#07. naomi & angel
heatwayve · 1 year
starter for angel. ( @dobits​ )
where: daybeds
when: day 41
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– “MORNING SUNSHINE,” SHE GREETS, BOUNCING ONTO THE BED. she holds her hands in the air a beat, “ don’t worry, hands to myself, ” grin is a little wolfish as she settles back down, head propped up in her hands as she looks at him. honestly, she’s dying for the gossip on whatever the hell that charlene/dante/evie display was at the firepit last night – and she figures angel’s the most likely contender to give it to her straight up. but first, her voice lowers an octave, eyebrows arching : “ tell the truth. are you kind of buzzing ? ” naomi pauses, remembering what she wanted to talk to him about yesterday. she reaches out for angel’s arm. “ – wait. speaking of buzzing. the most insane thing’s happened. ”
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Mighty Solars Heroes and Villains (Last Post of Mine Before Someone Takes my Mental)
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Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Invisibility and Super Shlorpian
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Super Strength and Mundane
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Laser Eyes, Weaponry and Super Shlorpian
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Shlorpian Fungus and Flower powers and Mundane
Pupa Solar-Opposites/The Mighty Pupa: Telekinesis
Stacy G/Spikerella: Body armor and shooting spikes
Sonya Solar-Opposites/Nighthowler: Elasticity
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Wonder Woman-like powers and super lasso
Monica Miller/Lightspeed: Super Speed
Janiz Solar-Opposites/Ms. Quasar: Changing colors and super shlorpian transformation
JK-7/Mighty Robo: Super Robotic Powers
Kimber/Crushed Skull: Bone Bending and Mega Angel Shlorpian transformation
AISHA Solar-Opposites/Lady Camo: Shapeshifting and ultra cyber super shlorpian transformation
Lili Solar-Opposites/Mighty Baby: Super Cries
EVA/Syren Songstress: Superpowered Singing Voice
MAX/The Speedster: Super Speed
Evil Terry Solar-Opposites/Shifter: Just like the powers as Inque from Batman: Beyond and Venom combined into strength and Mundane
Parker/Venus Tip: Her powers are like Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Ms. Frankie/Night Saw: Wolverine claws
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: Lightning dash
Cherie/Shining Light: Super stealth
Montez/Detroit: Electricity
Pezlie/Jessie-us: Super sonic cries
Nova/Heartstar: Super Empathy
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: Sun powers
Mia/Navigator: X-ray Vision
Kevin/Balanight: Tron powers
Sherbet/Fizziepop: Sweets Powers
Jamie Quilbard/Firewall: Fire Powers
Darcy Quilbard/Sonar Woman: Star Powers
Angela/Tsunami: Water powers
Mark Melner/Laserblast: Shooting lasers from hands
Sister Laffy/Zaffy Taffy: Sweet Bombs
Sister Hershey/Atomic Blossom: Glowing Powers
Bobby/Lightning Rod: Lightning Powers
Tracy/Firefly: Like Katie Power/Energizer from Power Pack comics
Abby/Ultraviolet: Rainbow powers
Owen/Bubbley Blue: Bubbles
Holly/Lil Butterfly: Ultraviolet and Butterfly powers *I found out Holly is Trevor’s daughter in the show, who also appears in the “Stock-a-Verse Ray” and “The Educational Sprinkler Device”, which makes her Shauna’s step-daughter and Stacy G’s step-sister*
Benedog Cumberwolf/Mighty Puppy: Like Underdog ‘07 *He’s Kevin’s new puppy from the pet Deenosuar Solar Opposites episode*
Randall/Blackhole: Voodoo magic
Travis/Bloom Surfer: Slime Powers
Avery/Diamenroto: Diamond Powers
Cheery Smithers/Bloody Sympathy: Blood Bending
Janice/Teleport Woman: Teleportation and flight
Jackie Quilbard/Thunderella: Thunderstorm powers
Pim/Soarin’: Flying powers
Jam/Razzle Dazzle: Star powers.
Keith/Behemoth: Strength and Rage Mode
Ringo/Orb Lord: Spirit Ball Powers
Theo/Techrat: Holo Powers *he is the Wallian who used to help Stephen from “Terry and Korvo Steal a Bear”
Shauna/Magma: Oozing molten green lava powers
Trevor/Slimar: Turned into walking blue goo that sprays baddies with goo.
Alice/Black Moon: Like Silk from Spider-Verse
Dr. Weathertsone/Blizzard: Ice powers
Naomi/Black Mamba: Shooting slithering webs
Glen “Dodge Charger”/Silver Knight: Heroic Silver Powers
Zylenol “Zy”/Lightning Wing: Neon Electricity Powers
Gragger/Sticky Squid: Goo Powers
Skunt/Zamboni: Spinning Ball Powers
Fivo the Ferret Halo/Ice Beast: Blizzard powers
Ruben the Rabbit Halo/Thunder Rabbit: Cyber Thunder Powers
Croaker the Toad Halo/Screaming Toad: Screaming powers
Rita the Rat Halo/Speed Rat: Technology Powers
Shelly the Turtle Halo/Shellshock: Speed Powers
Piper/Sunburn: Star Powers
Tomblr/Turbo Rider: Like the Silver Surfer but different
Sofia/Furiosa: Cosmic Fireball Powers and Speed
Gavin/Lone Defender: Strength and Cowboy-Based Powers
Hedgie/Blazing Hedgehog: Super Speed
AXL/Virus: Super virus powers *He is a new green AI OC Evil Terry created when he first appeared on Earth*
Oscar/La Vulture: Undead Reaper powers *He is Sofia’s Uncle, who was brought back to life thanks to Dodge Charger*
BO/Bonzai: An orange AI assistant Kimber made and EVA’s crush; machete powers
LOU/Bounceball: A yellow baby AI assistant Korvo built for Pupa, Lili and JK-7 as a playmate; bouncing ball powers
Mighty Solars Villains
Darkness/Kano: A legendary sorcerer from the dark side of the moon who can turn people into his own shadow slaves and has been after Shlorpians for a long time. He was return to life as Kano, a mysterious fire bending vigilante until he was finally killed off for reals thanks to Cheery’s other half and late love interest, Naomi. He even manipulated Qourra into turning against her fellow people as an exchange for revenge for her mother.
Lá Smaragdus: A jewel-themed super villainess who was once a Latino tv star, until her salary was cut and she was fired from her show. Her powers are turning people into diamond statues and making minions out of rare gems.
Screech: A muscular super villain with the power of brutal strength that can tear apart objects and innocent people.
Platinum Belt: A manipulating spiritual cyborg controlling a superhero named Blue Belt, and is known to manipulate innocent bystanders by taunting them over their issues and fears and their flaws.
Temptra: A robot disguised as a gorgeous platinum southern-accent woman created by Platinum Belt to tempt people into their own temptations, which ended up failing badly when she suffers the wraith of Qausarblast.
Sun-Yi: An evil young ninja after an ancient artifact known as the Blue Heroin and is revealed to be Blue Belt’s rival.
Piedro Blobsmith: An obese mafia boss in charge of a dangerous alien slime food company that causes aliens, including Shlorpians to become morbidly obese and the size of blimps. His main victims are Korvo and Terry aka Qausarblast and Mighton.
El Minotaur: An evil warlord and nemesis to the Resistance who is after Earth-4 by building for fortress for when he kidnaps innocent bystanders so he can brainwash them into his soldiers.
Mindreader: A villain that tortures people through their minds and send them on weird bizarre trip in the Forbidden Zone.
Simon/Tarantula Boy: A super villain teenager with the powers of a tarantula that can turn into mindless zombie army.
Zahmara Python: A famous well-known evil bounty hunter alien woman who hunts down and kills innocent aliens.
Morlak: An evil sorceress who believes in the power of darkness and sees love and family as nothing. Her powers is to make people give into their own fears and turn them into monsters.
Spirala: A teenage villainess with the power to turn teenage girls into Lust-themed zombies and also turns teenage boys into her own love-blinded slaves.
Zeus: A crook that wants to drain people’s energy for his own powered machine that can make the world entirely dark.
Candy Bitch: A cute but evil and bratty super villain based on candy sweets that has candy-themed powers, including shooting Starburst Fruit Candy slime from her hands.
Rock Fraud: A former rockstar who lost their career after it was revealed that they were lip singing this whole time. They now have the power to steal people’s voices, so they can use it for evil purposes.
Moral Blade: An evil shadow woman with the power of turning people into their worst dark selves and turning them rebellious.
Dreamweaver: A robot that turns people away from real life and put them into their own fantasy worlds from their own dreams, or worse… nightmares!
Merissa: A rogue witch who wants revenge on the human witches of Earth-4 for kicking her out because of her jealousy over newcomers and for turning her son against her.
GeenaDavisTron 4000: A robot built to help struggling students as school, but then rebels and malfunctions into a war machine after labeling humans and the Solar Opposites imperfect beings.
Empress Ophelia Darkstar: An evil empress from the planet Emeralddon that hunts down aliens for their own life sources for her corrupted planet.
Impulse: A super villain with a huge amount of blood pressure that causes her to attack citizens with passive-aggressive behavior and is very dangerous to be around with when it comes to very strong emotions.
La River Bestia: The swamp monster of Earth-4’s Swamp Forest who is revealed to be a young deranged scientist turn into a monster by his own troubles.
Magnesium: A villain who turns out to be a former head of the Bowenian Church that is revealed to be Sister Sisto’s apprentice and is after Pezlie.
Macromanser: Once a famous wrestler woman named Alya Sparks, she is a now a monstrous strong woman bent on crushing people with her own savage strength.
Pinball Brat: A teenage super villain based on a pinball machine that traps people in her house size pinball machine and makes them play the game.
Madame Luna: A witch villainess that was a former meteorologist that has powers based on the moon.
The Rose Triplets: Madame Luna’s manipulative minions who are colored in different shades of rose and are good acrobats.
Qourra- A former water bender who goes rogue and tries to blood bend people for revenge on the death of her mother. Only for her to caused an Unwitting Instigator of Doom which led to the arrival of the Silver Spades.
The Silver Spades- A villainous team of dangerous silver-shaded multi-colored villains that blew up Earth and are actually apprentices and allies of the Silver Cops that are after the Solar Opposites once they heard about their arrival on Earth and later Earth-4. The members are Maverick, the silver-green leader who is determined to take down the Mighty Solars, Loo-Loo, the silver-yellow member with the power of dangerous lightning, Bullet, the silver-purple member with strength powers that rivals Mighton’s, Zelda, the silver-red member with the power of lava and Aqua, the silver-blue member with the powers of controlling water.
Carl Rockwell: A dangerous most wanted criminal that is going after the Mighty Solars’ allies.
Dr. Van Gurbin: A scientist that tested on steroids but was kicked out of his college for testing it on innocent people. Now he is gonna use Mighton’s strength for revenge.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: A returned foe from the Wall, who has been revived as a super villain of dark magic and mind control.
RUTH: An evil AI assistant who is red and AISHA’s evil counterpart created by Sister Sisto. *Her voice actor is also Eden Espinosa*
Anthony/Sand Beast: A rogue Wallian who develops the power of sand and moon sand, and has the ability to turn into a monster.
Lava Master: He was originally a teenage boy who is Mark’s former crush has gone rogue and became a villain that turns into a lava monster.
The Nega-Alexes: The Solars’ snobby neighbors from “The Educational Sprinkler Device” who became super villains after forming an alliance with the Silver Cops.
The Thunder Silvers: Lonesun, Glorgax, Ventrez and Pobo, who are now super villains after being exposed for framing Glenn by Quasarblast, Silver Knight and Lightning Wing.
Stephen/Beast Man: A rogue Wallian who now has the power to command dangerous carnivorous humanoid beast minions that were once humans.
I hope you love this post and yes. Glenn is redeemed in this one.
@avaveevo, @almar4121, @themagicwolf6677, all of my watchers, I hope you love this last post of mine.
Oh and by the way, I found out Louise’s real name in the show is Shauna when Korvo give her the McNugget Buddy collection, Kevin’s Wife’s name is actually Angela and their kids are names Abby and Owen. In this version, Sofia used to have a crush on Mia but moved on because she knows how much Ms. Perez means to Mia and is happy for them and now Sofia has feelings for someone else: Nova and Phoebe *it’s a polyship in my version*. Bobby is the boy with the large glasses in some of the Solar Opposites episodes and the one Sonya has a crush, Kieth is the Solars’ neighbor from the Season 2 finale and now AISHA’s love interest and Piper is one of the Wallian girls:
This is Piper:
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Also, Skunt secretly has a crush on her after she saved his life. Oh and Glenn/Dodger Charger and Zy are dating now. I hope you love my new and last Mighty Solars post guys.
And here are Sister Laffy:
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And Sister Hershey:
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Oh and here are Tracy, Jackie and Bobby!
Tracy (the one one Yumyulack accidentally send his mound pic too and is revealed to be Pim’s daughter; Pim is revealed to be a widower. His first wife died when Tracy was a baby)
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And Bobby (he is also revealed to be Jam’s son, Jam’s first husband died when Bobby was two)
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And Jackie Quilbard (Oh and she is now Jamie and Darcy’s adoptive daughter because her parents went into rehab and lost custody of her)
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And this is Holly
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Lost Causes
Lost Causes https://ift.tt/hUIf6PE by RedNotice One man ex-royalty and legally dead, set on taking out the royal family of Callaeum. His reasons are his own and the people are his last priority. His real identity unknown, the people of Callaeum collectively refer to him as Angel; the stealthy one man show that loots, sabotages, and destroys, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. The other man the leader of a group of infamous thieves that reside within the Eden Forest, set on a better future for the people of Callaeum. He steals from the rich to give to the poor, taking back the money that the royal family gathers from outrageous tolls. Everybody knew Dean Winchester, the people’s savior, the man children called Robin Hood, based on their bedtime stories. Their methods are different. Their jobs clash. They hate each other. But when a job goes wrong and they're left stranded, Dean has no choice but to rely on his rival. It becomes clear the royal family is planning something, gathering every last piece of wealth the people have, and the two thieves have no choice but to come together. To rid the Kingdom of Callaeum of the corrupt royal family and restore peace. Neither man realized the extent their reluctant partnership was going to reach. Words: 5819, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Gabriel (Supernatural), Naomi (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jimmy Novak (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Thieves, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Prince Castiel (Supernatural), Thief Castiel (Supernatural), Thief Dean Winchester, Fake Character Death, Enemies to Lovers, reluctant allies, Slow Burn, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), BAMF Dean Winchester via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/1E49WGo December 07, 2023 at 06:50PM
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graftisms · 2 years
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how was the challenge ?   what was the most memorable moment from it for you ?
“ it was fun, actually. i loved when everyone gets really competitive, and it was a bit of an ice breaker. i’m still embarrassed about my shitty lap dance, ”   she laughs,   “ but i think it’s hard to beat charlene sucking naomi’s toe as the most memorable night. that was pretty gnarly. ”
is there anyone you have chemistry with or see yourself wanting to get to know better ?
“ i think i want to get to know them all better today, actually. i’m still a little afraid i scared most of them away with my crabby attitude, so i’d like a bit of a do-over today. especially since naomi made it pretty clear that frankie is probably doing the same right now. ”   she can’t keep the bitterness out of her voice.   “ so far, i think i’ve been feeling chemistry best with angel. i know— a man, right ?   but seb and rhys have made it pretty clear they’re looking to make him their third, and i’m still convinced he’s gonna be up naomi’s arse by the end of the day, so i think i might leave it alone. i’ve really liked getting to know charlene so far. like, she’s someone i could see myself keeping in touch with, which kinda says a lot. and she’s hot. i wish i hadn’t blacked out when i kissed her, ”   she grimaces a little.   “ but i’ve been getting pretty serious friendship vibes from her, though romi is trying to tell me otherwise, so i don’t know. we’ll see how it goes. ”
do you see your fellow islanders hitting it off with anyone ?
“ romi and jude, right ?   i didn’t expect that, i will say. i’m happy for her, and if he really likes her as much as everyone says he does, than i have no problem with him. i still wouldn’t be surprised if jenny tries to steal him, even if she is with dante. nice doesn’t really seem like her type, but i do hope she gives him a shot. she certainly deserves better than josh. ”
did you share a bed with anyone ?   how did that go ?   do you think you’ll share with them again ?
“ yeah, i shared one with charlene. it didn’t, like, mean anything, and we stayed on our sides of the bed, probably because of me. i don’t really know what i’ll do tonight, honestly. that’s a problem for my future self. but i didn’t mind sleeping with her... except for the rowdiness, only because i was really tired. might take a nap later, in case there’s a round two tonight. ”
what do you think is going on at the other villa ?
a pregnant pause, because she’s been trying hard not to think about it and also waiting to be asked.   “ i don’t know. dylan probably slept outside like the good boy he is. maddox has probably fucked half the bombshells already. and frankie... ”   she struggles with her words.   “ i really couldn’t tell you. but you know what, i hope she’s having fun. ”   except it’s said sarcastically, because she doesn’t mean it. 
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 17, 2023)
23:55 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 23:50 Maestro & Cabal - Rocklands Beach 23:47 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 23:44 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 23:39 Ludvig & Stelar - Reflection 23:35 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 23:31 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 23:22 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 23:20 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 23:14 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 23:12 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 23:09 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs. Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 23:03 Beanfield - Planetary Deadlock 22:58 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 22:54 Shallour & Riah - Lie 22:50 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 22:47 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 22:44 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 22:41 Matt Simons - Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) 22:32 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 22:26 Groovecatcher - Angel Of Nature 22:23 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 22:19 Daniel Steidtmann - Pigeon Lake 22:13 Sweed Feat. Janana - Finally (Holter & Mogyoro Remix) 22:10 Hbz, Anna Grey & Agent Zed - Aloha Hey 22:07 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 22:01 Lounge Generation & Namara - Inner Voice 21:54 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 21:52 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 21:47 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 21:42 Eelke Kleijn - Woodstock 21:39 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 21:31 Tiana, Anton Ishutin - Deeply In My Soul (Original Mix) 21:27 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 21:20 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 21:17 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 21:13 Naomi - Anybody Here? 21:09 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 21:07 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 21:03 Troels Hammer Feat. Clara Valente - Ai Meu Bem 21:00 Edx - Neptune 20:57 Nora Van Elken - Mount Fuji 20:53 Enya - Caribbean Blue (Remastered 2009) 20:51 Parov Stelar - Fire 20:47 Tycho - Horizon 20:43 Eelke Kleijn - Mistakes I've Made 20:36 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 20:30 Noraj Cue - Story At The Campfire 20:27 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 20:23 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 20:19 Agnostica - Lost 20:12 Deeperlove & Marc Korn - Vertigo (R.i.o. Remix) 20:07 Sw - Sweet Lullabies (Original Mix) 20:03 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 19:59 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 19:57 Lost Frequencies, Janieck Devy - Reality 19:52 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 19:49 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 19:45 Five Seasons - In Your Town 19:42 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 19:38 Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining 19:35 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 19:32 Italobrothers - Stay 19:28 Hakan Lidbo Feat. Emma - What Is Love 19:24 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 19:22 Yves V X Bashkar - Halfway (Feat. Twan Ray) 19:16 Bissen & The Crossover - Quicksand (Chillout Mix) 19:13 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 19:11 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 19:07 Lexy & K-paul Feat. Enda Gallery - Peilschnarte 19:04 Gibbs - Waiting For Lonely 19:01 Consoul Trainin Feat. Steven Aderinto & Duoviolins - Obsession 18:57 Thomas Jack Feat. Nico & Vinz - Rivers 18:55 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 18:49 Schiller - The Future Iii 18:46 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 18:43 Undressd - Forever Young 18:37 Klangkuenstler Feat. Alice Phoebe Lou - Man On The Moon (Original Mix) 18:34 Alok, Zeeba And Iro - Ocean 18:27 Hraach - After Dark 18:24 Julian Perretta - Miracle 18:20 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 18:17 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 18:10 Schiller & Sheppard Solomon - Sweet Symphony (My Heart Beats Again) 18:07 Duboss - Losing My Religion 18:00 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 17:54 Joel Jungell - Autumn Painted Leaves 17:51 Kidsø - Finja 17:44 David Devilla, Mauro B & Gerard C Feat. - Someone Told Me (Mladen Mande Remix) 17:41 Nora En Pure - Epiphany 17:38 Reece Lemonius, Munich Monstrs - Miss You 17:32 Bernstein - Babel 17:25 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 17:22 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Cest Mieux 17:18 Schiller - Liebe 17:15 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 17:11 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 17:08 Lydmor - Money Towers 17:04 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 17:01 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 16:53 Rapossa - Oriental Tales 16:48 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 16:44 Federico Aubele - Postales 16:41 Clément Leroux - Memories 16:34 Worakls - By The Brook 16:29 Nor Elle - Dubsolution 16:25 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 16:22 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 16:17 Espresso Del Lago - Come On 16:14 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 16:12 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 16:09 Dash Berlin & Dbstf Feat. Josie Nelson - Save Myself 16:04 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 16:00 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 15:57 Major Lazer Feat. Dj Snake & Mø - Lean On 15:52 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 15:49 Depeche Mode - Freelove 15:46 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 15:39 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 15:34 Armin Van Buuren, System F - Exhale (Tim Besamusca's Lounge Mix) 15:30 Passenger 10 - The Lonely Boy Who Wanted To Make Friends 15:26 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 15:23 Robin Schulz Feat. Graham Candy - 4 Life (Original Mix) 15:19 Cosmic Soul & Tom Novy - Like A Dream 15:16 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 15:10 Groovecatcher - Intoxicated 15:07 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 15:03 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 14:57 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 14:54 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 14:48 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 14:46 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 14:43 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 14:40 Rita Ora Feat. Alesso - Anywhere 14:37 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 14:34 Sons Of Maria - Always 14:28 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 14:25 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 14:20 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 14:16 Paco Pedilla - Chariots Of Fire (Glorious Remix) 14:13 Lucy Neville - Shameless 14:10 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 14:04 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 14:02 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 13:58 Tiesto - Everything (Acoustic Version) 13:56 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 13:53 Kamrad - Feel Alive 13:47 Sans Souci - Comina (Extended Mix) 13:43 Dvine - Ever After 13:40 Moby - My Only Love 13:36 Hagen Feetly - U Got Me 13:33 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 13:29 Lstn - Undecided 13:26 Klangfeld Feat. Tillmann Uhrmacher - Free 2018 13:23 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 13:20 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 13:17 Regard - Ride It 13:14 Sam Feldt Feat. Lateshift - The Riddle 13:08 Djuma Soundsystem - Les Djinns (Trentemøller Remix) 13:05 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 13:02 Paratone - Time After Time 12:56 Moby - A Case For Shame 12:53 Sans Souci - Nanda 12:49 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 12:43 Hendrik T. - Espiral 12:38 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 12:35 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 12:29 Mozez Feat. Henry Binns From Zero 7 - Beautiful Day 12:23 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 12:18 Deep Dive Corp. Feat. Dennis Le Gree - Water 12:10 Cabeiri - Plants Telling 12:04 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 11:57 George Holliday - Never Gonna Grow 11:54 Bernward Koch - Lonely Dream (Solo Piano) 11:49 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 11:42 Richard Grey - Need Your Lovin (Murjd Remix) 11:39 Tomas Skyldeberg - Outside The Window 11:36 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 11:31 Blank & Jones - #whatwedoatnight 11:29 Vievie - Sea Roses 11:26 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 11:21 Kid Simius - The Flute Song (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 11:18 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 11:15 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 11:09 Amirali - My Way 11:06 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 11:03 Robin Schulz - Headlights 10:57 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 10:54 Nora Van Elken - Okinawa 10:47 Cell - Idea Spiral (Ozora Festival 2011 Live Edit) 10:43 Gardenstate & Bien - The Best Part 10:39 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 10:32 Sans Souci - Seaside (Extended Mix) 10:29 Kush Kush & Sickmellow Feat. Kazhi - Blacklight 10:26 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 10:21 Sherrie Lea - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 10:18 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 10:15 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 10:07 Stan Kolev, Yuji Ono - Try (Original Mix) 10:04 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 09:58 Worakls - Elea (Original Mix) 09:55 Le Shuuk Feat. Xilions - Goodbye 09:51 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 09:48 Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 09:43 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 09:40 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 09:37 Rihanna Feat. Mikky Ekko - Stay 09:33 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 09:30 Sans Souci - Fenton 09:27 Alle Farben Feat. Janieck - Little Hollywood 09:24 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 09:18 Monolink - Otherside (Club Mix) 09:14 Drenchill Ft. Indiiana - Hey Hey 09:08 Beyhude - Rüzgar 09:04 Teri Richardson - Shadows Of My Love 08:59 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 08:54 Kidsø - Fir 08:50 Ypey - Life Time 08:48 James Carter & Ofenbach Feat. James Blunt - Can't Forget You 08:43 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 08:37 Wd2n - Sultans Of Swing (Original Mix) 08:34 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 08:30 Sono - Trusting You 08:26 Rank 1 - T.t.c. 08:23 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 08:21 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 08:14 Oxia - Harmonie 08:10 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 08:06 Melloton - See You Again (Extended Mix) 08:02 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 07:57 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 07:50 Paji - Viola (Original Mix) 07:47 Mefree - Horizons 07:43 Filous - Let It Snow (Original Mix) 07:36 Gerrit Van Der Meer - Solaris 07:33 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 07:28 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 07:26 Felix Jaehn Feat. Polina - Book Of Love (Chris Meid Piano Version) 07:22 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 07:18 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 07:10 A Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth 07:04 Tebra - Istok 07:01 Lissa, Freddy Verano - Move Like Me 06:58 Mike Candys & Séb Mont - What's On Your Mind 06:54 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 06:49 Ambala Feat. Laid Back - Walk With The Dreamers 06:46 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 06:41 Lyke - Stay With Me 06:36 Pang! - Lion (Original Mix) 06:33 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 06:29 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 06:23 Mads Arp Featuring Julie Harrington - Alive 06:20 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 06:16 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 06:13 Blank & Jones - Fall In Love 06:05 Jan Blomqvist - Empty Floor 06:02 Enigma - Return To Innocence 05:58 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 05:54 Sans Souci - Condor 05:49 Nora En Pure Feat. Ashibah - We Found Love 05:46 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 05:43 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 05:36 Tosca - La Vendeuse Des Chaussures Des Femmes, Pt. 1 05:33 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 05:30 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 05:22 Underworld - 8 Ball 05:18 Olga Scheps - How Much Is The Fish? 05:15 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 05:11 Croquet Club - Awake 05:03 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 04:58 Puremusic - Unsaid (State Azure Remix) 04:55 Blank & Jones Feat. Kyle Pearce - All Of Me 04:51 Elderbrook - I Need You 04:47 Ingo Herrmann - Inner Truth 04:43 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 04:38 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 04:35 Groove Da Praia - Is This Love 04:31 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 04:27 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 04:21 The Rhythm Slaves - The Light You Will See 04:18 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 04:15 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 04:10 Loui & Scibi Feat. Nuwella - Your Love (Ian Tosel Remix) 04:02 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 03:56 Deep-dive-corp. - Lucsus 03:53 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 03:50 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 03:44 Gary B - Love Rain Down 03:41 Trinix - Vision Deluxe 03:38 Munich Monstrs - Shine 03:34 Riccardo Eberspacher - Sunetul De Seara 03:27 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 03:19 Blank & Jones - White Light 03:16 Adara, Egzod, Sinego - Free 03:11 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 03:08 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 03:04 Thievery Corporation - It Takes A Thief 02:59 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Deep Ocean 02:54 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 02:48 Tebra - Suton 02:45 Lizot - Daddy Cool 02:39 Moca - Kleine Träumerei 02:34 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 02:31 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rbvln - Weight Of The World (Feat. Rbvln) 02:25 Aurosonic, Katty Heath, Frainbreeze - All I Need (Chill Out Mix) 02:22 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 02:19 Zoe - C'est La Vie 02:13 Tosca - No More Olives 02:09 Blank & Jones - High Fly 02:06 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 02:02 Jp Juice - Cette Planete 01:56 Rodg - Heights 01:51 Aphrodelics - Rollin On Chrome 01:43 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 01:38 Röyksopp Feat. Astrid S - 02 Let's Get It Right 01:35 Felix Jaehn Feat. Lost Frequencies & Linying - Eagle Eyes 01:32 Möwe - Bad Intentions 01:25 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 01:19 Aural Float - Still Here 01:11 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 01:08 Tomas Skyldeberg - Chillin With You 01:04 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 01:00 Melokind - Tiefgang 00:57 Sum Wave - Milkyway 00:54 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 00:50 Edx - Vommuli 00:44 Faro - Shape Of Sense 00:37 Beyhude - Alabora 00:32 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice 00:28 The Weeknd Feat. Daft Punk - Starboy (Kygo Remix) 00:25 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 00:21 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 00:15 Aim - Cold Water Music 00:09 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 00:04 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 00:00 Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?
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beom1e · 3 years
love is (not) easy masterlist
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summary between commitment issues and your busy college student life, you just didn’t have time to bring another person into your routine. that’s why you had soobin, your secret not-boyfriend, but you were always no good at keeping secrets. now your two best friends are working to figure out who the secret boy is.
pairing choi yeonjun, choi soobin, choi beomgyu x gn! reader
genre social media au, fluff, angst, humour, college au, ex boyfriend! yeonjun, lover! soobin, childhood bff! beomgyu
warnings cursing, alcohol, empty threats, mentions of sex, innuendos, details of kissing
#01 — just me nd tyunning
#02 — landed in seoul
#00 — preview
#01 — a car never hurt anyone
#02 — your daegu boy
#03 — arrest me now, officer
#04 — hop in the back
#05 — cross him off the list
#06 — growing to love
#07 — but #yolo
#08 — goodnight secret twitter
#09 — sitting alone in loserville
#10 — sherlock holmes
#11 — well Ouch
#12 — vicious cycle
#13 — this is a democracy
#14 — held you back
#15 — shady comebacks
#16 — oh so monogamous
#17 — hello friends
#18 — vulnerability and kissing
#19 — loverboy
#20 — side characters
#21 — loveD?
#22 — so much damage
#23 — two to go
#24 — i’m yours
#25 — losing you
#26 — neon green
#27 — a new Trio
#28 — team soobin t-shirts
#29 — reality shifter era
#30 — our song
#31 — one tiny little lie
#32 — bottom of the list
#33 — one of those days
#34 — strong ass beomgyu sprite
#35 — #aimed
#36 — language, my angel
#37 — pov: you’re my meow meow
#38 — brain hurty
#39 — boy who can’t drive
#40 — la douleur exquise
#41 — stayc was right
#42 — wild friday night
#43 — beomgyu fans SNU
#44 — sick cruel evil person
#45 — pick me
#46 — terrible romcoms
#47 — do this more often
#48 — friends share everything
#49 — connecting dots
#50 — hate to be a snitch
#51 — boyfriend? congrats!
#52 — my little intern
#53 — epilogue
alternate endings one, two
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status complete
tomorrow x together choi line social media au / smau. will include written chapters as well as social media screenshots. warnings will be added to the masterlist and at the start of each chapter, so make sure to read them.
taglist @gyuville @pr0dbeomgyu @eclisqc @tyunluvbot @taejinxkoya @90s-belladonna @naomi-from-paleontology @nycol-ie @youreverydayzebra @blank-velvet @jejenono-ren @itsamemarioo @suna-kiyoomisproperty @liliansun @00-baejin-05 @01heegyu @junluvr @nightswithnct @rinyx @enhacolor @hobistigma @softpia @txtville
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Netflix and Gold House launch ‘Netflix Gold’ project to amplify API stories, artists, creators
The project, titled “Netflix Gold,” aims to highlight the narratives of artists and creators within the API community and allows Gold House to expand its audience beyond films for Asian audiences. “Gold House is committed to amplifying and unifying our multicultural communities — not just by righting systemic wrongs but by projecting new, affirming, portrayals of the world we deserve,” Bing Chen, president and co-founder of Gold House, said.
Based on Maitreyi Ramakrishnan’s character Devi, “Devi’s Summer Kickback” will include a sneak peek of the season, South Asian cuisine and a night in Los Angeles filled with celebrating culture, small businesses, and intersectional stories. Other Asian American experience titles to look forward to on Netflix include “Naomi Osaka,” Ali Wong’s “Beef,” “Portrait of a Thief,” “Free Food for Millionaires,” “White Ivy,” “Dial A for Aunties,” Lana Condor’s “Boo B*tch,” and an untitled comedy with Awkwafina and Sandra Oh. “Monkey King,” “Boons and Curses,” and “Mech Cadets” will also be premiering on Netflix. 
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xe-company · 3 years
The information given is what each of the girls decided to answer; that’s why some sections are left unanswered. Some answers could be true while others could have made up an answer. 
Yi Xiaoqing
Birthdate: 07/19/1999 Birthplace: Texas Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: Chinese-American Height: 5”1 Training: – Charm Point: Eyes + Button Nose Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Skip - Crush Rap Evaluation: –
Melody Sims
Birthdate: – Birthplace: New york, New york Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: American Height: 5’5” Training: – Charm Point: Curiosity + Innocence Vocal Evaluation: Everyday - Ariana Grande Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation:  –
Beatrice Kingsmen
Birthdate: 02/07/1996 Birthplace: – Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: American-British Height: – Training: – Charm Point: English Accent Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Holla - Max Rap Evaluation: –
Naomi Chang
Birthdate: ??/??/199? Birthplace: – Company: Universal Music Production Ethnicity/Nationality: Chinese-Korean-American Height: – Training: 8 Years Charm Point: Improvisation Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Gangsta - Kehlani Rap Evaluation: Lifted - CL
Noya Fuji
Birthdate: – Birthplace: – Company: Atlantic Records Ethnicity/Nationality: Japanese-American Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Eyes + Lips Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: TT - Twice Rap Evaluation: —
Ash Fraley
Birthdate: – Birthplace: – Company: CAPITOL MUSIC Ethnicity/Nationality: Italian-American Height: 5′6″ Training: 9 Months Charm Point: – Vocal Evaluation: Close - Nick Jonas Dance Evaluation: Playing With Fire - Blackpink Rap Evaluation: –
Evangeline Masters
Birthdate: – Birthplace: – Company: SONY  Ethnicity/Nationality: American-Canadian Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Angelic Vocals Vocal Evaluation: Flower Way - Sejeong Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: –
Nova Caine
Birthdate: 12/27/1998 Birthplace: – Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: Russian-American Height: – Training: 9 Months Charm Point: Whistle Notes Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Me Like Yuh - Jay Park Rap Evaluation: –
Poppy Lewis
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Montreal, Canada Company: Independent  Ethnicity/Nationality: American Height: 5′4″ Training: 9 Years Charm Point: Cute Face Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Let Me Love You - Ariana Grande Rap Evaluation: Bermuda Triangle - ZICO
Miyka Lee
Birthdate: 04/04/1997 Birthplace: Tennessee Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: 5′7″ Training: – Charm Point: – Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: Desperado - Rihanna
Baby Choi
Birthdate: 11/03/2000 Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana  Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: American Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Voice Range Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Complex - Zion.T Rap Evaluation: Not Today - BTS
Ca Chin-Sun
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland Company: CAA Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: – Training: 4 Months Charm Point: Mirror Dance Ability Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars Rap Evaluation: –
Véronique Dior
Birthdate: – Birthplace: – Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: French-Korean Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Foreign Visuals + Fast Speech Vocal Evaluation: Attention - Charlie Puth Dance Evaluation: Swalla - Jason Derulo Rap Evaluation: Gucci - Jessi
Olivia Yang
Birthdate: ??/??/1996 Birthplace: Canada Company: Atlantic Records Ethnicity/Nationality: Korean-Canadian-American Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Empathetic Nature Vocal Evaluation: Quit - Ariana Grande Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: –
Kim Aarin
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Nevada Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: 5′3″ Training: – Charm Point: Cheeks + Aegyo Vocal Evaluation: Palette - IU Dance Evaluation: Finesse - Bruno Mars Rap Evaluation: –
Linette Lee
Birthdate: ??/??/200? Birthplace: – Company: SONY  Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: 5′3″ Training: 2 Months Charm Point: – Vocal Evaluation: No Promises - Cheat Codes Dance Evaluation: Cactus - ACE Rap Evaluation: –
Yao Qingling
Birthdate: 04/21/2000 Birthplace: Calgary, Canada Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: 5′0″ Training: 5 Years Charm Point: Multilingualism Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: Bling Bling - Ikon
Seto Yasuka
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Waterloo, Canada Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: Japanese-Canadian Height: – Training: – Charm Point: English Abilities Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: Break a Sweat - Becky G
Miyata Tsukiko
Birthdate: ??/??/1998 Birthplace: – Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: – Height: 5′5″ Training: 7 Years Charm Point: Sweet Vocals Vocal Evaluation: Dance the Night Away - Twice Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: –
Mun Sang-Hee
Birthdate: ??/??/2003 Birthplace: – Company: Independant Ethnicity/Nationality: American Height: – Training: – Charm Point: Aegyo Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Likey - Twice Rap Evaluation: –
Amber Lim
Birthdate: – Birthplace: – Company: SONY Music Ent. Ethnicity/Nationality: Korean-American Height: 5′7″ Training: 4 Years Charm Point: Unique Vocals Vocal Evaluation: Roller Coaster - Chungha Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: –
Lee Soo Young
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Charlottetown, Canada Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: Canadian-Korean Height: – Training: 6 Years Charm Point: Dance Techniques Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Gashina - Sunmi Rap Evaluation: Dally - Hyolyn
Page Grey
Birthdate: 06/22/1999 Birthplace: – Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: Canadian-American Height: 5′2″ Training: – Charm Point: – Vocal Evaluation: Circle - Saay Dance Evaluation: – Rap Evaluation: Red Sun - Hangzoo
Syibl Newton
Birthdate: – Birthplace: Calgary, Canada Company: – Ethnicity/Nationality: Canadian Height: – Training: 1 Year Charm Point: Creativity + Impressionism Vocal Evaluation: – Dance Evaluation: Juliette- Shinee Rap Evaluation: 6 Cypher - Bizzy
Raein Bates
Birthdate: 01/08/???? Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia Company: None Ethnicity/Nationality: American Height: – Training: 3 Months Charm Point: – Vocal Evaluation: Desire - years & years Dance Evaluation: One More Time - Twice Rap Evaluation: –
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kristenstuwarts · 5 years
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Kristen Stewart, Elizabeth Banks, Ella Balinska & Naomi Scott at the Charlie’s Angels press day in NY (07/11/2019).
442 notes · View notes
waywardaf67 · 5 years
Coda: S15E3
Cas walked to his truck, parked right outside the front door of the bunker. He had sustained himself on nothing but hope and prayer for the last ten years, but he knew no matter how much he hoped he would, Dean wasn’t going to follow. Cas gave the hunter ample time to stop him, but the look was there––that same disheartened look Dean always wore when Cas disappointed him. Only this time, Cas knew there was no coming back. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to come back. 
In time, he would reach out to Sam, let the hunter know that he had to leave, and he knew Sam would understand. Cas also knew that no matter how upset Dean had been with him, he was going to take his anger out on his little brother. He would apologize for that too. But they would get along just fine without him––they always had. Sam and Dean Winchester never needed him. He thought they did, convinced himself in the beginning that he was there for the cause. That he believed in the righteous man and his little brother that drank demon blood. He’d even convinced himself that they grew to care for him, but as Cas climbed into his truck he knew it was over. He couldn’t be a punching bag for Dean any longer. He made mistakes, failed in epic proportions, but he had always stayed true and loyal to the Winchesters. Even when he was working with Crowley it was with them in mind. 
Save Sam and Dean––Cas thought it was his calling. His one mission from God. Maybe it was, maybe God only sent Cas to save Dean because he needed a broken angel to rebel. Naomi was right, he came off the line with a cracked chassis, but was that by design? 
As Cas pulled away from the only place he’d ever considered home he wondered if Chuck planned for him to rebel. Planned on Metatron stealing his grace and leaving him weakened. So many things had happened to him since he raised Dean from perdition, and he wondered how much he actually had a choice in. Unlike Dean, Cas wasn’t just angry about this, he was also perplexed. Maybe only having free will for ten years made it harder for him to understand Dean’s anger. Being an angel programmed to follow orders and protect God’s will was all he’d known until two boys from Kansas asked him to make a choice. One demanded it actually. And hasn’t that always been their relationship? Dean demanding one thing or another from Castiel. Pushing him to his limits and beyond. 
Cas felt the phone in his pocket buzz and was surprised that Sam was calling him so quickly. But maybe Dean had already gotten too drunk or smashed up his bedroom and Sam needed someone to talk to. Cas almost pulled over to take the call, but instead slammed his foot on the gas––his truck gave a growl, but it was nothing like the Impala. Tears welled up in his eyes and he blindly threw his phone into the passenger seat. 
He would add this missed phone call to the ever-growing list of apologies he would make to Sam, but for now, Cas needed nothing but quiet and the open road. He was bitter that this is his biggest takeaway from Dean. It wasn’t love or compassion, kindness or understanding, no what Cas learned most from his best friend was there isn’t a problem in the world that you can’t run from. 
He reached for the tape in his glove box but stopped himself. Listening to the mixtape Dean gave him would only cause his heart to break further. He had never known if Dean crafted those songs just for him, or if this was just an old tape he had laying around and passed off to Cas as another teachable moment. 
They had a lot of those teachable moments. Dean was constantly trying to get Cas to conform, never quite comfortable with his otherness. And Cas had tried, he tried to make Dean accept him, tried to make Dean love him, but even as he lay dying in the barn a few years ago Dean could never say it. Maybe he never felt it, though Cas didn’t want to believe that. He had to believe he mattered. He made a difference. Sure he fucked up a lot, and made bad choices, and kept things from the brothers, but he only ever did that to protect them. Couldn’t Dean see that? 
As the distance grew between Castiel and Lebanon, Kansas, he thought about everything they had been through. From that first trip up from hell, the seals breaking, when Cas took over Claire Novak’s body, the first time he went against heaven for Dean, and every wrong turn he’d made since then. He thought about Naomi’s mind control and the thousands of Dean’s he’d killed, but how the real Dean’s words pulled him back from the edge. He’d asked that day what broke the trance, and Cas, still being dumb and naive, thought Dean would understand that it was him, those words so close to expressing his love––as close as Dean had ever come to telling him that he loved him. Why didn’t Dean see that? Or it was possible that he did know exactly why Castiel was able to overcome mind control and he just brushed it off. Not everything was about them. Dean had a lot of problems he needed to sort through, and his willingness to accept love and understand his place in the world was his biggest area of concern. 
That’s what made Cas so confused, for years Dean thought of himself as nothing but a tool, an instrument to be used to fight evil. First at John’s will, then Alistair’s, then Cas’, and finally Chuck’s. Why was it so hard for him to wrap his head around this? Had Dean finally learned that he deserved good things? Castiel felt like he might have been the first person to ever tell him that, and it took him ten years to believe it, but that could be why he was so angry. He'd finally accepted that he mattered, that what he did was important. Just because Chuck was behind the why didn’t make it any less true. 
Humans on this plane still felt things, they still mourned loved ones, felt pain, and fear. Dean saved countless people from going through those things. Just because God trapped them in this maze doesn’t mean the work he did to keep the maze running was for nothing. 
What felt like hours, but could have only been minutes, dragged on as Cas drove aimlessly. He had used the last of his Grace to stop Belphegor and felt like he might need to sleep, if only for a short respite from thinking of Dean. He was mad, and hurt, scared, and lonely. His mouth was dry and that meant he needed water which meant he would have to urinate, and that was the final straw. Cas couldn’t hold back any longer. One perfect tear slipped down his cheek before he was able to pull to the side of a dark abandoned road. He didn’t even know what direction he chose, or if he was still in Kansas anymore. 
The reference that he actually got and used made him choke out a sob. He’d finally done it right and Dean was nowhere to see. 
Years of pain and arguments washed over him, causing him to gasp for air. This had happened to him once before when he was a human, and one of the nice people at the homeless encampment told him it was a panic attack. It had to be that, he couldn’t breathe or stop the tears from streaming down his face. His heart physically ached as if it were slowly cracking, but was beating too quickly for that to be true. His arms felt numb and he was thankful he already pulled over when this happened. 
He loved Dean with everything he had and it wasn’t enough. He’d never been enough and it didn’t matter to Dean that he never stopped trying. If Cas were honest with himself he would say that nothing had been the same between them since he worked with Crowley to open up purgatory. And Cas just spent countless years following Dean around like an abused puppy begging for love. All he ever wanted was to be loved. Maybe Sam loved him out of some misplaced obligation, but never from Dean. 
Anger welled up inside of him, taking the pain he felt and wrapping it up like a wounded bird. This was another lesson he learned from Dean, embrace the anger and shove aside the sadness. It wasn’t his fault Mary was dead, it wasn’t his fault he had to stop Belphagor, it wasn’t his fault Chuck trapped them there and watched them like some campy TV show. Dean had said that every time something went wrong he was there, but damn it, so were they. Sam and Dean had fucked up just as much as he had and he was always there with open arms and forgiveness. Something Dean never gave him––not really. They would move on and there would sometimes be a half baked apology, but they never worked anything out. They just pushed forward and kept fighting because that’s what you did, you never gave up. Well, Castiel was tired of living like a Winchester and he was ready to give up. 
He wanted to lay down across the bench of his truck and sleep until...forever really. It would be so easy to close his eyes and let exhaustion take him, but a nagging voice in the back of his mind––that sounded an awful lot like Dean––told him he would have a sore back and a cramped up neck. So, one last time, Cas decided to push forward. There had to be a motel close to wherever the hell he was. 
He reached across the seat, grabbing his phone. With the last of his energy he would search out somewhere to stay. At least this time he had his own credit cards and vehicle. How many times would Cas have to be a human without a home because of Dean? 
Cas was expecting to see one missed call from Sam, but he was shocked to see several missed calls and a list of texts. His eyes burned and felt swollen, but the tears had finally slowed and he swiped their last traces away with the back of his hand. As he stared down at the illuminated screen, Dean’s name on display at least twenty times. 
Missed Call 11:47 pm Dean
Missed Call 11:47 pm Dean
Missed Call 11:48 pm Dean
Missed Call 11:51 pm Dean
Missed Call 11:59 pm Dean
Dean 12:04 am >> Cas pick up the damn phone.
Dean 12:07 am >> You sorry sack of shit, you don’t get to leave this family. 
Missed Call 12:10 am Dean
Missed Call 12:15 am Dean
Missed Call 12:16 am Dean
Dean 12:20 am >> Come on man. At least tell me where you’re going.
Dean 12:20 am >> Cas, please. 
Missed Call 12:21am Dean
Missed Call 12:21 am Dean
Missed Call 12:23 am Dean
Dean 12:30 am >> Please come home.
Missed Call 12:32 am Dean
Dean 12:37 am >> I’m sorry. 
The anger in Cas deflated. He wasn’t ready to forgive Dean or go back home, but his heart began to piece back together thinking that maybe he and Dean could salvage some part of their relationship. He didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to feel used and hurt. He didn’t want to admit that the words Belphegor spoke got to him. But he wasn’t going to back down just because Dean said he was sorry. Sorry wasn’t going to make up for blaming him, for sending him to Hell with Jack’s body being inhabited by a demon. Dean wasn’t sucking it up and moving forward about his loss of Mary, why was Cas expected to move on so quickly after his child had died. 
Cas 1:04 am >> Prove it! 
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spn-safeandsound · 4 years
07. Dynamic Duo
Safe and Sound
Dean Winchester x Original Character
Episode: 1x11; Scarecrow
Word Count: 9,028
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence and gore
Author’s Note: Enjoy!
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Masterlist in Profile Description!
Julia sat in the middle of a large field on an overcast day. It was filled with three different kinds of flowers—honeysuckle, marigold, and violets—all separated into different sections. The white, yellow, and purple flowers formed a circle around her. They reminded her of her mother.
Naomi Petersen had always been a fan of giving her daughters flowers for every holiday and birthday. There were even some days that flowers would randomly be delivered to Julia, Abby, and Beth without a reason other than for their mother to show her love. The three girls would make a game of it, looking up the meanings into the flowers Naomi sent them that day.
Honeysuckle meant bonds of love. Marigold meant despair or grief. Violets meant loyalty and faithfulness.
"Julia Ruth."
Julia looked away from the violets to her right and looked forward to where she heard the man's voice. There was no one in the field with her but the sun had started to shine. It didn't matter that there was no one there, though. She recognized the voice.
"It's you," she breathed, her lips quirking into a small smile. "It's been a long time."
Many times, while Julia was growing up, she'd have dreams like this. She wouldn't always be a field—a few times she had been in an empty classroom at Stanford or on a swing in an abandoned park—but they all had the same voice visiting her to give her guidance.
When she asked her mom about the dreams, Naomi had simply smiled and told her that he was her guardian angel.
"Eight months, five days, and thirty minutes," her angel answered.
The last time he had shown up, she was thinking about transferring to Northwestern to be closer to Beth and Levi. Her angel talked her out of it and she hadn't regretted that choice so far.
"What's wrong? You only show up when I need your guidance."
"Then you should know why I am here."
"Okay, so I need guidance," Julia assumed. "About what?"
"I cannot say much," her angel told her. "Just know that you will soon be facing some trials and tribulations, Julia Ruth."
Julia furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? What trouble am I facing?"
"Trouble that will test your faith."
Julia scoffed, more confused. She was a faithful person and it took a lot for that to waiver. Even when her mother was dying, she still had faith in God and his angels. Her mother had always told her that having faith wasn't always about the good and happy times but the tough times, too.
"That really cleared it up for me. Thanks."
"Stay true to your faith, Julia Ruth," her angel ordered. "We will meet again soon."
A ringing started blare around the field, making her look around in confusion. Where was that coming from?
The sunlight had started to fade and she stood up.
"Wait!" she called to her angel over the ringing. "Wait—"
Julia groaned as Dean's phone continued to ring, rolling off of her stomach to lay on her side facing Sam. The thing seemed so loud, like Dean had purposefully turned it on full volume just to annoy her.
The phone rang again.
"Phone!" she moaned, squeezing her eyes and burying her face in her pillow.
Julia opened her eyes, about to pick up the phone and whip it at Dean's peaceful face, when Sam wearily grabbed it off the table in between the beds. He flipped it open, his eyes still shut, and lazily pressed it to his ear.
"Hello?" there was a pause as whoever was calling Dean spoke; Sam sat up in shock, suddenly awake. "Dad? Are you hurt?"
Julia's eyes widened in surprise and she sat up as well, making sure her tank-top fully covered her breasts.
"We've been looking for you everywhere," Sam told his father, glancing over at a stirring Dean. "We didn't know where you were or if you were okay."
Julia studied Sam's face, taking in his eager expression. She was glad that John had called; it had been months—or in Sam's case, years—since the brothers heard from him. They had been so worried.
"Well, we're fine," Sam stated. "Dad, where are you?"
Dean sat up, fully awake, his blanket falling down to his hips to reveal his bare chest.
"What? Why not?" Sam questioned John.
"Is that Dad?" Dean asked Sam. Julia leaned around Sam so he could see her and nodded, silently answering his question. His face lit up.
Sam's face fell in realization at whatever John said. "You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed Mom...A demon? You know for sure?"
Julia raised her eyebrows at Sam as Dean pulled on the shirt he discarded before falling asleep. So, it was a demon who killed Mary and Jess...she wondered how John figured that out.
"A demon?" Dean leaned forward anxiously. "What's he saying?"
"You know where it is?" Sam said into the phone. "Let us help...Why not?"
Dean reached toward Sam expectantly, irritated with his lack of answers. "Give me the phone."
"Names? What names, Dad?" Sam's face contorted in aggravation. "Talk to me, tell me what's going on?"
Julia bit her lip and clasped her hands together tightly as Sam stiffened, his anger growing as John continued speaking.
"No," he said firmly. "All right? No way."
"Give me the phone!" Dean raised his voice at him. When Sam angrily pursed his lips, looking like he was about to blow a gasket, Dean grabbed the phone away from him. "Dad, it's me. Where are you?"
Julia grabbed Sam's clenched fists as John answered Dean, rubbing her thumb against the back of one of them to calm him down. He always got so angry with his dad; it had been that way for most of his life.
"Yes, sir," Dean agreed to whatever John said, swallowing harshly; he reached for the pen on the nightstand. "Uh-huh, yeah, I got a pen. What are their names?"
"So, where are you now?" Julia's older sister, Abby, asked through the phone.
"Uh, hold on," Julia leaned forward to look at Dean, who was shockingly sitting in the passenger seat. "Dean, where are we headed again?"
"Some town in Indiana," Dean grumbled back absentmindedly, tapping on the keyboard of Sam's computer to continue his research into the names John had given him.
"We're on our way to Indiana," Julia reported back to her sister.
"Oh, yeah? For what?"
"We have no idea yet," she sighed. "What about you?"
"I'm in Point Pleasant, Virginia," Abby informed her.
Julia furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't that the town that obsessed with Mothman?"
Abby laughed. "You bet it is."
"What the hell are you doing there?"
"Hunting Mothman."
"No, you're not."
"I am."
"No, you're not, Abby. Be serious."
"I'm completely serious, Jules," Abby stated. "I saw it with my own two eyes."
Julia was silent for a few seconds and then, "Are you fucking kidding me?" she almost screeched. "You're legitimately hunting Mothman?"
That caught Dean's attention; he turned around with wide eyes. "Abby's hunting Mothman?"
Julia nodded. "She's hunting Mothman."
"How the fuck did she know that he's actually real?"
"Dean wants to know how you found out he's real," Julia told Abby.
"I went to Point Pleasant because I saw some reports about hearts being missing from some of the recent murders taking place," Abby explained. "I thought it was a werewolf but then I realized that the cycle isn't right."
"Uh-huh," Julia hummed and Dean gave her an expectant look; she held up her index finger. "Go on."
"So, I checked it out, anyway, just in case," Abby continued. "And apparently, one of the newest tours they're giving is telling their customers that Mothman eats hearts."
"Well, how would they know that?"
"They don't, that's my point," Abby said. "Someone messed around and created a Tulpa."
"What's a Tulpa?"
"It's a physical materialization of a thought," Dean told her at the same time as Abby, looking ecstatic. Even Sam stopped his bitch face for a few seconds to look impressed. "Wow, I can't believe she's hunting a Tulpa of Mothman. Tell her to take a picture."
"Dean wants you to take a picture," Julia told her sister, rolling her eyes at him.
Abby laughed. "I'll try my best."
"Be careful, okay?" Julia told her as Dean turned back around to focus on his research again. "Love you."
"You too," Abby echoed her affections. "Talk to ya later."
Julia hummed and hung up her phone, tossing it onto the seat next to her.
"Some people have all the luck," Dean muttered, completely dismayed that they were heading to Indiana instead of Virginia to kill Mothman.
"Well, it's not really Mothman if it's just a Tulpa," Sam pointed out.
"Whatever," Dean rolled his eyes.
Sam sighed. "All right," he changed the subject, his jaw clenched. "the names Dad gave us, they're all couples?"
Dean nodded. "Three different couples. All of them went missing."
"And they're all from different towns, different states?"
"That's right," Dean confirmed for him. "Washington, New York, Colorado...Each couple took a road trip cross-country. None of them arrived at their destination and none of them were ever heard from again."
"The continental US is huge, though," Julia reminded him. "I mean, what if they just changed their destination?"
"Maybe but each one's route took them to the same part of Indiana," Dean informed her. "Always on the second week of April. One year after another after another."
"This is the second week of April."
Dean nodded at his brother. "Yep."
"So, Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?"
"Yahtzee," Dean confirmed. "Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? All the different orbits Dad had to go through? The man's a master."
Sam pursed his lips, looking severely annoyed, and pressed on the breaks. He veered toward the shoulder of the road, making Dean give him a confused look.
"What are you doing?"
"We're not going to Indiana," Sam declared.
"We're not?"
"No," Sam turned off the engine. "We're going to California. Dad called from a payphone with a Sacramento area code."
Oh, no, Julia thought. A fight was bound to break out now. Sam hated following John's orders, especially when it had something to do with the thing that killed Mary and Jess—a demon, she reminded herself—and Dean always followed his orders. It had been the cause of many arguments before and it would cause more in the future.
"Dean, if this demon killed Mom and Jess and Dad's closing in, we've gotta be here," Sam cut him off. "We've gotta help."
"Dad doesn't want out help," Dean stated.
Sam turned to face him, retorting, "I don't care."
"He's given us an order."
"I don't care," Sam emphasized slowly. "We don't always have to do what he says."
"Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives," Dean reminded his brother, his voice and eyes hardening. "It's important."
"All right, I understand. Believe me, I understand," Sam tried to change his mind. "But I'm talking one week here, man, to get answers. To get revenge."
"All right, look, I know how you feel—"
"Do you?" Sam retorted; Dean gave him a shocked look and Julia's eyes widened. "How old were you when Mom died? Four? Jess died six months ago. How the fuck would you know how I feel?"
Julia gaped at him, surprised that Sam would say anything like that. "Sam!"
"Dad said it wasn't safe for any of us!" Dean raised his voice back. "I mean, he obviously knows something that we don't, so if he says to stay away, we stay away."
Sam scoffed. "I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man," he shook his head. "I mean, it's like you don't even question him."
"Yeah, it's called being a good fucking son!"
God, both of them were idiots.
Sam took the keys out of the starter and opened his door, sliding out of the car. He went straight to the trunk and opened it, grabbing his bags. Julia and Dean both got out of the car at the same time for different reasons—Dean wanted to argue and Julia wanted to stop Sam before he started hitchhiking to California.
"You're a selfish bastard, you know that?" Dean cursed at his brother. "You just do whatever you want. You don't care what anybody thinks."
Sam shrugged on his backpack, glaring at him. "That's what you really think?"
"Yes, it is."
"Well, then this selfish bastard is going to California," Sam grabbed his duffel bag and slammed the trunk shut.
"Sam, no, you can't leave," Julia protested, lunging forward to grab his arm as he started walking away; he shrugged out of her hold. "Sam, come on."
Dean scoffed in disbelief as Sam ignored her, continuing to walk away. "You're not serious."
"I am serious."
"Sam, it's the middle of the night!" Julia's eyes started stinging as she watched her best friend walk away from them.
He didn't respond.
"Hey, I'm taking off," Dean warned him loudly. "I will leave your ass, you hear me?"
Sam turned around, clenching his jaw, to answer, "That's what I want you to do."
Dean was quiet for a few seconds and Julia was hoping he'd just apologize so Sam would get back in the car, but he shook his head. "Goodbye, Sam."
"Get in the fucking car, Julia," Dean snapped at her, pulling the keys from the trunk's lock and walking around to the driver's side. "Let's go."
Julia bit her lip and looked back at Sam with wet eyes, meeting his gaze. He just nodded at the car, knowing that she didn't want to choose. It wasn't like this was going to be forever, anyway—it was just until he found his dad.
Julia jumped at Dean's exclamation and gave Sam a sad smile before opening her door and sliding back into her seat. He started up the engine as soon as her door closed and pressed harshly on the gas, propelling them forward. Julia didn't look back at Sam; she never walked away from him before and the guilt threatened to swallow her.
Burkittsville, Indiana was of the smallest towns Julia had ever seen. It consisted of maybe four or five roads with one restaurant, one general store, and one gas station. She didn't know that if the main part of town was always this dead, but she hoped it was the rain and not their everyday life. There was not a single person in sight.
Dean parked at the side of the road—it was actually more of a paved trail more than anything—and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. Julia eyed him hesitantly, watching as he opened the phone and scrolled through his contacts until he stopped at Sam's name.
He hesitated for a second, his thumb hovering over the call button, and then flipped the phone shut.
"You should call him."
In the hours since they had driven away from Sam, Dean had calmed down considerably. In fact, Julia thought that he wasn't mad at all now. He had apologized for yelling at her only thirty minutes after they took off and she could feel the regret coming off of him in waves. She figured that it had more to do with Sam than it had to do with him raising his voice at her.
Dean's green eyes flicked up to hers as he pursed his lips. He shut off the engine and pulled the keys from the starter. "I'm not gonna call him," he stated before getting out of the car. "Let's go."
Julia slid out of the passenger seat and followed him down the sidewalk to the main road, thankful that she had dressed in a navy windbreaker to ward off the rain and slight breeze. "Why don't you wanna call him?"
"I don't wanna talk about it, Junior."
Julia glanced at a lady who passed by them with an umbrella, glad that someone actually lived in this town, and then back at him. "Dean."
"Can you just drop it for now?" Dean gave her a firm yet almost-pleading look. "I wanna ask this guy about the people who disappeared."
He pointed to the restaurant they were walking toward; she followed his gaze, spotting an old man sitting outside of a cute little place called Scotty's Café.
"Fine, okay."
They continued walking toward the café, coming to a stop a few feet from where the man was sitting.
"Let me guess," Dean greeted, looking down at the sour-looking man. "Scotty."
Scotty nodded, not looking happy about the fact that they stopped to talk to him.
"Hi, my name's John Bonham and this is—"
"Isn't that the drummer for Led Zeppelin?" Scotty interrupted his introduction.
Dean looked taken aback by the man's knowledge—as if Zeppelin wasn't a popular band or something. "Wow," he muttered. "Classic rock fan."
Julia pressed her lips together and turned back to Scotty. "I'm Lyla Johnson," she made up a random name, hoping that there wasn't some old celebrity who used to be popular that she didn't know about. "Nice to meet you."
Scotty didn't look impressed with either of them—this time Julia was taken aback. Usually almost every man she smiled at melted at the sight of her. "What can I do for you, Lyla?"
Julia looked at Dean, stumped, and his mouth straightened slightly into a grimace. He pulled out the pictures they had printed of the last victims, Vince and Holly Parker.
"We were wondering if you'd seen these people by chance," he unfolded the papers and gave them to Scotty so he could take a look.
"Nope," Scotty hardly looked at the photos. "Who are they?"
"Vince and Holly Parker," Julia said flatly; the names were the largest things written on the damn pictures. "They're friends of ours. They went missing last year and they passed through somewhere around here."
"We've already asked around Scottsburg and Salem—"
"Sorry," Scotty handed the papers back to Dean. Julia scowled down at him—if this guy interrupts us one more time... "We don't get many strangers around here."
Did Scotty know how suspicious he came off as right now? He might as well have a neon sign above his head proclaiming that he killed the couple himself. His answers were too avoidant and rehearsed.
Julia just did not like his vibe.
"Scotty, you've got a smile that lights up a room," Dean stated almost mockingly. "Anybody ever tell you that?"
Scotty's frown never left his stupid face.
"Never mind," Dean chuckled at his own sarcasm. "We'll see you around."
They walked away from the café, heading down the street toward Jorgeson Motors and Jorgeson General Store, which happened to be the town's only store and gas pump. Usually small towns were cute but this one made Julia want to curl up into a ball and cry her eyes out. She would be so bored if she lived here.
"I never want to see that man again," she muttered to Dean, shuddering dramatically.
"If I ever get as grumpy as that old bastard, I want you to shoot me," he agreed with her. "and he definitely knew something."
"Oh, I know," Julia rolled her eyes. "He had the strangest energy, too."
"Like what?"
"It's hard to explain, but," her nose wrinkled as she tried to find words that would make sense. "Okay, you know how Dumbledore's all about the greater good and all that?"
Dean nodded and hummed.
"But he doesn't really care about Harry's well-being as long as he's there to save the wizarding world," she continued. "That's the vibe I got from Scotty."
"Like that little fuckwad from Shrek," Dean understood and quoted the animated movie, "Some of you will die but that's the risk I'm willing to take."
"Yes!" she tapped him excitedly on the arm. "Wow, I can't believe you've seen Shrek!"
"It was on one night while I couldn't sleep," Dean explained as they approached the store; he pulled open the door and stepped back, letting her in before him. "It really shouldn't have been marketed for kids."
"Oh, yeah, definitely."
"Hi, there!" they were instantly greeted by a chipper older woman that was bundled up in a cozy cardigan. "I'm Stacy, what can I do for you folks?"
"Oh, we were just stopping by for a few minutes to stretch our legs," Dean told her as he snaked an arm around Julia's waist, surprising her. "We're on our honeymoon."
Julia looked at him in shock but changed her expression as Stacy cooed at them. "Oh, how wonderful!"
"Yeah," Julia smiled sweetly at her and grabbed the hand that Dean had resting on her upper hip, pinching him subtly. "We're so in love."
Dean rolled his eyes at her awkwardness and Stacy's smile faltered only a little bit.
"Well," her smile widened again. "Why don't you two take some apple pie for your trip? It's on the house."
Dean was very, very tempted by the offer for pie but he had to focus. Especially if Julia was going to act like an idiot who had never been in a relationship before.
"Actually," he pulled out the photos of Vince and Holly Parker, showing them to her. "we were wondering if you've seen our friends lately. They went missing about a year ago and we know they went through here..."
Stacy's smile instantly slipped from her face. A man walked out of the back room, then, slipped around the counter to see what was going on.
"What about who?" he asked curiously, though he seemed a little nervous.
"We're looking for some people," Dean handed him the photos. "Have you seen them?
The man studied the papers and shook his head. "No, I don't think so."
"Really?" Dean raised a skeptical eyebrow. Everyone they had seen so far were acting so suspicious and sweet old Stacy flipped her tune real quick. "You sure they didn't stop for gas or something?"
"Nope, don't remember them," the man confirmed. "You said they were friends of yours?"
"Best of friends," Julia nodded sweetly. At least her smile worked on him. "Holly and I grew up together."
A young blonde girl, around Julia's age, walked out from behind the counter carrying a stack of printed boxes. "Did the guy have a tattoo?"
"Yeah, he did."
The girl took the papers from the man. "Don't you remember, Uncle Harley?" she asked him. "They were just married."
"Oh, you're right, Emily," Harley suddenly remembered. "They did stop for gas. Weren't here for more than ten minutes."
God, these people needed acting coaches, Julia thought, how many people in this town are gonna cover for a couple of disappearances?
Clearly something was going on here and it wasn't just because the man all of a sudden remembered a couple just because his niece did. Julia got the same vibes from Harley and Stacy that she got from Scotty.
Dean raised his eyebrows. "You remember anything else?
"I told them how to get back on the interstate," Harley gave the papers back to Dean. "They left town."
"Can you point us in that same direction?" Dean wondered.
Harley nodded. "Sure."
Julia frowned at the apple orchard in front of them. It had to be the creepiest little orchard, ever—the apple trees looked like they came out of a Tim Burton movie, some of the grass was dead, and the only thing that had color in the whole area were the apples on the ground and in the trees. It wasn't even apple season, so how the trees had apples to begin with, she didn't know.
They were driving down the interstate in the direction that Harley sent them when all of the sudden, the EMF meter started lighting up and buzzing. It had come out of nowhere so Dean had pulled over. Of course, because she was that lucky, the EMF led them to the orchard.
If she could guess what was making the EMF go off, it'd be the creepy ass scarecrow propped up in the middle of the orchard.
"What crows eat apples?" she muttered as she and Dean slowly walked toward the scarecrow. "Apples aren't even in season, Dean."
"Tell me about it," Dean muttered bitterly as he looked up at the scarecrow. None of the pieces of apple pie he had recently were very good. Fall was the peak apple pie season. "Dude, you are fucking ugly."
Julia rolled her eyes and blanched when she saw that the scarecrow had a scythe in its hand. "Why the hell would a scarecrow be armed with that?"
Dean hummed, his eyes searching the scarecrow up and down. He paused a little when he spotted something that looked familiar on the arm with the scythe. He turned to the ladder next to the closest apple tree and picked it up, bringing it back over to the scarecrow.
Julia grimaced as he climbed the ladder, hoping that the thing wouldn't suddenly come alive and slice his head off. That would be horrific for everyone involved.
Dean reached toward the arm he wanted to get a closer look at and pulled by the sleeve. "You see that?" he asked Julia, nodding at the tattoo on the scarecrow's arm. "It's the tattoo."
Julia stood on her tip toes to get a better look. "The same tattoo as Vince Parker."
Dean pursed his lips and crawled down the ladder. "The very one."
They got into the Impala and drove back to Burkittsville, deciding that they needed to question the girl that seemed to be the only one who was telling the truth in the whole town.
"Okay, so, a couple goes missing every year around the same time like clockwork in the same place," Julia hummed, resting her head against the passenger window. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Dean nodded. "Human sacrifice."
"Yep," Julia sighed and lifted her head to look at him. "So, I'm thinking a Pagan or Norse god."
Dean glanced at her, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "I thought you didn't believe in that stuff?"
"I believe that different types of gods exist," Julia shrugged. "I'd be ignorant not to, especially when my dad has had run-ins with a couple of them."
The most notable story she heard from her dad was the Trickster run-in, of course.
"But you're a Christian."
"Because I believe that my God is the main God," Julia explained. "With a capital 'G'. The one who rules over the universe."
"Hmm..." Dean nodded thoughtfully as they rolled back into the town limits. "So, you believe in Evolution?"
Julia laughed. "Yes, Dean, I believe in Evolution."
Dean sighed in relief. "Thank the lord you're not a kook."
She shook her head, smiling fondly. "Thanks, D. I appreciate it."
"No problem, shortcake."
There was a red SUV parked outside of Jorgeson Motors when they approached. Dean pulled off to the gas pump at the side of the road. To their immense luck, Emily was already outside the shop.
"You're back," she greeted them kindly as they got out of the Impala.
"Never left."
"You're still looking for your friends?" she buried her hands in her red hoodie.
Dean nodded as Julia leaned against the car. "You mind filling her up, there, Emily?" she nodded and grabbed the hose from the pump, inserting it into the tank. "So, you grow up here?"
"I came here when I was thirteen," Emily told them. "I lost my parents to a car accident. My aunt and uncle took me in."
"I'm sorry for your loss," Julia gave her a sympathetic smile; Emily gave her a grateful look. "Your aunt and uncle were nice."
Well, they were until they mentioned the missing people, anyway.
"Everybody's nice here."
"So, what, it's the perfect little town?" Dean asked skeptically.
Emily didn't catch his tone. "Well, you know, it's the boonies," she shrugged. "but I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here? It's almost like we're blessed."
Julia raised her eyebrows. Blessed. Ripe apples in early spring, a scarecrow, a couple sacrificed every year, and a town that seemed to flourish in a recession? Something tugged on the back of her mind but she couldn't remember what the exact information was.
"Hey, have you been out to the orchard?" Dean asked her suddenly; Emily nodded. "You seen the scarecrow?"
Emily scoffed softly. "Yeah, it creeps me out."
"I thought I was the only one," Julia chuckled in comradery. "Do you know who owns it?"
"I have no idea," Emily shrugged. "It's just always been there."
Julia nodded in understanding as Emily took the hose from the tank and put it back in the pump.
"Is that your aunt and uncles?" Dean gestured to the red SUV with his head.
Emily shook her head. "A customer's," she corrected him. "had some car troubles."
"It's not a couple, is it?" Dean asked hurriedly. "A man and a woman?"
Emily nodded in confirmation.
"Are they around?" Dean hesitated before continuing, "eating at Scotty's, maybe?"
"It's the only restaurant in town," Emily told them like it wasn't obvious. "Famous for their apple pie."
They paid for the gas and thanked Emily for her help before making an excuse to stop into Scotty's Café. The couple were the only people in the café when they arrived, besides Scotty, who was serving them two plates of warm apple pie.
"Hey, Scotty," Dean greeted the older man like a friend—if that friend was a guy who was most likely sacrificing a couple each year for some god. "can we get a black coffee and a sweet tea?"
Scotty gave them an unhappy look as they walked over to one of the empty tables next to the couple.
"Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it?" Dean called to Scotty before he could disappear into the kitchen. If it was any other server than Scotty, Julia would have scolded him for being so rude.
Julia nudged him in the back, silently urging him to sit down. She took the chair facing with the back facing the kitchen and Dean took the seat to her left.
"How ya doing?" he greeted the couple casually. "Just passing through?"
The woman nodded enthusiastically. "Road trip."
"Yeah, us, too," Dean hummed.
Scotty emerged from the kitchen with a pitcher of cider. He walked over to the couple's table and refilled their glasses. When he finished, he gave Dean a stern look. "I'm sure these people want to eat in peace."
"Just a little friendly conversation," Dean said innocently while Julia narrowed her eyes into a glare. "Oh, and that coffee and tea, too, man. Thanks."
"So," Julia spoke up, flashing the couple a smile in an attempt to counter Dean's enthusiasm. "what brings you to town?"
"We just stopped for gas," the woman told her. "The guy at the gas station saved our lives."
She raised a curious eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking," the guy stated. "We had no idea. He's fixing it for us now."
"Nice people," Dean cocked his head suspiciously; the man nodded. "So, how long until you're up and running?"
"Really? To fix a break line?" the man nodded at Dean's question. "Well, you know, I know a thing or two about cars. I could probably have you up and running in about an hour. I wouldn't charge you anything."
The man wrinkled his nose and turned to his wife for help. The woman fixed Dean with a polite, if not a little standoffish, smile. "You know, thanks a lot, but I think we'd rather have a mechanic do it."
"Sure," Dean smiled slightly in agreement and paused, leaning in a little toward their table. "You know, it's just that these roads, they're not real safe at night."
"I'm sorry?"
Julia got the sense that they were creeped out now. "He means any roads at night," she rolled her eyes in amusement and sent them a friendly smile. "He's a bit of a safety nerd. Hazards of being a traffic cop, right, babe?"
She was getting a little better at this couple talk, Dean admitted to himself, a lot less awkward than before. He backed off of the couple at her pointed glare and straightened in his seat. When he saw that the couple had gone back to eating and not looking at him like he was a weirdo, he sighed.
"You and Sam gotta teach me that puppy-eyed look," he grumbled, picking up a sugar packet from the middle of the table.
"You wouldn't be able to master it," she told him quietly, her lips pulled up into a smug smile. "It's the brown eyes and dimples. You stick to that charming smile, huh?"
Dean playfully rolled his eyes at her.
"Thanks for coming, Sheriff," Scotty spoke loudly from the counter as the door to the café opened. A man, who Julia guessed was the town's only police officer, walked into the restaurant. He crossed the room and spoke quietly with the man.
Julia and Dean shared a look as the sheriff walked over to their table.
"I'd like a word, please," the man requested stiffly.
"Actually, we were just leaving," Julia stood up and pushed her chair in; Dean followed her lead, glaring at the man. "So, unless you have probable cause to detain us legally, we'd like to get out of town before dark."
The sheriff's face hardened considerably but Julia and Dean walked past him and out of the restaurant. As they drove out of town, he tailed them to make sure they wouldn't come back.
Dean looked in the rear view, where he could still see the cruiser, and chuckled quietly.
"What?" Julia asked him curiously.
"That was badass back there," he told her. "How'd you know all that?"
"Beth's a lawyer remember?" she reminded him. "I used to help her study for her finals."
"So, you know all that legal bullshit?"
"Not all of it but, yeah," she shrugged. "I know some."
"Not gonna lie, Jules, that's kinda sexy."
Julia sighed in amusement when he smirked at her. "Oh, Dean...what are we gonna do with you?"
"Have you found anything yet?" Dean groaned from his bed, lazily turning his head toward the table where Julia sat with her laptop, researching Pagan gods.
After the sheriff stopped following them out of town, they waited at the orchard for the couple they met at the restaurant. Both of them had a pretty good idea that their car was gonna break down right around there and they would be the god's yearly dinner. They happened to be right; a half-hour after the sun set, they spotted the red SUV come to a stop at the side of the road in front of the orchard.
After saving the couple, they drove them to the nearest town, Scottsburg, and told them to make sure that they stayed out of Burkittsville. The couple and Julia and Dean got rooms at the same motel and in the morning, Dean went back to the orchard with the man and fixed up their SUV so they could get the hell out of dodge.
So, now Julia was stuck in the room with a miserable Dean, researching different fertility gods that could be animating the scarecrow.
"Maybe if you helped me..." she hinted flatly.
"That's not how this works, shortcake," Dean sighed, rolling onto his stomach with his head at the foot of the bed. "I'm the muscles, you're the brain."
"What's Sam, then?"
"When Sam was with us you were the beauty and he was the brains," Dean answered simply, his green eyes dimming at the mention of his brother. "You wanna watch a movie? Let's watch a movie."
"Dean," Julia sighed as he turned on the television.
"Oh, look, Forrest Gump is on," Dean said to avoid the conversation he just knew she wanted to have. "You're a Tom Hanks fan, right?"
"Well, yeah, but—" she paused, not allowing herself to become distracted. "No, you're not gonna distract me."
"I'm not trying to distract you."
"Sure, you aren't."
"What do you want me to say?" Dean huffed, jumping off the bed to start pacing the length of the room. "That I was a jackass to my little brother? I already know that."
"I wasn't going to say that, Dean," Julia crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her chair.
Dean gave her a doubtful look. "What were you gonna say then?"
"I was gonna say that you're an idiot," Julia told him; when he sent her a glare, she continued, "but so is Sam. You guys have conflicting personalities so it's not a surprise that you guys rub elbows sometimes."
"That's what brothers do," he crossed the room, feeling a little better that she called Sam an idiot too, and sat in the chair across from her.
"I know that. I'm just saying...just because you fight doesn't mean that you'll never see him again," she smiled at him. "Even when we were at Stanford, Sam talked about you all the time. You do the same thing."
"I do not," Dean grumbled, the tips of his ears turning pink with embarrassment.
"Yeah, you do," she said matter-of-factly. "When we met up for your birthday last year you asked about him before you even said hi."
"Well, that's—"
"And then you asked me whether or not he was doing well in school," she smirked at him. "and you didn't want to go near my apartment because you didn't want to make Sam uncomfortable."
Dean pressed his lips firmly together, looking uncomfortable with what she was saying.
"And that's okay, Dean," she leaned forward and reached across the table, placing her hand on his right fist. "You raised Sam and with your dad gone right now, he's your only blood left."
The corners of his lips quirked, making the dimples above them pop out. "I miss him, okay?" he admitted. "And I feel like absolute shit for what I said to him."
"So, call him," Julia urged, taking her hand back and nodding at his phone he left on the table when they entered the room earlier that morning. "Tell him what's going on."
"How about you tell me what you found, first," Dean grinned crookedly. "and, then, I will give him a call."
"Okay," she instantly gave in. "So, I did some research about gods of fertility."
"As in...?"
"No," Julia denied quickly and moved on, "I mean like crop fertility and all that stuff. There's different gods in different cultures. In Norse mythology, there's Thor and Freyr, in Greek mythology it's Aphaea and Demeter, in Roman mythology it's Robigus."
"Okay, so that's why there's apples in spring," Dean guessed. "and why the town is still in business while everything around it dies."
"Exactly," Julia nodded. "and at the basis of fertility, whether it's agricultural or reproductive—"
"A sacrifice of a male and female," Dean finished for her. "So, you were right about Scotty. He's Farquaad."
"Yep," Julia typed into her computer, looking at the address of an ideology professor at a local college. "I emailed a local professor and asked him if he had time to answer some questions. We're meeting with him at two."
"Good work, shortcake. You're getting better at this," Dean tapped the table for emphasis. "Come on, we have time for lunch."
"And for you to call Sam," she reminded him, standing up to grab her Stanford crewneck to slip over her head.
"Yeah, yeah, I know."
After they stopped for lunch, they started heading toward the local community college located on the other side of Scottsburg. While driving, Dean called Sam and was surprised that he actually answered. He quickly gave him the rundown of what happened with the couple the night before, causing Sam to pause for a few seconds.
"The scarecrow climbed off its cross?" he asked in shock.
"Yeah, I'm telling ya," Dean sighed, shaking his head. "Burkittsville, Indiana. Fun town."
"It didn't kill the couple, did it?"
"No, we can cope without you, you know," Dean shot the phone an annoyed look but Julia knew that he wasn't annoyed at all. She could tell by the gleam in his green eyes.
"So, something must be animating it," Sam said thoughtfully. "A spirit, maybe."
"We think it's more than that," Julia spoke up, glad that Dean put the call on speakerphone. "It might be a Pagan god."
"What makes you say that?"
"The annual cycle of the killings and the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman—like some kind of fertility rite," Dean explained. "And you should see the locals and the way they treated this couple. They were fattening them up like a Christmas turkey."
"The last meal," Sam offered. "Given to sacrificial victims."
"We're thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some Pagan god."
"The god animates the scarecrow and the scarecrow takes its sacrifice," Julia stated. "For another year, the crops won't wilt and disease won't spread."
Sam hummed. "Do you know which god you're dealing with?"
"Not yet but I think I've narrowed it down a little," Julia sighed. "We have an appointment with a professor at a local community college."
"We wouldn't have to go if we had the brains of the team back," Dean hinted.
Sam caught it and laughed lightly. "You know, if you're hinting you need my help, just ask."
"I'm not hinting anything," Dean lied and then hesitated, looking over at Julia; she nodded encouragingly. "Actually, uh...I want you to know—I mean, I don't think that—"
"Yeah," Sam took mercy on Dean's inability to express his emotions outright. "I'm sorry, too."
"Sam, you were right," Dean admitted. "You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life."
"Are you serious?" they could hear the surprise in his voice.
"You've always known what you want and you go for it," Dean said seriously. "You stand up to Dad and you always have. Hell, I wish...anyway, I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy."
Julia smiled and turned her head to look out the window, her eyes filling with tears. She was such a sap. She was one of those people who were cursed to cry when they were sad, happy, and angry. It made it hard to have a serious argument when you suddenly burst into tears—she knew that from experience.
Sam was kind of speechless at Dean's confession. "I don't even know what to you say."
"Say you'll take care of yourself."
"I will," Sam promised.
"Call us when you find Dad."
"Call us if you don't," Julia added, swallowing thickly to hide her tears.
Both Sam and Dean knew that she was crying. They all knew each other way too well.
"Okay," Sam said quietly, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Bye, Dean. Bye, J."
"It's not every day I get a research question on Pagan ideology," Professor Jenkins stated as he led Julia and Dean to his office.
"Well, we're in our last semester at Stanford," Julia told him. "We're partnered on a thesis about how Christianity took over the trend of Pagan ideals and practices."
"But you said you were interested in local lore?" he gave her an interested look.
She nodded with a dimpled smile.
"Well, I'm afraid that Indiana isn't really know for its Pagan worship," Professor Jenkins said apologetically.
"Well, what if it was imported?" Dean spoke up. "You know, like the Pilgrims brought their religion over. Wasn't a lot of this area settled by immigrants?"
"Well, yeah..."
"Like the town near her, Burkittsville," Dean added. "Where are their ancestors from?"
Professor Jenkins pressed his lips together thoughtfully. "Uh, northern Europe, I believe. Scandinavia."
"So, the Norse gods," Julia hummed.
"There are hundreds of Norse gods and goddesses," Professor Jenkins confirmed.
"We're actually looking for one," Dean told him. "It might live in an orchard."
"Woods god, huh?" Professor Jenkins turned down a short hallway and opened one of the two doors. He let them into his office and walked right over to a large book on Pagan ideology that he took out ahead of their appointment. "Well, let's see."
Professor Jenkins leafed through the pages carefully. Dean stopped him when he saw a drawing of a scarecrow in the middle of a flourishing field. "Wait, wait, what's that one?"
"Oh, that's not a woods god, per se..."
Dean squinted as he read the title of the chapter. "The V-Vanir?" Professor Jenkins nodded and he read on, "The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male and one female..."
"Freyr is a Vanir," Julia supplied. "and so are Freya, Odin, and Thor..."
"Correct," Professor Jenkins confirmed.
"Do you know if Freyr took human sacrifices?" she asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I-I'm not sure."
Dean pointed to the Vanir on the page. "Looks like a scarecrow, doesn't it?"
"Well, I suppose," Professor Jenkins chuckled awkwardly.
Dean continued to read, "This particular Vanir that's energy sprung from the sacred tree."
"Well, Pagans believe all sorts of things were infused with magic."
"So, what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it'd kill the god?"
"Son, these are just legends we're discussing," Professor Jenkins laughed slightly. "I thought your thesis is on Pagan ideals and practices?"
"It is," Julia nodded with a grateful smile. "Professor Jenkins, thank you so much for your help."
Professor Jenkins shook the hand Dean was offering. "My pleasure."
The two of them went to leave the office. When Julia opened the door, the butt of a gun was forced against her forehead, instantly knocking her out.
When Julia came to, she was being tied to an apple tree.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," she groaned loudly, glaring up at Harley and Stacy, who were finishing up her ropes. "I am not about to be sacrificed when apples aren't even in season!"
"You don't have to worry about that for much longer," Stacy hushed her with a harsh glare.
"How many people have you killed, Sheriff?" she heard Dean ask. She whipped her head to the right and saw that he was being tied to his own tree a couple feet away from her. "How much blood is on your hands?"
"We don't kill them," the sheriff defended him and his neighbors.
"Oh, and accessory to murder is so much better?" Julia scoffed, wincing as Stacy harshly tightened the ropes around her wrist. "Take it easy, grand—"
She was slapped before she could even finish her warning. "Son of a bitch!"
"You okay, Jules?" Dean called as Stacy and Harley backed away from her tree.
"I'm peachy, Dean."
"Good," he turned his attention back on the sheriff. "How many cars have you hidden or clothes you've buried?"
"That's none of your concern," the sheriff spat.
The four elders started walking away from their trees, toting their shotguns with them.
"I hope your apple pie is fucking worth it!" Dean shouted after them.
A half-hour passed as they were stuck there, the sun starting to set. There was still a little bit of light left in the sky when Emily appeared. She pressed her finger to her lips at the confused looks they gave her, telling them to be quiet as she carefully walked over to them.
She knelt in front of Dean, pulling a pair of scissors out of her sweater pocket.
"You didn't know anything about this, did you?" he asked her as she started sawing at the thick ropes wrapped around his wrists.
"The scarecrow god?" she scoffed quietly. "No. I overheard my aunt and uncle talk about it earlier. They said they were gonna use you guys as the sacrifices."
"Thanks for helping," Julia sighed gratefully as Dean pulled his wrists, snapping through the rest of the rope.
"What's the plan?" Emily asked her and Dean.
"We can destroy the scarecrow but we gotta find the tree."
"What tree?"
"It would be really old," Dean explained. "The locals would treat it with a lot of respect. You know, like it was sacred."
Emily thought for a few seconds before her eyes lit up in realization. "The First Tree."
"What's the First Tree?" Julia wondered as Dean ran over to her and started freeing her from her ropes.
"It was an apple tree that the immigrants brought over with them," Emily told her. "It's somewhere around here."
"Okay," Dean broke through Julia's ropes, helping her to her feet and gently brushing a thumb over her black eye. "We'll focus on that tomorrow. For now, we gotta get the fuck out of here."
The three of them paused when they heard footsteps coming their way.
"Oh, my God," Emily breathed fearfully, afraid that it was the scarecrow. "Oh, my God."
"Dean? Julia?"
"No, thank God," Julia corrected her with a sigh of relief as Sam walked around a couple of apple trees, appearing before them.
"Oh, I take everything back!" Dean exclaimed, grinning at his brother. "I'm so happy to see you."
"Sam, how'd you get here?" Julia grinned at him.
"I, uh—I stole a car," he admitted sheepishly.
Dean laughed. "Oh, that's my boy!"
"Guys," Emily spoke up worriedly. "Maybe we should get out of here."
"Keep a lookout for the scarecrow," Julia warned Sam. "It could come alive at any second."
Sam gave her a confused look. "What scarecrow?"
Dean rushed around the tree where Julia had been tied up, looking for the scarecrow. It wasn't on its post.
"Fuck," he cursed harshly before turning back to Sam, Julia, and Emily. "All right, let's get the hell out of here."
While they started running through the orchard, Dean told Sam how to kill the scarecrow and stop the sacrifices.
"All right," Sam breathed. "this sacred tree you're talking about—"
"It's the source of its power."
"So we find it and burn it," Sam stated casually.
"In the morning," Dean insisted. "Let's shag ass before Leatherface shows up."
The four of them turned into another row of apple trees and stopped in their tracks when they came face-to-face with Harley and Stacy.
"This way," Dean urged, moving to the left.
Behind him, Scotty cocked his shotgun. On the two other sides were the sheriff and Professor Jenkins, both with large guns aimed at them. A soft growling approached them, causing Emily and Julia to back into Dean and Sam.
"Please, let them go," Emily begged her aunt and uncle.
"It'll be over quickly," Harley assured her. "Emily, you have to let it take them. You have to—"
Harley grunted as the scarecrow's scythe impaled itself through his heart. Stacy screamed loudly, the others scattered, and Emily turned away. Her aunt was next on the scarecrow's list; he grabbed her around the neck, impaled his scythe in the back of Harley's leg and dragged them both off back into the middle of the orchard.
The next afternoon, Julia, Sam, and Dean saw Emily off on a bus leaving to Boston, Massachusetts. They had found the First Tree earlier in the morning and it was Emily, herself, that lit it on fire.
Julia was very impressed with the girl and her bravery. Not many normal people would risk their life to save a couple of strangers from being sacrificed. Especially when it was for the good of the town they lived in and loved. Emily was a genuinely good person and Julia wished the best for her.
As the bus drove off, Sam sighed, "Think she's gonna be all right?"
"I hope so," Dean stated, staring after the bus.
"And the rest of the people, they'll just get away with it?"
"They'll be punished enough when their whole town burns to the ground around them," Julia muttered bitterly; the brothers gave her a hesitant look, reminded of when she suggested burning down the whole orchard just in case. "Metaphorically, of course."
Dean playfully rolled his eyes at her. "You little pyromaniac."
Julia winked at him.
They started walking back to the Impala. "So," Dean started, looking over at his brother. "Can I drop you off somewhere?"
"No," Sam scoffed lightly. "I think you're both stuck with me."
Dean raised his eyebrows as he stopped by his door. "What made you change your mind?"
"I didn't. I still want to find Dad and you're still a pain in the ass," Sam chuckled and paused briefly. "But, Jess and Mom are both gone. Dad is God knows where. You and Julia—you're the only people I have left."
Dean's eyes flickered over to Julia, remembering her saying something almost exactly like that the day before. She was smiling cutely at the ground, her dimple on display. He was sure there were probably tears in her eyes.
"So," Sam sighed and Dean looked back at him. "if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together."
"Sam!" Julia sniffed and lunged toward the brothers, wrapping them into an involuntary hug. Dean had been right about her tears; they were currently soaking Sam's sleeve. "That was so beautiful. You should write a book of poems or something."
Dean laughed. "You could call it The Somber Sonnets of Sam Winchester."
"Ha-ha," Sam muttered sarcastically, removing a giggling Julia from around him. "You both should be kissing my ass, by the way. You guys were dead meat."
"Emily saved us long before you did, dude," Dean pointed out. "You got there just for the ending."
"He's right."
Sam rolled his eyes. "Sure, he is."
(Gif is not mine)
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espejonight28738 · 5 years
The Destiel Story (A Playlist)
Merry Christmas! Here’s my gift to y'all. I made a chronological playlist of destiel, and I’ll explain each song on by one. Or if you aren’t interested in reading that much (3) HERE you have the spotify playlist :)
Tagging: @verobatto-angelxhunter @agusvedder @legendary-destiel Happpy Holidays :3
04×01/04×06 Infra-red -Three Days Grace Just getting to know each other
Everyone’s living in black and white We see each other in a different light That’s why I look at you like I do Like nobody else is even in the room [...] In Infra-red The heat and the light and the way you move Like nobody else is in the room If you fall into me, I fall into you I see you, I see you
04×07/04×20 You Found Me - The Fray In 04×07 we have the whole “I’ll tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul”, so trust begins to flourish here.
Lost and insecure You found me, you found me Lying on the floor Surrounded, surrounded Why’d you have to wait? Where were you, where were you? Just a little late You found me, you found me
04×21/ 05×03 - Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab You know, rebel against heaven and everything you ever believed for a friend. It’s casual.
They say before you start a war You better know what you’re fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need, a soldier I will be I’m an angel with a shotgun Fighting til’ the wars won I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don’t you know you’re everything I have? And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight
04×05 - Stoned on You - James Young I was about to put Toxic, but I think that joke’s been made to many times already.
Girl, I get stoned on you Rubbing my bones on you (yeah) Nothing else burns like you do (no) Oh Lord, I get stoned on you, oh Stoned!
05×05/22×05 - Dangerous Night - Imagine Dragons Does it happen to y'all that you are trying to stop The Apocalypse, but you keep having gay thoughts about your angel? Annoying, I know
What a dangerous night to fall in love Don’t know why we still hide what we’ve become (oh, oh) Do you wanna cross the line? We’re runnin’ out of time A dangerous night to fall in love Started a stranger, a love endangered The edge of a night The face of an angel, the heart of a ghost Was it a dream?
Time Skip bewtwen s5/s6 Dare I Say - Alexander Rybak If only Cas had kept contact with Dean, I would be able to use Lips Of An Angel, but no, he had to go all MIA. But this song’s still good so. Cas POV, btw.
She doesn’t know that I’m thinking of her […] She makes me glad just by being alright Though I would wish that just for one night She would come back and again we’ll be friends Like those times where love never ends […] You said you love him the last time we met Please tell your boyfriend that I’m not a threat I know the difference between right and wrong […] But dare I say you are amazing in every way? And would you mind if we woke up with each other each day? But then I remember that I’m just a guy And still I keep dreaming of you ‘cause that’s all I can do
06×01/06×19 I’m Not An Angel - Halestorm Cas POV again. S6 is so angsty istg I had like 300 possibles songs for each of the following parts. 
You saw all the signs, but you let it go You closed your eyes […] Hate being that wall That you hit when you feel that you gave it all I keep taking the blame When we both know that I’ll never change […] I wasn’t always this way I used to be the one with the halo But that disappeared when I had my first taste And fell from grace and left me in this place
06×20 Set Fire To The Rain - Adele You can’t have a descent playlist without Adele, amirite? Dean’s POV this time. Poor baby really felt betrayed. The Man Who Would be King is probably one of my faves episodes tbh.
But there’s a side to you That I never knew, never knew All the things you’d say They were never true, never true And the games you play You would always win, always win […] I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died 'Cause I knew that that was The last time, the last time Sometimes I wake up by the door, That heart you caught must be waiting for you Even now when we’re already over I can’t help myself from looking for you
06×21/06×22 Angels - Within Temptation I love this song so much and it’s so destiel in these episodes I swear I can’t for how much it fits. Dean’s POV
Sparkling Angel, I believed You were my saviour, in my time of need Blinded by faith, I couldn’t hear, All the whispers, the warnings so clear […] You took my heart, deceived me right from the start You showed me dreams, I wish they’d turn into real You broke the promise and made me realize It was all just a lie
07×01/ 07×02 - What Have You Done - Within Temptation  I don’t know whose POV, but this song is so perfect I can’t believe no one has thought of this before.
Would you mind I kill you? Would you mind if I tried to? Cause you have Turn into my worst enemy You carry hate that I don’t feel. It’s over now, what have you done? (What have you done now?) I, I’ve been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away (What have you done now?) Why, why does fate make us suffer? There’s a curse between us Between me and you
07×03/07×16 Incomplete - Backstreet Boys And in this Dean Grieving Cas Pt.1, we have a little bit of denial and a lot of heart-brokenness.
I tried to go on like I never knew you I’m awake, but my world if hald asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete […] I don’t mean to drag it on But I can’t seem to let you go I don’t want to make you face this world alone I want to let you go
07×17 Taking Over Me - Evanescence The Born Again Identity. Dean’s POV. No more comments.
You don’t remember me, but I remember you I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you But who can decide what they dream? And dream I do I believe in you I’ll give up everything just to find you I have to be with you to live to breathe You’re taking over me Have you forgotten all I know And all we had? You saw me mourning my love for you And touched my hand I knew you loved me then
07×18/07×22 Clarity - Zedd Is this a joke about Crazy!Cas? Maybe. But I think it’s mostly serious. Probably.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need Chasing relentlessly Still fight and I don’t know why If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy If our love’s insanity why are you my clarity
Purgatory - A Thousand Years - Christina Perry The Purgatory storyline makes me so emotional I love it so much and now we are going back and- If they don’t solve their problems so I can add Halo to this playlist then what’s even the fucking point.
How to be brave? How can I love when I’m afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I’ll love you for a thousand more […] And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I’ll love you for a thousand more
08×01/08×07 The Night We Met - Lord Huron Dean trying to deal with his feelings about leaving Cas behind, and his really platonic hallucinations.
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don’t know what I’m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
08×08/08×16 Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye Dean’s POV hurting because Cas is acting strange and doesn’t respond to his prayers even after all they lived together in Purgatory.
But you didn’t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don’t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough No, you didn’t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records and then change your number I guess that I don’t need that though Now you’re just somebody that I used to know
08×17 Find my way back - Eric Arjes Cas finding his way to Dean even with Naomi’s brainwashing :D
On my way now Don’t give up on me And no one knows what What tomorrow brings These weary eyes will never rest Until they look in yours again […] There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do I’ll find my way back to you I’ll find my way back to you I’ll find my way back Into the dark to chase your heart No distance could ever tear us apart There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do I’ll find my way back to you
08×18/09×02 Hold On - Chord Overstreet Cas bailing on Dean -again-, and going AWOL -again-, and then saying he will close Heaven and probably die, or in the least never see each other again.
Loving and fighting Accusing, denying I can’t imagine a world with you gone The joy and the chaos, the demons we’re made of I’d be so lost if you left me alone […] I don’t wanna let go I know I’m not that strong I just wanna hear you Saying baby, let’s go home Let’s go home Yeah, I just wanna take you home Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you
09×03 To Good at Goodbyes - Sam Smith I won’t comment this chapter bc it still hurts me :) “You can’t stay”
I know you’re thinking I’m heartless I know you’re thinking I’m cold I’m just protecting my innocence I’m just protecting my soul […] But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry And every time you walk out, the less I love you Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true I’m way to good at goodbyes
09×06 Do I Wanna Know - Artic Monkeys This is POV both of them kinda, I don’t know how to explain it, it just gives me the vibe. An alternative to this if you like music in spanish, is “Ex de verdad” from Ha-Ash. I think that one is much funnier for the situation, but I decided for english only :(
Do I wanna know If this feelin’ flows both ways? (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hopin’ that you’d stay (Baby, we both know) That the nights were mainly made For sayin’ things that you can’t say tomorrow day Crawlin’ back to you Ever thought of callin’ when You’ve had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I’m too Busy bein’ yours To fall for somebody new Now, I’ve thought it through Crawlin’ back to you
09×07/09×23 I Would Do Anything For Love - Meat Loaf “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love. With Humanity.”
As long as the planets are turning As long as the stars are burning As long dreams are coming true You’d better believe it, that I would do Anything for love Oh I would do anything for love Oh I would do anything for love
10×01/ 10×03 My Demons - Starset This is completely serious. I swear.
Take me over the walls below Fly forever Don’t let me go I need a savior to heal my pain When I become my worst enemy The enemy […] Take me high and I’ll sing Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay) We are one in the same Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away) Save me if I become My demons
10×04 /10×22 No Rest -Dry the River A.K.A time for the angsty parallel Cain/Colette & Dean/Cas
Did you see the light in my heart? Did you see the sweat on my brow? Did you see the fear in my heart? Did you see me bleeding out? I loved you in the best I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best
10×23 /11×10 Next to Me - Imagine Dragons -I almost killed you bc of the Mark of Cain and then you almost killed me with Rowena’s spell but still here we are.
Oh, I always let you down You’re shattered on the ground But still I find you there Next to me And oh, stupid things I do I’m far from good, it’s true But still I find you Next to me
11×11/11×22 If You Only Knew - Shinedown *Violently pinning while Cas is being Lucifer’s vessel*
If you only knew How I refuse to let you go, Even when you’re gone I don’t regret any days I Spent, nights we shared, Or letters that I sent It’s 4:03 and I can’t sleep Without you next to me I Toss and turn like the sea If I drown tonight, bring me Back to life Breathe your breath in me The only thing that I still believe In is you, if you only knew […] You help me live and learn
11×23 I’ll Follow You Into The Dark - Gavin Mikhail “I could go with you” GOD do they make me cry
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied And illuminate the no’s on their vacancy signs If there’s no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I’ll follow you into the dark
12×01 Arms - Christina Perry That hug so cute, my babies.
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth And I’ve never opened up I’ve never truly loved 'till you put your arms around me And I believe that it’s easier for you to let me go […] You put your arms around me and I’m home
12×02/12×09 I Found - Amber Run *Pining bc Cas doesn’t pay attention to you because he is looking for Lucifer*
I’ll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind And I’ll use you as a focal point So I don’t lose sight of what I want And I’ve moved further than I thought I could But I missed you more than I thought I would And I’ll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind
12×10 Hot N Cold - Katy Perry I could have used a more serious one, but the best part of the episode is them bickering like an old married couple.
'Cause you’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up (You) You don’t really want to stay, no (You) But you don’t really want to go-o
12×11 - Losing your Memory - Ryan Star This is the episode where Dean gets witched into amnesia.
Call all your friends And tell them you’re never coming back Cause this is the end Pretend that you want it […] I would have died I would have loved you all my life You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory, now
12×12 In The Name of Love - Martin Garrix, Bebe Rexha “I love you.” *looks at Dean* “I love all of you" 
If I told you this was only gonna hurt If I warned you that the fire’s gonna burn Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first? Do it all in the name of love Would you let me lead you even when you’re blind? In the darkness, in the middle of the night In the silence, when there’s no one by your side Would you call in the name of love? In the name of love, name of love In the name of love, name of love
12×13/12×18- I Don’t Wanna Live Forever - ZAYN, Taylor Swift *Cas keeps going after Lucifer’s child instead of paying attention to Dean*
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you’d call It’s just a cruel existence like there’s no point hoping at all Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day Give me something, oh, but you say nothing What is happening to me? […] I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
12×19 Thank You - Led Zeppelin This song has absolutely no relation to the episode but I KNOW Dean put it in the mixtape in hopes that Cas would do 1+1 and understand his confession, but he didn’t. And you can pry that headcanon from my COLD DEAD FINGERS.
If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you When mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me Little drops of rain whisper of the pain Tears of loves lost in the days gone by My love is strong, with you there is no wrong Together we shall go until we die My, my, my inspiration is what you are to me Inspiration look, see
12×23 Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne :)))) Do not think of Dean on his knees next to Cas’ body and the burned wings.
Now you’re gone, now you’re gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can’t bring you back Now you’re gone, now you’re gone There you go, there you go Somewhere, you’re not coming back The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won’t be the same, no The day you slipped away Was the day that I found it won’t be the same, oh
13×01/ 13×05 Dark Paradise - Lana de Rey Dean grieving Cas Pt.2 but this time he takes it like, a thousand times worse.
All my friends tell me I should move on I’m lying in the ocean, singing your song Ah, that’s how you sing it Loving you forever, can’t be wrong Even though you’re not here, won’t move on Ah, that’s how we play it And there’s no remedy for memory your face Is like a melody, it won’t leave my head Your soul is haunting me and telling me That everything is fine But I wish I was dead Every time I close my eyes It’s like a dark paradise No one compares to you I’m scared that you won’t be waiting on the other side
13×06 Better Than I Know Myself - Adam Lambert Brokebacknatural. Dean being a happy ray of sunshine now that he got his sunshine back.
Cold as ice And more bitter than a December Winter night That’s how I treated you And I know that II sometimes tend to lose my temper And I cross the line Yeah that’s the truth I know it gets hard sometimes But I could never Leave your side No matter what I say 'Cause if I wanted to go I would’ve gone by now but I really need you near me To keep my mind off the edge If I wanted to leave I would’ve left by now But you’re the only one that knows me Better than I know myself
Emm… from here I’ll be skipping many episodes because, as you know, the writers decided that Dean and Cas didn’t need to interact for anything other than talking about Jack, because it’s not like they had a profound bond or anything, right? 
14×22 September - Daughtry Dean seeing what would have been of Cas if they haven’t met.
Of all the things I still remember Summer’s never looked the same The years go by and time just seems to fly But the memories remain In the middle of September we’d still play out in the rain Nothing to lose but everything to gain Reflecting now on how things could’ve been It was worth it in the end
13×23/14×02 Hymn for the Missing - Red *Reverse pinning now with Cas pinning for a Dean that’s being Michael’s vessel*
Where are you now? Are you lost? Will I find you again? Are you alone? Are you afraid? Are you searching for me? Why did you go? I had to stay Now I’m reaching for you Will you wait, will you wait? Will I see you again?
14×03/14×17 Stone - James Young This is… mostly just from 14×14 with Dean and Cas’ talk when Jack went to the bathroom bc they still never talk.
Your father came and went like the ocean’s tide And the day he left he never said goodbye […] You’ve been waiting for a miracle all your life […] So give me all your pain And love will set you free Give all your shame Put all your weight on me And I’ll be the stone you need me to be
14×18 /15×02 Bad Guy - Set it Off Look! They are talking again and- and now they are fighting. And Dean is blaming Cas for things that weren’t his fault. *sighting* Cas POV
I stole the moon I made the stars align I showed you how to fly And you made me the bad guy I fought for you I kept you safe at night I would have risked my life And you made me the bad guy
15×03 Fade - Lewis Cappaldi The DivorceTM 
Well, I know that we’ve been hardly holding on To tell the truth, I can’t believe we got this far Running near on empty I wish somebody would’ve told me That I’d end up so caught up in need of your demons That I’d be lost without you leading me astray Guess that I’m a fool for the way that you caught me Girl, you make my heart break more every day But don’t fade away
15×04/15×06 - Always - Gavin James And now we are pretending you are okay with the fact Cas dumped you? Okay, let’s pretend the drinking and comfort food ain’t signals of depression
What am I supposed to do without you? Is it too late to pick the pieces up? Too soon to let them go? Do you feel damaged just like I do? Your face, it makes my body ache It won’t leave me alone And this feels like drowning Trouble sleeping Restless dreaming You’re in my head Always, always I just got scared Away, away I’d rather choke on my bad decisions Then just carry them to my grave You’re in my head Always, always, always
15×07- Feel Something - James Young I Don’t Miss My Ex, so I’ll go have a good time with my other ex- oh no his evil. Oh no I had to kill him. Oh no I came back home and Cas won’t even look at me. Damn.
Touch me someone I’m too young to feel so Numb, numb, numb, numb […] So if you’re gonna stay, then stay But if you’re gonna go Make sure that you hurt me just enough to Make me feel something, something
15×08 Habits of My Heart - James Young So now we are pretending we aren’t sending indirects to each other? Fine. And you still don’t look at me even when you heal me AND NOT TOUCH ME. FINE.  And now our brothers are sending us to the time when our love was strongest? Where I spent a year praying to you and looking for you? I place that feels pure? Oh fuck.
You know I’d rather be alone, yeah But then you call me on the phone Oh the habits of my heart I can´t say no It’s ripping me apart You get too close You make it hard to let you go […] 'Cause I’d rather be alone But you fermented in my bones
(Note: You can measure my failure by the fact the word Angel was only 4 times in all this list.)
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TVLine Fall TV Spoilers, retrospective edition (s8-s15)
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Fall TV Spoiler Spectacular: Exclusive Scoop and Photos on 47 Returning Favorites! [September 06, 2012]
PREVIOUSLY ON… | After taking out Leviathan boss Dick Roman, Dean and Cas disappeared to a monster-filled purgatory while Sam was left on his own back on Earth. Ghost Bobby finally moved on to the other side.
COMING UP NEXT | Dean and Sam will reunite in the season premiere, but lots will have changed while they were separated. For one, after a “not very cute meet” with Amelia (recurring guest star Liane Balaban), Sam struck up a romance with the damaged woman during the Winchesters’ hiatus from each other, previews new showrunner Jeremy Carver. Dean’s side of the story will be told in flashbacks, which will answer the mystery of why Castiel vanished and how the elder brother got out of purgatory. Hint: He’s now indebted to the vamp Benny, “who is a super cool, super complex character who is a force to be reckoned with unto himself,” says Carver. “That is something that applies above ground and below ground.”
TVLINE BONUS SPOILER | Prepare for a major new recurring character in Naomi, who’s all business – complete with a serious pulled back hairdo – and very private. But underneath that no-nonsense suit exterior, she’s not quite so together.
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Fall TV Spoiler Spectacular: Exclusive Scoop and Photos on 45 Returning Favorites! [September 03, 2013]
PREVIOUSLY ON… | Metatron expelled all the angels from Heaven and turned Castiel into a human. Sam continued his efforts to close the gates of Hell by curing Crowley, but Dean discovered that completing the trials would kill him, and begged his brother not to go through with it. Unfortunately, Sammy didn’t know how to stop what he started and collapsed in agony.
COMING UP NEXT | No surprise here: Sam survives. But why he does is a secret that the elder Winchester will hold on to — and one which may cause a rift between the brothers. “You’re going to find Dean, in the beginning of this season, in a slightly different position, one where it’s his decision driving great importance and weight on their relationship,” previews executive producer Jeremy Carver. “It’s a heavy weight to bear, and it has a great effect on their relationship.” There’s also angel mayhem on Earth for the brothers to contend with, including “a lot of players for the throne of who’s going to rise to the fore here,” including Battlestar Galactica alum Tahmoh Penikett’s injured warrior angel. Cas, meanwhile, is adjusting to life as a human by “eating, defecating and fornicating,” deadpans his portrayer Misha Collins. On the more quirky side, Felicia Day’s Charlie returns in Episode 4, which goes back in time to reveal “the first Men of Letters ever to occupy the bunker,” teases Carver. So what were they up to? You know, the usual — like “learning the truth behind the events that lead to The Wizard of Oz books. It’s a lot of fun and heartfelt.”
TVLINE BONUS SPOILER | Penikett’s Ezekiel isn’t the only heavenly creature we’ll be meeting. “We’re really delving into the individual characters here, and we found really interesting, really neat angels,” says Carver. “Wherever we can dive into Biblical references, we do and then we turn that the way that we need. Some of the angels that we see…have deep roots in angel mythology.”
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Fall TV Spoilers 2014: Exclusive Scoops On 42 Season Premieres [September 02, 2014]
As a newly turned supernatural creature, Dean will have to decide “how dark and what kind of demon he’s going to be,” executive producer Jeremy Carver previews. So what’s the verdict? Per star Jensen Ackles, “[He’s] an ultra version of a womanizing party animal.” Considering how wild and fun his new life is – he even becomes too much for Crowley to handle! – it’s no wonder then that Dean doesn’t want to be found. But Sam, unaware of what’s happened to his brother, will try his darnedest, leading the younger Winchester “to do some questionable things that will make him, and certainly the audience, wonder which one of these guys is the true monster,” Carver notes. Meanwhile, Castiel is back on Earth and struggling with the moral dilemma of how to get his angelic grace back without being a burden.
BONUS SPOILER | Cas will be the harsh “voice of reason” when it comes to Dean’s situation, says Ackles. “Even though it might be hard to hear, it might be hard to say, he tells Sam, ‘Listen, you know what you have to do if things don’t go right.’”
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Fall TV Spoilers 2015: Exclusive Scoop On 44 Season Premieres [September 08, 2015]
The Winchesters will need all the help they can get battling The Darkness, which brings us to Season 11’s theme: “You can’t outrun your past.” Dean and Sam “have to make some unexpected and unholy alliances involving folks from their past, which will have personal ramifications,” exec producer Jeremy Carver reveals. Will any of said people be fan faves who died? “We’re talking about a fight that is going to incorporate the likes of Heaven and Hell and those on Earth. So there’s certainly opportunity to see folks that have departed,” the EP replies. Perhaps one of them can provide some answers, because “there’s a lot of mystery to not only what or who The Darkness is” – maybe it’s a she? – “but what The Darkness wants,” Carver says. And while Castiel will be working alongside the brothers, he first needs to “find a way out of this spell that Rowena has cast.”
BONUS SPOILER!: Praise be! “We’re going to see more of a vintage Crowley in terms of scheming, less caring about Dean and Sam,” Carver shares.)
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Fall TV Spoilers 2016: Exclusive Scoop On 42 Season Premieres [September 07, 2016]
“Dean, Mary and Cas are on the ‘Save Sam train,’ and that really drives them for the first three episodes,” executive producer Andrew Dabb previews. Once reunited, the Winchesters find themselves “pulled in two different directions” thanks to the dual threat of the British Men of Letters and Lucifer, who has taken on the vessel of a down-on-his-luck rock star (Rick Springfield). Everyone wants a piece of the fallen angel, including Crowley, who is looking to reclaim Hell and get payback for being humiliated. Lady Toni’s brethren, however, may turn out to be occasional allies in addition to stirring up trouble. “Sometimes, Sam and Dean will be working with them. Sometimes, they’ll be working against them,” Dabb hints. Meanwhile, the miraculous return of Mama Winchester has the brothers feeling “happy and conflicted” as she adjusts to a world that includes modern technology and angels. Speaking of heavenly creatures: Season 12 will spin “more personal” Cas stories and dig into his past a bit.
BONUS SPOILER!: “We’re putting the focus more on the world of hunters, so some of our past fan favorite hunters will, hopefully, swing through the show,” Dabb teases.
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Fall TV Spoilers 2017: Scoop on 35+ Returning Favorites [September 07, 2017]
Cutting to the chase, “death is not the end for Castiel,” executive producer Andrew Dabb reports. “That being said, when we pick up our season he’s more dead than people usually get on our show. Castiel has a big role to play for us, but that may not be as soon as some people are hoping.” Meanwhile, the Winchester brothers, Dean especially, are reeling from the double whammy of losing their friend and their mom Mary. “There’s no one they can call,” Dabb notes, “so our guys are a bit on their own, a little spun out, both emotionally and in terms of the plot.” On top of that, they’re “acting as parents” to Lucifer’s “walking atomic bomb” offspring. “There are parts of him and things he does that they really love,” Dabb shares, “and there are parts of him and things he does that worry them a bit.” In the alt apocalypse world, Mary’s attempt to run away from Lucifer doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, while the fallen archangel finds that he “may not be the most powerful” creature over there.
BONUS SPOILER!: “Even if it’s not played by an actor that we recognize, there are certain characters that are going to come back in different bodies,” Dabb hints.
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Fall TV Spoilers 2018: Scoop on 40 Returning Favorites [September 05, 2018]
Michael still wants to purify the world, but now that he’s loose on our earth — in Dean’s body, no less! — “his method is going to change,” executive producer Andrew Dabb previews. Back at the bunker, little bro Sam and heavenly pal Castiel are “extremely driven to find Dean,” with the latter even seeking help from “certain people, possibly with black eyes, who he would not normally contact.” Despite their efforts, “Sam, ultimately, and even Cas, to a degree, are a little pessimistic,” the EP says. “They’re not sure if it’s going to work out.” The Winchesters’ mom, Mary, however, “is optimistic, but sometimes that optimism can be very annoying.” Meanwhile, powerless Jack is back to hunter basics, “learning how to throw a punch [and] decapitate a vampire,” with the help of Bobby. Up in Heaven, Naomi and the few remaining angels are “trying to hold everything together.” As for the dark side, “we’re going to get a really good preview of what’s going on in Hell, actually, in the first episode,” Dabb teases.
BONUS SPOILER!: In Episode 4, “Sam and Dean and our whole crew get involved in our homage to ’80s slasher movies,” Dabb shares. “We’ve got some really cool gory stuff planned for that.”
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Fall TV Preview 2019: Spoilers on 37 Returning Favorites [September 4 2019]
After finding out that God has been manipulating them, Dean and Sam are facing an “existential crisis” in the 15th and final season. “They’re realizing, ‘Well, we’re the Winchesters, but were we really doing this Chuck’s way?'” co-showrunner Andrew Dabb previews. “Part of reclaiming that agency is a big part of the season for them.” Plus, the brothers are “going to start to lose people who, in past seasons, we would’ve never lost — and lose them in a very real way. Our guys are going to realize there’s a certain finality, and some of the things they’ve relied on to get through the day — people, talents, things like that — they are no longer going to be able to roll out. And that’s going to throw them for a loop.” The show’s swan song will also welcome back some departed faces, including the Winchesters’ half-brother Adam (Jake Abel), God’s sister Amara (Emily Swallow) and deceased hunter Eileen (Shoshannah Stern).
BONUS SPOILER!: Jack is still in The Empty when Season 15 starts, and “he’s not coming back in the near future,” Dabb reveals. As for the deal Cas made to save Lucifer’s offspring, “when The Empty becomes more active, a lot of things are going to come to a head.”
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Just Between Us
Just Between Us https://ift.tt/C5x1zUu by voidreize Dean was fed up with this, it was ending tonight. He ducks behind a dumpster quickly, hand grazing his knife in preparation as he quickly grabs the man that's been following him for weeks. He pins him against the brick walls of the alleyway and holds the knife to him, threatening eyes made to look even darker by the darkness swallowing the entirety of the wall. "What are you and why are you following me?" he says with a low and grueling voice, eyes focused on the man in front of him and nothing else as he pushes the tip of the knife to his throat just a little more as a warning. "My name is Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord." the pinned man says in a somehow deeper voice, seemingly unaffected by the knife threatening his airway. Words: 1022, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Naomi (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angel Wings, Not Canon Compliant, Pining, Mutual Pining, Castiel/Dean Winchester Mutual Pining, Dean Winchester in Denial About Sexuality, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Room, Awkward Boners, Angel/Human Relationships, Angel Dean Winchester, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/cWZh2C3 April 07, 2024 at 12:59AM
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derrickwellsme-blog · 5 years
Mira! Los Ángeles de Charlie [PELICULA COMPLETA] Espanol completa Gratis
Mira! Los Ángeles de Charlie [PELICULA COMPLETA] Espanol completa Gratis [Ver -gratis] Los Ángeles De Charlie (2019) Pelicula Completa Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa — 2019 ||Español Latino En Medium
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Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa — 2019 Español Latino, Ver Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa por Mega 2019, Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Pelisplus Español Latino
Visita a Ver película👓: http://googleVid/Los-Angeles-de-Charlie/es/mvp69.net
Repelis Los Ángeles de Charlie Ver pelicula completa - Online Lanzamiento: 2019-11-07 Duración: 0 minutos Género: Acción, Aventura, Comedia Estrellas: Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, Ella Balinska, Elizabeth Banks, Patrick Stewart Director: Elizabeth Banks, Elizabeth Banks, Elizabeth Banks, Max Handelman, Doug Belgrad
Sinopsis : Los Ángeles de Charlie siempre han proporcionado servicios de seguridad e investigación a clientes privados, y ahora la Agencia Townsend, y ahora la Agencia Townsend se ha expandido internacionalmente con las mujeres más inteligentes, valientes y mejor entrenadas a lo largo y ancho del planeta — varios equipos de Ángeles guiados por otros tantos Bosleys llevando a cabo los trabajos más duros por todo el mundo. Cuando un joven ingeniero de sistemas llama la atención sobre una peligrosa tecnología, los Ángeles son llamados a la acción, arriesgando sus vidas por protegernos a todos.
Los Ángeles de Charlie Película Completa Ver online Ver Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa por Mega 2019 Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Pelisplus Español Latino Ver Los Ángeles de Charlie 2019 Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Gnula Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Sub Español [2019] Los Ángeles de Charlie PELICULA COMPLETA en Repelis GRATIS Los Ángeles de Charlie 2019 Pelicula Completa en Español Latino gratis Ver la Pelicula Los Ángeles de Charlie Completa Cuevana [2019] Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Español Latino Pelis 24 Repelis Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Subtitulada 2019 Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa DVD Mega Latino 2019 Descargar Los Ángeles de Charlie Latino Mega en Sub Chilena los Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Pelisplus 2019)* Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Pelisplus Los Ángeles de Charlie (2019) Pelicula Completa en Español Latino [Sony Pictures] Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Peru Los Ángeles de Charlie 2019 Pelicula Descargar por Mega Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Pelisplus Ver la Pelicula Los Ángeles de Charlie Completa Cuevana Cuevana Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Mega Ver Los Ángeles de Charlie 2019 Pelicula Completa Gnula Cuevana Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Latino HD Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa Audio Latino Ver Pelicula Los Ángeles de Charlie Online HD Completa 1080p Cinecalidad Pelicula Los Ángeles de Charlie en Español Completa [2019] Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Gnula Repelis de Los Ángeles de Charlie Ver Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Ver Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Gnula Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Español Latino Mega Pelisplus Los Ángeles de Charlie Pelicula Completa en Pelisplus Español Latino
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 07, 2023)
23:59 Schiller - Harmonia 23:55 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 23:50 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 23:46 Twocolors & Anna Naklab - Dust (Extended Mix) 23:42 Laniia - Fireflies 23:39 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 23:35 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 23:30 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 23:27 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 23:24 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 23:20 Ac Venture - Rain In Spain (Roberto Sol Remix) 23:16 Nora En Pure - Diving With Whales (Daniel Portman Radio Mix) 23:09 Armen Miran - Nani Jan 23:05 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 23:01 Dead Composers - Starlight 22:53 Kygo - Freeze 22:49 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 22:46 Alan Walker Feat. Gavin James - Tired 22:43 Amely & Lvndscape - Losing My Mind 22:41 R3hab, Timmy Trumpet, W&w - Distant Memory 22:36 Nicos - Secret Love 22:29 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 22:25 Thomas Newman - Any Other Name 22:22 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 22:19 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 22:15 Ayoe Angelica - Dr. Jekyll 22:12 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 22:09 Le Shuuk Feat. Xilions - Goodbye 22:05 Smoke City - Underwater Love 22:03 Mount & Illian - Fool 21:57 Anrey - We Are The Mirrors (Extended Mix) 21:53 Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben - Supergirl 21:50 Lstn - Thoughts 21:46 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 21:43 Loud Luxury & Bryce Vine - I'm Not Alright 21:40 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 21:34 Aim - Cold Water Music 21:31 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 21:27 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 21:24 Tom Walker - Just You And I 21:22 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 21:18 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 21:14 Justin Robertson Presents Revtone - Love Movement 21:11 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 21:08 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 21:00 Underworld - 8 Ball 20:57 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Cest Mieux 20:52 Valante - Rissa 20:47 Atb With Enigma - Enigmatic Encounter 20:44 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 20:41 Disciples - On My Mind 20:37 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 20:31 Lamb - Wonder 20:28 Bossasonic - Wicked Game 20:18 Moby - Too Much Change 20:13 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 20:05 Levitation - More Then Ever People 20:03 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 19:55 Le Roy - See The Light Ahead (Extended Mix) 19:47 After Sunrise - Deep Breath (Extended Mix) 19:40 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 19:36 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 19:31 Dj Skillmaster, Deep Dive Duo - Hey Little Girl (Slow Motion Mix) 19:28 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 19:25 Schiller & Schwarz - Avalanche 19:21 Lucy Neville - Shameless 19:19 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 19:15 Remady & Manu-l - Another Day In Paradise 19:11 Clément Leroux - Memories 19:04 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 19:00 Paul Kalkbrenner - Part Eight 18:57 Magnofield - Lupino 18:50 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 18:46 Naomi - Avenue L'amour (Lemongrass Remix) 18:43 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 18:34 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 18:29 Chris Coco - Before Sunset (Original Mix) 18:25 Monolink - Harlem River 18:21 Blank & Jones - Flaming June 18:18 Martin Trevy Feat. Hedara - Talking To The Silence 18:16 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 18:11 Velvet Lounge Project - Dimelo Tu (Mix And Magix Remix) 18:07 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 18:04 Kygo & Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 17:57 Chicane - Offshore 17:55 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 17:48 Beyhude - Rüzgar 17:45 Tokkoi - 45 Minutes (Original Mix) 17:42 Daniel Steidtmann - Pigeon Lake 17:38 Nora En Pure - Epiphany 17:32 Sherrie Lea - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 17:30 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 17:26 Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining 17:20 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 17:17 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 17:13 Thomas Jack Feat. Nico & Vinz - Rivers 17:10 Tiscore - Fire To Smoke 17:05 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 17:00 Disco Meets Bossa - Could It Be Magic 16:57 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 16:54 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 16:47 Popmode - Moonrise (Original Mix) 16:44 Hypnosis - Pulstar 16:39 Eelke Kleijn - Woodstock 16:34 Disclosure - You & Me Ft. Eliza Doolittle (Flume Remix) 16:32 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 16:28 Kadebostany - Save Me 16:26 Nora Van Elken - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 16:20 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 16:16 Dj Shah & Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Mix) 16:13 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 16:09 Melokind - Tiefgang 16:04 Matvey Emerson - Luna 16:01 Tiësto - The Motto 15:58 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 15:54 Fous De La Mer - Soledad 15:48 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 15:41 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 15:37 The Underdog Project - Summer Jam 15:30 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 15:24 Faro - Dreaming In Orange 15:21 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 15:18 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 15:13 Massive Attack - Teardrop 15:09 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 15:05 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 15:01 Light Of Aidan Feat. Note For A Child - Loving You 14:59 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 14:56 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 14:51 Maestro & Cabal - Rocklands Beach 14:47 Shallour & Riah - Lie 14:45 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 14:38 Insilent - Emagination (Layback Mix) 14:35 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 14:32 Lost Frequencies Feat. Axel Ehnström - All Or Nothing 14:26 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 14:23 Matoma Feat. Jonah Kagen - Summer Feeling 14:15 Hansi Lang - Perfect Day (Smacs & Patrick Kong Remix) 14:12 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 14:09 Lucy Neville - Ransom 14:05 Jasmon - Sanpo Suru 13:57 David Hohme - Fear Less (Hraach Remix) 13:54 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 13:50 York - I Need You 13:44 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 13:40 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 13:37 Sixth Finger - If I Can't Have You 13:34 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 13:29 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 13:22 Worakls - By The Brook 13:17 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 13:11 Best Of Chillout Lounge - White Beach (Crystal Blue Sea Mix) 13:07 Nora En Pure - All I Need 13:04 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 13:01 Daniel Steidtmann - Annecy 12:54 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 12:52 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 12:49 Sans Souci - Twin Lakes 12:46 Vinai - Hide Away 12:44 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 12:40 Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Happy Now 12:38 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 12:34 Hagen Feetly - U Got Me 12:31 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 12:27 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 12:22 Moca - Kleine Träumerei 12:19 Mahalo - High Life 12:12 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 12:05 Andain Feat. Kastis Torrau & Donatello - Beautiful Things 12:02 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 11:56 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 11:51 Marc Puig - To Start Anew 11:47 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 11:41 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 11:38 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 11:35 Bolier - Another Blue 11:30 Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy 11:26 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 11:21 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 11:17 Schiller - Der Tag...du Bist Erwacht (Mit Jette Von Roth) 11:13 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 11:10 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 11:06 Mario & Vidis Feat. Jazzu - I'll Be Gone 10:59 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 10:55 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 10:52 Liberdade - Otra Vida 10:43 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 10:40 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 10:32 Burudu - Sun Theory (Original Mix) 10:30 Yves V X Bashkar - Halfway (Feat. Twan Ray) 10:26 Nora En Pure - Homebound 10:23 Edx Feat. Jess Ball - Take Me Home 10:16 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 10:11 Fous De La Mer - Clairs De Lune 10:07 Olga Scheps - How Much Is The Fish? 10:04 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 09:57 Chris Zippel - Around, Arrived 09:53 Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd - Lost In The Fire 09:45 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 09:41 Jp Juice - Cette Planete 09:38 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 09:34 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 09:28 Mic Max - Como El Viento 09:26 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rbvln - Weight Of The World (Feat. Rbvln) 09:22 Rìfìs - Like An Animal 09:19 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 09:12 Beyhude - Terso 09:09 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee - Sunny Days (Original Mix) 09:06 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 09:02 Thomas Gold Feat. Bright Sparks - Seventeen 08:58 Mikael Delta - The Last Storm Of Words 08:53 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 08:50 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 08:45 Gary B - Let You In 08:39 Sans Souci - Venice 08:36 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 08:31 Lenny Ibizarre - Smooth Temptation 08:29 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 08:25 Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home (Mousse T. Cocktail Mix) 08:18 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 08:14 Shapov & Avian Grays Feat. Kifi - Light Up The World 08:11 Alphawezen - 4043 08:08 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 08:02 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 07:58 Emma Carn, Magic Wand - Sunset 07:54 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 07:50 Mefree - Horizons 07:47 Tiesto - Everything (Acoustic Version) 07:43 Zoe - C'est La Vie 07:42 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 07:38 Matt Simons - Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) 07:36 Dj Antoine Feat. Chanin & Jona Xx - Dancing In Tulum 07:28 Tapesh And Dayne S - How I Do (Original Mix) 07:25 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 07:18 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundfør - If You Want Me 07:10 Trinidad - L'oiseau (Original Mix) 07:07 Sans Souci - Fenton 07:00 Beyhude - Akasha 06:53 Troels Hammer - Trans/ For/ Mation 06:49 Above & Beyond - Out Of Time (Original Mix) 06:46 Purple Disco Machine - Hypnotized 06:40 Soho Lounge Feat. Dea Li - Chiaro Di Luna 06:35 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 06:33 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 06:26 Adana Twins - Strange 06:23 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 06:18 Moby - The Sky Is Broken 06:14 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 06:11 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 06:04 Humate - 3.2 (Bedrock Ambient Mix) 06:01 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 05:58 Italobrothers - Stay 05:52 Enfant De Luxe - La Tete Dans Les Nuages 05:49 Kamrad - Feel Alive 05:47 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 05:44 Braaten - Enjoy The Silence 05:41 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 05:36 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 05:31 Beatkonexion - On Air 05:28 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 05:23 Cinemascope - The 7th Dream 05:20 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 05:16 Moby - My Only Love 05:13 Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn - Recognise 05:09 Alex Breitling - Faith 05:06 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 05:02 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 04:58 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 04:55 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 04:52 Hailee Steinfeld - Capital Letters 04:47 Arden - Open 04:45 Kamrad - I Believe 04:41 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 04:39 Gamper & Dadoni - My Lovin' 04:32 Chuva Speaks Arab - Reckless Girl 04:29 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 04:25 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 04:22 Filous Feat. James Hersey - How Hard I Try 04:15 Boral Kibil & Gulec - Lost Language 04:12 Panama, Satin Jackets - The Future 04:06 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 04:01 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 03:57 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 03:52 Morcheeba - Trigger Hippie 03:49 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 03:40 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 03:35 Espresso Del Lago - Ballet Or Sauna 03:32 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 03:27 Ganga - The Wind 03:23 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 03:17 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 03:15 Cookin' On 3 Burners, Henri Purnell & Revelries - Force Of Nature 03:09 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 03:06 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 02:59 Tom Novy & Milkwish - Dream Catcher (Extended Mix) 02:55 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 02:52 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 02:43 Deep Dive Corp. - Django 02:39 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Deep Ocean 02:35 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 02:32 Dynoro Feat. Gigi D'agostino - In My Mind 02:29 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 02:25 Robin Schulz - Sugar (Feat. Francesco Yates) 02:22 Reece Lemonius, Munich Monstrs - Miss You 02:18 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 02:13 Mahoroba - Soft Breeze (On Air Mix) 02:10 Parov Stelar - Fire 02:06 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 02:01 Daniele Mastracci Feat. Allegra - Something Great 01:58 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 01:55 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 01:48 H. Garden Feat. Joi - Gentle Rain 01:43 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 01:39 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 01:35 Emmit Fenn - Lost In Space 01:32 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 01:27 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 01:25 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 01:21 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 01:17 Eelke Kleijn - The Big Chill (Original Mix) 01:11 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 01:08 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 01:03 Alphawezen - Into The Stars 01:01 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 00:57 Gardenstate & Bien - The Best Part 00:52 Martin Böttcher - Old-shatterhand-melodie (Orbient Mix) 00:48 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 00:45 Robin Schulz - Never Know Me (Radio Mix) 00:39 Owen Ear, Stereoteric - Screaming Heart (Original Mix) 00:36 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 00:31 Jaques Raupe, Stereoact, Peter Schilling Feat. Peter Schilling - Terra Titanic 00:29 Tiësto & Ty Dolla $ign - The Business, Pt. Ii 00:25 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 00:22 Lenny Bizarre - El Viejo Pescador 00:15 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 00:11 Alex Breitling - Lilie 00:07 Lemongrass - Comme Toujours 00:03 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended)
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