#*Alexa play “You me and your friend Steve”*
valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 6 months
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there is something so wholesome in friends who live in different contries meeting up.
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Cutting Too Deep~3~Final
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Part 2
Words : 5.5k
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @djkeruigbbygirl @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
“ Please, Steve” you begged him following him around Family Video trying to get him to agree to be your fake boyfriend.
He shook his head while taking things out of the box that came in not long ago. 
“ It’s not going to hurt anyone, Stevie” you jutted out your bottom lip with your eyes pleading like puppy dog eyes.
Steve didn’t even need to look at you to know what you were doing. “ Y/N, I said no.” 
“ Why not?” Steve sighed, shaking his head. 
“ Because you can’t just use people!” He shouted turning around, anger in his eyes.
He put a hand on his chest. “ I’m a person with feelings too. You’re not going to use me just piss Munson off.” 
“ But Steve I-“ he pointed a finger at you, spatting the next words, “ When did you turn out to be such an asshole?” 
You gasped at the words, eyes widen hearing the words from him.
“ Excuse me?” His lips threw in a thin line as he turned back to the box. He didn’t really mean to be so angry with you but he knew you were playing a dangerous game with someone else’s feelings.
As much as he didn’t like Eddie, but he tolerated him because of you. 
“ Fine, I won’t use the precious Steve Harrington. I thought we were friends. I guess not” Steve’s hands landed on the opened box, he sighed hearing you walk out of the back room and heading to the front where Robin hid behind a shelf listening in the conversation. 
You didn’t even bother to say bye to her and heading to your car where you angrily drove away. 
It wasn’t until two days later where you walked through the doors with Andy by your side with his jacket around your shoulders.
Chrissy and Jason on the other side of yours as your hand was in Andy’s hand. Heads turned with wide eyes as they saw you with them. Since when did that happen? 
Gareth, Dustin, Mike, the freak and Jeff all turned to see you. Mouth dropped. 
“ Since when is she dating one of them?!” Dustin shouted. 
“ How have we missed the memo?” 
“ What’s up my little sheeps?” Eddie walks over to them not really paying attention to what they were looking at until his eyes landed on you. His mouth felt dry, and his heart felt like someone threw it in the trash and put it through a thrasher.
Everything in him felt cold and unwanted. He felt like he was in someone else’s body.
He couldn’t believe it. You felt like a bunch of bricks hit him of betrayal. How could you? 
His nose scrunched up in disgust. You happen to walk by making sure to pull Andy down to kiss him on the cheek.
Right in front of Eddie who angrily watching this unfold. His throat build up and he can’t swallow the lump in his throat. 
His hands are shaking and his eyes fill with tears.
It was like his chest was clenching together finding it harder and harder to breathe. He collapsed against the lockers as he felt his chest burning and tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“ Eddie?” Jeff calls out to him. “ Are you okay, man?”
Eddie doesn’t answer him as his vision blurs with tears and he can’t take this emotion. He feels like everything inside of him has erupted and he’s not the person he is. He feels everything running through him. 
He stands up to push past anyone in his way as he needs to get some air. He feels like he’s about to throw up and he hasn’t ate anything today yet.
He pushes the door opened, stumbling through people, tears rolling down his cheeks as his hands come up his knees as he chokes out whatever is bothering him in his mouth. 
A hand rubs his back while he’s having this panic attack that he thinks he’s having.
He feels everything just trying to get out and he hates it. He hates you for making him feel like that. 
“ I’m sorry, Eddie” the sound of Dustin’s voice fills his ears. Eddie doesn’t look back and shakes his head. Dustin continues to rubs Eddie’s back. 
“ Maybe you should go home” he suggest. Eddie sobs more and coughs even more as his hands are shaking. People are looking at him with disgust as they walk past him.
“ Move along! Nothing to see here!” Dustin says. He sends a sympathetic look towards Eddie’s way and Eddie seems to calm down a bit as he stands back up, wiping with the back of his hand the salvia, snot and whatever else with the back of his sleeve. 
Dustin fishes out a napkin from his backpack that his mom usually adds in, just in case. 
“ Here” he hands Eddie a napkin which Eddie takes and wipes his eyes away. Dustin has never seen Eddie act like this and looks at the school back in concern. 
“ I’ll call Wayne to come pick you up” Dustin says. “ Let me call him” he says. Eddie puts his hands on Dustin’s shoulder and shakes his head. 
“ Thanks, Henderson but he’s at work and there is no need to bother him” Dustin shoots him a disapproving look.
“But you’re not feeling well” Dustin mutters. 
“ I’ll be fine, I need a smoke. Thanks, Henderson. You can go back to class” Dustin shakes his head as he looks back at the school again. “ I could always tell my mom I had to look after you for skipping class, she would understand. She loves you.” 
“ Henderson, go to class” Eddie pleads. “ I’ll be fine” he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket off his jacket and lights one up. 
Dustin sighs and says, “ If you need anything, you know where to find me. I can go get Gareth or Jeff.” He points back at the school. 
“ Henderson, get your butt to class before I kick it” he says. The cigarette hanging in the corner of his mouth. 
Dustin nods as he squeezes Eddie’s shoulder and heads towards the school. Eddie looks towards the school and sighs to himself. 
He was getting a big headache from all of this. 
Andy kept putting his arm around you all through the day. You hadn’t seen Eddie for the rest of the day and getting looks from the rest of the Hellfire table, mostly glares.
Dustin didn’t say a word to you when he passed you in the hall. You were a bit hurt by this but you felt like you were digging a hole with this game you were playing at. 
At lunch, you walked past the Hellfire table hearing them stop talking as they turned to glare your way.
Dustin had taken a piece of sandwich with a mouthful he glared at you while you stopped at the table.
“ You look a little lost there Y/N” you heard the sound of Stephanie’s voice. “ Were you hoping to catch Munson?” She asked as she stands in front of you now with her hands on her hips. 
“ Awe look at you with little hope in her eyes that her little friends don’t like her anymore, tough. No one likes you anymore,  you’re such a sad little nobody” she took the milk from your lunch and opened it. 
“ Look at what your wearing even, god do you even know how to dress?” You look down at your outfit as everyone turned to glance at you. 
“ Did you really think dating Andy would do you any good? He feels sorry for you, little girl. No one would date such a nerd like you. You’re a living joke” she laughs, her little group laughs with her as she pours over your head. 
You gasped feeling some get into your eyes, the cafeteria laughed at what happened. You felt eyes on you as tears filled your eyes. 
“ Leave her alone!” Someone shouted. Everyone turns their heads to see Robin standing at the door with her hands on her hips. You thought she wasn’t your friend anymore.
“ What are you going to do about it?” Stephanie asked. Robin stomped her way over getting her own tray with food spilling it into the garbage and taking the tray, slamming it over her head. Everyone gasped even the Hellfire table as they watched. You hadn’t thought Robin would do this. 
She grabbed your hand and the two of you ran out of the cafeteria all the way to the bathroom.
She closed the door with her back, leaning against it as she laughed while you joined her. It was only a few moments until the both of you stopped, to catch your breathe. 
“ Are you okay?” She asked making her way over to you and gets a paper towel as she try to reach out to help you.
You turned to look at the mirror at yourself seeing the milk drenched your hair, your shirt drenched in ilk and you looked like a horror show happened to you. 
“ I will be” you mumbled turning on the faucet to wash your hair. She stands behind you looking into the mirror.
“ I’m sorry this happened to you” you shrugged, sniffling.
“ It’s like I deserved it” you mumbled. You turn off the faucet and turn your hair to the side putting it in a side pony tail. “ I think I’ll head home. I don’t feel like going to the rest of my classes.”
“ Do you want me to come with you?” 
You shook your head. 
“ Thank you, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’s just milk” she shook her head.
“ I meant, what happen earlier with Stephanie?” 
“ You handle it, Robs. I didn’t know you had in you and with a swing like that” she shrugged, a small hint of red on her cheeks. “ I’ve learned from the best” she says, a slight smirk on her face. 
You chuckled, and a shrug. 
“ I’ll see you later” she squeezed your shoulder as she headed out first, looking out in the hallway in case Stephanie would be standing out there.
When the coast was clear, she signaled for you to come out. You followed her and looked around yourself and headed towards your locker to get your back pack. 
When you were heading out to your, there in the parking lot was Eddie’s van wide open in the back.
You paused in your step debating weather to check on him or making your way to your car where it was close to his van where he would see you leaving. 
You sighed to yourself heading to your car thinking he didn’t want to have anything to do with you after all the harm you caused but you were only doing it because of what he did with Stephanie. For revenge. 
But you felt like you were losing your friends from all of this. 
You fished your keys out of your pocket, the jingle has altered Eddie on it as he sat up in the van as his eyes landed on you.
His eyes roamed your hair seeing it dried up and looks different. He saw your shirt soaked and put two and two that something has happened. 
He watches you fight to open your car with a mutter of curse words underneath your breath. He always found it so cute how you would mutter such words in a cute way and your nose scrunched up in annoyance too.
You managed to open the car, and slip inside, starting it. You let it run as you leaned your head back against your seat not even noticing that Eddie has been watching you from the back of his van. 
You leaned back to put the car in reverse when you notice he was watching you and you made eye contact with him.
There was a slight wanting to wave at him, to show him some greeting but you sat still looking at him as he looked at you. 
He looked so sad and lonely. 
The two of you remained eye contact until it started to pour which made Eddie break his eye  contact as he stared up at the grey sky filled with sadness.
He scooted closer as the scent of rain fills him, closing his eyes as it soothes him. You watch him as he looks up at the sky looking like he was the most beautiful person you have ever seen in that moment. 
You were in awe of him even if he caused you pain. You can’t forgive him for the damage he has done.
He opened his eyes and noticed your car still stood there as he glanced back down to see you have been watching him.
He put out the cigarette and dropped it on the ground to stomp on it before he shut the back of the doors of the van and hurried into the van.
The roaring of the van brought you out of your thoughts as you started yours, driving away and passing Eddie who watched you drive away.
He wondered why you were staring at him like that. 
You sat in your room later that night, reading a book in your bed when there was a knock at the door. 
“ I’m not hungry, mom” you shouted to her. The door opened to reveal that it wasn’t your mom standing there but none other than Steve Harrington. You put the book down in your lap curious why he was there. 
“ Why are you here?” You asked, “ thought you hated me.” He sighed as he shook his head making his way over to you to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“ Robin told me what happened today, didn’t know she got an arm on her” you chuckled. 
“ She has her surprises” he chuckled along with you. But he hasn’t turned to look at you as his eyes stared into his hands that were in his lap. 
“ You know he never deserved you in the first place” he says. Your eyebrow shoots up in surprise. “ What do you mean?” 
“ Eddie Munson isn’t good for you, no matter how much you want to believe he is” Steve says. You shifted that you sat next to him with your hand on his arm. 
“ I loved him, you know?” You mumbled, Steve turns his head to sadly look at you and nods his head. “ You believe that even after he hurts you, that there is a chance that someday he’s going to be with you again?” 
“ I know it’s stupid” you sighed turning to look down at your lap. Two fingers lift up your chin to make you look at him. 
“ Nothing you do is stupid” he says. “ He’s the stupid one for hurting you. I mean, Stephanie Peters? She’s such a mess of a bush.” 
It caused you to chuckle.
“ Thanks” you nodded. 
“ You know I could never hate you, how could someone as sweet as you, hate you?” 
“ There are people” you shrugged. 
“ Are you doing okay?” He asked placing his hand on your knee. The heat from his hand radiates bringing you comfort in a way. 
“ I am, thank you for coming in and checking in on me.” 
“ It’s part of my job, being your best friend” he knocks his shoulder into yours. You knocked into his. 
“ We’re all good?” You asked.
“ I promise” Steve says holding out his pinky for you. You chuckled seeing the goofy look on his face lifting your own pinky up hooking around his. 
“ A mess of a bush? What even is that? Did you come up with that on your own?” Steve rolled his eyes as he grumbled underneath his breathe how he hates you.
He doesn’t really hate you, it just came to his head when he was thinking about it. 
“ Oh shut it, it flew in my head and came out. You know what? Forget even about it” 
You laughed knocking into his shoulder this time sending him almost flying off the bed. He caught himself shooting you a dirty look while you stuck out your tongue.
You were glad to have someone like Steve in your life. 
It’s been a couple of more weeks since all you and Eddie have been doing is looking at one another like your life depended on it.
Your friends were growing tired of it, even though Eddie was an asshole on hurting you, yet you still hoped. There was hope in your eyes from Robin over looking at you reading you like a book. 
“ You know, staring isn’t going to do anything? If you honestly wanted to talk to him then go” she says, an annoying look on her face. “ Pick up your balls and go talk to the man for crying out loud.” 
“ It’s not that easy” 
She hums, rolling her eyes. Of course, it wasn’t easy. You don’t even remember the last time you had a real conversation with Eddie and yet be alone in the room with him.
Eddie rubbed his face as he yawned leaning forward on the lunch table as he looked around until his very eyes caught yours. But it was too soon to hope that you’d continue to look at him. 
You looked away as soon as he looked over. 
“ God, you two are annoying” Jeff says.
This brought Eddie’s attention as he turns his head, with one of his eyebrows hiding underneath his bangs as he waits for him to continue. 
“ It’s everyday the same thing, every time. You two need to talk to each other or not look at each other waiting for a miracle to happen” Jeff continues.
“ If you want to be with her, then talk to her.” 
“ It’s not that easy” Eddie mutters. “ Besides she doesn’t want anything to do with me.” 
“ Right, and why does she keep staring at you like a lot puppy waiting to be cuddled?” Mike asked. Eddie glared at him flicking a pretzel his way. 
“ You don’t know what your talking about Wheeler.” 
The Hellfire club sighed to themselves as this was another day and another stared down between the two of you. 
Later that night, you walked downstairs to dinner seeing your mom setting up the table. 
“ Hey mom” she puts down a fork and turned her head seeing you standing there twisting the end of your shirt and nervously looking at her. 
“ What is it, hunny? Did something happen? Are you okay?” She asks. You dropped your shirt that you were twisting and walk over her to throw your arms around her waist.
She is surprise by your actions since the two of you don’t do hugging much. She wraps her own arms around you after drying her hands with the front of her shirt and looks down. 
“ Did someone hurt you?” She frowns feeling her shirt become wet from your tears as she cups your face with one hand.
Your lips are doing a duck face while fresh tears are strolling down your cheeks. You had no idea what to do with yourself with the whole Eddie situation. 
You begin to tell her what happened and what Eddie has done to hurt you, your mom was someone you loved talking to when it came to advice and coming to with struggles.
She always lends you an ear and listens. When you were done, your mother’s heart was in two from her baby feeling so hurt and so lost. 
“ You know what I used to do when my feelings were hurt?” You shook your head.
She moved away from you and headed to the living room where you followed her, confused on why she knelt down in front of cabinet that held some of her memories that you knew about. Not all of them since she didn’t want you snooping there. She knows the curious mind you have. 
“ What are you looking for?” You sit down besides her as she pulls out some notebooks that are bent and full of dust. She blows on top of them and brushes away the remaining of the dust from the notebooks and flips the pages. 
Pages upon pages were filled with writings. 
“ What is all of this?” She gently smiles as she remembers what they are to herself and continues to flip the pages. Your eyes run over the words seeing them as they were poetry. 
“ I used to love to write poetry and come up with little songs in my head. Never really shared it with anyone besides your father who adored my little notes and letters I wrote to him.” 
“ Can I look?” You motioned to the unopened notebook near her legs and she nods her head letting you go through her things. You slide the notebook over your lap and flipped through the pages.
Your fingers brush over the hand writing as the pages were no longer white or any color that you thought was passable for a notebook. She watches you in wonder. 
“ Why don’t you write your feelings down and see what you come up with?” She suggest with her eyebrow raised. “ Who knows? You might come up with something extraordinary.” 
You had heard what she has said but you were too busy reading your mother’s words and her feelings. She wrote about her feelings for a boy she liked before your father you thought.
But then you continue to read and they were about your father from the first day she met him to the day she married him. 
You flipped to the last page of the notebook where it had a short like poetry but it wasn’t about your father.
It was about you.
Your mother describes you as her joy, as her angel and as her miracle. She says you were the most wonderful thing to happen to her and that she was always going to be there for you, till you needed her. 
Tears well up in your eyes as you stared up at your mother who look at you with concern on her face. 
“ What is it?” 
“ I love you” you threw your arms around her waist and laid your head in her lap where she smiled down at you and ran her fingers through your hair while humming to you. The humming seemed to fit on what you had read. 
“ My little girl” she says, “ My sweet little miracle baby girl. Mama is always going to here for you.” 
You don’t remember anything else as you fall asleep in her lap as she continues to hum. 
You had taken our mother’s advice going to the store tomorrow on the weekend to get yourself your own notebook where you were going to write down your feelings.
The hurt. The pain. Everything. No it wasn’t a journal. 
The other part of it was that your mom surprised you with your own guitar where she thought music might help you with your feelings and the words you wanted to share into your own notebook. 
“ You’re doing what?” Steve asks as he turns around to face you after hearing that you had picked up music as something you never thought you’d be into doing. Writing songs. 
“ What are you writing about? The songs…” Robin asks as sh walks around one of the shelf. You came to visit them in Family Video thinking they needed to see a familiar face before they got bored and decided to restock every shelf in here.
Keith hasn’t stopped by so you were good. He secretly thinks your cute and you found out from Max who told you with disgust on her face. 
“ My feelings” you shrugged. 
“ Are you writing about, Munson?” Steve asks while Robin shoot him a look like why did you ask that dingus.
Your lips grew in a thin line and there was a lump in your throat you were trying hard to swallow. 
“ What?” Steve asks as he threw his hands up. “ She’s not into him! They haven’t talked! It’s nothing bad if I ask her, right?” He turns to look at you as his eyes plead thinking it’s okay that he asked.
He was a bit worried he made you upset. 
“ It’s alright, I’m working on something and let just say they will be clear as day to him if he ever finds out about it.” 
Suddenly Robin’s eyes grew wide as she reached for your hands, holding them both and the look that she was giving you was a bit scary. You didn’t know what to say about it. 
“ You’re scaring her Robin, what are you doing?” Steve asks. 
“ I have an idea!” Robin shouts. 
“ Why don’t you perform the song at the Hide Out?” She suggest. “ You can show us your new talent and how cool you are.” 
You shook your head, removing your hands away from her giving her she was crazy for even suggesting it. Her eyebrows frowned together seeing you weren’t really liking the idea. She sees the fear in your eyes. 
“ It’s only going to be Steve, and I and possibly five drunks and the bartender” she says like it was going make you feel better.
Because it doesn’t, you know that Eddie comes into the Hide Out to sit in the back, sometimes play pool with Gareth and Jeff.
It was their spot to perform too. You didn’t want to run into him.
“ I can’t” Steve frowns as he leans on his elbows on the counter. 
“ He won’t be there if that’s what your worried about. I’ll tell Henderson to keep him busy” Steve suggests.
You look between Robin and Steve seeing the pleading look on their faces. They were really proud of how you were handling this with Eddie and letting your feelings known through something like music. 
“ Fine, you win but only if I can get movies free for the whole year” you point toward Steve. “ Don’t you dare tell Keith.” 
“ He won’t even know, I promise you” Robin offers you a smile as she places her hand on your shoulder. “ I’m happy you took this outlet and your turning a new leaf.” 
You supposed it was a new leaf and things were looking up for you. You were doing something you never imagined to do. You always thought that Eddie was the talented one and here you were, finding out you had your own talent to share. 
Maybe performing at the Hide Out would’t be as bad as you thought. If only you knew how stubborn Eddie was and he wasn’t about to miss playing pool at the Hide Out.
Dustin kept trying to push Eddie away from coming to the Hide Out. 
“ What are you hiding, Henderson?” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at Dustin. “ It’s a surprise for me? It’s not my birthday, you know?” Dustin had his hands on either side of the Hide Out door preventing from him from coming in.
Eddie did miss Steve’s car in the parking lot as he was too busy smoking a cigarette and fixing his jacket to notice it was there. 
He heard music coming from inside and his head tilted as his eyes scanned the building and listened to the voice.
He can’t put a face to it or the voice on where he heard it. Does he know this person? 
“ ….Dustin, who’s playing in there?” He asked.
“ Uh.. no one!” Dustin shook his head, “ Not a single soul. Just a bum.” Dustin shrugged. He knew who it was and was told clearly by both Robin and Steve to not let Eddie into the Hide Out.
He had one job.
Yet the doors flew opened with Eddie tackling Dustin to the ground, the commotion has brought silence as the music has stopped. You were on stage with a guitar in your hands while standing with the microphone too, singing when Eddie came crashing in.
His head shot up to the stage and his eyes grew wide seeing that it was you who was singing. He stood up from Dustin who groaned in pan on the ground.
“…. And your not going to help me, right..” Dustin sat up. 
“ Henderson, you had one job!” Steve shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. 
“ I’m sorry! He tackled me, I didn’t really think he would do that. He’s heavy too. I’m one person. Should of had Hopper be the look out then!” Dustin shouted. 
While the two went back and forth at each other, Eddie looks up at you with wonder. 
“ You sing?” He asked. “ Since when do you play guitar?” He asked. “ Who taught you?” He sounded hurt that someone else taught you how to play and you didn’t come to him out of everyone. 
“ Boy, sit down!” One of the drunks shouted at him. Eddie threw him his middle finger not even looking at him as his eyes were locked on you. 
“ Are you going to finish?” Eddie asks. “ The song? What’s it about?” He asks. 
“ You” was the only thing you told him into the microphone. He puts his hands on his chest feeling his heart race that you wrote something about him. He thought it was sweet. 
“ Oh sweetheart..” 
Robin snorted all of sudden catching Eddie’s attention. 
“ Something funny to you, Buckley?” 
“ It’s not what you think, Munson” Eddie’s eyebrows pinched together in confusion when Robin shouts to you to finish the song that you were signing. Eddie turns his head once he hears the sound of your voice.
“ Twinkle twinkle, little boy, do you know I'm not a toy?” His eyebrows shot up in surprise hearing the lyrics. “ I don't wanna be a part of your broken heart” his jaw clenched tight at the words. 
“Twinkle twinkle, little boy, don't you know I'm not a toy?” His nose twitched as he understood what kind of song this was.“ Are you scared of what you are? Lonely in the bar.” 
As the song continued, the more he grew angered at it, at you, at the lyrics but his felt his eyes brim with tears feeling eyes watching and listening. He wasn’t alone listening to this.
He had hurt you and he understand. For days the both of you were looking at each other with hope and now you came to a decision. 
Which he didn’t like. 
He stomped his way over to the stage where you were still singing into it and ripped the microphone away from you.
The bar became silent as gasps were heard. You threw him a surprise looked and stepped away thinking he was going to throw the microphone.
“ Enough” he stated. “ You don’t know mean this” he barks. 
You shrugged turning around to walk off this stage where he chases you into the backstage area where he takes your wrist and turns you around to face him. 
“ What was that?” Eddie asks, hurt in his tone. 
“ My feelings, and my talent” you responded. 
“ I know I’ve heard you and I’m sorry, I’ve apologized to you and I don’t know what else you want me to do. Please..” He begs as he takes your face with both his hands but you feel like your a whole different person when he touches you.
You don’t want to be near him anymore. You don’t want this and don’t need this. You were going to move on even though you weren’t healed from the wound he has placed but you deserved better.
Eddie wasn’t it. 
“ You’ve heard me loud and clear, Munson. I don’t know what else do you want me to stay. I don’t want you to beg. I don’t want you to cry. I don’t even want to hear the sound of you voice. You did the damage and now you get to live with the fact that you mean nothing to me” you spatted in his face, pushing his chest. 
“ No…” he shook his head. “ You love me..” He adds. 
“ I don’t know, you’re just a lonely boy in the bar” you patted his chest and turns around to walk to you friends leaving him to have a fit as he kicks and stomps.
He’s doing his little tantrum while you fall into the seat sitting by Robin and Steve as they both offer you a drink, Dustin throws you an apologetic look from earlier. 
“ You’re forgiven, Henderson” he lets out a breathe of relief as he sips on his own drink which was a coke.
He turns to look over to spot where Eddie has gone to see him sitting on the side stage with his shoulder shaking with his head down. He decides to make his way over to him to keep him company feeling a little bad for his friend. 
“ I loved her, Henderson” Eddie mutters through his tears. He falls into Dustin’s lap as he continues to cry.
Dustin puts his hand on his back and rubs it not really saying anything. He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and lets Eddie cry into his lap.
You turn to look where Dustin has went off to see him comforting Eddie. 
“ Don’t even bother, you’re moving onto greater things” Robin say picking up her glass. “ To better things.” She says. You pick up your own and Steve joins. 
“ To better things” the three of you clink glasses, cheering as you laugh seeing Steve spill his own drink as it falls onto his hand and on the table. 
“ Nice one, dingus” 
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waratah-moon · 1 year
bday prompt masterlist
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*Alexa, play It's Been A Long Time Coming by Tom Jones* Request which ones you want to be posted first!!! Check out my other post with little previews of each xx
FLUFF ♡ “You two are such a cute couple!” & "I used to daydream about us" / "I think I'm in love with you" & "am I too late?" (childhood friend!joseph quinn) two parter ♡ “Am I your lockscreen?” (Modern!eddie) ♡ “I missed you so much.” (rockstar!eddie) ♡ “Stay the night?” (eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “Have you seen my sweatshirt?” (eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “I’m going to marry you one day.” (rockstar!eddie) ♡ “You’re adorable when you ramble.” (eddie x tutor!reader) ♡ “You’re lucky you’re hot.” (Eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” (rockstar!eddie) ♡ “Well this is awkward.” (co-worker!steve)
SMUTTY ♡ “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” & "you did all this for me?" (eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “Don’t kink shame me.” (eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “Fuck, do that again.” (rockstar!eddie x famous!reader) ♡ “If you can’t sleep… do you want to have sex?” (dad!eddie)
ANGST (inc. hurt/comfort. Fluffy endings only on this blog) ♡ “We never got the timing right, did we?” & “Just let me take care of you.” (ex!steve) ♡ “Can you please come and get me?”(eddie x cheerleader!reader) ♡ “My mum asked about you again.” (joseph quinn x reader)
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deexchanel · 2 years
Word Count:
Pairing: Dad!Steve Rogers, BlackOC x Peter Parker.
Warning: Swearing, Arguing, Fighting.
Summary: Armani sneaks out and Steve finds out.
A/N: I thought of this at random. It’s not edited but I’ll fix it later.
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Armani took curlers out of her hair as the group chat was booming with messages. It’s nearing the end of the school year, and it’s a party going on at Fran’s house. Everyone going, including Peter. Mj has him wrapped around her finger as they’ve gotten closer over the school year.
Eventually, the ‘You wanna hang?’ text stopped, and Armani hung out with her homegirls more. Steve was watching tv in the living room. “Armani!”
“Yess?” Armani paused on doing her hair, walking to the living room.
“Heyy what did you wanna eat-.”He looked over and examined the outfit. “Where are you going?”
Armani brushed off her dress, “Some party. I won’t be out late.” she turned around going to her room without waiting on a response but Steve followed.
“How are you going to go to a party? You didn’t even ask me to go like damn you could’ve at least asked!” He furrowed his brow. She waved him off because he’s always doing missions and never have time so why pay attention now. Steve always busy so she’s use to moving by herself without questions being asked.
“Don’t wave me off Armani Rogers and since you want to be like that. You’re not going.” Steve raised his voice, her waving him off struck a nerve. All she had to do was ask and she could go. He’s getting the vibe that she doesn’t respect him anymore. He is her father and wants to know where she going for her safety.
“You can’t do that!” She sat on her bed now mad. Steve pointed to himself. “Yes I can. I’m the adult!”
“yeah the adult that’s never here.”
She faced the window, shaking her head,“Man you bullshitin.”
He grabbed her shoulder, “I’m bullshitin? All you had to do was ask me but you blew up into this attitude monster! This conversation is over!” He shook his head in disbelief walking out the room.
Armani screamed into her pillow. The group chat buzzed some more and she screamed again. This is all so frustrating because why is he acting like this all of a sudden. It was one thing left to do.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y?”She whispered to the A.I system hoping that she will match her energy like how a Alexa be. This is Armani’s first time using it but she’s took notice to how everyone uses it.
“Yes Armani?” She talked in a normal voice but the teenager quickly shushed her.
“Shushh! Don’t talk so loud!”
“Yes?” The A.I now whispered.
“Do you think you can mute the elevator ‘ding’ noise? I need to get downstairs!”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y can you help me? Please! It’s this almost end of the school year party going on and I really want to go. My best friend will be there looking bad as ever and I need to be stepping with her. Plus Peter will be there.” Armani grabbed her purse then began to put on her shoes. “damn that boy is so fine!”
I guess telling F.R.I.D.A.Y her true feelings about Peter, she decided to help. “Since you want me to help, I have to tell them your whereabouts when asked. I am programmed too. Be safe Armani.”
“Okay F.R.I.D.A.Y. I just need enough time for Peter to notice me. Thanks.”
“It’s muted Armani.”
She didn’t respond, slowly opening the door to her room.Armani crawled on the floor as quiet as she could. Steve was on the couch nodding off with the tv playing in front of him. Her purse fell off her back onto the floor which had him to turn around but Armani was hidden behind the couch. Her heart beating against her cheat hoping he began to watch tv again.
She sat there another five minutes then began crawling again to the elevator. Armani pressed down and the doors immediately opened without a noise being made. When the doors closed she stood up but her legs felt wobbly.
“Oh shit!! How the fuck did I pull that off on a super soldier?”She joked to herself while clutching her beating chest. Armani laughed slowly sliding down to the ground again. Damn she really did that.
“Hey bestie! You looking good as always!” Jayla instantly spotted her girl out the crowd. Armani lift her shades onto her head and gave her the biggest hug.
“Heyy bestie! Guess the fuck what!”
“Girl what?”
“I snuck past Dad on the couch. Bitch my heart was beating so fast.”
Jayla laughed her ass off. “Omg. Are you serious?”
“Yes!” Armani laughed then took sight of the crowd. She pulled at the hems of her dress looking for that familiar face. Her best friend obviously knew who she’s looking for and gave the lo.
“Left corner, behind the ping pong table near that bar. We can go over there if you want?”
Armani got nervous since she couldn’t see who was with them. “Does my outfit look good? Shades on or off? I’m not going.” She said in one breath. The best friends worked on telling each other whatever feel so the other can help the best way they can.
“Okay calm now babes. You look good and you will get his attention.” Jayla grabbed her shoulders then smoothed her pink hair down. “Let’s go over there. I got your back and you got mine.”
“Yeah you’re right. Whew!”Armani took a deep breath. They held hands as they walked over to the location of Peter. He stood there looking good as ever beside Ned. Some more of their classmates stood around holding conversation.
“Heyyy Peter.” Armani grew confidence when they were closer. He turned around with a cup in his hand and that to die for smile.
“Mani, Hey!” He took in her outfit. “You look really good.”
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She took notice of the nickname he gave, “Thank you.” Mani smiled while giving him a hug. Peter took in her smell as he wrapped his arm around her waist. When they pulled apart, he didn’t let her get far. Him and Ned had talked about this moment for weeks. He’s always had his eyes on his ‘Mani’
“How about we go dance?”
This was the moment she had been waiting for. “Um yeah, let me go get a cup.”Mani was mentally dancing for joy as she walked to get her cup.
When she got back, he lead her to the dance floor.
“Damn, I need you right now
You can take your time, don't have to rush”
Collide played through the speakers. He stood behind her as his arm wrapped around her chest area. Peter’s face was very closer to her neck and he loved every moment of it. Armani focused on her hips to the beat.
“This might take us a while, yeah
I left all the doors unlocked and you said you're on your way.”
Peter grabbed her waist as she grind against him, feeling his friend grow. The liquor kicked in for the both of them but Armani wanted more. “I’m going to get some more to drink!” She pointed to the bar.
“Want me to come?”
“Yes please.”
They held hands as she guided them over to the bar.
Steve awoken suddenly, the vibe in the tower was off. The tv was still playing and only the kitchen light was on. He stretched then got up from the couch making way to Armani’s room.
“Armani? Princess let’s…” He opened the door to see an empty bedroom. Steve took notice of the surroundings. Her clothes were disorganized as if she was looking through them, no signs of struggle and she had multiple purses laid out. Armani had managed to sneak past him and now Steve was pissed. He pulled out his phone to text her.
You snuck out for what Armani?
You’re in so much trouble.
When have I ever been against you? All you had to do was ask Armani. I really can’t believe you right now!
Where are you??
Not getting a response, irritated him more. It was only one person to ask since it was only them two there. “F.R.I.D.A.Y where is she??”
“A party Mr.Rogers…”
“Let’s go outside and take pictures!” Jayla suggested to the group. Armani ignored all messages from her Dad as she sat on Peter’s lap. Betty, Ned, and this cute guy named Luke were around them, chilling as well.
“Let’s go then.” Luke got up from the couch then turned to Jayla helping her up. The group made their way outside going to Luke’s car. While they helped Jayla with her pictures, Armani leaned against the car while Peter hovered with his hands on her waist.
“Your hands been glued to me all night Parker.” Armani giggled with her hands touching his soft hair. He kissed her neck,“You look so damn good I can’t help myself.” Peter pulled back a bit taking in those luxurious cheekbones and smooth brown skin.
“Can I take you out to somewhere nice?”
Armani looked away out of nervousness and a smile slowly crept in until confusion struck. “Don’t you talk to MJ? I don’t want to be seen as nothing.”
“You won’t be seen as anything. MJ and I aren’t anything Mani. I want you.” He placed his hand under her chin to gently get her to look at him. “You deserve to be took somewhere nice so let me do it.”
She blushed madly, with having liquor in her system she didn’t know if this was real or not. “Ohh my fucking god, is this happening right now?”
Peter laughed, “Yes, this is happening right now.”
Armani laughed herself for sounding so stupid,”Well then, yes you can take me out somewhere.” Peter smiled then leaned closer to her. She took hint and placed her lips onto his. Her hands went under his shirt as the kiss deepened. my goodness, his muscular build had her weak.
Then suddenly Peter is abruptly pulled off of her and Steve landed a punch to his face. “What! Dad?!” Armani screamed as Peter quickly regained focus and punched Steve in the face. Before they could wrestle, Armani quickly intervened.
“No! No! Do not fucking fight!” Her arms spread between the two guys to keep them apart. “Dad what are you doing here?!”
“I came to get my underage daughter from this party she wasn’t even supposed to go to! I find her swapping spit with Parker. I’m going to hurt you son!” Steve reached forward again but Armani tried her best to push him back.
“No dad chill out!”
“No Armani! I’ll chill out when my own daughter learn how to respect me. You’re 16! One Six! I let you get the crazy hair colors, the latest things, and be a little easy on the rules but what I don’t let slide is you sneaking out of the tower! Let’s go now!” Steve glared at her then grabbed her arm, leading her to his motorcycle.
“Wait Cap, I’m-” Peter ran his hand through his hair, wanting to apologize but Steve cut him off.
“Don’t say another fucking word Parker!”
He hopped on his bike and the second Armani was secured, Steve sped off. She held onto her Dad as tears began to fall down her cheek.
He put his bike in park and got off. They didn’t speak a word to each other while they walked into the tower.
“Dad…”Armani spoke softly as the elevator approached living quarters. “I’m sorry.”
He didn’t respond, just looked straight ahead. She tugged at his leather jacket. “Dad.”
Steve faced his daughter with his cheekbone now swelling. The elevator doors opened and he walked out before her. “Dad!” Did you not hear me?” He was making way to the exercise room to release anger but turned around.
“I’m disappointed in you Armani.” Without another word, he walked off.
Armani stood there in tears knowing her father figure was tired of her shit. She pushed it to far and he probably wants to take her back to the orphanage. “Fuck! What have I done?”
yeahhh cause what it do! should it be a part 2 ?
I hope yall are enjoying the new year!🫶🏾
Stay Slutty My Friends
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monsterhunting · 9 months
Hello! I was re-reading -i bet you think about me- yesterday, and saw your reblog about the commentary posts 👀 would v much enjoy some info on the writing process for that fic. It's my favourite modern-era version of Jonathan, that perfect mix of grumpy and sweet 🧡 also love how that fic gently played around with the mean/petty elements of both Steve and Jonathan's personalities (v underappreciated character traits of theirs in my opinion)
[i bet you think about me; from this ask meme!]
omg well firstly this is very very nice of you to say!!!!! i am very honored that is a fic you would want to reread, i had a lot of fun writing that one!
and ok so originally i thought that fic might be a long oneshot (this happens very often I fear.) once i outlined and started writing, I realized that wouldn’t be the case, but before that?l? the idea for the fic was inspired by the fact that my Alexa is synced to my Spotify, which means sometimes i’m listening to music on my phone or laptop and it randomly cuts off bc my mom started listening to the Alexa at home. (Luckily this hasn’t screwed my algorithm up too badly. although i did get an email the other month thanking me for being one of earth wind & fire’s top fans.) ((also: i realize now this is a weird jump to “hmm stonathan exes to lovers au where….” but that was indeed the jump i made.))
so for several months the fic sat in my Google docs with just a few lines of prose/dialogue here and there and a couple of notes with ideas. I think the first little bit i wrote was the beginning when steve tells robin about realizing Jonathan still has his Spotify (and by that i mean that for a while the only words in the Google docs were “you know what’s funny about this? You and Jonathan have, like, the opposite taste in music.”) and then for a while I’d randomly come up with little ideas and quickly add them to the doc. In fact, i distinctly remember driving home from a vacation with my family in the car, coming up with a bunch of ideas, and quickly writing them down when we stopped at the Starbucks drive thru. (I think that was when I threw in the what makes you beautiful karaoke flashback and also the scene post-confrontation where Nancy tells steve Jonathan is seeing someone and then has to clarify it’s a therapist lmao)
So that was the ~early stage stuff, and then i fully outlined it and started actually writing and then posting it in chapters, which is around the time I decided it would be nonlinear with flashbacks breaking up the present day sections. Also: the flashbacks were very much my favorite part to write!!!
And then from there i was mainly focused on creating, like….the vibe. I pretty much knew i wanted the fic to start out fun with a lot of Spotify shenanigans but get a bit more angsty as it went on, and i wanted that to tie in with Steve’s general attitude at the beginning being “the breakup wasn’t a big deal and we weren’t even serious” (which you kinda know from the get-go can’t be true because steve and jonathan were neighbors and friends for over a year before they even started dating) and then as the fic goes on you realize it very much was serious and steve is very much not over it. And then alongside that i was trying to walk the line of “these are two fucked up individuals who are very fucked up over each other and the reasons why they broke up make sense for them as characters and are realistic but also you should root for them to get back together regardless.” which was….hard at times lmao. i mean i feel like stonathan kinda have a toxic yaoi vibe depending on characterization / context so it wasn’t hard hard but also i did want to show they were genuinely good together and happy before they self sabotaged their relationship so that was another line i also struggled to walk.
relatedly; i’m glad you said you liked steve and jonathan’s petty/mean elements because i worried at several moments i was making them too mean! i think i was especially worried people would think jonathan was too mean, mainly because you don’t get his pov so you don’t really know what’s going on in his head. which is partly what i added in a little wrap-up of the events of the fic from his point of view when he and Steve talk toward the end. but also, tbh — and maybe this will sound bad lmao — i was thinking about it and then i was like “hang on. you’re writing M/M fanfiction. The only way someone would get mad at you because they think either of them is too mean is if one of them was a woman. So you’re fine.” And that helped lmao
Not really sure when I decided what the ending would be but i knew i wanted their reconciliation convo to start with Jonathan playing a song that had some sort of significance to steve / their relationship. And I knew i wanted them to be like “we’re gonna try again and work things out” but i wanted there to be a sense that they’d be successful without necessarily doing an epilogue??? so I just did a lil paragraph at the end that was like steve imagining them living together and giving speeches at robin and Nancy’s wedding and stuff, and that was basically a little confirmation that they’d be fine and things would work out. And then i ended with a flashback to Steve suggesting they share the Spotify account initially bc I thought that would be nice and full circle :)
Thank you so much for asking!!!
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janeykath318 · 2 years
Sexiest Man Alive: a Shieldshock drabble.
“I told you, no further comments. He’s said all he’s going to say on the subject. If you don’t get off our property in five minutes, I WILL inform the Black Widow AND The Winter Soldier. They don’t like it when their friends are harrassed.”
Holding up her phone to show she meant business, Darcy stared down the reporters at her door. True to form, the name-dropping worked and she watched them scurry away like nervous ants.
Locking the door behind her, she returned to her husband, recently named The Sexist Man Alive, much to his annoyance and embarrassment. Steve had made his dutiful appearance at a brief press conference, then retreated to their house to hide out for a while.
“Are they gone?” he sighed, looking up from the the book he was as trying to distract himself with.
“Yep. I invoked both Natasha AND Bucky, so they’ll behave,” Darcy announced, curling up beside Steve. “The Enquirer dude is still scared of Bucky from the last episode. He looked ready to wet himself.”
Steve chuckled and put his book down to pull her closer.
“You’re the best, Darcy, but I’ll deal with it the next time. You’re my wife, not a guard dog.”
“It was stressing you out and I enjoy playing guard dog,” Darcy reassured him. “Even superheroes need protecting sometimes, too.”
“I’m retired,” Steve reminded her, wrinkling his perfect nose at the mention of the word superhero. He was not a fan.
“All the more reason, then,” she answered cheerily. “Also, I want you all to myself, Mr. Sexiest Man Alive. Took them long enough to acknowledge your rightful status.”
Steve’s ears turned pink and he shook his head at her. Darcy grabbed the magazine off the coffee table and flipped to the photo shoot.
“I’m getting that one framed and hung in our room,” she pointed out gleefully, ogling the page where Steve was wearing a white tee shirt and staring moodily into space, showing off his very fine arms.
Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled at her knowingly.
“Whatever makes you happy, Darce,” he said, giving her a come-hither look from under his eyelashes.
Darcy responded quite willingly and they were in the middle of a very enthusiastic make out session when the doorbell rang again repeatedly.
Reluctantly crawling off of Steve’s lap, Darcy went grumbling to the door ready to fight. But what she saw on the step made her do a double take, then double over in laughter.
“Darcy?” She could only gesture Steve toward her, being unable to form coherent sentences.
Standing on their front porch was a life size cardboard cutout of Steve in his stealth suit with a SEXIEST MAN ALIVE banner draped over his shoulder.
“Congratulations! Alexa, play Sexy Back.” was scrawled on the cardboard in writing that she recognized as Bucky’s. Various added commentary on Steve’s “attributes” was written on the jaw, shoulder, legs, and posterior. Sam and Natasha had clearly joined in the playful roasting of their friend. Darcy slid to the floor as mirth overtook her, but Steve yanked his flat doppelgänger inside and stuffed it on the hall closet before turning to her with his hands on his hips and a red face, torn between laughter and mortification.
“Did you have anything to do with this?” He asked suspiciously.
“Sadly, no,” she denied regretfully, giggling again. “They left me out, the meanies.”
“I’m never gonna hear the end of this, am I?” He sighed ruefully, hoisting Darcy to her feet and rubbing his forehead sheepishly.
“Nope!” Darcy confirmed. “Face it, Steve: you’re just too sexy for this world.”
“I’m still not sure I agree, but Your opinion on that topic is the only one that matters to me, sweetheart,” he declared seriously. “I will get Bucky back for that, though.”
Darcy chuckled. “And I’ll help you. Now, can we get back to more fun activities?”
She cocked her head with a flirty smile.
“Happily,” Steve agreed, his grin turning into a smolder.
Later, as she was tugged into the bedroom, a devious thought struck her.
“Alexa, play Sexy Back!” she called out.
Alexa promptly obliged and Steve’s eyes narrowed.
“You traitor,” he grumbled, scooping her up bodily.
“I mean, if the shoe fits….” she said with a shrug, pulse accelerating at his “I’m about to devour you” face. Darcy was in trouble: sexy, sexy trouble.
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connellslover · 1 year
FEBRUARY RECAP : a month full of love
disclaimer : the recap was posted on my blog first but I thought it could be a good idea to post it here since I want to try Tumblr !
february : from the latin word februa, “to cleanse.” The Roman calendar month of Februarius was named for Februalia, a festival of purification and atonement that took place during this period. (definition byalmanac.com)
Second month of 2023 but it felt like a gust of wind. Only the second month but I am so grateful for it, so many opportunities flow to me and some of my goals are already achieved. Since December, I have begun to lose faith in manifestation but right now, I am truly trusting the universe. I think it’s gonna be my year (finally!!!). 
Here’s a recap of what makes me happy : 
CINEMATIC UNIVERSE :  ✧ Soul ✧ Gilmore Girl and especially Lorelai ✧ Harry Potter  ✧ Hamilton 
THIS MONTH SOUNDTRACK : ✧ “If you had to stunt your shining for your lover dump that fucker”, Static - Steve Lacy ✧ discovering songs that weren’t put on the final version of Hamilton such as Congratulation or Cabinet battle 3 ✧ Fantasy - Mariah Carey  ✧ Take me where your heart is - G ✧ Meet me at our spot  - THE ANXIETY, WILLOW, Tyler Cole ✧ Good Days - SZA ✧ Evergreen - Mitch and the Coal Miners 
MEMORIES :  ✧ the sun ✧ the owner of the store where I pick my packages ✧ going to the museum by night with my friends ✧ sticking feminist stickers at uni ✧ calling my highschool friends  ✧ laughing ✧ blooming trees ✧ the uni totebag ✧ watching tiktoks and youtube videos about London ✧ hot chocolate (+ extra sugar because who doesn't love sweet ? )
LAST BUT NOT LEAST : my acceptation to study abroad next year (alexa, play London Boy by Taylor Swift). Royal Holloway, here I am. 
thank you (for whoever is going to read my first post about my little life). 
and remember : the magic is within you. ​ all the love, Selma.
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honkhonkrichard · 2 years
byler really really sucks as a concept lmao like, Mike stopped just shy of calling Will a slur for wanting to spend time with his friends instead of watching them mope abt their girlfriends, Will deserves a better boyfriend imo
YES you GET it alexa play you took the words right out of my mouth (hot summer night) by meatloaf!!!!!! God damn!!!
I don't want to sound like I'm plugging my fic or anything but I deadass forget sometimes that byler is such a big thing bc I'm so fixated on my own omc and will being together !!!!
Also Mike and Will’s chemistry has kind of filtered out. There wasn't a whole lot of Chemistry the way that say Lucas and Max have or Dustin and Steve have even platonically Mike and Will are far more like. They act like exes now more than anything else which is fucking hilarious imo. Like I can 100% get behind the idea that Will had a big crush on Mike when they were younger (s1/2) but i think that it definetely filtered out after Mike and Jane/El started dating. I dont see Will as being the kind of person to harbour feelings like that
But yes youre totally right i think that the bridge between mike and Will has kind of been burned with the rain fight in s3. I dont blame anyone for feeling different and if Will chooses to forgive Mike in s4 then Fine but also.
 I personally think that Will’s character arc moving forward should revolve around hins trauma and how he’s been angry over it all (we see a little bit of that in s2 (”everyone treats me like a baby”) and flares in s3 (he’s clearly more bitter, snappier, etc) but nothing crazy except him destroying castle byers) and i think he deserves screen time where we see the rage thats boiled in him from the trauma he’s suffered through and the lack of proper support he’s recieved from it. not even in a “hes gay in 1986″ way more in a “his friends have no idea how to help him so they kind of it ignore it, he never learned to cope, his family is too busy and distracted, theres no healing around him so he cant heal himself,” etc etc etc. 
long story short i dont like byler it doesnt feel good in my brain or my heart 
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Christmas Day
HBC Winter Wonderland is officially over today! But not before the Barnes family and some friends sit down to dinner! Thanks so much to all the HBCs!
Word count: 524
Warnings: none
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You were sliding the ham out of the oven when the doorbell rang. “Someone get that please!” you yelled. A clamor of footsteps could be heard as Shawn and Spencer barreled towards the door; a yip followed them.
“Uncle Sam!” came the shouts followed by a loud growl as Sam wrestled with the boys as Sarah, AJ, and Cass pushed their way in. You sat the ham on top of the stove, wiping your hands on the towel dangling from your hip pocket before enveloping her in a hug. The puppy inched his way into the kitchen.
“Welcome! Food’s coming along. No Loki!” You gave the puppy the stink eye, before turning to eye the large pot Sarah had set on your kitchen island. “Is that what I think it is?” Sarah nodded and you hugged her again. “Bucky’s gonna die!”
“Why am I gonna die doll?” Bucky asked as he walked in. He gave Sarah a hug and fist bumps to AJ and Cass. His gaze dropped to the large pot; his eyes widened and a grin took over his face. “Oh my lord, yes! Thank you!” He picked up Sarah and twirled her around. “Mine!”
You laughed as Bianca and Rebecca made their appearance just as the doorbell sounded once more. Rebecca took off and flung open the door. “Uncle Steve! Riley and Izzy!” Steve and Sharon stood on your front stoop while their girls and Rebecca hugged.
“Rebecca, let them come in please,” you reminded her gently.
“Come play in my room!” The three girls took off like lightning, the dog following them, as Steve, Sam, and Bucky all exchanged hugs. Sharon set down a crockpot and then gave Sarah and you each a hug in greeting. You eyed the green beans through the glass lid.
“Looks like everything is almost ready.” You pulled out the jello salad from your fridge, along with the potato salad and mixed greens salad you had put together early this morning. “Bianca, can you please help me set the table?” She nodded and grabbed the napkins you already had laid out, you followed with handfuls of the utensils. It went smoothly and the smell of the ham wafted through the house. “Rebecca, girls! Time to eat!”
The puppy was the first one down, yipping excitedly as everyone grabbed a plate from the island and starting helping themselves to the sides, as Bucky carved the ham. “Come on Loki,” you nudged the dog towards the garage door. He whined and all the kids lept to his defense.
“Mom, don’t put him outside!”
“Mrs. Barnes, he’s too cute to go away!”
“Mommy he can have my food!”
You chuckled despite yourself and sighed. “Fine, but you are all in charge of until dinner’s finished. Deal?”
“Deal!” the kids yelled.
The adults finished serving themselves, Bianca helped the younger kids get their plates and everyone sat down to dinner. The mood was light, Bucky had turned on Alexa to a Christmas radio station which played in the background as the conversations remained light and jolly. All in all, it was a very Merry Christmas for the Barnes family.
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deepenthevoid · 2 years
First running review of watching stranger things for the first time:
Episode 1.
-typical terrified doctor running away from mysterious force in a darkly lit building. I bet it’s gonna be some supernatural monster. He’s def gonna die. It is gonna pan out to a happy friends/family thing next or a police office? PO might be too much CM to lol…
-istg if these lights flick off one by one or turn off and turn back on to a monster who runs to him….
-yep. toldja not to use the elevator. Dr is dead. Stupid. It was in fact a monster. Idk what. Is this the demigorgon everyone talks abt? I thought those were tall? It wasn’t shown but on the roof of the elevator? Unless the elevator is absurdly tall why the the doctor completely disappear?
-panned out to a water spigot thingie. What??
-panned out to friends telling each other a scary story. Cute. 🫶🏼 the Curly haired kid. I forgot his name. Devin? Dustin! He’s a cutie I wanna pinch his cheeks and give him a lollipop and pat his head. He would be a cute lil bro. Nerd.
-foreshadowing. It’s a demOgorgon. (The monster attacking the doctor.) (how did a demogoron come to earth??? Manifestation???)
-mikes mom is a milf. Omg. I want in on that.
-the music is good. I love the cinematic of the bike lights. Nicely done.
-what the fuck is this boy doing?? Doesn’t he know to his friends house?
-nope. Nope. I don’t fuck w that. RUN LIL BOY.
-I don’t think I can watch this
-sacrifice the loud dog and run. GOOD BOY.
-idk how but I just KNOW it’ll be behind him. I bet he’ll drop the gun.
-I’m trembling. It’s paused. These directors are gooooood. Or maybe I’m just a sissy.
-acab but damn his butt is huge I wanna bite it
-intrusive thoughts. Goddamn. I don’t even know his name. War criminal demogorgon destroyer prison escapee guy
-don’t get onto your son when he’s trying to help out. Idk who he is but he’s a good kid. You’re pissing me off and it’s the first episode, ms byler.
-no bike locks? Whew. Those r the safe old towns I guess. Old days.
-is that young Tom holland?
-Tom holland wannabe I better not hear a racially motivated statement coming from you…
-at least it wasn’t racially motivated. Sorry Dustin.
-bullying is never okay. Sic the demogorgon on them.
-I just KNOW Nancy acts like hermione. Goody twoshoes but outside of society just a fuckin badass rockstar.
-god I love redheads. Her body is to die for. Gorgeous person. Wow. Idk u yet but I’m just in awe.
-Steve move out of the way I’m imagining Nancy is in love with me.
-ok Steve looks pretty sharp in those clothes…
-Alexa play djo…
-who the fuck is Lonnie? Good on her to know her sons sexuality. Bad on her to use it as an insult or something to be ashamed of. No wonder will is quiet and reserved. This actor is good. How old is he in this episode? I’m proud of you, Noah schnapp. You’re an amazing actor even at this age. Incredible.
-hopper and miss thang have a history??
-notes from my knowledge of s4: THEYRE NOT TOGETHER?? IM SO FUCKIN CONFUSED???
-ohhhh Lonnie’s probably wills dad. Nothing to do w this huh??… maybe Lonnie is behind the lore of why will is connected to the underworld or the other world or the nether portal idk what it’s fuckin called the uk or whatever
-dr Brenner huh? What is this, the hulk?
-…that’s banner. Shut up, marvel fans.
-send in the mf swat team not a bunch of fuckin doctors wtf??
-ngl the kitty throbbed when he got authoritative talk like that more daddy drunk cop man
-the dad of mike is just fucking clueless 😭 people want bimbo men well there is one 😭
-why is Nancy wearing HEELS in her ROOM? I wear my crocs 😭
-HE IS SUCKING HER FACE. Straight ppl 🙁
-ooo a smooth talker…
-here’s a theory: mike only likes el in a romantic way bc she appeared in a moment of need when they were looking for will and helped get will back. Mike likes el bc she symbolizes wills safety to mike while also fitting into society’s stigma of mlw instead of mike being mlm
ALRIGHT FOLKS THATS ALL OF EPISODE 1. Thanks for joining me.!
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Just Listen~E.M ft S.H
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Words: 6.6k
Author's Note : Lovely @eddiemunsons-missingnipple let me use her edits, credit to her for those <3
Anonymous asked:
Omg I didn't know the request are open again!!!! I was wondering could you write it were the reader is Steve's daughter and she's in college? She has a metal/rock band and Eddie goes and watches and is shocked by how talented she sings
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @djkeruigbbygirl @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
Your eyes scanned over the campus of the the college you were attending when the trunk of the trunk shut breaking your attention away. You heard a sigh coming from your head as he made his way over to you. Now, when you looked at your dad, no one expecting Steve Harrington to have a whole change in his looks. His arms were filled with tattoos, both sleeves done and on the back of his shoulder, he had your birthday with your footprints tattooed. He had one earring pierced and wore some eyeliner, not too heavy but just a little bit to pop his eyes out. He prefer to wear flannels more than anything with his sleeves rolled up and a black tank top underneath with a pair of black ripped jeans. It looks like he took a page out of Eddie Munson’s book. 
He put down your bags besides you. 
“ Do you have everything?” He asked placing his hands on his hips. You turned your head glancing at your father. 
“ Yes, dad” his bottom lips pouted out and his eyes grew glossy at the thought of his little girl going to college now. “ Dad” you whined. “ Don’t cry, don’t be weird” he gives you a look. 
“ I’m your dad, sunshine. I’m allowed to be weird” he says opening his arms. “ Give your dad a big hug, will you?” 
A small smile light up on your face and you walk over to him, wrapping arms around his waist as he wraps his arms around you. You never got used the fact that your dad didn’t look like this when he was younger. He wore polo shorts, no eyeliner and no thought of any tattoos whatsoever. You always thought his best friend, Eddie had a huge influence on him for his change. 
“ Hey Little Harrington!” You pulled away at the sound of your nickname, looking around for the source when your eyes landed on a pair of twins. Your face lights up when you pull away from your dad. Danny and Daisy Sinclair. The twins. Your best friends were making their way towards you with their parents behind them. 
“I’ve missed you” Daisy collided with you as she pulled you into her, while her twin sighed tapping his foot on the ground waiting for his chance knowing that Daisy always took the time to hug you. 
“ I’m here too, you know” Danny says. “ Oh Mr. Harrington, didn’t see you there” he softly laughs as he rubs the back of his neck. Steve waves him as he puts out his fist to bump it with Danny. 
Max and Lucas walk up, smiling seeing Daisy reunite with you. 
“ How was your trip?” The Sinclair’s went down to visit Lucas’s family, wanting the twins to spend time with their grandparents before they were off to college. 
“ It was good, long drive and we just got back yesterday “ Lucas says greeting Steve with a hug. Max waves her hand over to Steve never really getting to the point of hugging him. 
“ Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair” you greet them. 
“ You know you call us Max and Lucas” Max says. “ No need for that, we’re all like family here” she says. 
“ Are you ready for classes?” Steve asks Daisy as her eyes widen at the college in front of her. She turns her head confused on what was asked when Steve chuckles and repeats his question.
“ Oh defiantly! I do hope we have some free time to-“ you elbowed Daisy not wanting her to give away what you were going to do in your free time. Steve looks suspicious to her with his eyes going into slits. 
“ What?” Daisy throws you a look which your head shakes and wide eyes. You didn’t want your dad to know that you’ve been learning how to play guitar and singing from to time. It was kinda your own thing that you didn’t want your dad to be all about. He was into music, like Metallica and all but this, he didn’t need to know about it. Yet. 
“ Oh, right” Daisy nodded. “ We hope to have free time to play D&D” she quickly adds. 
You breath out a breath of relief. That was too close. 
“ D& D? Huh?” Lucas asks. “ back in the day-“ he was cut off by Danny groaning and throwing his head back. 
“ Yeah, we know dad. You used to play it with your friends and Eddie was your Dungeon Master” Danny rolled his eyes moving his hand in talking motions. 
“ Excuse you, Daniel but you don’t talk to your father like that. Apologies immediately” Max says, shaking her head at him. 
“ It’s okay” Lucas says. But Max puts a hand on his chest to stop him from talking. 
“ I’m sorry dad, that wasn’t right for me” Danny says. 
“ It’s alright, you’re forgiven” Lucas says. 
“ Ahhh! Guys!” The sweet voice yells out waving her hand, you turn your head and your smile spreads wide as Leah waves her arm above her head to catch your attention making her way with her dad, Will by her side.  But before she could come over Jacob scoops her in his arms to twirl.
“ Looks like the gang is coming together” Daisy says clapping her hands watching as Will reunites with Nancy and Jonathan. 
You glance over at your dad to see he’s been watching you.
“ What?” You mouthed to him and he shook his head that it was nothing. But you saw the look on his face. He’s getting emotional seeing that you were going off soon and he wouldn’t have the same feeling when you were home. 
“ Just won’t be the same without you at home” he says. 
“ You know you’ll be able to visit me and I’ll be coming down for the weekends?” He nods putting his hands in his front pockets of his pants. 
“ I know, sunshine” 
“ What are you all chit chatting about?” Steve turned his head seeing Rylie’s wide smiling matching the one her father always has as she gazed up at him. 
“ Good to see you too, Rylie” he pats her on her back when she throws her arms around him to pull him into a hug. Dustin and Suzie were behind her watching everyone reunite.
“ Where is Eddie?” Dustin asked. 
“ He had work” Steve says, rolling his eyes. “ Couldn’t even make it for one reunion” he adds. “ There will be more” Nancy says, looking at Steve. She didn’t like the fact that Steve whole image look has changed but she never said a. Word fearing she might lose the friendship with him. 
“ Hi” he greets her with a thin smile on his face. 
“ You know you didn’t have to pay attention to her, right?” You whispered to him, standing on your toes to whisper it into his ear. 
Your father looks down at you with his arms around you and pulls you into his side, kissing on top of your forehead. 
“ I’m going to miss you” he says, squeezing your shoulder. 
“ I’ll miss you too, dad” he pulls away to glance down at you. “ Call me if you need anything, I mean anything” he says. 
“ I will” his eyes are glossy as he can’t seem to let go that you were going away for college and the only time he wold see you is on the weekends. It just wasn’t enough time. 
“ Dad, stop” you playfully pushed him. “ I have all of them to look after me if anything” you point to your friends. “ You can trust them” he nods but doesn’t break eye contact from you.
“ I know sunshine. But you’re my little sunshine and no one messes with my little sunshine” 
“ Dad” you whined. He laughed, reaching over to pinch your cheeks. “ Look at you all grown up.” You swat his hand away, pushing him away playfully as he laughs. 
“ Alright, let the kids get going” Nancy says. She has greeted everyone else besides Steve and you. It became difficult when she found out that Steve got your mom pregnant and know he was a single dad to you. He’s been the best father to you, and there are times were he thought he should be better and you deserve better.
But you always reminded him how there were so many people in the world but he was the most single person, your dad to make you feel happy. He was your number one supporter. 
You picked up your bag to have your dad only question and list of the things you already packed to make sure you had them. Typical Steve Harrington. But he was your dad. 
“ I’ll see you this weekend” your dad nods placing a kiss on top of your head on more time and breathing in the scent of your hair which you found weird but it calmed him down therefore you never said anything. “ Okay, dad I have to go” he pulls away and lets you step back with Danny taking your stuff, helping you while Rylie takes your one hand while Daisy takes your other as the both of them run off with you towards the doors. 
Steve sighs sadly.
“ It’s only a few days and you’ll see her again” Dustin says.
“ That’s not helping, Henderson” Steve says. 
Dustin puts his hands up, “ Whatever you say punk dad” 
“ Hey! At least I’m cooler than you” Dustin raises his eyebrow. 
“ No one is cooler than I am” Dustin says. 
“ I have to go to work” Steve says. “ Don’t you have a job?” 
“ Off today, have a great day at work playing with ink and needles” Dustin shivers at the thought. 
Later that night when Steve came home from work having lots of clients today coming to get a tattoo down, he was beat sitting on the couch with his legs spread out as he turned on the tv to see what was good on there when the phone rang. It was besides him on the little table next to a lamp. His hand reached over grabbing it and putting it against his ear. 
“ Steve Harrington speaking” he says. 
“ Hi dad” he heard the sweet sound of your voice and straightened himself on the couch with a smile spreading across his face.
“ Hey there sunshine, how was your day? He asks. “ Enjoyed your classes?” You groaned at the thought of school. He laughed. 
“ Lets not talk about my boring classes, dad. You know college is school and that’s just a bore.” 
“ Well what if I wanted to hear all about it” 
“ No you don’t dad, you hated school too. As I recall from Auntie Robin, you also loved boobies a lot” 
“ What else did Auntie Robin have been telling you about?” He turn around to lay on the couch while he yawned. 
“ That you used to be such a dingus back in the day. You used to be a ladies man, and lost your charm until you met mom” He hummed, shaking his head. 
“ I’ll have to have a talk with her” he says. 
“ Do you miss mom?” You suddenly asked. Your mom when she found out she was pregnant with you, she was happy at first and then when you were born, she had a difficult time taking care of you even though your dad was helping out. It wasn’t enough for her. All she wanted to do was to go out, spend money and not have to come home to you. One day, she wrote a note to your dad telling him that she couldn’t do it and left. You were very young at the time and as you grew older, your dad told you she didn’t deserve you and he became both parent to you. 
Your dad was there for everything and you were his pride and joy. You brought him so much happiness and delight, that’s why he calls you sunshine. 
“ What brought this on?” He asks, sitting up knowing you were feeling sad by the sound of your voice. “ Is everything okay, sunshine?” 
“ Everything is okay, dad…. Just..” You sighed and he didn’t like that you were upset and he wasn’t there to comfort you. He usually would hold you in his arms, or make your favorite or the two of you would sit in silence and his presence brought you comfort. 
“ Just.. miss you..” You mumble out. 
“ Awe, sunshine. I miss you too” he says. 
“ Did you have a good day?” You wanted to change the subject and talk about anything else. “ I had a few clients today, one wanted a tattoo on his back that took me three hours to do.” 
“ Oh wow, did he likes the results?” 
“ He did, he booked another appointment with me next week for another one” Suddenly there was a knock on Steve’s door which caused Steve’s eyebrows to frown together in confusion. He wasn’t expecting anyone at this time of night. 
“ What is it, dad? You grew silent” 
“ Someone is at the door and I didn’t invite anyone” he says making his way to the door with the phone in his hands while he looks through the near window by the door to see it was Eddie standing on his porch with a six pack of beer.
“ It’s Eddie, sunshine” he says to you. 
“ Oh” you have never told your dad about this but whenever when Eddie was around, your stomach tied in knots and you became nervous, stuttering your words and barely holding eye contact. You knew how he looked like from the pictures your dad had shown you. But not in a million years you thought that you’d feel like this for your dad’s best friend. 
You heard on the other line of the phone as your dad greets him and Eddie questions who he is on the phone with. 
“ Sunshine” he says to him. Eddie’s face lights up at the mention of you and he asks for the phone. 
“ Eddie wants to talk to you, sunshine”
“ Put him on!” You excitingly asked causing your dad to chuckle. Your hear commotion before the phone was handing over to Eddie. He put the phone to his ear walking around the living room while Steve walked into the kitchen. 
“ Hi there, little Harrington” Eddie’s voice greets you. A smile grows on your face as you lay down in your bed, kicking your feet feeling like school girl talking to their crush. 
“ Hi there, Eddie” his own smile appears on his face. 
“ I’m sorry I missed sending you off to college, I can’t believe your getting older every time I get to see you” 
“ It’s okay, but you should of been there. The look on Nancy’s face and my dad’s awkward look was something” 
He chuckles and you swore you felt your heart beat race. 
“ Oh yeah? Must of been a party without me then” 
You laughed this time causing Eddie to smile wider than he already is feeling his cheeks hurting. 
“ How was work?” You questioned him. He felt really good about himself when you would ask him about his work, interested in what he does and what happens to him at work. He would tell you stories making you laugh. 
Eddie begins to tell you about what happened to him today, and how one lady pissed him off and he told her off telling her to come back tomorrow for her car when he finished it. You could listen to the sound of his voice all day if you could. 
“ Yeah, still talking to sunshine” Eddie asks. He’s talking to your dad again. 
“ Sunshine, your dad wants to talk to you now. I have to give him the phone otherwise he’ll chase me around the house like last time and I don’t have it in me today.” 
“ Someone is getting old” you chuckled. Eddie gasped putting a hand on his heart and even though you couldn’t see it, you knew he did that. He always did with his dramatics. 
“ I have you know, sunshine that I’m at the best shape of my life and I look great” 
“ Yeah, tell that to the grey hairs showing” he gasped again, scrunching up his nose.
“ Oh you’re going to get your ass handed to you when I see you” he says. 
“ Hi, sunshine. What did you say to Eddie? He’s throwing the pillows on the ground” your dad’s voice comes through the phone.
“ I told him he’s getting old” your dad laughs.
The door to your room opens and Daisy peeks her head in, “ We’re all getting something to eat. Are you coming?” She asks. 
You put a finger up telling her a moment. 
“ Hey, dad. I have to go. The others want to grab a bite to eat before bed. I’m going to join them” 
“ Okay, be safe. I love you, sunshine” 
“ Send her my love too!” You heard Eddie yell.
“ Eddie sends you his life” 
“ I heard him, sending mine back” 
“ She sends her back to you, Munson” your dad says. 
“ Great now he’s doing some dance” your dad sighs. “ The things I have to deal with while your away” 
“ Hey!” You heard Eddie shouts. 
“ I love you too, dad. Goodnight” your dad smiles turning around rolling his eyes at Eddie. 
“ Goodnight, sunshine” he says. You put the phone down turning to Daisy and running after her.
Classes have been a little hectic but every night before bed, your dad waited by the phone no matter how tired he was or how bad his way day went, he waited until your phone call that you told him goodnight. Without one, he didn’t sleep too well. The house felt so empty without you. Sometimes he’d walk into your room and sit on your bed looking around the room remembering the memories. Once or twice he’d cry into your room, wanting to call you but he didn’t want to disturb you if you had classes, was studying or you were with your friends. 
But truthfully you have been spending your free time with your friends and forming a band. Your father had no idea how musically inclined you were and how passionate you were about it. He was going to be shock of his life when you greet him with a guitar case in one of your hands. Daisy was playing bass, Rylie was on drums and Danny was on rhythm guitar and this has been a secret for some quite some time. It wasn’t until college that all have decided to want to become a band and hold this secret from their parents, especially your dad. 
You already had been writing song that you always wanted to add sound to it and when you told your friends about it, they were more than happy to help. Your dream was to make it big one day, to be on stage with your band and play sold out shows. But you were terrified to tell your dad this is what you wanted to do. You were too afraid that he’d judge you and you’d have a conflict with him resulting in losing him. 
It wasn’t until you were home for the weekends where Rylie’s parents dropped you off at him because your dad had an appointment that was too long and couldn’t not get you. Dustin had found out in the car on the way home that his daughter was playing the drums, forming a band with you and the others. Suzie sat in the passenger seat, shocked out of her life that he daughter wanted to be a rockstar one day. She had high hopes Rylie would go into computers or something along science related since Rylie loved working on computers too.
“ You’re father is in for a surprise” Dustin says looking at you through the review mirror. 
“ Did Eddie put you up to this?” He decided to ask. “ You know since he used to be in a band” He adds. You shook your head. 
“ Eddie doesn’t even know I wrote songs let along can sing” 
“ And she can really sing” Rylie points to you. “ She has such an amazing voice” she adds.
“ Thanks Riles” Rylie bumps shoulder with you and sends you a reassuring smile.
“ He’s going to call me with an ear load” Dustin mumbles. You frown looking out the window not really excited to get home for the first time in awhile. Your heart sank feeling if your dad didn’t like what you wanted to do, then you’d don’t know what to do. 
You hide the guitar underneath your bed for now, hiding it from your dad since he wasn’t home just yet. You were unpacking a few things when he pulled up to the car, you happen to look watching him race out of the car already having calling Dustin to make sure he picked you up and when he did find out that you were home, he raced to his car driving home. Here is was racing inside the house, and throwing the door open and storming up the stairs. 
The door to your bedroom opened and he stood there, his chest rising up and down and his eyes wide as he tried to catch his breathe. His eyes landed on you, sitting on the ground with your eyes looking up at him.
“ Well, what are you waiting for, sunshine?” He asked with his arms wide opened. Your smile grew wide and you gotten up from where you were sitting jumping into his arms as he caught you. He buried his nose into your hair, smelling your shampoo and hugging you tighter. 
You were home. 
You pulled away after a few mins and he let you down from his arms. 
“ Welcome home, sunshine” he say moving your hair away from your face. You never still could get used to the ink on your dad’s arms. They were filled with color and some of them he had, was the once you chose for him. He loved everyone one of them. 
“ It’s good to be home” 
“ What do you want for dinner? Do you want go out and eat or would you want me to cook?” 
“ Did you even go grocery shopping?” 
“ I did, thank you for asking” he says. “ Why don’t you-“ he was cut off when he noticed something sticking out from underneath your bed. You turned your gaze where he was looking at to see the guitar case was poking out. Your eyes grew wide in fear of him finding out.
“ It’s nothing” you side step out of his view but he walked around you to make his way further into your room. “ Dad, leave it” you mumble to him. He didn’t listen to you and reached down to grab with his hand feeling the handle as he pulled it out from underneath the bed. His eyes stared at it for awhile. 
“ When did you get this? How did you get this?” He asked. His fingers brushed over the guitar case as he opened it to see if it was real. His eyes grew wide when he saw the guitar staring back at him, looking new. 
“ Sunshine…” he didn’t hear you say anything when he looks up seeing the fear on your face and one of your hands were rubbing your arm up and down. 
“ I want to know why and when did you get this?” 
“ Awhile ago and I got it because…I’m in a band….” He leaned his head closer to hear you tell him that you were in a band, shocked what he was hearing. 
“ A band? Since when do you have time for that?” He asked, standing up. His hands on his hips while he turns to face you. 
“ Free time” you mumbled.  
“ Your in a band with who?” He softly asked. 
“ Ryle, and the twins” you picked up your head to glance at his reaction and it doesn’t look to be a happy one. 
“ Oh, I need to make some phone calls” he says walking out of your room and downstairs.
“ Dad, no. Don’t. Please” you tried to run after him. “ Rylie’s dad is okay with it” he turns around to face you and look up over at you where your standing. 
“ He’s okay with it, for god sakes. Henderson.” He sighs shaking his head.
“ Did Eddie put you up to this?” He points a finger over at you. “ if he bought you this guitar, if he even said something. I will-“ 
“ He didn’t dad, this was what I want” 
“ No” he shook his head. “ You’re not doing this” he says. 
“ That’s not your decision” 
“ You’re going to go to college, and you’re going to finish and get a degree. This music is nothing! I didn’t raise you like this!” He shouts. Your eyes grow wide hearing him shout for the first time in years. 
“ You’re my child, and I’m the one who’s paying for you to go to classes. To study. Not strum your fingers on a guitar with a band. Oh I’ll be calling the Henderson’s and Sinclairs” 
“ Screw you!” You shouted stomping your way to the door. 
“ Where are you going?” He asked following you to the door. 
“ Get back in the house” he says watching you throw open the door and storm out. He tries to say something else when you already walking down the path away from the house. He pinches the bridge of his nose and grips the door with his hand. He was going to give you time to cool off. You will be back. 
You don’t know how long you have been out walking but a car drives past you and stops, they back up to where you were walking and their window rolls down. 
“ Where you off too, sunshine?” The voice causes you to stop in your tracks and turn to face him. 
“ What are you doing here, Eddie?” He turns down the volume of his music and you notice the grease on his cheek. He must of been finished with work now and was driving home.
“ Finished work, sunshine” he says. “ Your turn” 
“ Just taking a walk” you shrugged. 
“ Does your dad know your out this late?” He asked. You remained silent with your lips in a thin line. Eddie hums and reaches over the passenger side, opening the door.
“ Get in, I’ll take you home” he says. 
“ Eddie, I’m fine” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest as you shake your head. 
“ Get in, please. It’s cold and your house isn’t even near this area. I’m sure your dad is worried about you” 
You chuckled at that but got into his car, closing the door to face him. He had his hair pulled back into a messy bun. But it was super low and some strands of hair were falling out of it. Some of his hair was a little grey but it looked good on him and he had beard the needed shaping. His eyes had bags underneath tried from sleepless nights and working late. 
He had on overalls with a black tank top underneath with his arms covered in grease and sweat. The overall had some oil stains on it and one of the buttons on the overall were hanging on. He had pockets on them which you saw his handkerchief peeking out meaning he probably wore it on his head before taking it off at some point. 
Eddie has been driving while you were looking at him and he didn’t mind that you were looking at him. 
“ You look like you were lost in your head over there. Wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” He asked. 
“ No” you shook your head. You didn’t want to bring Eddie into this whole thing, he had enough on his plate. Plus sitting in the passenger side made you nervous. You had this thing for him that won’t go away and if your dad found out, then you’d never see Eddie again. 
“ It’s not good to keep it inside of you” Eddie makes a turn down the street to your house and he slows down. 
You sigh, “ I know but don’t worry about it.” 
He parks the car and looks over at you. 
“ I always worry about a pretty thing like you” he says, winking at you. You thought you were seeing things when he winked at you. Did he? You were to sure because you looked liked a deer in headlights staring at him. He laughed at your reaction, loving it. 
Eddie had his own thing for you and it was complicated because he didn’t want your dad to find out. If your dad found out, then he’d never see you again.
“ I’m just a phone call away, sunshine. Don’t be a stranger” 
“ Thank you for the ride” he nods, winking at you again while your cheeks heat up when you open the door and step out of the car. Your dad was sitting on the steps as he stared at you getting out of the car. 
Eddie drives away when your dad stands up to greet you but he’s quick to talk about something else. 
“ Is this what we’re doing? Walking away and turning to older men for help?” He asked. 
“ I was getting some air and Eddie drove me home after he saw me walking home” you tried to walk past your dad to go to your room when he stops you. 
“ You know I only want the best for you” 
“ I know” your back is to him because your still hurt about the way he reacted earlier. 
“ You’re growing up, going to college and now you want to pursue music as a career? Why didn’t you talk to me about this before?” 
“ Because I knew you’d react like this and you don’t understand, dad” 
“ What don’t I understand, sunshine?” 
You turn to face him, “ I found myself in music, dad. It helps me write the story I want to share with the world one day.” 
“ You really want to do this?” 
“ I do” you nod. 
He sighs, “ Come here” he opens his arms for you to step into. He brings you into his arms once you make your way to him and hugs you. You hug him back with worry in your mind that he’s still mad at you and will take your guitar away from you.
“ As long as you keep up with your classes, study and do good in school then you can do this” you removed your head away from his chest to look at him with happy wide eyes. 
“ Really?” He nods watching the happiness light up on your face.
“ Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you” you squeeze him while he chuckles. “ You’re the best dad ever.” 
After that night, your father became very supportive of how passionate you were about music. You’d even show him some of the lyrics you wrote down and when he watched you perform in the garage with the twins and Rylie, he was head banging his head and rocking out sitting on the couch that was there. 
In his eyes he never imagined something like this coming from you and here you were surprising him, making him proud. 
“ She’s in what?” Eddie asked, spitting out his coffee staring at Steve with his eyes wide open. Steve nodded his head, grabbing a candy from the tray in the office. He was visiting Eddie at work while Eddie was on his break. 
“ She’s in a band, she sings and plays guitar” 
Eddie was shocked to hear this. You have never brought up to him when he was around that you were interested in playing guitar. He still played guitar here and there, and here he was thinking he could of taught you how to play. He would have spend more time with you, showing you how to move your fingers on the guitar and explaining it to you. He wanted to see it for himself. 
“ I don’t believe you”  
“ They have a small gig in the bar across town, come to the show and see for yourself” 
“ I might” 
“ Everyone will be there” Steve adds. 
Eddie didn’t believe that you were a singer or the fact that you hide this secret so well from him, he was a little hurt too that you were hiding this from him. He had told you back in the day that he used to be in a band, Corroded Coffin and he used to sing and play guitar. He still does. But it’s not the same. 
“ I thought you really were the one who influenced her to start singing and playing the guitar” Steve says to him. 
Eddie shook his head, “ I’m surprised as you are.” 
“ You didn’t buy her the guitar?” Steve wanted to make sure. 
“ I didn’t, I’ve been working. You know this” Steve nods his head. 
When it was time to come to your gig with Steve, his eyes grew wide seeing you in a leather jacket, fishnets and big boots and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you even when you laughed at something that Danny had said. 
His nose scrunched up seeing the way Danny’s arm was around you and his fist clenched by his side seeing you giggling. He couldn’t help what he was feeling as he stared. 
“ Quit staring at my kid, Munson” Steve says. 
“ I wasn’t staring” Eddie says, “ I was glaring at the way Danny had his arm around our sunshine” he motions to Danny’s arm. Steve looked towards where Eddie was pointed an hummed, he wasn’t happy either. 
“ Well, Well, Well if it isn’t the rockstars” Eddie greeted Rylie, you and the twins. 
“ Eddie!” They all shouted while you smiled over to him.
“ Good to see you, Eddie” Robin greeted him while Steve pointed a finger at her. “ I need to talk to you later, Robs” 
Robin looked around and pointed to herself like if he was really talking to her. 
“ What did I do?” She asked. 
“ Later” Steve says. 
“ When are you going on?” Your dad asks you. “ Oh shoot, we have to get on stage” you took the twins hands while Rylie shook her head with a sigh following you along.
“ Good luck, sunshine!” Your dad shouted while Eddie chuckled. 
“ What’s so funny, Munson?” 
“ You, it’s weird to see you like this looking like that” he pointed toward Steve outfit which was a black flannel and a black tank top with black pants and boots on his feet. Steve had quite a few chains on him, and he had a bit of eyeliner with a little eyeshadow added today. Not black. 
His earring was longer today and the tips of his hair had color in it. 
“ Oh shut up” Steve says. Your band was about to be announced and you took a deep breath in and out.
“ Would you relax? You look like your about to throw up” Rylie said. You glared at her while she looked at you confused until she connected the dots. 
“ Oh my god, no” she shook her head. “ No, no” 
“ What?” Danny asked. “ What’s going on?” Daisy asked. 
“ Our little Harrington has a thing for Eddie, don’t you?” 
Your eyebrows knitted as you shook your head. 
“ What? What are you talking about? That’s just crazy talk” 
“ You do!” Daisy shouted. 
“ Jeez, calm down” you motion with your hand for her to lower her voice. Your cheeks tinted red. 
“ She totally does” Danny says. “ You’re dad is going to have a heart attack” 
You smacked Danny in the chest. 
“ Shut up, we’re about to go on” 
When your band was announced you went out last to introduce yourself, then Danny, then Daisy and last introduce Rylie and talk about your band a bit.  Your eyes lock with your dad’s who threw you a thumbs up with a small nod. Your eyes dropped over to Eddie who winked at, rose his glass in his hands and you took a deep breath hearing the music start. 
You felt like you were on a cloud and drifting away when you leaned closer and sang. Your voice was soft and so magical that you had the crowd gasp. You can see your dad’s eyes gloss over in happiness and his hand come up to his mouth in shock hearing your voice. You held your guitar in your hands, strumming with the rest of the band to the song you were trying to sing out. You were trying to tell your story through the song you were performing with your band. 
The meaning behind held so many thing and one of them was the way you felt about Eddie. His eyes locked on you the whole time even when Steve whispered down to him how proud he was of you. 
Eddie’s eyes shined underneath the light as he listened to the lyrics and he was in awe of you. 
When you finished the song, you were hopping off the stage for a moment to get yourself together and have some water. 
“ I’m so proud of you” you hear your father’s voice from behind you. You turn to glance at him as he had tear streaming down his cheeks. “ You are such a light, my sunshine” 
“ I love you, dad”
He made his way over to you and pressed a kiss on your head. 
“ I love you too, sunshine. I believe your needed up on stage” he motions toward the stage. Your eyes grew wide hearing the next song starting and raced to the microphone locking eyes with Eddie once again as soon as you stood there, ready to sing. This time the lyrics spoke to Eddie like no other words did. This song made his heart race and he knew right there that you were talking about him. 
The song was based on hope, holding onto that hope and dreaming one day to next to the person you wanted most. 
He set his glass down on the table and moved through the crowd that he go up in front to hear it better and to look at you like you were the only thing that mattered to him. 
You can tell there is hope in his own eyes. There is light and there is happiness there too. For you. 
Your heart raced knowing these were the only looks the two of you could share for now. Since your dad was in the same building as you two. After your set was over, everyone thought you were amazing, you took some time to yourself away from everyone to let it sink that your father was proud of you, you sure your music with some people and one of the songs was about Eddie who listened. 
“ I thought I might find you here” you heard from behind you. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. 
“ Here I am” you mumbled leaning against the wall with your back to it. 
“ You have such a beautiful voice, and don’t get me started on the guitar” he says making you laugh. “ And there is that sound too” he pointed out, meaning your laugh. 
“ What about it?” 
“ It’s my favorite sound” he says. Your breath hitches and eyes grow wide and you step up to the railing to put your hands on it to not have him look at you. You couldn’t face him like this. Not now. 
“ I heard you loud in clear” he is talking about the song that you performed. A warm hand lands on top of yours and you look down seeing seeing his ring clad hand there. 
“ The feeling is mutual, sunshine. But for now, it’s our little secret” he says, his lips brushing against your ear. His lips land on the softness of your cheek. 
“ Come find me later” he says, removing his hand away from on top of yours and heading inside. This was a dangerous game to play. But you were more than happy to play, even keep this secret from your dad and friends. 
There is excitement in you at the thought of being Eddie’s little secret and he was yours. 
You couldn’t wait to find him later. 
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innocence - 36
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: smut, oral (female receiving), angst (18+)
A/N: all i can say is alexA PLAY NO BODY NO CRIME. hope you enjoy it xx
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There had been no honeymoon or even an honeymoon period for Bucky and Y/N. It wasn’t like he could even leave the state much less the country without the danger of being accused of kidnapping his own wife and even if they could, whatever free time the two of them had between Y/N working and Bucky, now fired, collecting as much evidence which proved he was innocent, was spent in his lawyer’s office trying to build a defence. He tried his best to keep her out of it, to give her some sense of normality, some sense of being a regular newlywed couple but he knew she wasn’t stupid, he knew she would notice whenever he’d had a particular rough day and Bucky was getting worse and worse at hiding how he felt during those particular days. “Court is going to be a circus, you cannot engage no matter how much you want to” his lawyer would tell him time and time again after pointing out what the prosecutors would most likely use against him. What could he say? There was a lot they could use about him, not only just from his Winter Soldier days. 
The days quickly rush through and soon enough the court day arrived. He’d barely slept the night before, his mind going through what could happen, what they would say, what they’d do once they discovered he and Y/N were married. There was just too much on his mind which weighed down on him until early morning when he could finally catch some sleep. Just as he was in soft sleep, he felt the bed rustle and the warmth which was so familiarly hers, left the bed. Bucky groaned, turning around in bed and hoping she’d just gone to the bathroom and would return soon. However, as time went by he could only hear footsteps going side to side in a frantic motion. He grumbled, opening his eyes to check on what his wife was doing. Taking a quick glance at the clock on the bedside table, the 4AM number flashed at him. 4 AM, what is she doing at four in the morning? He rubbed the sleep of his eyes, raising his torso to sit down in bed only to see the room was empty. He grabbed his trousers from the floor, hastily putting them on before exiting the room. Y/N was leaning against the kitchen tabletop only wearing his blue henley and nursing a cup of what he guessed was some sort of peppermint tea, based on the scent. She couldn’t sleep. 
    - What’s wrong? - Bucky approached her slowly, his hands resting upon her hips once he was close enough. She looked at him through her lashes, placing the mug on the marbled surface before leaning her head against his chest, her hands flat against his biceps. - Do you want to talk about it? 
    - I have a bad feeling. - she said but it sounded more like a muffled mumble, as if she didn’t want him to hear it. - I can’t sleep. 
    - It’s gonna be okay. - he cupped her face, his thumbs grazing her jawbone on each side of her face. - You said it yourself, your father’s friend is a good lawyer. He’s not gonna let anything happen to you, I am not gonna let anything happen to you.
    - It’s not me I’m worried about. - her hand meet his on her face. 
    - You don’t need to be worried about me. You think a court room scares me, princess? I’ve been through worse. Besides, you know I didn’t do it. Other than speculation, what proof do they have?
    - I don’t know ... - she looked down once again. 
    - C’mon, princess. I want to cuddle with my wife while I still can.
    - Those jokes are not funny, Bucky. - she rolled her eyes at him. For whatever reason, he had taken to deal with all of it by merely making jokes out of it but she, she was scared. She knew the public wasn’t particular found of Bucky and a weak case would lead to the jury voting against him. 
She couldn’t sleep, no matter how much she tried, and if it wasn’t that, it was her agency constantly trying to force her into psychiatric analysis by various experts. She wanted to ask him how he felt, what he thought about all of it yet whenever he did, he would just laugh it off or kiss her. Steve and Sam weren’t much help either, mostly hiding it from her what they knew and Sharon knew as little as she knew. There was nothing she could do but worry about him. It wasn’t like her view was particularly valued by the court who either believed her to be on some sort of Stockholm Syndrome or being held over some sort of control by Bucky. 
Bucky looked at her, watching how she would furrow her brows and slightly scrunch her nose whenever she was deep into thought. He’d rather not think about it, about the court, about what they were saying about him in the media. He’d rather not think about it, it just didn’t matter. She, however, did matter to him. Simple and plain. If it came between her own safety and peace of mine and his, she’d come first. Whatever happened, what mattered was keeping her safe, ensuring. whatever happened didn’t hurt her or destroyed her career. She was good, too good for him. In all honesty, he’d started to believe she was too good for anyone in her own environment. She deserved her happy ending, the riding into sunset, ensemble waving her off ending. She did and he would give it to her, even if he wasn’t in it. 
     - Why don’t you let me take your mind off it? - he moved his hand under the henley, leaning down to kiss her half exposed shoulder. She whimpered, her hand holding onto his bicep as his kisses climbed from her shoulder blades, to her neck, to the spot just below her ear lobe in a slow manner. 
Bucky turned her around, her back against his shirtless chest as his hands wandered under the henley, feeling the warmth of his skin as his fingers lightly drew upward lines from her belly to just under her breasts. He chuckled under his breast, leaning down once more to kiss her neck as his hands cupped her naked breasts under the shirt. Her hand gripped the stone from the kitchen balcony as a hot flush started to overcome her face as body. He ran his thumb over her perked buds, watching her get goosebumps and squirm merely by his touch as if she hadn’t been touched for years.
     - You like it when I touch you, hm, princess? - he hummed against the back of her neck. She averted her eyes, looking at what was in front of her to contain the flush that only seemed to further spread. - Isn’t this sweet? You’re still shy when I touch you, princess. 
     - I’m not. - she bite her lower lip, gasping as he pinched one of  her nipples without any prior warning. Bucky laughed against her skin, moving his lips to kiss yet another spot below her ear
    - Perhaps you like it a bit too much. - he whispered against her ear. 
Instead of keeping with his motions, he merely took his hands from under her shirt, leaving her to miss his touch as he stepped away from her to grab one of the whiskey bottles which laid in a silver platter with some glasses. She pouted, eyebrows furrowed as he poured himself a drink and rose his glass to his lips, swallowing the strong amber liquid in one gulp. She watched him with an almost angry look, yet she knew that was the last thing she looked like, following a small droplet which fell down from his lips, to his chin and down his neck. She opened her mouth but he beat her to it, boyish almost arrogant smile at her dishevelled look and irregular breathing. 
    - Ask for it. - he put the glass upside down on the sink, leaning against the opposite balcony with his arms crossed.
    - What?
    - Don’t be shy. Ask for it. You know I always give you what you want, princess. Just ask for it. - he beckoned. -  Or are you too shy? 
    - I’m not shy. - she adverted his gaze. 
    - Okay then. 
Y/N watched as he left the kitchen and walked up to his bedroom. She pouted out of frustration before following him down the hall and inside the bedroom, her socks almost slipping on the hardwood floor from how fast her pace was. He was laid down in bed, torso against the bed frame and head slightly cocked to the side. She stood in front of the bed with a look which he could only describe as the most adorable angry look he’d ever seen. 
    - It’s not fair. Why do I have to ask?
    - I can’t read your mind, princess. How would I know what you want? 
    - Fine. - she sat down on top of his lap, hands on his shoulders while her chin was down almost touching her sternum. He was enjoying this way too much. She looked to the side before looking into his eyes. - Can you do it? Please?
    - Do what? - he kissed her shoulder, his fingers toying with the hem of her shirt as she struggled to let herself say it. - Come on, princess. 
    - You know what I want. - she moved her head to the side, allowing him a better access to her neck. 
    - Yes, I do. - he stopped kissing her to pick her chin, raising it up. - C’mon, tell me, just tell me. I know you’re a good girl, you’re not gonna stop being my good girl if you tell me what you want.
She looked at the ceiling biting the inside of her bottom lip. Stubborn, she was definitely being stubborn, he thought to himself. His hands held her hips tightly, his thumb grazing her hipbone through the fabric of the henley, and he started to push her back and forward against his clothed cock. She was taken by surprise, hands holding onto his shoulders not to lose balance as he continued to control her movements. She could feel his cock against the thin fabric of her underwear, the feeling itself tight in her lower abdomen. 
He watched her face as he rubbed her against him, her lips partially opened, eyes shut tight, hands holding onto his shoulders as she tried to get a hold of herself. It didn’t take long for her to hide her face in his neck, moaning against his skin as he continued to move her back and forward in his lap. 
   - It’s really easy to rile you up, princess. - he chuckled through his own breathlessness, the movements and feeling of her clothed core making him hard. Her grip tightened on his shoulders and as it did, he stopped his movement, stilling her right on top of his hard cock.
   - Buck ... - she whimpered, head still buried by his neck. She tried to move her hips, get back the momentum but he had a death-like grip on her hips, not allowing for any movements.
   - Nice try, princess. - he chuckled. - Come on, tell me what you want. 
   - Bucky! - she whined, moving her head to look at him. - Please.
   - You know I’ll do it. - he moved under her for a slow second, before stilling once again. - But you’ll have to ask me, princess.
   - Fuck ... - she mumbled, trying to go against his strength. - James, please. 
   - You can keep trying, princess. - he kissed up from her neck to her ear, whispering against it. - I’m not gonna fuck you until you as for it. 
   - Please. - she tried to move again but failed. Bucky threw her onto the other side of the bed, pinning her under him. - Bucky, please.
   - You can beg all you want, princess. I’m not going to fuck you. However ... - he hooked his finger on the sides of her underwear, slowly pushing it down her legs and throwing it to the side. - I do think I can get it out of you. 
Bucky put her legs on each of his shoulder, hands caressing her skin from her calf to her hip, a trail which his lips followed suit, kissing the inside of her thigh up to the hem of the henley she was wearing. He pulled the fabric off her, throwing it somewhere in the bedroom before continuing his trail of kisses. His lips drew a line from her hip up to her breast before climbing up to her collarbones. 
    - You even smell sweet. - he mumbled against her skin, playfully bitting her collarbone before kissing her. - I did really get myself a sweet wife, didn’t I?
    - Bucky, stop teasing. - she pleaded, hands coming up to play with the hair on his nape. 
    - Not sweet enough to chance my mind though. - he gave her a mischievous look, kissing down her body once again and stopping at her thighs. 
He once again propped her legs on top his shoulders, leaning dow to slowly kiss her inner thighs as if she were a goddess, and she was. He continued to kiss her thighs, getting closer and closer to her core until he kissed her swollen bud, still sensitive from grinding on him. Her hand gripped the sheets, face looking to the other side as she instinctively tried to close her legs but he stopped her. Her back arched as he dragged a long lick from her hole to her clit, hands holding her hips closer to his face and face digging deeper with each lick. Bucky moaned against her core, the vibrations only making her shiver more with each lick. Her extended her hand up to his hair, pulling at the roots which made him moan even more. She was more whining than moaning as he started to pay more attention to her clit in each lick until she felt herself start go over the edge. Just as that white-like feeling became closer and closer he stopped, bringing her legs back to the mattress.
Y/N looked up, her chest going up and down, hand grabbing onto the sheet and pleading eyes. Bucky smirked, licking his lips and dragging his thumb across the sides. 
    - No, Bucky please.
    - I told you so, princess. - he leaned down, his face dangerously close to hers. - You have to say it. 
    - Please fuck me. - her voice was meek, filled with desperation and plea filled eyes which he could just not deny. 
Bucky kissed her harshly, pushing his trousers off before leaning down to kiss her again. Her hand rested upon the nape of his neck as he thrusted inside of her. 
     - Fuck, princess. - he chuckled breathlessly as he started to thrust in and out of her at a slow pace. - Not a fucking stutter. You were really frustrated weren’t you, princess? So good to me.
She nodded through her pleasure, holding onto him, her feet pressing onto his ass as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Fuck, he could do this for the rest of his days and be happy. He took his time to reach a faster pace, enjoying the feeling of her tight and warm walls around his cock. He moved the hair away from her face, kissing her in a messy yet long kiss. 
    - Bucky, faster, please. - she begged between his kisses.
    - Aw, so you can talk, princess. - he teased, bringing his thrusting to a halt before starting a fast pace. 
She moved her hands from the nape of his neck to his biceps, holding onto them as she quivered, moans coming uncontrollably from her lips. Bucky continued with his pace, basking in all her moans and his name coming from her lips. Y/N whimpered, her hole pulsating as she fast approached her own release until she let out a high pitch moan, her walls contracting around his cock as her back fell completely onto the mattress. Bucky continued to pump into her and she looked up. She watched him from her dazed out state, his face contorted into pleasure, pleasure that she was giving him. His thrusts started to become sloppy and slow until he stilled into her, groaning as ropes and ropes of cum filled her. He groaned once more, leaning down onto her shoulder, his nose nuzzling against her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist, rolling so she stood on top of him. He softened inside of her and pulled out, mumbling “shit” as he watched him cum leak out of her. If there ever was a sight, it was that. 
    - I think you achieved your goal. - she kissed his nose, quickly returning to that sweet face of hers. 
   - You’re gonna be my downfall. - he laughed, kissing her before holding her close to her. - Let me go grab a cloth to clean you up, princess.
   - No, I need to shower. Court. 
   - Fine. We will shower.
Bucky held her tightly against his chest before climbing out of bed and walking to the bathroom. The two of them laid in the tub, feeling the warm water but she was more interested in feeling him, memorising every feel and every part of him before the two of them had to be in court. She wanted to be positive, she really did, but she also knew without any proof it is up to the jury to decide. He’ll be fine, he’ll be fine. She’s not going to let anyone hurt him.
The rest of the morning seemed to go by on a blur, a quick one and soon the two of them were in Bucky’s car, parked in front of the court. She looked at that building as if it held the whole of hell within, gaze not averting from the building as if constantly staring would make it disappear. Sadly, it wouldn’t disappear. It’s here.
   - Can you check my tie? - Bucky tried to take her eyes from the building, turning slightly and messing up his tie without her seeing it. 
   - Of course. - her hands were shaking as she pulled the knot up, smoothing the fabric down. - You look so handsome. 
   - I’m not going off to war, princess. - he rose her chin. - It’s just us, princess. Just us. 
   - Sharon is here right? 
   - Sam, Steve and Sharon are here. You are not gonna be alone in the bench and I’m gonna be just in front of you. - he leaned his forehead against hers. - When all this shit is over we’ll go have cheesy chips and watch Phantom. What about that?
   - I’d like that.
   - Let’s go. - he opened his door and walked out and to her door, opening it for her too. Y/N climbed out and sighed. 
It’s gonna be fine, it’s gonna be fine, she told herself as they climbed up the stairs to the courthouse. Everyone was looking at them, they shot dagger looks at him and looked at her as if she was a mere lamb. His hand left hers as he went to meet with his legal team leaving her in the middle of all the people she knew. Some of them were from her agency, actually most of them were from her agency, some were doctors which had tried to analyse her and at the corner, Ms. Olson, Mr. Hawthorne and Mr. Powell. She sighed, putting on a smile. Just breathe, Y/N.
    - Y/N. - she turned around to see Sam, Steve, Sharon and Chuck. Sharon gave her a short hug, patting her back. - How are you?
    - Well, I’m still on my feet so I would say well. 
    - That’s my girl. - Chuck patted her shoulder. - Let’s win a trial. 
Y/N had been in courthouses before. As a child, whenever her mother wasn’t around, her father would bring her in to more child friendly cases and back then she was always astonished by rooms, always happy to sit down and watch the trials but now ... now as she walked into the room, everything was somber and dark. The mahogany wasn’t as shiny as she remembered as a child and the jury looked at Bucky as if they were ready to hang him. Sam led her to one of the front benches and the five of them sat down. Her eyes were on the back of Bucky’s head, her hand clenching the dog tags she was still wearing. It becomes harder when the person who you love is the one at the defence table. 
    - All rise. - the bailiff waited for everyone but the judge to get up. Y/N got up but her legs were shaking, she felt at any point her nerves would get the best off her. - Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge William presiding. Please be seated.
    - Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the State of New York versus James Buchanan Barnes. Are both sides ready?
    - Ready for The People, your Honour.
    - Ready for the defence, your honour. - Bucky’s lawyer responded.
The clerk swore in the jury and she hoped it was a non biased jury yet by the looks they constantly seemed to send to Bucky, she wasn’t much too hopeful. Everything works on paper but when in real life, well, things don’t seem to go as planned. She looked at her wedding band, the small thin copper material next to his mother’s engagement ring which he had given her a few days ago. He did not deserve this. He did not deserve a wife who put him through this.
    - Your honour, ladies and gentlemen. - the prosecutor turned to the jury and Y/N’s heart started beating fast. - The defendant has been charged with the stalking and harassment of Miss Y/N Y/L/N. Our evidence shows Mr. Barnes was responsible for breaking into her apartment and writing hateful words on her mirror as well as sending a hateful letter to her childhood address in London. This man is an unstable person who has been accused with a string of murders and was formerly working under HYDRA. We believe Mr. Barnes made Miss Y/L/N feel unsafe so he could get intimately close to her. 
The prosecutor sat down and Y/N rolled her eyes. Bucky was a handsome man, the last thing he needed was to harass someone to get a woman. 
    - Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth that James Buchanan Barnes did not do any of the things he’s being accused of. During the break in at Miss Y/L/N’s flat, my client was at his home in Brooklyn and thus could have not committed the travel from Brooklyn to Soho and back and still be stuck in traffic that morning. Moreover, my client was the one who found the letter in Miss Y/L/N’s London residence and there are several phone registers of my client calling Mr. Steven Grant Rogers about Miss Y/L/N’s safety and wellbeing. Therefore my client is not guilty.
    - The prosecution may call its first witness. -  the judge beckoned.
    - The people call Miss Y/N Y/L/N. 
 The bailiff walked up to her. Her body felt heavy as he walked her to the witness stand. All eyes were on her, yet, few of them knew what she was about to do and say. Bucky gave her a reassuring smile, mumbling “love you” to her as the clerk had her swear to only say the truth and state her first and last name. 
   - Miss Y/L/N could you explain your relationship to us? - the prosecutor asked.
   - Your honour. - she turned to the jury. - I will be evoking spousal privilege.
   - Objection, your honour. The witness is not married to the accused. 
   - Objection, your honour. - Bucky’s lawyer got up. - Miss Y/L/N has been married to Mr. Barnes for two weeks as of today and as such has every single right to evoke spousal privilege and refuse to testify against her husband.
The court erupted into chatter, everyone was mumbling and whispering at the same time, people with raised eyebrows and some with open jaws as Y/N felt the smallest she had ever felt. Bucky’s lawyer got up to hand the judge her marriage license. The judge looked at her before looking at the license. 
   - The witness is excused. - he said. 
   - Objection, your honour. Miss Y/L/N is not under enough mental capacity to consent to marriage. 
    - It’s Mrs. Barnes. - Y/N smiled sarcastically at the prosecutor. 
    - It’s a valid marriage. The witness is excused. 
The bailiff helped Y/N off the witness stand and back to the bench, where Sharon gave her an encouraging smile. She could see Mr. Hawthorne looking at her but she chose not to look his way, instead keeping his eyes on the prosecution. So far, so good. 
    - The prosecution would like to call the jury’s attention to a video. - the bailiff rolled in a television which made Y/N furrow her brows. - This video demonstrates just how unstable Mr. Barnes is. 
Y/N looked at Steve, not understanding what was going on but Steve seemed to know. A video started playing in the television and Bucky seemingly stilled as the first words “Howard” echoed in the court room. She turned her head to the side as more sounds started to come, the moment she turned her head back, the video from Washington was back, then the Bucharest, everything. 
Bucky’s brain seemed to shut off as his worse nightmares played on the rather large screen for everyone to see, for her to see. He turned around to see Y/N, his wife, with her eyes closed, her head buried in Sharon’s shoulder who was holding her defensively. His breathe quickened and he tried to get up, he had to tell her, he had to explain it to her, he had to but his lawyer stopped him. The video came to a close and the prosecutor turned to Bucky.
   - Mr. Barnes, was that you in those videos?
   - Yes.
   - So you do confirm you were responsible for killing Howard and Maria Stark as well as attempting to kill Steve Rogers, Natalia Romanova and Samuel Wilson as well as being uncontrollable. 
    - Objection, your honour. Argumentative. 
    - Is it true, Mr. Barnes? - the prosecutor continued.
    - Objection, your honour. 
    - What would make you suitable enough to even be allowed to be free and not in prison for various crimes, some still unaccounted for?
   - Objection, your honour. Relevance.
   - Order! - the judge said and everyone came to silence. - We will be going on a break. Court dispersed. 
Everyone got up and all eyes were once again on Y/N with people coming up to her but she merely tried to go after Bucky who had stormed out the court room. She managed to break through most of the swarm of people surrounding her and almost reached the door until someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Mr. Hawthorne. 
   - What are you doing? We are trying to help you. - he said through gritted teeth, a tight hold on her arm. - We are here to help you.
   - Don’t touch me.
   - Excuse me?
   - I said, don’t touch me. I didn’t say you could touch me. 
   - You should take a look at your contract. - he shoved a stack of papers against her chest. - Let us help you or you will be doing invisible ensemble roles for the rest of your 10 year contract. 
 His grip softened on her arm and she completely moved her arm away from him, ignoring his threats as she stormed off the court room. She looked around the hall, to where Bucky could’ve possibly gone. It was mostly other court rooms and other areas where he wouldn’t have been allowed to be so he had to be in the hall but he wasn’t. She grabbed her phone to call him yet there was no signal. Once again, she was running, this time outside to get signal but that proved unnecessary as sat on a bench just behind a stone of plants was her Bucky. She climbed down the stairs as fast as her heels allowed her, making her way to the bench.
   - Bucky. - he had his face hidden by his hands, elbows dug into his thighs. She knelled up to him, throwing the contract on the bench to cup his face. - It’s okay, yeah? You’re fine, you’re safe. 
   - No, it’s not fine. - he rubbed his face and she could see his blood shot eyes, the tears pooled at his eyes. - You were not supposed to see that, Y/N. I was not, I was ... I didn’t want you to see that. 
   - It’s irrelevant to the case. You’re not being trialled on them.  
   - But it is there. I did that, did you not see it? Did you not heard it, Y/N?
   - No. I don’t care about that, why should I care about that? I care about you, I care if you’re okay, I care if you have nightmares. I don’t care what’s on those tapes, I don’t want to see them, I just want to see if you’re okay. I love you so much, Bucky. 
  - No.
  - Yes. - she moved to sit by his side. - What did you say? It’s just us. Forget it. 
  - I didn’t do it. 
  - I know. - she cupped his face, kissing him softly. - I know, Bucky. 
  - Y/N. - Sharon came up to them. - We have to go, it’s starting again. Are you okay, Buck? Do you want me to ruin that tape?
  - It’s fine, Sharon. - he got up. - Let’s go back to the circus. 
She stood there through doctors saying she was either insane, sensible or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. She wanted to yell out for them to consider the fact he was innocent. If she was so unstable, how come she had been able to work all this time? If she was insane, how come she had been going to events and working? She sighed, leaning against her seat as the judge spoke once more
  - The trial will resume tomorrow. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Court dispersed.
Bucky left the table to walk up to his wife, holding her close, afraid at any point she would realise who he was, afraid the video would register of her. Y/N kissed his cheek, cuddling against his side as the two of them walked out of the court room. The two of them were ready to go back home, forget this day ever happened and just sit on the couch and watch some cheesy movie on the TV while cuddling. As the two of them prepared to walk away, Mr. Powell’s assistance made her way towards them, eyes looking side to side and shoulders risen almost up to her ears. Bucky’s hold tightened around Y/N, almost pushing her behind his back. 
  - Hi Eliza, how are you? - Y/N asked sweetly, hand on Bucky’s bicep to calm him down.
  - I’m ... good. I was ... I was wondering if I could speak with you Mr. Barnes? It’s important.
  - Uhm ... okay.
  - Just us. - she said and Bucky gave her a weird look, moving his gaze to Y/N who just shrugged. - It’s really important. 
  - Sure. I’ll be back okay. - Bucky pecked Y/N’s lips quickly, before going up with Eliza leaving Y/N with Sharon and Chuck with Steve and Sam having left to go grab some food. 
  - I’ll be going, Y/N. - Chuck said. - Got my girl waiting at home for me but you call me if you need anything, okay? 
  - Yeah. - Y/N moved to hug Chuck. - Thank you for being here.
  - See you tomorrow.
  - See you. - she waved at him, now being just her and Sharon.
  - Before I forget, you left that outside. - Sharon handed Y/N the papers she had left in the bench. - What’s that anyway? Looks like the bible.
  - It’s just my contract. Mr. Hawthorne gave it to me. 
She quickly opened it out, mostly mindlessly going through the pages until she hit the last one where her signature and Mr. Hawthorne’s signature were. It was merely black ink on paper yet her brain seemed to focus on Mr. Hawthorne’s name, on the letters quickly scribbled on paper. It was just ink yet as she looked at it again, the mirror in her flat flashed in her mind. She knew those letters, she remembered those letters. The more she looked at the signature, the clearer the memory of the mirror she had tried to repress became. It was almost as if she was back at her flat looking at her mirror, at those letters. The same handwriting of his signature.
He did it. 
taglist: @disasterbi​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysteveloki-me​​ @americasass81​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​ @lostinthebeans​​ @mariahthelioness29​​ @oh-nohoney​​ @peaches-roses-sins​​ @theadorasabditory​​ @sipsteacasually​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​ @booktease21​​ @noiralei​​ @learisa​​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​​ @uglipotata72829​​ @naturalthrone22​​ @husherstan​​ @mandiiblanche​​ @vicmc624​​ @newyorkgoddess​​ @itsallyscorner​​ @chipilerendi​​ @emzd34 @writerwrites​​ @bluevxnus​​ @that-girl-named-alex​​ @captnrogers​​ @nsfwsebbie​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​ @niki-is-a-thing​​ @cynic-spirit​​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​​
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speechlessxx · 4 years
I Can Keep A Secret. - 4 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Chapter Summary: In a jealous rage, Steve accidentally says something he doesn’t mean as he discovers something personal about the reader. 
Warnings: no Clark in this chapter, slight fingering (18+ Minors DNI), nudity but not really, lots of cussing, angsty, make-out scene, shitty writing (it’s been a while i’m sorry!), AGE GAP (reader is stated to be 21 but age is just a number. call her wtv age you want). 
Word Count: ~2.7k 
again... i apologize this sucks. i haven’t written anything since like august. 
Buy me a Ko-Fi (not necessary but i’m broke, yo) 
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<- Last Part -=+=- Next Part ->
Steve never considered himself a jealous man. When he was involved with Sharon Carter, he never paid any mind to the revolving door of “friends” she entertained. Truthfully, throughout the numerous relationships he’s had in his life, Steve Rogers had never been the one to be jealous.
How could he?
Steve didn’t think he was an egomaniac nor narcissistic – not in the way that Tony Stark was, at least. But he knew he was charming. He knew he was wealthy – the black cards in his Burberry wallet reminded him of that. He knew he was handsome. He knew his worth – hell, even Forbes did.
His thoughts had never been infiltrated by the ugly, green rage monster that filled his head with insecurities. That is… Until the headlines and photographs of (Y/N) Barnes’s dinner date with “America’s richest and handsomest” bachelor, Clark Kent, had made its rounds.
It was a form of self-torture as he scrolled furiously through the many posts about the two.
Dynasties Colliding!
Clark Kent off the Market?
Everything you need to know about (Y/N) Barnes, Clark Kent’s new girlfriend.
He clicked his tongue in disgust at that last article as he skimmed through it. It was obvious that the writer had a biased opinion – one so clearly against (Y/N) – as it pointed out her “college dropout” status and her “naivete” to be involved with a man ten years her senior.
He scoffed… If only they knew.
Though, Steve couldn’t help but compare himself to the younger man. Sure, Clark was richer than he was with a booming business and a company created generations before Steve was even born. His net worth pushed him much higher than Steve and Bucky on the Forbes’s listings. But surely, he didn’t have the same chemistry as he and (Y/N) did… Surely.
As if to mock him, a photo of Clark kissing her knuckles appeared on his monitor. He glared at it, fuming with hot jealousy. He hated that feeling bubbling inside as he stared at her flustered face digitally immortalized by paparazzi and fan photos.
His phone buzzed to life as the screen displayed her name… And he did what he had been doing for the past few days following the polo match, he sent it straight to voicemail, spiteful that she even entertained Clark’s request to go on a date.
Had he misread the signs? Had there been any signs to begin with? Had she played him? Was he just her happy distraction until she could find her bearings in New York?
A sharp knock interrupted him from his thoughts as Bucky’s broad shoulders filled his open office door. He had a wide smile on his face as he entered the room, closing the door.
“You read the gossip?” Bucky chuckled. A sly smirk on his face as he sat himself in the seat across Steve’s desk. Steve quickly clicked out of his tabs and raised his brows at Bucky. “With (Y/N) getting Clark interested, other investors are looking at us, too. It’s great.”
“So, you’re really using your daughter to lure business opportunities?” Steve snorted. Considering how enchanting she was, it wasn’t a terrible strategy. If Steve hadn’t gotten so attached so quickly, he’d even advise Bucky to have her stalk the airport terminals, too.
“It’s working, man. He’s interested in the company. He wants a tour. He’s talking big money. We can scrap any deals with Stark. He’s our top priority now.”
“Buck,” Steve laughed so dryly it became a scoff. “He’s not interested in the company. He’s clearly interested in her – and only her. As soon as you give the green light and she rips the cord with him, he’s gonna back out. He’s got the lawyers to make sure that any contract he signs will get voided, too.”
His tone had been hopeful although Bucky didn’t pick up on it. Bucky had just waved it off as Steve being cautious – not Steve hoping that his daughter would dump Clark and focus all her attention back on him.
“No, no.” Bucky shook his head, waving his hand, too. “She’s equally into him. Piqued her interest more than Peter did, for sure.” Steve stopped himself from rolling his eyes, knowing damn well that she was never interested in the Stark boy. “He dropped her off and she was blushing like crazy. Ran to her room and practically screamed her head off with that Wanda girl on the phone.”
Steve pressed his lips into a straight line. He didn’t trust himself enough to respond, knowing any sarcastic remark would land him in the hot seat, with Bucky asking questions he wasn’t ready to answer… or rather, didn’t have the answers to.
“Besides… y’know one contract that’s incredibly difficult to get out of?” Steve hummed. “A marriage.”
Steve choked. “Marriage? Buck, c’mon, she’s twenty-one.” Bucky nodded, taking his daughter’s age into consideration. “Marriages are definitely the easiest to get out of. Must I remind you the reason why you haven’t seen her since she was a baby?”
“Besides, isn’t he too old for her?” Steve internally cringed. Suddenly, wishing he could take it back, afraid of what Bucky would say. Like you aren’t thirty-nine, dumbass?
“He’s thirty-three. She’s twenty-one. She can date whoever she wants. She’s an adult.”
“That’s dangerously permissive.” Stop talking.
“Why’re you acting like her father, Steve?” Bucky asked, raising his brows inquisitively.
“I’m just saying, Clark’s closer in age with us than with (Y/N).” Steve shrugged. “I’m just looking out for her.”
I just want her to myself.
“Well, since you’re oh-so invested in looking out for her, I’m gonna need a favor.”
»————- ♡ ————-««
Out of the many things to do on a Friday night in the big city, Steve found himself walking through the threshold of the Barnes’s penthouse. He silent cursed at Bucky, who asked him to look after his daughter for the weekend. The same daughter he had been avoiding for the past week, blowing off her calls and leaving her texts unread.
Steve found Bucky’s favor to be a direct contradiction to the statement he made prior. She’s twenty-one. She’s an adult. An adult who needed another adult’s supervision as it seemed.
However, Steve understood. She was relatively new to the city, only being here for a little over a month and a half, and known for her reckless behavior back in Los Angeles – the reason why she was in New York to begin with. Although Bucky didn’t quite keep her on a tight leash, he kept on a leash, nevertheless.
Bucky had already left that afternoon, leaving the penthouse somewhat quiet save for the music coming from the hallway that led into (Y/N)’s bedroom. He cracked a smile as he approached the hall. He could hear her obnoxiously singing along to the provocative lyrics of that one song – WAP, was it?
His hand absentmindedly found its way to her doorknob, twisting the metal and pushing the door open. She shrieked as her phone fell from her hands with a thud against the floor. She scrambled for her towel that lay haphazardly on her bed, messily wrapping it around her naked body.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” She screamed over the music. 
Steve stared at her with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. Her hair was still damp, knotting and begging to be combed out. Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily. The towel did little to hide her from his hungry eyes as he fought to keep his stare at her face and only her face. She called for the Alexa to stop playing the music before running a hand through her knotted hair. 
“Steve, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Your – your dad asked me to – uh – “he was losing the battle as his eyes gave her a look over, feeling the heat rise to his face. It was not the only thing that has risen. He tore his stare away from her, scanning the room instead. “He asked me to watch over you.” Steve explained, finally finding the words.
“Like a babysitter?” She scoffed. She had been itching to see Steve, hating him just a bit for ghosting her, but looking like that? She was willing to forgive.
“Yeah…” Steve nodded.
“Well,” she smirked playfully, “since you’re baby-sitting… Why don’t you let your baby sit on your lap, huh, daddy?” She batted her lashes at him, and he instantly melted, forgetting his jealousy and spite for just a second. She reached out for him and had him sit at the edge of her bed, straddling his thick thighs. “Excited to see me?”
His resolve and pent-up angst disappeared. “You’re damn right.” Steve muttered, hand fisting her knotted hair and smashing his lips onto hers. The kiss was every bit hungry and desperate as it was passionate – like two star crossed lovers finally catching a moment alone.
She moaned into his mouth as his free hand slipped beneath her towel, which was loosening as she grinded against his strained pants. His fingers explored her slit, fumbling as he tried to find her bundle of nerves.
“I missed you,” she gasped as he found it within seconds, rubbing tight circles around her clit.
His lips left a trail of kisses along her jaw and sucked the sensitive skin under her ear, eliciting long moan from her as he played with her, relishing in her responsiveness. He felt her juices coat his fingers as he teased her hole, but the moment suddenly cut short when her phone dinged.
Once. And then a second, then a third.
She looked over her shoulder and glanced down at the screen. Steve pinched her, causing her to gasp again. “Don’t.” He warned her, his voice a deep growl.
It dinged again. “I’m gonna silent it,” she promised, pecking his lips as she hopped off his lap. “Oh,” she frowned. She ran a hand through her knotted hair before glancing at him, then typing.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked her as he stood from her bed and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her into him.
“I… Uh… Clark wants to hang out again.” She told him.
Steve rolled his eyes though she didn’t see. “Blow him off.” He told her, leaving a trail of kisses on her shoulders, leading back up to that sweet spot beneath her ear. Her eyes rolled back before she pushed away from him. “We haven’t seen each other in days – “
“Because someone kept sending me to voicemail,” she rebutted. “I-I have to go see him, Steve. If my dad found out – “
“Then tell him you’re not into him.” Steve insisted. She remained silent as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Steve frowned. “Wait, are you – are you into him?”
“I dunno…”
“You don’t know?” He asked her. “If you’re into him, the hell are you sitting on top of me naked for?”
“Steve – “
“God, it’s like you like making yourself easy to guys.” The envy – the green, little monster that tore at his ego and his heart – suddenly rose. No thoughts were running through his head – just angry words from his mouth.
“Excuse me?” An enraged look splayed across her face. Brows furrowed and arms crossed defensively.
“Well, considering you sold pictures of yourself to total strangers – “he stopped himself before the rest of the sentence. The self-control had finally resurfaced, but the damage had been done as fury in her features mellowed and turned into hurt.
“Is that… Is that what you think of me?” She asked him, willing her voice not to crack but the tears had already begun to form. She furiously blinked them away before huffing. “Well, it doesn’t matter what you think anyway ‘cause I’m not with you.”
“And what you’re with Clark Kent?” He seethed his name.
“At least he doesn’t call me easy.”
Steve chuckled, dryly. “Bar’s set low then, huh? Says the girl who sucked me off on the airplane when we knew each other less than two hours. Wonder the things you’d do for him.” It was spite. His words were pure spite and jealousy. They held no meaning but they sure had weight. 
“What’s your problem?” She snapped. “Damn it, Steve! I like you. I really do, genuinely, but y’know it fucking sucks when the guy you like suddenly ghosts you.”
“And it fucking sucks when the girl you’re actually interested in goes on a date with some hot shot, pretty, rich boy. Probably fucks him in the back of his limo, too.”
She stomped over to Steve, shoving him with one hand while the other kept her towel from slipping off. “Get. Out!”
“No, no,” Steve argued, grabbing her arm easily overpowering her to stop pushing him. “You’re gonna answer.” She raised her brows at him. “Are you fucking him in the back of his limo? Are you that easy?”
Her jaw dropped as she stared at him in disbelief. “You’re not my dad, so that’s none of your concern.” She began to push him towards her door, and he let her this time. “And…” Her fingers tapped against the wooden door as she stared back at him. 
“It’s none of your business, but for your information, I’m a virgin.” She clicked her tongue as a smirk splayed across her face. “Won’t be for long, though. ‘Cause Mr. Kent is inviting back to one of his many lavish, expensive homes in New York.”
And with that she slammed the door shut, locking it with the new lock her father had installed.
»————- ♡ ————-««
“(Y/N)…” He called out to her, knocking on her door. “C’mon, sweetheart.” It had been half an hour since their fight, and she had yet to come out of her room.
“Go away!” She called out from the other side of the wooden pane as if she were a child.
“I’m sorry, alright? I didn’t mean it. I was just jealous – “
“I don’t care, Steve!”
He sighed. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s go out for dinner, yeah? Just me and you. Whatever you want. You wanna embarrass me by making me use chopsticks? Let’s go. You wanna hit me with a bottle of champagne? Take your pick. I’m down.”
“Fuck off, asshole!”
You deserve that. He agreed.
Steve suddenly heard a click of the lock before she pulled the door open, pushing past him and he let her. She had a duffle in one hand and her phone in the other, typing away. “Where are you going?”
“Away from you,” she spat. She didn’t even spare him a second look.
“You going with Clark?”
“None of your business, dick.”
He called her full name and she stopped in her tracks, spinning on her heel to look at him with her brows raised. Steve had his hands on his hips as he stared at the floor before looking down at her. “You are not leaving and that’s final.”
“Oh, yeah?” She challenged, taking a step towards him. Her heel clicking against the ground. She crossed her arms across her chest as she tilted her head. “And what? You’re gonna stop me?”
“Don’t make me, sweetheart.”
“Well,” she smirked. “Take it up with my dad… because unlike you, he actually approves of my blossoming relationship with Clark Kent. I swear he’s already planning the wedding … while I, on the other hand, all I care about is the honeymoon… And I think we’re gonna get a head start to it, actually.”
Steve took a step towards her as she took a step back. “Stop being a little brat and just – “
“No, Steve,” she corrected. “I’m being easy. And you’re completely right… Sometimes being easy is just fun.”
He grabbed her arm before she could turn around and pulled her towards him. She bit her lip as she stared up at him with faux innocence. Her lips glistened with whatever gloss it was she used to make her lips plump as she challenged every bit of authority Steve had.
He wanted nothing more than to kiss that bratty attitude right out of her. He leaned in as her eyes fluttered close and he knew he had her. Then, suddenly, the elevator doors dinged and opened, ruining the moment. Both their heads snapped towards the guest.
“What the hell?” 
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togetherevermore · 3 years
Marvel characters as things my friends and I have said:
Steve: Sneezing is the same satisfaction as an orgasm
Sam: Either I’m sneezing wrong or you’re orgasming wrong
Quill: I bet I could ace a friendship quiz about you
Rocket: What’s my last name?
Quill: ...Raccoon
Peter, to Tony: you might not be your parents’ favourite but you’re my favourite
Sam: you took away my support redwing
Bucky: I can be your support Bucky :)
Also Tony: it’s ok I’ll drink hand sanitizer
Rhodey: it’s called being a good friend
Natasha: I told Alexa to play getaway car and she told me Uber can help with that
Tony, to Stepehen: you’re like me but in cursive
Stephen: okay zebra
Carol and Maria: two girls sitting on ft in their bralettes making each other feel better but swear they’re just friends
Peter: stoppp you’re gonna make me spiral
Ned: like a staircase?
Carol: when will men realise that if I wanted your help I would’ve asked for your bloody help
Fury: maybe they like you
Carol: yes ofc my father likes me
Fury: i-
Clint: imagine if I just masturbated to a kidney
Gamora: i just got rejected...
Nebula: what’s their name? i just wanna talk🔪
Gamora: ...from university
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zi-i-think · 4 years
Request Prompt List
*Disclaimer* Some of these prompts are from Pinterest, some inspired by social media and tv/movies, and most of them are created by me. I have no problem with other creators using my list.
You can find my prompt list with the hashtag #zi prompt list
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How to request:
In my asks
Tell me the universe and character (characters not included in this list are fine, but I do reserve the right to refuse to write for a character for any reason).
AU (optional)
Prompt (max of 3)
Any information about the reader (Gender, Hogwarts House, appearance, etc.) I will write the reader as y/n unless otherwise specified.
If you want any specific plot or event, just let me know. Whatever isn’t specified will be left to me and my creative freedom.
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Harry Potter Series
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Bill Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Remus Lupin
Serius Black
James Potter
Lily Evens
Regulus Black
Merlin BBC
Sir Leon
Sir Gwaine
Sir Elyan
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Sam Wilson/ Falcon/ Captain America
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Xialing
Eros/ Starfox
Lord of the Rings
Avatar: TLA + LoK
Ty Lee
Lin Beifong
Fallon Carrington
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Headcannon: word length varies
Drabble: 100-500ish words
Short fic: 500-2000
(If you want me to write something longer, please know that they take me more time)
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AU’s (optional)
High School
Certain time periods (ex. 1940’s)
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Gen Z Prompts ✵
1. “This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well.”
2. ��You have no idea how to make toast?”
3. “I haven’t showered in four days.”
4. “Tell them how you screwed up.”
5. “Try not to gasp.”
6. “Well, this just scrambles my eggs.”
7. “Look I’m not the brightest tool in the… toolbox.”
8. “Please be quiet, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.”
9. “Chile, anyways.”
10. “Why does he have to be so fucking hot!!! And respectful!!!”
11. “That sounds neat, my guy.”
12. “So sad. Alexa play Despacito.”
13. “Well, there goes the fucking plan.” “Wait there was a plan?!”
14. “I want you to park that big mack truck right in this little garage!!!”
15. Teaching them how to do the WAP dance.
16. “Why can’t I throw it back?!”
17. “That wasn’t very g-money of you.”
18. “Yeet!”
19. Playing Among Us.
20. “It the ___ for me.”
21. “You are such a [zodiac sign].”
22. “Sorry, I only simp for Corpse.” “You’ve never even seen his face.” “I’ve seen his hands!”
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
24. “Might I request thy hand in-” “Marriage?” “No, I was wondering if you want to go to McDonald’s with me.” “Even better.”
25. “I’m here for you bro.” “Really bro?” “Really bro.”
26. *giggles* “Rawr.” *more giggles*
27. “Please pardon my french, but what the diggidy dang was that.”
28. “When will you learn! That your actions have consequences!”
29. “Calling all the Monsters by China Anne Maclaine is a bop and you can’t convince me otherwise.”
30. “Eat the rich!” “[name], I am rich.” “I make no exceptions!”
31. “You’re being very calm right now.” “Oh, that’s just because I haven’t processed what happened. Give me a minute.”
32. “I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you. Bitch.”
33 “I am in love with you and I’m telling you straight up. I want you to be my boyfriend/girlfriend. Do you accept or deny!?... BItch get out the way.”
Fluff ❁
1. “Boyfriend and girlfriend right now?” “No.” “Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually?... You didn’t say no.” “I’ll play the long game.”
2. “I crave physical touch. Please cuddle me.”
3. Kisses on the nose.
4. *sneeze* “That is the cutest sneeze I’ve ever heard.”
5. “How long have you been flirting with me?” “Only since we’ve met.”
6. Playing with their hair.
7. Dancing in the kitchen.
8. “Did you just boop my nose?” “Yes… boop”
9. Y/n going off into a rant and character just stares in admiration.
10. Waking up in the morning.
11. Cuddles after a stressful day.
12. Teaching character or Y/n how to ____.
13. Character or Y/n having a long day and is given a massage.
14. “Sorry I’m late, have you been waiting long?” “Darling for you, I’d wait for centuries.”
15. “Care to give me a back scratch.”
16. “I’ll always be here to annoy the hell out of you.”
17. “I think I love you.”
18. Passing notes in class/in a meeting.
19. “It’s always been you.”
20. “Shush and go back to sleep.”
21. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
22. “I will murder you.” “Of fun?”
23. “You are my new pillow.”
Angst ☁
1. “I said I’d die for you”
2. “I never loved you.”
3. “I trusted you!”
4. Y/n or character sacrificing themself for the cause.
5. “If one of us doesn’t make it-” “Don’t say that.”
6. “I am not weak.” “Yes, you are. And you know what else? You’re stupid too.”
7. “I’ll see you again. One day.”
8. “Is that all we’ll ever be? Friends?”
9. “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
10. “Where did all those bruises come from?”
11. “You could’ve died, you know?”
12. “You want to know the truth? I’m not okay.”
13. “I’m your friend of course I care!”
14. “Let me clean your wounds.”
15. “Can you please come and get me?”
16. “I can’t love you anymore.”
17. “Stop telling me you’re okay!”
18. “Because no matter how much I tried, I can’t stop loving you!”
19. Character or Y/n being reminded of the other, despite them being dead for years now.
Spicy (18+ characters) ♛
1. Hands
2. “You know you’re awfully red for someone who supposedly isn’t attracted to me”
3. Character or y/n training and taking off their shirt.
4. Soft sex
5. Bondage
6. Drunk sex
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l8rhader · 4 years
I’m so bored and can’t sleep.  I wasn’t tagged in this but I’ve seen it making the rounds and I’m into it.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
“The Universe works on balance.” - You Can Change Right Next To Me (Reddie,  Soulmate Bond AU)
“The timer on the microwave beeped and Richie took his coffee out of it.” - Latching On To You (Reddie, Phone Sex/Getting Together)
“It’s dark.” - My Heart And My Home (Reddie, Deadlights Nightmares)
“It was Tuesday which meant it was Losers Family Game Night.” - A Monopoly On Kisses (Reddie, Prompted Sneaking Into A Corner To Kiss & Interrupting a Kiss to ask if they’re sure only to be answered with a deeper kiss)
“Richie Tozier could not remember a time that he didn’t hate his Birthday.” - Happy Birthday, Richie Tozier (Reddie, post Derry Take 2 Alexa Play Birthday Sex By Jeremih)
“Barry has always been more active at night.” - The Deluxe Boyfriend Package (BarryxSally, Sally has a nightmare about Sam)
“In the week that followed their return to L.A., Richie and Eddie found themselves plagued by rats.“ - they are the hunters, we are the foxes (Reddie, Paparazzi affecting Richie)
“Every year, as the reapings drew closer, the victors throughout the districts of Derry found themselves reliving their horror.” - All That’s Dead And Gone And Passed Tonight (Reddie Hunger Games AU)
“As he settled in on the couch, Eddie snuggled in to his girlfriend's side. “ - It’s Nice To Have A Friend (Reddie Roommates AU)
���The lights in Eddie’s bedroom flicked on and off 3 times.” - wait for the signal and i’ll meet you after dark (Reddie anniversary date)
“Without a body, funerals are a tricky thing.” - and i still talk to you when i’m screaming at the sky (Losers Reconvene 1 year later and have a “funeral” for Eddie and Stan)
“The bar was great.” - Seal My Fate (Reddie WHAT ARE WE?)
“Late at night after their big New Years' blowout, their house was in shambles.” - don’t read the last page i stay (Reddie, post Derry Take 2 getting together)
“With Pennywise vanquished, there was nothing left for the remaining living members of the Losers Club to do but try to figure out how to go back to their lives.” - This Love Is Alive Back From The Dead (Reddie, Eddie appears in the quarry as Richie’s poorly trying to UnAlive himself after Derry Take 2)
“Tuesdays were boring.“ - i think it’s best that we both stay (Reddie, First “real” fight)
“The summer after their senior year of college, most of the Loser’s club had left Derry.“ - Feel You Forget Me Like I Used To Feel You Breathe (Reddie, Richie leaves, Eddie’s the last one in Derry)
“Steve’s great.“ - Never Knew I Could Feel That Much (Reddie, Eddie’s bad at this.  Like, really bad.)
“The night at the Inn was a long, stressful one for all of the Losers.” - i hope you think my favorite song (Reddie, Derry Townhouse Smut)
““Come on, Richie, you know that’s a bullshit reason!” Eddie says- no, screams into the kitchen.” - I Think She Did It (Reddie, domestic watching true crime and baking slice of life)
Eddie wrote lists. - got a blank space baby (Reddie, Townhouse Love Confession but make it Canon Compliant and i’m so sorry)
Pattern wise, my opening sentences are either super super short or kind of rambly.  Also, I hardly ever start on dialogue.
Favorite first line just as a first line is bolded.
Favorite first line as it plays with the whole fic is italicized.
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