship began.
V is for... VE DAY
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In 1985, the Queen confessed in a BBC interview that, on 8 May 1945, she had secretly joined in the public celebrations that had followed the announcement that the war in Europe had ended. Dressed in her Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform ( see next box ), she and Princess Margaret snuck out of the palace and joined the celebrating crowds on London’s streets, all without being recognised.
W is for... WORLD WAR II
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Aged 13 when WWII broke out, Princess Elizabeth was evacuated to Windsor Castle with her nine-year-old sister, Princess Margaret. As the conflict progressed, Elizabeth joined in with the war effort, tending her allotments as part of the Dig for Victory campaign and eventually joining the Auxiliary Territorial Service. She is the first female royal to have joined the armed services as a full-time active member.
X is for... X-RAYS
From tea towels to teapots, royal memorabilia is a massive business, but not all collectibles have received the royal seal of approval. In 2011, 18 dental X-rays of Elizabeth II’s teeth, together with those of her mother and father – taken between 1942 and 1946 – were withdrawn from an auction in Gloucestershire. Lawyers for the royal family cited a right of privacy for medical records and the lot was pulled from sale.
Y is for... YACHT
Now a popular visitor attraction and events venue in Edinburgh’s Port of Leith, HMY Britannia served the royal family for 44 years, travelling more than a million nautical miles. But in December 1997, the yacht was deemed too expensive to maintain and run, and the huge vessel was decommissioned. The Queen is said to have shed a tear at the ship’s decommissioning ceremony in Portsmouth.
Z is for... ZAMBIA
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The Queen is expected to remain politically neutral, but she has, on occasion, been a target for the decisions of her governments. In 1979, during a visit to Zambia, some Zambians waved banners in protest against the UK government’s plans to recognise the controversial political regime of neighbouring Zimbabwe Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), led by Abel Muzorewa.
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bitch-butter · 1 year
not to be weird or anything but "three hour long montage of men talking about Important Things in rooms" is so you. Like, I was nodding along because it made so much sense haha
What's your fav movies you had seen so far this year, and why?
w o o f that's hard because i feel like this year has been so slow to start movie-wise! i'm really happy it's summer now, because this is typically when all the movies i'm really excited for start opening, but things won't get really crazy until fall so a lot of the movies i've actively sought out this year have been horror lol so for my own piece of mind i'll back it up to Exactly a year to highlight some movies that i really, really responded to so it doesn't seem like i Just consume darkness lol
being really annoying about movies under the cut
oppenheimer (2023) - see prev Showing Ass post
reality (2023) - a Very scary movie that if you live in america you should watch, because not only is it told impeccably but it's actually shocking how few people actually remember Reality Winner given the fact that this story is only a few years old. sydney sweeney is incredible in this.
skinamarink (2022) - a Divisive horror movie that truly did get so much shit but the way it scared the hell out of me remembering being a kid left alone in a house with just a TV cannot be described.
renfield (2023) - me and my gf dressed as vampires to go to this movie, it was a laugh riot from beginning to end and nic cage deserves 77 awards, best dracula since gary oldman.
nope (2022) - 100% more scared of monkeys than i am of aliens, jordan peele call me to talk to me about our national fixation on spectacle and also Westerns.
tár (2022) - what a f u c k i n g movie this was, i saw it with my best friend on a visit to Omaha and we screamed the entire time. i love a Complicated film that wants to explore the intersections of bad people making good art, the gender studies major that still lives within me was losing it watching this movie.
pamela, a love story (2023) - this is your typical Netflix documentary, meaning there isn't a whole lot of New information that they give, but any opportunity given to us to reexamine a woman that was unfairly maligned i think is a very, very good opportunity. and pamela is a great writer, and seems like a very lovely (again, complicated) person, so i enjoyed getting to see her overcome some bullshit.
women talking (2022) - i really think i cried the entire movie when i first saw it, and i watched it again recently and did the same thing so i think it holds up. really excellent performances, even if its a very talky movie it also has a really potent atmosphere and it So effectively builds horror into hope by the end.
AND nothing compares (2022) - this is timely, because we lost shuhada sadaqat aka sinéad o'connor yesterday, and i was just recently thinking about this documentary and how much i loved it and how i should rewatch it. it's so sensitive to her, and takes her thoughts and feelings Seriously, and that made me very emotional to see as someone who remembers her being made into a fucking joke my entire childhood. it isn't a Perfect doc, but i value it very much, especially now.
really really pumped for: Dune Part II, The Last Voyage of the Demeter, Killers of the Flower Moon (funny story: this past weekend my best friend ran into lily gladstone at the grocery store and apparently she was So nice lol) and Barbie (seeing it this weekend for my birthday, very , very, very excited).
thank you for asking ~ 🖤
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jordyn-degas · 2 years
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I posted 1,866 times in 2022
That's 1,866 more posts than 2021!
128 posts created (7%)
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#jordyn reposts - 190 posts
#🐼 jordyn’s favs - 77 posts
#jordyn replies↠asks - 50 posts
#love: ryuuzaa - 36 posts
#anime writing blog - 32 posts
#naruto - 24 posts
#thoughts a la jordyn - 24 posts
#jujutsu kaisen - 23 posts
#anime x reader - 23 posts
#kisses from mama jordyn - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#i wholeheartedly agree that she was written poorly out kishi’s lack of capability of capturing a woman properly
My Top Posts in 2022:
The one that got away [2]
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Series: Part 1 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara, Hinata Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka(mentioned), Sakura Haruno;
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; angst; smut; vaginal sex; mutual masturbation; some choking; rough; baby mention but not breeding kink;
notes: a month has passed since the first part - the story will unfold along a period of time - by the time it ends there would be a year in which Naruto and Reader have been together; yes, I wrote a lot, AGAIN, because I most likely have a documented problem in which I cannot keep a story short - forgive me 🤯;
special note: as per always, my extra special love and dedication goes to the best tumblr soulmate there is @uchihamylove26 😍! her inputs and ideas make my days and life better 😳
💀 NSFW! Minors DNI! 💀
Mood 🎧 ALESSIA CARA - Scars to your beautiful
"She don't see her perfect She don't understand she's worth it Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface"
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384 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
2 am - brainrot
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How the hell does this always happen to me? At 2 am my brain simply spits this smut thingy out.
Shit! I'm waking up in 4 hours 😓
warning: Graphic content 18+; NSFW - Minors DNI! ☠️
content: smut; 👅 Naruto x fem!reader x Sasuke 👅; unprotected sex; friends with benefits;
notes: brain rot at 2 am 🤯 - not proof-read - naruto and sasuke have been on my mind for the past two weeks in not a very HOLY way
See the full post
438 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
The one that got away
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Series: Part 2 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara; Hinata Uzumaki; mentions of: Gaara, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; smut; vaginal sex; oral (f receiving); a bit of chocking because why the hell not?
💀 NSFW! Minors DNI! 💀
notes: YES! I have been MIA because writer's block 😒 4 am - apparently it's my hour for brain rots LOL 😅
I didn't even read it again after writing it so I have no idea what came out of it to be honest 🤣 I simply needed to get this out of my head.
special note: some light reading for my love, my smut partner and my Naruto soulmate @uchihamylove26 💕💕 enjoy! 😎
Mood 🎧 JNR CHOI & SAM TOMPKINS - To the moon
"Come set the mood, yeah You come like sunshine, yeah Call me the moon"
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478 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
What if?
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characters: Sasuke Uchiha x fem!reader;
additional: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader; Sakura Haruno; Orochimaru, Sai, Yamato, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki have a brief appereance; mention of Kakashi Hatake;
warnings: afab!reader - fem!reader; characters age range vary from children to adults; fluff; angst; emotions all over; mentions of: nudity, subtly implied intercourse, blood and death.
notes: SFW; i'm extremely in my feels today- this song ALWAYS breaks me no matter what - i actually cried throughout writing this, don't ask me why - especially the end - my emotions are all over the place 😊
word count: 4.074 - i'm sorry - my feels got me carried away
taglist: @haikyutiehoe - thank you for being my first ask and requesting to be tagged in this 😭 - hope you like it 🤐
Mood 🎧 LUKAS GRAHAM - 7 years
"It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker" - "Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me 'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me"
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607 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕖'𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕥
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Characters: Roronoa Zoro x fem! reader
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Warnings: first time writing for him - be patient with me; light smut - MDNI; Zoro fucks you against a door because why the hell not?; yes, there is some alcohol involved; yes, we also have some soft Zoro thrown in there;
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811 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 12 (05/20/2023)
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The lull and the inactivity of the chart and pop music or even music in general has really got to me. We are nearly in June and we still don't get a lot of smash hits coming from big artists. I hope that with Eurovision next week the chart might be interesting to look into. But as it is, 2023 has been shaping up to be a bit of a lowkey year for the chart. Anyways we got Ed Sheeran mini album bomb so let's get into this short week.
73. "Curtains" by Ed Sheeran
I'm kinda glad that over the past weeks, the music community has put aside their differences and backed Ed Sheeran in his court case against, you guess it, the Marvin Gaye estate over yet another copyright case over chord progression. Ed Sheeran is a good guy and while some snarky asswipe said that they'll be glad that Ed Sheeran lose the case so that he doesn't make any music anymore (and to those people I said go f yourself), there's a part of me that don't want to listen to his new album "-". Not because it's bad or anything, it's just listening an open wound album like that is not really fair? especially when that wound is still not healing yet.
Anyways, here we have his highest charting song from the album and this is very good. I always love when Ed Sheeran writes about something that isn't your top 40 formula and just let it sink in. And with the britpop production that's reminiscing of early Oasis, the writing here just worked for me. Definitely a worth listen.
77. "Spicy" by aespa
I think my favorite part of this song is not the beat which is kinda like a backwash of 90's trance song, but why this song was delayed. Apparently this song was supposed to be "environmentalist" which...okay then.
80. "Creep" by Radiohead
Imagine if the Guardians of the Galaxy movie will be the reason that Radiohead released their new album since 2016. That would be epic.
92. "Mejor Que Yo" by Anuel AA, Mambo Kingz & DJ Luian
Remember when Anuel AA was famous because of 6ix9ine cosign? Well anyways he's back with more generic reggaeton with admitedlly good bassline.
128. "Boat" by Ed Sheeran
This was the second singles from the album and immediately you can tell that this album is going to be more of a personal and moody listen than his previous two or even three albums. I will listened to the album when the time is right. But. for now all I can tell to Ed Sheeran is hopefully you'll have a better 2024.
I highly recommend everyone to listen to these songs
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I posted 3,190 times in 2022
That's 1,423 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (0%)
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I tagged 1,765 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#one piece - 360 posts
#chainsaw man - 109 posts
#wholesome content - 91 posts
#dorohedoro - 85 posts
#disco elysium - 77 posts
#rammstein - 59 posts
#zoro - 44 posts
#lmao - 43 posts
#pedro pascal - 40 posts
#buggy the clown - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#i was actually thinking the same as mister gaiman and was happy to see someone else thought about it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Momo literally said "do like the tree and leave" 😂
7 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
I just read One Piece 1054 and... WTF IS GOING ON!?
Thoughts and spoilers under the cut
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The good:
I'm happy to know Sabo is doing fine and that his unit was able to rescue Kuma and escape, apparently, unharmed.
I also don't believe he killed Cobra and I'd dare to say Vivi escaped with him too. Please let this be true. The poor woman has suffered a lot already.
I love how the Marine and the World Government are freaking out. YESSS let there be chaos, baby!!!
Seeing Shanks and his crew being all proud of Luffy was rather heartwarming 🥰
Shanks is finally going for the One Piece and I hope we finally get to see his fighting style 😍
Momo, my child, I'm so proud of you 😭
Also, Yamato taking no shit. You go, king!!!
I kinda want to see Marco kicking Ryokugyu's ass. Although if Sabo does it I won't complain 🔥🔥🔥
The bad:
F*cking Ryokugyu!!! Can you give Wano a f*cking break!? I already hate that bastard and I hope he gets his ass kicked soon. I know this won't happen, but one can only dream.
I hope the fight against Ryokugyu doesn't mean we'll see more samurai dying. After Izo's and Ashura's death my heart won't handle another loss 😭
No news on my beloved idiot A.K.A. Buggy D. Clown. I need to know why he became a Yonko!!!
The worse:
Shank's crew going for Barto's head. I know he has it coming, but please Oda I don't want to see my baby die 😭
I really hope Shanks doesn't turn out to be the bad guy. I still trust him, but not as much as I did (?)
9 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Forget Mihawk. Zoro will have to defeat Buggy D. Clown in order to become the world's greatest swordsman.
10 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
I need one thing from Netflix and one thing only: to see Jeff Ward in his Buggy D. Clown costume.
31 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Well done Buggy! Well fucking done!
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53 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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starrtoon · 2 years
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I tagged 873 of my posts in 2022
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#for my music will ripple to the rims of the queueniverse and back - 254 posts
#starryshiz - 118 posts
#watch your profanity - 103 posts
#vid - 71 posts
#inscryption - 51 posts
#🐱 - 50 posts
#starryask - 47 posts
#husband - 41 posts
#p03 - 29 posts
#for my music will ripple to the rims of the universe and back - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i can play fall guys apparently. since i'd only need my thumb to press the jump & dash buttons. tho not the trigger for that tail grab game
My Top Posts in 2022:
So yeah, I accidentally got a severe injury on my right hand (my drawing hand 🥲)
I'm gonna need surgery, so please pray for it to go smoothly and that I heal quickly.
73 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
reblog if agree
77 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
I remember seeing someone try to compare refusing to bake a gay wedding cake to refusing any service to someone for being black. But that isn't comparable at all.
The issue is in the purpose of the service done, not the person.
As an example, I do art commissions, I put in my TOS that I don't draw same-sex couples/pride flags, but I still do commissions for anyone regardless of sexuality n identity, I just refuse to create/participate in THINGS I disagree with. And the same goes for other actions and items, like I wouldn't draw N/S/F/W or satanic symbols.
No one should be forced into participating in something they disagree with, nor sued for it.
132 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
I'm created by the same being who created the STARS
the God who put those beautiful sparklies in the sky loves me
and He loves you too
545 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Weird Al's full name is Edweirdo Alfredo
2,107 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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stateofsport211 · 2 months
JJOO 2024 🎾 XD F: Katerina Siniakova/Tomas Machac def. Xinyu Wang/Zhizhen Zhang 6-2, 5-7, [10-8] Match Stats
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📸 Eurosport LV
K. Siniakova/T. Machac nailed their return games in the first set thanks to their timely poaches at the net, but Xinyu/Zhizhen utilized the open court well to break for the second set. It also came down to the deeper returns and the +1 volleys to add to their second serve issues, which played a significant role during the tie-breaker. As a result, the cleaner strike allowed the Czechs to commit 17 lesser unforced errors than the Chinese pair's 31, winning 4% more receiving points while creating 4 break points, even if they converted 50% of them and scored 13 less shot winners than the latter.
Furthermore, Katka/T. Machac also had the slight edge on their service games. Even though Xinyu/Zhizhen scored 4 aces, the Czechs won 77% of their first serve points, 3% more than the latter, which helped them navigating through some moments. On the other hand, Xinyu/Zhizhen's apparent second serve troubles were statistically confirmed as they double-faulted four times than Katka/T. Machac's 1, thus the Czech pair won 4% more points on their serves.
Interestingly, even if this is Czech Republic's first Mixed Doubles gold medal, this is Katka's second Olympic gold medal after the Women's Doubles in Tokyo 2020 (held 2021, with Barbora Krejcikova), while T. Machac will contest the Men's Doubles bronze medal contest the next day (with Adam Pavlasek). To add, Katka had a blast of a summer starting with her Roland Garros title (with Coco Gauff), followed by Wimbledon (with Taylor Townsend), both in the Women's Doubles category, to add to her Australian Open semifinalist, Dubai Masters 1000 title, as well as the Indian Wells Masters 1000 finals from the start of the year. The bronze medallist was the Canadians Gabriela Dabrowski/Felix Auger-Aliassime, who defeated the Dutch pair of Demi Schuurs/Wesley Koolhof 6-3, 7-6(2) earlier that day. What a night in this sector.
0 notes
6220ltclassblog · 3 months
Reflection 1
This blog post will the explaining how social constructivism and technology implementation was selected for the summer 2024 LTEC 6220 course. The theory was selected based on the assumption that it supports understanding how individuals create and shape the meaning of technologies during the technology adoption process. Originally, it was assumed that the theory was more closely aligned with social construction of technology (SCOT) theory. However, after an initial review, it was made apparent that the theory more broadly accounts for individuals’ experiences and creation of reality to understand technology implementation. After diving deeper into the theory and existing literature, a positive outlook on using the theory was developed as the evidence suggests the flexible nature of adoption into many industries and disciplines.
Current research areas of interest consist of the phenomena of technostress, social media discontinuance, and newly added systems theory. Technostress is described as an individual’s inability to cope with information and communication technologies (ICT) (Brivio et al., 2018). Social media discontinuance examines the factors, behaviors, and attitudes that influence a reduction in engagement with social media platforms and technologies (Farooq et al., 2023). Systems theory is used to understand the complex nature of multiple-component systems where there can be a give and receive, give, influence, and more relationship(s) that can within nearly any discipline, field, or area of society (May et al., 2009). Social constructivism is used to understand how individual and collective realities make meaning of lived and experiences to produce knowledge and construct realities (Khalid et al., 2023). The researcher’s area of interest continues to evolve through their PhD program journey. Using social constructivism to examine technology implementation has the ability to provide theoretical in understanding the social and contextual factors that shape how, and to what extent, technologies are adopted by users and organizations.
The becoming researcher has technology implementation experience from working at a large multicampus (over 40,000 credit students) community college in the United States. The experience includes implementing an appointment scheduler for students to schedule an appointment with their assigned academic advisor through their student portal. The adoption included working with the vendor, the IT area, and over 230 academic advisors across 20 locations to develop training materials, provide training, and provide ongoing support to the appointment scheduling software. Additionally, the researcher has experience implementing a Microsoft Power BI dashboard for academic advisors which includes over 60+ student data points and visuals for academic advisors to provide case management advising and outreach to their caseloads. Finally, the researcher has experience developing a business process, training advising area leads (deans, managers, and directors), and testing technical processes and developing protocols for and automated advisor assignment process that assigns over 230 academic advisors (full-time and part-time) to over 40,000 students across 20 locations by student population, academic program and plan, and by area of study.
The researcher believes the combination of field experience in working with technologies and training through the PhD in learning technologies program will lead to a successful career in a corporate or research position.
Brivio, E., Gaudioso, F., Vergine, I., Mirizzi, C. R., Reina, C., Stellari, A., & Galimberti, C. (2018). Preventing Technostress through positive technology. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02569
Farooq, A., Dahabiyeh, L., & Maier, C. (2023). Social media discontinuation: A systematic literature review on drivers and inhibitors. Telematics and Informatics, 77, 101924. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2022.101924
Khalid, A., Kazim, T., Diaz, K. R., & Iqbal, J. (2023). Breaking barriers in higher education: Implementation of cost-effective social constructivism in engineering education. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/03064190231218123
May, C. R., Mair, F., Finch, T., MacFarlane, A., Dowrick, C., Treweek, S., Rapley, T., Ballini, L., Ong, B. N., Rogers, A., Murray, E., Elwyn, G., Légaré, F., Gunn, J., & Montori, V. M. (2009). Development of a theory of implementation and integration: Normalization process theory. Implementation Science, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1748-5908-4-29
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conradseitz · 5 months
Robert F Kennedy Jr's Medical Problems as he described them in 2012 make him unfit for the Presidency.
This is a rant against RFK Jr because he is medically unqualified to be President.
Robert F Kennedy Jr photo by Gage Skidmore Here’s the thing. Mr. Kennedy is seventy years old. Mr. Trump is 77. Mr. Biden is 81. Actual comparison shows that Mr. Biden is the sharpest of the lot. Watch his State of the Union speech if you don’t believe me. I am 70 and I wouldn’t take the job if you paid me. I would suck at it. Mr. Kennedy, on the other hand, is apparently keen on becoming…
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