#2021 Toyota Yaris Hatch
GIIAS2024 akan diadakan 30 hari lagi di BSD City, Tangerang. Mobil baru apa saja yang akan hadir disana? Mulai dari Toyota, brand triple elips ini mengisyaratkan akan menghadirkan kembali GR Yaris di Indonesia melalui teaser yang ditampilkan pada press conference beberapa waktu lalu.
Seperti diketahui, GR Yaris dijual resmi di Tanah Air pada 2021 lalu sebanyak 126 unit. Saat itu hot hatch ini dijual Rp 850 juta dan langsung sold out. Namun pada Januari 2024 lalu, Toyota merilis GR Yaris facelift di Jepang dan Eropa. Diuga kuat, versi terbaru ini akan dihadirkan disini.
Selain ubahan kosmetik di bagian bumper depan dan lampu belakang, GR Yaris kali ini mendapat opsi transmisi 8-speed automatic torque converter.
Dari mesin juga mendapat upgrade, dengan tenaga setara GR Corolla yaitu 300 hp, naik dari 268-272 hp. Untuk torsinya 400 Nm, naik dari 370 Nm. Tekanan direct injectionnya dinaikkan, lalu pistonnya diganti menjadi yang lebih ringan, dan intake air pressure sensor juga diganti.
Desain dashboardnya dirombak sehingga lebih terkesan minimalis dan driver-oriented, dengan kisi AC mirip GR 86. Hadir pula speedometer digital serta drive mode Eco, Sport, Normal, dan Circuit. Pada versi automatic, Toyota menambahkan paddle shift.
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kleinwagenblog · 8 months
Toyota GR Yaris 2024
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Markteinführung 2021 Bei seiner Markteinführung vor drei Jahren hat der Toyota GR Yaris das Hot-Hatch-Segment – die Klasse der kompakten Sportler – im Sturm erobert. Die reinrassige Rennmaschine wurde mit so viel Lob und Begeisterung aufgenommen, dass Toyota seine Arbeit eigentlich als erledigt betrachten konnte. Aber nur eigentlich: Denn kaum war das erste Fahrzeug vom Band gelaufen, ging bei Toyota schon wieder die Arbeit los, den GR Yaris noch besser zu machen: leistungsstärker, reaktionsschneller, begeisternder. Bei Toyota herrscht nun einmal der Geist der permanenten Verbesserung: In diesem Sinne haben die Ingenieure von Toyota Gazoo Racing zusammen mit den Meisterfahrern des Unternehmens sowie mit Renn- und Rallye-Profis aus dem Team daran gearbeitet, den Charakter des GR Yaris zu bereichern: Das neue Modell ist ein Auto, das den Fahrer in den Mittelpunkt rückt und das von dem Moment an, in dem man sich hinter das Steuer setzt und den Motor startet, ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis bietet. Angesichts der umfangreichen Checkliste der Änderungen darf man das Modell getrost als „neuen GR Yaris“ bezeichnen. Zu den wichtigsten Features gehören der weiterentwickelte Dreizylinder-Turbomotor, der noch mehr Leistung und Drehmoment liefert, sowie das neue Gazoo Racing Direkt-Automatikgetriebe mit acht Gängen, das extrem schnelle Gangwechsel ermöglicht. Das maßgeschneiderte Fahrwerk des GR Yaris wurde weiter verstärkt, und im Innenraum wurden das Cockpit-Layout und die Fahrposition neu gestaltet, um ein noch authentischeres Sportwagengefühl zu vermitteln, sei es auf der Straße oder im Wettbewerb auf der Rennstrecke. Auch das Fahrwerk wurde angepasst – mit überarbeiteten Federraten und verstärkten vorderen Stoßdämpfern – und gewährleistet nun eine noch bessere Kontrolle und mehr Robustheit unter hoher Belastung. Der neue GR Yaris bietet alles, was den Erfolg des Originals ausmachte – und noch mehr. Damit hat er das Zeug dazu, sich noch weiter von der Konkurrenz abzusetzen. Das Angebotsprogramm wurde überarbeitet und konzentriert sich künftig auf eine einzige Version mit einem Kühl-Performance-Paket, das einen zusätzlichen Kühler, ein Ladeluftkühler-Spray und einen modifizierten Lufteinlass umfasst.
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Der Toyota GR Yaris: Was bisher geschah Der GR Yaris ist ein perfektes Beispiel dafür, wie Toyota und seine Performance-Abteilung Toyota Gazoo Racing durch das Engagement im Motorsport immer bessere Autos entwickeln. Von Anfang an war klar, dass der GR Yaris nicht einfach nur ein weiterer „Hot Hatch“ sein würde – sondern ein Auto, das bei Technik und Design direkt von den Erfahrungen profitieren sollte, die Toyota Gazoo Racing bei seinen Siegen in der Rallye-Weltmeisterschaft gesammelt hat. Ein neuer Motor, ein neues elektronisches Allradsystem und ein maßgeschneidertes Chassis waren bei der Entwicklung gesetzt. Als die ersten Fachjournalisten und Kunden hinter dem Steuer des Serienfahrzeugs Platz nahmen, übertraf die Resonanz alles, was Toyota erwartet hatte. Seit der Markteinführung im Jahr 2020 wurden in Europa mehr als 18.000 Fahrzeuge verkauft, die Kundenzufriedenheit liegt bei 99 Prozent. Weil sich die meisten Kunden für die Circuit-Version entschieden haben, konzentriert sich Toyota beim neuen Modell auf diese Spezifikation. Unter den Kunden befinden sich viele Liebhaber leistungsstarker Autos, die den GR Yaris als würdig erachten, in ihrer Sammlung einen Platz neben deutlich leistungsstärkeren Prestigemodellen einzunehmen. Damit entzieht sich der GR Yaris jeder Kategorisierung: Er ist eine Klasse für sich und schon jetzt ein Sportwagenklassiker. Das Entwicklungsprogramm für den neuen GR Yaris folgte dem Konzept „develop, race, break, fix“: Auf der Suche nach Verbesserungen wurde das Fahrzeug an seine Grenzen gebracht – buchstäblich bis zur Belastungsgrenze seiner Komponenten. „In jedem Aspekt des neuen GR Yaris steckt das Wissen und die Erfahrung aus dem Motorsport sowie unserer Meisterfahrer und Renn- und Rallyefahrer“, sagt Chefingenieur Naohiko Saito.
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Mehr Leistung, mehr Drehmoment, mehr Kontrolle Bei der Markteinführung war der Turbomotor des GR Yaris der stärkste Dreizylinder-Serienmotor der Welt. Jetzt bietet er sogar noch mehr Leistung. Zugleich wurden Maßnahmen ergriffen, um auch bei der gesteigerten Motorleistung Haltbarkeit und Langlebigkeit sicherzustellen. Erneut dienten dabei Rennstrecke und Rallyekurs als Testgelände: Der Motor wurde in der japanischen Rallye-Meisterschaft und in der japanischen Langstrecken-Tourenwagenserie auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. Zu den Neuerungen gehören ein verstärkter Ventiltrieb, ein neues Material für die Auslassventile und ein höherer D-4ST-Einspritzdruck. Zudem wurden neue leichte Kolben mit verschleißfesten Ringen und ein neuer Ansaugdrucksensor eingebaut. Das neue Modell wird serienmäßig mit Kühl-Performance-Paket angeboten. Dieses umfasst einen neuen Sub-Kühler, der die Zuverlässigkeit bei Vollgasfahrten verbessert, Modifikationen am Lufteinlass und ein Ladeluftkühler-Spray.
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Superschnelles Schalten mit dem neuen Gazoo Racing Direkt-Automatikgetriebe Eine der wichtigsten Änderungen am neuen GR Yaris ist die Einführung eines neuen „Gazoo Racing Direct Automatic“-Getriebes mit acht Gängen. Es wird als Option zum bewährten manuellen Sechsganggetriebe angeboten. Bei der Entwicklung legte Toyota den Schwerpunkt auf schnellstmögliches Herunterschalten. Durch den Wechsel auf ein Automatikgetriebe kann sich der Fahrer zudem stärker auf das Lenken und das Betätigen von Brems- und Gaspedal konzentrieren. Bei Tests auf der Rennstrecke hat sich das neue Getriebe bereits bewährt: Es ist einer der Faktoren, die zu den schnelleren Rundenzeiten beigetragen haben. Während Schaltvorgänge bei manchen automatisierten Getrieben nur auf der Erfassung des Fahrzeugverhaltens beruhen – etwa der G-Kräfte und der Geschwindigkeit – ist die optimierte Software des neuen Getriebes auch darauf abgestimmt, zu antizipieren, wann ein Gangwechsel erforderlich sein wird. Um Probleme wie die Anfälligkeit von Automatikgetrieben für Hitzeschäden zu lösen und ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen hoher Schaltgeschwindigkeit und Fahrbarkeit sicherzustellen, wurden Material und Software immer wieder überarbeitet. Im Rahmen des Testprogramms prüften die Fahrer des TGR World Rally Teams das Getriebe auf verschiedenen Untergründen, darunter auch auf schneebedeckten Straßen in Finnland. Und auch die Getriebeeinheit wurde in der japanischen Rallye-Meisterschaft, der Toyota Gazoo Racing Rallye Challenge und der Super Taikyu Serie eingesetzt. Die Erhöhung der Gänge von sechs auf acht ermöglicht eine engere Getriebeübersetzung. Zudem profitiert das Getriebe von einem neuen Drehmoment-Kontrollsystem und einem kompakten, schnell ansprechenden Hubmagneten. Die Verwendung von hoch hitzebeständigem Material in der Kupplung und die Anpassung der Steuerungssoftware ermöglichen erstklassige Schaltgeschwindigkeiten. Die Schaltvorgänge im Bereich D sind wettbewerbsfähig und die vorausschauende Gangwahlfunkton passt sich perfekt den Wünschen des Fahrers an. Ein serienmäßiger Getriebeölkühler deckt den Kühlbedarf des Getriebes ab. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Fahrmodusauswahl lässt sich das Fahrzeug sowohl für sportliche Fahrten als auch für den Alltagsgebrauch anpassen. Die Fahrmodi „Sport“, „Normal“ und „Eco“ bieten unterschiedliche Einstellungen für die elektrische Servolenkung, die Klimaanlage, die Gasannahme und die Instrumentenanzeige. Bei Modellen mit dem Gazoo Racing Direkt-Automatikgetriebe werden auch das Schaltgefühl und die Gangauswahl angepasst. Der Sport-Modus bietet ein direktes Schaltgefühl, während es im Normal- und Eco-Modus ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Komfort und Direktheit aufweist. Die schnellsten Schaltvorgänge werden in der sogenannten M-Range gewährleistet. Dabei wird der Fahrer feststellen, dass er sich im Drehzahlbereich zwischen 4.900 U/min und 7.200 U/min (Maximaldrehzahl) in der Mitte des Geschehens befindet. Wie beim aktuellen GR Yaris sorgt das elektronisch gesteuerte, permanente Allradsystem GR-FOUR für optimalen Grip und Traktion. Es wurde speziell für das Fahrzeug entwickelt und passt die Drehmomentverteilung zwischen Vorder- und Hinterradantrieb in drei Modi an: Normal, Sport und Track. Die serienmäßigen Torsen-Sperrdifferenziale vorne und hinten tragen außerdem zu den sportiven Handlingeigenschaften bei. 
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Erhöhte Karosseriesteifigkeit für noch bessere Fahrwerks- und Lenkeigenschaften 13 Prozent mehr Schweißpunkte und 24 Prozent mehr Strukturkleber machen die leichte Karosserie des GR Yaris noch steifer als bisher. Dadurch verbessern sich das Gierverhalten, die Rückmeldung der Lenkung und das Traktionsgefühl – eine perfekte Ergänzung zum straffen Fahrwerk. Die Plattform wurde speziell für das Fahrzeug entwickelt und kombiniert den vorderen Teil der GA-B Struktur des Yaris mit einem neuen hinteren Teil, der von der größeren GA-C Plattform von Toyota stammt. Die leichte, dabei aber steife Aufhängung wurde beibehalten: Vorne kommen MacPherson-Federbeine zum Einsatz, hinten Doppelquerlenker mit Längslenkern. Für das neue Modell wurde dabei aber das Feedback von Wettbewerbsfahrern berücksichtigt. Zusätzliche Schrauben zur Befestigung der vorderen Stoßdämpfer an der Karosserie verhindern Änderungen in der Ausrichtung, die auftreten können, wenn sich die obere Buchse bei hoher Belastung verformt. Die vorderen und hinteren Federn wurden ebenfalls angepasst, um die Leistung zu optimieren und die Handling-Kontrolle zu verbessern.
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Neues, vom Motorsport inspiriertes Fahrer-Cockpit Das umfassend überarbeitete Cockpit des GR Yaris vermittelt ein authentisches, sportliches Gefühl. Das Layout ist von der Gestaltung eines Super Taikyu Rennwagens inspiriert und folgt dem „Driver First“-Prinzip, das das gesamte Fahrzeug definiert. Auch die Renn- und Rallyefahrer hatten direkten Einfluss auf die vorgenommenen Änderungen. Read the full article
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tazweedapp · 1 year
Old Land Cruiser Wins Against the New
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Toyota just unveiled the most recent iteration of their renowned Land Cruiser SUV, which is built on brand-new architecture and features a twin-turbo V-6 engine. Here, we'll remind you of the key distinctions between the current and previous versions.
The Motor:
A newly created 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 engine with 409 horsepower (305 kW) and 650 Nm of torque has replaced the 5.7-liter V8.
The turbo pair allows the V6 to generate almost 30 horsepower more than the V8 despite having fewer cylinders. Torque increases considerably by about 108 Nm, and the engine is also more efficient than the engine in the previous iteration.
Front Exterior:
The GR Yaris hot hatch and Supra's headlight design are somewhat evocative of the new front of the LC300, which adds a touch of modernity both inside and out.
The latest generation features two front grilles, albeit one of them is small in size and extends from the bottom of the huge grille to contact the headlamps as soon as we glance at the automobile. The Land Cruiser 2022 now has a more intimidating aspect than the 2021 model, which has a massive grille that separates the headlamps into two halves.
Rear Exterior:
The slimmer LED lights in the 2022 edition, combined with a thinner back glass, made the design seem smaller than the previous car, which led many fans to prefer the older version.
The Interior:
With the addition of an entertainment system compatible with a 9-inch screen as standard and a 12.3-inch screen as an option, along with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto capabilities, the inside of the 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser underwent clear and sophisticated improvements.
The potential for wireless smartphone charging, a 360-degree camera, and a front screen on the windscreen are other distinguishing features.
The Land Cruiser 2021, on the other hand, has an integrated navigation system with a 9-inch touchscreen and wireless charging for gadgets. A 14-speaker JBL audio system and satellite radio are included as standard. The options menu may include a rear-seat entertainment system with two 11.6-inch screens and a pair of wireless headphones.
We appreciate everyone who voted, and please check back frequently for new Tazweed coverage.
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Toyota have just given a shot of hope to all fans of exciting, driver orientated ‘family’ cars. Their accounts department gave the go ahead for the Yaris GR which is to be applauded even more for what it represents than for how it drives.
It is easy to wax lyrical on how this is a wonderful car, how it sets new parameters for performance, on how it is the greatest hot hatch of 2020 (probably 2021 and possibly 2022 too) BUT it is far, far more important than that. It has been produced by a very mainstream and huge motoring powerhouse - one not known for having particularly emotive cars in their current range. It is available in dealers across the country – from small country dealers to large conurbation based dealers. There’s no priority customer list; if you want one you can walk into your dealer and order one, simple as that (well, in theory at least).
The Yaris GR is a wakeup call for all mainstream manufacturers – reasonably small volume, performance hot hatches are still desirable! There are still enough enthusiasts in the world to make slightly crazy performance family cars a sales (and marketing) success – enough people are willing to buy a small car that goes fast but that has a dealer network spread across the country.  
The GR isn’t reserved for niche, exclusive dealers – neither sales nor servicing. It comes with options that make it just a little bit more track orientated for those who want a little extra special from their car and all from a mainstream motor manufacturer...
R5, TCR and World RX championships offer a multitude of mainstream manufacturers all they need to wheel out a similar performance orientated model (on par with the Yaris GA’s performance and price tag) tapping into a market more rediscovered - by a manufacturer - rather than reawakened. The market isn’t huge; it is, however, lucrative and open to two or three more offerings. Imagine a Skoda Fabia VRS R5, a Peugeot 208 GTRX and a Yaris GR all duking it out for sales...  
Both the 208 and Fabia can draw on larger engines than currently available in Europe - the 208 is fitted with a 1600ccm engine in Argentina or could use the old GTI version whilst the Fabia could use the Polo GTi 2 ltr engine for easy power... The Fabia and 208 both not only have the heritage of ‘hot’ versions in their model history as well as rich motorsport heritage too – bear in mind the Yaris is, ironically, the least successful in motorsport terms of the three mentioned cars. Skoda have dominated R5 sales and results for numerous years, so much so that it seems shocking that the Yaris GR has preceded an R5 derived über-hothatch Fabia...
Hopefully motorsport departments can now wander into the accounts office and point out that there’s a market for a model based on all their hard work. Not only would it offer them an impressive halo performance model but it would capitalise on a renaissant market sector.
Toyota have opened the door to more exceedingly enjoyable cars, it would be a crying shame if others were not to follow...
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2021 Mitsubishi Mirage First Look: The Subcompact Lives
The subcompact car segment shrinks further for 2021 with the loss of vehicles such as the Chevrolet Sonic, Honda Fit, and Toyota Yaris. One model that's not going anywhere, though, is the tiny Mitsubishi Mirage, which enters 2021 with a number of upgrades.
Once again sold in hatchback and sedan forms (the latter of which dons the G4 mark), the 2021 Mirage welcomes a fresh face that incorporates the latest Mitsubishi styling cues. While the Japanese automaker's United States arm is mum on details about the updated car, Mitsubishi's Canadian division notes the reworked Mirage includes items such as LED headlamps and taillamps (likely restricted to higher-end models), a 7.0-inch infotainment system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility (0.5 inch larger than the current Mirage's Apple CarPlay and Android Auto-compatible unit), and additional safety kit, including newly available features such as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, a lane-departure warning system, and automatic high-beam headlamps. Expect these items to carry over to the U.S.-spec 2021 Mirage hatch and Mirage G4 sedan.
Alas, it appears as though the Mirage's wheezy 78-hp 1.2-liter three-cylinder engine remains as the model's sole source of motivation. Look for the unit to once again pair with either a five-speed manual gearbox or an optional continuously variable transmission.
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enginerumors · 5 years
2021 Toyota Yaris Concept, Release Date, Price
2021 Toyota Yaris Concept, Release Date, Price
2021 Toyota Yaris Concept, Release Date, Price – These 2021 Toyota Yariscan be Toyota’s cheapest version, but it really does not stick out in every specific group. Actually created to shine around the small avenues not to mention populated places within Germany along with Belgium, it again prioritises manoeuvrability in addition to performance above all. That will do not suggest it is the…
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cabiauto · 3 years
Fim de linha: os veículos que não vão continuar em 2022
Níveis de emissões e evoluções tecnológicas determinam o fim da produção de alguns modelos
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Feliz 2022! Sim, a coluna relativa ao fechamento do mês de dezembro de 2021 ficou para o início de 2022 e com isso, começamos de forma diferente. O motivo ficou por conta dos muitos veículos que não vão continuar em nosso mercado nesse novo ano. No primeiro momento você pode achar que isso é ruim, mas é preciso evoluir principalmente quando o assunto é poluição, ou seja, o nível de emissão dos motores.
Em função da Norma Proconve L7 que entra em vigor nesse mês de janeiro, muitos motores que não atendem os níveis de emissões e ruídos estão saindo de linha e levando junto alguns modelos.
A Chevrolet inicia 2022 tirando três modelos de linha. As saídas de Joy e Joy Plus, versões antigas de Onix e Prisma, respectivamente, já eram esperadas. Dessa forma, a primeira geração do Onix e a segunda do Prisma deixam oficialmente de ser vendidas no Brasil.
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Além deles, a marca também deixou de oferecer a S10 com motor 2.5 flex. A decisão vem pouco mais de um mês após a Toyota encerrar as vendas de Hilux e SW4 movidas a gasolina e/ou etanol. Assim, todas as picapes médias do país contam exclusivamente com motorizações diesel.
A Fiat em 2021 passou por uma grande transformação. A marca encerrou as vendas do Grand Siena, do Uno e do Doblò, além das versões com motorização 1.8 E.torQ de Argo, Cronos e Toro. Até o Mobi perdeu sua versão de entrada Easy, que era a versão mais barata, vinha sem ar-condicionado.
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O Uno Ciao é uma série especial limitada de 250 unidades em homenagem a um ícone da indústria automotiva brasileira. Fabricado de forma ininterrupta desde agosto de 1984 no Polo Automotivo de Betim (MG), o Fiat Uno acumula 4.379.356 milhões de unidades produzidas.
A Honda é outra marca que passa por uma grande transformação.
A produção nacional do Civic em Sumaré (SP) foi encerrada ao final de 2021, enquanto o esportivo Civic Si deixou de ser importado. A nova geração do Civic deve voltar a ser oferecida em breve, agora importada. O Civic Si talvez só em 2023.
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Outro que teve a produção encerrada ao final de 2021 foi o Honda Fit. Apesar de uma nova geração na Europa e Japão, ficou caro produzir o modelo e a Honda adotou uma nova estratégia para os países emergentes. O novo City nas versões hatch e sedan é um modelo global e atual para atender os clientes da marca.
Montado em Catalão, Goiás, o Mitsubishi ASX foi outro que deixou o nosso mercado em 2021.
Não foi uma despedida total, pois o modelo ganhou uma renovação tão grande no visual que até de nome mudou, passando para Outlander Sport. Já o Pajero Full, clássico da marca por aqui, foi embora em definitivo.
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Com uma série especial de 100 unidades o Sandero RS já não é mais fabricado em São José dos Pinhais (PR).
Para esse ano que se inicia, nem tudo é fim. A Audi voltará a produzir por aqui e teremos o A3 nacional, BMW X4 e X3 serão reestilizados com fabricação brasileira, a estreia da marca de luxo da CAOA – Exeed, que vai trazer o VX, um SUV de 7 lugares maior que o Tiggo 7 PRO, tem também o Cruze Sport6 RS, a renovada Silverado V6 turbo diesel e V8 gasolina, o novo C3, Argo e Cronos com transmissão automática CVT, Fiat Fastback, a picape Ford Maverick e a F-150, modelo que esbanja sucesso no mercado norte-americano, a Honda terá o City Hatch já em março nas lojas e a nova geração do HR-V, que por enquanto não terá a versão híbrida, ainda esse ano, e até mesmo o Jeep Renegade, passa por evolução no início do ano estreando a motorização 1.3 turbo flex e perdendo as opções com motorização diesel.
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E tem mais! A picape Peugeot Landtrek chega importada do Uruguai com câmbio automático e motor 1.9 turbo diesel, enquanto o 2008 elétrico virá da França. A mesma motorização 1.0 turbo flex da Stellantis vai ser lançada no 208 turbo com câmbio CVT. A Renault apresenta no primeiro semestre a primeira reestilização do Kwid, assim como acontece com a Toyota, que vai renovar o Yaris nas versões hatch e sedã.
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Para quem achou que na coluna de hoje só teríamos notícias ruins, a verdade é que a engenharia e indústria brasileira continuam em evolução constante e adequando seus modelos, motores e tecnologias conforme as legislações. Os carros que não atendem ao Proconve L7 só poderão ser vendidos até março de 2022.
Por: Tarcisio Dias
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carroesporteclube · 3 years
Toyota suspende produção do Corolla Cross devido falta de peças
Toyota suspende produção do #CorollaCross devido falta de peças
Planta de Sorocaba suspende produção até 27 de agosto afetando três modelos da Toyota. Empregados entrarão em férias coletivas Toyota Corolla Cross é afetado pela falta de peças A Toyota do Brasil suspende a produção, de forma temporária, na fábrica de Sorocaba e Porto Feliz, entre os dias 18 e 27 de agosto de 2021. Na primeira unidade são produzidos os modelos Yaris (hatch e sedã), Corolla…
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valleymotorauctions · 3 years
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The hottest hatch has just arrived, a 2021 Toyota GR Yaris with only 21kms. More details at valleymotorauctions.com.au #hothatch #toyotagryaris #gryaris #yarisgr (at Valley Motor Auctions) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZ6i68jIT-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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certadoc · 3 years
Melhor Revenda: hatches compactos e médios usados mais valorizados em 2021
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Os hatches compactos, médios e premium usados mais valorizados pelos lojistas na hora da troca
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O carro mais barato do Brasil desbancou o Up!, vencedor do ano passado. O Kwid desvaloriza pouca coisa a menos que o VW, é verdade, mas leva a vantagem por vender mais (quase 50.000 unidades em 2020 ontra 8.000 do rival) e por ter quatro versões, com preços entre R$ 42.690 e R$ 53.690. O VW chegou ao fim de produção em abril de 2021 com apenas uma opção.
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SEGMENTO: Fiat Mobi, Renault Kwid e VW Up!
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O veterano hatch e ex-líder dos emplacamentos ainda se vale da majestade do passado para desvalorizar pouco. Com perda abaixo da casa dos 20%, o Gol impediu o bicampeonato do companheiro de plataforma Fox. Facilidade de peças, mecânica simples e gama enxuta (três versões e preços a partir de R$ 59.760) ajudam o compacto a perder pouco valor.
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SEGMENTO: Chevrolet Joy, Fiat Uno, Renault Sandero, Toyota Etios e VW Fox e Gol
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Ser o carro mais vendido do país há quase seis anos facilita bem as coisas. Com bastante oferta e boa liquidez, o Onix tem baixa desvalorização na categoria e supera até os chamados “compactos premium”, como Argo, Polo e Yaris. Com seis versões e motores 1.0 aspirado e turbo, com câmbio manual ou automático, o hatch tem preços entre R$ 61.090 e R$ 85.620.
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SEGMENTO: Chevrolet Onix, Fiat Argo, Hyundai HB20 e HB20X, Kia Rio, Peugeot 208, Toyota Yaris Hatch e VW Polo
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O menor hatch da BMW impediu – por muito pouco – o bicampeonato do rival Classe A. Em sua terceira geração, o modelo tem desenho arrojado e cobra a partir de R$ 246.950 na versão 118i Sport GP. Mas ainda tem direito à configuração esportiva assinada pela divisão M da marca alemã, com 306 cv de potência e preço sugerido de R$ 356.950.
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SEGMENTO: Audi A3 Sportback, BMW Série 1, Mercedes-Benz Classe A e Mini Cooper
Por: Quatro Rodas
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joiedevivrevehicles · 3 years
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Renault Megane R.S. 2021 update Info
Five-door, turbocharged, auto-only Megane RS is unashamed of the new school - but don't hold that against it.
It's becoming the norm to speak of a golden era for hot hatches. Fast, practical, huge fun and inexpensive to run; the class-leading contenders let you have it all. Yet given how long this period has lasted, it might be better to consider brilliant hot hatches as mere par for the course in 2021. There simply isn't a dud in the line-up, from Fiesta ST through Toyota GR Yaris to Mercedes-AMG A45. Buyers are spoilt for choice - and the manufacturers have upped their game accordingly.
It was into a sector only marginally less competitive than 2021's that the third iteration of Renault Sport Megane arrived. The brief was tough - to keep the old guard of R.S. fans happy while bringing new buyers into the fold - but the form book spoke for itself: Renault Sport had been the standard bearers since the turn of the century.
As it transpired, the old 280 and 300 Trophy (all models now have 300hp, and the manual option has gone) achieved as many hits as they did misses. There was a lot to like in isolation, the Renault Megane being exciting and engaging in its own way, but the fact remained that it wasn't as fun to drive as its predecessor nor as nice to use every day as a Golf GTI. Of course, it escaped no one that the former was hard to achieve while pursuing the latter.
Now, three years later, we have a facelift. And, more importantly than that, a Renault Sport facelift. Which, for whatever reason, often feel like more than the sum of their parts. A tinker of this and a tweak of that often seem to have significant influence - think Clio 197 to 200 and Megane 225 to 300. Furthermore, the Megane tested here might just be the best option in the range: the Sport chassis with that now-compulsory EDC dual-clutch gearbox. Few will mourn the demise of the obdurate manual or the stiffness of a Trophy chassis, which can be wearing on the road. If the Megane is really going to be up with the class best - the i30 N now has a DCT option as well, plus there's the Focus ST automatic - then it's most probably in this configuration.
It's funny how quickly and substantially quality perceptions alter. Back in 2018 the Mk7 Golf GTI was still being lauded for the cohesion of its cabin, against which the old Megane R.S. could only offer an unresponsive touchscreen, cheap ventilation controls and awkward integration of the manual gearbox. It was far from brilliant.
How times have changed. Not only has the latest Golf seemingly dropped the ball as far as ease of use goes, but Renault’s new EasyLink system has also moved the Megane's interior on leaps and bounds. Still a portrait layout and now with a 9.3-inch display, it rights the wrongs of before: specifically, the screen responds promptly to every command and maintains the consistent smartphone connection it couldn't manage before. With more vibrant displays and user-friendly menus, in addition, EasyLink is a big step forward for the Megane.
That's not the only thing, either. Those scratchy, unsatisfying controls for the air-con have been upgraded to weightier, higher-quality knurled dials, again a noticeable improvement and vastly preferable to the weird VW sliding scale. The R.S.-branded 'Multi-Sense' drive mode button - cycling through Comfort, Normal, Sport, Race and MySense - has been enlarged and repositioned from the dash to the transmission tunnel. Again, it's another small point that improves usability - it's far easier for your left hand to reach now, and no longer means the hazards might be pressed by accident.
Though Renault offers Recaro seats (and, it says, a 20mm lower driving position as a result) as an option on the Trophy, there's precious little cause for complaint in the standard ones. They don't look as racy, sure, but are well-sited, decently supportive and plenty comfortable enough. Perhaps the driving position isn't beyond improvement - the pedals are a little offset, and more reach adjustment would benefit the taller driver - but it is extremely competitive in a way its predecessor was not.
The Megane is unique in its segment for using just 1.8-litres to make 300hp. Most rivals deploy 2.0-litre engines, and the Focus ST offers fully another half a litre of swept capacity from its 2.3-litre Ecoboost. For the Renault, a bore of 79.7mm and a stroke of 90.1mm means 1,798cc in total, with 300hp at 6,000rpm and 399.97Nm at 2,400rpm - as per the previous model, and competitive in its class. The closest rival on paper would be Hyundai's i30 N DCT, with 280hp and 391.83Nm.
Interestingly, given the hot hatch trend, the Megane only uses six gears for its dual-clutch automatic - all other rivals have seven, and the Hyundai goes with eight. The seven-speed is used in the Alpine A110 with the same engine isn't rated for the additional torque. It makes the R.S. a tad busier on the motorway than might be expected, cruising at little less than 3,000rpm, and can't aid fuel economy either - the official combined is 33, which is the same as Honda's more powerful, manual-geared Civic Type R.
Furthermore, although the six-speed auto is broadly speaking a decent gearbox - and comes with nice shift paddles - it isn't without fault. In the sportier drive modes, it's too keen to both hold a gear and kick down, making what might just be a spirited drive feel a lot more frenetic than it needs to. It's prone to indecision, too, and can change at inopportune moments. There are fewer issues in normal conditions, so it's often preferable to take manual control with the paddles for driving a bit quicker - their size and travel make them satisfying to use and the gearbox is responsive to fingertip requests. In the Sport and Race modes, kick down and the automatic upchanges are disabled, too. It's another welcome touch for enthusiasts that aren’t replicated everywhere.
The Megane's engine remains as likeable as ever, performance belying its relatively modest stature. While there isn't the ultimate zeal of something like the Civic's 2.0-litre unit, the R.S. is more than willing to rev; peak torque at higher engine speeds makes it a tad less accessible than some rivals, the flipside being a more thrilling, boostier nature. An augmented induction gurgle isn't unpleasant, especially when complemented by a very vocal set of exhaust pipes. Many have tried (and most have failed) to get the right mixture of civility and silliness from hot hatch exhausts in recent years - none have done it better than Renault.
In terms of raw performance, the numbers are again competitive: the Megane will reach 100km/h in less than six seconds, and reach beyond 257.5km/h. There's never any desire for more, truth be told.
In a world of increasing chassis configurability - optional dampers on an Octavia vRS bring 15 different settings - it's refreshing to see Renault Sport's confidence in a passive suspension set up. Buy a Sport and you get that chassis; buy a Trophy and you get the Cup chassis - 10 per cent stiffer overall with tweaks to springs, dampers, anti-roll bars and bump stops. There's no chopping and changing. You'll get 19-inch wheels as standard, too; the Sport comes with 18s, though this test car had larger rims optioned on - as most buyers will.
Now, a good passive chassis can be great - superior even, if its compromise is neatly struck. Trouble is a bad one can be a pain in the... well, everywhere really. Which was the old Trophy's issue, really, and it would be a surprise to find it any different this time around - inspirational in the right surroundings and doubtless a boon on circuit, but pretty tough the rest of the time.
For road use, it's hard to argue against the Sport chassis. If not as supple as the good old days, but neither is the Megane punishing, it blends comfort and control really well. Even on the optional, larger wheels you'll not curse it on a motorway journey, nor bemoan its lack of composure on a B-road.
In fact, the R.S. 300 Sport is, broadly speaking, a lot of fun when the road goes from major to minor. The oft-criticised 4Control rear-wheel steer remains standard fitment and, though still not the most intuitive, the system does seem to work better in conjunction with the slightly more accommodating Sport chassis. It's still sharp off centre, albeit not quite as darty and unnerving as previous Trophys. It helps no end that the rest of the car radiates poise - hydraulic bump stops really are handy on a craggy country lane - in the finest French tradition.
What a shame, then, that so much of the hard work is almost undone by the lack of a locking differential. No doubt the Megane was more exposed than usual in miserable January conditions, but to offer a 300hp, front-wheel drive car of any kind with only an open diff (the Trophy's Torsen isn't available on the Sport) seems like madness. Where rivals would dig in and redeploy torque somewhere useful, the Sport pushes wide with one tyre messily spinning up. The Perfohub front suspension, chunky 245-section Bridgestones (on the 19-inch wheel, otherwise 235) and well-sorted traction control do a good job, with far better purchase than might be expected - but ultimately they're fighting a losing battle. This means at those points where the Megane looks set to go from very good to even better, the hardware (or lack thereof) lets the side down.
For those eyeing up the Megane as a Golf GTI alternative, perhaps a traction deficit at the handling limit isn't the end of the world. On the other hand, a limited-slip differential could be on the options list for keen drivers that would make a precious little difference in everyday driving - certainly not in a way that stiffer suspension or a louder exhaust might - while unlocking the best from the chassis. There's little to complain about in the braking department, with 355mm discs up front, and 290mm behind, the former being clamped by Brembo callipers. In that typical Renault Sport fashion, the initial pedal feel is a little soft, but there's decent feel and performance once into the meat of the travel.
The current crop of hot hatches is hard enough to separate on the road - and it's much the same on paper. The new Megane RS range begins at R633,900, which will likely lead some to throw up their hands. But consider this: the first Trophy launched in 2005 at R397,000 allowing for inflation that's R596,000 today - that’s not a big difference. Compared to the Renault Megane price, which starts at R325,900 at Group 1 Renault, it seems excessive, but consider all the ‘extras’ you’ll get.
This particular Megane R.S. 300 Sport was R716,360 with extras like the Flame Red paint, 19-inch wheel upgrade, Alcantara upholstery and heated seats. For reference, the last Golf GTI we tested was optioned toR768,793, and the Civic R738,314. Beyond a panoramic sunroof, there isn't anything more to add to the Renault. Smartphone mirroring with the big screen, a 10-inch TFT driver display, BOSE stereo, LED lights, reversing camera and a suite of active safety technology is all standard. That the latter never saw fit to intervene speaks to how well it's integrated.
The older design of dual-clutch means the Megane might be a little more expensive to run than some rivals. A less powerful Golf GTI is officially 5mpg and 25g/km better off, and a Focus ST automatic is said to be capable of 40mpg. Furthermore, as the Megane nudges over 190g/km - depending on wheel size it's 191 or 192g/km.
By and large, this latest Renault Sport Megane update achieves what you'd like every facelift to do: address weaknesses while leaving what was good untouched. So it's still the best looking car in the class, plenty fast enough and apparently built in a way that will dispel all your old French quality myths. In addition, a markedly improved interior makes it more appealing both in the showroom and in day-to-day use - to look at and to sit in, the Megane does feel good as well (if not better than) anything else in its class. You'd be very happy to see this parked on your drive, and that counts for a lot. A Civic Type R might not sit so well in suburbia.
Your priorities will ultimately dictate where the Megane lands in the final pecking order. Those after the best hot hatch to drive are still better served by the Honda, which is more capable overall and just as engaging in its own way. It shouldn't be forgotten, either, that the rear seats and boot are also more accommodating. 
Nevertheless, this latest R.S. 300 remains a deeply impressive and - perhaps just as importantly - exceptionally likeable car. It's a richer, more rewarding experience than anything currently built on the MQB platform, a nicer place to sit than a Focus ST and a real pleasure to drive briskly. This feels like the most successful iteration of the Megane IV R.S. formula yet, with great usability evident alongside an appreciable Renault Sport edge, and deserves wider recognition as a result. It comes highly recommended. But would be even more so with a limited-slip diff.
Engine: 1,798cc 4-cyl, turbo
Transmission: 7-speed dual-clutch auto, front-wheel drive
Power (hp): 300@6,000rpm
Torque (Nm): 399.97 @ 2,400rpm
0-100km/h: 5.7 seconds
Top speed: 260km/h
Weight: 1,447kg ('kerbweight without options')
MPG: 33.6 (WLTP)
CO2: 191g/km (WLTP)
Article from https://www.pistonheads.com/
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blogdofreire · 3 years
Festival do Toyota Yaris na Toyolex RN
Festival do Toyota Yaris na Toyolex RN
Confira as condições especiais para o Toyota Yaris enquanto durar o estoque. Condições especiais para a linha hatch e sedan nas lojas de Natal, Caicó e Mossoró As concessionárias Toyota Toyolex RN: Natal, Caicó e Mossoró prepararam um Festival do Yaris neste fim de abril de 2021. Com um estoque limitado e oportunidades em todas as versões, o cliente que for até umas das lojas poderá fazer o test…
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crazy4tank · 4 years
Sarah-n-Tuned Reviews Toyota C-HR: Is Off-Roading Possible?
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/sarah-n-tuned-reviews-toyota-c-hr-is-off-roading-possible/
Sarah-n-Tuned Reviews Toyota C-HR: Is Off-Roading Possible?
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In a recent video, auto YouTuber Sarah Greenwood reviews the 2021 Toyota C-HR on her Sarah-n-Tuned approach . Compared to the Lexus LS500h sedan she investigated earlier this month, this C-HR review puts Sarah at the polar opposite of Toyota’s automotive spectrum—about a $90, 000 difference in cost. The C-HR was launched in the U. S. in order to compete with the Nissan Kicks as well as other SUV-ish vehicles.
In her typical often flippant approach, Sarah delves right into discussing the unique characteristics from the C-HR. Remarking that this compact all terain has the spirit of a Scion—Toyota’s defunct sub-brand that died in 2016—Sarah professes a fondness for “cheap, fun-looking vehicles like this. ”
She calls attention to the particular Nightshade Edition model in this movie and its black accents on the front side, wheels, and other areas. She good remarks the car’s LED headlights being an unusual feature in a car using a $25, 000 price tag.
Sarah brings watchers to the back again of the C-HR to discuss unusual outdoor features. She comments that the back door handle looks like an “origami project, ” while the rear side brings back memories of a Ford Sierra Cosworth. The protruding tail lighting evoke a similarity with the Toyota Yaris GR hot hatch that will Sarah laments is “sadly unavailable in the U. S. ”
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Moving into the cabin, Dorothy comments that the C-HR’s interior will be typical of lower-priced cars. The girl pays particular attention to the intensive use of geometric patterns on the doors, seat covers, and headliner.
Sarah calls out the particular width of the C-pillars, no doubt developing rear blind spots for the driver. The particular camera finds her spending some time within the back seat with little beneficial to say about it. She does enhance the C-HR for special functions, including the power-folding side mirrors, substantial-looking steering wheel, decent infotainment screen, plus standard electronic driver aids.
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Next, Sarah brings the particular C-HR to an off-road setting including a rock-paved trail. She wonders in the event that she should take a front-wheel-drive vehicle on this trail, and then of course , will. She traverses the rough landscape and wonders out loud if a packet could destroy the C-HR’s essential oil pan. After some gentle moving and wheel slippage, Sarah sensibly reverses out of danger.
Under the hood, Sarah explains the particular C-HR is powered by a good anemic 2 . 0L naturally equiped four-cylinder producing 144 hp plus 139 lb-ft of torque. The electric motor connects to an equally anemic CVT. She implores Toyota to enable the car with a 1 . 2L turbo engine and 6-speed manual that Toyota offers to C-HR buyers in certain other markets. Viewers also find out that the C-HR has a chunky suppress weight of 3, 300 pound., about the same weight as a much larger RAV-4 in a front-wheel-drive configuration.
Sarah calls the C-HR the “good little car” though proclaims mainly below-average marks in her very subjective review. She wants Toyota to provide a hot hatch model with the C-HR.
Sources: YouTube, Toyota
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carsnewsco · 4 years
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Driven: 2021 Toyota GR Yaris Is A Great Hot Hatch, But We Do Have Some Gripes @ CarsNews.Co #australia #firstdrive #galleries #gazoo #hothatch #reviews #toyota #toyotagryaris #cars #carsofinstagram #carporn #carlifestyle #carnewsnetwork #carswithoutlimits #carspotting #carsnews
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fourwheelsweekly · 4 years
Toyota GR Yaris: The Ultimate Pocket Rocket
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Rally racing is one of the most intense and dangerous forms of motorsport out there. Breakneck speeds on cliff-side dirt roads, a co-driver yelling directions over the deafening roar of a straight pipe exhaust and unpredictable road and weather conditions are all potential walls to remaining focused and retaining control of the vehicle. Everything needs to be executed immaculately. All in what is essentially a modified street car. It is a true test of pure driver skill and driver/co-driver teamwork.
Official rally events have a strict set of rules and regulations to ensure a fair competition. One of the universal requirements is that the competing vehicle is based on a production street car in the real world with at least 25,000 built units. Frequently rally-converted cars include the Ford Focus/Fiesta, Subaru WRX and Volkswagen Golf/Polo. This is where the 2021 GR Yaris comes into the picture. It is a high-performance hot hatch, designed to be the perfect platform for rally racing. The end goal for Toyota is to have a new vehicle to compete with in the World Rally Championship, by converting a GR Yaris into WRC (world rally car) specification, thus replacing the current Yaris WRC. To do so, Toyota first needs to build and sell the GR Yaris to the public as a street car.
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Current Yaris WRC used for competing in the World Rally Championship
2021 GR Yaris
GR, which stands for Gazoo Racing, is Toyota’s in-house performance division. While most offerings from Gazoo Racing are essentially modified versions of currently existing models, enhanced with various performance parts to improve the driving experience, the GR Yaris is a different car from a standard Yaris at the core. Its chassis is a hybrid between that of a regular Yaris (as sold in Europe, Japan and Australia- not the re-badged Mazda 2 “Yaris” sold in the US) and of a Corolla/C-HR. This new platform features more weld points and structural adhesive, rendering the GR Yaris as more than your average performance-enhanced hatchback. 
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GR Yaris racing through sand and gravel
Aside from a new chassis, the GR Yaris is longer, wider, lower and more lightweight than a standard Yaris. And then there’s the engine. Under the hood is now officially the world’s most powerful three cylinder engine: a turbo 1.6 liter that makes up to 257 horsepower and 265 lb-ft of torque. Linked to the engine is a standard six-speed manual transmission, and an advanced 4WD system that can modulate torque delivery between the front and rear half of the car. It can be front-wheel-biased, 50/50 balanced, or rear-wheel-biased. All depends on the type of thrill you are seeking in the moment. An optional Circuit Pack adds performance suspension, big brake rotors and calipers, lightweight wheels and high-grip tires to compliment the power and structural rigidity.
Test Drive Impressions
Test drivers at Top Gear took the GR Yaris out for a spin, and had nothing but praise for its driving dynamics: “It’s a short, broad, stiff car. The heavily strengthened bodyshell means zero creaks and rattles and gives the suspension a rigid central core to work from. The GR Yaris doesn’t feel anything like a standard Yaris when you get in. It feels robust... small and light. With punchy dynamics and a gutsy motor, it’s a deeply compelling machine... an addictive experience. The best Toyota we’ve ever driven.” 
Motor Trend also had the chance to experience the GR Yaris, and the drivers there were left with a positive impression as well: “The GR Yaris feels like a car developed by race engineers. The brakes are superb, the steering is accurate and well weighted. But what’s most impressive is how smoothly the GR Yaris gets into corners… and how concisely it tracks through them. You can go to power much earlier than in any of its front- or even all-wheel-drive rivals and let the differentials do their thing. Just steer where you want to go, and the GR Yaris will go there. There isn't a hot hatch on the planet that gets out of corners as quickly and confidently as this Toyota.” 
The exterior design looks very aggressive. Inward slanted headlights and a big rectangular grille make for an angry face that would certainly catch attention on the road. The fenders are nicely pronounced, with the two door configuration helping make way for beautifully wide rear fenders, effectively giving it a widebody look. The hood has a bulge in the middle, further accentuating it as a performance car. Overall, the GR Yaris looks like a proper performance hatchback, shamelessly boasting its motorsport roots.
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GR Yaris aggressive front
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GR Yaris side
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Side close-up
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GR Yaris rear
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Close-up of the wide rear fenders
The interior is simple, to-the-point, and driver-focused. A well-bolstered leather steering wheel, round leather gear-shift knob, physical e-brake, aluminum pedals, suede bucket seats and a simple, distraction-free dashboard all make for an interior that looks ready to provide for the hooning needs of a car enthusiast.
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GR Yaris interior
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Steering wheel close-up
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Suede bucket seats
From the experiences of the test drivers at Top Gear and Motor Trend, one thing is clear: The GR Yaris is a genuine thrill machine. It can accelerate from 0-60 mph in 5.5 seconds and has a top speed of 143 mph, which are decent performance numbers, but the numbers don’t matter so much with a car like this. What matters most is the feeling of the driving experience. With a small, compact performance hatchback, you usually get a well-controlled, agile and responsive ride that feels faster than it actually is. The GR Yaris, with it being a proper hot hatch, is built to induce a total adrenaline rush, and according to the drivers at Motor Trend, it “feels quicker” than its actual acceleration and top speed. They explain this as “a function of size… you simply don't expect a car smaller than a Corolla to deliver the neck-snapping launch and determined acceleration of the GR Yaris.”
Unfortunately, the GR Yaris will not be sold in the US, but the 86 and Supra are both available, and are heart-pounding enthusiast’s cars as well. When converted from British Pounds, the starting price is around $40,000 and the Circuit Pack model is around $45,000.
With its rally roots, the GR Yaris has a robust structure that is capable of traversing at speed both on and off-road. The world is for the taking in Toyota’s new hot hatch.
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