etirabys · 2 years
Fiction writing retro for 2022! Highlights below. Note that this year is very noncon/dubcon heavy.
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prince yu succeeds is a half-finished Nirvana in Fire fanfiction that I forced myself to post on AO3 despite half-finished status. It has the peculiar distinction of being a noncon fic where I started writing it and discovered the noncon was the least interesting part of it for me and I couldn’t summon up the enthusiasm. One particular chapter in it (Lin Shu teen flashback), however, became my favorite fanfic short I’ve written.
Darrow has the tape is a noncon fic where I am enthusiastic about the noncon: teenager in a fantasy world with a very complicated immigration history has a beloved uncle go to jail for many crimes. The teen (Dara/Darrow) finds some of the uncle’s stash of unethically produced porn, and destroys it, but not before it warps his sexuality. Many years later, he meets the primary victim of the porn tapes. While he’s excruciatingly aware that keeping his distance is a good idea, she’s struggling to establish a magical career and doesn’t have many people in her corner. It’s hard not to get involved.
love potion is a Harry/Snape dubcon fic whose premise I describe here.
Inarzeh is my failed foray into glowfic, about a slave who escapes into Earth from an alternate universe after her magician master tries and dies while calling up the demon that runs their universe’s magic. In the process she inadvertently destroys her world’s magic. She teams up with an EMT who’s a benevolent sociopath à la Amos Burton from The Expanse, the married couple the EMT is in love with, and eventually, the demon itself.
siriphon is about a college student who, as part of a college club activist project, adopts two dogboys with different types of damage (there’s the needy anxiously attached one, and the aloof intellectual avoidant attachment one).
the fat girl is about a pair of lesbians. One of them has a classic case of “turned on by X but also repulsed/scared by it” with both lesbianism and fatness, and severely bullies and eventually rapes the other in high school. They grow into their own personhood and queerness in college and beyond, and then start orbiting each other unhealthily once they come into contact again.
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