#(i know i would say i wouldn't post about this anymore but people be askin things and i will respond)
navree · 2 years
thank you for holding alex accountable for being awful and not infantilizing her like some sexist misogynistic people are
The thing is, Ned absolutely has the lion's share of the blame for being the person who put the company in serious legal and financial jeopardy by going after an employee.
But Alex is a very senior employee (I think she's been with them since the company started in 2018 and was possibly at Buzzfeed with them beforehand tho I'm not sure if that's true) and one of the most notable Try Guys related public figures beyond the guys themselves (only Rachel and Miles likely top the Food Babies in terms of exposure and constant presence in content), so while the power imbalance isn't non existent as he was still very much her boss and a literal company CEO, that imbalance is as negligible as it can be in that situation.
It may come out that there was More To This, but given how extraordinarily unlike that is given the lack of statement from Alex, YB being shady about both Ned and Alex (good for you YB I'm so sorry people are dragging you into this), and the available information that we have, I feel very comfortable in pointing out that Alex is a grown woman capable of making her own decisions who chose to enter a relationship with a man she knew had a wife and young kids, while also in a long term relationship herself, and knowing that this would be a huge problem if it blew up, not to mention just the moral indecency involved in deliberately hurting two other people who've done you no wrong in such a deeply humiliating way. She is not a child and it is ridiculous and yeah, borderline sexist to treat her like she is, not to mention hugely disrespectful and trivializing to actual women who are harassed and preyed on in the workforce and who actually are taken advantage of by employers with more power.
Is she the most to blame? Not by a long shot. But is she completely blameless then? Not by a long shot.
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tendebill · 1 year
What would happen if you threw eveyone of your ocs in a room together?
Im just askin for... research... purposes...
Lets go with that.
ok i have some silly and light-hearted ideas for this actually xddd
(also im limiting this to main ocs or ocs i consider to be important or fun enough for the purposes of this)
if not for the way the entirety of the main plot plays out, i think Maffi and Huen might've gotten along. if this was in a vaccuum and not in any particular spot in the story, i think Maffi and Huen (and maybe even Seph who knows) would be in a corner just fucking talking about politics and philosophy and shit.
Ellie and Bitzy would probably be making friendship bracelets, or talking about comics or any sort of pop-culture interests that they share. probably would recommend fanartists and fanfics to each other too. a few people would try to join them, but they either dont understand the popculture of their worlds (which is very similar, if not the same) or dont care enought about it. theyre mostly left to their own devices. overtaken by the 'tism.
Angelica would probably be telling stories of her time as a treasure/artifact hunter and an actual godslayer. if Hinata's there with Bitzy, they would probably catch up and tell the stories together, since Hinata went on a lot of adventures with Angelica when they were younger.
David would be very... put off by Huen's mere presence. even if all of the plot didn't happen and this whole "get-together" wasn't canon, i think Huen's aura would just scare David shitless. you could even say he dislikes her on the basis of bad vibes alone. which is mutual, considering Huen HATES when someone is taller than her, and David's got a solid 10cm on her. yea, he avoids her like the plague and she does not mind (maybe intentionally sends him threatening looks across the room). actually i think almost everyone would avoid Huen to the best of their ability.
maybe Dots would hang out with David a bit? they have a sort of reluctant friendship in the later stages of the story. she feels pity for him, despite his own actions being the main reason why he suffers, so she helps him a bit when no one else is there to put up with him anymore (i might elaborate on that in another post, cuz i think its interesting lol). oh, i like to think she'd share her recipies with him? he can't cook, but he'd like to learn and she has a whole backlog of healthy meals to share :3 also she definitely recommends him some cool self-care products. also i think they share a love of home makeover shows (tho David wouldn't admit it). just wait until Ellie introduces them to the sims.
if TomJulCent are there... i have a headcanon that Thomas and Seph get along really well. in general i think Thomas Julia and Vince would like Sephoras and vice versa. Tom would drag Seph away from the debate going on in the corner and they'd get up to some tomfoolery (more or less legal, depending on the mood) or just talk and joke with each other.
Oh, Vincent would probably have a lot to talk about with Cyan, since they're both musicians! i can imagine them first hitting it off and getting along really well, until one of them says some "controversial" opinion about a certain artist or even a whole genre of music and all hell breaks loose. Julia and James (or Angele) would probably separate them, but it'd be too late and now they're sworn enemies.
speaking of, Julia and Angele would get along. they've both got "i am done with these idiots, but theyre my idiots" as their life motto and i think they would have a lot of fun complaining to each other, considering they would understand what the other has to put up with.
also, since David, Huen, Maffi and Seph all like playing chess, i could imagine them staging a mini tournament. no idea who would win, but it'd be worse than playing uno. Huen would definitely underestimate David, who is REALLY GOOD at chess, and it would piss her off. Seph and Maffi's duel would be the least "aggressive" and all in good fun (they probably play chess together anyway regularly so yk), Seph and David would insult each other (in good fun too, but it'd get brutal at times), Seph and Huen would be filled with easy conversations with an underlying meaning behind every word they say, trying to throw the other off (Huen would outmanipulate Seph pretty soon though, lets be real), Maffi and Huen would be dead quiet, not even a twitch of an eyebrow in sight, stone faced and focused on the game and nothing else, Maffi and David would be tense as fuck, but not in a negative way, since the two of them have played against each other countless of times, so they have a lifetime long score to keep updating.
James and Dots would be checking up on everyone. Lucy would be sitting quietly in a corner with a guitar or a ukulele to provide some ambiance, since she's not much for socializing in big groups. Angelica and David would have an arm wrestling competition at some point (David would call bullshit on some part of Angelica's stories and it'd escalate), which both Maffi and Huen would scoff at (but Maffi would obviously be on her wife's side all the way) while Seph would be ALL IN for this, give him front row seats and some popcorn, he's placing bets as we speak.
if Dominica got involved though.... pure chaos. she would shapeshift into every other fucking person and slowly, overtime make people think they were losing it. hallucinating entire conversations, missing important bits information, learning things that turn out to be untrue, until, eventually, everyone's at each other's throats over something they allegedly said or did. by which point Dominica would sit back and enjoy the view, with only Seph and Huen remaining, as they'd be pretty used to her bullshit and antics by this point and would have refused to fall for them again.
also i always loved the idea of my ocs singing and playing music together. ive had an idea of Lucy teaching Seph the basics of how to play guitar (he's horrible at it). i think Cyan would have the most random assortment or "hey I can play that", and so on. also i made Cyan James and Seph (and Ellie) into a band AU at one point for funsies but thats besides the point lol
also if this happened at ANY point in the story it would be a category five shitstorm, tears shed, feelings hurt, someone would die, the room would be trashed.
tysm for the question bro!! i hope my answer was to your satisfaction xd (if im crazy enough, i might use some of this for oc doodle inspo)
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