#(a dog who bites every owner she's had; verse.)
despiite · 1 year
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✎ @consumare penned: What happens when I no longer want to meet you? - and misty. ✎ richard siken / war of the foxes.
There is a brief moment where it seems that Misty’s ever chipper grin is frozen in place, but a switch flips somewhere upstairs and it begins to melt, slow at first and then all at once - like snow in the forest after a hard, lean winter. Her gaze narrows to something almost normal, and it couldn’t look more out of place on her, oft animated thing that she is. “Why would you ask me that?” This level of stillness is nearly unheard of for Misty Quigley, but the only movement she offers is a measured, off kilter cant of the head.
There had been a moment of panic at first, the instinct to supplicate and bargain, to insist on her usefulness, her necessity, but it had snuffed itself out just as quickly as it had sparked, hardly a whisper of smoke left to curl between them. While Hannibal holds her fascination, perhaps even infatuation, the guarantee of her gentleness is not within his grasp. He isn’t Natalie. 
When she speaks again, all of the usual giddy girlishness has evaporated from her voice, leaving behind a thick, syrupy residue. “I’m very sick, Doctor.” A hand raises, two fingers pushing the frames of her glasses up the bridge of her nose as a joyless suggestion of a smile bleeds across her lips, the corners of her mouth scarcely flicking upward. “You know that.” She wonders, briefly, if this is what he wants: a glance at the girl from the Wilderness who was and is willing to do anything for her place at the table.
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hisgrief · 12 days
CHARACTER SHEET — repost , do not reblog .
FULL NAME.  gary james turner.
NICKNAME.  gaz. 
PRONOUNS.  he/him.
SIZE.  6ft4.
AGE.  41.
ZODIAC.  aries sun. gemini rising. cancer moon.
HAIR.  naturally dark. usually cropped short. tends to curl once allowed to grow out. hairline beginning to recede. occasionally bleached.
EYES.   hazel green. expressive. hooded. prone to a thousand-yard stare. crinkle at their corners when he smiles. he's often described as having puppy-dog eyes.
BODY TYPE.  slim and lanky. broad in the shoulders and narrow in the hips. long limbs. large hands and feet. looks like a greyhound trapped in a human's body.
VOICE.   warm and kind. thickly accented. lowers when he's comforting someone. he has a particular tone when speaking to the animals in his life. example:
DOMINANT HAND.  ambidextrous.
POSTURE.  not the best. tends to slouch to make himself seem smaller and less intimidating.
SCARS.   so many. a couple are products of his upbringing, such as the cut through his left eyebrow and the lack of straightness to his nose. all the others were earned during the attack that killed his wife claire and turned him into a werewolf. he was torn to shreds and had a chunk of flesh removed from his right shoulder. most scar coverage focuses on his upper body, with his legs mostly undamaged. his back took the brunt of the attack, turning it into a mess of ugly scar tissue.
BIRTHMARKS.  covered in a smattering of moles across the entirety of his body. his favourites are the two on his right inner thigh, which he calls his 'vampire bite.'
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES.   his accent. his height. his tattoos. the thickness of his eyebrows and the warmth of his eyes. how quick he is to smile with his entire being. his loud, unrestrained belly laugh. SCENT.  cigarettes. whiskey. warm masculinity. light freshness. he tends to stick to lighter colognes and uses them sparingly due to his sensitivity to smell.
PLACE OF BIRTH.   preston, england, in the royal preston hospital.
HOMETOWN.   small mining town in lancashire, england, which he prefers not to name. he just says he's from lancashire.
SIBLINGS.  none.
PARENTS. his mother, angela turner, is alive and still lives in lancashire. his father, clive turner, is deceased.
OCCUPATION.   tattoo artist and owner of INK INK, NUDGE NUDGE.
CURRENT RESIDENCE.   verse dependent, but generally lives in the apartment above his tattoo shop, which is situated in LA.
CLOSE FRIENDS.   anyone and everyone who'll take him. he's particularly fond of frenchie, written by @gingerspiice.
FINANCIAL STATUS.   comfortably middle class. makes good money from INK INK, NUDGE NUDGE and operates an online store where he sells the carvings and furniture he makes.
DRIVER'S LICENSE.   yes, but he generally prefers to walk.
CRIMINAL RECORD.  clean. somehow. he avoids cops like the plague and tries not to get on their bad side. he has first-hand knowledge of what they're capable of.
VICES.   alcohol. cigarettes. marijuana.
TURN OFFS.   cruelty. bullies. overt aggression. people who lack passion. fun sponges.
TURN ONS.   a sense of humour. kindness to animals and the vulnerable. passion. hard workers. people who keep him on his toes but also help ground him.
LOVE LANGUAGE.   acts of service. physical touch.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  loyal. tendency to get swept up in the heat of a new romance. will adore his partner with every fibre of his being. romantic. chivalrous. will cook candle-lit dinners just for the hell of it. his partner's biggest fan and ally. a little inexperienced and naive due to spending almost all of his adult life in a monogamous relationship. will be slow to accept a new partner into his life due to the traumatic loss of his wife, but is well aware that she would want him to move on.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE.   oceans of slumber - the banished heart.
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME.   sketching and drawing, wood-carving, camping trips, bushcraft, fishing, building and revitalising furniture, playing the acoustic guitar, playing the jaw harp and the harmonica, reading, coming up with bad dad jokes, cooking.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   right-brained.
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   he'd consider it fairly high. he doesn't think he's the best-looking bloke, but he knows he makes up for that with his inherent charm. his confidence has however been pretty severely knocked in the aftermath of the attack.
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hellsurvivr · 2 months
In any of her verses .. does payne have any pets?
*      ―    ﴾  𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙾𝙼 ﴿ // always accepting ( @anon )
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         SHE DOES INDEED,    payne is very much a pet person. and adores them. but obviously in some verses, main especially, she's so busy that she can't get always get a pet till much later. but she does have ONE pet, that is featured in pretty much every verse. and she doesn't care, this is her boy and she adores him. rescued from a puppy farm before he could be killed, he is her constant companion, and she would be lost, without him tbh. he may be her emotional support dog, but to payne he's more than that. (    he keeps her sane when she needs it !    ) 
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         INTRODUCING,    Apollo Bones. a blue staffordshire bull terrier. who is around 4 years old and honestly. payne's lifeline. Apollo loves meeting people, and is super friendly but at the same time, he is highly protective of payne. and if he perceives a threat in any way. then he isn't scared to take a good old bite out of them. which earns him treats from payne.
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         NOW,    in her footballer, artist, and upcoming F1 verse. and probably more. payne also adopts a further two dogs that she found abandoned. and despite taking them for care from the vets, she couldn't abandon them like the previous owners had done. so instead she takes them in. and loves them like they deserve. (    because shes a sucker for animals !    ) 
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         INTRODUCING,    Nanook and pumpkin. a siberian husky and a golden labrador retriever puppy. they were both 6 weeks old when payne found them abandoned together. and since then they've become the perfect buddies for Apollo to play with. and honestly she loves her babies. Pumpkin ( the labrador ) happens to be the only girl of the bunch, and as such, gets spoiled a little more.
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Only You ~ Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy! 
Prologue ~ Chapter Two
Chapter One: Meeting 
 Summer had always been Aelin’s favourite time of the year. It was the soft breezes and the long days, the late nights. It was the time of year where she didn’t have to be a princess. There was no need for the formalities or the pretending. 
Summer was the season of freedom. 
And when she had woken up that morning, the sun was still low in the sky, the mist dancing between the trees and the bird song was mellowed, quieter somehow. She had known that summer was over; her Fae senses could feel the shift of the season. Summer giving way to the crispness of autumn. And despite the peacefulness and beauty of autumn, it was also her least favourite time of the year.
Court would begin again. Gone would be the long nights of stargazing, the lazy days lounging in the sun with a book or the trips to the Staghorns; now was the time for her royal duties to start once again. 
A gentle tap of the door had Aelin groaning and shifting in bed. 
“Your Highness? Your father would like to know if you will be eating breakfast with them this morning.” Her maid Elspeth was one of the good ones. She was in her late forties and had been with Aelin for her entire twenty years. She was a short woman, her hair starting to grey at the roots, her cheeks always rosy and plump. But Aelin loved her like a mother.
Elspeth slid into the room and closed the door behind her, she strode over to the towering windows which looked out over the forest beyond the castle. The thick curtains were opened to reveal a grey morning. Elspeth didn’t wait for a response from Aelin as she continued her way around the room to the balcony on the far side. She opened the doors and Fleetfoot, Aelin’s beloved dog perked up and trotted off to the fresh air. 
Elspeth was well versed in the ways of Aelin. Which is why her final task was to perch on the edge of her bed and pull the covers back. 
“Aelin, you have guests arriving today.” 
She shot up in bed, staring at Elspeth. She had forgotten about the guests. If she had, she definitely would have been up earlier. She said as much. 
“The Queen of Doranelle, Sellene Whitethorn is arriving with her family.” 
Of course. There had been turmoil in Doranelle for many years and finally, only a few months ago, they had decided on a new queen. It had been a surprise to her Uncle Orlon when it had been announced, but nonetheless, had extended an invitation to visit once the new queen had settled into her new role. Just as the offer would be extended to me one day- when I became queen. 
“I suppose I cannot get away with my usual attire today?” She said. Elspeth laughed and shook her head. “I’m afraid not. A dress will be required.” 
Elspeth had picked a simple yet regal gown in a deep Terrasen green. Elspeth tried and failed to get Aelin to braid her hair, or at least put it into a simple updo. But Aelin enjoyed her hair free, the long blonde locks were one of her favourite assets, and never understood the need to hide it. 
She surveyed herself in the mirror, despite her late night with Sam, she looked awake and bright eyed. Ready for a day of acting like a princess. 
When Aelin arrived into the breakfast room, her father and mother were already seated, Orlon too. She took up the seat beside her mother and smiled apologetically to the three of them. Tardiness was one of her weaknesses and had frustrated all of them to no end. But with the night she had just had… if only her parents knew. 
“Late night again, Aelin?” Orlon grinned. He had always been privy to Aelin’s whereabouts, where she would sneak off to, who she would meet. 
Sam was not royal, in fact, he held no title in Terrasen. He had moved when he had been sixteen years old; escaping the grips of an assassin in Rifthold. He had stowed away on a ship, not knowing where it was going, but hoping that anywhere was better than before. He arrived in Terrasen with a few coins and his wits about him. He’d managed to secure work at a library. The owner had been old and frail, unable to lift the books, unable to do much at all. Sam had taken it upon himself to help in any way he could. And six years later he was the proud owner. It’s where Aelin had met him. Since then, she had been sneaking off to see Sam every chance she could; the only person knowing being Orlon. 
She knew it could never be more than it was with Sam, a reason why she had been so quick to shut down his offer the night before. And despite Terrasen being a forward-thinking country— the King was married to a man for Gods sake— they still drew the line at commoners and royalty marrying, or even being involved, the only exception being a mating bond; something so rare and final that no King or God could argue with it. So she tried to enjoy the stolen moments she had with Sam. Avoiding the advances of any foreign royalty that may come her way. The King only allowing it on the condition that when a serious offer of marriage arose, Aelin would accept and take her place as the next heir to the throne. She loved Sam, and on occasion had been angry at the impossibility of it being anything other than what it was now.
There was the other problem of her immortal lifespan. Sam was human and at some point it would have to end anyway.
“Did you forget about the arrival of the Whitethorns today?” Her father asked.
“It may have slipped my mind.” An easy lie. She took a bite of the pastry in front of her, savouring the sweetness. “But I am here now, and ready to be the perfect princess.” Another bite. 
Her mother chuckled to herself, sipping on the herbal tea that she would drink every morning without fail. Orlon cleared his throat, giving her a look. 
“The queen is new to this Aelin. We must ensure she is welcomed and feels comfortable during her stay.” 
A roll of her eyes. “I think I can manage being nice for a few days.” 
She stopped mid-chew. 
“The Whitethorns will be here for at least three weeks. Their castle is under renovations, so we offered them a place to stay whilst they were underway.” 
She had never heard of such a thing. A new queen, leaving her territory for weeks? 
“Darling, you are not expected to entertain them alone, nor be present at every minute.” Her mother had always been the diffuser; ensuring the conversations remained civil, if not for her sanity, for the sake of Aelin’s temper that had resulted in a few fires. “But the sneaking off will have to stop. Lysandra will understand.” Lysandra being Aelin’s excuse for when she was actually sneaking off to see Sam. 
She smiled politely and confirmed that she would be well behaved for when the guests arrived.
And that was that. 
She finished breakfast quickly and excused herself before they could make her stay longer. Aelin made her way to the training ground just beyond the walls of the garden. Orlon had had it built when it was evident Aelin needed a place to train with her powers. Fire magic was a rare gift, one that hadn’t been in the royal family since Brannon. She was grateful for the space, even if she no longer needed to train to the same extent. Only meeting with her trainer once every month.
“I thought I might find you here.” Lysandra’s voice echoed across the stones. “Hiding?” Lysandra laughed. 
“Something like that.” 
Lysandra was silent as she perched on the stone bench, watching as Aelin made shields of flame, as she danced the fire through her fingers and flung her powers towards the wall.
“I won’t be available for a while Lys. The Queen of Doranelle and her family are arriving today.” Aelin held the flame in her palm. “I need you to send a message to Sam for me.”
Lysandra had been the daughter of one of her mothers maids. And when her mother had died, Aelin’s mother could not stand the thought of Lysandra going to an orphanage. So she had housed Lysandra and trained her as a lady-in-waiting for Aelin. And even though they hated each other as children, the older they got the more they understood the other. 
“I heard one of the Whitethorn princes is extremely handsome. Do you think he’d be interested?” Aelin snorted. Any person would be insane not to be attracted to Lysandra. 
“Gods help the poor male if you pursue him.” Aelin returned to her flame.
“We all know that you’re going to marry me one day.” 
They both whirled at the sound of the male voice at the archway. Aedion stood there in all his glory. He wore a midnight blue jacket and dark pants, clothes for important people, Aelin thought. It was envy that Aelin was feeling. Aedion may be a prince, but he would never be King; marrying Lysandra would never be a problem, if she ever agreed, that was. 
Lysandra rolled her eyes and flipped her hair to the side. “Aedion, we both know you can’t handle me.” 
“We’ll see, Lysandra.” Mischief glittering in his eyes. 
Aedion took his wandering eyes away from Lysandra and back to Aelin, who had already lost interest in their banter. 
“What do you want Aedion? Aelin and I were busy.” 
“I’m here to tell Aelin that the Whitethorns will be here any moment, and her father wishes for her to be in the great hall to welcome them.” 
No peace. Summer was well and truly over then. Her flame flickered out and she brushed down her dress that was lightly coated in dust. She shook out her hair and let it fall past her shoulders, running her fingers through it to release any tangles. 
“How do I look?” 
“Like your father is going to kill you when he see’s the mess on your clothes.” Aedion held his arm out, she linked hers through it and smiled back at Lysandra who was brushing her own dress down.
“I’ll see you later Aelin.” A smile. “Always a pleasure, Aedion.” And then she was gone. 
Aelin and Aedion strolled down the path that led back into the gardens and then into the tall white palace of Orynth. The guards bowed their heads as she passed, the only acknowledgement that they would give. They continued into the palace, the halls empty of people. 
“Did they have to put out so many flowers? I feel like I’m just going to sneeze the entire time.” Aedion laughed, but didn’t respond as they approached the doors to the great hall. 
The room was only ever used for special occasions, I suppose a new queen included that. The room was large, taking up an entire wing of the castle, it’s ceiling tall, gold chandeliers dropping from it. The walls were painted white, with green and gold accents dotted around— the colours of Terrasen. The room was magnificent, every inch dripping in wealth and splendour. 
When she entered she dropped into a low curtsey. Orlon was sat atop the Antler Throne, his eyes fixed on her and Aedion— who was also bowing low. Her father and mother were sat on two smaller seats to Orlon’s left. A second, smaller throne rested next to Orlon’s; for the consort of the king. Which was unusually empty; Orlon’s husband usually filling the spot. 
As soon as she was in her place and everyone else were in their correct spots the guard at the end of the hall announced the arrival of the first Whitethorn family members. Aelin knew this formality all too well— get the lesser family members out of the way first, and then announce the most important. So she dropped her eyes and fiddled with the hem of her sleeve. She kept her eyes averted as the guard listed off the names of lesser royals and their spouses. A pinch on her shoulder made her look up, she spun to berate Aedion for being an ass, when the guard started to speak once more. 
“Your majesty, I would like to present Rowan Whitethorn, Prince of Doranelle and  Endymion Whitethorn, Prince of Doranelle.” 
The two males stepped through the open doors and she met the eyes of the shorter male. He was handsome, of course; and she smiled politely at him, wishing this would go faster. He smiled back, lowering his head slightly before doing the same to Aedion. Aelin tore her eyes away and looked at the second male stood next to him. Her breath caught in her throat as she beheld what was in front of her. 
It took him a moment to look toward her, and when their eyes met she felt every hair on her body stand up. His pine green eyes met her own and it was like the world was falling around her. She swallowed and forced herself to breathe, her body heating. 
The male in front of her seemed to be doing the same thing. His breathing turned shallow and he couldn’t tear his eyes from hers. 
It was like everything around her was spinning or maybe she was falling, Orlon’s voice faded to the background, all she could hear was the pounding of her heart. 
As she stared into the eyes of her mate.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Snippet of Run, Wolf Warrior verse
(In which Mercury is a Stress and a Feral Child and Summer is trying her best with the flaws information she has.)
     His blind panic was interrupted by the creak of a door, and his whine strangled itself in his throat, because noises like that were weakness and weakness was punished. Mercury looked up sharply, ears swiveling toward the sound and the sight of sunlight entering, casting a shadow around the person who was stepping inside … this place —a shed, it looked like a shed now that he was paying attention—. He flattened himself against the ground, instinctively trying to hide even though he knew it was pointless. He was lying in the open, on a nest of what smelled like rags and old towels, his leg was gone but the stump was bandaged, which meant a human had to have done that and thus knew he was here.
     The figure stepped fully inside, closing the door and flicking a switch that turned on the single light hanging from the ceiling, “Oh, you’re awake.” The woman smiled at him, silver eyes crinkling at the edges as she talked soft and moved very slowly toward him with a medical kit tucked under one arm and a bowl of water in her hand, “Hey there, big boy, how are you feeling?” She took another step forward and Mercury scrambled back despite being down a leg and still woozy from the remnants of drugs —sedatives, probably, because who would treat a wolf while it was conscious, even if they were crazy enough to treat a wolf at all—. He didn’t get far before something jerked around his neck and brought him up short and of course he was tied up like an animal. He was an animal now, and he looked like a wild one. It was a miracle he hadn’t been shot yet —or a curse, depending on why this woman had chosen to keep him alive—.
     The woman paused, expression shifting to something he didn’t know how to read but didn’t smell angry and she crouched down slowly, shoulders hunching like she was supposed to be smaller —like he’d fall for that, he could see the muscles in her body, the way she moved that screamed Huntress and predator—, “Hey there, easy boy. Easy. I’m not going to hurt you, I’m here to help. Easy…”
     Mercury stayed as far away as the leash let him, leg stump aching from where it had scraped against the floor and tangled with the towels that had formed his bed, a growl bubbling in his throat before he choked it down. He was helpless right now. Tied up and injured and at this woman’s mercy, and he hated it, but if he acted like a wild animal she would get tired of him and just put a bullet in his skull to save herself the trouble. The … the old lady with the metal eyes had taken pity on him when he acted like a dog. It hurt his pride, it screamed against every instinct he had, but maybe if he acted like a scared, tame, animal she would think he was just a wolf-like dog and not a dangerous wild animal. Maybe she would let him live long enough for him to figure out how to escape.
     So he stayed in place and stayed as silent as he could, crushing down the growl that wanted to rise until it was nothing more than the faintest rumble. And when she slowly baby talked her way closer to him, he let his chin brush the floor in submission and whined pathetically, because people liked having power over weaker things. People liked being the alpha, it made them feel safe and strong —people hurt weaker things, his mind screamed, but they also like to own them, and you couldn’t own something that was dead and rotting—. Her expression got soft at his whine, and her scent lost some of its wary edge as she crouched just on the other side of the towel nest and set the water bowl down. She patted the nest gently, “You’re not wild at all, are you? Or at least you weren’t until recently, I’d bet. Come on then, do you know that one? Come? Come, boy, come here. I won’t hurt you.”
     “Come, boy.” Snapped the memory of his father in his head, short and dangerous, requiring obedience no matter the pain getting in arm’s reach would bring. Just like then, Mercury had no choice. He was tied up, he was weak. So he grit his teeth and tried not to bare his fangs from fear as he crawled back to the towels and hunkered down just within the woman’s reach. His breathing stuttered shamefully as her hand slowly came closer, but she stopped moving just as her knuckles came near his nose. Not hitting or threatening but … waiting and talking to him in a low, annoyingly sweet voice —like she was no threat, like she wasn’t the one in control over his life and death—. He didn’t know what she was waiting for. What she wanted.
     When he did nothing for several seconds she leaned a bit closer and her hand came to rest on the top of his head, sliding slowly through his fur to brush against an ear. It had been a test then, to see if he would bite when given the chance, to see if he needed punishment or if he was going to submit to her touching him however she pleased. Mercury shivered despite himself and made himself stay still as she stroked his head a few more times, talking the whole while, “There we go. You really are tame. You’re just scared. Poor thing. Did your last owners abandon you? Or did Grimm get them, I wonder. It’s okay boy, I won’t hurt you. Poor baby.”
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020
PROMPT: Sharing Hobbies
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
PAIRING: Gokudera & Hibari
The first thing Gokudera needs to do now they’re back to the present again, is checked on Namimori’s stray animals. Too bad it's the first thing on Hibari's list too.
WORDS: 1009
Gokudera could think of only three reasons as to why all the stray animals seem to have disappeared of Namimori.
1) He stayed too long in the future because of this marshmallows-eating fucker, and now the strays don’t trust him anymore to show their face.
2) The return-to-the-present induced earthquake opened the floor in two and managed to swallow all the strays, and really, can Gokudera not trust anyone these days, not even the so-called Strongest babies in the world?
3) The marshmallows-eating fucker fucked too much with the universes, and now they’re simply no such things as stray animals in the world.
Gokudera throws his cigarette on the floor and crushes it under his foot. And oh, what he would give for it to be the face of a so-called new god of the worlds…
He steadies the bag on his back, and makes his way back home. Of course this matter needs immediate investigation, but he’s not going to do that while carrying a bag full of animals food.
He makes a detour by the river to double check, glances at the shore as he’s walking by, and almost chokes on the smoke of his cigarette.
Gokudera scrambles down the stairs, and runs to the bridge.
There, just under it, all the strays animals he was looking for, cats and dogs alike existing side by side oddly peacefully.
And scattered between them, these stupids-pompadour-haircut guys.
He points an accusing finger at the mastermind of it all. “You!”
His heart beats faster, and a grin pulls at his lips. This is it, this are all the proofs he ever needed.
Hibari is an animal type of U.MA., and he just busted him in the middle of some kind of ritual with his kinds.
He needs to take pictures—no, better yet, he needs to record the whole thing.
No, wait. What he needs is to get his priorities straight.
“What the goddamn fuck are you doing? Do you demand even animals bow to you?”
Hibari takes a look at him, at the bag he dropped at his feet.
“So it’s you. The stray animals of Namimori are taken care of, do not interfere anymore. You fatten them.”
“Say fucking what now?” Why does this guy never fucking make sense to him? Except, everything clicks then in Gokudera’s brain. He points his finger again with more zeal. “It’s you! What the hell are you teaching them? I almost lost my eye this one time!”
Hibari raises an eyebrow. He takes in the animals in front of him, looks back at him.
“Which one? They earned a treat.”
Gokudera reaches for his dynamites. Now he just asked for it, Tenth will surely understand.
Zitto makes his way to him to rub his head against his leg. Relief runs through him.
Gokudera would have gone through the whole process of winning their trust again if he had to, but he’s honestly glad he doesn’t have to.
A kitten follows behind Zitto, suspiciously looking like a mini him.
Oh shit, did Zitto got a kitten? When? With whom? Pia, Bianca?
Gokudera missed that?
Fucking goddamned shithead of a crazy marshmallows induced brain rot fucker.
Luigi and Sonno comes to him too, disregarding their food and ignoring the calls of the disciplinary committee members.
Gokudera rubs their heads, and smiles smugly at Hibari.
“Sorry, what exactly do you have taken care of again?”
Hibari narrows his eyes.
Bruno waves his tail looking straight at Gokudera, and he calls out to him.
“Come here, Bruno.”
Bruno instantly changes his course, and sits at Hibari’s feet. Hibari rubs him behind his ear, and he barks happily.
Hibari doesn’t even look at him. “Sorry, were you calling out to him? He looks to me like he doesn’t care about your existence.”
“Oh, you’re so on.”
Gokudera stands in the middle of a circle of mess tins filled with milk and food, the same way Hibari is opposite him. In between them, the stray animals at equal distance of each of them. Off to the side, the disciplinary committee members as referees.
Gokudera crouches, uses both his baby voice and the gibberish talk to win Torta, Bambi and Rocco to his side. Hibari calls out to Vito, Rosa, Augusto and Prima, in the softest voice Gokudera ever heard him use, and all fourth of them go to his side.
Gokudera takes out his mini dynamites toys specifically tailored for them, and lights them off. Hibari propagates the food around him, smirking—what a fucking cheater!
Gokudera swallows his pride, and starts humming, even singing a couple of lyrics. Hibari makes Hibird sings the school anthem.
Maria is the only one left, while there is an equal number of animals on each side.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Hibari says, “Mami practically lives in my house. Mami, it’s time to eat.”
“Oh yeah? Well, did you nurse her broken leg until she healed? Maria, come this way, come say hello.”
“Mami, this way. A treat is waiting for you.”
“Maria, don’t listen to this bastard. Come to me.”
Gokudera and Hibari glare at each other, and the tension is thick in the air.
Maria stretches, yawns lazily. She looks at Gokudera, takes a few steps his way. She turns back to Hibari, takes a few steps his way. She turns back again, stops at her previous spot.
Gokudera holds his breath.
Maria takes off, but not to either of them. She runs up the stairs, and throws herself right into Tsuna’s legs.
Tsuna startles, but then eagerly scoops Maria up in his arms. They rub their head against each other’s.
Hibari makes an offending noise.
“What was that you school-loving freak? Tenth is a great man, it’s only natural Maria chose him!”
Hibari makes that face where he’s obviously rolling his eyes while looking you straight in the eye. Gokudera twitches to throw a dynamite his way.
“Same place, same hour, tomorrow?”
Gokudera sticks his nose up in the air. “Your funeral.”
We only ever see Gokudera interact with Uri, so it's a bit unfair but I’m gonna go ahead anyway and say he’s bad with animals in general. Or more like, animals just never seem to like/trust him at first glance.
That never stopped Gokudera to stop and try to help all the stray animals he ever stumbles on all his life.
And that even before he could relate to them in a way no 13yo should relate to them.
It always takes a lot more than one try, and a lot of scratches and bites and a general hostility from the animals, and Gokudera getting a hold of his temper and being patient, but he never gives up.
He comes back every time, with food or drinks or toys or a first aid kit, and try to play by their rules as much as he can.
And eventually they warm up to him, and once they do they actually come to like him and trust him really quickly.
And Gokudera wants to adopt one (or more) of them, but he doesn’t trust himself to have this particular skill set. He gets there eventually though.
Hibari on the other end is an animal magnet. They’re just drawn to him, and he never minds it.
He has the disciplinary committee tracking every stray animals in Namimori, and keeping notes on every type of care they give them.
(That’s how he knows there’s someone else actively taking care of them too, and on a daily basis.)
And he doesn’t actually gather them all in one place every time lol. But he just got back from the future, and figured it’d be less bothersome to check on them all that way.
Hibari takes them to the vet first things first, and then does a background check on them all (as much a background check he can do anyway).
The ones he can identify and who got lost are returned to their homes.
The ones he can tell got lost and have a home to go back to but can’t identify, have people actively looking for their homes.
(Of course they’re returned to their homes only if it’s a suitable home they should be returned to. If not, Hibari visits these homes anyway.)
(On the other hand when it’s a case where the owners want to take care of the pet but don’t have the means to do it for whatever reasons, Hibari helps them with that.)
The ones who got abandoned, and the ones who got both abandoned and obviously maltreated, well—Hibari schedule a little meeting with the former owners.
And I feel like in this verse Hibari has actual parents who have authority on him, and they stand firm on the fact that “No, Hibari, we can’t let you adopt all the stray animals in Namimori.”
Hibari thinks it’s bullshit because their house is big and he’s sure he could manage, and also feels annoyed because they keep acting like he can just brought a few of them home.
But he obviously can’t, how is he supposed to choose between them all?
(He gets there eventually, but it’s more the animals choosing his home like Mami, than him choosing them.)
They meet again the next day by the river, then take opposites direction, and see how many strays they can feed before they have to meet again halfway.
The day after that they switch directions, and see if they can feed the strays faster than the other did.
And the day after that they go around the city together to see who’s the one most liked by the strays.
At the end of the third day they make the counts. Lather, rinse, repeat.
They eventually become friends, because of the sheer force of spending all this time together. And also by beating up stupid, cruel people who take their shit out on animals together.
Funnily enough they discover the same side of each other’s: gentleness.
Hibari uses this soft, soothing voice whenever he talks with the animals, has this genuine, open expression on his face, and just a very, simple, content little smile pulling at his lips.
Gokudera can’t make his voice that soft, or exudes that much of a calm energy. But he has this way he moves himself, the way he strokes them, the careful weight he puts in his movements whenever he has to touch them, that just speak of safety and trustworthiness.
Hibari starts hovering around Gokudera whenever he has to crowd with the others. And I feel like they’d be the kind of friends to mock others together.
(Not their common friends, or the other’s friends that aren’t necessarily their friends too, but everyone else is fair game.)
Gokudera is all colorful insults and imaginative metaphors, while Hibari is just very blunt and it’s all in the tone of his voice.
They both find the other hilarious.
And then Hibari starts showing at least one time out of three whenever they crowd together. And when he doesn’t Gokduera takes notes so he can debrief him later.
Meanwhile the others are rightfully baffled.
Is that Hibari willingly hanging out with someone? Wait, do they actually look friendly with each other? Are they laughing with each other??
Did Gokudera just pet Hibird??? Did Hibird just land on top of Gokudera’s head????????
The others are losing their mind, and they actually don’t even notice lmao.
But also, what if Yamamoto is jealous?
He’s all like, “What the hell, I’m trying to befriend you since day one and all you do is snap at me, and then you go and become friend with Hibari of all people in no time???”
(No offense to Hibari, he actually likes Hibari, but also he sure as hell was there first.)
And then Gokudera has to go through the mortifying ordeal of asserting their friendship and the fact that yes, he does see Yamamoto as a friend, with actual words he has to speak out loud, and in no uncertain terms.
And even worse, he has to explain how it’s stupid of him to compare himself to Hibari, because he values both friendships for entirely different reasons.
Sometimes he just needs to be his explosive self, and tactless and hurtful more often than he would like, and trusts that he won’t be pushed away for it.
And sometimes he just needs someone to indulge with him in being unapologetically unlikable, and trusts he’s not being judged for it.
And he regrets this conversation deeply because Yamamoto and Hibari ends up becoming friends anyway (and Yamamoto never lets him live their conversation down), and suddenly they’re an inseparable trio.
Tsuna saved Maria from drowning once (he calls her Akiko). He brought her back home in case she would catch a cold, and they spent a couple of days together. And yeah, they’re not exactly nice to each other in this, but this is Hibari and Gokudera, I did what I could while trying to keep them in character lol.
Also I do firmly believe Gokudera would have straight up punch Byakuran in the face upon seeing him in the present for the first time, and even blow him up a couple of times. Like they both deserve azsdfghjkl.
Anyway thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Five: Twelve Babies ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Hana ] [ SasuHina, pregnancy ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It starts when she’s coming in with an armful of groceries. Juggling the bag and her keys, Hinata pauses as she hears a soft sound. A few glances around the front porch, however, reveal nothing...and she doesn’t hear it again. Listening a moment longer, she then mentally shrugs and heads in. There’s still several more bags to pack in, after all. And for the moment, she’s all alone with Sasuke at work. Which leaves all the grocery-carrying to her.
Once everything is put away, she changes into a pair of worn shorts and a tank top, hair pulled into a tail behind her head and a visor snug over her brow to shade her face. Gloves pulled onto her hands, she heads back out through the front door to do a bit of yard work. The flowerbeds in the front are getting a bit overrun with weeds. It’s time yet again to go to war with the unwanted flora!
Ten minutes in, she stills. There’s that noise again! Sitting back on her haunches, Hinata looks over the yard. Funny...she doesn’t see anything. The houses on either side are quiet. What on earth…?
There! Again! Head turning, she pinpoints it somewhere to her left. Is there...something under the front porch? Hesitating - what if it’s a racoon? They carry rabies! - she sidles over to the lattice that goes all the way around the underside of the porch.
Or...well, most of it. As it so happens, there’s a piece broken off along the house. Great...there is something under there, isn’t there?
Nibbling her lip, she heads in for a moment to grab a flashlight, reemerging and kneeling by the hole. A button is pressed, and the light cuts through the dark under the porch.
A few random bits of junk - must be from the previous owners - are scattered about. Old broken flower pots, some spare lattice...and a cardboard box…? Heaving a small, curt sigh, Hinata moves around to a better angle to see into said box. Peering through a hole of the lattice, she aims her light...and gasps softly.
Staring with round eyes, giving a quiet growl...is a cat.
“Aww...hey, kitty,” Hinata greets softly. “What are you doing under there…?”
Still the feline growls, Hinata angling the beam to keep from blinding them.
“It’s okay! I’m not gonna hurt you. Gosh, I thought you were a trash panda…” Shifting her weight, she tries to think of what to do. “...hold on!”
Back in she goes, fetching a can of tuna fish. Cracking it open, she forks some into a tupperware bowl...and then gets a second for some water. Placing both near the hole by the house, she calls, “Here kitty kitty! Are you hungry?”
It takes a minute, but the smell of tuna coaxes them to peer around the edge of the box, sniffing with soft snorts. Creeping along as Hinata settles herself back a ways, the cat - a little black one with a splotch of white on their chest - slowly emerges just enough to scarf down several chunks of tuna.
And it’s then Hinata notices, this is a fat cat! But...fat in a sort of...odd way. Almost like…
...oh no.
“...you’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she notes quietly. What is she supposed to do with a wild, pregnant cat?
Sasuke is going to be thrilled.
Watching her eat (and then get a long drink), Hinata nibbles her thumbnail, sat on the grass. Should she...call the pound? But surely that would be a lot of stress for a kitty that’s so clearly close to popping…
...oh! Duh!
Taking her phone out of her pocket, Hinata sends a quick text. Thankfully it only takes Kiba a few minutes to reply.
Yeah, I can see if my sis has some spare time - she helps with rescues a lot. And she can make sure the cat’s healthy. I’ll text you when I hear back.
Hinata breathes a sigh of relief. Thank you - I just want to make sure mama and babies will be okay!
Having little else to do but wait, Hinata wraps arms around her bent knees, watching her new feline friend eat her meal. “I wish you weren’t scared of me, kitty...I promise I don’t want to hurt you…!” But alas, cats can’t understand something so easily - she’ll have to earn her trust, first. Hopefully Hana will know some tips and tricks for that.
All the while, her guest keeps one wary eye on the human. It doesn’t take long to clean up every scrap of tuna.
“Gosh, you must be really hungry…! Do you...want some more?” She also just got some chicken...maybe that would be better on an empty stomach. Ever so slowly, Hinata moves to get to her feet.
In a flash, the cat disappears back under the porch.
“Oh -!” Trying to gesture, Hinata wilts. Well...she should have expected that. Setting her jaw, she picks up the dish and heads back inside.
One cut up piece of chicken later, she returns, setting it back in the same spot...and this time, sitting a little closer. As before, the kitty approaches slowly, watching Hinata with a heaping amount of suspicion.
“You’re okay,” she murmurs, trying to calm her. “I’m not gonna hurt you...it’s just m-me and you. You’re safe, pretty little kitty.”
On she goes, mostly just talking nonsense to try to adjust the cat to her voice. Reaching the dish, the soon-to-be mother heads right on in to eating.
As tempted as she is to try and pet her, Hinata refrains. Mostly because she knows that won’t work, but also because she can’t know what trouble this kitty’s gotten into: parasites, illnesses...she might not be safe to touch.
And then Sasuke’s car pulls into the driveway. Tensing, the cat - surprisingly - doesn’t flee, eyes round again and clearly scared.
“Easy! Easy…” Hinata urges. “It’s just Sasuke. He’s my husband. He loves kitties!”
“Hinata? Who are you talking to?”
She just points, Sasuke coming around and then stopping in surprise. “...oh! Is that cat...pregnant?”
“I think so. Poor thing is so hungry...I’ve been trying to make friends!”
Just as curious, Sasuke takes a seat beside her.
Torn between her appetite and her fear, the cat lingers in inaction for a while before taking another bite.
Feeling her phone vibrate, Hinata gets a text from Hana. Can be there in twenty minutes - be careful not to approach, get scratched / bit
True to her word, the vet soon arrives, a carrier and a catch pole in hand. “So, she’s under the porch?”
“Mhm...we had her out to eat, but she got nervous at your car.”
The couple stand aside as the vet gets to work, laying on her belly and fishing around for the feline. Soon there’s a startled howl as she gets ahold of her, and Hinata can’t help a flinch. Fishing her out, Hana carefully gets her into the crate.
Immediately, the cat shrinks into a corner, hair on end and pupils like dinner plates.
“...well, I’ll have to do a lot of tests, make sure she doesn’t have any mites, fleas, diseases...but if she checks out, I’ll let you know.”
“Will...will she need a foster home?”
Hana perks a brow. “...are you offering?”
Hinata looks to Sasuke, who deadpans. “...Hinata…”
“We can help find the babies homes! Haven’t you always w-wanted a cat since we moved in?”
“Yeah, one. Not a whole...troupe.”
“Kittens are pretty easy to get adopted,” Hana offers. “Everyone loves baby animals.”
The Uchiha sighs. “...oh, all right. But we have to make sure she’s safe and healthy first.”
A week passes as Hana does tests and cleans the cat up, doing her best to socialize her. “I think she was someone’s housecat,” she reports over the phone. “She doesn’t have a chip, but she’s actually gotten a little friendly. Still very scared, though.”
“You sure you want her in your house? She didn’t have fleas, and seems clean besides some ear mites I treated her for...but who knows if she’s housebroken, or won’t go nuts and jump on everything.”
“I’m sure!”
Thankfully, the couple have a spare room in their little house: what was going to be an office, but has mostly just been storage as the project keeps getting pushed back. Hinata does her best to clean it up, investing in a large dog crate filled with second hand store blankets, water and food, and a small litter box.
Hana brings the kitty back a few days later, helping move the very round cat from one crate to another. Curling up in a corner, she stares with wary eyes.
“Hey there,” Hinata greets with a smile.
“Got a name picked out yet?”
“Hm...no, not yet.”
“She seems nice, just...very shy of people. She hasn’t bitten or scratched - very well-behaved. I’m willing to bet she’s a housecat that got pregnant, and the owner just...tossed her out rather than deal with the kittens.”
“Oh, how horrible…”
“But, she’s got a good home now. Once the kittens are born and old enough, I’ll help you find homes. Shouldn’t take much.”
“Thank you!”
Kittens, as it turns out, aren’t far off.
As a matter of fact, they only wait about a day before arriving.
Going in to check her the following morning, Hinata freezes at the sounds of soft, tiny mews. “...oh my g-gosh!”
Very carefully checking the cat’s nest of blankets, Hinata counts a whopping twelve babies. Twelve little kittens!
“Holy smokes, mama! No wonder you were so hungry, having all those little ones in there!”
Sasuke doesn’t believe her until he gets home to check himself. “...well I’ll be darned.”
Most of the kittens are shades of black or grey, but a few are tabby colored. “Well, I guess we know what the dad looked like…”
“Freeloader, not even sticking around to raise the kids.”
Hinata giggles. “I guess that falls to us, huh?”
Hana comes to check them, also amazed. “You don’t see litters this size very often! But they all look healthy...what a good mama.”
Hinata starts her new home hunt early. Everyone she knows gets a call advertising the little kitties.
Kiba’s girlfriend agrees to take one. Naruto and Sakura too, if they can get a pet deposit in their apartment. Shino politely declines, citing an allergy. Kurenai, Hinata’s favorite high school teacher, agrees to one. Ino goes in for two. Sasuke’s brother lets his wife talk him into one. Shisui agrees to one, as does his mother. Even Hanabi manages to convince Hiashi to let her have one. That leaves three unaccounted for, which Hana assures them won’t take long.
Sasuke, however...quickly becomes attached. He’s told her before of his family’s love for cats, as evident by their percentage of participation. But more than once, Hinata catches him in the spare room, letting himself be overrun by kittens.
As time goes, the mama cat quickly warms up to them both.
“How about Oreo?”
“You have any idea how overused that name is for black and white animals?”
“Cuz it fits!”
“...how about...Shadow?”
“...what was that about overused?”
Staring at her, Sasuke then brightens. “...Bowtie.”
“Her white mark on her chest! It looks like a bowtie!”
Hinata stares...and then laughs. “It does!”
Once the kittens are old enough, they get one last checkup by Hana, and then get dispersed to their new homes.
And Bowtie gets spayed.
“I think one batch of twelve babies was enough for the poor thing,” Hinata agrees.
“Yeah...one cat is plenty. For now.”
“...for now.”
     Me: I should keep my dailies short so I don't burn out for the Tumblr event!      Me: *writes this, which is almost 2k words*      ...welp xD      Typically I try to average about 1200 words for these drabbles...I think last I checked the overall average was actually 1400-ish? So even then I've managed to go a bit overboard, lol - I just...really liked this prompt and had to flesh it out a bit more than usual xD      Anywho, Hinata found a kitty! Which then led to MANY MORE kitties! Which I promise all ended up with good homes. And that's...really all there is to this, lol      Remember folks: spay and neuter your pets!      Anyway, on that note, I'm gonna go pass out! Still got a LOT of writing ahead of me for the next three days, so I need some sleep - thanks for reading!
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Silence // cultleader!Thor verse
Words: ~ 1,8k
Summary: There is something about the boy, Thor knows that right away. And there's something that's missing: his voice. Loki is silent, he won't speak, but somehow, Thor doesn't really mind.
Warnings: kid!Loki, underage, mute!loki, first meetings, fluff
Note: Another addition to the cultleader!Thor verse! Thor and Loki meet for the first time. Enjoy!
[Read on AO3]
People come and go, it's something Thor got used to. His commune is somewhat of an escape for all kinds of people, where they can find themselves and sometimes they stay, sometimes they don't. Some come for peace, those usually only stay for a while, and others come for Thor himself, because Thor has… other things to offer. They are what make people want to stay, because they have something they can’t have anywhere else: freedom.
So, given all of that, he's not surprised when it knocks on his door one evening and a young woman stands there with her two children, a young boy and a slightly older girl.
Only that they are not her children, not both at least. The girl, Darcy, is very sweet, just like her mother, who thanks Thor for allowing her to stay and the girl even hugs him because she can finally sleep in a real bed again. The boy, however, doesn't. He won't even speak, just hides behind the woman's leg and stays silent, without making eye contact.
“He never speaks,” the woman explains and rubs the boy's back. He doesn't look very comfortable with it.
“Your son?” Thor asks and she shakes her head slowly.
“I found him trying to steal something from a store and took him with me,” she says hesitantly. “I only know his name, Loki.”
“Loki…” Thor says and smiles warmly. A pretty name, perfectly fitting for such a pretty boy. He kneels down, looking at the boy, who still looks like he's about to run away any second. “You don't have to be scared anymore,” he smiles. “You're safe here.”
The boy looks wary when their eyes finally meet, but he doesn't look away. He has beautiful green eyes, big and innocent, just like the rest of him. Thor can feel a warmth spread in his stomach when he smiles at the boy, who in return hides behind the woman’s leg again. He still looks at Thor though, as if he’s some sort of fascinating creature he can’t take his eyes off, and Thor loves it.
It’s a week before Thor sees the boy again. He’s taking a walk on the beach to distract his mind from the problems he had to deal with throughout the day when he sees the small figure in the distance. It’s Loki, sitting in the sand and resting his chin on his knees. For a while, Thor just watches him, waits if someone else will come or if the boy will leave, but nothing happens. Loki keeps sitting there, unmoving and silent, and eventually, Thor approaches him.
“Hey, Loki,” he says quietly and sits down a bit away from the boy. Loki only reacts with a tiny flinch, then he is still again. “Looks like you’re enjoying the view.”
Loki stays silent and keeps looking at the ocean and somehow, Thor finds that comforting. He relaxes and stretches his legs, following Loki’s gaze and watching the waves for a few minutes in silence.
“You found my special place here, you know?” Thor says after a while, not checking if Loki reacts or not. He hears him, that’s all that matters. “I often come here when I’m sad or need to clear my head. It’s soothing to watch the ocean.”
He wonders what happened to the boy and if his silence is something recent, or something that has always been there. Loki looks like such a sweet kid, but he also looks so utterly lost and sad. It pains Thor to see that.
“Do you like it here, Loki?” Thor asks after a few more minutes, looking at the boy. It looks like he won't react again and then, he slowly shakes his head. It's barely noticeable, but Thor sees it. ”Why not? Is anyone mean to you?”
Loki shrugs a bit at that, but that's all. No explanation, no reasoning, just silence.
Thor sighs and runs a hand through Loki's hair, not really short but not long either and with a pretty raven color. It's a gentle touch, not demanding, not angry. Just caring and affectionate.
“It's okay, kid,” he says softly. “You don't have to talk if you don't want to, sometimes it's better to just not say anything at all. I talk too much most of the time, so if I start to annoy you just poke me or something, alright?”
For the first time, Thor draws a reaction from the boy, which is a quiet chuckle into his knees. The gentle and sweet sound makes him smile.
“I'm sure you'll feel comfortable here soon,” he continues and moves his hand to the boy's back, rubbing it soothingly. Loki doesn't look like he did when his adoptive mother did the same and that, for some reason, warms Thor's heart. “Maybe you'll even make some friends, the other kids are very nice. I think you and Peter would get along well, he's a bit wild but very bright and fun to be around.”
Loki looks at him for a moment, big green eyes curious and a bit confused. Then, his lips twitch slightly, almost into a smile, before he turns his head back around to look at the waves. Thor joins him for a while, continuing to rub the boy's back because he seems to like that and not really thinking about much. Even if he'd rather have Loki speak, the silence is kind of comfortable.
“You can speak, right?” Thor finally asks and looks over at Loki, who slowly nods after a while. Thor smiles. “But you don't want to?” Loki answers by shaking his head. “Take your time then,” Thor says gently and leans over, pressing a kiss onto the boy's head. “Don't let anyone make you feel bad for not talking, okay? That's your decision and when you're ready, you'll speak. And if you want some company while watching the waves, just drop by and I'll come with you. I won't ask you to talk and I'll try to keep my mouth shut if you want silence.”
Thor sighs when Loki nods again and finally retreats his hand so he can stand up. He stretches himself a bit and turns to leave when he hears a very quiet and soft voice.
“Thank you.”
Thor's lips curl into a smile as he looks back at Loki, who still watches the waves but looks kind of relieved now. A lot less tense than before.
“You’re a good kid,” he says and can't help the gentle way he looks at Loki. He's such a sweet boy, he deserves to be happy. “If you ever need anything, you can always come to me. I won't send you away, don't worry.”
After their encounter, Loki begins to warm up. It takes time and he stays silent for over a month more, but Thor notices that he smiles sometimes and starts to be with the other kids every now and then. He's also often around Thor, which surprises him a little, but Loki is nice company. He's quiet but observant, always listens to Thor no matter what he says and even though he doesn't speak, he can communicate with him very effectively. It's a joy to be around him, really.
Often, Thor is occupied with something and Loki shows up out of nowhere. He might just sit down near Thor and watches him work, or he walks up to him, curious about what he's doing. One time, he leans his head against Thor until he pats his head and ruffles his hair, giving him the brightest smile before running off again. Thor doesn't really know what to think of that, but he likes it. Loki enjoys it when he's affectionate like that, obviously.
The day Loki finally breaks his silence, Thor has pretty much accepted that the boy doesn't talk and got used to the silence when he's around. One of the other children got a puppy that day and everyone is gathering around the little thing, doting on it and laughing, while Thor stands a bit away from them, watching.
“I don't like dogs, they bite,” someone suddenly says and Thor chuckles amused.
“Only if they have a bad owner who doesn't know how to teach them not to,” he says and smiles. “Puppies are really cute though.”
“I like cats more.”
“Me too,” Thor grins. “They're independent and hunters, they -”
Thor is interrupted when someone suddenly takes his hand, someone small next to him. He turns around and is surprised to see Loki standing there, his tiny hand holding his own and looking at the group of people in front of them. He doesn't make the connection before Loki speaks again.
“I want a cat,” he says and leans against Thor's leg.
“W-What kind of cat?” Thor asks carefully, completely stunned and wanting the boy to continue talking.
“A black one,” Loki mumbles.
“A kitten?”
Thor squeezes the boy's hand gently and Loki turns his head to look up at him. His face is calm and sweet and when he squeezes Thor's hand back, the man feels a wave of utter affection for the boy.
“Loki…” he whispers, almost cautiously quiet. “You're speaking…”
“You said it's okay if I want to,” Loki says and tilts his head.
Thor looks at the boy completely speechless for a long moment and then picks the boy up and hugs him tight against his chest. He doesn't know why Loki speaking makes him so extremely happy, but it does. It was such a casual conversation, not forced or scared and that Loki decided to speak to him means so much.
“Thor, you are squishing me!” Loki squeals eventually and all Thor can do is laugh and hug him even more, he can't stop it.
“You did it, Loki! You're speaking again!” Thor says happily as he spins the boy around, making Loki laugh too now. It's the first time he actually hears him laugh and it's a beautiful sound, crystal clear and absolutely wonderful to his ears.
When Thor finally puts Loki back down, the boy smiles from ear to ear and his eyes are filled with pure joy. Thor takes his hand again and smiles back.
“Can we go see the puppy?” Loki asks and Thor can't help but smile even more.
“I thought you don't like dogs?”
“I don't, but I wanna see it,” Loki shrugs, making Thor laugh again.
“I think we can do that,” Thor smiles and holds Loki's hand as they walk towards the crowd.
If Loki wants to see the puppy, Thor will show him. He will do anything just so the boy is happy and the thought doesn't even come as a surprise. It feels like he knew that all along, but it took Loki speaking to make him understand.
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To any of the lycans, uh, how does it work? Like do you like...y'know? Awooo, follow the moon, and all that?
Listen to me go on and on about my Lycanthropes. Under readmore for length.
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So, this is likely going to end up with far more information than what you were actually looking for. I completely understand if this ends up being a tl;dr kinda thing, but I’ll start off by saying that my Lycans were created around my vampires. I believe that pretty much everything else you’d need to know will be under the cut, feel free to send me any more questions you have or even hit me up via IM to discuss it further! Thank you for asking! Though, I should add that one thing you will notice over time is that all of my creatures and verse connect together at some point. Like it shows in here with the vampires and wolves. That ends up extended to all of them somewhere down the line though I’m focusing on the wolves right now.
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The vampires came first (who were created by Hades) and Zeus created the Lycans as a way to kill Hades’ creations. His vampires and his demons. That was the only mission that Zeus had given my wolves. Once the wolves were created, a huge war broke out between the vampires and them. Eventually, they called for peace and have managed to keep their ends (for the most part if you don’t count Lucien) from starting another one. The lycanthropes blood is poisonous to the vampires, this done specifically so that the vampires couldn’t feed off them and gain even more power. The wolves are stronger and faster but they don’t have those special abilities that the Pureblood vampires have and they also don’t heal quite as fast but it is harder to actually injure them. Their skin is thicker than normal, harder to pierce and they don’t bruise or anything of that sort nearly as easily either.
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Once a year, after the first full moon of Spring (I just put it as the month of April to simplify it), the wolves go through their mating season. Their stamina is increased, their strength practically maxed out and they release a pheromone that attracts potential mates (both males and females release this scent). This affects those of practically every race, not just other wolves. It’s something they can’t help. And during that month, from full moon to full moon, the wolves are in a constant state that is the equivalent of a dog in heat. Now, most just hide out during that time to avoid it but some, like Lucien, take advantage of that. However, during this time they are also much more fertile as well and run the risk of their wolf instincts taking over and ‘claiming’ the one they are mating with. So, if they do indulge during this time, they take extra precautions to make sure there isn’t any chance of losing control or someone getting pregnant.
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The wolves cannot change whenever they wish and have no choice but to change during the full moon. Three days prior to the full moon, you will start to see the changes in them. Slowly their eyes will change from whatever they naturally are to light flecks of gold, then swirls before becoming completely golden and nearly glowing the day of. Their eyes also change when they are feeling any particular emotion very strongly as well as during the mating season. With each passing of those three days, they become more like their wolf side, their strength increases, their speed and much more. The moment the full moon is high in the sky, they must be somewhere out of the way of witnesses. The very first transformation is painful as hell but after the body has adjusted to support the monthly change and after it’s only slightly painful as you can practically feel your insides being moved around.
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The change lasts until dawn where they become normal again and usually, they end up sleeping after anywhere from 24-48 hours straight, depending on how much of their energy they expelled while in their wolf form. While in their wolf form, they, for the most part, keep the human side of their mind but it’s more prone to react accordingly to their wolfs instinct and they become more like the predator they really are. For example, if you trap them they will attack even if their human form would never do something like that. During their transformation, their bite and claws are poisonous to vampires and demons as well and they cannot communicate with humans. 
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Their wolf form is not one of those hideous deformed wolf creatures but in fact just like a normal wolf except two to three times its size. The color of their fur reflects the owners natural hair color, so for example, while Lucien’s wolf form will have red fur, it won’t be as vibrant as his actual naturally color and be closer to gingerish red while Audrey, with her bright blond hair, will appear mostly with white fur that has a tint of gold to it. In my verse for wolves, every werewolf and such is actually apart of my Lycans. Where the Lycans are considered the Purebreds, the ones born as they are and from two wolf parents, werewolves are the ones of mixed breed. Whether it was them being bitten and turned, actually mixed blood from a wolf and another creature, etc. My Lycans can get a general sense of another wolf’s age simply by their scent.
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The wolves do in fact have packs just like normal wolves would. There are six main packs, the original ones that were created by Zeus himself. Their locations are Switzerland (this is where Lucien, Audrey, Vincent, and Noelia are from), Spain (this is where Lorenzo and Yesenia are from), Asia, England, Italy (this is where Cipriana and Elias are from) and Africa. They were scattered about to help with the population of the vampires but in the end, it wasn’t too well thought out by Zeus because he didn’t create nearly enough to match the steadily increasing number of vampires and the Purebloods almost always had an advantage over them when it came to their abilities. 
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Claiming a mate is relatively simple. It simply requires their chosen mate (if not already a wolf) to be bitten during the next full moon (the wolves can only turn someone through their bite during a full moon, so yeah this would never work on a vampire or demon) and wait for the unbearably painful first transformation. If they’re already a wolf you can basically skip that part but after they’ve transformed, they then have to mate while in their wolf form (the chances of the female getting pregnant during this time is extremely high). And that’s pretty much it, this act pretty much bonds them together and the male’s scent will remain on the female letting others know who she belongs to.
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Just like what you’d expect with packs, there is always an alpha. Lorenzo is the alpha of the Spanish pack, Lucien is supposed to be the next alpha of the Switzerland pack. In order for someone to become alpha, they have to battle the original alpha and succeed in killing them. So for Lucien, he’d have to fight and kill his own father to become alpha (this was the case for Lorenzo too because generally, the alpha gene is passed through the bloodline). This is what comes naturally to them, no matter how harsh it sounds and they have to be killed rather than simply being beaten because the bond of loyalty the pack holds for the original alpha won’t change until his (or her) death. When one is the alpha of the pack, he has the ability to give commands that those of his pack will have no choice but to obey. Generally, the need to use this particular type of command isn’t necessary for the wolves naturally listen to their alpha but there has been a time or two where the use this commanding voice to force obedience where it’s needed.
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flyba3 · 7 years
What's your name?
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A/N: OHHHHH IM SO HAPPY…this is my first request, and S/O to Melaninstoryteller cause she’s sooo dope and she pitched me this request :3) luv u <3
Request / Summary: Can you write a fic about Christian Yu walking Lori, and he lets go of her leash. Then Y/N finds her, and she starts talking to Christian.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Christian Yu x Y/N
Word Count: 1037
Of all days you can’t find your keys, it’s today. This week you promised yourself that you would get back on track with your ‘healthy lifestyle’ goals, and you wanted to kickstart your week with a jog. Today you’re especially pumped to go on a jog because the weather’s nice. Usually, the weather in Gangnam starts to hit the warmer temps of fall around this time which is perfect for you, but more importantly; you just got this dope ass workout apparel from Victoria’s Secret! Today, you decided to sport a pair of marble print hot shorts, a fleece v-back sweatshirt, and a white pair of Nike Roshe Ones. Every once in awhile, you would get distracted from looking for keys because you were to busy looking in the mirror. You were distracted because that outfit made you look extra thick, but since you were single; you were the only one who could appreciate the thickness.
“Shit, they were right here the whole time,” you say aloud when you find your keys lying on the counter behind your purse.
After a good 10 minute walk to the park, you decide to get your workout playlist ready for when you start to pick up the pace. This playlist consisted of a nice mixture of Korean and American artist, but DPR Live, one of your favorite artists, played a heavy presence in this mix. The park was relatively empty today, but there were still a few sightings of couples picnicking, ajusshi’s feeding fish at the pond, and cute small families playing together. Other than that, there were rarely any distractions. Once you hit the mile mark, you noticed that you’ve been jogging for about 15 minutes. Now, was about time for a water break and a quick stretching session. But before you could find a clear and open grassy area to do stretches, your favorite song came on, “Please” by DPR Live, so you had to take a moment to have a mini dance session. While you were in the middle of rapping the 2nd verse, you felt a soft and furry creature rub against your leg. As you looked down, you prayed it wasn’t a squirrel that rubbed against you, but you were pleased to be greeted by a Mini Pinscher laying on the grass looking up a you.
As you smiled back at the Mini Pin, you bent down to read her name tag, “Lori… you’re too cute to be left alone, and your owner must be crazy to leave you alone“.
You looked around to see if you noticed anyone nearby, but no one seemed to be looking for anything. Instead of looking for her owner, you decided to stay there for awhile and play together because you figured her owner would eventually show up calling her name. While you were in the middle of scratching Lori’s belly, you noticed her ears start to twitch as if something caught her attention.
“Loriiiiiii,” you heard a deep voice with an aussie accent yell.
When you turned around you saw a tall heavily tatted man wearing a black graphic t-shirt and a pair of gray Nike shorts with a man bun on his head. Your first impression of the man made your cheeks heat up because you suddenly felt overwhelmingly aware of how your ass looked. As you stood up, Lori started yapping aggressively in a cute manner which caught the man’s attention. Once he spotted the two of you, he rushed over and picked up Lori; then he greeted you.
“Lori, why did you run away from me?” You saw the man hug her tightly as he stood next to you. His arms appeared to be well built, and his tattoos seemed to intensify the effect they had on you. Suddenly, you felt slightly envious of Lori because of the care he seemed to show her as he embraced her.
“But it looks like you’ve found a pretty lady. A lady so pretty that I must take on a date.”
“And what might be the name of this mystery man who wants to take me on a date?”
You ask in a slightly flirtatious tone.
“Christian… but you can call me Ian. And maybe later you’ll call me your boyfriend.” He responds in an equally flirtatious tone, reaching in his pocket for his phone.
“Well, Ian you can call me Y/N, but what if I told you I already had someone to call mine?” Of course you wouldn’t reject his offer, but you just couldn’t pass up the offer of messing with him a bit. To you, this guy seemed to good to be true with his looks and all, so by now you’ve dubbed him a fuck boy.
“I guess I’d ask Lori why she would steal this pretty lady from me. My guess is that it’s because you two get along well, and my guess for that would be that you have a dog of your own at home.” Christian says as he runs his hand through his hair.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have a dog of my own. But lucky for you, I wouldn’t mind bringing Lori home. You, on the other hand, are another issue, and I guess it could be solved if I go on a date or two with you.” The amount of confidence you showed made you so proud of yourself, and you could tell it had an affect on Ian by the way he was biting his lip.
After a few more minutes of talking and exchanging contact info, you and Ian decided on a date at the zoo. Ian offered to walk you home, and on you way back you two did a bit of small talk. While you were chatting Christian tried to sweet talk you.
“You know I could buy you any animal you want.” He said as you two approached the front door to your condo. He looked at you in a relax manner, yet he still seem to anticipate what you would say next.
“Why would I want them if I got you?” You told Ian as you pecked him on his lips after unlocking your door and gently shutting it in his face.    
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rocproductions · 7 years
Prompt Fill
After my lack-of-sleep induced mope a few days back, I was given a few prompts by @stefanyd. This is my attempt at the first one :)
Original prompt: “Prom finds a dog. Ignis and Cor are torn between letting him keep it forever or looking for an owner. Prom is a good Prom he knows he had to look for the owner why are his family members so dramatic. i wish prom had a pet.”
Note: This is set in my The Sun Cannot Wait FFXV AU Verse, but will mostly make sense without. :3
“No.” Prompto blinked up at Cor in confusion as he held the corgi puppy in his arms, her little head resting on his collarbone. His dad frowned down at the two of them, opening his mouth for a moment before closing it. “Never mind. Where's the dog from?”
Prompto smiled, nuzzling his nose into the fur on the top of the dog’s head. “Found her in the gardens at the bottom of a hole. Looks like it was dug to plant a tree, but this poor little gal fell in, and her legs were too short to get her out. She’s pretty clean and chubby, so I doubt she was there long. No collar, though.” Cor nodded absently, reaching out and giving the puppy a scratch behind the ears, a thoughtful look on his face.
“It’s good you found her then,” Cor said, and Prompto watched as his dad stepped away, clearly not saying something as the older man’s mouth twisted. “I've got work to do, I'll see you later.” The older man was gone before Prompto could even open his mouth, and he met the puppy’s eyes with a shrug.
“Yeah, I don't know either. Let's get you some water and see if anyone is looking for you,” he told his passenger, getting a lick to the chin as he headed to the elevators. “Maybe your parents live here…”
After settling the pup down with a bowl of water in the bathroom back in their quarters, he started calling every department he could think of; Monica asked around the Crownsguard offices for him, but no dice. Same with Libertus and the Kingsglaive. He spent the next half hour calling everyone he was brave enough to all the way down to the janitorial offices in the basement, but no one owned up to be the owners of the small dog currently whining at the bathroom door. Drat, he’d have to put up a found dog notice online-
“Prompto? What in the world is that noise?” Prompto jerked at the sound of Ignis’s familiar voice only feet from him, and he chuckled nervously as he saw the man’s eyes take in the sight in front of him. “You look like you’ve been on a mission,” Iggy said, and Prompto nodded.
“Well, you see…” He got to his feet and headed to the bathroom, opening the door and picking up the puppy before he could make a run for it. “I found her in the gardens, stuck in a planting hole of some sort. Isn’t she adorable?” Prompto gently waved the puppy’s paw at Iggy, who walked up to him with an expression that didn’t bode well for the dog’s continued presence.
“Prompto, are you sure you want a dog? You’ve been so busy with your new positions that it might not be the best time-” Oh. Prompto clutched the puppy tighter to him out of impulse, and Iggy sighed. “If you are determined on this course of action, we’ll need to procure supplies and figure out how we might achieve this.” Iggy spun on his heel and headed for the door before Prompto could say a word. “I’ll retrieve some food for the dog for now.” When the door clicked shut behind Iggy, Prompto met the puppy’s eyes once again with a sigh.
“Why is everyone being weird today? I’ve still gotta see if we can find your owner,”  Prompto said, carrying the dog into the living room and plopping her on the table. “Stay there, I need to get a picture for the posting.” The puppy whined, but behaved as he grabbed his phone and snapped a quick photo before picking her up and setting her down. “Where are you going to go pee at?”
Prompto posted the Found listing online after piling up a bunch of newspapers they hadn’t gotten rid of yet in the bathroom and showing the puppy, getting a response almost right away. Then another. Then another. After a solid twelve people all informed him that it was their dog, he realized that he was going to have to get a little more careful on screening. He asked for pictures, he asked for information, and the ones who bothered to get back him all gave him info that clearly took them off the list, save one. After some deliberation, they arranged to meet at a cafe near the Citadel, and he bundled the puppy up in a blanket and headed out. He wasn’t even paying attention when the elevator door opened, and he bumped right into a suspiciously familiar chest as he and the puppy started in.
“Oh, sorry-”
“Prompto? Where are you headed to?” Ignis asked, and Prompto looked down to see a bag at his side and blinked. That’s right, he had said something about food.
“I’m meeting someone at a cafe outside, wanna come with?” Ignis looked ambivalent, but he scooted back onto the elevator, Prompto and the puppy joining him as they headed to the ground floor, only to run into Cor the instant they stepped outside the doors.
“Hi dad! Where are you off to?” Cor looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed in the same expression he had earlier, and Prompto sighed. “You both are being weird today. Wanna come with me and Iggy? I’m meeting someone at a cafe, and we could get a snack while we’re there,” he said, and after a long pause, Cor nodded slowly. “Great! Let’s go, supposed to meet them in fifteen minutes.”
Neither of his companions spoke as they all headed to the cafe, but he could see them occasionally exchanging looks behind him, and he let himself scowl for a moment. He had no idea what their problem was, but-
The puppy started licking at his chin, and he giggled, scratching her ears as the cafe came into view (Iggy and Cor looked each other again as this was happening behind him, but he ignored them as he was busy with more important things.) He didn’t even make it to the entrance to the outside seating before he heard a gasp, and saw a woman getting to her feet with a shocked look on her face. Oh boy. He rustled up a smile as he approached her, his overly tall companions at his back, but the woman looked like she was seconds from running.
“Are you Antonia? Sorry I got here late-” The woman squeaked, looking from him to Cor, and Prompto sighed. “He doesn’t bite. I promise. Really, I’m just here because you said you had lost your puppy, is this her?” He lifted his little passenger out of the blanket, and he watched the woman’s mouth pinch, a torn expression overtaking her features before she slumped and shook her head.
“Sir- er, your grace, I-” Antonia sucked in air between her teeth as Prompto watched her eyes flit between the three of them, clearly trying to gather up her courage to say something, and after an awkward minute (Prompto could see people gathering around watching and snapping photos, which was not was he was trying to do) Iggy stepped forward and raised an eyebrow at Antonia.
“You aren’t missing a puppy at all, are you?” Ignis asked, and the woman gave Prompto one more fraught look before shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve always wanted a corgi, and they are so expensive usually that I got the idea when I saw your post…” Antonia scratched nervously at her neck, and Prompto looked up at both Iggy and his dad before stepping forward, his own thoughts uncertain.
“I should probably keep the listing up a few more days, but if no one comes forward-” he managed to voice out an offer even as the puppy was snuffling happily in his arms, and he looked down and nuzzled the top of her head without even thinking about it, leading to odd noises coming from all around him.
“No, I- couldn’t do that. I’m sorry for wasting your time, sirs, I’ll just-” the pale-faced Antonia turned and fled without even finishing her sentence, and Prompto blinked at her swiftly disappearing back before shrugging and turning to Cor and Iggy, who were both standing there looking rather severe, Cor with his arms crossed and Iggy with his hands on his hips.
“Really? Were you trying to give her a heart attack?” Prompto grumbled, taking the abandoned table and sitting down, setting the puppy in his lap whilst the other two joined him. Iggy reached under the table and squeezed his thigh in what he was pretty sure was an apology as his dad looked completely unapologetic.
“She was lying, I could see that right away,” Cor stated, and Prompto glowered at him for a moment before being distracted by a little snout setting itself on the table.
“Yeah, well, the others were even more obvious, she was the only candidate. I called like half the Citadel, but no one knows about any lost puppies,” he said as he ran his finger up and down the puppy’s nose, and Cor sighed.
“Were you thinking about keeping her?” Cor asked, a little smile in his eyes, and Prompto...really wanted to say yes. He really wanted to, but Iggy was right, he was super busy a lot of the time and it probably wouldn’t be fair to her-
“I...don’t know. I should probably give it a few days and see if anyone else turns up,” he said quietly, and Ignis huffed.
“Well, I have procured food for our small guest, Prompto, so we aren’t in a rush. Perhaps I should find some...what do they call them? Doggy pads?” Iggy said, and Prompto grinned.
“Puppy pads. Yeah, she used a pile of newspaper instead, but that’s not exactly ideal-”
“You gave her my newpapers?”
The poor waiter who finally approached their table took another ten minutes to reappear after Ignis’s outburst. Oops.
Several days went by with not a single further response (Prompto knew their meeting had been reported on, which was just weird) and when the morning of the fourth day rolled around, Prompto found himself standing on the balcony, Missy (temporary name, he was tired of calling her puppy) in his arms as Iggy came out to join him.
“Have you decided, Prompto?” Prompto leaned back against him as Iggy wound his arms around his waist, and he hitched Missy up higher in his arms so Iggy could see her.
“What do you think? I mean, I know what I want to do, but I am all over the place these days, like you said, and I really don’t know if that’s fair to her…” He could feel Iggy’s breath against his ear as the man leaned in to look closer at Missy, and he found himself holding his own breath as the moment stretched on. A bird flew by a second later, and Missy barked, causing both of them to laugh before Iggy pulled back with a firm kiss to the side of his head.
“She’s darling, and I know how much you love animals. She also has the advantage of being a working breed, so she’ll be a good companion. If you wish to keep her, Prompto, go right ahead, I won’t argue, and we all know Noct and Gladio liked her immediately. I only have one request,” Ignis said, and Prompto turned in his arms, smiling up at him as Missy gave Iggy a wet kiss to his cheek.
“What’s that?”
“Obedience classes. I hear that corgis make excellent watchdogs…”
If anyone had ever told Prompto that he’d be sitting with Cor and Ignis watching his short-legged puppy learn how to roll on command someday, he would have thought them crazy.
If someone had told him that Cor would be spotted on multiple occasions going for a jog with Aurora (Iris’s idea, and Prompto really liked the name) prancing gleefully at his side (no leash, but who was going to call him out on it? The king?) he would have called them batshit.
If the king himself had told him that Iggy would be lectured by Crownsguard Livia for carrying Aurora around in a doggy sling (and what the heck did the word marding mean anyway?) he would have thought them a stark raving lunatic.
Not that he was complaining.
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theartificialdane · 8 years
Galactica part 235
in this Courtney tells her story, Roxy has the hot goss, Adore makes up her mind, Raja tries to be a friend, and Fame’s rein of terror continues.
Thank you @veronicasanders @samrull and @toriibelledarling <3 You are all amazing!
Fame sighed and sat down on the couch, Charles running towards her, the big Great Dane laying his head in his owner’s lap.
“Hey big boy..” Fame kicked her shoes off and tugged on Charles ear, the dog growling but he allowed Fame to play with him, the dog accepting his mom’s teasing. “Did you have a good day? Did the dog walker take you to the park? Patrick, did Charles go to th-” Fame stopped, only just realizing what she had said, Charles perking up at the sound of Patrick name, clearly expecting Patrick to walk through the door. Charles tail wagged back and forth, the dog's mouth open, his tongue out. “Ssh, Charles, sssh. Sit, sit.” Fame grabbed Charles and pulled him down, the dog sitting. “You silly dog, we’re all alone Charles…” Fame felt tears well up in her eyes. “We’re all alone…”
“Okay, so, I need another drink, now that this bitch is here,” said Bethenny, handing her empty glass to Carole, giving Bianca air kisses.
“Hey, Bethenny. Haven’t seen you for years. You look horrible,” Bianca greeted her.
Bethenny threw back her head and laughed. “I know, right? I’ve been having this weird thing, I’m like bleeding a lot, it’s a whole vagina thing. Who’s this?” she gestured to Vanity, whose face was in a deep grimace at the mention of the word “vagina.”
“This is my brother, Ben - or, Vanity…” Courtney turned to Vanity. “How am I supposed to introduce you?”
“Vanity Fair, charmed,” she simpered, holding her hand out.
“Jesus. So you’re the normal one?” Bethenny asked Courtney.
“Yeah,” Courtney nodded.
“Oy. Thank you.” Bethenny accepted the fresh cocktail from Carole.
“Courtney, Adam wants you to know that everything tonight is farm to table locally sourced vegan,” said Carole. “He’s not being rude, he’s just very focused in the kitchen.”
Courtney clapped her hands excitedly.
Bianca looked at Bethenny as they followed Carole to the living room. “I hope you smuggled in some cheese.”
“Yeah, I got a wheel of brie in my purse,” Bethenny giggled.
“So Courtney, how did you and Bianca meet?” asked Carole, as everyone took their seats around a low table.
“I’m best friends with her sister,” Courtney said. “And...well, I was going through a really weird breakup with this guy, and I’d only ever been with guys. Even though...well...it always sort of felt wrong, but--”
“Was it like a seduction by an older woman type of thing?” Carole asked, eyes glittering. “We love those stories around here!”
“Um...not really, no. I was the one who started it.” Courtney looked at Bianca. “You didn’t really do anything.”
Bianca took a sip of wine. “Yeah, I did.”
“I mean, you helped me with the work stuff...you were really generous, and sweet, and...”
Bianca smiled. “Okay, so, the real story is this. I saw her at a fashion show with my sister, over a year ago. She was sexy and adorable and I planned to do my typical thing, seduce her and fuck her brains out and all that, but then the next time I saw her, she was in like, actual emotional distress, and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m not into, like...feelings. So you know, I tell myself ‘Wait until she’s not depressed. Fuck her then.’”
Bethenny cackled.
“Charming,” Courtney said, frowning a little.
“Yeah, well. Then the problem was, I kept seeing her, and I started HAVING feelings. Like a disease. It was awful. So I realized that the only thing that would possibly work was the exact fucking opposite of everything I normally do. No games, no bullshit, no - to use your word - seduction. I tried something I’d never done before. I tried to be a good person, and not expect anything in return.”
“And it worked?”
“I mean, it was the longest 4 months of my life, but yeah, ultimately, it worked.”
“Awww…” Courtney kissed her. “Wait, so me making the first move...that was intentional?”
“Why didn’t you just TELL me? I would have done it sooner. I was clawing down the curtains.”
“Because it had to be your idea. That was part of it.”
“So you made up rules in your head? But didn’t tell me? How is that no games?” Courtney challenged, eyes narrowed.
“Uhhhhh…” Bianca downed her wine glass. “Anyone here like sports?”
“This is like...fascinating…” Carole said, eyes wide, sipping her drink.
“Yeah, Carole is real curious about lesbianism,” Bethenny announced. “Tell them about your dream last year, Carole!”
“No, because, it’s like, the politics of who makes the first move...shut up, Bethenny!”
Vanity raised her hand. “Um, not that I don’t enjoy this discussion about catching my sister’s pussy, but I was told there would be a gentleman here.”
Carole grinned. “He’s cooking. He’ll be out in a few minutes with the appetizers.”
“Jesus, this one is like Ramona. Where are the men?! Where’s the dick?!” Bethenny screeched.
“Every day…” Bianca shook her head.
“Sorry if I get bored watching you two and your soft core porn all day,” Vanity replied.
“What do you mean ‘soft core’?” Courtney giggled, head on Bianca’s shoulder.
“You know, there was a time when you liked dick, too, Courtney!” Vanity said.
Courtney raised her eyebrows. “I mean...I don’t know about ‘liked dick’...it was more like…tolerated dick…”
Adam walked into the room with a tray of food. “Hey, ladies…”
“Right on cue!” Bethenny crowed, falling over laughing. “Adam, thanks for cooking. Now we have to warn you, this season is all about pussy.”
“Cool,” Adam said, setting down the food and toasting Carole. “Here’s to...well I am trying to think of a word for it that won’t embarrass my mother.”
“Let’s go with womankind,” said Carole.
“Yeah, we’ve got lesbians, drag queens, and I’m bleeding by the bucket,” Bethenny continued.
“Uh, okay.” Adam nodded uncomfortably and then changed the subject. “So...these are beet, arugula and hazelnut vinaigrette pizzas with a cauliflower crust. I’m gonna go finish the main course.”
As he walked back to the kitchen, Bethenny shook her head. “He really is a trooper.”
“I’m a little concerned about your bleeding. I thought it was like, spotting,” said Carole, biting into her pizza.
“Oh no,” Bethenny shook her head. “It’s like a river down there. I think I may need a transfusion. I have a doctor’s appointment on Friday.” She turned to Vanity, who had a horrified look on her face. “Why aren’t you eating?”
ROXY: Fame in rare form today. She sent back 4 coffees already.
SHANNEL: I’m kind of suspicious of the energy here. B and N getting along. WTF
ROXY: That is suspicious. Are we living in the end times?
SHANNEL: Possibly.
ROXY: What’s new with mystery married dude? Sex still good?
SHANNEL: Yeah. Although he’s starting to like...open up emotionally. It’s weird and gross and I’m not sure I’m there for it.
ROXY: Lmao, you’re a bad person
SHANNEL: No, but like you know. I’m not trying to be a professional mistress. Wrong bitch, sir.
ROXY: I get you.
SHANNEL: Last week was all about this war with his wife about some fucking cufflinks she wouldn’t give him. #whocares
SHANNEL: I’m not here to talk about your man jewelry and I’m certainly not here to talk about your wife.
ROXY: lololololol
Alaska looked up from her computer, removing her glasses, as Adore entered, flinging her messenger bag down and ambling over to the couch to flop down beside her dejectedly. Alaska was working from home today, Kim practically forcing her to not come into work since the mountain of emails in Alaska inbox exploded after they had relaunched one of their old lipstick shades.  “What’s wrong, muffin?” Alaska asked, running her hands through Adore’s hair, which was currently turquoise fading into purple.
“I think you were right about the boys.”
“What about them?”
“Well...I played them a verse from the newest song I wrote. You know, ‘Out of the Blue’?”
“Right. That song is awesome.”
“Aaron’s exact word were ‘Angry Pussy is supposed to be an ironic band name, Adore. Let’s not turn this bitch into the Vagina Monologues.’ And then he played another song about anarchy and of course all the guys just shat themselves with glee over it.”
“Was is any different than his last 20 songs about anarchy?”
“No. I mean yeah. It was kind of worse.”
Alaska laughed and shook her head. “I’m telling you, hon, they’re holding you back.”
Adore sighed. “So...I guess I’m starting a new band. From scratch.”
“I guess so.”
“Fuck. This is gonna be so much work.”
“Well, look on the bright side...while you do it, you get to live in a penthouse and you don’t have to have a day job.”
“True…” Adore smiled. “Man, my life is fucking awesome.”
Ivy sipped her green tea, carefully entering numbers for the upcoming gala into the budget, when the door to her office was thrown open. She shrieked, jumping out of her seat, concentration broken, nerves rattled, as Roxy burst through the entryway, slamming her hands down on her desk.
“Omigod, girl, you will NEVER GUESS what I just found out!”
“Roxy, Jesus, you just scared the living DAYLIGHTS out of me!” Ivy’s heart hammered a million miles a minute as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. But seriously, I’m about to tell you something and you have to SWEAR you won’t tell anyone but OMIGOD this is huge…”
“Okay, jeez, I swear!”
“Patrick...is totally having an affair...with Shannel Watkins!”
“Wait...Nina Garcia’s assistant? Your best friend?”
“WHOA...Did she tell you?!” Ivy asked, eyes bulging.
“Well, not exactly, but...she told me stuff that...I mean, I figured it out. It’s definitely true. You cannot tell anyone! A-NY-ONE! Promise me!”
“I promise!” Ivy said.
“Good.” Roxy sighed with relief. “I just like...needed to share with one person, because that was too much to keep to myself. I feel better now. See you later!” She smiled and skipped from the room.
Ivy waited at her computer for a few moments, then sprang up and knocked on Raja’s door urgently. “Raja, sorry, I know you’re meditating, but--this is important!”
“Come on little buddy!” Trixie smiled as he put Ivan into his car seat, the father and son had just finished a shopping trip to Target, Trixie taking full advantage of his flexible schedule to get the thanksgiving shopping done while everyone else was busy with work. Trixie loved shopping early in the day, the shelfs always fully stocked, Ivan happy and full with energy, and if Trixie was honest he felt like a kindred spirit with all of the old people that filled the shop.
“Let’s get home so mommy can see all the shopping we did.” Trixie got into the car, Ivan happily munching on the rice cake his dad gave him, the little boy smiling, the rice falling out, making Trixie laugh as he scoped it up.
After some cajoling, Raja finally tore Fame away from her desk and over to sofa, where they could sit together and she could be gentler about breaking this possibly untrue news. Raja shifted uncomfortably. She had no idea why this was so difficult. She was known as the Dragon Lady for a reason. She’d never had a shred of difficulty looking into anyone’s eyes and delivering cold, hard facts. But somehow, with her little blonde darling, it was different - especially now, when she was clearly on the edge of a breakdown, Raja felt like she needed to handle her with kid gloves. Problem was, this wasn’t something she was used to doing, so it all felt very unnatural. She cleared her throat.
“/What/, Raja. For god’s sake.” Fame heaved an exasperated sigh. “I have a ton of work to do, so if you have something to say, just-- I’m honestly having a horrible day-”
“It’s about Patrick, and I’m trying to be delicate.” Raja said. “Which is not my strong suit, so--”
Fame’s mouth clamped shut, lips pressed together. “What?”
“Well...now, remember, this might not even be true, but I heard, that he might be involved with someone.”
Fame folded her hands, shoulders tensing. “Did you?”
“Yeah, well, um, but not just some random girl. Uh...someone we know.”
“Mmm,” Fame made a small noise, eyes faraway.
Raja paused, unsure whether she should go on. She was having a hard time reading her friend’s body language. She took a deep breath and decided to just rip off the band-aid. “Chad’s goddaughter. Shannel. The one that works for Nina at Marie Claire. I mean, you know, that’s what people are saying, anyway, so I wanted to give you a heads-up, but who knows if it’s even true?”
Fame’s eyes closed for the briefest second and then she opened them, replying, “It’s true.”
“Oh. Fuck.” Raja put a hand on Fame’s shoulder.
“Of course, I would have appreciated it if he wasn’t so damn /messy/ about it?! Who else knows? How am I supposed to run a business when my husband is gallivanting around town with no discretion?”
“I don’t think a lot of people know, honey.”
“Are you sure? Who told you?”
“Ivy?! Ivy is the least gossipy of all the assistants! She’s the vault!”
Raja tilted her head sympathetically. “I think she only told me because you know, it’s you, and she wanted to make sure that I warned you. I think she told me to be kind, not to spread gossip.”
“And where did she hear it?”
“She wouldn’t say.”
Fame shook her head, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.
“Do you want me to call him?”
Fame looked at her friend, not expecting Raja’s words at all. “Why would I want you to call him?”
“You obviously love him. I’ve never seen you this upset before.”
Fame shook her head, her words escaping her for once. “He’s going back home to his family for Thanksgiving... We’ve told them I’m sick...”
“So you’ll be spending Thanksgiving alone?”
“Everyone is away, who would I spent it with?”
Raja reached out, surprising Fame as she pulled her into a hug. “You’re coming with me.”
Fame’s wide eyes blinked in surprise before filling up with tears. “Are you sure? I know that it may be a bit of a mad house with the wedding being so close.”
"Don't be silly," Raja said smiling down at Fame, giving her a gentle squeeze before letting go. "Mani loves having you over, she was actually talking about you the other day."
Raja pulled out her phone, pressing on her mother's picture to call her. "Oh yes, she was wondering if you liked the blackberry and cherry jam she made for the office."
"I thought Raven made that jam," Fame said, before hearing Raja's mother's voice cut through the quiet office.
[Hello my beautiful daughter, you bless your mother with the sound of your voice,] Maharani greeted, happy that her daughter called her.
[Hi mama,] Raja replied in Indonesian with a smile, watching Fame take a sip of her coffee. [I'm sitting here with Fame in her office, say hello.]
"Oh hi baby!" Maharani said brightly, "I was talking about you to Putri, how you and de boy?"
Fame looked at Raja questioningly. "The boy," she whispered. Raja pointed at Fame's wedding ring, earning a nod from the younger woman.
"Patrick and I are doing good," Fame began, not wanting to outright lie to the twins sweetheart of a mother. "We're in a transitional period right now in our relationship."
"What does that mean? You have baby?"
Raja choked back a laugh at Fame's mildly horrified expression before speaking up for her friend. "No mani, Fame is only pregnant with ideas for our newest collection, no baby."
"Ah." Maharani replied easily, [Is she getting a divorce?]
Raja bit her lip, she didn't want to tell her mother because it wasn't her story to tell, but she also hated withholding information from her as well. [I don't know,] but Fame is coming home with Anada, Vi, Rave and I for Thanksgiving dinner."
Maharani didn't miss a beat with her response, and for that Raja was grateful. "Ok, I make enough to feed army."
"See Fame darling," Raja said with a smile, "my mother is not only magic, but she also makes too much food so don't worry about it."
"Thank you for your hospitality Mrs. Amrull," Fame replied with a smile. "I can't wait to enjoy more of your amazing cooking. Do you want me to bring anything?"
"Oh no," Maharani replied. "Bring an empty belly."
Raja laughed, imagining how offended her mother must have looked at the thought of a guest bringing outside food to her home. "Thanks mama.”
Roxy hung up with the printer, sweat dripping down her forehead, feeling like she’d just run a marathon. The last two days had upped her blood pressure and aged her five years. When Fame came in on Monday, with the biggest, scariest smile she’d ever seen, waxing poetic about a gigantic holiday gala that Galactica just MUST throw, Roxy thought she would throw up on the spot. Planning a fancy gala, during the holidays, in less than a month?
She’d, miraculously, found a venue rather quickly. (Luckily for her, one of her ex boyfriends was a hotel manager and he still liked to fuck occasionally, so that was one problem solved.) Then Fame refused to let her do the invitations via paperless post like a fucking normal person, insisting on using this fancy printer in Brooklyn and then taking her SWEET ASS TIME approving the guest list all the while making Roxy aware that if the invites didn’t go out before the holiday, Roxy would be fired.
She’d made the deadline by the skin of her TEETH, and only by slipping him half the names earlier in the day without Fame’s formal approval - names like Raja and Raven, Chad Michaels people that Roxy knew for a fact would be on the list and that she’d be willing to bet the $5 per invite against her salary would make the cut.
But now, she barely had any time to celebrate her victory because as she looked at the rest of her to do list, she started to get that sick feeling again…
Decor/Production Design
Seating Chart
Speaker from the charity
Silent auction items
Roxy took a shaky breath, trying to figure out where to begin, as Fame buzzed her on the intercom. “Roxy, please help me bring my things downstairs to the car, I’m going to leave early today.”
“Yes miss.” She was leaving already? While Roxy sat here slaving away planning her last minute stupid fucking party? What a royal /bitch./ Roxy entered Fame’s office to gather her things.
Fame rose from her desk, allowing Roxy to help her into her coat. “I trust you have the gala under control?”
Roxy gritted her teeth. “Of course, miss. I’m about to go lock in the rest of the vendors.”
“Fantastic,” Fame said. “Be sure to send me an update before you leave today.”
“Yes, miss.”
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lykanthropa · 8 years
Support Class
Chapter 4: Friedrich
While the Mercs enjoy their dinner, a black Mercedes 600 drives up outside of the Base entrance. A man about 50 gets out of the car; Stylish and strictly dressed and faithfully accompanied by his two Dobermann dogs. One with pointed, raised ears, the other with bend ears. The coat of the man is as black as the fur of his dogs; Likewise the Fedora, the man had drawn deeply into his face. Deep blue eyes examine the surroundings and the large building in front of him. The entrance is not locked. The mouth angle of the man twitch and he enters the base.
“Blu Medic was hit by Demo's bomb and wushh! He flew high through the air and was shot dead by Snipe's arrow, which he had just shoot in this very moment. Directly through the head! And I call like this: Headshot!” The whole team laughs and is amused about Scout's tales. They had emptied their plates (and Pyro his glass) and are now sitting here talking about their battles to digest their food in a relaxed atmosphere before everyone makes his own thing again. Spy had left more than half of his wine in the glass to lean back in his chair and to enjoy the rest.
Medic feels a urinary urgency. “I will be right back” he says, gets up and heads toward the bathroom. “Hurry up, Doc! I want to tell you how Pyro has made BLU Soldier a head shorter with his ax!" cat-calls Scout at Medic. He lifts an arm as a sign that he will hurry. The doctor cannot help but to grin. Yes, he wants to go back to his family as soon as possible. But where come suddenly these slight abdominal pain?
Heavy yawns and stretches. “Tired, Big Guy?” Engie asks with a smile. “Little bit. That was good food.” “That’s true.” “When is the next birthday?” “I think Medic is the next… But when exactly, I do not know.” “In three weeks” Spy answers. “We must planning of something for him. He always does so much for us. Let's think about the days.” “We should cook something special for him. Something from his homeland. However, the German cuisine is not very imaginative.” “Why do you know so much about Germans? Are you perhaps a German too?” “Why should I feign to be a Frenchman, you brat? France is a direct neighbor of Germany. In my childhood I had a lot of contact with Germans.” “That's why you can speak a little German?” “Correct, Engineer.” “In your childhood? Oh man, that must have been centuries ago”, laughs Scout. “But yeah! You once said to this BLU Medic something in German. Umm… lick fich… Or something like that?” “Fick dich.” “Okay, okay. And what does it mean?” “Fuck you.” “What the fuck did you say to me?” “It means fuck you,… you brat.” “I see! Hahaha! Fich dik, German!”
A deep cough at the entrance of the dinner room attracts the attention of the Mercs. They think it's Medic, who is not pleased with what Scout was saying. They are flabbergasted when they see a stranger. He and the Mercs stay silent for a moment. “Umm… Can we help you?” “How could our Base be discovered?” The stranger cleared his throat again, this time even louder, to silence the mercenaries. Finally, the man takes off his fedora and looks at each one at the table. He has gold blonde hair, which has been strictly combed back and held with gel in its place. “My name is Friedrich König. I'm here to take up my job at Mann Co.” The man does not radiate sympathy. His voice is cold and imperious. “Friedrich König”? whispers Engineer to Heavy. “Isn’t this the name of our Medic?” “Do you have references?” “Quiet, Scout.” Spy rises from his chair and takes a few steps towards the stranger. But he doesn’t come too close to him. Not least because the two Dobermann dogs starting to growl. They are off-leash and the Frenchman hopes that the guy has his dogs under control. “Careful. They don’t like Franzmänner.” “It seems so…” Spy clears his throat; tries to ignore the brazen behavior of the man before him. “So you want to work as a mercenary for Mann Co. ‘ave you already spoken with the Administrator?” “No.” “Well, she would tell you the same as I do now. I am really sorry, but each class post is occupied. So goodbye.” Spy does not bother to hide the sarcasm in his voice. Nor his antipathy for König. “But just out of curiosity... What class do you wanted to represent?” “The Medic.”
In the very same moment, Medic comes back. “Why is it suddenly so quiet here?” The loud barking of the Dobermann dogs interrupts him. Medic just then notices the visit and stares at the man overwhelmed. “What the…?” The visitor turns around to him and none of those all present fails to capture as the color moves from his face. There is a smile on Friedrich's face. But it is by no means friendly. “Hallo, Hans. Long time no see. 25 years?” Medic is stunned. He's unable to speak or to move. “I can very well imagine that my appearance leaves you speechless.” The Dobermann dogs growl at Medic, but stay well-behaved next to their owner. “Hey, Doc. Who is that oddball?”
“I…I…” “Medic…” “What? You don't call each other with your first name? But they know what your name is, do they?” “………” König lifts his arm and points with his gloved finger at Engineer. “He said your name was Friedrich König. I am not surprised that you assumed my identity. Because otherwise you would never have gotten this job here, am I right?” Medic looks over to his teammates. They all look at him expectantly. Some look horrified, others disbelieving. What can he tell them? He would never have thought that the truth will ever come out. “What do you want here?” is all he gets out of; and it is rather a whisper. Shame befalls him. Anger, fear and various other definable and indefinable feelings. “I'm here to take up my job as a Medic you stole from me at that time. You just stole everything from me.” Now König steps up to Medic. And at every step he enumerate. Medic doesn’t move back, but he doesn’t look at him either. “You stole the confidence of the Prime Minister in me. The invitation of Mann Co. My job. My money. My identity.” Now he stands directly in front of him. Friedrich König is half a head taller than Hans. But with Medics lowered head he looks much bigger. And threatening. How much he must have clamored and raged at the time, when Hans had made off. He has always been a hot-head. Even now, Hans can still feel his anger, even if Friedrich doesn't let it show anymore. “You deserved it!” wants he shout in his face. But he remains silent. “Do you really have nothing to say to me?” “………” “Gut. If so, I will contact the Administrator now. What will she say when I tell her that you've deceived her all these years?” “………” “You!” Friedrich points at Spy. “Lead me to the contact room. And then you can show me the entire base. If I am the new Medic, I must be well versed.” Spy clasped his arms in front of his chest. “How do you know the Administrator will let you work as a medic here? Our Medic has been working with us for many years. He is an integral part of this team.” “Wrong. The Medic as a class by itself is an integral part. But the person who carries out this job is interchangeable. Always.” Now Heavy rises from his seat and stands behind Medic, for supporting Hans. “Show little man how to contact Administrator, Spy. She would never fire Medic… Hans… I’m sure.” The others agree. It feels good to have Heavy and all the others behind himself. And why should not they be right? For years, Hans had served well. The Administrator would consider his dismissal as a loss. Therefore, this would be out of the question for her. I hope so at least… Friedrich puts his head back to look at Heavy directly. There is a malicious smile on his face. “You are Russian?” A low-voiced, cold laugh. Heavy has to swallow. This German gives him the creeps. Then he turns his attention back to Hans. “We'll see what the Administrator will say.” Friedrich says this with such a self-assured voice that doubts arise in Medic. “Los! Go ahead! Don't worry, my dogs bite only when I command them to do.” Spy looks daggers at the German. But then he follows the order and advances with a proud attitude. Friedrich follows him. When both of them are out of sight, Medic turns to the Mercs. He opens his mouth but closes it immediately. Heavy puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles at him. “Sit down.” So Medic sits down, Heavy next to him. He suddenly feels like a stranger between his friends, his family. He lied to them all. He is afraid that they will blame him for that. But that all doesn't matter when he is fired anyway... “That’s umm… a joke, right?” “I'm afraid it's not, boy. Medic…” Engineer stops. He wanted an explanation from their doctor. But he can see how much the whole situation bothers him. So he says instead: “Take your time. Tell us the whole thing if you feel ready, okay?” “Thank you…” “Nah! It doesn't matter if your name is Hans or Friedrich. You’re Medic. Just Medic. Our Doc. Perhaps that's the reason why we never call us with our first names. Too many feelings and emotions. And when I think about it, I don't know the names of most of you.” Medic cannot help but smile. “Thanks, Scout. It's good to know that you think so. But… some of you are certainly disappointed that I deceived you.” “It’s okay, mate. I'm sure ya had a good reason.” “Mmmhph!” “I'd forgive ya all, lad. Really everything so that this bastard will not be our new Medic.” “Did you see how he looked at Heavy?” “This guy wanders in here as if he whoever is and thinks he can just replace our doctor.” “He has always been like this...” “Would you like to tell us now?” “…just let's wait for Spy and what the Administrator has to say.”
So the Mercs are waiting. Most of the time they are silent. Even Scout doesn’t know what to say. This silence is so unfamiliar and oppressive. Maybe ten minutes have passed when Spy finally comes back. He looks much stressed. With both arms he supports himself on the back of his chair. “And? Report, soldier!” The Frenchman massages his nose and sighs. The Administrator has not rejected him. But she said she only could make a judgment tomorrow. She has to go through documents and check data. Tomorrow she will report.” Medics' hopes are dwindling. “And where did you leave our royal König?” “In one of the empty bedrooms. He will stay there until tomorrow. We can only wait and see.” “I ... want to go to bed now. Is it okay if you undertake the dishes?” “But of course. Lie down, Doc. You should rest.” With a thankful nod, Medic rises from his chair. “Heavy will accompanies Doktor.” Medic allows it. He and Heavy walk down the corridor towards the infirmary. The way to get there suddenly seems so far ahead of. Although Medic is looking at the floor, he knows that Heavy is starting a few attempts to tell him something comforting, but fails. “It’s okay, Heavy. I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Yes, I’m okay.” The rest of the way they stay silent. At the infirmary, Medic opens the door and turns to Heavy. The Russian looks very worried. Hans touches him by the arm and forces himself to smile. “Heavy, thank you very much for your friendship. No matter what tomorrow is decided, we remain friends, okay?” Heavy is only capable of a nod. “Good night.” “Good night, Doktor…” Medic closes the door, leans against it and slides down to the floor. “Scheiße…” Archimedes head for him and sits down on his shoulder. It is as if the dove feels something is wrong. “Oh Archimedes. At the moment things look black for us. If we are unlucky, we will have to look for a new home.” “Coo~” “I don’t know what to do. What do you think I should do?” “Coo~” “Yes, I can do nothing except wait. You know, you're my lucky dove. As long as you are with me, everything will be fine. I'm absolutely sure.” “Cooo~” Medic leaned his head a bit to the side and Archimedes cuddled to his cheek. “Everything will be fine.”
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lx-5point0-blog · 8 years
The Entire Stalking PIE, bite by bite. (This was my first draft of the June 8th HARASSMENT) I'm terrified! This is all just craziness! I have been targeted. I have not committed any crime, and I am an innocent victim, that is being punished without Trial. Wait a minute, who the heck is that guy, anyway? •••••••• 20 years ago... (I know a little about the "craziness and irrational.") Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it comes full circle.-Stephen King, Author But, this time I have a witness and Love on my side.-JL •••••• Today... What: Bait and Smash? Aggressive Disruption of Serenity and Peace, using Covert tactics of Harassment with Psychological GASLIGHTING abuse, manipulative tactics, enabled by the Rationalization of happenings. I refer to these "happenings" as Bites. The collective of bites compose a Terror Stalking Hate Crimes "Slice of PIE." The PIE has 5 juicy slices and whip cream and a cherry on top. The topping is the innocent victims, a Disabled single mother of two, and another resident, an American Man, being punished without Trial. Add in the cherries, to dab of Whip Cream, an aggressive neighbor with skills, a completely Corrupted Ex Military Deputy Sheriff, and a wife that owns a fly by night Theater company in Menifee. Why: I would like to be able to say that I am a very well versed Martial Artist that has elevated to the degree of energy and kindness... I have... but, I am a realist and I realize what my perception is to most others, it's a reputation of a maniacal 12 foot tall people eater. On my journey I have heard a lot of my reputation and some of my character. I bring with me daily my entire folder of reference letters for new clients to view. And, yes, some will use my past reputation of 20 years ago against me. It's Only speculation by me, but My self published book BLOOD BOOZE & UFC may have inspired revenge or something similar, one thing for sure, the CORRUPTION is clear, and by this mans hate and energy being brought to my steps, he has exposed his "Gaming" of the system. He is an artful liar with a false sense of Honor behind him. I am a self published author since 2014. I am also a YouTube partner since 2006. My freedom of speech, creative collective, and satirical entertainment, have inspired many, to do many things. If reading is your thing, perhaps a quick read over, or a sit down, with BBU, will saturate you in the details of what Lisa and I are involved with. A surface investigation will paint the parallels of our aggressive, skilled, and, deceptive neighbor, with his M/C, frequent trips to Arizona in his KSI work truck, and his extravagant status and image extravaganzas on Kepler st., with his personal parking lot for his 6 vehicles, with the latest, Audio, for his Wifee, Ana L., who is self employed in a theatrical company "Spunk Entertainment," and shows no other financial earnings listed. Multiple addresses and even one in Kennesaw, GA. . When: June 8th, 2016 5pm first contact. Surveillance was seen prior to this date, but was rationalized as just someone parking their truck in the front yard and not sure if the tool box has been stolen or not. But, the trash can vandalism is clear. Where: 27185 Kepler st., Menifee, Ca. John and Lisa sat in the car In the driveway. Who: The aggressors, Mario D. Garcia, 43M, Willie Ramirez, & Ana L. Garcia. Reside at 27207 Kepler 3 doors down. The Victims, John T. Lober & Lisa M. Traudt •••••••••••••••••• What is Happening NOW... Isolated and Vulnerable. Cries for help ignored. She has been lied to by Law Enforcement. 10/27/16 Lisa has been isolated and I'm no longer able to care for her at home. I drove her two days to finalize her taxes then 10 hours at Kaiser while she had her semi annual treatment . Over one week ago Lisa had her B cells, she's been in bed sick, watching two young kids, and trying to make her own food and take care of her self, by her self. She is isolated. I'm not allowed over the house. She was miserable. Mario has been throwing parties and becoming a nuisance, since I have moved out of my room at Kepler. •••••••••••••••• Who is involved... CIVILIAN ON CIVILIAN OR IS IT? TERRORSTALKING BY THE GARCIA FAMILY IN THE BADLANDS MENIFEE this place is the wild Wild West. The victims: John Lober - white male, late 40’s, a father of 2, a grandfather of 2, a son, a friend, a pioneer of the MMA fight scene pre-Y2K/pre-9-11/pre-current day UFC/pre-consciousness shift of 2012/pre-Trump for president, who presently earns a living in transportation and security or whatever odd job presents him the opportunity to earn some cash. Yes, his past is colorful and holds a criminal record. He has paid his debt to society. Yet appears to be guilty until proven innocent based on his past reputation, rather than the facts of actual events that took place from a June 8th incident to present day. A protective companion/ fiancé to Lisa Traudt. John is a Former Santa Ana firefighter reserve, a licensed minister, and a Mentor for many clients with achieving their goals. John is of the one percent of the population of males with a distinctive and nearly complete level of colorblindness. Past traumas treatment accelerated by these events has him in a new treatment for PTSD, and travels with a companion dog daily. Lisa Traudt - white female, mid 40’s, disabled, a mother of 2, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, a sufferer of MS, walks with a cane due to a limp. Lives two doors down from Mario G. Garcia in Menifee, CA. A friend/ Companion/ a wife, to John Lober. Together they lead a modest life style, of love and respect. A witness and a victim. The antagonistic aggressors: Mario D. Garcia - latino male, late 40’s, husband, father, son-in-law, water technician, motorcycle rider, associate of the Metal Mulisha Death Squad. Lives 2 doors down from Lisa Traudt in Menifee, CA. an enforcer of neighborhood trash code violations. also a violator of neighborhood trash code violations. a trespasser, a bully, an intimidator, a schemer, a stalker, an abuser of the justice system and local police to terrorize and victimize John and Lisa initially inciting a small issue regarding ‘trash.’ Mario is or was narcotics Cop, but, works for KSI, inc. today. I felt it, but, I denied it, when nobody verbalized it. But now, I have seen the light. And, I've seen just about everything there is to see, now. An undercover LA County sheriffs deputy decides to use his militarized tactics on a civilian and set him up criminal style. There's enough appellate court papers for appeal to explain everything there is to explain about Mario D. All my best friends are cops, and now they're going to lock arms when I expose a corrupt sibling of theirs. I detest liars. A man with a lack of character, a black heart that pumps lies like piss. And one that is sworn to uphold the law and protect my family and yours. You cannot lie to me. You cannot set me up. The Jedi mind trick does not work on me. The facts do not disappear. You will not get away. My character is my current see. My freedom is my strength. It makes sense that he wants to attack me there. He mimics me. Even wears the same socks as me. Stalks me. Obsessed about me. It makes him horny. It is a Narcopathic man crush broke back shit show trilogy. A little research and I know your entire history. Now we are even, it's time to get even, your record will become in even. You have awoken the GOD of Combat. http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/nonpub/B238121.DOC Ana L. Garcia - latino female, mid 40’s, wife, mother, daughter, photographer, motorcycle rider. wife of Mario D. Garcia. follows husbands tactics of intimidation by verbalizing false claims and a death threat to John and/or Lisa. abuser of 911 calls. Willy - father and grandfather. father of Ana. gun owner. blocker of driveways. New form of violence: the Tactic/ The Crime is the TRO This is a weird Celebrity TerrorStalking by a Narcopathic type. The crime MDG has committed is not gaslighting. Gaslighting is a collection of covert acts, which together create abuse of the mark. Gaslighting now proven by MDG s paint a picture of his true character, which is a liar. The day he wrote the supplemental court document and submitted it under perjury of law, he was in contempt of court. I understand he has the TRO. And I have obeyed the letter of the law. I will not be in contempt of court. I will always comply. Montes told me to stay away. Montes asked how do I tell who is lying? He said get your day in court and tell the judge. Every story has already been told. The important part of the story is the beginning and the end, or right now. Any investigator worth his salt , knows that the filler is usually the same old shit. That being said, what do I have right now? Well, I have video of Mario on June 8th, and he states," that's fine. You can video me all you want, sir." And, I have a witness of the entire shit show. I have the entire audio of Mario's testimony to the commissioner, I haven't received the transcripts yet. The reporter is not returning my emails. But I will begin to pound him from alternate emails and get them. I have Pete Scalisi and Kathleen Jacobs respects him in the Hemet court. I have a complete journal and documentation of the entire shit show. And, I have, I Mario's own type written word, a script, of the entire narcopathic and now to be determined, Mario's motive is mimic jealousy hatred and maybe man love envy of this guy and his awesomeness. I'm so humble. Hahaha oh, and I am editing it and over laying everything right now and it will be complete in the am, so, Pete , you can convince Kathleen that she fucked up, and she was played by that d bag, and she has put my life in turmoil for the past 150 days. She owes me lunch or um maybe drop it now so I can charge dips hit with all the retro active crimes it protected against and Montes can stuck brown suger up his pinata. And I can mow the lawn on ANY street in America. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• (One version of the timeline) The Set Up - June 8, 2016: Imagine a man and woman sitting in a car parked in the woman’s driveway talking. An unknown man approaches the pair in an aggressive manner to talk about trash that flew into his driveway. No "Hello, my name is… If you have a moment, may I express a concern I have as your neighbor regarding your trash?" Instead, the unknown man, without identifying himself, aggressively makes claims directed at the man, who is not the homeowner, about the trash flying into his yard. The trash can lid is broken, man in car reveals that the trash can is actually registered to the unknown man’s address. Unknown man shrugs this information off and continues to bully the man in car. Three times, the unknown man is asked to leave the property that belongs to the woman in the car, or the man in the car may feel the need to defend himself against this unknown man creating an antagonistic/threatening situation. Meanwhile, the unknown man’s father-in-law, drives up to the driveway, blocking the driveway so that the man and woman in the car cannot flee the situation. The unknown man states ‘I can do whatever I want’ then walks toward the woman in the car to attempt to intimidate her about her ‘trash.' In a defensive state of mind, the man in the car strikes the unknown man to get him to back off. Unknown man now says he is calling the police, but when his phone is revealed, it is not 911 on the phone but another phone number he’s talking to about what is going down in the situation. (Who was he talking to if not the police?) The man in the car approaches the unknown man’s father-in-law blocking the driveway to tell him to move his car and then sees a GUN in the father-in-law's lap. Confused and fearful by the confrontation of this unknown man, the man and woman in the car go into the woman’s house. They come out and tell the father-in-law to move his car or his blocking the driveway will be considered kidnapping. The man and woman flee the situation out of fear for their safety. Police show up and leave a card on the door to the ‘white male’ in the confrontation in the driveway to call officer XX. The man in the car calls the police twice to tell them his version of the story. The police NEVER return man in car’s call. The Harassment - ongoing June 9th, 2016 to present day: Imagine the following events occurring after a random encounter with a man you never met before who initially confronted you about some minor trash issue… -June 9th: Unknown man blocks man in car on Facebook. (How did unknown man know man in car's name?) -June 22nd: Unknown man files for temporary restraining order with photos of man in car while washing his car in woman’s driveway. (Was that photo criminally threatening? How long was he stalking man in car) On the recorded court form, a 10-year old indictment against man in car is noted. (How did they know about that? What business was it of their’s to look up?) An incident that takes place on June 27, 2016 is noted on the file stamped by the court on July 22, 2016. -June 27th: actually June 22nd: Wife of the unknown man approaches the man in car, with woman in car and man in car’s son, while parked in woman’s driveway, again. She verbalizes aggression, does not introduce herself, and makes false claims against the man in the car. She takes photos. Man in car drives everyone away from wife of unknown man. -Date (tbd): Hearing takes place for permanent restraining order against man in car. Did not listen to man in car. Did not believe mani in car , and did not want to hear or see video and witness of man in car. Commissioner lets unknown man tell his exaggerated story in full. Man in car is asked only one question ‘Did you hit the unknown man, yes or no?' and was not given a platform to disclose his perspective on the story, the fact that the father-in-law blocked them from fleeing the situation and that the father-in-law had a GUN and they felt intimidated and threaten by this individual they had NEVER met before June 8th. Commissioner judges man in car as ‘GUILTY’ and grants permanent restraining order against man in car. What did unknown man say to the commissioner prior to "Hearing?" -Date (tbd): Long Beach PD finds man in car parked in empty marina parking lot illegally. Someone called police to report man in car parked as ‘suspicious’ behavior. -Date (tbd): Man in car, with help of a friend, finds a tracking device on his car. -Date (tbd): Man in car files separate restraining order in Orange County for his protection. Names woman in car and his son as additionally protected individuals. -Date (tbd): Orange County judge grants restraining order to man in car when he states his case and reveals the unknown man had an accomplice with a GUN. The unknown man does not make an appearance to the hearing. (THE ORDER CH-130) -Date (tbd): Restraining order served to unknown man -Date (tbd): Woman in car receives a municipal code violation for her trash issues with fines threatening her home ownership unless she resolves the issue. -Date (tbd): Man in car helps woman in car clean up trash since her disability limits her abilities. Man in car befriends a couple other neighbors while cleaning up the yard. Neighbors share that the unknown man has been a nuissance in the neighborhood. -Dates unknown: Multiple calls made to police to cite man in car being in proximity of unknown man’s house. Man in car has no business or interest with unknown man or his family and is only near him due to circumstances of woman’s residence being 2 doors down. Fact: All/any encounters have occurred only when unknown man or his wife approaches the man and/or woman in car on or around the property of the woman in car. -Date unknown: Police show up to woman’s house. They were called saying a ‘neighbor’ heard screams coming from her house. Woman was home alone. -Ongoing: Unknown man parks work truck in front of woman’s property. Surveillance cameras in truck focused on woman’s property. -Ongoing: Unknown man’s wife using flash photography to document man in car whenever she can catch him visiting woman. -Date unknown: Woman’s jewelry box is missing. -Sept 20th: Man in car is driving away from woman’s house. Unknown man’s wife yells a death threat to woman. -Sept 21st: Fed up with the police not interceding to keep the peace, man in car sends letter to NBC investigative team reporting that the unknown man and his wife have been terrorizing a disabled mother of 2 and the local authorities have not stepped in to keep the peace and now there is a death threat that has been verbalized. -Sept 21st: Woman forwards email sent to NBC to Menifee PD. Deputy Montes responds within an hour of the email being sent when it is noticed that the media has been contacted. Police state that they know about the unknown man and have stated they will not arrest man in car for violation of restraining order when visiting woman. Unknown man is revealed to be a nuisance to police dept. Deputy Montes calls department managing the trash violations to disregard the violation filed against woman. Police warn unknown neighbor on his behavior and to clean up his own yard. -Oct 1st: Man in car finds a video posted on YouTube by unknown man claiming that man in car and woman are stalking the unknown man. -Oct 2nd: Woman writes another email to Deputy Montes reporting the harassment and false claim on YouTube video. -Oct 2nd: Man in car thinks unknown man is positioning to set man in car up for violation of restraining order with all the surveillence photos and videos obtained to get the court to issue a warrant for man in car’s arrest. -Oct 3rd: Another email sent to NBC pleading for investigative help on a situation that is beyond normal understanding. Now imagine that all these things listed above are actually happening in real life with real people being affected, because this is really happening in Menifee, CA. Questions to ask: -Why was the original issue of ‘trash’ such a burden resulting in the events that followed? But, has now disappeared as any or no problem at all. -Why is so much time and effort being exerted by the unknown man and his family to get man in car arrested? What has inspired this relentless desire? -Why is the unknown man financing this effort? Does he have expendable income and time for this harassment? -Why is the woman, who is a disabled single mother, being targeted for a trash violation just weeks after her return from being away from her house? Who broke into her property while she was away? Who has stolen the tool box from inside the home? -Why was the unknown man’s father-in-law blocking the driveway on June 8th? Why did he have a gun? And, why did he say,"You're lucky he (unknown man) didn't kick your ass." -Why was a tracking device placed on man in car’s vehicle? -Why were the Long Beach PD notified of suspicious behavior when man in car was parked in an empty parking lot? -Why are the Menifee Police Dept not investigating this properly before someone gets seriously hurt? -Why does the woman need to fear for her and her children’s safety around this neighbor? Why has the Children Service Investigator, dismissed her concern for the children's safety from unknown man? -Why does the woman need to fear losing her house because of this unknown man’s reports about her trash? -Why does the man in car need to fear losing his freedom for trying to help and protect the woman from this unknown man’s claims and predatory behavior? -Is there a hate motivation? Race? Disability? Jealousy? Is he threatened by the man in cars presence? -Are these tactics consistent with Gang Stalking? GASLIGHTING? Bait and bash? Has this ever happened to anyone else before? -Could they be after the woman’s property? Or, are they attempting to isolate her by removing man in car? -Could there be an unknown 3rd party involved motivating the unknown man’s behavior and aggression? Has he read something that has inspired him to be so relentless? -Is money a factor? What do these two men have in common, that would affect unknown mans CASH FLOW? I know... Why is the justice system and police authority not serving the victims when the evidence shows a pattern of abusive, intimidating and predatory behavior by an individual that was unknown to the victims until June 8th, 2016. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Second version of the timeline) The first PIE is out of the oven and here it is, by the slice: 1. I have consistently maintained an uncomfortable feeling that someone has or is trespassing on or in Lisa's home since the first day we met on may 25, 2016. 2. On January 1, 2016, Lisa and I moved to the San Fransisco area for her new employment at Spectra Labs. 3. House was vacant for 5 months. Trash cans were vandalized. Backyard was trespassed upon. Couldn't prove any entry inside. Buckets and pots were missing from the backyard. Lisa states, " some things are missing from inside as well." Tools. 4. Charlie next door offered to "keep an eye out for squatters, like, Chauncey." I gave him my business card. Charlie then gave that card with my identity and Book information to Mario D Garcia. 1. The lady on the other side, Theresa, who claimed to be the cousin of the owner, not verified, offers to rent the property and continues to text me, at least 6 times. She says she cannot afford $2700 a month. Lisa says she does not feel comfortable with her and declines. I have not seen or heard from her since May 5, 2016. Nor have I seen anyone go in or come out of the house next door. The yard is kept well, in fact , better than all of the rest of the homes yards, the windows are all covered and sealed , and the AC unit and another sound as well are in full affect inside the home. We believed that Theresa was attempting to perform some illegal activity in the residence and that she would be a serious problem renter and we eventually denied her. 2. Reoccupied 27185 Kepler on May 23, 16. I receive mail here since the previous May. 3. BAIT AND BASH June 8th, 2016 #me161600118 27183 Kepler street, Menifee ca. 2 men unknown identities. 1 older guy in Toyota RAV 4 with a pistol. 2nd Latino 43yoM aggressor. 1. July 27, the Neighbor street theater about "minors and some man and escalate a problem restraining orders" she gets real mad. Me my son and Lise are in my car. Ana L Garcia verbally aggressive in a street theater, almost as if it is scripted, accuses someone at this address of "mad dogging her minors .." My son, 14, and Lisa are with me, in our car, in front of our house. It was a premeditated scenario that just did not happen. 2. 1:20pm July 28th I am served in my driveway by a serious dude in a white Ford Focus. A restraining order from a man named Mario D. Garcia. The TRO is filed on July 22nd. 3. 1:30pm Mario D Garcia 43M , pulls up recklessly in a red ford pick up truck and calls the cops that I am violating his Tro. I drive away immediately. 4. July 29th, the next day, I am awarded a temp TRO in OC. 5. 8/09/16 Hemet court hearing. Mario D Garcia commits perjury and is awarded TRO 1 year 6. 08/22/16 OC court awards me TRO 1 year. 7. Multiple 911 calls of a violation. Police knock my door. The accurate number of calls tbd with paperwork, but, later informed by Montes that it was abuse. I am cleared to continued occupying my second place of residence and give care to Lisa and repairs to house. 8. A new 911 call of "screams" coming from inside the house. Fictitious. 9. I have not made one call to911. Made three attempts to contact deputy Moore to file a report about June 8th. No response. 10. 9/26 The first municipal code violation on Lisa's house with her name on it. Then a second. 11. Ana L. Garcia begins to aggressively follow and document with a flash camera in my face. I leave for work. She returns and threatens Lisa to kill her. Ana owns a business "Spunk entertainment", a theater acting type. 12. I sent letter to capt FORD and NBC news . Deputy Montes appears at Lisa's house within the hour. I state this is a HATE crime. Montes rips up the violations. Ignores our claims. Says I can stay at the house. 13. A few nights later, Mario attempts to ram us with his 350 FORD work truck at the foot of my driveway. We escape, phone 911 and I am told he is going to jail, only if I want to go. 14. 9/29 Next morning Montes has a change of heart. 15. Lisa is missing her jewelry box. 16. Since 9/29 I have not been on my street. 17. Montes calls me for the first time. Mario has been surveillance me from his truck he parks at our front door. Makes other outrageous and unknown accusations about me. Montes tells me he is in charge and it is a clean slate from here. Stay away from Kepler street he tells me. Isolating Lisa. Mario is stalking me on YouTube. I have been receiving paychecks since '07 from YouTube. I also published a book and lines from it were it the TRO paperwork. 18. One week later, Lisa receives a call from child services investigator that a YouTube video has John Lober verbally abusing her son outside a school from an anonymous school official. He interviews the kids on Friday. Clears Lober shows a desire to come Tuesday to discuss the neighbor. 19. Tuesday he changes attitude and denies Lisa's concern of further harm. He is grossly negligent. 20. I fax Pete of the real crime. TRO from Hemet obtained under perjury. 21. Lisa has B cells removed during an 8 hour session at Kaiser. 22. Court reporter finally emails me back and wants $51 for the transcripts. 23. Garcia parking a raging parties are a nuisance. Buys a new Audi for wife's birthday. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• A new form of Violence GASLIGHTING. What the fuck is that. (Yawn.) HUMAN NATURE IS TO RATIONALIZE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS. The Essential ingredient, in the transition, from a PERP of a CRIME, to being, the VICTIM of a CRIME. Enlisting SYMPATHY with manipulation. Gas lighting is a disruptive behavior of a Rational Innocent Victim. GASLIGHTING is a title of a movie, but, does not accurately depict the seriousness of the amount of destruction, nor the Manner in which it is performed and accomplished. It is a DISRUPTOR. It is effective by assuming the others cannot rationalize these events, that are happening to them, and attempt to dismiss them or believe the perpetrators pathetic solicitation for sympathy. The AGGRESSIVE PERPETRATOR(s) use an indirect attack of touch less violence that is perceived to be nothing by authorities. Human nature 101 ensures a large number of sympathizers against the victim(s), who remain confused, until it is usually too late to explain the abnormal events, which are covert operations crimes against them directly, in an indirect manner. Only when others are the victims of this crime, are they truly able to digest and comprehend the level of mental anguish that is occurring in a victims head. An innocent victim, unskilled in immoral methods of predatory tactics solely for MONETARY GAIN AND PROFIT, and does not possess the skills to elaborate articulately, the entire scheme. Only an extreme NARCISSIST and a PROFICIENT LIAR is capable of the absence of Empathy to perform such tasks, or crimes on others. Perhaps a combination of disorders, narvopathic or socionarcopathic. A man. An extreme narcissist with a hint of sociopath. Perhaps an inner gender conflict as well. Who has a man crush on me an mimics my behavior down to my low cut black socks. He is Ex military. Through appeal papers on courts.gov he is Ex Law enforcement narcotics unmarked. Now a pool boy supervisor for KSI, inc. in Santa Ana, CA.. He has a Harley MC with "homies" at least 6 deep from AZ. Possesses 5 car and parties till morning without any sense of responsibilities. Wife has a fly by night "theater" company front, no other real means or accountability for any earnings. She is a Gold-digger, and is the type that uses pussy as currency. They Posses skills that normal civilians do not. Uses skills on targets or the Mark to disrupt and obtain profit. He is a skilled and artful lier. He is willing to take a punch to obtain his ultimate goal. Murder or Profit by proxy of the authorities. He gets a thrill out of it by the smirk he has on his mask. My analysis: There is NO real explanation, that can rationalize, an ability for MG to possess and lead, the image and status driven life he leads. It is all a show and deception. In my life experience, I know what it means for people to "party" till early morning hours. This is a display or show, I could give two cares to involve myself with, mainly because it is pathetic to my character. There is more than meets the eye here. This disruption has brought to the surface, like an iceberg, a taste of the level of corruption that is a reality, not seen by others. It has been forcefully perpetrated upon myself and my family. The long arm of the Law is being manipulated to torture and prowl innocent victims, multiple victims all around, whilst a criminal lucrativeness is be obtain through the AZ M/C element. And possible the house next door on both sides are involved in a bigger "drug" distribution and or theft ring. Mental Abuse on Humans that by nature attempt to rationalize everything. ra•tion•al•ize (răsh′ə-nə-līz′) v. ra•tion•al•ized, ra•tion•al•iz•ing, ra•tion•al•iz•es v.tr. 1. To explain rationally: "Philosophy ... is essentially the endeavor of the human mind to rationalize the universe" (Francis E. Abbot). 2. a. To explain or justify (one's behavior) with incorrect reasons or excuses, often without conscious awareness: răsh′ə-nə-līz′) v. ra•tion•al•ized, ra•tion•al•iz•ing, ra•tion•al•iz•es v.tr. 1. To explain rationally: "Philosophy ... is essentially the endeavor of the human mind to rationalize the universe" (Francis E. Abbot). 2. a. To explain or justify (one's behavior) with incorrect reasons or excuses, often without conscious awareness: rationalized his poor academic performance by claiming the teacher was incompetent. b. To dismiss or minimize the significance of (something) by means of an explanation or excuse: "He could not rationalize the loss of some thirty thousand American lives in an unsuccessful war" (Robert Dallek). •••••••••••••••• The Lying Piece of Paper: Supplemental 10th slice of PIE: He who controls the words, controls the people who use the words. Often, a liar, will twist a statement about the victim to make the victim the perpetrator in the eyes of others. They will give away that they are the one guilty of the accusation . For instance, I am thinking a lot lately about "Tacos." Nine- Juan - Juan... I have a TACO emergency. It's a joke to me and GIZMO. So, if I was asked to describe some event I saw about another guy, by authority, I would say, he was at the food place getting TACOS, probably. I wouldn't know what he was getting exactly, so TACOS are on my mind. RATIONALIZing. When Mario says,"John Lober is a Bully. He possesses skills that others do not, and uses them to Bully." Well, I have been enlightened in many ways of the world as a moderately "Youthful" soul. And, it puts me in the center of the gap between, Good and Evil. It is lonely, only, I am everyday, realizing just how god damn lonely it really is. It has been over 4 months, and what I knew and felt to be true, others are just now coming to understand. I am cagey and clever, as well, to a degree. And because I am NOT incarcerated, because of this OMEGA male, and because I never give up at anything, because of my genetics and amazing parenting, I am about to completely dissect, piece by piece, the entire Machine of CORRUPTION and Crimes of Bullying, polish each one, accurately organize it, BLUEPRINT it in a schematic, and re construct it. Because, it was forced upon me, and, it's what I do. ••••••••••••••• I have concluded, that July 27th, was a meaningful deception. A purposefully perpetrated typographic error, on the part of the wife, ANAL Garcia. I have confirmed that the July 27th is impossible, due to my son being in another state at that time. The exact date will be confirmed to be June 22, or, July 3rd. I have the metadata on my external storage. ••••••••••••••• 1st slice of PIE fresh out of the oven: May 23rd, 2016 11:30am 27185 Kepler st. house has been vacant for 5 months. Driving down a road a long hwy. Pull in the driveway Kepler. The house next door is sealed tight, no more motorcycle rallies like before.(worried that I was taking a pic of them) Trash bins. I open the lid. The other is broken. Inside I see cigarettes butts. -"I don't smoke" I walk the perimeter, I feel as if they have as well, I know they have been inside... no signs of entry... "they are good."(self talk) The tool box is missing.... only. Next day, 2nd slice of pie: after the movers have gone. "Hey, Lisa! Who the Fuck is parking that goddamn surveillance truck in your front yard. Look it has compartments. It's camera' d up."-Lober. "...."-Lisa (rational thinking just took place) 4 months later: 14th slice of pie: "See this surveillance video on my cell phone that Mario illegally shot of John Washing his car in your driveway..." Deputy Montes, Riverside County Sheriff. After I cc an email I sent to NBC news of a Hate CRIME on a Disabled Single Mother of Two. My 15th slice of pie: Then, rips up the 2 municipal code violations that Mario bullied the city in to writing. No one asked if she was disabled or needed assistance, just attacked. And MG was in violation himself "Garcia possesses skills to bully and inflict pain and turmoil on innocent civilians who have no such skills." ••••••••• 10/06/16 Good morning, Deputy Montes. Mario has once again, targeted me, and my children, for harassment in order to hurt John Lober. This is the definition of HATE. Mario came to my house on June 8th, with Willie, to provoke John into an altercation. That being said, again... 10/06/16 9:00am I awoke this morning to a phone call, by a man named Mike, from Child protective services. I returned his call immediately, and left a message. At this moment, I am awaiting his return phone call. I am informing you of this outrageous information, in light of our last conversation. I will leave the detective work up to you, but, I think we can safely assume the origin of this complaint, on a disabled mother of two, who IS without a doubt in my mind, a target of a hate crime by Mario D. Garcia. I am frantic, scared and my pulse is rapid right now, because I have absolutely no idea what could possibly happen to my children. It is scary. This is an atrocity and a terror tactic that can potentially change the course of my life and the serenity of my family, once more. I am trusting that you, and your word as a police officer, that you will take action, finally, and put an end to this harassment by Mario D Garcia. I believe that, once a crime has been observed and reported by the authorities, it must be addressed. The 911 TRO abuse, the multiple municipal election code letters, the attempt to ram us with the work truck, and now this, has laid out a pattern of predictable actions, and actions to come, by Mario D Garcia. John did not have to explain this to me. And, furthermore, I do not believe that you can assume to represent me and my needs, to apply for a restraining order against John, the only man that has done that has done so much for me. The problem is with Mario, making John, and I, the target for his malicious and childish campaign, of pure HATE. Which has been, unsolicited in anyway, by John, or I. 9:20am I just hung up the phone with child protective services. An anonymous report, John "Lorber", is bullying one of my children, and called him an asshole. Apparently, a school official, reported that there is a video link, of John calling my son an asshole. I am attempting to navigate the current waves of change with careful attention so as to adjust my course to a safe destination. There is in fact, a video. The video is benign. I believe Mario poached it from Johns YouTube channel, and reposted it. He then, anonymously called child services, posing as a school administrator, who wished to not give out their identification. We appreciate his insincere concern for my kids safety, and I assure you, I have addressed this, and I have talked to both of them in regards to their family squabbles. This action taken my Mario does violate our agreement, that you discussed with John and I. That I am am NOT included in this situation. It is between John and Mario. Well, this can be proven that Mario D Garcia, did in fact stalk us with Malice. My fear of further malicious acts by Mario D Garcia are now warranted, and, because he has included my children in his campaign, I fear that my children may be harmed and or abducted by Mario D Garcia. This is a man with no conscious and believes that he is above the law, or just plain does not have any care for the repercussions or the consequences may be to anyone. 1. I have never had child services called on me before. 2. Mario has poached and reposted another video of John, recently, along side of his home video, where he assumes and narrates that John "Lorber", (note the mispronunciation of Lober) and I are following him. 3. The anonymous school official, that reported this video to child services, mispronounced Johns last name, precisely the way Mario has in his self shot and narrated video, that is next to the previously poached video of John. It is a unique mispronunciation of his last name, according to John. 4. The new site that this video has been reposted on has an IP address, or metadata attached to it, and can be followed and traced back to its origin. 5. That school the boys are at, was in Milpitas, and not in Murrieta, like it was reported. There is no location information on anything John posts, for exactly this reason, and his protection. 6. We know Mario has made calls of violation of a municipal code about my residence, which I am the name on the deed. Whether it was a violation, or not, he called. It has effected me. 7. John has a restraining on Mario. If, In fact, it is discovered, according to the letter of the law, and or the spirit, that Mario is forensically stalking and reporting this personal information, that is protected under freedom of speech, he must be charged with a crime. Otherwise, any attempt to contain Mario and his aggression has failed. Additionally, John and I are fully prepared to defend and counter, any and all claims against John and or I, and will provide bona fide proof, of Mario D, Garcia, by the use of his own words, in writing on a legal court document, that Mario D. Garcia has committed perjury, and defamed John Lober in an attempt to cause great bodily harm, or at least, have him punished by the courts, without a trial. That is my offering to this situation, in an attempt to be fair to you, Deputy Montes, as a sworn peace officer, in your attempt to protect and serve the community at large. I apologize, again, if I have in anyway, "blown up" your email or been inconsiderate in any way. I want to be clear that, I am not reporting that a video is posted on YouTube or that the content or accusations are true or false. Social services shall decide that, they are investigators and I am confident in the decision they will come too. I am reporting that this is a terror tactic directed at myself and my children in an attempt to hurt or break up my family. And for what? Not why, but what. Thank you for your time, Lisa Traudt *Mike at child services direct phone line 9516006666 •••••••••••••••••• (Insert comments from Blessed Day YouTube channel giving the identity and military credentials in Arizona.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeOhZ9PXB6E&feature=share MasterMG decided to repost a copyright protected video. But more importantly is the narrative on the first video and the pronunciation of John Lober's name. Additionally, we can prove how Mario D Garcia came to "actually" discover the identity of John MACHINE Lober, the author, and when. Ana L Garcia is definitely involved in this HATE campaign and it is undeniable. Aggressive Violent and a deadly weapon is used in this altercation with Mario D Garcia. John T Lober has a 1year TRO against Mario D Garcia. Mario did not even show up at the hearing. The fact is, Mario reported me twice. He was guilty of the same violation. HATE makes you blind. Aggressive Surveillance for what reason? Lisa Traudt This could have all been avoided if Dep. Moore would have called back and asked John his side of the bait and bash incident. NO CHARGES were ever filed on the case number. It has become a huge disruption of our lives because it was not properly given the attention every one deserves. (A few weeks later, copyright infringed took down my video fro this site, and he then put up a new video of a truck accident that Mario was at as well. Connection. Jeremy Scarberry, who is former military. (It doesn't matter if she was or was not in violation.... by calling the city to complain about Lisa, is a violation of my TRO. She is protected under that. Mario is not even allowed to whisper her name in Ana's ear. He called 20's. And Montes just rips them up and flings his cape over his shoulder and denies and rationalizes it. States it is not harassment. He is wrong. Then states this has nothing to do with her. He is grossly negligent and clearly a corrupt cop that is sided with Mario. They drink coffee together and watch illegally surveillance tapes of me washing my car. Then shows them to Lisa on his phone.) •••••••••• 10/05/16 To Deputy Montes. I would like to take a minute of your time, to discuss an event, that Lisa and I experienced last Wednesday 10/05/16, exactly 7 days after our phone discussion. I agreed to follow the letter of the law, as per Mr. Garcia's TRO. You stated to me that the Garcia family would lay off, and, that Lisa is NOT included in this "neighbor dispute." None of what I say to you in this letter is to be construed as anything but my fullest respect for law enforcement and authority, it is no way to be taken as to create anxiety, fear or intimidation. It's just my freedom of speech, and way of expressing to you the extreme anxiety, I , am experiencing from Mario and his associations. That being said, you would be correct to assume that I do not fear Mario or his army. I can take care of myself. But, He does scare the hell out of me, though. I can prove to you that he is lying, with every single breath of air that he takes, in writing, on video, and with his spoken word. I have done nothing to Mario, Ana, and, their 14 year old son (I know the age according to TRO). I am being picked on and I have elicited no such action, let alone, such a determined and dedicated campaign of surveillance, of me, the relentless and taxing phone calls to the emergency 9-1-1 system, and, the other bizarre events that have been happening at Lisa Traudt's residence at 27185 Kepler st. In Menifee, ca.. Furthmore, I do not wish to take any action, whether, aggressive or passive, to the Garcias, in anyway. I am a humble guy, a protective guy, and, maybe not the most intelligent, but, I am an experienced guy. I am always looking for the good in everybody, give all of my heart to assist them any way I can to make them better, and I am always there to offer my kindness, no matter the outcome. I have worked together to build many people up to be champions, or achieve, champion status at their own level. I have an innate ability to judge a persons character instantly, within a 99% chance rate, I can rate the ability of athleticism by body type and gait evaluation, and, I can gage the level of bullshit by mainly, believe it or not, by what they do not say. Talking now, about the recent phone call that Lisa received from child services, about a YouTube video, that was my video, and a concern from an anonymous tipster, a school official in Banning, in fact, that I called Lisa's son Jacob an "asshole." I know what your saying. I've already heard the discussion from the other side of the "anonymous" phone caller as well. A fact about YouTube, I have been a partner since '06, I collect revenue from Google Adsense monthly, since '07, and I am not the most savy IT guy in the world, but they are, and they are associates. I assure you, I do you use foul language, I am an adult, and, I assure you, YouTube would never stand for anything such as that, or an atrocious act similar to this accusation, to be posted, for any period of time, on the channel. They are swift and decisive when they deactivate someone that misuses the site. I've seen the videos. Metadata and IP addresses, and all that, will be Lisa's neighbor, or it will not be. But, because of my hard evidence of the history of actions of Mr. Garcia, that are clearly fueled by HATE, without conscious of consequences, just as my reputation of 20 years ago, as a competitive cage fighter, that is 12 feet tall and eats people, (I know. I don't make this up. Someone actually used that as a joke once)is being blown up by my Nemesis, with whatever outrageous accusations he is ,so, eloquently and articulately effortlessly riddling out of his malicious mouth about me, it is safe to say he may have been the perpetrator of forensically analyzing my library of over 1k edited episodes of John Driver and miscellaneous storage of stock footage, all shot, chopped and scored by, with my iPhone 6, then downloaded it in Hi-def, then violated copyright infringement laws by reposting on sept. 29, 16, titles the channel "have a blessed day", then also had a little extra time to create some Spanish dance playlist beats, then a week later... decided to report the video to child services, with all of the exact location and information that is no way in the video, to the department, and by the way , this particular school was in Milpitas, where Jacob and I became best friends for life, because I watched him, for over two weeks, without asking for a penny, until that school was ready to accept him, while Lisa worked long hours at Spectra laboratories for a six month period, and the caller could only state it was banning. The lies will always surface, the harassment will continue, and I will sit here and observe and journal. I recently did some research on events and bizarreness I was sensing, then observing with Lisa's home. One thing recently, is her very sentimental and very closely kept in her private home in which only three individuals now, enter and leave, has come up missing. She even asked me if I may have moved it. I use bad words, I can defend myself, but I am not a thief of a kind woman's sentimental belongings. So, whoever is, would have to be in close proximity, know her location with surveillance , and HATE her fucking guts, or mine, and have a minor enter the home, and ONLY remove that item. She is unsure what really happens. Does not want to make a frivolous call to police, n her mind, so, confusion sets in. I know who calls the police, and heart pumps piss, and wouldn't bat an eye at lying like a sibling to the cops in hopes of destroying a disabled mother of two small children, in a beautiful , and safe as Huntington Beach, Menifee. Yah, far fetched. It's called Gas-Lighting. Her home sat vacant for 6 months. I know how and when Mario actually found out my identity. I know what did, and what was getting ready to go down at her vacant home. And, I know, this for absolutely sure, 100%, that, I had no clue, who Mario D Garcia,43M, was on June 8th, 2016, when he ambushed Lisa and I, and shattered our serenity and complete and utter joy , at 5:20pm. Today, I know just about all I need to know, about everyone involved. I will stay away. And Lisa will remain isolated. And Mario will continue to be aggressive, tactical, and , malicious. Trash, and minors, and trash, and now Child Services. He will eventually achieve his goal. He will perhaps innovate some new improved methods of terrorstalking. And because I was told to stay away, I will be able to journal everything to detail without bias , and gross negligence won't even come up. Thanks for the time, John T. Lober, a concerned boyfriend of Lisa Traudt, oh, I mean, did anyone ever look at the description I wrote on the TRO I have from OC, it says "Wife." John Lober, Author ••••••••••••• 10-05-16 restricted phone call. Deputy Montes calls me direct. (Recording) He is trying to tell me something. I do not hear him. I am a little bit kinda like a mutherfucker that will keep pounding you with dumb ass shit until you break and say it. "I just want to tell you, I mean I talked to, Mario and Lisa, and I am going to be the sole cop in charge of this situation." Montes bullies me with this statement. ( he is gonna be a Barbara Streisand in drag) I reply,"okay."(he did not receive anything foul or aggressive from me because I do not care) We are starting over from square one today. Every deputy in the office has been made aware of that Deputy Montes is the man in charge of this situation from today forward. He does not care what has happened in the past. I do not agree with everything he was saying, but I agreed to comply, and said I am phantom ghost, the cartoon character. I will obey the TRO and will not enter Lisa's home for a period of one year. I am, however, allowed to pick up Lisa at the school around the corner. (That's a set up) Montes stated, that if he has too, he threatened to obtain a TRO on Lisa's behalf, because he stated, " she says , John says." Therefore, she is not qualified to be a witness to Mario and his lying.( he really knows something and is pretending she and the kids are in danger of me) He said I can pick her up at the corner and not be in violation. Mail at that address does not constitute residence. And in his words, he said in Lisa's word, "John does not live there full time."( no shit) He agreed this is ridiculous and wants to take us out for a beer to squash it. I agreed and offered a peace offering.(oh, you fags are drinking buddies? I would piss on either of you two if you were on fire. My urine is more valuable than your suffering) Lisa says that she feels as if Montes does not really know what he is doing.(he knows but he does not know) I recorded the conversation .(he was recording me as well) Montes could not promise that DBAG would NOT file civilly against me. "It is his right to do." He offers this,"I've been charged with a crime, and found not guilty... then sued in a civil case. I was... " click. My phone went dead. I stated that in that cAse, this conversation will be cause for his violation. I am still in possession of a TRO against DBAG in OC.( and I am gonna use it) I conclude that, in this, "new" start, DBAG will devise a new set of tactics with the original goal of getting me in jail, and a civil suit to get a judgement. I will have Pete devour him in that case. He may decide to become passive rather than more aggressive. I doubt that seriously. I warned Lisa to be aware of her surroundings .( he anonymously phone called child services) I think I was just threatened, bullied, and, he was charged with a crime, found not guilty(because he lied), and sued civilly, and lost, just like our connection. Montes can change the rules of engagement at any moment because he looked bad. I was allowed at the house and DBAG was showing him surveillance of me washing my car. It supposedly, was a department joke. Surveillance of a civilian is a crime, fucker. And proves again that he has equipment that he may have been using since may. Today, no explanation, just John you cannot come to Lisa's house ever again or I will arrest you. I suppose for proximity and that's enough for them to operate. That is his solution. He is adamant that Lisa is NOT being harassed and she is NOT in any of this. Then he mentions I hit him. Well guess what. I believe I may get to hit him again. Montes completely dismissed my attempt to file a complaint against Mario and Willie for bringing a gun to his "trash" dispute. John Lober, Author HATE and Satan. Is it better to be loved or feared. Both are equal as long as you are not hated. Hate is a behavior which Remove the limits of conscious rational cognitive reasoning and causes a catabolism within the soul of the subject. The target of hate is usually injured, bewildered, or, just is unaffected in anyway, and may just crack a sarcastic joke when discovered. Satan: I felt your level of hate calling me to this mortal plane; I will violently claim the souls of the bastards who crossed you, but in return, you can never, ever go to Disney World, in this life or the next. To be honest, it really is hard to describe hate in a universal term. Everyone has a different point of view on a definition for hate. Hate is what drives some people, it has taken over their conscience. We know these as serial killers, psycopaths, terrorist, dictators, tyrants, warmongers etc. I do believe there is a big difference between anger and hatred. Anger is mostly caused from a brief period of frustration and you get over it eventually. Hate is sort of like a disease that's take over your mind and body. To behave in a childish, belittling attitude towards something/someone superior to oneself. This is often done when one is jealous of the superior thing/person. Everyone hates something or someone there's no denying that, but don't think about it or you will snap one day. You will want to kill that person because they are crossing the street, and you will not give a shit about the consequences. No conscious. That is where Marios head is at right now. Montes has no clue, or , Mario is an informant, friend, or an epic manipulator, the likes of a heroin addict. H.A.T.E. Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort. An organisation formed to combat terrorism. It is based in the Aeromarine, equally at home in air or underwater. Not much is known, except that the leader is an evil brain-damaged man with silly hair. And they have a flair for ridiculous but effective weapons. Usually associated with War, Jealousy and greed. A lack of understanding and fear. The true motivator of society. Also refers to a very strong feeling of animosity and resentment, often times leading to violence and atrocities. Hitler encouraged his people to hate the Jews. He is often times regarded as a symbol of evil, even the Anti-Christ. But as for Germany, there was never EVER a time in its history when it was more united and PERFECT. The common thin thread that ultimately unites mankind together, beyond the faith in a GOD, and a Samaritan act, is HATE rage. A bundle of rage beyond human imagination. Beyond criticism... The straight forward, non-pussified version of "dislike" for people who don't have time for modern rainbow and unicorns pc bullshit that plagues today society. GoC: 09-22-16 BAD NEWS LISA says… the Main Point of the MS. Bullets Points 09/22/16 The Mario situation HATE-REVENGE-PROFIT Plan A: SelfDefense. Plan B: Killed in jail. Plan C: provoke again. Plan D: direct violence. facts today: #1 A conspiracy to Murder. I can connect Larry Linkogle directly Mario Garcia with how obtained the knowledge of a 9 year old case. Larry lied and produced the case like he did this for Mario. Premeditated. Conspiracy to commit a felony murder. Motive: Hate/ Profit #2. A covert act. Willie presented the gun barrel from the car when Marioi? did not get assaulted excessively, the plan was to use the gun on Lober when he attacked Mario, but, Lober who is a for sure thing according to Larry to Mario, did not ACT OUT. The gun was not used. This implicates Willie as a conspirator to commit murder under hire. This was a HIT on John Lober. The beat filed NO charges. #3. The Motives. Mario is ultimately looking for profit, status and image. Possibly to squat in the Kepler house for illegal activity("you told me that you do not live here. I can do anything I want."), impress his associate death squad homeboy Larry, and possibly cash payment for assisting Larry with revenge. •I tried to apologize to Mario at the moment, his response,"nope. You're going to jail." •Willie had a pistol in his lap. •I found a gps taped to the Focus. •I saw Larry Linkogle at the ARCO 08/19/16. •The 911 system was purposefully exhausted, to the point that, no police officer is going to respond at all, when Lisa really needs the help. Mario called the police 100 times. •He is stalking us. • DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY Someone may be picking on you today and it doesn't seem fair because you haven't done anything to elicit such a critical response. Nevertheless, the perfectionist Virgo Moon in your 7th House of Others is opposing distressed Chiron in your sign, reminding you of a previous failure. Keep in mind that you might be supplying more emotional charge to the situation than actually exists in the current moment. Acknowledge your memory without letting it distort the present. There's no reason to allow the past to ruin the future. Get Your Complete Cosmic Profile •She threatened us and follows me. •surveillance for sometime prior to June 8. •Harassment has increased, in order to jail John, for unknown reason. •His persistence is unprovoked by John. •He is extremely focused, deliberate and persistant, like there is a deadline. •911 to arrest you, lied to an official, and exaggerating John reputation which is 20 years old. •He fabricating actions and setting a precedence in the officers minds and putting their state of mind in a ready to shoot state. I mean who wouldn't. •Then when they realize and talk with John they realize he is not what Mario told them. •Their last resort is violence with murder. GoC: more bullet points MARIOSPRO OUTLINE This home is owned by Lisa Traudt." At 1:40pm the aggressor, John Lober, made degrading comments about her appearance and threatened her. 1:39 Ana storms into the house and immediately begins to retaliate to John Lober, and starts typing the ch-109 for Mario to sign," because John would not engage with her fucking amazing hair and communication skill zzz. Ana made a terroristic threat, using the word, "escalate," which means increase, only leads me to believe, Violence from her." And by the use of a restraining order, and the abuse of the police department.... And she could have just had the roots colored and her anus bleached , and she could have avoided losing her temper. Tisk. "Recently I learned of his identity through Pictures my wife captured." These led to his identity. Ana has been surveillance and tapping the residence for awhile. Over a year. Did you see the size of the camera? Is she a photo journalist for la times? "...did not know his name at the time, but knew of him..." Someone told him of me. "..as I began to speak to her and look down to point at the trash, he punched me in the jaw..." Oh, didn't pick it up like you told the commissioner. Lie "...the aggressor elbowed me in the face. I reacted by socking him. He laffed and stepped on my shades..." I flipped your phone, you threw a punch, I was too quick for your burrito fingers and you missed. You gave up you little bitch. Then I told him to pick up his trash. Then filmed him as he calmly communicated that he was alright and he did not smell alchohol, but that I may be on drugs.... I replied ," I'm on vagina." Now, what would have really happened, if reputations were true character, would be, mario, face down in a puddle of teeth as he gasps trough the clotting Crimson and blows a big blood bubble. It pops and flubbles and deflates and he head drops like a sack of batteries when his fighting spirit and will to live send themselves to Valhalla or the great big tortilla bender in the sky. Or... Atleast his hair would have been messed up or some grass on his shirt or I mean I would have bled just so he wouldn't look like such a cunt and depreciate my value. Now that's defamation. ------ This email message, including any attachments, is intended for the sole viewing and use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain confidential and privileged information, which is prohibited from disclosure. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the information contained in this email, including attachments, is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copy of this message, or any attachment, is strictly prohibited. If you have received a copy of this email in error, please notify the sender by reply email immediately, and remove all copies of the original message, including attachments, from your computer.
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