#*puppy eyes* did I spook you mister please say I did
chibinekochan · 4 years
My Demon family
You get adopted by Lucifer and Diavolo
Just some domestic fluff. 
In this au the reader is a toddler that brings loads of love and chaos into their lives.
And yes they are married in this Au, congrats boys.
2.9k words
  A very typical appointment leads Lucifer to take Diavolo's place visiting a human orphanage. 
Lucifer isn't even sure how or why Diavolo is involved here but he is here regardless. 
Counting the minutes until it's over.
  Bored he looks at the children playing, they are clearly scared of him. Nothing new. Somehow small beings like these tend to be scared of him. Probably his demon aura. 
Then his eyes meet yours. You somehow wandered towards him, book in hand and pull on his pant leg. With huge bright eyes you look at him. Lucifer crooks his head, wondering what you possibly want from him. 
You pout, since he didn't get what you wanted at all. "Mister read to me." You plead with him. Being kinda bored by the other adults not paying any attention to you.
Lucifer raises his eyebrows. He hesitates for a moment. How long has it been since any of his brothers asked him to read to them?
  He looks at you, waiting for you to run away from him. Not a single blink. You just keep looking at him, pointing at the book. "Please mister?!" Putting a tiny bit more urgency into your request. Feeling slightly encouraged since he didn't shoo you away. 
Lucifer can feel his resolve melting due to your pleading eyes. You are very good at this, he has to give you that. 
After another moment locked into a staring contest Lucifer lost. 
He probably never truly had a chance. "Fine, but only for a bit." Lucifer gives in.
  You give him the biggest and brightest smile he has ever seen. Even brighter than Diavolos. 
He finds himself smiling back at you. With this success you cheerfully lead Lucifer to the reading corner. You sit down and look at Lucifer. Clearly expecting him to sit down. 
So he does. "Let's see what we have here. The ugly duckling? Can't say I have read it before." Lucifer opens the book. 
"It's not my favorite. I like the cat and the boot better but someone else got it." You sigh disappointed. "Sounds like something Satan would like." Lucifer chuckles lightly. 
"Is that your child?" You feel curious. 
"He is my brother." Lucifer smiles lightly. 
"That's cool, I have no siblings and my parents are in heaven. Do you believe in heaven?" 
Lucifer is a bit taken aback. "Yes, I know it exists for a fact." He gives you a gentle smile. 
"That's awesome. Do you have other family?" You feel like you want to know even more. 
"I have 6 brothers and one sister, she is also in heaven and I'm married." Lucifer feels a bit of kinship with your loss. 
"Wow, so many siblings. Your parents were quite busy. Do you think my parents and your sister play in heaven together?" 
Lucifer is surprised by your bluntness but it's also very endearing. “I'm sure they do.”
You seem satisfied with that.“You are the oldest right?” 
Lucifer laughs at that. "How did you guess that?" 
You shrug. "You just have big brother energy."
"I see. Shall I read this now for you?" Lucifer finds himself smiling at you. 
"Yeah." You nod and Lucifer starts to read the story.
He isn't sure if it's too sad for you but you seem to be too enthralled by the pictures to care much.
  Then someone comes over and apparently the visit is over.
Not much time has passed but Lucifer finds himself reluctant to leave. You also have an equally sad look on your face, just making this so much harder. “Will you come again?" You seem anxious. 
Lucifer guesses that you must worry, you have certainly lost so much and he doesn't want to give you false hopes. Once he opens his mouth something unexpected escapes him: "Yes." This surprises him much more than you, since all he can see is a bright smile on your face. 
"Awesome. Then we can play on the swings and make a castle and we could draw something." You already made plans it seems. 
Lucifer can't help but smile at this much excitement. Only one other person in his life would be so excited over making plans with Lucifer. That being Diavolo. He probably should bring him along next time I meet you. "I might bring someone special along to meet you too." Lucifer can't promise this part, knowing how busy Diavolo is. 
Your eyes are filled to the brim with hopeful excitement. "That would be cool. I might introduce you to my cool friends too then." You clearly can't contain your excitement at all. 
Lucifer feels a strange desire to trussle your hair, but he holds himself back. "Sure, I look forward to that and if you need anything just tell the person in charge you want to talk to Lucifer." He feels compelled to offer you this much at least. 
You crook your head. "Sure, but did one of the older kids really get into trouble for calling upon Lucifer?" 
Lucifer raises his eyebrow, saying he had forgotten about these kinds of humans. "I see, well in that case just tell me when I come back."
  He leaves the orphanage very reluctant. Especially after he sees you waving at him. 
This is what having your heart broken must feel like. It's strange that a small human could manage such a thing in a single day. 
Lucifer returns home, to the demon castle. 
Many different thoughts cross his mind but Lucifer already knows what to do next. 
In the evening Lucifer and Diavolo have their usual dinner together.
  "There is something that I would like to discuss with you." Lucifer doesn't take long to get to the topic. 
"Sure, tell me what is on your mind." Diavolo has noticed that there is something on Lucifer's mind. 
"I know we haven't talked about this yet but how would you feel about adopting a child?" 
Diavolo is very surprised. "I didn't think that you would be interested in a child. Did the visit to the orphanage inspire this desire?" Diavolo is smiling, he always figured that Lucifer is already too busy to even consider a child. 
'I wasn't, or at least I thought I wasn't until earlier." Lucifer smiles gently. "You see there was this small child and I don't know how but they touched my heart." 
Diavolo chuckles. "Sounds like a remarkable child to me. Being able to touch your heart in a single day. It took me centuries to get to that point."
"I was just playing hard to get." Lucifer shoots Diavolo a flirty look. 
Diavolo laughs. "So you are seriously wanting to adopt a child after seeing them once? And here I thought I'm the spontaneous one in our marriage." 
"I thought so too but I guess you rubbed off on me and before making a final decision I want you to meet them. I mean I want to adopt them with you." Lucifer shrugs and then smiles gently at Diavolo. 
"I like this new spontaneous side of you, Lucifer. I will go along. Every person that manages to capture your heart is worth meeting at least once in my opinion." Diavolo smiles widely at Lucifer. 
"Thank you, Diavolo and I realize that I'm quite unreasonable." Lucifer just can't help himself. 
"Well, if it had been me I would have just brought them home with me. So you are quite reasonable in my opinion." Diavolo let's out a heartfelt laughter. 
"I sure hope you don't bring another puppy home." Lucifer shakes his head. 
"I have learned my lesson." Diavolo waves Lucifer off. "Now when should we go to the orphanage?" Diavolo checks his schedule. 
"Oh, and I definitely want to hear the whole story. I might be able to learn something from them." Diavolo is already fully on board with this. No matter how much this will turn his life upside down, seeing Lucifer this smitten is more than enough for Diavolo to do this.
  Lucifer agrees and gives a quite lively retelling of his earlier encounter. Every word raises Diavolos' excitement. 
Soon the day arrives. Diavolo barely contains his excitement and Lucifer seems to be rather nervous. 
"It's kinda like a first date isn't it?" Diavolo muses. 
"Not really, but I understand the sentiment." Lucifer smiles lightly. 
"Do you think that they will like me?" Diavolo seems a bit uncertain. 
"I can't imagine that they wouldn't like you. You are way easier to love than I am." Lucifer pats Diavolo on his shoulder. 
"That's very sweet of you to say. Shall we head inside?" Diavolo takes a small breath. 
Lucifer nods. 
   They both head inside, into a room where you are already waiting for them. As soon as you see them you run to them. With a small push toy in toe. "You really came!" You smile wide at Lucifer. 
"I tend to keep my word." Lucifer smiles gently at you. 
"Is that your special person?" With curious eyes you look at Diavolo. 
Who instantly crouches down, trying not to spook you with his size. 
"Yes, this is Diavolo my husband." Lucifer introduces him with a gentle smile. 
"Hello, you are pretty, a good choice Lucifer. If I had known I would have made you a flower crown or something. Unless that's not your style." You seem to approve. 
Diavolo chuckles and Lucifer flushes a little. "I like flower crowns and who is your friend here." Diavolo looks at your little toy. 
"This is my best friend Tom. He is a bit shy but once you know him he won't shut up." You hold your plush toy up. 
"Ah, nice to meet you." Diavolo shakes its little paw. 
"Reminds me of Levi." Lucifer gives a small laugh. You look at Lucifer with a curious look.
"That's one of my brothers." He explains.
That seems to be enough for now.
  "So what kind of games do you guys like to play?" You look at the shelves of games on the wall. 
"You can decide today." Diavolo offers and that seems to be just the right choice since your face lights up. 
"Then we should go outside. We can only go to the playground but we can make a sandcastle." You seem only slightly disappointed by your lack of opinions. 
"Sounds perfect to me." Diavolo nods to that idea. 
"Oh, but your clothes are gonna get dirty right? Does that bother you?" You just thought about that possibly. 
"Don't worry about it. I have cast a dirt repeal spell on both of our clothes." Lucifer had seen something like this coming. 
"Wow, that's super useful. I need something like that too. I always get scolded for getting dirty." You pout slightly. 
"No worries, I can cast it on you too." It's pretty easy for Lucifer. He easily casts the spell to your amazement. 
"Sweet, do you have a spell that makes peppers taste good too?" You look at yourself, feeling pretty pleased. 
"Sorry, even my powers have limitations." Lucifer chuckles. 
"Too bad." You sigh slightly disappointed. 
"Yeah, if that were the case I'd be eating pickles by now." Diavolo nods to himself. 
"You don't like pickles? You should really eat them or you won't become big and strong." You parrot the one thing that they keep telling you. 
"I think I'm big enough already but I get what you mean." Diavolo sighs, slightly defeated. 
"So, are we going to play on the playground now or what?" You grow slightly inpatient. 
"Of course, lead the way." Lucifer smiles and you proudly show them the way, it's right behind the building. 
You show them the sandbox and grab a few things to build with. 
You then make sure that everyone has a plastic sand toy. 
"How big do you like your castle?" You start by doing the foundation of your future sandcastle. 
"As big as my own castle, what about you Lucifer?" Diavolo can already picture it in front of his eyes. 
"I doubt we have enough sand or space for that. I think this size is pretty good." Lucifer doesn't even know the first thing about sandcastles but he knows it will be impossible to build one as big as a real castle. 
"You live in a real castle? Like some sort of prince or something?" The mention of a real castle is very exciting to you. 
"Actually I'm a prince." Diavolo grins a bit bashfully. 
"No joke? That's so awesome! Wait, does that make you a prince too, then Lucifer?" Your excitement knows no bounds. 
"No, but I guess you could say I'm a royal consort of sorts." Lucifer wasn't interested in the title at all. 
"Royal conort? Sounds like cake or something." You crook your head. 
"Hahaha it kind of does. I should ask Barbatos to invent a dessert with that name." Diavolo can't contain his laughter. 
"Royal consort is just what you call someone who is married to royalty but it does sound silly." Lucifer had never even thought about it. 
"Let's go on the swings now." You had enough building for now.
"Alright. What shall we do with the castle?" Lucifer looks at the pile of sand.
"There is only one thing that can be done." You get up and jump with full force into the pile, destroying the whole thing. 
"Aww too bad, I wanted to finish it." Diavolo looks a bit solemn. 
You get up, shake the sand off and then give him a little pat. "We can build an even better castle next time." 
"You are right. We should make it double as big." Diavolo instantly lights up. 
"I wonder which of you is the real child here." Lucifer shakes his head but smiles gently at you and Diavolo. 
You're almost already on the swings before you come running back. "Come on, don't be slowpokes. The swings are very popular." You nervously look at the currently empty swings. 
"Coming." Both men speak in unison and then chuckle at each other. You clearly have them both already wrapped around your little fingers. 
Pleased you sit on the swing. "Diavolo can you give me a push?" 
"Of course." Diavolo gives you a gentle push, unsure of how much strength he should use.
  Lucifer has a slightly sour expression. 
"You can use the other swing if you want." You aren't sure why Lucifer seems to be upset. 
"No, don't mind me." Lucifer hadn't even noticed the frown on his face. 
"Yeah, don't worry about him. I think he is just upset that you asked me to give you a push." Diavolo laughs. 
Lucifer rolls his eyes but he also can't deny it. 
"I'm sorry Lucifer. You can do it next time, or maybe I can give you a push." 
Lucifer flushes slightly. "Sure, why not." 
You swing some more, while laughing the entire time.
  The time passes before you even notice it. Soon your time together will end. Each of you seems to feel equally sad. 
"Seems like our time is going to end soon." Lucifer has no choice but to point out the obvious. 
You nod, with a troubled expression. It's heartbreaking. 
"Will you come back?" You are a bit scared to ask. You can't even look at them. 
Both men look at each other then they smile. "Of course we will come back." Lucifer says what both are thinking. 
You look at them, eyes sparkle. "Does that mean that you both like me? Because I think you are both pretty cool. I mean Tom is still the best but you are pretty close." You sheepishly squeeze your toy.
"Of course we like you." Diavolo smiles. 
Lucifer seems slightly troubled by the fact that he was beaten by a toy. 
"So, how about I give you a ride home and then we come and play again soon?" Diavolo obviously wants to make this as easy as possible for you and himself. 
"Yeah, I always wanted to ride a horse but  a prince comes pretty close." You agree with a nod. 
Lucifer seems a bit unsure about the connection but snickers regardless. 
Diavolo lifts you on his shoulders and carries you back to the orphanage, while walking as slowly as possible. 
The goodbye is still kind of hard but it's helped by the fact that you will meet again. 
"So we are going to do this right?" Diavolo is the first to speak on the way home.
"Yes, we are but I want to clarify that this isn't just something that will be just fun and games. The Devildom is a dangerous place for children. Human children are extremely fragile so we will have to be very prepared." Lucifer knows this will be anything but easy. 
"So we should make the whole castle human safe and child safe. Lucky enough we have more than enough rooms. I will ask Barbatos to get us some childcare books from the human realm. I'm quite excited just thinking about this." Diavolo seems very giddy. 
"I agree with that. I should get my brothers some books too. They need to be educated. We should take some classes about child care." Lucifer already forms a detailed plan in his head. 
Both keep talking about the adoption, being very excited about the whole thing.
~ So yeah this is it for now. I wanted to write more and maybe I will. I have a cliffnotes version I might post that soon. Anyhow I hope you enjoyed this so far.
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carynnhalen · 4 years
Club Olympus was one of Carynn’s favorite spots in Gotham to visit. Usually because security was lax and it was easy to sneak in without paying the cover fee. Maxie Zeus was doing another stint in Arkham, and that meant it would be easy to score free drinks. Carynn weaved her way through the crowd of dancing people and headed for the bar, shoving her way between a couple of frat boys who were trying to work up the courage to ask Deadshot for a photo.
The guy behind the bar sent her a nod in greeting. “Sup, Carynn. You workin’?” his name was Nick. She’d met him a few years ago when he worked in a hole in the wall bar Josie’s that was in Hells Kitchen. He was nice enough. He was one of the only guys Carynn knew that still had a mohawk, but he was nice enough. 
Carynn scrunched her nose, shaking her head. “Taking the night off,” she shouted over the music. “Needed some peace and quiet.” 
Nick laughed, setting two glasses out in front of her. “The usual?” it was a rhetorical question. Nick filled one glass to the brim with whiskey, the top shelf option tonight, and the other filled with a vodka soda. “You stay out of trouble.” he said with a wink, pushing the two glasses towards her. 
“Always do! Later, Nick.” she scooped up her drinks, expertly heading back through the crowd and up to a balcony that usually served to be a little more quiet than the rest of the club. She hadn’t really had much of a plan for her night off. Mostly she just needed to blow off some steam. Between Captain America showing up to her apartment, and her phone ringing almost non stop with calls from Bruce, things were getting a little too mysterious and heavy all at once. 
Carynn plopped down in a booth, her kicking up her booted feet up onto the table. Taking a generous sip of her vodka soda, she pulled her phone out of her jacket and unlocked the screen. More calls from Bruce. A text from Cel. A few notifications from Dante commenting on her Instagram. 
She scrolled through her contacts; Bruce (even though she kept deleting and blocking his number it still seemed to find it’s way back onto her phone), Cel, Dante, Oliver, a few numbers of work contacts...was that it? Carynn sighed, downing the rest of her drink and picking up the glass of whiskey.
“I see you still have no manners.” a voice said in Russian just before Carynn’s feet were shoved off of the table.
Carynn’s frowned, looking up from her phone. “What the fuck do you think you’re-...oh, Christ. It’s you,” she rolled her eyes at the woman that was now sliding into the booth across from her. “Shouldn’t you be off somewhere skinning a puppy or something?”
Isabel Rochev. She was the current owner of Queen Industries and a certified nutjob. She smiled sweetly at Carynn, almost like she was happy to see her. She folded her gloved hands onto the table, leaning towards Carynn with interest. The large rock that had once belonged to Oliver’s mother was almost blinding in the flickering lights above them. 
“I’ve missed you too, Carynn.” she said again in Russian, passing a glance over her shoulder quickly before looking back at the red head. “You are hard to find. Not because you’re in hiding, but because you can’t seem to sit still. I almost thought I’d have to forego my little proposition.” 
“You could tell me Keanu Reeves is downstairs waiting to use me as a chew toy. I’d still tell you to fuck off, Isabel.” Carynn said, kicking her feet back up onto the table. 
Isabel laughed a genuine laugh. Like they were good friends catching up. “Unfortunately, that is not the offer I have for you. My contacts have told me that Oliver is on his way back to Gotham. I was hoping you and I could come to an...agreement. I know you and Oliver are not in the best of places. And I know that for the right price you remove problems.” 
Carynn had to admit, this was a first. She’d never really expected anyone to offer her cash to off Oliver. And maybe, if it had been anyone else sitting across from her, she might have considered the job. “If you want him gone you should do it yourself. Nothing says girl boss like killing your sugar daddy’s son...” she frowned, tilting her head. “Was he your sugar daddy? I’ve never really understood your relationship, at least aside from him definitely being married to someone else the entire time...” 
Isabel pursed her lips. “Do not patronize me, Carynn. You and I are far more alike than you will ever admit. You know this deep down. I am offering you a solution to both of our problems.”
“I’m nothing like you,” Carynn spat. “And Oliver isn’t my problem anymore. I don’t waste time thinking about him. I have bigger shit to worry about.”
“Well, what are these problems? Perhaps I can help you. We could form a partnership. Take what belongs to us. I have come a long way since I last saw you-” Isabel looked to her right, into the crowd below them. She visibly froze, her eyes set on something. 
Carynn leaned forward, trying to follow Isabel’s gaze. She couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. The bar was a little less crowded now. Carynn could spot one of the exit doors nearby. There was someone standing next to it. She couldn’t really make him out. Long, dark hair. A leather jacket. The black mask covering his nose and mouth stood out the most, but in a place like Gotham it was definitely not the craziest thing she’d seen. 
Isabel looked over her shoulder once more, nodding quickly. A tall man, who Carynn assumed had to be Isabel’s security, stepped towards them. He looked down into the crowd, surveying the area before speaking into an earpiece. Isabel turned her attention back to Carynn, her smile more nervous now than genuine. 
“I must go. Something has come up...please, think of my offer,” she set her clutch on the table, fishing through it before pulling out a business card. “This is where you can reach me. The number is safe, don’t worry. I hope to hear from you soon, Carynn.” 
Carynn watched Isabel walk off with her security guard before sinking down further into her seat and groaning. So much for peace and quiet. She picked up the card, rolling her eyes at the idea of taking up Isabel’s offer. Another number to put in my phone, at least, Carynn thought with a sigh. 
She tossed back the rest of her drink, slipping her phone and Isabel’s card back into her pocket before sliding out of the booth. Maybe she’d go to another club, maybe she’d head home, she wasn’t sure yet. 
Carynn headed downstairs, waving at Nick before slipping out of the same exit that Isabel’s mysterious friend had been standing next to just a few moments before. Carynn didn’t really care who he was to Isabel. Maybe he was some pissed off ex boyfriend, maybe he wanted to kill her. Who could really know? Carynn just didn’t want any part of whatever shit storm Isabel was no doubt stirring up. 
The alleyway outside of the club was quiet tonight. Usually there were a few people milling around, someone puking into the dumpster or arguing about what club to hit up next. Maybe it was still too early for that. Or maybe Batman was out patrolling and had spooked them all. 
The closer she got to the mouth of the alley, Carynn realized she could hear another heartbeat. It was slow, very quiet. Maybe someone passed out in the trash? That was definitely nothing she hadn’t seen before. She slowed down a little, pulling her phone out to pretend she was busy as she approached the dumpster. 
The smell wafting from it nearly smacked her across the face. It wasn’t a bad smell. Completely the opposite. Sort of a smoky yet spicy smell that made her mouth water like in the fall when Pauli’s Diner was serving pumpkin pie. Carynn leaned forward to try and get a look at whoever it was hiding by the dumpster. 
Something hit her like freight train. 
Carynn had been completely caught off guard. Her back smacked against the brick wall, pain radiating down her spine. Her attacker’s hand was around her throat, the gloved hand making her gurgle as she struggled to breathe. Her vision blurred in and out, but she could just barely make out the man that Isabel had been watching just minutes ago. 
“How do you know Isabel? What were you discussing?” more Russian, great. This was very, very, very not good. 
His hand was like an iron clamp around her throat. She couldn’t speak even if she wanted to. Carynn reached out, swiping blindly at his face to scratch him. 
Mister tall, dark and creepy let her go with an eye roll. Carynn slouched against the wall, coughing. “Talk.” he spat. 
He had gotten the upper hand on her once, that much she could admit. That wasn’t something that would happen again. “I don’t know anything,” Carynn snapped back in English. “It’s not like we’re friends. She’s a pain in the ass...! Look, I don’t want any trouble, okay? I don’t really have much info-”
She pulled the knife she had clipped to her belt free and lunged forward. Her mystery man moved quickly, but not quickly enough. The blade pierced through his jacket, grazing his skin. 
He grabbed her throat again, slamming Carynn back into the brick wall. She’d been expecting something like that. She grabbed her knife, getting a better grip of it and kicking her feet up against his chest and using all of her weight to shove him away. 
Carynn rushed forward, Dark and Emo blocking her physical blows easily. He moved just as quickly as she did. Now that they were both fully alert, it was difficult for either of them to get a good hit in. Carynn noticed that he didn’t guard his left arm as vigorously as his right, and she saw a window of opportunity. 
She tried to bury her knife into his left bicep. It ripped through his jacket, but the sound that was almost like nails on a chalkboard made Carynn flinch and jump back from him. The blade of her knife had been almost snapped in half. “What the fuck...” she muttered, tossing the dagger aside. 
Her opponent leaned down, pulling a large, tactical knife that was strapped to his boots. He lunged towards her, Carynn throwing her arms up in front of her to block his swing. She kicked down hard at his shin, throwing him slightly off balance as he tossed the knife from one hand to his other, the blade stabbing through her jacket.
Carynn slipped down and around him, jumping onto his back. Her legs wrapped tightly around his wait, she put him into a headlock. Terminator man didn’t seem very panicked, regardless of his airway being cut off. He spun around, slamming Carynn into the wall a few times in an attempt of knocking her off of him. 
Her grip around his throat loosened, instead she decided to try and pull his mask off to get a better look at who was trying to attack her. Unfortunately that distraction left her open, and the man sunk his knife into her thigh. Carynn screamed out in pain, her opponent tossing her off of him easily.
She landed on the ground with a thud. She had to move quickly. He was stomping towards her, his hands clenched at his sides. Carynn ripped the knife from her leg with a grunt. This would definitely slow her down. She couldn’t afford to be slow. 
Carynn tossed the knife. It was better to keep him from it than having it to defend herself. The Masked Douchebag bent forward to grab her ankle. Carynn kicked at him, but he easily smacked her leg away. He lifted her up, slamming her into the wall. Carynn fell face down, groaning loudly. Get up, get up, get up, she told herself. 
The sound of boots stomping towards her made her panic. She reached inside of her bra as the stranger picked her up by her jacket, pulling out the pocket knife she kept there. Before he could throw her again, she plunged the knife into his side. This time it did more damage than ruining his clothes. 
He dropped her, grunting in pain and anger. Carynn used the distraction to push herself up off the ground, rushing away towards the dumpster to put distance between them. Her leg gave out from under her, and she fell into a pile of trash bags. 
Her opponent pulled the knife from his side, once again tossing it aside and heading straight for Carynn. She scrambled backwards, freezing at the sound of a phone ringing. The two went still, looking at each other as the ringing filled the alley way. 
The man reached into his jacket, pulling a flip phone out. “We have spotted the target. Enough of whatever it is you are doing. Get to the bottom of whatever Isabel has planned.” someone said on the other line. 
“Yes sir,” the Masked Asshole said. “Send me the address. I will find her.” he closed his phone, his eyes trained on Carynn. And as quickly as the altercation had started, it was suddenly over. He turned, grabbing his knife from the ground and wiping it clean on his pants. Without looking back at her, he strolled off and out of the alley way as if nothing had happened.
Carynn let out a loud, relieved sigh and sank back into the trash bags. “Holy fuck that hurts,” she hissed out, grabbing at her thigh. Her hands were covered in warm, sticky blood. “These are my favorite pants...I’m gonna find you you goddamn bastard!” she shouted after the stranger. 
She groaned, pulling out her phone. She would heal eventually, but now there was no way she’d be able to make it home on her own. And taxi drivers didn’t like it so much when you bled all over their seats. She opened up a new message, pinging her location and typing the word help to Dante. 
“I fucking hate this city.” she sighed, leaning back to look up at the starry sky above her.
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vickers-n-lickers · 4 years
Moonlit pt. 3
Trigger Warning: Unaliving thoughts, violence, zombies))
Six rounds left.
He thought about doing it right then and there.
Her first. Then him.
Jill warned him they always come back unless they get a bullet in the head.
Maybe she'd try to eat him if she came back.
I'd… deserve it.
Well, he thought he did.
Her ghost disagreed with the notion from the back of his mind.
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"You've reached the Vickers! Please leave a message at the beep."
"Hey Joan, it's Dad. It's about four in the afternoon. I, uh, I accidentally picked up Jenna from the Y. Sorry, I thought it was my night. You can have Brad call off the search. I bet you both have been worried sick. She's up here in Stoneville with me. She and the dog are settled in for the night, I'll drop her off at school first thing in the morning and him at the house. I'm really sorry, Joan. Hey, do give me a call back so I make sure you got this message, okay? Love you, Scooter. Bye."
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"Do you remember when you fell in love with me?" Brad asked, a grin crossing his lips when nails drug low along his stomach.
Joan made a thoughtful sound as she lifted her head. Messy strands of brunette were carefully tucked behind an ear. "That's a secret." She giggled when he squinted and scowled suddenly at her.
"Tell me."
Long fingers swept back wild strands. "Nope. Never. Don't you dare do puppy dog eyes. Bradley! That is blackmail. That is a crime, sir!"
Holding in a laugh, he poked out his lower lip to match the mournful lift in his brow. He smiled when she laughed.
"Ugh! You monster. Fine…" Rolling off of him, she nestled into the crook of his arm. "During the last bad blizzard."
Brad blinked, rolling on his side to face her. "That was three years before we started dating."
The woman just shrugged, tracing the line of his collarbone in the dark. "So?"
"Why didn't you say something?"
"You had so many female admirers, I knew I couldn't compete."
Brad's brows immediately quirked in confusion. "Who?"
"The ladies that work in the records office."
His jaw dropped in horror. "They're in their sixties and I don't appreciate those catcalls every time Wesker sends me down there."
Joan wrinkled her nose, fighting back a snicker. "I bet they all have your sweet recruitment poster on their bedroom ceilings."
"Oh my God, Joan! Why would you put that in my head?" He pulled away when she started cackling.
"I bet they call the number late night hoping you'll answer. 'Is there an oral exam, Brad?'," She squealed with laughter when wagging fingers went for her hips.
"C'mon. Real reason." His smile was so warm and free in the slant of light peeking through the blinds.
It always melted the frost off her spirit. A long sigh escaped, her hand smoothed over his as it ran up her cheek. "The real reason? Because I come with baggage."
He scoffed. "We all do."
She shook her head. "Jack always told me no man would want me with Jenna being on the spectrum and me being a single mother. I…" Her shoulders lifted and dropped. "Part of me believed him, I guess."
Brad was quiet for the longest time. The clock on the nightstand read twelve in glowing red. Unmoving, outside of breath and blinking, he spoke barely above a whisper. "That is the cruelest shit I've ever heard in my life. There's nothing wrong with Jenna. She's a little girl. Nobody can control that. You didn't expect to be Mom and Dad… What the fuck is wrong with him?"
Joan bit her bottom lip. "I don't know. That's Jack. He thinks he has an answer for everything. 'Everyone leaves, Joan. Remember your mother…'"
Brad's stare turned hard as he propped himself up with an elbow. "I'm not fuckin' going anywhere." Short nails ran over where moonlight met her shoulder. "Hey… You know when I fell in love with you?" His lips turned up when she shook her head again. "It was when you said 'I'm Joan'." When her form rose and fell harshly from breath, his arms looped and pulled her fast to him. Kissing away tears, his nose pressed along the side of hers. "I'm not going anywhere."
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"You've reached the Vickers! Please leave a message at the beep."
"Joan, it's Dad again. It's about nine o'clock. I really hope you have a good reason for not calling me back. The news is a mess so I recon you're still stuck in traffic trying to get home. Before I forget, your brother and his wife are going to be here tomorrow morning so how about you two just come on up for the rest of the week and weekend? Your brother's been jabberin' my ear off about meeting Brad anyway. They can talk shop about helicopters and we'll go fishin'. Love ya, Scooter. Byeeeee!"
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The office stunk sterile. Jenna's dirty shoes swung back and forth on the exam table as she waited, expressive gray eyes fixed on the man sitting next to her on a chair. She reached out suddenly, poking at the emblem stitched in blue with white stars on his shoulder. She smiled brightly when he feigned a scowl.
"Alright then, Miss Piper…" Annette's brows lifted as she closed the door behind her. "And who are you?"
Brad was on his feet in a second, offering a hand. "Brad Vickers, Joan is at soundcheck. So, I…" His brows lifted when the blonde woman stepped around him and took a seat at the desk next to the exam table. "…Brought her for shots."
Annette smiled fondly to the girl, fingers looping in the air as she spoke in total silence to the girl.
Jenna's hands suddenly were animated, signing away a response to her doctor.
Brad sat down quietly, watching the two.
Birkin nodded, her stare turning back to the man. "Do you sign at all, Mister Vickers?"
"Still learnin'… What did she say?"
A nail scratched along one of her brows as she began to take down some notes. "She said you're her dad and you fly airplanes."
Soft brown eyes lifted up to the little one on the table. A smile drew itself across his mouth as she fiddled with the buttons on her coat.
A clean needle appeared when the cap was removed, quickly jabbed into a vial of clear liquid. The Umbrella symbol stenciled in red the only color to show.
Brows lifting, the man offered a hand to the young girl. Fingers gently gripping, his stare met her spooked one as Annette prepared.
"Just gonna be a little pinch, sweetie…"
He frowned when Jenna winced one eye totally shut.
"One more and we'll call it a day. Good girl. You're so brave," Annette cooed, a Barbie sticker soon in Jenna's hands. Her stare turned to Brad. "Tell her mother she's due for one last booster in six weeks and I'll get the referral she needs in the mail tomorrow."
Brad nodded, pulling his coat back on. "I'll let her know."
They were almost out of the exam room when Annette called out. "Have you gotten your flu shot yet this year, Mister Vickers?"
Brad's eyes went wide.
Back in the room.
Jenna looked from her new sticker still on its sheet up to the man sitting on the exam table.
Brad just pursed his lips, letting his air out when Annette returned with the vaccine.
"Alright, your turn."
Jenna offered her tiny hand to hold onto.
Annette couldn't hide her chuckle at the pair.
Jenna was still smiling at her two bright pink stickers when they arrived back home.
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"You've reached the Vickers! Please leave a message at the beep."
"Scooter, it's Dad. It's about six-forty in the mornin'. Your brother just got in. I am assuming you and Brad went home and just crashed out. Please call me back, I don't think Jenna needs to go back to school today. The girls are here. How about I just call the school at eight and she play hooky so she can see her cousins? I heard helicopters flying earlier. What in the world happened last night? Call me, girl. Bye!"
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The phone clicked back on the receiver as Jack turned away. "I swear that girl gives me more gray hair every day. Lookin' for the coffee, Son?"
Henry shook his head as he opened another cabinet. "Creamer?"
"It's in the pantry." Fingers running over thinning hair, Jack forced a smile as his daughter-in-law stepped around the corner. "Hey stranger, been a while." His arms opened as the curly haired blonde wrapped hers around him. "Mmmm! I missed you two. How's Seattle?"
"Cold, wet… I love it up there." Michelle replied, smiling as two little bodies pushed their way between her and their grandpa. "Girls, take your bags upstairs before harassing your grandpa." Their whines only made her smile wider. "We're going fishing later, hurry up!"
"Yeah, girls… Jenna is up there so keep it down, okay?" Jack let out a sigh as the two were out of sight. "It ain't like Joan to not answer me. Somethings off."
"Who knows, Dad. Scooter isn't the sharpest tool in the shed all the time," Henry said with a shrug, stirring dried creamer into his coffee.
"They might have realized they were baby free for a night and decided to start making the next one," Michelle replied, a wry grin on her face as her brows popped.
Henry feigned a gag. "Gross."
Jack let out a sigh. "For once in my life, I hope that's the case. Maybe I'll have a grandson next year and we'll all have a laugh at this."
Both smiled at the man seated at the kitchen table.
A bright flash suddenly filled all of the windows, and a minute later the entire house violently shook.
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Henry slammed the car door behind him, ball cap fished from the back of his belt and slung low over his eyes as he strode in the direction of the red tinted sky. "Stay in the car, Dad. I got this."
"You sure?"
"It's fine. Stay in the car. I'll find out what's going on." So much screaming, so many people bumping into him as they fled down the narrow paths between cars. It was total chaos.
What the fuck is going on?
He managed to make his way toward the crowd gathered at the roadblocks. He hung back, eyes veering over the many armed forms behind the barriers.
"My husband is still in the city! When will we be let in?"
"I have to get home!"
"What was that explosion? Was that a missile?"
Ducking through the crowd, he made his way toward the end of the barrier. Green eyes clicked their stare from one body to another. From the guy smoking, to another checking his gear, his eyes narrowed as he frowned.
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He was fastening his seatbelt as soon as the door to the car was shut. "Drive, Dad. We gotta go."
"What about Joan?"
"Dad, just drive. Let's get out of here before we're pinned in. You're clear still." He took a look over his shoulder to the rear window.
"What's going on, Henry?"
"Just get the car turned around! C'mon, Dad." He let out a sigh as the wheel cranked and the car was thrown into drive. "You're right, something is really wrong."
"What? What are you talkin' about?"
"None of those guys have flags on their shoulders. No unit patches. Nothin'. No name tape, no Army over their hearts. One guy had a grenade launcher out and was smoking."
"What does that mean, Henry?"
The pilot just shook his head. "I don't know. They're not Army though, Dad. They want us to think they are though..."
Jack looked frantic behind the wheel. "Maybe we should check the other roads going in? We have to be able to get in somewhere."
Henry shook his head. "No, no. The reporter back there said the city had been hit with a missiles."
"What? Oh my God…"
The raven haired man choked back tears, blinking them away as the car swerved. "Let me drive, Dad."
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"He hasn't been home much since the riots began," Joan said quietly. Wrapped up in a housecoat, she coughed harshly into her elbow. "I uh… I don't know what to tell you, Jill. We don't talk anymore. He's hellbent on keeping his job. I don't think he understands how close I am to leaving him."
"I'm sorry things are rough," Jill replied, the coffee in her cup cold when she took a sip.
"If Forest where here…." The woman bit her lower lip, shaking her head. "God, ever since they were killed it's like he died with them. You know? He's not soft and gentle anymore. He's just… he's just dead but walking around."
Jill grimaced at the thought. "I don't really need to talk to Brad. I wanted to ask you about when you worked for Umbrella. What did you do for them?"
"I uh… I was told I was guarding these massive coolers full of vaccines that required being at a low temperature at all times. Then, well before he died, Albert sent me a disc with instructions to look at it if anything happened to him." She wiped at her eyes, red and swollen. "Those monsters you told us about? I was guarding something like them. He had manifests and notes that said exactly what was in the coolers. There were pictures…" Her thumbs brushed over the side of her mug.
Jill's eyes were enormous.
Her voice was flat, emptied out and hollow. "Did you know most of those things used to be human? They were humans and I helped them take those poor people… Jesus Christ…" She couldn't help but weep, a dish towel used to wipe it all away.
"Joan do you still have the disc?"
The woman nodded, tears welling in her eyes. "Yeah, yeah you can have it."
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"It's going to be fine. The military is outside of the city. Help is here, Joan."
"That's bullshit and you know it! We're locked down. There's a curfew, there are more reports of people being attacked. I heard it on the radio!"
"Just drunks, Joan."
"No Brad! We both know that's not what's happening. We should have left town already."
Anger finally beat down the last wall he had, and it would be taken out on her. "If you want to leave, go ahead! I'm not going. My life is here. I might be able to sleep at home for once instead of at my fuckin' desk! I'm tired of this bullshit, Joan!"
"It's all bullshit, huh? Our friends are dead, Brad! They're all dead! That's not bullshit," her voice wavered. "I can't believe you sided with the prick who not only canned me, but is trying to lie about how all of your friends died!"
"It's your own fucking fault you got canned! If you hadn't been such a fuckin' idiot you'd still have a decent job!"
Her eyes were enormous at that, shoulders then squared… then predatory. A panther in the brush, she looked ready to rip him apart.
He looked ready to make a mistake as soon as she did.
The moment passed.
Joan took what dignity she still had and left.
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A hand went to the pocket on his vest.
The ring went back on Joan's hand.
He couldn't bear the idea of another hand having it.
He locked the doors and made his way out the back. The alley was empty.
Uptown was the next stop. He was getting the fuck out of town by the end of the night.
She hadn't asked him to be brave.
She had asked him to survive.
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