#(( starter || hunter frost ))
sonorous-eisfyl · 4 months
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// starter for @bleedinghearth
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"A massive beast has been spotted residing within the Elder's Recess. We've received reports of both burns and frostbite by parties that were initially sent to check it out. Go in and investigate, but don't do anything reckless."
---- That was the instructions given to him and the other hunters sent out this time. He had to be sent out with a party, of course- they wouldn't send the teens in alone despite their proven experience this time. Odessa was probably busy or on break, so he's going in without her for now. If it did end up being something that needed to be slain or something though, she'll be the first one to know. Glaive in hand, kinsect on his head, Frosting makes his way toward the location described within the recess by himself for now. He wanted to scout ahead within the cave, a quick dip in and back out if he spotted any form of danger.
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He'd wonder what the monster looked like, or if they had given it a name yet. Physical descriptions only went so far after all. The injury reports also imply some level of fire and ice control, like an Alatreon minus the other elements. Frosting was more interested in potentially figuring out what its whole deal was peacefully than having to put a glaive to its flesh though.
It'd... probably be fine- he trusted himself to get out of a bad situation. He's done it a few times now; barely escaping an angry Rajang, dodging a Raging Brachydios trying to pin him down... now he thinks about it, he wonders why so many of those monsters were so angry nowadays.
Coming up to the... briefly giant hole in the wall, dotted with clusters of bioenergy crystals- Frosting pauses, looking up at it with a small "huh." Standing outside, just to... admire it for a moment. He doesn't recall it being here back when he had to frequent the recess- at least, he thinks it wasn't here. It's been been a long time, and the higher ups probably also said it was new? Ah, well...
He peeks into the area, glancing around just to make sure there wasn't anything immediately before fully entering. It seemed pretty safe, for now. But as he walked deeper in, he'd get to see the creature that he was sent out to look into
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katakankollector · 11 months
MARKETA LAZAROVA SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from a book "Marketa Lazarova" ( 1931 ) by Vladislav Vanсura and depict hatred, love, mercy, loyalty, death, battle in a medieval setting. Translated from Czech, with slight changes for rp needs. Feel free to change tenses / pronouns as you see fitting. [ art credit: Marketa Lazarova, a collage by @museissick ]
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“Is it even allowed to accept mercy and kindness?”
“Will I grow more rich, if I destroy him?”
“Leave him be, let him crawl away and die.”
“So much blood and strong bones were given to me not in vain.”
“Why didn’t you fight better, with more luck on your side?”
“An ill beginning doesn’t inspire the spirit.”
“The frost and the strategic error - the realization of the error - drive [me] mad.”
“God decided to spring the brigands’ minds with a drop of mercy.”
“Say goodbye to your gold.”
“The bright, elevating, reckless feeling that brings one close to heaven - love.”
“Maybe these howling beauties are destined for heaven, instead of us, with souls of ink.”
“[She] can’t be helped in any way; it’s a sure sign of love.”
“Servants should share the hatred of their masters.”
“I want it - and that’s it!”
“Let [him] ride with us!”
“In [their] shared suffering, [they] begin to love each other as passionately as [they] have hated each other once.”
“Longing doesn’t leave [me] even in the hour of death.”
“Here comes the death [I] myself have called for.”
“Bad examples are contagious.”
“How I wish the night to return, how I wish us to be chained together, how I wish this captivity to last eternally!”
“[Her] gaze is like a hunter’s snare.”
“Have you got infected by [his] fervor and [his] rage?”
“I deserve the ruination and I weep.”
“I was allowed to see the stars, dancing like little pendulums, up above.”
“I am ready to bear any tribulations to escape.”
“[His] lips, curved like the wings of a dove.”
“[These] lips are the only bit of beauty on the face of a predator.”
“Just a little bit more, and I shall shake off the burden of time.”
“The king is our lord and master, yet war is the lord even over kings.”
“Everything that is mortal and created by human hands is destined to destruction.”
“War sows death, because it is begotten by the prince of death.”
“The one who holds the sword, dies by the sword.”
“Everything shall be as the winner wills it.”
“Don’t be more arrogant than befits a hostage.”
“I may be defeated and killed, but I know what lies ahead.”
“Despair and bliss tremble inside [my] soul, like two children in a dark dungeon.”
“[Her] love has the scowl of the ruler of the underworld.”
“Between [her] sweet lips flashes the fangs of a beast.”
“This story was composed without rhyme or reason.”
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
So I will be starting off the event on hiatus but then around a lot more. Below are all muses for plotting etc... I will do a starter call nearer the time but if you want to do any big plots etc... just like this and I'll hop into DMs. All plots will depend on the roll. For starters I will likely be dropping most threads pre-event except for very plot heavy threads but I'll try to wrap them up prior (may not happen because I am on hiatus) but we will see. Please specify which muse and who for otherwise I probably won't do them. I don't have the brain capacity to decide muses. xD Will cap at 3 starter requests per mun (not including plotted threads) and each muse at 4 starters. Please spread the love among my muses.
Went in willingly:
Henry Creel, Billy Loomis, Charlie Weasley, Iorveth, Hera, Kirby, Loki, Peter Hale, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Lyanna Stark, Nimona
Dragged in:
Angel, Charles Xavier, Cleo Mckinnon, Cordelia Goode, Dream, Fleur Delacour Weasley, Galadriel, Harwin, Hunter, Jorah, Rabastan Lestrange, Satine Kryze, Silco, Sion Val Palpatine, Tenel Ka Djo, Percival De Rolo
Starter Call
Henry Creel (1/4)
Doom - Monster: Living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.
Billy Loomis (0/4)
Stu - Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
Tara - Monster: Ghosts
Jill - Monster: Murderous clown
Charlie Weasley (3/4)
Fred - Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
Lou - Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
Hagrid - Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
Iorveth (0/4)
Hera (0/4)
Avarr - Monster: Giant spiders
Ahsoka - This portion of the maze is full of people except their faces are blank, no eyes, nose or mouth. It feels like they’re staring at you anyway, slowly walking toward you wherever you go.
Kirby (0/4)
Stu - Monster: Skeletons
Tara - Monster: Living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.
Loki (1/4)
Zoya - Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
Peter Hale (0/4)
Beverly - Monster: A swarm of bats
Allison - Monster - Minotaur
Yennefer of Vengerberg (1/4)
Dru - Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
Lyanna Stark (1/4)
Sansa - Monster: Werewolf
Nimona (2/4)
Laudna - Monster: Stormtroopers
Faye - The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
Angel (0/4)
Plotted 1. Buffy - Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
Charles Xavier (1/4)
Steve - Monster: Stormtroopers
Jean - Monster: Ghosts
Cleo Mckinnon (1/4)
Fliss - Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
Cordelia Goode (1/4)
Addison - Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
Dream (0/4)
Elijah - Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
Fleur Delacour Weasley (0/4)
Roxy - Monster: Dementors
Galadriel (1/4)
fiona - Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
Harwin (1/4)
James - Characters find this section of the maze to be extremely cold, with frost hanging from all of the corn stalks and the icey ground beneath their feet making the terrain difficult to traverse.
Baela - Monster: Stormtroopers
Hunter (0/4)
Feyre - Monster: Living scarecrow
Rowena - Monster: A swarm of bats
Jorah (0/4)
Daenerys - Monster: Gritty
Rabastan Lestrange (1/4)
Xeno - Monster: Gelatinous cube
Satine Kryze (1/4)
Dinah - Monster: Murderous clown
Silco (0/4)
Avarr - Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
Sion Val Palpatine (1/4)
Sabina - Monster: Vampire
Samara - Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
Soren - Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
Sheev - Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
Ashley - Monster: A hoard of geese
Tenel Ka Djo (0/4)
Leia - Monster: Minotaur
Percival De Rolo (1/4)
Ransom - Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
Vex - The husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in
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blixtrandetorst · 5 days
Starter for: @malefikant
Peculiar in how the scent, or rather a feeling presented itself. Moving through human veins with full force of glaciers behind it, as if the frost wasn’t invading the viscera. Spiking in geometric shapes the very tubes that bore it. Ice as if impregnated with blood that stained throughout its marbling. It gave him a chill that stopped him immediately. Were those veins black with its bite? Those around him shuffling in, about, and around him, gave him no mind. Off to this stall and the next, chattering about that mug and this tchotchke. All as he stood motionless. Unblinkingly, over his fur collared shoulder, to find the source. In its gratuitous warmth the place had in its plethora of warm bodies to radiate heat. He scoured by instinct to find the cold pocket’s source. Even the lighting seemed to take a colder tone around him from the honey shade they normally had. The inviting nature of these nighttime shops was cooled in his wake.
Body heat is around ninety-eight degrees, give or take for the individual. Blood, by extension, about the same. By extension, those fed on warmed the drinker. It’s what helped it stay so fragrant for beings like Dieter. A biological invitation of sanguine health. But this one smothered the heat. No, rather, pushed it out. Expelled it from itself. Heat had no home with him. No home indeed within the black haired man he spied stopped at a stall. The rest of the crowd melted away into their shared heat. The mass’s undulating mirage slowed in time with the folk music. The blurred together as dieter’s senses fixed. An anomaly. Anomalies he loved. Anomalies were to him as exotic animals to trophy hunters.
He thought better of hunting this one though. He was already cold himself. It’d do no good as he wouldn’t spoil as normal dead things do. That would’ve happened ages ago. Long gone into the soil Rittmeister Bergström of Jasta ten. Like many a good flier before him. Now he was here, decades later, in a winter night-market, watching a man who should be frozen solid buy trinkets from a vendor who probably couldn’t even tell. Clever man taking advantage of the cold outside. Gloves shielding the closest contact between others. Would the old shopkeeper’s hands instantly freeze without them as he gave back change? How far did that glacial air extend? Could Dieter get closer?
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gctawaygirl · 9 months
closed starter : liked for a starter for @deepinthedarkworld muse : hunter frost plot : based on this
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"it's always been you," hunter said in character before he leaned in to kiss her. this was common. being hollywood's hot and upcoming heartthrob, he was not unfamiliar with kissing actresses in a scene. he went right in with the kiss as requested by the director. he kissed her like she was his girlfriend, all acting of course. or so he thought... he didn't hear the director said cut. he was too caught up in the kiss. this was their first kissing scene for the film and it was better than any kiss he had experienced. not that he would say this out loud but the director had to yell cut twice before he pulled away. he pulled away grining but dropped it when he realised the scene was over, "well done," he said to her, out of character now.
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grislyintentions · 1 year
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Closed starter for @artisaen
"Sorry for the wait, darling."
Unlike her fellow Stellaron Hunters who preferred the more straightforward missions, Kafka found entertainment in ones like these; where they would have to play the roles they are given for the occasion. There's nothing more satisfying than waiting for the final reveal and watching the expressions of those around her morph from shock to horror.
"I hope you haven't missed me too badly while I was gone."
Then again, Sam wasn't entirely wrong about her penchant for playing with her food. But hey, where else would she get the opportunity to doll herself up once in a while?
Several rarities will be displayed at the auction tonight, including the stellaron they were sent to retrieve (an intricately designed antique vase molded from frosted glass and gold detailing). Silver Wolf and Sam are awaiting the extraction.
All Blade and her have to do is pose as an influential pair, get in, cause a distraction at the right moment and kill the lights.
For now, Kafka will take the crook of his arm whilst they wait to be admitted and surreptitiously slide someone else's entrance token into his pocket.
"Well? How do I look?"
It is plain to see the mischief in her gaze when she smiles.
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thanaredreamtof · 2 years
the winter solstice
closed starter for @athaexnen
Felicity could not believe it. She had not felt grass beneath her feet for almost four years, and now she was wandering through a forest all through the night. The girl was shivering, but it did not matter, she was outside at long last. She had left under the cover of darkness, and now the sun was starting to rise, and the misty fog of the morning settled over the land. Each step brought a crunch with it, as the ground had not yet thawed from the nights frost. She was freezing cold, and hugged the makeshift cloak around her, but she did not care. She was outside. She was outside. She had escaped. And with two weeks to go till the Winter Solstice, all she had to do was lay low and remain hidden until it had passed.
She had no idea where she was going, or when she would get anywhere, but so long as she could put distance between herself and that castle, that prison, she would keep moving forward.
She was still recalling the nights events in her mind when she heard something. Like a deer spooked by a hunter, Felicity's eyes darted to the source, and her blood ran cold as she made eye contact with a man. She froze in her tracks, apart from the King, and the guardsmen who would throw her some food, she had had no contact with anyone in the four years she'd been locked away. Her breath caught in her throat and she looked at him, she should have been more careful not to be seen, and now it was too late.
"Good morning sir" she said, once she finally found her voice again, though it quaivered.
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Thank you for participating in Mabel’s Matchmaking Madness! Mabel and her helpers have been hard at work sorting through questionnaires to find the perfect pairings for you and everyone else that signed up! For tonight, dinner and dessert is on us; check your reserved table number and head to House Of Mouse at 6:00 pm to meet up with your blind date. We hope you have a lovely Valentines Day... and if it’s extra lovely, don’t forget to invite Mabel to your wedding!
As these are blind dates, characters will not know who they were set up with until they check in with their reservation at the restaurant. Dress code is formal, but no one will be refused entry if they’re not following it. Threads are not mandatory, but we do ask that you at least reach out to the other half of your match(es) to plot how their dates went. We don’t want anyone to be left out! If you do post an event starter, outfit edit, etc, feel free to use the evermorehqsevent tag so we can follow it! You can use CTRL+F to search for your character(s) on the following list! Happy Valentines Day!
TABLE #1: Alexis Balaska and Emilio A. Bahamondes
TABLE #2: Mabel Pines and Luis Salgado
TABLE #3: Taura Butter and Marie Bonfamille
TABLE #4: Fred Jones and Daphne Blake
TABLE #5: Pacifica Northwest and Max Goof
TABLE #6: Sterling ‘Swizz’ Malarkey and Parker Kokkinos
TABLE #7: Carmen Dicarmello and Andy Davis
TABLE #8: Riley Anderson and Jack Frost
TABLE #9: Gabriel Lumiere and Tiya Mahajan
TABLE #10: Dipper Pines and Victoria Everglot
TABLE #11: Cruz Ramirez and Fred Frederickson
TABLE #12: Meri Webster and Vitani Kagai
TABLE #13: Hans Westergaard and Rose Hunter
TABLE #14: Benjee Bong and Barley Lightfoot
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crystal-grotto · 1 year
@forlornfrostborn liked for a Jim Starter!
Master Jim, you mustn’t go alone. The being depicted in that journal... They were Kanjigar’s friend, not yours. They do not know you, and I daresay that they won’t even like you because of who and what you are. I loathe to think what could happen to you if you follow in his footsteps to their den. You could be hurt - or worse... Eaten!
That was the warning Blinky had created whenever Jim had produced the book he now clutched in a sweaty hand. That was the warning that had rattled about in his head for the entire duration of his hike - and he was starting to regret not making Draal come all the way to the reclusive den nestled in the waterside cliffs with him. But, at the very least the Kiltar was still nearby and watching the boy’s creeping approach to the yawning cave mouth that hid a Frost Troll. 
At least that was a comfort, he thought as heart began its frantic little pace when chill wind and moisture bit at face, that if anything went awry... Draal would (hopefully) come running to the young Hunter’s aid. 
‘It’s just checking up on someone,’ Jim murmured to soothe himself as he halted at the entry to the unknown beyond. Casting a glance over shoulder to check distance again, a nervous frown pulls lips before head swivels back towards darkness and slight frame presses forward once more. 
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‘A very, very big someone...’
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ingolds · 2 years
@ebonyforged.  —  21. the warmth of a fireplace on a cold, quiet night.
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     the chill had arrived without warning, climbing into theo’s bones and rooting there, a barren tree foretelling winter’s coming. usually, the chill tightened their muscles, ached in their joints, but not this time; the sky had burst open suddenly, spilling ice and wind and bitter cold. the storm had howled, loud as the ghosts that ran through theo’s dreams, chasing them and ebony to refuge, to a small hunter’s cabin they’d spied through gaps in birch trees. once they’d settled, the blizzard had begun to settle, no longer raging but instead tempering, as if losing sight of intended victims had taken its energy.
     theo knows better than to think it’s over, and they begin to craft a fire from logs resting beside the stone opening and kindling left to dry in the corner. ebony’s eyes follow them, the clacking of her teeth nearly audible. he’s quick to strike a match, light briefly reflecting white in their pupils. they open the chimney carefully, coughing soot out of their lungs and taking a step back when the flame takes.
     “ there, that should do it. ” they poke at the fire one more time before standing, brushing their palms on their trousers. they cross the room and settle beside ebony on the couch, kicking their feet up and resting an arm on the back of the couch. the fire crackles, spits, casting an orange glow down theo’s nose, on the cusp of ebony’s cheekbone where she watches fat flakes drift by frosted glass. the chaise is small enough that they’re pitched towards each other; it’s cozy and warm, perfect for the weather. the hearth chases just a little bit of the chill away, enough for it to count, and theo nudges at ebony’s shoulder until her head touches his shoulder, warm through thick fabric. “ that’s better. ”
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winter aesthetic starters / accepting
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shimmerbeasts · 8 months
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Ahri was left out of breath as she sprinted up the hill. Stopping at the edges of the forest, which overlooked the town the Vastayashai'rei had just fled, she allowed herself a moment to take in the air. Her slim chest, barely concealed by a pair of perky breasts, rose and fell and her breath clouded like frost in the air. The aftertaste of the soul, she had taken, still flooded her senses. Sweet like honey, Ahri would have taken that much more, had it not been for a hunter's dog barking and coming for her. Human body or not, it seemed those wretched creatures would always be able to sniff out the fox within her.
Even now Ahri could hear its hoarse barking travelling up the hill as it tried to catch her fleeting scent trail. The vixen had overstayed her welcome, and with this calculation, Ahri dipped into the depths of the forest. She liked being in nature more than being in the cities anyhow. A cool night breeze carried petals and with them, the smell of apple trees. The grass underneath her blackened, clawed feet was moist and cool.
Long, snow-white tail split into nine tails, swaying back and forth, as Ahri continued to wander around. Her black, pointy ears, jutting out of her obsidian hair, caught the quiet rustle and prattling of the animal folks, and her yellow eyes could make out the smallest critters, climbing among the branches above her or skampering through the bushes beside her.
Above her, cut into pieces by the tree branches, glistened the stars. The sun had started to set by the time, Ahri had bolted away from the town. The vixen stopped in her wandering and peered up into the sky. Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she idly inhaled the air, smelling the pines. Her pink lips puckered into a winning smile. Opening her yellow eyes again, Ahri stood in awe at the constellations, watching how the frosty white dotted the inky sky above her. She could practically feel how ancient some of these stars had to be.
Ahri's peace was abruptly cut short when she felt a strange wave of magic pass through the area. Her ears swivelled backwards in an attempt to locate potential sounds and the hair at the root of her tail stood up. Something potentially dangerous and magical had just entered her vicinity unannounced. Ahri raised a hand and summoned a blue sphere of energy in her palm, ready to potentially throw it at the attacker and turned around.
What Ahri laid eyes on, was something rather unusual. If she had to guess, she would assume the figure was another Vastayashai'rei. He seemed to be Avian in nature with a dark greyish-black plumage, a snow-white face and two pairs of deep red eyes, which lacked any pupils. His facial features made Ahri think of an owl. He was dressed in a short, ruby-red vest with golden buttons and a pair of grey stocking pants. His arms and legs were blackened much like hers and in his case seemed to end in a pair of talons.
Ahri's yellow eyes narrowed in suspicion and she swiftly wound her nine tails into one thick tail. Balancing the ball of magic in one hand, but not making any move to throw it at the stranger, Ahri inquired: "Is there something I can help you with... Sir?"
Starter for @runes-menagerie
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sonorous-eisfyl · 3 months
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// starter for @electricea
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"Sorry um-- hello, a bit of an awkward question, if you don't mind,"
---- Of all things to happen on a regular day like this, maybe a small child with a giant metal stick and a moth nestled into his hair was the last thing anyone would expect. His face having a few fresh scratches and some older scars seemed like a bit much for a kid his age too. Frosting shifts his weight, visibly nervous to be approaching a complete stranger like that. Still, though. He was lost-- and had absolutely no god damn clue where in the Elders' names he was at all.
Last he remembers, he was investigating a new portal sighting. Not quite typical of an event within the New World, but it's weird that it's happened twice before today. Though upon getting there, something went down before the hunter woke up in the complete opposite of what a forest was.
A city. With architecture he didn't recognise at all and definitely not somewhere within his world
Poor child stood out amongst the folk like a sore thumb. Not to mention he was also carrying a weapon publicly. That much probably wasn't very welcome, if he had to guess. He's just thankful nobody seemed to address him directly and kept moving on by
Other than that, Frosting had run toward the first person he felt looked friendly enough to listen to him. Especially if he had to explain his current... situation
"Wh... where am I?"
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wildcstxdrcams · 4 years
Closed Starter: Hunter & Lila ( @sassenachwrites​ )
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Hunter had a feeling he knew what this meeting was about. He hadn’t watched the interview but his publicist had told him about a certain comment that Lila had made in an interview that didn’t shine their professional or personal relationship in a good light. He didn’t need to be a publicist to know that that wouldn’t be good for the movie. He walked into the meeting room followed by his agent and publicist and sat down across from Lila’s team and the director and a few of the producers sat around the table too. He tried not to look like he had an attitude, because normally he didn’t, but sometimes he couldn’t help it around Lila, especially after her comments, “Alright, what’s up? What did you want to see us for?”
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livingxsnowstorm · 4 years
here's a starter call to make up for my sudden disappearance
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pleinsdemuses · 2 years
Independent multi-muse blog - Selective - Low to Medium Activity - Penned by Marie. Mun is 21+. Will follow you from @sesyeuxocean
(Rules below)| memes | Wanted plots | Starters | Wishlist
Muses list:
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Fourth Wing
Violet Sorrengail.
Rhiannon Matthias.
Vampire Diaries
- Elena Gilbert
- Katherine Pierce
- Bonnie Bennett
- Caroline Forbes
- Rebekah Mikaelson
- Camille O'Connell
- Aurora de Martel
- Hayley Marshall
DC Comics:
- Poison Ivy
- Harley Quinn
- Catwoman
- Enchantress
- Black Canary
- Natalia Knight
- Supergirl
- Raven
- Vicki vale
Marvel (MCU/Series/Comics)
- Sinthea Schmidt ( @paintthisworldred )
- Natalia Romanova ( @sk1lledaassass1n )
- Wanda Maximoff ( @harbinger0fchaos )
- Jean Grey ( @harbinger0fchaos )
- Jane Foster ( @drf0ster )
- Silver Sable ( @silvija-sablinova )
- Dinah Madani
- Sharon Carter
- Rogue
- Emma Frost
- Clea
- Hope Van Dyne
- Gamora
- Mary Jane Watson
- Gwen Stacy
- Mystique
- Daisy "Skye" Johnson
- Karen Page
- Lady Sif
- Darcy Lewis
-Sylvie Laufeydottir
- Jessica Jones
- Storm
- Okoye
- Skadi
- Lagertha Lothbrok
- Emma of Normandy
- Torvi
- Astrid
- Gunnhild
The Last of us
- Tess
- Marlene
- Ellie Williams
- Sarah Miller
- Maria Miller
- Abby
Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon
Daenerys Targaryen ( @iamthedrag0n)
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Cersei Lannister
Ellaria Sand
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Rhaenys Targaryen
Laena Velaryon
Helaena Targaryen
Aemma Arryn
Visenya Targaryen @visenya0fdragonstone
Rhaella Targaryen
Shadow and bone
Alina Starkov
Nina Zenik
Zoya Nazyalensky
Inej Ghafa
Genya Safin
The Witcher
 Yennefer of Vengerberg
Tissaia de Vries
Triss Merigold
Francesca Findabair
Renfri of Creyden
Princess Pavetta
Isabella Meyers @isabellabmeyers Fc: Phoebe Tonkin, 28, Attorney.
Chiara Santelli @chiarapericolosa Fc: Anna Maria Sieklucka, Mob boss's daughter.
Grace Dupuis Fc: Caitriona Balfe, 26, Pharmacist
Zara Petrova Fc: Adelaïde Kane, 25, Healer/nurse
Grace Luttin Fc: Deborah Ann Woll, 24-28
Lily Williams Fc: Evangeline Lily , 26 - 32, Soldier
Cleo Devis Fc: Anya Chalotra, 26
Kara Greene Fc: Nina Dobrev, 28, biologist / Enhanced
Alba Reyes Fc: Anna de Armas, 24
Olivia Louis Fc: Danielle Campbell, 23
Celeste Arlen Fc: Kathryn Winnick, 32, Police officer.
Lucille Martin Fc: Lea Seydoux, 20 - 26, Freelance artist
Sarah Gresham Fc: Daisy Edgar-Jones, 24, Cartoonist
Anna White Fc: Shailene Woodley, 23, Waitress.
Sarah Penn Fc: Kristen Stewart, 22, Dancer and waitress
Jasmine Fiore Fc: Anya Chalotra, 26
Annabelle Deschamps Fc: Eva Green, 35,
Orphée Smith Fc: Lauren Cohen, 24 TLOU OC.
Stella DeSantis Fc: Elizabeth Olsen, 27, Legal assistant
Mary Stuart - Reign
Morgana Pendragon - Merlin
Claire Beauchamp/Fraser - Outlander
Susan Pevensie - Narnia
Maggie Greene/Rhee - The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark - Fear the walking dead
Judith Grimes - The Walking Dead Fc: Evangeline Lily
Isabella Swan/Cullen - Twilight
Claire Redfield - Resident Evil
Ellen Ripley - Alien (alternative fc: Daisy Ridley or Brie Larson)
Gretel - Hansel and gretel witch hunter
Jenny Hoyt - Big Sky
Alice - Resident Evil
Vanessa ives - Penny Dreadful
Charlie Roan - The Purge: Election Year
Bela Talbot - Supernatural
Zoey Sandin - The Purge 1
Furiosa - Mad Max Fury Road
Rey - Star Wars
Melinda Gordon - Ghost Whisperer
Dominika Egorova - Red Sparrow
Male muses -
- Victoriano Morales Fc: Oscar Isaac
- Cassian Yarrow Fc: Adrian Turner (Vampire)
- Giuseppe Morelli Fc: Michele Morrone
- Sawyer Colter Fc: Chris Wood
- Raphaël Denis Fc: Luca Bravo
- Lorenzo Cerrone Fc: Giulio Berruti
This is a sideblog to @sesyeuxocean I'll be following you from there.
- No minors allowed. you must be +18 to interact with me.
- NSFW & dark (ex:Torture) are a possibility. There will be blood and other details that could be triggering. I will tag my posts accordingly.
- No racism, sexism, homophobia or hate of any kind or you will be blocked immediately.
- If you're interested in interacting with any of my muses feel free to dm me or send a starter in my asks.
- You don't need to use icons with me. I don't have any for now.
- English isn't my first language, I apologize for any mistakes I can make
- Sometimes I'll be selective in my replies but don't worry, I'll answer yours too soon enough.
About the mun:
I'm Marie, 25 years old, she/her, from France.
Open and friendly :)
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jedipoodoo · 3 years
I saw your post about winter fics and 👀 May I have
A hot chocolate fic?
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Mum you can have whatever you want
You had never seen the gentle giant shiver before. He was too big, had too much body heat, to ever be cold. Yet here, in the caves of Orto Plutonia, Wrecker was shivering.
"Can I get you anything?" You asked.
"Nah, I'm f-f-fine." Wrecker grinned. You glanced across the fire you had built and noticed that Omega, snuggled up against Hunter, was all wrapped up in Wrecker's insulated blacks.
"Wrecker," You scolded quietly, trying not to draw the attention of the others. You were all tired, Omega most of all.
"Tech says that with how big I am, I make a lot of body heat. But 'Mega's so tiny. She needs it more than I do." Wrecker said firmly.
You sighed, knowing it would be useless to convince him to take his blacks on. Instead, you draped your blanket across his shoulders. Though when it was wrapped up around you, you could be completely lost within it, it barely reached across Wrecker's shoulders.
Wrecker gratefully gripped at the corners, careful not to tear the blanket.
"Thanks," He whispered, his breath frosting in the cold air.
Echo tossed some more fuel on the fire, and it made a pitiful attempt to flare brighter. You were hit with a brief surge of heat, before the chill crept back in. You snuggled closer to Wrecker, for warmth's sake, and could still feel him shivering through his armor and his regular blacks. If the blankets and outer layers weren't working, you'd have to find something from the inside.
"Hey, where are those survival kits the Talz gave us?"
Wrecker nodded to the six small crates generously given to you by the moon's native inhabitants. Each crate contained a blanket like the one you'd given Wrecker, fire starters, an ice pick, some alien kind of dried jerky, and a small pot.
You scooped up a handful of fresh snow into the pot and marched back to your seat next to Wrecker, holding the pot out over the flickering flame.
"What'cha doin'?" Wrecker asked.
"I'm making hot chocolate." You grinned up at him.
Tech looked at you, and then back at the fire. "That is going to take quite a while."
You stuck out your tongue at him, holding the pot as close to the flames as you could without snuffing them out. The snow melted much slower than you were expecting, and you nearly fell asleep on Wrecker's shoulder waiting for it to warm up.
When it was finally the blazing hot temperature that gave the drink its name, you pulled a patch of cocoa powder from the survival kit. Carefully using Wrecker's knife, you stirred it until the mix until it dissolved, and took the canteen from an expectant Wrecker.
"Careful-" He immediately took a sip, scalding his tongue.
"Yeow!" He exclaimed.
"Keep it down," Hunter hushed you all, trying to soothe Omega back to a restful slumber.
Echo chuckled and you gave Wrecker a bit of ice to soothe his tongue in the absence of milk.
"Smaller sips," you smiled at him, nudging him to take the drink again.
Wrecker took a smaller sip this time, letting it rush over his tongue before swallowing.
"How is it?"
Wrecker sighed, "That hit the spot. Thanks, ad'ika."
You smiled and kissed his cheek. Maybe it was the surprise burn, but he wasn't shivering as much anymore. As Wrecker continued to nurse his hot chocolate, you scooped up another handful of snow, determined to not let the storm that had trapped you in this cave get the best of you.
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