#(I have so many picsets lol)
tinylittlepistols · 11 months
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Jonsa Halloween 2023
Day 5 (October 31st): Free Choice
Jonsa AU (Inspired by Practical Magic)
Since leaving the North to attend the most prestigious fashion school in the South, Sansa has had a made a lot of mistakes. Leaving the safety and protection of Winterfell, which has been the Stark family estate for hundreds of years, was one of them. Making the wrong friends and trusting the wrong people was another. But dating Joffrey Baratheon was the worst of them all.
When Sansa drops out of school, and leaves her dreams behind to hide out in the Vale with a scandal-plagued Joffrey, things go from bad to worse. What started out as the occasional shove or insult from Joffrey has turned into black eyes and broken ribs.
Miserable, missing home, and done with Joffrey — and with love — Sansa leaves the Vale in the middle of the night and heads back North to what’s left of her family (plagued for generations with a curse, Stark men never make it back past the Neck if they journey South); a curse that has already claimed their father and their big brother Robb.
Sansa never expects Joffrey to follow.
When she finds herself dragging her ex-boyfriend’s dead body out of her childhood home (specifically, the greenhouse floor, where he dropped dead the second time, not the kitchen table, where he died first) and through her mother’s magical garden, with her little sister late one cool autumn night, she knows she’s really, really messed up.
It isn’t until two (very handsome) Federal agents show up the next day looking for a missing Joffrey, that Sansa begins to think the family curse is alive and well and about to get her arrested for murder. That is, if Joffrey doesn’t get her first.
Featuring two witchy sisters bonding over murder and magic, a mother still grieving her dead husband while raising two teenaged boys on her own, and dealing with her own mess of a sister (and her sister’s sheltered young son) a rowdy Rickon, who’s as wild as their uncle Brandon used to be, an observant Bran, who may possess magic to rival all the Starks put together, and a pair of Federal agents who are about to meet two women who will change the rest of their lives (if they don’t get them killed — or fired — first).
* With bonus agents Lannister and Tarth, who deal exclusively in cases of the paranormal, spooky and just damn weird.
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rosellacwrites · 2 years
Rosella’s Fic Masterlist
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(picset for Professor!Bruno AU by @avocado-writing​)
Nearly all of this is rated E - if you’re under 18, please don’t read or interact. All fics are on AO3 and tagged there, drabbles are here.
New Stuff: Long Time Running, Ch. 12 (March 31)
Encanto Fandom
Professor!Bruno AU - Bruno Madrigal/fem!Reader, college/university modern AU. Lots of smut and lots of romance. Series ongoing, works listed in reading order. 
Heart Attack Love - Complete! Rated E. 15.9K words. Bruno/fem!Reader. 
You have a major crush on your playwriting professor, Bruno Madrigal. One evening, you run into him at your favorite band’s local gig, but neither of you could have predicted what would happen next...
Fireworks - Complete! Rated T. 1.2K words. 
One-shot in the Professor!Bruno AU: the first day of the new semester from Bruno’s perspective. 
Long Time Running - In Progress (currently 12!chapters complete). Rated E. 37.7K words so far. Bruno/fem!Reader, José Solterra (OMC)/Elária (OFC), past Bruno/José mentioned, other canon ships mentioned. 
You and Bruno are on the adventure of your lives, but what will happen when you return to the real world?
Fire in the Hole - Complete! Rated E. 3.3K words. Bruno/fem!Reader
One-shot in the Professor!Bruno AU: you and Bruno explore a little kink together. Dom!Bruno/sub!Reader. 
Rules - Complete! Rated E. 1K words. Bruno/fem!Reader. Drabble collection in the Professor!Bruno AU (also listed below as Professional/Noises/View, just posted as a set at AO3 for convenience): you and Bruno play a game in the office.
On the Verge - Complete! Rated E. 9.8K words. Bruno/fem!Reader.
One-shot smut bomb in the Professor!Bruno AU: Bruno’s out of town and you can’t sleep, so he tells you a very special bedtime story to help.
Dreamweaver - Bruno Madrigal/fem!Reader, mostly canon universe. Smut and romance with a little magical realism thrown in for funsies. Series complete for now, but I haven’t ruled out returning at some point. 
he sees your dreams (and feasts on your screams) - Complete! Rated E. 10.5K words. Bruno/fem!Reader, other canon ships mentioned. 
When you go to Julieta Madrigal for healing, you return with something completely unexpected. 
Chisme - Complete! Rated T. 911 words. Dolores Madrigal/Mariano Guzmán, Bruno/fem!Reader mentioned
One-shot in the Dreamweaver ‘verse: Bruno’s the subject of some very interesting family gossip. 
Wayfinding - Complete! Rated E. 17.5K words. Bruno/fem!Reader, other canon ships mentioned. 
Bruno’s returned to his family, and you help him readjust. 
Escultura - Complete! Rated T. 977 words. Luisa Madrigal/OMC. 
One-shot in the Dreamweaver ‘verse: Luisa Madrigal solves a mystery that’s been bothering her. 
Drabbles/One Shots
Professional (E, Prof!Bruno/fem!Reader)
Noises (E, Prof!Bruno/fem!Reader)
View (E, Prof!Bruno/fem!Reader)
Hold Back (E, Prof!Bruno/fem!Reader)
Reasons (M, Prof!Bruno/fem!Reader)
Calor (M, canon!Bruno/fem!Reader)
Fanart!!! (omg I got fanart!!)
El Destello by @lnter-net (SFW/SFT)
Zoom University by @lnter-net (SFW/SFT)
Hammock Time by @lnter-net (SFW/SFT)
The Donkey Guy by @abugnamedg (SFW/SFT)
Moon Knight Fandom
Brave - Complete! Rated T. 1.1K words. Steven Grant/gn!Reader.
Steven’s been your friend for a while now, but that changes when his nightmare ex-boss walks into your favorite cafe.
Many Moons - Drabble collection, ongoing. Rated E for certain chapters (marked with *). Steven Grant/gn!Reader, Marc Spector/gn!Reader, Steven Grant/fem!Reader, Marc Spector/fem!Reader
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unsettledink · 2 years
Gotcha and Meta
So here's the thing.
There's Gotcha, the fic.
And there's … stuff? Accessories? DVD Extras?
And there's the rambles I do about plot and character and such
Right now, the second category just isn't anywhere and I'd like it to be – I think some of it could go directly in the fic, for media, but I'd like to have a place just for it.
The third category is everywhere. Tumblr and comment replies and chats and docs and just. Everywhere. In a way that makes things hit or miss to find and is probably annoying to those that do not want it.
Tumblr is a horrible place for archive or searching things, or freaking commenting/interacting. AO3 is basically designed for this sort of thing, so I should really take advantage of that instead of feeling weird about it? There's... something something self important? Feeling? about it, like ok cool talk about yourself more sure. But on the other hand, I freaking LOVE it when I come across a fic that has scads of meta, so some other people probably do?
So I'd love to hear, here or AO3 or email or discord or email or wherever, any thoughts you have! Is it something you would even be interested in? Does one aspect sound more interesting? Should they be separate things or put together? Are there things/topics you really want to see?
(Is anyone good with those like... fake instagram/text/media templates? I have so many ideas and I am so hopeless with them lol.)
Possible content for the Extras?? work:
Text messaging as images
Other assorted media (instagram esp? Yes Peter uses one a lot at some point heh)
Stuff on their phones (possibly including a selection of the dirty pics Quentin's taken...)
Playlists? (or does that feel more like it would belong in the metaish one?)
Alternate POV Scenes
Deleted Scenes
AU Versions of Scenes
...scenes from the universe where 833 Quentin Beck is real?? Look I don't even know what my brain does sometimes.
Possible content for Commentary??? work:
Collected things from comments and tumblr and ask games
Talking about tags
Writing process stuff
Characterization stuff
Thematic stuff
Assorted backstory or details that will never be really featured in Gotcha
Sex meta stuff?
Commentary/directors cut on assorted bits?
Inspiration bits and bobs?
Just a place where questions could be asked easier in comments?
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fraddit · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I have to admit, when I saw @tackytigerfic​ tagged me to do this, my knee-jerk reaction was rather miserable, something along the lines of “pfft, I’ve made basically nothing this year.”  That’s because I’ve only posted like two things this year and they were both months ago at this point.  But, because I know I have a terrible tendency to blatantly ignore or not give myself proper credit for my efforts, I made myself sit with it and realized I’ve done kind of a fucking lot this year.  It’s just that none of it’s been public facing, lol.  
So, in the spirit of painfully forcing myself to realize that I really don’t suck, actually, I’m not limiting myself in number of works and most of the shit I talk about will be stuff nobody’s seen, but for this post, I’m providing what I think are rather hilarious visual aids.
First off, here’s the two things I actually managed to finish and post this year:
This drarry picset, which I feel is a bit of a cheat, because I did most of the work for it last year.
And this gallavich gifset that I love dearly.
And now onto the other shit!  Which, with the images I added, got rather long, so under a cut it goes!
So, first off, Mr Butt and I are planning to demolish the humble shack that we’ve lived in for ages and build a new house on our property, and throughout this year, I’ve designed something like five different architectural plans for our hypothetical house??  And I’m patting myself on the back for that, because previously, I was not.  And that’s dumb, because it was actually a lot of work.
But!  What I’ve really sunk a lot of work into this year is a gallavich fanfic that @youre-not-a-cat-youre-a-rat​ and I have been working on together since fucking February (I had to go and check our discord chat and was kind of flabbergasted that it’s been so fucking long…).  It’s a beast and it’s taking us forever and that’s okay.
So, I’m proud of all the planning work we’ve done for that, but I’ve also been struck by inspiration several times to make edits for it.  And, I’ve actually finished several, and I’m like bonkers proud of them.  Here’s some spoiler free previews of the ones I’ve completed:
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And here’s a preview of the one I’ve been working on lately that is also for the fic and isn’t finished yet.
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But wait!  There’s more!  I also busted my fucking ass on a set of three edits that go together and still haven’t been finished.  I will most definitely complete them someday.  One is actually done and the other two are like at least halfway.  And despite not being finished yet, I’m still really proud of them, so here’s the preview of those.  These are not fic related, so I’m kind of desperate to finish them because I’ll get to post them right away.  Maybe in 2021…
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Wow, aren’t they all so beautiful?? lol
Anyway!  It turns out I’ve actually done a lot that I’m quite proud of this year.  So that feels pretty fucking good.  I’m taking my usual low anxiety route of not specifically tagging anyone else to do this, but I very much encourage anyone who’d like to have a go of it, to do so and feel free to tag me to see.
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My personal top 10 works of 2019
Notes are one thing, but -as for many creators- what I like/am proud of doesn’t often go along with what becomes most popular. So here's a list of ten of my 2019 works (edits and stories) which I personally like the most:
1. Snog, mary, avoid with the Avengers  (gifset)
It’s funny, which (at least for me) is often hard to obtain. I like it also because it’s quite true to the characters. I mean, I could easily imagine Tony making a scene over that, lol
2. Carter’s Nine  (gifset)
I’m so glad people liked it too. Marvel ladies always deserve more attention. Also, just so you know, they’re all lesbians or bisexual in my concept. Peggy and Natasha are constantly flirting, giving poor Sharon a headache. 
3. Steggy in the 70′s  (gifset)
Because I love drama, okay? The gifset isn’t best in quality, but I love the story behind it. A painful one. 
4. Evil Steve Rogers  (gifset)
It was inevitable, with Knives Out and Evans’ Ransom. Besides, I was always weak for evil!Steve in other people’s AUs. Having Peggy tangle in that fascinating, morally grey world of his is to irresistible. Plus, they’re hot. 
5. I knew nothing but shadows  (fic)
A story still in progress, but of which I’m really proud. I know it’s not everyone’s jam, it doesn’t have to be. It’s a huge project to which I’m still dedicated even after months, not even thinking about abandoning it (just not always finding time to write). I’m quite sure it’ll dominate my 2020.
6.  Steve gets Queer Eyed  (gifset)
It’s just entertaining to imagine all that could happen when The Fab Five got their hands on Steve Rogers. The few gifs I made don’t even come close to the amount of hilarious, or sweet moments that would undoubtedly take place. 
7. Bucky & Sam in the 70′s  (picset)
A picset which I’m proud of not only for the story it tells, but the composition of it too. It’s simple, but using faded polaroids instead of just regular 3x3 type of set fits the vibe of 70′s even more, I think. 
8. Bucky/Sharon omegaverse  (ficlet)
Listen, I’m still very much into that universe and it’s possible at some point I explore it further. The story is rather dark, very cliche too, but damn it’s entertaining to write Bucky and Sharon’s growing tension. 
9. Vintage mobster + steggy  (gifset)
So Thompson is the bad guy here, no evil Steve this time. But a dumb Steve, yes. As someone in the comments under the gifset said: it’s basically Bucky and Sam going “Hoe, don’t do it” - Steve does it anyway. What’s not to like, though? A film noir, but with more horizontal action. 
10. Steve and Peggy are terribly competitive (aka Bucky needs to find new friends)
It’s one of the Steve and Peggy’s Modern Adventures gifsets in which a game of monopoly turns into a battle between Carter and Rogers. Also could be read as a foreplay, because of course these two get turned on when competing. Bucky is done. 
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thefudge · 5 years
random question but opinions on the idea of draco/luna?? for some reason i always thought this was a popular ship in the hp fandom. who do you ship luna with in general? i’ve always felt like there was lot’s of possibilities for cool dynamics and ships with luna.
luna does seem to draw a lot of cool dynamics!
draco/luna was on my radar when i was younger, though i don’t remember it ever being a big ship, but it wasn’t negligible either, like there was decent fic even when i was a tween. i’m not averse to it, i think it would be fun to watch draco try to make sense of her quirks (i think he’d envy her for being unapologetic about it, whereas draco’s whole life has been a carefully run rehearsal) and ultimately come to respect her strength and ingenuity, but since you’ve asked me about my luna ships, when it comes to the malfoys, i carry a small torch for luna/lucius, which is a ridic crackship i’ve mentioned before on this blog but you know what? i stand by it lol. i basically love the idea of him coming across her when she’s imprisoned in the malfoy dungeons and forming this weird rapport. in my AU, narcissa leaves him or dies, and lucius finds some eerie comfort in luna because of the (imagined) physical resemblance. post-war, i imagine him trying to fix the mess he’s made but obviously he’s persona non grata in the wizarding community, and as an outcast, only luna seems to want to spend time with him since she remembers his “kindness” during her imprisonment. but her being luna, she’s not there to be his manic pixie dream girl or to offer him redemption and forgiveness. in her ravenclaw fashion, she’s actually curious about him and she thinks he’s worth studying as a person because he’s so contradictory and interesting. i also believe that luna would weirdly make a great “lady malfoy” and completely restructure and reform the malfoy dynasty, though she’d probably call herself luna lovegood malfoy, which is great lol (incidentally, this sort of mirrors my theory that arya stark would’ve ironically made a great lady lannister). okay, i’m not gonna torture yall with my crackship anymore. other luna ships i ship:
luna/harry: this is one of my big hp OTPs. i am 100% sure that harry should have ended up with luna. i love ginny, but luna and harry is where it’s at, on every conceivable level. here’s a small post i wrote about it. 
luna/dean: i love the idea of their time at shell cottage becoming a quiet, unfulfilled romance, full of soft, lingering stares. i imagine neither of them would try anything because even if ginny’s no longer in the picture for dean, it would still feel like betrayal to luna to act on her feelings. though, in luna fashion, she’d manage to confess her feelings while also explaining to him why it wouldn’t work. i just imagine a lot of wonderful, bittersweet conversations by the beach, like something out of wes anderson. 
luna/cho - i remember at one point thinking about harry taking luna to slughorn’s party and then wondering about other people asking her to other events. and then it hit me. the friggin yule ball! it would’ve been amazing if cho’s partner for the yule ball had been luna fucking lovegood. imagine the scandal, the legend. the Iconic™ would’ve jumped out. (in my AU, cho would have been torn between cedric and harry and feeling guilty about being in this situation so she decides, instead, to invite someone platonically, as a friend, someone from her house, someone who perhaps would benefit from this nice exposure, someone she secretly finds interesting and brave, even though she’s a year younger. what starts out as cho trying to do something nice, while giving herself a night off from her boy drama, turns into something unexpected as she realizes luna lovegood is the most bizarre, adventurous, wonderful person she’s met, and that the butterflies in her stomach are, u know, the romantic kind. also i love the thought of cho getting pissed when she sees luna wearing her lion mascot and supporting the gryffindors during quidditch games and this would lead to hot make-out sessions behind the sheds anywaaaay)
luna/neville - i mean, i don’t think they should’ve been endgame, as some folks think, but they were definitely a thing. come on. we all know they snogged at least once during that shitty year at hogwarts when the death eaters were running the school. i like the idea of them as each other’s first love but i don’t ship them beyond that. yeah, i am tickled pink by the idea that luna’s first brush with romance is with the other possible “boy who lived” hehe. 
i’m also fond of luna/ginny and luna/hermione (esp with hermione, cuz there’s a lot of friction there *wink*), but i shamefully admit i like the idea of it in gifsets/picsets but don’t go out of my way to read fanfic. 
anyway, i think that’s most of them? honestly, i’m such a shipper whore that i could be persuaded to ship her with many folks, though i have some notps there too (surprisingly, i find ron/luna kind of off-putting, since he spends most of the books belittling her, fondly or not). if i had to choose one ship, it’d definitely be luna/harry since i will go to my grave being absolutely certain they should’ve been endgame (¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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gigiviv · 8 years
tagged by @awallofyellowclay c:
1. Nickname: gigi
2. Star Sign: pisces
3. Height: 5′6" ish?
4. Time rn: 5:56 pm
5. Favorite Music Artist: yoko kanno
6. Song stuck in your head: Indila Ainsi Bas La Vida / 프라이머리 (Primary) - eTunnel (Feat. 개코) / Into the Well - Mree
7. Last Movie Watched: @vallnoire and i watched mushishi specials so i guess that counts
8. Last TV Show you watched: law & order: svu
9. what are you wearing rn: flannel shirt and cargo pants
10. when did you create your blog: this blog is a year old, my last blog was around 5 years old
11. what kind of stuff do you post: art, anime, gifsets, picsets, fandom discussions, important/signal boosts
12. do you have any other blogs: i have a ton of sideblogs but i never use them lol
13. Do you get asks regularly: nope
14. why did you choose your username: "by the way, kitten-"
15. Gender: nonbinary
16. Hogwarts House: hufflepuff/ravenclaw
17. Pokemon Team: instinct
18. Favorite colour: purple
19. Average hours of sleep: hahahaha
20. lucky number: idk
21. Favorite character: i have too many (uta)
22. how many blankets do you sleep with: 2 (counting a duvet)
23. dream job: psychologist
24. Following: 1,000 tagging: @vallnoire @djinnexe @thefinalpam @ioloi @gallx and anyone else who wants to (only if you want to tho) tag me in them so i can see !!
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