crimeronan · 1 month
in honor of my very brave shower, i'm declaring it AU canon that sometimes when luz is even more agitated and restless than usual, hunter will be like, "alright. i'm drawing you a bath. with a bunch of bubbles. and you're not allowed to do anything else empress-wise until you've soaked for at Least an hour. capiche??"
darius told him once that this is a surefire way to de-cranky pretty much anyone. He Is Correct.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Solar: Imagine if you came to the daycare one night, and everyone was just sitting around, quietly reading.
Sun: I would be suspicious.
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notfknapplicable · 3 months
god fucking DAMNIT some of my homegirls wanna go out to eat on a weeknight and at first they wanted to go to an overpriced steakhouse for restaurant week (their rw menu only has ONE option and it's a 5oz sirloin for $45 - fuck outta here!) and I vetoed that but now we're gonna be sitting on the patio of a really expensive Italian restaurant during some of the worst summer heat in world history. Honestly I just do not want to go. All they're gonna do is humble-brag about shit that doesn't matter and talk shit about other women and make me be outside during the worst of the summer heat. But now I have to go because I made them change the reservation. Also I just paid my rent and I really don't wanna blow money like this before my next paycheck, but that's literally the following morning so I guess that works. But fuck. These three love pantomiming as rich bitch mean girls and I simply do not fuck with it.
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arsenicflame · 3 months
happy remember-to-blacklist-doctor-who-from-your-dash-because-you-watch-the-episodes-when-their-air-on-tv day
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cantankerouscatfish · 5 months
bits of conversations from today:
driver, showing coworker his phone: is this poison ivy??? coworker: 🤷‍♀️ driver, turning phone screen to me: what is this. me: THAT. is a trillium. keep it.
T the florist: I said I wanted more arms, but [other florist] said then my shirts wouldn't fit. I said I'd just wear baggier clothes, and, y'know, it'd be fine. I'd manage. me: I could add extra arm holes to your shirts! or teach you how to do it!! 🥺 T: I'd commission you to fix my shirts! 🥺 but yeah if I had more arms, I would still try to carry too much at a time. me: oh yeah same.
at one point, me and T tried explaining Stardew Valley to the resident computer programmer/maintenance guy. I couldn't tell if he was actually paying attention or just being polite. he asked 'what's it coded in?' like either of us are supposed to know. letters and lines probably!
(during my lunch I like to sit in a corner of one greenhouse. manager was watering the next bench over) J over the PA system: [manager] to house 6. hanging basket. manager, loudly and mostly to himself: 'hanging basket'? what ABOUT a hanging basket. what does she mean 'hanging basket.' 'hanging basket' what. I need DETAILS. manager: *leaves, comes back a few minutes later* me: so. what was 'hanging basket'? manager: a customer wanted to match a basket from out in 6. I found one for her. but then she was like, 'well, this plant is fuller than that one.' and I was like, 'Yes.' me: ... manager: ... me: ... manager: she took the baskets. me: yaaay.
floral shop manager, sweeping up after an 11-hour shift: we need better hobbies. :/
floral shop manager: alright, it's been fun. me: no it hasn't. see ya tomorrow. floral shop manager: 👋
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years
8AM gin always requests that noon gin take a nap but noon gin unfortunately never wants to
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
I think you need to take a nap
anon you'll be pleased to know that this ask was the first thing I saw yesterday after I woke up at 9pm from a 3 hour nap
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hyuuukais · 11 months
i. i just woke up. it's almost 1pm.
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god. the little quiet/relaxation/meditation room that my school has maybe actually makes this fucking tuition worth it.
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floridakilo · 2 years
someone made an appointment right before the end of my shift and if they dont show up im literally gonna fucking screaaamfdm
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Do you think getting bitten by a vampire or werewolf would cure my chronic illness? Cuz I'll actively start looking. Hell I'd even give my name to the fae if it would help
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weedplantar · 2 years
A fun fact about me is that I've thrown up every single thanksgiving day without fail for the last 10 years. I think this year might be the first where I actually keep everything down.
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gogtopia · 1 year
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b-blushes · 2 years
having a bad time with time recently. like, where did it go.
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rhinobeetl · 1 year
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garoujo · 2 years
bae what time zone do you live in
BST <3
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