#(a 13yo girl) was attracted to
cparti-mkiki · 2 years
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honestly im not denying that tumblr is racist but i feel like twitter has never really understood what a tumblr sexyman is. shape-wise this guy is exactly like adult goob from meet the robinsons and he’s also over 30 — it’s a tumblr repellent. if the onceler was middle aged, had that face and a mustache no tumblrina would have done what they did with him. the only times tumblr sexifies ‘unusual’ characters is when they can imagine them being conventionally attractive twinks in their heads (see meltdown when the triangle from gravity falls and the invisible guy from hotel transylvania turned out not to be cute anime boys), not because they’re attracted to genuine weirdness / unconventionality. i am reading you if anyone wants to weight in this very important matter btw
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drusilla-carstairs · 7 months
How are you gonna tell CC what her characters look like though? If she commissions Dru a certain way, then that’s the way Dru looks. SHE created the character NOT you guys. YOU guys all assumed she was overweight instead of curvy, she’s never been as big as you guys make her out to be. That’s why CC just ignores it. I know we want representation, but it’s said that Dru has hips and breasts. It’s never said that she has thick arms or a chubby stomach, readers just made that up and now keep complaining that your headcanons didn’t come true
“for real! People choose to read her description as an hourglass figure when that isn’t it at all. It’s just unwillingness to draw/like fat characters :/ I imprinted on Dru as a character the first time I read TDA and I hate this for her. I hope CC does a good job writing her in TWP and maybe clears this all up” Lying on canon we see ..Hourglass can mean thick what are you even talking about? It’s never stated that she’s fat and it’s stated that alot of boys check her out, so ..what’s that mean? Hourglass figure has the boys stopping. Stop projecting what you want and respect the author
^ That’s the rest of this person’s stupid ask.
First off, you look like a clown. You’re completely embarrassing yourself here. Hiding your fatphobia under the guise of accusing me of not “respecting the author” is so transparent and frankly, silly.
I made a post to my blog. I didn’t tell CC what her character should look like. Do you think she has time to be combing the tumblr tags looking at people’s posts??? Drop that straw man argument right now because you look like a clown.
Dru is very much described as plus-sized in the canon. Not just an hourglass shape. Her aunt calls her a “butterball”. Dru mentions feeling anxiety about eating around other characters. It is mentioned that she doesn’t fit in normal Shadowhunter gear. These aren’t things that happens to a girl that just happened to get boobs early, and you’re naive for thinking so.
I’m not going to nitpick the use of “curvy” vs “plus-sized” vs “fat” because frankly you don’t deserve the time it would take to do so, especially when what you’re saying boils down to “I don’t think people with large waistlines would be considered attractive ever”. Your use of overweight vs curvy shows this. Your “evidence” that boys look at her shows this. (Which, by the way, older boys paying attention to 13yo Dru is not a complement, it’s creepy behavior showing that because of her body she’s sexualized before she’s seen as useful for anything else, but go off!)
If you need more info on this, read the post that Cassandra Clare herself made about the topic. She states that Dru is plus-sized in the sense that she shops in plus-sized stores and sections at the very least. She states that her body is different from that of girls around her. Most artists (even those CC commissions, unfortunately) draw her the same size as Emma/Thaís/Livvy/Whoever and it’s simply inaccurate, and we all know why.
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Hi !!! B, Naomi and L for the ask game :D
Hey girl, how’s it going? Here we go!
Post: For Anyone Else Who Wants To Hear Me Sound Off
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Beyond Birthday
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How I feel about this character: Oh, baby. Get some help.
People I ship romantically: Naomi, but only as a crackship!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I actually think he’s bi, not gay. Another obscure opinion I have is that he’s basically a more chill version of Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia.
One thing I wish was canon: I wish he’d gotten to have a direct confrontation with L. But I understand why that couldn’t happen, too.
(P. S. Here’s Tomura, in case you thought I was exaggerating the similarities.)
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Naomi Misora
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How I feel about this character: the only good example of female representation in Death Note. She was killed off at the proper time, but my gosh, how I wish Misa had her mind. It would have been so interesting!
My OTP: I ship her with Raye since that’s where she ended up, but I also think she and L would have been a cute couple!
My platonic OTP: Naomi x L, Naomi x any of the Wammy boys, Naomi x Halle Lidner!
My unpopular opinion: I don’t think Raye treated her poorly when he said she would have a more fulfilling life as a mother. Naomi was struggling with her guilt over not being able to shoot a 13yo for a case in the LABB Murder Cases, so it’s not a stretch to say that she’s still unhealthily attached to that line of work and needs to focus on her life ahead. Though I understand why it came off as dismissive from Raye, her fiancé.
One thing I wish was canon: LET HER BE FRIENDS WITH L IN PERSON, DANG IT!
L. Lawliet
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My thoughts on this character: Baby boy baby, my husband
Romantic OTP: L X MISA 😤 I’m fond of L x Naomi as well though.
Platonic OTP: L x literally anyone who isn’t Light, please good gosh he needs better friends
My unpopular opinion: L is not a bad person; he is a person who did what he had to do. L is not a sociopath; he is a lonely autistic man who has trouble expressing himself. L is not gay; he expresses attraction to Misa and no one else. Lawlight needs to burn in hell.
Something I wish was canon: A single tear trickling down L’s face as he died in Light’s arms. It would have made a sad scene even sadder.
Send me asks about other characters!
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nobedofroses · 2 years
December 7
pairing: Marcus Moreno x reader
warnings: 13yo mocking, ice skating, horny for husband!Marcus
words: 1.6k
a/n: this one is a little disjointed probs but cute and fun Marcus and Missy (and Missy’s friend lol)
Last, Full List, Next, More Marcus
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Missy had begged you and Marcus for a trip to the city so she and her friend, Rosa, could go ice skating at Rockefeller Center. She approached you each separately, convincing you because you could make a weekend of it and see a show and have a fancy dinner and go shopping. Then the two of you went to Marcus and he was helpless to resist.
That weekend, you arrived at a vacation rental in Manhattan, chosen instead of a hotel so that the two of you could ensure that the girls wouldn’t try to sneak off (they were still young, but you’d rather be over safe than sorry) while maintaining privacy for you and Marcus. Just in case. 
The first afternoon was spent settling in and going to a couple pizza places nearby to find the favorite of the group, something Missy and Rosa took very seriously. 
In the morning, you went to a deli and a bakery right next to each other so you could have bagels and donuts. Marcus then suggested that if you wanted to do shopping, it should be now so that you could go skating around noon, hopefully when everyone else was having lunch. 
A couple hours later, you were back at the vacation rental to layer up and drop off the bags and bags full of things you had bought. With each new purchase, you had seen Marcus wince a little bit more, but you had made a budget and were still well within its confines. And tonight you would get him out of his miserly mood the way only you knew how. 
When the four of you got to the skating rink, it turned out you were not the only ones who had the plan to come during lunch. While it was probably less busy than normal, there was still a wait time, but it was relatively easy to stay patient once you all had a cup of steaming hot cocoa. 
In half an hour, you were in line to get the girls skates, but when you got to the front, Marcus told them all four of your sizes. 
“No honey, I’m not gonna skate, I’ll just watch,” you told him, scrunching your nose. 
“C’mon babe, I’ll get them and you can try it and if you hate it we’ll just sit on the side, but we can take it slow, okay?” he asked you with pleading eyes and you were helpless to resist. 
“Okay, I’ll try,” you told him and then got out of the way of the line while he grabbed your two sets of skates and the girls grabbed theirs. 
Once you had all put on the skates and dropped your shoes off at the little locker Marcus had gotten the key for, you headed to the ice. Missy and Rosa, of course, were far ahead and skating before you had even wobbled over to the entrance. Then Marcus started picking up speed, moving from your side where you had been counting on him to catch you if you fell. 
“Wait up, Marcus! I’m not sure I can make it to the ice!” you called after him pleadingly. 
He just told you over his shoulder, “Just a second, sweetie, I’m just picking something up for when we’re on the ice.” 
You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and were getting grumpy that he had left you behind. Especially when you got to the entrance and were going to either stand there and wait like an idiot or try and get on the ice on your own. And while the first was embarrassing, it would be a lot less dangerous. So you stood there, impatient and stubborn, waiting for Marcus to deign come back to you and help. 
But before you could get too too annoyed, he skated up from the ice, very unexpectedly, toting something that made your stomach drop out when you realized what it was. 
“Marcus, I am not going to use the penguin,” you downright whined, feeling heat come to your cheeks and you ducked your head, not wanting to attract any attention to yourself. 
“Sweetheart, come here, please. I promise you don’t have to use the penguin,” Marcus entreated you, holding a hand out to help you over the threshold. Only because you trusted him to take care of you did you take it and let him. 
You stumbled, but when Marcus moved his hand to your waist and you held his upper arm, you were able to stand straight. Taking a quick breath, you smiled up at Marcus, proud at the little achievement of actually being on the ice. But when you took a step forward, which meant Marcus had to take a step back, he’s the one that stumbled. 
Marcus let go of you immediately so that if he fell he didn’t take you down with him. He only managed to keep his balance when he grabbed onto the penguin with both hands. 
“As you can see, I am also not very good at ice skating. The penguin is for me,” he told you, panting a little from the exertion it took not to fall. 
You smiled because he was ridiculously cute slightly embarrassed, but then asked, “If you’re using the penguin, how the hell am I going to make it around the rink?” 
Marcus blushed a little and slowly turned so he was three quarters of the way facing away from you, “I was thinking I could be your penguin.” 
How absolutely adorable he was distracted you for a second as you thought about how you were totally going to rail him tonight. But then you remembered where you were and made a happy sound, rushing forward. However, you forgot you were on ice, and accidentally moved too fast, crashing into Marcus back and sending the two of you sliding forward, nearly out of control. 
The penguin, of course, was your savior, keeping the two of you on your feet and letting you coast to an only slightly shaky stop. The two of you stayed frozen for a few seconds, not wanting to jinx anything and fall. Especially because you were now fully away from the wall surrounding the edge. 
In a sudden flurry of movement, you were circled by flashes of pink and blue. When they stopped moving at what seemed like the speed of light, they were Missy and Rosa, respectively. 
They were laughing before they were even standing still. Likely, they had been laughing for a while. 
“You two are so lame,” Missy half-complained, half-laughed. “Those things are for babies.” 
“No, they’re cute, total couple goals!” Rosa giggled and you had to chuckle too, remembering what it was like to be a 13 year old girl. 
“Ew, Rosa, they’re old,” Missy told her and Rosa shrugged. So Missy switched topics, “How are you guys gonna skate if you’re too scared to move?” 
“I don’t know, mija, are you gonna push us?” Marcus asked, a little sassy because he already knew the issue at hand. 
Missy shrugged, “Rosa, you push, I’ll pull.” 
Before either you or Marcus could process what Missy said, the two girls had moved to either end and started moving you. Rosa put her hands on the middle of your back and started skating, so you braced yourself better against Marcus so her force would push him too. Missy went in front of the penguin and grabbed onto one of the handles on top of its head. 
You were very impressed that the two of them were strong enough to get all four of you moving, but then Rosa nudged your back to get your attention, “Hey, you gotta skate too, we can’t do all the work.” 
Feeling thoroughly chastised by a teenager, you started moving your feet, trying to mimic the girls’ movements. Marcus must have gotten a similar treatment from Missy, because he was skating now too. 
The girls took you just under halfway around the rink and then let you go, cutting across the rink back to the entrance and the hot chocolate after saying that they needed a break after lugging you two around.
 Once they were gone, you and Marcus moved at a much slower pace. But it was still nice, with your hands on Marcus’ waist, warm and strong. Soon enough, you were less using him for balance and more just wrapping your arms around him. You kept things PG, but were getting to feel like maybe you should head out soon and “take a nap.” 
The two of you were just reaching the entrance when the girls got back on the rink, and they agreed to fifteen more minutes of skating and then you would leave. They were easy to convince with the promise of pizza. 
You and Marcus stumbled back outside of the rink and to the benches to take off the skates. As you did, you whispered to Marcus about your plan. 
“We should get them lots of pizza and soda so that they have a sugar and carb crash and fall asleep watching whatever movie they choose and then while they do that, we can have sex, what do you think?” 
“I think that’s a perfect plan, sweetheart, with maybe one tiny problem. Mmm, two tiny problems,” Marcus told you and you frowned. 
“Do tell.” 
“One, we might be too sore to have sex by then.” 
“And two, what’s gonna keep us from falling asleep after we eat pizza?” 
“Damn, those are problems,” you fell silent as you wracked your brain for solutions. Then your face lit up, “I’ve got it.” 
“Yeah?”     “Yeah. We take a hot shower so we don’t get sore, and we have sex before we eat and then we can nap all we want!”
Marcus grinned, you were so cute and hot when you had good ideas, “Honey, you are a genius.” 
He leaned in for a kiss and you let him. It lasted longer than it probably should have in public, but by the time Missy and Rosa found you, you were totally PDA free and proper. Anything to avoid more mocking from 13 year olds.
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jungantoine · 2 years
so it's kind of funny/cringe story lmao
it was 2018, really young me was like HOW TO DATE CELEBRITY/HANDSOME GUYS etc. i was in 7th grade lmao so i searched it on youtube. first video that popped out was HOW TO MANIFEST MEETING CELEBRITY, it was convincing enough for me to click. my english was real bad back then, and i had spent about 2 hours translating 15 minute video from english to my mother language. i did nothing.
year later. 8th grade me was like "i want to have a boyfriend". i searched again but it was summer 2019?? there wasn't much stuff about manifestation back then, no one knew much, i found few videos about law of attraction etc. shitty tbh. but moving on. i found that one video, when you should write letter to universe, and ask for a boyfriend 💌. you know, show your gratitude then make detailed view of your desired person. i wrote things like "tall","funny","handsome","brunette","likes sports" etc. they said in video, im supposed to burn it or hide it in place that ill never find it. so i did lol [summer 2019]
i totally forgot about letter ive written. i just moved on etc. because damn, i was 13/14, and it wasn't that serious bruh. but around november [3 months after] that guy from my grade suddenly found interest in me. he was nice, we werw talking a lot, he was walking me home and hugged me. BUT THEN I FUCKIN PANICKED BECAUSE I WAS NOT READY FOR RELATIONSHIP NOR ANYTHING. I STILL AM BUT I WAS TERRIFIED. it just clicked like one day he was all over me. and then i remember "bitch, you did it. you manifested him". in fact, he was very tall (6ft), funny and quite popular among people/especially girls in my school. handsome as you could tell. not that much but yk better than rest or the orgs back then. and he was excellent in sports. volleyball, basketball and football= he was nailing all of them. i was scared asf and i cut things off, but nvm.
the thing is; i believed in manifestation. i was convinced it's working. i let go. i trusted myself, and universe. boom. it had happened how it should.
if stupid 13yo could do it, why can't you?
if it's not your sign for manifestation, idk what is. DO IT. MANIFEST YOUE DREAM LIVES HOES
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peppermintbuttlemon · 5 months
this is in no way trying to make any sort of drama or make up any rumours. simply and observation on josephs behaviour.
his body language with saura tells me all i gotta know about the kind of girls he is into. this new interview that they did together talking about hoard omg joseph was so nervous and anxious around her. he couldn’t stop looking at her and there was this bit were she lifted her arm to scratch her head and my dude thought she was putting her arm around him he got all red!! i cant remember correctly but i think she ended up putting arm around his chair anyway and i swear joseph looked he had a hard time breathing lmao
he kept leaning towards her the entire time and always tried to sort of i guess impress her by being funny but honestly she looked like she was just giggling out of courtesy lol sorry but it kinda looked like that to me i might be wrong.
before you come at me saying in looking a lot into it.. its very obvious cause it was all body language anyone can see tbh. you dont see him acting like this with lupita just saying lol not saying theres anything wrong with it but he is so fucking obvious he looks almost ridiculous sorry .
joseph at the oscars with lupita he kept holding on to her from all the nervousness and anxiety he ended up looking like a scared 13yo omg he could barely keep it together.
my conclusion was that he is very obvious with the type of women he is attracted to. tall skinny pretty model-like type of girl. no im not basing myself on A btw, ive seen other clips of him meeting different people and he has had that kinda body language with those types of women. i also have nothing against girls who look like that, nothing against saura specifically either or anyone it was just an observation on him. im sure im not the only who has noticed👀😬
I think they def hooked up during filming 😀 what? WHAT?? Let’s gooooooooooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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trans-earthworm · 7 months
the great thing about at least socially transitioning as a teenager is that if anyone wants to tell me what a beaitiful girl i used to be i can call them creepy for talking about how physically attractive they find a child to be. if you want to talk about what i looked like before the cargo shorts and hoodies phase you are talking about a 13yo kid dont call her gorgeous
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pozge-pridumayu · 7 months
Oh yeah lore update after I met my girl-best-friend I haven't seen since summer
I'm not attracted to her at all? Like even in a omg a very pretty girl way. Like did I get over her THAT hard? Or is monogamy dating does this to you? I mean better than being slightly awkward so a win
I already posted about it but her first kiss was with a female friend. Mine was with a guy. Life is funny.
We were arguing which is more cringe meeting your partner on tumblr or in a minecraft server. Yes she met a guy she's dating for 6 years now in a video game. I mean my parents did the same but yeah
Also I got my math right this time and realized she was 13yo when they met. Makes sence why she didn't tell anyone.
Also apparently she started smoking because she was constantly mad at him for doing it when they were living with her parents and a genius solution was to become an addict herself. Well I can't judge because my reason was literally why not so
Will add later idk
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menalez · 2 years
I saw some ppl asked u similar questions and i thought that i can do it too(?). So could you answer please? if you are comfortable and ok to answer such things.
Am i bi or lesbian?
I have never liked real men. Once(i was 12-13yo) i had something like precrush(?) on the teacher in my school but i had lost my interest really fast.
I still think my classmates are disgusting. Then i realized that all men have something in common. It is in their behavior. But idk. I am not comfortable to talk with them. But girls is another deal. I can truly understand them and i don't feel like they think i am not a human (even if they think so they behave differently)
I had several fictional crushes, both men and women. I had realized i only like men if they match some strict criterias(one of them is that their face must be hidden). The things i like in women not so strict. And i really like their appearances. At the same time men's appearances is mostly - meh. Almost all of them are ugly and meh, but most ppl i knew think they are not. I dnk are their standards so low or its only me. (To be clear i think Its ok to have different opinions on something, i do not try to pull ppl into mine, but sometimes i am just curious why)
I have never ever dated someone. And i don't want to. I think i am not good in my mental state for such things. (Anxiety)
Once i thought i had a crush on my classmate (it was reflection, when we talked i didn't think it was crush, i thought it was strong desire to become a really good friends with her and all). I made this conclusion, because I had i dream where i kissed her in the cheek and after awaking felt peace(i had a lot of stress in that tine and this dream was the only good thing about it). But now i think it wasn't the crush, it was just my desire to not be alone(she was my only friend) and anxiety.
I am in my early 20-s and i dont know anything about life.
tbh its hard for me to judge bc it sounds like ur quite inexperienced so all we can go on here is ur thoughts? to me id guess based on this that ur bisexual but it sounds like you have no idea if youre into men, if youre into women, or if youre into neither. i can understand being confused bc when all u have is ur fantasies, its hard to feel confident and sure of your attractions.
i will say tho, i think the crush on your classmate that you described probably was a crush, not just a desire to not be alone. it seems like youre the type of person to overthink & explain away ur feelings, i get it bc i did the same before coming out as well. but i think dreaming of kissing someone and cherishing that deeply and wanting to be close to them etc sounds. more than just friendly
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rinadragomir · 3 years
Just saw a post where 24yo and 19yo were trying to convince (attention pls) 13yo girl that's she's asexual cause you know she doesn't feel sexually attracted to anyone.
13 years old
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CAN PEOPLE STOP CONVINCING CHILDREN THAT HAVING SEX WHEN YOU'RE 12,13,14.. IS OKAY?? children dont feel sexual attraction you pedos, they might be just curious about it and try some things with each other.
(If you're 16 or sth you might think "hey i was pretty smart at 13 and i knew almost everything about this life" NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T wait till you at least 20 you'll understand at that time there was a damn fog in your head YOU'LL REGRET SO MANY THINGS I SWEAR TO GOD)
She really might be asexual but let her figure it out herself maybe?!😤
I'm not asexual myself, when I was 15 one boy tried to kiss me and i literally screamed cause i was so shocked and unprepared. We started dating a month later. Despite the fact that we had sex when we were both 16 and we both kinda liked it, I felt a real sexual attraction only closer to the age of 20 and now i really think we should have waited a bit more, cause 16 was too early.
Each person has their own unique experience of finding out their sexuality. BUT LET CHILDREN HAVE A FUCKING CHILDHOOD🤬 without thinking "I'm 13, i wanna play sims4 and i don't wanna fuck with that Steve but people on tumblr said that at this age girls usually starting to wanna fuck Steve so now I'm confused".
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tomatograter · 4 years
How much of jakes begging dirk not to leave in meat do you think is his own true feelings vs Dirks influence?
I don't think Dirk’s influence is enough to make anybody do anything they did not already have half a mind to do. I've seen this be debated a lot, but Dirk is... not The Word Of God. That's pretty much the biggest joke about his defensive posturing. Dirk barks very loudly, and asserts himself in audience-antagonizing overseeing orange voice - but he cannot force you to do something you really don't want to do. He’s only as powerful as your urges.
He struggles, multiple times, to make characters do the simplest things that go against their base instincts. Dave definitely had romantic feelings for Karkat, but he was so sure their relationship could stay and strive as platonic that he pushes Dirk away. He wasn't Right about this, but he was sure of his position.
June is easy. June wants an adventure. June wants to not be herself. June will take any excuse to abandon everything and get to live a cool life where the most pressing issue is “which bad guy do i have to punch” again.
Terezi's arc in homestuck proper is largely about her learning to listen to HERSELF, not the alternian laws or game rules or meddling undead sylphs or doc scratches or whoever the fuck else, and she mocks Dirk's narrator voice to his face. She recognizes the alien thought the moment she has it.
Kanaya has always feared she holds Rose back. She loves her wife deeply, and respects her even more, but her penchant to being attracted to explosive girls (Remember Vriskan? You should remember Vriskan.) Also doubles as Kanaya grappling with the fact that she cannot control them. It's part of the appeal, that they are forces of nature so large and unpredictable she cannot help but be drawn to their orbit like a moth to a flame. Kanaya letting go of Rose is an unspooling of her deepest insecurities, her habit of giving others more credit than she gives herself, and how she's relented to the years peddled position of "mom friend" - kanaya the spoilsport, kanaya the grub nun, kanaya the... Quite Dreadfully Just Regular, I’m Afraid. What could she possibly claim to offer when put up against the secrets to understand an universe? (She isn't right about this, either.)
And Jake? Here's a bit from Jake's confession that i believe has gone largely unexamined:
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Take a moment to really consider the positioning of other characters towards Jake in the epilogues. Then a little bit more in the direction of HS proper this time. Jake is the subject of constant degradation at the hands of the cast at large. His plight is always unsympathetic, his role troublesome, and he acquiesces to claiming the guilt for "being a problem in his friendgroup" or "for being assaulted by a friend he ignored" or "for being too useless and stupid", yet even though he cannot let go of the pesky self-flagellating habit, there's... Dirk.
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This is how Dirk is represented and this is what he is primarily remembered by in the deepest recesses of Jake’s brain. It could have been anything else, but it’s this instead. Brain ghost dirk is not a dirk with his edges cut off, he’s not a pliant wifedirk, he’s not a little helpful tutorial phantom that tells jake everything he wants to hear - he’s quite harsh and sarcastic As A Dirk, but he believes in a Jake that’s more than the facade he presents as. Truly and fully. This is a Dirk that loves Jake, and not quite platonically.
I think it’s a bit ignorant to suggest Jake has legitimately no reason for loving Dirk back when their canon designation is “Best friends” and “Complicated lovers”. Jake loves Dirk for his brightest parts. Jake has expected a love confession from Dirk ever since the very beginning of the above conversation, during his 13yo birthday, where the big joke is “WELP, i guess instead of dirk telling me he’s gay and that we’ve been flirting all this time, he just says he’s from the future instead!”
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Dirk’s influence is only to blame here insofar as him doing such a good fucking job of screwing himself over. It’s stellar. Dirk thinks the AR forced Jake’s feelings, dirk thinks he’s predatory and irredeemable, dirk convinces the audience Jake cannot possibly have a single reason to love him back, dirk fully drapes himself in the capes of being a Bad Guy, but this is HIS justification, when faced with the fact Jake pretty clearly has feelings on the matter buried deep down, and he’s a glaringly /unreliable/ narrator. The biggest tragedy of this bit is the confirmation that the heel turn and the spiel are wholly unnecessary, they clearly had things they could have invested on to make this work, but dirk is too caught up on his high horse to listen. 
Like with Kanaya, Dirk is responsible for exaggerating a heavy mass of preexisting feelings, not creating them. 
Creation, as it happens, is more of Jake’s wheelhouse.
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jentlemahae · 2 years
They’re saying “It was only one man” and “Most fans of nj are women,” as of women can’t be predatory. The thing is, a woman doesn’t even have to be attracted to them in order to prey on young girls. The amount of online spaces there are across social media platforms filled with women that essentially romanticize and make p*dophilia an aesthetic and grooom young girls who come across it. Like, literally their creative director.
yes absolutely, the ‘their fans are mostly women’ narrative does not make it better one bit! grown women being their fans is still messed up and disturbing, even if there’s no attraction bcs why are u at 40 years old stanning a 13yo…….let’s contemplate that for a second! there is literally no way to sway their debut in a positive light imo - grown men and women who become their fans do so for predatory and malicious reasons, and young people (mostly girls) who become their fans get exposed to dangerous fan environments and individuals 😐 just very saddening
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floraone · 5 years
How do you feel about the UsaMamo fanfic trope where Mamoru gets closer and closer to Usagi in their civilian identities, begins to develop feelings for her and then feels conflicted over his feelings for Moon and/or the Princess in his dreams, eventually though his feelings for Usagi surpass his feelings for her alter ego(s) and them learning each other's identities and their past turns out to be a happy accident? Thoughts on this trope?
Hi anon!!! Loved this question! Anyway here goes:
So obviously in the end they are all the same people. So, it makes sense if you're attracted to this person you're also attracted to all other "versions" of this same person. So of course I dig stories where they're into each other in their various forms even when they don't necessarily know the other is behind that mask. (And I'm ladybug love square trash so OF COURSE I dig a good pre reveal plot with my OTP too obviously).
HOWEVER, here are a few thoughts.
1) I firmly believe Usagi and Mamoru are the same people as Endymion and Serenity. YET there are subtle differences. And they come from nurture. For example, I'd say Usagi is more carefree than Serenity (because Usagi lives a freer live), Mamoru is more closed off and less reckless than Endymion (because Endymion grew up with more support and more privileges). But Mamoru still has a reckless core that puts him into all sorts of trouble and is TOTALLY THE REASON FOR ANY RIDICULOUSNESS TUX DOES, and Serenity is still gonna moan into her food when no one looks and enjoy the little things. They're the same complex people - just different lives. So preferring one of the other deep down doesn't actually make sense once they see this, at least to me. If they loved that dead person they would love the same alive person too. Same people.
2) they're complex people. A lot of BOTH these personalities isn't visible at first glance. Mamoru isn't JUST a studious and conscientious guy who trolls this 14yo, he's also a superhero gentleman thief throwing roses and haiku who wants to keep the whole world safe. Usagi isn't JUST carefree and a crybaby and goes after all her heart's desires, she's also someone who believes in the good of everyone and chooses a responsibility and life she never wanted because she believes it is her duty to the world and still loves this world unconditionally anyway. If you love any of these people, you love the whole package. Meeting just one side of these two coins you only meet half a person. And sure these half-persons are amazing and anyone could fall for them - Usagi has the biggest heart and is wonderfully REAL and doesn't hide her feelings and that would totally attract Mamoru; Sailor Moon is a BADASS and a babe and clearly scared sometimes but she gets up anyway. Mamoru is a tragic orphan with a big boy act and not a lot of friends; Tuxedo Mask is a super hero in evening wear standing back to support the powerful woman - they're amazing already even if you only see half the person. I believe any plot that makes them fall in love with either of these at first sight or in a meaningful conversation or whatnot. And I also think you CAN see the whole complex package glimpsing through if you look at one half long enough. (They're the same people after all and Usagi still saves people as Usagi and Tux can still be an arrogant and dorky flirt.) But the whole package? Together? Including the reborn royalty that died for each other and brought things over into this life they might regret? There's the magic. There's the soulmate. There's the miracle romance. The forever kind of let's fight fate for this deal. It makes sense to me that the moment they SEE the whole complex double sided person is the moment they are truly and wholly gone for each other in ways they weren't yet before. In ways they might not have believed possible before; be it if they were in love with the "half" identity before or not. I don't fault either of them to not be helplessly in love with the other if they didn't see at least a glimpse of the complexity!
3) I don't think Mamoru is in love with the princess in his dreams. Mamoru doesn't remember Serenity. The princess in his dreams is an echo of a memory, it's his subconscious, it's not HER. He doesn't know Serenity in this life. Not yet. And while sure, he's had these dreams FOREVER, and I ABSOLUTELY see, say, a 13yo boy growing up with this attractive girl in this dreams being ATTRACTED TO HER and having other sorts of dreams about her, I don't think he LOVES her. I think she puzzles him. Entices him too, probably. He'd definitely find her hot af. First and foremost though, I think Mamoru wants answers from the princess in his dreams - not a date.
So yeah if you give me a plot of that kind that still respects these three points, I am fully on board lol. I do think it's possible. I can see a Mamoru falling for Usagi once he can lift her out of the shallow one dimensional box (lazy loud crybaby however charming) he might have put her in at first glance (IF he did that), and see what a good and brave heart this girl has and FALL FOR HER. And I can see him equally falling for Sailor Moon. And I can see his little heart torn and feeling fickle about having a very obvious type because shit those two are SO SIMILAR WTF?! And I can see him weep happy tears when these two amazing girls are one amazing girls after all. And I can see the same flipped for Usagi. And I would read the SHIT out of a fic like that immediately.
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lilacfawnx · 5 years
Honestly don't know..
I don’t know where to say or write this because I’m not popular or a celeb or influencer…or anything of that matter. I mean no one cares about my personal life. I’m sure no one will see this and for those that do may have a negative response but here we go…. To start; I was raised in a highly Christian family. My uncle was a “saved” preacher and my grandfather was “saved” as well. For those that don’t know what that is it means you lived your life in “sin” or “away from god” and came back to it later in life. People also say “born again”. Anyways from my experience most “saved” people are more intense. Well my family was definitely very intense. To avoid stuff that doesn’t pertain to this post I’ll fast forward and say my childhood was a bit hectic leading into puberty. As i went to middle school i was as most people trying to find myself or where i belong. I’ve head words like “Gay” or “fag” but it just different and weird to me especially because i was taught in church that gay was an abomination. With my mom and dad’s divorce at 13yo it left me confused. I had some crushes threw my childhood but always boys so it never was a problem. I was always called by my family “boy crazy”.  As I made friends that were girls and boys i found both to be attractive but being scared what people thought of me and what my family would think I said nothing. Threw a mutual friend i met a girl that said she was “Bi-sexual” i was confused. I’d never heard that word or label. I was told that you could like both. All that made me more confused. When i turned 14 i met a group of people and began my “emo/scene” phase. I saw that bi-sexuality was mainstream. Boys kissed boys, girls kissed girls…it was normal. One night at a party in my room in the pitch dark my best friend, a girl, kissed me.  It felt good just like when i kissed boys. From then on knew i was attracted to both. I and she would hold hands cuddle and kiss all the time but it never went anywhere. I was disappointed but her and i moved on. As years passed I never told anyone about my actual feelings. If I tried to tell my mom she would just say, “You don’t like girls. You’re going through a phase. All girls kiss girl it’s innocent fun” So I was scared. No one believed me. I used the “just having fun excuse” to make-out with my friends that were girls and focused on getting guys attention. Although most guys in that phase dressed “girly” or kissed other guys I actually was attracted to it. I thought a girly guy was “sexy”. As time passed and I hit 17 I knew I liked both men and woman but I knew I had no support. So I hid from people. Every time I’d try and make a comment threw out the following years about liking woman, My family would make jokes about me being gross or a “Dyke” because I was overweight or I’d get called a “slut” or “d**k hungry” if I went out with guys. I had such low self esteem I hated myself. It seemed no gender liked me. I would try to flirt with woman but no one seemed interested. To be fair neither were men. I was updateable. I went through many crappy experiences from 17-26yo. I struggled with my identity. I knew I was attracted to both but I didn’t know how to tell my family who all thought I was someone jumping on fads. I figured if I dated a woman maybe my family would see but no woman that I thought were attractive or had what I was looking for liked me. After all dating is hard. I have always leaned more for men is just what I was more inclined to date but I never cared of gender of who I fell for. I watched people over the years come out in many different ways but I felt my sexuality was invalid considering I was more into guys and never been with a woman sexually. How could I stand saying I was Bi-sexual if I’d never had sex with the same sex? I’d be laughed at. Sadly there are many stigmas on Bisexuality. I’m to queer to be straight …to straight to be queer. I didn’t fit and never met someone who understood me. January 2017 I met my now husband. He was raised catholic and I didn’t want to let him down so I didn’t tell him. Plus I figured if we stay together I’d never be with anyone else, especially a woman so I didn’t care to mention it. Now I’m positive this is it for me I’ve found my soul mate. Now I was scared to say anything because I didn’t want to be judged. But considering my fear that “god” or the powers that be will take away my blessings I’ve been given….this is hard. Although I am done dating and I’m married and all that. I hate labels but I’m here to say I’m considerably Bi-sexual or Hetero-Flexable. I think both men and woman are attractive. However I do and have always preferred Men. Also when it comes to a future i have always wanted marriage and family. Yes, the world has came far with technology but i’ve always wanted children that are both DNA wise both me and my partners so i always knew i wanted to marry a man.  Yes I am married to a Cis man and I am a Cis woman. Regardless, I don’t feel that takes anything away from my sexuality. Love is for everyone regardless of gender or sexuality. So happy pride ya’ll. LGBTQ+
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akai-hito · 6 years
Three girl I'm going to talk about in the future :
Tsubaki : an old oc mine who found their calling into being Ayane best friend in the fanfic "Take it easy". She initially was a warrior from fantasy world who had her conscious sealed away and her body wrapped in band like a mummy and awakened millenia after in another world, with a last mission to accomplish before to have the right to finally pass away. Now I'm sure she's pretty happy to be in a simpler role as a human. She's as muscular than before though she can't break the floor in half, she can still break a Matsu in half but she will never, as she is also a gentle giant. One of her hobbies beside the sport she obviously practice everyday is how she read the JUMP and love shounen. More of a manly woman, you'd say, which gathered her a lot of attention in high school. you know the prince you always have in those shoujo manga? Well she were more of a knight and she kinda swept away all the princess from him. That wasn't the attention though, but seem like Tsubaki's muscle always make them attractive to people though it's easy to deny that muscle on women are beautiful in the first place.
She's not close to the matsu, though she think they're kinda cute and funny to talk to especially for the reaction she get from them. The funniest for this is Choromatsu in her eyes.
Lutecia : initially a self insert oc created when I was active in the amoursucre fandom. She was more of a genki girl who you shouldn't get on the bad side back then, as she will not hesitate to throw punch. If you don't know the game, it's a dating sims, plain and simple which had character you'd expect such as the cliche love rivals who's Totoko is often changed into, her called Amber. Lutecia didn't have time to talk to Amber tho, she pissed her off so after some light bullying she kinda just accidentally pushed her fist in her face and after some day of detention she stopped to have problem with her oh sweet. Beside this, Lutecia evolved to be a guitarist deeply involved in fancontent as she made a lot of cover over the year. She even formed a band but it didn't last long. She still does vocaloid cover around her thirty, as her step little sister dragged her into it again.
As for the Matsu, she didn't meet anyone else than Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu but the first one is the one she bonded with the most, as a kind of weird teacher-student relationship. The thing is that like the one above, Lutecia also have this charisma who get her to have girls crushing on her too but contrary to the one above it's more beneficent to her since she's bisexual. Initially she just wanted to be redirected to Akihabara as she was travelling with her little sister because the latter wanted to see this place. And it didn't go well since nobody listened and even by being literally fluent in Japanese from the time she was a high school student to now, that's still hard to be heard. Hopefully though he had his Karamatsu spot stolen, Karamatsu had the mindfulness to guide her just after have asked (begged) her what was the secret of her coolness. In this brouhaha any escape was welcome. So they hanged out a while like this and I really like the bond it finished to be. As for the lesson of coolness, she thought about it for a while to finally tell him :
"By coolness, I feel like it's more about how reliable you look at the point that other can't help but idolise you uh? The core still reside in being reliable. Maybe you weren't for your brother, or you think yourself that you just... Aren't. But someday, something will come out in your life and you'll have the choice to either run away or fight. If you fight, even if you lose, you'll have to see from how far you've come. And just your choice of reply make you more reliable than if you ran away. That'll make you reliable and cool. But also more responsible now. That's the heartbreaking part because the responsibility is always heavy."
It happened before the famous episode 24.
But with how things gotten seem like Kara got better. As for Lutecia, she came back to France with her little sister but they're still in contact because Karamatsu want to send her little that she struggle to read with his mix of English, Japanese and even French.
Clara : a more recently created OC this time. This one is significantly younger as she is 13yo, but act extremely childishly around her sister making other confused about her old. She recently got into fandom and is into Lolita fashion or really anything which make her feel like a princess and she doesn't intend to change even if it's seen as childish. I want to make of her a magical girl but it's for another story. A story which have every chance to be called "Magi Magi Kurara" or something alike
As for the Matsu, the reason why her older sister know Jyushimatsu at all is because this fella get along with him. That's due to how Karamatsu was with him at some point and as Lutecia is always with Clara they kinda bonded as the two other were talking.
They also broken havoc in the town and probably robbed a bank to buy all the candies they wanted. They also realised that they could've just robbed the place instead of the bank too bad.
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what's ur opinion on teenage girls who use fiction to safely explore their sexuality? like, let's say, a 13 year old is attracted sexually to a 15 year old cartoon girl. she writes nsfw fanfiction of this character, and is super proud of it! in the fic, the character is not shipped with anybody and is completely alone. the author gets called a pedophile for this fic, which is about a character who's OLDER than her. is this ok? it seems extremely damaging to her sexuality.
tbh i try my best to stay completely out of any and all minors’ sex lives, with the sole exception of education and support (like if a minor comes up to me and asks me to explain sex, i’ll do it bc god knows the american education system won’t)
so as for the hypothetical 13yo, they can do what they want. it’s not a bad thing to explore your sexuality, and in fact minors should be given the tools and education so that they can safely explore their sexuality (emphasis on education). because the more education you provide about safe sex, safe exploration, healthy development (sexual and nonsexual), and the like, the more precautions those minors will take. that’s been proven time and time again through direct empirical evidence, so i support that 100%
and you,,, can’t be a pedophile if you’re a minor, especially in that situation you gave. the people calling the minor a pedophile are being cruel in this situation, and while i don’t necessarily think that nsfw content of minors should be published (but tbqh i’m not gonna say anything about it bc that minor’s sexual expression is none of my business), they don’t deserve backlash even remotely similar to that
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