#(literally i just want to draw eryn)
storm-of-feathers · 7 months
ugh i need to draw again
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vacantgodling · 4 months
I don't remember the actual term for what OOMs do but tell me what weddings/wedding equivalents are like in tcol?
haha no worries! unfortunately this wip has a Lot of acronyms 💀💀 but Ooms are short for "Oracle of MUINENS" and that's exactly what it sounds like; its pronounced "oo-mh" lol. Not to be confused with Oomis, which are short for "Oracle of MIRANKA" the "mi" is the important part lol, and that's pronounced "oo-me" :)
when it comes to weddings... they're called bonding ceremonies. now, overall, bonding ceremonies don't have to be only romantic; the tl;dr version is that in terrae theres 3 types of 'bonds': kinship bonds (so biological, blended or adoptive family), bonds generally (what we would consider romantic ties, marriage, qprs, friendships--literally anything non family can be in this category), and pleasure (which is sex lol. basically to have a bond doesn't mean you have to have sex, and pleasure seeking is pretty fluid even among bonded pairs; its not considering cheating really. unless you're in eros. but that's a convo for another day).
anyway--there's a difference between a capital B Bonding ceremony (aka before the god MIRANKA) or little b bonding ceremonies in front of legal authorities, Oomi, or peers.
for a little b bonding ceremony its kind of no different than a courthouse wedding situation. people will go to their local government entity and register themselves as together, and have an Oomi sanction the bond and then you're on your way. by sanctioning the bond i mean, basically the Oomi gives the go ahead unless they get some divine intervention that says the union shouldn't be allowed for some reason. but that doesn't happen too much At least not with little b bonds. then most people will hold banquets with their families and celebrate in some way; the cultural traditions are something i'm still developing so i don't know all the nuances... YET.
however, when it comes to BIG B BONDS that's different. why? big b bonds have a magical binding component to them. if your Bond is granted before MIRANKA, you are bound for the rest of your life to it except in exonerating circumstances (ie: your partner or friend or kid dies or something happens idk man) and there is a chance that MIRANKA will refuse it. but should he grant it, that means that you are tied for life and will be killed or tormented with misfortune if you break your oath.
Big B Bonds also again aren't restricted to just romance. anyone can bond with anyone for any reason but i would YKNOW STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU NOT or at least think about it a lot bc if you fuck up like.... yikes for you.
there's actually a bonded group of friends in tcol--contingent 5 or the "what could've been" foil for the main characters -> moira, jagoda, kiba, eryn, and karenza. even though moira and jagoda are dating and will eventually have a bonding ceremony/kids/etc, they'll get little b bonded to each other because they're already Big B bonded as a group.
The reason big b bonds have magical components is because when you go to an Oomi and say that you want this, they'll usually assess you to ensure its something all parties want, and then they'll help you draft your prayer to MIRANKA, which states why you want this and the history of the relationship with this person. if MIRANKA accepts your oath, the Oomi will fall into a trance and they will provide you with your Bonded Script (or something i gotta think of what to call it). its basically a prophecy thing stating the rules of your bond, what benefits you get, and any draw backs. the bond for contingent 5 looks like this ->
“your strength is my strength your weakness is my weakness any pain unto you i share your triumphs, your victories your defeats, your shame i will reach my hand out and help you bear it nothing will separate us but the hands of fate for when Cerullius calls one home we all as one will join it”
and saying it as one to the Oomi will cement it in stone before MIRANKA. and it comes with magical benefits! one of the reasons team 5 is so formidable is because of the magical benefits they got from this bond.
so i hope that kind of makes sense? bonds are a newer idea in this world so i don't have all the kinks fully hammered out and with how fist my mind has been whirrling about this lately, i'd say that this could be subject to change.
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So I have a very unlikely Dream SMP lore theory.
This will contain spoilers from both Wilbur and Foolish's June 6th, 2022, streams.
I think Foolish is going to put himself in the position to be the next big traitor.
"But Sam, Foolish needs to have established allyships/friendships with more members of the SMP for that to happen!"
That's true, and here's how I think it could happen.
Foolish wants Sapnap. Sapnap, who is in possession of The Book of Death. Foolish is trustworthy to Sapnap because Foolish hasn't really done anything to make Sapnap believe otherwise. Foolish is also current an ally of Kinoko Kingdom.
It would be relatively easy for Foolish to create a strong allyship not only with Sapnap, but also with Kinoko Kingdom. Again, Foolish is already allies with Kinoko since he was the main builder of the territory. Foolish could easily establish a stronger relationship with the territory and citizens.
Dream wants Quackity. And Foolish has his people in Las Nevadas since he's a citizen of the territory. He's also Quackity's employee/ally.
This is important since Foolish made a deal with Dream. In exchange for Dream getting souls for Foolish, Foolish will get Quackity for Dream.
Why does Foolish needs souls? Because of Dream XD. Foolish has apparently abused his power of revival and he now owes XD a debt. Either in the souls of others or his own soul.
So how does this make Foolish the next traitor?
Well, he already has the blueprints for a Final Control Room. His secret room in the basement of The Summer Home. His "Drawing Room" where he's mapping out the connections with The Revive Book, The Book of Death, Sapnap, Dream, Dream XD, Quackity, Sam, and himself. His room isn't known to anyone else. He goes out of his way to keep it hidden from others. It's hectic and confusing. When Foolish has been seen in the room, he's been sort of scatter brained and confused.
If Foolish turns Quackity over to Dream, he will be betraying Las Nevadas. Period.
If Foolish kidnaps or kills Sapnap to get The Book of Death, he will be betraying the whole of Kinoko Kingdom. Period.
Foolish making a deal with Dream already puts him in the position of betraying most of the SMP since Dream is a public enemy #1.
And while I don't think he'll blow anything up, I think Foolish will start to lose his humanity(if he hasn't already started to lose it)
He's very obviously grown attached to his inability to die. To the point where he's willing to sacrifice anyone to keep that power. Right now, he feels guilty for wanting to kill others and feels guilty for attempting to kill others.(i.e. Sam Nook), but that could change. Foolish used to only make threats of harming others without showing any real intention of actually harming them. He's already gone as far as trying to kill Sam Nook and now he's made a deal with Dream to get souls just to keep his power. What if he begins to spiral because of how attached he is to his power?
And the lives that are taken will most likely be canon lives.
Foolish would not only have the strength and power of a literal God on his side(i.e. Dream XD), but he would most likely have Dream. Since Dream currently has power over Sam, Foolish would also have Sam on his side. He would have Sapnap, most likely by force. Whether or not he would have Punz is up for debate. And due to their idolization of Dream, Foolish might even have Eryn on his side(if Eryn decides to do lore).
Foolish would have a lot of power, strong backup, little or no humanity, and the power both The Revive Book and The Book of Death.
Foolish would be betraying all of Las Nevadas and Kinoko Kingdom as well as any allies of each territory and any of his own allies. Not to mention he'd be going against anyone who was against Dream.
All I'm saying is that Foolish is in the perfect position for a solid Traitor Arc.
Not to mention how this would bring Kinoko Kingdom and Las Nevadas together as allies. Nevermind the fact that if done right, we could get some Karlnapity angst.
We'd also definitely get Wilbur and Tommy teaming up against Dream. After how Wilbur reacted to hearing about Dream abusing and manipulating Tommy during the Exile, I have no doubt Wilbur would take any shot he could get at revenge. Maybe Phil would join to get revenge on Dream for what he did to Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and Ranboo. Maybe even Techno would joins since he's paid his debt to Dream. He has no other reason than to fight alongside Phil, but it's possible.
But that's all up to the content creators and if they decide to keep doing lore. If they decide not to do lore, we won't pressure them!
At the very least, I just gave you guys a great foundation for some good fanfiction😎
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liquinn · 3 years
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heres everybody who has horns! just because
though im sure everybody has different horn hc’s for the dsmp cast, like ranboo having horn ect. 
who from the dsmp cast do YOU think has horns?
also heres my mspainting process under the cut just for shits and giggles
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1) first i gather up pre-existing designs i already have and then references for canon designs. (this is also where you come up with your colour palette, at least it is for me, i decided to use a mostly monochromatic one, with slight pops of colour from the pre-existing colours in the palette.((all pre-existing art is made by me btw! i DO sometimes use other peoples art as references for style ideas, though often enough i like my own designs well by themselves!(((the schlatt + tubbo drawing is actually all the way from january of 2021!))
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2) then comes the beta sketching! this is where you come up with composition for the piece and make notes for later on in the drawing process. think of this step more as thumbnail sketching, youre here to make the VAGUEST and the most CLEAREST messy sketch possible. i also like using a very light sketching colour, because it shows up (because of the lack of layers) when you start to make your clean sketch on top. (and you COULD use a normal pixel brush for this step and then just draw in black over top with the pixel brush again and then use the black and white trick to erase the sketch, but this is easier for me)
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3) now its time to make your alpha sketch! this is where you start to define shapes, and the faces! now is also time for details that you wanna keep track of like buttons and fingers
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4) then its time for the colours! i forgot to copy the drawing  before i started to clean up the colours with lineart, but captainpuffy jschlatt and tubbo are all still all without lineart! this is also where you wanna fine tweaking your drawing, like for example making puffy taller (she looked a bit too squished!) and all that. i just made a quick copy of the puffy drawing and gave her longer legs, as well as cleaning up her legs.
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5) then its lineart time! add all the details you missed and remember to look back at your references to see if you want to add anything! (i added tubbos scars here, as well as eryns devil horn, and schlatts legs lmao. i forgor the legs before this) technically, you can literally change literally anything at literally at anytime.  mspaints flexible like that. though if the lack of layers scares you, i recommend making copies of the pieces of the drawing you want to fix or start over on! because of how bad the undo redo mechanics are, i just recommend the copy strategy, as that way you dont loose any progress on having to erase something if you dont like it.
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this is what my canvas looks like actually! i work on a pretty big canvas, which comes in handy when you need to move stuff around, and wanna keep your references close by for guidance
last tips:
+ i recommend making a physical colour palette on the canvas itself, as the little colour palette youre given only fits a certain amount of colours on it. (i usually have it either right next to my drawing, or with the refrences corner)
+ i recommend having very big canvas settings! you can always trim and shuffle stuff around if you want to, but the bigger the canvas the better for your process so nothing gets interrupted by bumping into the edges of the border (though beware of saving anything bigger than 5000 x 5000! you might not be able to open it ever again...)
+ putting in your references on your canvas firsts helps a lot with the blank space fear! so its a lot easier to start doodling if theres already stuff on the page.
+ when youre moving stuff around on the selection tool, i recommend using the transparency setting thing, that makes it so that the colour of your background is transparent instead of one solid piece youre moving around. helps a lot!
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+ i recommend picking one singular background colour to work with to make things easier, i like using the plain white colour because it comes automatically, but you can actually pick literally any colour you like! you can of course change it at any time, but its a bit harder to change the background colour later on
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miceeonvenus · 2 years
My insane ramblings from the Wilbur stream:
Tommy just refuses to talk about Fundy's suicide hmmmmmmmm wonder if this reminds him of something
"Uhhh we went on that holiday to the beach." "No." DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING
theyre continuing to talk about it hslsjldhlfshlkhd
hes determined it was a holiday ;-;
wilbur wants to talk he wants to get better hes trying to do better he is doing better and hes trying to help tommy be better and feel better and he doesnt want to make him upset so hes giving him a safe word
thyere gonna see the tower theyre
parrallels of crime boys and clingy duo sailing to what is going to be a an upsetting event and joking and havign fun as they sail before it all goes downhill
"its almost as if theres a server operator listening to us" DREAM
my heart is beating so fast my heart is beating out of my chest
"Maybe you deserved it" WILBUR WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT
Wilbur fainted when Tommy told him he tried to kill himself...
Why is Wilbur visiting Dream in prison???? How is Dream in prison again??????
"Fond memories!" Bad choice of words Dream... that was a bad choice of words to say to a very angry brother that has tnt
holy shit wilbur
ok ok it was a dream
wilbur really want to kill dream oh this is all i could have asked for
actually no now im scared wilbur is going to die again
am i sensing a server wide event? wilbur wants to draw dream out by alerting the whole server? throught he prison alarms?
wait wasnt dreaming holing up in the prison last we saw him? he was in there messing with sam?
ERYN!!!! ERYN IS ON!!!!!!
"I don't need armour" YES YOU DO WILBUR
sir why do you need to avoid showing the screen to open your enderchest why aren't the discs put away
tommy talking about listening to blocks with schlatt, fundy, and tubbo fondly :(
"Do you ever miss when things were just simple." Yeah :(
im so scared tommy wont have enough time to leave before dream shows up
im genuinely so scared i cant take this
tommy is sheilding wilbur from dream OUGH
the pain in tommys voice as wilbur tried to kill himself and have tommy's discs burnt
Wilbur was smart in what he did, tricking both Tommy and Dream, but he caused so much panic and pain for Tommy as well but it makes sense! it makes sense
tommy's silent little nod after wilbur tells him to never let Dream know the discs arent gone :(
"You're a good kid Tommy. Thank you for trusting me." ILL CRY ILL DO IT
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Considering your probably doing stuff with Saeran’s AE, I doubt you’ll do this match up for my newest addition to my many CMCs, at least not today, probably not until Monday, and thats fine! Do it whenever you like. Cus Sae  takes priority for me as well- I’ll do anything to do with him before all else lol
WARNING: Mentions of depression, suicide, and self loathing.
Full Name: Emmeryn Williams
International Age: 24 (AS) 25 (OS)
Korean Age: 25 (AS) 26 (OS)
Nicknames: Emma, Em, Eryn (Pronounced Like Aaron)
Blood Type: AB-
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual & Romantic (Does Not Care For Gender)
Marital Status: Single 
Ethnicity: American (British & Scottish In Ancestry)
Nationality: South Korea
Religion: Christian (Formerly) Does Not Belong To Any Religion But Does Believe In God And Stuff
Birthdate: February 14th, 1991
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 5'9 ft (175 cm)
Weight: 128 lbs (58 kgs)
Status: Alive (All Routes Except in a Custom Bad Ending, Known As “Self Loathers Fate”)*
*In Emmeryn’s custom bad ending timeline, Emmeryn’s mental health because so bad that she ends up giving in to her inner suicidal urges, hanging herself to be discovered by authorities 5 days later. Just to show how little her grandmother cares for her, she honestly didn’t even cry nor care about Emmeryn’s death, and though she never voiced it, she was glad she was gone because Emmeryn was more of a burden to her than anything else.
Occupation: Online College Student 6th Year In Search of Masters Degree in Computer Science, Part-Time Waitress
Hobbies: Playing Video Games, Sleeping, Obsessively Fawning Over Favorite Video Game Characters, Drawing Fanart, Writing Random Ideas For Video Games In Her Notebook, Spending 12 Hours Studying Or More A Day Studying And Doing Schoolwork
Likes: Video Games, Drawing Fanart, Researching Korean Culture
Dislikes: Herself, Spiders, People Forcing The Curtains of Her Room Open, People Mocking Her For Her Height
Affiliations: RFA
Relatives: Father (Deceased)
Mother (Deceased)
Maternal Grandmother-In-Law
Background: Emmeryn is an American girl who majors in Computer Science at her college. Emmeryn’s mother died giving birth to her, and her father committed suicide straight after, saying in his suicide note that he blamed Emmeryn for her mother’s death, leaving her in the care of her maternal grandmother (who was her mother’s stepmother) who was living in South Korea. Since she was young she was always very introverted, preferring the company of her stuffed animals to other people. She was always very awkward when it came to talking to people anyway, and her grandmother decided for the sake of not embarrassing herself she would keep Emmeryn away from other people if possible. Her grandmother overall neglected Emmeryn, forcing her to raise herself, which she didn’t mind at all, as it gave her more time to do what she liked. Emmeryn had always had a bit of self-loathing, mostly due to her grandmother treating her like a burden and often saying things behind her back about how she doesn’t like some part of her whenever she thought Emmeryn couldn’t hear (when in fact she could). After Emmeryn turned 18 she immediately moved out of her grandmother’s place into a small studio apartment, but it was good enough for her. Since she was quite young Emmeryn had always wanted to make video games, and so decided to study Computer Science in college to do so. She chose to do online school to avoid interacting with people. 
In her 3rd year of college (she was 21 at that point) she discovered her father’s suicide note when visiting her grandmother, and her self-loathing skyrocketed immediately (remember, her father said he blamed Emmeryn for her mother’s death and hated her. Also, at that point, Emmeryn didn’t know her mother died in childbirth, and that only intensified her self-loathing 
). She ended up barely leaving her apartment anymore except for work and to buy things from the store. 
Emmeryn is a girl who doesn’t particularly like being around people. She hates the world and most people in it and prefers video game characters instead because in her mind “They can never hurt you” and that they’re “Better than real-life people”. She could be called lazy because she seems so carefree when in reality she works really hard in college and has straight As. she often comes off as apathetic and distant, but when she cares about someone, she is fiercely protective of them and cares for them deeply. However, due to her self-loathing, she’s often very self-deprecating and some people find that annoying. She’s also a bit insecure about her height as she’s taller than most women and many people just don’t like tall women, including her grandmother, who is shorter than her. Emmeryn overall prefers to stick to her little world in her room where she can pretend the outside world doesn’t exist. However, inside, she’s one big catastrophe away from pulling the trigger. 
It’s probably an understatement to say she has moderately severe depression, as well as insomnia (the insomnia is caused by her often stays up extremely late studying and or playing video games.)
Emmeryn has dark brown hair and amber eyes. Emmeryn has literally no friends, seriously. She even avoids talking to people online.  Emmeryn got into drawing and writing as part of her want to make video games one day.  Emmeryn had one friend when she was younger who didn’t judge or care about any of the flaws which she hates, however, they themselves had severe depression and committed suicide when she was 15, heavily affecting her mental health for years to come.  Emmeryn knows both English and Korean. Emmeryn doesn’t actually know that much about Korean culture despite living in South Korea, and so has a desire to learn more about it as she is fascinated by it.  Emmeryn met Rika once before by bumping into her at a grocery store, but they never met again afterward as Emmeryn quickly ran away from her because of her default reflex to run away from everyone she encounters outside of work. — Submission
I match you with... 
You’re the kind of person that tends to get a little... unsure of yourself. You have a hard time listening to your own own because every time you find the use of it, someone is speaking over you and making you feel bad for existing. That’s not a right thing for anyone to do to anyone. It’s exhausting and it hurts, but you have ways to cope with what’s bothering you. With that in mind, you need someone who sees you for you and puts you first. I think it would be sweet for you to learn your boundaries and trials with someone who knows that feeling, and Yoosung is the one for you. 
He would know what it feels like to be... unsure and at blame for what’s not really one’s fault. So, I imagine the two of you are the types to sit together and play games as well as talk about what may be bothering you. It’s just easy to talk to him and you don’t have to worry about him being too much for you. He’s just the right amount of sweet and forward. He wants to hold your hand and let you know how great he thinks you are. 
Yoosung knows what she deals with, if not to the same extent. Being with someone who understands him helps justify and work on himself, you know? Get ready to slowly but surely get out of the house to enjoy yourself much, he wants to take you out and show you that you have a right to have fun, too. 
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nursebrain · 7 years
Flower Ask
I guess I’m supposed to let my followers send me bouquets of questions but there’s only like 3 of you so that’d be sad. So i'mma just pretend I bought myself a bouquet.
Daisy: How old were you when you had your first kiss? I was 13. My boyfriend was going to summer camp and I wasn’t going to see him for a whole month so I thought I’d send him off with a kiss.
Carnation: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Adele. 100%. Hands down. She’s amazeballs.
Jasmine: What colour looks best on you? I think I look best in a cool tone burgundy. Which is a struggle to accept because Mum always said “no one looks good in red” and basically banned red from my wardrobe.
Foxglove: Name three facts about your family. 1. My parents both moved across the country as young adults, away from their families. As a result I only really consider my family to be my parents and my brother. 2. My brother and sister in law have the most adorable son that I am so, so proud to be an auntie to. I love him more than most people/things/tacos. 3. My parents are divorced; both have new partners and have been in loving, healthy relationships for many years.
Allium: What’s the best thing you can cook? I don’t really cook. I have a husband to do that for me. I make a pretty fucking tasty meatloaf tho.
Orange Blossom: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? Appearance, no. Gender… If I am lucky enough to have children, I hope that I have a boy and a girl. If I never have a daughter, I will be devastated because of how strong my relationship is with my mum. I just want the chance to have that with my own daughter.
Calla Lily: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? If I Die Young - The Band Perry I’m pretty much a walking cliché.
Pointsetta: Favourite holiday dish? Mum’s dressing. Holy fuck. Perfect sweet/savoury combo.
Oxlip: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? No. My love language is physical touch.
Primrose: Favourite kind of soup? Wonton soup. Actually that’s probably the dish I do best too.
Daffodil: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? This is tough to explain. My childhood best friend once gave me a packet of Mr Noodles and a bottle of water from her parents’ house. Growing up I spent a lot of time eating dinner at her house and they’d always make Mr Noodles when I was over because it was my favourite. You’d ask what was for dinner, they’d say “Eryn’s favourite soup”, you’d know it was noodles. My mum would try to make them for me and I’d always whine that it wasn’t the same, they didn’t taste right. We figured out that it was because my best friend’s tap water was from a well so it tasted different, sulphuric. So, I took my noodles and bottle of water home and made myself dinner that day and it was like I was 6 years old again. My best friend gave me a piece of my childhood. She gave me a gift no one else could have ever known to give me.
Rose: Are you currently in love with someone? Yes.
Amsonia: Would you ever become a vegan? I don’t think so.
Peony: What’s your favorite hot beverage? A really beautiful, spicy, fragrant Chai latte.
Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? My mother in law makes me the most delicious carrot cake.
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes? Physically being on the plane, yes. Take off, landing, turbulence, fuck yeah! Actually going through the process of getting on the plane really stresses me out though.
Hibiscus: Did you ever play an instrument? If yes, what? Once upon a time, I could sort of play an acoustic guitar.
Zinnia: Who was your best friend when you were six years old? My darling C. 20 years later and I still love her like a sister.
Poppy: What colour was your childhood home? It was a bungalow with white siding and red brick along the front.
Hydrangea: Starbucks order? Venti flat white with soy
Violet: Do you like where you’re from? What an odd question. I mean, being born into a middle class Caucasian family in Canada, I have literally nothing to complain about.
Locust: What was your favourite book as a child? The Velveteen Rabbit or The Paperbag Princess
Rhododendron: What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? It was a fever dream and I was probably 7 or 8. I was dreaming in a watercolour with calm line drawings of the sea. I was on a boat fishing and suddenly the colours became very dark and menacing and the calm line drawings became jagged scribbles and I was terrified my boat was going to sink. I woke up screaming and I’ve never felt such panic before or since.
Queen Anne’s Lace: Would you rather wrap a present or carve a pumpkin? Definitely wrap a present. There’s something so satisfying about scissors snicking through wrapping paper and folding perfectly square corners.
Magnolia: Favourite kind of candy? Swedish berries or blue raspberries
Aster: Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold. Easier to put a sweater on than peel my flesh off.
Marigold: Do you listen to what’s on the radio? Not if I can help it! Love that my new car has Bluetooth.
Heliconia: Do you like when it rains? I prefer the rain. As long as it’s a true, earnest rainfall. I hate the piddly misty stuff. I want a downpour.
Azalea: What’s a movie you’ve cried while watching? The Stoning of Soraya M. I sobbed inconsolably from about five minutes in, to about 20 minutes after.
Dandelion: Do you think you’re important? To my family and friends, yes. To my community, no. My greatest contribution is as a nurse; but there are many who are better, smarter and kinder than I.
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