#3 ponytails!!! and an updo and some pigtails!!!!!
rheallsim · 1 year
Ask Game: Favourite Sims 4 Hairs
So I was lying in bed last night trying to sleep when I thought about how much CC hair I have and how I'd love to share some of my favourites with you all.
So here's a list of categories/descriptions; send me a number or two and I'll make a post with 1-5 of my favourites that match that description (with links on where to find them wherever I can)! 💪
Formal updo
Athletic/messy updo
Braided/Plaited hair
Bobbed hair
Pixie cut
Partly shaved/Undercut
Tight curls
Long hair
Partly tied back/Half-updo
"Boy" cut or "Masculine" hair for feminine sims
Long or "Feminine" hair for masculine sims
Maxis/EA hair
If you have a different type of hair you'd like to see, feel free to ask and I'll see what I have! <3
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 8 months
Notes on Stella:
I want to show her character growth through her hair.
So in season 1 and 2 she has a lot of pigtail hair designs, showing that she is childish and irresponsible.
Season 3 she grows more mature, so her pigtails are smaller, or its half pigtails and half down.
In seasons 4 and 5 she is even more mature so she has like ponytail designs.
In seasons 5 and 6 her hair is looser, with some braids showing she is more mature but still "free".
Season 8 onwards she gets more half up hairdos or full updos (when she is at royal situations) to show her reaching almost peak maturity but she can still have fun when she wants.
She has to learn to be ok with her parents being divorced along the story. At first she desperately wishes that they would get back together but in season 3 she realises they could never, they just were toxic for each other. This is because her mother has always wanted her to be in touch with her feelings and express herself freely, but her father thinks being a royal means putting the kingdom’s needs above one’s own, and that the reputation of her would reflect on solaria and thus she should be proper and refrain from “letting loose”. But she also thinks she is the problem, that if she were a more proper princess/daughter they would argue all the time.
until in season 6 part of her sees her parents so much happier apart that she realises they are, at least, a happy family now. She will always have her dreams when she wishes her parents were there for her together, but she's come to terms with the fact that it isn't reality. 
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kuiinncedes · 4 years
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Every Tina look: 4x17
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yan-sideblog · 2 years
(mind if I ask some fluff heaconon of Something is wrong with sunny day jack?) Y/N Doing funny stuff to Jack's hair like making small braids or touching it!
Who would want it do that to this!! Man with a Cottan candy hair!! >:3
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The first time they ask if they can play with his hair he's caught a little off guard.
Not because he minds, he knows it's a pretty common thing, but because he didn't expect them to wanna mess with his.
"Of course i wanna play with yours! It's so soft and floofy!".
It's pretty relaxing for them to run their hands through it when the two are snuggling on the couch or in bed.
Especially if they had a rough day at work.
He'll laugh if they just wanna fluff it in their hands.
"Just make sure to brush out any knots you make sunshine.".
Speaking of which he LOVES when they brush his hair. There's just something so wholesome about it.
Onto hairstyles. He's more than happy to indulge them, for the most part.
Braids, pigtails, ponytails, updos and anything else they can think of is fine by him.
His favorite is when they'll just put a bunch of cute clips or ties in his hair.
No matter how silly he'll walk around with his new dew for at least an hour or two.
"You worked hard on it. Of course i wanna appreciate it for a little while.".
There is however ONE thing that's a no go for him.
"Just no cutting it ok Sunshine.".
I mean what monster would cut those beatiful locks.
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fivefeetfear · 4 years
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Chp 3
I am so happy you guys love the story! Thank you for all your support!
It was nearly 1 o'clock pm and (Y/N) stood nervously in the crowd of her students. They all stood in a circle as they had a dance battle with one another as the speakers shook the room. Some did solo routines and others did groups, it was all in good competitive fun. Class ended earlier than expected since (Y/N) kinda breezed through the lesson completely thrilled to see the shy gem again! So her pupils decided to have a bit of fun before calling it a day. (Y/N) watched the entrances of the classroom waiting to spot Spinel. She couldn't get that cute gem out of her mind all day! With her spiky ponytails and big ol eyes! And the accent! Oh goodness, the accent! It made her very gem melt! The short gem dazed off as she fiddles with the ends of her locks, happily daydreaming.
"Ms. (Y/N) why don't you join in on the fun." A pink emerald student asked.
"Yeah! Show them how it's done!" A yellow sapphire encourages. (Y/N) shifts her (E/C) eyes to the two gems and flashes them an apologetic smile.
"Not today." She declines as she looked back to the time; three more minutes. The two students shrug as they went back to join the fun.
"Oh please, you’ll be on the floor once that spinel walks right through the door. You are sooooo predictable (Y/N)." Amber comments with a playful smirk on her face. (Y/N) playfully scowls the beefy gem as she crosses her arms over her chest taking a confident stance.
"For your information, I am not!" she sass while she walked to the enormous mirror that took up the front of the classroom and readjusted her hair. She put it in an updo to keep the locks out of her face while she was teaching her class. The curvy gem eyes scan over her outfit to make sure she looked presentable for her guest. She wore a loose shirt that showed her bando bra from the sides, cute shorts paired with some simple dancing shoes.
"Then why you trying to look cute for?" Amber quips making the short gem rolls her eyes.
"I am not, this is how I always dress." She informs.
"Mhm, I'd say your shorts are a bit shorter than your usual pair. I can almost see your-." (Y/N) whines loudly as she threw her head back. Goodness, she hated being called out especially by Amber. She wouldn’t stop bothering her until she gave up.
"Fine! I'm showing off a bit, sue me!" she conceded with her cheeks puffed out childishly. Amber chuckle as she places her hands on her hips and glances down at her friend.
"Well then, I would suggest you get a move on to the dance floor and show that spinel what she is working with because she is here." (Y/N) eyes widen as she looked at the mirror to the front door and sure enough, Spinel and Steven were here. (Y/N) felt her gem glowing on the back of her neck seeing how cute Spinel looked. She adored two low pigtails with a dark pink snapback placed on backward; a baggy magenta sweater and fitted black pants matched with dark pink sneakers. The (Y/G) chest tighten as she took in her appearance, oh goodness she so damn cute! The poor thing looked so nervous as she spoke with Steven with concern written all over her face. Oh, how she wanted to go up to her and just hug the poor girl. But her ego wouldn't allow her.
Snapping back to reality, (Y/N) held her head high as she walked into the middle of the dance floor ready to work her magic. She could hear Amber mumble "predictable" under her breath as she followed the small gem.
Spinel and Steven made it to the dance studio right on time, and as soon as they enter the room Spinel felt completely insecure. She cast her eyes over to Steven with her head low as she shoves her hands into the pockets of the hoodie.
"Are you sure I look ok? Do you think it's too much?" She asked Steven as she looked down at her new sneakers. Amethyst had styled her today and she felt completely comfortable and herself in it, but it was still taking her time to adjust to the new look.
"You look great! Don't worry about it. Now let's find (Y/N)." Steven hums as he looked over at the crowd of gems and humans cheering, he saw Amber waving them over. The curly-headed teen instantly grabbed Spinel's hand rushing through the crowd reaching the orange gem.
"Hey, Amber, where's (Y/N)?" The human boy asked. Amber simply points over to the dance floor with a cocky smirk. Both Steven and Spinel followed the direction and sure enough, there was (Y/N) dancing to the fast tempo of the song. The pink gem held her breath as she watched the short gem dance so...so....she couldn’t find words for it! Well, she could, but it just made her cheeks hot from embarrassment at the thought of them. Magenta eyes watched as the short gem move her hips in the same way that spellbound her yesterday. (Y/N) was moving fast, her steps are carefully and coordinately placed as she moved to the upbeat rhythm. She bends and sways her body in such a way that made Spinel mind wander. Amber glanced down at the Spinel and smirk as the pink gem drooled over her friend. It was so obvious she had a huge crush on the (Y/G).
(Y/N) felt her body temperature rises when she spots the vividly colored gem in the front of the crowd watching her. This only motivated her to keep going as she turned up the heat. (Y/N) calculated the space behind her before she did three backflips in a row; she bent backwards. She then brings her legs up in the air, her shirt slid down showing off her stomach and back as she positioned herself to a perfect handstand. Spinel's eyebrow arches as she noticed a large spot of discoloration on (Y/N) back. Before Spinel could fully investigate(Y/N) came back down to a straddled split. This made her students go wild as they cheered their teacher on. Poor Spinel nearly stroked out when she saw (Y/N) ass bounce when she landed on the floor; she really could not handle this. Her whole form was on fire and it took so much will power to not pass out right now. Was she fooling herself to believe she had a chance with a gem like (Y/N)?
The (Y/G) female breathes heavily as she was bombarded with praises from her students and friends. Her laughs rings throughout the room causing Spinels chest to tighten. That laugh, it was so beautiful; it sounded like bells. And that smile, it made her stomach fussy inside. The pink gem hopes to one day be the reason behind that smile and her laugher. (Y/N) was able to redirect her student's attention else where as she quickly walks over to Spinel and Steven, she beams a bright toothy grin while she wipes the sweat from her brows.
"Hey, guys how's it going? I didn't even see ya come in." She says coolly. Amber scoffs at her words, which earned a glare from (Y/N).
"Annnyways what's the plan for today?" (Y/N) asks Steven, the boy smiles as he wraps his arm around Spinel's shoulders.
"We are going to take Spins here on a tour of the town! We can show her all the hot spots of Little Homeworld." Steven said joyfully.
"Ok sounds good! Let me change real quick and we can be on our way!" The (G/C) gem states as she walked away to another room to change. Spinel shamelessly watched (Y/N) hips sway as she walks away out of view. The pink gem felt an odd mixture of disgust and satisfaction with herself. Disgusted that she couldn't control her eyes from wandering, but satisfied to have seen more of her beauty. Like her butt is soooooo round. It was hard not to look.
The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped Spinel out of her own head; she looks over at Steven to see him smirking knowingly at her. Spinel frowns as she covered her blazing cheeks with her hands, averting her gaze to the floor embarrassed she was caught.
"Not a word." She mutters as Steven puts his hands up.
"I was only going to say was, I'll be heading out now." Spinel's head whipped up lightning speed to look at her friend with fearful eyes.
"What? You're leaving me? Alone? With her?" She felt herself beginning to panic. She clutches the sleeve of his jacket keeping him close, her eyebrows knitting together. She didn't want him to go! He can't go! Spinel's breathing was coming out rapidly and unevenly as her body felt like it turned into lead.
"Hey, calm down Spins. I'm just going to be gone for a few hours and I'll come back to get you. I'm doing this for you to expand your horizons and meet new people. Besides (Y/N) is really nice." He explains as he places his hands on Spinel's shoulder trying to sooth. She was shaking in fear as she tightens her hold on him.
"B-but what if I m-mess up? Or s-say or d-do something stupid!? What if she d-doesn't like me?! You can't just leave me!" She cried out, anxiety consuming her body. The other gems and humans that were around tried their best to mind their own business, but witnessing Spinel having a meltdown was hard to ignore. Steven shushes her softly as he grabs her hands doing his best to comfort her. Her lower lip quivers as she stares at him with glassy eyes.
"Hey, I believe you won't say or do anything stupid. You are awesome Spinel, and I'm sure (Y/N) is going to love spending time with you." He promised as he slowly let go of the worrying gem.
"If you ever need anything, you can just call me on my cellphone and I'll be back. Can you just at least try?" he asks her softly, Spinel's eyes drifted away from his gaze as she offered a weak nod.
"Good! You'll do great and have fun!" And with that Steven walked out the studio, he gave her one final wave from the wide window before disappearing.
Spinel's arms slowly coiled around herself as she gritted down on her teeth. Would she be ok? Could she do this? Of course not! (Y/N) is a ball of energy and positivity and she is just...herself. How was she supposed to keep up with her? How was she supposed to make herself interesting enough for that perfect gem? Doubt rested heavily on her shoulders as her frown deepens. (Y/N) wouldn't stay with her once she finds out Steven is gone. She could see the disappointment on her face already when she’ll learns about the boy absence. The thought of the (Y/G) eyes filling with regret at spending the day with her made her choke.
"I can't. I-I can't do this." she mutters, her feet began to walk towards the exit of the studio. She swung the door open and steps into the outside world.
"Hey Spinel wait for me!" (Y/N) cries out. The pink gem turns around to see the short girl standing beside her. She wore a cute (F/C) dress with wedges. Her hair is up in a neat ponytail showing off more of her facial features. Spinel instantly noticed the presence of makeup on her face; her lashes look darker and thicker from the mascara. Here lips shiny from the coat of lip-gloss making her lips look plump. It wasn't much and hardly noticeable but Spinel could tell.
"Where are you going? And where’s Steven?" (Y/N) asks as she searched for the half gem boy. Spinel slouches her shoulders as she avoids eye contact with the girl.
"He left." She mutters. Y/N brows quirks up as she stood before the slender gem.
"So it will just be us?" She asks curiously. Spinel nods back in response afraid to speak. (E/C) eyes widen at the news, but her gem grew warm. She was going to be alone with Spinel? She will have this cutie to herself all day? The (C/G) had to remind herself to send a thank you text to the boy. (Y/N) couldn't help the smile that stretched over her face as she nearly bounced in place.
"Ok! Come on there is so much to see!" Spinel was taken by surprise by the short gems enthusiasm as she was yanked by the hand and rushed down the road. What? She actually wants to spend the day with her? Really? Why? The pink gem found herself again in a state of confusion; things weren't connecting for her. Why would she want to hang out with her and be her friend? Spinel understand she has friends, but it took a while for her to accept that it was real. But here is this beautiful gem, nose-diving into a potential friendship with her without a second thought. In addition, Spinel didn't have to do anything to entertain her or beg (Y/N) in any way. If anything it's (Y/N) trying to entertain her! No one has ever done that for her and...and it felt amazing. It felt so damn good that someone else was initiating the friendship first that wasn't herself. This concept was difficult for the pink gem to wrap her head around, she was about to dismiss her own theory. That all quickly changed when (Y/N) flashes a genuine smile, it brought Spinel to tears. She really did want to spend the day with her, she truly did. The fear and doubt that was manifesting insider her core subsided and was replaced with excitement. Spinel tightens her grip on (Y/N) hand as she too started to pick up pace as she raced down the sidewalk with (Y/N).
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locktobre · 5 years
Oh oh! I have another Frozen question for you! (And thank you for your lovely answer, I don't mind your rambles, they help me have an appreciation of the Frozen franchise when others make it sooo difficult tbh.) How do you rank Anna's hairstyles? I'm hoping that even as Queen she'll still let it down cause wow that style was top tier!!
I’m glad someone likes my rambling! I have a lot of fun doing it lol. This is a great question, too.
Okay, I’m gonna have a couple different answers to this, both for canon and for concept art bc I for one love imagining unused concepts as still being a part of a character’s wardrobe/style. And she has some really cute concept styles!
Bedhead. I mean, come on! Iconic, relatable princess from the first moment we see her grown up.
Her main Frozen 2 hairstyle. Hair-as-a-metaphor is very prevalent in Frozen (I mean, look at Elsa and how much ppl go on about that), and I think that Anna’s hair is symbolically very interesting. Her hair is down, symbolizing her free-spirited nature... but it also has a braid, symbolizing restraint. She’s matured! She’s not the same naive girl she was 3 years ago.
Her queen hair! It’s taken me awhile to get used to it, because it’s the reverse of Iduna’s and Elsa’s hair, so it kind of looked off, but again, symbolism there. (Not even accounting for the fact that it’s bc her bangs sweep the other way from Iduna and Elsa.) Iduna and Elsa both kept many secrets. Anna hates secrets, and goes out of her way to both honor and call out her history. (I mean, it’s not that deep, but isn’t it tho?)
Her signature braids. They’re so cute and also practical. (I braid my hair a lot to keep it out of the way and I always prefer doing 2 braids to 1, and not just bc I love Anna so much.)
Her updo from Elsa’s coronation/OFA/the harvest festival. I’m not sure why, but I don’t really care for this hairstyle? Maybe bc it’s so complicated, and it doesn’t really look good when recreated irl. I’m sorry to the toy designers and wig stylists out there but Disney really screwed you when they designed that lol. (See also, Elsa’s signature braid/bangs, and the nightmare it is irl.)
This is mean, but the little pigtails she has at the very beginning, before her hair is long enough for braids. I just don’t like them. I prefer the dolls and illustrations that make them high pigtails bc that’s cuter, but the low ones just look so small and wispy. I also wonder why her hair is so freaking short at that point? Maybe it’s just bc I’ve had long hair most of my life but I don’t really get it.
Concept art:
Her earlier braids, with the ribbons(?) wrapped around them. I just really like the ribbon detail, it makes it look fancier.
Her prototype coronation/queen hair. (The top of the page.) It’s like... a fancy high pony? Vaguely heart-shaped? SUPER cute.
Her double dutch braids, from earlier concepts of Frozen 2. (Also on that page, her prototype queen hair or similar, two braids going into a ponytail. Very cute.) I like the hairstyle we got, but this would have been an interesting inversion of her braids before. Again, hair-as-metaphor.
Her prototype hairstyles for Elsa’s coronation. I like the top one better than the bottom. (The middle is canon ofc.) I love the slight messiness of the top hairstyle with the loose hairs.
I think that’s all of her different styles (she didn’t have that many concepts, Elsa had more, since they decided pretty early on to go with two braids, apparently).
Thanks for asking me this! It was really fun to think about and also fun to look back at her different concepts. Also surprisingly easy. (Ranking her outfits--especially including concepts--would be much harder.)
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60 Medium Hair Updos
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It’s almost funny how finding easy updos for medium hair isn’t all that simple at all.
Really, the internet is overflowing with hairstyle ideas, but we weren’t all born with the gift of braiding, twisting, pinning, and hair spraying our way to hairdo perfection.
So what’s a girl gonna do?
1. Low Bun with Twisted Braids
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To get this beautiful low bun, all you need is two hair ties, some bobby pins, hair spray and a bit of patience. The results are well worth it!
2. From Braid to Bun
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In just six easy steps, you can transform a small braid into a gorgeous chignon that gently rests on the back of your neck.
3. Double Twisted Braid Bun
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Go from pigtails to twisted braids to a lovely bun in a matter of minutes with one of our favorites from our easy updos for medium hair list.
4. Twisting an Updo
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Good things come to those who twist! It helps if your hair is naturally wavy or curly for this pretty chignon.
5. French Braid Low Bun
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Yet another one of the 9-step easy updos for medium hair involves gradually bringing your hair together into a complete French braid and then twisting left, right, and up.
6. Curly, Wavy, & Messy Bun
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Curly gals will love this one. All you have to do is tie your hair half up, half down, and twist up and around.
7. The Three-Way Twist
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If you’re looking for easy updos for medium hair, this is as simple as it gets. Simply tie your hair in three low ponytails and twist them around.
8. Classic & Classy Low Bun
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For this classy and classic hairdo, twist the sides of your hair and bring them into a low ponytail. Wrap it up and close with a bobby pin. Voila!
9. High Bun with Double Braids
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Start with the sides of your head, bring the rest of your hair up into a ponytail and then braid that too! Twist around the main braid for a super cute bun.
10. Back Braided Crown
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Braid your hair in two, leaving the inner margins loose. Wrap left, wrap right, and the result is a magnificent chignon embraced by a braid.
11. Longer Ponytail
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Are you in for an optical illusion? Get the long ponytail you have always dreamed about by first splitting your hair half up, half down and tying the two parts into separate ponytails. Let the top part fall on the lower one and enjoy your super long pony!
12. Elegantly Curled Bun
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You’ll need a curling iron for these kinds of easy updos for medium hair. Follow the nine steps illustrated in the photo above to get a fabulous loose bun fit for a wedding!
13. Braided Bohemian Updo
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Boho chic anyone? Braid your hair in four and wrap them all around for a fresh bohemian look.
14. Triple Braid Bun
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This is similar to the three-way twist, just that you also braid the mini ponytails before twisting them into buns. Don’t forget your bobby pins!
15. Linked Updo
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Start from the top of your head and knot your way down to the base of your neck for a truly unique linked braid.
16. Afro Faux Hawk
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If you’re lucky enough to have afro hair, all you have to do is comb it up to the top of your head and pack in pins all around for the ultimate curly faux hawk.
17. Blossoming Bow
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We all love hair bows, but you can make yours even more interesting than a traditional one. After you have the bow in place, gently twist the sides until it beautifully blossoms open.
18. Classic Messy Bun
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Get a hair tie, bend your neck down, grab all your hair and casually twist it into a bun. That’s all you have to do to get the perfect messy bun.
19. Connected Ponytail
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A funky approach to the classic ponytail, this hairstyle involves parting your hair horizontally in three and then adding a hair tie every few inches.
20. Double Side Twists Bun
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Part your hair in two and twist both sides together into a cute little double bun.
21. Sophisticated Updo
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Bring on the hairspray! Spend some time gently pinning your hair up into a loose, classy bun and then use hair spray in abundance to hold it in place.
22. Loose French Braid Bun
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Begin with a loose French braid at the top of your head and then add a hair tie for a cool and eye-catching loose bun.
23. French Braid Ponytail
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The steps are almost the same for these easy updos for medium hair, just that you wrap your hair in a ponytail at the end instead of a bun.
24. Loose Curly Bun
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Use pins to bring your wavy locks together into this messy-but-fancy bun. Don’t forget to leave a few loose strands on the sides of your face for a lovely effect.
25. Linked Crown Low Bun
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Instead of styling your hair into a low bun with a braided crown, link the top part together for an original approach.
26. Side Wrap Bun
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27. Double Headband
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After you get your perfect messy bun together, add a personal touch with a cool double headband.
28. Classic French Braid
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Everyone knows about the classic French braid, but how on earth do you really make it? This 9-step guide shows how easy-peasy it really is!
29. Side Chignon
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Why settle for the norm when you can give a classic chignon a twist? Instead of keeping it straight down, turn it to the side a bit.
30. Bun & Bow
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Is there any way to make a bohemian bun even more adorable? Surprisingly, yes! Add a big bow in your favorite color and you’ll look as if you came straight out of a fairytale.
31. Half Up Half Down with Braid Crown
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One of the easy updos for medium hair you can try out any time is braiding two bigger strands on each side and bringing them together for a cute half up, half down look.
32. Upper Side Fishtail
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A well-braided fishtail can go a long way for easy updos for medium hair.
33. Curly Side Chignon
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Another way to style a side chignon is by curling your hair beforehand. It’s even better if your hair is naturally wavy or curly.
34. Swept Up Bun
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Another glamorous wedding bun is this swept up style. Pin up a loose bun and sweep up the sides.
35. Twisted Chignon with Accessories
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Twist your way to a chignon and add your favorite hairpins.
36. Perfect Wedding Updo
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This curly bun is the long wedding updo you’ve been dreaming of!
37. Side Braid Ponytail
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Braid a bit of your hair to the side and bring the rest up into a ponytail.
38. Braid Over Chignon
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Pin in a loose chignon and wrap a braid around the top.
39. Loose French Braid High Ponytail
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Loosen up your top French braid and end it in a high ponytail.
40. Casual Ponytail with Bangs
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What you see is what you get, ladies!
41. Puffed Up Ponytail
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Puff up your ponytail with a comb and hair spray.
42. Big Half Up, Half Down Ponytail
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Tie your hair in a half up, half down ponytail and start teasing.
43. Soft Half, Up Half Down Ponytail
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This is the classic version of the half up and half down ponytail.
44. Messy Ponytail
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Don’t be afraid to get messy with your ponytails.
45. Puffy Afro Faux Hawk
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Bring your hair up into a faux hawk and tease away!
46. Half Up, Half Down Twist
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After parting your hair half up and half down, twist the end into a bun.
47. Bandana Ponytail
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Add a bandana to your ponytail for a fresh and edgy look.
48. Pin Up Ponytail
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Wrap your ponytail with a ribbon and curl every remaining strand. You’ll get the perfect pin up look in no time!
49. Half Up, Half Down Bun
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Braid both sides into a half up and half down bun.
50. Braid Up Bun
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Start with a French braid and end up with a fab twist to a classic bun.
51. Double Braid Crown
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Double your crown with a traditional crown braid and a fishtail braid. The result is simply gorgeous!
52. Braid Wrap Around Crown Bun
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Go for a big bun and surround it with a thick braid.
53. Half Up, Half Down Fishtail Braid
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Braid the top part of your half up, half down hairstyle into an adorable fishtail.
54. Curly Braid Down Bun
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Make the most of your curls with this loose braided bun.
55. Braided Updo with Flowers
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Add some small flowers to your braided updo for enhanced femininity. You can sport this fairy-like look at a wedding, a festival, while going out, or just basically anywhere!
56. Wrap Around Twist Crown
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Create a wraparound crown with any braids you like.
57. Double Braided Up Pigtails
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French braid your pigtails up into small buns. The shaved undercut is optional, of course.
58. Hair Flower Crown
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Get creative with your braided half up, half down with a beautiful flower design.
59. Top French Braid
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Try stopping your French braid when you get to the top and let the rest of your hair flow freely. 60. Half Up, Half Down with Two Braids
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Connect two side braids into one of the princess-like easy updos for medium hair.
60 Medium Hair Updos
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✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
Belle: a messy ponytail 90% of the time, it’s only down when she’s at home after having just showered, or occasionally a few other times. she hates it in her face, so it is always pulled back but a lot of times it is like a second day ponytail cuz she’ll just keep it in when she sleeps so there are always pieces kind of sticking out. belle’s hair is just past shoulder length.
Simba: a lil fro, not super long, maybe just like half an inch/inch off his head. he keeps it well trimmed and shaped tho and keeps a brush in his car that he’ll use before he gets out to go anywhere. keeps a nice clean-cut beard 90% of the time.
Toulouse: always clean shaven (doesn’t have much facial hair anyway lol, imagine...), his hair is perfectly coiffed at all times. that like messy, loose curls look. his hair isn’t long enough to pull back or anything but it’s definitely on the longer side. idk just picture eddie’s fancy hair and it’s like that. takes longer to style it than literally anyone else.
Attina: braids!! tina loves braids. her hair is always styled unless she’s just like running to the grocery store or hanging out at home on a sunday. either wears it in loose curls or up in some sort of fancy up do. usually in different braids: french braids, dutch braids, occasionally braided pigtails. i’d say it’s like a 50/50 on whether it’s down and curled or up and styled. does a LOT of half down/half up looks. i’d say it reaches her bra strap line, so bottom of shoulder blades?
Hercules: he does literally zero things to his hair.
Mei: leaves it down most of the time because she can’t be bothered. it is very Long, almost to her butt long. it’s pretty messy. has a nice natural wave to it, very thick so if she does throw it up, it’s just in a messy bun or pony tail. when she’s dancing or exercising it is back though. sometimes she will put it back in some fancier updos, usually for special occasions. 
Shock: her hair is always kind of ratty and greasy. i have a hc that she actually hasn’t cut it since she went into remission so it’s also very long. however, she can’t be bothered with it most days and just throws it up in a bun, so most people don’t even realize how long it is. probably doesn’t even know how to braid lol. 
Bob: he also does literally zero things to his hair, it’s pretty short, also balding. probably tried to do something about that at one point and it went Very Wrong. 
Thomas: actually does put some product in his hair. mostly because if he didn’t it would be super curly and stick out all over the place and he does care about his appearance somewhat. so he’ll kind of rub product on his hands and then run it through his hair, but that just leaves these like lovely defined curls in the wake.
Zira: shaved head. like a boss. occasionally will don a wig for fancy occasions, but her day to day is a shaved head or a very, very close cut fro.
Candace: usually down. sometimes she’ll put it in a ponytail, especially when she’s doing something Science-y (TM) but when she puts it up there are always a few hairs that frame her face. braids it occasionally if she’s feeling fancy. it’s also quite long, i’d say mid-back probably, maybe a little longer.
👓 What kind of mobility or assistive devices (if any) does your character use in daily life? (Glasses, canes, hearing aides, wheelchairs, etc.)
Belle: none! tho im thinking about giving her glasses for reading eventually mostly because i think that’s very ironic and also pregnancy can mess up your eyesight bc pregnancy is WACK y’all -- but just imagine the plot of belle not being able to read !!! 
Simba: none! he does have a knee that acts up on him tho and will probably need a cane in his older age (UGH IM SO OLD - simba) 
Toulouse: also considering giving toulouse glasses bc eddie also has very cute glasses and it’s a Look (TM). maybe i will say he has reading glasses, can i just retcon that lmao
Attina: none! 
Hercules: none!
Mei: none!
Shock: had to use a cane for a few months during her treatment, and has also been wheelchair-bound a few times. had to stop using the cane bc all she did was wack people with it and no one could get close to her. 
Bob: none! 
Thomas: none!
Zira: none, she’s a vampire lol
Candace: has glasses! she wears contacts usually bc glasses are for NERDS, but at night or if she’s been studying/reading/on the comp for a long time, she has to switch to glasses bc her eyes will get really fatigued otherwise. 
♔ How does your character usually dress for a fancy event?
Belle: i actually have a hc that all of belle’s fancier outfits come from her mom, because no way would she ever buy them herself. she also only has like 3 pairs of Fancy Shoes that she just rotates through. her color palette for events is like blue/gold generally. 
Simba: on theme -- unless he doesn’t want to be. but he always dresses...not flashy...but uhhhh eye-catching. loves to be the center of attention so his outfits are just wack-o. loves playing around with different looks. please do not test him he will literally wear anything. 
Toulouse: stuntin’ on all you bitches always. toulouse loves NOTHING more than he loves dressing up for fancy events. it is in his BLOOD. always crushes the theme. designer only. jewelry, make up, AMAZING shoes. honestly i wanna play around with different styles even more with him. i had him wear a skirt to pride and 10/10 will do that again idk he is just very fluid in his fashion choices and i should embrace that more. 
Attina: attina has a very modern-classic style. i always say hers is closest to what my own is in my head. lots of sweetheart necklines, long, flowing princess skirts/silhouettes. the girliest of my girls, she loves to look and feel very feminine. her color palette is generally a gold/red/green palette. LOTS of jewelry. bitch loves the sparkle.
Hercules: a suit.
Mei: i love mei’s event and fancy outfit style. it’s very girlish and flirty. doesn’t wear anything super body-hugging. loves tulle skirts. she loves wearing fun clothes but nothing too flashy. her style is kind of hard to describe, but generally pretty modern and not conservative, but definitely not sexy really. it can also be very witchy: lace, capes, shimmery things, etc.
Shock: can be explained by clicking here but seriously, shock only shops at thrift shops or what she can steal from people. so, her outfits are generally kind of all over the place. but she loves a grungy look, but when she dresses up she does like a Modern Flirty Grunge: sheer tops, lace, ripped up clothes, etc.
Bob: a suit.
Thomas: a suit. (sometimes fun colored pocket squares/tie/bow tie. will wear whatever phil puts him in.)
Zira: loves a pant suit. very modern silhouettes. always looking fly. lots of jewel tones: purples, greens, etc.  
Candace: i’m still getting a feel for her fashion and she hasn’t been to any events yet, so we’ll see! but probably very modern and tighter and kind of slutty, but like tasteful slutty. has nice legs so wants to show those off. 
0 notes
These do’s worn by your favorite K-Pop stars are modern, versatile, and definitely do the job of beating the heat. Check out these looks that are super easy to recreate when you just don’t feel like putting in the effort. 1. TWICE Chaeyoung’s “MORE & MORE” Space Buns  Chaeyoung sported the look in TWICE‘s latest music video, but they’re not your typical space buns — They have a carefree and messy vibe to match the free-spirited concept. She also placed a beaded headband across her forehead, turning it into the perfect summer look.    An alternative way to rock the style is by going for an asymmetrical take. Try playing around with bun placement, different sizes, and more to make the style unique to your taste.    She proves it can also look polished when paired with some chic clothes and dangling earrings.   2. (G)I-DLE Soojin’s “DUMDI DUMDI” Half Updo  If your hair is currently short like Soojin‘s, it may be hard to put all of into an updo. To get some relief from the summer heat, part your hair from above your ears to the crown of your head.    You can put this top section in one (or two!) messy buns. Optionally, leave down your bangs like Soojin or any stray pieces to frame your face.   3. BLACKPINK Jennie’s Pigtails  Pigtails may seem juvenile, but when pulled to the nape of your head like Jennie, they’re seriously adorable — and suitable for all ages!    The sky is the limit when it comes to customizing this hairstyle and making it your own. You can braid the pigtails, tie ribbons at the end, or add a headband.   | @jennierubyjane/Instagram  If you’re up for the challenge of trying the high pigtail look, fun scrunchies can help keep it trendy!   4. Red Velvet Irene’s Bun (똥머리)  Irene‘s bun, named “Poop Hair” in Korea for its appropriate shape, is the quickest and most efficient hairstyle for beating the blazing sun.    Gather all hair at the crown of the head and wrap in a circle. Secure with an elastic and use bobby pins to secure any loose pieces. The messier this look turns out, the better!   5. IZ*ONE Hyewon’s Volumized Ponytail  A ponytail might not come to mind as trendy look, but Hyewon uses a scrunchie and places it at the middle of her head to create a ponytail with mega volume.    Leave out some side fringe to tuck behind your hair and voilà — summer Barbie hair in seconds!   WayV Lost It When Kun Accidentally Turned Their Fan Meeting 19+ by Korea Stars TV
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Summer Hairstyle Ideas For Hot, Sticky Days and Sweaty Workouts
Once temperatures skyrocket and that humidity hits, nearly every day can feel like a bad-hair day. And if you have longer tresses, forget it: Wearing your hair down feels like you have a blanket over your shoulders at best. To help ease your heat wave struggles, we’ve tapped two local hair experts for summer hairstyle ideas and product recos. Bonus: Not only are you going to want to screenshot these styles for the next time the heat has you this close to cutting all your strands off but they’ll help you keep your hair in check (and you looking chic) while you’re working out. Because, let’s be honest: We’ve all skipped breaking a sweat to save a hairstyle, and we should never have to put our hair ahead of our health.
Up and Away
Photography via Imaxtree
In high temps, opting to sweep all your hair up into a neck-baring style is a no-brainer. The always-popular topknot will never date, especially if you pull out a few wispy, face-framing layers. The ’do is also an ideal way to summer-proof long box braids and dreadlocks: Just twist them up into an oversized version. And long live the effortless messy bun. If you have shorter hair that doesn’t quite reach full chignon potential, try space buns, recommends Ana Ruiz, a hairstylist at Toronto’s fitness gym meets beauty salon Bolo. “You basically separate the top layer of your hair into two messy buns on either side of the crown of your head,” she explains. Ruiz is also a fan of sweat-proofing clients’ hair with a double-stacked ponytail.
TIP: If you’re planning on taking your updo down once the weather cools or post-workout, gather hair loosely and attach it with spiral hair ties instead of traditional elastics, recommends Ruiz. They’re strong enough to hold your style in place without leaving creases in your hair, plus they’re less tangle-prone.
Dream Weaver
Photography via Imaxtree
Both practical and eye-catching, braids are perfect for tackling hair woes on non-wash days and easily transition into a post-workout style. If you’re concerned about greasy roots before you plait, try a little dry shampoo, advises Ruiz. “It helps absorb the oils left in your hair after a workout and helps the style last longer.” Good with braiding? Take a stab at sleek Dutch braids or a timeless French plait down the back of your head. For the best outcome for chunky braided looks, try some volumizing powder, especially if your strands are feeling limp and lifeless. “This adds more grit to the hair, which makes it appear fuller and holds the braids in really well,” says Ruiz. For something simpler to DIY, loose pigtail plaits that start at the nape of the neck never fail. They’re also a pro-recommended method for achieving easy waves—just take it from Justin German, a celebrity hairstylist and consulting stylist for Pantene. “Spritz in a dry texturizing spray as a setting lotion and then do two loose braids,” he shares. “When you’re ready to take them out, you’ll have some texture.”
Accessories Alert
Photography via Imaxtree
Sometimes the most stunning summer hairstyle is also the easiest. “Playing with different types of headbands and decorative bobby pins and clips is in right now,” says German. Whether you are slicking back sticky bangs with pins or upgrading a classic ponytail with a standout hair tie, hair adornments have reached some serious new style heights and are elevating fuss-free hairstyles to no end. Also, if sweaty edges are the stuff of nightmares for you, a moisture-wicking headband or a silk or satin scarf can help keep your hair flat and perspiration from spreading to the rest of your hair.
TIP: Hit damp roots with a blow-dryer on cool while still wearing your head covering. “When it comes to curly hair, I recommend using a headband instead of a hair tie,” says Ruiz. “It allows you to pull back your hair but keeps curls from losing their shape or knotting.” Her go-to for reviving any lost bounce post-sweat? Saturate your curls with a refreshing leave-in conditioner or detangler and then give them a good shake.
Hot Hair Essentials
Now that you’ve got a few summer hairstyle ideas to try, these are the products that will help you nail the look.
Universal Appeal
Cheat Day Dry Shampoo Foam
($9, Pantene)
Buy Now
Dry Powder Volume Paste
($25, Eleven Australia)
Buy Now
Apple Cider Vinegar Dry Co-Wash
($12, Cantu)
Buy Now
Curl Reviver
Boing Curl Leave-In
($34, Unite)
Buy Now
Catcha Wave
Muroto Volume Hydro-Texturizing Mist
($43, Shu Uemura)
Buy Now
The post Summer Hairstyle Ideas For Hot, Sticky Days and Sweaty Workouts appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Summer Hairstyle Ideas For Hot, Sticky Days and Sweaty Workouts published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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15 Stunning Quinceanera Hairstyles That Should Be Considered
A Quinceanera hairstyle is any hairstyle that is worn on the 15th birthday of a girl and is traditionally celebrated in Spanish and Latin American countries. On this important day, the entrance of a girl into the femininity of family and friends is celebrated and introduced to society through a fancy party with beautiful dresses and dances! The majority of girls want quinceanera hairstyles that are fancier, but there are also many simple hairstyle options, including some down dos, braids and light tucks.
The birthday girl is definitely going to be the center of attention, so it should be top priority to style her hair perfectly – less than that would be totally unacceptable!
It may be overwhelming at first because the selection is literally overcrowded, but a few basic things to keep in mind are the hair type, the dress and the jewelry and of course the personality. You would like to present the best side of yourself with a matching hairstyle that gives you the confidence to conquer your big event!
Curls are a common sight, but there are many ways to make this style unique – buns, accessories, braids and up-dos are just a few. IG Famous Barber Rosita Rodriguez shows a range of exclusive ways to wear your hair with crowns and waves and other modern hairdressing techniques!
Below, I've just put together the latest and most fabulous Quinceanera hairstyles to get you on your journey into femininity! Come on, girl!
Simple ponytail with curls
How would you describe this look?
This look is a look that is versatile. You can wear it for all formal occasions – prom, weddings and even quinces. It is definitely a unique style that sets itself apart from others and has very detailed details.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The only advice I would give to any customer who wants this look is to make sure that his hair is sometimes long enough to start curling and holding the hair, it can get thinner and not look so full. If your hair is not thick and long, I definitely recommend extensions for your Quinceanera hairstyles.
Updo for Quinceanera hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
One thing I love about those dirty braided updos is how effortless this look is, but stylish enough by adding a nice, pulled out braid. My favorite thing will definitely be the whole texture on the updo.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I definitely always recommend a hair test, especially for customers who are not used to having their hair completely high. I love leaving just a little bit from the edge so that my client will still feel comfortable if he has omitted a few hairs that frame the face. This look is perfect for any type of hair as it is a versatile look. Ideal for bridal showers, quinceaneras or other special occasions.
Cute half up, half down
How would you describe this look?
This look can be described as a soft, modern romance that seems effortless in nature and feels Bohemian overall. My favorite aspect of this hairstyle is that the twists provide details while the overall atmosphere remains moody and unstructured.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Fortunately, this is one of those styles that are suitable for most hair types and lengths. However, I would recommend that you cut layers in your hair to ensure volume and texture throughout the styling, and framed around the face for softness. If your hair is especially fine, I would recommend installing a set of clips in hair extensions to create more volume for your Quinceanera hairstyles and keep the waves all day long. A sea salt spray and a textured spray must be used in conjunction to ensure that the surface is naturally separated and undone.
Lots of braids
How would you describe this look?
This is a boho style that can be worn for everyday wear as well as for special occasions. If you're considering Quinceanera hairstyles, a boho style may not be the first thing that comes to your mind, but this one is definitely chic and chilled.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This style should look effortless and disheveled. This is a style that you can create yourself with texturing powder, a Bobby pin, 3 rubber bands and a hot tool, whether you prefer a curling iron or flat iron. Divide your hair into 4 sections that separate the top and form two large braids.
Place texturing powder on the mesh and pull it as loosely as you can and you want. The more you draw, the more boho effects you will create. Attach the braids with a rubber band at the end of both braids and intertwine the braids and secure them with a bobby pin. Comb the remaining curls with a wide tooth comb.
Romantic curly hair with open hair
Such a complicated arrangement deserves to be worn by every lady. Make a pattern over the head and the ends for the ultimate look.
Down cut for short hair
Maximize your cut by releasing your curls. Add a vivid color and you'll be sure to brighten any room you're in!
Beautiful down hairstyle
The last-minute preparations can make you look stressed. When you pull your hair down, your silky, soft curls will be visible. Effortlessly beautiful, indeed!
Long curls for medium-length hair
A princess for a day! Great curls for a lady for any special occasion are a pleasure to see.
Up Style with Tiara
The classic royalty update. Glimmer with a fancy trim and some floral accessories with a beautiful crown to seal the look. Tiaras have become popular accessories for Quinceanera hairstyles, but an up-style like this really works well together.
Beautiful French twist
Elusively exquisite and yet simple and uncomplicated. This right updo is what you definitely need. French twist are cheap for Quinceanera hairstyles because of the variety of styling available.
Cute jumping curls for thick hair
Rolling up thick hair and putting it into a full bun sound is the way to carry volume! A great way to make someone party in a party.
Modern Half Updo with crown
Loose curls for long hair
Awake, like this hair, but for your special day? Then this style is just right for you!
Side braids for Quinceanera hairstyles
The braiding of curly hair is nothing new, especially for gifted curl galas. With this magnificent style you can shine in a few areas.
Simple Bun-Updo with pigtails
Wrap the twisted hair in a low knot and then loosen it for a more decorative look.
15 Stunning Quinceanera Hairstyles That Should Be Considered
0 notes
qualitytacolover · 5 years
15 Stunning Quinceanera Hairstyles That Should Be Considered
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/15-stunning-quinceanera-hairstyles-that-should-be-considered.html
15 Stunning Quinceanera Hairstyles That Should Be Considered
A Quinceanera hairstyle is any hairstyle that is worn on the 15th birthday of a girl and is traditionally celebrated in Spanish and Latin American countries. On this important day, the entrance of a girl into the femininity of family and friends is celebrated and introduced to society through a fancy party with beautiful dresses and dances! The majority of girls want quinceanera hairstyles that are fancier, but there are also many simple hairstyle options, including some down dos, braids and light tucks.
The birthday girl is definitely going to be the center of attention, so it should be top priority to style her hair perfectly – less than that would be totally unacceptable!
It may be overwhelming at first because the selection is literally overcrowded, but a few basic things to keep in mind are the hair type, the dress and the jewelry and of course the personality. You would like to present the best side of yourself with a matching hairstyle that gives you the confidence to conquer your big event!
Curls are a common sight, but there are many ways to make this style unique – buns, accessories, braids and up-dos are just a few. IG Famous Barber Rosita Rodriguez shows a range of exclusive ways to wear your hair with crowns and waves and other modern hairdressing techniques!
Below, I've just put together the latest and most fabulous Quinceanera hairstyles to get you on your journey into femininity! Come on, girl!
Simple ponytail with curls
How would you describe this look?
This look is a look that is versatile. You can wear it for all formal occasions – prom, weddings and even quinces. It is definitely a unique style that sets itself apart from others and has very detailed details.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The only advice I would give to any customer who wants this look is to make sure that his hair is sometimes long enough to start curling and holding the hair, it can get thinner and not look so full. If your hair is not thick and long, I definitely recommend extensions for your Quinceanera hairstyles.
Updo for Quinceanera hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
One thing I love about those dirty braided updos is how effortless this look is, but stylish enough by adding a nice, pulled out braid. My favorite thing will definitely be the whole texture on the updo.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I definitely always recommend a hair test, especially for customers who are not used to having their hair completely high. I love leaving just a little bit from the edge so that my client will still feel comfortable if he has omitted a few hairs that frame the face. This look is perfect for any type of hair as it is a versatile look. Ideal for bridal showers, quinceaneras or other special occasions.
Cute half up, half down
How would you describe this look?
This look can be described as a soft, modern romance that seems effortless in nature and feels Bohemian overall. My favorite aspect of this hairstyle is that the twists provide details while the overall atmosphere remains moody and unstructured.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Fortunately, this is one of those styles that are suitable for most hair types and lengths. However, I would recommend that you cut layers in your hair to ensure volume and texture throughout the styling, and framed around the face for softness. If your hair is especially fine, I would recommend installing a set of clips in hair extensions to create more volume for your Quinceanera hairstyles and keep the waves all day long. A sea salt spray and a textured spray must be used in conjunction to ensure that the surface is naturally separated and undone.
Lots of braids
How would you describe this look?
This is a boho style that can be worn for everyday wear as well as for special occasions. If you're considering Quinceanera hairstyles, a boho style may not be the first thing that comes to your mind, but this one is definitely chic and chilled.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This style should look effortless and disheveled. This is a style that you can create yourself with texturing powder, a Bobby pin, 3 rubber bands and a hot tool, whether you prefer a curling iron or flat iron. Divide your hair into 4 sections that separate the top and form two large braids.
Place texturing powder on the mesh and pull it as loosely as you can and you want. The more you draw, the more boho effects you will create. Attach the braids with a rubber band at the end of both braids and intertwine the braids and secure them with a bobby pin. Comb the remaining curls with a wide tooth comb.
Romantic curly hair with open hair
Such a complicated arrangement deserves to be worn by every lady. Make a pattern over the head and the ends for the ultimate look.
Down cut for short hair
Maximize your cut by releasing your curls. Add a vivid color and you'll be sure to brighten any room you're in!
Beautiful down hairstyle
The last-minute preparations can make you look stressed. When you pull your hair down, your silky, soft curls will be visible. Effortlessly beautiful, indeed!
Long curls for medium-length hair
A princess for a day! Great curls for a lady for any special occasion are a pleasure to see.
Up Style with Tiara
The classic royalty update. Glimmer with a fancy trim and some floral accessories with a beautiful crown to seal the look. Tiaras have become popular accessories for Quinceanera hairstyles, but an up-style like this really works well together.
Beautiful French twist
Elusively exquisite and yet simple and uncomplicated. This right updo is what you definitely need. French twist are cheap for Quinceanera hairstyles because of the variety of styling available.
Cute jumping curls for thick hair
Rolling up thick hair and putting it into a full bun sound is the way to carry volume! A great way to make someone party in a party.
Modern Half Updo with crown
Loose curls for long hair
Awake, like this hair, but for your special day? Then this style is just right for you!
Side braids for Quinceanera hairstyles
The braiding of curly hair is nothing new, especially for gifted curl galas. With this magnificent style you can shine in a few areas.
Simple Bun-Updo with pigtails
Wrap the twisted hair in a low knot and then loosen it for a more decorative look.
0 notes
gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
21 Amazing French Braid Tutorials
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/21-amazing-french-braid-tutorials/
21 Amazing French Braid Tutorials
Anjali Sayee June 7, 2019
Everything brilliant begins with the word ‘French.’
French fries, French toast, and – most importantly – French braid.
The French braid has transcended time to become one of the most sought-after hairstyles of the past few decades. It is one of the best hairstyles to sport at work or the gym. It is also perfect for a night out or a party. If you want to know more about how to weave a French braid and the different styles you can do with it, keep scrolling!
What Is A French Braid? 
A French braid is a three-strand braid in which you cross the middle section under the side sections and add more hair to the side sections with each subsequent stitch of the braid.
What You Need
Hair brush
Elastic band
How To Do
Detangle your hair with a brush.
Pull some hair back as you would in a half ponytail.
Divide this section into three sub-sections: the left, the middle, and the right.
Do one stitch of braid. The middle section always goes under the left and right sections.
Add hair from the side to the left and right sections before flipping them over the middle section.
Keep adding hair to the braid with each subsequent stitch until you reach the nape of your neck.
Simply braid your hair the rest of the way down until you reach the end and tie an elastic band to keep it from unraveling.
Adjust the braid as you like. If you want the braid a bit loose, pancake it carefully.
The Dutch braid has been gaining popularity in recent times, which comes as no surprise because it looks stunning. Though it looks quite similar to the French braid, there are some key differences between the two. Here’s what you need to know.
Difference Between French Braid Vs. Dutch Braid
The major difference between the French braid and the Dutch braid lies in the way you weave the middle section of the braid. In the French braid, you pass the middle section under the side sections. In the Dutch braid, you pass the middle section over the side sections.
You can tell the difference just by looking at both the braids. The French braid looks like it is underneath your hair while the Dutch braid looks like it is lying on top of it.
 To find out how to weave a Dutch braid, check out this article.
Now that you know all about the French braid and how to do a basic one, let’s check out some gorgeous styles you can do with it!
21 Best French Braiding Styles
1. French Braid Pigtails
[embedded content]
What You Need
Hair brush
Elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair back, so it falls behind your shoulders.
Divide your hair into half from the front to the back to form two equal sections.
Pick up some hair from the front of one section, near the parting. Divide it into three sections and French braid it.
Once you reach the nape of your neck, secure the braid with an elastic band.
Repeat the same with the other section of hair.
2. Double French Braid
[embedded content]
What You Need
Elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair back, so it falls behind your shoulders.
Divide your hair vertically into two sections.
Take some hair from the front of one section and right next to the parting.
Divide this section into three parts and French braid it.
Once the French braid reaches the nape of your neck, braid it regularly the rest of the way down. Secure the ends with an elastic band.
Repeat the same with the other section of hair.
3. French Braid Ponytail
[embedded content]
What You Need
Elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair to remove all tangles and knots.
Gently backcomb the top of your hair to form a slight pouf. Begin weaving a French braid with this section of hair.
Weave around 5 to 6 stitches of the braid. Once you reach near the middle of your head, secure the braid with an elastic band along with the rest of your hair. This creates the high ponytail.
4. Messy French Braid
[embedded content]
What You Need
Elastic band
How To Do
The key to getting a perfect messy braid is not to use a comb. Use your fingers to gather all your hair.
Weave a loose French braid. Allow stray strands of hair to fall freely.
Spritz some hairspray after securing the braid with an elastic band.
5. Mermaid French Braid
[embedded content]
What You Need
Elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair down to remove any knots.
Gather your hair as you would for a half ponytail and weave it into a braid. Secure this braid with an elastic band.
Pick up a little hair from the top right of your head and pass it through the topmost left stitch of the braid.
Pick up some hair from the left side and pass it through the topmost right stitch.
Keep weaving hair into your braid this way until all your hair is in the mermaid braid.
6. Side-Swept French Braided Bangs
[embedded content]
What You Need
Bobby pins
Elastic band
How To Do
After brushing your hair, part it on one side.
Leaving out your bangs, gather the rest of your hair and tie it in an elastic band to keep it out of the way.
Gather hair from the front of the side with more hair.
Weave it into a Frech braid, guiding it from the front to the side of your head.
Keep adding hair only from the front to your bangs.
Once the braid is done, secure it with bobby pins.
7. French Braided Updo
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What You Need
Elastic bands
Bobby pins
How To Do
Part your hair from the front to the crown in a middle or a side parting.
Weave the side with more hair in a French braid until after your ear.
Weave the rest of the way down into a regular braid.
Secure the braid with an elastic band.
Gather the rest of your hair and weave it into a regular braid.
Wrap the braid in a low bun and secure it with bobby pins.
Wrap the first braid around the bun and pin it in place.
8. Faux French Braid
What You Need
Bobby pins
How To Do
Brush your hair to remove all knots and tangles.
Gather hair from the top and sides and tie it in a half ponytail.
Tie another half ponytail right under the first one.
Split the second ponytail in half, pull both the sections in front of the first ponytail, tie them together with an elastic band.
Tie a third ponytail under the second one and repeat the above.
Keep doing this until the end. Secure the faux braid with an elastic band. Pancake the braid to make it look voluminous.
9. French Braid Half Top Knot
What You Need
Rat-tailed comb
Elastic band
Bobby pins
How To Do
Using the pointed end of the comb, section off the mohawk part of your hair and clip away the rest to keep it out of the way.
Weave a French braid with the mohawk section of hair until you reach the crown. Secure it with an elastic band.
Wrap the tail of the braid into a top knot and secure it in place with the help of bobby pins.
10. Low Side French Bun
What You Need
Rat-tailed comb
Bobby pins
Thin elastic bands
How To Do
Section your hair in a curve from your left temple to your right ear. Clip the top section up.
Weave the lower section of hair in a French braid by adding hair to only the right side of the braid.
Weave the braid until you reach the opposite side of the back hairline. Secure it with an elastic band.
Gather all your hair and wrap it in a low bun. Secure it with an elastic band and bobby pins.
11. French Knot Tuck Updo
What You Need 
Hair brush
Elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair to remove any knots and tangles. Brush your hair back behind your shoulders.
Gather hair from the top and a little from the sides. Divide it into two sections and tie it in a single knot.
Add more hair to each side and tie another knot.
Keep repeating this until you reach the nape of your neck.
Secure the end with an elastic band. Tuck the remaining hair underneath the French knot braid. Use pins to secure it.
12. Double Braided ‘Do
What You Need
Bobby pins
Elastic bands
How To Do
Gather some hair from the front and clip it up.
Weave the rest of your hair in a French braid and secure the ends with an elastic band.
Unclip the front section and divide it into two. Twist the sections and intertwine them with each other until the end.
Pin the twisted braid down the center of the French braid.
13. Half French Braid
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What You Need
Elastic band
How To Do 
Gather hair from the mohawk region and clip up the rest of your hair.
With the hair from the mohawk section, weave a French braid until you reach the crown.
Once you reach the crown, secure the braid with an elastic band.
Pancake the braid to make it look bigger.
14. French Braid Wreath
What You Need
Bobby pins
Elastic band
How To Do
Comb your hair to detangle it. Part it on one side.
Start weaving a French braid from the front, on one side. Keep the braid parallel to your hairline, curving it around your head as you go.
To make sure that your hair looks neat while you add it in the braid, use a mirror or ask a friend to help.
Once you reach the front again, secure the ends with an elastic band and tuck it within the braid with hair pins.
15. One French Braid
What You Need
Hair brush
Elastic bands
Bobby pins
How To Do
Brush your hair to get rid of any tangles and knots.
Gather hair from the top and tie it in a half ponytail.
Topsy tail the ponytail a few times.
Pick up some hair from the sides and tie it in a ponytail over the first ponytail.
Topsy tail that ponytail a few times as well.
Keep repeating this until you reach the end.
Weave the lower half of the ponytails in one fishtail braid.
Secure the ends with an elastic band and pancake the braid.
16. Goddess French Braid
What You Need
Thin elastic bands
How To Do
Brush your hair to remove all knots and tangles.
Gather hair from the top and a little from the sides. Divide it into two sections and tie it in a single knot. Pin it down with a bobby pin.
Add more hair to each side and knot it again.
Keep repeating this until you reach the back hairline.
Divide the remaining hair into two and keep tying knots. Keep the braid as flat as possible.
Secure the end with an elastic band and pin it underneath the braid.
17. Upside Down French Braid Bun
What You Need 
Bobby pins
Elastic bands
How To Do
Bend over and flip your hair forward. Brush it down to remove any knots.
Begin weaving a French braid from the back hairline towards the front.
Once you reach the crown, wrap all your hair in a top knot.
Use an elastic band and bobby pins to secure the bun in place.
18. Double Messy French Braid Bun
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What You Need
Elastic bands
Bobby pins
How To Do
Divide your hair into four sections: top, left, bottom, and right.
Clip up the left and right sections.
Weave the top section in a French braid until the crown. Secure it with an elastic band.
Flip your hair forward and weave the bottom section in a French braid from the nape of your neck until the crown.
Unclip the side sections, gather all your hair at the crown, and wrap it in a bun.
Secure the bun with an elastic band and bobby pins.
19. Celebrity French Braid
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What You Need
Hair brush
Rat-tailed comb
Elastic bands
Bobby pins
How To Do
Divide your hair vertically into two equal sections.
Braid both sections in French braids.
Once you reach the back hairline, weave the rest of the braid in a regular fashion.
Secure the ends with elastic bands.
Wraps the braids in a single bun and secure it to your head with bobby pins.
20. The Fancy French Braid
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What You Need
Bobby pins
Elastic band
How To Do
The reverse French braid is also known as Dutch braid.
Brush all your hair back and weave it into a reverse French braid. This means that you need to pass the middle section of the braid over the side sections when braiding. You also add hair to the middle section of hair and not the side sections.
Once you reach the nape of your neck and run out of hair to add to your braid, weave a regular braid the rest of the way down.
Secure the ends with an elastic band and use bobby pins to keep your hair in place.
21. Double Side French Braid
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What You Need 
Bobby pins
Elastic bands
How To Do 
Part your hair on one side.
Gather some hair from the front and side and clip it up.
Weave the rest of your hair in a side French braid. Secure it at the end with an elastic band.
Unclip the front hair and weave it in a French braid parallel to the first one.
Tuck the end of the second (small) braid under the first one and conceal it with a bobby pin.
Pancake the braid to make it look 
Those were our top 21 picks for DIY French braided hairstyles. Let us know which of these picks you love the best and how you would add your own flavor to the hairdo in the comments section below
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/french-braid-tutorials/
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ladysuetini · 6 years
15 Best Look Hairstyles for Fall 2018
Fall is just around the corner. Once it was months ahead, but now, it quickly creeps up on us. And today, it just makes us realize that what was trendy last summer is already over.  
Well, that does not have to disappoint you. Instead of weeping over the seasonal changes, accept it and treat yourself to something new like a haircut.  
In the event that you are uncertain what haircut suits you best, we’ve got your back. Check out these latest cut trends for Fall 2018.
1. Fake Bangs
Don’t you like the idea of having real bangs? Fret not. It's very easy to fake one for a glamorous night. Simply flip over a section of your hair from the back of your hair and tie the rest up in a bun. Use some Bobby pins to be sure it holds.
2. Faux Perms
Yes, perms are back. To create these bouncy curls, you only need a curling iron. In less than a minute, you should be able to create an ‘80s inspired look that will surely turn heads.
3. Hair Pony
When you want to beat the humidity, you can easily sport a high pony. Just tie your hair up with a hair tie and use a hair spray for a strong hold. With this hairstyle, excessive heat won’t stand a chance.
4. Hair Accessories
Level up your hairstyle with some hair accessories. Clip your hair with a fancy pin or wear a pretty barrette behind your hair. Either of these two accessories will truly make a chic impact.
5. Retro Curls
Go back to the Old Hollywood era with glamorous retro curls. To achieve this look, simply apply a volumizing mousse to your damp hair. Then, blow dry your hair and wrap it up in rollers when it is almost dry. Once your hair dries completely, remove the rollers and gently brush through the strands to create a voluminous and polished look.
6. Spiky Pixie
Katy Perry has been slaying a punk vibe with her spiky pixie hair style. Use your fingers to apply a dab of gel through your tresses. Pull up a few sections up in various directions to create that spiky effect.
7. Glossy Strands
This Fall, the limelight is on healthy, shiny locks. To achieve that, you might need to use a nourishing leave-in conditioner like O So Wow Detangle Primer.
8. Smooth and Straight
Smooth and straight hair is one of the trendy hairstyles this year. Fortunately, it’s so easy to create this look. Tuck your hair behind your ears to show off your collarbone and face. That's pretty much it.
9. Sleek Ponytails
The next time you miss your alarm, just tie your hair into a low ponytail. All you have to do is smoothen the top half of your hair and pull it back. Now, you have a sleek updo.
10. The Lob
The lob is a blunt cut that has limited layers. And the best thing about it is that it can be worn in many ways. It's an effortless style that has added texture because of the subtle yet messy hairdo.
11. Headbands
When was the last time you wore a headband? Way back in middle school? During your pre-school days? This 2018, it is making a comeback. Thanks to its many colors and designs, it can be matched to any outfit. It also keeps the hair away from the face.
12. Two-Toned Blonde
Many celebrities celebrated this year with beautiful blonde locks. Of course, you can do the same, but if you are not ready to abandon your original hair color, keep your roots dark underneath and ask your hairstylist to color the top with a bright hue.
13. Almost-There Waves
You need not spend hours to tame your hair. Almost-there waves are in and they’re easy to achieve. Use a flat iron to create subtle waves all over by twisting it as you pull through your strands.  
14. Air-Dried Hair
Ditch your hair dryer for a pretty, natural hairdo. This season, natural textures will be a big hit. You just need to use natural hair care products that are formulated for air-dry perfection.
15. Braids
Braids are a year-round trend, but this fall, it’s especially stylish and chic. You may opt for pigtail or French braids because they are easy to manage and require low-maintenance.
While the temperature is going down, these 15 hairstyles are on the rise. Thanks to runway shows and personalities in the red carpet, these flattering hair trends become worth trying.
About The Author:
Jacque saw the need to find natural solutions to our hair care problems. So, together with the team at Osensia, they continually create and introduce luxurious yet all-natural hair care products that renew, replenish, revive, and repair the hair. See their products at Osensia.com and follow her social media accounts to check out her hair care tips and advice.
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nisestylez · 7 years
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54 Amazing Ariana Grande Hairstyles & Color Ideas
If you have always been a fan of Ariana Grande’s hairstyles then why not try one out for yourself. She has stayed with the same style now for a few years and it usually consists of her hair being up in a ponytail or being partially up and partially down. Regardless of what your personal style is, anyone can try out her signature style and love it.
There are many different ways that Grande styles her hair and you should try every one of them.
Below are 54 Amazing Ariana Grande Hair Styles:
1. Red Pony Who doesn’t love a red ponytail?
2. Braided Styles
Ariana is a big fan of ponytails and this one has some braids.
3. The Partial
A great style that is a partial updo. We love the different colors.
4. Stunning Style
A great style that has some amazing extensions, she is known to be wearing them.
5. Simple Styles
This is a low-key style where she has left her hair down.
6. Tight Pony
Another example of a simple style that you can wear anywhere.
7. Floral Styles
Extensions are the reason for her long lengths.
8. Simple Styling
A simple style that is sweet with the hair pulled back slightly.
9. Beige Styles
This ombre style starts off dark and then ends in a beige style that you are sure to love.
10. Sweet Red
A sexy red is sure to make any girl happy.
11. Soft Styles
A simple pony that you can wear wherever you go.
12. Beautiful Waves
A great style that is amazing because of the beautiful waves pulled up into a ponytail.
13. Amazing Styles
A gorgeous ponytail that is simple and yet very stylish.
14. Long Styles
These long styles are compliments of extensions. If you want to recreate the same style that’s what you need.
15. Curly Styles
A great style that has some amazing curls.
16. Volumptuous Pony
A great ponytail with a lot of volume.
17. Sweet Ponytails
Long haired ponytails are super sexy.
18. Celebrity Styles
A stunning style with a simple braid involved.
19. Healthy Hair
Ariana always has a polished style.
20. Small Buns
These braids buns are super cute.
21. A Sexy Style
A long style that is pulled back in a polished way.
22. Wild to Tame
Ariana did a complete turnaround and went from red back to her natural.
23. Pigtails
A great style that is very cute because of her sweet pigtails.
24. High Ponytail
A high ponytail with some great bangs.
25. Bold Styles
A great style that has a very long and polished ponytail.
26. Bold and Sexy
A great style that can be worn anywhere whether it’s in a club or to a BBQ.
27. Ponytail
Another example of her simple ponytail.
28. Stylish Curls
These bold curls are truly amazing and once again she has it in a ponytail.
29. High Styles
A long ponytail that any girl is sure to love.
30. Stunning Styling
A gorgeous style that will look great for any event.
31. Awesome Accessories
An amazing ponytail with some cool accessories.
32. Multiple Braids
A high ponytail with multiple braids.
33. Side Ponytail
A great style that has a fun ponytail off to the side.
34. Side Bang
A soft style with waves and a side bang.
35. Large Braid
A simple style that can be worn anywhere. It’s a long braid that you are sure to love.
36. Crimped Style
A great style that has a crimped ponytail.
37. Blonde Designs
A ponytail that is very blonde. We love her contrasting colors.
38. High Top
A high ponytail is a very high style. It’s off to the side and gives you more volume.
39. Bold Volume
This sexy style that is truly unique because of the great amount of volume.
40. Amazing Styles
A great style that is made from a very simple ponytail.
41. High Style
A great ponytail that is truly amazing.
42. Bold Waves
These bold curls totally looked great when Ariana was younger.
43. Contrasting Styles
A great style that bold and stylish.
44. Partial Updo
A great style that you are sure to love because the partial style is amazing.
45. Braided and Beautiful
A stunning wavy style that looks awesome with a few braids.
46. Long Hair
A great style that is truly wonderful. Her long hair is breathtaking. A popular look for the singer that we see a lot of because it’s stunning on her.
47. Red Curls
A great wavy style that has gorgeous red shade. She had this style for a long time when she was a child actor. Now, she typically stays with a natural shade of hair color.
48. Blunt Cuts
A simple style that has a standard blunt cut. It’s another great example of a rare moment where she has her hair down. We also loved that she decided to go back to a more natural style.
49. Rainbow Colors
If you love beautiful colors, then you are sure to love Ariana’s rainbow mix of shades. They are absolutely stunning. Her hair is really long so you can really see all the colors. The rainbow look is very popular right now so why not try it while it’s still in style.
50. Simply Beautiful
A simple style that is truly elegant. Her hair is left down for once which doesn’t happen that often. We love this elegant style; it totally suits her.
51. High and Stylish
This stylish ponytail is high on the head and it’s very long, it trails all the way down the back. This is one of Ariana’s most popular looks, especially at concerts.
52. Multiple Colors
A shorter style that has many different colors. Her hair is usually ultra long, but in this case, it is much shorter than what she normally wears it as.
53. The Long Bang
A sexy style that is made a hundred times better with that amazing side bang. She looks great with a longer side bang; it softens her whole look.
54. The Softer Side
This is a very soft and romantic look for the singer who is mainly in tight ponytails. We love when she tries different things because, for the most part, she keeps her hair in ponytails.
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einmodelhaar-blog · 7 years
35 Awesome Box Braids Hairstyles You Simply Must Try
New Post has been published on http://einmodelhaar.com/35-awesome-box-braids-hairstyles-you-simply-must-try/
35 Awesome Box Braids Hairstyles You Simply Must Try
Box braids have been around forever. The ‘90s were notorious for the multiple stranded box braids that were all about the ethnic and the sexy style. Long hair pulled into multiple strands of braids seemed hip and cool, rocked by top girl band singers and the ladies of pop.
Today, those who opt for the natural and need a way to keep their hair out of their eyes, sometimes quite literally, head towards the box braid hairstyle. Women of color have been wearing this look forever really, the head of braids concept quite the norm for many African tribes as well.
The revival originally came about in 2015 but it did not take hold in a way we thought it would. But, everyone from the Knowles sisters to Zoe Kravitz was showing off the sleekly tangled tresses.
There are multiple reasons for one to indulge in box braids as well: protection from the elements by keeping ends tucked in safely, low maintenance, major convenience and dealing with the frizz caused by the harsh humidity of the summer months. With so many factors for the style, it only makes sense that we can enjoy the look hassle free today as well.
Once you have considered the size (thick rope or thin plaits), prepped your hair by conditioning and blow drying it straight, and are ready with your clean hair, make sure you have a good amount of time allotted to having the braids done. Remember to maintain it well though and to be careful not to add too much pressure to your scalp as the weight and the pull of the hair can cause temporary or even permanent hair loss once you release the tresses. It’s a versatile look so be sure to have fun with it.
Now that you have decided on getting your hair done into box braids, here are a few awesome box braids hairstyles to choose from when heading in to the specialist.
#1: Long and Thin Box Braids With a Side Part
Adding in extensions is a common thing when going for the box braids, which means you have all the sexiness of a ‘90s pop star! Braids that fall to the waist are pretty awesome unto themselves, albeit really heavy, and keeping them thin and sleek adds to the beauty of each strand, the side part giving it a fuller look overall. Wear with thick eyebrows and overdrawn lips for the most attractive exotic look.
#2: Long and Medium Box Braids
Long box braids are the norm and we know that. Many of the looks on this list fall into that category. While some are super thin though, we see those that are a bit on the thicker side, the braids themselves appearing more relaxed. For women of color, this is a great go-to look and it looks wonderful with the makeup focused mainly on the slanted eyes.
#3: Long Silver Gray Box Braids
These gorgeous box braids are dyed in the granny-chic silver gray hue, and the multiple strands make for a very lovely ‘do. The plaits work best on medium length or long hair that falls below the shoulders, but also looks perfect when styled into such a casual ‘do. The makeup with it should outline the lips the best, contour the cheekbones and add on the lashes, though we absolutely love the au naturel look on this pic.
#4: Long Jumbo Box Braids with Top Bun
Jumbo box braids are a common look among women of color, especially when they pick this half up and half down look, pulling part of the plaits up into a circular ring from the crown and leaving the rest from above the ears down around the shoulders. The roots are nice and thick, tapering off towards the ends. This looks best with some layers in there to really work those tapers.
#5: Red Tinged Long Box Braids
Half pulled into a half updo and the rest left down to cascade over one shoulder, this is a look that is full of braids and just a tinge of color. While black hair is the most common among women of African roots, the gorgeous mass of braids that is created when you add a few dark brick red low lights creates just the right amount of contrast to draw the eyes over without appearing fake. Add cat eyes and you are good to go.
#6: Box Braids Twisted In a Crown Halo
Not all box braids are actually worn loose. Some can be twisted and braided again and that is where this crown halo comes in, giving the model a lived in look while still showing off the splendor of those vibrant blue tresses. Nothing says exotic updo quite like one with the casually twisted strands pulled into a loose half-up hairstyle, complete with black and blue hair colors.
#7: Black and White Box Braids
It looks like the hair has been dipped into a can of white paint really, the box braids coming in a gorgeous black and white that tapers out to nearly only white at the ends, despite starting at the roots in mostly black. The ombre effect of the stark contrasts only serves to make this long box braid look even more awesome than it already is.
#8: Double Top Buns and Box Braids
Love the totally retro pigtail buns with the box braids? You can totally rock them now as well, looking sharp and cute and utterly exotic Sailor Moon-esque. Just add in the half down effect to give those box braids somewhere to be. After all, it is always best to keep half the hair down in order to better balance out the weight of the hair.
#9: Thin Box Braids In a Casual Updo
The ring over the head is a pretty casual bun compared to many others, the shine to the thin box braids only adding to the beauty of the half up and half down design of the style. The hair is extremely long, falling below the waist, even after part of the locks have been twisted into a loose bun over the crown of the head.
#10: Versatile Box Braids
One of the best things about box braids is the ease with which you can manoeuvre to the look to suit your mood or needs. With the longer locks that incorporate thinner plaiting, that versatility increases. You can use the hair to create high ponytails or pull it up into a crown like top bun that literally covers the whole of the top of the head. You decide which your look is.
#11: Rainbow Box Braids In a Ponytail
These are the brightest and most colorful box braids we have seen so far, definitely meant for those who want to stand out in the crowd. Add in a whole lot of pink, yellow, green, blue and other rainbow hues and you have exquisite box braids to work, which so easily win our hearts. The red adds the fighting spirit, while the other colors themselves speak of a stronger, more confident personality. It’s sexy and we all know it, meaning you should definitely go for some glaring bright colors to your hair this coming summer.
#12: Blonde Haystack Twisted Updo
Blonde highlights to the black hair? Why not? It’s a pretty fun look actually and can be used beautifully to show off the pretty box braids that take over the twisted updo look you hastily created. It allows the hair to stay together really, while the color combinations make it appear like hay has been braided in with the real hair. It is pretty awesome as it is.
#13: Double Trouble Retro Look
Double buns to the side of the head make this box braid hairstyle seem like it belongs in an anime series by the Japanese, except that it has been around since the ‘90s and long before that in certain tribes around the world. The twisted buns allow for better balance on the head, shifting the weight about and allowing half to cascade down in a truly retro style.
#14: Volume with Purple Tinge
Box braids add in quite a bit of volume really, sleeking things out but still keeping up with the latest hairstyle trends. Adding a bit more bump to the crown can only make things look better, and when those box braids are a combination of medium and thin strands, adding in some color only brightens up the look. Purple hair with purple/coral makeup is just our cup of tea.
#15: Pink and Trendy Tree Braids
Micro braids are also known as tree braids and are really tiny when putting together. This style includes thicker box braids turning into micro braids, with most of the hair braided nearer to the roots, the strands falling in a glaring pink color that is very pretty to behold. Must be the Congo trend if the caption to the image has anything to say about it. Pulled up into a half up and half down high ponytail, it is certainly a style we can see ourselves enjoying, particularly since the pink is faux extensions added in.
#16: Half Up Half Down Long Box Braided Hairstyle
Box braids put in a half updo are lovable. Really. If they are done right, with the correct twists and the hair is clean, the box braids can look amazing, especially if they begin from a side part and appear as if they are the dark rays to the sun. The thin plaits cascading down the shoulders only add to the appeal. With the right amount of makeup and the focus on the eyes, this style is one of the best box braid hairstyles by far.
#17: Box Braids Pulled In Boxer Braids
You love the box braids as well as the double braided boxer braids. You love the braid in braid look and cannot get enough of braids as a whole. This is just perfect, especially if you have a fondness for pigtails that look like you have grown up and not still 6 years old. This box braid turned into boxer braid look is exactly what you need to appear chic, sexy and all around ready for a night out.
#18: Twisted Top Bun Half Updo
With half the hair falling over the shoulders and the rest skillfully twisted into a top bun, this style is quite chic and apparently meant to wear to any occasion. There is something tribal about it all, a pretty partial updo that we can all try out, the braids themselves being thin.
#19: Chic High Bun with Waterfall Braids
Quite similar to the previous look, the tresses fall from a high bun over the top of the head, twisted in a chic fashion to resemble a royal look, the cascades of thin braids falling down over the shoulders to the waist. It is gorgeous to say the least and quite like a black waterfall, as the lack of highlights or lowlights ensure the natural style, particularly the tribal style is what attracts attention. The pretty cat eyed makeup only accentuates the exotic nature of the whole presentation.
#20: Black and Gold Funky Updo
Golden wheat highlights added to the dark natural hair is what lends this box braid updo its major appeal. It is all about the small box braids, thicker somewhat at the roots and tapering off into rather thin micro braids come the edges, twisted about a messy high bun to create an updo that requires no additional products to stay in place. The contrasting color combination is what gives the whole things its natural flair for beauty, while minimal makeup ensures that everyone will be complimenting your braids through the night.
#21: Thick Braided High Bun
A woman who enjoys having her hair in a bun will want to opt for the high bun that is closer to the crown in order to better distribute the weight of her box braids. Of course, you will need long hair for the box braids, with extensions adding to the loveliness of it all. The natural black color of the tresses is the best route to take and the little baby hairs can be left as is to match the latest trends. Add large earrings and you have a lovely creation.
#22: Multi Colored Side Braids
Pulling the box braids over from a side part allows for your jewelry to play peek-a-boo from the other. Adding colors to that set of braids only makes thing all the more interesting, especially when it appears as if we are heading down to the Caribbean. Green, yellow and red are most certainly Caribbean colors and bringing in these extensions to your natural dark hair allows for an intriguing contrast combo.
#23: Greying Twists at Crown
The black white and grey combination of colors to the thick and thin braided box hair makes it look quite diva-esque. It is almost as if the ladies are about to belt out a “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” song while swinging from the ceiling before moving into a few intriguing dance moves. With the twist at the crown, it is even more diva than expected, while the side sweep of the braids gives it a chic appearance.
#24: Black and White Side Crown
With a rather royal look to the style, the black and white combination box braids are twisted into a loose crown broad, from which we have a few strands cascading down the back. It is quite regal in style and paired with dark lipstick and darker jewelry, it is quite intriguing to behold during the day or night, on a special occasion or while strolling around town. Definitely a look we can all appreciate.
#25: Fashion Savvy Side Part
Gorgeous and youthful is what we are going for here, enjoying the sun and surf and the long, thicker box braids that are so very ‘90s. Add on pink lipstick, a modern pair of sunglasses, part the hair from the side and pull the top strands back for a half down look and you have that beauty look that many only dream of. It’s rebellious yet sweet, youthful yet somehow matured all at once. Definitely one of the best box braid summer hairstyles on this list, loved for its simplicity.
#26: Purple Side Twist with Matching Lips
Know how the new hair trends are all about the Gothic colors and strong style? The bold lips and bolder hair? This look brings all that into perspective with super long box braids, hair colored a deep aubergine, side parted and twisted over on the other side to fall in pretty plaited cascades. Add on a baby doll appearance, gorgeous purple lips to match the hair and you have the modernized retro princess for the ladies of certain color.
#27: Curved Short Box Braids with Top Knot
The curved nature of the shoulder-length box braids is what really attracts people in the first place, appearing rather perfect in its shape. The extra braids that add too much volume are then piled on top of the head for a top knot, producing a rather unique style that easily balances weight and loveliness, adding a spark of confidence to the sweeter short bob. It is very pretty according to over a thousand Intagrammers who have found the style.
#28: Black and White Regal Knot
Elongating the face along with the knot on top of the head, the addition of white extensions to the hair with the black creates a cookies and cream contrast that is hard to avert one’s gaze from. The added twists and prettier concepts throughout, without any hair pulling, add a certain regal softness, almost as if we are looking at a politician’s wife’s hairstyle.
#29: Side Twist Beauty
Appearing of a more demure nature, the mass of box braids here appears to have been pulled together to create a few large twists, thick and beautifully coiled so that it appears to be a tribal headdress, the additional strands of the box braids flowing over the shoulders and down the back to the waist. It is lovely to behold, not quite sexy but certainly an awesome look to wear out on a daily basis.
#30: Lots of Colors Twisted Box Braids
Forget playing with the box braids themselves alone; we are seeing massive colors here, like they would be out of a rainforest, and appearing in masses of shades of green, blue and purple. The greens are what catch the light best, with combinations of yellow and deeper diver aqua. The blues range less but are no less integral to the long strands pulled over the shoulder. The twist at the back of the head provides some style, while the colors do most of the talking.
#31: Gold-Laced Micro Braids
Teeny tiny box braids, thin as can be, are given life with the masses of gold threading throughout, creating a rather jungle-themed style to the box braids that are micro and end undone at the edges. The twist at the crown adds to its appeal, while the overall vibe we notice is sexy and potent, able to grab hold and not let go. The length is perfect, while the golden aspect to the black hair is all that is needed to bring wild felines to mind.
#32: Green Box Braided High Ponytail
There is sexy and then there is a whole new level of sexy. Box braids that combine black and green perfectly are a rare enough sight but can be done with the right specialists. Follow that up with the long braids pulled up into a high ponytail, the green of it practically the only color seen from about mid-length, meaning that you can create this look with short locks as well.
#33: Beach Blonde Micro Braid Beauty
Gorgeous box braids can be worn by ladies who have spent a whole lot of time under the sun as well, not just women of color. For those who rock the blonde with perfection, combined with sky blue eyes, the micro braids or tree braids are the look you should be going for, with the strands around your crown pulled back and clipped into place, the rest of the lovely pieces of dirty blonde over your shoulders.
#34: Anime Perfect Box Braid Bangs
Have you seen the funky hairstyles that anime characters seem to always be rocking? Ever wonder about the way they carry so much of their hair in front of their faces? You can try it yourself, adding in purple and pink extensions for extra effect. Light purple lips finish off the look with ease.
#35: Rainbow Yarn Box Braids
We love pretty twists as it is. It is like a unicorn tribe here, something out of a fantasy. The colors range all over the spectrum and that is what makes the hair so awesome. The yarn braids are a common style to the box braid genre, making this one awesome look to finish off our list with. Go for maximum color and a good amount of length, swinging their weight as you confidently walk down the streets.
Photos courtesy of Instagram
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