vacantfields · 5 months
Will we learn anything about rock star moon?
He looks sweet, there's a new favorite.
Can't wait for the full reference.
*sniff sniff sniff*
Why of course! I can tell you what i know as of now! Stagename/Name: Moonlight Nickname: Moonie, Lee Pronouns: He/Him Height: 9'9" / 297cm Model: Moon Mental Age: 28yrs Made in 2010 - Started his tours in 2013 VOICE: Starlight by STARSET
He is tall and lanky!! Very out going on stage and with his fans but when hes mostly by himself hes a little silly a little awkward! (:
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wildflowerwoodsworld · 11 months
I don't really talk about my aus on here, but I'm pretty proud of the work I've put into this one so I thought I'd share
Nobody ask how long this took.
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As per usual, several of the ocs on this list (Nickole, Bastian, Aella, Madlyn, Ruth, Madeline, Vivian, Cornelia, Silas, Angela, Primrose, Lerola, Dalila, Levi, Sylvia, Hannah, Juniper, Silvester, Alexandra and Alderbrand) belong to the lovely @crazedstoryteller, the rest of the ocs (Fiona, Lana, Tondra and Lia) are mine, and obviously canon chracters are canon
(alternate version of the table under the cut)
Surname Name Height Bird Wingspan
Poizot Gueldre 194cm Common Ostrich 142cm
Vermillion Mimosa 161cm Beautiful Sheartail 143cm
Vermillion Kirsch 182cm Purple-Throated Carib 152cm
Unsworth Dorothy 145cm Green Peafowl 158cm
Mehmad Rhya 181cm Superb Lyrebird 168cm
Adlai Marie 135cm Eurasian Magpie 182cm
Becquerel Letoile 165cm Zebra Dove 187cm
Vermillion Nickole 168cm Rufous-collared kingfisher 191cm
Silva Nebra 170cm Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher 192cm
Tenmanyashiki Fujio 176cm Anna’s Hummingbird 192cm
Florimond Bastian 176cm Turkey 202cm
Pappitson Charmy 142cm Dalmatian Pelican 216cm
Silva Acier 167cm Kookaburra 217cm
Clarkson Aella 165cm Northern Cardinal 218cm
Swallowtail Secre 152cm Anti-Bird 225cm
Francois Marx 167cm Common Grackle 226cm
Faust Morgen 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Silva Nozel 177cm Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher 228cm
Faust Nacht 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Fiore Madlyn 149cm European Robin 234cm
Roselei Ruth 169cm House Sparrow 235cm
Bergen Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Mehmad Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Angel Puli 168cm Tundra Swan 236cm
Wechsler Grey 159cm Kererū 238.5cm
Funar Recca 153cm European Robin 240cm
Thorncroft Madeline 171cm Black Swan 241cm
Mikuriya Fumito 176cm Eurasian Teal 241cm
Adlai Gauche 181cm Eurasian Magpie 245cm
Tium Shiren 183cm Great Potoo 245cm
Silva Solid 169cm Yellow Billed Kingfisher 246.5cm
Silva Noelle 161cm Common Kingfisher 250cm
Vaude Langris 166cm Western Tanager 253cm
Tormenta Fragil 162cm European Robin 254cm
Portaport Cob 173cm Willow Ptarmigan 256cm
Shipley Vivian 175cm European Robin 257cm
Franklin Cornelia 159cm Black-necked Grebe 257cm
Kozma Lolopechka 165cm American White Pelican 257cm
Luftair Randall 175cm Mute Swan 263cm
Libardirt Morris 177cm Mallard 267cm
Vaude Silas 173cm Hepatic Tanager 271cm
Keller Mariella 157cm Pacific Loon 271cm
Code Dominante 167cm Superb Starling 272cm
Clarkson Angela 168cm Vermilion Cardinal 274cm
Hage Asta 155cm Shining Bronze Cuckoo 275cm
Bullard Sally 160cm Pacific Loon 277cm
Roulacase Fiona 171cm Common Snipe 278cm
Marron Sol 180cm European Robin 282cm
Enoteca Vanessa 170cm Taiwan Rosefinch 283.5cm
Roselei Lerola 170cm Aztec Thrush 283cm
Roselei Primrose 175cm Varied Thrush 283cm
Holt Nash 136cm Common Kestrel 286cm
Ringard En 176cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 286cm
Roulacase Finral 172cm Great Snipe 287cm
Lister Dalila 177cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 288cm
Legolant Henry 190cm Trumpet Swan 290cm
McNamara Owen 180cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 293cm
Roe Levi 178cm American Coot 294cm
Vaude Sylvia 167cm Summer Tanager 295cm
Orfai Orsi 180cm American Coot 297cm
Hangatsuji Jozo 178cm Alpine Chough 297cm
Aquaria Lily 160cm Grey Heron 306cm
Kruger Fanzell 178cm Spur-Winged Goose 310cm
Kezokaku Ginnojomorifuyu 169cm Pygmy Falcon 313cm
Sandler Alecdora 178cm Common Cuckoo 314cm
Caseus Hamon 170cm Least Sandpiper 317cm
Starr Mars 170cm Common Starling 325cm
Gerver Hannah 169cm Chimney Swift 338cm
Ideale Zara 177cm Carrion Crow 340cm
Bronzazza Sekke 175cm Rock Dove 341cm
Rapual Theresa 162cm Common Kestrel 341cm
Salik Revchi 176cm Rock Dove 342cm
Lugner Xerx 177cm Snowy Sheathbill 345cm
Roselei Charlotte 171cm Mountain Bluebird 346cm
Voltia Luck 167cm Peregrine Falcon 348cm
Vaude Lana 168cm White Winged Tanager 349cm
Dorthonion Ladros 180cm Rock Dove 350cm
Landvik Valtos 178cm Chimney Swift 356cm
Ideale Zora 176cm Hooded Crow 357cm
Vermillion Leopold 170cm Brown Falcon 360cm
Boismortier Rill 165cm Kea 363cm
Swing Magna 169cm Gyrfalcon 364cm
Lunettes Klaus 176cm European Nightjar 371cm
Fodor Gadjah 176cm Magnificent Frigatebird 377cm
Novachrono Julius 180cm European Golden Eagle 379cm
Granvorka Kaiser 193cm Kori Buzzard 393cm
Mushogatake Yosuga 181cm Saker Falcon 400cm
Grinberryall Yuno 172cm Common Swift 404cm
Kay Juniper 170cm Great Shearwater 406cm
Sturm Tondra 167cm Barn Owl 407cm
Vermillion Mereoleona 178cm Fox Kestrel 409cm
Yami Ichika 156cm Northern Royal Albatross 414cm
Gidul Vetto 196cm California Condor 420cm
Vermillion Fuegoleon 188cm Nunkeen Kestrel 421cm
Garver Silvester 184cm Eurasian Hobby 429cm
Spirito Rades 174cm Hooded Vulture 435cm
Swallow David 175cm Tree Swallow 438cm
Imari Komari 160cm White-Throated Needletail 440cm
Mehmad Patri 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vangeance William 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vermillion Alexandra 181cm Madagascar Fish Eagle 441cm
O’oka Daizaemon 193cm Great Buzzard 453cm
Bardsley Lia 168cm White-Throated Needletail 462cm
Summerfield Jack 197cm Common Swift 464cm
Agrippa Gordon 187cm Rüppell’s Vulture 468cm
Yami Sukehiro 183cm Wandering Albatross 476cm
Vermillion Alderbrand 185cm African Fish Eagle 493cm
Ryuudou Ryuuya 182cm Amsterdam Albatross 507cm
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silent-dragon · 2 years
TWST OC Profile ~ Yasa Bivatn
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Personal Info
Name: Yasa Bivatn
Nickname: Gray Wind - Yisu
Bunbun - Flint
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Rabbit Beasthuman/Viera
Clan: Rava
Birthday: 3/1
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 297cm/9ft'4in
Orientation: Pansexual
Eye Color: Dark Gray
Hair Color: Ice Blue
Homeland: Refuses to mention
School Info
School: Royal Sword Academy
Dorm: Crystaleon (@/fumikomiyasaki Dorm)
School Year: 3rd
Occupation: Dancer,Hunter
Best Subject: P.E. & Magic History
Other Info
Dominant Hand: Both
Favorite Food: Spinach Quiche
Least Favorite Food: All Meat Except Fish
Dislikes: Egotistical People,Know it alls in her space,Clothing that covers her chest fully,Very artificial things,Forest destruction of any sort,Non-Honorable Things
Likes: Nature,Forests,Animals,Orchestra Music,Climbing High Trees,Singing to Self or Animals,Fruit Sweets,Reading Lore & History of this World
Talents: Dancing,Flexibility,Distance Hearing,Caring for Fauna Animals,Playing Flute,Quiet Steps,Stealth
Unique Magic: Waltz of Vigor - Can lift the mood or temporarily cure fatigue of someone so long as she dances in front of them and both share eye contact. Wears off after an hour.
Personality: Yasa is straightforward and bluntly honest. She was raised that way by her clan. Often will ask questions when she doesn't understand. She is very sweet when by those who do not make her feel too much of an outcast.
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Art by @/vivaresmala
Fun Facts: Yasa stands solely on the balls of her feet as the ancestors of her tribe always did. She had bones removed/moved for this to happen. Was her mother's decision.
She was confused why everyone in this land is so much shorter than her as she was used to sometimes being the short one back at home. Since then she has read about other species and their height ranges. Kinda finds short ones cute but unsure if as such then tall ones.
Yasa refuses to have her top area of body fully covered. She says it is to prevent disconnection with her home and the forest. Will wear sheer coverings if asked to cover up for an event and winter time. She even dances with no support so some get flustered because of that.
She's a self titled dancer and will show that she is very good at it. It keeps her spirits up and feels like home. Her magic is entwined with her dancing. Due to her feet she is always in a ballet type stance.
Kinda disliked dorm is runned by gods as her's failed her homeland but with Yisu's words of guidance she has shifted her thoughts mostly. She finally picked a side and is participating more.
She knows she is intimidating but she doesn't mean to be. Those who treat her kindly and look pass her unusualness she is grateful for. It is hard for her to make friends,etc but she does try.
Always is outdoors usually in a tall tree as she can climb them with ease. Often this lets her see others around the academy talking,hangout,and other stuff together. Makes her miss times when someone would join her in tree and listen to her play her flute or pursue her trying to flirt.
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maochira · 1 year
i got quite bored so i did a thing
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putting the latest lorenzo fic into word gives us 11 pages
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lets make it 10 due to this being just 1 sentence A standard DIN A4 Page is 29.7cm
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if we take 29,7cm and multiply these by 10 we get 297cm this is about 3 meters thats quite a height
i should probably go find a proper hobby instead of drinking alcohol and getting dumb ideas
So the Lorenzo fic laid out on paper a little less than twice my height. Got it
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vppsonca · 3 months
Giải thích về khổ giấy và kích thước
Bìa viết này sẽ chủ yếu giải thích một số khái niệm liên quan đến khổ giấy và kích thước khổ giấy.
Khổ giấy A3 là bao nhiêu cm? Trả lời: Khổ giấy A3 là 29,7cm x 42cm. Giấy A3 được sử dụng để in các bản vẽ kỹ thuật.
Khổ giấy A4 là bao nhiêu cm? Trả lời: Khổ giấy A4 có kích thước là 21cm x 297cm. Giấy A4 là loại giấy được sử dụng phổ biến nhất trong văn phòng.
Khổ giấy A5 là bao nhiêu cm? Trả lời: Khổ giấy A4 có kích thước 14,8cm × 21cm. Giấy A5 được sử dụng để in hoá đơn, in các loại phiếu nhập xuất…
Kích thước A3 pixel là gì? Trả lời: Kích thước A3 là 4961 x 3508 px.
Kích thước A4 pixel là gì? Trả lời: Kích thước A4 pixel là kích thước A4 đo bằng đơn vị điểm ảnh (pixel). Cụ thể, kích thước A4 theo đơn vị pixel là 3508 x 2480 px.
Kích thước A5 pixel là gì? Trả lời: Kích thước A5 pixel là kích thước A5 đo bằng đơn vị điểm ảnh. Cụ thể, kích thước A5 theo đơn vị pixel là: 2480 x 1748 px.
Kích thước bìa trình ký là gì? Trả lời: Bìa trình ký có 2 loại chính là bìa trình kí A4 và bìa trình ký A5. Bìa trình ký A4 có kích thước là 220mm x 330mm. bìa trình ký A5 có kích thước là 160mm x 225mm.
Kích thước các loại bìa còng là gì? Trả lời: Bìa còng có 4 loại chính là bìa còng A3, bìa còng A4, bìa còng F4 và bìa còng A5. Bìa còng A3 có kích thước 34x62x(5/7/10)cm (rộng, dài, dày). Bìa còng A4 có kích thước 22x31x(5/7/10)cm (rộng, dài, dày). Bìa còng F4 kích thước: 25x33x(5/7/10)cm (rộng dài dày). Bìa còng A5 có kích thước A5 là 22x16x(5/7)cm.
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Kim bấm giấy là gì? Trả lời: Kim bấm giấy là loại đạn ghim dùng để bấm vào giấy một cách tạm thời hoặc cố định.
Kim bấm No 10 là gì? Trả lời: Kim bấm No 10 là đạn ghim số 10. Đây là loại đạn ghim nhỏ, có thể bấm được dưới 10 tờ giấy A4.
Kim bấm số 10 là loại kim bấm dùng để bấm vào giấy dành cho bàn dập ghim số 10.
Kim kẹp là gì? Trả lời: Kim kẹp là các loại kẹp giấy, kẹp bướm dùng để kẹp giấy trong văn phòng.
Kingjim là gì? Trả lời: Kingjim là tên của một hãng văn phòng phẩm của Nhật. Kingjim có nhiều loại sản phẩm trong đó nổi bật là các loại bìa còng mẫu mã đẹp, chất lượng tốt.
Kingstar là gì? Trả lời: Kingstar là tên một nhãn hàng văn phòng phẩm của công ty Giai Phát. Công ty này có trụ sở tại quận 8 TPHCM.
Kw.Trio là gì? Trả lời: Kw.Trio là tên của một nhãn hiệu văn phòng phẩm nổi tiếng của Đài Loan. Công ty này nổi tiếng với sản phẩm máy bấm kim, máy bấm lỗ và đạn ghim.
Xem thêm: Kích thước các loại khổ giấy và 33 câu hỏi thường gặp
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Project Development/Final Submission
Hero Image:
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For my second assignment, I wanted to explore a theme that I resonate with and can relate to. I aim to capture the concept of Asian identities in Aotearoa and how they are shaped by personal stories, relationships between family, and their environments or objects. Initially, I wanted to only photograph Dingkai, my friend, as my main subject matter. But after meeting his family and having the chance to come over to his house and get a glimpse into his life. I was intrigued by the relationship between him and his mother. Born and raised in Auckland, Aotearoa, Dingkai is the son of two immigrants to Aotearoa from China in the 1980s. "To my day one" speaks to his relationship with his mother, the connection between two generations of Chinese Kiwi in a Western country, explores how identity and the self are portrayed through a space of memory and captures moments of conflicts and tensions that shape a relationship.
The photo book is 250cm x 297cm, it's just a tad smaller than an A4, but I feel like this size is perfect for my photos as most of them were shot in portrait mode. There are so many intricate details in my pictures that I don't want to crop out, so a smaller layout just wouldn't work for me. In designing this photobook, I aim to portray a nostalgic place for Ding and his mother, the home he grew up in. The contrast and cultural mix were shown through still-life photographs of his house. I capture every detail of the house, from the intricate patterns on the rugs to the vibrant hues of the pottery and the beautiful chandelier. Each element seemed to tell its own story and conveyed a sense of nostalgia. This aspect relates to my chosen hero image featuring an old photograph of Ding's father and photos of modern rappers and boxers; his personal interests on his wall showcasing Ding's experience as a second-generation immigrant in Aotearoa had influenced his taste in art and design.
Dingkai shared his deep connection with his mother, whom he calls "day one". He grew up in a family where love was shown in a most simple, casual way. Even though his mother never said "I love you", Ding knew that she was asking, "Have you eaten?" was her way of showing affection. During his teenage years, as his mother aged, she began smoking, which caused a strain in their relationship. Ding mentioned that they used to be farther away than they were. But despite his frustration with her unhealthy habits, Ding's love and concern for his mother remain strong. Dingkai mentioned that his father wasn't comfortable in the photos, and I didn't have the chance to meet him. It's always important to respect people's boundaries, especially regarding photography. I find it exciting to come up with creative ways to capture the essence of a family, even if certain family members can't participate. Dingkai's father's absence in the hero image adds an intriguing mystery to the family dynamic. I wonder if he works long hours to support the family or has other commitments that keep him away. It speaks to his work ethic and the cultural norms surrounding immigration and employment in Aotearoa. Whatever the reason, it's important to approach this topic sensitively and respect the family's privacy and boundaries.
The book "Sik Teng mm sik Gong" by Gloria Wong inspired me to develop a colour style and tone for the book. I aimed for soft and delicate photographs that would bring out nostalgic, warm-tone images through inside natural lighting. I carefully considered all the compositions and camera lighting settings to ensure that the warm colours were brought out by increasing the saturation of the photos. The warmness of the book was intended to create a homely and safe vibe, and simple images of a window and paintings were made into a double spread to create breathing space and harmonize with the heavy photos that contained many elements. The soft touch added a sense of balance and calm to the book. The details of red or dark pink were used for the title and were portrayed in most images to represent the symbol of luck and bright colour. Red is associated with the fire element, which means life, vitality, and light but also represents love. Despite their differences, I wanted to communicate the unconditional love between Dingkai and his mother through the image of him lighting a cigarette for his mother, with the Chinese tattoo that translates: "Make your parents proud". This intended composition communicates Ding's support, love and concern for his mother, that will always remain steadfast, no matter what.
As an Asian immigrant growing up in Aotearoa, I can relate to Dingkai's struggles in maintaining a stable relationship with his parents as a younger and more open-minded generation. It was important for me to explore this topic because his story resonated with me. The result of my book was something I am incredibly proud of. I captured the essence of  Dingkai's family and their experiences as immigrants in Aotearoa. Seeing personal stories come to life in such a significant way is always a wonderful experience. The memories of Dingkai's home were beautifully captured in my project, and I am eager to share these images with his family.
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fantasylivia13 · 2 years
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Fantasylivia13.com Wednsday Adams , Canvas A4, 210×297cm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmthcb_skqq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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El sentimiento de la ciudad 10
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El sentimiento de la ciudad  10 Lápiz sobre papel 21 x 29,7cm
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ace-no-isha · 3 years
corazon was 297cm…im 154cm…he’s damn near double my height wtf
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bcnezone · 3 years
;; small fafkaskiel hcs:
-in her human appearance, fafka is 9'9"/297cm. in her true form she's 80'0"/24m.
-fafka will never not take a patron's consent into mind when it comes to offerings. many of her followers are those saved from forced servitude, and now live far more content lives at the side if their goddess.
-fafka's blessings extend past the physical- she can assure one's wedding go uninterrupted, find one's soul mate regardless of where in the world they are, and often even acts as a counsellor for couplings. the goddess does not always need an offering to bless her patrons.
-no matter how intimidating her size can be, fafka's magical authority will ensure that her patrons can take all of it unharmed and emerge even more satisfied.
-if you need a shoulder to cry on, fafka's thighs are free therapy.
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mecharina · 5 years
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Tales from Outer Nexus p.2 - The Dominion
A continuation from this post. As some peeps know, I love me some Dommies (so much I mained them) and it’s a bit sad that I wasn’t able to rp these alts as I did with my main three. Anyway, enjoy readin’ o/
Here’s p.1 w/ my Exiles
Aarium Kantivex - As a member of the Coalition of Galactic Scientists, Aarium was one of the first of its members to set foot on Nexus. Undoubtedly knowledgable of many areas of study, his focus and joy stem in ichthyology. It was no surprised then that he was stationed miles away from Malgrave’s southern coasts on a tiny little island he dubbed “The Watchtower,” to study the virtually untouched sea-life of Nexus’s seas. He’s happily married to a granok woman named Rhoda for the past three centuries. age: 868 h: 9′9″ (297cm) w: 555 lb (251kg)
Cecilia Sharp - Born to a noble family of lower stature that serves one of the higher houses, Cecilia’s life was pretty much laid out for her when she came into the world- groomed and educated for the specific purpose of marrying into another household or to serve dutifully into the Dominion Church. Because of that, she’s very shy and soft-spoken, and rarely does she speak her mind even in the company of friends and family. Cici very much wishes she could leave the life of nobility and strict dogmas, and that wish has grown stronger, especially since her family came to settle in Illium. age: 25 h: 5′3″ (160cm) w: 127lb (57kg)
Kaun Bloodgrip - A soldier on reserve, choice of weapon are stalker claws, adept in reconnaissance and assassination, presently works as a customs worker between Illium and Auroria’s borders. Kaun is your typical traditional draken in terms of his belief and values, though isn’t closed minded as people may first perceive. Considered cool-headed and stern, as he makes others believe him to be, keeps order (for the most part) in his work place, despite the constant pile of never ending paperwork. He is very close friends with Kalua Mons and Bongo Mcongo, who both work with him at customs. age: 26 h: 7′6″ (w/o horns) (228cm) w: 345lb (155kg)
Sabine Alpharion - Known far and wide for her exceptional acting prowess, none on either faction are unknown to her theatrical prowess, whether on stage or on the silver screen. Sabine, in person seems to be very reserved, her fronts practiced to a t in terms of reflecting unwanted inquiries. But really, she’s just a lonely soul living her immortal life day by day. The one thing that makes her life bearable are her plant children- she’s quite the fan of succulents. age: 653 h: 9′3″ (281cm) w: 455 lb (231kg)
Yajiro Ano - A patrol guard on Illium’s streets, Yajiro is a low-born cassian to a farmer’s family in Auroria. He’s the second oldest of seven siblings, thus some of his paycheck goes to help his family financially. He’s somewhat reserved, taking his day to day job with dutiful awareness, though does take the occasional nap standing at his post, since no one can see his face because of his helmet. He’s friends with Kalua, as she often walks by his post every morning and treats him with a light home made snack to keep his energy throughout the day. He’s very fond of peaches. age: 28 h: 5′8″ (176cm) w: 157lb (71kg)
Bongo Mcongo - A chill chua that likes to spend his days watching movies and discussing them, eating veggie chips, and relaxing in bed. After a failed apprenticeship under Mondo that nearly cost him his life- Bongo opted for a  less threatening occupation: sorting out documents, writing out mail orders, and conversing with friends at Illium’s border customs. The real threat he faces nowadays are papercuts. He’s good friends with Kaun Bloodgrip and Kalua Mons and often is the one planning out trips for all three of them to hang. His favorite flavor of popsicle is sea-salt. age: 23 h: 3′5″ (104cm) w: 70lb (31kg)
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laurierollitt · 6 years
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Poem #10
Pencil on paper, A4 (210 × 297cm).
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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Rugs Direct Rug, portocaliu, 297cm x 419cm
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Luxury and Flexible Fabric Modular Sofas - United House Furniture
Description:- The Como lounge suite offers luxury and flexibility with Superior style and exceptional comfort.
Choose your own arrangement according to your personal style, taste and space with the ability to create several different configurations.
Left Chaise = L186cm x D111cm x H87cm
3 Seater = L209cm x D111cm x H87cm (Base cushion consists of two separate cushions, not one as pictured).
Right Chaise = L125cm x D172cm x H87cm
Total length from left to right as set up in photo = 297cm x 334cm (without side table) x 172cm
United House Furniture
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The Sirens and Ulysses - William Etty, 1837
oil on canvas, 442.5cm x 297cm (14.6ft x 9.9ft)
"Their song is death, and makes destruction please. / Unblest the man whom music wins to stay / Nigh the curs'd shore, and listen to the lay / In verdant meads they sport, and wide around / Lie human bones that whiten all the ground. / The ground polluted floats with human gore / And human carnage taints the dreadful shore."
Translated by Alexander Pope, these lines from Homer’s poem The Odyssey is said to have inspired this painting by english artist William Etty. 
The Sirens and Ulysses depicts three nude sirens singing and playing music as if in celebration, whilst surrounded by the decaying bodies of dead sailors.  Ulysses, as told in the poem, is visible in the background, tied to the mast of his ship whilst his crewmen restrain him, ears plugged to prevent them from falling under the spell of the sirens. 
The similarity of the three sirens is thought to be due to Etty using the same model, posed in three separate classical dynamic posing. An admirer of Titian and Rubens, nude figures in biblical, literary and mythological settings was something he became known for.
Despite this, he was not without his critics. Many felt his work was crude, with The Spectator describing The Sirens and Ulysses as "a disgusting combination of voluptuousness and loathsome putridity—glowing in colour and wonderful in execution, but conceived in the worst possible taste". Many were also uncomfortable at the revelation that Etty had visited mortuaries and painted from real corpses as reference for the dead sailors strewn over the island. Ironically, Etty seems to have painted it this way deliberately, writing that "My aim in all my great pictures has been to paint some great moral on the heart ... the importance of resisting sensual delights".
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Project Development
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This is my first attempt at putting the book together. I haven't really edited all the photos yet. But I have chosen these photos because they all communicate well about Dingkai's family home and include photos of the two subject matters I'm focusing on. I think it's really starting to come together.
I find my current book size; 200cm x 200cm too small for me to portray the full scale of the images so I'm considering making it a bit bigger, maybe just under an A4 size (250cm x 297cm) to fully capture the details of the photos.
Feedback on how to improve the book:
The book is looking a bit gappy, make images two full double spreads to create breathing space
Scale images larger
Enhance the saturation and exposure to communicate that warm homely vibe
Eliminate weaker images
The text on the cover can be bigger
Close-up shots need to be redone to really go in-depth and enhance the details
Framing perspective needs to be adjusted on some photos to eliminate the unnecessary photobombed objects.
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