#--; take the grandmother info lmao
llimerrence · 9 months
i am NOT turning Gwenllian into a full blown character. i will not be writing her lmao (i have said that about a lot of characters, but this time i mean it. she's dead lol) but here's what i know about her:
She was an elf, she worked taking care of the reindeer. She was introduced by Clarke to Ebenezer. Clarke only did so because Ebenezer commented on how shiny one reindeer's coat was and, as a reindeer worker, Clarke wanted to make sure the credit was due were credit was deserved. She was the leader of the caretakers by that point, and knew exactly who was to be given credit for it.
yes, he literally did propose to her upon their first meeting. As soon as he got her name, it was the next thing out of his mouth. And of course she said yes. it was his very first christmas, and he proposed before taking off in the sleigh, and didn't get her answer until he returned.
Gwennie was a wonderful mrs. claus. She is where Ebenezer gets the "that's elf work" idea from, because girl did so much. She was also the one that started to force him to 'give up' responsibilities after his first injury on the job; and even more so after he got shot. It was never that the work was less important, but that he needed to calm the fuck down. It only started seeming less important to him after Gwennie died and he saw just how little the world needed him as Santa.
Gwennie and Ebenezer were that stupid PDA couple, Malcolm was born very shortly after their marriage. [And, if someone did the math, which...clarke did, they'd realize it was very likely that he was concienced on that very first christmas.]
Gwennie was good friends with Clarke, and the two used to spend a lot of time together. That changed when she got her position as Mrs. claus as she was suddenly much busier, and spent less time with Clarke. That said, their friendship did only add more fuel to the fire when it came to the rumors around Clarke. and as we all know, elves always believe rumors.
Gwennie was not nearly as involved with the outside world as Margaret; instead focusing more on improvements inside the Pole.
Gwennie passed a few years after Arthur was born, when he was around five.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
For ALL the yanderes you’ve created, those that are fathers, going to be fathers, or want to be fathers (intention to baby trap their wifey’s), how well of a father would each of them really be? Like on a scale of 1-10 (10 best, 5 average, 1 worst). And what’s their parenting style or just some tid bit info on their parental duties?
I don’t want to overwhelm you with this request, so hopefully this can be a simple headcanon list for just some of them like the sugar daddy, cowboy, politician, etc. of whorever else.
Thanks your stories make me so giddy to read and will you ever make ABCs for your OCs? (SFW/NSFW/mixture of both)
Yandere! Men and their Fatherly Capabilities
I've always wanted to do these types of questions! Scenarios are so fun to do and read so I hope I didn't mess up this one!
About ABCs, i'm probably going to do sometimes. It can be requested, although I don't know where to start with it. Kink ABCs, probably? I dunno, i've only read a handful of ABC drabbles. But it looks soooo fun.
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Arlen would definitely be higher than average. His emotions are not that twisted yet (LMAO YET). He was loved by his parents, and his grandmother. He knew what a healthy relationship with a child looks like, so he strives to do the same.
Although, he would be clumsy sometimes, but he knows what to do and what to say.
"Honey? Oh no, don't eat the paint. *Chuckles* you weren't? Ah, sorry. But you want to learn how to paint? Alright. Come here. Let's start easy. Okay?"
Vincent would be awkward. He's been for hundreds of years now, with no one to rely on, no family, no friends. Then suddenly, you came in. When you became his spouse, he was a little bit worried about your offspring. He doesn't know how to father at all. He hatched from his egg alone, so when your child got born, he's awkward, confused, and overly cautious. He's afraid to hurt the child after all.
He would probably shower the child with gifts, as compensation. Because you know, some parents, who cannot express affection in a physical and verbal way, would shower their child with gifts.
"Ah, child. Do you need something? No? Oh, hmm... Well, I found this necklace with a temperature controlled gem as a pendant. When you're cold, it will warm you up, if you're hot, it would cool you down. No need to thank me. It's my duty as your father, after all.
Horrible father. Well, not horrible-horrible, but the fact that he wants your attention on him and him only is already a major setback. If he suddenly had a mini me running around and hogging your attention, let's just say Ignatius wouldn't take that lightly.
He will take a vasectomy just to avoid having an accident. So no accidental pregnancies at all.
"Ugh. No children for me. I can't have your attention on somebody who is not me."
YAN! BUTLER: 10/10
No doubt about Zero. He will definitely be a great father. He's the best butler out there. A chimera also, so he's stronger than humans, maybe even select monsters. He's caring, cunning, smart, and loving.
He's devoted and loyal, so expect your child with him to be the most beloved child out there.
"Pumpkin! How are you? Hungry? Haha, don't worry, I already prepared your snacks and drinks. Of course, it's in the garden, in your most favorite spot. Come, your mother is also there."
GRR BARK BARK BARK AWOOO *Ehem* wait what who said that? Well, anyways, as much as Rowan is the most caring sugar daddy out there, he's still a mafia boss. So him being one is putting you and your child's safety in danger. But other than that, with his loaded money and insane protection from his men, your child will be one heck of a protected baby out there.
Although, it would take more convincing for Rowan if your child wanted to be the next mafia boss.
"You want to be like me? Dream on, squirt. This lifestyle is dangerous. So if you want to become like me, I better see you prepared for everything. So, not now."
YAN! JOCK: 6/10
Damon would be at most, average. Well, above average by only a bit. Remember, he's not exactly the most emotionally capable man out there. His himbo persona is the only one making him afloat in the social world. He's probably gonna go and act like his parents. After all, he already has a himbo persona. What harm could it be if he would develop a loving father facade?
Maybe the more time he spends with you and your child, he will become actually affectionate. And he will be, don't worry.
"Heyya champ! Want to play basketball with daddy? What? No, I didn't trip you on purpose. HAHA! Alright, you caught me. You gave your momma so much trouble, so I had to discipline you a bit."
NO! PROBABLY THE WORST FATHER OUT THERE! I feel bad, but technically speaking, he hasn't healed from his father's abuse. He's also already a violent man who would do anything to get out a reaction from you, and he won't stop until he did. So, imagining him with a child is a NO NO! He's that much of a bastard.
Once he healed though, then maybe? But definitely not current Azrael.
"A child? Angel, no. I do not want to have them. Period."
Lee is emotionally unavailable for people other than you. Even his own parents. You're the only one whose able to bring out such intense emotions from deep inside him. But he won't be that much of a pain to deal with, it's just that he's probably gonna be one of those awkward dads that only talks to you one or two sentences a day, and only does his best in providing for his family.
Don't worry, he's not an ass to just neglect his child, just, barely emotionally there.
"Hey kid, here you go. Your allowance for the week."
Knoxx is prideful, so he takes pride from his family also. He always dreamt of having his own child, teaching him the ways of the ranch, giving them their pony, and teaching them that once they set sights on a potential partner, they shouldn't let go.
Other than that, he's going to be a good dad. He will make his own father his role model, and rear the child to the best he can. Although not without a few bumps due to his personality.
"NO! Twilight! Stop! Don't scare the horse like that! Just easy petting, no sudden slaps-- TWILIGHT! NOW LOOK AT YOU, ALL DIRTY BECAUSE YOU STARTLED YOUR HORSE. What am I even going to say to your mother..."
YAN! EMO: 9/10
Ashton is surprisingly going to be an excellent father. He's in tune with his emotions, is not one to impose traditional views on his child. He will be very open minded about your child, and will be an actual strong pillar of support.
Along with you, your child with him will be a great kid, who's in touch of their emotions and is sensitive to feelings.
"It's okay to cry sweetie. If you want, you can embrace papa. There there... Just let it all out. You're big, strong, and amazing. Nobody should doubt that, even you."
Lyall grew up with his family, which is like a lot of them. It's like a compound where several branches of generations live in the same lot, so he knew how to take care of kids and play with them, and make sure they grow to decent adults.
Unlike his family though, he will make sure to teach his child the ways of a werewolf in an early age, so that they will not be lost in the dark if they shifted for the first time.
"Shifting will hurt, I can't deny that. But hey, focus on your wolf's voice, let them guide and soothe you. I am also here, and also your mother. Together, we will guide you until you finished. That's my pup."
Novel/OG Inigo will definitely be a 10/10 father, but for this version of Inigo, I only placed him a 7/10 due to him being an opportunistic asshat. In the novel, he genuinely wanted to marry Ykaidi for the children, but in this case, he wanted to marry you for you to come back in his arms, and is using the kids as a leverage to get you back.
Other than that, he's probably gonna be a great father. Allastor is one, so Inigo has a role model to look up to when it comes to amazing fathers.
"You two, what are you doing? Hmm? baking cupcakes for your mother? Well, isn't that amazing. Do you mind if I help? I can operate the electronics."
He's paranoid. So he's probably gonna be really strict with his child. Like, curfew time is 5pm kind of strict. He's not one to intrude in personal stuff though, so the only strictness he actually has is making sure his child is back home safe, and always at home, since home is the safest place to be.
Your child is probably gonna get sick of it though.
"What time is it? Yeah, 5:10 where were you? I was worried sick! School? I thought school ends at 4:00? You went out with your friends? I don't care about that but when I saw curfew is 5, it's 5!"
YAN! VILLAIN: 8.5/10
Eros is a lovable man. And unlike his current life, his modern past life was exposed to gentle parenting. He was an orphan, so he wants to give everything he can to his child. And in his current life, his father was absent, and his mother is a pedophile, so he definitely, definitely wants to break the cycle of being a bad parent.
He's the Duke after all, what can he not give his child?
"Happy birthday, my precious jewel! Wait, why are you mad at me? Oh? That? Well, gifting you a villa in the seaside is a good thing right-- ow! Ow! Okay! I shouldn't waste my money! Haha!"
Like I said with Maximus, he's also a traditional man. He provides, you take care of the children and the house. He's also a politician, so he's busy as a bee making a name for himself, taking care of the city, and providing for his family. Although, he does make sure to spend his holidays with his family.
Your children will be popular as hell, seeing as they are the children of THE Maximus. So, goodluck to them if they are introverted.
"Children! Papa's home! I bought Christmas gifts from the cityhall. Your aunts and uncles wanted to give you tons of presents, so do go ham in opening them! Don't worry, papa will be here until January."
He's the opposite of Rowan. He gets jealous easily. Like really easily. Same as Ignatius, if you have somebody that you put your affection into that was not him, it would leave a bitter taste in his mouth. Also, with him constantly filling up with wealth and expanding territory, it will be a horrible place to rear a child. Since he baby trapped you though, he has no choice but to provide for the kid. He's surprisingly decent, and his jealousy is more or less childish (Thank God).
SO, he just baby trapped you just for the sake of you being trapped. Hooray for the man who's NOT thinking of consequences.
"Boohoo, cry for your mom. I just stole your lollipop. What's that? You want this back? Well come and jump, tiny. Come on, jump-- OW! H-honey! OW! Okay i'll stop teasing tiny h-- OW! Okay I won't call them tiny!"
SO, ranking from greatest to DEFINITELY NOT
Butler > Emo > Sugar Daddy = Villain > Werewolf > Artist > Cowboy > Ex-husband > Hospital Chairperson > Jock > Politician > Mafia Boss > Ex-boyfriend > Dragon > Theater Actor > Assassin
There you have it! Our official ranking on who's the best daddies to the "I will not leave my child with them"
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withered--s0uls · 6 months
Nuzi Hellspawns (this took may more time and effort than I wanted it too sobs)
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More info on the twins, Scrapped child outfit for Orita & the AO3 comment(er) who gave me the name ideas (bc I'm bad at names lol) under the cut 💕
N calls her his "sweet Violet" due to the color of her optics being a light purple
Personality wise she mostly takes after N, however she did inherited Uzis unhingedness so she has her moments
She got Uzi's skill in robotics, engineering and hacking
Her and Uzi help each other with their projects once Orita is old enough to help Uzi (Uzi always helped her daughter when asked ofc)
Once the twins switch to their Teen/Adult bodies, she starts to basically upgrade herself by custom making DD forearms so she looks more like N too
The above point worries N a little because she actually gave herself weapons in them -- N always refused to have her look at his weaponry, having a strict "no weapons around the kids unless it's absolutely necessary" rule.
Because of the above rule, Orita went to V instead because V doesn't mind her looking at her weapons. She thinks it's cool that she's interested in them
Her childhood body used to be Uzi's when she was a kid (same with her Pill Baby body lol)
She placed a sticker of the DD logo on her cores cover as a child to kind of honor her Dad, she loves him dearly <3
N did her hairstyle :3
She probably picked up the phrase "Biscuit" from her dad
Scrapped outfit:
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He takes more after Uzi with his personality so he's more angsty
He continues the catch phrase "Bite Me" from his mother and Grandmother
He inherited Ns love for animals & cute things and one might catch his angsty persona slip when it comes to that
He has a bad habit of picking fights or getting involved in them
This resulted in his main camera being severely damaged in one confrontation, resulting in him primarily using the Headband optics as camera
Said headband was made Uzi (both of the twins headbands were) because the twins code included Ns "real eyes" / headband optics, which resulted in them having issues with their sense of orientation and depth perception without said optics. They aren't nearly as advanced as their dads when it comes to features and accuracy, but they get the job done
He kinda goes through a "my dad is boring" phase at one point, but that's swiftly put to an end when he actually sees N in action
He had severe problems balancing using WD legs, seemingly not having enough footing to do so. So Uzi made him custom ones based on Ns lower legs so that their son has more surface to stand on and distruste his weight on
The WD symbol on his cores covering ends up scratched up and with chipped paint as he gets older, due to him getting into fights a lot
Both Twins
Both kids inherited the downsides that come with being a DD/Solver user - meaning they can't go out in the sun, have issues overheating and do need to feed on oil (these issues don't start until they are transferred to their first functional bodies. As babies they're fine)
This probably means Uzi went out of her way to improve their internal cooling system a bit
Seeing as Oritas childhood body is that of Uzi, I am debating on if I make Thad child-free and he offered them his for Rexim
This idea comes from me hc N and Thad as having a brotherly bond & feeling like the CoolKids Trio would still be very close later on. Thad is practically the twins uncle :) (he spoils them lol)
Thank you to this AO3 user for the name ideas <3
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When I looked up the two guns in question I found out Orita also is a brand for stuff like dish soap and laundry detergent & Rexim is also a candy brand lmao
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beatleswings · 8 months
now that we see the french ring girls, thoughts on how their personality is like and their relationship? also how are they with the other ring girls (and dolcita lmao) :3 also shit i forgot ur headcanon about their ages lmao
Ahhh yes!! The French ring girls™️ (I love that name for them)! 💙❤️ Get ready for some headcanons and info!
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Mireille Blanchet, 24, from Bordeaux, France and the daughter of winemakers, had always been more into fashion and modeling. She often would use the family’s vineyard to take photos of herself or get fashion inspiration especially summer fashion. With her parents’ support, she would later move to Paris, where her maternal grandmother lived, to advance her modeling career. Normally shy and calm, Mireille believed that modeling would help bring her out of her shell. it’s during a fashion show, modeling women’s sports attire, that she was offered a ring girl position at the WVBA. She accepted but still wasn’t sure. Even after she tripped? The company felt she showed enough courage to keep going even after that.
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Jeanne Roussel, 25, from Nice, France, loves beaches, which her hometown is known for. She also loved browsing at the boutiques and shops by the beaches. Her father is a photographer, which in a way makes her a pro posing for the cameras and her mother is a seamstress. Her mother is where she got her love for fashion. She would later move to Paris to continue her modeling career and future fashion career. She was a freelance ring girl before she mainly stuck to being at the WVBA. She was always her bubbly, spunky and energetic self but the WVBA is where she felt most at home.
It would be at WVBA where Mireille and Jeanne would meet and befriend each other and of course, eventually, fall in love. They were both assigned as ring girls at a match. Two different personalities but…they immediately got on. Both felt safe around each other and it was to the point they were assigned together often. They would soon begin to hang out outside of the ring and really bond especially over their shared love for modeling and fashion. Mireille admired Jeanne’s high energy and optimism whereas Jeanne loved how Mireille can go from shy and calm to outgoing and silly. Mireille does display the last two around people she's comfortable with, Jeanne fitting that. Those personalities along with how close they grew made the other fall for each other. It would take a year or so before they started dating, Jeanne being the first to ask Mireille out but Mireille would be the one to ask Jeanne to be her girlfriend when the relationship becomes serious. These girls love each other so much. Their relationship is filled with so much love, support, making each other happy and laugh, and being there for each other when the other is feeling down. Much like Don and Carmen are THE couple at the WVBA, Jeanne and Mireille are the equivalent for the ring girls. When word of their relationship came out, everyone and their fellow ring girls was super supportive! Jeanne and Mireille get on well with most of the ring girls especially Carmen. In fact, Carmen met Jeanne before during a modeling show in Paris and took part in a photoshoot together with other models. Jeanne and Mireille as well grew close to Carmen and her friend group and occasionally hang out with them. Oh yes, not long after, Jeanne and Mireille would launch their own fashion line together and even design clothes for their friends and the peeps at the WVBA.
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getvalentined · 11 months
Not trying to be a bother here, but I was wondering a few things about your post on the FS crew.
Do we know for certain Glenn only started gambling when his grandma went to the hospital? There's a line in the game that to me implied that it was a habit he actually learned from her.
Where was the info that Lucia trained him? Been trying to find that since last night honestly but maybe I'm just blind lmao. I know that they were cadets at the same time but I want to know if its true she trained him somehow.
Where did we learn they weren't actually friends? Glenn mentioned being able to acquire them because of the rumor of interpersonal relationships being prioritized and Matt mentioning that camaraderie is important for the mission implying at they all at least trust and are somewhat friends with each other.
What part was posturing? I didn't pick up on any of that honestly. Nor do I see why a trio that has known each other for roughly 4 years would need to do so (Original FS trailers show them meeting in 1998). But I could have easily missed things honestly.
Did they have something to do with Sephiroth being called in?? I don't remember them sending out the distress signal. I thought that was a call Shinra made all on its own since he had new mission orders.
Sorry I'm not trying to be a pain I just genuinely feel like I might've missed those somewhere or that I was bad at picking up any hints the game might've dropped. I can be pretty rough with missing that info and haven't found anyone else that's talked about them with this much detail yet.
I mean, my biggest issues with these characters are still the acceptance of genocide, suggested child murder, and excitedly declared intention to kill a dog, but I'll break the rest of it down because a lot of it is probably pretty easy to miss if you're not already feeling critical of the cast. (Hopefully those issues get called out somehow eventually, but they haven't yet, so I'd have a bad taste in my mouth over the characters just from that.)
Putting the explanation under the cut!
This isn't stated directly, because very little of this is—but Glenn's grandmother is already in the hospital, so apparently there was no hesitation to put her in there, and any initial costs were apparently covered. There's no mention of paying other bills for rent or anything else, so those were paid prior to her being hospitalized, but Glenn confirms that it's the gambling that used up any money he might have had. This isn't solid, but the timeline seemed pretty suspicious. (Glenn has a problem and needs to talk to someone about it.)
Glenn calls Lucia senpai! Further, I think Lucia is confirmed to have been team lead previously in EC? Either way, in the original battle royale she was the commanding officer, and is the one that handled training in the game's tutorial. She trained a lot of people, not just Glenn and Matt! (If you played the battle royale, she trained you too!)
I don't think they hate each other, but they're not really friends. We can go all the way back to the opening cutscene where Glenn threatens Matt with actual violence, and Matt's response is basically "Bet?" Add on Glenn using a nickname Matt hates over and over, and Matt stating repeatedly that he goes along with Glenn because he knows he has good intuition—not because he actually likes being around him or because he trusts him otherwise. This isn't a remotely friendly dynamic. When Glenn explains why he picked them for the mission, Lucia's response is to express frustration that Shinra now thinks she's his friend. Matt also expresses some confusion. Glenn says that he trusts them because they were in training together. When Sephiroth takes command, Matt and Lucia are 100% on board with cockblocking Glenn and straight up just ignore him when he talks shit, if not tell him to stop it altogether. They're friendly acquaintances, but they're clearly not as close as Glenn keeps implying.
Matt subtly suggested Glenn straight up kill Rosen immediately after meeting him. Lucia and Glenn both refer to Rhadorans as monsters. And yet (and yet!) when they come upon Sephiroth's massacre, they immediately start questioning his methods, Matt starts coming up with some excuse to have left them alive—this is a stark contrast to how they've behaved up until this point, a moment when everyone drops the bullshit and admits that this is wrong and they know it's wrong and they're just trying to be too cool to care, but they do care. This is the definition of posturing.
I didn't say they called Sephiroth in? What I said was reiterating Sephiroth's tirade/breakdown, when he explains that the way they operate is the reason that SOLDIERs like him have to exist in the first place. Because operatives like them posture and pretend, operatives like Sephiroth have to do the actual dirty work. Because the adults can't do what they're supposed to (see again: Sephiroth's breakdown) Sephiroth has to be the one to do the war crimes.
Hope this clears things up! I want to reiterate that in spite of all this, I do have hope for this cast and I am genuinely enjoying the story at this point. The first three chapters were a garbage experience, but I honestly loved the narrative and gameplay shift in Chapters 4 and 5.
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pftones3482 · 1 year
I would love to hear all about Cass and Bailey
Hello welcome to my OCs who I never talk about, prepare to be info dumped on.
Okay so to tell you about Cass and Bailey I have to tell you briefly about Press Play in Case of Zombies, which is the story I've been off and on working at for the last couple years.
My basic thought process was, "I want a zombie story that isn't blood and guts and sex and constant fighting - I want a boring zombie story. A bunch of college kids, just existing during the literal apocalypse. And also every chapter is titled after a song that I think would sound cool if it played during a zombie fight scene." So that's what that turned into (the playlist was fun to put together lol)
It's set at a college in the mid-west United States (I truly am going for as boring a setting as possible here), a few months after the start of a "zombie virus." (lmao at me starting this before Covid) The main cast of characters decides to remain on their campus for safety, and they end up commandeering one of the dorms and turning it into a safe haven for any other students at the school. And by the end, they accidentally end up figuring out the cure to the zombie virus, but the story isn't about that lol. It's about literally just vibing during the end of the world in the middle of nowhere
Bailey and Cassidy (she really only goes by Cass in very soft or intense moments) are two of the main characters. The whole cast are juniors/seniors in college, around 21-22 years old, and Cassidy and Baily have been dating for the last two years of school. Cassidy is bisexual, and Bailey is the friend group's token straight (though they all tease him that eventually they'll get him on their side)
Cassidy double majors in theater and English. She is a black trans woman with very supportive parents and an even more supportive little sister. She actually figured out she was trans after a middle school theater teacher had to cast her in a female role due to a lack of participating students, and she realized that she much preferred being a woman. Her parents got her on puberty blockers as soon as they could, and they've been wonderful ever since. She's a very outspoken and vibrant person (you have to be, to be in theater), and is a very logical individual. She's super forgiving of mistakes, but she's also very untrustworthy of strangers at times, which gets even worse after the apocalypse fully crashes down around them. She is SEVERELY arachnophobic, which she hates because she knows that logically there is nothing to fear, but every other animal in the world is fair game for her to pick up and coo over. She has a concerning amount of lipstick, and even after the apocalypse starts she continues to wear it, because she figures that if the world is going to end, she might as well look fun when it does. Her favorite colors are reds, golds, and oranges.
Bailey is a graphic design major, with a music education minor. He grew up in rural Texas and has a rocky relationship with his family, save his grandmother and brother (the majority of his family is not great about the fact that he's dating a woman of color, and Bailey and Cassidy both agreed when they started dating that there is no need for his family to know she's trans. His grandmother and brother are the only ones aware, and they're both supportive). He's very extroverted and cheerful, and it takes a lot to get him truly pissed off. He has a prosthetic leg - he lost his as a kid in a nasty car accident. He's had it for so long that he barely notices it anymore, it's just a part of his normal life, but the apocalypse forces him to be more cautious with it, since he can't just replace parts or pieces anymore if something happens. Because he's spent so long missing part of his leg, however, he has a great sense of balance, so in the safety of the refurbished dorm, he tends to keep the prosthetic away so that it stays in as good a condition for as long as possible. He speaks French as a second language and is trying to get Akio and Alex (two other MCs) to teach him Japanese and Spanish. He absolutely SUCKS at percussion instruments, but put him in front of a piano and he can play for hours. His favorite colors are pinks and dark blues (like, navy dark)
I kind of imagine their relationship dynamic to be similar to that of Frank and Hazel from the Heroes of Olympus series. They're both very gentle and kind people, but they will absolutely ruin anyone who threatens their loved ones. They're both also, because of their interests and majors, two of the best people in the group for morale building exercises.
I don't draw, but I do create all my characters in the Sims so that I can figure out what I want them to look like, so:
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Bailey's leg is CC, so it's not a perfect representation of what I'd want it to look like (still waiting on the Sims to include prosthetics I stg), but overall I'm pleased with how they came out!
And here's a snippet from one of my chapters that focuses specifically on them for you:
“Go through the woods, I said,” Bailey grumbled, back pressed firm against Cassidy’s and hands so tight around his baseball bat that he couldn’t feel them. “It’ll be quicker, I said. I’m such a fucking idiot.”
Behind him, Cassidy grunted. Her hair was tied down hastily under an old scarf, and the ends tickled Bailey’s neck. “I’m the one who listened,” she retorted. She recoiled as the gun in her hands went off, unintentionally shoving Bailey about two steps forwards towards the zombie hoards. “And I’m the one who said we should check this place out. So it’s both our faults.”
Bailey huffed, risking a glance back at the gas station they had stopped at on the off chance they might find gas, supplies, or weapons. They had been successful on the gas, amazingly, able to completely fill up the motorcycle for the first time in weeks, and the stock room had yielded several untampered boxes of granola bars, tampons, and fruit snacks, which had been unceremoniously dumped into the backpack that was now sitting at the base of the motorcycle.
Of course, just as Cassidy had finished filling the tank, they’d been ambushed by about two dozen zombies that must have heard them from within the woods.
“I’m out.”
Bailey swung again, the metal bat sinking into the zombie in front of him with a crunch that kind of reminded him of the cheese flavored grasshopper he’d eaten as a dare last Halloween. “What?”
Cassidy groaned and, from his peripheral, Bailey saw her shove the gun in her homemade side holster. “I’m out. Knife is on the bike. Plus you know-”
“You’re no good with it, I know,” Bailey muttered, swinging the bat again and taking out another zombie, this one much smaller than the first. It was too deteriorated to see who it had been. He was glad for it. “Here.”
He swung the bat around, taking down the last zombie in front of him, and pressed it into Cassidy’s hands. She yelped, immediately using it to swing into the two zombies on her right – thank god those suckers were slow – and Bailey looked to the bike.
Twenty feet.
He could do that.
“On my mark, go,” he said, turning so that he and Cassidy were side by side. The zombies on his side were gone, reduced to piles of ashes, and all that remained were the seven in front of them.
“Excuse me? Are you pulling some bullshit damsel in distress shit right now?”
Bailey glanced at the zombies, back at the bike, which was slowly being approached by more zombies, and leaned down just enough to give Cassidy a fast kiss. “Bitch, I can’t drive a motorcycle.”
Cassidy pursed her lips, the purple lipstick on them now smudged. “Good point. Cover me.”
Anyway. That got long. Thank you for asking! Been wanting to pop back into that universe and play with my blorbos a bit, so this was a fun push to do so.
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monstrsball · 2 years
atla au info (masterpost)
the hq atla au has been on my mind again and i figured i should make a new summary post so people know the lore!!! shout-out to @eurydicees who helped me a LOT and contributed a lot of ideas to the au. you are the best. oikawa's story would not be as interesting without you. thanks bestie.
anyway, i'm gonna try to be concise but this will probably get long. i like to ramble. au info under the cut!
the general gist of the au is the same as the show. long ago, the four nations lived in harmony but everything changed when the fire nation attacked. etc etc... you know the rest.
to make this easier for me, i'm just gonna sum up the major characters in the au and their roles. (and i'm including ages because they're aged down from hq canon a little, somewhat following the ages from atla)
HINATA (13): the avatar. his backstory is pretty much the same as aang's!! he grew up at the southern air temple and found out he was the avatar when he was 13. his friends no longer wanted to play with him because it wouldn't be "fair" and there was talk amongst the monks of sending him away from his guardian (i'm thinking... takeda? or maybe even ukai sr? open to thoughts on this!) so he ran away. he gets trapped in an iceberg for a hundred years and is found by suga! unfortunately, this is kind of it when it comes to hinata which is uh... not great. i should try to brainstorm more about him.
SUGA (16): waterbender. his backstory is very, very similar to katara's. he's the only waterbender in his village and so he's entirely self taught. his father is off fighting the war and his mother was killed during a raid when he was a child. he lives with his little brother and his grandmother. he finds hinata in the iceberg and ends up traveling with him!! he offers to be his waterbending teacher but it doesn't go as well as it could. suga's knowledge is unfortunately limited to what he has been able to figure out on his own. when they go to the north pole, they meet kageyama and suga realizes that kageyama is the teacher that hinata needs. he has a lot of complicated feelings about it but he doesn't say anything because kageyama teaching hinata is for the best. he instead opts to put all of his energy into getting back at healing - something he can do that kageyama can't.
he learns from kageyama alongside hinata but he himself also ends up teaching kageyama a lot. (how to be a good teacher, for one, lmao)
he's a bit of an older brother figure to all of the younger ones (hinata, kageyama, & the miya twins). the one who keeps them all on track and spends a lot of time defusing fights among them. pour one out for him. (he still gets his own mischievous moments though of course <33 he is a menace sometimes)
relevant posts: 01. 02. 03.
KAGEYAMA (12): waterbender, ends up being hinata's waterbending teacher. he grew up in the north pole with his grandfather. he has an older sister too but she left a while ago. he's an extremely talented waterbender and ends up ostracized by his peers because of this. (it doesn't help that he comes off as standoffish and abrasive) the only person who spars with him is his grandfather, who has also taught kageyama a lot of what he knows about waterbending. his grandfather dies and then he's left alone.
he meets hinata and suga when they arrive at the north pole and is surprised when suga approaches him later asking him to be hinata's teacher. it takes a lot of convincing but he eventually agrees and leaves the north pole with him. and he realizes that there's still a lot he has to learn too. (about how to be an effective teacher for one LMAO he is so bad at it at first)
relevant post: 01.
MIYA TWINS, mostly atsumu (14): earthbender!osamu, nonbender!atsumu. they're six when they find out that osamu is an earthbender and eight when they have to accept that atsumu isn't. atsumu learns how to fight as osamu gets better and better at earthbending. and he's pretty good. he learns a lot about how to hold his own against earthbenders from his fights with osamu. (sparring and regular sibling fights lol) he's beaten every earthbender in their village in a fight at least once and he never lets any of them forget it. despite this, he still feels a lot of resentment over not being an earthbender like osamu.
hinata comes to their village and, after seeing osamu spar against someone (i've been thinking of maybe still incorporating the underground fighting ring like in atla but idk), asks osamu to be his earthbending teacher. osamu says no at first which makes atsumu really angry and leads to a fight between the two of them. probably their biggest fight ever. still not sure what leads to osamu changing his mind but he does!! he has a condition though: he'll only go with them and teach hinata if his brother can come too. he's fully prepared to plead atsumu's case (excellent fighter, strategist, etc) but hinata agrees immediately. why would he say no? the more the merrier!
atsumu's story arc is basically becoming comfortable with being a nonbender and no longer lying when he says that it doesn't bother him. being the one to save benders on several occasions certainly helps. as well as his eventual friendship with another certain nonbender (oikawa).
osamu's is still up in the air though... sorry osamu.
relevant post: 01.
OIKAWA (16): son of the fire lord, nonbender. all he really wants is to prove himself to his father who has looked down on him ever since it became clear that oikawa wasn't a bender. he learns how to sword fight and how to strategize and how to chi block all so he can defend himself but also... because he wants to find something to show his father that he's worthy of being the crown prince of the fire nation. he's only 13 when he speaks up during a war meeting and is subsequently challenged to an agni kai by his father to "teach him a lesson". he is scarred and then sent away to search for the avatar. (this event plants the initial seeds of doubt in the fire nation)
despite everything that went down with his father, he still wants to find a way to earn his approval. maybe if he finds the avatar, he'll finally get it. (it doesn't matter what he does. it's never going to happen :/) his road to redemption is long but he gets there eventually. and he teaches hinata how to chi block :')
please, please check out the links below for more info. the others are kind of optional but i really think you should read these ones.
relevant posts: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. (seriously, shout-out to eury for all of these. you are the mvp!!! all of your contributions were so so good. your brain is sooo huge)
IWAIZUMI (16): son of a high-ranking fire national general, oikawa's childhood friend, highly skilled firebender. he sneaks off to go with oikawa when he's exiled. because who else is going to protect him? iwaizumi's been doing it all his whole life. iwaizumi comes around a lot quicker, he saw firsthand what the fire lord did to oikawa and what that did to him, but he doesn't leave oikawa's side and still helps him with his quest. he helps oikawa on his journey to becoming a better person and he's right there with him when oikawa apologizes to hinata and the gang. (with apologies of his own, of course).
and he becomes hinata's firebending teacher!!!
USHIJIMA (16): son of a fire nation general, firebender. grew up near the palace with his mother. he and oikawa used to be friends but they grew apart as they got older and ushijima's firebending grew stronger. after oikawa is sent away, ushijima is taken under the wing of the fire lord who sees him as the prodigy son he never had. this only further solidifies oikawa's belief that ushijima has always looked down on him and always been looking to take his place.
relevant posts: 01. (linking to eury's post bc her tags are excellent) 02. 03. (more oikawa, atsumu, & iwaizumi info here too, i just didn't want to link it before i explained who ushijima was)
and... i think that's it for now? i'll update the post whenever there's more to add (mostly links to posts i think) but i tried to summarize each character's roles as best i can. hopefully i didn't forget anything.
i'm still open to brainstorming stuff about it :) i'm always open to hearing people's ideas!!!
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
Ask and you shall receive ... an ask. Anywho - who are the hunters? Why do they hint the vampires? Is it just an "ahhh scary monster that feeds on us specifically!" Thing or a "social standards dictate you are evil so im revoking your existence privileges. " or smth else like them actually being feral rats? I love social-moral (or whatever its called) lore
YEAS I LOVE YOU ANON/p YOURE SO!!!! SO!!!! idk what you are but i love you very much for asking!!!!
SO!! this is ofc a self insert au because everything i make is self insert now 🙄
sorry if it's scrambled a bit. a lit of this wasn't written down cuz. i was thinking a lot of it during work and therefore couldnt write it down so this is the first time words are getting out of my mind.
if you have any questions please feel free to ask!!!
long post!! so under the cut it goes :]
general world building:
the setting of the story kinda takes place in the past. well... no. it's modern-day, but technilogy hadn't really advanced too much. so it'd be like.. yknow, like when european folk actually believed and were scared of vampires. think maybe a few decades after dracula era (around early-mid 1800's). so ofc the world isn't too advanced yet. theres cars, trains, etc etc, but there certainly isnt the technology now.
im only saying that cuz im non binary and so is my sona (and pj is genderfluid) and i dont want the homophobia/transphobia from back then in my story LMAOOO
of course, that means religion plays a big role in the world. vampires/monsters/other supernatural beings are all considered unholy, or are believed to be created by the devil.
only humans can be vampire hunters, but anyone can be a vampire.
vampires are hunted because, when they had first appeared, they were killing and feeding on humans. they feed off of blood, ofc, and they needed to get it from somewhere, and humans were simply the tastiest option!
humans just sort of... continued killing them because they assumed they would continue feasting off of them, and it was out of fear. no one wanted to die via vampire, or be turned into one, so they'd kill them. vampires continue feasting on humans because if they're gonna be hunted anyway, why not eat good? they know humans won't believe them if they tried to deny eating humans, even if they were telling the trust. such is life.
also!! not only humans can be transformed!! monsters can also be transformed:) (like. the undertale monsters. yea.)
that's why i differentiate monsters vs supernaturals. the monsters are the silly guys from undertale/the aus and supernaturals are.. well.. the things you'd typically find in the show "supernatural" LMAO. vamps, werewolves, shifters, ghosts, demons, djinn, dragons, ghouls, etc.
info about my sona:
so that means... my sona is the vampire hunter! their whole family has been in the business for DECAAAADES. so it's sorta expected of them to also be a vampire hunter!
they're trained from a very young age, and thus are very proficient in many weapons (though, most commonly used vampire-hunting weapons are guns are knives. bullets and blades are all made out of silver that's then blessed by a priest on a full moon! (there's significance to that, but i'll put it in the hunter lore part of the post!!))
jet's specific signature weapon is a revolver! they use it the most, though they've also got a good few other weapons on them, as well. ofc, a few other guns, a few knives, and they even carry a crossbow with them! it's old school, but it gets the job done. another of their signature weapons is a dainty blade their father crafted for them after their first kill! it's infused with the vampire's blood, and even had a crystal made from it's dust!!
as their family has been in the vampire-hunting business for such a long time, they are well known, especially amongst other vampire-hunter groups and older generations of vampires. their great great great great great grandmother was one of the most famous hunters of her time, and her legacy is still shared among other hunter groups. she's the first hunter to have ever killed a vampire royalty :)
they collect the canine fangs from the vampires they kill. they wear them on a necklace and a few belts across their body :) it's a kill count for them, and shows vamps that they're pretty good at their job
vampire hunter lore:
SO. as mentioned above, vamp-killing weapons are produced via a special procedure. the blacksmiths will create the weapons (blades, bullets, even silver-tipped arrows) out of pure silver. the silver is purely because many other supernatural creatures/monsters die via silver, such as werewolves.
this is because silver is considered a "pure metal", and monsters are "impure", so it cleanses them.
these weapons are then blessed by a priest because, again, vampires are impure. they are considered devilish, and evil. having the blessing make the weapons "holy", giving them the purpose to remove the unholy in the name, and with the aid, of the divine.
the full moon only has significance because i think its cool but in the story's lore, it's because the first vampire king was killed on a full moon. it is believed to bless luck upon the wielder of the weapon.
vampire lore:
taking from the original vampireverse, i'm bringing in vampire royalty. and the current king is error :) and ofc his child paperjam!! the main star of the show!!! (aside from my sona ofc)
though, i'm leaving the names from the og behind. i do not care for fallacy and jasper or wtv (i literally only did research on the au earlier when i was storyboarding in my notes app LMFAOO. it was also just a quick glance through fandom wiki cuz i refused to touch rouge's blog HAHAHA) they're just error and paperjam. and everyone else has their regular names too. cuz im kinda lame but whatever
so anyway 😻 about the royal family....
royals are full-blooded vampires, this means they only have born-vampire blood in their family lineage. no human, nor transformed vampire. think pure-bloods from hairy potter i guess. same concept!
this ofc means they're harder to kill. they're more powerful, and they're often far older and more experienced. though... error did inherit the throne rather young, and pj himself is also quite young still, being only maybe a few hundred years old?
this is ofc due to error's father being killed by jet's ancestor. vampire kings have only been know. to die naturally (after a handful of centuries LMAOO) so he was put into power quite young. think the equivalent of a human aged 19 or so, when he'd typically inherit the throne in his late 30's.
now, on to the non-royals...
non-royal vampires can be of any blood status, though they're most commonly not pureblood. they'd be the half-bloods or the transformed (which is what mortals turned vampire are called)
AS this is a monarchy, they have a kingdom. it's actually really big, and it's amazing how none of the hunters have found it yet!!! except no it's not, because they've used magic to hide it :3. humans can only enter the kingdom with a vampire.
the royals live in a big castle at the centre of the kingdom, then the city spreads out. purebloods live closer to the centre, and teansformed live towards the outskirts.
despite this, vampires are a fairly close-knit species. there's only a bit of disconnect between transformed and non-transformed. but that's just cuz transformed are usually snobbish and bitter abt being turned vampire
all of their teeth are fangs and will puncture flesh, but their canines specifically are bigger. they're what sucks out the blood/magic :)
!!! vampires dont just feed on human blood!! the pureblood vamps and the monster vamps both need to feed on magic, as well. while they can get magic out of the blood of their victim, it's easier to just bite into the SOUL. that way, their body doesn't need to consume energy to try to diffuse the magic from the blood!
these vampires need magic because it's how they live. we all know monsters are made from dust and magic, so they need to keep magic going through their systems. as vampires are technically "dead", they cannot produce this magic themselves, and need to source it from somewhere else.
while this may be a horrifying fact, mortal humans and monsters are kept in "feeding houses", for emergencies. if a vamp couldn't feed for a while, they will use the captured mortals to get back to full health.
of course, these mortals usually taste like shit. victims that have never been fed on will taste the best. their blood is unspilled and still "pure". it's yet to be tainted.
now for the storybuilding!! this is info that i'd actually write in a fic if i ever get around to making one...
fic lore:
peej ran away from home because his dad is an ass and doesn't really care about him. he's all like "yeah i'll show YOU, asshole!"
he's also kinda tired of the whole humans vs vampires thing. he doesn't wanna have to rule in a world dominated by humans
so anyway when she (rember pj is genderfluid and uses all pronouns!!) runs away from home they run into the famous vampire hunter... jet!!
they fight and just as jet's about to kill her, she's like "man why's it gotta be this way. why can't we not kill each other?"
jet's like "um... this is literally my job? we hate each other? you kill us?"
pj's all like "well first of all ive never even killed a human so fuck you. second of all, we can change! pls let me go i wont kill you"
jet's distrustful but they don't kill him.
pj sticks with jet for a while. neither of them know why, and they get annoyed at each other a lot. jet continues to kill vamps, pj continues to feed on humans + monsters (but doesnt kill them). they both lowk hate the other, but they agreed not to kill each other so.
then there's like a cheesy scene where they have a heart-to-heart... SOUL-to-SOUL...? whatever. pj's all like "i hate being born into a vampire family. it's so rough. i never wanted this :("
then jet's like. oh. they empathize with peej cuz they were forced into the vampire hunting business because of their family. they never got a choice on what they wanted to do.
then they become friends! very slowly, and they still annoy the hell outta each other, but!! friends :)
then it's adventures together for a bit
and then!!! DRAMA!!!
error forces pj back to the vampire kingdom place. then he tries to convince pj that jet is bad.
"that little 'friend' you made is no good for you. you may trust them, but they're a vampire hunter. they kill us. you know that, paperjam."
"i know! but they're different. they don't even want to be a hunter. they wouldn't kill me."
"you foolish child. you think they're different? they had planned to kill you the whole time! they were just waiting for the perfect opportunity. you're a prince, for fuck's sake! they'd be even more famous for killing you!"
meanwhile jet doesn't know pj is a vamp prince. she never told them and it's not like they've been seen in the public before.
anyway, error eventually convinces pj using magic. pureblood vampires can basically beam images into your head. sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not. this ofc isn't the truth, but pj believes it is.
pj fully believes jet intended to betray them. they believe jet wanted to kill them the whole time and only pretended to be friends to get pj to lower their guard.
this lets error convince him to kill jet.
ofc pj is hurt so they decide to do it. obviously, since jet was so willing to kill her, she should have no problem killing them.
meanwhile jet's retired from vamp hunting. they're shunned and disowned by their family because of it, and now they're basically a wanted criminal because they're going against the Divine by not doing their born-duty to rid the world of the unholy filth.
it was bound to happen sooner or later, though. they were already a blacksheep of the family because as a child then weren't ecstatic about killing vamps. also theyre non binary. their family is kinda lowk homophobic nd will use the wrong pronouns in purpose.
anyway. pj locates them and tries to kill them. theyre all like "dude wtf!! we're friends?? i literally retired bcs of our friendship!"
except bcs they retired when pj was taken back to the vamp kingdkm, she didnt know jet retired! so theyre like "wait huh."
they talk it out and explain both sides of the story. jet's like "your father sounds like a bitch ass mf. i wanna beat him up (respectfully, tho. ur my best and only friend and i wont kill your father.)"
so anyway pj brings them to the vampire kingdom. they meet error
he gets really mad about it. he yells at pj.
"un excuse you. that's no way to talk to your child, also i retired. fuck you."
peej decides to show jet around :) mostly the catsle, but they also go into the city, too. he introduces them to a few vamps (probably mostly other sans aus LMAO) and theyre all like "um. thats a vamp hunter? one of the famous ones? you know their ancestor killed ur grandpa, right?"
no one else really likes them. but its okay cuz this story aint about them. die.
then yeah. that's all i got for a story so far :)
anyway yeah!! this is probably a lot, and there will probably be more maybe. but ty anon for asking. i love talking about my sona and aus that i make. and i love creating lore.
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ayyaduselessbi · 2 years
(Warning: Consists of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Spoilers)
A disturbing lack of Ayo and Aneka posts so I'll add more lmao. This post is not about new info I've found on them(sadly). This post is more on using the info I've learnt on them to form a bunch of speculations and headcanons. (Warning: Another essay incoming)
1. So I've mentioned before that Ayo has two 'confirmed' family members, Assata and Ala right? Not much is said about Ayo's grandmother, but we learn that Assata suffered a rare illness that leads to her having to use a wheelchair. Perhaps Aneka helps Ayo look after Assata and Ala? Would probably be pretty cute ngl. Assata teasing Ayo about Aneka when they are trying to take care of her, Ala giving Aneka the shovel talk, both leaving Ayo flustered lmao. Perhaps they also help Assata with her Dora Milaje training along with Okoye. That would be pretty cool to see. (If you want to know more on Assata, you should read the book Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: Courage to Dream. Here is a link to a read-aloud of it I found on YT:
2. (BP: WF Spoilers here) So in the movie, Ayo becomes the new General of the Dora Milaje while Aneka is part of the Midnight Angels(I'm not sure whether Aneka is still part of the Dora Milaje or whether she was kicked out of the Dora Milaje. That part I'm still not sure about, I'll assume that she isn't tho, as convenience for this headcanon) Since now the 2 girlfriends are now in 'separate teams', I wonder how their relationship would be affected. (If it's assumed that the Midnight Angels are like a separate entity from the Dora Milaje and not like a subgroup of it) Especially for Ayo. She probably would have a hard time choosing between staying loyal to the country and staying with Aneka. I believe Aneka would not have a hard time choosing, she's the rebellious one, so she would probably choose to remain with her girlfriend. But Ayo, who knows? I wonder how they will go about it. Might make some cool AyoxAneka angst(even if it hurts 😭)
3. So from Falcon and the Winter Soldier, we know that Ayo and Bucky have a close bond. I'm not entirely sure what kind of bond they have, I personally headcanon them as best friends lmao. Cause of this, I wonder how Bucky would react to Aneka. He would probably tease Ayo about it. Maybe Bucky thirdwheels the two of them, or maybe they go on a double date with Bucky and his partner(Could be Sarah Wilson, or maybe Sam?? 👀) Either way, honestly I think Bucky would be supportive of their relationship. Ayo supported him through one of his toughest times so I think he'd definitely return the favour.
4. (BP:WF Spoilers here) In the movie, I realise that Shuri and Aneka seem quite close. At least, close enough that Shuri gives Aneka the new technology she made for the Dora Milaje to test out. I wonder if Shuri knows of Ayo and Aneka's relationship? Honestly I can imagine Shuri teasing Aneka about Ayo lmao. Maybe whenever Shuri sees the two of them together, she waggles(is that a word?) her eyebrows at them until they both get flustered lmao. That would be so funny to see.
5. (Slight BP:WF spoilers here) When watching the movie, I realised that Ayo and Aneka's characters are kind of switched in a way. I'm not sure whether Ayo was the captain of the Dora Milaje, but in the MCU Ayo seems to have a higher role in the Dora Milaje than Aneka. In the MCU, Aneka seems to be the newbie in the Dora Milaje(Assumed since Aneka's character is only introduced in BP:WF) while Ayo was the newbie to the Dora Milaje in the World of Wakanda comic. Cause of this, I wonder how Ayo and Aneka met in the MCU. Maybe it's the same way in the comics but reversed? MCU Aneka seems to have gotten Comic Ayo's rebellious spirit. Or maybe it's a different way? Honestly can't wait to find out.
So that's all for now. Honestly wish I could write an AyoxAneka fanfiction with these headcanons but my writing is awful lmao. However if any fanfic writers want to use these ideas please do, Ayo and Aneka deserve more fanfiction on them. Hopefully more will come out soon(and apologies for the excess use of brackets btw) 🤩
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esxvspy · 10 months
Pinned post / my info !!
My name is Eleanor but you can call me El. I’m a lesbian and my pronouns are she/her or they/them! I’m still figuring out a lot about my identity as I have been for the last while, so this info might change periodically if I think something no longer fits me. I am also 17 years old.
I have diagnosed adhd, major depressive disorder, and anxiety. I’ve struggled with them for a long time but i have been taking medication (Vyvanse and Zoloft) that help a lot. I also used to struggle with anorexia and bulimia when I was in middle school, but I’ve been working hard to overcome those thoughts, and I am comfortable talking about my experiences and I am willing to give advice if you ask!
I mainly speak English, but I do know a little bit (I emphasize a little bit) of Croatian and polish since my great grandfather and grandmother came to America from there, so I learned a little bit of those languages to talk to them better as they weren’t English speakers, but that was when I was like 9, so I don’t remember much of it.
I have many hyperfixations, mainly media focused, that come and go. Currently I am very focused on Yttd (your turn to die), but in the recent past some were stranger things, the quarry, and total drama.
I also love shipping, I’m a strong multishipper! I’ll basically love any ship you present me as long as it doesn’t have a noticeable age gap, and isn’t super toxic. Some of my current favorites are alenoah, mkulia, ransara, naosara, shinalice, naoreko, byler, sydina, and tyzula. Those are just a handful of them and tbh I constantly find new things to ship I just love so many.
I made edits that I post on TikTok (@esxvspy) I’ve been editing since I was 11 years old and was super into gacha, I made so many gacha edits… I also draw a bit, and I want to start writing fanfics as well! My A03 acc is @elslay69 but I don’t have anything on there yet 😭
For a dni list, I don’t really have anything much - if you like dsmp (especially dream.) literally anyone in dsmp (ESPECIALLY DREAM.) , if you’re pr0sh1p, people who hate on ships are on thin fucking ice, if you’re homophobic or transphobic, and if you push your religion onto other people, like i don’t mind if you’re religious, but don’t try to make others follow your religion. There’s probably more but I can’t think of anything else lol.
Most of my stuff will be pg13, but I’ll make pg stuff as well as r rated if I’m asked.
That’s probably it lmao
Nice to meet you!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
cuffed 4x10 the tiger episode audio commentary
tbh kind of surprised it was not killshot the beckett trauma moments one.
creator/exec pro andrew marlowe, writ terri miller, actors fillion & katic
*each introducing themselves* NF: I'm nathan fillion & I play Kevin Ryan
Bottle episode, It was supposed to be under budget lol
uh YEAH we HAVE wanted them in bed together
Breakaway cuffs, elastic give, that sounds way more comfy
esposito & lanie <3
foil <3
the title for act one: "what the hell is going on"
"where is the light coming from?" "same place as the music"
getting caught just watching lol
Caskett: wow esparish should get together Caskett: *oblivious*
So the cuffed relationship test was reflected in kevenny's roadtrip. esparish was arguing & caskett were obliviously discussing them. & then the stir-stick was worked out by huertas & dever, & terri miller said that it too was a relationship test. this episode is all about people, not just cases.
gates <3
miller & marlowe went canoeing lmao & then the visual of caskett spinning lol THEY ARE LEGIT BICKERING LMAO
"I still look at the tape marks on the floor, I just find reasons to look"
'cause I'm hungry
"planting" the jerky But Also 1940s
14 feet off the ground holy!
why is that an OLD pencil sharpener?
They rementioned castle's safecracker friend from s1!
the fellow in the safe was also the bridemaid in the closet
tech used to send stuff up but now castle has a tech room & it's cool but meh
Make me feel better
this morgue scene is nice (plus esparish)
SK: ruh roh
AM: big music, there must be an ad break
NOT bloody, who would ruin their knives like that?
I loved these two taking the lead, & also yeah genuinely a different colour of gates
GREAT lead-in for this char
LT my beloved, background my beloved, backstory my beloved, I wish it was more explicit. I want an episode about the background characters
that helicopter was from 3x24 actually lol. "we recycle, we're doing our part"
Katic herself needs to run in those boots!
it's gone through the door a few times, but never onscreen. I only have like two seasons left & I still haven't seen them kick in the door & get her heel stuck
that actor's grandmother loves the show, how nice for her baby to be on the show
big guns for these folks
it WOULD have been funny to bring the joke further. But legit all u need to do is dislocate your thumb
Robert Duncan <3
"look, THERE'S a black f-150"
See? Rysposito do all the work on the side & just bring the info to becks, but LOOK AT THIS we finally get to see them DURING
they keep throwing curveballs, it's about this it's about that, they should have suspected it was 3xk for a hot second, then suddenly tiger, & it just Keeps Twisting
I thought this was a budget episode... how did they get tigers?
"nono, that's good tiger noise" there was smth primal in me telling me to Get Out.
You weren't allowed to pet the tigers? That's actually kinda sad.
tigers, bears, sharks.
*mimics tiger chuffing*
I think we'll fly to florida <3
Man I wish we could have heard more of dever's tiger jokes
I still have a taste in my mouth!
"Kinky hope?"
"we like doing the different ones"
she likes the weird ones?
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blissfullydeadly · 2 years
October 7th 2022
it feels like forever since ive been able to actually sit down and write. I'm so disappointed because i didn't check my canvas notifications to see that class was canceled. i got to class and there was no one there. i knew i should have brought my book or my journal. I'm sitting outside right now kind of twilliting my thumbs because i don't have anything to really do than work on my matrix articles and for that, i need like 2 monitors because of all the tabs i need open.
these past two weeks have been alot honestly. my mother got 6 teeth removed and her body had a really bad reaction to it. she was in and out of the hospital for a while. it doesn't help that she has an autoimmune disorder so that only made things worse. she's home now which is good and is in the process of recovering. one of the days last week when mom was in the hospital the girls really needed me so i went down. i tried to get my grandparents involved and my mother legit called me on her hospital bed saying she wasn't caving into my grandparents....even though this was like a legit emergency. my grandmother actually reached out to my mom saying she loved her which is really fucking shocking because they are both so stubborn.
my parents also surrendered merlin to the animal rescue league. apparently, he was hissing at everyone and being really nasty. apart of me knew it was coming i just didn't know when. my parents think that a demon attached itself to merlin and made him evil. after they got rid of him my sister face timed me and showed me all the crosses that they hung up throughout the house. plus i noticed that my father stopped "taking the lord's name in vain". he used to say jesus christ and god fucking dammit but now he stopped.
this past week i got sick and thought i just had a cold but it was fucking covid lmao. i didn't have any like serious symptoms thank goodness. it passed pretty quickly and I'm back on my feet now. i was with C the majority of it which made it a lot better. he didn't want me coming down but on Sunday he got hit by a drunk driver. thankfully he's okay, but the condition of his car is not so hot. the entire right side is swiped pretty bad and the back right tire is intended toward the car which makes it pretty much undrivable. the guy hit him and then fucking took off and C drove after his ass. the guy stopped the car and got out and ran. once the police showed up they found drug paraphernalia all inside the car as well as empty bottles of alcohol. C got more info from the police and found out this guy has multiple warrants for his arrest and doesn't have insurance. apparently, the guys mom does so C is gonna have to go after her which sucks but what else are you gonna do?
whenever something bad happens i complain of there being no break because there never fucking is. its constantly one thing after the other. i just hope for now it calms down for a little while
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worms-i-think · 2 years
Artem’s Personal Story, Chapter 4.
I decided to be a geek and write down all my thoughts in a notebook before compiling them here :) HEAVY spoiler warning as I will just say everything that happens as it plays out. I should also mention that this chapter deserves a strong content warning for in-depth discussions of suicide and predatory behavior toward minors.
Kimberly!! She’s got a voice and Artie’s got a voice (again)! So glad Suwabe Junichi’s back—he is comfort food to my ears.
Talking about blind dates ‘again’ before even saying hello implies she’s insistent about this lmao—Kimberly strikes me as the type to demand grandkids.
& Artem also sighs upon seeing her caller ID but smiles ‘wryly’ aww lol
(Insert the TVTropes page for ‘Shipper on Deck’.) This short convo implies that they talk frequently—they didn’t even say hellos or goodbyes.
Kiki calling the intern ‘puppy boy’—PLEASE tell me she nicknames everybody like this ♡♡!!
Ah yes. Average business partners who call each other at night and cook each other food and share cozy car rides to work. Artem might as well kiss her on the forehead before heading into his office and insist that’s professional too.
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^ because he wants to KissHerOnTheMouth bc they are InLove
Man, poor puppy boy intern. First his boss gets all icy jealous and now his roommate is dead? Tough day at the office
What’s with Artem’s secret desk drawer full of letters? Does he keep thank-you notes from previous clients?
This is the second case of ‘smiles wryly’ he’s had. This is a common symptom of being in proximity to loved ones.
Due to his closeness to the elderly of Stellis, Artem now embodies the spirit of every insistent yet caring grandmother upon hearing a rumbling stomach.
Of course he likes the atmosphere of family restaurants. He’s half reassuring dad and half abandoned child. The man was made for family.
I’m sorry the wording of ‘falling from height incident’ was so bad 💀
Dear Lord, I get distracted by the superficial aspects of this game so often that I always forget about its content. Again, warnings stand and will only get worse from here on out.
Every mention of Professor Hume brings me pain. Urgently awaiting more info 💔
They changed her name from Yuline to Lynnette after like 1 sentence or something?? MHY please hire me to revise your scripts…please.
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^ Oh my god the guilt gets worse. Oh my god this story hurts me.
Calls someone Mr. Lambert and the text box says Director Yang…
Stats in the hospital LMAO WHATTT that was so sudden!! This hill is a safety hazard, lawyers get on that ASAP 🤣
(Artem is going to absolutely baby her in the incoming month) of course he’s acting like a worried mom LOL
‘Ah man, your arm got a boo boo…a lil ouchy ouch…welp, better live with me ♡!’ He says ‘let me take care of you’ as if it’s normal hehheee
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^ (sob)
His voice is so…hopeful and excited…
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^ this situation is beauty incarnate
Rosa, ma’am, you can’t just enter rooms in someone’s house in your pjs. This could’ve ended up much more awkward than it was.
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^ AHHHH THE SLEEPY VOICE IM DECEASED ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum (typical coworker things ♡)
How much of him really believes that all of his loved ones will eventually leave? Is this coming from the realist in him or the neglected child he was?
Dude NOOOO HIS MOMMM Why did they skip over Kimberly and Rosa’s first convo? I’d love to see Kimberly be like ‘who is this woman in my son’s home this morning 🤨’
HAND over the baby photos
‘thought marriage was arranged by the country’ —Artem, did your parents show no affection to each other when you grew up?? :((
(Artem frantically stuffing love letters into their grave) iconic
Holy crap she’s a predator.
And comparing colleagues to a literal teacher/student dynamic involving a teenager? Like, yes I agree that Artem and Rosa have a bit of a power dynamic going on considering he was her supervisor previously and is a more well known figure, but that’s much different than this situation considering:
1) they would both be consenting adults in their twenties IF they WERE in a relationship, and
2) he’s her coworker, not an educator in charge of a child.
No way don’t tell me this dude is a predator too?? Just burn down the school, there are too many creeps in the building 😵
The way Rosa says ‘let’s go home’ and home is his house,, my heart
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^ oh my god.
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Could someone cut this tension with a knife?? It’s getting too much for me
Artem looked that girl in the face and told her she has daddy issues 💀
And at the end of this chapter…scene 🎬. Anniversary confessions could just happen here—this is basically a confession already.
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^ this is crazy I’m ~uncomfy~
(Any notes I’m taking now are getting shorter and shorter bc I’m too invested in the story)
This chapter can’t even be described in bullet points, so just read it for yourself and you’ll understand why I’m fangirling like an 11 yr old. They are both fully aware of each others’ feelings and acknowledge them without saying it plainly, which I feel is very fitting for them as characters. They’re savoring the feeling of liking someone and waiting for the perfect moment to let it out. Artem even told her “I’ll wait for you” in reference to a confession, which… If there was any reason I started his playlist with J’s Lullaby, it was this. The two of them may be slow-burning to the point of frustration, but hey, at least they realize there’s a flame here after such a long time.
I must mention though: Rosa stealing the book and Artem saying it belongs to a ‘friend’…perfection.
Anyway, this has been my obligatory brain vomit! Goodbye :o)
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papellie · 3 years
1. Y/N is the eldest child of the head of one of the most powerful families of jujutsu sorcerers making her next in line for the seat. But she cannot control her curse energy and technique. Given this situations she was constantly discriminated in the household. Even if things were like this, her father loved her and did not take the position from her.
To remove her from the lineage, the elders conspired against her giving her a special grade rank. With the fact that she has no control over her powers they thought she'll eventually die from taking on special grade missions and her father cannot do anything about this.
Little did they know, because she was on death's door they made a monster that will wreak havoc and will destroy everything on its path.
2. Y/N is a curse spirit/cursed doll who—at first—had no free will. She acted only what her creator wishes.
3. Y/N can see curses.
When she was younger she lived in the country side with her grandparents. But she started seeing curses specially in school and it affected her so much that she doesn't leave her grandmother's side. Her parents were working in Tokyo and decided to bring her there too, thinking that she won't be scared anymore because the city is always busy. But little do they know that there are more hideous and frightening curses out there.
She doesn't want to burden her family anymore so she stayed quiet while shaking in fear everytime she encounters one.
4. MC is one of Choso's younger siblings (Preferably female)
Same parents with Yuji. Her mother (when inhibited by Kenjaku [the ancient sorcerer {mentioned in chapter 145}]) had kept her a secret. The body was alive but it has no soul making her just bedridden for her whole life. Her cursed technique is that whoever and whatever touches her with cursed energy, she instantly nullifies it. Kenjaku had been experimenting on the body for years taking her on the verge of death everytime. That's where Choso see's visions of an unfamiliar girl(MC) just like when his other sibling are on death's door. Kenjaku planned to take the body as his after possessing Suguru Geto's.
Soul inhibitants options:
• MC is Isekai-ed and transported to jjk world. (I've been reading way too much historical reincarnation manhwa for this on lmao)
• Heaven blessed the body with the soul probably by the time kf Shibuya arc. Personality is like a child because it's the first time waking up to the world and she is just learning. Relationships: has a strong connection to Choso and Yuji because they're siblings. (Getting a overprotective older brother Choso yeyy!!!)
5. MC is part of the Gojo Clan
She was strong as a jujutsu sorcerer but she does not exceed their family's standards, specially being one of the strongest clan. Y/N admired Satoru so much as a kid. He was her idol and the only one who cared for her in the suffocating household. But when he started to go to Jujutsu Technical College he had made friends the same age as him and gave his all to them. Y/N had felt left out but deep inside she knew he'll have to live a life that didn't circulate on just protecting her.
The little attention she gets whenever he returned to the household during his school breaks was okay. But then some time after when she heard he had killed one member of the Zenin clan he had became cold and distant. Not long, he had permanently left the household and never visited, he had left her all alone.
In rare times when they talked he was cheerful, yes, but Y/N had became more sensitive to so many things because of the pressure of their family and Satoru didn't know her anymore.
She no longer enjoyed the time she had with him. All he does was lecture her or only talk about his students and her jealousy eats her up whenever he mentions and boast about the black-haired kid who had the shadow technique that he practically raises.
When she entered high school she had pleaded to Kyoto Jujutsu Technical College just because he hated that white-haired jerk so much. But Satoru always gets what he wants. Now she lives in constant anxiety that she thought she would've scaped from her household but now she's getting the treatment from the person who had saved from from at first.
I don't know what's the ship here lmao. But for me it's no Y/NxGojo Satoru. They're cousins here(emphasis on that).
You can use her hatred to Megumi though. Make an angsty Megumi x Y/N where they're rivals.
6. Y/N is one of Tokyo Jujutsu Technical College third year student(s).
(We got some info on one of the third years in the lastest chap so MANGA SPOILER) (Noritoshi Kamo x Y/N rivalry & secret feelings)
She's a first grade sorcerer that was suspended with her other classmate(s) and she actually liked being suspended. She hated being a sorcerer. Coming from a powerful jujustu clan she was forced to be one. She has been making all sorts of delinquent acts but her family won't let her go because she was wielding the family's powerful curse technique. But as a woman, her clan fully denies of her being the head of the family. So they are tying her down to the heir of the Kamo Clan.
She hated the boy, how he was prim and proper while she dyed her hair for several times this year. She hated him because of how he was dumb for letting his family control him. But the truth is she hated his clan for changing him to a person that has no freedom. He broke the promise that they made when they were children. That they will only marry the person they loved because their parents never did that's why they didn't loved their children(them) too.
In her eyes, she knew he didn't love her but she did. She will never admit to that fact because she knows he will just be suffocate by it. But little did she know that they have the same thoughts—and probably feelings—of each other.
(Lmao I'm going to separate this cause y'all gonna know when you read)
As a past time for being suspended she goes to best friend Takada-chan's concerts and sometime she gets invited to go to stage to perform. (Forgive me. I've been watching way too much kpop performances lately)
will add more ideas when I get more. So make sure to come back! and if you guys have some don't be afraid to comment!
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You know what? Fuck it, everyone in Shinra has a Twitter/Instagram account (but the Turks have finstas because they're spies, y'know?) Hojo's got links in the dark web. Zack tries entering the deep web by going in incognito mode and typing "drugs" in the searchbar. Genesis is starting Twitter beef for whatever reason, Sephiroth's account is virtually nonexistent, Kunsel's a tea account, and everyone likes Angeal because he's unproblematic
(Anon, I want you to know I was on the phone with my grandmother when I read this. And I hit the Zack bit and lost my fucking shit ugly laughing ahdhsjdjd he.
I’m gonna try to expand on this but I highly doubt I’ll be able to match your god tier takes lmao.)
President ShinRa — has an account on Twitter but refuses to let a PR person run it. Accidentally Horny on Main Incident Counter: 3 (so far)
Cloud — Hates social media but has one at Zack’s insistence. Has a random username with like his birthday in it but it’s so forgettable you’d think it was just an auto-generated one he didn’t change. He only posts obscure photos, never selfies. Zack is the only one that follows him until he convinces the firsts to do it and starts posting photos of the blonde and tagging him. The rest is history.
Zack — Kind of really fratboy-ish on his accounts. Lots of photos of him in cut-out muscle shirts, megawatt grin in place, etc. It’s broken up by cute, soft pictures of him and Cloud or like Cloud sleeping or smth. He tags Cloud in them, too, and that’s how Cloud’s own follower count explodes, despite having a fairly empty page (Seph is sympathetic).
Also. He totally went on what he thought was “the dark web” on like Angeal’s tablet or smth. He’s currently running laps until he fucking dies.
Angeal — The most unproblematic and fun person to follow. Has the prettiest Instagram by far given his interest in photography. Accidentally aesthetic. Not really a selfie person and rarely posts to twitter.
Trouble in paradise only happens when a shirtless photo of him in some low-riding sweats that are clinging just a little too tight from exercise pops up on a rapidly growing tea spill account. It’s made worse when Gen reblogs it like 6 times and even fucking Sephiroth likes it. He can’t even look at his DM’s anymore.
Reno — Secretly has a personal insta that he think he cute about, and no one will ever find it. But Tseng knows. Because he always just knows. He just doesn’t say anything because he uses it as a quick way to keep tabs on what infraction(s) Reno has committed at any given time.
Tseng — Runs the top secret Turk ‘kawaii’ finsta + twitter used for spying purposes but does, at times, enjoy looking at some posts. Waterscapes are a favorite.
Scarlet — She’ll post stuff that’s either interesting or aesthetically pleasing, but like every 5th post or so she’ll post some wildly misinformed or straight up shitty “hot take” a lose a shitton of followers.
Genesis — Honestly just fucking loves drama and posting his semi-lewds somewhere. Adores attention. Starts shit for the fun of it if he can’t find anything to insert himself into. Loves to pick fights with Scarlet over her shitty takes.
And yes, he has used a copy of LOVELESS as a makeshift censor bar before.
Sephiroth — Accounts have millions of followers but like. They’re basically empty. If the default picture has been replaced, it’s by like a blurry photo of... something... but a black, gloved thumb is blocking half the lens.
(Also why do all these people keep asking about his hair?)
Hojo — Welcome with open arms on the dark web, IP banned on every social media site. Truly a mystery. Go figure.
Kunsel — Has not just a tea spill page, but the tea spill page. The one that has almost eclipsed all three famous 1sts + Zack combined. Literally no one knows it’s him, either. Not even Zack.
Communicates regularly for info trades with different accounts, one seemingly harmless kawaii account tends to trade him some really good dirt, more often than not.
(He also knows it’s you, Tseng.)
Lazard — keeps everything professional but you best believe he keeps checking the tea spill page frequently. He is not immune to enjoying drama.
Reeve — Relatively unknown account with a small amount of followers until some movie about an assassin who’s dog gets murdered comes out. Then, holy shit, does his popularity explode. Turns out, ‘looks hot in a suit and cares about the environment’ is a lot of people’s ‘type’.
Rufus — Hes one of those rich kids of Beverly Hills type instagrams as a teen and then sort of grows out of it as an adult. Takes too long to retort on twitter and when he does, it kind of feels like something he’s practiced saying in a mirror for quite some time. Kind of feels like he read 50 Shades and is trying to impersonate the main dude, sometimes. The much better public face of the company, though, but a few too many food selfies.
Roche — Also kind of fratty but like 60% of his photos are centered around his bike. Makes the mistake of calling Cloud a ‘hot piece of ass’ and saying some pretty... suggestive... things about him in a photo Zack took and posted of the blonde when they were in Costa del Sol.
I’m sure you can guess how that went.
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Boo! Boo Wendy Testaburger! Boo!
Wendy has been accepted! Please submit your blog for us to follow!
out of character info
Name/Alias: Mak
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 25
Join Our Discord: I made that shit lmao
Timezone: CST
Activity: 6-7, higher on the weekends since im boring and work a 9-5.
Triggers:  r*pe/sa
Password: randy marsh is a dilf ;)
Character that you’re applying for: Wendy Testaburger
Favorite ships for your character: Wendy/Stan omg, i’m a slut for stendy
Faceclaim: Thalia Bree
in character info
Full name: Wendy Testaburger
Birthday: April 16th
Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Bisexual, female, she/her
Age and grade: 17, 12th grade
Appearance: Wendy is about 5’4 and weighs approximately 130 pounds. The signature pink beret she usually wears sits atop a mess of long dark hair that falls down her back and curls slightly at the ends. She’s average height for her age and her frame is petite in nature. She’s got olive skin that gives her the appearance of a perpetual tan. Wendy has sharp gray eyes that hold a sense of innocence with their wide, doe-like appearance. She’s got a button nose and thin lips with a small yet pointed chin. Wendy’s makeup is typically light and natural, using not much more than mascara and chapstick.
Wendy’s appearance, while sweet in nature, tends to garner attention in a more subtle way. She’s never been the jaw-dropper of her class (like her best friend Bebe,) but takes pride in her own appearance with a little help from Bebe. She dresses nicely every day per the request of her parents, though every once in a while she’ll wear something a bit bolder to spite her parents: and when she does, she’s sure to turn heads. Wendy is your ‘girl next door.’ She’s the type of girl you can bring home to your parents, take to your family dinners, and have around to keep your parents from questioning about your high school antics.
Personality: Wendy is a bright student who puts more effort than probably necessary into her schoolwork. She’s strong-willed and stubborn, and while she typically can keep a level head, she is notorious for letting her anger get the best of her when she’s had enough. She is kind and generous, willing to give what she can, when she can. Sometimes people take advantage of this. She takes into account everyone’s opinion before making a decision that affects the group, but isn’t afraid to shut someone down if their opinion is harmful or isn’t beneficial in the slightest. Wendy is a rule follower. She’s been called a ‘goody-two-shoes’ more times than she can count and tends to respect authority unless absolutely necessary. Wendy is known to be the ‘mom friend.’ She’s constantly worrying over her friends and ensuring that they’re doing okay in their classes and getting enough sleep at night. In fact, she worries more about her friends than she does herself. Wendy is incredibly active in extracurricular activities at all. She is bubbly about being active in her community and takes pride in being Student Body President and a member of the cheerleading team.
While she may not admit it, Wendy has found herself victim to what her parents would define as ‘peer-pressure.’ She doesn’t see it that way. She’s a good girl for sure, but is always willing to get into risky business with her friends if it means that she isn’t a downer. After all, Bebe is her best friend. How can she be so prude when the life of the party plays such a vital role in her life? Let’s just say, she’s a fun drunk to be around. She’s allowed to let loose the person she isn’t allowed to be during the day due to her parents’ watchful eyes and the time constraints per all her extracurricular activities. She’s got a wild heart and hopes that by doing well in school and getting accepted into her dream college, she’ll finally be able to get her parents off her back and finally be the bold and independent person she dreams of being.
History: Wendy’s childhood could be described, at best, as average. She grew up in a loving home with two loving parents and a grandmother that was always there when she needed her. She may not admit it, but she holds a deep-rooted resentment for her parents and their constant desire for her to be more. Because of this, Wendy has made straight A’s since the second grade and is as involved in extracurriculars as she can be without being too detrimental to her health. She’s fluent in three languages and plays multiple instruments, yet still feels like her parents expect more of her. But, she will chastise herself, she cannot complain. She has never gone without and her parents have always provided the best for Wendy. She hates to say it, but she errs on the side of spoiled. Her parents make up for their endless pushing by buying her all the nicest things. Wendy can’t help but feel that her parents are trying to buy her love.
Middle school was a humiliating time for Wendy Testaburger. She’d developed acne and had to wear glasses and the other kids would never let her forget it. She was a true activist and always tried to educate her peers on important issues in the hopes that she could bond with the other kids over mutual interests. But despite her efforts to build friendships she was bullied relentlessly. She felt like the only person she could count on was her best friend. With Bebe giving her constant assurance and fiery pep-talks, Wendy finally developed a backbone and stood up for herself. She will never forget the power she felt when she dumped her lunch all over the same girl who’d been bullying her for four years. Wendy laughed at the crying girl and spat at her feet before walking away. Nobody messed with Wendy after that. After that, she refined her attitude and walked with a purpose, and is now far more outgoing than she ever was before.
High school, on the other hand, has been wonderful for Wendy. She’s got a nice car, makes good grades and works on her studies relentlessly, even if it means losing sleep and forgetting to eat. She’s popular among her peers and her friendships have never been stronger. She’s stayed single since her relationship with Stan, claiming that she just doesn’t have time to cultivate a relationship with anyone. She’s made it perfectly clear to all that try that she’s perfectly happy being single. Maybe if she says it enough times it’ll become true. She can only hope.
Sample paragraph: “The cheerleading team, huh?” Wendy’s mom eyed her with a raised brow. Wendy nodded excitedly, her face breaking into a beaming smile. “Yeah! I’ve already reorganized my schedule and have made time for practices and games in between study sessions with my friends and Student Council! Aren’t you proud of me?” Wendy’’s smile faltered slightly as she watched her mother’s unwavering expression of incredulity. “Wendy, you know that the debate team is accepting applications starting next week, and your father and I really wanted you to apply, we talked about this.”
Wendy huffed and crossed her arms, leaning back into her chair. The two women were sitting opposite each other at Tweak Bros. Coffeehouse before school. It was tradition for Wendy and her mother to have coffee or breakfast before school once a week, but Wendy found herself wishing more and more that her mother would give up on the bonding time. “Mom, I know we talked about it, but think about it. Physical activity has been proven to boost dopamine and disciplinary skills. Besides, it’s good for my health. I don’t understand why you’d be upset with this.”
Wendy grabbed her coat and stood. She picked up her coffee and drained the last of it before tossing it into the garbage. Her mother said nothing in return, only sighed and grabbed her purse. “I suppose it’s time to get you to school, now.” Wendy nodded without looking her mother in the eye. This was a stale argument between her and her parents. It was never about the same thing specifically, but always revolving around the same theme: college. It was like nothing Wendy did was good enough for her parents. “I love you, sweetie. Now let’s hurry, we don’t want you to be late for your poetry club meeting before class.”
Wendy has an enthusiastic appreciation for art.
She drives a brand new Lexus, of which all her friends have dubbed ‘The Mom-mobile.’
When she has the free time, she loves to go sit out at the pond and watch the sky change colors.
She has a bad habit of thinking out loud.
She has a cat named Archibald.
Still a virgin.
Wendy can’t stand when people click their pens. 
Is obsessed with skin care. Unironically makes tiktok GRWM videos. 
The inside of her school binder has scratched out pen scribblings of the name Wendy Marsh all over.
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