#(She's just) literallyyy me on a date.
ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
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mopopshop · 2 months
That parasocial thing that you were talking about is the truth because I was watching a live a couple of weeks ago and this girl on the comments was talking about them like she knew them…. Maybe it was just me that found it weird but she was saying stuff like “ I truly think that me and the UConn girls would be friends and that they would get along so well” and she was in the comments telling other people that Paige was straight or something and fighting everyone in the comments about it. I understand being fans of someone but for you to care so much about what they are doing is just so weird. (Don’t even get me started on the people that do and don’t ship pazzi because I could talk about that for hours)
it’s actually scary not even being dramatic and it especially worries me even thinking about how these type of fans would act if they ever came in contact with them, it can’t be safe for the team
moving on from that aspect, ppl have completely forgotten about the actual basketball and skill it’s just abt who’s hottest, who’s dating who, whos doing what it’s just irritating
i’d love for the uconn fans to be able to fangirl and have fun while also discussing basketball but it’s just turned into whatever the hell this is now
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
it ties into the female attention & peaking his interest even if its by the slightest. idk, like i said, this happened almost 3yrs ago when we were in a tough spot unfortunately and ive put it all behind me and weve been moving forward. i know how he feels about me & we would hate to ever lose each other. its just after hearing about this new news to me, i feel like it triggered my brain into thinking about how he can maybe feel things easily towards people. also, hes already apologized to me about the stuff in the past so i dont really feel any more of the frustrations that i felt bc at first he was not seeing my side of things and i was feeling so annoyed by that. luckily, thats all over now. i still get a little attentive when it comes to his classmates & any other girl i hear about bc then i start thinking, well is she pretty, does she like him, does he like her, how much do they talk, etc. which is just a normal girl thing..i think lol. im not totally insecure but it is easy to feel some type of way. so, i think i expressed everything i wanted to. i replied to the other guys msg and i honestly feel kinda bad for him but i hope they can work things out..
edit 7/29: not to add More things to this but.. i hung out with him today & i could tell that he felt terrible about himself for that happening & he felt like i was letting him off too easy. like, just not getting mad or lashing out i guess. im too shy to do that to him tho but i did say how i did think about it a lot & that you two were honestly stupid for doing that. also, how i did feel bad for her husband. i didnt say much more than that but if i did i just wouldve said like, you two knew it would ruin the friendship. even tho it didnt right away, look at it now. just bc you two couldnt put your sexual thoughts aside. but you know what, it just goes to show that it was always ever so slightly present since the beginning of the friendship. they both have had thoughts of fucking already & they finally caved. so he was given the chance to sleep with her & he took it bc 1, it benefited him and 2, hes been secretly wanting to do that. IM STILL NOT OVER THE WHOLE BREAK THING (kinda am) BUT I CANT DWELL ON IT. i just asgdjflk. like broT-T ..made me believe that we were just not gonna talk as much, yet still be friends. it was both of our first time trying out a break. he made me believe that wed be back together once things chilled out & we could hang out normally since it was covid year (honestly was torture & i was in one of my lowest moments). He made me be under the impression that he just needed some spaceeee. I didnt think it was to the point where he felt like he was single, ready to mingle!!! like dude didnt even wait that long to find a whatever rebound, then had the guts to cry to me about stuff i didnt understand at the time but then later found out it was over some other girl!!T-T posting a fricken poem on his story & telling me a lie. turning off his location. taking longer & longer to reply, then not replying for almost a day. But yeah sure, telling me we’d still talk during this time, just not as romantic. sending me snaps of his dealer writing a little “cute” ass note w a heart on it. whyy would your dealer even do that. like she obviouslyyy wouldnt do that for just anyone. posting on your story about something that had to do w him being available & wanting to date. until finally he starts talking to me like he used to bc oh yeah, he wants me back. meanwhile, i havent even thought of myself being single or looking to find a new romantic partner. idk, that all messed w my head soo much. AAND that stupid poem was hung up on his wall for literallyyy monthsD; i couldnt even loook at that wall while we were being intimate bc it turned me off so much & didnt have the guts to mention it. he finally replaced it w something i gave him & when i saw it i was like about time & i showed it to my friend. i got sidetracked but that was important to let out. back to his friend..me knowing that hes been cheated on & how much it has affected him, i would think that he wouldnt enable someone else to do it to their partner the way his ex did it to him?! that was another thing i wouldve told him. i guess i just didnt feel like hurting him more than he already felt about himself.. but to wrap it up, i think were done with it. he kept complimenting me all day. he feels like he should unfollow her off everything now. they honestly havent really talked in a long time & they havent been close like they used to be so its not like they talk. he just doesnt wanna be involved with her & her hubby at all after this. he said i should unfollow also. tbh, i sort of dont want to? is that weird.. i feel like i should be hating her more but i also dont feel enough hate to remove her from ig. idk..he also might ask her how her husband found out. idk its like a sticky situation bc i wouldnt describe my feelings as hurt towards everything. i felt shocked, but not completely surprised. i felt old feelings that i felt when i first found out he hooked up w people during our break & now there was more to uncover. i felt like my suspicions were proven.
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selaaahx · 1 year
Hi angels, this is a brand new character to me, but I'm really excited to play her and see where things go! Below is some info on her.
Full name: Selah Elizabeth Stevens. (Pronounced like Say-la.) She was named after her grandmother.
Birthday: September 8th. (She's 19 yrs old turning 20.)
Occupation: AEW glamsquad - she works as a hairstylist. She's only had this job for a very short time. So she wouldn't know a whole lot of people yet.
Currently Resides in: Jacksonville, FL
Selah Elizabeth Stevens was born in California, to her two very wealthy parents. She grew up with the ideal childhood and ideal life most would say. Her parents were loving, she grew up in a great neighborhood, and she was the poster child for every early 2000's teen movie - she was the popular girl. The pretty one. A cheerleader, good in school, she had a lot of friends but something more was still missing from her life and she always felt it - that feeling in the pit of her stomach. That aching for something more, she just didn't know what it was until she met him. In the hallway of the school, he was sitting on the stairs trying to finish way too much homework but she knew the moment she locked eyes with him, that she was in trouble. She wouldn't be able to resist him and she was right. The two were young and in love, call it toxic, call it immature, she just called it being in love and it was all she'd ever known. All she ever wanted to know. The two are broken off as of now, which has been a difficult thing for her to navigate in her life. She's very young and hasn't dated anyone since and doesn't really want to either. Though, she'd never admit that to him or anyone else. After finishing cosmetology school and graduating, she found herself looking for a job and just so happened to find one with a wrestling company by the name of All Elite Wrestling. She's only been employed for a few weeks, so she's definitely still finding her way and trying to find out how all of the chaos and craziness is supposed to work.
( Ex boyfriend/ first love. -> taken @rlevine). This is the boy that Selah met when she was in high school and has been madly in love with all these years. A very immature, sometimes toxic, young love between the two but meeting him changed her life for the better and she still loves him very much. Though she does her best to pretend otherwise, afraid of rejection or fear of losing him altogether. The pair work together in AEW and remain a friendship that sometimes blurs the lines.
(Best friend(s) -> Open.) This plot is pretty self explanatory, she'd love to be friends with literallyyy anyone. She's new to the job, so she needs all the friends she can get. She's shy at first but once you get to know Selah, she's a true ride or die that would never leave your side!
(A mentor -> Open.) I'd REALLY love for her to have someone that she could consider a mentor or even a big brother / big sister type that would be willing to look out for her and protect her, while also showing her how the business works and just teaching her basic life stuff. Giving wisdom to her, setting her straight when she needs it, etc. She's 19 so she's still extremely young and I think it'd be cool to have someone that she could depend on for things of that nature.
I know she's a younger muse and that can be sometimes harder for her to connect / plot with others but pleaaase don't let that stop you! I'm really, really excited to plot with her and get things going for her! Ships are a no go for me, just because she's dealing with a lot and she doesn't know what the right choice is but I'm all for past connections, plots, and anything else your little heart might desire! Hit me up and we can discuss more. <3
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