denofwoe · 1 year
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lets gooooo, baby
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panoply0010 · 6 months
i can eat 20000g of pumpkin…
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the-white-soul · 1 year
Month 4
I wake up randomly puking on the floor. God spiders really taste bad. Oh whatever, I'm just going to buy another gun.
"Hey spiders do you have guns?"
"20000g's for an ak-47."
"Ugh fine take it."
"Thanks also don't forget the number one rule, don't kill. But if you might pay I don't know some money I might go to the other room for a..."
"I don't want to kill anyone yet, also Burgerpants, A word."
"Nope leave."
I leave the establishment. Without any prompting I go to sleep.
I wake up near Papyrus. I've been asleep for a month. Whatever.
"Hey Pap how much do you want to die, again I could've died there and you wouldn't have been blamed." "Well, I know you would just survive anyway, better to get you on my side."
"Alright, slow down there, *RING* aw that must be Undyne."
"Wait, you brought Undyne to me..."
"Alright fine I'll fight. Pap."
"Good trick, I almost thought someone liked me."
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jack-in-the-goth · 4 years
just started a new sdv farm bc i wanted to try the beach farm and oml i forgot how stressful the early game can be??? i’ve been chilling on my y6 farm for so long i’ve completely forgotten how many things i have to keep track of. and not having an infinite money well of at least 100,000g at all times? how do i do this
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morningmask27 · 4 years
hatched new dragons
i have a little nest that hatched in flight rising!
3 female pearlcathcer and 1 male skydancer
- 20% for friends
the images are under the cut
link to the tab 
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seafoam cherub
lapis alloy
moss stained
wind uncommon
sold for 20000g
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cyan cherub
ultramarine constellation
chartreuse opal
wind uncommon
sold for 21100g
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mulberry cherub
cerulean constellation
lemon stained
wind common
sold for 19500g
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blackberry cherub
phthalo alloy
chartreuse stained
wind common
sold for 19500g
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pansexualkiba · 5 years
Mercedes to Sylvain: From what I can tell from your interactions with women, you were traumatized at exactly 16:37 on the fourteenth day of the Garland Moon in the year 1172 that left you unable to form emotional bonds with anyone that hadn't already been your friend before that moment. You need therapy, not a date.
Mercedes to Lorenz: You have made me tired of being nice and I am about to go apeshit GIVE me 20000g
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dark-imagine-robots · 4 years
Do you ask any atomic radioactive crystals? I'll give you 20000g for it.
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isalor · 4 years
im not even trying to be a dick this time but someone mispriced a 3-gem gened xyy wildclaw gen one as 20000t instead of 20000g and i bought it and in sheer panic exalted it to cover my tracks like ill un-exalt it in a few days but 😬
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fangback-figurine · 5 years
so blossom essentially runs for like 100$ usd at this point. Which is absolute bull. I have a project that requires it an the whole thing will be 20000g. BIG YIKE
yeah I’m sorry there’s NO reason to try and sell for those prices it’s honestly ridiculous
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violinsnotheanswer · 6 years
Wings For Children {{
“Well. It’s going to be quite a fest for everyone, won’t it?” This holiday was the season for giving after all.
He whispers to himself, holding a lucky little envelope with the Botanical Garden’s address scripted straight down the middle. In whispy writing, he scrawls the name `Klaus Winters` by the X. The name looked rather pretty, curved around the bottom and slanted by the top, much like the plants he had curling around his bookshelves and window pots. Crossing the T, he wondered what his new roommate’s reaction would be... And not to mention, Licorice’s. She had come so far since last year, really.
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Well, this one’s for you Mr. Winters. Ms. Konohana.
He waved the envelope once, between his index and middle. Like a send off. 
[ - 20000G for the Children’s Wing - Garden and Educational Center ]
@flower-of-oak-tree & @perfume-beux
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Hello, may I buy Daybreak Orphanage? (( slides over 20000g ))
Yep! Go ahead and make the appropriate changes to the doc and your bank account~
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contextoquimico · 2 years
Lista de Exercícios N.° 2
Esta breve lista apresenta duas interessantes questões do ENEM 2021. No primeiro problema, são contemplados os temas estequiometria (especificamente, o caso de rendimentos menores do que 100%), fermentação e densidade  e, no segundo, de forma en passant, acidez e basicidade, numa pergunta que testa, mais do que qualquer outra coisa, a interpretação crítica de um texto de cunho científico.
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ENEM 2021 | A obtenção de etanol utilizando a cana-de-açúcar envolve a fermentação dos monossacarídeos formadores da sacarose contida no melaço. Um desses formadores é a glicose ( C₆H₁₂O₆ ), cuja fermentação produz cerca de 50 g de etanol a partir de 100 g de glicose, conforme a equação química descrita.
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Em uma condição específica de fermentação, obtém-se 80% de conversão em etanol que, após sua purificação, apresenta densidade igual a 0,80 g/mL. O melaço utilizado apresentou 50 kg de monossacarídeos na forma de glicose.
O volume de etanol, em litro, obtido nesse processo é mais próximo de
a) 16.
b) 20.
c) 25
d) 64.
e) 100.
Resposta: alternativa c
Trata-se de uma questão de resolução fundamentalmente simples, embora possa exigir uma leitura mais cuidadosa do que é o comum. Não é necessário preocupar-se com o balanceamento ou com quantidades de mol, mas sim considerar a relação glicose - etanol (100g para 50g) e o “pulo do gato” - a adoção da porcentagem 80% como sendo o rendimento do processo. Isso significa que, para uma reação em que seria esperado que a proporção entre reagente e produto fosse 100g para 50g, agora a quantidade de produto real obtida é somente 80%; trocando em miúdos, a nova relação vale 100g para 40g somente.
Estabelecida essa relação, pode-se montar uma proporção levando-a em conta:
100g ---------- 40g
50kg ---------- m
em que m é a massa de etanol, e 50kg, a quantidade real de glicose utilizada. A massa m, feito o cálculo, vale 20kg, ou 20000g. Essa é a quantidade de entanol obtida. Como, entretanto, o que se pede é seu volume, basta aplicar a esse resultado parcial a densidade da substância, fornecida no enunciado (0,8g/ml):
0,8g ------------ 1ml
20000g -------- V
V = 25000ml ou 25L 
ENEM 2021 | O emprego de células de combustível a hidrogênio pode ser uma tecnologia adequada ao transporte automotivo. O quadro apresenta características de cinco tecnologias mais proeminentes de células de combustível.
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Testes operacionais com esses tipos de células têm indicado que as melhores alternativas para veículos são as que operam em baixos níveis de energia térmica, são formadas por membranas de eletrólitos poliméricos e ocorrem em meio ácido.
THOMAS, S; ZALBOWITZ. M. Full cells: green power. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. 1999 (adaptado).
A tecnologia testada mais adequada para o emprego em veículos automotivos é a célula de combustível
a) AFC.
b) MSFC.
c) PEM.
d) PAFC.
e) SOFC.
Resposta: alternativa c
Eis uma questão que não se aprofunda em conceitos químicos, mas não deixa de cobrá-los. 
O quadro e o parágrafo que vem logo depois dele concentram as informações principais. “Baixos níveis de energia” devem ser traduzidos como baixas temperaturas; as duas últimas colunas da tabela explicitam se os meios são ácidos ou básicos; além disso, uma última informação é de capital importância: o prefixo “poli” em “ácido poliperfluorossulfônico”, que indica que tal ácido se apresenta na forma polimerizada, o que, segundo o enunciado, também é uma condição preferencial.  
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Em conjunto, essas conclusões levam à célula do tipo PEM.
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dretanya · 6 years
so I was playing WoW earlier, flying around in deepholm, and i fucking found aeonaxx! i flew up to him, got on, beat the shit out of him, and got the mount!!!! then i woke up. it was a fucking dream. i havent even THOUGHT about aeonaxx in years and my subconscious was like “hey fucker enjoy this shit” so anyway after waking up i decided like what if that was just me seeing the future, so i turn on my computer and go to deepholm and after like ten minutes of flying in circles i dont find him. so i went back to Orgrimmar and decided to check the AH, where I found that someone had posted the Ghastly Charger TCG mount for like 20000g??? what the fuck?  then i fucking woke up again. now that im actually awake (i hope) ive done both those things and got nothing... but why am i having nested dreams about finding rare mounts in WoW what is going on
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wrathful-reptile · 6 years
Omg you should definitely auction, I sold one similar to her before and got 20000g so it should totally help some with buying eggs
Yep! The auction is up and already going well at 1kg! The eggs I will be able to buy~ At this rate I’ll be able to get enough to where I have a good chance at hatching Totoby! eggcited!
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justafilthycasual1 · 3 years
General Sotre (WIP)
Closed Tuesdays
8am - 6pm
Buy Goods:
Potato Seeds (Spring/Summer/Winter) 120G
Turnip Seeds (Spring) 160G
Cucumber Seeds (Spring) 200G
Onion Seeds (Spring/Summer) 220G
Strawberry Seeds (Spring) 250G
Garlic Seeds (Spring) 300G
Radish Seeds (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 100G
Fodder Seed (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 100G
Tea Leaf Seeds (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 180G
Bean Seeds (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 200G
Wheat Seeds (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 220G
Rice Seeds (Spring/Summer/Autumn) 250G
Coffee Seedling (Spring) 1200G
Orange Seedling (Spring) 1400G
Cherry Seedling (Spring) 1600G
Avocado Seedling (Spring) 2400G
Shiitake Spores (Year round) 120G
Shimeji Spores (Year Round) 170G
Trumpet Spores (Year Round) 240G
Coral Spores (Year Round) 330G
Fodder 40G
Fishing Bait Base 20G
Pet Treat 100G
Fancy Pet Treat 500G
Bouncy Ball 200G
Mouse Ball 200G
Jewelry Ring 2500G
Jewelry Locket 4000G
Fashionable Bracelet 5500
Confession Necklace 10000G
Blue Feather 20000G
0 notes
lovelive-updates · 7 years
Besides the Luxury login bonus which starts on oct 1st 00:00 JST, there will be another campaign!
SIF Welcome Campaign!
SIF is still evolving!
We will carry out a login bonus campaign for everyone who play for the first time in a long time with the thought of wanting more people to play the game.
Target: Accounts not logged in after 0:00 on June 1, 2017  Campaign Period : 00:00 JST on October 1st ~ October 31st 23:59 JST
Day 1: 1x Loveca Stone / 2000 Friend Points /3x R Alpaca
Day 2: 2x Loveca Stone / 20000G / 3x R Shiitake
Day 3: 3x Loveca Stone / 3000 Friend Points/ 3x R Uchicchi
Day 4: 4x Loveca Stones / 30000G / 3x R Alpaca
Day 5: 3x Scouting Tickets / 5000 Friend Points / 1 SR Alpaca
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