#* ✭ ❪❪ larisa ↠ headcanons ❫.
kaytheday · 1 year
Post 10 things I hate about you HCs:
Cameron and Bianca
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After Cameron punches Joey, he blows up, everyone knows his name. He becomes more popular and it’s what he’s known for. Though, Joey is still just as popular.
For dates, they go to the arcade, mini golfing, and pizza nights.
Bianca’s dad is still super strict so they often have to bring Michael along for liability. He becomes their official third wheel.
Cameron is pretty good at doing hair, mostly because of his little sisters. He’s always touching Bianca’s hair. Sometimes when they watch a movie, she’ll lay her head in his lap and he’ll just absentmindedly stroke her hair until they both fall asleep.
They’ve never done much other than hold hands in public. Cameron is a very private person.
Bianca still gets love notes and gets invited on dates by so many guys. She’ll often tell Michael to talk to them. It doesn’t do anything, but her and Cameron get a kick out of watching him try.
Patrick and Kat
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People still stay away from Patrick, even though he’s the softie of the relationship.
He gave up smoking completely for Kat.
For dates they often go to concerts, parks, clubs, or libraries together.
Kat helps Patrick with school work. She needs him to graduate so they can go to Sara Lawrence college together.
Kat’s father does not approve of Pat and her going to the same school. He doesn’t know they plan to live together. He won’t find out about it if Kat has anything to do with it.
Patrick is always humming or singing a song. He’ll have two fingers tracing down her back while he hums can’t take my eyes off you.
Kat has tried to teach Patrick chords. He’s hopeless, he can only sing.
Kat moves out a week after she graduated. Patrick and her make the trip across the country together. Soon they own an apartment together.
Kat starts a girl band and guess who their number one fan is?
They make a point to cook together in the apartment at least three times a week. They put on music and dance together while the food is in the oven.
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ernestlaytonpolls · 8 months
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aeipathcy · 2 years
Honestly speaking, even if Larisa does manage to somehow get rid of her spirit companion, the lasting effect it put on her entire being won’t go away. She will still have a hard time recovering from injuries and restoring energy via food. Furthermore, her mental state wouldn’t likely change either. Her impulse to hurt others does not magically go away; in fact, it could end up becoming worse because she isn’t as likely to unintentionally take someone’s life if she acts on them. She will still find herself coping the way she normally does (whether it be self-isolation or bringing hell on her plushies or crushing bugs).
Overall, life without the spirit means Larisa can’t justify her behavior, her thought processes, or her coping mechanisms, and that will push her into a different kind of mental torment when she realizes she really can’t ever leave the hell space she stepped into. Even though she would finally be able touch people again and ask for intimacy, she is far too gone to actually benefit from that.
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stormlit · 2 months
the first person that amalia turns into a vampire isn't until the 1880s, a full 80+ years after she was turned herself; for the longest time she couldn't imagine ever doing it because her own turning was so traumatic, and she refused to do that to anyone else. she couldn't imagine a situation where somebody would want the dark gift, because she certainly didn't.
larisa markova is a principal ballet dancer at the then-imperial russian ballet that amalia meets in 1878, having spent some years travelling across europe with the full intention of getting to st petersburg to get involved with dance there; over a period of years, amalia takes classes, views as many performances as she can, and gets involved in choreography and direction. larisa suffers from being considered too old to play the ingenue anymore but too young to retire, isn't getting the parts she wants, and the current company director hates her, constantly casting his favourites while trying to convince her to teach at the company's attached academy. she's miserable.
amalia and larisa begin a love affair, initially connecting over a love of dance and finding a deep connection and a place that feels safe. amalia choreographs a piece specifically for the two of them that they do amass enough of a company to perform in public for, larisa finds a place she can be herself for probably the first time in her life, have lively, passionate discussions, and feel safe to complain, while amalia finds someone who shares her passions, takes no shit (especially from her), and eases the loneliness that she's had for decades. larisa finds out what amalia is relatively early on and doesn't show fear or even bewilderment for a moment, lets amalia drink from her carnally, but they've been together years before she asks amalia to turn her. amalia refuses, but larisa keeps asking.
and finally, after a very thorough explanation of what larisa's asking for, what turning will be like, what it's like afterwards, what it's like to kill, amalia finally gives in. larisa's in her late 30s, has been all but forced out of the ballet company, and she wants to finally see the world, having grown up in the imperial ballet academy and knowing nothing else. and they do.
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Eugenia Nix (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Eugenia Nix
Age: Same Age As Penumbra
DOB: December 3rd
Headcanon Voice Actor: Larisa Oleynik (English) ; Leisha Medina (Spanish)
Occupation: City Council Member; Head of the "Stop Mutant Breeding" campaign; Geneticist Residence: Atreno City
Personality: On the surface, she seems like a reasonable, respectful, well-educated, compassionate, sweet, nasty, well-intentioned, and pleasant woman when people get to know her better she reveals herself to be condescending, repugnant, ill-formed, cruel, nasty, self-righteous, and arrogant. She truly thinks she knows what is better for the numbra than them and really believes that them not being able to breed will help the future. She also has this view other people with mutant traits as well. Despite saying she is also doing this for the future of children, she really can't stand being around them and often treats them as pests but still think she knows better than parents having them. She also looks down on Penumbra since their college days due to being science prodigies and was always jealous of her brilliance. She would resent her even more for creating the numbra problem and even think she deserves being called a villain for what she has done. Due to being college educated and having a degree in genetics, she believes herself to smarter than everyone and talks over others. Background: An Atreno councilwoman she is notorious for her "Stop Mutant Breeding" Act campaign. She is seen as a nemesis of the umbra for her stance that people like them should be banned from breeding so they don't spread the numbra disorder to future offspring. She is also an old college rival of Penumbra and has butt heads with her in the past due to her role in creating the numbras and their old rivalry. She is also set to oppose her even if she's trying to fix her mistakes.
* She is inspired by Dolores Jane Umbridge and many disability advances that have abelistic stances.
* She was supportive of Sunblast and him fighting against Penumbra due believing her solutions made everything worse.
* After the disaster that happened with Penumbra's invention, she went into politics after studying the numbra disease and was determined to thwart it.
* She would have become a full time geneticist if Penumbra's experiment didn't go haywire.
* She is a fan of Miss Heed and still believed she was innocent, especially when the cover up came to excuse her of her crimes.
* She campaign against other mutants breeding like Nuclear zombies like Coyote and would find out that Green Rod had a child that was a nuclear zombie and say that she should have been born.
* When she learned that Sunblast sided with Penumbra she turned against him for believing her propaganda.
She often uses biases genetics facts to back up her campaigns.
Created through https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1857946
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lalazeewrites · 1 year
i know i have been gone for what in fandom time is 'forever', so thank you a million for tagging me @celestialmickey @heymrspatel @tanktopgallavich @vintagelacerosette @energievie @stocious @metalheadmickey @gallagher-milkovich
name: lala/larisa
age: 35 but i’m permanently stuck at 25 in my head, i always forget
where in the world are you? 📍 an hour north of chicago, near the wisconsin border
the meaning behind your URL: very self explanatory, i’m not creative with names hehe. but lalazee is my nickname and zee is because my last name is a z name. again, not creative lol
your second favorite color: pink!
any pets? one cat with the personality of a soft bunny & another cat with the personality of a surly dragon
favorite season: autumn!
last thing you read: ‘the only good indians’ by stephen graham jones
last song you listened to: ‘so much (for) stardust’ by fob is playing as i type! i am a true blue lifelong feral fan from ‘take this to your grave (2003) album fan onwards. i’ve already listened to this album so much that my almost ten year old knows most of the words to most of the songs lol
what are you wearing right now? grinning skeleton holding up a coffee cup w a smiley face on it that says ‘STAYIN’ ALIVE’ & pink shorts
a hobby of yours: writing! singing! hiking! camping! cooking! all things horror!
your comfort show or movie: i feel like your comfort movies & shows might not be your all time favs, but more like movies & shows that are easy on your brain to absorb when you’re skull is feeling soupy. as a true 90’s kid, i gravitate for comfort toward those big box office action or disaster films like jurassic park, twister, independence day, the mummy (and 2), men in black, jumanji, matrix, anaconda, etc. . . i have a thing for big monsters & big battles, so also count pacific rim as one of my favorite movies ever too haha
and finally, what are you up to today? it’s spring break! but my spinal surgery blah blah is still healing so i’m relaxing at home while my mom takes my kid to the arcade and candy shop! they’ve been gone four hours, so i can only assume they’ve had a good time lol
your first fandom(s): First fandom on the INTERNET would have been Star Trek XI. First media that i was unhinged about: X-Files, X-Men, Xena, Sailor Moon (apparently I couldn’t find another X related interest LOL)
your current fandom(s): My Hero Academia, Shameless, Stranger Things, Attack on Titan. . .I actively read for about 5 other fandoms other than those (Supernatural, Witcher, FMA, LOTR, Star Trek), but I’m currently actively writing in these.
how did you first get into fandom? Back when I was living in Glasgow, Scotland, it was my 21st birthday, and my friends and I were going to see a horror movie. Turned out, the tickets were sold out, so we decided to see Star Trek XI. I’d NEVER watched Trek in my life, didn’t know a thing about it, and when I walked out of that theater I was a totally changed human and now I am a Trek Encyclopedia LOL
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Since 2009, so like 14 years.
how often do you read fanfics? Every day, if my brain is healthy enough that day! I sometimes take breaks of a couple months and only read published books though, I feel I get a different experience from both that I can equally appreciate.
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Mickey Milkovich, Bakugou Katsuki, Billy Hargrove. Angry disaster babies, I guess.
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? I’ve written 167 fics, not including those on my Patreon. So, over 170 fics, at least.
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? No! Funny that I got accepted on scholarship to NIU for Theater & Art, partially on my art portfolio, but I never create any art for anything!
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Ian loves his mom more than he feels comfortable saying, because he feels like it's a family and even personal betrayal. I think it’s impossible to accurately describe how to feels to grow up with an abusive parent who vacillates wildly between adoring and abusive, but there’s no feeling quite like loving and hating your parent, desperately wishing you could be what they wanted so they’d stay, and hoping you never see them again. I know we’ve seen Ian follow Monica more than any other kids, but I think that any time he curses her out to his siblings or whoever else, each bad word is also like a self-cut.
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) If for My Hero Academia, I would have them watch the Heroes Rising movie, for Shameless I don’t even KNOW where I’d begin tbh LOL
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? Fandom is family! I’ve been in fandom for fourteen years, and I have so so so many real life friends who have been with me through literally the hardest parts of my life. My divorce, my ex husband going to prison, the birth of my child, me being a single parent, moving back to America, my coma, my kidney transplant. My fandom friends from across the world have uplifted me and been my support system through every single high and low. I don’t know how I’d be here without them, quite literally.
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mana-sputachu · 5 years
Alisa Bosconovitch for the character meme? please?
favorite thing about them: She’s adorable and i adore her chainsaws.
least favorite thing about them: Don’t know… i mean, sometimes she sounds dumb, but she’s an android, so you can’t really blame her lol
favorite line: No one
brOTP: Xiao
OTP: Larisa, toh i kinda lost interest in them, but they’re still cute, kinda.
nOTP: Xiaolisa, Alisa/Dragunov.
random headcanon: /
unpopular opinion: None
song i associate with them: I can’t really think of anything, sorry >
favorite picture of them:
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Thank you!Send me a character!
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stringturned-blog · 8 years
HEADCANON 01: larisa is technically one of the ussr’s “children of stalin”, being born to two prisoners of the russian working camps. because of the soviet laws, for the 3 years of her life she grew up into a ‘hospital camp’ with her unknown biological mother taking care of her. after the term expired, and her mother was again forced to go to her women-only camp, the child was send to an  orphanage specifically meant for children of enemies of the state. after a mass incident regarding a rape attempt into their orphanage, 15 years old larisa was send to the siberian working camps  alongside other 17 children from her orphanage. she only was out when the ussr  dissolved in  1991. 
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aeipathcy · 1 year
I feel like Larisa would eventually pick anthropology as her major. Idk
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aeipathcy · 2 years
Someone treating Larisa with physical delicacy would likely make her break down in tears. It doesn’t even have to be anything more than a head pat or holding onto her hand. The fact that someone was willing to even touch her while knowing that any contact would hurt them (ft. a wound that is visibly bleeding) would move her to pieces.
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aeipathcy · 2 years
She literally hasn’t changed her hair style since she was a kid because of this. The pigtails are necessary. Larisa cannot style her hair any other way without snapping.
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aeipathcy · 3 years
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
MEME ┊accepting.
Answers are under the cut due to length. Content warning: mentions of disordered eating/binge episodes
Reanne is typically up for most traditional ideas of dates whether it be going to amusement parks, the zoo, the beach, a nature trail, cafés, movie theaters, and so on. As mentioned in this ask, wherever her partner wants to go, she’ll give it a try if she doesn’t feel strongly against the idea. There are so many places she hasn’t been to. It’s probably surprising to hear she really hasn’t been to many places other than the multitude of cafés and diners, but it’s the truth. Her father never took her to the attraction, fun places as she was growing up, so going to the park or zoo is probably a huge thing for her, something she really wants to check off her list of places to visit at some point in her life. 
Although, going for food/places with lots of food stalls can easily backfire and thus should only be considered if Reanne brings it up first or does the inviting on that front (or at least give her a heads up a few days beforehand so she can mentally prepare herself). She still has her issues with her disordered eating habits and they can really drive a wedge in future relationship development should she start feeling shameful and avoidant because she couldn’t stop herself from binging in front of someone she doesn’t want to look like a complete disaster to. Honestly, if someone were to want a date centered around food, it’d be best to first try taking her to a place she is comfortable/familiar with or keep it less stressful by having a meal at home/something homemade so she doesn’t end up depleting her entire wallet (AKA binging out of habit) based on stress/anxiety/situation-induced impulse. 
But really, Reanne’s ideal date is more lax and low-key than one might expect from someone as loud and demanding as she is. She likes savoring small moments and being allowed to be delicate with her partner or let them be delicate with her. Plus, she doesn’t want to have to force herself to keep her barricades up (forced confidence to mask insecurity, blabbing to avoid awkward silences she can’t stand, not having to worry about appearances as much or stress over her freshening up routines, etc.). If anything, watching a movie at home and snuggling under the blankets with her significant other as the light outside dims is the best kind of date for her. The movie could be terrible or they could be talking nonsense while not bothering to pay attention to it and Reanne would still think it’s the best date ever.
Dating is something of a mystery for Ryder. What that means is that he has no idea what makes a date feel like a date. He will be hesitant on getting any part of it wrong and gets stressed when things don’t go to plan. In his head, dates are usually something really thought out and have to go perfect for the other person to even consider continuing the relationship at all. He will fish for information regarding places his partner might like to go (he may or may not be subtle about it), and he’ll definitely try to make sure the whole day is something they find to be the ideal date. Ryder is definitely the type to show up with some sort of gift for each date, whether it be something he bought beforehand or something he snagged during the outing itself (he would hand make things if he was actually good at that sort of thing). He has a strong belief that just spending time with him isn’t worth enough so obvious a gift will make the outing worth it, even if it wasn’t enjoyable (again, boy is very self-depreciative and has very low self-worth/esteem).
If someone were to ask him his own preferences, he’d honestly not be able to get words out, both because he has no idea and because someone actually cares about his wants and needs. Additionally, he never really has free time for himself due to him constantly studying and/or working, so he hasn’t been out for the sake of enjoying himself at all. But if forced to say something, he would say his ideal date would simply be going to the library or a bookstore, as those are literally the only places he frequents enough to not get overly anxious/stressed about unexpected happenings ruining things.
Larisa is direct about her preferences and feelings and is not shy about voicing them even in a romantic context. She is capable of saying cheesy lines and fluffy things, but it’s never in a cheesy way as her way of speaking is overly blunt as always (although, in the beginning stages, it’s more likely she’ll end up tongue-tied and be unable to voice much of anything—she needs a generous adjustment period). Typically, she wouldn’t allow someone to ever hang out with her for long periods of time (anything more than an hour’s duration; an hour and a half is pushing it), and thus will always make excuses to leave before her spirit “companion” decides to feast on the poor unsuspecting soul that is her outing partner (plus, exposing said partner to her passive abilities for anything longer than that can lead to more long-term effects which she wants to avoid). 
Because of this, her ideal date would be something akin to short outings, like a picnic over lunch and parting ways afterwards or making a short trip to the store/mall to pick up things/run errands and split ways once those things are done. It helps that Larisa is heavily introverted by nature, so not many people get offended when she does propose splitting for the day, as many assume she simply needs to recharge her social battery.
Like Reanne, Niko is not that keen on going to certain places, simply preferring to go wherever the mood tells him to. He simply acts in the moment when it comes to hanging out with others and doesn’t particular care for the type of activity as long as it doesn’t trigger any sort of trauma or craving for blood (so avoid things like arcade shooting games for example or watching horror movies with a lot of blood). As mentioned in this ask (same as the one linked in Reanne’s answer), it’s likely for Niko to have all these outings scheduled for dusk and nighttime hours due to his nocturnal nature. Although, if his partner is someone who lives in the day, he will try to adjust to them and make himself operate underneath more reasonable hours for them. 
Dates he enjoyed in the past are dates he would likely avoid in the present, because the life he left behind is still filled with painful and horrific memories. However, Niko still very much enjoys being in more nature-esque places like little cabins in the woods or going on hiking trails to get the familiar feeling of back home. All the modern cityscapes and lights really make him feel out of place. If anything, his ideal date would probably be something like stargazing out in nature, catching a late-night outdoor play/performance, or simply hanging out at some out-of-the-way, small playground to simply talk and enjoy the time spent together. On rare occasions, he might be willing to work with his partner to forge/craft something together, but only if he actually feels like working with the materials at all (the hobby is slowly dying due to letting go of Amelia).
Marcel, on the other hand, is very much a dates-at-home type of person. He doesn’t like going out on romantic outings much at all, as he doesn’t really like being lovey-dovey in public... because that’d be showcasing a part of himself he makes an effort to hide from most people. While he can compromise and have dates outside, he typically associates them with more superficial appearances and not much worth. This is probably because of how he has his questionable “romantic” relationships (which have lowered drastically due to the girls catching onto the fact he has someone he can’t let go of) and also the way he automatically shifts to a more guarded version of himself when he is out and about outside his house. On top of this, he simply feels more comfortable showcasing his affection in private spaces, if the way he acts with Karoline is any hint at all.
It wouldn’t be unexpected for many to assume Marcel would prefer watching romcom movies with his partner, but that’s honestly the last thing he’d want to do with them. Rather, his ideal date would be some sort of cooking or baking activity, just messing around with recipes in the kitchen and having fun with the whole process (and discreetly scratch the itch to mess with flames in the process). Even if cooking isn’t necessarily a hobby of his, it’s still a fun way to interact and get to know how someone works, in a way. The cooking process also helps him deal with his own awkwardness and stupidly dumb way of self-sabotaging, as he’d be explaining how to make something rather than ruin the whole conversation.
Similarly, Lian is all about the fun in bonding time, even if nothing turns out right. He doesn’t mind being dragged out to stores or places he’s never been to despite all his potential complaining about wanting a heads up about things—he does prefer some notice so he can properly contribute to the outing. Like, he hates having to feel like he doesn’t do enough, and with how selfless and giving he is by nature, having someone else do most of the work makes him feel guilty because he clearly hasn’t done much on planning the date himself at all.
Honestly, Lian is not the best when it comes to relationships. He doesn’t think things through that much and he struggles to understand and figure out the right thing to do due to the disconnect of not being human and thus not fully understanding how this all works (10 years is not enough to figure out these things, okay). However, he certainly feels drawn to more... spiritual(?)-like places? Like places where you can connect with yourself and simply meditate or introspect, places that are calming and therapeutic in nature. As such, his ideal date would likely be something like making candles together at those candle-making places or making charmed accessories. Natural hot springs and spas or temples/shrines are options as well.
Randel is a different story altogether. He is very much about having things go his way only and prefers to do things he likes to do and make others go along for the ride. So really, dates are all spontaneous and filled with chaotic shenanigans. It’s either somehow having a chill time at some small place where he uses up coupons before they expire or there’s an impromptu mall trip so he can have an excuse to dress someone up in the stupidest attire possible. In short, he is very much a fun-lover and hates having people dictate how he has fun.
Although the vibe changes a lot if we consider his main verse rather than modern AU. Instead of coupon efficiency and stupid shopping trips, he chooses to show something more personal to them. He might take them along with him while he goes spirit hunting to show off for a little bit or he’ll simply plop a gift into their hand and run off again before they can even get him to stick around for a proper date. Again, with his curse still being a thing, he can’t ever be so explicit about showing his feelings so the most he can do is at least have them around for a little bit extra time.
Except, none of these are his actual preferences. Randel’s ideal date is more intimate and private. In a way, it’s similar to Reanne’s way of wanting close contact and to let down his walls for just a little while. As mentioned in this ask (same link as before), he is very much a night in type of person, and he very much wants to keep the time and place for him and his partner only; he would hate it if any part of that moment was shared outside of himself and his partner, as that would make him feel extremely violated. Although the activities would be completely innocent and mundane, the high-level of privacy usually makes people think something more is going on. Really, all he really wants to do is laze around in his partner’s company, rest his head on their lap or lean on their shoulder—anything to savor contact and the feeling just a little longer.
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aeipathcy · 2 years
You can tell the state of control Larisa has over her body and the clarity of mental state by the color of her eyes. If she has the most control she possibly can have (as she cannot fully negate the abilities of the likhoradka), her irises will be their natural green color. The less control she has, the more red they will look. If the control is evenly split, one iris will stay green and the other will be turned red.
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aeipathcy · 3 years
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
MEME ┊accepting.
Answers are under the cut due to length. 
Larisa is almost desperate for human contact. She wants that kind of contact, but her abilities make indulgence impossible for the most part. Should she actually have the opportunity to embrace someone or be embraced, the girl would likely find every opportunity to get herself out of there, as she is still heavily set on blaming herself for her parents’ death (which was a result of a hug she initiated) and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to someone else she cares about. It’s almost a given she would have to be forced into a hug whether or not she is given one or giving one—at least until she no longer possesses such harmful abilities in the first place (which will be never).
Though, if she were to give a hug, she wouldn’t really touch the other person, arms hovering just around their body, too hesitant to really take the plunge and actually embrace them. The closest she can get is simply an almost, so the comfort a hug gives will always feel so far away. If someone were bold enough to embrace her despite the risks, they may feel her yield to their will and let herself be held for a little while; she’ll crumble in their arms but at least she can finally have a place to let herself break without losing the remaining fragments of herself she has left.
While she may struggle to give hugs and receive them, Ryder is more accepting and receptive to them, despite his awkwardness with hugs. Ryder’s hugs are hesitant and somewhat inconsistent in strength—the way his arms barely can hold themselves still and the awkward clutching of fabric of the receiver’s clothes are clear signs he doesn’t really know how to approach giving someone such an intimate gesture. Hugging someone, for him, is almost like an admission of just how tired he is or how much he cares for someone else. The boy hates imposing on others, and hugs are often a breach of personal space, so to be giving one probably means a lot more than it looks—it probably took him a lot of mental pep talk to get himself to initiate it in the first place. 
Even though Ryder is receptive to the idea of hugs, getting them still makes him tense up and panic. He isn’t used to affection nor reassurance, the two things he perceives hugs to be. Ryder will be frozen for a moment, but in no time at all, he has already shifted to relaxing and savoring the contact, carefully returning the embrace and softly hugging the other person back as if to convey his thanks.
Reanne, as we all know, is highly affectionate and adores the act of hugging and also loves receiving them. She literally will hug people on impulse and doesn’t hesitate to really hug them tight, to give them a good squeeze to make sure they really got the benefit of such intimate contact. She thrives off this type of contact herself, so you bet she’ll find opportunities to be giving hugs left, right, and center. Her hugs have varying feels, depending on her mood and surrounding context. Her default ones have a strong start, her wrapping her arms tightly before loosening up to give some breathing room. Her hugs on bad days will be loose and hardly connected, simply because she’d rather be embraced instead. But typically, she’ll hug someone tight for a second then let go as a greeting, unwilling to tempt fate by forcing someone to stay in a hug for too long.
When on the receiving end, Reanne’s preferences tend to change depending on her mood. Usually, she’s fine with any type of hug whether it be a quick and fleeting one (she’ll vocally wish it was longer though), or a good squeeze and a few seconds of savoring. On bad days, she prefers secure hugs, meaning she wants to feel like she is protected while in the embrace, held tightly so that she had no chance of falling—so that if she were to become emotionally overwhelmed or frozen, she’d still be standing with no fear of her legs giving out on her.
Randel doesn’t do hugs. They are not his thing. Physical intimacy like that is not him whatsoever. He will not engage nor be willing to receive such an atrocious act. The closest he’ll ever get to a hug is draping an arm over someone’s shoulder and pulling them close or sneaking an arm behind their back to place his hand on their waist. He won’t ever fully embrace someone. That is simply something that does not happen. 
Should he end up being embraced though, he’ll break—in more ways than one if we go by main verse. His body is extremely fragile despite how seemingly invincible it is. The force of a hug would likely break a couple ribs or his spine, even if done with utmost care. It’s almost as if his creaking and snapping bones are warning him that he’ll die if he lets the gesture affect him at all. And yet the man finds himself unable to push them away. Part of him threatens to break from the emotions welling up—the little child inside who always craved something like this—while the other desperately fights to keep himself from showcasing this and rejecting the gesture by pushing away. It takes a few seconds but Randel will definitely have pushed them off for his own good. Expect a lot of petty stabbing after that stunt is pulled. In modern AU, he acts the same, however his body won’t break (of course), and his payback will instead be extremely uncalled for behavior towards the person who hugged him, to the point he could break the relationship entirely.
Likewise, Marcel is in a similar boat. He isn’t one to express affection through hugs. He is the type to feel uncomfortable with the gesture itself, thus he doesn’t really initiate them nor does he enjoy receiving them. He also seems to have the mindset of “being too old” for them as well, viewing hugs as something only kids would be willing to indulge in (though this very well could be Marcel being a jerk to cover up the fact he probably actually is in desperate need of one). If really necessary, he’ll give a half-assed attempt at it, loosely wrapping a single arm around their side and holding them for a few seconds.
When on the receiving end, the man might as well have turned into stone. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t seem to blink; he is basically like a deer in headlights, struck with a budding anxiety and nerves that prevent him from loosening up at all. He never realizes how much time passes at all and every second in the embrace feels like forever. Marcel is incapable of letting himself unwind and accept the gesture, unable to indulge in it, but the second the other person removes their arms, he is all too quick to reach out and pull them into a proper embrace this time—tightly holding onto them for dear life as if the hug they gave him was somehow a parting away forever message.
Lian isn’t that dramatic, thankfully, but he’s not exactly the type who really gets the idea of hugs either. He understands some people like them and some don’t. In fact, romantically affectionate gestures are still something he’s trying to understand better. However, he does pick up on when people might want one and is thus willing and eager to give them out. It also creates natural opportunities for him to subtly take on a stubborn person’s injury as well. As a result, his hugs start gently and cautious, as if testing to make sure it’s okay to go full force before fully enveloping someone within his arms. People who have been hugged by him have always remarked how it feels like they’re being comforted by soft, feathery wings. 
Similarly, the caladrius is all too welcoming to receiving hugs as well, never saying no to the gesture and always willing to accept them as they come. He is a soul that craves physical contact, so hugs do a lot to alleviate the childish tantrums he might pull should he not get enough contact (though, this may also be the way his natural “haven’t done enough work” alarm takes form as well, due to the contact method he uses to do it). People have enjoyed embracing him simply because he makes them feel all warm inside and somehow it makes them all feel so much better than they were a few seconds ago. Healing aura for the win it seems.
Niko is a bit of the conflicted type, as hugs are a bit of a mixed bag for him. On one hand, he doesn’t mind, but on the other, he does mind. In a way, he is similar to Reanne in that his stance on hugs is dependent on his mood and the surrounding context. On most days, he doesn’t mind, but should he be trapped within the confines of his memories, the contact may not be taken well. Niko is more of the type to be on the receiving end of hugs, as he is well aware his body isn’t exactly huggable material. He knows it is off-putting for various reasons, so he’d never put someone through that if he didn’t have to.
But to be hugged is a different story. It tells him that it’s okay to initiate a hug in the future should he need one. Hugs are comforting to him in almost every scenario, given that he is in a calm state, and he won’t hug back unless he knows it’s okay and the other person won’t feel disgusted with how he does feel (after all, he is a husk of flesh, bone, and remains). Should he be affected by the rage spurred by intense blood cravings, it won’t help him at all—rather it only invites him to tear into that person’s flesh to drain them of their precious blood, which can be extremely dangerous as he won’t be able to pull away and could lead to death.
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aeipathcy · 3 years
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date?
MEME ┊accepting.
The answers are under the cut due to length. Also, a few of them mention types of people they would date (as a little bonus). 
Reanne will never date the too nice people, the ones with high insecurities, or the ones who are too passive and shy. She doesn’t see them as compatible with her simply because she feels they wouldn’t address issues or even try to communicate with her should she do something that steps over boundaries or they don’t like. If Reanne has to feel like she is walking on eggshells in interactions, she won’t bother sticking to that person for long, as she isn’t the delicate type nor willing to put in the time and effort to do something to prevent that need in the first place. She is also aware her personality tends to intimidate them as well, and that leads to a lot of annoyances on her end. 
On the other hand, Ryder will definitely be more appreciative of the nicer people. He is the type who forms crushes and attachment to others easily. This is doubly so for people who treat him with any semblance of kindness or delicacy. The boy is someone who isn’t appreciated enough and is often left feeling worthless and unworthy. Someone being genuinely appreciative of him is enough to make the gears turn, which makes it all to easy for certain types to take advantage of him as well. While his insecurities do get in the way, soft gestures and consideration are the keys to making him fall in love.
Anyway, I got sidetracked there. Ryder would definitely not be capable of bringing himself to date someone who repeatedly belittles him or reminds him of his shortcomings (IE. enable/reinforce his self-destructive tendencies and worsen his insecurities). In other words, treat him like his siblings do and you’ve got no chance at it.
Larisa wouldn’t date anyone at all, even if she had choices and the opportunity to. As much as she wants to love and be loved in return, she is simply not in the place where she can experience those feelings. I don’t really think she has much preference to begin with, but she does take a shine to those who are willing to put up with her for more than one conversation. Those repeated conversations do evoke some heart-pounding sensations for her, as they give her the hope of actually having a stable relationship for once in her life. Also, it wouldn’t hurt chances if someone were to say... treat her like a normal girl and maybe give her head pats from time to time.
But again, I’m sidetracked. The redhead hates having to compete with others, as much as part of her enjoys indulging in chances to do others harm and put them in their place. She doesn’t like having to feel on edge all the time and so the aggressive and taunting types would seriously be off her list of potential date candidates. People who are of the ludus love type/uncommitted type are also a major no-go, as she would not want to deal with the insecurity brought about how they operate.
Niko is in a similar place, being unable to emotionally invest himself in a new romantic relationship after everything he has gone through. I don’t think he even wants to fall in love again after the trauma he still has to get through and move past. But because he has dated before, he does have preferences and knows what he wouldn’t want in a relationship. He isn’t a fan of the overly clingy type of person, the types who always need reassurance or the types who need dates every week. Also, people who need to post pictures and status updates about the relationship are a deterrent as well. Niko likes being more private about his love life and relationships, and he prefers to savor every moment and keep them between himself and his lover. While he does end up going the friends-to-lovers route more often than not, he’s just a person who likes things more low-key than grandiose. The nail in the coffin (ha) that’d really make him reject someone would be how they approach s*xual things, like if they constantly allude to it or pressure for such contact. 
As much as he acts like an uncommitted and completely toxic, self-sabotaging idiot, Marcel is very much someone who deeply values love and romance. People who approach relationships in a superficial manner are easily a turn-off... even though he’s somewhat of a hypocrite there. I mean, he does flirt and throw pick-up lines without realizing sometimes and his romantic relationships with consenting peers are questionable at best. Okay, that’s a little beside the point, but anyway—the wizard is highly devoted to the person his heart is set on. He literally would not be able to handle it if that person were to betray him. People who are highly affectionate are a mixed-bag, as it really depends if they express it in public or in private. Marcel is afraid of revealing himself to others, so dealing with someone who makes him want to indulge promotes a lot more inner conflict than he’d like. Oh, people who constantly pry into his life/background are an immediate ‘will-not-date’. He hates feeling exposed and vulnerable, so people who force him into that will be met with undesired results... this is why befriending him or establishing a relationship at all is also difficult—guy can’t bring himself to be genuine and open with others.
Our healing caladrius is not so closed-off, and therefore is much easier to establish relationships with. In fact, Lian is the type to fall fast and make the moves quickly, in fear of missing the chance to even experience something in the first place. Honestly, it’s hard to say what exactly he even likes in people, always acting on the emotions he feels in the moment and hardly takes the time to really understand why he feels it. Therefore, it’s also difficult to pinpoint his actual preferences and dislikes. But... I can at least say that getting in the way of his duty (healing others by taking on their injuries and symptoms) will immediately put someone in his ‘do-not-like’ list. 
Randel is even worse to figure out. I cannot give a clear answer on who he would or would not date. The man is an enigma, and he always acts to amuse himself. He is the type to keep his person of interest on their toes, to keep himself unpredictable, so they keep their eyes on him. Otherwise, I can’t really say anything for him. Though, he doesn’t like boring people. He wants to be intrigued and pulled in somehow–and boring makes his long existence suffering. 
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aeipathcy · 3 years
I haven’t really talked about the rumors concerning Larisa much, if at all. So, here’s the quick post on that. There are two general types of rumors she has against her.
She will curse you if you upset her because she is a witch capable of black magic.
If you look at her or get close to her, she’ll give you bad luck.
Whichever one people believe, her presence at all is a bad sign, and it doesn’t help that a majority of people physically feel ill when they are within a certain distance of her person. Whenever she is around, more people are likely to find themselves hurt, get a bad grade on a test, feel sick, feel depressed or angry, or overall have bad experiences. People have come to believe more interactions with her lead to worse luck and worse outcomes for themselves, hence why everyone avoids her when they so much as notice her. 
In short, she is a bad omen and there are too many coincidences to brush them off as her not being involved somehow. Thus, people stay clear to avoid terrible fates.
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