#(diluc is the one who gets walked home for the record)
dandelion-wings · 1 year
me normally: I mean, Jean/Diluc is okay, but it's very low on my personal list of Jean pairings
me when Pink's Walk Me Home comes on my shuffle: okay time for three minutes and sixteen seconds of nothing but Jean/Diluc thoughts
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Bedtime Stories
Summary: Diluc returns home from his nightly duties well after midnight. When he insists on staying up to continue working, you decide to stay up with him. His initial plans are derailed fairly quickly.
Characters: Diluc, GN!Reader
Tags: SFW, Fluff, Falling asleep with each other, One-shot
Word Count: 1464
Author's Note: As someone who isn't a huge Diluc fan, I had a surprisingly fun time writing this...needless to say, I hope my Diluc-loving friends know just how much I love them. XD
It was well after midnight when you heard the doors to the winery open, but you were wide awake. Admittedly, whenever you stayed on the Dawn Winery grounds, you had trouble sleeping until the master of the house returned from his late night errands. Diluc himself complained about this frequently, stating that just because he didn't get enough sleep didn't mean that you needed to follow in his footsteps, but it did little good. At his request, and with your consent, Adelinde had tried almost every trick in the book to get you to bed at a reasonable hour by this point: Warm milk, hot cocoa, chamomile tea, so much lavender that your favorite guest room had reeked of the normally lovely, purple plant for days after, record after record of instrumental music, and even coffee once, but nothing so far had worked. You simply could not sleep until you heard the doors to the manor open, and made sure that Diluc had made it back from his nightly business safely.
This night, you had been waiting at the guest room’s desk, as it was located by one of the room's several open windows, and allowed you to work on one of your many projects while you waited for Diluc to return. As soon as the sound of the doors opening filled the otherwise quiet house, however, you shoved the chair back with a burst of excitement and bolted out of the guest room, across the upper floor, and down the stairs to go greet him.
"Still not asleep, I see," the master of the house chuckled as soon as he spotted you. He was in the process of removing his muddied boots, but as he flicked his ponytail so that it fell over the opposite shoulder, you were greeted with a smile. "Why am I not surprised?"
“Because this is what happens every time,” you reminded him, a smile slowly starting to form on your own lips as it appeared he was perfectly fine.
“Really…you don’t need to wait up for me,” he sighed, finally straightening before he walked over to you. “Lack of sleep isn’t good for you, and I’m sure you don’t keep this schedule when you stay elsewhere.”
“And that doesn’t apply to you?” you fired back, your smile kicking up into a smirk as Diluc reached out to ruffle your hair with a gloved hand.
“I am used to this particular sleep schedule. As far as I know, you are not,” he countered, dropping his hand from your hair to rest on your shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze. “And you should have no cause to be.”
“When I’m here, my cause is to make sure Mondstadt’s favorite vigilante returns home safely.” He didn’t always return to the winery in as perfect shape as he had tonight, but that was a concern for another time.
“Well, I’m home now. That should mean you no longer have cause to stay awake,” he said, a smirk tugging at his lips as well.
“Do you plan on going to bed yourself?” you countered, and it was immediately obvious from the look on his face that he did not.
“Of course, I just need to look over a few letters that arrived during the day–”
“Diluc,” you groaned, cutting him off with a playful shove to his shoulder, “I’m not the only one who needs rest at a reasonable hour. You do, too.” Much like Dlluc’s concern for your sleep schedule, his own was a common topic of debate that never quite ended up resolved.
To his credit, Diluc looked a tiny bit sheepish. “I will get sleep, but these are important,” he huffed, only to be met with a look of skepticism on your part.
“If they’re so important that you can’t sleep, then can I keep you company while you read them?” you asked, knowing full well the kind of response it would get. Immediately, Diluc looked flustered, tugging at the end of his ponytail.
“You really should get to bed,” he protested, but you shook your head.
“And so should you. Either we both go to bed, or we both stay awake.” The frown this was met with was almost comical, but you knew you’d won as soon as his shoulders sank a little, and he sighed.
“Fine. Come along, then,” he replied finally, and began leading you towards his personal office, pausing to collect several letters from a side table, where presumably Adelinde had left them earlier in the day.
You couldn’t help but grin as he made a beeline for the fireplace as soon as you entered his office, depositing the letters on a nearby couch before he built up a comfortably large fire. There were lights and a handful of small lamps scattered around the room, but you suspected the fire, as well as the couch he motioned you over to, were deliberate choices. Diluc knew there was little point in continuing to argue with you, so it seemed he was going to try to lull you to sleep himself.
Fine then, you supposed, grinning to yourself. Two could play at that game.
You sat down on the couch while Diluc stepped away from the now roaring fire, moving over to his desk before pulling out a bottle and a small pair of glasses. “Would you like a glass of juice?” he asked as you pulled the little throw blanket on the back of the couch across your lap.
“Yes, please, juice sounds lovely,” you responded, and watched as Diluc poured you both a glass each, then walked over to hand one to you before sitting down between you and his letters. He took a sip of his grape juice before he started to go through the letters. You, meanwhile, snuggled up against his side, resting your head on his shoulder between sips from your own glass.
Though the quiet that settled between you was comfortable, it didn’t last more than five minutes before Diluc cleared his throat, and began reading his current letter out loud. “Furthermore, I have reason to believe that the Abyss Order may be planning to increase their hold on a number of peculiar locations of historical significance. My colleague in Inazuma suggests that they have seen an increase in activity on Watatsumi Island, possibly due to the island’s rumored proximity to–”
You shifted away from his shoulder so that you could look him squarely in the face. “If this is your attempt at a bedtime story, I’m unimpressed,” you interrupted, tone teasing. Slowly, Diluc turned to you, a single eyebrow raised.
“I was simply trying to fill the silence,” he quipped back, and you couldn’t tell if his cheeks were actually flushed, or if it was a combination of the fire and your imagination. “Besides, you’re telling me you don’t find the prospect of the Abyss Order collecting in places of historical importance curious?”
“Maybe from a tactical perspective? But as a bedtime story?” The single eyebrow stayed lifted, and was then joined by a look of frustration.
“It’s not supposed to be a–you know what? What’s a proper bedtime story supposed to sound like?” he challenged, and it was an effort to hide your delight at having derailed his attention.
“A proper bedtime story’s supposed to have unlikely heroes going on epic adventures, of course! You know, the peasant farm boy gets pulled into a mission to save a kidnapped princess, and ends up becoming king? A young witch stumbles across a secret spell to defeat an evil sorcerer and save her village? A tiny teddy bear goes off on a harrowing quest to find the button missing from his overalls?” That last one earned you a look of disbelief, but Diluc chuckled.
“Fine, fine, I can see how reports on the Abyss Order might not compare to fantastical adventure quests,” he conceded. “But if you’re going to insist on a better story, you’re going to have to tell it. I don’t have any stories like that.” Now, it was your turn yo raise an eyebrow at him.
“Is that an invitation?” You asked, and a slow smile worked its way across his face.
“Go on, but I expect only the most epic of stories,” he chuckled, and you smiled before launching into what you could remember of your favorite childhood bedtime story.
Not five minutes later, your narration was interrupted by the sound of soft snoring. It seemed that your bedtime tale had worked just as intended. With a soft chuckle of your own, you carefully shifted some of the throw blanket on your lap over onto Diluc before shifting yourself into a slightly more comfortable position against him, closed your eyes, and quickly fell alseep yourself.
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kokkuri---san · 1 year
To Get Back What Was Lost.
[A/N: The Kaeya and Diluc apology we wanted. This is not a ship post. I see Kaeya and Diluc as brothers and had that in mind while writing this.]
Kaeya had not expected himself to be in this rather awkward situation. Being patched up by Diluc, sitting on a chair at Angel's Share. Even though the man currently tending to his injuries is the same man who once tried to take his life, the encasing silence and the tinge of familial affection felt like a long-lost comfort.
“Care to explain?” Diluc broke the silence.
Kaeya found Diluc’s tone of annoyance rather funny. “Oh...you know the usual, knight doing his knightly job, keeping the city safe. Now that I think about it, you should be the one to do some explaining, I never expected you to be the one who’ll help me.”
Diluc huffed “You do not even know how to keep yourself safe and you plan on safeguarding the city. Can’t believe you got injured fighting a few slimes, that too, this close to the city gates?! A knight is supposed to be more efficient and careful...wipe that grin off of your face.” Diluc finished bandaging the forearm, using a bit too much force while tying it up at the end. Kaeya winced in pain. “That hurt! I was tired after the entire day’s paper works and for the record, they were large cryo slimes. Give me a break, will you?”
“Also, give me some Dandelion wine too, maybe?” He finished after a small pause. Something inside him hurt, the realization that all these years he missed his brother fussing over his injuries and taking care of him hurt him more than the wounds he got tonight.
Diluc shot up and walked towards the counter, “Get out before I kick you out myself. I can’t be bothered to send an injured and drunk man home. And you need some rest, not some wine, those will take time to heal as it is, so-
“Why act as if you care?” Kaeya cut in. A certain coldness in his voice, some resolve inside him was snapping.
Diluc turned towards him, “What?”
“I said, why do you act as if you care? Did I say anything wrong, Master Diluc? You didn’t care when you raised your weapon on me before. Did you care about whether I lived or died? You didn’t care when the man you called your brother lost his home. So, what are these words supposed to mean today?” Kaeya felt as if he had lost control over what he was saying. Everything that he had wondered over the years for, everything that stung like thorns in his heart started flowing as words.
Diluc on the other hand was visibly taken aback, he shook his head slightly to comprehend what he just heard, “Kaeya...what are you trying to say? From where did you bring this up today? Do you really think digging this old grave will fix anything? Will it bring back everything that was lost?” His voice raised up towards the end and he looked at Kaeya’s face in what probably felt like years. The face he saw took him back to his childhood. Kaeya’s eyes glistened with tears welling up, there was anger and hurt...Diluc didn’t see the collected and charming Kaeya of today, he saw the brother the lost to his mistake all those years ago. The eye patch on his face felt like a slap to Diluc; how worse of a brother could one be? He wondered.
Kaeya could no longer hold back, “Have you seriously still not accepted that nothing will go back to the way it was? Fix things?! Had I not tried that? On that night I wanted to come clean to you because I trusted you with my life, you were the only family I had and I was tired of hiding from you. You on the other hand took everything we had left and set it on fire. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror without being reminded of everything I lost. Everything that happened back then hurt both of us, and I cannot forgive you for taking that out on me. And all I got in return was this:” Kaeya threw his vision towards the ground in rage and continued, “Felt as if the entire world was laughing at my face.” His voice started to crack and everything he held back for all these years broke out, he stood up from the chair “If today is the day I take it out on you, then so be it because you never cared for me and suddenly today you act as if you do! Because trusting you was not my fault! And you losing your shit because life happened was not my fault!” He finally ran out of breath.
In between his heavy breaths and the sudden silence that fell in Angel’s Share, Kaeya processed what just happened. As his rage was fizzing out, sorrow was filling him. He looked at Diluc, eyes cast down, framed crumbled, and supported by the counter behind him. He looked vulnerable...weak almost, years of growing up together taught what the look meant; Diluc looked sorry. The tension all around kept getting denser. Kaeya felt like running away, just like he had on that fateful night years back.
Kaeya shuffled to look down and search for his vision, a tear streaming down his face, nothing more to say.
Diluc finally moved, “I’m sorry...” voice hoarse and weak. He moved to retrieve the vision from where it lay now.
Kaeya was stunned again. Did he hear something wrong?
Diluc picked up the brilliant Cryo vision, it was his first time seeing his brother’s vision properly. The vision felt another slap, but this time a sense of pride surged within him too. It was funny how
they lived their dream of getting visions, yet life was too cruel to let them feel the joy of it. He sighed, “I am sorry. I wanted to say these words on that night itself, I wanted to say these words for so many years. Not because I wanted you to forgive me and forget every pain I’ve given you;” He walked towards Kaeya and placed the vision gently on one of his palms, “I wanted to say sorry because I wanted you to know I hated everything I did to you. You know, back then...I was losing faith in everything I ever believed in. The knights and neither dad were as righteous as we thought them to be; when you told me everything about your past, Khaenri'ah, and the Abyss Order I failed to see clearly. I saw it as if you too were against me, and I hurt you. I was hurt, and I hurt you. I failed as a brother that night, so...I’m sorry, Kaeya.” Diluc felt the last bit of his energy drained from him. He felt a weight being lifted when he let go of the burden of guilt, he had carried for all these years.
Kaeya fell back into the chair, the tears he had been holding back had started streaming down. He finally heard what he needed to, the heavy resentment, pain, and guilt deep within him, had found its cure. Was that all he needed? A simple apology from his stupid brother? His mind was whirling and his eyes refused to stop. He sensed Diluc sit down with him again and placed two glasses of something. He refused to look up, too busy wiping his face away.
Diluc sniffled, “Drink some water. Your brother always cared about you, and he will always lend a shoulder to cry on.” Kaeya looked up to see his brother, arms outstretched for a hug, eyes bloodshot holding back. Childishly, Kaeya returned the embrace. When you have a fight, say sorry and hug it out. Dad had taught them, no?
The brothers shared their sorrow, just like they grew up doing. They cried their hearts out, trying to get back what was lost.
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shinysam29 · 2 years
Kaeya getting drunk and singing Kitty Kat by Megan Thee Stallion. That’s it. Crack fic, modern au
Including Anika, my OC who’s with Rosaria and my friend @mashiv2 ‘s OC Mina who’s with Kaeya. This is purely a low effort crack fic. Just meant to be funny. Hope you get a laugh.
“Kaeya please!” Mina shouted quietly at the man who was laughing boisterously, downing his 7th glass of wine.
“Ah, but Minaaaa I love this song!”Kaeya exclaimed before stand up and bursting out singing the lyrics. “BIG BOOTY BITCH GETTING RICH OFF TWERKIN! FUCK THAT, IF I HAD A DICK MAKE EM SUCK THAT!”
Kaeya belted out the lyrics with Megan Thee Stallion that was blasting from the speakers of the bar. He laughed and stood up on the table as Mina walked off to a new table, face red and thoroughly embarrassed by her boyfriend.
“For fucks sake…” Rosaria sighed, arm around Anika’s waist as she finished her shot. “He’s noisier than usual today.”
Anika hid her red face in Rosaria’s chest, the taller woman blushing as she ran her ringed fingers through Anika’s brown hair.
“Let’s move to Mina.” Rosaria muttered, going to sit with Mina.
Anika and Mina both groaned in embarrassment as people recorded Kaeya twerking what little ass he had while standing on the table. Cheers and whistles sounded as he sang more.
“BAD BITCH, AND I’M ON POINT LIKE A CACTUS I BET A REAL BITCH BE THE LAST ONE LAUGHING!” Kaeya sang out, taking off his shirt before Diluc walked over.
“Get down!” Diluc yelled at him, arms crossed. “You will NOT get naked in my bar again!”
“Oh hush now, sourpuss!” Kaeya laughed as he threw his shirt to Mina, the shirt just plopping on her head.
“Oh my fucking god.” Mina looked over, holding the shirt and flushing more. “Really, Kaeya, you should get down.”
“I don’t wanna.” Kaeya pouted before screaming when Diluc suddenly kicks the table over, causing Kaeya to tumble onto the floor. “Ow! Brother was that really necessary?!”
“Yes. Now go home.” Diluc demanded turning to the three women Kaeya had come with. “Get him home please.”
“We will. I’ll make sure to kick his ass while I’m at it.” Rosaria said, looking at Anika’s embarrassed expression. “Hey little bird, it’s okay. We’re gonna go home now.”
Rosaria planted a kiss on Anika’s head, smiling at her before going to pick up Kaeya and the three headed out.
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genericwizard · 2 months
For the ask meme, Zhongli and Jean!
Oh good, characters I don't ramble enough about, lets do this;
How I feel about this character I like Zhongli a lot, I feel really grateful he came home easily because he makes maining Diluc possible for me, even with an honestly pretty lazy build (hp focus) I still get a lot out of him as a character. Just as capable of mischief as Venti but way more coy about it. Every time I get to see him again it's nice to be reunited with him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character I don't actually have that much. I mentioned I like exes ZhongVen but my otp is ZhongXiao.... For the record though I have never once considered Xiao to be his son. I don't know where that headcanon came from but I hate it so might as well get that out there. I was a fire emblem fan so I know the appeal of knight + lord ships. That said I think they have the slowest burn of all time in that Xiao seems demiromantic at best, and Zhongli seems content to wait as long as it takes for Xiao to realize that Zhongli cares for him. I think a lot about their little aside at the end of lantern rite 2023 where Zhongli coyly insists that he's just a normal citizen, and he respects the adepti like anyone else. And the way he pretends he didn't save Xiao during perilous trail for no reason!!! Dude let him know !!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character Maybe with Hu Tao... I really enjoy their dynamic. That barely 20 something woman is working the geo archon hard as her part timer, good for her. Despite everything still love friends ZhongVen too, they have a lot of animosity and history, but I was still losing it during their little charade during lantern rite 2023.
My unpopular opinion about this character He's not Xiao's dad. Besides that I don't have a lot of contrary opinions on Zhongli I feel like.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Soooo bummed he hid like a coward from Neuvi during lantern rite 2024 bonus. I wanna know what his relationship to the ancient dragons is so bad. I headcanon that maybe he was a geo dragon, but not the authority, and betrayed his kind to form allegiances with the other primordial beings (adepti) to win the archon war, but I'd love to know what really happened. Also want to see some of his other forms, since he's apparently taken many.
How I feel about this character Underappreciated girly. Always doing the most and doesn't let herself have fun enough and that makes me sad for her. That said I respect that she seems to thrive in a leadership environment overall. She's also trans to me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character I am a basic JeanLisa binch for the most part; it is critical that Lisa is older than Jean because doesn't she deserve to have a hot older witchy gf? I think Lisa makes a good anchor to Jean's type A personality, understands why work is so important to her and will help when she can, but can also be the reassuring voice that says its ok if she has to walk away from it all sometimes.
I would say I like JeanLuc but I'd be a liar, I just think Jean's a lesbian but probably had feelings for Diluc while growing up. He still thinks he has a shot because he still has feelings for her, but Jean's vastly moved on with her life and still probably pretty angry about the way Diluc left.
Have seen a couple JeanRosa's before that I could be down with, but it's not my first preference for either character.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Kaeya + Jean relationship is my lifeblood actually. I can't ship them romantically at all because I think they have more of a familial bond, though I like the idea of Kaeya also having crushed on Jean at some point. I think a lot about how Jean had to be the one who took care of Kaeya after everything that happened between him and Diluc. Treating his wounds on her couch, watching him lifelessly recover around her apartment and slowly, slowly, come back out of his shell a completely new person. She's hard on him because she can't lose him too, but Kaeya equally values Jean in his life as someone who was there for him when no one else was. She definitely has yelled at Diluc in Kaeya's defense imo.
I'd like for her to get to know Venti better, but I think her own hang ups make it really hard for her to be able to see him as an individual.
My unpopular opinion about this character God are there any popular opinions on Jean? I feel like not many people think about her deeply if at all anyway. One more time, trans Jean. Also. Girl why do you have cross earrings? That's not in your religion at all.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. I might get smacked but... I kinda hope if we do meet Varka he dies and doesn't become playable. Purely because I think narratively he's not important to the player but Jean is, and as of the potion event Jean seems to confirm that the skeleton crew KOF has grown tremendously in their roles. I think in light of a potential Mond revival (summertime scales and tales has given me new hope) Jean ascending to the role of Grand Master would be really rewarding for her. (and I'd get Second in Command Kaeya hahahahahahaaaaa)
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bluexiao · 2 years
#the perfect family 
—you’re a spy, and you need a perfect family in order to attain world peace
CHARACTERS. assassin! Albedo, Ayato, Xiao; gn!reader (w/ mind reader! Klee, Sayu, Qiqi respectively) 
THEMES. This is absolutely inspired by Spy X Family… and you guessed it, if you know the story, this is gonna be crack (mostly) and fluff. spy au. the children are mind-readers and the three men are assassins. 
NOTES. I’ve had this in my drafts for like one month and i am sO glad that i am finally done with it. this is very fun to write indeed tho! btw i was about to include diona and diluc here but like,,, i dont see them getting along AT ALL (but if someone requests them hmmmmm why not, just with different dynamics than the other three)
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When you had first heard of Klee, you also hear the name “Albedo” 
Of course, as someone who’s in need of both a child AND a husband, you decided that they were the perfect pair for the role. Not only was Klee seen as a “child” of this man, but the child gets along with everybody, and that would mean it would be quite easy to please her. 
Albedo, who was a genius assassin, is actually in need of a spouse as well. After all, people in the police station were beginning to wonder why he is still single. And yes, he is a detective—as much as he is an assassin. It’s just that his fellow peers did not know he is actually a contract assassin, of course, he was making sure it is very well hidden. As someone who believes the statement “Keep your friends close and enemies closer,” (of course, he can’t just poison these nitwits no matter how much he hated their guts) this is something he thought of doing the moment he had reached the point where he needed a job to hide his original occupation—the one that pays much higher. 
And besides, he was doing a far better job than these “police officers” who most of the time do not particularly care about the people and take money from offenders when they are rich. 
At the same time, he also has to protect Klee. People knew her as his child, but she’s actually his adoptive little sister. Their mother, which is technically his boss as well, is always absent. He did not care how the public saw him and his sister, as long as she is safe, then everything is okay. 
But the thing is, it is not. 
Now, he needs to find a “spouse,” fake or not. 
You were just in timing. 
The moment he saw you, you were with Klee, saying that you had come across the girl on your walk and had walked her back home when she could not find her way home. At that moment, he remembered your face. You were in the documents that Kaeya had brought him the other day who had clear records and was living alone. You were single. 
“Albedo, Albedo, what do you think of them? Y/n?” Klee had asked him that day, to which he answered with; 
“They seem nice,” he smiles, “Did you have fun with them, Klee?” 
“Klee had fun!” the girl grins brightly, then her mood changes, “does Albedo like Y/n?” 
He tilts his head to the side, quite confused why she was asking this, “I don’t think there’s a reason to dislike them.” After all, Y/n has clear records, seems capable, and he definitely needs someone like that. For both him and Klee. 
Unbeknownst to Albedo, Klee had read his mind and took it upon herself to “matchmake” the two of you. After all, Klee also knew that you were “interested” in her “father” as well.
“Y/n, Y/n, stay with us for dinner!”
“Y/n, Y/n, play with Klee and father!” 
Albedo was quite curious as to why Klee had suddenly called him “father”, as she had never outrightly referred to him as such, but he had merely brushed it off, especially when she was making it easy for him to win you over. It was actually the same for you. No matter how confused you are and questioned how it all felt like it was going fast, your acting skills were pulling through. 
You both pretended to be dating and soon came to the conversation where you needed someone to be your “fake” husband. Of course, you did not say anything about your mission, and you still were worried he’d reject you. 
But he did not. 
“Of course,” he smiles, “when will be the wedding?” 
At that time, your heart skipped a beat but you misinterpreted it as excitement that your mission was going well. 
Giddy, you unconsciously held one of his hands, “Last year,” you paused, realizing your mistake, “I mean, what if we got married last year instead?” 
Thus began the fake family you all had established with your collective efforts. 
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You were referred to Sayu by a friend of yours—Kana. She told you that the girl’s identity is not that much known and that she’s very much trained as a fighter at a young age. As much as you did not like the fact that someone taught a child to fight, you found this useful since this is, in fact, a dangerous job. 
Sayu is lazy, but Kana also said that she is obedient and responsible. 
When you met the little girl, all of what Kana said was the absolute truth. So you asked her as well if she had any information about single men as well. And that was how you came to know Ayato, who will be your husband. 
Oh, I apologize, your current husband. As it will be written that you two had been married for two years and adopted Sayu a year later. 
You had no idea who your husband was, but you trusted Kana’s intuition when she referred you to him, who for one accepted to be in a contract marriage with you. Of course, you mentioned you have a child, but you did not tell him that Sayu had just been adopted a few days ago and not a year ago. 
But he sure did notice that Sayu was good at fighting. Or at least, has a bit of knowledge.
“Our Sayu has talent,” you heard him—your now-husband (you still could not comprehend you had to call him husband somehow) say one day, amused, referring to how Sayu was complaining how she was watching a movie about martial arts and noticed the little mistakes the actors were doing. “What do you say about enrolling her on a varsity team? 
He seems to have said this without thinking and when he looked to you, who was now gaping at him without saying a word, he awkwardly smiles, “It’s just an idea. I think it would be a waste to try to give it a chance.” 
“No, no, of course,” you broke the contact and looked away, now aware that he is actually quite observant—very observant, “let us ask Sayu if she wants to. But I don’t mind as long as she really wants it.” 
Of course, your current husband is observant, he is an assassin for goodness’ sake… but you did not know that. 
In the end, Sayu did get into martial arts, which is during the weekends, to give way to her school days on the weekdays. Of course, it is still the priority, as the main purpose of this mission of yours was to get your “child” to get the attention of your current target, as it was seemingly the only way to get close to the target. 
Personally, you hated using others or relying on others in missions, but as you simply could not just dress yourself as a child and a spouse all in one seating, you had no choice. 
“How are you faring in your new school, Sayu?” you had inquired your daughter one weekend night during dinner—which you had cooked and your husband had helped with the plating. Just the plating. Apparently, Ayato is quite elegant in all aspects of his life… maybe except for his cooking. Not that the meals he cooks are entirely inedible, but sometimes he would spice something overly or that there is just something wrong with it that you could not particularly point out. 
“Boring.” Sayu had let out, unconsciously, in her defense, but she immediately corrects herself when the word caught both you and Ayato’s attention. “I mean, they’re all boring! I… I already know m-most of them! The lessons, I mean.” Sayu stutters, but she brightens up when you and Ayato smiled at her. 
“Our Sayu is really intelligent, isn’t she?” Ayato mused.
You hummed in response, going back to your meal. “You should still listen to the teacher, dear. The teachers at that school would most likely ask about things that they say in the lessons.” How did you know? Well, of course, you had seen samples of their questionnaires. 
Unbeknownst to you, Sayu’s jaw dropped as she had read your mind. Silently, she wished you could just tell her the answers already.
But she could just sneak into your room when both you and father are away to find the questionnaires if you wouldn’t.
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Qiqi is special, you knew that the moment you had come across her in the orphanage. She’s quiet, very forgetful… and apparently, she was also the only one who could read and write amongst the other children. 
You were quite sure you were forming a bond with her and that you’ve already cleared that she was to go to school after 3 months. What you didn’t know… is that she already knew you before you even approached her. 
As a mind reader, Qiqi is quite unnerved by everyone. No one had particularly impressed her since everyone she had encountered was quite… bland, so to speak. You? You were special. You were muttering in your head how much you needed someone who could help you “save the world” and for some reason, she was intrigued by it. 
“Is this… to save the world?” she had asked one time as you and she was buying books to help her prepare for the entrance exam. 
You did not mind the words in her question, for you were too busy trying to search for academic books and pencils, “Yes, children are the future of the world, so this would help save the world.” 
And thus began the misunderstanding between you and the child. 
Xiao is an assassin—of course, for the “good.” He was hired to protect the people from corrupt men and to do the “dirty work” that no one else can do. That’s what assassins like him were. 
Lately, though, his boss told him one thing: “Find an identity.” 
What the hell was that?—he thought. But then his boss began saying that he should have a normal identity for the normal world in order to not be suspected in the future, for his safety as well. 
“Actually, make that an assignment,” his boss says. 
Thus now, he’s in search of a job. Sure, his streaming in Twitch may be considered one, but he’s not really allowed to show his face, of course, because of his assassin job, so now he has to quit that and find something… normal. 
That’s when he found you. 
Of course, he was quite surprised when he saw you had a child. How dare he suddenly cling to someone with a family already! What if he had asked you out unknowingly that you have a spouse?! Not only is that embarrassing but he could also be entangled in an affair that might lead him straight to court, straight to prison, and even straight to his death if anyone ever found out anything about his true occupation!
He could just feel the shivers run down his spine.
When Qiqi read Xiao’s mind and yours, she did not know what to do except say the words: 
“Qiqi… Qiqi doesn’t have a papa… He can be my papa…” 
Now, Qiqi was merely amused over the fact that both you and this stranger have the same thoughts about saving the world and needing a spouse to do that. She’s merely a child but it does not hurt to help you two out, right?
“Qiqi, I…” you hesitated for a bit as you awkwardly smiled at Xiao, “I apologize if that offended you, sir… It’s just that… it has been a while since her father died. My husband… he kind of looked a lot like you.” 
You definitely did not rehearse with the child, but it was as if she was reading your mind, Qiqi did not say anything that entailed you as a liar. You could only thank the Archons or whoever was listening to you despite not heavily being a believer. 
Surprisingly, it was not too long until this “family” had been established, as you had gotten your newly appointed husband to agree to your plans. 
Qiqi thinks that this “family” is quite good—better, actually. Better than the orphanage. Better than her previous “home”, if she could even call it one. 
However, Qiqi wanted something else. 
“Coco goat…”
“Hm? What was that, darling?” you had inquired, as you did not particularly understand-
“Coco goat… Qiqi wants a coco goat.” 
At that moment, you had looked over your husband with confusion written all over your face. 
To which he replied, “I have no idea what that is.” 
In the end, you both got her a cat instead. And a goat stuff toy. 
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wispycecilia · 3 years
hey , pretty stranger !
genshin characters as strangers you’ve met
various! genshin impact x reader. (albedo, childe, diluc, fischl, gorou, hu tao, itto, kaeya, kazuha, scaramouche, thoma, venti, xiangling, xiao, yanfei, zhongli.) - 5037 words.
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synopsis: genshin characters as people you’ve encountered, and have remained in your heart ever since then.
notes: modern! AU. long headcanons. british english used. lowercase. some cliche romance tropes used. edited. semi-proofread. gn!reader. mother used in albedo’s one. father used in diluc’s one. slight cursing used. arranged in alphabetical order.
a/n: this was meant to be released way earlier but then word deleted all my work are u srs.. but anywayysss most of these are happy, i promise :) key word is ‘most’ tho. and holy moly these are long asdffghhjkl new record for me!!
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• the person who let you have the last carton of eggs. you were rushing to the supermarket in an absolute frenzy; your mother wanted to make desserts, but you used up the last eggs in the house to complete a stupid ‘rubber egg’ science project of yours.
• it was already late, and the chances of the supermarket actually having anything there at all was very slim, but luck seemed to be in your favour??? lo and behold, right there in the poultry aisle, sits the last box of eggs. you could literally hear angels singing.
• well, your glorious moment was interrupted by a third party picking it up before you could. he was observing them with a critical gaze, and in a slight moment of panic, you were debating whether or not you could win against him in a fist fight.
• but as he gave you a quizzical look at your defeated expression, you opted for the second option: begging.
• it was a pitiful sight, really. you were about to get on your knees and plead at the poor guy just for the eggs. you knew your mother would be angry if you came home with nothing, and you weren’t about to risk a scolding, not today!!
• but instead, he just wordlessly handed the carton to you. no small talk, no need for you to throw your dignity to the side, nothing. it was like he could read your mind. you stood there in awe.
• you swear you could see a hint of a smirk on his face, though.
• the attractive person who was taking care of their sibling at the park. he was helping teucer climb up one of those spider web playground equipment things, and then his shirt rised up a bit and. oh. oh my god. ohhhhhh my god?!?!?
• turns out, he was your neighbour… the hot neighbour that you never noticed until now. you’ve interacted with his little siblings before, but never saw him?? and as you were having a mini crisis on a park bench, his little brother noticed you!
• you were invited to join them with a warm smile from both boys, and your heart almost skipped a beat imagining a domestic scene with the two: childe cooking a meal, while you and teucer sit at a table expectantly. ohh you hopeless romantic... imagining all these scenarios with a boy you’ve just met..
• you got attached way too quickly. you thought that childe believed the same: that you two hit it off, but apparently he didn’t. he gave you his number, but only ever initiated conversation if teucer wanted to meet up with you in the park. (the little boy had grown attached to you!) but it was never for anything else. childe never interacted with your ‘how was your day?’ texts at all.
• next thing you knew, the texts eventually faded into nothingness. you heard from a mutual friend of yours that childe started to date a new girl that moved into town, and that the two can be seen in the nearby park, acting like a sickenly sweet couple as they play tag with childe’s siblings.
• you occasionally walk by the park sometimes, and watch in envy as the girl took up the spot that you once had with the boys. it seemed as if teucer completely forgot about you; he liked the new girl more. and childe… he never once looked your way; he never saw you anything beyond a friend to begin with. childe may have never been yours, but a part of your heart still considered him to be a traitor.
• the person who helped pick your stuff up when you bumped into them. with you being the upcoming successor of a highly esteemed business company, the sight of you rushing to a meeting after sleeping in was embarrassingly undutiful.
• as if your day couldn’t get any worse, you bumped into a stranger along the way, all your files and documents spreading across the pavement like a snowstorm. he initially seemed to carry an impassive look, one that screamed ‘i hate idle chit-chat’, but once diluc saw your face fully?? you swear his eyes perked up in a slight amount of interest.
• one quick apology from both ends later, he helped to pick up all your folders off the ground. and after the situation was all said and done, diluc asked you for your number, his face staying ever-so impassive. and this… just left you shellshocked. him?? the one to initiate romantic advances?? he totally seemed like the unapproachable type. maybe out of your league. but he even called you cute!?!? how even??
• …although, you might’ve gotten your hopes too high up. later that night when you scrambled for the business card diluc scrawled his number on, the dreaded message of ‘number not in use’ popped up on your screen while you sent a quick hi.
• your heart sunk in an instant. one google search of the company written on the business card later, and you found out he was the son of crepus ragvindr, the man who your father left high and dry on a company deal several years ago.
• you seriously thought you had a chance with someone who wouldn’t judge you for your upbringing for once. but, this time round, it looks like you were the one who had gotten fooled once again. why were you involved in your father’s mess?
• the worker at a super suspicious shop you visited. fischl was there, dressed up in a half-magician half-princess get-up, with… somber music in the back. you entered the shop on an absolute whim, just trying to find a present for a friend, and instead? you get a girl trying to predict your death.
• it was oddly captivating, though, and soon enough, you were a regular visitor in this weird shop. you even managed to stick around long enough to meet the second owner, mona!
• fischl would go off on tangents about myths. in particular, shadow familiars. she claimed she had a pet eagle called ‘oz’ that would take form of a vengeful shadow, and would also do anything she asked.
• fischl dropped the act around you soon enough, and even told you her real name. she poured out secrets about her past that not even mona was aware about. fischl’s past was shrouded in more mystery than the mirror ball on her desk, and yet, she described all her tribulations with the crystal clear intent of getting you to understand her.
• as you two got closer, you realised she was just a sheltered girl that needed a friend. that all of this? this store that she set up with her one childhood friend that she had? was a form of escapism. this coping strategy was one that might be looked down upon by many, but was held in such high regard by you. fischl appreciated your presence more than you could ever know.
• and in your point of view? she was initially a stranger you met by pure accident. but now? she was more than that; fischl was someone you hold dear.
• fischl told you once that she lacked the capability to be loved by others. but, as you clutched the crystal bracelet you made for her against your chest, you hoped that fischl would understand that she was loved and cherished.
• the stranger who dropped popcorn all over you in the cinema. you two were in a movie premiere for an adaptation of the saddest novel of all time, and to say the least, you were in absolute shambles.
• sad films nowadays were filled with cliches that weren’t enough to make you cry at all. but this one? this one hit straight in the feels. a refreshing feeling, but crushed your ‘stone-faced bitch that refuses to cry during sad films’ title.
• and??? the hypothetical waterfall coming out of your eyes seemed to be so strong that it came into real life. a wave of pure salt and buttered popcorn came pouring out from behind you.
• the tearful moment you had was no longer, and turning around, you came face-to-face with a brown haired boy giving you a sheepish smile, holding an empty popcorn box. the white-haired friend next to him, panicked beyond belief, apologised on his behalf, but the damage has already been done.
• the cinema workers seemed to go heavy-handed with the butter machine today, as you were covered in the thing. great. you looked like an absolute mess; how were you going to recover from this moment socially?
• gorou came down to your row and gave a brief introduction, before offering you some tissues and wrapping his jacket around you. he escorted you to the toilets to clean yourself up, making playful jokes here and there.
• it would’ve been the highlight of your day, but it quickly became sour as he spoiled a pivotal part of the movie to you, only further adding to the pain.
• it’s okay though. gorou was cute; you forgave him. and on the condition that you two go out to watch the movie once more - just you two, alone - this encounter was later forgotten.
hu tao
• the person who was your escape. you were at the countryside temporarily to visit your grandparents for the summer holidays, and you liked to take escapades at nighttime to bask in the chirps of the cicadas.
• you first met hu tao while she was stuffing ‘help me’ and ‘come here at 3am’ notes underneath rocks at the riverbank the kids would stay at. the shock on her face as you caught her in the act is something that still makes you laugh to this day.
• after that, you two kept your nighttime meetings consistent. it would always be during a luminescent moonlight, besides the run-down convenience store that stood just above the river you first met at.
• you never caught each other’s name, but it didn’t matter. all that mattered was the picturesque memories you’d make together: climbing on top of a playground to look at the stars, watching the fish at the river, and you entertaining hu tao’s pranks by acting surprised whenever she snuck up on you.
• though, of course, good things always come to an end. you were just visiting the countryside, so you had no choice but to leave hu tao behind. you keep those memories in your heart, feeling melancholic every time you reminisce on the best summer you’ve ever had.
• hu tao gave you a ghost plushie before you left, telling you to call it ‘boo tao’. and yet, still, as you asked her for her name or any form of contact, she just gave you a smile, one that was unusually sad for her joyful self.
• ‘mysteries make the moment more special, don’t you think?’
• you hoped that the next time you came to visit, hu tao would be sitting there where you first met, welcoming you back with a tight hug and the cheerful smile you loved so much.
• the stranger who got you a stuffed toy from a festival stall. it was one of those absolutely infuriating strength games. you know, the one where you’d have to smack a table super hard with a hammer? yeah. those ones. the neon sign saying ‘strong striker’ was literally mocking you. you were neither strong or a striker from the looks of things. the game absolutely was rigged.
• although you’d probably neglect the toy after the adrenaline from winning it wears off, who cares? whatever! it would fit perfectly in the depths of your closet with the rest of your carnival winnings!
• you were going broke and wasted literal hours on this one game.. you hadn’t even had the chance to try out the cotton candy stall from the other end of the carnival yet! any rational person would’ve stopped right now, but who said you had self control?
• as you were about to hand over your last coins, an unmistakably attractive and muscular stranger stops your hand. he gives you a reassuring smile, before proceeding to look at the game with a challenging glare.
• ‘leave it to me, stranger!’
• …and just like that, the stranger hit the table so hard with the toy hammer that the meter just. went off the scale. the vendor, who was once looking at you with a look of maliciousness due to literally robbing you of all your money, was now awestruck at the sheer power the man holds.
• you felt your heart drop as he claimed the stuffed toy you were so obviously eyeing, but as he looked at you with a satisfied smirk (maybe even a little cocky), he handed it over to you with little-to-no reluctance, before proceeding to return back to the group of friends who were mocking him for showing off so much.
• before he left, though, he asked you to name the stuffed toy ‘itto’, after his name. you did comply to itto’s wish, and instead of rotting in the back of your closet, the toy sits on your bed, reminding you of the both kind (and a little terrifying) stranger who you met on a not-so average saturday night.
• the worker at an arcade you were visiting. you went to the arcade to blow off some steam after a relatively rough day, and decided to give their bowling venue a shot.
• what you didn’t expect, however, was how absolutely shit you’d be at it. a worker took pity on you and decided to put up the side railings so there would be no way you could miss a shot, and somehow?? It still never hit??
• after the 2nd set and an endless amount of disappointment, a worker, clad in the tacky uniform he had to wear, walked up to your station and just... laughed in your face. way to make the day worse, asshole.
• he then proceeded to ask you needed a ramp because of how bad you were at bowling and?? come on?? he knew you were bad; you knew you were bad. but, he could’ve at least tried to be discreet with your lack of bowling abilities??
• the stranger was at least perceptive enough to realise that you weren’t in the mood to entertain his friendly bantering, and even offered to play with you after his shift ended. just to teach you the proper ropes of bowling, of course.
• your day may have had a rough start, but kaeya, as the stranger claimed was his name, was here to pick you back up.
• the library crush. you first saw him while cramming a project of yours; you needed more stable wifi - the mcdonald’s one just wouldn’t cut it anymore - and had to renew your library card to be able to get in.
• and… shit?? since when did librarians get so hot??? you’ve only ever encountered the stereotypical ones. the old, cranky men that would yell at you if you were ever caught speaking a bit too loud.
• soon, these visits of yours became more and more regular. you’d pretend to act like you’re studying, but in reality, you were admiring the librarian that sat so beautifully on the front desk. you often daydreamed, wondering what he would look like if the afternoon glow cascaded against his face.
• you’d constantly sit at the table adjacent to the desk so you could get the best view of him as possible. maybe even occasionally freak out whenever he would smile at the book he was reading because.. he was just so cute??
• you thought you were being slick with your admiration, but apparently not. because one day, as you were ‘reading’ one of the books you just borrowed from him for ‘research’, kazuha approached you with a cheeky remark.
• ’the book is upside-down, you know.’
• that knowing, cunning (and dare you assume, a little flirtatious?) look on his face said it all. he knew your ulterior motive this whole time, and this slip-up of yours just gave you away completely.
• but it didn’t matter, because in the end, you received a kiss on your forehead, a reminder to take care of yourself, and a number scrawled on a sticky note on the book you borrowed.
• you may have just landed yourself a prince in the kingdom of literature <3
• the stranger who you dubbed as the ‘vending machine rager’. you know those compilations of those 12 yr olds screaming at their xbox on youtube? yeah. that was scaramouche, but with a can of cola instead.
• you’ve never seen someone take canned drinks so… seriously before??? it was. questionable. from afar, it looked like a child baby-raging at a vending machine for not giving them their soft drink.
• this thought of yours only intensified when you went closer, and saw that yes, he was kicking the vending machine out of anger. all you wanted was a strawberry calpis from the machine, but instead, you get a boy blocking everyone else from accessing it. poor you.
• eventually, the guy’s rage was no longer humorous to you, and you just felt bad that he was going this far. usually, people would’ve left it alone already and tried a different machine?? but he was still here??
• you purchased the drink directly above his stuck one, and it knocked it down instantly… scaramouche’s 2 hours of suffering was solved within 2 minutes of your presence. boss moment.
• you handed his drink to him with a smile; he gave you a disgruntled expression. not even a thank you in return. how rude. but this is a story you tell your friends often, just to lighten the mood. after all, what's funnier than an xbox kid personified in the flesh?
• the stranger who re-enacted a drama scene with you. there was a venue opened up for a drama that was trending at the time, and the workers were handing out props and other merchandise that was featured in the show.
• you were out of money, but there was still this trinket that you wanted to buy. the friend who you came with offered to get it for you, on the condition that you shout out one of the most famous lines, all in an attempt to embarrass you, of course.
• with absolutely no shame, you yelled, ‘why do you look at me like that?’
• what you didn't expect was someone from the other side of the shop to join in with you too, completing the iconic line of the well-known show, ‘how else should i look at you?’
• you two locked eyes, and you were convinced you found your soulmate. after all, no one had looked at you with such a warm expression like that before. the boyish laugh he gave, paired with your faint laughs of amusement, captivated the entire shop.
• from an outsider looking in, you and him looked like you knew each other all your life; like you were destined to be together. you later approached thoma, making light conversation to get to know this enigmatic stranger a bit more.
• but he revealed to you that he was enlisted in the army, and was due to resume training in a week or so. any opportunities for a relationship, let alone a friendship, were completely eliminated.
• thoma settled on taking a picture together, where you and him were holding hands, backs facing towards the camera. it remains as your lockscreen to this day. you’d visit the spot once every full moon, in hopes for looking for the boy of ‘what could have been’, called thoma.
• the busker who everyone was ignoring. the city was crowded and bustling in a way it never had before, but for some reason, even in the sea of people, venti managed to shine and stand out from the crowd.
• that day, you were in a rush to chase up a replacement for a kettle you owned, but as soon as you saw him pouring his heart and soul out into his performances, only for people to not even bat an eye in his direction?? what??
• you had placed to be, but you guess they could wait. and, the smile venti gave you as he noticed you watching his performance attentively, made it all worth it. the conversation you two had afterwards is one that you hold dearly, and you swore to yourself you would help him in any way you could.
• he would be there every tuesdays and wednesdays, always at the same time too: 2pm. and so without fail, you’d show up, 5 minutes early, watching him set up his instruments and the speakers so skillfully.
• venti loved having you around. little did you know, he would’ve given up had you not noticed him and supported him since that day.
• you knew diamond in a rough when you see it, and turns out, a man working in a scouting agency thought so too. you saw him giving venti a card one day, and the next, venti was no longer on the designated spot where he would play his songs.
• he was a shimmering star in the sea of talents, and you were there to watch him grow, right from the beginning. a star is nothing without the support from you, his fuel and fire, to shine.
• you smile in absolute glee whenever you see venti and his recent albums being advertised on the billboards across your city. you hoped he still remembered who you were; his first fan, the first person to see his potential to hit it big.
• but it was okay if he didn’t. you’d support him anyways.
• the stranger who kept going for free food samples at the food stall you worked at. she’d appear like, 10 minutes apart from each visit, each time with a half-assed disguise. even the little kid who refused to leave you alone noticed her after a while??
• you weren’t allowed to give out more than 3 portions at once of the sliced chili steak you were handing out, but she was on her 15th sample… oh goodness. you’re getting in trouble, alright.
• you knew you had to stop xiangling’s madness soon, or else you’re getting fired, but as she comes up to you with a fake moustache from the $2 dollar store, an obviously fake deep voice, paired up with an equally cute laugh at the end that gave away her disguise? who were you to decline?
• she kept coming until the end of your shift, using obviously fake names such as ‘bartholomew’ or ‘margaret’... it honestly impressed you on how much costumes and disguises she owned. she probably prepared this in advance.
• after that incident, you were never placed in the food station again. a co-worker ratted you out for having favouritism between customers, but who could blame you? she was so cute.
• chances are, she found another food place to harass for free samples. good on her. who knows? maybe you’ll encounter her again during one of your mall adventures. who knows. <3
• the airport crush. it was a dull morning, and you were preparing yourself for the jet-lag that was undoubtedly going to occur. and then, in the sunlight, you see the prettiest stranger you’ve ever seen in your life.
• you thought that would be it. that after the quick, fleeting eye contact you two made, that you’d never see the man again. it did put a slight ache in your heart.
• then?? he was literally on the same flight and everything?? this is your chance?? but you were wayyy too shy and couldn’t gather up enough gall to approach him and ask for his number. the guy had a certain air about him, one that seemed unapproachable, as if he was a deity that you could do nothing besides stare upon.
• you tried every method beside approaching him, though. you got so desperate that you even tried to airdrop people, asking if they know (or are) the guy in seat 365. however, it was all futile. you were unaware that the guy didn’t even own an iphone.
• and finally, as you two, by some miracle, end up leaving at the same terminal once more, you mustered up enough courage to approach him.
• but with his response of a quick ‘i’m in a rush; you’re wasting my time’, all your fantasies of ever seeing the fleeting airport crush once more were crushed beyond comprehension.
• nowadays, whenever you see a similar shade of green hair, you hide and revert your gaze as quick as possible. that nauseating feeling whenever you think of that day was too much for you to handle.
• your stupid friend’s legal advisor who they were crushing on massively. your friend got into some massive legal trouble after knocking down an entire aisle of precious antiques at a pawn shop, and now here you two are.
• you initially refused to play any part in this, but they did absolutely everything to persuade you to come with them because, in verbatim, ‘my lawyer is the prettiest person ever!!’
• they even sent you the whole ‘ohh lawrd im goin to jail my lawyers hot’ when they first met up with yanfei. put a leash on your friend so they don’t go and jump on her please <3
• they did end up convincing you to go, eventually. it was on the condition that they’ll go out and take you out to a restaurant you’ve always been wanting to try.
• but as soon as you saw the lawyer in question, sitting on her desk with a sense of maturity that you could never imagine having, even though you were most likely the same age??
• oops. looks like you fell for the legal advisor too. good luck to you :)
• that fluttering in your chest only seemed to increase as she sent you a warm smile, obviously well aware that you were forced here. yanfei even offered you her candy jar to keep yourself entertained as she talks business with your friend.
• you two wouldn’t be just strangers for long, and you both knew it.
• the coffee shop stranger. you’ve imagined this scenario plenty of times before, actually. it’ll be a cute moment: you’ll forget your wallet at home, and the cute guy behind you will offer to pay for it in full, asking for nothing besides your number in exchange.
• ohhhh nope!! how wrong you were!!! as the man in front of you, clad in a crisp suit, sheepishly turns around, (all the while a disgruntled worker who was definitely not getting paid enough for this sighs in the back) asks if you had any spare change??
• you wanted to curse the universe for this. what have you done wrong to deserve such a thing? the opportunity was right there, the stars were all aligned, so what have you done? you thought you’ve been a relatively good person all your life.
• seriously. why were you the one paying for him?? it was meant to be the other way around. what made it even worse was that he ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. the bashful smile that he gave you made your anger dissipate for a second. just a second, though. annddd then you were back to staring holes into the back of head.
• as he hands you his business card, thanking you for your kindness before promptly walking off, you stare in absolute awe. you weren't shocked because of how rushed his thank you was - the only thing in your mind was that he didn’t even give you his number after all that. the fantasy in your head was completely crushed now.
• but as you flipped the card around, your shock increased tenfold. morax co. was scribed perfectly onto the black card??? even a child would know that name. it was one of the most well-known companies around.
• maybe this encounter wasn’t too bad after all.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Wind boy with reader who's always tired but still doesn't sleep❓
Wind boy 💀
I hope you know I put a rush order on this specifically because you made me laugh, congratulations
Wind boy with a reader who is always tired but never sleeps headcanons:
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Warnings: Alcohol mentioned, Venti being Venti
• Well, you both have very conflicting energies to start with
• Venti never seems tired, but is found passed out quite often (Diluc has become accustom to dragging him out of the tavern at 3 in the morning)
• He'll start by trying to offer you various remedies whenever you complain about wanting to do nothing more than pass out midday
• Coffee to stay away? He promises he won't start a fire this time—
• Caffeinated tea? Something with a lot of sugar in it? Wine?? (ok that last one might not actually do anything, but he's still gonna offer)
• Stops offering those things when he finds out that you actually don't sleep like ever—
• It will probably take him a minute to find that out though, because of your conflicting schedules
• He just happens to assume that you wake up earlier than him everyday, no matter how early he gets up in the mornings—
• He knew that you 'went to bed' later, so he was never particularly concerned when you would always show up, rather awake, whenever he called on you to walk him home around midnight after some rather heavy drinking
• (Sure he could walk home himself, but it's so much more fun when you're there, helping him stay up right so he can fall into you instead of the concrete)
• Venti can fall asleep anywhere, it comes with having to sleep outside often, and it takes quite a bit to actually wake him
• Textbook definition of a heavy sleeper really, there could be an air invasion, Teyvat could be burning to the ground, he wouldn't know the difference until the sun rises in the morning
• He started actually putting two and two together when he couldn't remember a time he ever saw you asleep
• Would probably attempt to confirm his hypothesis before confronting you about it, which involves pretending to be asleep to see how long you stay awake for
• And now you're both equally tired during the day—
• Venti will try to approach the topic lightly, making a few jokes about how you never seem to sleep, seeing if they provoke any sort of reaction
• Might try to promote midday group nap time, and it gives him an excuse to sleep while practically on top of you, so that certainly doesn't hurt
• Maybe being physically active would tire you out enough to fall asleep? How about a race to Windrise, he promises not to cheat this time
• Or you could see how many circles you could run around the tavern before Diluc physically kicks you off the property, Venti's current record is 32
• Will become increasingly concerned if none of this seems to work, might try to bring in the help of other people who know more about sleep and all that
• Might invite Zhongli over to just start talking about history, because that always makes him fall asleep
• Last resort involves him just pleading with you to try and rest, might break out some of the really sad faces reserved for emergencies if you seem apprehensive, he'll pretty much do anything he can to help make that happen
• Non-caffeinated tea? Sheets over all the windows to make it darker? He could play for you, or sing something soft
• Worries him to absolutely no end because humans can actually die from lack of sleep, and he hasn't seen you get any
• If it's not an active choice and you just physically can't seem to fall asleep, Venti will try looking in the medicinal field for whatever their version of sleeping pills are
• If there isn't one, then it might be about time someone fund that research
• Not him, but he could probably find a sponsor somewhere...
• The last last resort involves him laying on top of you and refusing to move for however long it takes
• Surely multiple hours and zero mental stimulus, along with running on practically no sleep already, will get you to fall asleep, right?
• And he is prepared to stay there for multiple hours
• This is a Archon who has canonically taken naps that have spanned across centuries
• A solution will be found, or Venti might just die of stress first, who knows
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golden-wingseos · 3 years
subtle things genshin characters do—that they think you aren't aware of
featuring —
✧ xiao, albedo, ganyu, zhongli, venti, diluc, kaeya, jean, bennett, kazuha (separate) x gn!reader
warnings ―
✧ not proofread, diluc story spoilers
notes ―
✧ hi
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XIAO watches over you from afar. Whether it be in person or with some adepti-arts, he somehow finds a way to clear the road of any dangers if he knows you'll be walking on it. Whenever you fall asleep, he promises to be right by your side in case any nightmares or enemies come.
He's far too used to being alone, so he hopes you will never have to experience such a thing.
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ALBEDO names his discoveries after you. Don't be surprised when there's suddenly a new flower that bears the same name as you, or a new plant that somehow has your surname. Albedo is a genius, but his title does not matter when it comes to you— the one he loves.
He knows his name will one day disappear from textbooks and records, but he hopes yours never will.
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GANYU makes time for you. In her busy schedule and hectic work days, she always has a goal to come home and rest beside you. Though she may be half-adeptus, being a mortal beside you is one of the comfortable things she has ever experienced.
As an immortal who fought in the Archon War, nobody is more aware of how fleeting mortal lives are than her... so she will cherish yours.
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ZHONGLI takes care of you 'accidentally'. There's a bath already run for you at home? Crazy! Who would've done such a thing? There's somehow a perfectly-cooked dish of bamboo shoot soup when you're super tired? Wow... you truly are blessed by the archons!
If you try thanking the consultant for such phenomenons, he'll merely chuckle and deny them all. Yet in the end, you knew it was him who cared for you.
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VENTI's trips to the tavern slowly decrease. Of course, he always goes every Friday and Saturday to 'relish in the wondrous taste of wine!' But, he's aware of his flaws and starts spending more time with you.
It's casual, the way he always shows up at your doorstep when you'd assume he would be getting wasted, but you know that his presence is more than enough of confirmation. He's happy with you, maybe even more than wine.
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DILUC somehow has more free time. Usually, he's bury himself in bundles and piles of work before going out and patrolling Mondstadt. Though, when it comes to you, he makes sure to come home early from his nightly duties. Of course, not everything is guaranteed, and the Ragnvindr is still a busy man, but don't be surprised if a bundle of flowers show up at your doorstep to make up for the date he missed.
Diluc is a man of his word, and if he promises to love you as best as he can, then that's enough.
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KAEYA is genuine with you. No, he does not tell you his life's story, do not expect him to. But he is honest with you about how he's feeling, what he wants and what he doesn't. He does not want the lies from his past to swallow up the present with you, so he is doing his best to fight against the fate that was laid out for him.
For the first time in his life, Kaeya feels excited—warm, even.
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JEAN takes care of herself. Yes, it's a basic necessity, but now, she cares. She cares for you and therefore she must care for herself. She does not want to overwork and worry you, so this is what she resorts to. Suddenly, those eye circles lighten up and she's more energetic than before—the reason? You.
And once she is fully in a routine where she eats three meals a day and sleeps at least five hours (whether it be in naps or long slumbers), she will begin to take care of you. Hah, how the turntables.
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BENNETT brings more band-aids to share with you. It's kind of regrettable how he needs to bring them because of his terrible bad luck, but he got matching colors with you! Aren't they cute? The young adventurer doesn't know what he'd do if you got injured because of him, but you've always told him to kiss it better!
Oh, and he'll leave the cooking up to you from now on.
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KAZUHA brings trinkets that you'd like. Beidou is kind of concerned about how the young samurai is spending all of his mora on that one gem you like the color of, but to him, his mora is worth all of it! Though, when he gets home, he tells you those gifts are from the crew because he's embarrassed about how much he thought of you while overseas.
It's so obvious that he bought them, though. Because somehow, all of those 'gifts from the crew' were things you told him during late night talks even you forgot.
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genshin-scenarios · 3 years
Walking to school together...
About: Walking to school with them in the morning! A highschool AU that's part of @bumbleklee's Teyvat Top School Collab!
Notes: These are just general platonic things, sorted into friend groups!
✿ wake-up call: wildcard
(I'm so sorry for how late I'm posting 😭😭 I just finished a series of exams myself)
Comms are open!
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Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xiangling
Wake-up calls are always accompanied by snacks, courtesy of Xiangling!
She's absolutely amazing about quick on-the-go breakfasts, but do watch out for when she's experimented with unusual flavor combos the night before! You can predict whether you should say if you're full or not based on the other two's expressions.
You thought you could at least trust Chongyun, but once he helped them in pranking you in the morning (it wasn't much, but Xingqiu and Xiangling scared the hell out of you by popping out of nowhere and grabbing your arms) - ever since you've had trust issues ✋️ (/lh)
Once Xiangling wasn't around to regulate your food ventures, so the three of you ended up eating what a normal, sane individual may deem as unhealthy. (Desserts and ice cream for breakfast… not the most practical thing, but hey it worked out!)
Not to say that your group can be quite the disaster… but you're definitely the types to stay up just a little later to text or watch a show, read, write, and etc! The conversation tends to just resume the next day, like Chongyun talking about a haunted house conspiracy he's read about last night, or Xingqiu telling you guys about his latest collab with Albedo!
Sometimes Xiangling can be forgetful and miss bringing equipment for class, but between your group you've got her covered - it's the least you can do in return for all the good food 🙏
Kaeya, Diluc, Jean
Much to Diluc's displeasure, Kaeya enjoys calling out at your window for you to come down. It's usually a casual line, and you've grown accustomed to hearing a "morning, sunshine!" instead of a doorbell.
Seeing as Diluc and Kaeya live together, they often make the rounds to pick up you and Jean! You guys have been living close by one-another since you were kids, and you've maintained a close enough relationship with them to walk to school together in the mornings.
Jean tends to check up on you, asking if you've slept well or finished an assignment while the other two bicker in the background - when they're not arguing however, Diluc and Kaeya are pretty amicable company and reliable too! Your group likes to hang out after school to do work or study, and a common stop is the bookstore on the way to school, since it allows you to pick up refreshments at its on-site cafe.
You're well-aware that Jean has a penchant for the pizza they serve there, and as much as Kaeya tries to maintain his playful-flirt act when around others, you don't miss the way his eyes light up when he's browsing the shelves as he gets lost in them.
Once, you return to your shared table with a couple of books - though instead of sitting down as you normally would, you bring them over to Diluc to ask him for his opinion on them (did Kaeya or Jean prompt this? Were you simply curious of what he’d say? Who knows? 😉 Regardless, you end up half-teasing and half-learning more about Diluc that afternoon.)
Venti, Zhongli, Xiao
Venti’s always the last one you guys pick up, if only because he likes to sleep and takes an agonisingly long time to get ready (part of it was just to annoy Zhongli though, since you’ve also witnessed Venti’s record-speed rushes from home to class at times when he’s running late)
Despite that, both him and Zhongli have a habit of looking after you and Xiao, albeit in different ways. Whenever you’re in need of advice, it’s amazing how perceptive they can be, and they’re all great listeners too!
In terms of giving advice related to studies or responsibilities, Zhongli might be a bit more suited for that. Venti’s more of the social-crisis hotline, while Xiao is always available for emergency grocery/food runs or helping you buy time as you run to retrieve a book you need.
When you guys hang out, the atmosphere is always light and relaxed as they really take their time with doing things - according to Venti, (and even Zhongli, much to your surprise at them agreeing on something), it’s not fun to rush things when you can just live at your own pace! School and life can already be draining enough as it is.
…Though you have to admit, it’s kind of funny how different those in your group are. Even when ordering drinks, there’s a noticeable difference in one that orders tea, another a soft drink, and the last with something really, really sweet.
Speaking of sweets, Zhongli seems to always know the best places to buy certain snacks you might be craving. Xiao can vouch for that, even if he’s generally always craving the same almond tofu dish.
Childe, Signora, Scaramouche
You were already friends with Childe from a long while ago. He was a bit of a troublemaker in the past and liked to tease you, but you’re pleasantly surprised by how he’s matured now. Childe is attentive and shows an aptitude for taking care of others, especially his younger siblings, and even learned how to cook!
Getting to know Signora and Scaramouche was nothing short of a journey; both were sharp and intelligent, and liked to poke fun at Childe’s expense, but exuded different versions of intimidating auras.
You learned that Signora liked to visit a cafe and flower shop on the way to school - there was an old friend that worked in the latter that she says hi to, and she’d sometimes buy two drinks in order to hand one to him. Her outfits were always gracefully put together, but you also noticed that she had a liking for butterflies, finding beauty in their transformative existence (she was also a great science student, and is willing to tutor those that don’t annoy her.)
Scaramouche on the other hand was prickly, straight-forward, and incredibly observant. Despite his facade of indifference to things, he’d always be the first to point out if someone forgot to zip their bag or was walking in the wrong direction for class. It’s in the little things, and if you don’t tease him for being nice, he might even forget to add an insult along with his comment. (He doesn’t mean the brazen or rude things he says though. Scaramouche adopts a different kind of expression at times when he's truly mad.)
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icybloodynoble · 3 years
Carrying Them Bridle Style
cw(s) and things to keep in mind: descriptions of overworking, mentions of not eating enough, sleep loss, kaeya being a bastard like usual 
status: sfw, gn!reader
a/n: for the record, this is pure wishful thinking on my end. I can barely carry a bin of cat litter, let alone a whole man. But that’s what writing is for, right? on a separate note, this was really fun to think about. Maybe I’ll make a part two~
not beta read, we die like like traveler during a cutscene 
Character(s): Diluc, Kaeya (separate) 
Diluc was being stubborn as always. Despite being exhausted after three nights of no sleep, he insisted on taking the night shift at the Angel’s Share. He had broken it to you while you were eating dinner together for the first time in a few days, and you were understandably bothered. He was never great at taking care of himself, a sense of selflessness and having maids your whole life will do that to you.
Maybe you should’ve stopped him from walking away from the dinner table, leaving his food half eaten- something he did too often for the amount of work he did. In the end, you weren’t able to catch him before he headed off to the bar.
Anyone who payed attention could tell he wasn’t in great shape. Eye bags, eyes squinted or half closed, having trouble listening in on the people around him. He didn’t really feel present, sighing often and cleaning glasses off one after another.
But just because you weren’t able to stop him from clocking in didn’t mean you didn’t have methods of taking him back home.
The bar was drumming with noise and talking as per usual, and Diluc felt like it was the only thing keeping him upward.
Diluc tapped his fingers against the wooden bar shelf, leaning on it and looking down at the floor. Maybe you were right. He wasn’t going o be able to hear any useful information in the bar like this. But he couldn’t just leave. “Hello, I’d like to order something.” As he heard the sound of a screeching bar stool. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he lifts up his gaze. “Yes, sorry. What you like to-?”
Your eyes meet. Since when were you here? He hadn’t even heard the front door open.
“W-what?” Was all he could get out between his tired haze and his surprise.
“Diluc, you’re barely standing up straight. I’m taking you home.”
“You can’t. No one else is prepared to take over the shift, we’d have to close..”
“Than close. Before you start trying to cuddle one of the bar glasses,”
“No. You can’t just close whenever you want, that’s immature,”
“You aren’t just closing ‘whenever you want’, you’re closing because you haven’t slept for three days.”
“It’s fine… I’ve done it before…”
The bar had gone quiet at the couple’s quarrel. There were some snickers in the back of the bar, as they laughed at Diluc being nagged for once. Others felt it too awkward to make a sound, or were invested. 
“I bet you can’t even remember what I ordered.” 
“What you ordered..?” He parrots, putting his hand to the bridge of his nose, trying to remember. 
“Ah, it’s fine. I’ll get it myself.” you walk around the counter, swinging the bar door aside and leaving it open. “What? You can’t just-” usually, someone of Diluc’s strength and stature would be too solid to trip easily, but you caught him off guard as you caught his ankle with yours and put your hand on his back, swinging him into your arms. He lets out an uncharacteristic yelp as he loses contact with the ground, hands gripping for purchase and squeezing tightly onto your shoulders. As much as he wanted to argue, he was feeling a lot of emotions at the same time as mostly just really surprised- pleasantly, of course.  “Y/N!” He couldn't help but blush. It was already a position he wasn’t used to being put in, and the crowd didn't help either. 
“Come on. Let’s go home,” as you start to shuffle around the counter, Diluc securely in your arms. 
“Wait, you can't! I need to close!” Even as he rebuttals you, he doesn’t try to struggle out of your arms. 
“Oh, so now you’re going to close?” as various drunkards laugh their ass off for seeing the one and only Diluc Ragnivdr, an intimidating man known for his seriousness and wealth being carried bridal style out of his own bar. 
“Put me down!” he says with little bite. 
“If I put you down now, I might never be able to hold you like this again. Kaeya, you and Rosaria can get these drunkards out of here for the night, can’t you?” 
“Hmph. I have to do the heavy lifting for my brother, as per usual. Go on now. Let him get his beauty sleep.” 
“Great. Thank you Kaeya.”
“Yes, yes, I’m the best, I know. The faster you get out of here the faster I become your brother in law.” 
Diluc’s interjections go unheard, as you carry him out, face still flushed. 
“You aren’t going to carry me the whole home like this, are you..” he mumbles. 
“I’ll carry you as long as I need to.” 
He has little more to say, drifting to sleep with his head against your shoulder. The cold breeze cools his cheeks and ruffles his hair, as he stays unconscious surprisingly easily as you two walk home. 
....good luck keeping your arms like that for that long. 
  I think Diluc would find it really intimate. Both because it’s such a dramatic show of PDA but also because he isn’t really use to being carried, or ever expected to be. He's use to being the strong gentlemen in the relationship, the one who protects you and initiates dates and such. It’s the expectation he grew up with, a very traditional view of everything a good husband should be. Not that Crepus ever forced him into that intentionally- but all the etiquette classes pretty much drilled it into his head and he wanted to be the best son possible, so he never really rejected that. Not that he minds, it’s just that it felt really out of his world that that was even something that could happen. 
To note, even if you aren't feminine, this still applies. Even if you’re just as strong or as masculine as him, it’s still kind of his instinct that he's the one protecting you. 
you probably don't carry him bridal style often, and mostly at home. but he can't help but admit that he loves the feeling of his heart soaring when you pick him up and the feeling of your arms carrying him. 
it just makes his heart beat fast, and if you do it when you two are dancing?? he's stunned /pos 
honestly, you two dancing together is its own can of worms. new writing idea. 
picking him up from his work desk at the winery and carrying him to one of the balconies to watch the sunset because he hasn't been outside all day and isn't gonna leave his desk by his own will anytime soon. 
its something he'd never thought he'd want until you made it happen and now its one of his favorite things. have mercy on his poor heart. 
Kaeya is a very teasing and affectionate person. You, as his partner, being the prime example. As wonderful as it feels, and not that its anything you'd ever want to change, but sometimes you just want to be able to fluster him back. 
but he’s so good at hiding his emotions that its was hard to really get a detectable reaction out of him. Its not that he doesn’t feel happiness and joy when you express affection to him, that could never be the case. But he's got a death grip on ever letting his feelings be visible. And joy is the easiest to hide, especially when he's always wearing a smile. 
But that wasn’t about to stop you from trying- after all, what was the worst that could happen? 
You had been thinking about doing this for a while once the idea came to mind. As much as you’d like to wait for the very perfect moment, just decided that with someone like Kaeya who's so good at not being caught off guard, it might be best to be sudden about it. You tightened your grip on the bouquet nervously. It was full of calla lilies, his favorite, and sweet flowers, for its pleasant scent. He was busy talking to Jean in front of headquarters, and you could only hope your interruption wouldn’t be too unwarranted. 
You carefully held the flowers behind your back, approaching behind Kaeya’s as he bantered with Jean. But of course, being Kaeya, he noticed you very quickly. “Oh?” as he looked over his shoulder and you tried to move in the other direction away from his gaze. Of course, that made him turn fully, but you just stayed in the blind spot behind his back, and you two went back and forth. “Come now, who would that be? It couldn’t be someone I know, could it?” he said, letting you make him spin in circles to try and get a look at you. He already had seen it was you from the beginning, and if he hadn't he definitely knew by the sound of your laughter, a sound he had hoped to imprint on his heart forever. Getting dizzy, in a few swift movements he got you confused, suddenly, throwing his arms around you. “Gotcha!” he said victoriously, pulling you against him by the waist. “Ohoho, have I caught my shadow~?” he teased as you laughed against his skin. He savored the way he could feel your ribs expand as you snickered happily. “And what's this you’re holding behind your back-?” 
“No, no, hahaha! You can’t look!” You said, shifting in his arms. “Aw, come now, dear, there's no need to hide from me.” 
“Noooo, I can’t show you,” 
“Oh? And why would that be?”
“Because.. there’s a dog!”
He blinks at you. “My love, you didn’t seriously think that’d work, did you?” 
“Maybe a little,”
he closes his eyes, shaking his head lightly as he chuckles to himself. This is your chance, you think, as you try to pull his footing out from under him-
“Woah, woah, and just what do you think you’re doing?” He pauses, eyebrow quirked. “You’re up to something.” 
“I'm not,” you childishly respond. 
“Right, so what was that all about then?” he leans his face in closer to yours. “Mm. Wanted to see the tile under your feet specifically,” 
“Dear, you weren’t trying to.. trip me, were you? And you still haven't shown me what that thing is behind your back... you wouldn't play a prank on your dearest, would you?” as he hovers his face just a little ways from yours, lilac eye trying to pin down your intentions and maybe a little more than that. 
You could just give up, but... you already got the flowers. You’d give it one more shot. 
“Kaeya, while I don’t want to intrude on you, there was still a few things I’d like to mention before I leave you be with your lover.” Jean hesitantly interrupts, Kaeya backing away for a moment but still keeping one arm loosely around your waist as he turns to face the ever patient acting grand master. “Of course. I would nev- OOF!” 
seeing that kaeya had looked away, you took it upon yourself to use the last asset you had: pure force. You rammed into his chest, knocking him off balance and forcing the breath out of his lungs, you quickly swinging him off his feet into your arms, bouquet still in hand. As the moment has a chance to still, you look at his face, and he looks bewildered, eyes wide. His face looks a little pinker than usual, but it’s subtle. Pretty quickly though, the color intensifies, as his facial expression starts to crunch as he tries to hide his aching smile. 
“You got me flowers,” he notes, bouquet now in his view. “I did.” He carefully takes it from your grip, using it to cover his expression. He wants to say something snarky, but when he opens his mouth to talk, he finds he can only laugh out loud, pushing the flowers to the side as he throws his head back. “Goodness, I don’t even... what am I supposed to say to this?” he softly avoids your gaze, until able to cramp his sweet grin. “Right in front of the poor acting grandmaster, as well.” 
“Mm, I can see why you thought to do this. You look awfully beautiful from here,” He gently grips his fingers onto your shirt collar. “You truly have me, dear,” As he pulls himself up to kiss your cheek, and you almost drop him from having to readjust your hands. Jean clears her throat. 
“I do not mind your partner hearing, if necessary.”
“Go ahead. I’m comfortable.” he says slyly. 
“Kaeya, you know I love you right,”
“So you won’t mind that my body is too weak to express the uh.. full extent of my love, right?” 
“And you’re just so uh... dense,” 
“Really now?” 
“A-as in your muscles. So strong. And dense. Haha..”
“You wouldn’t be saying you need to put me down, would you?”
“No, no, never. I just remembered I have a deadline in 5 minutes from now. And clearly you’re already occupied by company,” 
“But of course.” 
You wait for the feeling of him hopping out of your arms, but he just keeps staring at you with that sultry look, making no move to even adjust himself. He puts his hand under his chin, looking pleased. 
Uh oh. He's never leaving, is he?
You’ve opened Pandora’s box. Now that he knows you are able and willing to hold him, he jumps in your arm at any opportunity. “Ah~ Sweetheart~ I’m falling~.... no bite?” 
He likes how unique it feels. It feels like something very special between the two of you, something he hasn’t done with someone else and maybe won’t ever.
He likes the challenge of it. Like you’re egging him on to come up with something even more romantic, even if that wasn’t your intention. He certainly likes how it encourages him to take it up a notch, since you clearly have a taste for the dramatic. 
He definitely like what it says to everyone around him too: somehow, the message of you two being a couple feels even clearer than just holding hands or a kiss. 
while he isn't crazy about being vulnerable, its easier for him when its physical. So he very much enjoys you supporting him in the literal sense- in makes him feel secure in a way that he feels comfortable with. 
but be careful about when you try and do it.. he's a talented knight after all. If you try to catch him off guard again, he may just end up picking you up instead. 
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my-1heart · 3 years
Comfort me, will you?
Characters: Zhongli and the reader <3
More parts: Childe Diluc Kaeya
Reader: Gender-neutral
Warnings?: Spoilers for Liyue Archon quest More in “Keep Reading”
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POV: he finds you crying and after examining your face for a little, he concludes you’ve been crying for a good bit.
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✦ Zhongli
- he tries to be as present as he can (wether that be reassuring you or just like making sure you know your not alone)
- also someone who rathers you cry it out instead of keeping it in
- holds you securely as you cry and until you calm down
- makes you tea as a means to warm you up and calm you down
- sits with you and definitely asks you if you want to talk about it
- if not, he’s more then happy to bask in the comforting silence with you
- if you do, he listens intently
- afterwards he invites you to a calming activity with him
• ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ • ✦ •
Zhongli had been invited to a last minute meal with Childe, to discuss certain matters. Because of that, he ended up returning home later than usual.
Walking his normal pace home, he expected to find the house quiet and his partner already sleeping. Thus he hurried home, only to be greeted by the sounds of sobs and sniffles.
Following the source of the sounds, he found them coming from what he thought was just a lump of blankets scrunched together. As he got closer he could easily make out the silhouette of his partner, wrapped up in said blanket, sobbing.
All sounds that ran by in the background stopped. The only sound Zhongli could even make out, were ones coming from you, his partner.
He wanted to rush to you and immediately calm you down, but he also didn't want to alarm you with sudden movements. So? He quietly sat down next to you, and spoke.
"Dearest... I'm home." his voice came out no higher than a whisper. His arms wrapped securely around you, as you cried into his arms.
Sobs filled the air for a long while, until they reduced to short hics. Whilst trying to get more comfortable, you had finally faced at Zhongli.
Eyes puffy from the long sobs, dried tears staining your face which had been a tell tale that this cry was long and rough.
The look he wore was filled with nothing more then love and adoration. But inside? He felt guilt. Guilt for letting you deal with this alone. Guilt for not being here. Guilt for not being present enough to prevent this.
“Li?” You had finally spoken. Your voice had sounded hoarse, tired, and used, but you still managed to talk.
He looked at you and smiled. A sad yet comforting smile. He caressed your face, a love filled gesture, causing you to lean into his hand.
“I apologize for my tardiness, shall I go brew us some tea?” He asked, giving you a more love filled smile. He could sense the uneasiness you wore, so he made a compromise.
“You can come with and help me, dearest.” He offered, immediately your face lit up a bit. He stood up and helped you up as well, due to your legs being possibly numb from sitting for so long.
Moving quick in the kitchen, the water had been set on to boil in record time. This gave you both the opportunity to talk.
“Dearest, let me start by saying that you do not have to tell me the cause of your tears, if you are not ready.” He calmly reassured.
As tempting as it was to keep it away from him, you shook your head. Fumbling with your hands to try and calm the nerves, you looked at him and began to talk.
“I was… just waiting for you on the couch, and I was feeling tired so I decided to just sleep until you got home.” You began. He looked at you and nodded, giving your hand a slight squeeze.
“I think I had a nightmare of sorts? All I remember was you leaving me for your godly duties and then I saw how you had looked when standing over me, as if ready to attack.” You continued, tears began pricking your eyes at the thought of this fresh new fear.
Zhongli had held you in his arms this time, giving you a comforting embrace. “If it hurts to remember, then don’t force yourself to speak.” He said. Even after everything he had just heard, he still treated you so gingerly.
“And… then I had woken up, I didn’t see you so I assumed the worst.” You whispered, voice quivering slightly.
You began to start crying quietly, you body slightly shaking. Zhongli only held you closer, once in awhile telling you a “It’s okay… you’re okay…”.
Never did he think his past affiliation would affect you this much. But he made sure to never make that nightmare come true, he vowed to stay with you until you wanted him gone.
This helped make you feel a little bit better, as your sobs began to quiet down into slow stuttering breaths. Zhongli continued to hold you until you had calmed down.
Before long, the room fell silent. A comforting silence, really. No words needed to be spoken, as you continued to bask in each other’s presence.
There will never be a day where you worry about what could happen to him, due to his past affiliation, but whatever worry you would have… Zhongli was there to console you on it.
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Last notes: wowowo okay I didn’t know how to finish it so I settled for that ending-
Also Happy Birthday Zhongli!
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outivv · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy your work, espescially the GIxKNY imagines. May I ask for some headcanons relating to the Nezuko-like-demon!s/o where the boys' s/o is cleaning her home and she found her old muzzle and wears it for old time's sake. The boys walk in and see her wearing it. What are their reactions? (With or without a muzzle, Nezuko is still a beauty.)
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Synopsis: kind of a part two of the GI x KNY headcanons.
Warnings: none!
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: zhongli, childe, kaeya, Diluc, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: she/ her (I assume that’s what you wanted, if not I apologize)
A/n: hello, and thank you for requesting! I’m sorry for not getting to it for a while, I saw your request when I woke up but was half asleep still, so I didn’t get to it for a while :’). When I was reading your request though, I thought of how the characters from demon slayer would react to characters from genshin. I may write a small headcanon on that later just to get it out of my brain. Don’t know if I’ll post it though... anyway! I hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself!
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— zhongli —
Surprisingly zhongli knew little about what you were capable of. Knowing much about liyue, and basically everything, knowing little about his own girlfriend was a bit... frustrating to him.
So when he saw you wearing a muzzle he was... alarmed. Why were you wearing a muzzle? Did someone force you to wear it? If so, then why? What could you possibly have done? He asked you cautiously, and you only said “I used to have to wear one, but now I have more self control and don’t have to!”
Self control? Did you... hurt someone? Or was it just to prevent you from hurting someone? Questions were swirling in his head, zhongli is a curious man at heart, so he definitely asked a few questions, but was mindful that you may not want to talk about it too much.
— childe —
Background information: for anyone who hasn’t read the original headcanons, I basically said that the fatui probably tried to use your abilities as a demon to their advantage.
Because you were under close observation of the fatui, and they didn’t know what you could do... you had to wear a muzzle for a long time. It pained childe to see you wearing a muzzle then, and it certainly will now when he sees you trying it on again for old times sake.
It’s a gentle reminder that the people he works with, who he’s affiliated with, forced you to wear a muzzle so they could test you. He didn’t know if that hurt you or not. It definitely hurt him seeing you like that. No matter how fine you were with it, he still hated it.
He’d probably tell you to take it off. Gently of course, but he’d say something like, “why are you wearing a muzzle babe? ... oh, because you found it, and wanted to try it on again? Ok... why don’t you take it off. I’ll get rid of it if you want.” He wants to throw it in the river so you’ll never have to wear it again, and he’ll never have to see you wear it again. It may be slightly selfish, but childe doesn’t care.
— Diluc —
Walking in on you wearing a bamboo muzzle Diluc was confused at first. Why would you have to wear a muzzle? And why do you still have it? Surely it was uncomfortable. But when he asked you all of that you only said, “I had to wear a muzzle so I wouldn’t hurt anyone, and I still have it because... well... I don’t know. It wasn’t a pain, and it’s surprisingly comfortable”
Hurt someone... why would you hurt someone? Especially with your teeth... did you but people? Or was it that you ate them. Diluc pondered for a moment, before dropping the subject. You didn’t hurt anyone now did you? He’d have to do his research.
— kaeya —
Kaeya knew of your history with self control, I mean it’s all in the knights records. How could he not know? So he wasn’t surprised that you had a muzzle, more that you were wearing it.
I mean he knows that he wouldn’t like it if he had to wear one, let alone look at it. But then again, you didn’t view it the way he did. You viewed it less as a punishment, and more as a gentle reminder of how you’ve improved.
He wouldn’t ask why you still had it/ were wearing it, because he knows it could be a touchy subject. He’d drop subtle hints, towards the fact that he wanted to ask. But if you don’t pick up on then then he’ll just never know.
— Dainsleif —
Note: in most of my headcanons with Dainsleif I make it where you’re travel partners.
Dainsleif knew that you had to wear a muzzle, he didn’t like it and much like childe grew angry with himself that he stood by as you wore a muzzle. You weren’t going to hurt anyone, despite what others may have thought.
Probably took the muzzle from you. No matter how you viewed it, or how much you were ok with wearing it. He hated it. He was going to be very gentle about it though. Removing the bamboo muzzle, and gently kissing you.
He would keep said muzzle hidden for a while before asking you if you wanted to be rid of it. He respected your decision if you wanted to keep it. He didn’t like it, but still respected, and supported it.
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Daily Life - Yandere Childe, Zhongli, Xiao
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A continuation of the earlier post about Kaeya and Diluc
Content Warnings: n/s/f//w mentions/themes/stuff (but not like, explicit detail), fem reader, normal yandere stuff
Childe's a busy guy. He wakes you up every morning, usually pretty sweetly. He'll nuzzle up against your face, mumbling a "good morning" into your ear. He's sweet, but, you gotta get up when he tells you to. And you have to be the one to make food, he likes watching you walk around.
If he's gone, he is again one to give darling a surprising amount of freedom. He has the highest quality of security available and all, so he allows some roaming. That and, in a sorta terrifying thought, he's one hundred percent confident that even if you got away, he could find you, so he's not even too worried about escaping. He's so confident that you'll never truly escape him, which frankly is pretty intimidating for darling to realize. He'll get you things you like and stuff to do, stimulate your mind and all that, probably as time goes on will leave you chore lists and things you're required to do for him or else.
When he gets back, he's very tired usually, will expect you to make him food and be sweet and greet him at the door when he comes back, preferably on your knees. If you're not, he'll get irritated, especially if you're trying to hide. If you're just asleep or something, he might excuse it and find it cute. But he does a lot for you, you know, the least you can do is this one little thing. If he's had a particularly bad day, he'll be extra irritated, so it's wise to follow this command, and be ready to have all of his irritation taken out on you the moment he gets back. You're his favorite little stress ball to stuff and squeeze.
For days off, as I've said before he's one of the few that will willingly take you outside, and unlike Kaeya from the last routine post he's not in a bad mood about it either. He likes to show you off, likes walking in public holding hands or with his arm around you so that people can see, it gives him a sort of pride, and honestly he likes mimicking a "normal" relationship. But just know you're on a tight leash. Not literally of course... yet. He lays it out very clearly exactly how you are to behave when going outside, not speaking to others and not going out of his sight. Any attempts to make a scene, try to get a stranger to help etc will be dealt with fairly harshly. And don't think about pulling some covert, sneaky shit like trying to look at a stranger with the "help me" facial expression or trying to silently mouth something, slip a written message to a waitress etc -- he'll be watching you closely enough to pick up on any of that, and honestly that will set him off more than blatantly trying to make a scene. You will be immediately headed home to get an attitude adjustment since you can't behave.
Later on, he'll want you to accompany him to his work sometimes, on those days that whatever he has to do involved more sitting down than fighting - paperwork, important meetings, etc. He likes your presence, of course, you make the time pass more quickly. But really this is, more than anything, because he's an arrogant show-off. He'll give you something to fiddle with but will just sit you on his lap throughout the whole time, gently stroking your thigh or resting his head on your shoulder, making you wear embarrassingly revealing things and making sure everyone sees, be it the entire group in a wide meeting hall or some subordinate come to have a one-on-one talk, or even his superiors, thanking them for them letting him bring his pet to work. It even allows him to get in some good de-stressing during the middle of the day when no one else is around. Expect lots of bring-your-fucktoy-to-work days like that.
Of course, not every day is spent out, though. He also has days he'd rather just stay at home. These days are usually after a long period of difficult work and late nights, so he's exhausted. Expect lots of naps, just cuddles and an arm wrapped around your waist (with a solid iron grip, of course). May or may not progress to slow cuddlefucking, who knows (yes it always does). He gets all whiny and demanding because he's soooo tired, so he'll make you get on top after a few rounds.
Honestly we all envy my Zhongli's darling already, but God he's the best to wake up to. He just softly kisses the side of your face, running his hands down your sides. He can't let you sleep in too much, it's bad for your health! You can probably beg for a few minutes extra. And God, is it the best to wake up to. He's already got someone (probably one of the other adepti, a person, who knows) to make you food, and it's never skimping out either, it's always tons of food and your favorite things, too. Within limits, of course, can't have you eating nothing but things that are bad for you. He's also one that will get you tons of things to do throughout the day, virtually anything you ask for, he'll pay for (well... someone will, but you'll think he did, at least). He actually might also give you a list of very simple tasks to do, just to give you some motivation, since even if you have a lot to do, having no tasks and only play can get depressing without the sense of accomplishment. But he's much more lenient on your completion of all of them.
He's always reluctant to leave and gives you a lot of headpats and kisses before finally heading out for  the day, always taking time to contemplate whether or not he can just take the day off. During the day you'll stay in the confinements of your cage, be that an abode or a building somewhere, making sure you stand zero chance of ever getting out. If you force his hand (read: multiple escape attempts), he'll reluctantly have to limit your roaming abilities, but once you're confined to a smaller cage and have some privileges taken away, he's certain you'll be on your best behavior to get out again, and maybe be a little more grateful and understanding in the future. Once he gets back, it's generally a very nice time, he likes to lead a quiet life and will want to hear all about your day, what you did, see the progress on all those little projects you've been working on for art or music or whatever hobby you've taken up to pass the time. If he's had a bad day, he'll probably tell you about it, but you know, put it in terms simple enough for you to understand, since you wouldn't normally get such complicated matters.
On very very rare occasions, not nearly as often as Childe, he might take you to on his day with him, probably not during normal workdays, but for some kind of special day -- a large meeting, or the opposite, a day where he has nothing to do but slow paperwork alone in an office. The sunlight is good for you, and he'll bring stuff for you to do too. To be honest, it's not as obvious nor as obnoxiously vocal about it as Childe, but he also does enjoy having your presence in front of others, letting them see you. The things you'll have to wear aren't nearly as obscenely lewd as Childe's either, but they're not entirely wholesome either.
He really likes having off days. On those days, he'll probably want to take you somewhere, generally will do whatever you want to do. He's incredibly knowledgeable on everything in the area, and would probably also really like going out somewhere secluded in nature, rather than in the city, like a nice view from the nearby mountains or the like, and just spend a day there. It's nice, and far away from prying eyes that can't recognize your face off the missing person posters or witness the obscene things that may or may not take place up there.
 Spending time home is always nice too, though, just quietly going about the day and doing whatever you want, although inevitably taking breaks for much-needed... displays of physical affection. And he tries so hard to be gentle, but he also has a lot of stress pent up that may just come out and result in being a bit rougher than usual, but he's always apologetic afterward, making sure you're alright. He's also pretty strict about the time you go to bed. Making sure you get enough sleep and all that.
Xiao's poor, poor darling. You always wake up to him shaking you awake. He's impatient. Once he feels you've had enough sleep, he'll get you up like that. Don't try to get more sleep-in time, he's not very gracious on that, will simply huff and yank you up. Otherwise, the mornings can be... Sweet. It's not like he's trying to be so cold all the time; if you're well behaved he can be pretty loving, even if he doesn't quite know how to be gentle. He just has... Low tolerance.
Xiao is very quiet for the most part, and the mornings have a sort of silent peacefulness provided it's one of your days that you don't choose to be difficult. He likes to watch you go about the morning. It's a little creepy to be honest? He just sits there nearby and watches you move around, make food, brush your hair or teeth or whatever. He'll eat whatever you make him, even if it's not one of his extremely limited liked items. He might complain, though.
During the times he IS gone, well, it's extremely boring for poor darling. Early on, or if you've done something to warrant it (read: literally the slightest word of disagreement, a tone of voice he doesn't like, even a facial expression he deems defiant) you'll be bound to the bed, hand and foot. Nothing to do whatsoever but stare at the ceiling. It's your own fault, if you were good maybe it wouldn't be like this, he says. When you are good, and have a nice long-time record of being extremely pleasant and sweet to him - and I mean a LONG time - he might - might - finally let you be unbound aside from a long anklet chain connecting you to the bed. Not like you have much else to do, though. Maybe he'll get you books if you ask nicely and grovel at his feet. But that's it. He doesn't like the thought of giving you too much entertainment. If being alone is mind-numbingly boring, well, you'll enjoy time with him that much more. Eventually you'll reach a point where you're begging him not to leave, he hopes, even if he would never admit to that. So what he'll do is balance it, give you just enough to keep your whining down, but keep making sure you're miserable when alone. He only allows you "activities" (read: a book) on certain days of the week, or every other day, every third day, something like that. And you can only get a new book once a month or so. And it's whatever he finds, not just what you want, so he'll start dropping you with encyclopedias and textbooks and other dull things. You can't complain, after all he IS giving you something to do. If you're gonna complain, well, how would you like to have the reading privilege revoked entirely? And that shuts you up. So, really, poor darling's days are very very bleak, dull, and empty, when alone.
He doesn't really have a "end of the day." His "job" is more or less a 24/7 thing, he goes when he's needed and when he's not needed he'll be with you. Usually it's a semi normal schedule but it can lead to odd intervals - you may have times he's gone for a full day or so, and then times where he's there for a whole day, etc. Spending time together is quiet, but he's surprisingly fond of physical affection. He spends a lot of time just... alone with his thoughts. Spacing out and thinking, looking up at the sky, except, well, now it's him, his thoughts, and you. You'll spend it with him too, iron grip locked around your waist so you can't pull away from his lap. He's also one to need to get out the... frustrations of life through physical activity at night.
Days he's there, again, it's pretty quiet, he's not much one for extensive conversation, of course. If you talk, he'll listen, but don't expect him to say much back. He likes the sound of your voice, one of the only people he doesn't prefer silence to, so long as you're not whining about wanting to leave. He doesn't really have a lot of sitting-down type of work to do, so if he's spending a whole day time with you, it means he's specifically worked it out so that he's able to do so for that purpose. He'll probably prompt you to speak, it's super awkward really. An awkward comment about this or that that he clearly wants you to start talking about, and he'll talk back just a little bit, with his own brand of harsh pessimism -- but that's just the only way he really knows how to communicate, he's not actually trying to shut you down when he responds to everything negatively. It's the most bizarre bonding time, but bonding nonetheless. He also likes to watch you do tasks -- to make food, even if it's just for yourself, to clean and walk around doing your little tasks. He may or may not eventually discover a fondness for forcing you to walk around naked, poor darling.
I've mentioned before that his drive is reactive - it gets heavier when he's with you. So really, your day will be filled with little fun intervals of very spontaneous fucking. Like, he has no sense of mood or timing. It's completely random, very forceful, will just loop his hands under your arms and scoop you up and carry you over to bed at any random moment, interrupting your speech even. Or, sometimes the bed is too far, and just bending you over is easier. And then, he'll just carry on like nothing happened.
He's not one to rant and rave about his day by default, and especially not early on. In the later stages, though, once he's comfortable with you, you might find him slipping out a frustration here or there, a passing comment about something upsetting that happened, and if you pry at it, he'll end up talking, much more than usual. He kind of doesn't even realize he's starting to ramble a bit, and if he catches himself he'll stop and mutter something about it being unimportant anyway.
Bonus little hc: He asks you how your day was. Every day that he's not with you. It's a routine - he started doing it because from his limited knowledge of human relationships, it's the "normal," so he tries to emulate what he feels like is normal in a relationship. It's kind of funny, well, not for poor darling, it feels mocking. Like, how do you think my day was, Xiao? All tied up and left only to stare at the ceiling? If you get all sarcastic with him like that, though, he might see it as grounds for punishment, so, be snarky at your own risk.
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celestialarchon · 4 years
Celebrating 600+ Followers
i can’t believe i’m writing another celebration post less than two days after my first
this has been rotting in my head all day and might become a series in the future
Genshin Impact x F!Reader | Modernish AU | warning: it’s cute!
“I hope you don’t mind, we gave you a student teacher as well. It’s only fair since you were given the most troublesome class,” Headmistress Ping smiled at you warmly.
“Ah,” You nodded, “Thats fine.”
The elder woman patted your back, “Genshin Academy is truly lucky to have you. Your track record is impressive and you have an extremely rare vision. I think you’ll get along fairly well with Mr. Aether, he’s a good kid.”
You smiled at her, honored by her words. Genshin Academy, the elite and prestigious school, had taken you as a teacher. The education system was impressive and diverse, teaching elementary to college aged students. You were given the first year elementary school students and now a student teacher as well. No matter how troublesome the class may be, having assistance would be appreciated. If it didn’t, the extraordinary pay would make up for any issues you had.
The older woman walked you to the doors of the building and then left you to prepare yourself. Clutching your class roster, you stepped in and made your way to your classroom. When you entered your room, you were greeted by a young blonde man. He introduced himself as your assistant teacher and made some small talk before leaving you to prepare for the day. You appreciated his thoughtfulness as you tidied the room up a bit, smiling at your class pet, Dvalin.
Soon enough, the children poured in and greeted each other and you. Aether returned to the room, beaming at each child. You took attendance, ticking off each name as they all answered. Qiqi, Teucer, Klee, and Diona seemed to be the most lively of them all. They were also marked with asterisks as the worst “troublemakers” but so far things were running smoothly.
“Welcome, my name is Miss Bright,” You beamed at the children, “Let’s have a good year, okay?”
“Wow, you’re very pretty Miss Bright!” An energetic Teucer exclaimed.
Klee squealed, “I’m so excited!”
Diona scoffed and Qiqi nodded in agreement. You went through the motions, following your detailed curriculum perfectly. There were two separate general subjects, academics and control. One was simple enough, teaching the kids by the book. The other was all about assisting your students in controlling and growing their abilities as vision users.
By the end of the day you were exhausted. Soon enough the week flew by. As Friday came, you were exhausted. Most people had made these kids out to be terrible and mischievous, and in some ways they were. Yet, you had already grown very fond of all of them. They were much more tame than you had expected, save for some explosions and outbursts. Now you were stuck as some of the children were late being picked up.
“I hope my big brother gets a girlfriend like Miss Bright. She’s so nice and pretty.” You overheard Teucer whisper to the last three kids.
“Oh yeah!” Klee’s whispers weren’t whispers at all, “She’s like a princess. My brother is a prince. I wish he’d marry Miss Bright.”
“Tch,” Diona intervened, “Honestly, I wish Miss Bright had adopted me instead of that annoying man at home.”
“Qiqi thinks Xiao and Zhongli would like Miss Bright a lot.”
You giggled at their words, they were too sweet. Aether chuckled overhearing them as well and waving you off.
“Go finish up your paperwork, I’ll take care of them.” The cheerful blonde nearly pushed you out the door.
You sighed and made your way to the office up front. Paperwork was such a drag, not nearly as fun as over hearing those brats gossiping. The paperwork ended up taking up the rest of your time. By the time you were done you wanted to scream. As you left the office, a handful of coworkers approached you and invited you out. No was not an option as they insisted you let them treat you.
You were exhausted as they led you to their favorite bar. Aether followed like a lost puppy and you sighed.
“You can’t drink can you?” You questioned him.
“Ahhh,” Aether started but was interrupted.
“It’s fine! I know the owner. He doesn’t have to drink he can just babysit us.” Venti exclaimed.
Poor Aether couldn’t get out of it either. Once you entered the bar, things blurred. Immediately, your coworkers bought you many drinks. Venti was especially aggressive about drinking. The short music teacher was babbling to an extremely handsome bartender with vibrant red hair.
The scarlet haired man seemed to be a bit annoyed by the drunken chaos ensuing. Amber was giggling crazily and the school nurse, Baizhu had cornered a tall man with amber eyes, and Ganyu was petting you. Aether was awkwardly fidgeting, stone cold sober. Eventually, your poor student teacher ended up having to call a cab and carry you home. He was forced to try and navigate to your cozy apartment by unlocking your phone with your drunken face. It took way too many attempts.
You awoke the next day with a pounding headache and over a hundred notifications. The night was still a blur so you proceeded to try and take care of yourself. Aether was kind enough to go out and buy you some pain medicine and left it on your counter with your keys. It was embarrassing how you couldn’t find any memories of your adventures in liquor.
The weekend flew by until Sunday night came and your phone buzzed. You looked down and horror filled your body. Tomorrow was parent conferences. It wasn’t mandatory for parents but encouraged. Suddenly, you were tearing through your apartment trying to prepare for the upcoming doom.
Before you knew it, parent conferences were upon you. Aether wasn’t attending because it wasn’t mandatory and you insisted he go home and rest. He had done so much for you already, you didn’t want him to suffer through it with you. You looked up as somebody knocked on your class door and opened it to see two beautiful blondes.
“Hello, is this Miss Bright’s room?” The woman’s blue eyes met yours.
“Yes,” You held your hand out, “Hello, I’m Miss Bright.”
The woman shook your hand, “I am Jean, Klee’s guardian. This is her older brother Albedo.”
The young man’s beautiful eyes bore into you as he shook your hand. You stepped aside and gestured to the tables in your room. The two took their seats and almost immediately a tall red haired man sauntered up to you.
“Hello!” His tone was cheerful, “I’m Childe, Teucer’s older brother!”
“A pleasure to meet you, Childe. I am Miss Bright.”
“Ah,” a crooked smile formed on his lips, “The pleasure is all mine. You are just as beautiful as Teucer claimed.”
You blushed and laughed nervously, but before you could answer he was shoved into your room. He turned to glare at the two dark haired men in the doorway. Huffing, he found his way to a table and sat.
“So annoying.” The shorter of the two men scowled.
The taller one sighed, “Hello, Miss Bright. My name is Zhongli, and this is my cousin Xiao. We are Qiqi’s foster family.”
Xiao stomped past you, Zhongli followed him quickly. You didn’t have time to introduce yourself to either of them before they sat down.
“How rude,” A smooth voice came from your door.
Two men stood there, a tan man with dark hair and a very familiar red head. Internally, you groaned at the sight of the bartender. It was going to be a long conference wasn’t it? You were glad you had organized your agenda so well.
“Diluc. Guardian of Diona, and this is my brother Kaeya.” The redhead said almost sternly.
He strolled through the doorway to sit at a table, all four families spread out. Kaeya winked at you and followed his brother. Now you were sure the night would be long.
No other families came, and you were left alone with the strange bunch. In the back of your mind, you were thinking of your roster and the asterisks. The irony in all of it was that the troublemaker’s parents were the only ones who showed. The room was quiet, families only talking among themselves. You cleared your throat and introduced yourself once more, starting in to your very planned speech.
A short time had passed but it felt like years to you. You felt incredibly awkward but continued on. Childe raised his hand which nearly made you laugh but you contained your amusement and paused.
“Yes?” You called out to him.
The lanky man smirked, “I’m sorry but what sort of vision do you use?”
“I will address that later on.” Your voice was kind but also stern.
This response earned several looks from the families listening. All of a sudden, their full attention was on you. The change of atmosphere had put you on edge. You tried to continue on but Childe stood abruptly.
“That’s an interesting response.” He chuckled.
“Tartaglia!” Jean intervened, “Thats enough.”
Kaeya kicked his feet up on the table, “You can’t say you’re not curious though, right? It’s only natural we want to know. This school has just as much focus on vision skills as academic skills.”
You were beginning to grow irritated. The children were more respectful than the adults. Composing yourself, you sighed. Nobody denied Kaeya’s words, although Zhongli and Jean seemed to disapprove of the attitude.
“As i said before i will-“ you were interrupted again by an arrow of water, you easily side stepped it.
Jean stood, sword in hand and glared at Childe. Diluc shoved his brother’s feet off the table and scowled. Albedo yawned while Xiao clicked his tongue. Zhongli merely observed the scene. Childe cackled at Jean which only angered her more as she dove at him.
You opened your mouth to say something but were forced to dodge a cold sword. Kaeya grinned at you but was yanked back by Zhongli. The room was in utter chaos. You gritted your teeth and once more tried to remain calm. Another arrow narrowly missed your ear and you felt yourself become enraged. Kaeya dodged Zhongli and thrust his sword at you but was stopped by a sharp pillar of light.
“That’s enough.” Your voice was cold as you used your own weapon to shove the pushy cryo wielder away from you.
As if by magic, suddenly everyone stopped to stare at you. Quickly, they sat down. Albedo’s eyes were alert now, he was suddenly interested in every word you had to say. Even Xiao seemed to have a better attitude.
You continued your speech without any further interruptions. Finally, the end was in sight.
“And to answer your earlier question,” You pushed your hair back behind your ear to reveal your vision on an earring, “I am a light wielder. I will not take any questions on it. Have a wonderful night and thank you for coming.”
You turned and exited your classroom quickly as murmurs spread across the room. Light visions were only gifted to those who were recognized by multiple gods. Light was a strange element that could mold itself and change to take shape of different elements, although it wasn’t perfect. Elemental mastery took a lot of time and the light could only bend to your will for short periods of time. Using light as anything other than itself could backfire easily. Ontop of the many complications, attaining a light vision meant going through a crisis so terrible that multiple gods had to intervene. It was a blessing and a curse.
As you headed home, shivers ran down your back. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched or followed. You shook it off and returned home. It was just paranoid thoughts after a rough night.
After the conference, you seemed to be plagued by the families. Outside of work you ran into them constantly. It was nerve wracking.
“Miss Bright, Teucer loves you so much. He’d love to see you on the weekend. We could get lunch and then have a play date with him. What do ya say?” Childe grinned at you as you exited your classroom.
“Sorry, sir” An arm slid around your shoulders, “But i’m afraid she has plans for this weekend.”
You looked up to see the school librarian with a tight smile. Lisa was so kind, saving you from his shameless flirting. Although, she often seemed to flirt with you as well. You couldn’t really tell if she was being nice or flirting though.
He scowled and turned. Lisa laughed and squeezed you tighter. She escorted you out of the building, telling you about the new books the library had just received. Her eyes twinkled as you laughed at her puns and asked her questions about being a librarian.
“Excuse me,” A deep voice said “May I have a moment of Miss Bright’s time?”
You turned to see Zhongli, one of the only reasonable guardians you’d met. So far you’d not seen him after the meeting so you felt safer around him. Even Jean had appeared before you several times, though it didn’t seem intentional. You weren’t entirely sure but you’d swore you’d even seen Xiao lurking around when you were out.
“Of course,” You waved Lisa off.
She frowned and kissed your cheek before sauntering off. Zhongli raised his eyebrows as you laughed, clearly embarrassed. The nerve of that woman sometimes.
“Sorry, she’s a friend but she’s very affectionate,” you apologized quickly.
“Hm,” Zhongli nodded and stared at you intently, “I’m sorry to bother you but is there a way I could schedule another meeting with you? I would like to hear about Qiqi’s progress.”
Your heart nearly melted. He was so kind and it was refreshing.
“Of course! How about this weekend?” You beamed at him.
The two of you scheduled a conference lunch and parted ways. From afar, Diluc grimaced. He was curious about Diona’s behavior in school. She was a very moody child. Furthermore, he was curious about you. Kaeya had also pestered you for a date so the scarlet haired man was trying to find the right time to ask you. He didn’t want to come off the way he was sure Kaeya did.
“I would also like to attend the meeting.” Xiao announced to Zhongli once he got into the car.
“Too bad,” Zhongli chuckled “It’s one on one, you’ll have to schedule your own.”
Xiao huffed at his words. He disliked the idea of the two of you doing anything one on one. He couldn’t decide whether he was jealous of you or Zhongli. He decided it was you, since both Qiqi and Zhongli seemed to be infatuated with you. He clicked his tongue, Zhongli merely smiled, and Qiqi demanded coco goat milk.
“Does she like science?” Albedo questioned Klee.
“Miss Bright likes a lot of things I think.” Klee said, ice cream smeared on her face.
“I want to know more.” Albedo stated.
Klee grinned, “More ice cream?”
Albedo nodded, only hoping Jean wouldn’t catch them.
This new job had many opportunities open up for you. With so many people in pursuit of you, who would you choose?
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
Here's an idea: Diluc and Kaeya with an older sibling reader. Can you imagine the insanity that occurs before and after their falling out?
Things like the attic boogeyman, where the boys forced reader to accompany them in looking around because they were too scared even with their flimsy lamp. When they arrived, they ran into Crepus who was like: Hi kids! But that just made them scream because they were startled. Then when Crepus said: It's ok, it's just me! They screamed louder and all bolted back downstairs where they hid in readers room until Adelinde found them.
Itty bitty Kaeya getting found by reader and being taken to the house, Kaeya going to them after a bad dream with Diluc or just holding onto them in general because he feels safe with them.
During the first Golden apple event, while Diluc and Kaeya are talking, they're eventually rejoined by MC and the topic arrives at the attic boogeyman. Kaeyas been telling the story to the kids in Mondstadt and it's become a popular ghost story to tell around a campfire. Then MC says: You know the boogeyman was just dad right?
And the recording ends there.
(I know realistically the boys probably realized it was just Crepus a loooong time ago but just humor me here)
Mc finding out about the dark knight hero one night on their way home, taking one look at him and in the day, immediately calling him the chicken dumbass while staring daggers at Diluc because they'd recognize his ass anywhere, disguised or not.
Just- shenanigans with a third ragvindir who is older than the boys and tries to keep them in check but occasionally gets dragged into their bullshit.
This is just some of the brainrot I've had about them, I can send more later if you'd like!
🐈‍⬛- anon
Oh my god I love this idea
I really like the idea of them having a younger sibling that they’re both overprotective of, but an older sibling is just as good.
Maybe not too older so all of them are childish enough to believe the rumour about the demon in the attic.
It’s probably Kaeya that started the whole thing, the little shit.
I can imagine Diluc still being the rational one out of the three of you but honestly you’re three dumbasses with one working braincell and it’s at 20% at best
So he would try to get you two to not go in but you’re just as much as a little shut as Kaeya, so you convince them to come with you at night lmfao. But it would work if they convinced you too, but I’m 100% convinced Diluc would be the one stalling not going.
Kaeya, the little shit (again) would be the first one to scream and it would cause a screaming domino effect. He sees something shift in the shadows and you and Diluc don’t even know what you’re screaming at. Then when Crepus appears, you’re all screaming louder for different reasons, but I have a feeling it might be bc being caught out of bed by your dad is scarier than any ghoul or demon
Kaeya getting found by reader is so sweet, and it makes sense he bonds with them first before he bonds with Diluc. And him running to them, hiding under their covers after a nightmare. They’re smitten with their new baby brothers, and cuddles are always offered to him if he’s scared. 10/10 big sibling. Maybe Kaeya holds readers hand every opportunity he can get, or their pinkies are always intertwined while they’re walking around.
And reader knowing it was Diluc all along is kind of hilarious- like reader just smacks the back of his head and the mask falls off. They’re just smiling like ‘knew it lmfao’ and scold him about putting himself in danger, like the responsible big sibling they are.
Do you think big sibling reader would collect seashells with them while they talked about that memory? All three of them laughing and smiling, almost like they were a family again. If only Crepus can see them now.
Hope you didn’t mind the brain rot my friend <3
And ofc you can send more in !! I’d be happy to read them :,)
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