#4.8 AR
iheartmetal · 1 year
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Weave: GSG
Wire: Galvanized steel
Wire Diameter: 1.15mm
Ring Inner Diameter: 5.5mm
AR: 4.8
0 notes
guraiuna · 1 month
Mild 5.0 spoiler under the cut. About the little dragon the Traveler meets at the entrance.
About names and stuff (aka, not aq related)
So, idk if you guys remember but when we had to choose a name for Wanderer, a bunch of people tried out characters names and found out that you can't give him other playable characters', achons ars demonica, traveler and harbinger names.
So when the game asked to name the little Saurian, I decided to fool around a bit with some names.
And I found out that you can name the little dragon "Rhinedottir" but not "Azdaha" or "Ajax" or "Kabukimono" (which is a name that in theory shouldn't exist). That's all I've tried before trying Rhine's name and the game let me (I was honestly expecting it to react the way it did with azdaha but I guess??? not??? so now I have a little Rhinedottir as companion)
I nearly forgot to mention but when I tried to name him "Azdaha" Paimon said something along the lines that such a name might weight too heavy on the poor fella. Which idk sounds to me like what B told M in the 4.8 event about chibi durin and i can't help but wonder if they are connected somehow.
I wonder what is hoyo trying to imply with this hmmm
Also if someone tries to name it "Rukkhadevata" lmk how it goes, as that name should not exist either, in theory.
I find the whole name thing very interesting 👀
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covid-safer-hotties · 26 days
Long Covid affecting one in seven patients in Bristol area - Published Sept 1, 2024
There are striking inequalities in rates of Long Covid across the country
One in seven patients in some parts of Bristol have Long Covid, and you can now see the figures for your area using our interactive gadget. A new report by Health Equity North has revealed striking inequalities in rates of Long Covid across the country, with a clear North-South divide in the figures.
Their analysis of GP Patient Survey data from 2022 found the North West had the highest number of people reporting Long Covid symptoms (5.5%) followed by the North East and Yorkshire (5.1%). The regions with the lowest rates were the South West (3.4%) and the South East (3.6%), while the rate in London stood at 4.8% - slightly higher than the national average of 4.4% across England.
However, in one Bristol GP practice - Pilning Surgery - one in seven patients (14%) reported having Long Covid.
Long Covid includes physical, cognitive and mental impairments, with brain fog, fatigue, breathlessness, low mood, and depression among the most common symptoms. Across England, 1.9 million people were experiencing a myriad of self-reported Long Covid symptoms as of March 2023, with 79% saying it has had a negative impact on their day-to-day activities.
Fatigue was named as the most common symptom, and over half reported reduced functionality in their everyday activities, which resulted in their inability to return to work.
During the research, one participant said: “At one point, more than once, I was surprised to wake up the next morning.
"I felt like I was having stroke-like symptoms, the pressure in my head. I couldn’t move enough to either call for my children or to reach for my phone to get help. I think I lost consciousness.
"The next morning, I was like, I can’t believe I’m waking up. I wrote my end of life wishes and told my kids what to do if I didn’t make it.”
The report’s findings have prompted calls for more research into Long Covid, and for the Government to implement care plans to facilitate rehabilitation and management of the condition.
Dr Stephanie Scott, lead author of the report and Senior Lecturer in Public Health at Newcastle University, said: “Long Covid is a complex condition that goes beyond physical and mental symptoms, affecting other parts of people’s lives including their sense of self and professional identity. This can then lead to experiences of social isolation.
“Currently, there is little evidence-based treatment for Long Covid and the health system focuses on symptom management. This needs to change.
"Our research has offered a glimpse into the reality of what it is like to live with this often-debilitating condition and the knock-on effects it has on people’s personal and professional lives.
“I hope that the evidence presented in this report cuts through to policymakers and gets the attention it deserves so more research into Long Covid is funded, and so measures can be put into place which enables employers to better support their workforce with Long Covid.”
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
A CLAMP ship can be divided into two categories:
Messed up beyond what is humanly possible
Drowning in so much fluff you get diabetes from simply being in their proximity
Of course, there are overlaps mostly to make the reader suffer even more when they hit you with the angst train
Clamp ships angst scale:
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Since no space on badly organized graph I'll write captions under cut
Tooth rooting fluff category:
Akira/Utako, CSD and Duklyon couples(0.5 angst points):
-Look, it's Clamp's mangas so 0 angst is impossible thing to happen
-Very cute, very funny, very 'no angst' so they deserve lowest score on scale
Syaosaku (ccs) and Touyuki (1.0 angst points)
-Rooth rooting fluff
-Fluff so sweet you need to drink water immediately afterwards
-Some miniature drama happened but nothing much
-Love conquers all
Saika/Kakei and their Wish counterparts (1.5 angst points)
-couple so sexy they haven't angsted one day in their sexy lives
- angst is bc their adopted son and his bf are angsting (aka plot angst)
-fucked so kinky even hell kicked them out
-demon!angel and angel!demon
Shuichiro/Kohaku(2 angst points)
-"we gathered here today because some *glares ar coffin* couldn't stay alive"
- very cute, very sweet
-not much do be said here rly
Fujimoto/Kobato(2.2 angst points)
- tsundere boy and sweet girl
-angst caused by misunderstandings and plot
-Kobato is so cute idk how could he be mean to her in beginning. Must be bc of tsundere genes
Fiero/Fuu and Ascot/Umi which I forgot to add (3.0 angst points)
-seen coming from miles away
- side couples
-very cute
-they get along well so all angst points is bc of plot
Rikuou/Kazehaya(3.3 angst points)
-boy was clamp not subtle
-condom saved a life
-BL tropes on maxxx
-some angst was starting to unravel but series was put on hiatus so we'll never know
Lantis/Hikari/Eagle(4.0 angst points)
-canon poly go brrrr
-a bit rushed
-power of love saved the world
-is it better if I don't ask about age gaps?
'Prepare tissues, tears might be incoming' category
Hideki/Chii(4.8 angst points)
- your dick was tricked, get prepared for feels
- very sweet and innocent
-psychological questions in background
-more than you bargained for
Clow/Yuuko(5.0 angst points)
- love so strong it fucked up time and space
- idk where to put them since there's no backstory but enough hints to indicate there was some (probably tragic) backstory
- bastard man pulled best woman in the universe
-if you stumbled upon TRC after CCS, my condolences in advance
Syaosaku (TRC) (5.6 angst points)
- angst kicks in from first chapter and inky get worse
-"i'll sacrifice myself for you so you don't suffer" *processes to make other one suffer*
-feathers are problematic in this one
Kurofai(6.6 angst points)
-litetally married couple with 4 and half kids
-opostites attract
- one beated another into going to therapy
-could have ended tragic but instead it became slow burn healing couple ❤
Sorata/Arashi(6.6 angst points)
-flirting, teasing, flirting then bam - they fucked
- X couple so ofc they're have 0 common sense
- very sweet and fun couple and then angst kicks in
- silver lining of X being on hiatus is that Sorata is still alive :')
Zagato/his princess with name I'm unable to spell (7.0 angst points)
- starts off as cliche not even a couple but then plot twist twists you
- and you're on the floor bathing in own tears
-Clamp's casual angst
-'I don't want to live without you' type of couple
-self destructive
'Are you ready for pure pain and suffering?' Category
Douwata (7.4 angst points)
-'I'll always love you' vibes
-pain of loving someone who's self sacrificial and lacks self worth
- pinning phrase lasts for century
- eggs are problematic in this one
- eyes too
Yasha/Ashura(7.9 angst points)
-tragedy seen miles away
-the amount of hair in this ship, it's unparalleled
-very devoted and touching
- 'happy ending' but at what cost?
Kazuhiko/Oura(8.3 angst points)
-alright, we all knew beforehand she was dead but amount of feels that hit, I wasn't expecting that
- one of rare instances of non-chasity couple
-songs hit super hard
-actually whole manga hits super hard
Souma/Kendappa(8.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote them
- tragic lesbians. Clamp pls let lesbians be together at least once
-kendappa why????
-again, plot twist twisted us all ;-;
Fuukam (9.0 angst points)
-very sexy, very fucked up
-were a very sweet couple then plot kicked in and one turned into antichrist
- you're minding your own business and bam:fuukam feels hit you like bullet train
- ending was meant to be so tragic even editors said it's too tragic
Taishakuten/Ashura ou(9.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote this one as well
-proposes a solution to how never part from your lover
-you've heard about Clamp's eye loss trope, now prepare for Clamp's eye gain trope
- not much is seen about them but from little we've seen they're tragic on steroids and lack common sense
-at least they're happily married teachers in shoten
Seisub(+∞ angst points)
-it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
-extemly messed up. No therapy can fix them
-canon but at what cost?
- "I got feelings for first time in my life so there's only one logical thing to do now:die"
- there are many universes out there but not in one is seisub happily together. Really, even in Shoten Seishirou is a serial killer
- at least we're not Subaru
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gamergirl-niffler · 2 months
I love how happy I am for this, but at the same time I feel a little disappointed because it doesn't change anything. (I mean, we all know rewards for AR 60.)
Fun fact: I started playing during 2.8 summer event and I reached my AR 60 during 4.8 summer event
(My team looks meh, but it's like this only because I am building their friendship)
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trustinsighters · 7 months
Dungeon Dialogue: The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Main Portal (X: 4.8, Y: 8.2) - Entering the Research Facility
Scion Marauder: This place just keeps getting weirder...  ↳ Scion Thaumaturge: Aye, it's downright uncanny here. Scion Conjurer: Just about everything is lit up in here.
Automachina Research (X: 6.2, Y: 7.1) - Machina Sentinels
Scion Conjurer: Sentinels!?  ↳ Scion Lancer: Such incredible technology... Scion Thaumaturge: Watch out!
First Boss, Before engaging (X: 8.3, Y: 8.3) - Regula van Hydrus
Regula van Hydrus: Out of my way! Regula van Hydrus: Enough! Regula van Hydrus: Begone! Regula van Hydrus: No sooner do I clear away the rabble... Scion Marauder: If it isn't an imperial legatus!  ↳ Scion Lancer: Nothing we can't handle! Scion Thaumaturge: Hmph, not again!
First Boss, During the fight (X: 8.3, Y: 8.3) - Regula van Hydrus
Regula van Hydrus: Let's get this over with, shall we? Regula van Hydrus: Turrets, deploy! Regula van Hydrus: Your reputation is well deserved. Very well, let us try something different.
First Boss, After defeating (X: 8.3, Y: 8.3) - Regula van Hydrus
Regula van Hydrus: The day is yours...but we will meet again. Scion Lancer: Is that all?  ↳ Scion Thaumaturge: It seems he wasn't here for us. Scion Conjurer: At least he knows when to quit.
Bioweapon Research #1 (X: 11.4, Y: 14.6) - Bioculture Node #1
Scion Conjurer: What do you suppose are in those tanks?  ↳ Scion Thaumaturge: Monstrosities─definitely monstrosities. Scion Marauder: What the hells is that sphere? Bioculture Node #1: Intruders detected. Releasing bioweapons. Bioculture Node #1: Releasing additional bioweapons. All personnel, please proceed calmly to the nearest exit.
Bioweapon Research #2 (X: 12.6, Y: 16.3) - Bioculture Node #2
Scion Marauder: Here we go again.  ↳ Scion Thaumaturge: Watch each other's backs! Scion Conjurer: Ugh, not more abominations… Bioculture Node #2: Intruders detected. Releasing bioweapons. Bioculture Node #2: Releasing additional bioweapons. All personnel, please proceed calmly to the nearest exit.
Second Boss, Before engaging (X: 15.4, Y: 16.2) - Harmachis Scion Lancer: Some manner of testing ground...  ↳ Scion Marauder: Whatever that thing is, it isn't what it seems! Scion Conjurer: What a strange-looking...I'm going to go with “thing.”
Second Boss, During the fight (X: 15.4, Y: 16.2) - Harmachis
Harmachis: Activating Harmachis. Commencing bioweapon assessment. Harmachis: Engaging anti-cobra mode. Harmachis: Anti-cobra testing complete. Harmachis: Engaging anti-naga mode. Harmachis: Anti-naga testing complete. Harmachis: Engaging anti-machina mode. Harmachis: Anti-machina testing complete.
Second Boss, After defeating (X: 15.4, Y: 16.2) - Harmachis
Harmachis: Assessment complete. Result: Outstanding. Subject approved for mass production. Scion Thaumaturge: Clever how it transforms.  ↳ Scion Conjurer: Certainly an efficient way to test creations... Scion Marauder: Never fought anything like that before.
Autolift #1 (X: 11.3, Y: 11.2) - 1st lift
Scion Marauder: Looks like we're heading down.  ↳ Scion Lancer: How vast could this facility possibly be? Scion Thaumaturge: Wonder where this will take us.
Autolift #2 (X: 11.3, Y: 11.2) - 1st lift ambush
Scion Thaumaturge: I swear, every time you ride a lift...  ↳ Scion Marauder: I know, right!? Scion Lancer: We've been found!
Triad Control #1 (X: 12.3, Y: 14.9) - Neurolink in sight
Scion Conjurer: What could that illuminated place be?  ↳ Scion Lancer: The beating heart of aetherochemistry, perhaps... Scion Thaumaturge: Oh, that enormous sphere just screams “evil.”
Triad Control #2 (X: 11.1, Y: 11.3) - After the 3rd lift
Scion Conjurer: Looks like this is as deep as it goes.  ↳ Scion Marauder: The archbishop must be close. Scion Lancer: Here is where the path ends, it seems.
Third Boss, Phase I: Before engaging (X: 11.2, Y: 6.7) - Lahabrea and Igeyorhm
Lahabrea: The champion of Hydaelyn. Igeyorhm: Tell me: why do you despise the primals so? Igeyorhm: They are the embodiment of mortal will─of mortal desire. Igeyorhm: Plainly, you desire a foe to despise. And 'tis well that you do, for it is from the vortex of ceaseless conflict that Lord Zodiark shall be reborn. Lahabrea: Through the Joining, the world shall become whole again. Lahabrea: Then all shall be as once it was─as it should ever have remained. Igeyorhm: For the glory of Lord Zodiark. Lahabrea: Your meddling ends here and now, Warrior of Light!a Scion Marauder: It's over, Ascians!  ↳ Scion Conjurer: We'll teach you to underestimate us! Scion Lancer: We won't let you do as you please!
Third Boss, Phase I: During the fight (X: 11.2, Y: 6.7) - Lahabrea and Igeyorhm
Igeyorhm: Come! We settle this once and for all! Lahabrea: Our might knows no bounds! Lahabrea: Fires of creation─arise! Lahabrea: My magicks flow as one! Igeyorhm: Mortal scum! I will entomb you in ice! Igeyorhm: Let us see you withstand two magicks at once!
Third Boss, Phase I: After defeating (X: 11.2, Y: 6.7) - Lahabrea and Igeyorhm
Lahabrea: Such strength! It defies all reason... Igeyorhm: No! I will not be bested by the likes of them! Igeyorhm: Lahabrea! It is time! Lahabrea: Very well. Let us show these mortals the true power of the Echo... Lahabrea: The power to break down the barriers of existence! Igeyorhm: I am become you... Lahabrea: ...And we are become one. Ascian Prime: Come, mortals! Render up your souls, that Lord Zodiark might be reborn!
Third Boss, Phase II: During the fight (X: 11.2, Y: 6.7) - Ascian Prime
Ascian Prime: Ahhh, the power of Darkness surges... Tranquil as ice, vicious as fire! Ascian Prime: Feel the might of our magicks combined! Ascian Prime: Not even the laws of creation can withstand the tides of chaos! Ascian Prime: Your Light shall burn no more! Ascian Prime: Stubborn mortals... Very well, we will show you our true strength! Ascian Prime: Know eternal despair! Fire and ice consume you! Ascian Prime: Nothing shall remain! Ascian Prime: Even without the blessing of Light... How is this possible!?
Third Boss, Phase II: After defeating (X: 11.2, Y: 6.7) - Ascian Prime
Ascian Prime: Even without the blessing of Light... How is this possible!? Ascian Prime: What walls are these? Arrrgh! Damn you, Hydaelyn!
The Aetherochemical Research Facility Dungeon Dialogue Infographic
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inyoureyes-415 · 2 years
About me
Hi, I’m M. I am a hobby photographer based in Oakland and San Francisco
I wanted to share the progression of my work, as I am still learning what the settings on my camera do
Current equipment
📷 Olympus OM-D III
📷 Konica Autoreflex T
📷 Olympus M.Zuiko digital zoom 14-42mm f/3.5 (kit lens)
📷 Lumix G Vario zoom 35-100mm f/4.0
📷 Konica Hexanon AR 52mm f/1.8
Wish list
📸 Olympus M.Zuiko fixed 20mm f/1.4
📸 Olympus M.Zuiko zoom 75-300mm f/4.8
📸 Olympus OM-1 35mm SLR 1972
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moscheamara · 2 years
Do you intend to create software for your company?
Do you have a tight spending plan?
If so, offshore software development companies can be your best option.
There are several benefits to hiring an offshore development agency, including competent software engineers, lower costs, quicker software deployment, etc.
However, as a business owner, you might have a lot of questions on your mind, such as:
Which is the best offshore development firm? 
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Don't worry, though.
All the questions mentioned above' answers can be found on this blog. We will go over the top 5 offshore developers who have established their names due to their outstanding services.
List of The Best Offshore Software Development Companies
Founded: 2007
Clutch Rating: 4.8
Hourly Rates: $25-$49/hr
Prominent Clients: Coca-Cola, Huawei, Motorola, HP, etc.
SparxIT is a leading offshore software development company based in the USA. The firm offers various offshore development services, including fast onboarding, dedicated account manager, team outsourcing, staff augmentation, virtual CTO, developers cost optimization, etc.
The company has delivered its services to Fortune 500 businesses, SMEs, and well-known brands. SparxIT offers complete web and mobile app solutions across various industries, including travel, fintech, logistics, healthcare, real estate, etc.
Other Services Include:
Blockchain Development
Artificial Intelligence
IoT (Internet of Things)
NFT Development 
2. BairesDev
Founded: 2009
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Urban Outfitters, SiriusXM, ViacomCBS, Chime, etc.
They are the top providers of offshore software solutions. They design and create scalable, high-performing software solutions for their client's businesses. 
BairesDev translates digital transformation into digital acceleration using technological know-how and cross-industry experience. 
They offer time zone-aligned services to enable Fortune 500 organizations and top brands. The firm has more than 5,000 seasoned developers in 36 countries.
Other Services Include:
Inventory Database Software Solutions
Healthcare App Development
Real Estate Data Management Software
Blockchain and Education
3. iTechArt Group
Founded: 2002
Hourly Rates: $50 – $99 / hr
Major Clients: ClassPass, Freshly, Merkle, DealCloud, etc
iTechArt is a mobile app development company in the United States. It is a digital product consultancy firm that helps businesses reach their goals. The company has over 3,500 developers with vast experience in mobile, web, DevOps, cloud, and emerging technologies.
Services Include:
Real Estate
Business intelligence 
4. Innowise Group
Founded: 2007
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Terraces.io, Voka, Belyagdar, Instatsport, etc.
Innowise Group is an IT outsourcing and staff augmentation firm in the United States. The agency provides its services to large and small-scale industries. 
They specialize in custom software development, cloud migration, testing, and quality assurance. 
Other Services Include:
Team Extension (Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Teams)
IT Outsourcing
Custom Software Development
Enterprise Application Integration
Web & Mobile Development
5. Resourcifi
Founded: 2016
Hourly Rates: $25 – $49 / hr
Major Clients: Stanford University, Proximity Learning, FitFiends, etc.
Resourcifi is a leading technology solution partner in the USA. They assist businesses in building user-friendly, creative and robust software solutions. 
The firm has experienced software engineers and extensive compliance protocols to build top-notch solutions tailored to business needs. 
Services Include
Healthcare Software Development
Mobile App Development
Healthcare Software Development
Website Development
Choosing a reliable offshore development company can be challenging as so many exist. To make a unique software solution that draws more target audience, you should hire app developers with relevant industry experience and impressive portfolios.
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zur-game · 10 days
Mobile gaming has evolved dramatically over the past decade, transforming from simple, casual games to complex, immersive experiences. As technology continues to advance, the future of mobile gaming promises even more exciting developments. This article explores the emerging technologies and trends that are set to shape the future of mobile gaming, providing valuable insights for gamers, developers, and industry stakeholders.Emerging Technologies in Mobile Gaming5G ConnectivityOne of the most significant technological advancements impacting mobile gaming is the rollout of 5G networks. With faster download speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections, 5G is set to revolutionize the mobile gaming experience. Gamers can expect smoother gameplay, quicker load times, and enhanced multiplayer experiences. According to a report by Ericsson, 5G subscriptions are expected to reach 3.5 billion by 2026, highlighting the widespread adoption of this technology.Cloud GamingCloud gaming is another emerging technology that is poised to transform mobile gaming. By leveraging powerful remote servers, cloud gaming allows players to stream high-quality games directly to their mobile devices without the need for expensive hardware. Services like Google Stadia, NVIDIA GeForce Now, and Microsoft's xCloud are already making waves in the industry. A study by Newzoo predicts that the global cloud gaming market will reach $4.8 billion by 2023, underscoring its growing importance.Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)AR and VR technologies are also set to play a significant role in the future of mobile gaming. AR games like Pokémon GO have already demonstrated the potential of blending digital and physical worlds. Meanwhile, advancements in VR technology are making it more accessible and affordable for mobile users. Companies like Oculus and HTC are developing VR headsets that are compatible with mobile devices, offering immersive gaming experiences that were once only possible on high-end PCs and consoles.Trends to Watch in Mobile GamingHyper-Casual GamesHyper-casual games have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their simple mechanics and easy-to-understand gameplay. These games are designed to be played in short bursts, making them perfect for mobile devices. According to Sensor Tower, hyper-casual games accounted for 31% of all mobile game downloads in 2020. This trend is expected to continue as developers create more engaging and addictive hyper-casual games.Esports and Competitive GamingEsports and competitive gaming are no longer confined to PCs and consoles. Mobile esports is rapidly gaining traction, with games like PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, and Free Fire leading the charge. The mobile esports market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25% from 2021 to 2026, according to a report by ResearchAndMarkets. This growth is driven by the increasing popularity of mobile games and the rise of professional mobile gaming tournaments.Cross-Platform PlayCross-platform play is becoming increasingly important in the mobile gaming industry. Players want the flexibility to enjoy their favorite games across multiple devices, whether it's a smartphone, tablet, PC, or console. Developers are responding to this demand by creating games that support cross-platform play, allowing players to compete and collaborate regardless of their device. Games like Fortnite and Minecraft have successfully implemented cross-platform play, setting a precedent for future mobile games.Case Studies: Success Stories in Mobile GamingGenshin ImpactGenshin Impact, developed by miHoYo, is a prime example of a mobile game that has achieved global success. Launched in September 2020, the game generated over $1 billion in revenue within six months. Its success can be attributed to its high-quality graphics, engaging gameplay, and cross-platform compatibility. Genshin Impact's success demonstrates the potential for mobile games to compete with traditional console and PC games in terms of quality and revenue.
Among UsAmong Us, developed by InnerSloth, is another mobile game that has taken the world by storm. Despite being released in 2018, the game gained massive popularity in 2020, thanks to its simple yet addictive gameplay and social interaction elements. Among Us has been downloaded over 500 million times, highlighting the potential for mobile games to achieve viral success. The game's success underscores the importance of social interaction and community engagement in mobile gaming.ConclusionThe future of mobile gaming is bright, with emerging technologies and trends set to revolutionize the industry. 5G connectivity, cloud gaming, and AR/VR are poised to enhance the gaming experience, while trends like hyper-casual games, mobile esports, and cross-platform play will continue to shape the market. Success stories like Genshin Impact and Among Us demonstrate the potential for mobile games to achieve global success. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for mobile gaming are limitless, promising an exciting future for gamers and developers alike.Question and Answer SectionQ: How will 5G connectivity impact mobile gaming?A: 5G connectivity will significantly enhance the mobile gaming experience by providing faster download speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections. This will result in smoother gameplay, quicker load times, and improved multiplayer experiences.Q: What is cloud gaming, and how does it benefit mobile gamers?A: Cloud gaming allows players to stream high-quality games directly to their mobile devices without the need for expensive hardware. This technology leverages powerful remote servers to deliver a seamless gaming experience, making high-end games more accessible to mobile users.Q: What are hyper-casual games, and why are they popular?A: Hyper-casual games are simple, easy-to-understand games designed to be played in short bursts. They have gained popularity due to their addictive gameplay and suitability for mobile devices. In 2020, hyper-casual games accounted for 31% of all mobile game downloads.Q: How is cross-platform play changing the mobile gaming landscape?A: Cross-platform play allows players to enjoy their favorite games across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, PCs, and consoles. This flexibility enhances the gaming experience and fosters a larger, more inclusive gaming community.
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erpinformation · 2 months
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
360-degree panoramic camera Market Size and Share 2024 Industry Analysis by Future and Growth Forecast to 2032
360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Size Was Valued at USD 144.33 Billion in 2023, and is Projected to Reach USD 1008.36 Billion by 2032, Growing at a CAGR of 24.11% From 2024-2032.
The market for 360-degree panoramic cameras has expanded dramatically in recent years due to the growing demand across a range of industries for immersive and interactive visual experiences. With their wide field of vision and ability to record a complete 360-degree panorama, these cameras are perfect for a variety of uses, including entertainment, security monitoring, virtual reality, and augmented reality.
Utilizing 360-degree cameras to produce immersive material, AR technologies and consumer devices as well as professional photography gear and industrial applications have all embraced this technology, which offers a flexible approach to take panoramic photos and films.
Get Sample Report
Key Prominent Players In The 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market:
Samsung, Nikon, Nokia, Bublcam, Teche, Ricoh, Canon, Sony, Panono, 360fly, GoPro, Insta360, LG Electronics, Kodak and other major players.
Market Segmentation Of 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market:
This research study comprises a comprehensive assessment of the market through far-reaching qualitative and quantitative insights and predictions. This report offers a classification of the market into imminent and niche sectors. Furthermore, this research study calculates the market size and its development drift at global, regional, and country levels from 2023 to 2030. This report contains the market breakdown and its revenue estimation by classifying it on the basis of product type, sales channel sales, application, and region. :
By Type          
By Verticals   
By Region      
(US, Canada, Mexico)
(Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
(Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
(China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
(Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
(Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Get Discount on premium Report: -
The 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive landscape, sales analysis, impact of national and global market players, optimization of the value chain, trade. regulations, recent developments, opportunity analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, expanding area market
Key Points Covered In The 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Survey:
Table Of Content
Chapter 1: Introduction
 1.1 Research Objectives
 1.2 Research Methodology
 1.3 Research Process
 1.4 Scope and Coverage
  1.4.1 Market Definition
  1.4.2 Key Questions Answered
 1.5 Market Segmentation
Chapter 2:Executive Summary
Chapter 3:Growth Opportunities By Segment
 3.1 By product type
 3.2 By verticals
Chapter 4: Market Landscape
 4.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  4.1.1 Bargaining Power of Supplier
  4.1.2 Threat of New Entrants
  4.1.3 Threat of Substitutes
  4.1.4 Competitive Rivalry
  4.1.5 Bargaining Power Among Buyers
 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
 4.3 Market Dynamics
  3.5.1 Drivers
  3.5.2 Restraints
  3.5.3 Opportunities
  3.5.4 Challenges
 4.4 Pestle Analysis
 4.5 Technological Roadmap
 4.6 Regulatory Landscape
 4.7 SWOT Analysis
 4.8 Price Trend Analysis
 4.9 Patent Analysis
 4.10 Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19
  4.10.1 Impact on the Overall Market
  4.10.2 Impact on the Supply Chain
  4.10.3 Impact on the Key Manufacturers
  4.10.4 Impact on the Pricing
Chapter 4: 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market by product type
 4.1 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Overview Snapshot and Growth Engine
 4.2 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Overview
 4.3 Industria
  4.3.1 Introduction and Market Overview
  4.3.2 Historic and Forecasted Market Size (2016-2028F)
  4.3.3 Key Market Trends, Growth Factors and Opportunities
  4.3.4 Industria: Grographic Segmentation
 4.4 Commercial
  4.4.1 Introduction and Market Overview
  4.4.2 Historic and Forecasted Market Size (2016-2028F)
  4.4.3 Key Market Trends, Growth Factors and Opportunities
  4.4.4 Commercial: Grographic Segmentation
Chapter 5: 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market by verticals
 5.1 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Overview Snapshot and Growth Engine
 5.2 360 Degree Panoramic Camera Market Overview
 5.3 Media & entertainment
  5.3.1 Introduction and Market Overview
  5.3.2 Historic and Forecasted Market Size (2016-2028F)
To Be Continued……
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businessindustry · 4 months
Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market Forecast by 2024-32
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment?
The global intelligent outdoor fitness equipment market size reached US$ 1.3 billion in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 1.9 billion in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% during 2024-2032.
What are Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market?
Intelligent outdoor fitness equipment represents a class of exercise machines designed with smart technology to enrich user experiences and deliver personalized workout routines in outdoor environments. These fitness devices incorporate sensors, interactive displays, and connectivity features to monitor performance metrics, offer guidance, and adjust resistance levels according to user preferences and fitness objectives. Leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence, these machines customize workout programs for individual users, optimizing training effectiveness and delivering instant feedback to enhance technique and motivation. This innovative approach to outdoor fitness enables individuals to enjoy dynamic and engaging exercise sessions while maximizing health and wellness benefits amidst natural surroundings.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1919
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Intelligent Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market industry?
The intelligent outdoor fitness equipment market growth is driven by various factors. The intelligent outdoor fitness equipment market is rapidly expanding, fueled by a surging demand for innovative fitness solutions that offer personalized experiences and real-time performance monitoring in outdoor environments. These smart fitness devices, equipped with advanced sensors, interactive displays, and connectivity features, cater to the increasing popularity of outdoor workouts and active lifestyles. Factors such as growing health and wellness awareness, the rise in outdoor fitness activities, and technological advancements drive market growth. Moreover, the integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence enables these fitness machines to deliver tailored workout programs, optimize training effectiveness, and boost user engagement. As consumers seek convenient and immersive fitness solutions, the intelligent outdoor fitness equipment market presents continuous growth opportunities for manufacturers to innovate and meet evolving customer needs. Hence, all these factors contribute to intelligent outdoor fitness equipment market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Equipment Type:
Cardiovascular Equipment
Strength Training Equipment
Combination Equipment
By Connectivity:
By Technology:
IoT Enabled
RFID Enabled
By End Use:
Parks and Recreation Centers
Schools and Universities
Corporate Offices
Residential Complexes
By Distribution Channel:
Direct Sales
Retail Sales
Market Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Technogym S.p.A.
Life Fitness, Inc.
Precor Incorporated
Outdoor-Fit Exercise Systems Ltd.
PlayCore Holdings, Inc.
Kompan A/S
Greenfields Outdoor Fitness B.V.
EXF Fitness Ltd.
Norwell Outdoor Fitness A/S
Pavigym Worldwide S.L.
Concept Recreation Inc.
Rongxiang Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd.
Everlast Climbing Industries, Inc.
Beijing Okstar Sports Industry Co., Ltd.
Xccent Fitness LLC
Discover more: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/intelligent-outdoor-fitness-equipment-market
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Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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zenasflower · 5 months
Flowers in Liverpool
In a city centre where many shops are closing it’s heartening to see a florist thrive. Especially when it’s a florist that is also environmentally friendly.
Unlike LUSH which sells bath bombs and boho body sprays for your goth colleague, this shop supports local farmers. Its products are free from the modern day slavery that occurs on global flower farms.
Flowers for all occasions
Liverpool’s varied landscape nurtures many emblematic native Flowers in Liverpool. These flowers are a popular choice for gardeners and can add interest and depth to their garden. From the manicured lawns of Allerton and Aigburth to the lush green fields of Mossley Hill, these flowers offer a touch of magic that can transform the city’s landscape.
From bespoke florists to high street favourites, there are plenty of ways to buy flowers in Liverpool. With so much to choose from, it’s easy to find the perfect gift for your loved ones.
Located on the vibrant Liverpool high street, Dovedale Florist specialises in creating a variety of floral compositions. Their contemporary selection of flora would look perfectly at home in the aesthetically simple Organi Vase from House Doctor. Alternatively, you could create a striking display with the sculptural Hector Vase from Broste Copenhagen. This versatile piece is ideal for bringing the wow factor to a tabletop or mantelpiece. It would also make a great gift for Valentine’s Day.
Florists in Liverpool
If you’re looking for flowers in Liverpool, there are many options available. Here are a few of the highest-rated independent florists in the area. They are rated 4.5 stars or higher on Google and offer local delivery.
Fishlocks Flowers is a family-run florist in the heart of Liverpool, offering floral displays and bouquets for all occasions. The florist has a great customer rating of 4.6, and its Valentine’s gifts include floral hat boxes. Suttons House of Flowers is another Liverpool-based florist, with a 4.8 rating on Google. They offer a variety of flower bouquets and plants, including orchids and lilies.
Make your loved one’s birthday special by sending them a beautiful bouquet from a local Liverpool flower shop. You can also send them flowers on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, as well as for other events. If you’re ordering flowers for someone who has a serious health condition, it’s important to choose a florist that follows strict health and safety procedures.
Opening a florist shop in Liverpool
Opening a florist shop is a good option for people who love flowers and want to make a career out of it. However, it is important to understand the challenges that come with a flower business. This includes identifying your customer base and planning for seasonal peaks and troughs. You should also be aware of the legal requirements and costs involved.
Once you have a clear idea of the type of florist that you want to be, you need to decide who you are going to sell to. This will include whether you are going to be a retail shop that sells ready-made bouquets or an artisan florist that creates bespoke arrangements. You may also choose to be part of a relay scheme or take on contract work with local businesses and events.
Another crucial factor is stock control – be prepared to monitor your inventory daily and keep your shelves full at all times. Vigilant stock control is essential, especially when dealing with flowers that wilt quickly.
Florist business in Liverpool
Flowers are a Perfection flowers Liverpool way to show your loved ones how much you care. They are also the perfect gift for any holiday or occasion. Make someone’s day with a beautiful flower bouquet from your local florist. Ordering is easy and convenient. Choose a pre-made bouquet or arrangement and add a card, balloon or an extra special touch.
Located on Prescot Street, this independent florist is one of the highest-rated in Liverpool. They have a 4.8 rating on Google and offer a wide range of floral gifts. Their floral hat boxes are especially popular for Valentine’s Day.
Celebrate Secretary & Administrative Professional’s Day on Apr 24th, 2024 with flowers from your local florist! They’ll put a smile on their face and will show them how much you appreciate them. Show them how much you love them on Mother’s Day, May 12th, 2024 with roses from your local Liverpool florist. They’ll send them a gorgeous bouquet that will last all year long.
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prajnene · 1 year
Flight Simulator Market to Witness Massive Growth by Forecast Period
The global flight simulator market is expected to reach USD 5.75 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.99% during the period. The market is expected to gain momentum from the increasing adoption of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) by the airlines to train their cabin crew and flight deck crew. This information is given by Fortune Business Insights™ in a recent study, titled, “Flight Simulator Market, 2021- 2028.” The study further states that the market size was USD 3.55 billion in 2020.
Fortune Business Insights™ presents a list of all the flight simulator providers operating in the global market. They are as follows:
Thales Group (France)
CAE (Canada)
Boeing Company (U.S.)
Collins Aerospace (U.S.)
FlightSafety International (U.S.)
L-3 Communications (U.S.)
Raytheon Company(U.S.)
Precision Flight Controls (U.S.)
SIMCOM Aviation Training (U.S.)
Frasca International (U.S.)
TRU Simulation + Training (U.S.)
Browse Summary Of Report: 
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) mentioned that an estimated loss of USD 314 billion is set to occur in 2020 in the global airline industry. It refers to the decline of approximately 55% revenue.
Market Segments
Military & Defense Segment to Grow Rapidly Owing to Need of Training Soldiers
In terms of application, the market is bifurcated into military & defense, and commercial. Out of these, the commercial segment procured 59% flight simulator market share in 2019. The military & defense segment is set to grow at the fastest rate during the forthcoming years backed by the increasing usage of these simulator systems in this sector for the training of personnel, including the Air Force, Navy, and Military. The simulators are mainly used to train them to drive various vehicles, such as transport aircraft, tankers aircraft, helicopters, ships, aircraft carriers, and tanks.
Drivers & Restraints-
Demand for Additional Flight Frequencies to Propel Growth
The increasing air passenger traffic is set to boost the aircraft simulator market growth in the coming years. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) mentioned that the number of air passengers would surge up to 4.2% by 2027. Currently, it is 4.8 billion and this surge would add approximately 1.6 billion passengers. Therefore, the demand for commercial pilots and additional flight frequencies to lower the extra loads would affect the market positively. In 2019, a few prominent companies, including Airbus S.A.S. declared that by the year 2028, more than 39,000 new aircraft will begin operating worldwide. However, several unique technologies are used in flight simulators. They are expensive in nature. This factor may hamper market growth in the near future.
Regional Analysis-
North America to Lead Backed by Presence of Various Industry Giants
North America procured high traction in terms of revenue. It is set to remain in the leading position throughout the forecast period stoked by the presence of several reputed flight simulator system manufacturers in this region. Europe, on the other hand, is expected to remain in the second position owing to the existence of numerous aircraft, as well as flight simulator manufacturers in this region. The Asia Pacific is anticipated to showcase robust growth in the coming years fueled by the increasing demand for commercial aircraft from the countries, such as China, India, and Indonesia.
Competitive Landscape-
Key Players Focus on Acquisitions & Facility Openings to Gain Competitive Edge
The market is fragmented with a large number of renowned companies. They are mainly focusing on mergers and acquisitions, as well as the opening of new facilities to broaden their geographic footprint and gain more consumer bases.
September 2019: Alpha Aviation Group (AAG) announced the opening of its Simulator Training Center Expansion Project. It is worth USD 11 million and is a part of the AAG academy situated in the Philippines. It would include four additional simulator bays.
February 2021: CAE Inc. announced the acquisition of L3Harris Technologies, Inc’s military training business worth USD 1.05 billion
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earaercircular · 2 years
Study: Availability of 27 raw materials "very critical"
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Electric vehicle and alternative energy applications for copper could strain global supplies of the red metal.
The growing demand for raw materials, the high prices and the dependence on individual countries are worrying the economy. The Research Institute of German Industry (IW Consult) assesses the availability of 27 important metals, minerals and rare earths as "very critical". Many of these raw materials are necessary for digitisation and the energy transition.
IW Consult[1] Managing Director Karl Lichtblau said on Friday 9-12 when the study was presented in Munich: "The markets for raw materials are still working." However, there are risks if you are heavily dependent on individual producing countries or suppliers. From Russia, for example, Germany gets a lot of nickel, which is important for batteries and steel alloys, as well as palladium for electrical engineering and the chemical industry. "Commodity trading with Russia is still ongoing," in contrast to gas imports, Lichtblau said.
But "the sometimes difficult geopolitical situation is making it increasingly difficult to obtain raw materials," said Bertram Brossardt, general manager of the Bavarian Business Association (vbw)[2]. Dependencies could be used as leverage in conflicts, "then it becomes a serious problem."
In the study commissioned by vbw, IW Consult cites copper as an example of the rapidly growing demand for raw materials. The energy transition will increase demand by 40 to 75 percent by 2030 and by as much as 165 percent by 2040. Copper is not scarce geologically, but investments must be made in mining, recycling and raw material efficiency, and high demand drives up prices, said Lichtblau. The biggest challenge "will be to adapt the conveyor and processing chains quickly enough to the growing demand," said Brossardt.
One of the largest sources of CO2 is cement production - 8 percent of global CO2 emissions are attributable to the manufacture of this building material, more than half of it in China. The CO2 produced during cement production could be captured and stored and the recycling of construction waste could be improved, Lichtblau said. There is now also carbon concrete. But "of course that drives up the construction costs".
"Recycling is a big issue," emphasized Lichtblau. That has to start with product development. In the case of cobalt, for example, a third of consumption can be saved through the circular economy.
dpa-infocom, Studie: Verfügbarkeit von 27 Rohstoffen "sehr kritisch",in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 9-12-2022, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/bayern/rohstoffe-studie-verfuegbarkeit-von-27-rohstoffen-sehr-kritisch-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-221209-99-841852
Debarked tree trunks lie in the log yard on the site of a sawmill.
[1] The Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln Consult was founded under this name in Cologne in 1998. Today, they ar more widely known under the name IW Consult – and for being specialists in contract research and services that bridge the gap between theory and practice. They provide customers with facts relevant to their growth and development, facilitate sustainable communications, and act as their sounding board for selected operations-related topics. They work for businesses, local governments, associations, government ministries, foundations and public institutions. https://www.iwconsult.de/en/about
[2] The vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (Bavarian Industry Business), as a voluntary, cross-industry umbrella organisation of the Bavarian economy, represents 156 employer and business associations as well as 48 supporting members from the areas of industry, trade, construction, wholesale and foreign trade, retail, banks, insurance, agriculture and forestry, liberal professions and other service industries in Bavaria towards governmental and non-governmental organizations and the public. Around 4.8 million employees subject to social security contributions work in the sectors of the vbw member associations throughout Bavaria; that is almost 90 percent of all employees in the Free State. The association is based in Munich. https://www.vbw-bayern.de/vbw/English/Home/Home.jsp
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years
254. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 50. DACĂ SFINȚII NU AR FI CĂZUT ÎN PĂCAT ! [Geneza 2.16–17 I Filipeni 4.8]
254. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 50. DACĂ SFINȚII NU AR FI CĂZUT ÎN PĂCAT ! [Geneza 2.16–17 I Filipeni 4.8]
254. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 50. DACĂ SFINȚII NU AR FI CĂZUT ÎN PĂCAT ! I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Geneza 2 : 16 – 17 și Filipeni 4 : 8 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 11 Septembrie 2022 I Cum ar fi fost scrisă Biblia, dacă : (more…)
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