#2) i had something else planned but i got busy all day and the internet was being bitchy
//Handily before anyone else brings it up I just received the news that Warner Bros studios have made the decision to shut down Rooster Teeth after 2 decades of that company being around. And I figured I’d bring it up before anyone else did.
//The timing feels all too…perfect? Weird? Convenient? It’s hard to put words on it, but it seems strangely coincidental that I started finally showing off my Death Battle related content and the company that owns Death Battle are now getting shut down, which means Death Battle may not even continue.
//Theres something funny about that, but also something so miserable. Obviously DB hasn’t been mentioned in the list of Rooster Teeth’s shows as of yet. All that’s been said is RWBY, GenLock and Red Vs Blue are going to be up for sale.
//Considering Death Battle first started as a simple internet web series by ScrewAttack, I’m pretty confident that Ben, Chad and the others involved with it will find a way to persist. And let’s be perfectly honest. If they don’t continue Death Battle, somebody else will.
//As for Rooster Teeth itself, I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it’s no secret to anybody that the things that have happened with that company are all kinds of fucked up. Back when it first got founded, people connected because it felt like they were doing things right as an indie company, and as time went on and RT got bigger, it just got worse. I obviously won’t recount those horror stories, but suffice to say that I personally don’t like Rooster Teeth as a company as much as I used to.
//That said, I hate Warner Bros SO much more.
//If they had the power, Im quite confident that Warner Bros would utterly destroy the entertainment business entirely. And yes, not just movies, but tv, animation, video games; basically everything they’ve dipped their toes into would be utterly poisoned, because for some reason they’re dead set on cancelling the best things they put out for the sake of tax.
//Rooster Teeth aren’t great, but a lot of what they did back in the early 2000’s was walk so that indie animation today can run.
//Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Lackadaisy, Spooky Month, Murder Drones, Meta Runner, Digital Circus, The reason why there’s been such a resurgence of original indie animation is because the big leagues like Warner are FAILING FAILING FAILING to make things that people genuinely enjoy. And Rooster Teeth, small as they were back in the day; are one of the first real examples of an indie studio making projects.
//So while I wouldn’t outright try to defend the company, there are aspects of Warners decision that leave a bad taste in my mouth. And god dammit, if the cap isn’t sealed shut on this company, sooner or later we’re all gonna be fucked.
//This is just me expressing my opinion though. We have to keep moving on no matter how hard some of these companies make it.
//I don’t plan on prematurely ending this arc because of the Rooster Teeth issues, and if this is one final farewell to Death Battle, then all the more reason to see it through.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
The Stars Fall
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki X (Male) Reader Angst
Summary: Cry for him, the strength you portray outwardly is only quickening how your love blinds you to everything else in the world
Wordcount: ~1200
Warnings: Internalised homophobia, hidden feelings, unrequited love
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: Goner by Twenty One Pilots
Notes: I struggled with this for some reason, I may go back on hiatus for a bit to get some motivation back
Last edited: 12th April 2023
Part 1 - Part 2 - Good Ending - Bad Ending
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Crying stars was extremely rare, but not unheard of. A quick internet search provided most of the information you needed.
It was a disease of love that one was afraid to outwardly express. The tears would eventually blind you.
You had brought eye drops and various eye creams to stop the pain, but as long as you restricted your crying, it wouldn’t get too much worse.
It worked for a bit, the days got warmer and spring rolled around, soon giving way to summer and a new year. Tears were few and far between, and while your eyesight was deteriorating, it was nothing of concern.
Unfortunately, the world enjoyed torturing you.
You and Shoto had drifted apart over the months, not enough to raise suspicion, but enough that he’d noticed. He never bought it up and thought it would be best to give you your space. Instead his father pushed on him that he should study more, train more, and take his relationship public to build popularity before he was even on the hero ranking. 
After all, a male hero in a straight monogamous relationship with another hero would only boost his popularity.
So that year, he sat down with Momo and worked through the details. For Valentines Day that year, they would play into the commercial holiday and announce their relationship.
He told you his plans to make it public, and asked you for advice on a romantic gesture. You struggled to keep the tears in when he asked, but answered nonetheless. You had to run off and do something immediately after you told him anyway. Shoto hadn’t once mentioned that his relationship with Momo was essentially an arranged marriage.
You cried more that night, and found your vision had been permanently damaged even more. The stars that fell in your bright orange tears were bigger now and scraped against your skin as they fell. No amount of eye drops could hold off the pain.
You dreaded Valentine's Day. Izuku sat with you through it all, and over the year you two had become close friends. Not like you and Shoto, but you were eternally grateful for his help.
He had spent night after night researching how to help you, but there was very little he could do. When you’d first told him a year ago, you were in the early stages, but recently it had started escalating rapidly. It all made sense when you told him about Shoto’s plan for Valentine’s Day. 
The only suggestion he could make was to take the risk and tell Shtoto how you felt. You knew it was your only option and that you’d eventually be blinded either way, but that somehow didn’t make it any easier.
“Hey Shtoto,” you asked one day, ignoring your minor struggle to see, “I need to tell you something,”
And he agreed, following you to your dorm and sitting with you while you gathered the courage together. If this didn’t work - which you knew it wouldn't - you would have to drop out of the hero course. Your family name would be tarnished, and your dreams of herowork would forever be unachievable.
You took a breath and spoke.
“I love you, Shoto, and I have for a while now,” You daren’t look in his direction, busying yourself by looking at something suddenly very interesting on the wall, “I don’t expect you to reciprocate these feelings, but if you do by some miracle, please say so now,”
There was so much that he wanted to say that he just couldn’t. He himself didn’t know what he felt, let alone if the feelings were romantic or not. You two had always been close, and he would never want to hurt you, but he would need time to think it through. Even if he did love you back, there’d be no way to actually pursue it without some very careful planning and a talk with Momo.
So he just spoke the truth.
“I’m sorry, (y/n), but I don’t think I do,” he said carefully, “and even if I did, we would not be able to speak openly of this,”
He thought a moment longer before speaking again, “I understand this is difficult for you, but I would like to continue being only friends,”
“It’s okay Shoto, thank you for understanding” You said, relief and pain stirred within you.
“Would you perhaps like to hang out with me on Valentine’s?” Shoto asked, noticing your reaction, “After the main events of the day, of course”
“Sure, sounds nice.”
He left in an awkward silence, and you listened as his footsteps got quieter as he disappeared down the hallway.
Once he was gone, you sat there in silence. It was what you were expecting, so why did it still hurt? Tears started to spill over, and the stars tore at your eyes.
You took the glass of water next to your bed and threw it at the wall across from you, quickly picking up various other items and tossing them around your room. Stars on the floor impaled your bare feet, mixed with the sharp edges of broken glass shards, but orange light was all you could see.
You screamed and cried and tore your room apart until you couldn’t anymore. All your energy used, you curled up on the floor. You shut your eyes and just wished that this would all end now.
Izuku threw open the door and immediately ran over once he saw you, the state of your room something to address later. You sobbed into his arms and held onto him for dear life. Your agony reflected in your tears, as the red blood from your feet soaked into the carpet. 
There was so little he could do.
The mess in your room was put to a quirk accident, and Aizawa was informed of your condition. For the next few days, you were excused from hero training lessons and would be transferred to general studies in a few weeks' time.
Doctors from all over the world were called to try and help your condition, but there was nothing anyone could do. Valentine’s Day rolled around far quicker than you’d have liked. Only seeing blurs, you trudged to the lunch hall and sat down next to Izuku with his help.
“I thought you weren’t going to come to classes today?”
“It’s my last day, I didn’t want to miss it…”
And yet out of all the blurs, you could make out red and white hair on another table, standing up and talking to someone with dark hair. As much as Izuku tried to distract you, you couldn’t ignore it.
“I’m proud to announce that I am in a relationship with Momo Yaoyorozu,”
You felt a tear trail down your cheek and you winced at the scraping pain. You shut your eyes, just wanting it to stop. This was the last time you’d need to bear the pain, tomorrow you’d be far enough away from it and be able to move on.
“(y/n),” Izuku’s worried voice faded in through your thoughts.
“(y/n), that was blood,”
You looked to him, but once your eyes opened, you instead saw darkness and an unmoving orange glow. So this was it.
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jimmyneutronrevival · 2 years
Hi folks.
I wanted to take some serious time to discuss the events from December in this blog so that everyone, cast included, can better understand my situation and my circumstances. L.A. COMIC CON AND MY 2022 LIFE
Before I get to the L.A. Comic-Con itself, let me discuss my 2022 in a nutshell.
In April of 2022, I developed a weird tiredness feeling that I have had for many months. I had been in and out of doctor’s offices trying to figure out what it is and was put on a waiting list for an Endocrinologist who will see me on March 9th. I also suffer from depression which has plagued my personal life for many years. I have been seeking help through a talk therapist and a medication therapist who, try as they might, haven’t been able to do too much. But I am now on a medication (Wellbutrin 300mg) that has given me a little bit of my energy back which is something. However, the amount of money I have had to fork over for these visits has been anything but cheap. My insurance covers a lot of it, but the rest of the cost is up to me.
Additionally, I had been mulling over the prospect of returning to school. My current degree wasn’t helping me as far as my career prospects were concerned and I wanted to work on a business degree to improve my chances of landing a fulfilling career. As I was a gig worker and part-time online test scorer, I didn’t have a lot of money. And at the time, I had made zero plans to make any trips for the year or do anything else that would set me back financially. So, I made the decision to take the plunge and I applied to college. I was accepted and began my studies online in the fall of 2022. I spent close to $7000 on my first semester and the spring semester so far has been roughly the same, give or take a few hundred dollars.
Now, let’s go back in time to the Jimmy Neutron panel at L.A. Comic-Con which had been formally announced on October 28th. This gave me barely a month to prepare. I was scrambling to find low-cost airfare, a reasonably-priced hotel, and transportation. I did my due diligence and researched every site I could, including popular sites like Orbitz and Expedia. The airfare was going to set me back almost $500 ($400 + fees). I was able to find a hotel on the L.A. Comic-Con website, but it would have been about $700-$800 plus a large hospitality tax. The one good thing about it is that it was on the same street as the convention center and within walking distance. Then came the dilemma of finding a cab or an Uber/Lyft to get me from the airport to the hotel and the hotel back to the airport, which would have been at least $50-$75 both ways. Add food, money for souvenirs, the actual cost of two badges for the show plus fees since I would have attended 2 out of the 3 days, plus autographs and it was going to cost me close to $2000.
By the time I had the knowledge that a reunion panel was happening, $7000 was already gone due to school. I did not have enough discretionary funds I could use as far as taking any kind of a trip was concerned.
I am in the lower-income bracket along with so many other millennials. Some of us got lucky and found good careers while others like myself have had to struggle. There are probably more articles on the Internet about the struggles many of us millennials have went through than I can count. For people like me, life has been tough.
Because I am in the low-income bracket, I have to budget a lot of the things that I do. School was a major cost factor as far as my budget for 2022 was concerned, and I knew that any little bit of money I did have left would have to go to the other bills and responsibilities I must pay for each month.
In the end, after crunching the numbers, I did not have the $2000 I would need to make the journey out to the convention, and I had to make the difficult decision of informing all of my followers that I would not be able to attend. This broke my heart more than anyone could possibly realize. I was extremely upset and sad about it.
I decided to take the initiative to finish the petition so that it could be displayed at the show if the cast wished. I spent several weeks in about 3-4 settings working 3 hours at a time to edit the fake names and duplicate signatures out of the petition as well as the odd comments and duplicate comments on the petition comment page. On November 27th, at midnight, I finished everything and sent it off to the organizer of the panel and that was that.
There were a couple of people who thought that I was going to attend which caused quite a bit of confusion. I did my best to try to clear up any misunderstandings. Even though I did explain that I wasn’t coming on my socials, I know not everyone sees these posts which I totally understand.
The weekend of the show was extremely difficult. It got to a point where I had to shut my notifications off on social media so that the pictures and other notifications bombarding me about the show wouldn’t send me spiraling into a deeper state of depression. Unfortunately, I fell apart. I had been able to keep it together for so long, but the weekend of the show, I was no longer able to remain that stoic person I always try to be. I broke down several times and felt absolutely awful. I have had many days of sleepless nights and still feel absolutely guilty. I felt like I had let people down and it hurt like hell.
While I hope this is not a one-time deal, if it ends up being that way and I missed out, all I can say is I am sorry. I am sorry that the funds were not there for me to attend. This was something that I wanted to do and had I had more advance notice I would have moved mountains to try to get the money. I wish I was one of those people who could drop everything to do something like this. But unfortunately, I am not.
In order for me to attend anything like this in the future, should that happen, I would need advance notice that is more than a month, so I have the time to prepare. Otherwise, it will be hard for me to get a plan together along with the proper funding.
Also, I will try to set aside a savings account for trips so I can be a little better prepared in this way.
I hope that this explanation is helpful to my followers, the cast, or anyone else who may be reading this.
Thank you all for your understanding.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
what is your favorite kind of ice cream? I like the popsicle-style ice cream where there’s a hardened coating you can bite through. Never saying no to those.
if people could read your mind, what would they usually find? My never-ending worries about work and deadlines and clients and deliverables and reports and emails.
who do you talk to on the phone most often? I never use calls (audio or video) as a means to communicate when messaging can achieve the exact same thing, hahaha.
what's a song that makes you feel happy? Jungkook’s Euphoria or Jin’s Moon :)
what celebrity would you like to meet? Namjoon. I feel like I could learn so much from the dude in just five minutes’ worth of conversation.
what's the best concert you've ever been to? Haven’t been to a lot so my answer is unchanging - Paramore, 2018. More than being front row for it, the energy was just something else. I was glad they had moved on from their signature emo/rock style at that point cos it allowed the crowd to be more mellow, so it was a two-hour experience of just dancing freely and a whole lot of chill vibing.
what is your favorite clothing store? H&M, but I also mostly pick out clothes from small independent businesses too cos they have a lot of trendy pieces for like third of the usual price. And you get to support small and local too, which is the best part for me.
how did you meet your best friend? I stabbed her palm with a pencil in Grade 1.
do you need money to be happy? I touched on this in the last survey I took, but the brief answer to this would be yes. I lack privilege in a lot of yes, and I’m in a position where money is an absolute necessity to alleviate my day-to-day worries and problems.
what is something you do well? Pull through my duties while staying stable. I honestly surprise myself with the lack of breakdowns I’ve had this year, despite how taxing work has been.
what's a good idea you've had recently? I guess surprising Bea with milk tea and sushi? We’ve had a lot of teammates leave the company in the span of a week, and long story short it’s left our team in particular considerably understaffed. I know it’s been rough for her knowing she handles a heavier workload than I do, so I got her a little something as a Friday treat but also as a morale booster. And she really liked it, so I hope it was able to help her someway somehow.
what is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? I skip breakfast all the time lol but if I had the luxury of time to actually eat before work, my ideal meal would be garlic rice with a sunny-side up egg and two hotdogs.
how far in advance do you prefer to plan? It depends on what I’m planning for and how enthusiastic I am for the thing that needs planning.
do you like to wear high heels? I love high heels. There aren’t many occasions where I get to wear them, so when I get the chance I definitely pick the highest heels available hahaha.
how many slices of pizza do you usually eat? 2-3, usually.
Can you remember life without technology? what was it like? Nah. I’m a 1998 baby, first of all hahaha. Which means to say technology was already starting to rapidly rise by that point -- a number of my earliest memories involve me watching my dad play games on the PC and my mom painstakingly sending emails to my dad with dial-up internet.
what gift would you like to receive? Master cooking and baking skills. what's the last thing you paid for? LOL the order I booked for a new BTS DVD...
what's the last movie you watched? I think that would be Parasite, which I watched about a month ago.
do you remember your dreams? Some of them.
do you play any instruments? Nah.
do you always smile for pictures? Eh, not always. Sometimes I’ll do cute poses like a kiss face, or like a half smile where I’ll have my teeth out but I’m not actually smiling.
what are you most excited about right now? Next Saturday. Busan concert day is sooooooooo close and I waited for ages for it. I want to make sure I have the best time ever this weekend :)
if you had $5 in your pocket what yould you spend it on? I’d save that for emergencies but realistically I am likely to spend it on Starbucks lol.
how often do you buy things via the internet? At least once a week, and they’re mostly food deliveries.
would you like to live in a different country? if so which one? In a heartbeat, man. Opportunities are anywhere but here. It’s so frustrating. Please don’t take what you’ve got for granted.
what animal would you see first if you went to the zoo? This question was also on another recent survey I took, how strange. I don’t feel like retyping that entire answer though.
if you could switch places with someone for a day, who would it be? This girl I follow on Instagram who’s able to buy literally every BTS merch that comes out and travels to South Korea multiple times a year, whether it’s to watch the boys or visit a bunch of BTS-related spots, whether it’s their favorite restaurants or music video filming areas. I’m not envious of her at all and in fact I really enjoy seeing her life unfold and the different adventures she gets to be a part of, but I’d love to try being her for a day.
do you prefer the aisle, middle, or window seat on a plane? Always the window. Apart from the views it also lets me lean on something when I have to sleep.
what's your favorite song from a movie? Sparkle from Kimi no na wa.
where would you like to volunteer? At an animal shelter or a museum.
would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home? Go out! Dinner’s always a great to be out.
who sent the last text message you received? Apart from the hundred scam messages I get in a day, it was someone related to my work.
what's your favorite flower? Peonies.
what's the last song you listened to? I blame the favorite movie soundtrack question because right now I’m literally listening to the live orchestra version of Sparkle, haha. It’s been a while since I heard the beautiful crescendo and just had to hear it again.
do you like being alone? Sure, I need it every now and then of course.
what was the last thing you ate? Pasta and toast.
how do you find new music? Spotify.
what is your dream travel destination? Seoul!
if you could play any instrument what would it be? Piano.
what's the last youtube video you watched? The aforementioned orchestra video.
where are you going on your next trip? Not so sure. Maybe next month? I know my family’s looking to go out of town once my dad is back home.
what are you currently addicted to? BTS as has been glaringly obvious for some time now, lol.
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sunnynardelli · 3 months
At what age did your character start using social media?
The internet might have been a thing  when she was younger but social media really didn't start popping off until she was in high school.  She was a teenager.
Did their parents monitor their use, if they were young?
Sunny's dads trust her judgment.  They weren't overly concerned about it.
Has your character ever had fake identities or accounts online?
She hasn't really had any need for any of that.  The idea of catfishing anyone is just lame. She does understand needing a second account to maybe hide personal from professional or maybe "research" people but she hasn't personally had to do any of that.
No shame: do they remember myspace? Did they use it?
She knows what it is but she never really had one.
Who would be in their top eight today?
She'd struggle with this because she loves all her friends. I do know Stelly would be one of the 8.  She'd probably also have a mix of Bonne Merde people and folks she's grown up with.  
What social media platforms do they use today?
Mostly instagram but she is still occasionally using twitter. She also has tiktok but she honestly views things more than she makes videos. She refuses to call it X.
Do they have public profiles, or go private?
She's on public because it just seems silly to hide who she is.  If someone wants to stalk her, they are welcome to it.
How about their following? Are they pretty lowkey, or do they have a decent following?
She isn’t an influencer or anything by those standards but she tends to make friends easily and thus get a fairly decent internet following.
Do they tend to pick obvious usernames, ones with sentimental value, funny things? How do they decide?
When she was younger, Sunny would have picked clever usernames.  As an adult, she’s sort of moved to a more professional/obvious sort of vibe.  It was just part of the growing up process. 
Profile pictures: the same across all platforms?
Some of her accounts are linked so if she changes one, it changes on all.  If they’re not linked, they are likely different.
And just what profile pictures do they use?
They’re probably just whatever selfie she’s taken most recently that she thinks is cute or seasonable appropriate.
What kind of bio writer are they? Silly, cute, sweet, or just basic?
They’re normally brief but she will occasionally put a link to something she’s involve with or emojis.
How much time per day would you say that your character spends on social media?
She tries not to be on it too much but she doom scrolls when she’s in bed sometimes. There is just something about
Is there one platform that they visit more than others?
It’s probably TikTok and the doom scrolling. She just needs those funny videos sometimes.
If they have kids, do they use social media? How do they feel about that? If not, and they want kids, will they let them use it someday?
She doesn’t have kids.  She probably will let them decide what they want to do when they’re old enough. She’s definitely not going to say no but she’s also not going to be one of those parents who sets up accounts for them from the day they’re born.
Be honest: have they ever created an account for something else, like a hobby, or… to try to make their cat internet famous?
No.  All she’s got is business accounts.
Do they run any professional or business accounts?
She runs the Bonne Merde social media accounts.
Have they ever left a social media platform (or more than one) for any specific reason?
She has had a facebook before but she deactivated it mostly because it’s a bit much at times and she definitely doesn’t agree with some of the stuff they’ve allowed to transpire over the years. She also used to have a tumblr but she sort of outgrew it.
Do they plan on using social media into their older ages?
It’s part of being alive in this modern age.  She’s sort of embraced that there is always going to be social media in some form even if the names an websites change.
Have they ever made any long-lasting friendships through social media?
She’s definitely made connections especially for her business through social media that have panned out. 
Or on the flip side, gotten into any big social media beef?
No.  The best she’s done is a little comedic rivalry with local businesses.
Have they ever felt negatively impacted by social media as a user?
As a teenager, it was a little rough at times.  It’s definitely not what it is today but there were definitely times that she was made to feel lesser than .
Who is their favorite person / account to follow on social media?
She really enjoys the People of Merrock instagram that captures random photos/moments of things happening around town.
Would they say that social media has had an overall more positive or negative impact on the world?
Social Media has good and bad elements to it.  For Sunny, it’s mostly good because of the boom to business and the connectivity.  She’s definitely had moments (especially when younger) that she had to deal with idiots on the internet who had not so great things to say about her and her family but she’s learned not to feed the trolls.
And finally: a/s/l? (and do they know what that means?)
Yes.  She might not have been part of the generation where it was used much but she was raised in such a way, it would have been something she was told about when talking about the glory days of the internet.
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Dean Fucking Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Shy/Virgin!Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
“Hi, I saw that your requests were open so I was wondering if you could do one with a shy virgin female reader who has had feelings for Dean Winchester for quite some time and is a sub but doesn't know it until her and Dean start..... You know.... Doing it.... If you know what I mean. I didn't want to restrict it to much so I know its kinda vague but could you also make her a little innocent? Like rarely even touches herself innocent? Doesn't have a single idea how to do anything and is hesitate to touch him because she's scared he won't like it?”
I got a bit carried away with this one considering it’s over 4,000 words lol buuut I hope you like it and I might make this a series!
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I had known the Winchesters most of my life but only lived and worked with them for about a year. I was raised as a hunter just as they were that's how I had met them. After John's death we had went several years without seeing each other only to randomly run into them a little over a year ago. After joining them on a hunt I was brought to their bunker where I've stayed ever since.
I was a good 15 years younger than the older Winchester brother and 11 years younger than Sam. Even with the age gap between us they still treated me like anyone else. They didn't look at me like I was a child. I was their college and friend.
I'd spent many nights helping Sam sift through books and every internet page known to man. I'd spent other nights drinking beer, eating cheese burgers, and teaching Dean how to make my grandmother's mouth watering pies. I adored both men in two completely different ways. Sam was more like a brother to me while Dean was the farthest thing from a brother imaginable.
Ever since I was a kid I'd had what I thought was a playground crush on Dean. I didn't think much of it due to us not seeing each other for a very long time. Now that I'm around him every single day I've come to realize it's not a crush or anything of the sort. At least it's not anymore. It's turned into full blown pathetic lust perhaps even more than that. I've been good at burying it for the most part. Well, it was all fine until Dean and I were left alone in the bunker. Sam had told us he'd be gone for about a week and if we needed him to call.
Day 1 and 2 were normal days but everything changed on day 3. I was in the kitchen in the middle of cooking dinner when Dean came into the room with several bags on his arms. I raised a brow at him as I watched him set the bags down then slowly empty each one. It was alcohol. I noticed we were running low on beer. Dean must have noticed too and went on a beer run but he had more than beer. There was at least three bottles of dark liquor too.
"Looks like you have busy plans for the evening." I joked turning back to the food.
He chuckled softly as he put the bottles away.
"I was actually thinking we could have an actual drink with dinner. Something stronger than beer. God knows I need it." He said.
I quietly finished dinner then made us both a plate. I sat his plate in front of him then sat in the seat beside him. He pushed a glass of ice and dark liquid towards me. We ate silently as usual. When he finished his food he looked around me towards the stove. I chuckled knowing what he was looking for.
"It's in the oven." I told him with a smile.
"Is it done?" He asked softly.
"Yes Dean, It's done go get a piece." I chuckled shaking my head at him.
The smile that took over his features was childlike as he made for the oven. He used the hand towel on the counter to pull the homemade pie out of the oven then cut himself a piece. After we wee both completely done eating we moved to the couch with our glasses and a bottle of scotch. Dean refilled each of our glasses the moment they were empty. It wasn't until the bottle was almost empty that I started to feel the familiar warm buzz throughout my body as my head cleared of thought.
I didn't think about the drinking being a problem until it was too late. Every time I actually got a buzz or more my filter evaporated, my confidence sky rocketed, and I got handsy.
After Dean filled my glass again I moved myself closer to him. I turned sideways propping my arm up on the couch behind him. I was so close my chest was against his arm. He didn't seem to mind the close proximity.
"Which one of the pies are your favorite?" I slurred.
He took a sip of his drink then turned his head to look at me. It was then I realized how close we actually were. When we were staring at each other our faces were a few inches apart. He slowly liked his lips as he thought about my question. Don't be stupid (Y/N).
"I think all of them are equally delicious. Anything you cook is delicious." He said with a small smile.
My heart hammered in my chest. My eyes moved to his lips as he licked them again. I didn't realize what I was doing until I was in Dean's lap attacking his lips. My hands held each side of his face as I kissed him furiously. My tongue pushing into his mouth. I was elated when I heard him moan into the kiss. His hands grabbed my waist tightly.
"Wait" Dean said against my lips.
I couldn't wait. I'd been dying to do this for far too long.
"(Y/N), stop" he said pushing me back slightly.
I pulled away more looking down at him. My head was fuzzier and starting spin. I may have drank too much. I shook my head clearing it. If I didn't do this now I never would. I pouted down at him.
"You're drunk" he said simply.
"So, not like I'd ever do this sober." I shrugged as I slurred my words.
His grip on my hips tightened.
"Yea, of course, no reason to tease an old man." He grumbled.
I barely picked up on what he meant but I did get it. I lightly slapped his chest.
"Nooo silly, this is the only way I'd have the confidence to make a move. Sober me is waaaay too scared of rejection from such a godly man to even attempt." I told him slowly.
He looked at me with clear confusion on his face which made me chuckle. I leaned closer until my nose was brushing against his.
"You're Dean fucking Winchester. Sexiest man to ever walk the earth how could I not want you?" I asked.
My eyes felt heavier as I swayed slightly. I clung to him as he suddenly stood up.
"You're drunk (Y/N). You don't mean anything of this." He said as he walked towards the bedrooms while carrying me.
"What! Of course I do!" I shouted louder than I meant to.
He opened my bedroom door then gently laid me on my bed. The softness enveloped me immediately.
"Get some rest" He said softly then covered me up.
I was asleep before he closed the door behind him. When I woke up the next morning my head was pounding and I was incredibly nauseous. I sat up slowly trying to figure out how the hell I got to bed. The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch watching TV with Dean. What happened? I got up then slowly made my way to the kitchen where I found Dean with coffee and breakfast. I sat down at the table resting my head in my hands. Two small pills were suddenly put in front of me on the table. I looked up as Dean was setting a fresh cup of coffee in front of me.
"Take those you'll feel better." He gestured to the pills.
"Thanks" I mumbled.
After I down the pills he sat a plate in front of me that turned my stomach. I grimaced pushing it away from me.
"Eat it'll help the nausea." He said sternly as he sat next to me.
"How did you know I'm nauseous?" I asked quietly.
"Because I know what a hangover looks and feels like. I also saw how drunk you were last night so assumed it'd be a bad one this morning." He shrugged.
I groaned.
"How bad was I?" I asked ready for the embarrassment.
"Well you were in my lap making out with me pretty hard. When I tried to stop you you got all pouty. Then proceed to tell me how I was the sexiest man to ever walk the earth." He gave me a small amused smile but his eyes were saying something different.
I felt the blood drain from my face at his words. I made out with him? I was in his lap? The thought instantly heated my cheeks. Why did I ever drink around him? I usually never let myself get past a light buzz.
"I'm sorry" I squeaked out.
He chuckled.
"It's cool, I didn't let you get far. I knew sober you would never be trying to get with an old man like me." He said with the same smile and look in his eyes.
"What?" I asked snapping my head up to look at him.
"Let's face it (Y/N), a pretty young woman like you would never choose to go for an older man like me. I'm what, 15 years older than you?" He asked trying to look amused but I could see right through it.
"Wh- why would you think that?" I asked as I stared down at my plate.
My body trembled as it heated up in embarrassment. I can't talk about this especially not with him. All it would take is a little two letter word to shatter my whole being.
"I just do. That's why you said you'd never being doing that if you were sober." He shrugged nonchalantly.
I scoffed. Idiot.
"That's not what I meant." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked raising a brow at me.
"Nothing, it's nothing" I said shoving my seat back to stand.
"(Y/N)" He said grabbing my hand.
I froze in my spot but didn't look at him.
"If there's something you need to talk about you can tell me. It's never good to bury things. I've been there done that." He said softly.
"You probably wouldn't believe me." I said keeping my head turned away from him.
"What's bothering you?" He asked tugging slightly on my hand.
I sighed. Pulling my hand from his I sat back down but kept my attention on the table.
"I- um, well, drunk me is honest me." I said softly.
I didn't think he heard me since he didn't reply. I glanced up to see a look of confusion on his chiseled features.
"What do you mean?" He asked finally.
I played with my fingers nervously trying to will the confidence to tell him the truth.
"What exactly did I say last night?" I asked him.
"Well, you called me a godly man then, and I quote, 'You're Dean fucking Winchester. Sexiest man to ever walk the earth how could I not want you?'" He answered.
The heat in my face returned. Well, I wasn't wrong but I can't believe I actually said that.
"At least drunk me is good at telling the truth." I mumbled.
I suddenly felt his fingers under my chin. He turned my head forcing me to look at him.
"One more time but a little louder sweet heart." He said softly.
I blushed deeper at the nickname. It was unfair how much of an effect he had on me. Even more unfair that I couldn't muster up the guts to tell him the truth. I stared at his green eyes wishing I could just blurt it out and get it over with. But the thought alone of him rejecting me made me want to burst into tears.
"What I said last night.. it was.. it was the truth." I said slowly forcing the words out.
Surprise took over his features. He let go of my chin as he sat back in his chair.
"You honestly think that about me?" He asked quietly.
I nodded unsure if I could make myself speak right now. Dean suddenly got to his feet then grabbed my arm pulling me up as well. He turned me to face him pulling me slightly closer to him but not too close. It was enough to make my heart pound and my breathing hitch.
"Why would you want me? Compared to you I'm an old man." he said scrunching his face in disbelief.
A sudden wave of confidence washed over me as I grabbed his shirt. I didn't given myself time to think about what I was doing so I couldn't stop myself. I pulled him down crashing my lips against his. He didn't hesitate to his me back just as fiercely. My entire body lit up like a Christmas tree. Every nerve came to life and every hair was at attention. It was pure electric. I gasped in surprise as he suddenly lifted me off the floor. My legs wrapped around his waist as I pulled him even closer. I huffed when my back was shoved against a wall. His tongue slipped into my mouth causing me to moan into the kiss. He suddenly pulled back resting his forehead against mine. I was already a panting mess. My body reacted to him in a way no other man had ever made me feel. I craved him everything about him. I wanted it all. I needed it all.
"There's plenty men your age that would be better for you." He said breathlessly.
"Not a damn one of them make me feel like you do." I answered honestly.
"No one could leave you breathless like this?" He asked as his green eyes darkened.
I shook my head.
"No one even came close to getting a go at it." I told him.
I felt him stiffen suddenly.
"No, no, there's no way you're a virgin." He said in disbelief.
I scoffed.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked him.
"Because you're fucking gorgeous and almost 30. What moron wouldn't have went for you?" He asked tightening his hold on my thighs.
"Plenty of men tried to get it but they were never good enough to get that far." I told him with a shrug.
"And I am?" I asked raising a brow.
"If you'd shut up then yes." I rolled my eyes at him.
He suddenly sat my feet back on the floor. My whole demeanor changed. Why did I have to tell him that? He didn't need to know until later. Dammit. To my surprise he grabbed my hand pulling me behind him through the bunker until we stopped outside of his bedroom. He opened the door then gently pushed me inside. I sat on the edge of the bed ringing my hands together again. What am I doing? I have no clue how to do any of this. I could never please him. The bed dipped behind me then I felt his warm body against my back. He gently brushed my hair to one side out of the way.
"I need to know what you have or haven't done." He whispered close to my ear.
His breath fanned out over my neck causing goosebumps. I gulped unsure if I should tell him the truth. What would he think?
"Nothing" I whispered.
I squealed as I was pulled backwards. I fell back on the bed as Dean hovered over me. I noticed he had taken his shirt off and that sight alone and me throbbing between my thighs.
"Nothing? You've never messed around with anyone at all? Not even yourself?" He asked as disbelief took over his features again.
I blushed at the question. I'm such an idiot. I shook my head. He sighed but moved his head closer.
"You have to use words baby. I have to know." He whispered against my lips.
"I've, um, touched my- myself once or twice but I didn't really get anywhere." I told him then quickly turned my head away.
He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. He licked his lips slowly as he stared down at me.
"Jesus (Y/N), I mean I thought you were innocent but damn." He said with a small smile.
I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer. My lips were brushing against his.
"I don't want to be innocent anymore Dean." I whispered.
A small quiet groan left his lips right before he kissed me. My hands went into his hair as his large hands slipped under my shirt to rest against my abdomen. The areas of my skin that his hands touched burned causing me to hiss. I didn't know if it was suppose to be this intense or if it was just Dean. I heard myself whimper as he pulled away. He sat up the played with the hem of my shirt for a moment.
"Take this off" He said tugging on my shirt.
I sat up immediately pulling the fabric over my head and tossing it to the floor.
"Bra too" he added as he watched me.
I swallowed my nerves back doing as he said. I tried not to think about his eyes on me. That was easier said then done because I could feel them soaking me in. I laid back on the bed as I was before. Forcing myself not to cover my chest.
"Good girl" He cooed as he leaned down to hover over me again.
A pulse shot through my body going straight to my core. A moaned softly escaped my lips making Dean chuckle. He kissed me again slower this time and deeper. His hands slowly roamed the naked top half of my body until they stopped at my breasts. I gasped as he squeezed both of them. His lips moved to my jaw then made a trailed down to my chest. I was panting already with all the different sensations he was making me experience. I cried out as his mouth closed around my nipple. He sucked, licked, and nibble at it then moved to the other one doing the same.
"Shit Dean" I panted.
I felt him smirk against my skin.
"I haven't even started baby girl." He said in a smooth deep voice.
My head fell back against the pillow. My body already trembled from his touch or maybe it was the anticipation of what was to come. I bit my lip as he moved to my jeans. He made quick work of them. Taking them and my panties off in one quick motion. I was now completely naked and at his mercy. He went back to my breasts to leave another trail of kisses and soft bites from my chest to my thighs. By the time he positioned himself between my legs I was a panting, writhing, ready to beg mess.
"I want to hear you baby girl. Can you be a good girl and let me hear all those pretty noises?" He asked his breath hitting my sensitive nerve making me whimper.
"Yes" I panted as a thrilling chill went through me.
Dean propped himself up to look me in the eyes.
"Yes what?" He asked in a menacing tone.
The throbbing between my thighs instantly turned into an ache. My mind came to a screeching halt at his question. I had no idea what he wanted. What was I suppose to say? I must have looked like a deer in headlights because he chuckled as he moved back up my body until his face was an inch from mine. His hand gently wrapped around my neck keeping me in place. My eyes fluttered closed.
"We'll start with sir." He said softly.
I opened my eyes instantly connecting with his much darker ones.
"You'll call me sir when we are in this bed." He whispered then nipped at my neck with his teeth.
I moaned arching my back into him. Desire pulsed through my veins like liquid fire.
"Yes sir" I said quietly as a pulse went straight through my body.
Why did this feel so good? What was happening? Dean kissed me then disappeared down my body until he was back between my thighs. I licked my suddenly dry lips as I watched him.
"Fuck" I groaned as his hands pulled my folds open to reveal every bit of me to him.
"Look you already fucking soaked." He said breathlessly.
I fisted the sheets as he licked a slow teasing strip from my entrance to my clit. My breathing was shallow. I tried to focus but as his tongue and mouth attached directly to me I cried out as my mind went fuzzy. My hands instinctively went to his head. He groaned against me making my hips buck upwards.
"Holy shit" I panted as my eyes rolled back.
His tongue continued it's assault until my whole body convulsed. My back came off the bed as I cried out loud. Dean's tongue was replaced quickly with his fingers making me hiss fisting the sheets tighter.
"Don't hold it in baby girl. Let go" He said watching me intently.
His fingers moved even faster. Something in me snapped as my mouth opened into a silent moan. My body shook as Dean moved his fingers faster.
"That's it, good girl, cum for me." He said with a mischievous grin.
I panted as my body fell limp against the mattress. Dean laughed as he moved back up my body. Each kiss he placed against my skin had my stomach erupting with butterflies. There was nothing like him. Nothing I've ever experienced that would even come close.
"I'm not done yet baby girl." He breathed.
I watched as he quickly rid himself of his pants and boxers. His erection sprang free and I felt my eyes go wide at the sight. How the hell was I suppose to take all of that? He was huge! He smirked as he climbed back onto the bed. He grabbed my thighs pulling me closer to the center of the mattress.
"I'll be easy (Y/N) but you have to use your words and tell me if it's too much. Do you understand?" He asked as he used his knees to open my legs wider.
"Yes sir" I answered nodding.
The smile that took over his features had me choking on my heart.
"Good girl" he cooed against my neck.
Each time he uttered those words a shock of pleasure went through me. I wasn't sure what it meant but god did I like the way it felt. My body tingled in excitement as he lined himself up at my entrance.
"Oh god" I moaned as he rubbed his tip against me.
I hissed throwing my head back and fisting the sheets as he slowly and pushed inside. The pain was like nothing I'd ever felt. He stopped moving making me pant and glance down where we were connected. He wasn't even halfway in yet. I groaned internally at the thought.
"This is gonna hurt." He said softly.
He leaned down and gave me a searing kiss that made my mind go blank and fuzzy. As he started to pepper my neck with kisses he pulled out slightly then pushed back in. I cried out at the sudden pain. It was dulled instantly by Dean's feverishly assault on my neck. When he stopped again I couldn't stop the groan that left my lips. I felt like I would burst I was so full. Dean's breath was ragged against my skin.
"You okay?" He asked softly.
"Yes sir" I answered nodding as the pain dulled.
At first his movements were slow allowing me the time I needed. His hands grabbed mine tangling our fingers together on each side of my head. The moment a low drawn out moan escaped me is the moment he slammed into me. I cried out clutching onto Dean like my life depended on it. He let go of my hands to grab my lips thighs. He pulled them higher holding them tightly as he started to thrust hard and deep. I bit my lip trying my best to keep myself together.
“I want to hear you baby girl. Scream for me.” Dean said with a particularly hard thrust.
I cried out letting every filthy sound fall from lips just as he commanded. Commanded. Why was it so hot when he told me what to do?
“Fu- fuck” I panted trying to catch my breath.
“That’s a good girl. You’re taking me so well.” He said softly contradicting the harsh slaps of his hips.
My body tensed as my back came off the. With a scream of his name I felt the coil in me release. A sound that was part groan and part growl came out of him right before he stilled. I was gasping for breath as he cursed under his breath then fell next to me. My entire body tingled and ached. I’m sure I’d feel this for days.
“Shit” I panted as I tried to catch my breath.
Dean chuckled. He pulled me against his chest.
“You didn’t tell me you were that submissive. Fuck that was sexy.” He laughed.
“Submissive?” I asked not looking at him.
I felt ridiculous for not know what he was talking about.
“You take orders well. You like to be told what to do or controlled.” He said softly.
“Oh, I didn’t realize I was.” I said quietly trying to hide the embarrassed blush that filled my cheeks.
“Don’t worry baby girl I’m gonna teach you so much.” He kissed my neck.
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How to spiral out of control [Simpbur x reader]
Pairing: c!Wilbur Soot x fem!reader (Simpbur x reader)
Summary: How simpbur became simpbur. And how you grew up and lived with him.
Warnings: Obsession, unhealthy obsession, stalking, murder, drugging, unhealthy relationship, and Simpbur being a creep.
Words: 5K
Masterlist: Wilbur’s Masterlist - Full Masterlist
A/N: Listen I had brainrot. And I don't know how to defend this. (Also requests are still open! Click here!) And it's unedited for now it's 5:12 am here I will edit later today
Wilbur was a pretty insignificant child. The death of his mother being one of the most interesting things about his childhood. While he claimed not to blame his youngest brother for the loss of his mother. He certainly had a funny way of showing his youngest brother affection.
Wilbur is the middle child of three. A charming but quiet and well accomplished older brother, who seems to never have to end to his dedication neither success. And his youngest brother, a loud ball of sunshine that just seems to make everyone in a good mood. Truly good with people, something Wilbur never seemed to grasp.
His whole childhood tainted by that fact. Always living in the shadow of his brothers, the clear favourites of everyone who came near the family of four.
So his grades was just average, never good enough to get acknowledged, never bad enough to need extra attention. Just average, like the rest of him. He grew up lanky, not athletic neither unable to run. Wilbur was grey in a family of golden people. His father raised them alone for most of Wilbur’s life. His father that despite never saying it out loud had clear favourites in his brothers. It was always, oh and Wilbur too!
Never him, never just him.
So, Wilbur spent most of his childhood lonely, disregarded and weird. A pitiful child. A pathetic child.
The thing is there was one thing, that made Wilbur worth anyone’s time. One person. You.
His childhood best friend.
Well, that’s what anyone who only knew Wilbur would say. Because you were the only friend he had. However, it was different for you, although the two of you were good friends, you wouldn’t call him your best friend for years. That didn’t happen till you became teenagers.
You had always tried your best to include the weird kid in playdates, birthday parties, and playground games. But nobody else seemed to find him worth their time, with his weird and morbid comments. But you persisted that he wasn’t that weird, besides his older brother was really cool.
So, you stick around, you stick around as playdates become hangouts, as dolls become makeup, and homework goes from learning to read to writing essays.
While you had many friends, both come and go and stay, Wilbur had been there for as long as you could remember. A playground proposal documented on home video. And a remake of it on the day of your school dance. You had played along, but it was known to everyone that your childhood friend wanted to be more than friends. But you stayed, smiled for the camera and laughed it off.
Then the school dance was over, and the last exam had been taken. That’s when you moved a country over, and slowly you lost contact with the people you used to call friends, but Wilbur stayed. Wilbur always stayed.
He finally got the spot as the best friend in your mind too. A definite win in his book.
Wilbur had always been odd, a bit to the left of normal. But now, with distance and screens in between you, he only started to act more concerning. This was around the time he started talking about feeling depressed and useless.
Of course, you always told him you didn’t believe that, what else were you supposed to say? Your friendship turning more and more into therapy sessions once a week for Wilbur on your end. While for him it was the highlight of his week.
Clicking the call button beside your profile picture, an anime girl from one he had recommended to you himself. One he had stayed up an entire night to shift through different animes to find the perfect one to send your way. One he was guaranteed you would watch.
“Wilbur, I should really get off.”
“C’mon stay on just a bit later, please.”
The silence deafening over the video call, he watches you intensely as you pull your legs into your chest, your shitty webcam standing beside you on your bed.
Wilbur reached out for the energy drink beside him, a new habit he has picked up. The more hours spent on the computer, the more he seemed to consume.
“Fine, just half an hour more. But then it’s the last half hour.”
Wilbur smiles at that, you choosing him over everything else in the world. He likes that, he likes that a lot. You valuing him. Spending time with him, and only him. Your attention is his.
“We could always fall asleep on call, then we could keep talking.”
“Another day Wilbur, another day.”
That. That sentence he on the other hand didn’t like. Not one bit. A promise never kept. A promise left unspoken and unpromised from your side, but a broken and abandoned promise on his side.
Then there was the wall incident.
Wilbur wouldn’t have told you if it weren’t for you noticing the hole in his wall. One that matched his fist quite neatly. His father had taken his PS4 in punishment for Wilbur using so much the WiFi plan to call you. At least that’s what he told you.
In reality, he had gotten into a fight with his older brother, his brother had asked about you, how you were doing, and if he could say hi during a call. There was something about the words that had irked Wilbur, something that set him off, something about him that made his brother seem dangerous to Wilbur. So, he had decked his older brother in the face. Causing a blackeye to occur.
In return, Wilbur now sported a big black and blue spot from where he hit the floor. His brother having immediately tackled him.
And to Wilbur that had confirmed his thoughts. Other guys are dangerous, he’s the only one you should rely on.
The wall had taken the brunt of his rage that night, a screaming match with his dad that ended with his little brother getting sent to his friends' house, and his PS4 getting confiscated until Wilbur had gotten a job and was able to pay back the damages.
And he did get a job, much to your surprise. But you had encouraged him throughout it all. A dead-end cashier job that only seemed to make his world staler and more bothersome than before.
A time where he searched for every distraction possible, gaming, music, you.
You were proud of him when he got the hole in his wall fixed, and even more when he kept his job. And Wilbur doesn’t remember you ever giving him more praise than the day he told you he was starting to investigate going to university.
Naturally, you helped him, and along the way, Wilbur picked up a guitar. A new asset to his den of depression that his room had become, decked in led lights, and overpriced RGB gaming stuff.
The university acceptance came rather quick, and suddenly Wilbur was packing up his life and heading to university. Boxes filled with stuff he barely remembered owning, and kitchen appliances that would never see the light of the day.
And he can feel you starting to drift, already busy with your own life. But he clings to you.
He stays, Wilbur always stays in your life. Even when you drift.
Wilbur knows it’s affecting him. It’s not hidden from anyone. The longer that goes between the two of you talking, the sourer his mood gets. The longer you don’t respond to him, the more messages he sends. The more information he craves to know.
Who are you talking to?
Who are you seeing?
Who is so much more important than him?
Hadn’t he always been there for you?
Hadn’t he always stayed?
You owe him.
Wilbur grows bitter and resentful. But not to you, never to you. But for everyone around you. His biggest joys in life now coming from the ungodly amount of caffeine he drinks, and whenever you reach out first.
This is why the day you call him asking for help is forever a day that will bring him joy.
“Hey Will, you’re really good with tech, and I was wondering if you wanted to help me start streaming.”
He chokes on the energy drink. He chokes on his words. He chokes on the air. He drowns.
His heart aching. His anger festering. His-
He hears himself respond before he can even process the thought.
It takes him 2 days of absence from university, and what feels like 2 even longer nights, before he’s an expert on how to stream. He reads everything he can find, he watched everything that gets suggested.
You asked him for help, so he will help.
But Wilbur, spends these hours conflicted. You want his help, not someone else’s, someone lesser than him. Him.
But at the same time. His mind keeps wandering, isn’t he enough any longer? Isn’t he good enough for you? Why isn’t he good enough for you? Why? Why?
And thus, he learns you how to use the software, and beings alongside you. He finds comfort in knowing most of your streams whenever possible is spent with him on a call with you.
Although that happens after hours of pestering, that doesn’t matter. He gets to talk to you, while the rest is limited to a measly chat.
You seem to find yourself comfortably in the gaming category, slowly growing. Slowly rising.
Wilbur’s own streams, on the other hand, feels more like incoherent rants interrupted by his guitar plays. And once in a blue moon, you are on call with him.
It doesn’t take long before he gives up, watching you grow. Finding more comfort in watching you, instead of being the watched. Not that anyone really did watch him besides for you.
Wilbur stays out of a camera, as you only seem to grow more comfortable being in front of one.
The first time you have someone on a call with you on stream, who isn’t Wilbur. He just can’t help but break his bedside lamp. It’s a guy nonetheless. A guy from the internet. The type of guy Wilbur has never been shy to tell you horror stories about.
And this is where another bad habit of his started to emerge. He just can’t help himself. But you’re laughing with someone else. You’re smiling for someone else. You’re his. Not anyone else’s. His. His. His.
Wilbur is quick to find the donating button he had helped you set up himself. At that time it had only been used a couple of times. Nothing big. But Wilbur wants big. He wants attention. He wants you.
He fumbles with his credit card as he keys in the numbers, he’s a bit too familiarised with them. Because anything he can get from the internet will be delivered that way.
And then the notification pops up on your screen. A donation number you had never expected. And you start crying. Right there. Right on stream. And Wilbur sucks it up. He sucks it right up that you’re crying for him, whiling praising him, and only him.
The match you were playing ruined, and Wilburs smile only grows as he hears the familiar tone of discord receiving a call.
That night. You had ditched the fellow streamer to thank Wilbur and hang out with him.
Something you never thought you would regret.
But oh, how you did. How you did.
It takes Wilbur around 2 months to get used to a large sum of money means special attention to him, and only him. For everyone to see.
And he can feel you pulling away, so each time he donates, it’s bigger. Larger. Grander.
He’s never on your stream without a donation anymore. Never on call for free. But Wilbur doesn’t mind, because everyone gets to see you’re his.
And he keeps increasing the amount as you keep growing until he hits a stalemate. He’s using half of his paycheck on you, while he doesn’t mind going hungry a couple of days. His bills won’t wait for him. And he has been living away from home for far too long to ever think about calling up his father and ask for money.
Not to mention his oldest brother would never. Then neither will Wilbur. Because Wilbur is better. Better than all of them.
The larger your stream grows, the closer graduation arrives, and then Wilbur is sitting in another apartment. Another dead-end job. Another grey life.
Another dull life passing him by. Your voice constantly on loop his apartment. Constantly filling his life. As it always has. But to you, Wilbur is barely a part of your everyday. Only really showing up when a donation comes in. As you once again tell him not to spend money on you.
But he seems to stay. Wilbur always stays.
He’s the first to like anything you post on social media. Always online never off. Always lurking. Never missing. Never absent. He’s always there.
Wilbur never misses a stream; he schedules his life around yours. Even if you’re a country away.
And then one day you’re not. You’re not a country away, you’re moving back. You’re moving closer. And suddenly you live an hour away by car. Instead of an airplane ride, and shitty trains.
Suddenly Wilbur can see himself get a foot in the door. No longer grasping onto his parasitic parasocial friendship with you. He can see himself being more than the childhood friend who has always been there. He can see himself as the partner that always is there.
Wilbur is giddy the entire car ride. He’s giddy as he feels his bag burn on his shoulder. And he’s giddy until the second you embrace him in a hug and welcome him into your new apartment.
It’s bigger than the one you’ve had since university.
And then his future crumbles. You start talking about a guy named Jared. Fucking Jared. Why did even his name have to leave a sour taste in his mouth? A guy you met over the internet. Not just any guy. No specifically the fucker from the first time Wilbur had donated.
Apparently, he wasn’t a streamer, but a friend you had made during your 2 years you lived at university but never told Wilbur about. Not a single mention of him, and suddenly he’s all you’re talking about.
How could Wilbur have known? You hadn’t even mentioned him on stream. Wilbur always listened so carefully, writing down everyone you mentioned. You had called him attentive once, and he would never want to disappoint you. Maybe if he was attentive enough you would look his way.
Instead, here you are talking about this Jared guy. And Wilbur knows what he has to do. A thought he has been toying with for around 3 years now. Ever since you went to Disneyland together. A trip he paid for, and a trip that was streamed, so everyone could see you were his. You were always his.
That was easily his favourite video.
In the week up to the vacation, Wilbur had done everything he could to learn about cameras so he could help you, and do the most for you. He had even helped you sort through some of the non-streamed videos he filmed too for a YouTube video for you.
Which is where he found the clip of you changing.
The camera had been resting on your hotel bed, the video having a clear Dutch angle, leaving the hotel room slandered. But there you were, right square and centre still. Changing. It takes you a minute to finish before you turn around and pick the camera up again. Mumbling something as you turn it to show off your hotel room, and then the clip cuts to black.
He never told you about it, instead just saving that specific clip on a USB stick. A piece of tech he valued more than his life. Not that his life had ever been worth much in comparison to his.
Wilbur rips his bag open, careful not to make a lot of noise. He removed his clothes, and then the fake bottom. And underneath it reveals small security cameras.
Wilbur has never been more thankful for you being a heavy sleeper and letting him sleep on a mattress on the floor of your bedroom. He quietly sets up two in your bedroom, before moving into the rest of your house. One in your office that has been converted to a streaming room. His own personal angle to your public life.
Two more in the living room, he skips the kitchen and hesitates at the door of your bathroom. For the first time, he hesitates. His hand hovers over the doorknob, the other holding the camera.
You’re standing in the hallway, sleep evident on your face.
“Will why are you making so much noise?”
“No reason darling, go back to bed, just needed some water.”
His breath is stuck in his throat until he hears you close the bedroom door again.
That was the first time he hesitated. And his last. He couldn’t afford it. He couldn’t afford to lose you further.
The rest of the trip passes Wilbur by as you introduce him to Jared. The douchebag himself. The asshole. The guy who dares take away what is Wilbur’s. Even on the ride home. All Wilbur can see is Jared’s image etched into his mind. His god-awful fashion sense. The way everything, he wore around you, just seemed to be a size too small. Nobody wants to see that fuckers’ muscles. Wilbur’s knuckles turn white, as he grips the steering wheel.
Jared has to go.
He’s ruining everything. He’s not part of the dream you told Wilbur you had. Jared has never been part of that. Wilbur was supposed to be part of that. Even if the dream changed through the year. Even if the one you’re living now is the unimaginable future the two of you imagined up at seventeen. But one thing was sure. Jared wasn’t part of that. Wilbur was.
Wilbur easily finds himself a new normal at home. The trip giving him a refreshed sense of hope. A plan in the making. His daily routine now including watching you all hours of the day. Not just your streams any longer. Every single second he can wrench out of those cameras.
And suddenly his friendship seems to improve with you too. Because now he can see when you’re sad and in need of a friend. He reaches out at the perfect time. Abusing your vulnerable state. Because it’s the best to do. It’s for the betterment of your future.
The more Wilbur is there for you, the more he resents Jared. He deserved to be in your bed, not that asshole. He deserves to reap the rewards of his hard labour. He is the one that has always been there because Wilbur has always stayed.
A simple click is all it takes for Wilbur and the item has been placed in a cart. Mere keystrokes and it has been paid. A single click and Wilbur has truly gone insane, as a packet is shipped off. A packet containing a bottle of sleeping pills.
The next time you invite Wilbur down, you barely recognise him as you open the door. Eyebags so deep you’ve never seen before. His entire body slightly twitching, and that manic smile on his lips. Wilbur brushes your concerns off, claiming that’s just what happens in real workplaces. Not that you would know anything about that.
Wilbur hates the feeling of insulting you, but you had barely responded the entire week. You deserved to suffer for a moment. Before he caves and apologises for being rude. That’s the moment you can see the resembles of his normal being as he hangs his shoulders.
Jared comes over that night. Just as Wilbur had planned. And this time he won’t hesitate. He even bought a bigger car for this.
Wilbur offers to mix the drinks, claiming to have learnt a new recipe. Which isn’t a lie, he has learned how to perfect just the right cocktail thick enough that covers the chalky residue of the pills. And sweet enough to make the bitter taste disappear.
He serves them, keeping a watchful eye as the night drags on, and Jared never seems to shut up. But Wilbur can deal with it for one night. Just for one. And then he won’t ever have to worry about Jared again.
He serves another.
And then another drink.
And finally. Finally. You’re starting to get tired. Slowly leaning against Wilbur. And he takes pride in that. Great pride. You didn’t choose to lean against Jared, you’re leaning against Wilbur.
Wilbur sits still until Jared too is starting to fall asleep. Wilbur is ecstatic.
He gets up slowly, gently laying you down, a pillow underneath your face. A blanket over you. He kisses your forehead and smells your hair. Taking in the shampoo scent still lingering.
Then Wilbur gets moving, he has stuff to do. Plans to execute after all.
He does his best to get Jared’s left arm over his shoulders. But their awkward height difference makes it difficult, but he can make it work. It has to work. He only gets one shot.
Wilbur gets the front door open before he realises a fatal flaw in his plan. He has to drag Jared down 3 floors worth of stairs. He realises he can’t do it the way he is now. He has to drag him down by his armpits instead.
It takes him the first flight of stairs to realise Jared shoes are making too much noise. He has to abandon them, Wilbur awkwardly gets Jared leaned against the wall before he removes Jared’s polished black shoes. Wilbur leaves them there, making a mental note to remember them when he comes back.
The rest of the stairs, while difficult and definitely breathtaking for someone who has no muscle strength. He makes it work. Wilbur actually makes it work.
He made it work. It worked. Oh god. It’s working.
Wilbur repositions Jared once more, his arm once again over Wilbur’s shoulders. The night sky greeting him as he steps out of the apartment complex. With great difficulty, Wilbur gets the two of them over to his car, where he throws open the trunk. In the proceed shaking the car, setting off the car alarm. Wilbur is quick to drop Jared as he fumbles after his car keys. It takes him nearly a full minute to turn off the car alarm.
Wilbur curses under his breath.
Annoyed with the time loss. He finally gets the knocked-out Jared into his trunk, and he shuts it again. Just as a front door in the apartment complex opens. A man steps out. He raises a hand to Wilbur, before pulling out a smoke.
Wilbur shuffles on his feet before raising a hand. And then awkwardly gets into his car.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
He has a body in his trunk. Now he just has to get to the harbour. Wilbur starts the car and starts the ride to the harbour a town over.
Half an hour has gone past when Wilbur is pulling the handbrake, and taking the keys out. He’s quick to get out, and even quicker to get to Jared. Wilbur keeps thinking about you. Your smile. Your kindness. Your voice. Your beauty. Your grace. As his hands are securing zip ties around the wrists and ankles of an unconscious man.
He has to go.
Wilbur reminds himself.
A cloth is tied around Jared’s filthy mouth, and then Wilbur is back to dragging him. It’s both easier and harder. Easier before he’s just dragging him across the pebbles and over to the brink of the harbour. Both of his arms are under both of Jared’s.
But it’s harder because if someone sees him it’s going to get difficult to explain. But nobody does. As far as Wilbur is aware.
So a splash is made by a body, and Jared is unceremoniously sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor.
Wilbur takes one more breath of fresh air. Before turning around and getting back into his new car.
He’s quick to arrive at your apartment complex. The man was no longer there. Wilbur goes to grip the front door. It doesn’t bulge.
Oh yeah, it’s locked.
He fishes the copy he made of your house key from his keychain and lets himself into the building he doesn’t live in. An invited guest, that has turned out to be an uninvited one.
He can feel the tiredness setting in his bones, as he ascends the stairs. And the realisation that he just killed someone hasn’t dawned on him yet. Instead, all his muscles are aching, and his eyes barely staying open.
He stumbles into your apartment. Another kiss gets left on your forehead as he goes for your bed. The smell is so nice. It’s so obvious to him this is where you sleep. And he’s soaking in each moment until his eyes are giving out.
His night remaining dreamless, instead, he gets awoken rather rudely around noon. You’ve pulled the comforter off him and told him to get up, so the two of you can spend some timeacting together. and Wilbur happily does that.
Not at all acing like a man who purposely took another person’s life mere hours ago. You rush him to get into his clothes. As you have something planned for rest of the day out of the apartment. You’re talking his ears off as you descend the first flight stairs your personal puppy in tow.
When you stop dead in your tracks. Wilbur nearly stumbles into you.
“Will, is that Jared’s shoes?”
And right there is in fact Jared’s shoes. The pair Wilbur had forgotten all about. The pair he had left unintentionally.
“Are you sure about that? Thought he already left.” Wilbur lies, he may be awkward, but he has gotten pretty good at lying to you through the years.
“Yeah yeah, you’re right. Why would he leave his shoes?”
The question gets left unanswered, and the tension is thick until you get outside, and the sun is shining. It seems it knows too of how good this day is for Wilbur, a dawn of a new era. Where you will finally acknowledge him as the perfect one for you.
The man from the nightstand once again with a smoke and raises his hand to greet Wilbur, once again Wilbur shuffles on his feet before he raises a hand back. You look at him weirdly, and Wilbur shrugs it off.
The rest of the day happening without any mishaps or other incidents. But the shoes just can’t seem to leave your mind, despite how hard Wilbur is trying to distract you.
And then the afternoon passes, and the night, and the car ride, and Wilbur is once again home. And as soon as the door closes. He crumbles down on the floor.
Oh god.
He did it.
He actually fucking did it.
He isn’t useless.
He’s fucking Wilbur, and Wilbur stays in your life. Even when you make such stupid mistakes as falling for another person. There’s only one person for you and that’s him.
You’re actually the first one to call him this time, and the smile never leaves his lips. Even if the call is about Jared. And how worried you are about not having heard from him. Wilbur just tells you; you should have listened to him. Guys on the internet are just like that. And that you deserve better. Someone like him.
You laugh at this and thank him for calming you down.
Wilbur suddenly loves phone calls.
This bliss is perfect for Wilbur you’re talking to him more and more. And he watches, god he watches you. Every step you take in that apartment is filmed logged on his computer.
However, all good things must come to an end, and Wilbur has barely pulled off his tie after work when a group of loud knocks sounds at his door. He isn’t expecting guests.
A group of men in blue uniforms greets him.
“Wilbur Soot, you’re under the arrest for the Murder of Jared Yarrow.”
Wilbur barely registers what’s going on, before he’s in a holding cell. A psych evaluation under his belt. A phone call to his father asking him to help him out.
The days bleed together in the unchanging environment, and suddenly a defender is telling him to plead for insanity.
Then the defender comes back again days later with a court date, and all Wilbur can do is count the seconds.
Time for the first time since arriving slows down when the doors to the court open and Wilbur is lead into the courtroom. And there you are, looking beautiful as ever. Tears and despair clearly written on your face. You look away from him, and it makes him stumble for a moment. A quick look to the other side, confirms his fear. His father is here. Alongside his brothers.
The trial goes over what happened that night, the evidence, the sleeping medication, the car. Everything. Yet even when his sentence is received, even when he is told he won’t see the sun again for a long time. There is only one thing on his mind.
They never found the cameras.
And he just can’t help but smile at that as he’s getting lead away to rot.
Because Wilbur has always stayed by your side, Wilbur always stays. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
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Not The Same (GeorgeNotFound)
summary : you put out a song, but it attracted the wrong type of crowd and caused too many misunderstandings.
trigger warnings : threats (including death and doxing), panic attacks, taking of meds. 
"you're THOSE type of fans, huh?" you read the comments on your newest song release.
and that was the start of your downfall.
you and your dad really enjoyed singing. at any opportunity you two got, you would be doing a duet.
whether that would be at at a close relative's wedding or your at home karaoke set up, you two knew how to entertain people.
though singing was your passion, you ended up being too busy with school and trying to graduate with a diploma to even think about singing again.
but you swore to make a career of your singing after high school. you just loved it too much.
but then, you didn't go to college for music, which pretty much shocked your parents and your friends since they knew your only passion in life was singing.
but you took a different direction. you still wanted to sing and you were trying your hardest to find a way to make that your career.
someday, anyway. but you needed to have a plan to fall back into in case anything goes wrong.
you were a realist, after all.
so off to college you went.
you spent long hours studying for tests after tests, sat through hours of lectures, did endless amounts of projects.
in the end, it was all worth the wait and fatigue. you graduated top of your class.
you went off to be an intern, clocked in more hours before you could fully go into the next phase of your life.
and after those long hours, you finally made the decision (with the support of your parents) to take a gap year.
but before anyone panics. your gap year was not all fun in games where you took to rest and lay in bed all day.
you took the gap year to see if the music industry fits you. to see if you even had the chance to succeed.
and if it did, you could finally have your dream job. but even if it didn't you were not going to be upset if you needed to fall back onto your backup plan.
in the duration of the gap year, you took voice lessons, and poetry classes for song writing.
and with whatever you have learnt, you took that into writing songs that you felt really relate to your life experiences.
so you spend at least a couple months writing multiple songs.
after almost 2 years, you finally came out with your first song. and it definitely got recognition. more than you thought you'd get, if you were being completely honest.
and that was what pushed you to sit your ass back on your desk to write more, and go into your makeshift studio and make the words into songs.
your parents were ecstatic to hear that you were finally doing the things you loved. and you knew you'd never get this far if it weren't for your family's support.
and so your music journey began.
it was going well for years. you were finally happy doing the one thing you enjoyed doing.
and you definitely think you were good at it. seeing and hearing the positive feedbacks from your family, friends and listeners. 
you felt good. 
but you lost that feeling when you came out with a new single, called ‘fan of you’. 
you spent a while working hard on that song and you felt relieved when it was finally released. it was like a weight was lifted off your shoulders. 
and you weren’t sure how one thing led to another, if you were being honest. at first, you received good feedback for your new songs. you even gained new listeners and your spotify rank rised. 
but then it didn’t anymore. 
your twitter flooded with mentions and your instagram full of tagged pictures and dms by accounts you’ve never heard of. 
but you noticed a similarity with all of the spam. a guy name george. georgenotfound for short.
you being you, you looked into it. and that was when all of the information hit you. and all you had to look up was your name on twitter, and there it was, the longest thread of tweets you have ever seen in your life. 
you took time to read it all, trying to make sure you didn’t miss anything crucial. 
there must be an understanding. you didn’t know this guy name george. you’ve seen his face on pinterest once a while when you scrolled, yes. but you never looked into him. 
this amazing person took their time to gather every bit of information there was about the scandal, which you were grateful for, or else you’d be scouring the internet for hours. 
to summarise what you read, there was this artist by the name of tia jade who came out with a song a few months prior to yours called ‘just a fan.’ 
it was a good song, some say, and you could agree. it was professionally written and produced. but many fans of george found out that the song was about him. 
not just about him, but about her falling in love with him, when she has never met him. and when his fans started to really listen and analyse the song, it got creepier. 
basically, the song was about a fan falling in love with a celebrity/content creator and that they want to know them beyond their persona online. 
but tia had apologised a little after the song came out, saying that she made that song based on a fan liking a content creator, and not about her falling for george. 
but when you read enough of the issue, it definitely did seem like she was making that song to tell her story about falling for george. but she obviously needed an excuse to cover it up. 
hence the apology. 
and then you read about how they analysed your song, too.
they compared your song to tia’s and found it to have similar stories. stories about how a normal girl is falling in love with the man by the name of george, who had millions of followers on all social medias. 
and if you admitted it to yourself, your song did seem to come out that way. especially if your mentality had been there. clearly your song could have been interpreted in many different ways. 
you scrolled to the very bottom of the thread where there was a video of the man himself, george. he was addressing the issue. 
“i don’t know how this happened twice. i thought once was weird enough, but.” he paused, focusing on building something on his screen. 
“having heard of a song being about me again now makes my skin crawl.” he finished. it was short but enough to make his fans understand where he was coming from. 
you scrolled further to see the replies of the thread. you wanted to know what were people saying about it. 
and you definitely regretted your decision to do that. 
threats everywhere. death threats, threats of beating you up, threats of doxing you. god the negative comments were drowned by the one’s that genuinely thought nothing wrong of your song. 
you called you mom. this was the time you needed her advice. you needed to be told what to do. you didn’t want to accidentally trigger people. 
you and her were on the phone for hours. she listened to you cried to her. she heard the painful sobs that came out of your mouth whenever you reminded yourself of what people were calling you on the internet. 
she heard you cry silently on call when you saw your address and phone number being leaked on twitter. 
but even through all of that, you joked around with your mom. “well, this was a hell of a way to be trending.” 
you did what she told you to do. get a new phone number, stay in a hotel for a couple days while you try to settle the raging crowd of georgenotfound fans down. 
in the span of a couple weeks, you got yourself a new number, a new house and a new car. you weren’t taking any chances. 
you told no one besides your mom of the new changes, just to be safe. 
and no, the threats did not cease. at all. these people did not have a life, constantly up in your dms, telling you to jump off a cliff or them hoping that a robber stabs you and leaves you dying. 
you took your time trying to figure out a way to talk to george. or a way to speak out about this. 
you didn’t want to write a half-assed notes app paragraph apologising when- first of all, you had nothing to apologise for and second, you had too much to say to fit it all in a notes app. 
lucky for you, you didn’t need to start your own channel or make a sit down video on your own. 
your recording label had brought up the idea of a documented series about you and how you became a singer about a year ago, and only started filming and posting the episodes a couple months prior on youtube. 
so you took the series to your advantage. you pitched in the idea to your manager, to which she agreed to immediately, knowing that it was best you talked about it now. 
this was how it played out on the perspective of viewers who watched that episode. 
“bless you.” your producer says after you paused your singing in the mic as you stopped to sneeze. 
you gave him a smile and a thumbs up from inside the booth. 
the camera cuts to another clip. 
the cameraman pans as they captured movers coming in and out of your old house, picking up your heavy furniture and boxes into large trucks to move into the new place.
 it cuts again. this time it shows you scrolling on your phone with a focused face while your manager types something vigorously on her computer. 
the camera tries to focus on your phone, and sees that you were on twitter, reading a lot of tweets under your name. 
you exited the app and slide it away, going into youtube next, reading the comments on your song ‘fan of you’. 
you scrolled far, clicking on some of the comments, trying to read the replies to certain comments you saw. 
the camera cuts into a black screen. which then cuts again into a new scene, where you sat on your new kitchen counter talking to your mother, who sat on the chair in front of you. 
your hair was up in a ponytail. a messy one. you were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that seemed far too big on you, and your feet covered with fluffy socks.
you were nodding to whatever she was saying to you. it was clear your mind was elsewhere as your eyes were unfocused. 
the scene cuts again. 
you were seen on the couch, your legs were tucked into your arms and your head down, body shaking. it was obvious you were crying. 
you were alone, your mother no where to be seen. 
that was the first time the camera caught you crying. 
the scene cuts as you were going to get up from the couch. 
now, you were in the kitchen again, opening the refrigerator to take a water bottle, then walking to your room upstairs. 
the camera follows behind you slowly into your room. 
it hadn’t been the cleanest. there were a couple shirts on the floor, your bed undone, cups on your side table, your laptop open on your desk. 
you were seen opening a drawer, taking out a small white bottle. you unscrewed the bottle and took out 2 pills, popping them in your mouth, drinking water straight away after that to swallow. 
the scene cuts again. 
this time, you were seated on the couch in the studio, the atmosphere dark and quiet. 
your hair was more kept this time, being help up in a clip. 
you were wearing straight jeans and a slightly oversized sweatshirt. you looked more refreshed this time. but it was obvious you hadn’t slept in a while because of your eyes.
your eyes that usually held a lot of happiness and joy turned dull. 
“it’s been a while since i’ve spoken to a camera.” you offered a small smile. your song ‘just a fan’ was playing in the background of the clip. 
the scene cuts again. 
“when i released that song, i was genuinely proud of the work i had done.” you paused for a while. besides the song playing in the background, it was silent. 
“but i guess the joy didn’t last very long.” the scene cuts there. 
it transitioned to a collage of what people were saying about you. it showed clips of people talking about it on youtube. they even showed george talking about it. 
and it cuts again. 
it showed a different clip this time. a clip of your ex boyfriend and you at the beach on a picnic, that was taken by a close friend of yours. 
this was when you were still in college. 
it showed all the fun memories you two made while you were still together. 
it showed a video of him studying in the library, flipping through his papers and scrolling through his laptop. it was clear he was hard at work, not noticing you filming him. 
but then the scene cuts again. and the music turned somber. 
your ex boyfriend’s grave. 
it was the day you were visiting him. you sat down next to his stone, a blanket under you. 
you were just staring at his stone, not moving. 
and it cuts again. 
“he was one of the most driven person i have ever met.” you told the camera. 
“he knew when to be serious and when to have fun.” you looked down in your hands and played with your rings. 
“all he ever talked about was becoming a surgeon. he worked hard in his intern years and continued being passionate through his residency.” you spoke up. 
“people had only nice things to say about him. the only bad thing they would say about him is that he can be pretty uptight sometimes, especially when he was stressed about something.” you laughed a little. 
“i was a huge fan of him, even when we just saw each other in the hallways. he’s just amazing. i’ve always wanted to be just like him.”
“i wanted to write a song about him but i didn’t the song to be sad.” you said. 
“and that was when the song ‘fan of you’ was created. 
the scene cuts there and goes into another. 
you were in the recording booth again, this time, you were singing into the mic. 
the camera pans to your producer and manager dancing and bobbing their heads to the beat. 
the scene cuts, officially ending it with a black screen with ‘the end’ in a fancy white font. 
you busied yourself with writing new songs as your name got trended again on twitter. 
and george has never felt worse about himself ever in his entire life. 
he watched the episode as soon as dream sent it to him. 
“you’re an asshole, george.” dream sends to him, along with the link of the video on youtube. 
as the video ends, he decides to read the comments, wondering what it was like down there. 
it was the worse mistake he had ever made in a while. 
but he knew he deserved it. he did assumed it was about him, just like the last song made with a drawing of his glasses as their cover photo on spotify. 
this time, there was genuinely no reason to think that this song was about him, or anyone with a following whatsoever. he just believed what his chat told him. 
sure, there were some familiarity of the character in your song and him, but the world did have 7.6 billion people living on it. 
“so, here i am apologising.” george says to his camera, live. his tone was very sincere and apologetic. 
“this shouldn’t have gotten this far. they shouldn’t have gotten threats at all, let alone death threats. they shouldn’t have woken up to the world knowing where they live and what their phone number is.” 
“and if you’re watching. i sincerely apologise. i clearly was full of myself.” george finishes. ending the live with a small wave. 
and were you watching? hell yes. 
and that was the day the two of you followed each other on instagram. 
he used your songs as his intros of his live, (with your permission, of course.) you showed in your documentary that you were watching whenever he was live or watching his youtube videos. 
and that was the start to a beautiful relationship. 
you sat on the chair, going live. you waved as people started joining. it went from hundreds, to thousands in seconds. 
as you were talking and clicking on your keyboard and mouse, playing a game, you felt arms around your shoulders. 
you smiled, yet continued playing. 
“why are you live on my account?” he laughs. 
you disconnected the headphones so that he could hear what you were hearing. 
“george, you’re being replaced.” dream said on discord. 
george smiles, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. “that was well deserved.” 
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“harry’s stylist, right?” part II
Harry and his stylist go from colleagues to friends to lovers because they’ve been in love with each other from the jump
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this gif bc i couldn’t fine the fit i wanted to showcase, but that night him and y/n get closer than they had gotten before :))
and we’re back :) - this is the last part of this i may do some little blurbs and stuff about these two if people want it (maybe) i hope you all enjoy this part, it’s not proofread so sorry about that lol. Feedback and reblogs are so very very appreciated, also feel free to message me about you’re feelings about this
Word Count: just over 10k | Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, implication of smut, i think that’s it
part 1
After the call with Jeff, which wasn’t really a conversation at all, moreso a berating from him, she was in the worst mood. She shrugged off the Bode jacket and hung it up in her entryway closet. She wasn’t planning on wearing it ever again. Without the jacket on, her shirt that seemed to be exactly on the nose with it’s “we’re in the shit” graphic was clear and she untucked it from her light mint pants. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Instead of picking her phone up again, she decided she could do without communication for a while. Her feet padded to her bedroom, after removing her nikes and socks. In her bedroom she opened up her record player, wanting music, but not wanting to be bothered with her laptop since it had a connection to the internet. 
She grabbed her Electric Warrior by T. Rex and slipped out the first record from its sheath. As she set up the music, she couldn’t remember where she’d even gotten the record but for some reason it had called to. She skipped over Mambo Sun, the first track, though, and had it play Cosmic Dancer first. It was calming to her, she swayed a bit to the soothing beat and then climbed into her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she wondered about when her life had gotten so complicated. The rhythm in the music and the exhausting thought material lulled her to sleep as the afternoon sun washed her room a perfect golden from behind her shade.
When she woke up again, it was midnight and she was starving. The record had stopped spinning hours ago, she hadn’t even gotten through side A. It was forgotten as she made her way to her kitchen, groggily.
After settling on cereal and an alcoholic seltzer for dinner, she was really in the mood to treat herself, she made her way back to her living space. On the couch, she tucked her legs beneath herself and spooned the sugary food into her mouth. She had only soy milk in the place because she didn’t like cow’s milk and it didn’t keep when she was gone for extended periods of time. Then as she sipped from the black cherry White Claw, she dug her hand into the cushion next to her. Her hand reemerged with her discarded phone from earlier. She decided it was reasonable to go on it now.
More messages from various people in her life and hundreds of social media notifications. She was going to ignore social media for as long as she possibly could. Four missed calls. 2 voicemails. Styles Harry. Why she kept contacts backwards in her phone was unimportant, it’s just what she did.  
She sighed and took a bigger sip of the barely alcoholic drink. Then clicked the voicemail notifications and pressed the first one on speaker as she began to read his texts as well. Then the next voicemail. She checked the time in California, it was still a reasonable part of the day there so instead of texting back she rang him.
“Har- H. Hi.”
“Y/N! Are you alright?” The concern apparent in his tone. She was taken aback. He hadn’t necessarily sounded angry in his texts or voicemails, but she just assumed he was being courteous since it was a live conversation.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No! Why would I be?”
“Because I just had my ass handed to me by Jeff earlier.” She slightly mumbled and shrugged, still upset with how she had been spoken to by Jeff.
“Oh gosh, I told him not to be harsh. It’s honestly not a big deal. I thought it was fine, you texted me too!”
“Yeah, well apparently wearing your clothes means we’re dating and that’s not cool in the world’s eyes,” you scoff.
“I know how much you like that coat...I thought you looked great in it, too.” He finishes in a slight whisper, not wanting to be overheard.
“Harry…” you can’t keep the smile off your face. It was a cute compliment even if the situation wasn’t ideal. “Why do your fans have to be so smart and know there’s only two of those coats in the world and I don’t own the other one.”
He laughs, blushing at how you said his name. This time not using his nickname didn’t bother him, it felt even more intimate somehow.
He rubs a hand through his hair, “I know, pesky little devils, gotta love’em, though”
She hums, not sure if she can agree about loving them right now since they’re probably eating her alive all over social media.
“So you’re alright, darling?” He asks again.
“Mhmm,” she pauses at the pet name, it was soothing right now. All she wanted was to curl into his chest, but he was half a world away, quite literally. His words would have to do in his absence. “I’m really glad you’re not mad at me, H. That would’ve made this a hundred times worse.”
He huffs, wishing he could be with her to comfort her. He hated this part of his life. A friend couldn’t borrow a piece of his clothing without everyone assuming that they were seeing each other. It was disgusting and it made him dislike tabloids and social media even more than he already did.
“Trust me. I’d never be mad at you, pet. And I’d definitely never be mad at you for looking good as fuck in my clothes.”
“Shut up!” She squeals, his tone turning from earnest to teasing in one breath. He cackles on the other end of the line because despite her mean words, he could hear the smile on her lips.
“When are you flying back to London?” Her voice grows quiet again after she takes another sip of her drink.
“Thursday,” he almost whispers back, having contained his mirth again.
“We have some work to do on your Graham Norton and Jingle Bell Ball outfits. The listening party ones are all picked up -”
“Y/N,” Harry cuts her off, “It’s late for you, go to bed. Try not to stress out too much, we’ll talk when I’m back about work. For now, take a few days off to not think about my clothes.”
She sighs, “Thanks, H. You’re right. Have a good rest of your day.”
“Goodnight, m’love.”
She ends the phone call and chalks the almost ‘my’ sounding syllable that she heard before love was just her tired mind and Harry’s mumbling voice. It most certainly wasn’t.
After a restful few days of doing absolutely nothing, something rare for Y/N, she was extremely well rested. So much so that she was peacefully asleep when Harry let himself into her flat since they had agreed to meet at her place when he got back to London. As much as he wanted her to take time off and not over work herself, his schedule was a busy one and now that he was back, they had work to do.
Inside her flat, he was greeted with silence. He made his way to her bedroom at the back of the flat. He’d been here a handful of times. She always told him she preferred to spread out when she worked and Harry’s was the place for that. The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar and he pushed it open slowly with his ring clad hand. His black nails are freshly painted and shiny, no chips. Still in her bed, Y/N shifted around softly. He smiled to himself, taking in how the room smelled over lavender and how she had pink floral sheets. He walked to the window and raised the shade, hoping to have her wake up without and coaxing from him.
“H,” her voice mumbles into her pillow and he thinks she’s woken up. His face turns to look at her, but her eyes are still closed and she looks completely asleep. He wonders if she’s trying to trick him, but then she mumbles again.
“Mhhh, tha’ tickles,” and she giggles. He kind of grimaces, feeling like he shouldn’t be hearing this. He hadn’t known she spoke in her sleep, it was sweet, but with the context right now, he thought him having this knowledge might not sit well with her.
“Y/N,” he says loudly, before clearing his throat. Her eyes shoot wide and she sits up, dropping the sheet she had been snuggling.
“Harry! Oh my god!”
“Meeting, remember?”
“Oh my god,” she glances around her surroundings, Harry still standing at her window. “What time is it?”
“1 pm. We said 1 right?”
“We did, I just...I don’t know what happened. Sorry, give me a second. I’m out of it.”
When she emerged from her room, dressed and ready for the day, Harry had brewed a pot of coffee with her machine that she really only had for guests.
“Sorry again,” she sits at her countertop, searching for her notebook in her bag.
“No worries,” then he leans across the countertop, “Seemed like you were in the middle of a nice dream.”
His brows are raised as she avoids his gaze. She flushes easily, “I- it was...just one of those usual dreams.”
“You have dreams about me often?”
“I didn’t say that!” Her eyes shoot up to meet his and he grins. He takes a sip of his coffee before speaking again.
“I heard you say ‘H’.”
She rolls her eyes, “That proves nothing.”
They both stare at each other for a minute, not talking or moving. Harry is simply grinning at her as she twitches her hand with her pen in it now. Her eyes are trying to figure out what Harry’s getting at, searching his expression for how he feels about knowing she dreams of him. She certainly wasn’t going to get into it with him, even if he did continue prodding.
“Alright,” she begins when he doesn’t seem to want to press it further. “Oh!” She jumps up, dropping her pen and forgetting about whatever else she was going to say. “Your jacket! And shirt! I cleaned the shirt and the jacket…” She runs out of the room to go to her front closet where she had hung up both the jacket and the shirt.
Returning, she holds them out to Harry and he rounds the countertop to look at them.
“Perfect shape,” he admires the spotless shirt and his beloved jacket. He puts them on the back of the chair that was next to them. “Won’t forget my jacket again.”
She smiles sheepishly, thinking back to Jeff’s conversation with her. Harry notices her change in demeanor and takes one of her hands. Her eyes flash up to his face and her body tenses, he feels it even in her hand.
“Have you gone on any social media since you’ve been home?” His eyes are wide as he runs his thumb over the back of her hand.
She softens slightly, “Oh yeah, after the first day I decided to check. Most were funny and sweet, their nasty comments didn't get to me.”
Her eyes are big on her face and Harry watches as her worries and concerns all wash through the swirling colors in them. He wants to take all of that pain away and just stare into her abyss forever.
“What did Jeff say exactly?” He knows that’s what she’s alluding to. Harry loved his manager, but when he had called him about the jacket incident he had been pretty short with Harry and hadn’t given much information on his chat with Y/N. The way she looked right now bothered him because ultimately Harry was in charge of Y/N in his employment of her and if Jeff had acted like her superior in a way that was harmful he’d be downright upset.
Her eyes grow glassy immediately and Harry’s anger begins to bubble in the pit of his stomach. She tries to blink anything away, but fails.
“I don’t know why I’m crying, it wasn’t terrible. It’s just, all my life, I’ve had to work to be taken seriously because of who I am and I hate when I get talked down to by a man. Especially over a stupid fucking publicity thing for you. Like I’m sorry, but I don’t see you as a public figure where I have to worry about every goddamn thing I do messing up your image.” She pauses, taking a deep breath, realizing she’d gotten really worked up as she spoke. The tears running down her face more in anger than sadness. Harry watches on, letting her work through her thought process. “He was just so mean… for what?” She whispers finally.
“Oh god…darling,” Harry grips her hand more firmly. He wants to take her in his arms, but he’s not sure if that’s what’s best for her right now, so he just keeps holding her hand. She stares up at him, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes now tinted a light red.
“I’m sorry he spoke to you in that way. That isn’t his job at all, I’ll definitely talk to him since I didn’t have the full story before. He gets very worried about the media perception thing, especially right now with the album.”  
She bites the inside of her cheek, blinking up at Harry. “I know your image is important, too, otherwise why the fuck would I be here? Right? I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal I borrowed the jacket.”
“In a perfect world my image wouldn’t matter at all,” Harry sighed, “Fame is a stupid, fickle thing musicians like me get stuck with.”
“Please, you love the attention,” she teases, poking at his chest. The sweatshirt he wore wrinkling under her touch.
“‘M serious,” he insists, “I’m saying it shouldn’t matter that you borrowed my jacket, but sadly it comes across to the rest of the world like I’m dating you.” He pokes her sternum in return.
“And that would be the end of the world?” she smiles, her tone still teasing, but that worry is back and swimming in her eyes again.
This time, though, Harry must not see it because he laughs and lets go of her hand. “For a lot of people, I think it might be.”
She bites at her lip and tries to contain the laugh that bubbles in her. He was right and as he wandered back into the kitchen for more coffee, she shook her head trying to rid herself of those pesky feelings that had been hoping for a different answer.
The next few weeks go off without a hitch. Harry’s outfits look incredible for the listening parties. Then for the Graham Norton Show, the Jingle Bell Ball, and the One Night Only at the Forum. Every single outfit is received with praise and everything seems to be coming up Harry Styles. Y/N has been traveling to most of his appearances, making sure everything is in order before he goes out. She’s always by his side before he walks out into the public eye. Taking his picture and saving it in the lookbook that keeps growing, smoothing over his lapels, either unbuttoning or buttoning a middle button when she thought he had too many or not enough undone for the look. Whatever it was, she was there for him.
Then, after his appearances, they would debrief. Debriefs really were just time that Harry carved out in his schedule to just be alone with Y/N. Sure, they talked about clothes, that’s how they had first connected, but it always turned to other ideas. They’d talk about his songs and she’d ask about the meanings that he wouldn’t share with the rest of the world. He’d happily tell her about it and they enjoyed that time together. There were stolen glances and lingering touches, but at the end of the day they were professionals who were friends. It wasn’t maybe what either of them wanted, but they weren’t unhappy.
Harry just got back from Los Angeles after filming for his Ellen show appearance and he was set to play the Bowery Ballroom tomorrow in London. After this there was going to be a lot of downtime on Harry’s schedule because of the holidays. He had marked out almost a whole month of time off, at least from appearances. They still had to start planning tour outfits and finalize the outfits for the events after the break. Right now, all she was focused on was getting Harry into the beautiful yellow Gucci suit that was a twin of the Watermelon Sugar suit he had worn on Saturday Night Live. Harry said he wanted to check the suit before tomorrow for some reason, so Y/N had made her way over.
She finished buttoning the sleeves of the jacket and stepped back to admire Harry once again. No matter what he wore he always looked marvelous in her eyes. She’d argue anyone could say that about Harry though. He could pull anything off and make it his own with barely any effort.
Today, his hair was disheveled and mused from his plane ride back into London. The flight from California to England was a rough one, even when you traveled in the type of luxury Harry did. Despite his tired body and eyes, the suit looked stunning on him. He wore it without shoes and she giggled when she saw his feet. His feet tattoos never failed to make her laugh and she had no explanation for why.
While Harry looked good in everything, there actually was something a little off with the suit right now. Normally, it hugged him just right to make him look perfectly muscled and defined, but it seemed to be hanging a little looser in some areas.
She tapped a finger to her lip, looking him over, unsure of what was off.
“Did you lose weight, H?”
“Huh?” He looks down at himself and somewhat notices the looser fit, but wasn’t quite sure if he had lost weight. “Don’t think so.”
She hums and steps closer to him, dropping her hands to tug at various parts of the suit, trying to figure out whether she should take anything in or leave it be.
“It’s probably all the travel I’ve been doin’. Can be draining me more than I realize.” He ponders as she continues to work silently over the suit.
Her hands travel beneath the suit and encircle his waist, almost as if she’s hugging him, but not really. His stomach flexes at the contact, her chest pressed softly against his. She grips a bit of the shirt from the back and then unfolds herself from him to look at the mirror. The shirt is now taut against his sternum and pectorals under the coat. She tilts her head, silently asking him his opinion.
“I think it’s fine the way it is, honestly.”
“Okay,” she nods and releases her hold on the shirt, hand slithering out from beneath his coat. He exhales deeply through his nose. “Make sure you eat properly tonight.” She says before beginning to pack up her things, done for the day. Harry begins to undress himself.
She turns back to face him as he hands her the jacket and shirt, her eyes run over the length of his torso, both for the sake of checking on his health and for other purely selfish reasons. All the tattoos still remained where they always were when she saw him like this. It never got old, his beautiful body. He didn’t even need clothes to look good. She blinks back to reality when the fabric comes in contact with her hand.
“Make sure you treat yourself this holiday season, you deserve it, H. And it seems like any weight you ever gain is muscle anyways, so you don’t exactly have to worry around the sweets table.”
Harry laughs heartily as he slips on his long sleeve shirt he was wearing. Then he starts on the pants as she turns away again to hang up the top parts of the suit.
Finally, she adds when he hands her the suit pants, “Just don’t want you overworking yourself, seriously, H.”
He looks at her as he buttons up his baggy blue jeans. The outfit he wore was just the first clean things he had grabbed when he had gotten home. His green eyes turn serious after the mirthfilled last few moments.
He crosses to her side as she puts away the clothes in the garment bag. His hand lands softly on her shoulder and she turns to him at his touch. “I know. You’re so good to me, darling. Always making sure I’m taking care of myself…”
It’s quiet. The soft breeze in the London air outside barely whispers around the house. Harry’s voice was laced with love, even if it wasn’t his intention. His ‘thank you’ was piercing into her heart and his touch wasn’t helping her stay focused. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt Harry take a step closer to her, his head ducking slightly down to her level. Then, right on the edge of her left temple and her hairline, his soft lips pressed against her skin. They brushed against her for just a moment, lingering for the respectful amount of time. But all she wanted was anything but respectful. She wanted his lips pressed against hers, she wanted his hands in her hair, yanking her deeply into him. She wanted to scream when he pulled away, but she didn’t. She smiled warmly up at Harry and her eyelashes fluttered on their own accord like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Thank you,” he whispers again.
“What would you do without me?” She pushes at him playfully, shaking off her giddiness. Then she turns back to her work, scooping up all the items of hers on the table.
“Probably have to walk around naked, huh?”
“Oh my god!” She laughs and starts for the door, Harry follows behind to walk to her out to her car. “Maybe I should quit! People would love it.” She continues laughing as she hangs the garment in the passenger's seat side.
“No thank you, please,” Harry hurriedly says.
She turns to him as she closes the door and leans against the car. This was their routine right before she left, a final chat against the car before she drove off for the night.
“Tomorrow’s going to be amazing, H. It’s gonna be electric!” She scrunches her nose slightly at the pun about the venue as she smiles up at him.
He sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek, holding back a laugh. His eyes narrow at her, slyly. “Very funny.”
She only winks at him before pushing herself off of her car and walks to the driver’s side of the car.
He waves as she begins to pull out of the driveway and she flashes him a peace sign and a mouthed ‘Bye’ when she turns onto the street.
After the Bowery Ballroom show, Y/N barely sees Harry at the after party. She doesn’t worry about it too much. His management was going to have a holiday party next week before the little break began for the team. So, she knew she’d see him before she flew back to see her family for the holidays. She was going home for two weeks and then would be back for New Year’s and then would get back to work after that.
She saw Harry exactly twice after the show. First, she saw Harry right after the show and he was all sweaty and exhilarated. He tackled her in a bear hug with such strength she would have fallen back if he hadn’t been holding her so tightly. When he pulled away, he placed two extremely slobbery kisses on her cheeks and she laughed, tipping her head back in pure bliss. Then he was pulled away by Jeff to change and get ready for the after party.
Jeff had apologized over text about the tone he had taken over the whole jacket thing, but only Harry had told him to. It was fine with Y/N, she told him that too, but she just never felt like being around him for very long if she could help it after that. That’s why she liked that most of her job entailed dealing with Harry directly. If she had to go through Jeff for everything she’d likely pull her hair out. He was still short with her at whole team meetings and not necessarily courteous when they were around each other casually. Like she said, it was fine, she just didn’t make it her business to be around Jeff.
The second time she saw Harry was around half past one am. She was pretty sure it was time for her to uber home and she wanted to say goodbye to Harry. Her well-liquored body stumbled around the big room. Deciding to take shots with the band had gotten her to where she was now and she wasn’t complaining she was happy. She was in a celebratory mood and wanted to see Harry right now. Tell him how much fun she had and how proud she was of him. How much she loved him… Hopefully she kept that part to herself.
“Harry!” She finally exclaims, coming upon a group of people surrounding the star himself. She ignored the rest of the people, likely stars too, but she really couldn’t care less. One of them tried to straighten up as if he was going to block her from Harry, feeling like she maybe wasn’t someone Harry wanted to see since they didn’t know her. No one seemed to ever recognize Y/N as Harry’s stylist when it mattered. Harry waved them off, a little drunk as well, but obviously recognizing Y/N.
“Darling!” He exclaims and raises his arms out to her. She grips onto him quickly and snuggles into him happily. With her still in his arms, he turns them from the prying eyes of the group he had been with.
She raises her head from his warm chest so that her lips are near his ear, “Congratulations, Mr. Styles.”
“Thanks, baby,” he purrs into her ear, his voice coarse and low, carrying over the music. She giggles at the nickname, her entire plan going out the metaphorical window.
Her fingers smooth up over the fabric on his chest, a nice short sleeve silk button down that was tucked into dark high waisted trousers - they’d picked it out last week. One of her fingers begins to trace around his collarbone after she reaches the opening of the shirt. His eyes flutter shut at the contact. They were so needy for each other. Each touch would coarse heat through them every time.
“I’m going…” She says after a moment of silence between them. The party was raging around them, most not paying any mind to the two of them off in their own world.
“Don’t go,” Harry practically begs. A hand flies up to pet over the top of her hair and she smiles even wider.
“It’s late and I’m tired,” she makes a face in response to Harry’s pout, “You have lots of people to entertain, Mr. Styles.” Her teeth capture her bottom lip as she stares at him intently.
He groans and pulls her closer. This time his lips brush right against her ear and she wants to shiver, but he keeps her in place. “If you keep calling me that, you’re gonna drive me insane.”
Her eyes widen but her hazy mind isn’t processing all of what is going on. She barely takes inventory of ‘baby’, for him to say she’s turning him on without actually saying it. Tomorrow Y/N would have to deal with that one.
She pulls back from him, creating space between their chests, but he still holds her waist close to him. She leans up and places a kiss on the corner of his lips. It’s technically supposed to be a kiss on the cheek but if she had moved her lips a millimeter to the right they would have been on Harry’s. This gesture has his grip tightening on her, but she pulls away.
“Goodnight!” She sings as she bounces out of sight, wiggling her fingers in a wave before completely being gone.
Harry sighs and runs a hand over his face, kind of in shock of the last five minutes. He had liked it. He just hadn’t expected it. When he turns his attention back to the group that was behind him, it’s not the same as it was before. Jeff looks at him with narrowed eyes and Harry’s eyes go wide and his grin widens as well.
Tonight is the management holiday party for Harry’s team. Y/N and Harry had seen each other two days after the Electric Ballroom to debrief, but mostly to get brunch. They didn’t talk about the little teases they shared at the after party. Both of them just assumed that the other probably didn’t remember and didn’t want to go through the trouble and embarrassment of recounting it. Alcohol has that effect of making you a little bolder than you actually are.
Brunch with Harry solidified Y/N’s thoughts on fame. Celebrity could be so strange, because there was the one day when she got photographed with just Harry’s jacket on and there was speculation of dating, but then she could go out to brunch with him and not be bothered at all. It made absolutely no sense.
Anyway, tonight there were no gifts, but Y/N had gotten Harry something even though he said he never needs anything. She hoped she’d be able to give it to him after they were walking back to their transportation since she wanted it to be a surprise and not have everyone know she gave him a gift. It wasn’t a big deal - or maybe it was - it was just an item she knew Harry had been fawning over. It was so him and she knew he’d probably end up buying it for himself eventually, but it felt nice to be able to give him something for once. Price didn’t matter. Still, she was a little nervous and tucked and re-tucked it several times in the back seat of her car before heading inside.
It was a restaurant his management had rented out for their party. She gave her name and headed inside. The lighting was overly dimmed and it smelled like expensive alcohol and delicious food. It was everything an A-list singer deserved as a celebration. She never could fully grasp that the Harry she had gotten to know as her friend was also the same Harry that the entire world was infatuated with, for good reason. He was charming in the best way, terribly sincere, insanely talented, and all around a good human being. She knew that, it just surprised her that everyone else knew it too. There was just that disconnect for her that she shared him with the rest of the world.
Her high heeled heels brought her to the backroom of the restaurant. They managed to shimmer even in the dim light. She had gone for winter chic with a sequin and mesh white dress, that looked like fresh snow with a cream and blue swirling design on the under layer so that her undergarments weren’t showing through. It was like a modern ice princess look that was finished with her heels that had sparkles on the entire back of them. Her hair was down and her makeup a little more done up than usual. She used a light blue eyeshadow to imitate ice and added some rhinestones on the inner parts of her eyes. She may have watched a Euphoria-inspired makeup look tutorial on youtube and she wasn’t afraid to admit that.
The scene she came upon was what she expected. Lots of men in suits and a good amount of women in power suits too. The people in any interesting clothes were Harry and his band. Some of the business people’s partners were dressed up more but it all wasn’t too exciting. Plus, Harry’s famous friends group hadn’t shown up yet. Y/N hid her disappointment easily, not surprised about the lack of flavor she saw in the style. She just repeated the mantra her mother had always told her: “You can never be overdressed, only underdressed.” It stuck with her always and made her go for those bolder styles when she needed to.
Harry was there, sipping on a glass of water. She figured he might not want to get started on drinking so early in the evening. Tonight didn’t feel like a drinking night for her either. After the last big party, she had woken up with a massive hangover and a few memories that she wished she hadn’t made. She wasn’t planning on repeating that series of events.
As she goes to grab a glass of water on the large table, she gets a tap on her shoulder. She spins.
“Happy Holidays, darling!”
Her eyes widen and her smile immediately grows. Harry grins back at her, his mouth open in the perfect winning smile of his and his eyes twinkling with happiness.
“Happy Holidays to you too, Mr.-” She stops herself, remembering back to the last party, “H.” She finishes firmly after clearing her throat. Harry’s grin turns to a wicked knowing smirk.
“I’m happy you came! I know you’re not super connected to all of the groups here, Harry Lambert is around somewhere though and I know he’s been wanting to talk with you about clothes.”
Harry watches as her eyes shine even brighter when he mentions the other stylist. It was true, Y/N didn’t really mesh with any of the groups that worked around Harry. The stylist kind of stood alone in regards to where she fit into his life, not the business part, not the band part, not the crew, and not the other celebrities. Harry Lambert and other fashion people didn’t always come to these events so it was seldom that Y/N had her own people to talk to. Not that mingling was hard for her, he just knew she didn’t like to do that as much so whenever another stylist or designer was there he always made sure to introduce them - if they weren’t already acquainted.
“That’s amazing! I haven’t seen him in ages… I’ll have to get his opinion on how I’ve been doing.”
Harry licks his lips as he laughs a little at her comment. She looked beautiful tonight and he wanted to tell her.
“Harry. What the hell are you wearing?” Her eyes flash as she takes in his appearance.
He looks down at himself and then back at her confused. They hadn’t picked the outfit out, but he thought it looked nice.
“Obviously not the suit! On your head?”
“Oh. It’s a gift from Mitch and Sarah.” He pauses to reach up to play with the headband sat on top of his curls. “It’s mistletoe and it seems like you’re standing beneath it. You know what that means,” he toys with it as he wiggles his eyebrows.
She scoffs sarcastically, looking to the side for a means of escape, “No way.”
“C’mon! It’s tradition!” He steps forward playfully and she places a hand on his chest.
“You can kiss my cheek.” She says finally and Harry looks at her disapprovingly.
He wags a finger at her with his free hand, “You’re the one under the mistletoe, you have to kiss me.”
“Okay that’s definitely not how this works! Now you don’t get any kiss at all, you cheeky bastard.”
“Fine. But don’t come crying to me when you’re the one with coal in your stocking.”
“Haha.” Her eyes once again roll to the side as she pushes him back and he steps back like she actually had a strong push. Then they both actually laugh and she gives him a quick side hug with a whispered, “there”. Harry smiles down at her, but it falters slightly when she’s already pulling away. He wanted her at his side the entire night, but sadly that wasn’t reality.
She drags him around the restaurant in search of Harry Lambert since the party had started to grow and she needed his height to get her where she wanted to go. Maybe. Or maybe she just liked the way he held her hand to lead her through the crowd that was most definitely not dense enough for her to have to hold on to him to stay with him at all.
She sees more of Harry at this party. They have some good conversations about plans for the holidays and snickering about who was already too drunk even though it wasn’t even midnight. She can’t believe he keeps on the stupid headband all night, giving and receiving various types of kisses from every person he talks to. Some are kisses on the cheek, others are friendly smooches on the mouth. Thankfully all of them are those cute little pecks that friends always tend to share, otherwise Y/N might have had to excuse herself and leave early. Jealous little thing.
As the night dragged on, she began to question herself on that front. Why was she growing jealous when friends would kiss Harry. She could've kissed Harry. She practically did the other week. But now, after refusing him a mistletoe kiss and seeing everyone else do what she didn’t have the courage to do, she felt childish. Well, childish or not, she knew why she couldn’t kiss him. Kissing Harry wouldn’t be just a friend thing for her. It would mean a lot more and if it was just a friend thing for him she wouldn’t be sure if she could handle going on with their working relationship after. Her job was the most important thing in her life. Being a stylist, loving clothes, and working on personal designs for the future was her life. Giving up this prestigious of a job was out of the question. Maybe the idea of being with Harry had crossed her mind, but she didn’t know how it could ever be realistic. If they got together could she keep her job? Would she have to quit? And find a new one? There were too many unknowns for her to ever actually entertain it. That’s why they went to the edge so often, she always would back away and she was sure that if she didn’t, Harry would for her.
He knew her. He knew her passion, he watches it firsthand everyday they work together. Even when they’re not working he can see her mind forming different ideas just based off of the things she sees people wear on the streets. He watches her fingers fiddle over her phone, typing out notes for design ideas and screenshotting inspiration. So every time they went to the edge of changing their relationship, he knew he couldn’t push it because he never wanted to hurt her or her dreams in some way. She was too important to him to simply mess that up.  Even if it hurt him.
So when Harry slides in the back of her car that night at 2 am because Y/N says she has something important to show him, he’s fully ready to stop their flirting from going any further. And when she tells him she needs to show him something, she has the most pure intentions when she pulls out the nicely wrapped box, its wrapping paper a swirling lavender pattern that’s really not festive at all, but she prefers it.
He looks between her and the box that she’s now placed in his lap. His green eyes flickering even in the darkness of the car, the city lights illuminating the backseat enough for them.
“You know I don’t need anything…” He fiddles with the skinny mesh ribbon neatly tied around the box.
She makes a little gesture, pushing him to open the present, “I know, but I also know you’ve been wanting this and you deserve it.”
He unwraps the paper to reveal a Gucci box and he rolls his eyes at her, but smiles genuinely as he lifts the top of the box off. It reveals a 1955 Horsebit Shoulder Bag in beautiful shiny black leather. It’s gorgeous.
“I can’t...I don’t know what to say,” Harry’s eyes are huge as his delicate hands ghost over the bag's details. He had been wanting it and he hadn’t gotten the courage to buy it yet. He liked purses, but sometimes he even had his doubts about what he could pull off.
His eyes go back to her and she smiles widely at him, all her teeth on display because she’s just that happy. “This is a really expensive bag, Y/N.”
“If it makes you feel better I can charge it as a wardrobe expense, but then it’s not really a gift from me,” She sighs at his unrelenting gaze.
“Thank you.” He touches at the bag again and then does a dance in his spot. “And don’t worry, I will always remember this as a gift from you. I love it.”
She smiles and leans over the box to look at the bag, admiring the beauty of it as well. “It’s pretty great.”
“Mhmm,” Harry hums and she raises her eyes, seeing his trained on her face. “You’re under the mistletoe again, darling,” he smirks.
Her breath stops once again, how could he do that to her so easily? Their eyes stay locked under the city lights. The fake mistletoe bobs above them still connected to the silly headband. It’s colorful leaves and fun stripes mock her when she flicks her gaze up to it for a moment. Then back to Harry. Harry who’s holding the gift she just gave him. Harry who looks beautiful tonight. Harry who is her favorite person in the world to spend time with.
Now. Now is when she pulls back from the ledge. This is when she takes a step back and stops herself. When Harry laughs it off. When she pushes him away. When they go about the rest of their day like that electricity hadn’t gone up either of their spines.
But that’s not what happens. Instead, she nods in agreement and then crashes her lips against Harry’s. It’s not like those friend kisses that had happened with him all night under that same mistletoe. It’s hard and hot and fast. Her lips are pressed to his for one searing moment and then she’s biting his lip, desperate to taste more of him. She had been longing for this for so long and now that she had it, she couldn’t let it go.
Harry’s hands fly to her cheeks as he pulls her closer, more into his lap. He pushes the box into the front area of the car blindly. The gift was completely forgotten. This was a far more important matter. Her lips were wet and plush and they tasted like the single Manhattan she had halfway through the night and vanilla lip gloss. When she bites his lip, he can’t hold back the moan inside his throat and she presses her tongue into his mouth quickly. He was her oasis and she had been traveling for months. He responds with similar vigor, enjoying the way her body presses to his in the backseat of this little car.
They kiss for as long as they can. Licking, sucking, and biting each other’s lips to taste as much as they can. But it’s just kissing. Neither of them work to travel anywhere else. Their lips are seemingly enough. Each press of their lips communicates what they had been longing for. It’s euphoric.
When the windows start to fog and her eyes open for a random moment, she realizes they need to cool whatever this is.
“H-Harry,”  She gulps for a breath of air and she tries to get his attention. “I gotta get home.”
“Come back to my place,” he mumbles into her collarbone, happily licking over his love bite.
She laughs and swallows slowly, “That is definitely out of the question, I have a flight tomorrow.”
He removes his mouth from her and straightens up. His lips are even brighter pink than usual and perfectly puffy. His hair disheveled from her hands. She blushes at the thought.
“Right, forgot about that,” he opens the car door and they both slide out. They stand at her car, just like they usually did outside his house. However this time is quite different from most.
They sigh heavily, in unison. The winter air is cold in London. She shivers slightly and knows she can’t stay in his presence much longer.
“Merry Christmas, H.”
He leans down and places one last sweet kiss to her lips. She wrinkles her nose and smiles  unabashedly.
“Merry Christmas, Darling.”
Harry and her don’t talk as much while she’s back home for the holidays. There’s no work to be discussed and while they parted on not necessarily bad terms, there was definitely a conversation that needed to be had between the two. Neither seemed to want to have that conversation over the phone, or worse, text. So for the next week and a half, Harry and Y/N exchanged texts of funny memes that reminded them of each other and odd anecdotes from family members that had made them laugh. Nothing really substantial, just small, I was thinking of you messages.
When she walked out of the luggage carousel at London Heathrow Airport, she expected to be getting in the queue for an uber. Instead, before she could cross the street to get to the queue even, a tall man stopped her. A tall, scruffy, extremely buff, extremely handsome, and extremely kissable man. Harry. It would be terribly strange if it was anyone else.
“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need a lift back to your flat?” His dark sunglasses cover his face and a big coat, scarf, and hat make him hardly recognizable. The curls sticking out from beneath the cute knit scarf are thankfully a dead give away for her. As well as his perfect drawling voice.
She shivered in the cold, her matching grey sweatpants and Treat People With Kindness sweatshirt had been warm enough on the flight, but proved inadequate for almost January in London. Yet, Harry’s presence brings a smile to her face.
“It’s good to see you, H.”
He laughs, his cover obviously blown. His arms encircle her body and she instantly melts into his embrace. His large coat easily fell around her and warmed her. His own natural body heat adds to her new found warmth as well.
“You too,” he murmured. His head buries into the crook of her neck, warming her cold skin.
He pulls back after a rather long embrace, realizing they’re still out on the sidewalk. He takes one step back and she visibly deflates at his absence, the cold once again surrounding her.
“Let’s get you home,” he grabs at the handle of her suitcase in one hand and her hand in the other. The warmth returns and she grins, placated by his touch.
“So are you coming to my party tonight?” He inquires once he settles into the driver’s seat after putting her suitcase in the back.
She shifts in her seat, arms wrapped tightly around herself, still cold without any warmth from Harry or the car. “Don’t you suppose there was a reason why I chose to come home today?”
Harry’s ears perk at the use of home, never assuming Y/N viewed London as her home, still it made him smile.
As the car purrs to life, heat immediately seeping out of the seats and vents, Harry’s phone connects as well. NFWMB by Hozier begins to play softly and she glances at Harry again. The song was so sultry and soft, like expensive dark chocolate melting on your tongue. The mood in the car seemed to shift. Their eyes met, Harry’s green ones narrowing at her, trying to decipher the look she was giving to him.
Then he drove off, softly singing along to the words through the sleepy streets. It was surprisingly quiet out for the holidays, people choosing to lay low during the day so they could celebrate the changing of decades in full force tonight.
After the song ends, his eyes travel over to her again and she’s already looking at him. She had missed his face. Sure, he’d sent some silly selfies while she was gone. Mostly on Christmas Eve with his family when he had gotten drunk on mulled wine and eggnog and brandy. Still, in person, he was even more beautiful. The high cheek bones that glistened with a shine most makeup could only hope to produce. Full raspberry lips with stubble growing to frame above and below. The crinkles growing on his forehead and by his eyes that showed him aging with grace. The precious few moles that had gotten lucky enough to live on his face forever. His big green eyes that were consistently bright with interest and intellect, but deep and knowing despite his loving demeanor. She loved those big green eyes, they were just so big and she didn’t understand how no one took the same interest in them as her. All of it, just sitting there beside her. Don’t even get her started on the soul that inhabited the beautiful man beside her. She never would stop spiraling then.
“What?” He asks softly, the sounds of Paul McCartney during some era fading in.
She blinks, hazily in admirance, “Nothing,” she replies.
“What?” He insists, laughing slightly, the lips she loves so much widening in excitement.
“Just missed you.”
Her voice is quiet but strong, serious. A blush creeps up his neck, taking hold of his features.
“Missed you too,” his left hand reaches across the console to take hold of her hand that resided on her thigh. He squeezes her hand softly and they both smile at each other again.
“Don’t worry, I can get my stuff upstairs. I don’t want you being out in the cold any longer than you have to. I’ll see you tonight, H!” She pushes her body across the console and places a kiss on his cheek before jumping out of the car. Harry makes a half smile, knowing he can’t change her mind. He waves to her behind the window as she travels into her building.
“See you.” He says to himself before driving back to his home to finish up preparing for tonight’s festivities. The party was going to be more intimate than the Christmas party at the restaurant. Tonight was just Harry’s family and closest friend - the band, Jeff and his family, Y/N, and a few others.
The whole night Harry and Y/N are within a foot of each other, if not on top of each other. He never leaves her side nor does she his. They are tethered to one another. The longest they’re apart is when Harry gets them refills of Champagne and Y/N journeys to the restroom. They laugh and catch up.
As the night goes on, Harry begins to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and she giggles and places her hand on his chest flirtily. Their interaction is a dance, bedroom eyes and low voices, lingering touches and suggestive lip bites.
When the countdown begins to grow closer, everyone refills their drinks and gathers in the center of Harry’s living room. They cheer and countdown to 2020. And of course, Y/N’s by Harry’s side as he begins the count. And when they get to ‘one’ and everyone’s saying “Happy New Year”, Harry and her are sharing a chaste peck to the lips that electrifies everything they had been saying to each other all night. She sighs into his mouth, but pulls away quickly, aware of their surroundings. No one particularly questions the kiss, either not paying attention or caring. Harry beams down at her and they enjoy the rest of the evening.
At around 1 am, the last of the guests stumble out of Harry’s homes and into waiting ubers and safe rides. Y/N lingers back, beginning to clean the discarded glassware and paper plates. Her and Harry are definitely tipsy, but they enjoy the cleaning work, making terrible jokes about New Year’s and commenting on what people wore tonight. When it’s relatively cleaned in the kitchen, Y/N wanders out to the living room and finds Harry reclined back on the couch.
“H,” She sticks out her foot and nudges him with her boot.
“C’mere,” he reaches out his hand to her, his coat discarded, leaving his arms bare with only a white tank top on.
She takes his hand hesitantly and is yanked on top of Harry in an instant. With a loud huff, she settles above him. “That wasn’t nice.”
“Shush,” his pointer finger goes over her lips, her eyes narrow at him, “Can you believe we’re seeing 2020?”
“Oh my god! I hate you!” She rolls her eyes at his pun and shakes herself from his hand around her waist. She stands up to walk away but he easily grasps her wrist and stops her, easily sitting himself up on the couch.
He looks at her and her annoyance, that wasn’t all too strong in the first place, dissipates. She sighs, “I should probably be heading home.”
“You should stay, it’s so late,” his hand rubbing over the skin on her wrist.
She bites her lip, contemplating the offer, he was right. “I’m really tired and we haven’t really talked, H.”
“But we-”
“Not about us. We’ve been skirting around it, flirting with each other all night, but we haven’t talked about what’s going on. I can’t stay if you expect something from me.”
“I don’t expect anything from you, Y/N. That’s not why I want you to say,” Harry says earnestly, realizing quickly  what she’s saying. “I’ve never expected anything from you. An offer to stay is just an offer to stay.”
“Okay,” she finally smiles and sits down beside Harry.
“You can sleep in the guest bedroom, too. If that makes you more comfortable?”
“Oh...I don’t know if we have to take it that far. Plus, you’re like a personal heater and I get cold at night.”
Harry perks up, he had been feeling resigned that maybe she wasn't on the same page as him. He wanted to be with her all the time but also didn’t want to put any pressure on her. She just made him so happy.
“Great! Let’s get to bed then.” He pops up from the couch and brings her into his arms, “You know where all my clothes are, so you can just borrow whatever you want, and then I’m sure I have extra toothbrushes…”
She giggles into his side as she watches him ramble animatedly. Sometimes he was oh so bright, so joyful and carefree. A stark contrast from the quiet confidence he often exhibited for the public.
She woke up in the warm embrace of Harry. His whole bed smelled like him, vanilla mixed with spices of tobacco and sandalwood. It was delicious and she snuggled in deeper to the soft chest she laid against, breathing in his scent deeply.
They rested there for a long time. Harry makes his awakening known with a lingering kiss to her forehead. They both sigh in contentment, radiant in each other’s arms.
“What’s the plan today?” She ponders as Harry’s fingers trace patterns over her skin. He hums in thought.
“Wanna be with you…”
She laughs and looks up at him, “Me too, but we can’t lay around all day.”
“Well, we could.” Harry insists.
She laughs again and twists in his arms, settling so she’s facing him. She bites her lip as she thinks about something, scanning his face over and over.
“I’m gonna go home and get ready for the day. Let’s just explore the city and do some 2020 shopping. Who knows, maybe fashion’s changed since the last decade,” she grins.
Harry chuckles a little and pets at her hair, “I like the sound of that. And we can talk - about us.”
He tilts his head forward and meets her lips once again, savoring her taste. Each kiss makes him want more. She was good.
Harry lugs in the four heavy shopping bags into her flat, as she carries the single small bag from the chocolatier he had dragged them into. He presses her to the counter when he sets down the bags and begins to kiss her face all over. She giggles and places her hands on his shoulders, giving him a kiss to the lips before pulling away.
They had talked about what they wanted, what they saw in each other and how that fit into their work relationship and the rest of their lives. Harry would have to talk to Jeff, but more so as a by the way this is what I’m doing with my life, not an ask for permission. Y/N would continue as his stylist until the end of the tour cycle, but afterwards she’d go back to freelancing. They wanted to try to date and be as normal as possible. She told him how she didn’t love the fame or the celebrities. Sure she dealt with those things for work, but when they were off duty, she wanted to be regular. She wanted to go out on dates and make dinner on weekend nights. Harry had agreed, he wanted those things too and he understood her wish to keep work and their relationship separate. However, he’d made her concede to allowing kisses during work hours. She had laughed and said it was an easy term to agree to.
It was going to be a good thing. They were both giddy with excitement, the new year, and all the new things they had bought on their relationship high.
“Oh!” She pushed Harry further away from her and hurried into her room. He laughed and looked confusedly after her. “Wait there!” She called. Harry leaned against the back of her upholstered chair.
“Close your eyes!” She says before coming back into the room. Harry’s hands go over his eyes easily as he grins blindly in her direction.
“‘M waiting…”
Harry’s hands slip away and his green eyes blink open. In front of him stands Y/N holding up a hand knit brown sweater vest with horizontal red, cream and blue thin stripes along with the thicker brown stripes. Harry beams, reaching his hands out to take hold of it.
“It was supposed to be a surprise for later, but I found it at this vintage place while I was home and I couldn’t wait any longer to show it to you.”
“Darling, this is gorgeous. I love it! But you shouldn’t have...”
“I thought you could wear it for Lizzo’s concert. I know you said you liked the other sweater vest, but this one is so-”
“You spoil me, seriously.” He cuts her off and laughs before pulling her back into him. Their lips collide in a searing kiss, Harry’s excitement over the new garment making him eager to show her how much he really loved it.
A small sigh escapes her lips as Harry presses into her. His tongue pushing into her mouth in a way that turns the sigh into a moan.
“Let me show you just how much I love it,” He murmurs against her lips, casting the garment onto the back of the chair he had previously been leaning on.
She smiles, eyes fluttering open and meeting his with adoration swelling in their depths. Then she allows him to back their intertwined bodies into her room.
Some apartment in New York a few months later:
“I knew it!” 
“Huh?” Aidy lifts her head from the skit she was working on to look at her friend and coworker. 
“That stylist...for Harry Styles,” Heidi shifts, sitting up and turning her phone to face Aidy, “She was seen out with him, getting lunch in London and then making out on a street corner. I bet they were dating back in November when he was on the show!” 
Aidy laughs, thinking back to her conversation with the stylist that night of Harry’s show. The girl had been so in love that night and Harry had been smitten all week, describing her in the best way, praising her every decision, yearning for her even. And now they were actually together...she was happy for them. 
“I don’t know about that...but they were head over Gucci heels for each other that’s for sure.” 
Heidi and her scroll through the pictures on social media of the singer and his girlfriend. 
“They probably are the best dressed couple I have ever seen,” Heidi grumbles. 
“Now that is definitely accurate.”
taglist: @meredithhuntt​ @sovereigndeadlyperfect @marauderswhisperer​ @toribentleyva​ @girlboss99​ @harryssunflxwer​ @loverofaccents​ @stephaniemalvie​ @mk15x @beanholland​ @stfxlou​ @loliismutt​ @pinkisawesome101​ @stilljosiegrossie​ @kikisparadise18​ @clementimee​
3K notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [CHAPTER 4]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, fingering, littlest bit of dirty talk, praise!kink, soft soft soft FLUFF hours, a bit of a filler chapter before the last chapter!! 😭 I can’t believe it’s almost ‘over’... This chapter has the least amount of smut yall will ever see with fratboy!wonwoo so don’t get used to it ☠️ LMAO 🤣🤣 also... it’s been a garbage week(boring work drama) for me so I’ll answer inbox msgs and stuff on sunday, I need to get away from the internet(and people) for a day dkfjhskh 😭💕 Ya’ll thank you for so much love and support with Caffeine and Until I Met You! It means so much to me and I appreciate every like, reblog and comment I get on it 🥺💕 No I will never be ending my fratboy!wonwoo au so don’t worry about that hehe 💕 For now, enjoy this soft ch 4 and I will see yall on Sunday! I love you, have a great weekend! 💕
[mood for this chapter: more than enough - alina baraz]
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - x
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Wonwoo sighs - re-shelving another Edgar Allen Poe book. “So, what?”
Mingyu tilts his sunglasses down, eyebrows raised at the older male that continues to do his job instead of give him the time of day. “What’s going on with you, hyung? You’ve been… weird.”
“Okay, define weird.”
The younger male pouts as he takes his sunglasses off, pocketing them as he leans up against the bookshelf that Wonwoo is currently still shelving.
It only takes one utterance of your name for Wonwoo to stop in his tracks - fingertips on the spine of another book as he turns to Mingyu. “What about her? Did she say something to you?”
“No, but do you like her? I mean, ‘like’ like her.”
“Is it not… obvious? That I do? Did we not all collectively have that conversation about me giving her a set of keys to our house?”
Mingyu grimaces slightly as he mentally goes through all the times he’d even seen the two of you together and he’s only able to conjure up a few select memories - none of which were anything necessarily romantic. “Well… I wouldn’t say ‘obvious’, I guess. The two of you aren’t exactly the ‘kiss and hold hands in public’ kind of... people. More like the, ‘sneak off to fuck in a public restroom’ kind... Which, uh, isn’t really... romantic.”
This time, Wonwoo crosses his arms and leans up against the opposite bookshelf as he sighs.
It’d been a few days since he’d seen you and you’d been swamped in so much class work that you didn’t even have the time to come by the library or the frat house. And even while Wonwoo stood in between the bookshelves having a conversation with Mingyu, you were finishing an art project with Minghao that was due by the end of the day.
“I know. I told her it’d be kind of a slow crawl for me.” He plucks another book from the cart, staring at the glossy text as he simmers in his thoughts. “Mingyu, am I awkward?”
“Erm, well, I wouldn’t say that necessarily.”
Mingyu steps forward, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder as he smiles.
“You like her and you’re trying even if you’re not used to it. You gotta start somewhere, hyung. Even if you’re a fish out of water. But that’s okay, you can ask me for help if you want!”
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“When are you gonna put a ring on Wonwoo-hyung?”
You snort at Minghao’s question - reaching for a clean paintbrush as he stands across from you in the large, empty studio. “First of all, can you not say it like that? I’m not gonna marry him, okay.”
The male rolls his eyes as he steps closer to you; his own hands and clothes covered in a colorful array of paints. “So you’re saying you never imagined hyung in a suit, hair slicked back and his buff arms carrying you off into your honeymoon?”
“W--wh--n--no! No, I haven’t!” You avoid his piercing stare as you focus on your end of the large canvas instead.
No, but I dreamt about it once.
“‘Hao, would you hurry! We’re supposed to be collaborating on this and it looks… like it’s 5 different art styles.”
“Don’t change the subject on me. And anyway, I like what you’re doing to hyung. Breaking him out of his shell, y’know? He’s just shy, that’s all. Needs a little work in the bold department.”
You bite down the urge to laugh because to you, Wonwoo was everything but shy when it came to the bedroom. Although, Minghao was right with everything else. “Yeah, I know. We went for breakfast together after I, um, stayed over a few nights ago and he kinda just sat there zoned out, picking at his waffles. He’s really cute when he wakes up in the morning though. Pouty and whiny.”
Grinning at Minghao, he pretends to gag in response before taking a seat next to you.
“Disgusting. Tell me more.”
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Wonwoo makes an effort to check in with you throughout the day before he heads back to his room - asking you if you’d had your meals and if you’d finished your project on time.
You’d answered sporadically as you and Minghao raced to finish.
‘I’ll eat late probably… rly gotta finish or else my ass is failing lol’
‘Just don’t forget, okay? It’s not good for you to skip.’
Wonwoo lays down in his bed; yawning as he sets his phone onto the nightstand next to himself.
His eyelids feel heavy and he’s quick to give in to the tiredness that takes over him once he gets comfortable.
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When Wonwoo finally decides to shift during his nap, he finds it difficult and extra warm.
His bleary eyes adjust to the, now,  slightly darkened room as he makes out your figure tucked underneath his arm. He calls your name softly - waking you up from the nap that you’d apparently joined him in.
“Mmh… Wonwoo…” You snuggle in deeper, voice still laced with sleep. “You didn’t even budge when I came in…”
He chuckles softly as he readjusts to spoon you from behind instead; his strong arm wrapped around your waist to keep your body flush against his own.
“I’m surprised you came by, sweetheart. I would’ve just stayed awake had I known you were coming over.” His voice is groggy and laced with sleep as you sigh softly in return as you blink away the sleepiness.
“How was your day at the library? Miss me yet?” Wonwoo smiles into your shoulder before he tilts his head up to kiss the shell of your ear.
“Always, sweetheart. Although, Mingyu decided to keep me busy today.”
“Oh? Anything fun?”
He plays with the hem of your shirt, “Well… Fun isn’t the word I’d use to describe what that was. Nosy was more like it.”
This time you can’t help but snort in response. “You too? I think some people were being ‘lil moles today.”
“Wouldn’t doubt it. Did you end up just coming back here with Minghao from the studio?”
“Wasn’t planning on it, to be honest but… S’been a rough day.” Placing your hand over his arm, you squeeze slightly as you pull his arm around you tighter. “Our professor came by while we were working in the studio and said our project wasn’t up to par with what Minghao and I usually submit for projects. She didn’t fail us on the spot but she said we need to redo it for less credit or take the failing grade.”
Wonwoo nuzzles your neck; peppering small kisses on your clothed shoulder. “I take it the two of you are going to redo it?”
“Mm… We spent so long coming up with a concept and now we’re both stressed about coming up with something new. I walked over here with ‘Hao and he locked himself up in his room as soon as we got here. Figured I’d come hang out with you and found you napping… With your glasses on, no less.”
The two of you share a laugh; Wonwoo’s embrace making you feel more at ease.
“Can I help you de-stress a little, sweetheart?”
You stare at the opposite wall, nodding gently as Wonwoo’s hand leaves the hem of your shirt in favour of the waistband of your shorts.
“Just want you to feel good,” he whispers. “You deserve it. You’ve been working so hard, baby.”
He teases you softly; fingertips ghosting across your skin as you shiver. “Ah, Wonwoo…”
“You worked extra hard today too, didn’t you? I’m so proud of you for what you accomplished today.”
Your body heats up at his praise and you can’t deny that his deep, soft voice sends thrums of arousal pouring over your body just as he dips his hand into your lounge shorts. He touches you over your panties - fingertips ghosting against your mound as you moan his name shakily in return.
“I know your new idea is going to be great, baby. I believe in you.”
Soft whines threaten to spill as Wonwoo strokes you over your panties - slowly working you up as you find yourself trying to grind against his hand. “Y-yeah… ‘m p-pretty sure ‘Hao’s already working on it…”
Your voice is barely above a whisper as Wonwoo continues to stroke you gently; making no efforts to rush or add pressure to his feather-light touches.
A disappointed noise falls from your lips when he starts to pull his hand out of your shorts but it quickly turns into a content sigh when he starts teasing your chest instead.
“Mm, so soft…” Muttering against your shoulder, his eyes stare off into the dark room as he massages your body. “And all mine~”
You hum in response, “We should go on a date sometime…”
“You want to? We can go this weekend. After you’ve redone some of your project. I’ll take you somewhere nice for a job well done.”
You giggle softly; images of a wedding day’s Wonwoo dancing in your mind after the conversation you’d had with Minghao earlier. “I’d like that. We should do something for the whole day.”
“Whatever you’d like, baby.”
Wonwoo’s hand flits down your body again - snaking into your shorts and, this time, into your panties as you whine. “Do you wanna cum or go back to sleep, hmm?” 
You ponder it for a second as the drowsiness equates the urge to cum on his fingers. 
“Both? I wanna cum and then sleep a little more... If that’s okay?” 
Wonwoo hums in agreement as his fingertips drag through your folds - collecting the wetness on them before he teases your soaked hole. “Only a little teasing gets you this wet, hmm? So cute.” 
“Ah, f-feels good when you go slow t-too...” 
He stores that away in his head for later; chuckling against your shoulder as he slowly starts to dip his middle finger into your cunt. 
You feel warm and content when he starts a slow pace - thumb on your clit rubbing soft, slow circles while he pumps his finger into you. 
“O-oh, Wonwoo...” 
“You’re always good for me, baby. Always such a good girl.” 
“Ah, Wonwoo...”
“You can cum whenever you want. You deserve it.” 
He adds his index finger - thrusting both fingers into you as you mewl and arch away from his warm chest. Your toes curl and your thighs clamp and trap his hand between your legs as you start to grind down onto his nimble fingers.
“That’s right, baby. Call my name, let me hear your pretty voice when your cumming for me.” 
You turn your head - cries muffled into his pillow because despite his slower than usual pace, you find yourself already on the brink of cumming with his fingers knuckle deep inside of you and his thumb on your clit. 
“Mmh... Ah... Feels s-so warm... and g-good...” You mutter, eyes blinking drowsily. “Gonna c-cum...” 
He doesn’t say anything in return as he focuses on you and your pleasure; fingers scissoring and curling right into your g-spot as you clamp down onto them in a vice grip. 
Wonwoo knows when you’re about to cum when he feels your hand coming down on his forearm, holding onto him for dear life when your orgasm still hits you just as hard. 
“Ngh, Wo---Wonwoo!” 
Your walls flutter around his fingers and make it harder for him to thrust them in and out with how tight you get. 
“That’s my good girl. Cum for me, baby~” 
His deep voice makes you whine - nails digging into his arm and body trembling as the pleasure steadily washes over you. 
“Ah, bet your face is so pretty right now too~” 
“Mmh, s-stop...” Your cheeks burn in slight embarrassment from his constant praise but you can’t deny the way it goes straight to your core and only prolongs your orgasm. 
“Don’t be so shy, baby. It’s only you and me here.” 
Wonwoo leans away slightly to kiss the crown of your head - still working you through your orgasm as you sigh contentedly in his arms. 
Various thoughts run through his head in the moment, but the one that sits at the forefront of his mind is definitely how to make sure he kept treating you right. 
Starting with your date that he would spend time meticulously planning.
‘Ah, I should ask Mingyu for some advice.’ 
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shoichee · 4 years
okok hc or fic: reader was teiko’s “head” manager(?) and her talent was being a medic (if someone gets injured they’re back on the court in under a minute type thing) and training plans. suddenly momoi’s talent blooms, she starts working w/ everyone in the team (+ reader’s crush akashi) and people think she’s a better manager than reader. because of this, she overworks + collapses in front of her best friends kuroko + kise (don’t let akashi know yet i have plans for that 👀)
Akashi x Reader
[Teiko!manager Headcanons]
you had a knack of being a natural chiropractor in loosening up tense muscles instantly (for more fluid play) or easily putting in back dislocated joints
basically you have crackhands
in your free time as a hobby and a job as the “head manager” (that Akashi announced to the team himself), you’d often bury yourself in anatomy studies and gym plans on the internet and databases to review over Akashi’s team training routines to see if they were effective and safe; oftentimes, you’d return back with improved plans, and as time went on, Akashi entrusted you with creating the plans yourself completely
you took on the job so eagerly to impress the Teiko captain, if you were being honest to yourself
your enthusiasm even inspires Momoi, Teiko’s other manager, to work harder
no one in Teiko knows physiology better than you, and as expected, it was also your best subject along with health
Kise often looks at you in horror and respect at how you don’t cringe/flinch at the loud cracks resonating across the room or court when players come to you for instant relief (the origin story of how he came to call you (y/n)-cchi was the very fact that you manage to put back his dislocated shoulder in 3 seconds flat one game)
when Kuroko first joined the 1st-string, he was a walking magnet for injuries, and you ended up being there for him every single time… nosebleeds? check. sprained ankle? check. nausea from over exhaustion? check.
both you and Kuroko relish in the fact that everyone in the team can never understand how the both of you do some incredible things with your hands
both of you being quite dexterous, you both often teach each other your specialties for fun; it’s almost shocking to see Kuroko effortlessly loosening up a stress knot and you pulling off a well-done palm pass
you admit, you do juggle a lot of responsibilities… from being a makeshift nurse, to a chiropractor, to a budget gym coach, and even to being moral support
Momoi often reminds you to take breaks being the caring person that she is
you often showed her the ropes and tricks of being a manager, on top of your duties, and you find it really endearing that she’s so earnest in learning from you
even if you enjoyed doing what you do, part of the massive workload is to try to get into Akashi’s good graces
talking to him about basketball duties is easier to achieve than talking to him outside of the extracurricular
you might be a tad bit insecure about it; after all, what middle schooler is already so accomplished in academics, sports, and everything you could think of? wasn’t he also studying to take over his father’s company??
to you, who only starred as Teiko’s humble manager, it felt hard trying to establish common ground for conversation outside of basketball
so you stuck to working hard at your position, hoping that your work ethic would get his attention one day; you were a firm believer of actions over words, so you hoped your actions would come off as genuine
picture you and Momoi running across campus with stacks of papers for the team… it makes most of the teammates’ hearts melt at the sight
your work certainly got you praises from other teammates, but out of all players, Kise was the one who figured out your motive
you felt absolutely morbid; to think that Kise, of all people, would figure you out like the back of his hand
Kise being sweet as he is, offers to help you get with the captain but you merely prompted to threaten to break his arm if he spilled your crush to anyone else
“(y/n)-cchi… I’ve been thinking.”
“Yes, Kise?”
“It’s really cool that you’re working so tirelessly for the team, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason why you work so hard.”
“O-Of course I do! I want to see you guys all succeed!”
“Then I’m curious as to why you always look at Akashicchi—o-ow, ow, ow!! (y/n)-cchi, I’m sorry! So can you please let go of my—ow!”
“H-How did you know?!”
“I-It was as obvious as day, (y/n)-cchi! I’m pretty sure even Kurokocchi found out about this before I did!”
“N-No way!!”
“Tell you what, I’m super duper knowledgeable in this stuff! You can count on me for this sort of advice—OW!”
spoiler alert: Kise was right in that Kuroko definitely noticed your attraction to Akashi before anyone else… he just never brought it up to you
one day, Kuroko comes up to you to whisper:
“(y/n)-san, have you realized that Akashi-kun has been observing you recently during practice?”
“W-Wait! Is he looking over here right now?”
“Not that I think. He’s occupied with the coach right now.”
“D-Do you think this is a good sign?”
Kuroko gives you a small smile before he replies, “I would like to think so. Keep working hard, (y/n)-san.”
and you do, you’re constantly on top of your game for the next season until Momoi suddenly gets more recognition for her “precognitive defense” skills
her newfound talent was extraordinary and never-before-seen, and her ability became more critical to Teiko’s victories than your own skills
you were happy and proud for her, because after all, her achievements were extremely deserving to be praised
it’s only when some 1st-string players started making offhand comments about how you weren’t really needed in the 1st-string and was more suited to the lower strings that placed seeds of doubt into you
these people would often compare you to Momoi in how she improved much more despite you being in the team for longer
there’s also talk about how your skills are more useful for 2nd-string and 3rd-string players because Momoi’s ability is already sufficient enough for Teiko’s starters
after all, how would a player even be injured if they can predict their opponents’ moves to avoid such incidents?
there’s also the fact that Akashi has been calling Momoi more frequently to research on upcoming teams for analytical data because her talent has become very useful to ensuring victory
the same peers and adults who gave you praise were the same people who began to ignore you or dismiss you; that being said, the collective change in attitude is definitely subtle enough that it would fly under most people’s radars
Kuroko was the first to notice and defend you against a small group of players who were bold enough to badmouth you in the gym
Kise would find out a little later about the somewhat unpleasant gossip about you and would pull the “no you” reverse card, returning back with MEANER underhanded comments that would send these shit talkers CRYING HOME (manga Kise strikes here unexpectedly eh?)
Murasakibara is someone who would be slightly uncomfortable with the gossip about you, especially since you’ve always been so helpful and kind to the team and himself; he’d either leave the room himself or easily scare them away with his looming height and presence without saying a single word when he enters the room “minding his own business”
Midorima is a bystander judging from how he’s reacted to the Teiko dynamic changes in the actual show // he, of course, wouldn’t like the nasty talk about you but would actually mind his own business, choosing to focus on himself and what he has to do to contribute to his team; he assumes that you would work hard the same way he is and let your contributions do the talking
now Akashi surprisingly wouldn’t hear much of the gossip, since his presence alone SHUTS them up and commit to their practices like normal; after all, it’s very clear that Akashi doesn’t tolerate this type of behavior in the team (example: Haizaki), and it’s more apparent that he wouldn’t hesitate to drop kick them out especially since he has a soft spot for you (which Kise never fails to bring this up to you, but you think he’s reaching too much into it) // TLDR; the teammates mostly have the common sense to not utter anything bad about you… maybe one kid would slip out and get punished for “bad sportsmanship,” but Akashi merely assumes that it’s just one bad apple and not necessarily… the many others as well
Aomine???? bro he ain’t even at practice wdym (HELPPP LMAOO) // jokes aside, if he catches wind of players shit-talking outside of the gym… say at the convenience store or when he’s walking home or something, well… they wouldn’t have a good time…
Momoi simply chastises the gossipers when they try to talk shit on you to make Momoi herself look good, and it leaves? such? a? horrible? taste? like, she wants to believe that they’re just really poor jokes and not what they really believe in, and the teammates merely reassure her that they’re just bad jokes and that they “wouldn’t do it again;” poor Momoi wholeheartedly believes them
the weird talks about Momoi being “the better manager” just signalled to you that you haven’t contributed enough to the team yet, and it motivated you to work even harder
oddly, you weren’t jealous of the fact that Momoi was receiving more positive attention than you
you were more afraid of the fact that you were going to get left behind, and this fear only tightened its hold on you when more teammates (who used to talk to you a lot) have changed their tunes when they speak with you now, compared to them talking to Momoi
and you felt that the Generation of Miracles would do the same too… including Akashi
it wasn’t an irrational fear for you because he’s already been calling Momoi a lot more frequently for help than you recently
so you even offered to mop the gym floors after practice, offered to stay later than usual to be the one to lock up the gym for anyone (cough, Kuroko) who wanted to practice whenever they wanted
at one point, you even tried to do what Momoi does: researching on upcoming teams and making your own predictions (that didn’t really work, and that cost you a few nights’ worth of sleep every single time)
not to mention that you still had regular school like any other student? you were the epitome of a mess
Kuroko was with you in the empty gym, you putting away the extra basketballs in the storage closet while he practiced his dribbling, until he heard a crash in there and a few basketballs rolled out the door
you collapsed right when you rolled in the basketball cart
POOR KUROKO HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO // he just tries to give you a piggyback ride as he abandons his plans of practice and tries to jog to the nearest local clinic
that’s where he bumped into Kise, who was heading home after an evening shoot when he saw the two of you
chaos ensue as Kise freaks out and Kuroko had to calm him down himself after answering the never-ending questions
at least the doctor there gave relieving news that you only collapsed from over-exhaustion and that the bruises from the fall were very faint
Kise makes a joke to Kuroko about, “What’s with you and (y/n)-cchi falling to the floor and fainting? You guys can’t be that alike.”
when you shortly regain consciousness, you were met with a… very stern Kuroko and Kise, who were both ready to hear your explanation and to scold you to oblivion
to your surprise, they were understanding; Kuroko understands the feeling of not being enough and working hard to meet other people’s expectations, and Kise understands the struggle of juggling multiple things in his schedule (come on, student, athlete, and model?)
they still scolded your ears off:
“(y/n)-san, you idiot. Why didn’t you ask anyone to help out?”
“(y/n)-cchi, do you think we’re undependable?!”
“Er, no, that’s…”
you were still dizzy from the fall and the lack of proper sleep (and maybe nutrition if we’re being honest), and you were just a ball of stress
you kind of begged your best friends not to tell a SOUL to anyone about this incident, especially to Akashi… you didn’t want to look even more incapable in his eyes than you already were
they do agree on one condition: for you to take AT LEAST a day or two off school to completely recover and rest up (you reluctantly agree; besides how were you going to explain the bruises that can’t be covered to your peers?)
HELP WHY ARE KISE AND KUROKO THE BEST LIARS TOGETHER ON CAMPUS LITERALLY NO ONE SUSPECTS A THING… except Akashi, the ever sharp captain, felt something was amiss
especially since some Teiko players emanated a feeling of relief at the news of you not being here that day, or the next
Akashi would play detective sleuth and find out what’s really going on sooner or later
End Note: gonna cut this off here b/c I KNOW this anon got a juicy part two i FEEL IT
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Gonna Fix It
requested by this anon: “hi!! could you maybe do something angsty and fluffy with Fundy (or anyone really) where the reader is a trans guy? he/him”  
Fundy x transmale!reader
trigger warnings: transphobes, homophobes, some swearing (I used the words tranny and fag) {I am both gay and technically trans please don’t come for me}
premise: When your dead name is leaked, along with photos of you pre transition the entire internet is quick to judge hypercritically, but your boyfriend is quick to take care of it
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(f/l/y/n)- first letter of your name
(y/d/n)- your deadname
“blep” talking
‘blep’ texting/messaging
“Yes Tommy?” You asked.
“How’d you feel about selling drugs?” 
You snorted, glancing up at your face cam and the messages in chat before turning your character to face Tommy’s, laughing, “What?” 
“Do you want to sell drugs with me and Wilbur?” He repeated. 
You blinked, moving your character to look at the van and then back at him, “Tommy, I would love to sell drugs out of a van with you.” 
“Yes! We have secured another one lets go! Pogchamp!” 
You chuckled as Wilbur joined vc, following Tommy’s character over to the van as he announced, “Gentleman! We have a problem, we need to find a better cover for our operations.” 
You looked around the inside of the van, filled with brewing stands and furnaces, “A hot dog van.” 
“Pfff- a hot dog van?” Tommy laughed. 
“It would be a decent cover.” Wilbur admitted, “We should do it.” 
Almost reluctantly Tommy nodded, and Wilbur moved on, “Next on the order of business, we need new recruits beside just (y/n).” 
You grinned, “I know just who to ask!” 
You started to leave vc when Tommy warned, “No Americans and no women.” 
“You got it.” 
You left vc, talking to your twitch chat as you messed around in discord, “Weird lot, them boys. Anyway- apparently I’m a drug dealer in Minecraft now! And I’m gonna recruit someone else!” 
After a few messages through discord your boyfriend called you, “Hello?” 
Upon hearing Floris’ voice chat started spamming about you being a simp.
“Yeah so Tommy and Wilbur kinda roped me into selling drugs on the smp and they told me to get more people, so I’m calling you.” You explained. 
“Angel why didn’t you just come ask me? Was the call necessary?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Shut up chat I’m not blushing! It was easier than getting up. Are you in or not?” 
“Yeah sure.” 
Child: ‘(y/n) big man’
Child: ‘big (f/l/y/n)’ 
(y/n): ‘what do you want Tommy’
Child: ‘get on the server we’re making plans for our country’ 
You sighed, quickly moving to boot up Minecraft, starting stream along with it and quickly giving an intro before logging on to the smp and joining vc. 
“Ayyy! Big man!” Tommy yelled. 
“Tommy!” You responded, though significantly less enthusiastically. 
“(y/n) come to the hto dog van we’re making important decisions.” Wilbur said. 
“Okay.” You headed down the prime path toward the van, listening to the others chatter. 
“Okay so we need a name for our country,” Wilbur said as you arrived, “Something that fits. I am open to suggestions.” 
“Pog something.” Tommy offered.
“Pogtopia!” He exclaimed. 
You punched his character, “That’s so stupid.” 
“Well- hmm, we’re all men here soooooooo Manburg!” WIlbur mused. 
“It needs to be more European.” Eret said, tossing you some of the block to start helping with the walls. 
“L’manburg.” You offered. 
Wilbur and Tommy burst out laughing, “Perfect!” 
“No Americans and no women! Just the way I like it!” Tommy yelled. 
Everyone began to laugh at that, and you grinned, entirely unaware of the chaos beginning to unfold all over twitter, and even in your twitch chat.
~~ Later that night you ended up flopped across the couch, Floris sending you a text from his office, ‘Don’t forget to take off the tibby prison angel’ ‘I’ll be done with this soon and we can cuddle’ 
You chuckled, dragging yourself up off the couch and shuffling off to the bathroom to change out of your binder, and pull on a different hoodie, a bigger one that you had stolen from Floris.
By the time you were done and had come back out into the living room Floris had also emerged from his office, and was staring in horror at his phone. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“You haven’t been on Twitter lately have you?” 
Immediately you were going for your phone, taking it off silence to be bombarded by notifications, “uhhhh.” 
Floris bit his lip, “I think you should read it for yourself.” 
Quietly you opened twitter, checking first the hashtag that appeared at the top of your mentions ‘#y/nisalie’ 
Your breath hitched as you opened the hashtag, immediately seeing the original tweet, ‘#y/nisalie y/n has been lying to all of us a thread: apparently this tranny didn’t have the guts to put out that “he” was lying’ 
You scrolled through the tweets, ‘Man, I can’t believe (y/d/n) thought (y/n) was a good fake name’, ‘well at least we know Fundy isn’t actually a fag’ and then worst of all, ‘Guys I found what (y/d/n) actually looks like!’ followed by a picture of you, pre transition. 
The world felt like it was caving in as you slowly sank down against the wall, tears starting to flow, “How did this happen?” 
Floris was quick to sit down next to your, pulling you into his arms, “I dunno angel.” 
You turned, sobbing into his shoulder, “Why are they like this? Wha- what am I gonna do?” 
“I’m gonna fix this,” He murmured, “I promise.” 
You curled further into his embrace, tears soaking his shirt as he rubbed circles into your back.
“It’s gonna be okay angel, it’s gonna be okay.” 
~~ You avoided the internet at all costs for the next few days, not streaming, not being active on twitter or any other socials, hardly ever leaving Floris’ embrace for more than a few minutes as more and more notifications filled your phone. 
It took a lot of coaxing from your boyfriend to check your twitter notifications after two days, and when you did you were delighted to see dozens of positive messages from real fans, and messages addressing the situation from all of your friends.
Eret: ‘dudes (y/n) is litterally trans, is you can’t deal with that then get out of this community; it’s seriously not okay to disrespect someone like that.’
Wilbur: ‘guys remember when I said trans rights and trans rights until I’m dead? Well that applies to (y/n) as well so piss off and stop bothering them’
Tommy: ‘listen up, serious tweet for once: you guys really need to learn how to recover someone and there pronouns, stop calling big man (y/n) by his dead name or get off the platform’
Along with countless others, and of course one from Floris as well, who had made a thread as soon as he saw what was going on:
‘Guys, listen. My boyfriend is the most wonderful human being in all the world. Whoever leaked his dead name or went looking for pictures of him before his transition is honestly a monster and I hope you realize the weight of your actions. Apparently we as a community have a few things to go over,
1: respect creators boundaries, if (y/n) didn’t want to tell you he wasn’t born male it’s not your business, 2: respect people’s pronouns, if someone tells you to use he/him they probably know if there right or not, 3: you can’t fucking invalidate someone like that, and put them on display as a fucking hashtag.
4: if anyone ever tries to talk about my boyfriend like this, (using the wrong pronouns, misgendering, using his dead name or in any other way invalidateing him) I will personally make sure you are never allowed on social media again’
You looked up from your phone, “Y- you got them to stop?”
Floris smiled, “I told you I was gonna fix it.”
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lovelylunarwriting · 4 years
Jaemin Soulmate!AU
Jaemin has a reputation as a “cool” kind of guy, which is why he wears bracelets to hide the words permanently etched on his left wrist
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”
Jisung and Haechan are notorious for giving him shit for having a ‘weird’ soulmate, but Jaemin thinks it’s kind of funny, honestly
Like great question dude but,,, why are you asking me this
Jaemin’s apartment is around the corner from a little family-owned grocery store that he’s frequented since his high school days.
He’s very much a regular, to the point of the owner being like “Jaemin…. Please just work here. You already know where everything is”
To which Jaemin has to respectfully decline, because he wants to focus on his dancing and singing, and working too much would get in the way of practicing.
That, however, does not stop the old man from sending customers with questions to Jaemin whenever he comes in.
Because Jaemin is too polite to be like “uhh I don’t work here, good luck”, he always ends up helping them
But secretly, he doesn’t mind. He thinks that maybe one day, his soulmate will be the next one to ask him a question.
Even after repeated questions about “how much does this cost?”, “when do you guys open tomorrow?”, “when will the next shipment of bok choy be in?”, he still isn’t terribly bothered.
The other employees chastise the boss for sending customers to Jaemin, but the old man is always like “he knows this store better than you all do. That’s why he gets a discount higher than yours”
Employee discount: 15 percent off all merchandise
Na Jaemin discount: 20 percent off all merchandise
It’s an unspoken rule amongst employees that Na Jaemin gets a discount, but they are NEVER to mention it to him! He knows that business has been rough recently and wouldn’t accept the generosity, but the boss thinks Jaemin is too skinny and wants him to be able to afford to eat well.
Now lovely reader, this is where you come in. You recently got a job at this grocery store but you work in the back, so you have never seen the famous “Na Jaemin” that all your fellow employees chat about so frequently.
Coworker #1: “Ugh, he’s like SO dreamy”
Coworker #2: “I know right? He’ll have no trouble becoming an idol at this rate”
Meanwhile you’re like “lol what who? Also where is the printer for printing clearance labels”
You specifically applied for the back of house position because you did not want to talk to people.
It’s not that you’re antisocial by any means- honestly it’s the opposite. It’s just that you have the tendency to say whatever you’re thinking with absolutely no filter.
So in the past when more…. challenging… customers have talked down to you, you gave back the same energy without thinking.
Management was not happy,,, so you were like “mmmm maybe I should just keep to myself and everyone would be happier”
One day though, it seems that you’re shit out of luck.
Your work bestie calls you at 3 in the morning on your day off saying that her kid has a fever and she’s gotta stay home and take care of him.
You have no plans other than generally being a lazy lump at home, and she’s always had your back at work, so you’re like “girl don’t worry about it, I got your shift. I’ll make some chicken noodle soup for him too”
To which she’s like “bitch if I hadn’t found my soulmate already I would’ve snatched you up T-T”
You giggle and tell her to try and get some rest- both her and her kid.
And then sleep another blissful 4 hours before rolling in for the 8am shift.
When you get there, boss man is like “ayeee so you’re covering for her shift which is stocking shelves, are you gonna be okay doing that?”
You: “Ahaha yeah it’ll be fine~ just please don’t send customers to me oh my gosh”
Boss Man: “Don’t worry, I just saw Jaemin walk in. I’ll send them to him”
You: “... who is Jaemin”
Boss Man: “He’s my FAVORITE!! Remember that!”
You: “Oh, okay!! Yes sir!”
You’re like fifteen minutes into your shift and you’re already on edge because all you’ve done so far is dodge all the old ladies who are shopping this early.
No actual products have been put on the shelves yet, or at least not by your hands.
Settling down in the dairy section, you relax a bit and start putting cold products in the cold shelves fixed to the wall.
And of course- things are in the wrong place. Why would anyone put anything back where it belongs?
Picking up a product, you glance at the label out of sheer boredom more than anything.
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”, you say to yourself.
Or so you think.
“Yeah, that is like the one question I don’t know how to answer”, you hear a masculine voice say from behind.
You spin around and look up into the man’s face.
And oh boy is that a nice looking face.
“Oh I’m sorry, I- WAIT”, you start, before you realize what he said.
Grabbing his left wrist, you push up the bracelets to reveal what you’d just said. Then you drop his hand out of sudden shyness, and because it’s not cool just to grab people.
“Do… do you mind if I look at your wrist as well?”, he asks quietly.
You roll up your sleeve and present him with your arm. He delicately wraps his fingers around your wrist and flips it over to read the words written”
He drops your wrist and sinks into a squat, flopping his arms over his head and looking at the ground.
“Oh my gosh why did I say something so lame…”
“Umm,,, to be fair,,, I did ask you about butter so by comparison yours isn’t that bad,,,,”, you try to comfort him, and he lifts his head up to meet your gaze.
“You mean that? It wasn’t like the lamest thing you’ve ever heard?”
“Oh I’ve heard much lamer things, don’t worry!”, you say with a cheery smile that contrasts your words entirely.
He stands up again and clasps your hands in his. With a look of determination he looks straight into your soul and asks:
“What time do you get off work?”
You tell him, but let him know that you’ll be busy after work making chicken noodle soup for your coworker and her son.
He’s like “oh you can cook?” and you’re like “lol no but I’m gonna die trying”
He writes his phone number on your arm (next to your soulmate tattoo) and is like “text me when you’re done with work and I’ll swing by and walk you home and maybe I can help you cook”
You’re like “dude,,,, it’s fine, we are literally destined to be together. Also if you try anything I’ll just beat you up so it’s chill”
Looking at his watch, he sprints makes a beeline for the checkout counter, going on about he’s gonna be so later and Haechan’s never gonna let it go if he’s late twice in a row, and something else but by that point he’s so far away from the dairy aisle you can only hear muffled sounds where words should be.
The next several hours could not go by ANY SLOWER.
Starting off today, you figured the day would go by quickly because you’d be preoccupied figuring out how to do something new, but now all you can think about is pretty soulmate boy.
And how he never mentioned his name, but to be fair, it was a rather quick exchange.
What feels like centuries later, your shift is coming to a close so you grab the ingredients you the internet tells you you need for the soup and head to your favorite cashier.
Somehow the front of the store is both quiet and abnormally loud for this time of night.
“Jaemin’s been waiting there for fifteen minutes? Do you think he’s waiting for someone?”
“Maybe he needs to talk to the boss? Usually he’d just ask one of us to grab him but he’s just standing outside”
“Ugh it’s so cold, should we tell him to come inside?”
You glance over to the crowd of coworkers towards the entrance and break out into a smile.
“Just keep ringing me up, I’ll be right back!”, you tell the cashier and fast walk past the small crowd.
Peeping your head out the door, you greet him.
“Are you cold? Come inside, I’m almost done”
“Oh okay, should I wait by the door though?”
“No, come with me. I wanna show you off~”, you instruct and he raises an eyebrow, but plays along.
Holding open the door for him, he scuffles his way in and shyly offers his hand.
Gladly, and with a pounding heart, you lock your fingers between his.
“Your hands are freezing, dude”
“Shhh it’s fine. I was trying to be cool, okay”, he jokes with you as you walk back to the register
Ringing up your items, the cashier is looking at you and him with raised eyebrows, and you’re just like “shut up jessica I’ll explain tomorrow”
The two of you walk back to your apartment and spend the rest of the night cooking and talking about everything and nothing.
The more you learn about Jaemin, the more confident you are that the universe got this one right.
Even when most things feel unclear, you know this person is someone you can always rely on.
(also when you bring your sick work bestie the soup, Jaemin insists on tagging along and she’s like “omg Y/N that’s JAEMIN” and you’re like “I KNOW” and he’s like “hi here’s some soup, also why do you know my name”
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 9
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So this chapter is longer than chapter 8 and I think from next chapter, they got longer. As we get closer to the chapter I’m currently writing, the frequent updates will unfortunately die. Just letting you know so you won’t be too disappointed! Oh and my Wattpad name is the same, ‘yannowhatigiveup’. If you know any way I can improve my writing please do tell me!
Gabriel Agreste stood in his observatory after recently detransforming. 'She can control her emotions well but when she's angry, it's incredibly strong. This girl could be one of the strongest in Paris, she could be one that senses auras. I must find a way. I will use her to eliminate all of heroes. All I need is time'.
The bluenette sat in her uncle Jagged's hotel room, tapping a pen against her lips while watching the conversation, well it was more like an argument, between Jagged and his manager Bob Roth. Bob was stating that they should leave the song writing to the professionals while Jagged protested, saying that his niece was overflowing with talent and that she could do it no problem. Penny was on the phone with someone but Marinette didn't eavesdrop in her conversation. She stated at the blank notebook in front of her, eyeing it suspiciously. Then she got an idea and began scribbling down the lyrics she had in mind, not knowing that she had unintentionally gained the attention of everyone in the room. She managed to write the whole song in one sitting which was very impressive even for professional song writers at the time. "Did it" she said putting the pen down. Penny then came over to take the notebook and read what the bluenette had written. 'I hope it's ok'
"Wow Mari, this is great!" Penny said her mouth agape. She passed it to Jagged but Bob had snatched it out of his hands, only to give it back when Fang looked at him hungrily.
"Yeah, this is rock'n roll Nettie!" He praised her while giving his manager a 'I told you so' look.
"Yes this is exactly what we needed, a little change in the album. Thank you for this Marinette. We shall produce the song while you can sing the lyrics-"
"If that's alright will you of course" Jagged said, interrupting his manager.
Marinette nodded hesitantly. "I can give it a shot" she murmured.
Marinette walked home after visiting Jagged and showing Damian the designs she had in plan for his brothers, without showing the design she made for him. She was careful not to shake her purse too much as Tikki was sleeping, it was a busy day for the kwami as Marinette had let her go visit Plagg for some 'Kwami business'. Marinette didn't press for answers though. Soon she entered her parents bakery to find them already there, waiting for her.
"Maman, Papa what is it?" She asked.
"Your father and I are discussing if we should open a second bakery" Sabine answered enthusiastically.
"There's a few spots available in Marseille, we already booked a flight and a hotel to stay at" Tom answered, maybe even more excited than his wife.
"That's great! But isn't Marseille far away? It's closer to Italy than Paris" Marinette answered.
"Well surprisingly, we're already well known there" Tom replied.
"Oh cool! When will you be leaving?"
"On Saturday at 2 am" Her mother replied. "It's late but it was the next available flight. We'll be gone for a week maybe longer depending on all the paper work"
"Well you better start packing then!" Marinette said happy for both her parents. "I'll be going to bed now. Good night!" She hugged both her parents before going upstairs to change and finishing up her designs.
Adrien sat in front of his computer early before school, looking through all of Kagami's recent posts and he liked the photo that she posted yesterday, the photo was of when they went for ice cream earlier today. Alya and Nino were also in the picture, smiling for the camera but Adrien noticed someone else in the background. 'Marinette...' She was eating her ice cream, unbeknownst to the picture being taken, with the spoon still in her mouth. Adrien felt distracted by the way the sun reflected off her hair. He loved Kagami truly but his new love for Marinette shadowed it. "Plagg" Adrien said. "I think I have a thing for bluenettes".
"So your type is blue-haired girls? What makes you say that?" The kwami replied, not really enjoying the conversation.
"Well I like Ladybug, Kagami and Marinette and they all have one thing in common. They all have blue hair" Adrien sighed. "The last thing I need is another blue-haired girl to come into my life"
"Ughhh this is too cheesy, I much prefer actual cheese" Plagg groaned while looking around for Camembert.
Adrien sighed, smiling while going back to think of the girls he liked. He liked Ladybug for her quick, sly and smart nature. Kagami was incredibly skilled and very easy to relate to. And Marinette had a kind personality as well as unmatchable beauty. He couldn't decide which one he liked most as all the options were as great as the others. Then a notification on his computer distracted him from his thoughts. It was a notification that Jagged Stone had posted something. 'Huh, I wonder what it could be'
Jason was flicking through the channels on the TV, looking for something interesting to watch when a notification appeared on his phone. 'What's this?' He then realised that it was a trending post from Jagged Stone and went to view it. "HOLY SH-"
"Master Jason, language"Alfred reminded him.
"Oh yeah sorry" he whispered before shouting again. "HOLY MOTHER OF UM SOMETHING!"
Dick and Tim then entered the room, wondering what Jason was talking about. "What?" Dick asked.
Jason then connected his phone to the TV and showed the post he was talking about.
(Photo of a blue-haired girl with a medium long braid and her back facing the camera, writing on something)
Wonder what MDC is writing up for the bonus track? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
All three of the boys then fanboyed over finally being able to see what their favourite designer, and idol, looked like. Alfred then sighed while exiting the room.
"She's pretty!"
"She looks smart!"
"What's she writing?"
"I'm gonna call Damian, that room looks similar to the room he's staying in"
"Yes do, I want to pester him"
Dick then dialed a number on his phone. After a few rings, the phone finally answered.
"Tt, Yes?" A stern voice came through on the other side.
"HAVE YOU SEEN JAGGED'S RECENT POST!?" Tim shouted into the microphone.
Damian had already seen Jagged's post, he smiled to himself. He was about to go back to reading his book when his phone rang. He would've picked it up straight away if he hadn't see the name, it was Dick. He let the phone ring for a little while before answering.
"Tt, Yes?" He said in a stern voice.
"HAVE YOU SEEN JAGGED'S RECENT POST!?" Luckily Damian had the phone further away from his ear otherwise Tim would've exploded his eardrums.
"What about it?"
"He posted an image of MDC, the very first one ever on the internet!" Dick answered excitedly. "There aren't any pictures of her anywhere".
Damian smiled to himself knowing that he had seen MDC before his brothers, he had seen her smile. "There aren't?"
"Yeah! Weird right? She doesn't even show up to Jagged's live performances!" It was Jason's turn to speak now.
"Well I'm sure she goes to the performances, she's just never seen" Tim told his brother in a matter-of-fact way.
Damian rolled his eyes. "Tt, bye now" he said, immediately turning his phone off not allowing any of his brothers to protest. He then texted Marinette.
Me: Just got off the phone with my brothers, they were fanboying over you.
Surprisingly Marinette replied straight away.
Angel: They are too? Everyone is fangirling over MDC
Me: Because of Jagged's post, he posted a picture of you. The back of your head specifically
Angel: Oh hah I see it now, I guess that has to be my signature hairstyle as MDC now.
Me: It looks great on you though
Angel: You really think so?
Me: Mhm
Angel: Aw, thanks
Marinette had blushed when Damian said she looked good in that hairstyle. She really liked him. Then Marinette looked at the time, she was early for once. She decided to make use of this and get ready for school. She had finished getting ready quickly and she was able to walk instead of run to school like she usually did. When she entered, she noticed that there was barely anyone here. 'Perfect! I can work on my designs' that was until a familiar face showed up.
"Hey girl! You're here early wow!" The sound of her best friend made Marinette laugh until her facial expression changed from surprised to smug. Marinette was about to ask but Alya had brought her to the locker room where they were alone. "So girl, spill"
"Do you like Chat Noir?"
Marinette giggled but she saw her best friend's face. "Oh you're not joking"
"Nope, now you can tell me so that I can get you both on a date." She blushed profusely. "And I ain't backing down, I've spent too much time on trying to find out who he is. Don't think I haven't noticed how you're jumping at anytime to be with this boy." She said the last statement with a soft voice.
Marinette sighed, grateful of her best friend but hesitant to tell her without Damian's permission as he never seemed like one for social interaction. "I'll ask" she said while taking her phone out.
Me: Shaytan, my best friend found out that I've been sneaking off to go see you.
Shaytan: Césaire?
Me: Yeah
Shaytan: You said she wanted to be a reporter right? Well then I guess this is expected, she did a good job.
Me: So should I tell her your name?
Shaytan: That's up to you
Me: Ok thanks!
Marinette put her phone away and looked at her best friend.
"So?" Alya asked. "Can you tell me?"
Marinette nodded. "So um, his name is D-Damian"
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlit-dreaming, @icerosecrystal
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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omg guys woaah ok ok ok..iam beaten ! whats with you :D??! ok iam telling.puuh so um this is going to be long..so i hope you will enjoy :D sorry for my english first y know its not my first language. xD i do my best..ok lets START So my husband and I met when we were both 17 (2007). we got to know each other through a socail network called schülervz it was very popular in germany back in my schooldays. We were both members of a group there and really talked every day from that point onwards, without exceptions. into our group of friends also included someone I met through this group. a girl who has become my best friend all these years. the 3 of us were really inseparable, even if it was only over the internet. that didn’t matter. we were totally honest with each other.  a bond that was 100% trust based. we talked together for hours every day. my husband was a trainee at the time and i graduated in economics and administration. We’d never met until the day we got together. our friendship lasted from 2007 to 2009 june. we were really good friends.just friends. I could tell him when I was interested in someone he could do the same. everything was great. best friends forever you could say. then there was a point in our lives where everything has changed all of a sudden.
one day he called me during the break and said that there was a girl at his work who asked him for a date. From that moment onwards everything went haywire for me. I got very nervous. although he talked to me about girls earlier and everything was totally normal. but that day nothing was normal anymore. i actually got angry..and yes i was jealous and i dont even know exactly why. He told me his story and I asked quite normally, because I’m a damn good friend, who she is and what she is like and if he needs help … (how stupid to offer help with something like that :)) well he just said that hell think about it and that he can do it all byhimself he just wanted me to know. we hung up and my whole day was covered by dark clouds. but we talked normally as usual. A few days passed and I knew that he was still in contact with her. After all, they work together. I couldn’t get rid of the thought that he would one day have a girlfriend. I got really sad. totally normal when people get together. But somehow I don’t like it at all. I didn’t get jealous because someone might be there, I got jealous because i still didn’t have the opportunity to see him for real. everyone else around him could really see him, but I couldn’t and that really messed me up at the time. he lived over 300km away from me. and for us it was a lot of stretch back then. we couldn’t just meet and hang out like others did. 
well at some point i realized that i couldn’t get him out of my head. I fell in love (wow very unexpected) but i still acted like a normal good friend .. because he had someone else to talk to. 
a few weeks passed and we didn’t talk as often as before .. everything changed suddenly and I couldn’t do anything about my broken heart. and I did something really stupid and started talking to someone else. He was from my school at the time and at first it was just normal conversations and then I noticed that he was more interested in me and I just played along because I thought that maybe I could forget him like this. i met with this boy. I also got along very well with him, he was really very nice .. at least at the beginning. One evening my (husband) called me and we talked normally. I also told him that I started meeting someone and he was quite astonished because up until then we hadn’t had the opportunity to talk very often. he was very suspicious. He kept asking me  something like ‘what’s his name how old. is he nice to you, give me his number, i want to talk to him etc. ’ very overprotective but that’s his way. no matter who it is. of course I didn’t allow him to talk to him. after all, its not his business. he himself has someone so why panic. He was then very offended and just said I should be careful and abruptly hung up. (back then I just thought idiot) well it passed about 3 weeks after this talk. i was still in some kind of relationship with this other boy..I say sort of because i couldn’t really warm up myself even though i liked him a lot .. and at this moment where I really wanted to try harder to like him more .. he came and said that he was going to break up. he had found someone who suits him better. i was really at the end ..
 a few days later i got up and my (husband) called me he just wanted to talk after 3 weeks without having spoken a word. he just wanted to talk. I was so mad at him. I cried on the phone and asked him what the problem of men is and whether everyone is so stupid. he himself was totally scared and wanted to know what was happening and I told everything and he got very, very damn angry but he couldn’t do much. and I was exhausted. I just think that I had to cry once. he tried to comfort me but how much comfort is there over the phone. Then suddenly it became quiet and all at once he cried out and said. ’ I’m coming to you.’I thought I wasn’t listening properly. he said that it is finally time that we meet and hang out .. I was totally speechless but totally happy to finally see my best friend for real. we chatted and then planned when and where we could meet. we have agreed that we will meet at my school on the weekend.
2 days left. it got so nervous and the most surprising thing was that it was snowing like crazy on that day … It was in the middle of March and it was snowing heavily. I was totally sad and didn’t know if he would make it with the car .. Such a damn long way and then also snow I panicked. accidents can happen. but he called me constantly during the drive to keep me up to date. In the afternoon I went to school of course everything was quiet (weekend) he called again and said that he would be there in 5 minutes. I couldn’t keep my nerves bare. what should i do ?? a good friend and just hang out together or say what’s on my mind ?? before I could think to the end I saw how he drove around the corner and parked in the school parking lot. my legs wouldn’t go. he got out and he had already seen me from afar and he just grinned with joy. I couldn’t help but grin like a goofy I went up to him and we just said hello, no hugging, nothing (he is to gentlemen xD without permission he wouldn’t lift a finger) but just to see his face in real life was totally enough for me. we decided for a little walk i just showed him my school. and after 2 hours of chatting we arrived at his car and i knew that he would have to leave soon. a long way after all. we just stood there and I didn’t want him to leave without really talking. At the moment when I wanted to say something he started to talk and he apologized for the time he was not with me where I could have needed him. I was totally surprised and started to feel my tears. he was totally confused and tried to calm me down and wiped my tears away (the moment he touched me for the first time, he was also shocked by his behavior could see it and he tried to apologize for touching me) I couldn’t take it anymore, I burst and practically explode. I took my courage together and shouted ‘I LOVE YOU, YOU İDİOT!' 
when i was aware of what i had done i blushed like a tomato .. and i was so mad at myself 'why did you do that he has somebody did you lose your mind what now?’ I couldn’t look at him he himself seemed to be in shock because I hadn’t heard nothing from him.. a few moments later I only heard a sob. when i looked up i actually saw him start crying..I was totally confused. what’s going on now ?! did I miss something. when I wanted to say something he stopped me and yelled back in my face: 'why !? why did you say this?! you spoiled everything! I had to be the one who made this confession first? !! your timing is really bad! damned!’ did I hear correctly he wanted to say it first? so he loves me too ?! I couldn’t tell how happy or sad I was at that moment .. And to be honest, I didn’t have the strength for anything either. I could have just lay in the snow and fell asleep. after a few minutes of silence he was caught and I just stared. he looked at me with a grin this time and then he confessed. every word, i remember everything he said 
‘You know, the day this girl asked me out on a date, you were the one who shot me right in the head. I didn’t know why , but I felt like I was doing you wrong. even if we had never seen each other in real life, I knew that you are everything to me .. even if it’s only as a good friend. and that evening I canceled this girl … the days after that when I wasn’t so talkative with you, was the time when i had to think about everything. maybe i hurt you with it but i just needed the time. and then when we talk again and I wanted to tell you everything you said that you met someone. I thought I wasn’t hearing right I was so angry and disappointed about myself that I just hung up and didn’t want to hear anything more from you..but somehow it didn’t work.I immediately missed your funny , sweet voice. I wanted to call again and apologize . but my hand didn’t want to. the time passed and when we could still talk. I couldn’t help myself anymore, I finally had to see you. from that moment i knew that it could only be you .i couldn’t help but want you. the thought that you would marry someone and that I would be invited as your 'best friend’ … to see you with someone else that would be my end. I had to act quickly and finally meet you. and you are here now and you stood there even though I wanted to do it first … you are really nasty. ’ he just grinned .. and I couldn’t help but laugh along I really wanted to hear it .and told him to say it .. when he stood there and looked at me, he asked me ’miss nasty ..i love you so much..do you want to be my everything?’ I couldn’t help myself and I was wrapped around his neck and we hugged each other so tightly that I hardly got air but it didn’t matter .I was so happy I just cried and so did he … well after that we took our time .. we got to know each other better i finished my school he finished his education our parents got to know each other and in april 2014 we got engaged and got married in the same year at the beginning of november and now we are happy with ourselves and our daughter. 
so thats it here you have it :D it may seem very normal ,cliche, but it was everything to me back than the struggle was real friends..and i treasure every single moment with him..
see ya :)
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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