#20 year old scottische fraulein
oldguardleatherdog ยท 2 years
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"With no commentary."
Now it's time to introduce my online world to the person who stole a post I made to a religion thread, just a 3 AM stoner post I thought was a bit rambling but not bad, lyrical even, and that I really enjoyed writing and thought was a decent bit of writing and utterly non-controversial about anything -
Meet the girl (chick? troll?) who took my harmless post and put it on her blog for ridicule. For laughs. For entertainment. For jollies. For the lulz. For no other reason than to make fun of me, half a world away.
"It's not like I sent a legion of followers to attack him."
The resulting cyberbullying, harassment, death wishes, AIDSphobia, homophobia, telling me I should have died in 9/11, disparaging my age and my AIDS and my life as a sex worker and HIV activist and my Army service and my Pup kink - all beyond the pale, all violating Tumblr hate speech prohibitions, all illegal in every jurisdiction-
"I didn't even abuse the man."
-along with comments so vile even MAGA won't use -
and multiple mob attacks, pile-ons, and brigadings (9.000+ people so far) that got me mass-reported and terminated.
A follower of mine asked, "WTAF?"
This person is a girl in her 20's from Scotland.
Freaking Scotland, halfway across the globe, brain still developing, an embryo on two legs just one-third my age. Along with all her Gen Z (and older) friends and followers.
Meet Carrie (carlie? charlie? clairey? chatty? Cathy?), aka commonpigeon around these parts. (Or, to save keystrokes, commpig.) She's got friends: pavewoment, baradragon (with oak leaf clusters for his secondary brigading), pinene, kanye-anti-west, mascless, and a long list of supporting characters who will be featured here for your edification and entertainment - along with their own writings about how they try so hard to be good people online and in life and love cats and Jesus and can't figure out why they're so depressed and bummed out by the "toxicity" of Tumblr and Twitter.
"Spending his precious few years left cussing out random people."
*lifts withered hand from the blanket warming his ancient HIV-infested bones*
*raises his weakening eyeballs to the safely shielded screen*
*turns up the valve on oxygen tank*
*grabs his HIV meds that keep him alive at his advanced age*
*spry for his age and condition, the 60-year-old AIDS victim knocks back his 29 pills like a pro and chases them down his ulcerated gullet with a Glenlivet neat*
*haltingly pecks at keyboard in search of foreign trolls to annoy and kinky rubberdogs to ease his pathetic and tragic decline*
*continues pecking and doesn't hear the admonitions from puriteens and gaylings urging him to spend his dwindling days at the senior center*
*because he's locked inside his pup hood living his best life*
"He is the one posting on a public website."
This post right now? It's harmless, really. Just for laughs. Just a gag. Lulz. Jollies. Entertainment.
You can be sure Tumblr's legal counsel and others that regard these activities as hate crimes, cyberstalking and online harassment are laughing too. But not at me.
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