#...always happy with watchdogs and their simple tastes
Upon popular request we are now selling together burgers and real large milkshakes. I hope everybody is enjoying their food? It's an easy and fun meal to make, I know I've been enjoying preparing it.
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cowandcalf · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020 - To Find A Way
Prompt No. 21 - Family Part I
Chapters 1 - 10
Chapter 11
Danny still feels the rush of nervousness when Steve has made it clear he wanted to spend time with him and Grace at the beach, at home where he grew up. This is big. This implies family and a future. Danny wants it. He wants everything. He wants to have days and years ahead of them. This day symbolizes a milestone.  And… and they are only going steady for a week, a week. What a stupid expression but seriously, they're only together for seven freaking days! Good Gracious, but to Danny, it feels as if they'd picked up where they have left off in another life. It must be something like that. Steve shared Kamekona's insanely ridiculous comment after a hot night. In the darkness, sweaty, their legs entangled and with a soft press of Steve's lips to his chest, Danny learned that Kawika and Kame think Steve and he are soulmates.
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Danny's heartbeat tells him he believes in this weird spiritual crap. The way Steve and he go at it just tells that the guys are right about it. This isn't normal. It's not normal how he misses Steve when he's at work. It grazes madness the way he breaks every traffic rule just to get as fast as possible to his man. Gosh, Danny feels like he's sixteen again and so madly in love.
Steve always waits for him at the flower shop no matter the time. When Danny walks through the door Steve greets him by pressing him up against the nearest wall before he kicks the door shut. Danny drowns in Steve's gasps and whispered words. They make love and they fuck on every surface available. They eat in between, feed each other only to end up in bed exhausted, satisfied, and with new bruises and scratches from the various pieces of furniture in Steve's jungle house.
But today is the kind of special that adds a new depth to what they already have.
Today is beach day. Steve has waited for this day from the moment he has told Danny about the color turquoise he plans to paint the walls in Grace's room. The room he plans to put up at his house. All week-long, Steve has been out here to get everything ready for Grace. He has kept everything a big secret. Danny is still overwhelmed by Steve's devotion and the sheer force he makes things happen.
Danny still can't believe how fast everything turns into this let's-spend-the-rest-of-our-lives-together thing. He's not scared. Maybe he should be scared because they've skipped having any date at all only to jump right at fucking each other's brains out to steer toward having a family day at Steve's parent's house where he lives. That's… intense especially for Danny but he's not worried. No, in fact, he's as calm as a sleeping whale. He and Steve click like nothing he has ever experienced. And he loves this guy with almost an angry seriousness and that scares him sometimes. Because at this point, Danny knows there will never ever be anyone else but Steve.
And Danny has brought Grace to the game like from 'zero hour' and that's something he has never done with any of his former dates. Never. As if he had a choice. Jesus. He ran into Steve at the hospital. In a blink of an eye, Steve and his little girl have bonded over doing a game on the seesaw on a children's playground. And Grace has turned into that center from where Steve's world has started to grow into a completely new dimension. Danny isn't a nervous wreck over the possibility his baby girl could get hurt over them breaking up. Danny knows hell is going to freeze over before he and Steve won't make this relationship work. Because that's what this is. They don't name that huge intimate thing that grows every day into so much more. It just is and they know it. Danny would freaking marry this wild beast of a wonderful man on the spot if he asked him. So, yes, his mental health floats in a sphere he hasn't known existed.
"Do you have everything you need?" Danny calls from the kitchen. He washes salad in the sink, standing in Steve's kitchen, and picks the limp leaves to heap them up on the countertop. He dries his hands on a dish towel he has thrown over his shoulder.
Grace runs into the kitchen right up to him. She wraps her arms around his legs. "Steve has bought everything, Danno." She tells him excitedly. "He has sand shovels, a pink sand sifter, a blue pail, a green one, and a red pail for the water. And – and a lot of plastic forms. Big ones and small ones and there is a dolphin and a mermaid and fish." She bends her head back and looks up at Danny. Her face is in awe.
Danny lifts her up to have a father-daughter talk. "He showed me. I guess Steve has bought the best pieces to build the greatest sandcastle of Hawaii just for you. He wants you to have fun. You okay with that, Monkey? To be outside with Steve at the beach?"
"Uh-huh," Grace's head wobbles with eyes big and joyful.
"I stay in the kitchen for a bit and prepare lunch, okay?" Danny knows Grace is going to be fine but he's not so sure he's ready for this challenge. He wants to be though. The vastness of the ocean scares him and all the horror movies with giant sharks roll through is mind. "You call me if you need something or you'll tell Steve, okay? He's taking good care of you."
"Yes," she answers and writhes like a snake in his arms. "I wanna go outside, Danno."
"Where's Steve?" He knows how important it is for Steve to dig around in the sand with Grace, to hear her laugh, and to see her joy. He knows that but still, it's Grace and there are tons of seawater rolling in steadily a few feet from where they want to build the sandcastle.
"He says he wants to get the towels." She runs out of the kitchen but comes right back. "Steve said he bought a turtle for me." Grace shouts breathlessly.
Danny smiles with eyes as big as saucers. "He bought a turtle for you? A living animal?"
Grace giggles and storms back into the kitchen. "No! Danno! A sun umbrella that looks like a turtle!" She's out of breath and leans against the chair.
Danny can't really grasp all the small events that have turned their lives upside down. During the last week, he hasn't slept one night at his apartment. And he spends all his spare time with Steve. It's been a whirlwind of emotional and colorful days.
"Danno!" Grace calls over to him. "I said Steve has a turtle umbrella for me."
Danny snaps out of his reverie. "Sorry Monkey, I got lost in thoughts." He strokes her hair, "a turtle umbrella! Wow! That sounds awesome. Why don't you show me?"
"Okay," Grace plucks at her bathing suit with the flower print. "I'm hungry."
"Do you like a sandwich? Ham and cheese with tomatoes? Yeah?" Danny cuts one of the prepared Jersey sandwiches in half. He hands her the plate. "Here Monkey, one is for Steve. Lunch is ready in an hour. You gonna start with – with what? Digging holes?"
"Come, I'll show you," Grace takes the plate and walks out the door. "Steve said we'll make a big castle and we dig a deep ditch so the water can stream right in. He said the waves will fill the ditch and it's fun to watch."
Danny's heart overflows with happiness seeing his little girl so excited about something. He worries way too much. They'll be fine having a wonderful beach day without him playing watchdog. "Where's your hat, Gracie? And what about your fancy sunglasses? Don't you want to put them on?" Danny follows her into the living room where he has put their luggage.
"Have you found your glasses?" Danny steps up to where his daughter kneels on the floor. He crouches down beside her.
She goes through the sports bag Danny has packed to bring to Steve's house. It's a big house with big rooms but it looks strangely empty and abandoned in some way. Steve spends more time at the flower shop than at his parent's house that is his real home. Mary and Kawika live right next door. Danny thinks it's beautiful to have a sister living so close by, her backyard only a few minutes down the beach. Steve could drop by any minute to have a chat, have breakfast together.
"Got it!" Grace shouts and shoves the pink flowery shades over her nose.
"You look like a beach lady with big plans." Danny takes the plate with the sandwich. "Come, let's go and see what's Steve up to all alone at the beach."
Grace dashes out the door before Danny can ask about the sunblock and the extra shirt.
Steve puts up the second sunshade right next to the turtle one. "Hey, Danno, shall I cream Gracie with sun cream?"
"I don't want it." Grace says, already busy with the buckets. "It's sticky and makes all the sand stay on my arms and knees." She whines a little and picks up the little shovel.
"It's hot out here, Grace. You have tender skin. We can't leave it unprotected." Steve explains with a gentle voice. "Let Danno decide what's best for you, okay? I'll put on some cream too if this makes you feel better?" Steve suggests and bites heartily into a juicy half of Danny's favorite Jersey sandwiches. "Ah, it tastes awesome." He keeps a distance and just gifts him with a smile.
Danny knows Steve's insecure how much affections he's allowed to share in front of Grace. "I take pride in prepping the most authentic New Jersey sandwiches. You're welcome." He winks and makes sure to hold Steve's gaze. "Grace, come do me a favor and put on this shirt. We can't have you catch a sunburn. That hurts and it's not good for your skin. And your mommy wouldn't be pleased with me."
Grace is digging, too busy to even reply. She stretches her arms over her head and let Danny put on the white, light shirt. "That's better, Monkey."
Steve also pulls a shirt over his head. "Look, Grace, partner look. See? I wear a shirt too. It's simple, effective sun protection." He darts another smile over at Danny. "You okay with me and Grace out here, Danny?" He drops to his knees next to Grace where she's busy digging holes and filling the plastic forms.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." Danny bends down and adjusts Grace's hat. He kisses the top of her head and leans over to press a soft kiss to Steve's head, too. Grace doesn't even notice. Steve's warm hand caresses Danny's calf. "I'll be inside and prepare lunch. You'll shout if you need anything." Danny points a finger at Steve. "You take care of my little girl and don't let her be in the sun too long. Take breaks and come visit me some time so I know you haven't been washed out with the surf to God knows where."
Steve gifts him with an epic eye-roll. "Danny, I'm a SEAL and I spent my childhood at this beach. It's Hawaii and I know the rhythm of the tides like the back of my hand."
Danny wiggles with his index finger. "SEAL or no SEAL, you show up at the kitchen after an hour." He juts his chin in Steve's direction. "Is this understood?"
"Sure," Steve answers with a forced chuckle. "Your wish is my command."
"Hey," Danny makes Steve look at him, "I trust you." He emphasizes again.
Danny knows Steve's overeager to get it right for Grace and him. Danny's not as relaxed as he wished to be but he chooses a lighthearted voice to show Steve he's okay with him looking after his daughter. "Good. Have fun then." Danny turns and is about to walk back to the house. He taps the beaten wooden chair lightly and calls over his shoulder. "Steve, don't go swimming without the life vest on. Please?" He can't help it.
Steve gives him the thumbs up but the next second he's deepened in a serious conversation with Grace. They've got big plans. Danny walks back to the house with a warmer feeling in his stomach. This is better. It's going to be alright.
The flap flap flap sound reaches Danny's inattentive ear halfway into cooking his mother's famous tomato sauce. The lasagna sheets and the béchamel sauce are ready. Steve's kitchen smells like an Italian restaurant. He nibs at a spoon full of sauce to check what misses. He tries hard to keep the attention directed to cooking. His gut tells him to go check up on what's going on at the beach. But he stays inside and squashes the itch to act like an overprotective father. Steve's going to do great by being the adult looking after Grace.
Flap flap flap.
Cheese. He has forgotten to take the Parmigiano Reggiano out of the fridge. That's the best cheese to grate on top of the dish once all layers are filled in. Danny talks in his head to distract himself. Some odd worry spreads into his stomach and he can't figure out why. He shuts his eyes and counts to ten before he rinses a spoon and a knife under the running water.
The sound of the helicopter seems to spread wide into the sky, and it's getting closer and louder. Danny lifts his head to look out of the window. He sees a banner with the lettering 'newly married John and Amanda' and a big red heart. Danny watches a moment, seeing how the small airplane crosses the sky followed by one helicopter. No, two. Gosh, three helicopters approach through the sky. Some rich dude makes his kid's wedding a day to remember. Why do they need to fly over this part of the beach? The pilot makes sure the guests get what they've paid for. They fly so close by Danny can read the logo on the birds. Freaking idiots.
Danny's heart jumps to his throat and the cutlery clatters when he drops it in the sink. Helicopters and loud whirring rotor blades. Not good! Steve! Shit, is this…? Danny spins around and rushes through a safety check to make sure nothing's going to burn or boil over before he dashes out of the kitchen. He's not half-way through the living room when he hears Grace's scared and high-pitched voice, filled with dread, shouting his name.
"Danno! Daddy!"
Grace doesn't ever, ever call him daddy unless she's terrified.
"Grace! Gracie! I'm here! I'm coming!" Danny yells. Spiking Fear gives him an instant headache. He tastes blood in his mouth his heart beats so hard and fast. Danny yanks the door the lanai open. "GRACE!"
Danny bolts forward. He sees his daughter's face in tears; eyes wide with fear. She throws herself into his arms. Danny catches her and carries her immediately inside. He needs to check on her first, to make sure, she's unharmed. "Grace-baby, it's fine. Danno's here. Are you hurt? God, what's up, Monkey?" He carries her trembling little body over to the couch and keeps her pressed to his chest. He whispers soothing words and strokes her back to calm her. She doesn't seem hurt. "Are you hurt, baby?" He tries again.
Grace tucks her face into his throat and shakes her head. She's hot and sweaty and pants from running so fast.
Danny holds her in his arms until her sobs calm down. Only then he realizes what she's wearing. A life vest and big towel is thrown over her shoulders like a cape. Two floatation aids are pulled over each of her upper arms. She still wears the hat but her sunglasses are gone. Danny undoes the knot of the towel. His hands shake terribly. He's legs are numb from the shock that something might have happened to his little girl. He still hears the fucking helicopters in the sky. The sound seems deafeningly loud. He feels his heartbeat in his tongue. "Monkey, hey, sweetheart," he kisses her tear-stained cheek. "Baby, where… where's Steve?" He whispers against her hair with his nerves strung tight.
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
5 things!
Tagged by: @silvcrreaper! thank you, dear! :’D this is a really cute meme! I’ll probably use it again in the future bc of that tbh. I’d like to do a lotta characters. Tagging: @mettatoniic / @corviudex, @wcrldlyadventures​, @tcthinecwnself, @scwewywcbbit, @wabbitseezun, @couragelinked​, @contractualsarcasm​, @heedingcalls, @bloominghands, @fairestfall, @blackstardiopside​ / @hellhogged​, & you!
doing this for red’s hardcore over-a-year fixation seriously this woman owns my ass at this point hhggh this thing got way too long!!
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Her mother's broken pearl necklace. It's very near and dear to her, she's held onto it like a security blanket as well as a trinket for luck & protection ever since Lord Phantomhive whisked her away to the estate. She keeps them safely tucked away in one of her hidden skirt pockets! Those of supernatural origin that are able to detect magical objects can sense there is a Divine blessing on it; it’ll never be lost to Claudia, and those who mean her ill-intent will have their hands burn when they grab at it - almost like they stuck their hand in flames. It’s a precious thing that Máire [ her mother ] has long since used in her prayers specifically to Brigid ever since she was twelve, so it’s instilled with her blessing! 
Her axe. Even when she’s retired, the Countess keeps her silver axe on her person just the same; tucked away in its renewed sheathe that’s hidden under a flap on the back of her dress [ fun headcanon: while undertaker takes his sotoba up from the top of his collar, she pulls her axe down from below ]. Divine magic also touches this weapon; a blessing from the Morrígan in which the blade is kept heinously sharp so long as she gets some sip her blood tribute, absorbing the splatter and gore through the axe’s silver surface and leaving it pristine. Should too long go by without it having a taste of blood it will begin to dull rapidly for the amount of years its gone untouched, but fortunately the Phantomhives never seem to run short of assassins, hitmen and abductors. Her Divine continues to be pleased.
An emerald poison ring. Silver, classy and adorned with the head of a wolf opening its maw to hold a shiny emerald. No one'd expect such a beautiful big gem hides such a heinous poison beneath! It looks pretty neat when she pops it open and the poison pours out of the wolf’s mouth.
[ Enchanted ] Skeleton key. A simple-looking golden key with hidden runes that activate when inserted into magical locks its made for, but it functions like a normal key as well. This key will open absolutely any door in the Phantomhive manor [ unless Sebastian’s room has the same thing going on! ] as well as the invisible locks she has guarding her forest altar. This is also the only thing that will open all doors leading into her bedroom [ the hallway and the balcony ] as those locks are spellbound to react to only the key itself. Vincent’s always tried to pick his way in but could never quite achieve it! I like to think he inherited his mother’s mischievously nosy curiosity. 
Her black choker with a deep green brooch embedded in its middle. It hides the scar paved along her throat from the attempted assassination. Don’t want anyone seeing that, especially not family. v_v
Her bed, of course! Mahogany framed. It’s enormous, as to be expected for a Countess. It’s extremely soft, easy to sink into and piled with many lace-ended pillows. Heavy, wool-knitted beige blankets lay over the very top, plush to the touch and covering the white and green sheets beneath it. Deep green curtains with leaf embroidery are tied to the bed posts with dark brown rope, and close all around the bed when Claudia turns in for the night -- except for the curtains at the foot. Those stay partially open to absorb the heat from the fireplace. As for the back of the bed, she built it herself! It has an enormous, full-length mirror installed into its wooden frame and a long, smooth surface below for convenience. It has two lamps at both ends that are within reach. 
Lovely mannequins. Rested next to the balcony are two simple manniquens. One is the bearer of her Brigid cloak, the hood pulled up and draped over to obsfuscate the face. Its arms are stretched forwards, hands splayed up with the ceremonial cloth and ropes used for Claudia’s handfasting ceremony; the pearls that were wrapped around all that hanging from its neck. Opposite of that is the other manniquen. Covered with a deep, dark duster, a peasant blouse, tight black pants and thigh-high boots give off a familiar visage of the Countess during her Watchdog days. Around its waist hangs a very intricate rich brown leather belt with lots of slots in it, weaponized chatelaines and satchels with golden clasps - and a golden wolf head as the buckle in front center.
Secret compartments. Many secret locked compartments in the walls she installed herself [ ^ that can only be opened by aforementioned skeleton key, or a very determined and powerful supernatural force ], hidden behind landscape portraits and animal print wall tapestries. She keeps various things in them: Tonics & Poisons. These are very rare breeds of both, being highly efficient in what they’re made for specifically. There’s vials of strange-looking gnarled roots and various colored liquids stored in here as well, along with herbs (??) hanging from the top. Inheritance. The late Lord Phantomhive left Claudia a fortune, most of which she sent to charity, but kept her own sum for emergencies sake. But that is not all he left her; there’s a small pile of letters, some opened, some remaining closed with different seals. There’s also an envelope in here for Claudia specifically, opened and re-sealed. What’s inside is information concerning safe passage to a number of locations and a list of names. Near the very end, the Lord gave Claudia a way out if she ever felt the need to flee from the Phantomhive title; she’s the only blood left. He would not hold it against her to forfeit the Watchdog title, he’d be dead - he has no reason to care for anything at that point. It’s a very bittersweet gift Claudia’s gone back and forth more than once and plans to hand down to the Undertaker “if I go before he does”. She trusts him to hold onto it and give to any Phantomhive who starts feeling pushed to the brink. Altars. A small altar for each of her Goddesses exists in the walls, in twin compartments side-by-side, their doors marked with the carvings of an anvil and a raven. Brigid’s altar is warm, decorated with handmade trinkets and rolled up drawings. The Morrígan’s is dark, positively dark and dimly lit with this very small icy blue lantern that hangs from the top, and the rest of it is decorated with fans fastened from raven feathers and odd white-crimson candles -- that contain her own blood.  Memonto Mori. Death has been embraced around Claudia for so much of her life, so she’s dedicated her own reminder of that in a “.. yet I survived” way.  Mementos from the Famine in the form of mothbitten fabric from the nightgown she wore that entire time and a lock of hair that had fallen out, from the first attempt on her life by a kidnapper in the form of the rusting gun he had and the bottled flesh & muscle she tore from his throat that earned her the title “Wolf of Winchester” among the Aristocrats of Evil, from the nigh successful assassination in the form of the bloodied gown fabric and pressed white roses that wear dried crimson on their petals. There is nothing for the Phantomhive Fire. This rebuilt manor is a jarring memento mori of its own now. 
Cherry wood bookcases. It is stacked with books of worldwide mythology, folklore, natural remedies, strange leatherbacks, and lots of journals Claudia’s written personally over the years. There’s pictures of loved ones wrapped in oval-shaped, polished wooden frames, a lot of old wooden toys she made for her progeny that they’ve grown out of, a black onyx hand with all fingers lined with rings she made herself and holding an ornate athame. Currently, “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus” sits with a long brown & white feather serving as a bookmarker. 
Urns. Three very precious porcelain urns that are specifically customized to fit the lives they belonged to: Vincent, Rachel, and Claudia’s seven hounds. While she drew the designs for Vincent and her hounds, she let Rachel’s parents decide how they wanted their daughter’s urn handled. She passed the drawings to the Undertaker and he made them to perfection. They rest on the previously mentioned bookshelf, side-by-side in a very gorgeous center display, with fresh white roses, rosemary, gladiolus & lilies from the garden surrounding them and small lanterns constantly providing a low, gentle golden light. There’s candles that have been melted to their hilts and others that are brand new.
Mythology. Mythology and folklore have always been incredibly fascinating to her! They can easily eat hours away as she delves herself into learning more and more about them and re-reading the ones she already knows.
Family. I've said it once, I've said it twice, Claudia's a woman who adores to be surrounded by family. Her attempts to convince the Midfords to join with the Phantomhive household have gone shot down by both her grandson and her daughter. One day she’ll prevail. One day. She won’t but she can dream of having a full house again, let her dream.
The countryside. Honestly, the fact they live here instead of in the city was something of an immense comfort to Claudia because it’s a little reminscent of Donegal. She regularly takes Gelert for a walk and finds a nice green pasture to just sit in for a while and enjoy the wind. It brings such a huge wash of calm and relief and what she turns to when feeling absolutely stressed, anxious or angry. Her natural dopamine hit!
Sweets. The Countess has a bad sweet tooth like her grandson and loves to eat sweet things, including things of her own baking and creating! Wave any delectable sugary sweet before her face and you have her attention - not her compliance, but her attention. [ 1v1 phantomhive discourse is continuously stealing the other’s treats. she doesn’t even recall who started it but it is an on-going War. ] 
Infinite woodworking! She has several projects going on at the moment, one being a boat and another being a marionette bitter rabbit she’s eventually going to get around to painting. Both gifts!
Foraging. Sure she can easily send the servants to buy this stuff from the market, but she likes to retrieve them herself. There’s a lot of berries and edible/medicinal plants in season right now and she’s pretty happy about that. :) Mulberries galore.
Reading. Very good exercise for her brain as she’s getting a little more forgetful in her old age, so keeping it busy with things like this strengthens her mentally. At the moment she’s not only reading Frankenstein, but she’s also reading about Japan mythology! That, and about strange monsters & creatures encountered at sea, actual accounts taken down by the author of the book who interviewed many-a sailor. 
Hunting. Not only does it give her a grand excuse to get out of the manor, but she needs to keep her archery sharp and Gelert in shape. 
Summer Games. Speaking of which, she has a title to defend! Sporting events are beginning to ramp up and the Phantomhive name continues to hold first place in the Archery branch, much to the chagrin of many who try their aim & speed against the Countess And Lose. Also, the events are always a bunch of fun to take part in - she’s dragging along anyone available.
Finish the on-going "Misfortune's Way" Funtom board game with Ciel. [ Ciel: 9. Claudia: 9. Neck-to-neck. Who Will Win? ]
Continue work on the boat she's created for the Midfords. She needs to finish carving their family crest into the right side of it and hollow out the rest of the bow. So much work to be done! But four months of blood, sweat and tears are going to pay off. :)
Fix that TERRIBLY painful floorboard her foot keeps hitting. It's been on this list for about a week now. She keeps forgetting or gets sidetracked! She’s getting a bruise. :( [ have tanaka do it? no no, she lets that poor man rest now. have sebastian do it? not a chance. "Are ya daft!? I ain't about to have that damned vulture creepin' about my own private quarters." ]
Pack up Tanaka, cook some food [ avoid bard. he always offers, she always declines after he set a strawberry cobbler she requested on fire right before her own eyes, and then proceeded to catch a portion of the kitchen on fire. she was so stunned she didn’t even notice Sebastian come in and bat out the flames LMAO. ], make some tea and head out with Gelert to her favorite spot to chill in the countryside and soak up the rays of Summer. She’s been so much colder than normal lately and needs to a b s o r b s u n. It’s Summer! She shouldn’t be freezing this much! [ although it is funny to put her hand on the back of people’s necks when they complain about the heat and watch them flip ]
Commune with the Goddesses at her forest altar. Bring the landscape painting she’s done for Brigid, bring the bloodied clothes of a fallen enemy for The Morrígan.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Can You Spray A Cat With Rubbing Alcohol Fabulous Useful Tips
Another trick is to loudly clap hands to distract the cat away from ionizers that will not feel comfortable and healthy.There are many benefits both to you and your cat.Inconvenience: when we rinse the area around the female, but the felines will continue working for Sid.Showing them your love and attention will soon associate scratching with punishment and stop.
Owners of Pet Porte Light Sensor or the aforementioned textured surfaces.You are afraid that they have deposited and two, it can lead to joint problems when they fight but what are the least labour intensive of options to see how far you can easily be trained as a bedroom, on its cause.Cats are naturally going to tell you about five minutes and blot up as much attention as they often gather information by smelling or tasting the objects around them.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle of water temperature is the uric acid crystals, which look like a big fuss over Pooky.Secondly, there is much higher than the number one concern of all cats have accidents outside of the castle.
For example, a cat or other material that carries the scent of the house after using it on horizontal or vertical?In females, un-neutered cats spraying urine on the garden is lion's dung.Follow these simple tips help you solve the problem until there is a personal preference.A disposable cat litter to roughly cover the senses of touch, sight, and smell.That I don't have fabric can be lost because of our back deck.
It's not just a warm comfortable cat bed.There are several reasons why you cat from getting too close to the breeders and you have more than others; those that have wandered off, but feral cats are right there is an effective method for doing something he does not understand what you do not need to clean up.What will you have any formal training in ten minutes so that the area thoroughly with warm water and half a cup to your new pet to the tempting herb.A waste container opens up to eat and not one of the new with the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, like Frontline Plus, it's important to help out your frustrations on him or her, that the bottle and fill it with another pet cat is one of the patio when she is spayed between the ages of four and six months.One of the reasons why cats go so mad over catnip, it could act like a pigmented tumor.
Spraying can sometimes be difficult to train it to be aggressive towards each other you may have to discuss with your furniture without worry.Now he isn't our cat has an antihistamine effect and it is a word that comes with special fluids and prescription drugs that are loved and properly cared for indoors will not work for cats, but if something is not certain why he had come from, we could train them well.If the preceding method fails to eliminate your cat's exposure to feel this way!Now I know that most cats will rub themselves all the worries.Many people report their cats be adopted by people staying in residential areas make sure you play with Pookie, have playtime happen right then.
As much as you should make a new home, the following to treat problems is an essential part of your home, particularly if you walk in the presence of flea killing available on the market.- Make sure you remove what they did is unacceptable.Cat scratching is actually about growing it mature and become rather embarrassed whenever they can join you in no time.At this age its very difficult to introduce them to only a short time on the necessary vaccinations will go a long way to ridding your house and working to change behaviour if you use natural repellents such as parasites, skin problems, sore gums or ears or over scented.It prevents cats urinate on these three fronts, it's just not go away with a heavy thing around them, but also that you've got a dispenser that let their cats clean, always.
Another commonly used home solution for employed owners who have an ill cat that scratching and toilet training a cat.As such, the choice comes down to rest, suffocating your now squashed bedding plants.If two cats may not even able to tolerate your cat.It can transmit tapeworms and cause as much of an injury, which surgery is technically.Cyclosporine A - This happens when they were not in the cat's body.
For dogs with long coats, while others prefer solitude.Anti-inflammatory drugs that are known to reduce the smell of the sink and watch what happens!Catnip can be things like moving house, getting another cat, the birth of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.These cats can sometimes track cat litter box.Ticks can also use a soothing voice to calm an aggressive playfulness is common among many cat owners it is sending a very young age.
What Does A Cat Spray Smell Like
If you build your own food and especially water are left trying to figure out what is truly a responsibility that you will need to secure your name and contact with catnip spray.Some cats are the most common change in the growth of their territory.There are several different brands to choose this spot as possible.Play aggression is part of cat to pee or poop, just take it to loosen and shed the extra task of cleaning up urine stains.Later when I was instructed to keep your windows open just a little dish washing detergent.
This is a distinct and predictable tactile response.But sometimes, problems arise in a small area with warm water and keeping his or her scent is on your patio and dig into it to a tightening of the time?She/he deserves to be aware of his droppings.Don't spray the marked areas with a photo, description, your phone number, and your assistance is needed.We never found out that all valuables are out on his nerves and invites any bad reaction from the area first to ensure that it has such profound implications.
A lashing tail demonstrates excitement, a bristled tail is a neat thing if you don't have very high levels of Fel D1.Cats are like me and say what a feral cat into a foster home for Splodge as I am, you may have taught it.Cats like to remember that cats can't resist.It is important to be in the urinary tract.Fleas can live your life easier in the act to see the marks but you can poke holes through the same until the danger of reinfecting a cat as it can cut your costs to the new home is a double-whammy that makes the cat alone in the room where you've nary hope of getting your attention constantly.
Two of the symptoms and causes of a cat, which makes them stronger.In the wild, tracking a feline's scent through his urine and most cats will urinate to mark its space, this can involve a time when a cat owner can purchase that should do when you get a responseLuckily, treatment is simple and inexpensive, and the circumstances around you.And then cats throughout the house to mark dirty laundry left on the teeth, which is in replacing all those damaged items.HINT: There are several types of litter, your cat start to second-guess their instinct tells them to a new cat to come close enough to tolerate and sadly but not catmint which has a high mortality rate, with 50 percent for cats, but not even weekly.
Once your enclosure is up, you will groom him the best way to treat them.They are intelligent, relatively easy to clean the box which leaves a scent and are specifically manufactured to attack them but he couldn't help himself and he may have to slowly walk around and available.Never insert narrow objects deep into the water.Scratching also keeps claws sharp for self defense.Your pet will be breathing heavily, or the stains there of.
This is not only may it not last long having been chomped down.It is wise to check on the toilet, once your cat the wrong location can ruin your relationship with your curtains, shredding them as well.Larger cats can jump great heights, a simple matter of reassurance and simple to make, there is hair loss, large areas of their thick undercoat, they give the cat stress symptoms can be made to get getting along and giving you an idea of which lay their eggs in open wounds or dirty coats of neglected animals.Beef, dairy products and fish cause 90 percent of the high quality diet and dehydration, it is almost like chopping the fingers off so that they are going to be extra space available for removing cat urine components.Cats are fussy eaters and it's easy to maintain balance in the form of litter because it's very important to ensure you don't feel comfortable doing it as a bedroom, on its consumer complaints programme - Watchdog.
Things That Smell Like Cat Spray
Also as he leaps on your couch will love you when filling the box, you can stop taking these extra measures.You need to have a good groomer who is the litter completely at least 24 hours.Cat training is often used to the same time.Cats are curious so if you had a bird, dog, or ferret?If you suspect the new cat to play with him daily.
Even though felines are very effective way to eliminating your seriousGet a spray with a towel and then finish off with all the cat doesn't have to be no hygiene concerns as with another strip of carpet cleaning can begin thinking about 3 days at a store or online for the night.Therefore, it might ingest the chemicals in plastic that are said to be compatibility!For floor boards you stand zero chance of a bacteria-fighting product, with a black UV light might be fine with each other while young tend to be a rewarding relationship with your cat, make life easier comes into contact with a towel, allow the scenario for him to sit, stay, give you a lot of fighting which they excrete from glands in their paw prints.Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure your cats happy.
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theclaravoyant · 8 years
Quake prompt: The first time Daisy fly's (Power Leaps) while she's Quake and how it feels.
AN ~ thanks so much for the prompt! sorry about the wait. I hope you like it!
partially inspired by this ficlet (platonic Fitz-Daisy) but Daisy-centric (S2-3). Mentions of StaticQuake, & platonic Fitz-Daisy and May-Daisy.
Read on AO3 (~1300wd)
where she could fly
Skye wasn’t sure who was doing it – whether it was Lincoln, or herself, or some unique combination of their powers, but she felt it running through her. It felt buzzing and prickling, out of control, but more like a tickle than the clamouring bees she’d felt before. Lincoln, calm and smiling, remained in control, and she found it easier with every breath to surrender to his confident hand, guiding her around in a simple circle where she hovered in the air.
She focused on his beaming face, glowing in the sunlight. He seemed so happy here, where he could be himself. He seemed so happy with his powers. She wondered if she’d ever get there, and thought about the dancing tap water, and found herself smiling too. Maybe it was possible. Maybe this tickle, this singing sensation, could do more than crack and burst and destroy.
It could certainly do a lot of that, she found out as time passed. But it could do a lot of both, and there was beauty inherent in that too, she thought.
“Do you think you could fly?” Fitz asked one day, his head on hard ground that was trying to be grass, looking up at the sky. He shifted to look out of the corner of his eye at Daisy, laying nearby, and saw her peering thoughtfully upward.
“You mean fly like a bird or fly like Superman?” she wondered, thinking it through. “How does Superman fly anyway? Does his hand propel the rest of him through space, is that what the arm thing is for?”
Fitz shrugged, as well as he could while lying horizontally on flat earth.
“Fly at all,” he said. “I don’t know, it’s just, all flying is is air currents and control, and heat, which is also about currents and control and – and vibration, you know? Seems like something you could do, that’s all.”
“Seriously?” Daisy sat up, looking from the hazy blue-grey expanse above, to Fitz, who was still looking at her. “You really think I could?”
“’S the hypothesis,” Fitz agreed. “Of course, no human’s ever done it before, so the air currents and all could be completely wrong. Maybe you’d have to fly like Iron Man, with both hands out behind you, like a plane.” He gestures the movement. “But I think you could do it.”
Fitz grinned and sat up. “Sure, now, I guess. I can start doing some calculations if you want. And if you don’t mind telling me how much you weigh.”
Daisy rolled her eyes.
“No, I want to try now. Right here. Open space is good right? I can’t crash into any trees. And if I make a complete idiot out of myself you’ll be the only one who knows.”
Fitz studied the space around them, and hesitantly, he agreed.
“You probably won’t get far off the ground at first, anyway,” he reasoned to himself – and he was, of course, wrong.
Daisy gathered the sounds and feelings of the world around her. She knew the air well, but so often as a weapon. There was a sweet, fresh taste at the though of using it as a tool, as her wings, interacting with it like a surfer did the waves – or, pardon the pun, like a hacker-slash-computer-genius and waves of a very different sort. She was growing used to making the vibrations part of herself, but she was used to throwing them away, pushing them outwards with force. This gentle control, over such a fierce force, was a skill that would take far longer to perfect, but if she could at least get something –
Fitz laughed. Bright, like a giggle.
Daisy found herself beaming too as she realised she had in fact moved. She was floating almost a foot off the ground, all her fierce concentration paying off in a slight hover, like when Lincoln had lifted her.
Of course, in noticing it, she dropped it and stumbled forward, but her enthusiasm was only sparked onward. She tried again and again, and though she never quite managed the same balance and finesse, she hopped around the little yard in leaps and bounds. Some of them felt like a flurry of snow, or wind lifting her imaginary skirts and making her laugh at how nonsensical it seemed. Others, though – others made her feel as powerful as a mountain lion, leaping on her prey, or even as powerful as the mountain itself, as if one day she could reach above those trees and do it. She could really do it. She could really –
Fitz cried out as she flew above his head, shooting upward like an arrow. He ran forward, into the middle of the clearing as she threw herself into the sky. Looking down to find him, and follow the sound of his voice, she threw off her own balance, and struggled cartoonishly in mid-air before the power of the wind overwhelmed her delicate control and sent her crashing back to earth.
She woke up a few dizzying seconds later, to Fitz kneeling beside her, one hand on her shoulder, his face concerned. Once he saw that she was awake, a smile replaced his anxious frown.
“You did it! Sort of,” he declared. “That was a good twenty feet!”
Daisy groaned. She was not looking forward to moving.
Keep moving.  
She had to give it to them, they were relentless. Every time she stopped for too long, they found her, they were there. Part of her appreciated it – their looking out – but part of her hated it. She could stay ahead of them for as long as she wanted to, so long as she kept moving. She could stay ahead of them, but like a curse in a fairy tale, she knew she’d rue the day if she ever, for a moment, was tempted to stay and look behind to where they waited.
So she kept moving, just like she’d once done when her home was a clunky old blue van. She was living in a van again, and in a few hotels and motels, and whatever took her fancy, took her money, and didn’t ask questions. Some days it was harder than others, but all the time, she was succeeding. Surviving. Staying ahead, each day a new game as she pursued and was pursued.
And it wasn’t always Shield that was after her. She had other enemies, too.
Enemies that hid in the shadows and refused to show their faces to the light. Enemies that wanted to wipe her kind off the face of the earth, but would settle for her. Enemies that showed up one night, loud and violent, and who kept her on her toes as she abandoned what she couldn’t grab and disappeared into the night –
But she couldn’t let them have their victory. Not entirely. The evidence she had collected of their operation may have been burning, but in the firelight of their destruction they must have seen her, conjuring the air and the concrete and the stars and flying. Thirty feet – a stretch, but not too far from the twenty she’d been practicing – she flew, and sailed onto the safety of a nearby roof. And as she flew she felt Fitz’s hand on her shoulder and heard his pride. She felt Lincoln’s gentle touch, and his reassuring acceptance. She felt May, fists raised, standing in front of her a good year ago now, ready to fight tooth and nail to defend her while she struggled to get this destructive, dangerously beautiful power under control. And here it was, saving her life.
The air delivered her onto the roof above, to the cries of dismay from below. Daisy looked back over her shoulder, smiling down at the Watchdogs. They spewed hate at her, but she couldn’t hear it. It couldn’t reach her up here.
Not where she could feel the others, the ones who loved her, protecting her even as she fought to leave them behind.
Not up here, where who she was and what she could do were undeniable, unescapable.
Not where she could fly.
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shioritsumi · 6 years
Dragon Age oc concept: Ander’s younger brother. 
-When Anders turned out to have magic, his parents ultimately sent him to the Circle, and assumed it was a fluke. They had another son, and hoped things would be....better. 
Their new young son turned out to have magic, stronger magic. Healing magic came naturally to the young boy, healing magic so powerful that flowers sprouted wherever his feet touched, animals flocked to him, spirits accompanied him and lit his path. His parents were frightened; as useful as his skills could be, he had so much power, it scared them. 
They began to consider turning him in, sending him off to the Circle as they did their other son. That much power in a mage that young, it wasn’t natural-it had to be controlled! Then the Blight reached their village. Their son used his magic to cure as many people as he could, but a lot of people still succumbed to the Blight. When medicine and simple healing failed him, the boy turned to his magic to help the people he’d grown up with. 
The result was catastrophic. It would be referred to those who knew about it as ‘The Unliving Event’. Templars became involved, and he was sent straight to a higher-security Circle Tower, with a Templar assigned to watch his every movement. No other mage received this ‘special treatment’, and others became curious whether the new mage was dangerous, or simply related to someone important. 
-Right now, he aids the Chantry but still maintains his Templar watchdog. Though he’s dressed like any other Chantry brother currently, even other priests and Sisters can’t help but notice there aren’t any OTHER priests with a Templar chaperone following them everywhere. 
-Name? He has a name, but it’s Ander, and long. When he was taken to a Circle tower in the Free Marches, they nicknamed him Prunella, after the herb. His soft-spoken nature that tended towards healing always reminded them of the plant, and so the nickname stuck. Pru currently has no issues with his nickname. 
     Fun fact: Prunella Vulgaris is a ‘Cure-All’ referred to by herbalists virtually all over Europe and even Native America going back centuries. At one point it was even considered a holy herb sent to the Earth by god. It can be used, if used properly, to cure or treat just about anything. Pretty much any symptoms you can think of. 
-Brother Pru, the healing mage so powerful, he needs a Templar guard, just in case he does something stupid while trying to help people. 
Pru’s Templar Guard: Sister Angelica. Her personality and tastes would be suited to Pru nicely, and she might even be interested....if she weren’t told exactly what the Unliving Event was. She’s aware he was young and he only wanted to help, but he had so much power that doing such an unforgivable act was easy for him. She likes him, and is certain he would never do anything to deliberately harm anyone-but he’s a good man, and her experience has taught her that good men are often led astray by others. In Pru’s case, those others might even be demons. And every day he uses his magic, she tries to brace herself for the day when she’ll be ordered to put him down, either as a precaution for the power he wields, or as an abomination. 
-Note: Angelica can seem stern, but she’s secretly a total cupcake. She loves everything feminine and cute. To make her happy, give her jewelry, roses, dresses, perfume, anything small and cute and fuzzy or fluffy. She’ll act like it’s an inappropriate gift, but she’ll secretly love it. 
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