#- how staff behaved themselves regarding younger members
butchdykekondraki · 7 months
Wait wdym you have experiences talking "like that" within the SCP fandom?
i was really young during the early years of the fandom (thing 10->13, when i started drifting away for personal reasons) and during that time sexual topics were just. common place. they still are, but it was more prevalent back then. i don't have any experiences with the admins per se, but i will say that i have definitely had my fair share of ''experiences'' within the fandom and they weren't. pleasant to say the least. unfortunately that's just kind of how it was so. eh. it sucks to look back on, and i wish staff did better with actually managing the community, but the staff could really only do so much in regards to it all. so long as it stayed off-site, staff didn't do a lot. it was very ''out of sight, out of mind'' type behavior, which is awful but it just reflects early fandom culture as a whole so. shrug. :-/
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writerman · 5 years
Bard is quite famous, and is staying at an equally famous hotel owned my Thranduil. Thran is a huge fan of Bard, so he "accidentally" bumped into Bard, since he just happens to now witch floor he's on.
Hugo, my darling little brother.
This is 11,410 words of romance, angst, comedy and a smidge of smut.
I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am so thankful that you continue to send in prompts and are so patient with how long it takes for me to fill them.
You are the best little brother ever.
Thranduil climbed out of his car with a tired huff.
He had received several frantic messages from his management team regarding an important guest that would be arriving that evening. Mostly garbled OMG’s and I can’t believe it’s along with the sound of house staff cleaning frantically in the background.
The Greenwood was a prestigious hotel and Spa situated in the countryside of West Sussex, an hour outside of London. It was Thranduil’s pride and joy-- he had rescued the place when it went up for auctions when he was a younger man.
His father had not been all too pleased, especially when Thranduil had arrived home the same evening, and, enthusiastically, announced that he would be fixing up the Elizabethan manor house throughout the summer to open it as a hotel.
But all in all his family had been supportive and offered their help when Thranduil would allow it, the rest was history.
When he entered the lobby he was immediately accosted by his, rather harried looking, hotel manager. Galion was generally a reserved sort of man but today there was no sign of that person as he jittered nervously around Thranduil.
“Is everything alright? Your messages didn’t seem to make any sense.” Thranduil’s tone one full of concern as he leads Galion to the main office and forces him into a seat. Immediately the man sprang back to his feet exclaiming that there was no time to be sitting around!
“Sir, we have a very important guest arriving and we’re down several staff as it is and… I genuinely do not believe we are prepared for this. We’ve never had a situation wherein our security was questioned.”
Thranduil was beginning to wonder if the anxiety coming off Galion in waves was also some excitement. From what he could tell this important guest was likely a celebrity…
“Galion, calm down, we’ve had celebrities here before-” He was cut off by Galion’s incredulous look and for a moment he believed he’d offended the man with his words.
“Sir, this is not some talk show host here with his mistress. This is a Hollywood star, Bard Bowman, the period actor is on his way!” Ah, well, a world-famous star was quite different and it was clear now why security had been a high factor.
While he would not admit it aloud, he did find Bard Bowman very attractive and always found time to watch his latest movies when they came out, Legolas thought it was embarrassing but he still always went with him to the cinema.
Having someone like that show up at his hotel would be amazing for business, but he also knew that people came to the hotel and spa to relax and forget the world outside- if he wanted someone like Bard Bowman to consider returning he would have to make the experience as comfortable as possible.
Obviously, he would offer as much help as he could to the star, he was the owner of the place it would only be fitting that he be there for the man’s arrival.
“Where were you thinking of putting him?” Thranduil asks calmly, hoping his relaxed demeanour would rub off on his manager somewhat.
“Ah, actually, I considered the feature suite. It is larger than the other rooms and his management did mention he would be staying with us for a few days, possibly up to a week.” Galion seemed to have come down from whatever height he had been at with his stress and excitement, and was now merely gently buzzing.
“Perfect, so if this has all been arranged and everything is in hand, why are you so…” He made lifted his hands to gesture to all of Galion as though to say ‘ like this?’.
“Sir, it is Bard Bowman. THE Bard Bowman, you’ve seen him in his newest film, the one where he takes his shirt off, yes?”
Of course, he had! He’d had his eyes glued to the screen the entire time and Legolas threatened to leave the cinema because of it… not that Galion had to know this.
“Hmm, yes, vaguely recall such a scene.” He lied.
“Need I say more, sir?”
Rolling his eyes Thranduil moved toward the door with the intention of leaving the office, before he did so he turned to Galion. “Try to behave, and please let me know when he is arriving, I would like to greet him.”
As difficult as it was to remain professional, Thranduil couldn’t help but feel true excitement to meet this man face to face. He had always seemed so kind and gentle in interviews and he wondered if he were truly like that.
Galion appeared at his side almost exactly an hour later while Thranduil spoke to one of the gardeners, the manager was practically vibrating as he hurried across the perfectly manicured lawn toward him.
“Sir, our guest has arrived. Shall we head back to the lobby to greet him?”
Thranduil smoothed a hand over his hair ensuring he looked his best before he nodded and followed Galion back toward the hotel.
When Bard climbed out of the car Thranduil felt his heart thud in his chest. As ridiculous as it was he knew he absolutely had a crush on this man, and it irritated him that at his age someone could still ruffle his feathers without trying.
The blond didn’t date mainly because he preferred to work without someone telling him he worked too much, that and for the most part he never found anyone that piqued his interest… except for this one Hollywood actor which was completely out of the question.
After mentally giving himself a talking to he approached Bard with a confident and welcoming smile and offered his hand to the man who shook it without hesitation.
“Mr Bowman, a pleasure to have you here at The Greenwood for the first time. My name is Thranduil Oropherion and I am the owner of this establishment. This is Galion Oakland, the manager that runs the place in my stead. I do hope you enjoy your time here.” Thankfully his tone remained even and he came across as professional rather than fanatical, Legolas would be proud of him. Thranduil was quite proud of himself, to be honest.
“Thanks so much, Thranduil. I can’t wait to relax, I’ve been meaning to try this place out for some time, but busy schedules throw me for a loop and after filming I don’t even know what day it most of the time.” Bard laughed, he took in the blond’s appearance, well dressed, beautiful hair… drop dead gorgeous… ah- oh no.
Bard looked away momentarily and cleared his throat, this was not what was supposed to be happening, he was here to relax not potentially romance the person that owned the place, but he couldn’t help himself… Thranduil was in a league of his own.
“Ah, yes, the live of a film star, it must play havoc on your personal life.” Thranduil surmised and he gestured for Bard to follow, Galion moved towards the car and greeted, who Thranduil could only assume was, the man’s manager.
“Let me show you to your room. I truly hope it is to your liking.” They made idle chit chat as they walked, Thranduil pointed out the gardens and the spa across the lawns, an old barn had been converted into the spa area which had become quite popular with his guests.
Thranduil unlocked the door and held it open for the man, he handed Bard the key card that would grant him access to his room and several other amenities throughout his stay.
He noticed that Bard only carried an overnight bag.
“Do you have luggage that needs to be brought up to your room?”
“Oh, yes, but my manager will have that sorted out. Thank you for giving me such a warm welcome, Thranduil. I think I will enjoy my stay.”
“Ah, that is wonderful news. Should you need anything please use the phone on the bedside table, or if you see a member of staff wandering by feel free to grab them.” With that, he left the man to get comfortable and he moved down the hall hoping to find Galion on his way back to the office.
Gideon was still in deep conversation with Bard’s manager, so was left to tie up any loose ends with that one.
Meanwhile, Legolas had appeared in the lobby and approached his father with a knowing look, Thranduil could only imagine what he was about to say.
“Ada, how’s it going, I saw a really fancy car outside that wasn’t yours,” The young blond began, he had a look of mischief on his face as he spoke. “I heard a rumour… Galiontextmeandtoldme, that a Hollywood star was staying here for a few days. None other than your favourite actor to ogle at.” The teasing had begun and Thranduil could only pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh.
“Legolas, please. While he is here we must remain professional. Please ensure you do the same if you plan on hanging around here.” The pleading tone in his voice was nothing unusual when it came to his son. The teen was a teasing trickster that took great delight in winding up his father with jokes and the like, regardless of who was there to witness such.
The young blond shrugged and sauntered off in the direction of the spa, his friend Tauriel would be there finishing up a yoga class, and no doubt they would spend the afternoon making a nuisance of themselves.
It wouldn’t be until the next morning that Thranduil would see Bard again. He was crossing the lawn to meet with the gardener again when he heard laughter and excited chatter, he glanced over to where the noise was coming from and found Legolas having a very animated conversation with the star.
Thankfully, it seemed to be about an activity as Legolas had set up a space to teach archery, and both men held bows as they laughed and joked about something. A childish as it was, Thranduil could not help but be somewhat jealous, but it seemed his son was being responsible and he couldn’t ask for more than that.
He was not given a chance to meet the gardener as Legolas called his father over to the archery range, Bard was stood in the shade of a large oak tree away from the glare of the hot summer sun, while Legolas waved his father over seemingly unable to stand still.
"Ada, I was telling Bard that we saw his latest film and how much you enjoyed it."
Of course, he had, and Thranduil was hoping the ground would take this opportunity to swallow him up and spit him out in a location thousands of miles from this situation.
When he glanced over to where Bard stood the man merely offered an amused smile, though made no move to come to his aid in any way.
"Yes, well, I have a fondness for period style dramas." Gods, he could feel his cheeks going pink, though thankfully could use the sun as an excuse this time.
"Shouldn't you be teaching an archery class, Legolas?" Hopefully, this would shift the focus from himself.
His son had the decency to look sheepish as he nodded, with a swift turn Legolas trotted back to Bard who was still enjoying the shade of the large oak.
"Right, your class. Sorry about that. I just wanted you to know how much we like your work, Mr Bowman." He was given an easy smile in response from the actor.
"It's always nice to hear from people who enjoy the work I do." A standard practised answer, he'd likely spoken to thousands the same way but at least he was polite enough to respond.
Thranduil took this chance to leave, he gave Bard a nod before he returned to his earlier task of seeking out the gardener.
Bard watched the blond walk away for a few moments before looking back to his instructor.
"Your father is a fan of the kinds of movies I'm in?" He asks trying to sound as casual as possible in his questioning.
Legolas snorted.
"I think he likes the you in the kinds of movies you're in." If the young man had noticed anything out of the ordinary he didn't give anything away, he was checking over his bow as he spoke. "He definitely thinks you're handsome. I've heard him say it but here he is a professional, and you're a guest. He won't talk to you like you are friends, everything will be just so to ensure your stay is a pleasant one.
But honestly, he thinks you're fit as fu- ah... Hell. If you were serious about chasing him you'd have to make the first move." When the blond finally looks up from his bow he offers a genuine smile and moves straight into instructor mode without realising the information he had so easily revealed.
The majority of Thranduil’s time for the rest of the day was divided between avoiding his famous guest and helping Galion with a monstrous amount of paperwork that had somehow piled up in his absence.
It wasn’t until both he and Galion were yawning that they realised the hour and just how long they had been working in silence-- it was late. The sun was long gone and with it Thranduil’s energy.
Rather than drive home at such an hour only to return early the next day he decided to stay in one of the empty rooms for the night. He could have his clothes dry cleaned by the staff in the morning if he needed to.
The hotel was quiet at this time of night, most guests slept soundly in their beds at this hour, and Thranduil revelled in the peace it gave him-- until a door opened to his left and out stepped the man he had been avoiding at all costs all day.
Sleep still clung to the brunet, but thankfully he was dressed, when he spotted Thranduil he gave an embarrassed smile running a hand through his hair to smooth the wild strands into something that resembled neat.
“I uh fell asleep after archery with your son. Didn’t think it would tire me out that much but I think I’ve missed dinner.” As he spoke his stomach rumbled and he placed a hand over his stomach as though trying to muffle the noise.
“Let me show you to the kitchen, I am sure we can find you something to eat.” At first, Bard seemed hesitant to follow him but his stomach growled again and he was urged by this to move as Thranduil turned on his heel and led him towards the dining room.
Once in the kitchen, Thranduil grabbed an apron and threw it on all the while pulling out ingredients from a large refrigerator.  He was limited in what he could cook but he’d try, he knew the man was starving.
“Are you going to cook for me?” Bard asks suddenly breaking the silence, he moves towards the counter that Thranduil was stood at, it was an island counter in the centre of the kitchen, both men stood across from one another under a buzzing strip light. “People are usually terrified of cooking for an actor.” There was a hint of amusement in his voice and when he offered a lopsided smile to ease Thran’s worry it near killed the blond.
“You’re the most accommodating hotel owner I’ve ever met. You know, it’s nice to have someone that is kind because that’s just who they are and not because of who I am… Thank you, Mr Oropherion.”
It was all too much for him.
“Stop that, stop it.” Thranduil scolded as a flush crawled up his neck to his cheeks.
Bard’s brown knit together in a confused frown. “Stop what?”
“You’re being kind and handsome and extremely likeable. Can’t you make it easier for me to dislike you and be rude just for a moment? And for God's sake call me Thranduil!”
The genuine laughter that escaped Bard paralyzed Thranduil, he was rooted to the spot as the man before him delighted in his words. Thranduil knew this was more than a crush and, damn the Gods, it was ridiculous that it got out of hand so quickly.
If it had just been awe of his celebrity status Thranduil would have been far happier, but it wasn't that easy-- no this man had to be kind, and sweet and down to earth, all handsome with his wavy hair and dark eyes.
What an idiot.
He truly hated him. Kind of.
“There’s no one like you in Hollywood if there was I’d be married.” Bard had finally stopped laughing and now he was moving around the counter to stand beside Thranduil. “I have to say though, I have some issues with my stay… mainly that whenever you’re around I forget what I’m doing, I have to stop and look at you walk by. My other complaint is that I don’t see enough of you. Is there a service that has the owner wander around a little more or is that something I might have to request is added for my next stay?” Bard was stood close enough that Thranduil could almost feel him and for a long moment he didn't look at the actor, he didn't dare but that decision was taken out of his hands when Bard lifted a hand to Thranduil's cheek and pulled him round to face him and into a soft kiss.
Was this really happening?!
Thranduil let himself be pushed backwards until his back met with the refrigerator, Bard's hands slid down the blond's sides until his hands were gripping his hips to roughly pull him in.
The kiss deepened. Thranduil slid a hand over Bard's shoulder to the back of his neck tangling his fingers in the soft strands of his hair, while his other hand gripped at the actor's t-shirt.
It was easy to let Bard do whatever he wanted when being kissed so deeply felt so good.
It was cut off all too quickly and Thranduil, to his surprise, bit back a noise that likely would have sounded like a whine.
"Shit- I'm so sorry! I… damn it--! I shouldn't have just kissed you like that." Bard dragged a hand through his hair as he turned away from the blond with a huff of frustration directed at himself.
Thranduil's heart was beating far too fast for him to be able to concentrate and all he could hear was the blood roaring in his ears.
After taking a moment to compose himself Thranduil moved toward the actor and put a hand to his shoulder. He wasn't all too sure what he would say to the man but he did want to reassure him that all was well between them.
Wasn't this the dream of thousands of others?
To be pressed up against a hard surface and kissed by their favourite celebrity with such a passion the room span?
"Do you really regret it that much?" He asks quietly, there was no doubt in his mind that nothing more would come of this, regardless of how much he liked the man.
This kind of thing just didn't happen to normal people, this was Rom Com movie fodder at its finest and it could never last.
Whatever it was…
They knew nothing about each other, they likely had very little in common. While the kiss had blown him away it was time to come back down to earth and put it behind them as quickly as possible.
"You look like you regret it more than I do."
"I don't regret it but I know nothing more can come of it. I regret that it happened because it won't happen again, that is all."  
There was nothing more they could say on the matter and so without any further conversation Thranduil turned back to the ingredients he had all but abandoned earlier and started whipping up an egg white omelette complete with veggies.
Food was eaten without a conversation and with only the occasional clink of cutlery against the plates to break the silence between them.
Plates were washed and put away by the blond who now steadfastly refused to acknowledge Bard, he had no words for him only clawing mortification, it crawled over his skin at the fact he had so easily allowed himself to believe that the kiss meant anything.
Why he had expected such a thing even briefly? It would torture him for days to come he was sure, possibly longer.
His shoulders feel tense and when he turns to leave the kitchen Bard is hovering by the door looking oddly perplexed.
"You should return to your room and sleep, Mr Bowman. I am glad I was able to be of service tonight, should you need anything please do not hesitate to come to me again." It was a cruel thing to do, to revert back to such a cool and professional façade without warning, but it would save them both any further awkwardness.
"Hey-! You… you don't get to… fuck it-" Bard rushed the blond hoisting him up so he was now on the counter. Hands scrabbling to pull open Thranduil's shirt and in a fit of passion he tore it open, buttons popping off and skittering across the floor.
He wasted no time in placing his lips on the now revealed skin of Thranduil's chest, soft and warm and, oh-!, he could have spent hours worshipping Thranduil's throat and collarbone with kisses.
The blond let out a cry of surprise as his shirt was torn open, this was an experience he'd never have imagined happening to him. The telltale hammering of his heart gave away just how much it excited him.
Feeling brave he pulls Bard into a kiss, his legs at either side of the actor pulling him in and effectively trapping him against him.
The moan he was rewarded with sent a shiver down his spine and his breath hitched in his throat. When they parted from the kiss Bard looked dazed with rosy kiss bitten lips and wild hair.
That was it and it was stunning to look upon.
"Oh, you're good. Really good…" Bard was breathless but he managed a smirk, brushing his hair from his eyes he took in the site of Thranduil on the countertop with his chest exposed, his braid coming loose from its tie and his startling blue eyes dark with lust.
Slowly, and carefully Bard slid a shaking hand up Thranduil's chest smoothing over the soft skin, while the blond watched through his lashes he gasps as Bard gives a light pinch to one of his nipples.
They'd gone too far now to turn back and Thranduil would have killed Bard if he had left him in the state he was.
Gently, Thranduil pushed Bard back so he could slide off the counter. His legs felt weak as his feet touched the ground. Leaning in he whispered to the brunet,
"Let us go somewhere a little more private."
They both ended up in Bard's room, clothes were thrown off and tossed away without a care as they slid into the large bed.
"I can't lie, I didn't think I'd get you like this but, Gods, I'm a lucky man that I have." Bard's voice was a shaking whisper as they lay side by side. "You're so beautiful I can't stop looking at you." As he says this he brings a hand to Thranduil's cheek stroking the heated skin, Thranduil gives a huff of a laugh in response brushing Bard's hand away.
"You're being romantic now?"
"Is that not allowed?" Bard asks, he doesn't wait for an answer as he shuffles closer to the blond the hand that had been knocked away now sliding down Thran's back to grab his perfect backside.
"You make me want to say ludicrously sweet things that could potentially embarrass the both of us," Bard admitted between kisses, he smiles when Thranduil scoffs at him but nothing more is said.
No words passed between them as they stayed locked in a kiss, Bard's tongue sliding over Thranduil's as he raked a hand through the glorious blond hair tugging gently and earning a surprised moan in return.
Breaking the kiss Bard regretfully let go of Thranduil's perfect backside but only to push the man onto his back in the centre of the bed.
Crawling between Thranduil's legs, Bard pressed soft kisses to all the available exposed skin trailing down from his chest, making sure to graze his teeth over the blond's nipple while a free hand tweaked the other, down to his hip bone leaving love bites on the sensitive skin- the decadent moans he was gifted with after each action thrilled him and urged him to continue his ministrations with more intensity than before.
Every inch of him was on fire as Bard continued to torture him, Thranduil felt every single touch as though he was being branded, each press of the brunet's lips to the fingers gripping his hip was a heat that threatened to burn him alive.
In a fit of passion and frustration Thranduil threaded his hands into Bard's hair and tugged hard, the other's actions stuttered to a halt for a second and he received a grunt in appreciation from the rough treatment.
Bard brought his head up from Thranduil's thighs smirking as his heated gaze met Thranduil's, the blond looked wrecked already and it suited him so damn well.
"I like this look on you." The response he got was the roll of eyes but it didn't deter him from his goal of completely undoing the hotelier to the point of no return, which he seemed to be well on the way to achieving.
Taking a moment to really study the blond, Bard is hit with the realisation that he wants more of this, he wants to spend more time with Thranduil to truly get to know him. It did not matter to him how long they had known one another, Bard absolutely, without a doubt, wanted more.
Meanwhile, Thranduil was glaring daggers at the actor who was now sat motionless staring at him instead of touching him and it drove him wild.
“Are you going to leave me waiting like this all night?” Thranduil snapped, though, the whine in his voice removed any harshness that might have come through in his words, and it made Bard grin as he leaned over to lick a stripe up the blond’s chest as if to further tease and taunt.
“What’s the matter, do you need me to fuck you?”
Oh, it was lewd, and to hear such a thing come from the period actor’s mouth! Whatever purity he had on screen he had well and truly destroyed in person but it made Thranduil’s blood race to hear Bard speak like that to him.
“Well, I need an answer, Thranduil,” Bard purred his hands smoothing over the other’s thighs before grabbing them in a bruising grip and pushing them apart, all the while his gaze never moving from Thranduil’s. “You can lie there silently all night blushing and glaring at me, but until you tell me you want it I am not moving a single muscle.” With a waggle of his brows, Bard sat back resting on his heels watching the blond huff and puff before they finally spoke.
“It occurs to me that we don’t have any…” He trailed off, would this ruin the mood between them? Would Bard think him frigid for not wanting to continue because there was no mention of protection?
Thranduil bit his lip as he looked away from the gloriously nude man before him, this was not a situation he thought he would find himself in. Who would ever think they would be in a situation where a celebrity wants to sleep with them and you have to say no because there’s not a single condom nearby?!
“OH shi- We don’t… I mean I don’t have… I don’t have anything with me. I didn’t really come here thinking I would be sleeping with anyone.” Bard looked sheepish when Thranduil managed to find the courage to look back at him, and the expression calmed him more than he imagined it would.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.” As Thranduil said this he sat up so he and Bard were now face to face, and with a slight tilt of his head and a wicked gleam in his eyes he reached out and wrapped his hand around Bard’s length.
“Oh… oh yes, I like where this is going. This is why you’re a businessman and I am not. You think far more logically than I.” Bard praised, he shifted so he was fully on his knees which prompted Thranduil to do the same.
There no chance for Bard to say anything else as Thranduil began slowly stroking the length in his hand. He made to tease and, gods, did it work, Bard was a mess as he groaned into Thranduil’s shoulder. Bard had slung an arm around Thranduil’s neck with his hand buried in the soft blond hair, while the other arm was around his waist his hand desperately trying to find purchase on the smooth sweat-damp skin of blond’s back as pleasure slowly built up in the pit of his stomach.
“Fuck-... You’re going to make me come so fast.” Breathless and desperate Bard pushed his hips forward silently begging for more and his wish was answered when Thranduil pulled him to him so that their hips bumped and he took both lengths in one hand.
“I want you to come, I want to hear that indecent noise you make when something feels good, let me hear it.” Thranduil had no idea where this confidence had come from. It had been a long time since he had been with anyone in such a capacity and yet it felt completely natural to be this way with the actor.
Bard threw his head back to take a gasping breath moving back slightly to reveal flushed cheeks and blown pupils.
Magnificent…  Thranduil thought to himself.
With that thought in mind, he leaned forward and captured Bard’s mouth in a hot and bruising kiss unable to contain a moan as both lengths, slick with precome, slide together in his hand.
It was hard to contain himself, but when Thranduil slid his tongue into Bard’s mouth that was it, he was done for this man had wrecked him and he could feel himself getting harder in the blond’s hand, he broke the kiss and for a second was too dazed to speak but when he did Thranduil’s eyes widen in confusion at what he’d said.
“Bite me, please, just bite me.” It didn’t matter to him that he was begging for it, he just needed it, he wanted it, to feel Thranduil’s teeth near break his skin- it was startling how much he wanted to be marked by this man.
“I- alright.” His strokes sped up, the request had his heart racing he was intrigued by it and ridiculously turned on by it at the same time.
With his free hand, Thranduil brushed Bard’s dark hair from his neck holding the strands tightly in his hand as he leaned in. He heard Bard whine a plea again and he pressed a kiss to the spot he wished to place a bite, perhaps an apology in advance or even a thank you, at this point, Thranduil knew he was too far gone to understand his own actions at that moment.
“Thranduil… please, I’m so close!”
It truly blew his mind how much he adored hearing Bard like this, he had the control now and he had no plans of letting it go, with that, he bit down into the skin between Bard’s shoulder and neck and the brunet howled from the mix of pain and pleasure his hips bucking wildly as he came hard over Thranduil’s hand.
The reaction was all Thranduil needed for his own release and he too came, his face buried in Bard’s now bruised shoulder as he shuddered through the pleasure.
Before Thranduil could say anything, Bard was up and off the bed padding away to another room, and for a split second, he panicked.
Had regret set in almost instantly?
When Bard returned with a damp washcloth he relaxed and accepted the item with a thankful smile. Once cleaned up Thranduil made to find his clothes but Bard had other ideas and pulled him down onto the bed.
"Stay here tonight, please?" They both knew it was probably a bad idea but still, Thranduil agreed and did not resist when Bard slung an arm over him and pulled him closer.
The buzzing of his phone on the wood of the bedside table jolted Thranduil from his sleep, and groggily he turned over to grab it and without looking to see who it was he answered.
"Sir, where are you?! I've been calling for an hour, Legolas said you didn't go home last night and you're not in the empty room here at the hotel!
Also, the chef came in this morning saying there were buttons all over the floor of the kitchen.
Is everything alright?" Thranduil bolted into the seating position disturbing the man sleeping next to him, thankfully Bard just mumbled sleepily about an extra 5 minutes and rolled over and fell right back to sleep.
"I'll be with you in a moment- ah… perhaps longer. I apologize for being unreachable. I appear to have slept in." There was no way he would actually explain what had happened, as much as he trusted his manager he wasn't going to start giving him information on his love life.
But he did need a new shirt…
"Let me call you back." He hung up the phone and called Legolas hoping the boy hadn't left home for the day.
When a relieved voice answered the phone Thranduil immediately apologised for worrying him. His behaviour was out of character and it likely shook the teen a little leaving him to worry about the whereabouts of his father.
"I need you to bring me a shirt to the hotel. Leave it in the office, just… please don't question me on where I was last night."
"Dad- wait… did you stay over at someone's place last night?" The playful tone crept into Legolas' voice slowly but Thranduil had heard it all the same and he sighed heavily pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Legolas, just bring me a shirt. I will speak to you when you get to the hotel.” Legolas agreed and the call ended there. When Thranduil looked back to Bard the man was awake and watching him with half-lidded eyes still trying to rid himself of the sleep that clung to his features.
“Are you going to tell anyone about us?” The tone sounded neutral to Thranduil’s ears, but his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the words as though the man had spoken with a warning in his voice.
“No, what good would come from it to tell the world that we spent the night together?” As he spoke he moved his gaze to his hands still holding his phone, but now it felt as though he was clutching it to ground himself. “There isn’t really an us, Bard.”
He felt the bed shift beside him as Bard sat up, a hand wrapped gently around his wrist and, finally, he looked back to the actor who seemed more concerned than anything else. The grim expression Thranduil thought he’d have was actually a soft yet sad smile as though he perfectly understood the situation.
“You can tell your son, he probably already has an idea of what’s going on anyway.”
Thranduil left Bard soon after that, he pulled on his clothes and hid the buttonless shirt under his suit jacket, thankfully, no one saw him or stopped him on the way to his office. When he walked in Legolas was sat on the Thranduil’s desk holding up the shirt smirking as his father snatched it away from him.
“So….” Legolas began, he stayed seated on the desk as Thranduil shrugged out of the suit jacket and disposed of the ruined shirt. Ever the eagle-eyed boy he noticed right away what was wrong with it and crowed with delight, arms crossed over his belly as he laughed.
“SOMEONE RIPPED OPEN YOUR SHIRT, ADA!" The youth could scarcely contain himself, the glee on his face as his father pulled on the new shirt, mischief was abound!
"Who was this passionate and ruthless curr that dared destroy one of your favourite McKenzie shirts?!"
"Please keep your voice down, I do not want Galion coming in here to ask what the fuss is all about." Thranduil chided softly. The laughter and joy radiating from his son soothed his worries and once he was dressed he seated himself at his desk and motioned for Legolas to get down.
It really didn’t seem normal to speak to his son about this, he didn’t want to tell his son anything, no details but he did deserve to know why he wasn’t at home that night….
First thing first, he needed coffee, he was not going to be able to get through the day without caffeine to distract him.
“I need coffee and I have paperwork to do, perhaps, you should be off looking for something to do yourself?” Unhappy at being brushed off like that Legolas frowned and pulled up a chair to sit opposite his dad.
“Come on, who did you stay with last night, I don’t need details, because that is therapy I just don’t need. You can tell me who it was at least?” It occurred to Thranduil that his son might want to know because he cared about him and needed to know he was happy.
Resigning himself to this thought, Thranduil took a deep breath and sat back in his seat before exhaling, he would tell him but he must promise to keep it quiet.
“I was with Bard.” There was a beat of silence wherein Thranduil watched Legolas try in vain to keep his expression one of indifference but just as he managed, a bright smile erupted and he let out a tiny whoop of excitement.
“I totally knew he was into you, I just knew, he kept asking about you when we were doing archery yesterday. Are you going to see him again?” While the excitement was adorable it was extremely misplaced, surely it would have come to his attention that a Hollywood star like Bard could not date a nobody like his father?
“I will very likely never see him again.” It was said firmly enough that his son genuinely looked concerned, instead of arguing he simply got up and left the office without another word.
Greatly concerned about this Thranduil stood to follow, as he did Galion wandered in looking extremely relieved to see him there.
“Glad I could catch you here, we have a lot to go over!”
Rather than arguing Thranduil retook his seat and gestured for Galion to take the seat his son had just exited.
“I saw Legolas on my way in, he looked…” Galion paused as he tried to find the right words to describe the youth, “Determined, I’d say. Did you two... argue?” It was put delicately because both blonds did occasionally clash but it was what happened between a parent and child at times, this time, at least they hadn’t argued. Though, Thranduil was not entirely sure what had actually happened.
“I’ve no idea what is going through his head, but for now let us drop that and pick up on where we left off yesterday with this paperwork.”
It didn’t take Legolas to find Bard.
The actor was sat nursing a cup of coffee in the dining room trying to remain casual at the fact people were whispering about him and likely hoping for autographs and photo ops.
Navigating his way through the sea of tables and chairs, Legolas approached the man and pulled up a chair to sit with him, one of the waiters passed by and handed Legolas a cup of tea with a wink.
He had to admit, Bard looked positively woeful, and made no effort to hide it even when he looked up to see Legolas sat across from him sipping tea, and looking very much like a younger version of his father.
“You look like you need a pick me up, why don’t you come practise archery with me again today, we can talk, yeah?” It wasn’t an invitation more of an order but Bard agreed readily, anything to get away from the curious eyes of the occupants in the dining room.
While he was used to being in the public eye, it didn’t feel right when he was feeling so vulnerable, not that they knew but still it wasn’t nice.
Once outside Legolas turned to Bard and put his hands on his hips, it looked odd for the young man to look so stern but he kind of guessed what was coming… this was definitely about Thranduil.
“Try and hit that target.” Another order but Bard grabbed a bow and took an arrow offered from the quiver Legolas had originally had on his back which was now in his hand.
There was silence as Bard nocked the arrow, just as he was about to loose it Legolas spoke.
“So you’re going to spend the night with my dad and probably never see him again, huh?” Bard flinched and the arrow sailed high into the air and landed in the upper branches of the tree in front of them.
“You are really going to talk so boldly about your dad’s love life?” The bow was discarded as Bard turned to face the youth, his heart was pounding hard in his chest he wasn’t if it was from sheer mortification or anger.
“Ahah, calm down. At your age high blood pressure is an issue, right?” Honestly, riling up the actor had not been his initial plan but, man, it was fun to do. “Even if you’re a famous Hollywood darling with all the best healthcare you can still be susceptible.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
Maybe he was being unfair to Bard, it was very highly likely that his dad had been the one to brush Bard off and end things before they began. It had always been like that, no one was allowed to get close to the Oropherion family.
“I just want to know why you’d spend the night with him knowing full well nothing more could come of it, seems pretty selfish to me.” All this was said so airily that to anyone wandering by they would assume it was nothing but a normal conversation and not a young man verbally eviscerating a celebrity to his face.
“You’re a celebrity, shouldn’t you be, I dunno, sticking to banging your own kind?” It was vulgar and uncalled for but Legolas truly wanted to push the man to the edge. Perhaps it appeared sadistic to see Bard squirm and enjoy it but it wasn’t as though this was all for fun, the torture, believe it or not, had a purpose.
“After all, my ada is a good and kind man, he was probably excited to meet the person he admired from the big screen and you… you know?” Legolas made a motion as if he was tossing something aside and watched as Bard grew pale.
Eventually, Bard had enough and he clenched his fists several times as he tried to conjure words to his tongue to defend himself.
Nothing came.
Nothing of substance in his eyes.
“I wasn’t looking for a fling.” Bard croaked, it took all he had in him to look Legolas in the eye as he spoke. “I wasn’t looking to do anything like that… you make it seem so sordid but- he isn’t a dirty little secret!” He hadn’t felt ashamed of their night together until now. He had been lamenting over the fact that Thranduil hadn’t seemed interested in trying to make something of them when his son had appeared in the dining hall, all high and mighty ready to fell the beast that had dared dig his claws into his father.
“I don’t know why you’re doing this, other than maybe you’re protective of your dad, I get that but do you really have to tear me to shreds like this?” He gave a huff of frustration and turned to face the target nailed to the tree beside them. A moment was needed to collect himself before he completely forgot what composure was in front of knife tongued teenager.
Though, he had to admit that the 19-year-old was quick and had no qualms about loosing such venomous speech on unsuspecting mortals like himself. It was rather impressive and Bard knew that if Legolas was like this that his father must have been much worse.
Oddly, thinking such a thing gave him a thrill that stuttered down his spine.
“I shouldn’t really be getting involved. I knew you were interested in him the way you spoke yesterday and I should have tried to stop you then. You can’t be together so why would you even try?” Whatever harsh tone had been in Legolas’ voice earlier was gone now and he sounded very sorrowful. This was a boy that would grieve his father’s pain and try to protect him from any further sadness if he could.
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“You needn’t say anything.” Thranduil’s voice cut in suddenly, and both Legolas and Bard turned to face him as he walked towards both of them with Galion in tow looking mightily confused but trying to get Thranduil back into the office to do further paperwork.
He failed.
“Legolas, you do not need to get involved in this, see to it that you find something else to do this instant. Mr Bowman, I apologise that you were terrorised by my son, he is usually more well behaved than this.” With a side eye at his son, he watched the youth slink off leaving the bows and quiver of arrows discarded by Bard’s feet.
“Galion can you ensure he finds something constructive to do?” The manager nodded and turned on his heel hurrying after the young man as he dragged his feet in the direction of the hotel dining hall.
“Back to the Mr Bowman thing again?”
“How would you have me address you?”
Oh, Bard didn’t like this, he did not like this at all. The coolness in Thranduil’s voice and the haughty expression was a far cry from the heated and needy gaze of the night before. It left Bard feeling chilled from the inside out at how easy it had been for the blond to ice him out like that.
So be it, if this was how he wanted to play it then let the theatrics carry on.
“Yes, well. Kids these days can be so excitable around a celebrity. I am sure he meant no harm. Could you direct me to the spa, I seem to have gotten myself turned around and I have no idea where I am.” There it was, the way their interactions should have been from the start.
Thranduil nodded and led Bard to the spa across the lawn. They were greeted by the head masseuse and Thranduil left the two of them to get acquainted.
For the rest of the day, he remained in his office with Galion tiptoeing around and trying his best not to mention Bard. While he had no idea what had happened between them he knew something was wrong and hoped not to further upset his boss by bringing up the actor.
The hour was late again when they finished for the evening, and Thranduil moved to make his way to the empty guest room to sleep, thinking better of it he turned back to the lobby and headed out into the night.
Rain clouds had rolled in in the afternoon looming over the hotel and grounds ominously matching Thranduil’s mood with ease.
Driving home is better, safer especially after what happened the night before. He thought to himself as he walked across the empty forecourt and over to the dimly lit carpark.
When Thranduil approached his car he realised there was a figure stood nearby smoking in the dark, they flicked the cigarette away when they notice Thranduil walking towards them, they step under one of the lights in the car park revealing themselves.
“I figured you’d not make the same mistake twice…”
“Please, don’t say anything else, I can’t bear it.” Thranduil groaned as Bard slipped his hands around his waist his lips finding Thranduil’s neck placing kisses where he could. They were alone in the dark together again and any resistance Thranduil had melted away when Bard’s lips met his in a soft kiss.
There was no doubt about it, he wanted this.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” Bard whispered against his lips, his hands moving now to tug Thranduil’s shirt up, careful this time when he began to unbutton it ensuring he did not pop any buttons off this time around. “Tell me honestly, do you want this… us?”
A sight he must have been his shirt open wide leaning heavily against the side of his car while Bard stared down at him hungrily, a wolf pinning down his prey with just a look.
Rain began to fall spattering them with icy water. A great relief to Thranduil’s already heated skin, his chest heaved as he tried to put his racing thoughts in order. It would be easy to say he wanted this, he did, Bard made him feel so alive they were both interested in more that much was obvious but…
It wouldn’t work-- Thranduil was needed here and Bard was forever under the scrutiny of the public of tabloids, it was no world to live in, he needed to be around the world on location for the most part.
Who even knew if what they had could last, it could be just physical attraction, no one had mentioned love… it was too early to think of such a thing anyway, right?
“Of course I want there to be an us.”
“There’s a but coming, I can feel it.” Bard gave Thranduil a lopsided smile but his eyes spoke of barely concealed pain knowing full well what was coming. It didn’t stop him from being hopeful as much of a waste of time it would be regardless.
“I want you, Bard… but it has been 24 hours and we’re acting as though we’ve been lovers for years. Isn’t this moving too fast for two people our age?” He wondered if it sounded like he was clutching at straws trying to scrabble around for excuses to banish him from his life, that’s what it felt like.
“Is that so wrong, to feel intensely for someone they have only known a day?”
“This isn’t one of your period dramas, Bard. We’re real people living real lives that don’t fit in any way. Stop playing around fooling yourself into thinking we can be anything but a fling, I don’t know what this feeling inside me but it can’t be left to grow.
You’ll leave this place and I will remain here everything about you still so vivid while all of this becomes a memory to you.”
Bard made to move back toward Thranduil. The blond threw his arm out to stop him.
“No, leave me alone. Don’t come near me… just leave me be.” He fumbled in his pockets for his car keys, his hands were numb from the cold rain and he struggled to unlock the door.
Finally, the lock clicked and was pulled open, without a single second of hesitation Thranduil threw himself into the driver’s seat and fired up the engine.
The tires screeched as the car roared out of the car park and out into the darkness of the British countryside.
Thranduil did not return to the hotel for the remainder of Bard’s stay. Legolas could not coax him out of the house and Galion had to bring any paperwork that needed signing off on to the house.
Bard left the hotel the next day and headed home.
Time passed by and Thranduil eventually moved on and let Bard go from his memories. He returned to work after a well-deserved break away from the hotel, life carried on and the world continued to turn as it always had.
A year passed by and the hotel thrived.
Summer had come and the gardens were in full bloom, Galion found Thranduil sat among the blooms enjoying the warm afternoon.
“Sir, there’s a large team here, I believe they’re from the production team we spoke to last month. We offered accommodation to them while they were shooting in the nearby village, the producer wanted to speak to you.” Thranduil nodded and rose to his feet from the bench he had been reclining on. He hadn’t really been the same since that actor had been around, but Galion couldn’t get his boss to actually reveal what happened between them.
Whatever it had been had changed Thranduil and he became a quieter and more reclusive version of who he had once been. Secretly Galion believed they had been in love with one another, but it had been too much too soon for the both them and the fallout was emotional warfare.
Thranduil greeted the producer, an American man with buckets of charisma, an ex-actor, Thranduil recalled a film or two he had seen in him from the past. They chatted about the rooms, how long they would need and if he was able to offer on-site catering.
Once this was all agreed and arranged the producer insisted he meets the director and a few of the cast members. Regardless of how politely he declined Thranduil was led to a group of men and woman stood around a large bus with tinted windows, most of them turned to greet him and smiled brightly as he introduced himself.
“Ah, you gotta meet the star of the show, you’ve probably heard of him ahaha.” The joke only grated on Thranduil as the crowd parted and he was stood face to face with none other than Bard Bowman.
Both men took mere seconds to recover from their shock and greeted one another as though they had never met. As soon as he was able Thranduil excused himself and returned to the hotel with every intention of grabbing his keys from his office and running away home.
In the cool dark of the office Thranduil took a second to breathe and push the images of Bard’s surprised face from his mind, how could he have been shocked to see him, he knew the hotel was his…
Biting his lip hard he paced the office hoping the thumping of his heart would subside before he got behind the wheel of his car. Fate was playing a cruel trick on him to bring Bard back into this life when he had been doing fine without seeing his infuriatingly handsome face for 12 months!
Legolas burst into the room with concern etched into his youthful face, he slammed the door shut behind him and loped over to his dad practically vibrating with worry.
“Ada, I saw him here.” When he spoke his voice was small and sad, it hadn’t taken him long to realise, after Bard had left the hotel last year, that both men had very much been in love with one another. Though he’d not dare say such a thing aloud when his dad was in earshot.
“All is well, my son.” This was all Thranduil said before he grabbed his keys from the desk and left the office with every intention of heading home to stay there until the cast and production team left for good.
Galion headed him off at the lobby doors and walked alongside him babbling about how he really needed Thranduil for moral support and, of course, authority.
“Should the team run amok, how would they react to me telling them to stop, I think I’d have them rolling on the floor laughing. I need you here to put the fear of the Gods into them!” His longtime friend made an excellent point, it's just… he knew he wasn’t strong enough to face Bard on a daily basis.
But this was his hotel, why did he have to run away with his tail between his legs. Bard ought to be the one that felt shame stepping foot in this place again!
His resolve hardened and his grip tightened around his keys to the point they near cut into his skin.
“You’re right, Galion. I am needed here. It is unacceptable for me to think I can leave this on your shoulders alone.” He put his free hand on his friend’s shoulder and have it a reassuring squeeze and he watched the man give a relieved sigh.
“The chef needed to see you as did the new yoga instructor. I am heading out with Legolas to the market to collect more honey, and we need fresh flowers for the rooms. I will be 3 hours at the most if you need me I am a phone call away.” Galion turned on his heel and gestured for Legolas to follow him, the boy trudged past his dad without looking at him clearly lost in thought but it didn’t make Thranduil worry any less for him.
There was no mistaking the worry his son had shown him when he realised Bard was there with the production team. He had run into the office with every intention of protecting him from… himself? From Bard?
There was no way of knowing now.
With a sigh he made his way down to the kitchen, the chef was nowhere to be found. Typical. Muttering under his breath about disappearing staff he walked back to the lobby where he found himself quite alone with the one man he had hoped to avoid.
“Why is it just when everything seems better you show up?” The outburst surprised him, his mouth had taken a leap and left his brain stumbling to catch up as he mouthed off at the man he had been so sure he loved 12 months ago.
To his credit, Bard took it on the chin and merely offered a shrug in response. Taking a closer look Thranduil saw black bags under his eyes, a life on location was bound to catch up with him eventually but it didn’t make Thranduil happy to see him like that.
Something odd bloomed in his stomach and he twisted to turn away but thought better of it and approached the actor.
“Are you alright?” The sincerity in his voice must have moved something in Bard because he shook his head and softly said.
“No, I’m not ok. I’m the very definition of not ok.”
Anxiety wriggled in his chest, but pushing it aside Thranduil led Bard into his office and offered him a seat.
He declined.
There were so many things he wanted to ask the actor, but everything that came to mind just felt so accusatory and while he had been so angry that he dared show up at the hotel again… he couldn’t help but notice the flutter in his heart when their eyes met for the first time again.
“I’m sorry, Thranduil. I should have asked them to find another place to stay, but I thought that if I pretended to be ignorant of the place as though I had never been here before... I would get a chance to see you again.”
Bard’s phone rang suddenly and both of them jumped at the sudden noise. It was the director trying to locate their star for a makeup test and scene read through. Shoving the phone in his pocket Bard said a hurried goodbye to Thranduil and left without looking back.
They wouldn’t see each other alone again for two days.
The sun was cracking the pavement when Thranduil climbed out of his car, Legolas hopped out of the passenger seat and made a beeline for the yoga studio to find his friend, leaving Thranduil to walk through the deserted car park alone.
The hotel only held the production crew for the moment and the majority of them were on location in the village filming filler scenes with the random extras and supporting cast. Leaving the stars of the show to relax and enjoy the benefits of the spa for the day.
The blond took this time to wander the halls to ensure all was well, so far he had not encountered anyone and he enjoyed the relative peace that came with a full and yet strangely empty hotel. He rearranged flowers in the hallway and straightened out a few paintings, but all in all, everything was, dare he say, perfect?
With time on his side, he decided that a walk in the gardens wouldn’t be such a bad idea, it would give him time to collect his thoughts and plan out the rest of his day. Legolas has expressed an interest in a local restaurant, he and Tauriel were going to try it out for dinner which left himself with no plans.
The evening was his and so far he was at a loss on how to fill his time.
Flopping down onto the closest bench he ran a hand through his hair and let his mind wander for a moment allowing himself to actually waste time and idle in the sunshine. His peace was disturbed rather quickly by a woman in a pretty floral dress and sunhat, she sat beside him without invitation.
Thranduil smiles broadly as he looks over to his ex-wife, she looked smug but not overtly so. She pinned him with her grey gaze and spoke the words he had been expecting to hear for quite some time.
“Our son tells me you’re having issues with your love life.” There it was, she came to meddle and while most would believe having an ex-wife intrude on your love life was odd, Thranduil couldn’t think of a better time for her to appear before him with answers or advice.
“He does like to get chatty about my problems... “
“Well, the boy has more sense than you do. So, a Hollywood celebrity has captured your heart, broken it and now has come to what? Do the same again only 12 months later?” Although her tone was breezy Thranduil knew she was seething with rage which was absolutely directed at Bard. They were a lucky couple to have ended on such good terms, to still have love for one another to be able to rely on each other’s help…
Thranduil was thankful for that.
“Amaris, please. Do not be so harsh, you know as well as I do that part of the reason it ended so damned badly was due to my… my wonderful ability to be completely and utterly emotionally repressed at the wrong time.” Her delighted laugh held a wicked edge as she laughed in agreement, she placed a hand on his knee and shook her at how hopeless he was.
“I don’t remember you being this terrible at the dating game when we were first getting together,” Amaris recalled, she was right but back then he was confident because he had been a stone cold idiot head over heels in love with a woman who knew exactly what she was doing. Thranduil had never been in control in that situation but Amaris had led him to believe he had been, that’s how it had worked out so well before they ended up parting ways.
“In any case, this is not the same and you and I. Bard is just as clueless about feelings as I am. We’re old and inexperienced.”
“You’re 39.”
“Exactly, old and inexperienced.”
“I truly despair of you, Thran. I really do. I know you want my advice, and here it is, just tell him you love him. If he can tear your heart in two after just one day there’s something there worth keeping or at least trying to build.
You don’t even realise how your face lights up when you talk about him, even if it is the least flattering thing you can say about the man you supposedly love.
If you keep running away eventually he is going to stop chasing and then you’re both alone and unhappy.” Legolas appeared at the edge of the garden looking overjoyed to see both of his parents together, there was not a moment where he believed his parents would get back together but he did like seeing them like this.
Jogging over Legolas hugged his mother in greeting.
“This is my cue to leave, my love. Though a short visit, a lovely one nonetheless. Please update me on how this goes because if you do not our son absolutely will and he may embellish the story wildly.” Thranduil watched them leave feeling lighter than he had before, and now he knew what he had to do but it didn’t make it any easier to put into action.
At least he didn’t need to spend time searching for the brunet as he walked into the garden as Amaris and Legolas were leaving. His son pointed out the man to his mother without thought of how conspicuous he was being in doing so.
He stayed seated as Bard strode over, not entirely sure of the other man’s mood, regardless of what it was, he hoped he would be amicable and be, at least, open to conversation, even just casual light small talk.
Thankfully, he took a seat beside him, their legs almost touching.
“Is that… your wife?” The words tumbled from Bard’s mouth without prompting and Thranduil felt his stomach wind up into knots. He did not like the idea that Bard clearly assumed he was still married even after they’d spent the night together doing things men married to a woman did not do with other men.
“Well, she was once.” It was better not answer as simply as possible, Bard already looked tightly wound and exhausted from work, he didn’t need any added unnecessary stress from him playing ridiculous games. “We remained close friends for Legolas and because we realised that we do love each other just not in the way married people usually are.”
Bard glanced back at the woman, she and Legolas were still visible and were stood at the side of her car chatting happily, a redheaded girl joined them and the conversation continued this time merrier than before.
“Right, well… I’m glad I found you because I really need to speak with you.” Thranduil nodded for Bard to continue even as he felt his insides freeze up with anxiety and fear. “I want to be with you… even after 12 months of us being apart I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The sheer amount of times I’ve considered coming here to tell you- Thranduil, I love you and I don’t think I can stop, even if you ask me to… even if you demand it and even if you send me away I’ll love you.”
There it was.
The both of them surrounded by summer blooms under the hot afternoon sun-- words of love expressed by someone Thranduil thought he would never see again, never get the chance to hold or learn more about.
The blond raised a hand and tangled his fingers in the soft strands of Bard’s hair pulling him close and pressing a kiss to his lips, he could feel him smiling into the kiss. Bard’s shoulders sag and the tension he had held there for days dissipated in seconds.
“How lucky I am to hear such words, it just so happens that I love you. A matching pair and now we must always be together.”
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astrotranslations · 6 years
[Drunk-dols ①] ASTRO's Moonbin "Cha Eunwoo Is A Model Student? He Hides His 'Foolish Sides'"
This is an official question. What’s your drinking capacity? MJ: The most I’ve drank is a bottle and half of soju. I control myself when I drink. There hasn’t been an instance where I’ve no recollection of what happened and I’m the sort to get sleepy when I’m drunk so I go to bed. I don’t know what my drinking habits are. JinJin: I’m also one to control myself when I drink. I start to reject alcohol once I drink about a bottle’s worth of soju. I’ll continue to drink if adults offer me. I think the most I’ve drank is about 8-9 200cc glasses of beer. Eunwoo: To be honest, I’m not one of those who likes alcohol. I think I’ve drunk somaek* with 2 bottles of soju. I’m the sort to endure it till the end and then pass out afterwards, I don’t get drunk easily. My drinking habit is that I get chattier. Losing my memory has never happened to me either. Moonbin: My drinking capacity according to somaek* standards is around 2 and a half bottles of soju. My parents also drink well so I think that had some influence. When I get drunk, I grow more talkative, I become excited and I have a lot more aegyo. I usually don’t have tons of it. I sometimes behave like that around the people I like but it happens more often whenever I get tipsy.
Do you often go out for a drink between the members? JinJin: If there’s something we’re having a hard time with or something we’re brooding over then I’ll mention having a drink and we’ll make time for it. There are times where the four of us from the hyung line and our manager hyung would have a round of drinks together. Moonbin: But we’re all preoccupied so we don’t have the time to talk. We’re busy passing out after coming back from finishing a schedule.
The other members are underaged so they couldn’t come to the interview. What did they say? MJ: They told us, "Hyungs, work hard. Don’t drink too much."
What do they do when the older members drink? Moonbin: They just sit there. They clink glasses filled with cola or juice.
Sanha seems to have grown a lot. JinJin: He keeps growing so it’s a concern. He’s currently 184cm but we predict he’ll reach 187cm. I hope he’ll stop growing. As the shortest one, it’s starting to hurt my neck looking at the tallest member. Sanha has two older brothers and they’re both 183cm. His parents are tall too. My dad’s 180cm but why am I like this?
Who came up with 'refreshing-dols'? MJ: The fans mentioned how we were refreshing and since then, we became 'refreshing-dols'. It’s a nickname that really complemented our team who’s bright and innocent. Moonbin: Our songs are good so I think we fit the 'refreshing-dols' image well too.
I feel like you would all have pride in your visuals. Moonbin: They tell me I’m handsome but to be honest, I’m not quite sure. Everyday when I look into the mirror, there are a lot of times where my faces is bloated. My opinions change according to the extent of the bloating. There are a lot instances where I think I don’t look all that great. MJ: I joke around saying that of course I’m handsome, of course I’m the best, but there hasn’t been once where I say that I’m good looking and actually meant it. JinJin: I think of myself as good looking when I look into the mirror. In my opinion, the standard of 'good looks' is charms. I think my eye smile is my most charming facial feature.
How did you feel when you heard you’d be doing 'Drunk-dols'? Moonbin: I was flustered when I heard that the 'refreshing-dols' are suddenly doing a drunken interview but it’s a first for us so it felt novel. It’s nice since we’re able to comfortably talk as we eat.
You recently wrapped up promotions. If you had to grade it? Eunwoo: The number’s greater as compared to our previous promotions although there are regretful aspects. But looking back, it’s an album I’m thankful for and I think it’s an album that laid our foundation once more and created footing for us. If I had to put a number to it then I’d give it 73 points. Moonbin: I want to give it 50 points. There are a lot of things we’ve fulfilled through this album and our skills have improved, be it as a team or individually. But still, you have to be harsh with yourself so that’s why the 50. MJ: More than anything else, it’s an album where I’m grateful for our fans. Us being able to hold a solo concert was made possible because we had our fans. I’d grade our fans 100 points and the grade I’ll give myself id 65 points. There are still a lot of things for me to learn and many paths for me to walk on. Eunwoo: Was I too generous with my grading? JinJin: There are a lot of things we achieved through this album. We held our last broadcast on 'Music Core' and it was the first time the audience section was completely filled out. We were also nominated for no. 1. It’s an album which I’m extremely satisfied with so I’d like to give it 90 points.
You had sales of 60, 000 copies for your 4th mini album. JinJin: I was honestly shocked. I was really grateful. It made me realise that the number of fans we had increased a lot as compared to when we started off. It was thanks to this that we became no. 1 nominees. So I became greedy. I really want to grab the no. 1 spot the next time.
You were contenders for no. 1 alongside Twice. Moonbin: That’s why I thought it was amazing how we were nominated. I got greedy when we were waiting for the results on stage.
In which aspects do you think you’ve grown as compared to your debut days? Moonbin: Listening to our 1st album then our 4th as we moved around, our vocal colour has changed a lot and our singing skills have improved. I think our sound changed when we tried going down a positive route.
How long have you been trainees? JinJin: 3-4 years for Eunwoo and myself, 4 years for MJ. Moonbin has been one for 8 years. He’s an ancestor.
Why was Moonbin’s trainee period long? Moonbin: I started off as a child actor because of my parents’ suggestion and then became interested in this field of work. I did have my worries halfway whether or not this path was right for me. But I stood on stage once and there was this electrifying feeling. So I was determined to become an idol. If someone asked me why I’m doing what I do then I’ll tell them, "Being on stage is gratifying." And it’s fun communicating with fans. It’s not about showing off what I do well and feeling good about it, I like seeing people enjoy themselves when I sing my songs for them and I think that’s why I became an idol.
What’s your personality like? Moonbin: I’m straightforward and I carry myself drawing a clear line between what I like and dislike. I have my timid side like an A blood type would but I’m your typical B blood type.
Isn’t the leader position hard for you, JinJin? JinJin: It’ll be a lie to say there’s nothing difficult about it. The burden is pretty big. I’m a leader who leads his team and I have to know everything about my members. Only then will I be able to control the team. I put in effort so I can hear them tell me a trivial 'You’ve worked hard'. I think I’m able to endure through it all the more because the members, the staff and even the fans recognise that it’s very tough on me.
Who makes it the hardest for you amongst the members? JinJin: They all have it out for me (laughs). Sanha’s the youngest one so he plays a lot of pranks. We’re all people so when we’re fooled around with, there’ll be at least once where we’d lose our temper.
Who does the leader confide in regarding his concerns? JinJin: I talk a lot to the three people gathered here today. Eunwoo and Moonbin are younger than me but they’re adult-like. MJ is older than me. I’m the sort to really rely on the people around me. Sometimes I lean on the people around me too much that I’ve been hurt but it isn’t easy fixing the fact that I like people.
They say that Eunwoo 'hardcarries' ASTRO all alone. Eunwoo: I don’t think that way but it’s a lie to say that it isn’t difficult on me. On the surface, Cha Eunwoo is more well known if you mention ASTRO but under that, there are more things I learn from the members. I often learn dancing and singing. What I can do is doing my best in getting our team name out there. If I’m having it rough then I’ll confide in Moonbin. We share a room so we talk to each other a lot.
What is it that you’re having the most trouble with now? Eunwoo: Realising that I can’t accomplish something with my own strength. It’s hard when no matter how much I endeavour and no matter how much I try to find a solution, there’s nothing I can do.
For example? Eunwoo: I was individually shooting for a drama, going on variety shows and filming for CFs when we were preparing for our concert. Even if I pulled an all nighter, it was difficult preparing for the concert to a T. Time was closing in on me and I was growing more anxious but my self-confidence was dropping and I felt apologetic towards the other members so I was walking on eggshells alone. No one was saying anything about me but I was feeling like that on my own. It became a cycle for me and it built up inside so I was filled with resentment.
Do you talk about this kind of concern to your members? Eunwoo: Everyone’s sensitive when they’re busy so I’m reluctant. I’m not the only one going through a hard time. If we happen to gather to have drink then I’ll let it out.
Don’t the other members get jealous when they hear things like 'ASTRO=Cha Eunwoo'? JinJin: Rather than jealousy, our desire to do well is the same. I feel bad watching from the sidelines Eunwoo suffering. He promotes ASTRO a lot even when he goes for an individual schedule. He’s younger than me but there’s a lot to learn from him.
Is there anything you feel like you’re better at than Eunwoo? JinJin: I’ve a good looking face (laughs). I’m kidding. Personally, I want to be acknowledged for my rap. I have to accomplish things bit by bit but I keep getting greedy. Eunwoo: I think JinJin hyung would be good at variety. I’m not the funny kind. I want for ASTRO to win no. 1, to be stable after gaining popularity and to hear the public say we’re idols who’re big fun.
Eunwoo has an image of a model student. Do you want to break it? Eunwoo: Yes. I hope the public views me for who I am. It’ll look unnatural if I take it over the top. But I’m not a total model student. The members know. I studied hard when I was younger but I’m not well behaved when we’re together.
In the members’ opinions, do you agree with what Eunwoo said? Moonbin: Eunwoo’s really foolish. He’s perfect but there’s also something about him leaving you feeling like, "Huh?". He’ll make you form this preconception that he seems like someone who’s virtuous but when you see that other side of him, you’ll feel him human.
Has there been an instance where you’ve fought amongst each other? Moonbin: We’ve never thrown punches. Though sometimes when we’re getting the dance details down, we’ll be like, "This angle is right. That angle is right. Try lifting up your hand."
Your group’s an even number so it must be hard mediating opinions. Moonbin: We sort it out one way or another. The one who loses makes it obvious he’s sulky about it. Rocky and I are in charge of dance so it’s often that we’d be disappointed in the other and quibble with each other when it comes to dance. Every time that happens, JinJin hyung would ask what’s the problem and play the mediator. We’d talk it out outside and walk in with our arms over the other’s shoulder.
Is there a member you feel the most sour towards? Moonbin: I don’t bear a grudge towards anyone. We settle it right away.
*somaek is the short form for ‘soju + maekju (beer)’.
Source: http://news.joins.com/article/21844537
Translations by @99pmh Take out with full credits
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annathewitch · 7 years
Falling, Ch 1: Physician’s Advice
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Summary: Bones x Reader. Bones has been unbearably moody for a couple of days and you are sent to try and find out why.
Word Count: 2500
Warnings: Swearing, mild parental angst
A/N: This started as a ‘five times…’ idea for a Bones and Reader developing relationship, but got a bit longer than I intended. So this is part 1 of 6. I have not written for a long time, and this is my first reader insert. Be gentle!
“That man is impossible!” Christine Chapel declared as she stalked out of the CMO’s office and the door swooshed shut behind her. “Stubborn as a damned mule and twice as ornery! I swear I am this close to inflicting some kind of untraceable bodily harm on him!” Christine leaned in towards you gesturing with her thumb and forefinger a mere half inch apart. “Untraceable except for the fact that you just told the whole medbay. I think, technically, that counts as pre-meditation.” You pulled a chair out at the nurse’s station and encouraged Christine to sit down. “What did he do now?” “There’s a whole damn list, but the cherry on the fucking top was him telling Nurse Edouwu he is, and I quote, ‘a damned incompetent jackass who couldn’t tell a protoplaser from a petri dish’ and then yelling at me to ‘get my goddamn nurses under proper supervision before they fucking kill someone!’ I am the best damned nurse in the Fleet, and I did not sign up to put up with his shit.” The Head Nurse slammed her padd down on the desk with enough force to make you wince. Doctor McCoy had a reputation for being a hard taskmaster, and for general grumpiness, but his behaviour over the last couple of days had been out of character even for him. His usual serious demeanour was now downright murderous. Nothing was done fast enough, or to his impossibly high standards. Nurse Edouwu was not the first of the medbay staff to feel his wrath, and everyone had been treading on eggshells waiting for the next explosion. If any further proof of how bad things were was needed, it was sitting slumped over the station in front of you. Christine Chapel, normally a beacon of competence and serenity, bringing order to chaos, and hitherto a McCoy-wrangler extraordinaire had used the f-word. Twice. You perched on the desk next to her, eyeing her with concern.
“This is way beyond the boss’s usual grousing,” you observed. “The crew know it too. Ensign Matthews, you know, the big guy from security, practically begged me to fix him up without calling the doctor. He single-handedly took down four Sindarian rebels on that away mission last month, and he was terrified of McCoy. Did you ask what’s got his tricorder in a tangle?” Christine snorted. “Didn’t exactly get the chance. He was too busy tearing me a new one.” This was bad. Chapel and McCoy were usually a well oiled machine. The nurse looked up at you speculatively, “You know, maybe you should try talking to him.” “I value my current state of existence too much,” you laughed. “I’m not joking Y/N,” Chapel sighed running her hands through her usually immaculate blonde bob. “I’m at the end of my tether - contemplating criminal actions, remember? The Captain’s not back for another two days or I’d be begging him instead. You seem to have a way of getting patients to open up to you, and so far you’re practically the only nurse to have avoided being in the eye of the shitstorm. You must be doing something right.” “I have an uncanny ability to know when to duck and cover,” you deadpanned. “Yeah. Well think about it, please! I’m going on my break, can you at least hold the fort here? Maybe the urge to stab his annoying ass with a hypo of sonambutril will have dissipated by the time I get back.”
“Sure thing Chris.” Chapel hauled herself out of her chair and beat a hasty retreat, leaving you alone at the nurse’s station. The rest of Alpha shift seemed sensibly to have found things to occupy themselves in the lab or the stores. Getting up from your perch you crossed medbay to listen at McCoy’s office door. There was no discernible sound from within the lair of the dragon; perhaps having dispatched his most recent prey his anger was sated for the time being. Christine was right though, the current situation was untenable and something needed to be said. As one of the newest medical staff you weren’t quite sure you merited her confidence, McCoy had hardly discussed anything other than work with you barring the most fleeting mentions of family or shipwide gossip. He didn’t give much away. But you knew you were good at your job and he would have no reason to find fault with you for talking to him. Except for calling out your superior officer for being an asshole. You tried to tune out the annoying voice in your head, there was nothing wrong with offering a sympathetic ear. Nobody was going to be calling anyone out, despite the level of assholery reaching Defcon 1. In the spirit of peace and reconciliation, you decided that a gesture of goodwill was probably necessary and replicated up the biggest strongest black coffee possible in McCoy’s favourite ‘My Daddy is the best space doctor’ mug. It had clearly been personalised by a much younger Joanna, who had painted a little stick man with a blue shirt, a shock of brown hair and a disproportionately large stethoscope, and signed it with a handprint. It had always amused you that the stick McCoy wasn’t wearing any pants. Summoning up your courage you knocked on the doctor’s office door and waited to be admitted to the belly of the beast. Something was barked from within and you took it as a sign to enter. McCoy was sat behind his desk, elbows resting on the glass top and head in his hands. He was surrounded by piles of padds, interspersed with empty coffee mugs. A plate with a half eaten and unidentifiable sandwich teetered precariously on the edge of the surface. He appeared to be studying one padd in front of him with particular intensity. “Dammit Chapel what do you want now? I said my decision was final, and what part of do not interrupt me do you not understand?” the doctor snapped without looking up. “Um, sorry sir but Chapel went on her break after your…er…meeting. It’s nearly the start of Beta shift and I thought maybe you could use a coffee?” You hung back in the open doorway so as not to appear threatening, and offered the mug out to McCoy. At the sound of your unexpected voice, he looked up. He had clearly been brooding about something. Frown lines seemed etched across his forehead and his normally precisely parted hair was sticking up in all directions. He looked surprisingly like stick McCoy. Except with pants. He regarded you suspiciously for a moment. You were glad he couldn’t tell you were thinking about him sitting behind his desk with no pants on. “Either come in or go away Y/L/N. Stop loitering in the door,” he bit out. “Did Chapel send you in as her damn spy?” You fought the urge to turn around and leave him to stew. “No. I was trying to be nice. It’s a somewhat underrated quality.” You arched your eyebrow at McCoy, approaching his desk to set the mug down. He sniffed at it and grunted something that you chose to interpret as thanks. “Besides, I think Christine is way beyond spying. You would do better to ask if she’d poisoned your coffee.” He scowled, jabbing a finger in your direction. “I don’t need niceness, I’m too damn busy doing my job to worry about treading on a few toes. And I don’t need to be lectured by one of my junior nursing staff. I simply expect all of you to do your damned jobs too. If anyone has difficulty with that concept, they can get the hell out of my medbay! Is that a problem Nurse Y/L/N?”
McCoy sat back in his chair and watched you as you digested his words, an unreadable expression on your face. Was being left the hell alone to contemplate his own inadequacies too much to ask? To his surprise you pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down with a sigh. “Well, if you don’t need niceness, I won’t sugar coat this Doctor McCoy. No, I don’t have a problem with doing my job or being expected to do it to a high standard, that’s only fair. And, even if you have a questionable bedside manner and are terrible at being diplomatic, you’re a good doctor and usually fair. But, scaring patients, expecting the impossible from staff and making them cry when they don’t achieve it, bellowing unreasonable orders? Whatever is going on with you, frankly, right now you’re just behaving like an ass. Sir,” you added as an afterthought. So much for not calling him out. You might as well have lobbed a pulse grenade into his office. McCoy was staring, speechless, eyebrows raised at an impossible angle. Hell, he’d been surprised anyone had the nerve to interrupt him for anything less than a breakout of Teenaxian plague. But for you, the newest member of his staff, to swan in with your coffee and your sass and coolly point out the deficiencies in his conduct like he was some misbehaving toddler, well, he just couldn’t find the words. Any words. Finding himself in this unfamiliar position he emitted an indecipherable growling sound and picked up the cup of coffee. Taking a long sip, he tried to buy some time to formulate a response. He should write you up for insubordination. But dammit if his conscience wasn't sitting pretty as you please in a pristine nurse’s uniform just over the desk. One corner of his mouth twitched in a fleeting half smile at the absurdity of it. You had a point. It was not that McCoy was completely oblivious to the effects of his black mood, but he was worried and distracted and he hadn’t been able to bring himself to care. Now he felt like twice the failure. The thick silence between you drew on and you fidgeted uneasily in your chair. As he scrutinised you McCoy’s expression had shifted from shock, through something you couldn’t place and finally settled into a frown. He glared at the mug in his hands. “Have you ever had your heart broken Y/L/N?” Well that was not the response you had expected. “Uh… I guess so. I mean yeah?” Shit. Had he been dumped? How the hell were you supposed to counsel your superior officer about his love life? “Is that what all this is about…sir?” Your voice squeaked a little and you felt your cheeks heat. The Doctor’s eyes flicked up and met yours in confusion. “What?” His face flamed as he realised the conclusion you had drawn, “Hell, no! I’m not mooning over some damn woman!” You should have realised that. From what you had seen, McCoy never seemed to be away from the medbay for long enough to pursue any kind of romantic attachment, and on the occasions you had crossed paths in the rec rooms he was invariably with the Captain and Commander Spock. McCoy regarded you, trying to decide whether to continue with this mortifying conversation. Eventually he sighed, shutting himself in his office hadn’t helped. He indicated to the padd in front of him, pushing it in your direction. “It’s Joanna. She sent me a message two days ago to tell me she broke up with her first boyfriend. I’ve spent the last two days trying to work out what the hell to write back to make it better. My baby girl is hurting and I’m halfway across the damn galaxy. I can’t do a damn thing. I’m goddamn useless Y/F/N.” You glanced over the comm from Joanna. The poor kid was heartbroken. It appeared that the boy in question had moved on to one of the popular girls at school and had told Joanna she was too weird for being obsessed with science. The boy was clearly an immature little jerk, but his actions had obviously knocked her confidence. McCoy had picked up the mug and was staring at it again.
“Jo made me this the first Christmas after the divorce. She was so excited to see me and so proud of her present.” He placed his hand over the much smaller painted handprint. “Now it seems like five minutes have passed, she’s all grown up and I missed it Y/F/N, I missed everything important and now I don’t know what she needs. Her mother is right, I’m a damn pathetic excuse for a father.” His voice was gruff with emotion. Running his hands through his hair and grasping the back of his neck, McCoy slumped back in his chair. Embarrassed, he avoided your gaze, his tired hazel eyes steadfastly regarding his lap. For some reason he didn’t want to see the look of disappointment as you realised he was an abject failure. “Doctor…” He braced himself for another dose of your honesty. “I… I’m not a parent, so maybe I’m not the best person to give you advice… but I just think maybe Joanna just needs to know that you think she is perfect the way she is. If I could, I’d tell her it really sucks right now, and it’s going to take a little patience, but there’s someone out there who thinks that female scientists rock.” “If I was dirtside, this would be simple. I’d kick his ass into next Sunday,” McCoy grumbled. “What, you mean you’d be the scary, overprotective father? No way, I’d never have guessed,” you laughed. “I guess it doesn’t hurt to tell her you think the kid is a dumbass too.” “Think she’ll believe me if I tell her all boys are dumbasses and she should ignore them until she’s twenty five?” He pulled the padd back towards him, “But seriously, You really think that’s all she needs?” “Its a start.” You shrugged. “You know, I wish someone had told me that I was perfect when I was her age. It took me a long time to understand that I didn’t have to be anyone but myself, and that if someone really loved me they would accept me and all my many faults.” You smiled wryly at McCoy and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly in return. “I guess I have a message to write then.” “I’ll leave you to it.” You got to your feet and started picking up the dirty crockery from the desk. McCoy reached out and stopped your hand with his. He looked up at you seriously.
“I really fucked up the past couple of days, didn’t I?” “Yup.” He winced. While you understood now why he had been unbearable, it still didn’t make it right. “Chapel is never going to forgive me, is she?” “Im not going to lie, sir, it’s pretty bad. She said fuck. Twice.” McCoy groaned. “I don’t think it’s irretrievable, but it’s going to take some grovelling. You could start by doing all the overdue paperwork.” You gestured to the piles of padds. “It seems I haven’t been doing either the CMO thing or the parenting thing very well lately,” he said regretfully. You squeezed his hand. “If it helps, I don’t know many teenage girls who would want to talk to their daddy about this kind of stuff. It must be hard, being so far away, but I reckon you must be doing something right. And the other stuff… Your team respect you, usually. We’d cut you some slack if you’d let us.” McCoy nodded, unable for the second time that day to speak. And if you noticed that his eyes were a little teary, well he was exhausted dammit. He watched you pick up the last of the mugs, and wondered just how you had managed to make him forget his insecurities. Even if it was just for a little while, he felt lighter, as though he was capable of dealing with whatever the universe threw at him next. You moved to open the door. “I’ll see you’re not disturbed unless there’s an outbreak of Teenaxian plague, Doctor.” Backlit by the harsh light of medbay, it appeared to McCoy that you gave out an aura of light. Somehow the illusion made him feel like he was really seeing you for the first time and he found himself holding a breath. Beautiful. “Y/F/N?” You looked back at him from the doorway, a small smile playing on your lips. Something swooped in his stomach. “Darlin’ any guy who didn’t tell you you were perfect the way you are, he's a dumbass.”
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acekatherineplumber · 5 years
Let’s Talk About Nadia! (My OC)
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? Nope! She has a much younger half sister though
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? She as VERY angry with her, which is understandable, because she thought that her mother abandoned her dad, and when you end up in foster care because your other parent hasn’t been around for pretty much your entire life, and then finding out that they aren’t really dead like you were told, being mad is reasonable. It took a lot, especially nearly killing each other, but the relationship is a lot better after all that. It had to, based on Nadia’s “career path”
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Ummmm......she’s kind of responsible for his death....and she harbors a lot of guilt about that and a lot of bitterness towards him for not telling her the truth about her mom, but ultimately they had a good relationship.
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? She witnessed her father die as  result of her inability to control her powers. Yep, powers. There are three other girls in this story that are similar to her, and one of them knows. The other two don’t and neither does her mother.
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s bag? A notebook, pens and pencils, a necklace given to her by her mom, earbuds, a language guide to the language of her world, a wallet, tea, a book (usually historical  fiction), gum (peppermint), her phone, chapstick, and lotion that smells like petrichor
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? An hourglass turning over and over
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? A pair of golden eyes and a cell with no door and no windows
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? No. Guns aren’t Nadia’s thing. She’s more of a bo staff and daggers sort of person. She finds they give her more control
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? She went from a single-parent home to foster care to being an actual queen, so yes.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? More clothing. Foster care is rough on her and she gets beat up in school a lot, plus when she’s doing real fighting, light layers keep her better protected
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? When she first saw her father’s dead body and didn’t know for sure if he was dead yet
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? Ironically, facing down the main villain.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? Blood doesn’t bother her. It’s dead bodies that are her trigger.
Does your character remember names or faces easier? Faces
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? She used to be. It’s definitely a poverty thing and not having a lot that she could call her own in foster care.
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Happiness, because she hasn’t had a lot of that in her life
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? A Barbie that her father told her looked a lot like her mom.
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? Wisdom
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? Not willing to take direction well or trust people to do things. This definitely got her into trouble with one of the other girls that she was discussing battle strategy with.
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? She’s very hard on herself in every regard. She never feels like she’s good enough
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? She blames herself for everything
What does your character like in other people? Independence and the ability to take direction
What does your character dislike in other people? Entitlement, ignorance, and laziness
How quick is your character to trust someone else? She still doesn’t trust her own mom.
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? She’s very quick to suspect people, no matter how close she is with someone. This has gotten her in a LOT of trouble.
How does your character behave around children? She’s pretty good around children. Her half sister was born hen she as 13, and she often got stuck with babysitting duty
How does your character normally deal with confrontation? By blasting other people in the face with powers
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? She has been quick in the past.
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? She anted to go into science, but now she’s a queen, so, no.
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Indifference
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? She used to be extremely defensive, as, of course, a defense mechanism, but she’s been getting better. diplomacy lessons and studies have helped a lot.
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? She only tries the same thing twice before moving on to a new strategy.
How does your character behave around people they like? See below.
How does your character behave around people they dislike? Nadia has a really hard time expressing really strong emotions, both positive and negative. She kind of just cuts herself from everyone.
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?  Protecting her status, mainly as an act of self-preservation
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? More likely to remove herself from the problem/threat, but in order to better organize her plan of attack
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? Yes, she as bitten by a giant spider, I’m Jurassic-level giant spider. It poisoned her, and her blood is weird, so it couldn’t be completely extracted. It damaged/mutated her powers, and she’s the only one who knows that that happened.
How does your character treat people in service jobs? With respect. I imagine her people would revolt if she didn’t/
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? She knows that she has to earn everything, and expects everyone else to operate the same way. It drives her NUTS when people act entitled.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? Avalon, her stepfather.
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? Lynn and Jacob. She mentored them.
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? It is easy for her to say it, but hard for her to mean it.
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? She really tries not to think about that.
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anavakarian · 5 years
Alyna’s character development
1.       Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? She doesn’t have a family: her adoptive mum passed away two years ago.
2.       What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? They were very close. Her mum always was very supportive. They loved each other but they were also independent. She never met her biological mother.
3.       What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? She didn’t meet her dad.
4.       Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? Yes, she had a main role in the situation. Just a Spirit knows. No one else (for now).
5.       On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? No pockets but she always have a small bag with her. Probably dried elfroot, some spare coins (not many) and different small flasks and pots with unclassified ointments and potions. A full first aid kit.
6.       Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? Yes, she dreams she walks in a lush garden. Feeling peace.
7.       Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? Yes, although, as a somniari, can control what she wants to dream. She pictures herself in the situation mentioned in question 4.
8.       Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? She fired a staff and used her magic against darkspawn. Her very first time, probably with no more than 16.
9.       Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? Is better now than before.
10.   Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? She feels equally confident in both situations. She is not shy about her body and has a good self-esteem, assuming she is not the most curvy and the sexiest elf. She likes herself.
11.   In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? Question 4 again. And when she couldn’t find the Inquisitor and Solas during the battle for closing the breach. She was also terrified when her ex-lover in Val Foret threaten her to denounce her mage condition to the Templars from the White Spire. She fled after that.
12.   In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? Probably looking the views over Val Royeaux during a dawn. Or the moon bathed landscape on her balcony at Skyhold. She likes those moments of quietness and peace.
13.   Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? She is definitively not. As a healer, she cannot afford that.
14.   Does your character remember names or faces easier? I would say she is quite average in that aspect.
15.   Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? No. She was accommodated when growing up, then lived in between dalish clans and after that she was nomadic. Her healing skills always granted her food, a bed  and some coins, more than enough to survive. Every time she stablished herself in a place, her popularity as a skilful healer skyrocketed, which gave her the chance to gather some gold. She is only keen on spending good money in thing she really need or interest her.
16.   Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Happiness, but I think her thirst of knowledge is her weak point.
17.   What was your character’s favourite toy as a child? A ragdoll called Stef.
18.   Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? She is absolutely blinded about wisdom and knowledge.
19.   What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? I’m not going to say she’s got commitment problems, but she’s been involved with different people, only two or three of them kind of “formal relationship” and she ended up broken up because she didn’t feel 100% into it. I would just say she hasn’t found someone she is willing to give up everything for.
20.   In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? If she has to compare herself would be for self-criticism as she is quite perfectionist. Not really interested in comparing herself, though, as she is quite introspective, can avoid comparing.
21.   If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? She would think she totally deserved it. She doesn’t believe in destiny, so she is the only one to blame for (obviously, if it is her fault).
22.   What does your character like in other people? She likes people she can learn something new from. Even if it’s something as simple as a different point of view regarding common matters. She seeks interesting conversation and actions.
23.   What does your character dislike in other people?  Abuse of power.
24.   How quick is your character to trust someone else? It takes her a very long while. Being an apostate mage, that’s more survival than anything else. She’s quite friendly, though. But she’s got secrets she has to keep for herself.
25.   How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? Depending on so many factors. She is not more intuitive than anyone else, especially if not close to the person. She can say when something is odd if she is close enough. Average, I guess, but experienced.
26.   How does your character behave around children? She loves children but they are something she hasn’t even thought about for herself.
27.   How does your character normally deal with confrontation? Facing it, words first but don’t afraid to fight if it gets worst. Quite the opposite than her writer xD
28.   How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? She is quite self-controlled and would never take the first step into a physical fight.
29.   What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? When she was a child she wanted to be a human in Redcliffe, have a human husband and a bunch of human children. Even if her adoptive mother didn’t keep her from the truth that she was an elf, the realization stroke her hard and her dream kind of crumbled (se was 7 or 8 and she didn’t understand at the beginning why being an elf was wrong). Then she began to prioritize her thirst of knowledge more than anything else and the dream of travelling. Obviously, the first one is impossible to fulfil, but she kind of met the others.  
30.   What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Strong smells. Slavery. Abuse of power (again).
31.   Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. In the infirmary, a day with no serious injuries and illnesses, just looking after her patients, conversing with them while they are healing up.
32.   Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
33.   In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? Always willing to improve.
34.   Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? Depends on the issue. She would try a different method most of the times.
35.   How does your character behave around people they like? Confident and friendly.
36.   How does your character behave around people they dislike? Dryly but always polite. She is not for falseness unless necessary.
37.   Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? Status, I guess. Due to her circumstances, I don’t think she is really bothered for any of them.
38.   Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? Remove herself from the problem if is a personal matter. Remove the thread if an aggression.
39.   Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? I don’t think so, but who knows… Mosquitoes and itchiness? Lice? Ticks and mites? Who knows what was crawling in Thedas those days…
40.   How does your character treat people in service jobs? Yes. She is a healer.
41.   Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? She’s not expecting things to come to her without effort: she “fights” for them.
42.   Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? Her mum.
43.   Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? No.
44.   How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? She finds it difficult sometimes, specially after her last relationship. She could say it without meaning it when she was younger, but now she has understood the weight of those words.
45.   What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? She thinks everything would shut down and that’s it. No afterlife, no Andraste and nothing else. She still thinks there’re plenty of things to experience, to live, to visit and to learn. She is scared of dying.
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idolizerp · 6 years
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The eldest of a five member group would usually be the one who was the most responsible and made sure to keep the others in check. Cleaning up, making sure the others were well taken care of and weren’t overworking themselves. The older brother, or dad, of the group so to speak. That was how 99 Entertainment tried to market Siwon in the beginning. The hyung that all the guys wanted to be like and the oppa that all the girls were infatuated with. It worked for a while, for the most part. The public ate it up. That is until Siwon was involved in his first scandal in the latter half 2012 after the release of Jackpot, relatively early in their career. It was an attitude related scandal, something that the public hadn’t been expecting from the eldest member. It was said that he was on the set of a photoshoot speaking informally to his seniors, being rude towards the staff, and having an overall bad attitude throughout the entire day. When the scandal broke and there were people jumping on the hate bandwagon, 99 took action and forced him to issue a public apology. The apology was lackluster and didn’t hold any real remorse, which caused him to gain even more hate from the public. Even with the year long hiatus, that took place afterwards, the public didn’t seem to warm up to him all that much. Instead of seeing him as the older brother type, they saw him as the black sheep, the one who caused issues for those around him. They don’t like his personality, but they love his talents. Despite his first scandal and the ones that followed subsequently, his rapping and dancing skills are undeniable. Almost to the point that the public are willing to overlook his bad habits. Almost. 
Cold. That’s a word that could accurately describe Oh Siwon’s childhood. His father was a soldier in the military. A hard working man who dedicated his life to the service. His line of work was the most important thing in his life. At some points in time, Siwon even felt as though his father cared more about his work than he did about him, which was a pretty easy conclusion to come to when you saw how Siwon was treated. Because his mother passed away during childbirth with him, Siwon was left in the care of his grandparents while his father was in the service. He rarely saw his father for the first eight years of his life. It wasn’t until his father was injured in the line of duty that he began to see him consistently again. What Siwon thought would be the opportunity for him to finally connect with his father on a deeper level only proved to be the exact opposite. His father was too harsh, too strict. Not to the point of abuse, but to the point where the boy hated being around him. He couldn’t make too swift of a move without being scolded for it, and the scoldings had become so frequent that he had began to ignore them. His grandparents tried to interfere and help him. They tried talking to his father to get him to relax and ease up on him, but that only angered the ex soldier. He didn’t think he needed anyone telling him how to raise his child, so he packed up their things and moved them from Busan to Seoul when Siwon was thirteen years old. Seoul is where he was introduced to the underground rap community. He was young at the time, very young actually, but that particular genre of music struck a chord him especially. He discovered his talent and penchant for rap and hip-hop music shortly thereafter, and began spending more and more time with the people who had introduced him to it. There was something about the music that, as cliché as it sounds, spoke to him, and that was when he delved deeper into the culture. His father who was watching closely over him, just as strict as ever, saw his growing interest in rap music and tried to nip it in the bud early on, but to no avail. Many an argument happened within the Oh household over the subject of music, and they continued to happen throughout the years until Siwon became of age. His father immediately demanded that he enlist, like he had when he was his age. Siwon wanted to refuse to do so. He was beginning to really crack into the underground community and make a name for himself amongst the other rappers. Enlisting meant jeopardizing everything he had worked for, and he didn’t to do that. Unfortunately in life many instances came up where things that didn’t want to be done, had to be done. Military enlistment was one of those things. He didn’t have any other choice but to go. As soon as his required service time was up, he didn’t hesitate to leave, much to his the chagrin of his father. Since then, the relationship between the two of them had become even more strained. His father wanted him to stay in the service like he had, but that wasn’t the kind of life that Siwon wanted for himself. After being discharged from his military service, Siwon had to find a job in order to support himself, because his father wasn’t going to do so anymore. He was an adult, so he had to handle responsibilities like anyone else his age. He struggled with finding a job for a few months, before he finally caved and went to his grandparents in Busan for help. His grandfather, who owned a dance studio, was getting older and he couldn’t dance like he used to, so he offered Siwon a job at the dance studio helping him teach classes. Siwon had never been that big on dancing, although when he was younger and still living with them, his grandparents used to make him join in on their dance classes. He enjoyed it, but it wasn’t something that really struck him as something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Working at his grandfather’s studio was just something he would do while he continued trying to pursue his rap career, and as soon as that took off, he would quit. The underground community, unsurprisingly, gave him a hard way to go when he made a comeback, although he had spent a lot of his downtime while going through physical therapy brushing up on his skills, so it didn’t take very long for him to earn their respect back. In 2009, he was approached by a man he had never met before, a man who had been watching him pretty closely over for several months. He wanted him to audition to be an idol trainee and eventually debut in a boy group they were putting together. He turned him down the first time. Not only was he not interested in being stuck in a group with other guys, but he didn’t want to get into the kpop industry. He had heard that it was filled with nothing but cookie cutter types, that they stripped you of your individuality and left you as nothing but an empty shell of a person. It wasn’t until one of his rap buddies had surprisingly encouraged him to do it. ‘Opportunities like this don’t come about everyday. You can spend your life underground, or get a taste of what it’s like to be above.’ That was enough encouragement for him to reach out to 99 and accept their offer. He came into the trainee life as a full grown man surrounded by what seemed to be little kids with their heads in the clouds. It made him sick. Not the kids themselves (although they were apart of it), but the fact that they were so blind and naive to the fact that they were going to be screwed over so many times in the industry before making it - if they even made it, that is. The majority of his time as a trainee was spent trying to brush up his unpolished singing, perfect his natural dancing ability and teach him how to properly behave as an idol. The latter would prove to be the hardest thing to do. Siwon had never been one to try to conform to what other people wanted from him. It was during his second year as a trainee that he was approached by 99 and was told that he would be joining a rap survival show with another rap centered trainee. The opportunity to showcase his skills on a national platform and get money for wiping the floor with the other rappers? How could he possibly turn down an opportunity like that? Unsurprisingly he swept his way through the rounds, his polished rapping skills over the years having helped prepare him for the show. He had picked up the reputation of being one of the meaner, harsher rappers. He had no qualms about hitting below the belt, using facts about the other members’ lives that he knew would cut deep. That was why (in his painfully biased opinion), he didn’t win the entire competition. He was too fierce, too tough. People couldn’t handle him, and that was just fine. At least he knew deep down that he was the best at what he did. One thing that pissed him off in regards of the survival show was that people assumed that 99 Entertainment had bought their moderate success on the show, which was insulting. It was insulting because it was a slap in the face to his skills. Just because he was training to be an idol that meant that he couldn’t possibly have any real rapping skills, right? He was confident in his rap ability, but there was a small part of him that was worried that the allegations were true. Whenever he asked 99 Entertainment about it, they denied playing a hand in their success, but he couldn’t be too sure. He wanted to believe that it was all due to their hard work, and he did for the most part, but it was hard to keep that mentality when rumors like that were being thrown around. Even if he wanted to speak out against those allegations, which he did, he couldn’t. The executives at 99 wouldn’t allow him to. Besides that, he was gearing up to finally make his debut. The first two years of Poizn’s career, he was able to hold it together and play the perfect idol, but he soon grew tired of being someone he wasn’t. After his first attitude scandal came another, then another. Soon it would be no surprise to see him making headlines on netizen articles because of his attitude or “diva like” personality on the set of photoshoots, M/V shoots and even variety shows. It had gotten to the point where 99 had outright stopped sending him to variety shows. He hasn’t made a variety show appearance since 2015. The scandals didn’t stop there though. From attitude scandals to dating scandals, Siwon had become Poizn’s number one punching bag when it came to hurling hateful and negative articles at. The only thing the public praised Siwon for was his rapping and charisma, two of the only things that really mattered to him. He couldn’t care less if they enjoyed his personality. Because even if they didn’t enjoy his personality, they still enjoyed his art. So who was really winning? Him.
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