#15th Anniversary of Fells Church
kentnaturaltribrid · 10 days
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15 years of Fell’s Church! The boly trikality of all numbers is 15. Seems Crazy!
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Also a Russian article about Alexander and Olga Nikolaevna: (so that it would not be difficult for you, translation)
Speaking about the loves of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, it is impossible to ignore this one. Probably, it was a very short infatuation – maybe just a WILLINGNESS to fall in love – but it was this feeling that had every chance of getting continued. After all, Olga finally liked an equal in position: the prince of a foreign power.
In December 1913, Olga realized that her "sun" was Pavel Voronov (more?) he does not reciprocate her, and made several emotional entries about him in his diary, using a secret cipher. His behavior confuses and worries her, feelings are looking for a way out... on December 21, the denouement follows: "I found out that my S. is marrying Olga Kleinmichel. God send him happiness, my beloved S. It's hard. Sadly. He would be pleased." Olga also encrypted this entry. It would seem that the time has come to immerse yourself in experiences for a long time, but after a few weeks the mysterious cipher appears in the diary again. And if earlier he hid only declarations of love for Voronov, now Olga writes about something else (further encrypted fragments are italicized): "January 12. Alexander Serbian arrived (In Russian uniform. Wow, what eyes). January 15th. At 9:00, my Dad and Aunt and I went to St. Petersburg for the consecration of the new church of the Fedorovskaya Mother of God in honor of the 300th anniversary. It lasted from 10 to 1 ¼. Metropolitan, etc. A bright, large, good church. I was standing next to Alexander the Serbian, he was a little further away. Wow, wow what. January 17th. We had breakfast with Dad, Aunt, Kostya and Alexander. I sat with him. Cute, embarrassing and beautiful horror. Wow wow what. January 19th. Mom I don't know how. I fell asleep after 3 hours at night.  God save her and everyone , and Alexander S. January 23. After in the Winter Courtyard. a big breakfast. Then we talked. I've been with Alexander for quite a long time. God save him. The 25th of January. We had breakfast with Papa, T. Olga, gr. Fredericks and Alexander S. He came to say goodbye. He's leaving in 2-3 days, it's a pity, dear."
Alexander Karageorgievich was 7 years older than Olga. He had a lot to do with Russia: he had Russian tutors, was the godson of Alexander III and the named son of Nicholas II; studied at the School of Jurisprudence and in the Page Corps in St. Petersburg.  He became heir to the throne in 1909, after his elder brother George was forced to give up his rights to the throne under the pressure of a scandal. In the same year, Alexander almost asked for the hand of Princess Tatiana Konstantinovna. The Serbian minister and even the father-king personally made a cautious reconnaissance on this matter. But to the Konstantinovichs, the position of the Karageorgievich dynasty on the throne seemed too shaky. K.R., Tatiana's father, wrote in his diary: "I told her in detail about the claims of the Serbian court and about the reasons prompting us to advise her to refuse this offer. Although she rather likes Sandro Serbian, she did not hesitate to give him up." However, a year later the families still became related: Alexander's sister Elena married Grand Duke John Konstantinovich. For the Karageorgievichs, this was a great success, because they took the throne only in 1903 by a coup. In Europe, they were not really recognized, and not all Romanovs were disposed to them. In 1912-13, Alexander managed to show valor in the Balkan wars. And then he thought about getting married again, but now he was interested in the daughter of the tsar himself. ONLY WHICH ONE?
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In this newspaper for November 1913, it was suggested that Olga would become the wife of Alexander of Serbia, and Tatiana – Karol of Romania. On the other hand, the English Wikipedia, with reference to Serbian archives, assures that Prime Minister Nikola Pasic wrote to Nicholas II in January 1914 about Alexander's intention to marry one of the Grand duchesses. Nikolai did not object and even noticed the interest that his daughter showed in the prince – but it was allegedly not Olga, but Tatiana. (And Russian Wikipedia generally assures: "Tatiana and Alexander wrote letters to each other until their death. When Alexander found out about Tatiana's murder, he was confused and almost committed suicide").Alexander's sister Elena, in her memoirs, which I have not yet been able to find, seemed to say that she noticed some "chemistry" between Alexander and Olga. Well, Olga's diary allows us to conclude that Alexander was not indifferent to her, and I think the Serbian heir himself paid attention to her.  You can only guess what prevented you from taking the next step.In the spring, Olga is fond of Molokhovets, then the war begins, but all this does not prevent her from remembering Alexander on various occasions:"February 24.At 12 o'clock my mother received the Bavarian, Belgian, Danish and Serbian envoys (Nalajovic. So reminds Alexander C).February 25.(in small print: I haven't seen Alexander for a month since)March 25.I haven't seen Alexandra for 2 months. <...>(added, apparently, later) I haven 't seen Alexander S. for 2 months .September 4.The Pope gave Alexander of Serbia the St. George Cross 4 art . I am very happy. God help me.October 6.John, Gabriel and Kostya and Elena had lunch. They told me a lot of interesting things. She's a piece of Alexander, and I love her.October 16.At 7 o'clock we went to the infirmary with Mom, we went to everyone, and talked to K. and I. in the corridor. Everyone knows Alexander by his body."
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Alexander was a thin brunette with a mustache and large facial features (and with "WOW" eyes) – this is exactly the type of appearance that has always attracted Olga. Besides, apparently, he was a really nice person. "The prince turned out to have a kind and friendly character," writes the grandson of his tutor, the famous priest Gleb Kaleda. "To please his tutor, the prince wrote to him in Russian, asking for forgiveness in advance for possible mistakes, although there were none." He was remembered as a tactful person, sometimes shy and prone to melancholy, a lover of reading – there is some similarity with Olga's character.Olga did not see Alexander again, but a year later she noted in her diary the anniversary of his arrival:"January 12, 1915.The year that I saw Alexander at Vsevolod's christening.January 15th.The year is consecrated. churches. Alexander.January 17th.Mordvinov and Count Fredericks were having breakfast. And a year ago Alexander. God bless him."It seems that even in the spring of 1916, Pasic expressed the hope that Olga would become the Serbian queen. But in January of this year, the date of the meeting with Alexander was not noted in the diary. At this time, Olga hardly thought about anyone other than Dmitry Shah-Bagov. (By the way, here her fate again intersects with the fate of Tatiana Konstantinovna, who was very friendly with the elder daughters of Nicholas II. Instead of the Serbian prince, she married a simple Caucasian officer for love, and he even served in the Erivan regiment – like Olga's lover. Because She even knew Shah Bagov and calls him a "cute, cute boy" in a letter. Surely Olga was thinking about what could repeat her path).But in 1917 Olga remembers again:"January 17th. Exactly 3 years ago today Alexander Serbsky had breakfast with us." Here the name is also written in cipher, and this is the last encrypted entry in the diary.
Olga Nikolaevna's biographers like to repeat that she wanted to stay in Russia, so she did not marry the Romanian heir Karol. The interest in Alexander the Serbian shows that, most likely, it was not in the country: it was just Karol who was unsympathetic to Olga. I think she understood that sooner or later she would have to leave her homeland. It is unlikely that the rumors had passed her by, she knew who her husbands were supposed to be, and she did not mind falling in love with a cute Orthodox prince. Maybe by the beginning of 17, she returned to thinking about him because someone had dispelled her hopes for a happy morganatic marriage? Although what could be a wedding when the revolution is already at the threshold. What kind of fate would await her in a small semi-literate kingdom, forever torn apart from the outside and from the inside?Alexander married in 1922 the sister of the same Karol (there is a version that he dragged on for so long, because until then he did not believe in the death of Olga).  It seems that he became a good family man, ruled his country for more than 10 difficult years. Yugoslavia in the 20s became a fragment of the Russian Atlantis, the center of white emigration. Sometimes there is an opinion that Alexander was so supportive of Russian refugees in memory of his first love – "Olga/Tatiana." But I think Russia meant a lot to him anyway. Alexander was killed in 1934 by a terrorist, his family fled the Nazis during the war and never returned to their homeland. Well, instead of Maria, Olga could become a Romanian widow and exile… No matter how her fate turned out, it would not be easy. The time of the Slavic monarchs has passed.
Thank you for sharing!!
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florashifting · 4 months
There are multiple jumping-on points in the Doctor Who revival you could start with, that are intended to be watched without previous context. You could start with any of these and not miss too much. Most Doctors runs work pretty independently with minor references to old stuff.
Series 1, Episode 1: Rose (2005)
This is the first episode of the 2005 revival. This is where I most recommend to start.
Series 5, Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour (2010)
This introduces a new Doctor, new companion and new TARDIS.
Series 10, Episode 1: The Pilot (2017)
Again intended as a jumping-on point, we have some ongoing plot threads from previous seasons but a new audience surrogate to ask questions.
Series 11, Episode 1: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
New Doctor, new companions, new TARDIS.
60th anniversary specials: (2023)
These build on some storytelling from series 14, but starts with an explanation for new audience members who don’t know what happened.
Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road (2023)
This is also another jumping on point, new enough to determine a season reset. This goes right into the season airing right now with Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th Doctor.
You could also start with anywhere in the Classic series if you wanted, but that’s not recommended.
OOMG TYSM I was interested because I saw clips of Ncuti Gatwa and I liked it from what I've seen. I think I'll start with series 10 episode 1 or maybe even sooner idk but I'm so excited to get started!
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ineffably-good · 4 years
Prompt: Wayward
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley face their yearly performance reviews in the year 1491, and move a few steps closer to their eventual Arrangement.
Part of the Good Omens 30th Anniversary celebration prompts. 
Read the whole set on AO3! Note: I'm a bit of a history nut about the Medicis and medieval Florence. This story is set in the time just a few months before the Medici family fell from power after fostering a brilliant intellectual revolution in 15th century Florence, and about two years before the monk Savonarola had the big, famous bonfire in which the citizens of Florence burned their books, their paintings, and even famous painters like Botticelli threw their own masterpieces onto the pyre. I got to thinking about what sides the angel and the demon would have WANTED to be on in this conflict, and what side their respective bosses would insist that they actually work for. Conflicts of interest galore, and Crowley continues a subtle campaign to convince Aziraphale to work more closely with him. And everyone involved is a bit wayward. 
Heaven, December, 1491
“Just try a little harder, Aziraphale,” Michael said to Aziraphale, straightening the papers of his annual performance review and giving him what she supposed was her most understanding and encouraging smile. In actuality, it was the kind of smile that school chancellors always gave their most unruly students before whacking them on their posterior with a large piece of wood. Aziraphale had to repress a visceral shudder in response.
“You don’t have to always be so contentious, do you?” she continued. “All we want you to do is support the Dominican monk against the Medici family – you know this renaissance of theirs is going directly against church policy, and therefore against Heavenly policy. We don’t want the humans to be encouraged to turn to science instead of hueing to the word of the Almighty.”
“Well,” Aziraphale said, trying to choose his words carefully. “It’s just that Savonarola intends to burn all of the books! And the paintings! And there really can’t be anything gained by doing so. All that creativity and knowledge, burned! Some of it is quite religious in nature and very important. Why would a monk do that? Is that really what She wants?”
Michael clasped her hands officiously on the desk in front of her. “It’s not up to you to question what She wants. What we want is what She wants, after all.” She sniffed as if she smelled something bad. “I know you love your books and your artists. Perhaps you’re getting a little too close to all of this Earthly material. Should we bring you back home so you can think over your waywardness in peace for a few centuries?”
“No,” Aziraphale said mildly, message strongly received. “No, that won’t be necessary. I believe I understand more fully what your position is. I’ll bring about the bonfire, no need to concern yourself.”
Michael examined him in silence for an excruciatingly long time. “Very well,” she finally said with a tight smile. “I’m glad we had this chance to talk. See Gabriel on your way out for your annual upgrades, please! And see you next year, Aziraphale.”
He left for Earth as quickly as he could manage. 
 Hell, December, 1491
Crowley stood before Lord Beelzebub trying to bite his tongue as he was dressed down for his lack of results. It was quite difficult, really, to keep his thoughts to himself. But then again, demons weren’t really supposed to be good at self restraint, were they? He was being a good demon by being rebellious. The thought made him tip one side of his mouth up in the tiniest of grins. He quickly smothered it, but there was no getting anything by Beelzebub.
“You find something amuzzzing, snake?” Beelzebub snarled.
“No, no,” Crowley assured them. “Just thinking that telling a demon he’s rebellious is kind of like yelling at the sky for being blue.”
Beelzebub frowned and stalked closer to him, their flies buzzing ominously around his face. Crowley knew better than to swat them off.
“You know what you are, demon?” they buzzed. “Unruly. Defiant. Wayward.”
Crowley knew he was in for a takedown no matter what he did or said, so he mentally shrugged and at least decided to keep his reputation intact as a complete and utter smart ass.
“Beez,” he purred. “Come on. You know you love all of those things about me. Who ever heard of a demon worth his salt who wasn’t just a little bit wayward? I mean, I’ve practically made an art form out of encouraging humans to be disorderly. Instead of a punishment, I think you should issue me a commendation.”
Beelzebub blinked and did, for just a fraction of a moment, look a tiny bit amused. “We will see about that,” she said, then waved a hand for the two burly demons behind him to take him back to his cell.
Crowley sighed. It was going to be some time before he got back up to Earth this time. All because the assassination attempt on Lorenzo Medici he was supposed to pull off failed. He didn’t tell them that it failed because he ensured that it failed; he liked Lorenzo, always had. Had been close to his father before him. Interesting man. Forward thinker. Let the upper echelons of Hell think it was general incompetence on his part, that was fine, as long as the new wave of thought and exploration that was being fostered in Firenze continued unchecked.
He had left the angel to keep things on track until he returned.
 Florence, January, 1492
Crowley found Aziraphale waiting for him nervously near the merchant’s bridge over the Arno river. The angel was there, loitering near their appointed meeting place, hiding his interest by browsing through the tables and stalls of various vendors. Crowley sidled up beside him and fingered a piece of linen.
“Fine quality,” he said to the young woman behind the table, announcing his presence. Beside him, the angel picked up and fingered a gold chain, no reaction visible at all. “How much?”
She named her price and he handed it over, then draped the bundle of fabric over his arm and walked away, casting his senses out to ensure that the angel followed shortly behind him. He sauntered off towards the residential district until they found a small park where they could speak unobserved.
“You’ve been gone a while,” the angel observed as they sat back to back on opposing benches. “I’ve been checking daily for weeks now.”
“Hell wasn’t very happy with me,” the demon said over his shoulder. “Blamed me for the failed attempt on Lorenzo last month.”
“Well they’re quite right about that, aren’t they?” the angel said primly.
“You know as well as I do that there’s no way that I’m letting that man be assassinated!” Crowley protested, and then settled down. “I was friends with his father.”
Aziraphale made a calming gesture Crowley couldn’t see. “Oh, I quite agree, I do.” Aziraphale sighed. “You should hear my side. They want me to help Savonarola. He’s so unbearable.”
Crowley made a sympathetic noise. “He’s going to burn all the books, angel. How is your side possibly in favor of that?”
“I can’t imagine,” Aziraphale said. “All that knowledge. Gone. And I’m supposed to ensure that it happens. It’s – ineffable.”
Crowley frowned. That was just wrong. No one that knew him could ask the angel – this angel – to ensure that a massive book conflagration took place. It went against everything he stood for, everything he loved. He felt, once again, a deep, flaming anger against the idiots in Heaven. They were like giant, petulant children, squishing ants for fun.
“Michael called me wayward,” Aziraphale said, incensed. “Can you imagine?”
Crowley laughed bitterly. “Beelzebub used the same word about me. I suppose we’re both a bit unruly these days.”
It was hard not to be. Rarely had the world felt so exciting as it did now, in the midst of what would come to be called the Renaissance. After so many centuries of struggle, after the horrors of the 14th century, suddenly there was an explosion of learning and sophistication and hope. It was hard not to be swept away in it, if you’d been waiting for so long for a spark of inspiration to take root in western civilization again.
“It feels,” Aziraphale said hesitantly, as if he were putting words to the greatest heresy of his life, “like we’re on the wrong sides of this. Doesn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Just that it would make more sense if my side was behind the Medici family and championing enlightenment and learning, and your side was, well, more focused on burning things and stomping people down and closing off their minds.” The angel petered off, overwhelmed by the sensation that he was both betraying Heaven in stating such a thing and probably angering the demon as well.
To his surprise, the demon was merely thoughtful.
“I can see what you mean,” he said quietly. “It’s certainly an odd situation. Perhaps we can, I don’t know, help each other?”
Aziraphale frowned. “We’ve discussed this before, and the answer is still no. I’m not doing your job for you, and you’re not doing mine.”
Crowley bit his tongue. “Not what I meant, angel,” he said. “I meant, maybe I can help you save some of those books.”
Aziraphale blinked hard. “You’d do that?”
“I might,” the demon said. He thought quickly about how much of his true motivation to reveal, and decided to toe the company line, for now. “If it serves my interests.”
Aziraphale took a deep breath. This was yet another step closer to the inevitable partnership that Crowley kept needling him about, bringing the idea up every few decades, how they could work together, simplify both their lives. He knew he had to resist, but oh, the idea of saving some of these priceless works from utter destruction was just so tempting.
Wayward, he thought grimly. They already think I’m disobedient and unruly and working against the party line.
“What did you have in mind?” he said quietly.
Another line crossed, the angel thought. But at least there was one person who understood what was at stake.
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scotianostra · 5 years
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On August 15th 1057 King of Alba, MacBeth, was killed at Lumphanan.
17 years and one day after he killed Duncan II to seize the crown Mac Bethad mac Findláich himself fell foul of the violent times. So what of his time as Monarch.......
We start today's anniversaries with the subject of my last post, I posted about this yesterday but we can still get more out of the story of the real MacBeth, ask most non-Scots to name a Scots king and they will eventually remember this fellow Macbeth, who murdered a kindly old man for his crown, egged on by his shrew of a wife who then went crazy and killed herself.  Or you can tell them the snippets you pick up from the likes of this and others true stories about the real man.
While Macbeth lived, his name as a warrior-prince must have carried some weight among the other rulers of the countries within reach of Alba, his Scotland. Because of its situation between Scandinavia, England, Ireland and the continent, Alba was a place of strategic importance. In Macbeth, it seemed to find a capable and imaginative king who held the throne in disturbed times for 17 years and was able, indeed, to leave his shores for a very long time without fear of upheavals behind him – something his English contemporary, Edward the Confessor was never able to do, so it shows his, and perhaps, Scotland's standing on the continent of Europe carried more weight than our southern neighbours. 
In fact, Macbeth went to Rome – an event about which Shakespeare knew nothing. We know the date – 1050 – from the chronicle of an Irish monk writing in Germany; and we know that Macbeth was free with his gold when he got there, scattering his alms ‘like seed’ To me this was some feat for a man from what was still perceived as a savage like nation like Scotland, or Alba, as it was still known as in those days. He may have visited Rome as a pilgrim. His reasons were more likely to do with the benefits a Roman association might offer a country backward in development, which had hitherto relied on the care and protection of the Celtic pastoral Church.
Macbeth and his kingdom stood at the hub of a power struggle in which the Norse and the Danes, the Holy Roman Emperor and the Saxons of England, the Normans and Flemings and the Celts of Brittany, Cornwall, Wales and Ireland all played a part, with the pope in Rome courting them all.
What of the eponymous real villain of the Shakespearean play, Lady MacBeth, well by all accounts she appears to have been a loyal and blameless lady. From a previous marriage, she brought him a stepson, Lulach, who Macbeth seems to have cherished, and who was crowned king after Macbeth, before being killed in his turn. Nor was she ever called Lady Macbeth. Macbeth, meaning ‘Son of Life’ or ‘of the Elect’ is not a surname. The king’s wife would have been addressed as the lady Gruoch in Gaelic. The name is recorded in Fife where she and her husband are said to have gifted land to the Celtic monks of St Serf’s island, Loch Leven.
And of course we can't talk about "The Scottish Play" as it is known in theatrical circles, as saying the name of the play is said to be back luck for those thespians, The Witches, well Hollinshead, he of the chronicles I spoke of yesterday, wrote about three women ‘in strange and wild apparel’, who promised Macbeth the thanedoms of Cawdor and Glamis as well as the throne, and who informed Banquo that his heirs, and not Macbeth’s, would rule Scotland. So you can see where Shakespeare stole the idea from. Don't hold that against the Englishman though, all the best storytellers get inspiration from other places, our own Walter Scott, Robert Burns and James Hogg the "Ettrick Shepherd" all used material gathered from ancient tales. Also the present castles of Glamis and Cawdor have no connection at all with this part of Macbeth’s story – indeed, there were no stone castles in mid-11th century Scotland, only halls and fortifications of wood. Nor can the ‘blasted heath’ and the ‘witches stone’ beside Forres be anything but inventions provoked by the legend.
If there were no prophecies, and no evil Lady Macbeth, why did Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo, if not to seize the throne and prevent Banquo from founding the royal line? For this part we have to blame another man the Scottish philosopher and historian, and the first Principal of King's College in Aberdeen, a man called Hector Boece.
Boece comes in with the character of Banquo, Macbeth did not kill Banquo because Banquo did not exist. By the 15th and 16th centuries, when Boece was plying his trade, Scotland was a very different place to the one we see MacBeth in. The Stewars were in control, and on the surface they did not want to be seen as warriors, like  our hero today, others like Duncan, to paper over the cracks in the story of Scotland's turbulent violent past, Boece used by James IV to paint the Scots in a better light, in doing so he greatly maligned the real Macbeth. The work was well received at the time, both in Europe and in Scotland. I'm not entirely sure about how Banquo came about, but that apart, by the time of the Stewarts, no one wanted to remember that once, kingdoms had to be ruled by men who were war-leaders, and thrones fell to the strongest and most worthy, and not automatically to the first-born. They certainly didn't want to remember that Alba may have been ruled by a bastard King, it disguised the fact that the line founded by Duncan sprang from an unorthodox marriage, to an abbot called Crinan. A murky business in Boece's time, best left alone!.
Finally we get to the end of the Shakespeare play and Birnham wood, where Macbeth was finally slain by the Scots lord Macduff, whose family Macbeth had caused to be murdered.
Again, in history, there was no MacDuff. The final fight in the play is based on The Battle of Dunsinane, Macbeth's army was defeated by Malcolm Canmore (Máel Coluim mac Donnchada) with the help of the aforementioned  English King Edward the Confessor, It was said that MacBeth’s guard surrounded him and defended him as best they could but they were defeated 3000 – 1,500, but MacBeth eventually got away to safety and spent the next 3 years on the run. After Dunsinane Malcolm attended a meeting of the mormaers who elected MacBeth’s step son Lulach as king – perhaps thinking that MacBeth was dead – or that it was time to move on – who knows? Malcolm, of course, was not happy about this, seeing as he had fought really hard to win. He still had a support from the English soldiers, so he chased Lulach, if the king was not to be him, then he would kill whoever it was. And Lulach was  caught and killed by Malcolm, another victim in the long line of murdered Scots kings. As far as killing their kings went, the Scots seemed to be pretty good at it, perhaps better than the English.
And so we reach the point of this post and three years after Dunsinane, MacBeth was finally cornered and killed at Lumphanan, his 17 year reign coming to an end. If there has to be a moral to this story it is  ‘you will get yours eventually," it certainly mirrored Shakespeare in that way, if not others.
So Macbeth's Scotland may have very well been  a place without towns or proper markets or roads, but his administration was clearly good for its time, however it needed later Norman-trained rulers and the help of the Church to develop what he had started and become a more peaceful nation, but remember, he wasn't the scheming power hungry monarch, egged on by an ambitious wife, but a good King who oversaw a a relatively peaceful time in our formation as a country.
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halilbabilli · 5 years
A Thousand Year Old Hometown
It is believed that weasels bear the souls of children who die before being christened.
Encyclopaedia of Secrets and Superstitions.  
Cora Linn Daniels & C.M. Stevans (2003)
In Greek culture, “A weasel seen about the house, just as on the road, is significant of evil.”
Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion: A Study in Survivals, John Cuthbert Lawson (2012)
Chapter 1: Roots – 15th Century
Theophanes Kantakouzenos, or Theo as he was called by kith and kin, came into the world in Constantinople on the 1430th anniversary of the death of Our Lord. Thanks to his father, Andronikos, who was in charge of the Greek Emperor’s library, Theo was taught by the most erudite teachers of the Empire and learnt Latin and Classical Greek at an early age.
As soon as he had completed his education, he began to work with his father. The state of the library, which, in its day, had had row upon row of thousands of manuscripts, was a veritable reflection of the depths to which the empire had sunk. Most of those beautiful manuscripts had been sold either to Arabian merchants to pay off the state’s ever-increasing debts or had been plundered by officials struggling to make ends meet. But still, Constantinople, entirely surrounded by the Turks, reminded him of an oasis in the desert: the last remaining stronghold of a civilisation fighting to exist amidst the savage sands.
Alas, as history has shown time and again, every civilisation is born, grows and perishes. And it was evident that the time had now come for the Roman civilisation, moulded and leavened with wolf’s milk by two boys, also to be destroyed.
When the Turks besieged Constantinople, Theo, like every citizen, had helped to the best of his ability the soldiers defending the city.
He laboured heart and soul with his fellow townsmen caring not what he did or how difficult the task. His hands, which had never before held anything but a quill, became calloused from carrying rubble, and his palms bled.
The noise from the besieging cannons was indescribably loud. One of them, in particular, was far more deafening than the others and had a very distinct, earsplitting sound. "Shahi" was the name of that monstrous weapon and, when fired, its blast started with an eardrum-rupturing boom, shifted into a chest-vibrating thunder, and, before disappearing entirely, transformed into a deep rumble, giving everybody in Constantinople a throbbing headache. When Shahi's stone projectiles hit the ancient walls of the city, milk in the buckets spilt, pregnant women miscarried, cats fell from the roofs, roosters went mute, birds dropped dead, porcupines shed their spines, and bells in the church towers cracked.
At the end of three months baptised with blood and sweat, the thick, sturdy city walls could no longer withstand the force of the Turkish cannons. Faced with the terrible sight of the Turks beginning to pour through the crumbling walls, Theo too, like many other people, took refuge in the church of Hagia Sophia. It was widely believed that all Istanbul could fit beneath the dome of Hagia Sophia, a wonder of the world. That day it was seen that this had been a very optimistic estimate. In the packed church, priests and women with children were clinging to each other, wailing and looking to each other for help. Those men who were still armed and able were waiting tensely for the last battle of defence to be fought in the church.
That day, the interior of Hagia Sophia was bursting at the seams. Those waiting for the Turks to be extirpated from the pearl of Christianity by a final miracle from Jesus, others gazing incredulously around and those who couldn’t contain their anger were each like a grain of sand in this massive crowd.
Priests were making whoever came their way kneel and pray to the Virgin Mary for salvation. Theo did as everybody else was doing and was on his knees, but he was saying his own prayer and not really listening to what the priest said.
“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Rather than letting me fall prisoner to those heathen Turks, gather me to the bosom of Jesus or have mercy and take my soul from here. We seek refuge in you from persecution.”
Towards the evening there was a commotion outside the church. The bells began to ring crazily.  They could hear the Turks, shouting in their crude language, on the other side of the bronze doors, and everybody rushed to carry whatever he or she could to fortify the gates. The priests closed the doors, and heavy bolts were slid across. Despite the priests whose praying voices now resembled a sound close to a death shriek, Theo could still hear the battering rams pummelling the door and the hue and cry in Turkish. It must have been from trepidation that his head began to spin. Theo could stand no longer and sat down. So this was it. It was his fate to see the end of the great Roman Empire which for centuries had spread its branches like an enormous sycamore. Rather than fall prisoner, he thought to himself, I’ll fall on the swords of these heathens.  
His dizziness increased. The sounds around him now seemed to come from far away. The colours he saw merged, black had become white and white, black. Suddenly the world around him began to grow rapidly. The church and people grew enormous in front of his eyes. The Bible he was holding became huge and could be carried no longer. After that, he heard the sound of the church door splintering. The last thing he remembered was the four horsemen entering the church and the nuns being dragged along the ground.
It must have been from the shock of his physical change that he had only a nebulous recollection of the few weeks following the raid on the church. In the meantime, Theo vaguely remembered seeing several nightmares. In these bad dreams, he seemed to be running away from huge animals and giant people. Sometimes dying of thirst, he was trying to save his life from fires and soldiers out for blood.
When he began to regain consciousness, and his soul got used to his new body, the truth started gradually to sink in. The Virgin Mary or some other kind saint had accepted the prayer Theo had said in the church and had granted his life by breathing his soul into a weasel.  
He spent his first year as a weasel solely in prayer. Theo constantly begged God to wake him up from the nightmare, and he confessed to Him wailing that if the bad dream dragged on, he was afraid he would kill himself despite knowing it was an unforgivable sin. He wasted the following year weeping for the fallen empire and asking God for the Turks to be driven out of Constantinople forthwith. And most of the third year was spent cursing his fate.
How long did a weasel live? Five years, if it didn’t fall prey to a dog or cat? Perhaps ten years? Well, so he hadn’t much time left anyway, death was nigh. However, even if the form changes, the soul still continues to pursue thrills. Even if the new body was that of a weasel, at heart he was still Theo, the son of Andronikos, who had an unslakable thirst for learning. He decided to satisfy his appetite for knowledge in what remained of his life. He set to work by learning the language of the new owners of the city where he had been born and raised.
Yes, this was his city, called different names by different tribes — Lygos, Byzantium, Miklagard, Tsargard, Kustantiniyyah, Kostandina, Kushtandina Rabati, Bolis, Carigard and now, Istanbul.  Regardless of whatever the other tribes called the city straddling two continents, the place where his ancestors were born, lived, and died was the thousand-year hometown to Theo.
Sure, Turks were warlike; they worshipped their horses and were technically advanced and enthusiastic about making pyramids from the heads of their fallen enemies. As he got to know them, he realised that they were in fact not savage barbarians. To the contrary, he saw how much their customs resembled his own. In one of the tunnels which riddled Constantinople under the ground, and which perhaps had seen no one for centuries, he made a home for himself.
After ten years, fifteen and then twenty years passed. The way things were going he didn’t seem likely to die. He began to think that he would live as long as a human and the Virgin Mary had granted him his life.
One cold winter’s day, because of his absentmindedness, he was caught by the cat of a bakery he visited from time to time and from which he stole bread. The cat got its teeth into Theo’s little body, and after savagely shaking the weasel - which had already snapped at the first bite - a few times, it left it on the ground in disgust. Theo lay buried in snow, with all his bones smashed to smithereens. He had no feeling from the waist down. So, Theo thought, this is it. He closed his eyes and began to wait for the sweet death that would come and embrace him with the cold. The next day when the weasel awoke, all his broken bones had set, and his body had healed completely. Far from any part of his body being frozen, Theo didn’t feel even the slightest malaise from the cold. The flabbergasted weasel put it all down to some divine attribute or a curse on him.
At the end of his endeavours which lasted years, he was able to write using his tiny hands. Following the lessons in a primary school from its attic, he mastered the Turkish alphabet.
The first fifty years he went to the church and the following fifty years to the synagogue and the next fifty years to the mosque. At one stage, he also listened to the German Lutheran priests who came to Constantinople. Finally, he decided to go to wherever free food was being distributed that day.
He saw powerful earthquakes, plague epidemics and great fires. Most of these he managed skilfully to wriggle out of. And the ones he was caught up in did not harm Theo at all.  In one of the fires of Great Kostantiniyye (this was now the name of the city where he had been born and raised), he could not escape when he was caught in the flames of the house he had entered to steal a bologna sausage, and Theo too was burnt. The following day he awoke amidst the ashes as though nothing had happened. He took the sausages that, now cooked, were even tastier and returned to his home in the underground tunnels.
His dealings with other people were naturally limited. After a few attempts, he concluded that this was, in fact, to his own benefit. People were not very tolerant of a talking weasel trying to approach them. Their first reactions were to be afraid, and they reflected their fears on the weasel in the most violent way. He decided not to socialise unless really necessary and if pressed, to continue his communication from behind a veil of mystery.
Nevertheless, Theo was no ordinary weasel nor was he a complete recluse. He had discovered the ways to benefit from the fruits of civilisation. For this, he needed first to find either a family or a person in distress.
Nothing could really be done in secret, hidden from Theo who could listen to and view everyone’s private lives from the attics and from inside the walls. This was why he had no problem in ascertaining the houses beset by troubles. When Theo found such a household, he would immediately write a polite letter saying that he had learned of the owner’s distress from a mutual friend whose name he could not disclose. Theo told them that he was extremely saddened by the situation and if they wished, in return for a reasonable price, he could help the troubled person.
If the person, distraught with his tribulations, should write his answer in a letter and hang it on the branch of Theo’s designated tree or throw it into a bottomless well, the weasel which he had spent much time in training would fetch the letter and bring it to him personally. To attempt to catch the weasel was a fruitless effort. Inasmuch as it was impossibly difficult to capture this extremely nimble creature and, because it was specially trained, the weasel would drink and eat only from its owner’s hand.
If the poor wretch’s answer was yes, by hook or by crook Theo would find a remedy for their troubles, either by entering houses, listening to people, doing a little pilfering, or chasing the ghosts.
The fees he asked for were various. Daily newspapers hung on the branch of a tree every day for a year, a book, a few rings of bologna sausage and all sorts of other things. His customers would, of course, be at first surprised at these demands, but because the whole thing had developed mysteriously anyway, and because these needy peoples’ problems were solved at once, they agreed to pay his fees without delving into them too much.
Almost five hundred years passed.
During this time Theo had written and published fifty-five books, thirty of which were in Turkish and twenty-five in Greek. Recently, his articles regularly appeared in two Turkish newspapers and in one Greek. He would send his writing by the usual Delphic methods, and as long as the books were sold, the publishers did not complain.
He wrote about everything in his books… Five hundred years, easier said than done, is a long time to be occupied with just one topic. More than twenty books were about tales and legends. Two books were about Greek monsters in particular. He had singled out one book for the subject, what women do when men are not at home, and this was one of his bestsellers. Amongst his others, there were also books penned on magic, spying and sex. As a weasel, he had been able to easily observe people’s bedrooms for a few hundred years.
For centuries Theo had solved the problems of dozens of people, he had witnessed events which mortal eyes seldom see and overheard sounds which mortal ears very rarely hear.
So what is written here is the story of the extraordinary events that happened to this extraordinary weasel, which had survived in Istanbul for five hundred years.
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hannahgoestomars · 6 years
2018 year in review
This year feels like it has been long. So, so long. It’s been a good year, I think, filled with a lot of great things. But also hard. And I feel very, very tired. Still, here’s the roundup:
It’s been just over a year since I moved to California. Since my 2017 roundup, I found my own apartment in Pasadena, filled it with furniture, and did the very grown-up thing of buying a car, a old silver Toyota Prius that I’ve named Mae. I knew since I found out I’d be moving out here last year that I’d need a car for living in the LA area, and having it has been exceptionally freeing. I can go visit other areas like Burbank or downtown LA without too much trouble, I can offer people rides, I can be a bit spontaneous with what I want to do. I can go on road trips! Such as taking the Thanksgiving weekend to go on an epic drive up to Sacramento and along the route of the Pony Express through to Fort Churchill in Nevada. That was a lot of fun.
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The ruins of Fort Churchill. I promise to do Thanksgiving properly another time!!
Work at Caltech has been good - I’ve finally finished the two papers hanging over from my PhD, and have had the opportunity to get my teeth into new projects. In between the never-ending cycle of writing telescope proposals and conference talks, of course. It’s a lot of hard work, but I’m enjoying myself, and I’ve landed in a really good group that I get on well with.
Very soon after moving out to Pasadena, I found and joined an excellent church called All Saints. It felt long past time for me to find a church where I can be every part of myself and be welcomed and loved for it, not despite it. I’ve thrown myself into it gleefully - I joined a choir, took part in a book club, got involved in the LGBTQ ministry, and recorded a podcast on pronouns. I love this church dearly and I feel incredibly fortunate to have found it. Here, I am thriving. 
As far as Mars One is concerned, it’s been another quiet year. There have been some rumblings concerning investments, but otherwise we continue to wait for Mars One to be ready to take the next steps. An impatient part of me wants everything to hurry up and happen, but none of this is quick or easy. I’ve just got to keep on trucking - to be ready for when things start to happen again, but also give thought to what I want to spend this part of my life doing. I don’t know yet if I’ll even still be in the same country this time next year, although I hope so.
Still, outside of Mars One itself, I’ve been leaning into my interest in religion in space this year - I wrote a post about Ilan Ramon on the 15th anniversary of the Columbia disaster, and I gave a talk (paper; video) at the Mars Society Convention in Pasadena. That was a lot of fun to attend - I learned a bunch of interesting things and it was great to meet other Mars enthusiasts. And in broader Mars news, the biggest thing is probably the launch and successful landing of the Insight lander - I drove up with fellow candidates Sergii and Jay-Mee to see it launch back in May, and it landed without hitch in November. Congratulations to the team, and I look forward to the science that comes out of it! Also, SpaceX performed its first launch of the Falcon Heavy back in February, which was a joy to watch - landing the two side boosters near simultaneously, and sending a Starman out into the Solar System. 
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Godspeed, Starman, wherever you are now.
The wider world continues to be stressful. It was very interesting to be in the USA during the midterms, and watch it unfold around me even if I didn’t get a say in anything myself. All things considered, the results did give me a sense of hope that the tide of awful in the States is beginning to turn. On the other hand, watching Brexit unfold from a distance has been chaotic and frightening. It feels like everything is incredibly unpredictable, changing from day to day, and I’m very worried for the future, especially on behalf of my friends living in the country. The year was rounded off by the Gatwick drone crisis, which unfolded in a manner beyond satire - to my relief, though, I was at least able to get back into the country for Christmas and New Year (which I have spent with my family, and my Durham friends respectively).
In the process of settling into a new country and having to make new friends from scratch, a lot of my spare time has been spent at home or on solo trips out to various places. Most days, though, I’m just very tired, so it’s been a good year for flopping onto the sofa and watching TV. Good job there’s been a lot of great TV to watch - highlights for me include Anne With An E, Altered Carbon, The Good Place, and the entirety of Person of Interest which was excellent binge material. Kids cartoons are also a good staple for when I come in from work and just want to wind down, and I’ve very much enjoyed the Voltron and She-Ra remakes on Netflix. I got back onto the Doctor Who bandwagon I fell off a few years ago, which took me over to Burbank where I found a weekly watch-along and after-show, which was a lot of fun (and got me out of the house!) I have not yet got around to finding a LARP game over in LA, but I did play a wuxia-inspired event when I was back in the UK over the summer. Hopefully this year I’ll get myself a little more involved again.
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Revolutionary firebrand, champion of the people, wielder of ridiculous giant fans: Eternal Service Tin!
One positive development is that I’ve done a lot of writing this year. I’ve enjoyed doing creative writing ever since I was a kid, but this past year I’ve really decided to put time into it. I’m not at a point where I have stories to share widely right now, but I am looking to work towards getting things to a point where I can submit them for publication, and it’s very satisfying to look over what I’ve done over the year.
Looking back at my last roundup and not-quite-resolutions, I mentioned driving. If 2017 was the year of learning to drive and be comfortable with it, 2018 was the year of it becoming normal and even enjoyable. LA traffic no longer intimidates me, and my aforementioned road trip found me actively enjoying traversing the landscape of America while listening through my podcast backlog (Alice Isn’t Dead is fantastic solo road trip listening). I definitely want to keep exploring while I am out here, for however long that is.
I also mentioned keeping an eye on my mental health. This has been a year out of my comfort zone, living on a new continent, taking a step up in the work expected of me, getting involved in things and exploring - and I like my life right now but it is stressful. Keeping on top of the news does nothing to help that stress either. I spend an awful lot of time being very tired. I need to remind myself that resting and not doing much is not necessarily a problem. And those tired times have been really helped by having writing to work on over the year, even if just in little chunks. Still, while it’s been a good year for me in a lot of ways, it’s not been an easy one. This coming year, I hope to keep looking after myself.
Thanks once again for following along with me. I’m feeling quite tired again today, and I have a feeling that 2019 is going to be very tough. I wish us all the strength to face the upcoming year head-on!
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WEDDING: August 12, 2017
Ceremony: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Reception: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott 
Hair: Debbie Mraovich-Contemporary Hair Design
Makeup: LouAnn Marangone-Mary Kay Cosmetics. Jamie and Joan Marangone-Amazing Lash Studio
Florist: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Bakery: Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
Entertainment: Second to None, John Mitch
Videographer: Generations Photography and Specialty Gift Shoppe
Colors: Regency
Honeymoon: Aruba
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This is a wedding that I have been looking forward to for a very long time…long before these two were engaged. You see, Chad and Danielle are not family by blood, not by marriage, they are however still family. My mom and Danielle’s mom, LouAnn have been friends since our brothers were little and played baseball together.  I am talking elementary school and before. My mom is an only child and when my grandmother, Minnie passed away, LouAnn and her sister Sandi became a close and amazing confidants for my mom, taking us under her wing and caring for us the way that only family does. She has been there every step of the way. We spend Halloween night together eating LouAnn’s delicious, homemade Italian wedding soup, we spend Christmas Eve with their family with an amazing spread at Sandi’s home and giving and receiving of gifts. We spend lots of days in their company and were blessed when my youngest and last child was born on LouAnn’s birthday, leaving her to be my son’s birthday twin and a bond that can never be broken.
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I remember the first time I met Chad, I, like any other family member, had to put my feelers out and see what I actually thought about him…to say that these two are perfect for each other is an understatement. They are beyond compatible and their daughter, Mya could not be a more perfect mix of the two of them, she looks just like Chad in every way with her Momma’s Italian personality, she’s gorgeous and spunky and I just love her to pieces.
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Once engaged, we scheduled their engagement portrait session, these two are funny when it comes to pictures, whether it be like a family member who doesn’t want to put you out or they are truly that laid back about them, I may never know. My suggestion was all in the City of Pittsburgh, that is where they met, fell in love, used to live, had their daughter…it was beginning of many first for them as a couple. We started at the West End Overlook, hands down my favorite view of the city, wide and expansive and on a nice clear day you can see passed the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland. Then we headed downtown near The Point, which is close to where they lived and ended our session at The Point with sunset. At the end of the night as darkness had fallen upon us we talked about the details they had recently accomplished, they asked me to please come and enjoy myself(to the wedding)…I reminded them that I would be! The best weddings for me are the ones that I am photographing…I truly love and adore what I do, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself at a wedding that I was “just a guest”. I mean really, what do you do in between ceremony and reception? I am bride and limo chasing, I don’t know what you are doing haha. We talked about Danielle’s sister in law, Stephanie as we had been since we started, as she was STILL in labor with her second child! We knew the baby was a boy and I asked if Dean was going to be the ring bearer and obviously Mya, their little girl would be the flower girl and that’s when Danielle asked me for Gabe to be a ring bearer as well… Not even kidding, I may have teared up, said yes and spent the next 11 months dreaming of how handsome my sweet boy would be, hoping that the tux we purchased would still fit come August 12 and praying that my rambunctious 3 year old would please, please, please not throw a fit and wreck Danielle and Chad’s wedding day.
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With the wedding day fast approaching and all the preparations complete, we are here….the morning that Chad and Danielle will become man and wife…I. WAS. TERRIFIED! Her ceremony was scheduled for 5PM and Gabe begins to melt at 3PM, he needs naps but has been refusing them like that was his job. I have a few things to recommend for parents of the flower girl/ ring bearers in and around the ages of infant – 5 years old. A backpack! We happen to have  one that we sell that says “Ring bearer” on it, but any old bag will do. I stocked that thing full of goodies. I packed snacks, drinks, candy (just in case it got really ugly) and activities as well as what I like to call, the reward system. My daughter was no a reward kinda kid, she didn’t care that you had a lollipop waiting for her if she went potty or behaved well in church, my son however will do just about anything for a Matchbox Car. I had a series of 8 cars that he would receive for each thing that he did. He walked down the aisle, enter 1969 Corvette Matchbox car….he stood still and smiled for pictures, enter 1970 Camero Matchbox car and so on and so forth. Even I the reward giver could not believe this childs behavior.
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Some of my favorite weddings have all events in one location, it makes it so easy for guests and as well as myself during the preceremony coverage. When scheduling weddings, we typically get coverage of the groom and his groomsmen at the church, having all events at one location allows us to easily go back and forth between  Bride and groom at capture all the those special moments. Danielle got ready on the 15th “penthouse” floor while Chad got ready on the 3rd floor.
From the moment we walked in, it was like a dream, my kids were well behaved and Danielle was the portrait of beauty. Her dress is AMAZING, Her jewelry  was perfect and those Valentino shoes!
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We sent the girls to get their dresses on and proceeded to take photos of the “details”. It was now time to deliver the gifts to Chad, Dave(Danielle’s Dad), Matt and Brian(Danielle’s brothers). It warmed my heart to see Mya all dressed up in her little flower girl robe and handing out those precious treasures. We returned to Danielle’s room and got her dressed. Knowing this family as well as I do, if they cried, I cried, if they laughed, I laughed. I adore each and every one of them and today was going to be amazing and flawless and perfect.
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Watching Danielle walk down the winding path to the ceremony was surreal, I have known Danielle since she  was a little girl, taken her senior portraits and here I was, on this day, capturing one of the biggest moments of her life. I have watched her grow into a successful, gorgeous woman and mother, now wife.
We did outdoor photos of the bridal party and bride and groom in the courtyard at the Marriott, no need to fuss with traveling, we were on a strict timeline. But we were able to capture so many beautiful moments along the way, from trying to get Brian to jump, to a dance line, to my crazy directions…”OK, stand as close to the fire as possible without torching your dress” to “wait, wait, wait, the reflection is perfect”.
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Upon entering the reception, I always like to get photos of the room before as I like to say “Anyone messes it up”. Everything was beautiful. The STUNNING ice sculpture was breathtaking and each and every decoration was well thought out and planned. It was Danielle, it was Chad, it was perfectly them, together.
This brings me to the first dance, Danielle and Chad started together and ended as a family with Mya joining in, the irony is not lost on me. They all held each other close, enjoyed and soaked in the moment. Danielle and her Dad, Dave shared in the father daughter dance as well as Chad and his Mom, Wilma, neither would be complete without that sweet little lady, their daughter, their granddaughter, Mya.
Let the fun begin! Dancing the night away was a blast for everyone, group pictures of every guest, dance battle of guys versus girls, dance line, special dances for Jackie and her new husband, little girls and big girls alike twirling the night away, Lou and Dave, Danielle and Chad, Stephanie and Brian, Wilma and Jim and my dear parents and many others…all joined in for the Anniversary Dance…which Wilma and Jim won!
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With a certain little ring bearer getting pretty sleepy, we ended the night with a photo session outside where we congratulated “my family members”, hugged and wished them well, which happens at every wedding…but this time it was different. This isn’t a couple that I will keep up with on Social Media or when they come in for their next newborn session, this is a couple that I love, care for and will see very soon. I will know that they are not just OK, I will know that they are happy and in love and that they have found that person to which their soul loves. I truly do not have a “favorite moment of the day”, they are all my favorites, many of which include my little man. Watching Danielle walk down the aisle, seeing LouAnn’s face as she turned to Chad, their first kiss, the moment that Mya gave me her “big cheese” at the altar, seeing my little man enter the reception, watching Jeff give his best man speech, watching Danielle during the Maid of Honor Speech, the first dance, the parent dances, the anniversary dance, the dance line, the end of the night kiss. Each moment of EVERY wedding fills me with joy, in a world such as ours is now, I HAVE to believe in weddings. I have the believe in marrying the love of your life, the joy in families, the eternal happiness that one feels being with your soul mate, the one that God designed for you and you alone. I have to believe in the fairytale. I love weddings, each and every one. 
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/southeast-englands-favourite-family-friendly-festival-battle-festival-of-arts-music/
Southeast England's favourite family-friendly festival – Battle Festival of Arts & Music
Battle in East Sussex is named after England's infamous Battle of Hastings which led to the Norman conquest of Britain in 1066. This market town is a magnet for history buffs and holiday makers from all over the world; you can visit the battleground where King Harold fell, as well as the abbey built as penance by William the Conqueror.
October has particular significance for this historic town. The anniversary of the Battle of Hastings falls on the 14th - and the entire month is devoted to the annual Battle Festival of Arts and Music. This critically acclaimed festival attracts visitors from across the UK, Europe and the USA, drawn by an exciting line-up of internationally acclaimed artists, and an eclectic programme of performances, exhibitions, events and activities.
Artist-in-residence Kerry Bennett soaring with her festival wings
You'll find fabulous art pieces spread throughout Battle, from artist-in-residence Kerry Bennet's  ceramic beehive installation in the Almonry Gardens to her and other artists' fantastic Battle Beasts spread across the town. Aspiring artists have the chance to attend workshops on watercolour, acrylic, portrait and fantasy art. Film buffs can immerse themselves in movie classics both old and new. And the curious have the choice of some truly thought-provoking talks by experts in their respective fields, among them.  Hacking the Codes of Life with biologist Nessa Carey, Sir Ernest Shackleton – the Man & the Myths with eminent Polar historian Michael Smith, and A Conspiracy History of the World with Andy Thomas, one of the world’s leading researchers into unexplained mysteries and cover-ups.
There is also a stunning line-up for music and theatre lovers. Here are some programme highlights.
11th Oct - 7.30pm at St Mary in the Castle HASTINGS PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA WITH FUMIYA KOIDO Hastings Philharmonic, in partnership with Battle Festival and the Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition (HIPCC), will open their 2019/2020 season with a concert at St Mary in the Castle featuring the winner of this year’s competition, Fumiya Koido. Conducted by Marcio da Silva, the concert will feature a wonderful programme of Mozart “Haffner” Symphony, Mozart Piano Concerto No.23 and Beethoven Symphony No.4. £22.50 Stalls, £17.50 Balcony, under 18’s free. Tickets from Hastings Philharmonic and from St Mary in the Castle, Hastings Old Town
13th Oct - 1pm at Battle Memorial Hall CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS A fun-filled afternoon for the whole family. There will be various crafts including animal balloon workshops and colouring books on offer. Storytelling duo Spud and Yam will be presenting their unique blend of stories, dance and music in interactive sessions before world-class musicians take the stage for the main concert at 3.30pm Primrose Piano Quartet plus top London soloists perform three all-time favourite pieces of music – The Carnival of the Animals, Peter and the Wolf and The Flight of the Bumblebee Adults £5, Children £2.50. Book online.
15th Oct - 7.30pm at Whatlington Village Hall MRS YARRINGTONS MUSIC CLUB - THE CARRIVICK SISTERS One of the UK’s top young bluegrass and folk acts. Twins Laura and Charlotte perform their original songs and instrumentals along with a few carefully chosen covers on guitar, mandolin, fiddle, dobro, and clawhammer banjo. They have built a reputation for engaging and entertaining live performances with tight sibling vocal harmonies and multi-instrumental virtuosity. £12. Information here.
19th Oct - 7pm at St Marys Church MATTHEW PASSION - BATTLE CHORAL SOCIETY This is a rare opportunity to hear Bach’s most famous choral work – requiring two orchestras and a double choir – sung by Battle Choral Society together with other local singers. Adults £17, Under 18s £15. Tickets online ) or from Rother Books and The Crafty Norman, or at Holden & Co Solicitors for purchasers by card (01424 722422).
19th Oct - 7.30pm at Battle Brewery A CAPPELLA AT THE BREWERY  Now & Then are a Hastings-based a cappella group with a strong local following and a range that includes traditional and contemporary British folk, American gospel, west coast rock, and even Georgian harmony singing. Renowned for their unique blend of voices – no instruments, just pure vocal harmony heaven – the foursome promises an evening of songs that are moving, amusing, joyous ... and occasionally rowdy. This is a free event.
20th Oct - 2pm at Battle Abbey, the Abbott's Hall ROMEO & JULIET  The greatest love story ever told will be performed in Battle Abbey Abbot’s Hall by Bowler Crab, a Sussex-based theatre company that blends minimalism and traditionalism in shortened 'pocket' productions of Shakespeare's greatest plays. £15, £10 under 18s. Tickets online  or from Rother Books or The Crafty Norman.
25th Oct - 7.30pm at St Mary the Virgin PIANO RECITAL WITH 2019 HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL PIANO CONCERTO COMPETITION PRIZEWINNER MAXIM KINASOV Rising star of the piano world 25-year-old Maxim Kinasov from Russia presents a stunning programme featuring works by Beethoven, Franck, Prokofiev, and Rachmaninov. £15, Under 18s free. Tickets available online, or from Rother Books or The Crafty Norman
Photo credits: Battle Festival of Arts and Music 
For more information, visit:
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oxeye-ink · 7 years
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another oc for @felostheir​! i love making ocs for this so much, it’s a lot of fun.
NAME: Iole AGE: 23 years old. DATE OF BIRTH: October 15th HEIGHT: 5’10” WEIGHT: 170 lbs. HAIR COLOR: Dark Purple. EYE COLOR: Golden Yellow. CLASS: War Cleric. NATION: Born in New Plegia, but currently resides in Ylisse.
Iole was born in New Plegia to high-ranking officers in the Plegian military. Her early childhood was utter hell, living in fear of her father and his abuse. Her mother, Nura, took on the brunt of his wrath in an attempt to protect her daughter from ever facing it. The two were extremely close, often seeking comfort in each other and spending countless hours together. Despite their horrid situation, Nura would always try to keep Iole’s spirits up by telling her stories or singing to her. Iole eventually grew to despise her father for his mistreatment of her mother and she began harbor a great distrust of men as a result. After years of hiding from her father’s abuse, she finally stood up for her mother and suffered for it. Still, even with a large bruise on her cheek, she knew that she would never let anyone treat her mother poorly ever again. This was the last straw for Nura. Packing up their things and leaving without telling a soul, she escaped Plegia with her daughter, ready to start off fresh. They traveled for weeks in search of a place to call home, but with little success. With little to eat and no money left, Nura was ready to give up until a kind priest named Isaak came to their rescue. He offered them sanctuary in the monastery where he worked and a place to stay in the vacant house on the church’s property. Shocked at his generosity, Nura accepted the offer gladly. Iole, on the other hand, was not so happy. Trusting none of the male priests, especially Isaak, she would cling to her mother’s side and glare at whoever approached her. However, Isaak eventually won the young girl over. One night, after Iole had a horrible nightmare, she wandered the monastery sleeplessly. Hearing her, Isaak found and comforted her while she cried. After that day, she slowly began to warm to his company and soon enough, the two were inseparable. Eventually, Isaak and Nura wed after they grew close as well. Once Iole could pick up an axe, she begged Nura and Isaak to teach her the basics of battle and healing. While they were reluctant at first, her persistence eventually convinced them. She was quick to pick up the basics of healing and handling an axe. Training tirelessly, she wanted to be ready to protect her friends and family from anyone who might try to hurt them. While the new family had a few years of happiness, Nura eventually fell ill and never fully recovered, leading to her death. Grief-stricken, Isaak and Iole found it hard to carry on, but she quickly found comfort in her new father and as did he in his new daughter. Iole grew into a fine woman, well-versed in the art of healing and battle. Wishing to put her talents to good use, she joined Ylisse’s militia. After a year in the army, she has already began climbing up the ranks and hopes to become a high-ranking officer like her mother.
While she was a rather stoic as a child, Iole is much more cheerful and outgoing as an adult. A nurturing presence, she is very motherly towards her comrades. She treats everyone with the utmost kindness possible and maintains a level-head. She also loves to tease others, even those of authority. She also loves showing affection towards others, usually through hugs or patting their heads. Compliments from her are common, as she believes that praise is a wonderful way to keep someone’s spirits up. Iole is extremely open and tries to hide nothing from others. She rarely will hide her emotions, only doing so when she believes it to be necessary. Though she has grown to be an extremely strong person, her past has traumatized her quite a bit. She occasionally has nightmares of her birth father killing her. She also is terrified of loud noises. Iole can be extremely serious when she has to, but prefers to to keep things on the light side. However, she is a complete mama bear and will threaten anyone who tries to mess with her comrades.
— Iole adores music, singing, and dancing. She would’ve become a dancer or harpist if she wasn’t so good with an axe and staff. — Iole is a pretty darn good cook. — Iole loves dogs and cats. She’ll taken in strays whenever it's raining so they don’t get all wet. — Iole can’t hold her alcohol well. — Iole likes to stay out of politics, but she will voice her opinion when asked. — Iole really admires Lucien. Though, her admiration doesn’t stop her from attempting to tease him whenever she can. — On the anniversary of her mother’s death, Iole usually avoids others. If she can find a secluded place, she’ll sing songs that her mother taught her as a child. — If Iole ever saw her birth father again, she would kill him without any remorse.
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Valentine's Day comes on February 14th each year. Most people celebrate this time with their significant others, often having dinners and exchanging candies and "I love you’s." Valentine's Day was even more to Harold and Iquilla Degree. In fact, February 14th, 2000 was set to be the couple's 12th wedding anniversary, but instead of enjoying what should have been a very happy day, they woke to an unimaginable fear. Their 9-year-old daughter, Asha Jaquilla Degree was nowhere to be found.
The Degree family lived in a rural subdivision of Shelby, North Carolina. The family led lives that some wouldn't dream of now, but back then the family didn't have too many fears about going to work and allowing Asha and her 10-year-old brother let themselves in the house after school. The family is sometimes seen as strict, centering their lives around family, school, and church. The Degrees did not have a home computer with internet access and Iquilla had spoken to Asha about "stranger danger" stating, "Every time you turned on the T.V., there was some pedophile who had lured somebody's child away, via the internet." Iquilla said that because of this, Asha was cautious and content within the limits set by her parents.
Asha Degree was deathly afraid of dogs and was her basketball team's star point guard. On February 12th, just two days before her disappearance, Asha fouled out of the game and her team lost. It was noted that Asha took this hard, crying with her teammates, but eventually seemed to get over it and watched her brother's game afterward. The events leading up to Asha's disappearance often have varying times, but the usual story is that on February 13th, the Degrees attended church and had dinner at Asha's aunt's house. The family returned home around 8 p.m. An hour later, the power went out due to a nearby car accident and came back on around 12:30, an hour after Harold arrived back home from work on February 14th. Shortly before Harold went to bed at 2:30 a.m., he checked Asha and O'Bryant's room and said that they were both there in bed. Sometime after this, O'Bryant recalled hearing Asha's bed squeak, however, this must have been common as he thought she may have been shifting positions, and he went back to sleep. It is believed that at that point, Asha had gotten out of bed and left the home with a backpack that included several sets of clothes and some personal items.
A truck driver and motorist reported sightings that could have potentially been Asha between 3:45 and 4:15 a.m. walking along Highway 18 wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and white pants. The reports were made when they saw the news about Asha on television. Cell phones were not as common in 2000 and cell service was sometimes shaky at best, explaining why calls were not placed immediately and no one waited at the scene. The motorist noted that a storm was raging when he saw the girl, so he circled three times and she eventually ran into the woods and disappeared. The sightings are believed to be Asha as she was wearing something similar that night and both eyewitnesses saw the same clothing on her and both stories have her heading in the same direction.
At 5:45 a.m., Iquilla awoke to start drawing a bath for the children who were not able to bathe the night before due to the power outage. When she opened the door to the children's room, she found O'Bryant but no Asha. Not immediately expecting the worst, Iquilla checked the home, the family cars and then at Harold's suggestion, she called her mother-in-law's home next door. When she was notified Asha was not there, panic set in. Iquilla wasted no time in calling the police, who arrived on the scene at 6:40 a.m. An extensive search was conducted nearby, but there was no sign of Asha.
On February 15th,  just off the highway where Asha was seen running off, candy wrappers were found in a toolshed that a nearby business used. Along with these items, a pencil, marker and Mickey Mouse hairbow were found. All items were identified as Asha's. On February 16th, Iquilla noticed that some of Asha's favorite clothing was missing as well as her Tweety Bird purse. On August 3, 2001, a contractor found Asha's bookbag buried and wrapped in a plastic bag off Highway 18 about 26 miles from her home. A search of the area where the bookbag was found only turned up some animal bones and a pair of men's khaki pants.
In 2015, it was announced that Asha's disappearance was being re-examined and people were being re-interviewed. A $25,000 reward was also announced for any information that would lead to the conviction of the person or persons involved in Asha's disappearance. There is an additional $20,000 being offered by a community group. In May 2016, investigators announced that re-examination may have turned up a new lead. Asha may have been spotted getting into 1970's Lincoln Continental Mark IV or possibly a Ford Thunderbird. The car is described as dark green with rust around the wheel wells. In October 2018, the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office appealed to the public, about two items of interest. A New Kids on the Block concert t-shirt and the book "McElligot's Pool" by Dr. Suess, which was borrowed from Fallston Middle School library early in the year 2000, just before Asha disappeared. These items are believed to be critical to solving the cold case.
Many theories surround Asha's case, but unfortunately, there are no answers. Though the Degrees were cleared as suspects in Asha's disappearance, some believe they may have had involvement. Some theorize that Asha ran away due to having an "abusive" or "strict" home. Some think that Asha just wanted an adventure. Some even believe Asha left on a whim and either fell victim to an opportunistic predator or was involved in a hit and run. Most popularly, one theory states that Asha was groomed and lured from her home by someone promising her something. Each theory has different details. Asha was possibly told she'd be doing something special for her parent's anniversary. Asha was upset about the loss of her basketball game. When the woman who owned the toolshed that Asha's belongings were found in was interviewed, she mentioned a photo of a little girl who could not be identified by Asha's family. Though this report is usually not stated as fact, some believe that Asha may have been lured by promises of making a new friend.
Whatever happened to Asha, it's clear the Degrees have not given up hope, hosting an annual walk to raise awareness. Pictures of Asha are still readily available in the Degree's home, both real and those showing how she might appear all these years later.
"I often wonder if I would recognize her if she walked by me today, the sound of her voice, the sound of her laugh," said O'Bryant in a Shelby Star interview in February 2018.
“I don’t know why you left, but it doesn’t matter. We just want you to come home,” Iquilla said in a message to the daughter she has not seen in nearly two decades. 
If you have any information in the disappearance of Asha Degree, please contact Cleveland County Sheriff's Office at 704-484-4822
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The Toronto True Crime Film Festival Unveils Its Inaugural Lineup
Does Toronto need another film festival? You’re damn right! The Toronto True Crime Film Festival will be launching its first edition with five films, either in the form of documentaries or a dramatic reinterpretations of real life crimes. There will also be a symposium of three daytime events: a panel discussion on women’s obsession with true crime, a multimedia presentation on noir writer John Gilmore, and a closing panel of crime investigators who work outside the profession of law enforcement.
The Toronto True Crime Film Festival will take place on June 8th and 9th at the Royal Cinema and the Monarch Tavern. For information on tickets, visit their website.
Titles and descriptions of the films being screened at the festival can be found below.
  ABDUCTED IN PLAIN SIGHT International Premiere Directed by Skye Borgman (USA, 2017) Abducted In Plain Sight is a stranger-than-fiction documentary about the Brobergs; a naïve, church-going Idaho family that fell under the spell of a sociopathic neighbor who would stop at nothing to be with their twelve-year-old daughter. You will not believe how bizarre this true tale of obsession gets! Screens with short film Maybe If It Were a Nice Room (Dir. Alicia K. Harris, Canada, 2016).
MY NAME IS MYEISHA Canadian Premiere Directed by Gus Krieger (USA, 2018) The award-winning Slamdance hit My Name Is Myeisha is a hip-hop musical inspired by the 1998 police shooting of California teen Tyisha Miller (as well as countless other acts of police brutality against African American citizens) and adapted from the internationally acclaimed play, Dreamscape. Screens with Oscar-nominated short film Traffic Stop (Dir. Kate Davis, USA, 2017).
THE STRANGER Canadian Premiere Directed by Nicole Nielsen Horanyi (Denmark, 2017) After meeting the man of her dreams on Facebook, Amanda finds herself being swept off her feet by Casper, the dedicated father and charming heir to a family fortune. There’s only one problem—everything that Casper has told her is a lie. This documentary-narrative hybrid is made all the more fascinating with reenactments played out almost entirely by the actual characters of this twisted story of an imposter. Fans of the investigative podcast Dirty John will find themselves being drawn in by the similar themes of love, lies, and con artistry in The Stranger and won’t want to miss this DOC NYC Grand Jury Prize-winning film. Screens with short-film 42 Counts (Dir. Jill Gevargizian, USA, 2018).
HOSTAGES Canadian Premiere Directed by Rezo Gigineishvili (Georgia / Russia / Poland, 2017) ​Hostages is a tension-filled drama based on the true story of a 1983 airplane hijacking by a group of Georgian youth trying to escape the Soviet Union. Screens with short film Don’t Be a Hero (Dir. Pete Lee, USA, 2018).
MONSTER Special Screening Directed by Patty Jenkins / USA / 2003 / 109 min ​The film programming is rounded out by a 15th-anniversary screening of Patty Jenkin’s Academy Award-winning biopic Monster, which tells the tale of one of the world’s most infamous female serial killers, Aileen Wuornos. Screens with short film The Sandman (Dir. Lauren Knapp, USA, 2017).
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hottytoddynews · 8 years
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following text was submitted to HottyToddy.com by James Meredith, the first black student to enroll in the University of Mississippi in 1962. Mr. Meredith lives in Jackson, Mississippi with his wife, Judy, and he continues to be active in civil rights.
James Meredith and John Doar leaving first class.
In recognition of the last day of Black History Month, we are sharing Mr. Meredith’s text in its entirety with our readers. Mr. Meredith, as you will see, also shared this document with the Head of Special Collections of the J.D. Williams Library on the University of Mississippi campus, asking her to add it to his collection.
The first portion of what you read below is his letter to Jennifer, outlining 14 other events which he considers important in his life. That letter is followed by his text, entitled: THE POLICY HISTORY OF COLORED PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE THE EUROPEAN DISCOVERY OF AMERICA.
TO: Jennifer Ford, Head of Special Collections, JD Williams Library, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 Copy to: Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter; Dr. Donald Cole; Dr. David Sansing; Governor William Winter
SUBJECT: The Policy History of Colored People In The United States Since The European Discovery Of America, By James Meredith – 26 Oct 2016
DATE: 1 November 2016
Dear Ms. Ford:
This is the most important opinion I have ever written. Please add it to my collection.
Below are some other events I consider very important in my life: #1. Born non-white in Mississippi in 1933. #2. My father was the only black to remain a registered voter in Attala County from the 1920s until his death in 1965. #3. My Mother’s Father was the largest land owner (black) in Attala County from the 1890s to the 1930s. #4. My Father’s Mother’s Father was JAP Campbell. He was Speaker of the Mississippi House in 1861 and led the delegation to secede from the Union and was elected President pro tempore of the Provisional Confederate Congress. He served as the top legal officer for the Confederate Army. After the Civil War he led the Mississippi Colonels who overthrew the Reconstruction government in 1875 and ran the Union Army out of MS. He was the longest serving Supreme Court Justice in history, 1876 to 1894. He wrote the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 establishing the legal and official system of White Supremacy and Black Inferiority. He mostly raised my father. #5. I served nine years in the desegregating military. I was the first Black assigned to the all- white unit and remained the only Black most of the time. #6. Attended all-Black Jackson State College 1960-62. #7. Graduated from formerly all-White Ole Miss in 1963. #8. Received post Graduate degree from Ibadan University, Nigeria, Africa – 1965 #9. Conducted James Meredith March Against Fear – 1966 #10. Law Degree from Columbia University, New York City – 1968 #11. Stock Broker, Merrill Lynch, Wall Street Office – 1969 #12. Policy Advisor to Senator Jesse Helms – 1989-91 #13. Donated personal papers to Ole Miss – 1997 #14. United States Senate passed a resolution “Recognizing the Historical Significance and the 50th Anniversary of the James Meredith March Against Fear, a 220-mile walk down Highway 51 from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi.” Congressional Record Vol 162, No. 92, 10 June 2016.
Sincerely, James Meredith
  Courtesy of Ole Miss News.
Mississippi is the Center of the Black/White – Rich/Poor Universe
Slavery existed as long as mankind. However, black slavery as a peculiar form began with and developed alongside the European discovery of America in 1492. The legal and official form of black slavery was ended by the Civil War in 1865, but the consequences of the legacy are still with us.
Only three years after the ownership of another human being was made illegal by the Constitution of the United States, another Amendment was added to the Constitution making the former black slaves citizens. However, not full citizens. The powers that be have established several positions of citizenship for the former slaves, all of which have run their course. The time has come for a new policy on the Black-White Race Issue.
The present Second Class Citizen status which was established for the Black Race in the closing years of the 19th century was patterned after the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire lasted over 800 years. Its longevity was due to the fact that it permitted all non-Romans subjects that it needed to become citizens of Rome. (It ultimately declined and fell because it would never allow all non-Romans to become full citizens with all rights and privileges.) The Civil War ended slavery. However it did not settle the question of the status of the Black Race. In fact, the ending of slavery did not affect the Black Race legally and officially at all. The 13th Amendment only said that people who owned slaves could no longer do so legally. It granted no rights or privileges to the former black slaves. The American black slaves were the first and only slaves to be freed and not given land or means of survival. They were simply labeled “contraband “. In 1868, the 14th Amendment made them undefined citizens. In 1870, another Amendment – 15th -further muddied the waters by providing the Black Race with “Due Process” and an unclear right to vote. The only thing clear about the status of the former black slaves was the fact that they were not to enjoy the same rights and privileges of the white European.
From 1870 to 1890, many degrees of citizenship were debated from taking it away completely to a limited form. A limited form of citizenship was formalized by the Mississippi Constitution of 1890, which was reviewed and accepted by the Supreme Court of the United States. The Mississippi Constitution of 1890 was used as a pattern for other Southern states. Ultimately, this document became the de facto Black Race Policy of every state in the Union and in 1948, was the Blue Print used by South Africa when it established Apartheid as its policy for Black Africans. The Constitution of 1890 is still the law of the land in Mississippi, making it the second oldest Constitution in the world.
American Slavery before Cotton and The Industrial Revolution 1492- 1792.
Columbus’ Commission from the Monarchs of Spain was to “Find new lands, claim them for Spain and enslave the people”. All people captured in war were considered slaves without rights. The other form of slavery was referred to as indentured slavery. Indentured slavery was limited for a specific period of time and indentured slaves retained some rights. Most slaves in North America before 1700 were white. As late as 1861, more than ten percent of all slaves in South Carolina were white.
From 1700 to 1800 most slaves in Mississippi were Native American “Indians”. This is little known because it was politically incorrect to enslave Native Americans. The American practice of enslaving Indians resulted in powerful criticism from Europeans.
When America was discovered by the Europeans, England was an old Monarchy based on landed gentry. The English model of Kingship was the Bible, like all other European nations. The Catholic segment of Christian belief was dominant, although dissension had long been developing in the world of Christianity. The beginning of the Protestant Reform, led by Germany (Martin Luther), coincided with the scientific discoveries of sea navigation, ship building and weapons of war. Spain led the world in all three categories enabling it to control the New World for 200 years. This placed Spain in the position to accumulated most of the wealth that Native Americans had already mined and stored before the Americas were discovered by the Europeans.
England was the biggest adversary of Catholic Spain. In 1588, Spain sent the Spanish Armada to England to destroy English shipping facilities. The English won the battle and won control of the Seas in less than 100 years. The real power struggle since the discovery of America by Europe was between the Catholics and the Protestants. The Protestants had moved their leadership to North America by the middle of the 17th century and dominated the take-over of the land from the Indians and its development under the British Flag. By the middle of the 18th century France had taken control of the Catholic Church from the weakening Spanish. The American Protestants, still fighting under the British Flag, defeated the Catholics in what was called the French and Indian War in 1763. The French and Indian War was in fact the last battle of the 30 year war of the Protestants against the Catholics.
The Protestant victors in North America were now in the position to break free from the English Monarchy and establish their own government which had been the focus of philosophers and thinkers since Greece and Rome. Projected as a new form of governing while it was in fact as old as mankind – The Biblical Guide.
In 1775, under the guidance of General George Washington, the wisest and most successful military person in known history, conducted a war for Independence from Monarchy. He won the war in short order because the British did not have much need for these colonies. England had toyed for years with Protestantism and was in fact more Protestant than Catholic. England had already published the Protestant Bible – The King James version – The most important political document ever published.
In 1776, The North American English speaking colonies reverted from Monarchy back to the Biblical Tribal system of government. This was short lived because they could not compete on an international level. In 1787, the Tribal government quickly established the Biblical Judges system.
Back to the need for a new policy on the Black Race Issue.
A Brief History of Events and Slave Owner Thinking 1776 to 1806.
The French Revolution lasted from 1789-1799, followed by Napoleon taking power. The American Constitution was adopted in 1787, greatly influenced by French thinkers, enhanced the debate regarding the issue of Freedom for all white men. The Black Race compromise, settled on by the Constitution, put on hold the international discussion about the status of the Black Race. The Black Race was declared human but still property.
In 1791, two years after the start of the French Revolution, the slaves in Haiti rebelled and killed a large number of white French slave-owners. This event changed the whole conversation. Send them back to Africa? Replace them with the white trash of Europe? This debate was short-lived. England and Western Europe were in the middle of the developing Industrial Revolution which required a raw material – cotton. The poor whites from Europe either could not do or would not do the work required to produce cotton. Two years later, 1793, the cotton gin was invented that could separate the cotton fiber from the cotton seed. However, the cotton had to still be planted and picked before it could be ginned.
The Black Race was needed again to plant and pick the cotton. The back to Africa movement was quickly suspended. Napoleon conquered all of Europe, put down the French Revolution and sent an army to the Americas to put down the rebellion in Haiti. Napoleon failed to defeat the slaves in Haiti and the international world of white slave owners decided to isolate Black Haiti and punish it for the rest of times. This punishment of Haiti was an example of what would be done to any Black who failed to obey the rules of their status.
The new policy of Europe was to make “subjects” instead of slaves out of their black workforce. England required the United States to insert the clause in the Constitution that “no slaves could be shipped from Africa to the United States after 1808. England used their control of the seas to enforce this rule. The new subjects in Africa were required to pay a head tax to the European government which had to be earned by working for the Europeans – called Forced labor. In 1831, Nat Turner’s rebellion in Virginia shocked the world when black slaves rebelled and killed their owners. Cotton now dominated world economy and Mississippi dominated cotton. The Black Race was considered essential to cotton production.
Adam Smith’s theory of capitalism dominated economic thought in the United States. The concentration of money was in Boston and moving quickly to New York and Wall Street. Ever since the discovery of America by Europe, the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church held opposite positions on Christianity for Black slaves. In 1493, the Pope issued a Papal Bull requiring that every Black slave brought to America had to be baptized before they could be taken off the ship and sold. The Protestant leadership had problems with Christians owning other Christians and decided that their Black slaves could not be converted to Christianity. After the Turner rebellion, the Protestant leadership decided that it would be easier to control their Black workforce if they were Christianized with strict rules. Black slaves could be taught “Salvation” and “Other worldliness,” but they could not be allowed to deal with anything political, economic or social. To ensure these requirements were enforced all Black religious gatherings or any other gathering of Blacks, must be attended by two or more responsible whites.
The Mississippi Plantation and the Wall Street Capitalist joined forces to keep the Black Race in the cotton field for 100 years (1840 to 1940). The most important man in creating this policy to keep the Black race tied to the cotton field was Frederick Barnard. He was the last President of Ole Miss and the first Chancellor of Ole Miss, serving until the start of the Civil War in 1861. He was the only man in History to be offered a cabinet level position by Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate government, which he declined, and a cabinet-level position by President Abraham Lincoln, which he accepted until he became President of Columbia University in 1864, where he served for 25 years until 1889.
Chancellor Barnard was a first generation Aristocrat, born and raised in Massachusetts and schooled in the Ivy League. Barnard relocated to Alabama, where for two decades he was the most influential educational and political person in Alabama before moving to Mississippi. His first major move after being selected President of Ole Miss was to change the title from President to Chancellor. Barnard’s next move was to maneuver Ole Miss onto a favorable financial tract that gave it financial preference on funding for over the next 100 years.
Before coming to Mississippi, Chancellor Barnard had clearly established himself as a Union man. Once in Mississippi, he established himself as a solid supporter of Black slavery. Cotton was King by 1860 and Mississippi was Queen. No person in the world knew this better than Chancellor Barnard. After the Civil War ended, the need for cotton fiber was even greater than before the war. How to keep the Blacks in the cotton field now, that they are free. Frederick Barnard, former Ole Miss Chancellor and now President of Columbia University (located down the street from Wall Street -the new master of Capitalism), quietly effected a workable policy. This policy was called White Supremacy in Mississippi and the “White Man’s Burden” in England. Legal rules and private restrictions were established all over the United States designed to keep the Black Race both in the South and in its place – officially called segregation. The legal rules “de jure” were relatively straightforward and simple, but the “de facto” rules for the North were more complex and required the Ivy League touch. President Barnard guided Wall Street in getting the North to effectuate local restrictive and exclusion laws designed to keep the blacks from coming into their territory, forcing them to remain in the cotton fields.
Chancellor Barnard’s greatest accomplishment for Mississippi occurred a year after his death, the 1890 Constitution. It did two main things. #1. It shifted the enforcement of white supremacy from the individual to the state; and #2. It established all effective political power at the local level. The Mississippi 1890 Constitution established Second Class as the Policy for the Black Race.
Since the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 was created and approved by the Supreme Court of the United States, Second Class status would be all the Black Race would enjoy. The enforcement of black policy was a local matter until WWII. The first significant discussion at the national level occurred in the 1930s, when President Franklin Roosevelt established a commission to make recommendations on how to deal with enemies within the United States in the event the United States entered WWII. The Commission recommended that the Japanese be interned, the Germans and Italians be watched, and the Black Race be allowed to enjoy gradually more rights. These rights were:
#1. Creation of 2 black congressional districts. #2. Appointment of 1 black grade 13 civil servant to the Pentagon. #3. One black promoted to general. #4. Blacks would be allowed to serve in the military, in segregated units.
This was done in 1942.
In 1948, President Truman asked the military to make plans to desegregate. This was the first major policy made since second class citizen status was granted to Blacks following the Civil War. The Cold War against Communism caused the United States to consider other changes. The international pressure was growing from all quarters by 1952. Senator Eastland and Congressman John Bell Williams of Mississippi made weekly speeches on keeping segregation the law of the land. In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public education was wrong, however, it further ruled that changes could occur “with all deliberate speed” which meant “never”. 60 years later, every study shows that there is more segregation today than there was in 1954. In 1961 England and Western European nations decided to grant its colonial nations freedom including Black African nations. What to do with Black African diplomats in America’s segregation policy for blacks? Treat them like diplomats. This didn’t set too well with the growing Black elite. More upgrading had to be done with the Second Class.
Dr. King’s protest movement by 1963 could no longer be swept under the rug. In 1964, the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill designed to further upgrade Second Class citizenship for Blacks. Nothing much changed. Even though there was a Voting Clause in the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, in Mississippi 8,000 blacks were on the voting rolls in 1963, only 6,000 were on the rolls in 1965. President Lyndon Johnson called Senator James Eastland of Mississippi and they got their heads together and decided to give the blacks the vote.
Senator Eastland was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and could have killed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in Committee, however, he never held a Committee meeting. Senator Eastland let the bill go straight to the Senate floor for a vote and passed overwhelmingly. Something else most people don’t know about Senator Eastland, after he retired from the Senate, he was the biggest contributor to the Mississippi NAACP for a number of years.
In 1968, President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1968, the most important civil rights legislation in history. It was sold as a Black rights bill. The truth is, that it was, in effect the most important white women’s rights bill ever enacted. An aside aspect of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was the decision by powers that be to upgrade the black elite to real middle class status. That is, of course, a good thing. However, there was one side impact that is very much in need of attention. Until the 1968 Civil Rights Bill became law, blacks who were fortunate enough to move up the chain, remained in the same communities as other blacks, therefore, all blacks benefited from their good fortune. For the last 45 years, the Black elite who were able to benefit from new opportunities, have been cut off completely from all other blacks who are now left in the ghetto, alone and helpless.
Mississippi is the place, where a New Policy on the Black Race Issue can be developed, that will work.
The New Black Policy:
#1. Teach the Black Race Good and Right. #2. Make the Black male useful again. Teach the Black Male how to work with his hands. #3. Allow the Black Man to become a functional part of the Black Family.
My Mississippi is everywhere.
James Meredith
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James Meredith, the first African American to attend the University of Mississippi in 1962
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James Meredith walks down stairs.
James Meredith and John Doar leaving first class.
James Meredith entering first class at Bondurant Hall.
James Meredith, James McShane, and John Doar walking through campus.
James Meredith seated in class.
Military police guard Baxter Hall while James Meredith exits.
James Meredith exits Baxter Hall with escorts while military police guard.
James Meredith walks to car, surrounded by news reporters
These photos were taken by Ed Meek in 1962, and now belong to The Ed Meek and The Meek School of Journalism and New Media Collection of the University of Mississippi Libraries Digital Collections. 
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The post Exclusive: James Meredith Shares Most Important Opinion Piece He Has Ever Written appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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ultraxanadu · 8 years
Letter to my children - November 2015
Joint letter to my Children 21 November 2015
My darling children
Building on the individual letters that I send you, I’ve been meaning to write a joint letter to you all for some time now for three reasons. First there are some collective messages that I’d like you to all hear in the same letter. Second, we live in really testing times with the scourge of terrorism and other societal ills, and we can all benefit from remembering the important things of life. Third, it’s yet another opportunity to share how much I love you all and how special you are as young adults.
November 15th marked the 16th anniversary of my dad’s death. You all know how close I was to my dad and how devastated I felt when he passed away, when I was 34. Your other Granddad died when your dad was just 22, younger than all of you at this point in your lives. I admire people who say they have no regrets because I have plenty! I wish I had hugged my dad more. Even though this was not in our culture at the time, I wish I’d told him more how much I loved him. I wish I had visited, called and written more. I regret the few times I fell out with him and wish I’d handled them very differently. I wish he had lived to see you all grow and have your own families. He would have been so proud of you. Good job that I have some lovely memories to help balance these out.
The time will come when neither your dad nor I are around. I implore you to stay close to one another, be there for one another and cheer, support and challenge one another. You will have ups and downs in your life and will observe ups and downs in the lives of your siblings, everybody does. The trick is how you recover from the downs and how you celebrate and build on the ups. Help one another wherever you can so that you can all the the best that you can be all through your lives.
Family is so important, above everything else. It becomes tougher to keep those ties strong as the family grows bigger, as spouses and partners join and as babies are born. It’s so brilliant to welcome your wives and my lovely granddaughter to the family. Your dad and I have been through this ourselves, especially with living so far from our own families. It does require a lot more effort to stay close but it’s not impossible. We have great examples in our extended family of brilliantly strong relationships across continents, and also examples where sadly, we have failed spectacularly. It takes the smallest, tiniest things to drive people apart, minor irritations or hurtful things said without thinking. The trick is to address these head on in a spirit of love and forgiveness and then to move on in unity.
You three will be the architects of where your own relationship ends up and I hope your own children see you as great examples. Remember that your children will hear what you say and watch what you do, they will know and respect your values, they will recognise the people and things that you hold dear and those that you make time for, they will observe who you call and whose calls you pick up and so it will come naturally to them to do the same.
There will be lots of brilliant firsts that we can celebrate like the arrival of Poppy who made us parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles for the first time. Not everyone has that privilege, what a blessing and a good excuse to celebrate. No doubt this will be followed by lots of seconds and thirds that should also be equally awesome experiences for us all. This joy is greater when it’s shared and when we’re together not apart.
I encourage you to think about your faith. You know my own strong belief in God, my faith has always been an important part of my life and has helped me to get through many difficult times. My God grounds me, anchors me and gives my life purpose and meaning. I pray for you every day, that God may help you to make wise choices in everything you do; that you may recognise the consequences of your actions and that your lives may be filled with good people, good health, love, success and happiness. Think about what you believe and practise that belief to the best of your ability. I’m not talking about just going to church, I do think going to church is important but there are as many good Christians outside churches as there are inside them. I’m talking about a deep, meaningful engagement from the heart, and a life based on the principles of respect, good will, love, fairness, peace, reconciliation, poverty of spirit and a hunger for righteousness.
I urge you to give some thought to your own personal brand. What do you stand for? What’s important to you? What do you want people to say about you? What do you want from your own future and what effort are you going to put towards that? What does greatness look like for you? Your relationships, associations, choices, actions, habits and behaviours should be consistent with this personal brand.
In your individual letters, I often talk about how proud I am of the young people you have become. You are indeed incredible people with potential for bright and wonderful futures. I’m delighted that you’re contributing as upright members of society. This requires some work to maintain so that it doesn’t slip away as you get older and your life gets busier. I know some of you already give to charity, if you don’t, I suggest you do. Pick a charity and give something to them every month be it a fiver or a tenner. Do everything you can to protect the environment for future generations. Do everything you can to get/stay healthy so that you can be around my children and grand children. Let’s all tackle our unhealthy habits once and for all, no ifs, no buts, no excuses! If not now, then when? Do your bit to fight discrimination and inequality and to help and stand up for those less fortunate than we are.
I really, really want you to understand how much you mean to me and how deep my love for you is. I honestly can’t find the words to express this love fully and properly. When people ask me about my greatest achievement, I always say without hesitation that there are three - you three. My heart fills with love and pride when I think of you, my happiest moments are when you’re all together with me in the same place, preferably laughing or goofing about. Your happiness is my happiness, your pain is my pain and your well-being is my top priority in life. I’m your biggest fan and will always be there to support you and help you to be the best you can be in life. The drive I have in my life and career is so that I can give you the best foundation in life and help you wherever possible.
Whatever I say, whatever I do comes from the purest positive intent you can imagine. It may not always feel like that and as you grow older, we need to talk about it when you feel that this is not the case because it really always is. Over the years, it’s become even more acute to me the cultural clashes caused by the differences in how I was raised compared to where and how I raised you. These often feel very, very uncomfortable for me and no doubt for you as well. We need to learn to address this and adapt as we go and it won’t always be easy. Where we have differences, let’s address them with honesty, wisdom, courtesy, respect and grace and fall back to the principle of positive intent. In my mind, there are no issues worth falling out seriously over, not now and not ever!
I will always offer you my guidance and help freely and unreservedly based on the positive intent that I mentioned. You should let me know when you don’t need it or when it’s not welcome and I’ll do my best to respect that. Here’s wishing you all the wonderful things of life. If your life is great already, I pray that it gets even more brilliant. If you’re struggling with anything, I pray that you get through it quickly. Remember that I’m always here for you. Stay happy, stay healthy and stay blessed.
Lots of love Mum xx
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