#*me squishing these twos faces together* kith
countinglegoclowns · 1 year
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Some freenoodles I drew for skelle!!! Bunny tang is good for the soul
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Ok, one, it's weird that there aren't many William simps i mean look at him he's husband material, and two, Jack would definitely ask for lots of cuddles from his lover bc i said so and look at him he would look clingy when he get them cuddles
Idk about anyone else but I like scars so um yes Jack and William my loves deserve more simps and attention in general
AND DAMNIT Jack deserves snuggles AND DAMNIT William deserves simps
I mean yeah Mr Vangeance has that whole wanting his best friend to do his thing and kill innocents but (I admit I am also a Patri simp I really can’t say shit man) but come on HES THE SWEETEST MAN LIKE PLEASE
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He would be the cutest partner
You flirt with him, he’s blushing no matter how long you’ve been together
You have a favourite plant be it flower or tree- he’s growing it at the base
Hell if you are like me and pollen is your downfall but you love flowers he’d gift them on special occasions (birthdays for example)
You want kids? He’s so excited
You don’t? He’s okay with that too
You don’t like celebrating certain holidays or events he’ll find a compromise if he does like celebrating them
I just wanna hold his hands, go on walks through the garden or forest and give him little kiths
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And Jack… Jacky my giant man.
I am 5’4 but I will climb him like a tree for snuggles just you watch
I will become a Koala for him
I don’t see him caring about many celebrations but your anniversary is the only thing he cares about - you will be getting a present be it something he picked up while on a mission or him and his absolute sunshine personality 😂😂😂
You gotta hug him everywhere, bed, while cooking, napping, reading a book
He may use me as a pillow I have the squish
He might be lanky and bony but fuck it he’s the bed now
He also likes when you play with his hair while he tells you about his day confirmed by me the end
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Love your work! If your still in the blue bard feels could I possibly request Dorian confessing his real name to the reader? Thank you for blessing us with so much content ❤️
Baby blue bard boi deserves a kith :3
~ Poet
Notes: Just cozy soft fluff. Set early in Campaign 3. It's implied that Reader was part of the original Crown Keepers, and wasn't present for his name drop, but only vaguely implied. #AndThereWasOnlyOneBed #ButItWasTeeny #SoYouFindAnotherBed
"He Will Always Be You"
-> Dorian x GN!Reader
"Hey... hey, are you awake?"
"Your leg-"
There's a shuffle in the bed that jolts you out of your sleep, and you lift your head from the pillow slightly. The room is dark, and you squint your eyes in an attempt to distinguish the shadows and shapes in your field of vision. It's quiet, and with a lazy, defeated motion, you lay back down and curl into Dorian's side once again.
He's out cold when you rest your palm on the front of his shirt, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest soothing your newfound racing thoughts. His lips are parted ever so slightly, the soft inhale and exhale hardly loud enough to consider a snore. There's a smattering of freckles across his nose that you can barely make out in the dim lighting, but you begin to count them nonetheless, like stars across a blue canvas.
He's so pretty, is the only thought that crosses your sleep-addled mind as you reach across him and tuck in closer. Your eyelids soon grow heavy and flutter closed, a satisfied huff of air escaping your lungs. Slowly, slowly, you begin to give in to the warm embrace of the dark once more.
"Pssst." You frown and hide your face in Dorian's shirt. "Fearne?"
"Wha- what?"
"Your leg is digging into me a bit. Can- can you-?"
You fist some of the nightshirt tightly in your hand, your entire body tense and more alert than before.
It was bound to initially be awkward, sleeping in a bed together with Dorian when you evolved from friends to something more for the first time. It can take time to figure out boundaries, nighttime routines, and mutually comfortable positions. It's natural, but often a fun side of the other person to explore and understand. You both fell into a pattern, two people in love settling down after a day of busy events.
However -
"What, can I what?" Fearne's voice, thick with sleep, hisses slightly with irritation.
Even in the dark, you can imagine the sheepish, hopeful expression on Orym's face. "... Move?"
"Oh right, sorry. Old habit I guess."
Sharing a bed with both Dorian and your two other good friends makes a tight squeeze. But from what you've learned on your travels as a sub-party of the Crown Keepers, is that it is both safer and cheaper to all crash out on the same mattress and under the same covers. It became the norm to huddle close and share threadbare blankets on the road, easier to rent one to instead of multiple.
A night is only that; a few hours of comfort and composure, healing after travelling and skirmishes, and you're more than willing to share with your friends.
But with Fearne nearly hanging off on one edge of the bed due to her size, Orym hammocking between her legs and Dorian's, the air genasi squished in the middle, and you clinging onto his back so you yourself do not fall onto the cold floorboards below... you cannot help but fantasize about a spacious king-sized bed and a lack of late night pestering.
"... Dorian?" Your voice raspy once the others have settled down, so quiet you barely could hear yourself speak. Nevertheless, the pointed ears you've come to love much more than simply their aesthetic, twitch slightly at your words. "You up?"
There's a beat, and you start to think he's in too deep a sleep to be woken by your soft tone, until his breathing changes slightly and his body shifts under the covers. He replies with a groggy "Yeah?" and you have to bite down on the inside of your cheek to muffle a chuckle. You lean up on your elbows, glancing at the limited space in the bed.
"I think I'm about to plummet to my death."
He muffles a laugh with his pillow. "It's a tight squeeze alright." He hums lowly, eyes sparkling in the dark as he turns over to look at you. You share the moment of closeness, of intimacy, and you begin to think that you might be able to endure the sleeping arrangement for another night. That is until Little Mister, who is curled up underneath the bedframe, ruins said moment with a rumbling snore, and Fearne's leg twitches harshly, and Orym mutters something about pies.
The air genasi drags a hand down his face, trying to hide his smile while you simmer in your sleep-deprived frustration before he pries himself away from both you and the cuddle pile. "Come on then, love," he whispers, straightening his sleep shirt as he stands and gathers a few essentials from his pack.
You raise a brow but do not question his intentions, gently moving from the bed and taking his offered hand.
The inn is quiet this time of night, only one or two patrons sitting at the bar, heads hanging tiredly while they nurse their tankards. The bartender, a wizened but gorgeous half-orc, has a word with Dorian while you wrap your cloak around you tighter. She smiles with a warm, toothy grin, and the exchange of coin results in a brass key being pressed into his hand. After bidding her a good night, he shuffles back over to where you stand.
"Second floor - blackout curtains, scenic view in daylight..." he states when you question him. He passes you the key, and rests his other hand at the small of your back to shepherd you down the corridor. "... Double bed for two people, and only two," he adds a little shyly, adjusting the pack on his shoulder.
You stop in your tracks, mouth parted with surprise. He halts his movements, glancing over his shoulder as if to say 'what are you waiting for?' but he mirrors your expression when you hug him. "I don't think I've ever been so in love with someone before," you dramatically admit. You reach up, tangling a hand in his hair and looking at him with nothing but fatigued adoration. He's perfect.
His heart flutters at your words, but sinks slightly when you continue.
"You truly are a wonder, Dorian Storm."
You see him swallow thickly, bob his chin in a weak nod before drawing himself away. Your face falls, confused at his sudden change in demeanor, and follow at his heels to your new room. "What's wrong? Was it something I said?"
"What? No, no, no, it's nothing, really." His forced smile tells another story. He fiddles at the lock with an awkward haste, nearly dropping the key. You reach out and still his hands, causing him to look at you.
"You can tell me anything, Dorian."
There it is again, that cold, dull gnawing of guilt within him because you have been so patient and loving, and he still hasn't told you.
With a sigh, his shoulders sag, and he manages to push open the door to the room and close it quietly after you follow him in. It looks almost identical to Orym and Fearne's room, but you do not care because it just feels so spacious and luxurious with only the two of you. You relieve Dorian of his pack, setting his on the desk and hanging your cloak on the hook, noting that he still hasn't moved an inch from the doorway.
"...  Brontë."
"Hm?" you answer, running your hand across the crisp, clean bedsheets. When he doesn't continue straight away, you glance over at him. "You okay?"
His mouth feels dry. He takes a careful step forward. "My other name is Brontë," he says.
You send him a quizzical look. He slides his own cloak from his shoulders and it pools to the floor in a blue and sunset orange heap. Without a word, you reach out. And he takes your hand.
You pull him closer and let him join you on the bed, your body resisting the urge to lay down and call it a night, but you know he has something to say. You tuck a lock of hair that had fallen in front of his face behind his ear, an encouraging intention behind it, and he relaxes slightly.
"You know that I was..." He pauses, wracking his brain, trying to find the right words. "... Someone else before we met. Before the- before I was the party's 'humble bard.' You know about my brother, my family." His eyes meet yours, almost pleading for understanding. "I come from a line of air genasi from the Silken Squall. And they know me as Brontë Secundson, of the Wyvernwind family." The tips of his ears feel hot when you look at him with that soft expression he knows all too well. You care. You appreciate learning this side to him.
You take his hand in yours, run your thumb across his skin comfortingly. "I get it," you soothe, "I do. You wanted distance from it all so you could just be you. That's a completely understandable desire, my love."
"I just-" he says, biting his lip. "I know how the others look at me. They know I come from money, they know I've got something to hide. But you never prodded or overstepped when we shared. I guess I liked the way you looked at me and... I didn't want you to think less - or more - of me, you know? I like the way you know me."
And you understand. There's no deceptive meaning behind his words.
"And how do you want me to know you?" you ask, leaning forward and nudging him to lay down. The first thing that registers in his mind is how much space there is, how vast the bed seems with only him and you occupying it. The sheets engulf you both, no legs or arms having to stick out and suffer the cold. He isn't afraid of disturbing anyone else's rest with a sleepy movement. His hands hover over your waist, and he clears his throat.
"There's a reason why you know me as Dorian, and so Dorian I will remain," he murmurs, his breath catching in his throat when you press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I just thought you should know. Finally know the truth. Of all people, you should know. It's been... it's been a lot this last year."
You move to pull the duvet across you both, your musings tired but with intent. "Dorian, Brontë, Storm, Secundson and Wyvernwind..." Even with the extra space provided without the others present, you and the bard still remain close, huddled next to each other, his hair a dark halo across the pillow. "No matter what name you choose or take, you are still the man I fell in love with."
Dorian flushes and smile bashfully. "Oh really? So I don't have to be afraid of any Maquesians whisking you away from me, do I?" he teases.
"They have nothing on my lover," you affirm with a smirk, raising a brow cheekily. "They simply have no chance against the man who dragged me with him across Exandria to Marquet. The man who has my back in every fight. The man who bought me my own bed." He chuckles at that, his chest rumbling with quiet laughter, filling the empty room with him.
You brush his chin with your nose, smile into his skin and manage to make a promise before sleep takes you both.
"He will always be you."
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
“Y/N is Mine!”
Oikawa, Kenma, Bokuto, Kuroo
Request: Can I have a head cannon for when s/o has a best friend who hates Oikawa, Kenma, Bokuto, and Kuroo. (Not sure what the max was sorry!) They always try to get s/o’s attention so they fight a lot. Like when s/o isn’t looking they start glaring at each other, always dragging s/o away to do something together, bully each other passive aggressively when s/o is around, stomp/shove each other, and etc. Btw I really loved the giant toddler club head cannon, probably my favorite head cannon I’ve seen😼💕 - @mini222rika
A/N for Requester: WHY WAS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME and sorry I haven’t really set rules to my requests that’s my fault so don’t worry! And thank you I’m glad you liked the Giant Toddler HC! Ur so sweet much love Bby 💞
A/N: Y/F/N* = Your friends name - sorry this took forever and it’s not that good, I don’t think it’s my favorite piece but I love the concept- I’ll probably re write this in the future! Requests are open! 🥳 kithes ❤️
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• Holy crap HES SO PETTY
• Your friend doesn’t really trust him, she loves you she just doesn’t want you to end up hurt
• Oikawa is your boyfriend, so when you started hanging out with him a lot and dragging your friend to Volleyball games - she wasn’t too happy
• You and your bestie hang out every Wednesday night! So if Oikawa tries to hang out with you, you reject him
Oikawa: You should come to my practice Wednesday
Y/n: But me and y/b/n* always hang out every Wednesday
Oikawa: You can miss one Wednesday
• You wouldn’t do that, especially with it being one day out of every week
• You often went out to lunch with Oikawa, and your friend would end up tagging along
Y/n: I’ll be back! I have to go the bathroom
• Things were... awkward
• Oikawa smirking while your friend glared at him, sending a spit ball his way
• When you came back to an intense glaring battle between the two you smacked them both on the back of their head
• It didn’t mean they stopped, they kicked each other under the table, threw stuff in each other’s drinks, and your best friend almost spit in his food until-
• They both looked at you, as you glared at them, making both lower their heads in shame
Y/n: Yes! Be ashamed! I don’t see why you two are so mean to one another!
Y/F/N: Because he’s taking you away from me!
Oikawa: Am not! You’re a Wednesday hog!
• The constant bickering between the two never ended and only continued when you were turned around
• One minute they were with you the next your hear slamming on the lockers seeing your boyfriend yelping in pain and your best friend looking around
“His fangirls do be crazy.”
• You sigh and help him up placing a kiss on his forehead, your best friends jaw dropping and him sticking his tongue out at her
• When you catch one of them in the act they automatically get scolded while the other snickers at them
“Oikawa! Don’t step on her!”
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• He seems like he doesn’t care, but he’s ready to throw hands ✨
• When he sees yours best friend glaring at him, he knows what’s about to happen
• He lays his head on your lap smirking at her while her jaw drops
• You automatically run your fingers through his hair
• They were really discreet about how they fought
• The moment your head turns Kenma hisses gives her a warning glare not to mess with him
• Kenma doesn’t care if y’all are best friends he’s going to call her out anytime
• You guys are getting lunch together?
“Y/f/n why’d you step on me?”
• You’re leading them back to class?
“Why are you glaring at me?”
• Overall you sit your friend down while Kenma smirks at her from across the room
• Dont cross Kenma
• You friend doesn’t necessarily hate him, she just thinks you deserve someone who’ll give you attention
“If you game so much why don’t you marry your game instead of y/n?!”
“That’s not legal and that’s weird, what goes through your brain y/f/n?”
• You sigh and hug Kenma looking at your friend
“I know you’re looking out for me, but Kenma is harmless... see?”
• As you lift his face up, his face squished between your hands as he looked confused
“He looks like a fish”
“You look like kuroo’s nasty foot y/f/n but you don’t see me saying anything.”
• They could never not fight 🙈
• There was something about Kenma that bothered your friend, and she was one to take action, and he was only attacking her because she was attacking him
• Kuroo usually stuck around to be amused at Kenma being so fired up, come on Kenma being fired up? That didn’t mean he was always happy with what happened
Y/f/n: Shut up your roots are showing!
Kenma: and your head is as big as Kuroo’s ego!
Kuroo: why do all his insults include me :(
Y/n: I’m not sure... *pats his back awkwardly*
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• When your friend would pull you away glaring at him he questioned what he did wrong
• When she would tell him you’re busy hanging out with her he was upset
• And Akaashi didn’t stand for Bokuto being upset so while you and Bokuto would invite them places Akaashi would protect Bokuto and You from seeing her seeth at the owl haired boy
• Akaashi protecc yes yes but he also attacc
• The moment your best friend is about to say you two have plans he pushed her face back
“What the hell Akaashi?!”
“Sorry y/f/n, you had a fly on your face.”
• But when Akaashi wasn’t there-
“Hey! Y/f/n! Y/n! Where did you guys go!?”
• She would drag you far away from him before you could say anything
• This would upset Bokuto, which you would walk over to him and kiss his nose
“Don’t be upset! It was a split second!”
• He would automatically light up with happiness he loved nose kisses stop
• You definitely were as clueless as Bokuto, because it wasn’t until Akaashi brought up your friend throwing things at Bokuto that you noticed
• This upset you, you knew Bokuto wasn’t the type to argue back because he wouldn’t wanna upset you or your homegirls 😎
• As much as you weren’t one to notice things right away, you were definitely one to confront people
“Y/f/n. You need to stop being rude to Bokuto.”
“I’m just worried about you is all!”
• You raised an eyebrow at this sitting with her
“I don’t want you to get hurt like the past few times - I don’t know Bokuto but the more I messed with him, I realized he didn’t even bother to respond because he didn’t want to upset you by getting angry with me...”
• You hold onto her shoulders and smile at her
“I appreciate you looking out for me but Bokuto wouldn’t even hurt a fly.”
• You friend ended up apologizing to him to which Akaashi apologized to her-
“I’m sorry I pushed your face..”
“I’m sorry I tripped you so you wouldn’t catch up to y/n and Bokuto.”
“Akaashi you threw a book at her?”
“At the back of her head and it was a paper copy so it wasn’t that bad.”
“....it was a thick book....”
“You’re alive with no bumps I don’t want to hear it.”
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• This asshole cuwnfowkfijw
• Niether of them were slick about it, and they didn’t care
• Oh, you have to go study with Kuroo?
“She’s mine!”
“She’s MY girlfriend!”
• With the amount of times they pull you by your arms and use you as a tug of war rope, you’d think your arms grew longer
Y/f/n: She has to come to my house, we have a test to study for *tugs you towards her*
Kuroo: Well Shes better off coming with me because you have no brain and I’m smarter than you *tugs you towards him*
• This goes on for awhile until Kenma just casually grabs you and walks away with you leaving them to argue and confused about where you went
• Sometimes when you force them to both study with you, you watch your best friend throw Kuroo’s stuff off the table
• Or he brings you a coffee and completely ignores her and let’s her go coffee-less
• They weren’t subtle and you had no clue as to why they were so mean to one another
• They crossed the line a certain day when you went shopping with Kenma, Kuroo and your best friend
Y/f/n: Shut it rooster head I’ll sell you so they can chop you up and have you for dinner!
Kuroo: You’re just mad you cant be naturally pretty like me!
• When she smacked Kuroo in the back of the head making him drop the coffee he was drinking and she claimed there was a “bug on his head” Kenma was already 10 feet away from y’all claiming he doesn’t know you guys
• Especially because he saw your fuming face he wanted no part in that
• As the two were bickering you stood over them, angrily with your fists to your sides both of the automatically getting quiet
“One more argument out of either of you and I’ll leave both of you here and take Kenma with me.”
• They both remained quiet and the rest of the trip was peaceful ✨
• Until you got home-
“She was MY best friend first.”
“She was not! Plus she’s my girlfriend that over rules best friend.”
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yamagucji · 4 years
Cuddles over video games
request: i hope it’s okay if send a lot of requests bc my mind likes to ✨imagine ✨impossible things ,,, i’d to request a fluffy kenma oneshot where the reader is just chilling at kenma’s house while he plays on his switch and the reader gets bored then takes his switch away and sits on his lap , starts to give him ✨ kithes ✨and just sorta reminds him that he has a s/o” - anon
a/n: yes i love this sm anon 🥺
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It’s been nearly two hours since the pudding head last uttered a word to you. Your body is aching for some touch. It’s not common for Kenma to be so immersed in a game during your bonding time together, but it does happen, especially when he’s keen on beating a level.
But it wouldn’t hurt to be a little selfish, right?
“Kenma,” You groan. “How much longer?”
He peers down at you, smiling at the way your cheeks are squished against his bed, “Just a little longer kitten, then I’m all yours.”
You pout. There’s only so much you can take until it becomes unbearable— so you do what any touch-starved person would.
Setting yourself on his lap, you wrap your arms around his neck and caress the skin with your thumbs.
He grumbles, “Kitten, please... I can’t see.” But there’s a deep blush developing on his face, and you can feel the way he’s gripping you by the waist to bring you closer. You’re sure he’s given in to your cravings now.
“Kenma...” You coo, dragging your hands to towards his warm cheeks.
You pull his head towards you, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Then another on each of his temples, his nose, his cheeks, and finally, his lips.
Each kiss makes the smile on his face stretch even more, and he closes his eyes, humming in content.
“Hmm, can I have some more?”
You furrow your brows, pretending to be deep in thought, “I don’t know about that pudding, you did ignore me for a long time...”
He chuckles at your teasing. Perhaps two hours had been too long in your case— cuddling with you should make up for it, he thinks.
So he shifts, pushing you down until your back hits the bed. He hovers over you, his arms pinned beside your shoulders.
“Well, I’m going to get more either way.” He leans down towards your face and returns the kisses you had given him just moments ago. There are more than what you’d given him, and you couldn’t be more grateful enough to finally be able to get your well deserved attention from your boyfriend.
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rinniealt · 4 years
Atsumu Miya x Reader
Drunken Love <3 
One, Two, Three, seventeen who knows how many drinks you’ve shoved down your throat. Seeing as you could barely stand without kissing the floor, Your friends decided to take you home. They had a hard time getting you in the car considering you kept trashing around saying “NO don’t touch me! I have a boyfriend” over & over again.
Finally arriving at your mansion I mean apartment, They knocked on the door impatiently waiting for your dear ol’ boyfriend to open up. After five minutes or so, He finally opened up grumbling something about disrupting his gameplay. He was surprised to see your friends with a wasted you. Your friends handed you to your bemused boyfriend and bid goodbye.
As soon as the door closed you immediately kissed your boyfriend’s jaw. He groaned a bit but pushed you away. You pouted and crossed your arms. “You don’t love me anymore? Tsumu?” You asked him, Tears gathering at the corner in your eyes. He sighed and picked you up by your armpits to which you immediately wrapped your limbs around him, your cheeks pressed on his shoulder complaining about how he doesn’t love you and that he should just leave you and all that stupid conclusion your drunk mind was coming up with. He opened the bathroom door and set you down on the counter. He helped you wash your face and brushing your teeth. “Hold still baby, Need to clean ya up” He helped you undress.
He gave you a shirt to put on as he went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water ibuprofen/aspirin after He guided your shared bedroom. He placed the glass and pill/s on the bedside table and looked at you. You looked adorable, Your hair was messy, His shirt hanging loosely around your frame, sitting in a child pose on the bed with your arms crossed and a pout on your face. He couldn’t control himself, As he tackled you into a hug. “You look so damn adorable right now” he nuzzled his head to your neck. You pushed him away before saying “No you don’t love me enough. You won’t do it with me” You turned your whole body away from your piss hair colored boyfriend. “Aww, baby come here please” he pleaded with open arms. Your mood did a full 180 (Yes, I’m listening to Don’t start now or whatever the title of this song is by Dua Lipa) And jumped in his arms. You looked up at him with doe eyes and said “Can we do-” “No baby” He cut you off and kissed you before you could complain about it. 
“I’d rather do it with ya when you’re sober” He squished your cheeks making you like psyduck “Do you understand?” He continued to which you answered with a nod. You swatted his hands away and asked “Can I have a kith at least?” You gave him the puppy dog eyes. He chuckled at your cuteness since normally you weren’t this affectionate. “My baby gets all of my kisses” he peppered your face with kisses, You giggled and fell back on the bed wit Atsumu on top of you. He stopped kissing you and rolled to lay down beside you. You snuggled up beside him, sleep finally hitting you like how your boyfriend hits a volleyball. He whispered sweet nothings to you as you fell deep into slumber. He shifted a bit just enough to reach the small compartment beside him, He opened it a bit and pulled out a red velvet box and looked at you. 
‘I can’t wait to get my shit together and propose to you. Goodnight (Your name) (Last Name).’
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jungshookz · 5 years
hERE is the somewhat completed but uncompleted hwayoung’s birthday draft that i was supposed to post :-((( but forgot to :-(((( 
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universe; ceo!yoongi
wordcount; 1.8k
something that you can safely say hwayoung inherited from you is the fact that you are very much a believer in getting as much beauty sleep as possible
the girl would snooze the entire day away if it weren’t for eating and diaper changing
in fact yOu would snooze the entire day away if it weren’t for eating and diaper changing
so it was more than surprising when you opened the door this morning to see her already up and waiting for you to come and get her
“what in the world are you already doing up??” you gasp exaggeratedly as you step into her room
you head over and switch off her white noise machine before turning to face her “good morning, birthday girl!”
hwayoung squeals excitedly as she starts to bounce up and down in her crib while holding onto the railings
“mamamamama-“ she babbles and starts to bounce even moRe enthusiastically as you approach her crib
you smooth her bedhead hair back before leaning down and smaCking a kiss on her forehead
“did you sleep well?�� you squish her cheeks in between your hands before leaning down again and giving her a little kith on her nose
“i hear ya loud and clear, girl. should we head down for breakfast? daddy’s slicing up some bananas for you in the kitchen.”
“ba!” hwayoung raises her arms for you to pick her up
“we should probably change your diaper first because no birthday should start off with a warm wet tushy.” you scoop hwayoung out of her crib and cradle her against your hip
you pause when you give her bum a little squish as you adjust her and you unintentionally grimace 
,.,.that is a very full diaper
u love ur daughter but changing diapers is still GROSS 
since hwayoung’s birthday falls on new year’s eve you thought it was going to be tricky figuring out how to celebrate them both at the same time
which is why you came up with a completely foolproof plan that you think everyone will be happy with
here’s what’s going to go down on december 31st 2019
you will celebrate hwayoung’s birthday for the entire day
and then you will celebrate new year’s eve for the entire night when hwayoung goes to bed!
but wait 
now that you think about it
,.,.,.does hwayoung also want to celebrate new year’s with you guys?
does she even understand the concept of a new year?? a new decaDE?????
ok you’re definitely overthinking this
keeping her up til midnight is going to mess with her sleeping schedule biG time so that probably wouldn’t be a good idea
“-then uncle jimin and jungkook are coming over with your presents, and we’re going to open them, and your ice cream cake is in the freezer-“ you make your way down the stairs slowly as you tell hwayoung about how the day is going to unfold
she lets out a little sigh before leaning against you and tucking her head under your chin
“happy birthday, chunky monkey!” yoongi’s face lights up when he sees the two of you coming down the stairs and hwayoung immediately perks up
“dadadaba!!!” you give her one last kiss before handing her over to yoongi and of courSE she’s reaching out to him before you even hand her off
she has her mama’s girl moments but most of the time she is definitely a daddy’s girl
yooongi immediately smooshes several kisses to her cheek and hwayoung cackles with glee
“-and good morning to you-“ he hums and leans over to give you a quick kiss “i thought you were going to get up to help me with breakfast!”
“y’know, i was… and then i was like… extra sleep sounds vEry nice…” you smile sheepishly and scratch the back of your neck “but this spread looks great!”
yoongi went all out for breakfast this morning
buttered slices of golden brown toast
crispy sausages and slabs of bacon
scrambled eggs
freshly-squeezed orange juice too!!
and of course a bowl of sliced up bananas for hwayoung because she’s been going through a banana (and blueberry!) phase lately
yoongi even sprinkled a couple (whole grain) cheerios on her tray for her to pick at
“what time did jimin and jungkook say they were coming over? i should probably start decorating for the party soon.” 
after making sure hwayoung is snug and secure in her seat, you pull a chair out to sit down on
yoongi hands you a cup of hot coffee before pausing slightly “i think they said 10 or 11? i’ll text them again after breakfast to make sure.”
“bada?” hwayoung raises her fist and unfurls it before revealing a perfectly round blueberry
she blinks owlishly at you when you don’t make a move
and then you realise that your daughter is offering you some of her breakfast which is vEry kind of her
you pluck it from her before popping it into your mouth “thank you, my sweet little baby.” you reach over to push her cheerios closer to her
“baba.” she murmurs and shoveS some mushy bananas into her mouth
“are you going to offer any to dada?” you gesture to yoongi and yoongi pushes his bottom lip out in a pout before holding his hands out
hwayoung giggles as she continues to mash bananas and blueberries into her mouth
you love her sticky little face
“y/n, check it out!” jungkook raises both of hwayoung’s legs up in the air so that you can get a good look at her feet
hwayoung squawks as she flops back against kook’s tummy and she lets out a little whine
“we’re matching!!!” jungkook wiggles his own feet and you snort when you see that they’re both wearing brand new nike air force 1s
at least now you know hwayoung is just as trendy as kook
but also why is jungkook wearing shoes in your living room like a maniAC
before you get a chance to gently remind jungkook that it would be greatly appreciated if he took his shoes off, jimin pipes up in a huff
“i can’t believe you literally copied my gift idea-“ jimin gestures to the open doc martens box and jungkook rolls his eyes
“i didn’t copy anything-“
“i told you i was going to get her her first pair of doc martens.“ jimin states before reaching over to pull hwayoung’s sock up
“yeAH you said doc martens you didn’t say anything about nikes-“ jungkook lets go of hwayoung’s legs before leaning back against his palms
hwayoung sits up properly before peeking around to look over at you
she’s looking at you like she wants you to rescue her
“oh you are suCH A MOOCHER-“ 
hwayoung twists around and places her hands on the ground so that she’s kind of lying over jungkook’s thigh before pushing her bum up to help her to stand up
okay here we go
her new shoes were made for walking and that’s exaCtly what she’s going to do
you drop down to your knees and hold your arms out as hwayoung slowly toddles her way over to you while jimin and jungkook continue to bicker over their gifts in the background
“c’mere, come to mama!” you grin excitedly as she steps toward you 
you remember the first time she walked
you were worried that she was never going to walk because all the kids from your mommy’s group had already started to walk but hwayoung still seemed to prefer crawling
you remember you were on the phone with yoongi while preparing dinner one night
hwayoung was on her play mat by the fridge stacking her little toy blocks and all in all having a good time by herself
and yoU were kind of a mess because you were trying to do like 10 things at once
talk to yoongi
chop up some onions
stir the pot
watch the other pot
make sure the pots and pans in the sink aren’t going to topple over
anyways it took you a second to realize that you had dropped your wooden spoon onto the floor but you couldn’t pick it up at the moment because you were holding a veRY hot pot
“so, what time did you say you were going to leave the off- oH-“ you jump three feet into the air when you suddenly realise that hwayoung is standing right behind you as soon as you turn around after having put the pot down
what the-
she blinks at you before holding the wooden spoon up for you to take “bahbah?”
your brows knit together almost immediately “what the f-“
“y/n, what’s wrong?” yoongi asks on the other line and you tilt your head in curiosity as you look down at your daughter
h-how,..,,. how did she get from her play mat to over here so,.,. so quickly.,., and also,.., she is definitely standing on her own two feet right now
usually she has to hold your hand or lean onto something but here she is
like a normal human being
you take the spoon from her gingerly before clearing your throat “uh, nothing! nothing. i just- i think- i think hwayoung is- well, she’s-”
“spit it out, you’re worrying me-” 
“she’s standing! by herself. she’s standing on her own two feet. and i’m pretty sure she walked over to me. by herself. alone.” you clear your throat
you haven’t taken your eyes off of hwayoung because you’re waiting for her next move
but she’s just staring right back up at you 
you neARLY cried but you held it together for the sake of not freaking hwayoung out
and now she’s toddling around everywhere!!!! she still plops down every now and then but she can make at least 10 steps before giving up and waiting for someone to pick her up or just crawling over to the destination by herself
“wow, these are nice…” you hum as you check out hwayoung’s new shoes
they are vERY white and you know they’re going to get all scuffed up in like five seconds flat
but you’ve already imagined a million different outfits to match with the shoes and you’re excited >:-))
the docs that jimin gifted are also very nice and you’re looking forward to buying moRe outfits to match with them
“see, look what you did!” jungkook scoffs as he twists to gesture to hwayoung “your yeLLing scared her off- c’mere, hwayoung, come to me-” 
“no no, come to mE-” 
hwayoung looks up at you helplessly and you snort 
everyone wants the birthday girl’s attention today!!! 
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag; drabble masterlist
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